George Horticulturist “We’ve decided to give most of our places to Work Ready Vanuatu. We find the Vanuatu worker to be a motivated, consistent and reliable worker. And as well as that they’ve become like part of our family. We really enjoy having them around. There’s none better.” Kylie Seasonal Employment Manager “I’ve been working with Ni-Vanuatu for a number of years now and have gotten to know many of them here in NZ and back in Vanuatu. I’ve personally travelled to Vanuatu to oversee the selection process and as a result feel that we know exactly what we want and how to get it. I am really pleased with our decision to run with Work Ready Vanuatu. They’ve become a great asset to our kiwifruit business.” Vanuatu is a foundation member of the Australian PSWPS (Pacific Seasonal Work Pilot Scheme) and New Zealand RSE (Recognised Seasonal Employer) Scheme. Under these schemes Australian and New Zealand employers are able to apply to recruit Ni-Vanuatu, the people of Vanuatu, for seasonal work in their orchards, pack houses and vineyards. Work Ready Vanuatu has built an excellent reputation within the two schemes, being the most popular provider of workers into the New Zealand scheme and making good steady progress in the Australian scheme. If you have need of seasonal workers in your business you should seriously consider meeting your seasonal workforce requirements with a team of hard-working, willing and capable Ni-Vanuatu seasonal workers. Why YOU should seriously consider Work Ready Vanuatu, the Vanuatu Seasonal Workforce: Vanuatu seasonal workers are highly praised among employers for their excellent work attitudes, their willingness to work hard and their flexibility when it comes to performing a variety of tasks from picking through to pruning, sorting and other more technical operations. • They are team workers who work under a recognised team leader and work well with others. • Their communication skills are good. • They like to learn new tasks and master them quickly. find that you Most importantly you’ll kers on your enjoy having Vanuatu wor y, outgoing site as they are friendl work people who enjoy their happy and e itiv pos a and create y go! the er rev atmosphere whe Happy to Work Hard For You Clive Production Manager “We source workers from all over the Pacific Region and have done for many years. In recent years we’ve moved a lot of our selection to Vanuatu and I’ve gotten the process down to a fine art. I would like to say how helpful I’ve found the Work Ready Vanuatu team. Seasonal workforce planning used to be a real challenge for us and it’s now so much easier. Going up to Vanuatu to recruit is one of those jobs I actually look forward to.” Physically Capable Ni-Vanuatu are usually physically strong, fit people of medium build. They are typically not as tall as their Polynesian cousins but are known for being agile and athletic which is very important if your business requires a range of capabilities over and above just physical lifting and carrying. Previous and current employers have found that they are very flexible and adapt quickly to new tasks. Returnee employees develop very high skill levels in a variety of tasks and thus are excellent to get back year after year. Reliable, Consistent Productivity Employers find that Vanuatu seasonal workers are fit and motivated people, prepared to work on a variety of tasks, and that they are consistently productive ie. able to produce extended periods of good quality output with minimal interruptions. Whether you require picking or packing or pruning or any other of the hundreds of tasks on your site you will find that Ni-Vanuatu get “stuck-in” adapt quickly and perform to a high standard very quickly compared with other more traditional itinerant and holiday workers. Confident with a Variety of Produce Employers sometimes report that itinerant workers can’t always be relied upon to do good quality work in all situations. Work Ready Vanuatu has a reputation that extends right across the horticulture and viticulture mix as a provider of reliable, agile and dexterous workers. They are known for working productively with grapes, berries, kiwifruit, asparagus, citrus and stonefruit and are highly regarded for working quickly and efficiently as well as taking very good care of the fruit, vines, plants and equipment. Good Communication Skills. Literate and Numerate Many Ni-Vanuatu are fluent in a number of languages including their own national language Bislama as well as English which is commonly used as well as their own local dialect. They are enthusiastic to learn and are generally regarded as resourceful people. Employers find that they cope well with the general literacy and numeracy requirements on an orchard or in a packhouse. , Nguna anglang t U : e g illa o Home V ral Otag n: Cent a Jocy it io R g : e e R m Na ing ots, nd Pack s, Apric icking a P : s ie t Cherrie : Du s w o r in g ey work pes Farm th , and Gra s m lu P 08 and , ne ince 20 s Nectari a r d xan ildren Communal Spirit Ni-Vanuatu have a reputation as friendly, communal people who are loyal to their work colleagues and employers. The Vanuatu Government and its agents aim to approve candidates based on a number of criteria with respect to health and good character. The recommended practice of recruiting workers from an area under an experienced leader where possible also ensures a higher degree of social cohesion for the employer. Goal Oriented Most Ni-Vanuatu who sign up for the seasonal worker programme do so with a clear set of goals. Workers are typically leaving their families and communities for a number of months so that they can save money towards an important goal such as building a new home; starting a small business; funding their children’s education or something for their community. Employers have commented on this high degree of motivation as being a real asset for Vanuatu seasonal workers being of benefit to the workers themselves, their communities and the employers. h le many c ing to A e have en com e W b . e ls v il so the ew sk " We ha we live, lot of n where a y t e n n big o r a ake m a very have le ult to m s made ic a f h if d d rk n is eala l to Wo and it New Z ratefu g in y n r r e a v for are we e cheme money ily. We Work S our fam l r o a f n o ." e s y c n e Sea r famil differe and th r for ou u e t t a t u e n b Va ings Ready ake th ity to m n u t r o p the op Affordable Flights Given Vanuatu’s proximity to Australia and New Zealand and the variety of airlines servicing Vanuatu, it is relatively affordable to visit Vanuatu yourself and to bring workers in from Vanuatu. Visiting the village where your workers come from isn’t necessary but it is a lot of fun and gives you a great footing on which to start your relationship. It will give you a much greater insight into Vanuatu communal and village culture and assist you to maximise the value of your relationship with your workers. Name: D avid Kalk oa Ho me Villa Savings : For the ge: Utan lang, Ng four mo he saved una n ths he w more th orked in an 300,0 N Z , 00 vatu “I have a w With the mife and three daug last two se oney I have earn hters. purchase a asons I have been ed in the my wife s b n electric sewing m able to work m’oreusiness and she can achine for now quick successful lyin and be even more her busines s!” “I’m interested in finding out more about Work Ready Vanuatu. What do I do NOW?” A Variety of Recruitment Methods Seasonal Workers can be recruited via a number of methods. Once you have registered with the relevant government body in your home country you can either: A. Source your workers through an approved employer ie they recruit and contract to you B. Recruit through an ESU-approved agent in Vanuatu C. Become an Approved Employer and then recruit directly. This is an excellent option once you have established some good relationships in Vanuatu. * If you are already approved to employ seasonal workers within the RSE or PSWPS then you should contact: Vanuatu Dept of Labour Employment Services Unit Tarisu Kailes Tel: +67 8 226 10 Email: [email protected] Christine Wabaiat Tel: +67 829 937 Email: [email protected] or visit * If you still need to register with your Aroha HR Manager “We just find that Vanuatu workers are great all rounders who have an excellent work ethic and are great fun to have around.” home country then you should contact the Vanuatu DOL just to register your interest in finding out more and then contact your home country responsible government body: New Zealand Employers New Zealand Dept of Labour RSE Unit, PO Box 3705, Wellington Email: [email protected] Tel: +64 4 915 4400 or visit initiativesstrategy/rse/index.asp Katherine Pack House Manager New Zealand High Commission Vanuatu Tel: +67 822 933 Fax: +67 822 518 Email: [email protected] Australian Employers Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Pacific Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme Information Line: +61 2 6240 5234 Email: [email protected] or visit “In the pack house we have lots of people from all over the world. They are mainly here earning some money while they are having their big overseas travel experience. The people from Vanuatu are very good to have in the pack house because they work very hard and get along well with all the other workers. Because they are here for a few months and come back year after year they are very reliable workers and you can trust them to do a good job.” You will be guided through the process from start to finish and you’ll soon be welcoming your first group of Vanuatu Seasonal Workers onto your site. Brochure design and production by [email protected] - please contact for further reprints. bae bulu, Am e: Vinam m o H kaging a Takoro and pac Jimly Vir g in n in h Name: ,t Pruning Picking, Duties: gs son : Hastin Region cond sea y se ill be m work is hard w r a e y e is “Th w Zealand. Th and I am g e in an in N interest ich I c but veryany new skills wh with my m e learning y son and shar I have teach m ith my savings reezer and village. 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