Brief history IPv6 part I •

Brief history
IPv6 part I
Section 4.3.5 in the textbook
• Used to be IPng (“IP next generation”)
• Discussion started getting serious in the
early 1990s
• People want to fix the problems with
IPv4, especially address allocation!
Why not IPv5?
• In 1979, an experimental network protocol
What’s wrong with IPv4
Address allocation is the
biggest problem
was devised to handle virtual circuit type
stuff over Internet infrastructure
• It was, at the time, assigned version “5”
• No one uses it
• The more recent VC stuff we’ve talked
Not enough
Allocated poorly
about (e.g., ATM) does it better
Hard to route
Routers actually have
unnecessary work to do
32 bits
128 bits
32 bits
128 bits
~4 billion
~4 billion
1 per human
1 quadrillion per
millisecond per
human during
their life
1 per human
1 quadrillion per
millisecond per
human during
their life
Address size
32 bits
128 bits
Address size
32 bits
128 bits
Address space
~4 billion
Address space
~4 billion
1 per human
1 quadrillion per
millisecond per
human during
their life
addresses for...
1 per human
1 quadrillion per
millisecond per
human during
their life
First things first
• IPv6 addresses are written in hexadecimal
• Separated by colons instead of dots
• Grouped by double-bytes instead of
• Leading zeroes are omitted
• Groups of zeroes are omitted (only
Address size
First things first
• 2004:0700:0000:0000:0002:1e3a:980e:6400
• written as 2004:700::2:1e3a:980e:6400
• We still use CIDR notation for blocks of
• E.g., 2004:700::/16
IPv6 addresses
• Each address starts with a “format prefix”
• 0000 0000::/8 is “special addresses”
• 1111 1110 10::/10 is “link local”
• 1111 1110 11::/10 is “site local”
• 1111 1111::/8 is multicast
• 001::/3 is global unicast
• Everything else is reserved right now
IPv6 view of things
IPv6 view of things
IPv6 view of things
IPv6 view of things
IPv6 view of things
Unicast addresses
• 48-bit “prefix”
• 16-bit “subnet ID”
• 64-bit “interface ID”
• The last 64 bits should actually be
globally unique! Woah!
• Why do we need the first 64 bits then?
Building an interface ID
Building an interface ID
• Ethernet is the easiest
• Take your 48-bit MAC address
• E.g., 00-19-e3-43-41-74
• The first 3 octets are a “organizational
unique ID” (or “company ID”). Insert ff fe
after those
• E.g., 00-19-e3-ff-fe-43-41-74
Now what?
• What if we’re not using Ethernet?
If an IEEE global identifier (EUI-48 or EUI-64) is
available anywhere on the node, it should be used to
construct the tentative Interface-Identifier due to its
uniqueness properties.
If an IEEE global identifier is not available a different
source of uniqueness should be used. Suggested sources of
uniqueness include link-layer addresses, machine serial
numbers, et cetera.
If a good source of uniqueness cannot be found, it
is recommended that a random number be generated.
• The interface ID gives us a unique address
at the link level at least (theoretically a
globally unique address as well) and hence
also the node level
• IPv6 allows us to make up our “link local
address”. Cool!
• In the last 2 cases, bit 7 must be set to 0
Acquiring more
Be gone, DHCP!
• Using the example before, our interface ID is
• IPv6 allows you to acquire a global unicast
• 1111 1110 10::/10 is a link local prefix
• Mash the two together to get
• Why would we want to do this?
• DHCP requires state (lease times,
fe80::19:e3ff:fe43:4174 to get our IPv6 address
• This actually a valid address!
• We only exist at the link level (or site level if
we use fe81 instead of fe80)
address without any DHCP server
mappings between link layer and network
• State requires complex routers/servers
Be gone, DHCP!
Solicited node address
• Before we can get our global unicast
• What if someone wants to send something
address, we need to use our third address
that we get by magic, the solicited node
• IPv6 removes the need for ARP (mapping
between MAC address and IP address) at
every level of routing!
Towards multicasting
• ff02::1:ff43:4174 is a multicast address!
• How do we (or how does a router
know)? 1111 1111::/8 (everything
starting with ff) is multicast
• Multicast addresses are very particularly
formatted in IPv6
Solicited node
ff02::1: ff43:4174 — we know it’s a pre-defined
multicast group at the link level
• The “1” by its lonesome tells us this is a
“solicited node” multicast group
The router will send this to the (unique!)
host with interface ID ending in 43:7174
• Link level addressing at the network layer!
to us at the link layer?
• Take the last three octets of your link
local address (fe80::19:e3ff:fe43:4174
becomes 43:4174)
• Append ff02:0:0:0:0:1:ff00:: to get
Anatomy of a multicast
• 8-bit Format Prefix (“ff”)
• 4-bit flags (right now, 0 = pre-defined, 1 =
• 4-bit scope identifier (1 is node, 2 is link, 5 is site,
e is global)
• 112-bit multicast group identifier
• ff02 tells us “pre-defined group at the link level”
Solicited node and trust
• How do we know there’s only one host on our
network with that ID? A little trust is needed
• When we come on the network, we do a
“uniqueness” test
• After we generate our link level IPv6 address,
we use the Neighbour Discovery (ND)
protocol over ICMPv6 to determine if
someone with that address is already on the
Getting our global
unicast address
• Once we know we’re unique, we find our
Getting our global
unicast address
• The subnet ID is a /64 which is common to
the entire network
• We also use ND over ICMPv6 here
• Piecing together the subnet ID and the
feels like it (in practice everyone does.
• The router isn’t required to remember
• Our router can implement DHCPv6 if it
• Or! It can just tell us the subnet ID!
More on multicast
• ff02::1:ffxx:xxxx is one “pre-defined”
multicast group we’ve seen already
• ff01::/8 is really boring. ff02::/8 is a subset of
ff03::/8 below
• ff03::1 is every host; ff03::2 is every router
ff03::fb is an experiment called mDNS
(multilink DNS)
What about not
predefined multicast?
• The “temporary” multicast group can be set to 1
• E.g., ff15::3 is a multicast group #3 at the site level
• What’s it for? Who knows
• Same problems we already discussed with
multicast. You need something out of band to assign
meaning to this multicast groups and who’s in them
and who’s not
interface ID will give us a complete 128-bit
anything (i.e., state) beyond its own subnet
Variable-scope predefined multilink groups
• “Variable-scope” in that any 4-bit scope is
valid (e.g., ff0x::fb is valid for any 4-bit
• ff0x::101 is NTP
• ff0x::118 is Microsoft Directory Service
• ff0x::12b is X Display
• Anycasting is weird
• No one really uses it currently
• An anycast address looks exactly like a
unicast address
• Uh oh. This is trouble for the router
• Idea: someone wants to connect to your
• Currently load balancing is done primarily
webserver, they connect to an anycast
at the DNS level
• Looking up “” well give you
• Your router will redirect the packet to
any one of many hosts that are assigned
to that anycast group
a different IP every time you look it up
• Doesn’t this already exist? Load balancing?
• Each IP still takes you to a particular host
• Easy to DoS a host
Special addresses
A router’s life
• ::/128 — “unspecified address”, must never
be used for any host
• ::ffff:0:0/96 — IPv4 address space (more on
• No more
checksumming at the
network level
::1/128 — loopback (127.x.x.x)
this later!)
• No more
fragmenting at the
network level (sort
• fc00::/7 — unique local address, used for
things which aren’t actually on the Internet
• IPv4 had a checksum field
• IPv6 does not
• IPv4 checksum almost never caught any errors
• The TCP checksum catches what the IP
checksum does
Error detection is done at the link level
Checksumming in IPv4
A calculates link layer
A sends frame to B
B verifies network layer
B verifies link layer
B decrements TTL and
regenerates the
network layer
B calculates link layer
checksum and the
process starts again
Checksumming in IPv6
A calculates link layer
A sends frame to B
B calculates link layer
checksum and the
process starts again
B verifies link layer
• ICMPv6 is much like ICMP, but there is one
important new error message: “Packet too
• A host now has two choices
• Keep packets to 1280 bytes
• Ask the network the maximum packet
• Routers in IPv6 are now prohibited from
fragmenting or assembling packets
• This makes life easy (for the router)
• Two problems:
• What if a router gets a packet that’s too big?
• How do we make sure our packets aren’t too
Binary search!
let min = 1280 bytes
let max = 50 gajillion bytes
while max - min ! threshhold
let len = (max + min) / 2
send packet of length len
case response of
Packet Too Large: max := len
Success!: min := len
“50 gajillion”?
• IPv6 (like IPv4) has a 16-bit length field
• Certainly we can’t send a packet larger than
65535 bytes!
• There’s a standard (optional on routers) for
• Set the 16-bit length to 0 and you can supply
a 32-bit length
• Routers are only required to handle up to 1280
QoS in IPv6
• IPv4 had the concept of “priority” in its
• 8 bits. 3 gave a “precedence” value and 4
gave hints for maximizing/minimizing
delay, throughput, reliability and monetary
cost, respectively
• These aren’t used very often
QoS in IPv6
• IPv6 keeps the 8-bit priority field and adds
a 20-bit “flow control” field
• Idea: pay in advance (or set up some payper-use system) where you can pay for
packets to get guaranteed latency,
guaranteed bandwidth, etc.
From Wikipedia
IPv6 Header (Cont)
Priority: identify priority among datagrams in flow
Flow Label: identify datagrams in same “flow.”
(concept of“flow” not well defined).
Next header: identify upper layer protocol for data