How to write a C program Yu-Chen, Shu

How to write a C
Yu-Chen, Shu
• B. W. Kernighan, D. M. Ritchie, The C
Programming Language, 2nd ed.
Prentice-Hall, 1988.
• Website:
• This document:
Human VS Machine
• Because computer
only knows zero
and one. If we
want the computer
help us doing
something, we
should talk to him
in his way.
What? I
don’t speak
C: intermediary language
I am Mr. Chinese. I know
Machine Language and
C language. You can tell
me in C.
Our aim today
Write some simple baby C programs.
Compile them with gnu C compiler.
Execute it. And see the result.
How to translate algorithm to C
A first example: hello.c
#include <stdio.h>
/* My first C program */
printf(“Hello, world\n”);
• Use any text
editor (notepad,
winedt, vi, pico) to
write/save this file.
I suggest not to
use “Microsoft
Header (.h file)
#include <stdio.h>
/* My first C program */
printf(“Hello, world\n”);
• At the first few lines in C
program, we should include
the header file.
• The use of header file is
like a dictionary. For
example, the function
“printf” is defined in
• When we write a C
program, for those
functions we want to use,
we should include their
header files.
function and argument
#include <stdio.h>
/* My first C program */
printf(“Hello, world\n”);
• main and printf are
• main function is what
we want to do during
the program.
• printf is a function
which print the
argument: “Hello, world\n”
to screen.
PROMPT:> gcc hello.c
PROMPT:> a.exe
Hello world
• “Compile” means to
translate the human
language “C” into machine
language(0 and 1).
• At the command line:
gcc hello.c
• There are many compilers,
such as intel c
compiler(icc), gnu c
compiler(gcc), turbo c
compiler, …
Executable file
• If you use “gcc”, the default
executable file is “a.out”(in unix
system) or “a.exe”(in windows system).
• At the command line, type a.out you
will see the result.
Edit a file, xxx.c
Include the header files we need.
Write our ideas in main function.
Compile it with compiler.
Run the result :D
Yes. It’s the framework of “How to
write a C-program”.
To Be Continued…
How to write our idea
Define variables.
Look for algorithm.
Write statement.
Write some function we need.
Our idea
• We want to print out 50 geometric
sequences. The first one is 1 and the
common ratio is 0.5 .
• Algorithm: an+1 = an x 0.5 .
• How to translate it to C?
Our thought
• I need print out something.( include
stdio.h )
• I need a variable for geometric
• I need a index number which let me
know the order of sequence.
• I must tell C about the algorithm.
Define variables
#include <stdio.h>
int i;
double a;
a = 1;
printf("%.15f\n", a);
a = a * 0.5;
• In C program, there are
many types of variables:
– int : 4 bytes integer.
Represent the integer
from -231 to 231.
– double : 8 bytes. A
number which has floating
decimal point. We shall
talk about it at next class.
• In this program, “i” is a
integer variable and “a” is a
double variable.
• If we want to define a lot of “double”
variables: v0, v1, v2, …, v9. We may write:
double v[10];
• If we want a int variables: v00, v01, v02, v10,
v11, v12. We may write:
int v[2][3];
• Remember that the sub index of C is start
from 0. (Fortran has a simple declaration.)
User define variable
• If you want a “account” variable include character variable
name, and a double variable money, you should define as
following in the first few line of the C program.
typedef struct
char name[15];
double money;
} account;
• And then you can declare the account variable in C program:
account shu;
• Then access the name and money variables by
printf(“%s”,; = 1e15;
#include <stdio.h>
int i;
double a;
a = 1;
printf("%.15f\n", a);
a = a * 0.5;
• A complete statement
is ended with
semicolon (;).
– Example 1: int i;
(It tells C that I want a
integer naming “i”)
– Example 2: a = 1;
(It tells C that I want
the variable “a” to be 1.)
– Example 3: a=a*0.5;
(It tells C that I want
the value of “a”
replaced by “a * 0.5”.)
Assignment operator =
• = , assign the value from right to left.
– a = 1; means assign 1 to the variable a.
– a = a*0.5; means assign a*0.5 to the variable a.
• There are many assignment expression
such as += *= -=
– For example: the following two statements are
a = a*0.5;
a *= 0.5;
for structure
#include <stdio.h>
int i;
double a;
a = 1;
printf("%.15f\n", a);
a = a * 0.5;
• If we want to do
something for a fixed
times. We should put
it in “for structure”
between a left brace
and right brace.
Here is a new word: “++i”
The statement is equal to i = i + 1
You may write: “i++”
Althought there are a little difference
between “++i”, “i++”, and “i = i + 1”.
I stop here because we don’t want to
introduce increase-operator today.
for structure
• for (initial statement; loop criterion; steps
The thing we want to do;
• The structure will start with initial statement,
check the loop criterion, and do the steps
statement after the thing we want to do.
• For example the following for structure will print
1 to 50 to the screen.
for(i=1; i <= 50; ++i) { printf(“%d\n”,i); }
Equivalent statement 1
#include <stdio.h>
int i;
double a;
a = 1;
printf("%.15f\n", a);
a = a * 0.5;
They are
the same.
#include <stdio.h>
int i;
double a;
a = 1;
i = 1;
printf("%.15f\n", a);
a = a * 0.5;
i = i + 1;
while structure
while (loop criterion)
The thing we want to do;
• This structure only check the loop
Equivalent statement 2
#include <stdio.h>
int i;
double a;
a = 1;
printf("%.15f\n", a);
a = a * 0.5;
They are
the same.
#include <stdio.h>
int i;
double a;
The loop criterion
a = 1;
“1” means the loop
i = 1;
will not stop.
printf("%.15f\n", a);
a = a * 0.5;
i = i + 1;
if(i > 50) { break; }
Here is a new word:
“break”. It tells the
loop structure will stop
if structure
if (criterion)
{ Something you want to do; }
{ Another thing you want to do; }
• “if structure” will check the criterion and
then work only once on the blue block if
the criterion is true, otherwise it will work
on the green block only once.
Compare operator
Equal : ==
Greater : >, less : <
Greater or equal: >=, less or equal : <=
Not equal : !=
and : &&
or : ||
Some remarks
• How to define our variables
– We often define variables by their
purpose, meanings, or symbols. For
example, we often define a “double”
variable rho for density.
• Indentation
– Make the program more readable.
Reserved word
• Reserved words are those words defined
by C and they have specific meanings. For
– int, char, float : define variables
– for, while : loop structure
– if, else : judgement
• Reserved words can not be a variables or
function name.
Define a new function
• If the function is not defined in C
and we will use it very often in our
work. For example, we need a
function sinc(x) to return the value
of sin(x)/x
function example
#include <math.h>
double sinc(double x)
return 1.0;
return sin(x)/x;
Because we need sine function, we
must include <math.h>
There are some new words in this
– “fabs” means the absolute
value of x.
– “1e-10” means the scientific
notation 1x10-10 .
– “return” means that this
function will return to the
location calling this function
by the value behind it.
The programer should consider all
cases. So when |x| is too small,
we should return the value 1.0.
function structure
Type of
double sinc(double x)
return 1.0;
return sin(x)/x;
The input of the
function name
we will use in
C program.
scanf: read values from screen.
printf: print values to screen.
fopen: open a file.
fscanf: read values from file.
fprintf: print values to file.
printf/scanf format
• “%d” : means a integer.
• “%f”, “%lf” : means a float decimal.
• printf(“a = %f\n”, a);
will print the value of a to screen.
• scanf (“%f\n”, &a);
will get the input from screen.
The storage in memory
• When we declare a “double” variable x, C locate a
memory for x and put the memory information in
&x. If we want to change the value of x, we need
to provide the memory information of x.
Here is the
location of
Memory Block
Memory Block
Here is the
value of x
The pointer
double x;
double *m;
x = 1;
m = &x;
It will print the
value of x.
• A powerful variable
type in C;
• “double *m;” means
that m is a memory
• Then m[k] is the value
at the memony
location m + k.
• We learn
– Loop structure : for, while
– Judgment structure: if
– How to write a new function
Newton method
• Aim: solve the root of f(x) = 0
• Require: A function f, initial guess x0.
• Algorithm:
while |f(xn)| > 0
xn+1 = xn – f(xn)/f’(xn)
Return the value xn. If f(xn)=0
Newton method
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
double newton_method(double);
double f(double);
double df(double);
int main()
double x;
printf(“Initial x:”);
x = newton_method(x);
printf(“The root is:%f\n”,x);
Here we
declare the
functions we
want to use.
We provide
the memory
of x
double newton_method(double x)
while(fabs(f(x)) > 1e-10)
x = x – f(x)/df(x);
printf(“x : %f\n”, x);
return x;
double f(double x)
return x*x – x – 2;
double df(double x)
return 2*x-1;
Conservation laws
int main()
define variables;
initial(all variables we should define their value at first);
while(t < final_time)
dt = find_dt(all variables related to time steps);
update(the variables we should update);
t = t + dt;
printf(“Yes. We did it!\n”);
We will talk about the algorithm next Monday.