HoatokoM Ca^c 3? PHEHTEX KlOMCameraKii. For more information call 561-6775. AHTIQUES-Estate or simile items bought. Jean Raymond, ION. Catherine. 5*3-3047. Press-Republican-Tuesday, August24,1982 2 5 • lntsMrtMRi hstass Epjjpwt 52 TRUDY 19M VERAGO 750cc. Mint condition. Extras. Make reasonable Offer. 5KT- 3H». Refimshing Supplies & Caning COMPLETE bedroom suites, RUSTICSTRIPPING Fine Antiques Bought & Sold both contemporary. Heavy 37 Court St. 563-7840 PHILIP4SHIBLEY GORDON pecan Queen: WO. white dou41 Prospect 5A1-33I3561 4740 ble: s m Double bunks: $100. Saray Salts RUTHN.HECHT Indoor shutters: $6 each. All 104 Ru«r St., 561-2203 prices negotiable. Call 561-20*4 GARAGE SALE. 8/20-25. Clothes, Distinctive jewelry, china anytime. women and children. Plus glass. Estates bought. other odds 8. ends. G. Brassard, 4 PIECE bedroom set. Men & ChazyLake. women's clothing, misc. Inquire at I Ha rtwell St. GARAGE SALE. Clothes, toys, •HoisDniiGaois furniture, cadio, cassettes, tape 2 aluminum awning windows cassette, speakers, lots of with screens S. storms. Bushey's assorted articles. 9 to 6. Mon., 563-6919. Tues.,Wed.89RugarSt. New & Used Furniture 105,000 BTU hot air 563-5716 Beekmantown Road Garage Sale-Aug. 25th & 26th. 39 furnace, in very good Olivetti Place. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. LEE APPLIANCE condition. 563-6919. Featuring: furniture, sports Guaranteed Used Appliances equipment, clothing, household Rte.3 563-0900 WASHER - heavy duty Sears _ Kenmore, 5 speedJ-ess than 2 WANTED TO BUT: Antiques a W years old. Asking $200.643-2753 used furniture. Dial 643-9025 or after 5. 834-7775. MUST sell wood boat & motor, RENT TO OWN Without a cash register, duplicarver, 15 loan a new 19 inch Zenith colFurniture Warehouse school desks & c h a i r s . or T.V., VCR stereo system or Everything in excellent condiShowroom Litton microwave oven. tion or will trade for wood COMPANIONS RENTALS Home of Fine Furniture at working power tools. 834-9823. 19 Bridge St. 561-5133 Discount Prices.'Upper Cornelia St. 561-3460. UTILITY TRAILER, 4x7 • CB Radios Lights, good condition. Bordeau's Carpeting $225,561-2275. Northland ElecDannemora Rd. New and Used Furniture Rte 374. 2-9 daily. 492-2558. ROYAL Daulton Eight 7-piece Beekmantown Cors., 563=4378 There's no inflation here. Rock place settings,, never used, bottom prices on tools. Scannearly new Everest-Jennings HOUSEHOLD GOODS ners, CB's 8, auto sound. wheel chair $375, Victorian FOR SALE? rocker $75.561-2585 niornings. Charles T.Olson Use Classified* Plattsburgh AFB SCHOOL CLOTHES, jeans, For fast resultsl jackets, shirts, skirts, sizes 12Call 16.561-2420 after 5. Farm Equip., Supplies 42 1979 KZ 750 5t3-954«. 750 HONDA CUSTOM. 52S miles. Excellent. $J»0.94fr77W. 1W7 SUZUKI GS750. Excellent condition. Many acewsorias. SHOO. Call 293-750*. 38 19M KAWASAKI KZ4*l. 1M1 Yamaha 250. Both excellent condition. $150 each. 541-8251. 1981 440 KAWASAKI Motorcycle. Windshield and luggage rack. J1595.298-88M. 1981 YAMAHA motorcycle special 400. Mint condition. Asking «300.563-4482. SUZUKI, good condition, windshield. Asking $350. Low mileage. 563-3838. 411 Waterbeds of every description, along with waterbed accessories, sheets, etc. Every bed delivered and set up at no charge! Ginsberg Furniture UfAVlMW'-i! •j*V''*1"i - Reconditioned Used Appliances 30 day Guarantee Wilson's Appliance 32 BrOad'St. 563-5230 Bruce West Installations CAR'PETVVINYL Champlain Rte;9B 298-5012 220ELECTRICSTOVES FOR SALE. Call 561-6680. FRANK'S Eureka Cleaner Parts 8, Service. 563-2199. WOODSHOP Quality unfinished furniture Antiques-^Refinishing Main St. 236-7437 Mooers,NY Beds, chests, 30" elec. range; desks, chairs, carpeting, hot water heater, refrig. 563-4378. Constelfas-for-var-iety^ Ausable Communications 68 Bridge St.8349711,563-5777 Sewing Machines Professional Sales S. Service, R e c o n d i t i o n e d - Sewing Machines. All makes completely warrantee^ Starting at$25. WOUSE OF SEWING 96 Margaret St, 561-7955 THEWEARHOUSE Quality Used Clothing 59 Bridge St. 563-4635 Light up-your home the professional way with Halo Power Track.Plattsburgh Electric Supply _.HouseotLigltts__ 327 Cornelia St. .561-0550 Stewart Super heater. Bums wood or coal. $125. Call ,5635256. Brick lined. 1900 WALNUT (able, 6 chairs, china & server. 9 piece. $950. 563-2193. REFRIGERATOR Kitchen set ,WHf/f>p.ikV'. .RefiiPP ;n.|r Dining nn, -.et, Hutting -.hanly Etc.563-1250. LECLERCIoom, bench & accessories. 563-2032 ELEC. range SW,. old washing machine $30, old hot water tank, -80 gal., new .elements, fuel tank, VW bicycle rack, new $25,561-8612. PHOTOGRAPHIC enlarger, Omega B64XL & equipment. All in new condition, $145. 563v 9024. -. STEREO FOR SALE. Has Akai amp, 2 EPI speakers, JVC turntable. Excellent condition. $275,561-5774. CLASSES in L i n g e r i e , Quilting or Basic Sewing to start soon. To register, call Betty Hamel, 297-6114 .""' P1N5TSTFIEEPCES Elna & White Sewing Machine Dealer. CLEARANCE PRICES on all GE air conditioners. Goodyear Service Store, 13 Broad St,,- Plattsburgh. 563-440O. 30" GAS STOVE, white, excellent. $185. Call 563-0650. SALE: Stoneware pottery. Rand Hill. Klockhollow Pottery Call 561-8415,9-5. 15.7 CU. FT. chest type freezer. 2 years old, Excellent condition. Asking $200.561-0184. . Guaranteed Used Appliances Gas range $89 -20 gal. elec. water heater—$45. Elec.clothesdryer $69 Over 40 Used Appliances To Choose From 30" Elec. stove with top oven hood Peru Hardware _ & storage cabinet, $90. G.E. portable dishwasher, $40. 834No.MainSt.,Peru,643-9012 7181. P I N E couch- sVloveseat with pillows. New. $JOO0. M u s i seli t Pf< Rjacxumwith-pawer nozzle & $300.56'3-2004. " shampoo kit. $965 value; AsWag - $400.561-3024 before 9 a.m. Jr• CUIS.INART food processor, Ceramic gas logs-for fireplace. * " m e t a i base & attachments. Look just like wood. $300. 561- - Original price $275. Asking $100. Tel. 563-4446.0589 before 8 a.m. •UsedColorT.V.'s 19" GE, $95.19" Airline, $149. 19" Zenith Chromo Color II with stand, like new, $249. AI'sT.V., 36 Miller, 561-0770. UN!C025c*u.ft.chest • freezer.-lnuse.$200. Call 643-9992. PORTABLE Washer, 10 lbs., Norge, excellent condition, for LONG leather coat, size 7, apartment. $200.563-1373. burgundy, $85. Ladies raincoat, sz. 13, $25. Man's jackets, 38 ELECTROLUX Olympia I vacuum cleaner. Excellent long 8. pants, $25.561-0743. c o n d i t i o n . $170. F l o o r Ethan Allen coffee table humidifier, $30. 2 table top Antique pine finish. humidifiers, $15 each. Call 561$100. Call 563-7388. 1877. Hammary Lotus collection Must Sell—2 floorlamps, 2 table square coffee table with glass lamps, roll top desk & liv. rm. top. $250, would cost $400 to buy set. 563-7097. new. 543-9293. Royal typewriter. Manual with case. Excellent cond., $40. AdTWO COLORT.V.'s, both for $150. ding machine, J.C Penney, Phone 298-5804 after 5, like new'. 236-5850. weekendsanytime. ' •" POUKft Be a lighting designer with Halo PowerTrac. The Track Lighting System for all your lighting and decorating need. It can be used to provide illumination for a whole room or single shelf. See at: r House of Lights Plattsburgh Electric Supply, Inc. 327 Corielia St. Pllttstatb 561-0550 Pool Closings start at 30.00mciudes Labor 43 LAKE CHAMPLAIN POOLS Bicycles 47 Motorcycles BLACK Qirt; $3 a yard, picked up. Will load. 563-5496. Specials on Yamahas_ North End Repair 35BoyntonAve. 563-4360 1978 KAWASAKI KE100 Endoro. End of Season Sale Excellent condition. Used 4 summers only. 643-9767. WHY SWITCH 0 % O OFF all in stock furniture. August 23 till August 31st. DEALERS? bed, $200. Maple night stand, $75. Maple end table, $75. Antique mahogany sofa table, $75. 561-5744. New 30 gal. wood or coal addon boiler with domestic coil. Fully guaranteed. $1195.643-9250. • • • • Special '99 Winterizing Kits Available at Reasonable Prices s stove, will accept lengths up to 18", $70. Schwinnbikefor girl 610, 16" wheels, $2<k-561-7647 after 6. FOR Sale: Ben Franklin stove, $35. 30" elec. stove, $50. Montgomery Ward frostless refrigerator, $200. 21" Black 8. White TV, $30. Call 647-5134 afteMp.m. 57 44 MaayOihi Sewing machine, Singer with SWEET CORN. By the dozen or —cabinet?—$75- eommerc+al- —HHh—H-appy—H+H—F-ar-m-,Cumberland Head. 561-5586. freezer, excellent cond., 3 yrs. old, best offer. Microwave FOR SALE: Solid cherry poster oven, Norelco, 1 yr. old, $200: bed and matching dresser, Antique closet. 563-7813 after $500. Maple queen size poster 7:30. 236-7123 Mtsical lutnoMOts PIANO Wanted, upright or grand, any condition. Will pay cash. Call 514-688-3080. Rebuild at half the cost of new call: A.E. Pierce's Piano Workshop 18DurkeeSt. 563-3844 48 43 24' R o u n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v range, self clean oven. Fully Monette's Furniture Airport Lumber 50 ,,4;. 8FT. Pool table for sale. automatic. New condition. $400. nsxcellenr«mdltlonr~ 643-80537 Call 298-8402. BELLS. HOWELL movie camera Twin bed, complete. 3 pc. *t projector, air conditioner, inbedroom, complete. Sewing fant back pack carrier. 561machine cabineV-tfrapes. 5617396. .6584. :•" USED^electric stove; 30"rdouble COAL or wood furnace, hot water oven, needs (1) burner.switch. wi|h radiators, like new, $650. Best offer. Dannemora, 492Call 565-1371. ' ' " •--.-2489. ' Mooers,N.Y. Biiliiig Supplies 46 30" Kenmore Elec. range (ceramic top). Continuous cleaning oven, $200. Excellent cond. Hay for sale, $1 per bale. FOR Sale: GE 15 cu. ft. frostless "refrigerator. $400. GE 40" elec. 643-2420. Used 3 piece living room set, $225 CANOE RENTALS Day, week or month"" DAY BROS., INC. Rte. 95 Plattsburgh 563-1283 56 POOL COVER SPECIALS POOL CLOSINGS BRASS bed, genuine brass. Full F R E E Z E R : Wards, 12cu.ft., fine condition, $75. Small wood size set with frame. New, never used. $650. Call 563-2515. • HhriMMry, Tools 49 41 BEST OFFER twin windows, double hung, 32x18", basement windows, baby food 8. misc. jars,boxes. 834-9141. 54 Cabin Log Kits WI1LSBORO BAYMARtNA Hunter 8. Aloha Yachts Mon. thru Sat. 8-5 Used Power & Sailboats 563-3810 Honda Outboards Beartown Sawmill Sailboat Charters available Upright Piano, $350. • Boats aid Motors Restaurant. 963-4472 Rough Lumber-Custom SawCall 802-796-3637 FOR SALE: 28' Wood Eing Dock & Coal Marina 'Well, would you have married Mom even if she DIDN'T Scowsailboat, ready to go. (Alburg, VT) evenings. Call 561-4842 Boat repair, Wood t, Fiberglass $2,500. Call 891-3872. 5 Sllngerland drum set, 3 Pearl ask you?" Dock St., Plattsburgh 561-2800 PINEANDCEDAR tom-toms plus stand 8> cym17' STAMAS power boat with 85 LUMBER FOR SALE ROWE BOATS bals. $600.298-8772. .hp Johnson S, trailer. $1700.563Pnone Evenings, 563-2549. Motorcycles INTERNATIONAL Lawi and Garden 6345 or 565-5244. KIMBALL Swinger 900 Organ, Sailboat Center 1980 HARLEY Super Glide, fat Bisiiess Equipment 52 solid wood cabinet, rhythm sec'77 14' STARCRAFT Seafarer Many Nautical Gifts HORNETS bob, mint condition. Extras. , tlon. Best offer over $800. 643-, with '77 20 hp Mercury motor. Rte.3, Pittsburgh 5631400 Make reasonable offer. 597(anaVother stinging insects Both In excellent condition. METAL office desk, metal 4 ' 8997. ' 3259. drawer letter file, 4 wood files, $1450. Call 298-8622 after 6 p.m. REMOVED Boat f^ntals Kohler 8, Campbell Pianos 1 drawer 8< 2 drawer, 10 single YAMAHA Conn Pianos 8. Organs Hornets under $10. Call Tim drawer metal letter files (no Reasonable rates. Daylight SAFE, Inside storage for boats, John E. Harvey Palmer 561-7840. suspension "guides), 1 metal hours. No reservation needed. cars, vans, etc. 7 miles north of 483-5690. Malone, NY The Piano Center stenographers chair, vinyl seat Live bait «. tackle. Sailboat Plattsburgh. $3/ft. for season. & backrest. 643-9002. Exit 41 846-7248 Chazy dockage. '80 Yamaha. 400. Twin • Farm Produce 846-7838. AMERICAN WOOD SPLITTERS KEN'S MARINE — cylinder. SUPER Sweet • Sweet Corn - Self contained and tractor Coopersville, Chazy, NY '79 Kawasaki KZ 750. Twin by the dozen or 100. operated in stock. GIROUX 297-2797 cylinder, At 543-1809. BROS., INC., Rte. 9 North, FOR SAIL! Helms 25', fully Plattsburgh. DiaTB81-3682. Phil's Chevrolet & Jeep cruise equipped, sleeps 5, 9.5 Live Hens Ellenburg Depot 594-3948 -Wilson's Heavy Evinrude, 4 wheel trailer with Red, $1 each. Leo Giroux, Equipment, Inc. Kawasaki Sales & Service Surge brakes, trailerable yet Plattsburgh, N.Y 541-7990 Beekmantown Rd. Phone 563Bob's Lawn & Tractor stable. 18" keel plus swing 4826 centerboard )50% Jenny, i Rte 216 643-8775 Peru i;l.lM'lOMl'/(WMMII'W,' (Oihl6r1fr.i«Mftr».;illWlti*v.»li«; 'rt I"K l i i ' , i ) il' :< i'i ti 11' * 1986 YAMAHA J^'l -500, fair condii Massey Ferguson chlons, many extras. Ml.uOO. Vegetables. Come to stand for tion. $400 or best offer. Contact SALES 8. SERVICE corn, tomatoes, cukes (now Call 563-7967. Matt after 4 p.m., 563-4219. Champlain, N:Y._ 298-8470reatiy), etc., apples, fruits. 198017' MFG power boatwith 1974 For Sale: 1981 XL185. Open daily to 8 p.m. Morrison1,000 gallon 115 Johnson outboard and 1982 2500 miles. Asking $850. ville,-Rte. 22B. Zero bulk tank.E-Z Loader trailer. V-hull, openCall 5430426. Excellent cond. 561-2499. bow, fully equipped, skiis & SWEET CORN. By the dozen or ropes. Very sharp. $7,000. For 100. Happy H i l l F a r m , 1975 YAMAHA DT250.5800 miles. Massey Ferguson Mod. 35 diesel. test drive, call 563-6712 after 4 Very'good condition. Must be Cumberland Head. 561-5586. 35 h.p. live PrT.O. 6 spd. 3 pt. p.m. seen. $425. Call Alex, 5630775. hitch. $2,500. 2-14.9x 28'i.loaded Good Quality Hay 071 Wheels. 293=8298; 1978 Kawasaki 250. Excellent conSAILBOATSTKedbone CoorfHounds. dition. $600 or best offer. 56131' Hughes Columbia Spec. 561-3357 WANTED TO BUY: 0499. Ed. 1981 backhoefor3pt.hitch. 22' Luger Phone 563-5494. . Sporting Goods 1982 HONDA CB 450. 700 miles. 27' Balboa-Diesel -•'• Moving.must sell: $1,900. Call FORD 6400 diesel cab & loader. Richard's Grocery Bait & Jackie. 36' Erickson 561-7546.' Ford 601 select-o-spee'd. ' Cartons of Cigarettes $5.95 & POWER BOATS Leyland 70 hp. diesel. M.F. 145 $4.05. Open 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. 71 19' Crestliner 1975 SUZUKI gas 8, diesel. 293-8298. Johnson Ave. 563-1444. 25' Troian $300. Call 543-7813. Olde Valcour Marina PERU FARM CENTER MODEL 28 4" Smith 8, Wesson 357 561-2134 563-7778 FORD TRACTORS magnum,.$210 or will trade for 1982 Kawasaki 550; LTD. 2400 HESTON EQUIPMENT 12 gauge magnum 870 or 1100. miles. $2200 or best offer. 543END OF SEASON SALE Rte. 22 So., Peru. 643-2312-298-5944. 8542 evenings. )iHJ4^al#r4k1is-^ NEW Barn ^leaner chain, 1 " FOR Sale: 2 S8.W 357 mpdel 19 1981 HONDA 450 custom. 5,1. quick hook, $8 per foot installrevolvers. Vh" Blue, 4" miles. Excellent condition. including O'Brien ed. Fits any unit. Also the only chrome. $225 each. Call 541- ' Asking $2000.561-2508. stainless steel Ram you don't 2588. . DAY BROS., INC. 1980 KBX 400 Kawasaki dirt bike, have • to bury. Financing . completely rebuilt, excellent Rte. 9 So., Plattsburgh. 563available. 543-2338 if no answer TENT, 10X14 Westernfiefd single shot condition,4995 firm, 543-1889. 563-1407. .22 rifle. 543-3299. 1981 YAMAHA Exciter 250, very 1283lawn and Garden SET of Wilson golf clubs with bag low mileage; excellent condi- 18 ft. Thompson boat/Fiberglass & cart. Vita Master exercise i, wood with trailer. Good lake tion. $900,543-1704 after 3 p.m.^ TOP Soil, $5 ^er yard, bike, like new. Set of stereo boat. $450.834-7047. plus trucking. . '74 750 HONDA Super headphones. 563-5462. : Call after to, 54l 2707. Sport. Excellent condition. FOR SALE: 1968 Owens cabin 4>/2 FT.slate bed pool table, balls, cruiser, galley & head, trim $1100.443-2537. WILLOW BROOK NURSERY, • rack 8. cue sticks. Call 447-5257 pads, swim platform, 120 hrs. Rte. 22, Peru. Shrubs, trees, '79 HARLEY Super Glide, Fat on engine, full.instrumentation, after 4 p.m. evergreens/Professional Planbob t a n k s , 2118 m i l e s . plus trailer. -Can be seen at " MM, tkfrSatrS ti 5, SM. HUMto5 ±ning Planting. Hours Sat. 8-5 or Keith.E. Snyder Showroom condition. Asking Dock t< Coal Marina. $8500.561by appointment. Call 643-9633.._ Keeseville $4400.544-9961, 1675. . Wll^iiCiiirWIWCiriers.lliittlLadwrtPlitil Phm 561-5050 rMS-7114 AFFORDABLE tree 8. stump 1979; KAWASAKI SR450. Ex•4removal. Insured. Early morncellent condition. Low mileage. ing offfiSe"nours, bakers I ree" 5CHWINN adulttrl-wheeler bicyTO«ny-^extrarr^3^358i^fte/-4-] service,541-6364. cle, 3 spd. $150. 561-7844 after ipm: 4:30 p.m. TWO power mower, push and rid'81 SUZUKI 550 with helmet ining, both $125. 298-5804 after 5, cluded. 700 miles. $1400 firm. anytime weekend, • , DeCoste at 234-7358. Radio, TelevisiM 561-2300 WaterbedShop TEC ELECTRONIC O'QAY 20 sailboat. Sleeps 4. P A D D L E BOAT, excellent CASH REGISTERS, Meat Trailer, 7 h.p. Evinrude. Main condition. $225. Scales* Labelers sail & jib. Preservers, anchors, 5»l-7a«4 after 4:3ft p.m. Adirondack Business Machines etc. 561-6175. Malone, N.Y. 13 FT. Fiberglass boat with 50 Call collect 518-4*3-2120 h.p. Mercury motor and trailer. 15' WOODEN Thompson, 35 hp Evinrude, trailer, extras. Ask $1000.5*2-2994. ing $754,561-1318. • QMRQiS BOAT RENTALS SAILBOAT, O'Oay 25. Fully Patricia E. Moore Dawn to Dusk equipped. Excellent condition. Peru, NY Excellent prices. "We include Lots <rf extras. $17,500.518-298Everything." Call for Early 8589. Reservation. 34' CRISCRAFT. Sleeps 6. Twin Lord Marina, Inc. engines, recently overhauled. NEW AND USED WOODWORK ING MACHINERY: Woodshop Full instrumentation. $6,500. Located on the Great Chazy Specialties-Authorized PowerFinancing available or will River, Chazy, N.Y. 12921 matic and DeWait dealer. E. trade for car plus cash. 1-891297-6221 Middlebury: 802-388-7969. 5183. Open 7 days a week STOP AND COMPARE. DOES YOUR DEALER GIVE YOU ALL THE SERVICES AGWAY PETROLEUM GIVES YOU? Agway Your Dealer .-& C 30-Day Credit Policy* Hold onto ypur cash Pay up to 30 days from statement date with" no interest charges 12 Budget Payment P l a n * Avoid big winter fuel bills with 12 easy-to-manage payments Plus earn 8% interest during the months you have a credit $ balance 2! 11 Automatic Delivery You'll never worry about running out of fuel 2J Z! Propane S u p p l y * * Get economical LP gas from Agway Petroleum O n e dependable source One convenient bill. ] / Z2 Burner Tune-Up Don't worry about wasting energy or breakdowns. Our experts do the'job right to save you money at a low cost to you. '•£ '"J.Fuel Guard™ A special additive keeps your.burner and tank-clean to improve efficiency and conserve fuel. Always added Always free, it?! r. Home Heating Security Plan Get winter-long protection from our experts ~' with complete, economical service contracts. • 'j£ ; j Energy Efficient Burners If you need it. we'll do it for you. Free estimates. E! LJ Free Efficiency Inspection Learn how to improve heating system efficiency. Our 4-point test will tell you. <j£ 3 Energy Saving E q u i p m e n t * * We offer a full, proven line of products including solar water heaters and heat pumps to cut down winter costs. $ • Dependable Service Count on us any time you call. Expert repairs at fair prices. Subject to credit approval and terms and conditions of the credit agreement Available in most areas Spend the w i n t e r w i t h Agway Petroleum. Call your local Customer Service Representative: Plattsburgh: 86 US Ave 561-2290 Westport: 962-8298 IF NO ANSWER: DIAL 1-800-342-9103 AGWAY PETROLEUM Fuels • Service • Equipment Heavy Duty aluminum with durable baked on white polyester finish. Plastic caps or glides help prevent marring of patios. Commercial Quality — Stackable IDEAL For Pool or Patio. For Personalized Service and Attention see at: Babbie's Pool and Patio, Inc. Monday thru Friday 8 A.M.-8 P.M., Saturday 8 A.M.-5 P.M. Rand Hill Rd. Morrisonville VU miles from W. Plattsburgh 561-3659
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