Document 247838

by Greta Truscott*
recovery ald running performance whereby it:
- Improves circulation and therefore the nuuiA good therapeuticsportsmassagecan
tion and orygen availability to muscleswhich
be a greatadditionto your recovery
are needed for efficient function (aswell as to
programand your bodyt physical
repair'worn ouC or damagedtissues)
healthand maintenance.
- Stimulates the lyrnphatic and circulatory systems to faciliate the removal of toxins, waste
S a runner and a sportsmassagedrerapist,
and other metabolic by-products
I am well aware of the benefits of mas- - Alleviates muscle spasmand nerve irritation
for runners. Coaches,high profile - Breals down adhesionsand scar tissue
athletes and sports practitioners often encourage - Acceleratesrecovery causedby fatigue
us to gei regular massageand in the December - Improves the range of motion and shock
issueof R4YL, BenitaJohnsonoudined a holistic
absorption capabilities of the muscles, which
approach to recovery detailing a good range of
in turn helps you to work more efficiendy and
methods, massageinduded. It is imporanr for
reducesthe risk ofinjury
you to work out which set of recovery methods - Stimulates the central nervous qzstemso that
will be most usefi.rl and viable for you, and to
t-he affects reach other areasofrhe body and
make these a regular and effective pan of your
provide pain relief
rccovery routine.
- Provides relaxation and relieves stress,which
is imponant for good recovery. Excessstress
Why do runners need good
and insufficient rest hampers recovery and
can make you vu.lnerable to fatigue, illness
To complete all the sessionson theh program
or injury. For example, high amounts of
effeccively,it is essentialfor runners to maintain
stressc:rn causeincreasedlevels ofhormones
adequate phpical recovery between sessionsand
including adrenaline (whereby the q'rnparaces.It alsoallows runners to properly preparefor
thetic nervous system or 'ffght or flighC'
a race.The key to gening the best out ofyourself
response is more switched on) and cordand achieving your running goalsis being able to
sol (also releasedduring stressfi.rlsituations).
consistendy train and race, and this is aided by
High levelsof thesehormones sruse the body
being able to recoverquickly and prevent injury.
to be more stimulated for action rather than
recovery.Excessamounts of cortisol can also
What is sports massage?
inhibit the action of the immune system.
Sports massage therapy utilises deep tisTherefore it is important to switch on the
sue remedial massagetechniques which firsdy
body for action when required and switch off
relax and warm the musdes, then unknot and
or restadequatelyin betweenactivities.
ery program wisely. Schedule your massageswell
lengthen them. Sports massage also includes
in advanceto avoid putting them offdue to busy
joint mobilisations, stretching and strengthening Could you benefit from a
schedulesofeither yourselfor the therapist.
techniques to free up joints, strengthen weak massage?
Finally, if you find that you are having difmusclesand improve flexibility. Also, sports masMore time and investment into your health ficulry recovering or avoiding injuries, I would
sagetreats and assistsin the prevention ofspecific
and recovery can make a world of difference to encourage that you look into regular massage.
sports related conditions or injuries, such as ten- your running, but it does take extra organisation Your massagetherapist can also recommend that
donitis, muscle strains and sprains, shin splina
and planning. Firsdy, it is imporant to find the you consult other health practitioners where
and plantar fasciitis.
right massagetherapist for you. Ask your coach, required, like a physiodrerapist, sports doctor or
club or fellow runners who they recommend podiatrist. I personally find that with my weekly
What causesmuscle
or refer to a MassageAssociation, such as the running program, which consists of 90km each
Association of MassageTherapisa Limited, to week (3 speed sessions,3 interim runs, 1 long
Some of the reasons why you may have ensure the therapist is a qualified professional. run, 2 suength sessionsand undenaking conspecific muscle soreness include micro tears, Secondly, work out the right frequency for you. stant physical work), I benefit from a regular
tighmess, adhesions,spasms,lack of nutrients or The frequency of massageswill depend on how formighdy sports massage.
oxygen, build up ofwaste products, pain recep- well you recover, regardlessof how much traintor stimulation and nerve irritation. This can ing you do or what level you are at. However, When is the best time to
cause inefficient muscle function and restricted the more speed work, mileage and running on
have a deep tissud spofts
movement and therefore limit the effectiveness hard surfacesyou do the more taxing this will be massage?
on your body and therefore the more massage
ofyour training.
Many runners prefer to have a deep tissue
you may need. You could find that you need a massageto work out considerable muscle stiF
What are some of the
massageweekly, fonnighdy or monthly if you
nessand sorenessafter the daily sessionhas been
choose to make massagea regular part of your
benefits of sports massage?
completed. However, runners do not usually
The pu5poseof sports massageis to enhance recovery program. Thirdly, organise yorr recov- have a deep massagethe day before a race as
25 | nux FoRYouRLIFE
:.-\r'..:''' tlorn breaking down adhesionsand
iLj:; c,rntake24-48 hoursfollowingthe deep
::.ifi.lgc'.I could safelvsay r-rotto have a deep
::.:.j\.lgcinside2-3 days of racing.Having said
:ir::. iome runnersmay requiredeeptissuework
:,,:.r firrrticularareainsidethis period.If unsure,
: .;ussrhis furtherwith your massage
What sort of massage do
runners tend to have?
Maintenance massagetendsto be used
:r- .: .ornmonlyby runnersto aid recovery
.: ... - . ,..-,.-,,.;^
-^ . ,^
. . 11,' esJsn ex ls t lngI nlur y
r( )auur
I rc\cnu u,lt)r
often includesthe full
- ::.. :;ep tissuemassage
lou.erlimbs). For example,sufficient
;,:,, .,-:r.1
. - ,.:. .l'in :rlro tatio nis r equir edt o c ount er ac t
: . . . - : r.rri.ndu ring r ut t ninggait .I f t he bac k
, ' - . .rl.l.rq irdlea ret ight .r hisc an im pedean
::- ;.;:r: rr,Lnning
sryleand alsolimit full breath.:::. T:. rher:rpistwill alwaysbe guided by you
.:.-.. :hr ,rre:rsvou think most need addressing
,:'.: ::.= f rc\\ureof rhe rechniqueuou prefer.
T:- :lr.rintenance
tendsto be of 1 to I
I/z hours duration.
Pre-event massagecanbe usedrightup
I'm sure youll find regularsports massageto
be a useful addition to your recoveryprcgram.
\)fith long term application it can have a major
impact on your performanceand en.joymentof
the sport.
until before a race and can even be r.nedas an
addition to the warm up. The intensiryof this
is light to medium, using brisk,
rype of massage
floiving rype strokes to heat and mobilise the
muscles(including hamstrings,calves,quadri- REFERENCES
1. Hendrickson, T. Massagefor Orthopaedic
cepsand back). The pre-eventmassagetends to
Conditions. 2003. Lippincott \Williams &
be of 20-30 minutesdurationor even5-10 min\X/ilkins,
utes if done in the warm up belore a race.
Post-event massage is a lantasticrvay 2. Marieb, E.N. & Mallat, J. Human Anatoml.
l992.The Benjamen/ Cummir.rgsPublishing
to reco\.erfollowing a race and can be utilised
Company, Inc, California.
immediately following the event, or preferablv
within 24 hours. This type of massageis usualll' 3. Benjamen, PJ. & Lamp, S.P. Understanding
nor asdeepasrhe regularmaintenance
Sporx Massage. 1996. Human Kinetics,
nor asintenseasthe pre-eventmassage.
the depth of pressureand rype of techniquewill
depend on the level of sorenessor condition *Greta Tiuscott,
of the runner. This massageis used to alleviate Dip. Rem.Maswge,B.App.Sc.Occ. Therapl
delal'ed onset muscle soreness(DOMS). You Reg.with Assoc.of MassageTherapistsLimited
often seethis rype of massageat the finish line Rejoov:SportsMassage& Fitness
(Randwick NS\fil
afterlongeror big eventssuchasCiry to Sur[ Mt
tVilson to Bilpin and Ironman races.The post- Mobile: 0419 021 694
Email: [email protected]
tendsto last20-30 minutes.