WHYI}O CERTAIN ELTIVIENTS LINKUPTf, FORMCOMPOUNIIS 20 ".(i r, ti'r ff\u lt-Y :nrortn 0u a t AIM lwhv do certain elemenis O compounds? folm to up 20 I tittt electron sbells' you can about know you that Now atoms link up' understand more about why full' outer shells that are not Atoms that link up have o' iotittg the outer-ring elecThe atoms link up by gaining g electrons is needed' trons. A total of outer-iirrg 7 outer-ring'electrons For example, an atom-with with an atom with 1 outerwill form;;;;;"d page123'] [see Figure A' ring electrl;j;'l;;81' electrons will link An atom with 6 outer-ring with- 2 outer-ring electrons' up with "olto* Figur e B' Page124' 1 [6 + 2 : a l .- lG electrons tells us if an atom The number of outer-ring thon 4 Atom" o1 mttols hove f ewer more -ti"g is a metal or nonmetal' Atoms of nonmetols hove electrons i., tnJ ou't"t r lng' th o n 4 e l e ctro n sin the outer lend" electr ons ' pounds' m etals ""lend" Wh e n fo rming com r -^-^-i\ nnrnnnund compound has at least one A electrons' "borrow" Nonmetals metal and one nonmetal' M E T A I l I I i ECTRONS with anv other eiements' Some atoms do not link uP '*-ittt another kind of combine And not every atom that con atom' *ill .o*bine with the other ;l;; i ---4fl*> t 122 Study thr about rwo compounds is given below' DRAWTNGA InJormation4ud then iook it the drawing of each compound information COMPOUND Trv to answer the questionsabout each compound' ,, the compound sodium chlorici i. sodium (Na) and chlorine (cl) link up to form tNaCl). This is table salt. CHLONINE(CI) SODIUM [Na] Atomic number = 11 Atomic weigbt = 23 Protons : 11 Neutrons = 12 Electrons = 11 K :2eL :8eM=1e- Atomic number: 17 Atomic weight = 35 Protons = 17 Neutrons = 18 Electrons : 17 K =2eL = 8eM: 7e' M= le L=8cK=2c 1 I 1. , have? a) How many outer-ring electrons does sodium b) Is the outer shell full? c) Is sodium a metal or a nonmetal? have? a) How many outer-ring electronsdoes chlorine b) Is this a full outershell? c) Is chlorine a metal or a nonmetal? a) sodium and chlorine have Altogether, how many outer'ring electrons do (Countthem.) b) Together, do they make a full shell? 12 4. Which atom is the eiectron "lender"? 5. How many elecbons are lent? 6. Which atom borrows the eiectron? a How many electrons are borrowedl 8. What is formed, a mixture or a compound? 9. When sodium and chlorine link up, do their properties change? II. Calcium and orygen ioin to forrn the compound calcium oxide (CaO). CALCIUM (Ca) Atomic number = 20 Atomic weight: +0 Protons = 20 Neubons: 20 Electrons = 20 1 . a) r24 K:ZeL :8eM = BeN=2e- o oxrGEN(o) Atomic number = 8 Atomic rveight = t6 Protons : B Neutrons: 8 Electrons = 8 How many outer-ring electronsdoes calcium have? b) Is the outer ring full? c) Is calcium a metal or nonmetal? K = 2eL = 6e- I .j > -' * t 2. a) How many outer-ringelectronsdoesox-vgenhave? b) ls this a iull shell? c ) i s o x y g e na m e t a l o r a n o n m e t a l ? L 3. a) Altogether,how many outer-ring electrons do calcium and orygen have? ** (Countthem.) .J b) Together,do they make a full shell? I F 4. Which atom lends elecbons? t- :' 5. How many electrons are lent? 6. Which atom borrows the electrons? 7. How manv electrons are bomowed? 8. What is formed, a mixture or a compound? 9. When calcium and ox1'genlink up, do their propertieschange? 1. .Vfetoishave fewer thon 4 electrons in the outer ring. Remember: 2 . N o n m e t o J sh a v e m o r e t h o n J e l e c t r o n si n t h e o u t e r r i n g . 3. \letals lend electrons. 4. Nonmetals borrorv electrons. 5. .\ total of B shored outer-rinq electronsare needed to make a comoound. ' ; choice in the space. 1. A compound is formed when outer-ring electrons 2. A compound needs a total of 2.8 separate.link up outer-ring electrons. I2 r lr trt Ir .t' {: r. 3. The outer-riag elecfons of a compound come from oDOatom. two ot mor€ different atoms The outer rine of a metal has 4. fewer, more Metals 5. electrons. lend, borrow The outer ring of a nonmetal has 6. lgw€r, more Nonmetals 7, than four electrons. lead, borrow than four eiectrons. electrons. Most elements are 8. ostalr, soD.Eetals COIVIPI-ETING ]TIE GIARTS Numberof Electrons in Outer Ring Element 1. calcium 2. copper 3. phosphorus 4. potassium 5. olrygen 6. iodine 7. gold 8. bromine __a*__ 9. sulfur 10. cobalt 726 In each of the charts below, fill in the missing information. Use the PeriodicTable to help. The first element,calcium,has alreadybeen done for you in chart I. Metal or Nonmetal? Electron Lender or Borrower? metal lender Lends or Borrows How Many Electrons? o t' T{ 3. Tbe outer-ring elecfons of a compound come hom r 4. !i fi I' The outer ring of a metal has 5. Metals 6. than four electrons. o electrons. lend, borrow The outer ring of a nonmetal has 7. Nonmetals 8. fewer, roore ooo 8tom, two or mone differeDtatons fgwer. mor€ than four electrons. electrons. lend, borrow Most elements are mctrlr, In each of the charts below, fill in the missing information. Use the PeriodicTable to help. The fi.rstelement,calcium,has already been done for you in chart I. COlVtPr ETING 'llIE G{ARTS Number of Electrons in Outer Ring Element 1. calcium 2. copper 3. phosphorus 4. potassium 5. oxygen 6. iodine ?. gold 8. bromine 9. sulfur 10. cobalt 726 nO.tqgtals _,-_ Metal or Nonmetal? Electron Lender or Borrower? metal lender Lends or Borrows How Many Electrons? if II. Lenci Borrow Elecuons Elecuons (ChooseEitherl Eiementsoi Group IA / Mei.ai or Nonmetal metal II I IIA vm fl IB trB VIIA Notice tbat some of the groups are missing from this chart. This is because some of the groups contain botb metals and nonmetals. The steplike black line on the Periodic Table separates the metals from the nonmetals. The elements to the left of the line are metals. The elements to the right are nonmetals. The elements in Group O do not lend nor borrow electrons. Becausethev do not combine with other eiements they are often cailed the noble gases. PAIRING SRCL?S Usethe PeriodicTable to answerthesequestions: Remembera toto.l of 8 outer electronsare neededto make a compound. 1. Elementsof GroupIA link up with the elementsof Group 2. Elements of Group IIA form compounds with the elements of Group t 3. Atoms of Group IB combine with the atoms of Group ) ) 4. The elementsthat do not combinewith other elementsare thoseof Group 727 MATCHING 1. .t N:fiJ*rtwo rists. Write the correct letter on the line next to metals eight _a) link up to form water o b) link up to form salt 3. sodium and chlorine 4. hydrogen and orygen 5. nonmetals c) number of outer-ring electrons needed to form a compound d ) borrow electrons e) lend eiectrons I t il I iii write T on the line next to the number if the sentenceis true. \Vrite F if the sentenceis false. li I I ti l, 1. Atoms with fewer than 4 outer electrons lend electrons. 2. Atoms with more than + outer electrons borrow electrons. 3. Metals lend electrons. 4, Nonmetals lend electrons. 5. Electronsfrom inner shells link up to form compounds. 6. - o n l y o u t e r s h e l l s g a i n o r r o s ee r e c t r o n sr v i t h other atoms. All atoms form compounds. 8. Every element can link up with every other element. I 1 I 728 I J I I 1 F t* CCMPLETE T}IE DIAGRA4S a) Fill in the missing parts or inJormauonon each diagrambeiow. b) Then show how the atoms link up. - 'u/ f. t' ( '= ; Magnesium and Orygen I :' I (Mgl mqncrium oxygcn (Ol ,L t. Which atom is a) the lender? b) the borower? c) the metal? d) the nonmetal? z. The formula for this compound is MgO. In a compound, the first element is a mctal. nonmetai Beryilium arrd Suifur 4p + -o 5n !6ryllium (Bel B. sullur (S) 3. \Vhich atom is a) the lender? b) the borrower? c) the metal? d) the nonmetal? 4. What is the formula for this compound? L29 R.EACHING OUT a of'lhef J:*:'.i:"3:x?i:il: Calcium and chlorine lin-k up to form calcium chloride. atoms. Fill in the missing parts on each diagram. Then .- M= L-- M= - L=_ - . x \_ K--\\ @,),li 7 Calcium 1 . How manv outer-ring electronsdoes a calcium atom have? 2 . How many outer-ring electrons does a c h l o r i n e a t o m h a v e ? 3 . lVhich atom lends electrons? 4 . How many electronsdoes one otom of this element lend? J. lVhich atom borrows electrons?- 6. How many electrons does one otom of this element borrow? How many chlorine atoms are needed to link up with one calcium atom? Explain. 8. What is the formula for caicium chloride? 130 I I I t I t I
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