SPRING 2012 NEWSLETTER E MOTIONAL S UPPORT IS Reducing poverty one family at a time by providing direct sponsorships and mentoring support to teen parents who are attending college P RICELESS S CHOLAR P ROFILE : J ENNIFER R AMIREZ BY VICTORIA VICKERS B right eyes, a bright smile, and a bright future – Jennifer Ramirez has all three. A senior at the University of Maryland, College Park, Jennifer was on her way to earning a bachelor’s degree when the opportunity to become a Generation Hope Scholar presented itself. Jennifer was receiving some financial support for college and was working a part-time job with the federal government, which offered her the flexibility she needed to be a full-time college student, but something was missing. Generation Hope filled in the gap, providing her with the unique support she I’ VE G AINED A hadn’t received anywhere else. “I was getting money, but that was it,” Jennifer recalled. “Emotional support is priceless.” GIVE WITH IMPACT: Generation Jennifer, Generation Hope’s first college graduate. Hope board (Photo courtesy of Michelle Tamoria) member Lisette Orellana encouraged more than just money – “it’s a Jennifer to apply for the profamily,” she said. gram, and Jennifer is so glad Whatever she’s going through, she did. After carefully studyJennifer’s Generation Hope ing the organization’s mission Sponsor, Suzanne Simpson, can statement, she knew that the relate – one (Continued on page 3) Scholar Program would provide $25 PROVIDES SNACKS FOR 7 SCHOLARS’ CHILDREN DURING A GH TRAINING $50 PROVIDES GENERATION HOPE T-SHIRTS FOR 3 SCHOLARS $150 PROVIDES A ONE-NIGHT HOTEL STAY FOR A SCHOLAR AND THEIR CHILD DURING OUR ANNUAL HOPE CONFERENCE $250 PROVIDES ONE IN-SERVICE TRAINING FOR 7 SCHOLARS AND 7 SPONSORS $600 PROVIDES A FIELD TRIP FOR OUR 2011 SCHOLARS, THEIR CHILDREN, AND SPONSORS F RIENDSHIP W HY I S PONSOR : D ONNA F LEMING BY DONNA FLEMING, GENERATION HOPE SPONSOR T here are times in our lives when connecting points are personal, impactful, and lead to happiness. Such was the day when I first met Nicole — hearing her personal story and her commitment to social change through matching sponsors with teenage parents who are attending local colleges. In that conversation with Nicole, I learned of Zataunia Heard, a young mom attending Trinity Washington University. Donna and her Scholar’s daughter, Zyaire, creating a masterpiece during the Generation Hope Valentine’s Day party at the Lorton Workhouse (Photo courtesy of CMJphotos) Listening to Nicole speak of Zataunia’s current journey to a college degree, I was reminded of my own struggles along the path of a post-secondary education…as a single, young mother of two daughters, working full- (Continued on page 3) INSIDE THIS ISSUE: A MESSAGE FROM THE CEO 2 PARTYING FOR GENERATION 2 HOPE GENERATION HOPE’S FIRST GALA 4 HOW TO SCORE BIG ON COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS 5 CORPORATE SPOTLIGHT: KAISER PERMANENTE 5 S E N D I N G H O P E Y O U R WAY A “F IELD OF D REAMS ” R IGHT H ERE IN D.C. A M ESSAGE FROM THE CEO: N ICOLE L YNN L EWIS I Generation Hope Founder & CEO Nicole Lynn Lewis “...the dreams of our current and future Scholars are that much more attainable because of this support.” knew for a long time that I wanted to start a nonprofit organization to help teen parents, but two things held me back. One, I wanted to ensure that the organization fulfilled a critical need, and it took some true thought, research and experience in the field to identify that need. Two, when the mission of Generation Hope became clear, I didn’t have a funder knocking on my door with their checkbook in hand. So, per the guidance of our amazing public relations firm, Reingold, we had to use the 1989 Field of Dreams perspective, “If you build it, they will come.” We built a stellar program, recruited the Scholars and Sponsors who brought it to life, and worked diligently to secure inkind and pro-bono materials and resources to keep things in motion. At the same time, I was in the community meeting people, talking to them about the exciting work that was happening right in their backyard. One of the first people I met was Terri Freeman, President of the Community Foundation for the National Capital Region, who graciously introduced me to the Executive Director of The Summit Fund of Washington, Linda A F UN AND E ASY W AY TO Left: Scholar Jenny Chacon helps her son get a bowling ball during the Spring Scholar/Sponsor Field Trip made possible in part by The Summit Fund’s support. Right: Scholars Marikit Williams, Vivian Amaechi, and Alyssa Bullock take a break from bowling to pose for the camera. Howard. The Summit Fund of Washington has historically focused on alleviating two urgent problems that are essential to the health, vitality and sustainability of our community: restoring the Anacostia River and preventing teen pregnancy in the District of Columbia. Because our Scholar Program focuses on academic achievement and provides one-on-one mentoring relationships – both of which are proven to have a major influence on preventing subsequent pregnancies among teen mothers – we were able to secure $50,000 in seed funding from The Summit Fund of Washington in November 2011. Today, $50,000 is making so many dreams come true by funding the Generation Hope Scholar Program; my dream of a new, innovative approach to reducing poverty, but more importantly, the dreams of our current and future Scholars are that much more attainable because of this support. We have hired our first employees, gone on memorable field trips, conducted beneficial trainings, and more. I want to thank our major funders, The Summit Fund of Washington and Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States, Inc., as well as each of you – our donors and supporters – for believing in our work. We built it, and you came. Thank you. R AISE M ONEY P ARTYING FOR G ENERATION H OPE BY NICOLE LYNN LEWIS M The birthday girl, Marilyn, poses with Generation Hope staff arilyn Patterson knows how to throw a party. As the Event Manager/CEO of Joyous Events, LLC, a weddings and event management firm headquartered in historic Alexandria, Va., she is always juggling big events for her clients. But when Page 2 it came to her 54th birthday party, she wanted a big bash with a bigger purpose. Marilyn held her party at the Alexandria Black History Museum and invited lifelong friends and family. Instead of gifts, she asked attendees to make donations to Generation Hope. Additionally, Marilyn’s company gave $5 for every person who attended the party. In total, the event raised $525, which helped to make the October field trip to Clark’s Farm possible. “Once you get to a certain age, you really don't need any more ‘stuff,’” said Marilyn, “but you can still celebrate and marry that with your (Continued on next page) Spring 2012 JENNIFER RAMIREZ (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) of the greatest benefits of being a Generation Hope Scholar. “It’s like having big sister,” Jennifer said. As the oldest of three siblings, a brother and a sister, Jennifer has found a place to turn and someone to confide in when she’s charting new territory as a parent through Generation Hope. Suzanne has a son almost the same age as Jennifer’s son Jordan. it was on to University of Maryland where she courageously cut through the administrative red-tape that threatened to derail her from enrolling and earning a bachelor’s of science degree in criminal justice. After graduation, Jennifer will work full time at the Department of Homeland Security, where she hopes to become an agent. She will also seize every opportunity to point others to Generation Hope. “It’s like there’s a whole circle of people who believe I can succeed, cheering me on.” “We both have sons a year apart,” said Suzanne. “We are both interested in law-related fields and are driven to accomplish our career goals while providing a nurturing upbringing for our children.” Suzanne and the host of Generation Hope volunteers are a great source of inspiration for Jennifer. “It’s like there’s a whole circle of people who believe I can succeed, cheering me on,” she said. In May, Jennifer will not only be Generation Hope’s first graduate, she will also be the first college graduate in her immediate family. It will be her second-most challenging achievement, since giving birth to her son Jordan, whose first birthday (June 7th) marked the first of Jennifer’s educational milestones – her high school graduation. Now 23-years-old, Jennifer was a 15-year-old sophomore in high school when she became pregnant with Jordan, now 7-years-old. To say it was overwhelming is an understatement. Jennifer, an always ambitious teenager who thought she’d be a movie star, found it hard to shine. She felt no one could understand what she was going through – she was the only one in her high school who was pregnant. With a positive attitude, Jennifer overcame every obstacle on her ascent through Montgomery College, where she earned a two-year degree. Then HEAR JENNIFER SPEAK AT “PEP RALLY UNDER THE STARS” ON JUNE 29TH (SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MORE DETAILS!) Top: Jennifer with her Sponsor and “big sister,” Suzanne Simpson (CMJphotos). Bottom: Jennifer is looking forward to providing her son Jordan with a bright future. PARTYING FOR GENERATION HOPE (CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) social responsibility.” Marilyn first learned about Generation Hope when her grandson’s mother and Generation Hope board member, Francina Osoria, told her about the mission. “I was extremely impressed with the leadership of Generation Hope from the first meeting that I attended,” said Marilyn. The mission of Generation Hope is also very dear to Marilyn’s heart because her son, Marques, was a teen parent. “I felt that the best thing I could do to support [him and Francina] was to encourage their continued education. Helping young people improve their situation and the future that they can provide to their children is a win-win for everyone.” What would Marilyn tell someone who is thinking about throwing an event to support Generation Hope? “Go for it! It was a fun and easy way to raise money and awareness for this worthy cause. This organization is changing lives, one teen mother and father at a time. And if you need ideas or help executing your party plan, Joyous Events can help!” Page 3 “This organization is changing lives...” WANT TO RAISE MONEY FOR GENERATION HOPE? GO TO WWW.SUPPORTGENERATION HOPE.ORG/FUNDRAISE-FOR-GH! S E N D I N G H O P E Y O U R WAY T HE B EST P EP R ALLY Y OU ’ LL E VER A TTEND ! G ENERATION H OPE ’ S F IRST G ALA J UNE 29, 2012 BY THE GALA COMMITTEE W ho doesn’t love a good party – especially one that benefits a great cause? By now you’ve probably heard about Generation Hope’s first gala, “Pep Rally Under the Stars.” We’re hoping you’ve marked your calendars, and you’re preparing to celebrate with us! Friday, June 29, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center, University of Maryland, College Park Tickets: $125/single ticket or $225/couple The most glamorous and spirited pep rally you’ve ever seen is taking place on Friday, June 29th at the Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center at the University of Maryland, College Park. You can expect fun, dancing, great music, delicious food, and an opportunity to learn about our Scholars and Sponsors. We’ll also be celebrating a huge milestone – the first Scholar to graduate from our program. 2011 Scholar Jennifer Ramirez, who will walk across the University of Maryland commencement stage this May, will be our Scholar speaker that evening. We will also keep you busy with an out-of -this-world silent auction that includes original artwork by our Scholars and their children, Redskins gear, a chance to sit in on a Hot 99.5 radio broadcast of the “The Kane Show,” and more! your formal attire and wear it with your alma mater or favorite college memorabilia. That means a pair of college earrings or your trusty-dusty college t-shirt. It’s completely up to you so be creative! Proceeds from this event will go to Generation Hope’s Scholar Program, funding field trips, trainings, the Emergency Scholar Fund, and expenses to keep the program running. We will double the number of Scholars in our program for the coming year so your support is vitally important. Have a great time while supporting the college pursuits of teen parents and the futures of their children! TO PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS, TABLE, OR SPONSORSHIP: ● Go to www.supportgenerationhope.org/gala ● Or, fill out the form on the back of this newsletter and mail it to us We can’t wait to celebrate with you! If you’re wondering what to wear, this is the fun part. The attire is black-tie optional so put on DONNA FLEMING (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) Scholar Zataunia and her daughter Zyaire during an outing with Donna. “...she reminds me that what I do is important not just for myself or my family but for others and for future generations.” time, and also attending what was then called Trinity’s Weekend College program. It was over the course of six-plus years that I eventually earned an undergraduate degree and then later in life returned to Trinity for a graduate degree. I was first in my family to receive a college degree and was able to set the expectation for my own daughters and now my grandchildren for academic achievement. The potential to leverage my learnings over the years and have a direct impact on a Zataunia's ability to continue her college education was a driving force in my decision to become a Generation Hope Sponsor. Given, I’ve personally experi- Page 4 enced the power of education, having reaped the financial rewards through a successful professional career, I want to support Zataunia in realizing her goals. Her career plan includes the medical field and this school year, Zataunia was accepted in Trinity’s nursing program. Through the process of providing mentoring support, I’ve gained a friendship with Zataunia and have the privilege to also spend time with her daughter, Zyaire, who is adorable beyond words! Every time I see Zyaire, she brings a smile to my face, reminding me of the basic pleasures of life; like laughing, playing with a stick, eating cotton candy, or hugging your mom. Further, she reminds me that what I do is important not just for myself or my family but for others and for future generations. Since September, Zataunia, Zyaire and I have enjoyed numerous activities such as a trip to the pumpkin patch, games at Dave and Buster’s, a long walk to the Martin Luther King Memorial, exploring the National History Museum, a Valentine’s Day party at the Lorton Workhouse, and recently an afternoon at the Ringling Brothers Circus. “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou SPONSOR APPLICATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED NOW! GO TO OUR WEBSITE TO APPLY! Spring 2012 T IPS FOR G ETTING THE M ONEY Y OU N EED HOW TO SCORE BIG ON COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS BY ANGELA HARRISON SENIOR PROGRAM MANAGER CENTRAL SCHOLARSHIP A s the end of the 2011-2012 academic year comes into view, many students are setting their sights on exams and summer vacation. But it’s important not to forget that 2012-2013 is just around the corner—and so is that fall semester tuition bill. Financial aid, in the form of federal, state, and institutional loans and grants, will help the majority of American students pay their bills this fall. That’s why all students should complete the FAFSA (www.fafsa.ed.gov) and apply for institutional aid! Check the deadlines for your state and school. What if the financial aid you’re offered isn’t enough to cover all your costs? Well, that’s when you need a private scholarship. But with so many students struggling to pay for college, and so many students applying for scholarships, how can you win the money you need? You can’t win if you don’t apply. Sounds like common sense, right? But one in four students A N E MERGENCY N ET FOR never even applies for financial aid. Don’t be that student! Start looking for scholarships early; try using a scholarship matching service like www.fastweb.com, and apply for as many as you can. Think big—but think small, too. A lot of students don’t think small scholarships are worth their time. Instead, they focus on big awards from national foundations that offer a lot of money—and for which you compete with thousands, sometimes millions, of other students from across the country. That’s a lot of competition. So don’t ignore small, local scholarships! Those small amounts add up, and because these scholarships have a smaller applicant pool, your chance of winning is greater. Also, the fact that you’ve won a small scholarship looks great on your résumé. It might even influence your chances of winning larger scholarships. Follow directions and proofread. The easiest way to get your scholarship application tossed in the “rejection” pile is failing to read and carefully follow directions. Before you submit an ap- plication, check that you have provided all of the information that’s required. If they ask for two recommendations, submit two recommendations, not one or three. Make sure your essay doesn’t exceed the maximum number of words allowed. (Tip: if no minimum number of words is provided, aim for at least 250, which is about one doublespaced page.) And finally, have someone you trust proofread your entire application, not just the essay! Especially with an online application, it’s easy to make a small mistake or typo. Angela Harrison “...one in four students never even applies for financial aid. ” Your essay is your chance to shine. Every student fills out the same form, but your essay is your own. Use it to demonstrate your personality, passion, and commitment. And, just in case you forgot—proofread! And finally, if at first you don’t succeed…Be persistent! Some students apply to 20 or more scholarship programs before they win one. And if you don’t win a particular scholarship this year, don’t be discouraged. Apply again. Next year might be your year! Are you receiving our email updates? If not, you’re missing breaking news on how we’re impacting the D.C. area one family at a time! Sign up on our website or use your smartphone scanning app to scan the QR code above! L ONG -T ERM S UCCESS K AISER P ERMANENTE C ONTRIBUTES $15,000 TO THE S CHOLAR E MERGENCY F UND BY NICOLE LYNN LEWIS In December 2011, Kaiser Permanente made a $15,000 contribution to the Generation Hope Scholar Program to specifically support the Scholar Emergency Fund, which provides assistance in emergency situations for costs related to child care, rent, transportation, books, etc., that might prevent Scholars from staying in college and/or adequately caring for their children. Maritha Gay, Senior Director of External Affairs, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States, Inc., recently took the time to talk about this partnership. W hat made Kaiser want to support Generation Hope's Scholar Program? At Kaiser Permanente, we be- lieve that good health belongs to everyone. We know there are a number of factors that contribute to a person’s total health – mind, body and spirit – including education. Research has shown that with increased education comes positive health outcomes and Kaiser Permanente is com- Page 5 The Emergency Fund ensured that Scholar Jenny has reliable transportation to her classes at Montgomery College. (Photo, Michelle Tamoria) /SUPPORTGENERATIONHOPE Come to our gala, “Pep Rally Under the Stars” @SUPPORTGENHOPE GALA RESPONSE FORM Tickets WWW.SUPPORTGENERATIONHOPE.ORG Tables Sponsorships Table for 10 ($1,000) Individual ($125) Couple ($225) Number-One Fan ($15,000) Head Coach ($10,000) Generation Hope 1201 15th St., NW, Suite 420 Washington, D.C. 20005 Cheerleader ($5,000) Mascot ($3,000) Your Information t. 202-656-8705 f. 202-955-8084 e. [email protected] Name Address GENERATION HOPE STAFF Nicole Lynn Lewis Founder & Chief Executive Officer [email protected] (202) 656-8704 Kendria Reynoso Director of Operations & Programming [email protected] (202) 656-8705 Phone Scholar Emerita and her son Dominic Email address $ Total Amount Enclosed Clare M. Jacocks Finance & Quality Assurance Manager [email protected] (202) 656-4536 Comments: KAISER PERMANENTE (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5) mitted to helping communities thrive physically, emotionally, academically, and professionally. By supporting Generation Hope’s Scholar Program, Kaiser Permanente is investing in the overall health and wellbeing of program participants attending colleges in the communities we serve. Scholars share an aptitude to pursue their dreams and goals of higher education. Generation Hope supports these goals and dreams. How does Generation Hope's mission fit in with Kaiser Permanente’s community initiatives? Generation Hope’s mission states that “education is vital to success.” Kaiser Permanente shares this sentiment and strives to be a model corporate steward in the communities we serve across Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia by investing in educational institutions and helping develop a strong, culturally competent future health care workforce. What are some future community initiatives/activities that are on the horizon for Kaiser Permanente? Kaiser Permanente takes a multilayered approach to promote healthy people and healthy places. We have broadened our lens on health and expanded our support by going beyond financial resources which includes investing technical resources, human capital and resources through a community ambassador program, sharing researchbased knowledge to safety net clinics, and contributing the expertise of our physicians to play a role in policy advocacy. What stands out most about Generation Hope is its commitment to teen parents, many of whom have limited means and are faced with obstacles, but Keeping our sights on total health and building healthy communities, Kaiser Permanente is grateful to work with individuals and partner organizations to: “How much Be a convener education a of person thoughtobtains is leaders, one of the educasocial tors, and determinants school nurses, of health...” nutritionist, and administrators focused on addressing child obesity in Maryland, D.C., and Virginia schools Make investments to deepen our healthy eating and active living (HEAL) work and other community health initiatives. Strengthen the relationships with our safety-net partners who provide health care and coverage to the under and uninsured Support ongoing medical research, knowledge dissemination through the delivery of health messages from Kaiser Permanente’s Educational Theatre Program Encourage and support the educational training of future health care professionals Continue to cultivate a culture of volunteerism and community activism among all Kaiser Permanente employees Why is it important to support college completion efforts for teen parents? How much education a person obtains is one of the social determinants of health, and research supports the correlation between positive health outcomes with an increase of one’s level of education. Statistics reflect that when teens get pregnant, most drop out of school and are more likely to face a life of economic insecurity and other hardships. This economic insecurity can adversely affect the overall health and wellbeing of both the parent and child, making it important that resources and support are available to teen parents to get them invested in their own futures and those of their children.
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