SPRING 2012 IN THIS ISSUE: WHY LVs SERVE 2011 ANNUAL REPoRT PLUS: Nominations for FSC AWARDS 2012 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 1 4/24/12 7:55 AM DIRECToR’S CoRNER by Jolleen Wagner, 04-07 WHY WE CoNTINUE To SERVE. LV Catherine Calogero sparks off a little something in each of us with her statement, “I never liked to say something changed my life.” If honest, many people wouldn’t verbalize a greater power at play in our lives. We are expected to be in control, know what we want, and then get it. We live in a society where an openness to change insinuates something isn’t right to begin with. It’s time to challenge that assumption. Lasallian Volunteers serve and build relationships that have staying power. They continue to serve, days, months, years later because these relationships have changed lives—the lives of those they are serving as well as their own lives. This story isn’t new. The LVs I served alongside at San Miguel Schools in Chicago have had their lives changed too. I never intended to be an educator—I imagined this was a one-year gig. Three years of service and five years as a staff member suggests otherwise. Former LVs Alberto and Kristen identified a call to social services, respectively. One is a court advocate and the other a school counselor. LV alum Ross developed a passion for policy and politics and works for the Senate. I recall June of 2005. The first valedictorian of the Gary Comer Campus (where I served in Chicago) was a girl name DeKeshia. She was changed when she stepped off the stage with diploma in hand. Through her hard work, she gained acceptance into one of the best high schools in Chicago and eventually enrolled at Saint Mary’s University in Minnesota. This June, when San Miguel closes its doors for good, she will not be any less changed. The relationships she built with her fellow students, educators, and community members have provided her additional strength as she identifies God’s call for her. The list goes on and on. Students graduating from high school, enrolling in bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, some even working in their communities. Former LVs are doing the same. We all begin serving for different reasons, and continue serving for the same: because in relationship with one another, we recognize a call to walk humbly together. WHY LVs SERVE LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 2 4/24/12 7:55 AM WHY LVs SERVE Discovering that service can Be Life changing Lv catherine coLagero As early as 8th grade, I decided I wanted to become a doctor. Although the kind of doctor I wanted to be often changed, I was convinced I was going to practice medicine. In high school, I spent my time volunteering and being involved in extra activities so that I could get into a good college. Then in college, I spent my time volunteering, observing and working in doctors’ offices and hospitals. I was doing everything right, following all the steps to be on the best track for medical school when I decided that it was all wrong. I could have cracked down, studied hard, and applied to medical school, but I distinctly remember a point during my senior year of college considering what I was truly passionate about and realizing it wasn’t “becoming a doctor.” As both a way to capitalize on my passion for helping others and to buy myself some time to figure out what I wanted to do with my future, I applied to the Lasallian Volunteers. I was accepted and placed in Racine, Wisconsin, to serve at John XXIII Educational Center. Coming from a college environment in New York City, I knew that this was going to be a change, and I also knew that since I never really felt passionate about working in education, it would probably be temporary. I decided I would spend a year of my life serving in Wisconsin and then move on to the next chapter. I never liked to say something changed my life. I was able to travel to both Ecuador and Kenya for service-immersion experiences in college and resented when I returned and people would ask me if the experience had changed my life. I felt like saying yes was so insincere. Yes, those were eye opening experiences, but when I returned I continued to live my life just like I had before those immersions. As my second year serving as a Lasallian Volunteer begins to draw to a close—and I am able to reflect on where this journey has lead me—I feel indebted to a program that has honestly changed my life. My time in Wisconsin has taught me about poverty, about education, and about my own commitments. I have grown to love what I do, the students I serve, and the idea of empowering individuals through education. My experience has inspired me to make education a career path instead of just something I experimented with for two years of my life. I feel called to continue my work as an educator, and will do so as I exit the Lasallian Volunteers and enter a program that will allow me to teach in inner-city schools while earning my master’s degree in education. My journey as a Lasallian Volunteer is coming to a close, but I know that my call and commitment to the world of education is just beginning! “I never liked to say something changed my life.” Lasallian Volunteers Update • SPRING 2012 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 3 3 4/24/12 7:55 AM WHY LVs SERVE Because i Was serveD Lv Megan Weiss Amanda is the kind of student that first year teachers fear. She’s extremely smart; both academically and worldly; and rarely does she use her intelligence for “good.” She is a constant challenge in the classroom. She turns defiance and stubbornness into an art form, and her passion, strength and pride drive her every decision. She can turn the smallest battle into an all-out war in no time at all. So it’s no surprise to say Amanda takes the cake for being my most challenging student this year. One day I decided to give a pop quiz to my Spanish class. Amanda—who at that moment was mad at me for making her sit in her assigned seat—decided to express her dissatisfaction for me by writing the following: Miss Weiss is a terrible teacher and I hate La Salle because of her. After receiving this, I immediately wanted to give up on Amanda. But then I remembered two inspirational teachers who never gave up on me. I remember the first day of 5th grade like it was yesterday. I sheepishly asked my teacher, Mrs. Susan Neff, how to spell the word “decimals.” In front of the entire class, she yelled at me saying: “Are you kidding me? How about you spell this word for me: D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y? You’re better than that, Megan. I know it.” I’ll never forget how Mrs. Neff challenged me to be a leader, and taught me not to settle for anything less than my very best. Years later, I was challenged by a dark-skinned African American—standing over 6 feet tall and with the deepest baritone voice I had ever heard. Although Brother Michael Collins was an intimidating man, he supported me in more ways than I could have imagined at De La Salle High School. Despite his tremendously demanding schedule, he made sure to make it to all my musicals, games, and volunteer events. I didn’t know it then, but he wrote a letter of recommendation for me to attend La Salle University before I had even visited La Salle. He also suggested that I look into the Lasallian Volunteers after college. Thanks to his dedication and persistence, I was led to a great education and a life changing volunteer experience. I realize now how significant Mrs. Neff and Brother Michael were to my development as a student. They both were willing to sacrifice their time and efforts to challenge me to achieve more. It was not a coincidence that they were my teachers. It was clear to me that God had placed them in my life so I could return the favor. So after getting back Amanda’s quiz answers, I couldn’t help but think, What would Mrs. Neff or Brother Michael do? They didn’t take the easy path with me. They pushed me to become a better person no matter how difficult the task. I knew that was exactly what I needed to do with Amanda. The next day, I sat down with Amanda and I told her I knew she could do better and I wanted to know what was going on with her. Within minutes, she was in tears and she told me how she felt so much pressure from her parents to excel in the classroom and on the field. She also told me about her challenges with making new friends and how sorry she was for being difficult in my class. I saw a whole different side of Amanda that day, and we both left the conversation with a mutual respect for one another. Since the day of that fateful pop quiz, Amanda has become a much better student, and has even found herself among a close group of friends. She made an outstanding presentation for her classmates on her own Quinceañera (celebration of her 15th birthday) when we studied the Spanish family. I was so proud to watch her conduct the presentation professionally and with such passion for her family’s culture. Even though Amanda can still have her less-than-stellar moments, I know regardless of what happens, I will do my best to guide and challenge Amanda to become the wonderful young woman I know she can be. Why? Because I was served. to Make a Difference Lv sean barber All students deserve the opportunity and encouragement to believe they are equipped to achieve their dreams. Many of the students served by LVs have big dreams, but some feel there is little chance of having their dreams come to fruition. Perhaps no one they’ve encountered has seen a dream like theirs come true, or maybe they haven’t received encouragement like “You can do this!” or “iSi Se Puede!” Most people in the world just need a mentor to guide them in the right direction in order to make their dreams a reality. I strive to be that mentor to my students by offering motivation, inspiration, and the challenge to pursue what they want. Some of these students are going to be the first to complete middle school, graduate from high school, or attend college in their families. Everyday my students remind me that I make a difference, and every day I remind them that they can make a difference too if they follow their dreams. 4 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 4 Lasallian Volunteers Update • SPRING 2012 4/24/12 7:56 AM WHY LVs SERVE seeing christ Where i serve Just as I have answered God’s call to share the gifts I have been given, I am proud to lead the young men of Cathedral High School to share their talents, success and influence with their community. “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” (Luke 12:48). Cathedral is a confluence of many different places and life experiences, producing lawyers, doctors, businessmen and military officers. My first hope is that I can play a part in mentoring a generation of men who are also faithful husbands, loving fathers, hard workers, loyal citizens, and servants of the Church. While our young men find themselves at Cathedral by a variety of different paths, they are all journeying together on a similar path. I am always challenging my students to seek a life of action and compassionate leadership in order to hear God’s call to live lives that reflect faith in His transforming love through service to their neighbor and community. The prophet Jeremiah wrote to the Israelite exiles in Babylon, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29: 11). We are too readily acquainted with an immediate realization that we are strangers in a land warped with evil, pain, and destruction. We sometimes feel like something has clearly gone terribly wrong and something within us revolts against the great heartache and distortion of a world that was once good. But even with such despair, we are called to trust in the greater promises of God that—in the midst of seemingly insurmountable challenges—the Lord has promised us a hopeful future. Lv chris hueg Lv andrew napier We are not called to run from this great sadness that is the present state of things. Jeremiah also proclaimed to the Israelites in exile, “Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce...seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you in exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (Jeremiah 29: 5-7). As Lasallian Volunteers, we find ourselves in a variety of different places all of which need the redemptive and transformative power of Christ. Many of us see so clearly the material and social poverty that oppresses our students. Other LVs may be in a place where there are scars that witness to the spiritual poverty that has enslaved us. We have been sent to these less-than-ideal places because the Lord is inviting us to take part in the hopeful plans he has for us: to be a blessing to the nations and to work for the welfare of the city in which we find ourselves. We are called to be a means of bringing about the temporal salvation of the young people entrusted to our care, planting the seeds of hope that point the way to an eternal hope, and eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns now and forever. Learning to Be Part of a Mission The stories of our students are remarkable. They are just waiting to share them. My heart is constantly touched through the overall spirit and character they demonstrate. Everyday these students greet the campus ministry team at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School in Brooklyn, NY, with welcoming smiles and hugs. There are times when I question what I am doing and sometimes where I am going. I am immediately reminded when I enter the school doors (and encounter even one of our students) of why I continue to serve. One particular student has taken me under her wing, and continued to care for me as “her” Lasallian Volunteer. Ebony—who is from Haiti—is the first at the Campus Ministry door each morning with a smile, and the last to leave in the afternoon with the best advice: “Mr. Hueg, it’s time for you to go home.” The Lasallian spirit she possesses is phenomenal. She loves to plan, staple, paint, distribute and affirm everything I do. Occasionally I break her heart by closing the office to go to a noon meeting. This gets me called a dictator. I’m also the one who is always asking for her opinion...then not following it. I look forward to seeing her every morning, love her free spirit, enjoy her vivacious personality, and relish her presence. Never would I have imagined that in becoming a Lasallian Volunteer, in turn the students would actually have the same impact on me. Constantly in my office before, during, and after school, Ebony has taken a pride in campus ministry and all that we are doing. Her willingness to help and lend a hand no matter the project or activity, she exhibits the type of spirit and character John Baptist de La Salle may have had in mind when he created the Brothers of the Christian Schools over 350 years ago. I am so proud to be a part of that mission today. Lasallian Volunteers Update • SPRING 2012 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 5 5 4/24/12 7:56 AM WHY LVs SERVE to Make an iMPact Lv Desiree LoPeZ Why are you volunteering? Why would you want to teach as a volunteer? Was it worth it? More : WhY We serve 6 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 6 In the course of my two years of service, I have been asked the above questions more than a few times. And each time I was asked, I was thankful that I could share the reasons for my service. The quick answers are: to give back, to attempt teaching, and (yes) it was completely worth it. Simply put, my students are the reason I serve and get out of bed each morning. With each student I have come in contact with, I have found one more reason to serve. In my first year of service (at John XXIII Educational Center in Racine, WI), there were a handful of students I saw on a regular basis. Being able to make an impact on their lives encouraged me on days of doubt about continuing on or, eventually, considering renewing for a second year. Now completing my second year, each day that I serve at St. Cecilia’s Academy in St. Louis, MO, I have a chance to be a positive influence on over 215 students. I not only know my students, I also have come to care for them in all of their successes and even during their failures. My commitment to my students has grown from simply a place of wanting to serve to discerning whether I would like to pursue teaching as my life’s vocation. The greatest gift that I receive from my students is when they share their joys with me. One of my proudest moments in my service years—a moment which answers the first three questions perfectly—happened recently. I received an email from my former site director, Shirley Heck, and before I even finished reading the email, I was in tears. A student I worked with in my first year in Racine had attempted multiple times to pass Algebra in order to graduate from high school. He had returned from college to share good news with Shirley: not only had he received an A in his college math course, he was also the only student to do so in the course. He asked her to inform me, because—according to him—without my help he did not think he would have been able to obtain the grade. When I renewed for a second year of service, I decided that if I was able to make an impact on at least one student’s life, my service as an LV would have been completely worth it. Having heard this news of my impact, not far from my finish as an LV, encourages me to know I have touched the hearts of my students. Lasallian Volunteers Update • SPRING 2012 4/24/12 7:56 AM T MiDYear refLection LVs gather for a photo on Brant Lake during Midyear Retreat 2012 ToUCHING HEARTS: GRoWING ToGETHER By Chay Tanchanco tivated than I had been in a long time, simply because of the encouragement that exists through naming and sharing experiences with others in From the writings of St. John Baptist de la Salle: “To touch the hearts of service clear across the country. your students is the greatest miracle you can perform.” A true mark of a Lasallian Volunteer is shown through the ability for each This miracle of being a Lasallian Volunteer became unquestionably clear individual to contribute to and to grow within the community where he or as we gathered together for our Midyear retreat. After 5 months of service she lives. The first opportunity to witness this came as work that took each of us out of our comfort zones, we gathered for mass at a small local church, St. Isaac we finally had the chance to express and unravel our Jogues in Chestertown, NY. We filled nearly half of the experiences. We had the amazing church and naturally we were quite a presence! Most of We began our retreat at Point O’ Pines around the opportunity to talk the mass-goers silently marveled at the increased size of beautiful, newly frozen Brant Lake, and took time untheir ordinary Saturday evening service, and the canabout our sites and packing our suitcases as well as the lives we have led tor decided to jump on the opportunity to invite us to our communities, over the past few months. It took little time getting come up and sing with her. There could be no doubt reacquainted with the supportive nets that are our felfocusing on how that, in a church of volunteers, we as LVs answered the low volunteers and LV staff. call to serve at mass with a wholehearted and spirited, we inspire and The retreat centered around sessions inspired by key “Yes!” lead others by quotes from St. John Baptist de la Salle. LV alumna MeThe second moment happened within the intimacy encouraging them. lissa Altman and her husband Peter led many large and of our own community as all of us gathered around small group discussions, opening up the space to share and watched the shiny new LVs Ride documentary. As our experiences and to understand the struggles of others while celebrating I watched the bike riders discuss their arduous trip, I was struck by the our triumphs. It became clear that each of us had truly been “chosen to generosity of others in opening up their homes and their lives to this group do God’s work.” And through of people. And our experiences of community as LVs are not unlike theirs. acknowledging the difficulties Not only did we get to look back on the journey that the riders took across of touching the hearts of our the country to raise awareness for our program and service, we were also restudents or clients, we also realminded of the long journey each of us had just taken from our Orientation ized that it’s not supposed to be in the July heat of Chicago to the cold of a January winter in upstate NY. easy. We had the amazing opMidyear has given us each so much; the strength to carry on for the portunity to talk about our sites next few months or even years, the chance to rekindle the friendships we and our communities, focusing began in July, the courage to continue to grow in the spirit of love and on how we inspire and lead othcompassion for service, and the space to breathe and enjoy what we have ers by encouraging them. accomplished thus far. We have committed ourselves once more to faith, Some of us braved the cold service and community, and of course reaching a deeper understanding and the ice for the chance to of ourselves. In this renewed understanding, we continue to learn how to walk over the frozen lake, and Chay pens out her thoughts perform God’s most pressing miracle–the ability to touch hearts, no matter during Midyear Retreat found we were inspired anew. I where we are. found myself more deeply moLasallian Volunteers Update • SPRING 2012 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 7 7 4/24/12 7:56 AM CASSIN CHALLENGE GRANT YEAR 2/3 GOAL: $69,000 Now into the second year of our Capacity Building Initiative, Lasallian Volunteers needs your help to address the needs of communities where LVs serve. Providing communities with enthusiastically compassionate volunteers—and supporting those volunteers spiritually, emotionally and financially—is our goal. The Cassin Challenge Grant, partnered with your support, has made the LV Capacity Building Initiative a reality. We have been able to provide support to our volunteers as they serve and develop stronger relationships within their communities. THE BEST TIME To CoNTRIBUTE IS NoW! A donation made by you today, will be doubled by the Cassin Challenge Grant. Turn your $25 into $50, $100 into $200, $500 to $1,000 and so on. Mail in your gift today, or give at LasallianVolunteers.org, and it MAkE YoUR DoNATIoN ToDAY AND IT WILL BE DoUBLED BY THE CASSIN CHALLENGE GRANT. 8 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 8 will be matched dollar for dollar. $61,000 As of 4/1/12 Lasallian Volunteers Update • SPRING 2012 4/24/12 7:56 AM 2011 ANNUAL REPoRT Highlights ALUMNI ASSoCIATIoN LVs RIDE Launches Brother Ed’s Club for alumni who commit to donating once a year. LV staff release Alumni Association Strategic Plan. Alumni Andrew and Jen Blake pave the way for Alumni Retreat Facilitators by planning and providing the 2011 Midyear Retreat. Pedaling through 13 states, promoting awareness of service and Lasallian Volunteers in 51 cities, participating in 7 service opportunities and raising over $109,000 for Lasallian Volunteers. STAFF EXPANSIoN Peter Tooher hired as Program Coordinator in February, expanding the LV Staff to five. Jolleen Wagner is named Director, kimberly Williams hired as Associate Director in June, and Andrew Blythe hired as Director of Development in November. FUNDRAISING Through the support of our alumni, LVs raised $25,000+ to exceed the Alumni Challenge Matching Grant awarded by an anonymous foundation, and secured a second matching grant from the Cassin Family to be met over the course of 20112013. 2ND ANNUAL FSC AWARDS Honoring Jeb Myers (Bassen Service Award), Shirley Heck (Johnston Faith Award) and Brother Edwin Dupre (Farrell Community Award). FIRST LV, PoPE’S NEW ENVoY Pope Benedict XVI appoints Reverend Monsignor Charles Brown (1st Lasallian Volunteer) the Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland. 10% Administration & Finance By the Numbers 6% 9% FSC & Alumni Connectio Promotions 10% Administration & Finance Total Per LV LV Recruitment & Placement $82,179 $1,580 Training $173,428 $3,335 Staff Support of LVs $96,937 $1,864 FSC & Alum Connecting $52,205 $1,004 Administration & Finance $54,374 $1,046 Promotions $31,347 $603 Development $67,416 $1,296 ToTAL $557,886 $10,729 INCoME District Sponsorship $140,000 Site Contributions $61,800 Grant Income $49,500 Donations $263,889 ToTAL $515,189 CHARTS EXPLAINED ADMINISTRATIoN & FINANCE: Budgets, billing & payments 15% Recruiting 9% FSC & Alumni Connections & Placement 12% 6%Development Promotions EXPENSES 15% Recruiting 12% Development & Placement 31% Trainin 17% Staff Support of LVs 31% Training 17% Staff Support of LVs 10% Grant Income 10% Grant Income 12% 12% 51% Donations 51% Donations Site Contributions Site Contributions DEVELoPMENT: Appeals & thank yous, making contacts, grants FSC & ALUMNI CoNNECTIoNS: National & district meetings, Advisory Board, alumni relations. PRoMoTIoNS: Newsletter production, creating promotional materials, maintaining databases, reporting RECRUITING & PLACEMENT: College fairs, recruitment, interviews, screening, selection, placement. STAFF SUPPoRT oF LVs: Site visits, troubleshooting problems, holistic community care, volunteer resources TRAINING: orientation, Midyear, Discernment & Debriefing Retreats (staff time, group travel, lodging, presenter/facilitaor fees) 27% District Sponsorship 27% District Sponsorship Lasallian Volunteers Update • SPRING 2012 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 9 9 4/24/12 7:56 AM 2011 DONORS 2011 Donors Foundations American Eagle Outfitters Foundation The Elfenworks Foundation First Tennessee Foundation Lasallian Education Fund Volunteers Exploring Vocation The San Damiano Foundation In Kind Donations Bro. Gerry Frendreis Jolleen Wagner Alisa Macksey Mari Anzicek The Elfenworks Foundation Leadership Circle ($1,000+) Anonymous Bro. Raymond Blixt Brothers Vocation B.J. Cassin Christian Brothers Christian Brothers Conference Christian Brothers of the Midwest Michael Costello Michael Coyle Thomas & Joanne Darnowski De La Salle Community District of Eastern North America District of San Francisco Joe Finn, LV, 95-97 Bro. Allen Ganz Gail Gros Paul & Diane Hurst Mary Beth & Richard Ketchum La Salle College High School Community La Salle House Community, Lewis University La Salle Institute Community La Salle University Lasallian Community at Bedford Park Mike & Stacy Leard Pat & Teresa Leard Lewis University Manhattan College Martin de Porres School Kevin & Carol McDonnell Bro. Raymond McManaman Don & Marie Mulholland New OrleansSanta Fe District John & Mary O’Donnell Brian & Lisa O’Neill Rev. Michael O’Sullivan Performance Consulting International Carol & Frank Petroski Bro. Ed Phelan Monica Sullivan & WilliPhillips David & Therese Racklyeft Saint Mary’s College of California Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota San Miguel Community Michalina Pendzich & JaScheuermann Joe Sperske 10 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 10 St. Joseph’s Lasallian Community Raymond & Diane Swain Christopher & Angela Sweeny, LV, 90-92 Tides Family Services Helen Towns Special Partners ($500-$999) Anonymous The Back Creek Bistro Kate & Dave Barber Bishop Walsh Community Christian Brothers University Carol Daly De La Salle Hall Community Bro. John Fairfax Tom Fehringer, LV, 94-96 From a Friend Paul & Catherine Giroux Michael & Joette Gostomski Alberto Guerrero, LV, 03-05 Lisa & Michael Hills Barbara Jackson Jennie & James Latta Alisa Macksey, LV, 00-02 Martyrs of Turon Community Robert & Maggie McCarty Ronald Reis Bro. Walter Schreiner St. Gabriel’s Hall St. Raymond Community Totino-Grace Community Transfiguration School Lawrence & Mary Werner Dennis & Pat Zerega LV Partners ($250-$499) Anonymous 2010-2011 LVs Lee & Susan Anzicek Barbara & Thomas Baietti Brian & Elisa Barker William & Anna Barton Thomas Bernard & Mary Bernacki Gerald Bitz Mary Ann Block Jim Ruck & Gail Britanik, LV, 95-96 Thomas & Shelley Britanik Kevin & Virginia Brooks Michael Carlsen Bro. Brian Carty Casa Benedicta Community Kristen Cornicello, LV, 05-07 Francis Coughlin John & Marilyn Cullen De La Salle Brooklyn Mary Ellen & Kevin Dorsey Jim Ellison Margaret Ellison Bro. Chris Englert Jim & Corrine Feldman Bill & Anna Fitzgerald Walt & Kathy Flynn Bro. James Gaffney Bro. James Grahmann Michael Griffin Bro. Jeff Gros Brian Guidera Michael Harper Rev. Michael Hegarty JANUARY Kathleen Higgins Mark Hueg Tim & Reggi Johnson James Kandell John Kane David Kelly Bro. Bud Knight Bill & Debra Krueger Glenna Krzyzanowski, LV, 08-10 Bill & Gina Krzyzanowski Justin & Dawn Kuehl, LV, 03-05 La Salle Academy Community John D. & Senabar Lanigan, LV, 93-95 LaSalle School, Albany NY Kenny Latta, LV, 10-12 Bro. Anthony Lenz Paul & Ellen Lewis Julie Macksey Daniel Maher, LV, 07-09 Manhattan College Kristin McDowell, LV, 96-97 Joseph & Nancy McGowan Daniel McKaveney Bill & Judy Mcnamee Gabriel Moran William & Josephine Morris Steve Nassau John & Karen O’Dell Patrick O’Dell Marilyn Paquette, LV, 99-01 Bro. Herman Paul Gary Pietrok Suzanne Polen Anthony Rienzi Bro. Louis Rodemann The Rossi Family Bro. James Roszak Howard & Carol Rovegno Heather Ruple, LV, 01-03 Sacred Heart Cathedral Community Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep Pete Sanford Kirsten Schuck Peter Spahr St. Michael’s High School Rachel Stuart Michele Harris & PeterTanghe, LV, 92-93 Fr. Daniel Torson Kelly Towns, LV, 09-11 Steve & Anne Werner Brian & Stephenie Young St. La Salle Partners ($100-$249) 2011-2012 Lasallian Volunteers Anonymous Bro. John Achin Peter Ahr Bro. Louis Althaus Pete & Angela Amann, LV, 90-92 Brian Antonson, LV, 93-95 Mari Anzicek, LV, 07-09 Mark Anzicek Rosemary Anzicek Dr. Mark Leventer & Dr. KAnzicek Norma Arndt Erin Arnold, LV, 02-03 Bro. Peter Arpin Jayne & Scott Atkinson Paul Avvento, LV, 07-09 Grace & Paul Avvento Edmund & Ruth Balsdon Bro. Ralph Baltz Martha Belker Gordon Bennett Mark & Pat Bibro Bishop Kelley Community Bishop Loughlin Students Andrew Blake, LV, 03-05 Geraldine Block The Blythe Family Doug & Morgan Bonczek Fred Bouman Michael Brandt Mary & David Breault Ed & Donna Brett Maureen & Marc Brown, LV, 04-06 Suzy Bumgarner Helen Burkhard Desmond & Valerie Butler Carrie Caine Casey, LV, 99-01 Antoinette Calogero Jane Camarillo Raymond Cannon Joseph & Teresa Capitani Katie Carlsen, LV, 11-12 Colleen & John Carlson Robert Carrejo Sophia Cartagena, LV, 07-09 Katie Carter, LV, 97-98 James Casey Al & Jamin Cassidy Susanne Cassidy MaryBeth Chis Christian Brothers Academy Community Christian Brothers Resurrection Community Joe Cichocki Kevin Clark Virgie Clark Sara Clements, LV, 09-10 Henry Cocozza John & Yvette Connell Tom Cook, LV, 02-04 Kathleen & Ronald Corbal Matthew Corcoran Carolyn & Andrew Cornelius Vicky & John Cornicello Victoria Corrado Stephanie & Joseph Corson Amanda Cosio-Bognuda, LV, 08-10 Bill Coughlan Anthony & Constance Coyle Lauren Craft Barbara Crawford Bro. John Crawford Krista Creeger Mary Crone Donna & Chris Crone Kathy & John Curry Jenny Curto Patrick & Arline Daley Ellen & Jim Dalton Sandra Davidson Carrie & Chuck Davis, LV, 96-00 De La Salle Community Joyce Deem Brian & Eileen DeNeve Kaitlin Depuydt, LV, 09-11 Teresa & Mark Depuydt Andrew DeRito Jay Deuby Jim & Lisa Diecidue, LV, 01-02 Tom & Susan Dilt George Dirkers Norbert Dirkers 1—DECEMBER Fr. Brian Ditullio Lynne White D ixon & Robert Dixon Brian & Martina Donahue Kathy & Andy Doom Wayne Draudt William Dry Cory Dugan John & Karen Dyer L.B. Eckelkamp, Jr. Peter & Leah Elenbaas Bob Elfstrand Alisan & Mike Engle Janet & Vern Estey Kris Evens Bro. Edward Everett Jodi Fedoruk Mary & Michael Feeney Emelinda Felt Sam Ferris Heather Ferro Tina Fitzwater Shade Tony & Jill Flores Joe Flynn, LV, 08-09 Michael & Barbara Foley Barbara & Bill Ford Maria Funkquist Irene Garner Alyse Gay Bro. Nicholas Geimer Howard Geraghty Valerie Giannotti Bill & Jeanne Gibson Anna Giroux Bruce Giroux Jim & Dori Giroux Lisa & Guy Giroux Pete & Jen Giunta Joe & Maryellen Glackin Harold & Cheryl Gladney Sergio Gonzales Bro. Lawrence Goyette Kendall & Chris Grant, LV, 06-08 Caitlin Grath Paul & Deb Grazzini Robert Greason Bob Grist John Gusciora Sharon Gutowski Robert Gwiazdowski Vincent Gwiazdowski Mary Harp Lois Harr Cornelius & Geraldine Harrington Shirley Heck Robert Heckmann Holly Heine Fred & Patricia Hemmer Pat & Myrna Hennessy Elizabeth Hoban James & Cecilia Hoffman Ann & George Holzapfel Miguel House John & Amy Hueg Kristin Hueg Michelle Hueg Paul & Lynn Hueg Thomas Hueg Christopher & Pamela Ion J.F. Taylor, Inc. Deanna Jamison Claire Johnson, LV, 07-09 Gerard & Virginia Johnson Rhonda Johnson Matt Joram, LV, 05-07 Bro. Paul Joslin Laurie & Harvey Kamigawachi Homayoon Kazerooni Pat Keel David Kasievich & Andrew Kellner 31, 2012 Jennifer Keosky John & Virginia Kilty Diane & Richard Klee Elizabeth & Andy Knox Sophie & John Kosmala Joel Kreitzberg, LV, 06-08 Kathy & John Kreitzberg Kevin Kuczynski, LV, 08-10 Stella & Ted Kustra La Salle Hall Community La Salle High School Community William Lago Kim Lamparelli Rick & Sue Larson Robert Latta Joseph & Carol Lavoritano Carmella Lee Melissa Lee-Klubberud James Leeper Laurie Klatscher & GregorLehane Thomas & Debra Lenz Amelia Lewis, LV, 09-11 Dan Matts & Rita Lin The Linares Family Irene Ludzia Tom Ludzia Emily Lux, LV, 02-03 William & Deanna Lux Bue & Joe Macksey Jennifer Magrini Karen & Thomas Magrini Tom Magrini, LV, 10-12 Sarah Jane Maher, LV, 07-09 Zygmunt Maka Patricia & Thomas Maletto Laura Mancini Phil Margetts Valorie Markarian Bro. Alfred Marshall Ed & Dorothy Martel Julia & Philip Martelli Phylis & Philip Martinelli Ibsam Martinez Rachel Martinez John & Laura Matts Pete & Corrine Matts Edward Maziarz Julie McAvoy, LV, 08-09 Angie McCredden Barbara Mcdermott Evelyn McDonald Michael McElroy Colleen McGeehan, LV, 93-94 Paul McKitrick Bro. Terence McLaughlin Bro. John McManus Michael McNamara Bion & Anita McNulty Scott McNulty Rev. Warren M etzler Joe & Carmela Mier Timothy Miller Grandma & Grandpa Molinare Elizabeth Monahan Mondrian Investment Partners Rick Mueller Craig Mustard Bro. Gregory Myles Recognition Name John Neuschel Nucor-Yamato Steel Company Gordon O’Brien Richard & Kathleen O’Connell Dr. Priscilla O’Connell John & Peg O’Connor Jack & Honey O’Leary LasallianVolunteersUpdate•SPRING2012 4/24/12 7:59 AM 2011 DONORS Stephanie Olson Stephen O’Neill Vincent O’Neill Kristen Ostendorf Joe Pacio Chris & Laurie Paidosh Theodore & Carol Pappas Susan Paschke Bro. John Patzwall David Pearson Kathy & Steve Pederson Michelle Peirona Rick & Debbie Pellicciotti Merissa Perry The Peterson Family Barbara Philbin Judy & D.K. Philbin Bro. Patrick Phillips Francis Piperno Sage Pitts, LV, 06-08 Gaile Pohlhaus Nancy & John Poli Carrie Poole Molly Prendergast Debbie & John Prevost Jim McCord & Regan Quinn Robert Gobbo & Julie Raefield-Gobbo Kristen Rafferty, LV, 07-09 Mario Ragghianti, LV, 07-09 Anthony Ramirez Bro. Joseph Reilly John & Ann Marie Reilly John Reilly Mary Myers-Reinarts & MarReinarts Bro. Michael Reis John & Marie Reis Juliette Relihan Thomson Reuters Martin Richard, LV, 05-07 Vincent Rienzi Tim & Mary Riggins James & Barbara Robillard Deborah Rodrigue Eric Rodrigue Audrey Rossowski Joseph Rossowski Robert & Susan Rundle Anne & Kit Ruona Brenna Fitzgerald & Joe Ryan, LVs, 90-93 Saint La Salle Community Saint Mary’s Catholic Church Frank & Theresa Sanitate Hector Santana Robert Santilli Bob & Liza Saunders Mary Schertel Bro. Robert Schieler Phil & Nikki Schumaker, LV, 02-04 Chris Sciglitano, LV, 93-95 Jim & Mildred Sciuto Bro. Anthony Scotto Adam & Anne Marie See Paul Sevcik, LV, 05-07 Dianne & Charles Shanabruch Maria Shao, LV, 09-10 Michael & Mary Shehorn Bro. Edmund Siderewicz Valerie Siino Wendi Simeone Bro. Leo Smith Barbara & Bruce Smith Pamela Sommer Ana Sontag, LV, 08-09 Melissa Spahr, LV, 09-11 Theresa Spahr St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute Community St. Vincent Pallotti Center Richard & Patricia Stroh Casey & Susan Stuart B.J. Sullivan Marcia Sullivan Pam Summons Linda Sunseri Carole Swain Chris Swain, LV, 04-06 Rod & Gail Tanchanco James & Gail Thieman Tides Family Services WW Staff Peter Tooher Dianne & Chuck Toomer Ron Turner Luke & Beth Ufnar Mary & Michael Ufnar Zachary Ufnar, LV, 07-09 United Technologies Ginger Vaillencourt Joseph Valecka Virginia Van Amberg Lee Vandervest Emily Vogel, LV, 99-01 Tony & Betty Vowles Nicole Warnemuende Tim & Julie Weiss Maureen Wesolowski Alan & Beverly Weyland Michael Whelan Howard & Susan Whetzel Kimberly Williams Casey Wilson, LV, 06-08 Denise Wilson Christi Wolesky, LV, 94-96 Diane Wylam Wesley & Louise Young Donors (to $99) Anonymous Ron Adams Joan Alessi Peggy Allen Terrence & Marianne Allen Emma Allred James & Benton Allred Hormilda Almanza Nancy & Saul Almanza Samantha Almanza, LV, 09-11 Saul Almanza Melissa & Peter Altman, LV, 02-04 Greg Amoroso Bro. Michael Anderson Jamie Lee Anderson Jill Anderson John & Catherine Anderson Joanne Angerame David & Emily Anzicek Wanda Anzicek Justin Aquino Gina Arena Harold & Chris Arens Samantha Arluck Bill Armijo Jeremy Armstrong Jane Arndt Robert Arnold Cecelia & Ricardo Arredondo Pamela Ashland Carolyn Asp Natalie Asp Mario & Lina Astarita James Aubuchon Didier Aur Sofia Avennson Emily Babcock Bro. Tony Baginski Scott Baietti, LV, 08-10 Jamie Bair Bro. Anthony Baird Thomas & Corinne Bajardi Stephanie Baker The Baker Leyvas Desiree Baldocchi Susan Banks Robert Barelli, LV, 96-97 Kristen Barker Scott Barnas Stephen & Cherise Baros Liz Barr, LV, 10-11 Annemarie Bartlett Michele Bateson Chris & Suzanne Bauch Janice Bauer Allie Baumbach Lucas Becker Anne Behrendt Dori Bellezza Frank Bellezza Beatrice Benda Hank & Ruth Benjamin Stephanie Benke Jason Bennett Nancy Benoit John & Heidi Berna Frank Bernt Maureen O’Herin & MicBeseda Erica Bettwy, LV, 03-05 Jack Bigham Margaret Billings Diana Bird Maryrose Bisagna Sarah Bischoff Andrew Block Denis Block, LV, 07-09 James Boettcher Cate Boisjolie Kathleen Boland Sharon Bollweg William & Jaylene Bone Wendi Boselli, LV, 94-95 Georgene Bosich Judith Boudreau Jack Bouffard Colleen Bourque, LV, 02-05 Cassandra Boyce Cathie Brady Nell Brandon Elisabeth & Eric Braun Burton Bridges Mariesa Bridges George Brignac Robert & Nina Brown Sheryl & Bryan Brown Kathleen Bruss Katie Bulson, LV, 09-10 Edward & Dawn Burdsall Tracie Burke Cory Butler Graciela Butler Cheryl Buttaro Henry & Catherine Cahill John & Bernadette Callanan Catherine Calogero, LV, 10-12 Judith Carew Edward & Alice Carey Mary Cargill Christy Carl Trevor Carlsen Kelli Carlson Michael Carlson, LV, 08-10 Chad Macheel & DeboraCarlson-Doom, LV, 95-97 Bro. Thomas Carney Bro. Francis Carr Vince Carraher, LV, 89-90 Maria Carreras Amanda Carrico Martha Carvlin John & Rosemarie Casey Eric & Dulce Casimiro Michael Castillo Lynn Chan Robin Chavez Edita Chico Anthony Chin Dillon Chitto Paul & Janis Chitwood Chuck & Christy Chitwood Irene Cho Church of St. Anastasia Jovanna & Michael Ciambella Michael Ciccotti Zachary Ciperski Kathleen Clancy Bill Clark Dave & Karen Clark Kristy Clark Margaret Clark Michael Clark Michael Clark, LV, 09-11 Shirley Clark Steve Clark Jill Cleary Anna Clements Casundra Cliatt Melanie Cobb Bro. Timothy Coldwell Bro. Michael Collins Patrick Connelly Bonnie Conway The Conways Raegan Cook Moira Corcoran Maya Cordova Rebecca & Jeffrey Corey John Corrigan Chris Cregan Ellis Diane Creighton Harrel & Cathie Crone Tina Crookshanks Pat Crossen Bridget Crowell Irene Curfman Francis & Catherine Curran The Curran Family Clare Curry Dan & Kathie Curry Joseph & Mary Ellen D’Agostino Joseph & Gina Daly William & Claudia Daniels Anthony & Carolyn DaPonte Charles D’Arcy Rose Daum, LV, 07-09 Carrie Davis Ellie Dayhoff-Brannigan Samantha de Castro The De La Salle Community NY Sarah De Marco Gustavo De Paz Sheron Decker William Delaney Marc Deluca Susan DeLuke Bro. Dave Deradoorian Marie Derbes David Devine, LV, 00-02 Domenica Devitt Joe Dickens Heidi Dietze Dana DiMuzio Sandra Dippolito Mary Dismukes Robert Distad Patrick Dochety, LV, 05-06 Felix & Mary Dolan Shellie Domenici Maryann Donohue-lynch Kathleen Dorsey, LV, 10-11 Gina Dowdell Sarah Dowling, LV, 03-05 Sarah Duffy Claire DuFresne Maureen Dugan Jill Dunaway Ashley Dunbar Alex Duncan Colleen Dunn Krystina Durako Patricia Duran-Eiker Bro. Dennis Dwyer Elizabeth Eager Mark East Michael & Lori Ebaugh Daniel & Marguerite Eberle Antony Eddy, LV, 09-10 Fr. Bill Edens Michelle Edmunds Micky & Jeanne Edwards Lori & James Eggleston Steven Ellair Trista Ellerman Amy & Steve Enderlein Doug Enloe Theresa Esterly Christine & David Estes Audrey Evans Elizabeth Evans Janice Evers Ron & Margie Eyheralde Faith Lutheran Church Ken Famulare Kathi Farrell Anthony Fasano Tim Fehringer, LV, 05-07 Jesse Feldman Colleen Fennessey Virginia Cunningham &Fenton Diane Ferkler Lindsay Ferkler Joanne Ferris Robin Findlay Alyssa Firkus Melea Fisher Ruth Fisher Robert Fitzgerald Tim Fitzgerald Betty Lou Fitzwater Jeff Fleischmann Gary & Lita Flinders Charlotte Flynn Janice Fodor Suzanne Foley Kim Foote Anna Forder Jim & Kim Fortney Jennifer Foster Jennifer Fourmont Jacqueline Frank Doris Franklin Jerry Franklin Sandra Franklin Thomas & Jari Lynn Franklin Louis Fratangelo Bro. Gerry Frendreis Michael & Anne Frontier Burt Fulmer Michael Gallagher Annabel Gallo, LV, 07-08 Ann Galvin Katelyn Galvin Vance Gamble Liz Garcia Natalie Garcia Rachel Garcia Tim & Sarah Gardina Dan & Jeanne Garry, LV, 87-88 Bro. Brendan Garwood Rev. Robert George Elaine Gere Justine Gershak Sarah Gibbons William Giddings Kristine Gill Nina & Mike Giroux Bro. Dominic Gisondo Brendan Glackin Kathleen Glackin, LV, 09-11 Jane Glodowski Alice Goelz Manjit Gogna Dcn. Noe Gonzalez Colleen Goodspeed Deborah Gordon Florence & Loren Gordon Betty Gorman, LV, 07-09 Sr. Rose Grabowski Brad & Dawn Grabs Dorothy Graham Michelle Grano Bro. Paul Grass Reynaldo Graulty Marvin & Shirline Graves Ann Green Jeff Greenberg Arthur Griffin Sue Griffin Raymond Grinnell Peggy Gross David Guarino Dirk & Natalie Guenther Christian & Annette Gueritot Stephen & Andrew Gwiazdowski Catherine Hacker Beth Hagovsky John Hall Charles Hallman Mary Handy Bro. Bernard Hanson John & Catherine Hanson Kathleen Hanson Annie Harala, LV, 06-08 Bro. Joe Haras Abby Harris Abby Harris Angela Harris Marianne Harrison Wendy Hasara Jodi Haught Melinda Hawley William Hayden Suzanne & Gary Hedstrom Donald Hehr Donald & Suzanne Heisler Michelle Fecteau & Ed Hejka Martin & Theresa Helldorfer Bro. Eric Henderson Sr. Claire Herlihy Robert & Bridget Hesselberg Pamela Heun-Lackey Caralyn Hickey Jack Higgins Scott Hingle Leo & Patricia Hirsch Cindy Hish Jamie Hoban Amanda Hoeffken Michelle Hoffman, LV, 08-09 Leif Holmstrand Patrick Horner Terri Hrechkosy Rachael Hueg Vina Hueg Susan Hughes Patrick Hum Ray Hum Thais Hunter, LV, 08-10 Sean & Rizza Husband Ashley Iddings Liquid Inspiration, LLC. Gretchen Iverson Dixie Jackson Kristina Jandron David Janecek Dina & Douglas Jansen Jamie Jaynes, LV, 09-10 Yolanda Jesse Brian & Elizabeth Jodice Fred John Dale Johnson Margaret Johnson Nancy Johnson Rachel Johnson Katie Jones Leo Jones Sarah Jones Tim & Diane Jones LasallianVolunteersUpdate•SPRING2012 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 11 4/24/12 7:59 AM 2011 DONORS Bonnie Jones-Peirce Philip Joyce Ann Jozwiak Karen Jurcazak Eugene Kail Amy Kalina, LV, 08-10 Barbara Kaminska Jill Kary Simon Kaufman Jerry Kavouras Cindy Kawasaki Bro. Conrad Kearney William & Paula Kefer Ken Kelly David Kennedy Toynessa Kennedy, LV, 10-11 Susan Kenney Albert & Carolyn Kern Andrew Ketchum, LV, 09-11 Steve Keyser Poruz Khambatta Brenda Kieser Bro. Peter Killeen Deborah & Michael Kilmade Joe & Jess Kilmade, LV, 06-08 John Kilty, LV, 03-05 Sean Kipp George & Valerie Kirchmann L. Diane Kissane Bro. Charles Kitson Erin Kleopa Vicki Kline, LV, 05-07 Paul Klingsberg Maggie Kloeppel Nancy Kluesner Scott Kluesner Chris Kolar Matthew Kolar Michelle Kolar John & Richelle Koller Elizabeth Koster Bro. Raymond Kramper Paul Krohn Carolynne Kruckman Katie Krzysik, LV, 05-07 Breanne Krzyzanowski Joseph Krzyzanowski Kelsey Krzyzanowski Mary Krzyzanowski Robert & Janice Krzyzanowski Carol Kuchta Tyler Andrea & Walter Kuczynski Ronald & Susan Kullick Nicole Kulp Krysia Kustra, LV, 10-12 Mark Kustra Dan Kwak Laura Kwerel Bro. Tom Lackey Candace LaCrosse Eric & Sarah Laitinen, LV, 07-09 Bro. Richard Lalime Rick Lambert Eric & Deanna Landrieu Thomas Langford Renee Langmuir Mario & Susan Lanna Martin & Donene Larkin Liz LaRosa Kathleen Lavelle Maureen Lawler George Lazarowski Bro. James Leahy Thomas & Barbara Leard Annamarie Lee Bro. Dennis Lee Judy Lee Latrice Lee Sue & Bob Lee Bear Leis Marlene Lepkowski 12 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 12 John Lerch Anthony Lerro Arlene Lesh David Levasseur, LV, 99-00 The L’Hommedieu Family Virginia Li Brian Lin Molly Linehan Sadie Lisenby Joan Longendyke Marie Lorbiecki John & Charlene Lorenz Ammi Ludwick, LV, 92-95 Tom & Mary Luebbe Megan Luna, LV, 07-09 MaryAnn Luzzi Dori Macalintal Meghan Magrini Bro. Hugh Maguire Jane & David Maher John Maher Paul & Eloise Mahoney Sandra Majkrzak Carl Malacalza David & Rosann Malenfant Juliane Mangiarelli Mary Marciniak Jeannine Marino, LV, 01-02 Louis & Bernadette Marino Bro. Stephen Markham Pat & Diane Marrin Angela Martellaro Bro. William Martin Mary & Jack Martin Mike & Erica Martin David & Leslie Martinelli Brenda Martinez Drey & Kevin Martone David Matters Megan Matters Edward Matts James Mawn Kathleen Mayer Barbara Mc Adams Angela McBrine Erin & Jeremy McBurney Nicole McCabe Daniel & Dorothy McConnell James & Bette McDermott Cynthia McDonald Kathleen McDougall William McDowell Freeman McGlothlin Kevin McGrorry Pat McGrorry William McGrorry Deanna McLaughlin Wendy McLaughlin Denis McMahan Bro. John McMahon Lauren McNamee Al & Karen McNulty Beverley McNulty Mattias McNulty Patrick McNulty Laura Meade Sarah Mechtenberg, LV, 99-00 Jorge & Lisa Mejia, LV, 07-08 Alma Mejia-Garcia Stephanie Melfi Carolyn Mency David Ward & Rita Mendl Alexis Mendoza Richard & Mary Ann Meroney Stacy Mick, LV, 09-10 Leslie Miller Patrick Miller Bridget & Gerry Miller Patricia Mirabella Daniel Mistick Caroline Mitchell Katelyn Mitsock Wanda & Tim Mohan Sr. Dolores Montini Nicholas Mora Scott Morgan Wendy Morgan Andrea Morison Terese & Ian Morison Ali Moss Amy Moss-Brosky Katie Mulembe Colleen Mullane Amy Smith & Mark Muller, LV, 92-93 Frank & Kathleen Murano Robert & Kathleen Murphy Patrick & Virginia Murphy John Murray Patty Murray Theresa Murray Thomas Musetti Mickey Mushill Brianna Mustard, LV, 10-12 John Musto Jahmese Myres, LV, 06-07 Carly Myrtle Kathleen Naber John & Lucille Naughton Ines Negrete Lane Neubauer Malcolm Newman Cheri Newton Barbara Nichols Marty & Ann Nicholson Debbie & Joel Nickerson Charles Nied Sr. Brigid Noonan, OP Brenda Novak Desiree Novak Patricia Novak Teresa Nye Mike & Linda ODonnell Jessica Oei Takiyah Olatunbosun, LV, 98-00 Bro. Stephen Olert Richard O’Prey Maggie Ortiz Brian O’Shea Ivan Pagan Marie Pagliarini Lawrence & Gladys Palkert Siobhan Conway & GeorPallace Eileen Pargola Bro. Alan Parham, LV, 91-92 Donna & Eric Park Doriann Parker Elizabeth Patten Bethany Paul Nicole Payson The Peace & Justice Academy David & Christine Pearson Josh Pedersen Dr. Charles & ValeriePendley Elissa Ann Pensa Cristina Pentecostes Anayensi Perez Almanza Laurie Perrin David & Debra Perry Dustin Perry Dylan Perry, LV, 10-11 Mary-Elaine Perry Raymond Peterson Garrett Philbin, LV, 09-11 Michael Phipps Dan Pilkington Anthony & Susana Piscitiello, LV, 02-04 Jerry & Mary Poston Deanna Powell Bro. Patrick Power Erin Power Vance Powers Ashley Prevost Salvaggio, LV, 07-09 Gary Pritts, LV, 07-09 Sharon & A.J. Quay Annice & Bill Quilter Katie Quinton, LV, 09-10 Joan Ragon Salvatore Ragusa Gene Rahilly Marta Ramirez Bro. Bernard Rapp Barira Rashid Cyndy Ray Colleen Reasoner Kevin Regan Kristin Retzloff, LV, 07-09 Nicholas Reynolds Alisa Rhodes Irene Rienzi John Rienzi Perry Rienzi Fran Riley Alina Rivas, LV, 08-10 Katie Roach Paul & Amy Roberts, LV, 04-05 Kyle Robles Michelle Roccio Robert Rochelemagne Rockford Area Lutheran Ministries Amanda Rodela, LV, 09-11 James Rodemann Donald Roden Mary Rodgers Jennifer Rodriguez Bro. Richard Roller Jody Romag Nancy Roman Gena Romano Tom & Nancy Ronan Jan Rosch Michael Drohan & JoycRothermel Jessie Rouder Iris Rubinstein Teri Ruiz Kevin Banister & Amy Ruona, LV, 94-95 Mary Ruple Brittany Russo John & Karen Ryckman Alan Sage John & Dolores Salchert M.R. & R.M. Salchert Michael Salchert Gloria Sanchez Allison Sanders Steve & Ann Sanders Aileen Sargent Jim Schaefer The Scharlotte Family Lester & Jane Scheuermann Mary Scheuermann, LV, 03-04 Richard Schieler Chelsea Schmidt Michael & Annette Schmidt Amanda & Michael Schmitt Jane & Richard Schnyder Casey Schoeneberger Sheila Schraub Kelly Schreiber Eric Schultz Karl & Yvonne Schultz Mark Schultz John & Sophie Schutz Natalie Schutz Charles Schwetje Michael Scott Andy Sedia Jackie Seidl Trevor Serrao Richard & Mykel Severson Marshall Sharp, LV, 05-07 Brian Shaw Clifford Sheets Debra Sheets Barbara Sherman Michelle Sherman Richard & Theresa Sherry Robert Shifrin Robert & Rosemary Shoup Jean Silvia Ken Sinagra, Jr. Thomas Sinnott Stephen Skarbowski Bro. Kevin Slate Jo Slowik Catherine Smith Lee & Susan Smith William Sneeberger Richard Snider Phyllis Sobieralski Mary Helen Soucheray Katie Spahr Lynn Sparks Gregg & Kathy Spechtold Stephen Spiewak Edward Springer Msgr. Stanley Srnec St. Marie’s Builders, LLC St. Peter’s Church Nancy Staiber Bro. Kevin Stanton John Steger Shilo Stewart Eric Sticka Robert & Theresa Strauss Hugh Stringer Caitlin Sullivan Eileen Sullivan Frank & Nancy Sullivan Kathy Sullivan William & Colleen Sullivan Kelly Summons Don Sund Kathy Sutcliffe Rev. Marie Swayze Nathan Switzner Chris Symkowick-Rose Gosia Szymanski, LV, 10-11 Christina Tagal, LV, 04-06 Danielle Tamashiro Dorothy Tamashiro Cat Tanchanco Marcos Tanchanco Maria Tanchanco Betsy Tapia Kenneth & Martha Tavares Jaime Taylor Lauren Taylor Fred & Christine Thieman Mary Thole Bro. Robert Thomas Pamela Thomas Monica Thommes Nicole Thommes Duane Thornwall Corienne Thorpe John Thorpe Arun Thottumkara Jude Tiersma Watson David & Lucille Tobben Jody Tobin Nick & Hilary Tompkins David Toomey Loly Tor Dave Tovey Genna Toye Bob Trapp Sal Travaglino Katherine Trippe Brenna Trush Lauren Tucker Carolyn Tulba Matt Turner Hannah Ufnar Lauren Ugorji Keith & Joan Vaisnor Carmen Valenzuela Bro. George Van Grieken Frederick Vanhaaften Rick & Missy Vaughn Deana & Celestina Venturi Christina Verga Bro. John Vietoris Cheryl Villaruz Charlene Viola Thomas & Nancy Vitt Melissa Vlach, LV, 10-11 Rita & Mark Vogelpohl Sara Vogelpohl, LV, 06-08 Mary Volmer Paul Volpe Frank Wagner Jolleen Wagner, LV, 04-07 Anne Walker Colleen Walker John & Patricia Walker Kim & Bruce Walker Wes Walker Ann Cahill & Michael Walker Bro. James Wallace Kathy & Bill Wambach Becky Ward The Wardrick’s Idella Warren Melissa Wasacz, LV, 04-06 Teresa Weathersbee Barry Weaver John Weber Lisa Weil John & Helen Weinbrecht Kathy Weinkle Amy Weinzirl Bill Weiss Derek Weiss John & Ellen Weiss Mary & Michael Weiss T.F. Welander Marilyn Weleck, LV, 11-12 Sara Wells Philip Welsh Wayne Werner West Pottsgrove Elementary School Staff Joseph & Judith Whalen Richard & Lisa Whelan Seth & Lindsey Whetzel Keith White Patricia White The Whittemore’s Curtis & Louanne Whitton Amanda Wiese Robert & Mary Wiese Jennie Wigle John & Suzanne Wilcox Michal Wilczewski Goat Williammee Cheryl Williams Pamela Williams Janet Williamson Jerry Wilson Lisa Wilson James Winkle Dorothy Winslow Taryn Wirkus Laura Wisniewski John Woods Steven & Barbara Woods Bree Woods Howard, LV, 02-04 Xander Wroblewski Elaine Wu Melinda Wynne Xavier House Matthew Yates Mary Yonekawa Jackie Young, LV, 08-10 Patricia Young Phil Young Aggie & Danny Ypina Charles & Julie Zebley Kari Zimmerman Anthony Zinzi Paul & Monica Zobitz, LV, 96-97 The Zolriasatain Family Walter Zuba Marybeth Zuhlke Izzie Zuniga LasallianVolunteersUpdate•SPRING2012 4/24/12 7:59 AM EVENTS CALENDAR NEWS & EVENTS 2012 FSC Awards: Nominations We are now accepting nominations for the 2012 FSC Awards. This year’s reception will be held at Saint Mary’s College of California on Thursday, June 28, 2012. Nominees for 2012 awards must currently reside in the San Francisco or New Orleans-Santa Fe districts. A nomination form is at LasallianVolunteers.org and due by June 1, 2012. ThE JOhNsTON FAITh AWArd was named in honor of Brother John Johnston, FSC (1933-2007). Brother John was an avid supporter of the LVs, and made it a point to know what was happening with current volunteers, vocally supporting the service LVs provided in Christian Brothers ministries across the country, and meeting them whenever the chance arose. This award recognizes a supporter who has expressed or demonstrated great faith in the work of Lasallian Volunteers. ThE BAssEN sErVICE AWArd was named for Brother Christopher Bassen, FSC (1942-2006), who lived and breathed the Lasallian mission. He made his dream a reality by creating the Lasallian Educational Opportunities (L.E.O.) Center in Oakland, CA, which provides educational opportunities to underserved individuals. This award recognizes an alumnus of the Lasallian Volunteers who has continued a life of service since their volunteer years. ThE FArrELL COMMuNITy AWArd is named in honor of Brother Michael Farrell, FSC, (1940-2009), who lived in shared community with Lasallian Volunteers for 10 years. While living with LVs, Michael went out of his way to walk beside them, learn the intricacies of their stories and lives, and challenge their growth. All the while, Michael invited and expected LVs to do the same. This award recognizes a Christian Brother/Lasallian Partner who has lived in community with Lasallian Volunteers and who holds the community experience in high esteem. May | LVs Ride Documentary on DVD DVDs available for just $10 each May 24-27 | Debriefing Retreat The 2011-2012 LVs gather one final time as a group before completing their service year. La Salle Manor, Plano, IL June 28 | FSC Awards An special way to call the Lasallian family together to recognize the contributions of time, talent and treasure made to the Lasallian Volunteers over the years. Saint Mary’s College, Moraga, CA July 20-30 | Orientation The official kick-off to the new service year and the first gathering of the 2012-2013 Lasallian Volunteers. Lewis University, Romeoville, IL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Thanks to your efforts, we successfully raised $25,000 to reach our goal of matching the Alumni Legacy Challenge grant at the close of 2011.Your financial support of this program is very important to its success and the continued opportunity to future LVs and those they serve. We invite you to build on the momentum created in matching the Alumni Legacy Challenge grant. Join or renew your membership to Br. Ed’s Club! A donation in 2012 automatically enrolls or renews you as a member of Br. Ed’s Club, and sets you up to receive exclusive club benefits. JOIN Or reCOMMIT TO Br. edÕ S CLUB TOdAy, ANd LeArN MOre ABOUT The perkS By gOINg TO OUr weBSITe! of the Lasallian Volunteers SECURING THE FUTURE THRoUGH PLANNED GIVING Friends of the Lasallian Volunteers is a charitable corporation established to provide a fund for the long-term needs of Lasallian Volunteers. In addition to supporting today’s volunteers, Friends are encouraged to consider direct legacy gifts to ensure ongoing support for Lasallian Volunteers well into the future. Your gift will have a lasting impact on providing for the future of the program. 3 Ways to Become a Friend outright giFts | Wills & trusts | BeneFiciary designation For more information or to get started, contact Andrew Blythe at (202) 529-0047. Lasallian Volunteers Update • SPRING 2012 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 13 13 4/24/12 7:56 AM ALUMNINoTES ANNIE HARALA (’06-’08, La Salle HS, Yakima, WA & San Miguel School - Gary Comer Campus, Chicago, IL) is working for the Carlton – Cook – Lake and St. Louis County Community Health Board as the Northeast Minnesota Regional Coordinator for the Statewide Health Improvement Program, and in June she will finish a certificate in Pastoral and Biblical Leadership through Vineyard Leadership Institute. Annie loves living in Duluth, MN, misses her LV family and friends from her time of service, and welcomes any wayward LV alumni to visit the beautiful Northshore of Lake Superior with her! Send your updates to ptooher @cbconf.org VICkI kLINE (’05-’07, Holy Family Catholic Worker, Kansas City, Mo) has been splitting her time in the borderlands between being a hospice social worker and a humanitarian aid worker with No More Deaths in Nogales, AZ / Sonora, Mexico. This year she co-authored a report called “Culture of Cruelty,” about abuses of migrants in short-term Border Patrol custody. She presented the report throughout oaxaca and Mexico City, including at the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City. Vicki will also be participating in testifying at a hearing of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission in Washington, DC on the treatment of migrants. After three years, DENIS BLoCk (’07-’09, La Salle Academy, Philadelphia, PA) will be leaving the Mission and Ministry Center at Saint Mary’s College of California and moving back to Illinois. There, he’ll join the Retreat Staff at La Salle Manor in Plano, Illinois. CoNNIE HERNANDEZ (’08-’09, San Miguel School, Camden, NJ) graduated from her Masters program at Louisiana Tech in teaching blind students and will begin a job in Nebraska as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. kATIE BULSoN (’09-’10, De La Salle North Catholic HS, Portland, oR) is working at a new job in the Bronx, NY as an early intervention Service Coordinator, helping families secure services for their infants and toddlers with disabilities or developmental delays. JEN AND GEoFF HENGGELER (’04-’05, St. Frances Academy, Baltimore, MD) welcomed a baby boy, Simon Benedict Henggeler, on October 15, 2011. His older brother, John Francis, turned two on Groundhog Day 2012 and loves having a little brother around the house! Jen, Geoff and family reside in kansas City, Mo. RS LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 14 TEE 14 The inaugural LVAA Bracket Challenge was won by it’s namesake and long-time LV program supporter, BR. BRIAN HENDERSoN. Congrats to Br. Brian and all the others that joined in. The tournament began with 64 teams, and fittingly this year’s bracket challenge also featured 64 participants spanning alumni throughout the LVs’ history, Christian Brothers, LV staff members, and current Lasallian Volunteers. Named for Br. Brian Henderson, FSC (the annual facilitator of the LVs’ year-end Debriefing Retreat), the event was organized by LV alumni SCoTT BAIETTI (’08-’10, La Salle School, Albany, NY), kRISTEN CoRNICELLo VO (’05-’07, San Miguel School – Gary N L A Comer Campus, Chicago, IL), and JoHN DELLIPRISCoLI (’09-’11, San Miguel School, Tulsa, ok). Thanks to all who participated and we look forward to an even greater turnout next year! UN BRENT REMPE (04-05, De La Salle North Catholic HS, Portland, oR) graduated with a Masters of Art in organizational Dynamics from the University of oklahoma – Tulsa. Since November, he has worked for the Carrera Program at the Community Service Council of Greater Tulsa to teach financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurial skills to 220 of Union Public Schools’ “at-promise” sixth grade students. His time at De La Salle North Catholic and Cristo Rey kansas City High Schools as a Corporate Internship Program Coordinator continues to influence him each day. Brent also serves as a Tulsa Young Professionals (TYPros) Board Intern for the San Miguel School of Tulsa. CoLLEEN FRIEL (’10-’11, Roncalli HS & St. Francis Parish, Manitowoc, WI) accepted a new job as the Co-Coordinator of Religious Education at St. Steven’s Parish in Sun Lakes, AZ beginning on April 16, 2012. I MARI ANZICEk (’07-’09, Christian Brothers Spiritual Center & West Philadelphia Catholic HS, Philadelphia, PA) and JANET SoLIS (’07-’09, Highbridge Community Life Center, Bronx, NY) recently traveled to Palestine and had the pleasure of visiting Bethlehem University. They had an amazing trip, loved their visit to Bethlehem, and even happened to cross paths with Brother Álvaro Echeverría, Superior General of the Christian Brothers. ELIZABETH BARR (’10-’11, De La Salle North Catholic HS, Portland, oR) was recently hired as the Assistant to the Principal at Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School. As an LV, Liz served as a Campus Minister at the Cristo Rey-model high school in Portland, OR. LL TRISHA REICHENBERGER (’98-’02, San Miguel School, Providence, RI) is presently designing a theater from the ground up for her school, St. Mary Central in Neenah, WI. Trish adds, “I will then be running it and scheduling anything that we do there. It is extremely exciting to be part of the planning of such a huge facility. I am presently teaching HS math and love being a teacher. It wouldn’t have happened without the Brothers and the LV program. I was pre-med and just using the volunteer experience to take a year off. Who knew that God had a ToTALLY different plan for me?” ANToNY EDDY (’09-’10, St. Frances Academy, Baltimore, MD) has been offered a full-time teaching position at Memphis University School, a local high school. In addition, he is also running an inschool Math and Science tutoring program, teaching two classes of Algebra I and coaching the JV soccer team. No marriages in the future, but he does still plan on applying for Medical School. LASA LV alumni came together last summer for the wedding of JP Schultz and his wife, Sara. Pictured are: kENDALL (MARSDEN) GRANT (‘06-‘08, Holy Family Catholic Worker, Kansas City, MO), ANNIE HARALA, Sara Schultz, JP SCHULTZ (‘06-’07, La Salle HS, Yakima, WA) and Chris Grant. Lasallian Volunteers Update • SPRING 2012 4/24/12 7:56 AM LV SNAPSHoTS LVs gather for Mass during Midyear Retreat LV Mark Barry helps a student with a science experiment Students celebrate 100th day of school with LV Amy Lamparelli LVs krysia kustra and kristen Crone, along with Brother Anthony Lenz, prepare lasagna for LEo Center LVs gather in the lodge for prayer during Midyear Retreat at Brant Lake, NY MISSIoN The Lasallian Volunteers (a program of the De La Brothers of the Christian Schools Region of North America) provides dedicated, well-trained volunteers for one or more years of service to schools and agencies of the Brothers whose mission is to serve the poor. Acting out of Faith, rooted in the Gospel, and sharing community with the Brothers and other Lasallians, the volunteers empower the poor by personalized service primarily through education. Lasallian Volunteers change the world for the better and discover themselves transformed in the process. LV Staff District Contacts Jolleen Wagner, 04-07 District of Eastern North America Br. James Martino Director kimberly Williams Associate Director Andrew Blythe Director of Development Zac Ufnar, 07-09 Coordinator of Recruitment Peter Tooher Program Coordinator Br. Ed Phelan Progam & Community Associate Jim Ruck, 95-96 Development Volunteer Director of Administration Eatontown, NJ Midwest District Br. Stephen Markham Director of Vocation Ministry, Midwest District Burr Ridge, IL New OrleansSanta Fe District Br. Tim Coldwell Provincial New orleans, LA WoULD YoU LIkE To REACH oVER 4,000 LASALLIANS? San Francisco District Heather Ruple, 01-03 Director of Lasallian Student Programs, San Francisco District, Napa, CA Advisory Board Br. Ray Blixt Executive Director of B&M Lasallian Consultants Br. Stephen Markham William Phillips Director of Vocation Ministry, Midwest District Burr Ridge, IL President of William H. Phillips and Company, LLC Washington, DC JD Lanigan, 93-95 Director of Lasallian Student Programs, San Francisco District, Napa, CA Marilyn Paquette, 99-01 Nicole Rohling Vicky and John Cornicello Dean of Women, Justin-Siena High School, Napa, CA Parents of Former LV Lynbrook, NY Br. Ed Phelan Tom Darnowski Heather Ruple, 01-03 Partner, Performance Consulting International New York, NY Emeritus Member Bronx, NY Associate Director, Catholic Volunteer Network Takoma Park, MD Christi Wolesky, 94-96 LV Alumna Corona, CA Director of Quality Assurance and Compliance, Martin De Porres School, Springfield Gardens, NY Would you like to reach over 4,000 with your information about your school, organization or business? Please contact the Lasallian Volunteers at (202) 529-0047 to discuss sponsorship opportunities for the next newsletter. Lasallian Volunteers Update • SPRING 2012 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 15 15 4/24/12 7:56 AM $10 UDES INCL ING SHIPP DOCUMENTARY ON DVD ORDER ONLINE @ www.LVsRIDE.com Own a piece of Lasallian Volunteers history! In June 2011, cyclists set out for a 2-month journey from Oregon to New Jersey with hopes to raise awareness of poverty and education in America. They were joined by volunteer filmmaker Nishant Gogna, who captured the trip on camera and, with the help of Al Cassidy, produced this 37-minute documentary chronicling the amazing spirit and energy a small group of individuals can carry to others. gET YOUR COpY TODAY! E! RECY E C YCL !R E ME! R EC M CL E A MUST HAVE FOR ALL LASALLIANS, INDIVIDUALS, SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, FRIENDS & MORE! Y C L E ME Call us at (202) 529.0047 www.LasallianVolunteers.org ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Lasallian Volunteers is a program of the De La Salle Christian Brothers Lasallian Region of North America Hecker Center, Suite 300 3025 Fourth Street NE Washington, DC 20017 LVNews-Spring-2012.indd 16 4/24/12 7:56 AM
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