JDI / A3 Management Process Start with A3 B4 6S !

JDI / A3 Management Process
Start with A3 B4 6S !
[Start with JDI (A3 Thinking) Before Six Sigma]
Source material for this presentation
Safety Tip and Introductions
Years of experience in the industry
What is something nobody in this room knows about you?
(keep it clean)
Learning Objective
Learn how to utilize a systematic process
to effectively solve small-scoped
problems, requiring immediate action
… more quickly.
1) Group Discussion
• See and Solve Problems
– 3 Improvement approaches
• Recap problem solving and the DMAIC framework
• Discover 7 elements of Just-Do-It (JDI) A3 thinking
• Review /explore Problem Solving Process
2) Document the Problem Solving Process
• Template layout / Component parts
3) Work through / document a Problem / develop a (JDI) A3 template
• Application
4) Share / Application
• Next steps
Problems are Normal, Inevitable
Exposing and examining problems is desirable because
they show us what can be improved.
Problems are a source of valuable information about
what is going right or wrong.
Problem identification and resolution are important tools
for managing a process, a unit, or an entire organization.
Problems may be a sign that we have changed, need to
change, or need to consider an alternative.
Seeing Problems
Problem gathering methodology:
Data Analysis
Actual performance against targets (KPIs)
Customer Surveys
Observation of work flow
Staff feedback
Solving Problems
Process Excellence / Continuous Improvement methodology:
• Define the scope, problem statement, and opportunity.
• Measure how well process is performing and how it is
• Analyze data collected on the process/ project and determine
key process factors affecting variability.
• Improve the process and test strategies that reduce variation.
• Control processes to ensure continued performance.
Three Improvement Approaches
Immediate Action
Simpler Problem
Complex Problem
JDI A3 Report
Very Small Team
2-6 hours of effort
(2-4 hours of training)
Kaizen Event
Small Team
Concentrated Effort
3-7 days of effort
(1 week of training)
Lean Six Sigma Project
Project Based
1-4 months of effort
(2 weeks of training)
All Approaches Follow DMAIC model
• JDI / A3 = Basic problem solving tool, formalizes problem
solving and documents how a problem was solved, minimal
toolset (more about communication / culture change)
• Kaizen = Workshop based problem solving tool, team based,
little more around toolset
• L6S = Project based problem solving tool, very team based,
data driven, strong toolset
DMAIC model Illustrated
JDI / A3
Background /
Current Situation
Outcome / Goal
Root Cause &
Action Plan &
30 minutes
30 minutes
1-2 hours
2-3 hours
1+ hours
Current Process
High Level Metrics /
Value Stream Map
Waste Identification
& Improvement Plan
Risk Analysis &
Sustainability &
½ -1 day
½ -1 day
1 day
1 day
1+ days
Requirements &
Current Process Map
Statistical Analysis
& Solution Mapping
Pilot &
Control Plan &
1-2 weeks
2-3 weeks
1-2 weeks
2-3 weeks
1+ weeks
“Just Do It”
Team of 1-3
4-6 Hours
Simple Issue
Team of 3-6
3-7 Days
Six Sigma
Complex Issue
Team of 3-6
2-4 Months
Recognize Important Problems and their Impact
Elements in the Just-Do-It (JDI) / A3 Thinking Approach
1) Logical Thinking Process
2) Objectivity
3) Results
4) Synthesis, Distillation, and Visualization
5) Alignment
6) Coherency within and consistency across
7) Systems viewpoint
1) Logical Thinking Process
“Unfortunate reality is that organizations face an
infinite number of problems to solve, but only have a
finite amount of resources available to attack them … “
This approach helps to:
• Address important details
• Consider numerous avenues
• Take into account effects of implementation
• Anticipate possible stumbling blocks
• Incorporate contingencies
2) Objectivity
Don’t play the blame game!
• Start with your own picture of the situation.
• Make it explicit so you can share it with others.
• Verify picture is objective. (Collect quantitative
facts about the problem)
• Discuss with others to verify it is accurate.
• Make appropriate adjustments.
Objectivity is central component to this mind-set
• Continually test understanding of a situation for
assumptions, biases, and misconceptions.
3) Results and Processes
It’s about personal development and problem solving
• Processes used become paramount.
How well do you …
• understand the problem?
• investigate alternatives?
• know how the proposal fits in a larger picture?
Results certainly test one’s understanding …
and achieving results accidently or by happenstance
is of little long-term value as this process can be
refined and repeated for better results.
3) Results and Processes (continued)
• Following process and not achieving results is
equally ineffective.
• Results truly are a test of one’s understanding.
• Poor results not only fail to move the organization
forward but also reflect a poor understanding, a
situation that simply must be rectified.
4) Synthesis, Distillation, and Visualization
• Template is brief by design.
• Point is to force synthesis of the learning acquired
in course of researching the problem or opportunity
and discussing it with others.
• Not all information obtained is equally salient.
•Must distill the synthesized picture to only the most
vital points.
5) Alignment
• Communicate horizontally and vertically.
• Consider history, past remedies.
• Obtain practical consensus.
• Take concerns seriously.
• Individuals may need to sacrifice some of his or her
interests for the greater group of the group/
6) Coherency Within and Consistency Across
• Establish logical flow.
• Theme or issue should be consistent with
organization’s goals.
• Diagnosis of situation should be consistent with the
• Root-cause analysis follows directly.
• Proposed remedies address root-causes.
• Implementation plan puts remedies into place.
7) Systems Viewpoint
Before engaging in specific course of action, develop
a deep understanding of:
• purpose of course of action
• how course of action furthers organizational
goals, needs, and priorities
• how it fits into a larger picture and affects
other parts of the organization
Avoid a solution that solves a problem in one part of
the organization only to create another in some
other part of the organization.
Review of Problem Solving
What is the Process?
Grasp Current Situation
Identify Root Cause
Devise Countermeasures and Visualize Future State
Create Implementation Plan
Build Consensus and Create a Follow Up Plan
Discuss with Affected Parties
Obtain Approval
Execute implementation and follow-up
Review of Problem Solving Process
1) Grasp the Current Situation
Gain thorough understanding of process or system
• that gave rise to the problem
• in the context where the problem occurred
i.e. – key to resolving a problem is in a detail that no
one has yet noticed… (for if anyone had, the problem
would have been prevented!)
Review of Problem Solving Process
1) Grasp the Current Situation
Clarifying the problem further involves finding out why the
problem is a problem;
• that is what should be happening that is not;
• or what is not happening that should be?
Going to ‘Gemba’ (actual place) to observe and to understand
is an effective way to verify and update a person’s mental
image of how the system works, making it more accurate to
Review of Problem Solving Process
2) Identify Root Cause
ASK: Why is this problem occurring?
(Most obvious cause may not be the root cause!)
Continue to Ask why? At least 5 times in the causation chain
• Continue this inquiry until recurrence can be prevented by
addressing that cause
When completed, problem solver has complete and coherent
cause-effect chain that demonstrates an in-depth
understanding of the problem in context, noting how root
cause is linked to observed phenomenon.
Review of Problem Solving Process
3) Devise Countermeasures and Visualize Future State
• Brainstorm specific changes (countermeasures) to current
system that addresses the root cause(s).
• These changes (countermeasures) should be designed to
prevent recurrence of the problem.
• Give serious consideration to how the new system, process,
or procedure will operate with the countermeasures
• Share envisioned change with key representatives of those
groups that will be impacted by it.
Review of Problem Solving Process
4) Create a Plan
• List tasks required to realize and implement proposed
• Who is responsible for that activity?
• When will that activity be completed?
• Exactly Who is going to do –
• What, Where, When, Why, and How …
• Create plan with team so that the persons listed in the
implementation agree to carry out the tasks by the assigned
Review of Problem Solving Process
5) Follow-Up
• Include how the actual results will be verified against
predicted outcomes
After the change …
• how will we know the problem is taken care of?
Follow-up is important!
• Follow-up determines whether implementation had any
effect, if not – then, further work on the problem remains.
• Follow-up increases amount of learning that occurs.
• Follow-up by key individuals or managers shows
organization is paying attention to problems and not just
letting them slip through the cracks.
Review of Problem Solving Process
6) Discuss Learning and Ideas with Affected Parties
• Approach individuals again with whole picture.
• Diagram current situation and diagnosis of root cause
through implementation and follow-up plans.
• Insure as much alignment as possible.
• Although problem solving may be led by an individual, the
process must be carried out collaboratively with as broad an
audience as is appropriate for the problem.
Review of Problem Solving Process
7) Obtain Approval
This is an explicit learning / mentoring opportunity!
• Gives manager opportunity to mentor the problem solver.
• Aids in the following developmental processes:
• Enhances his/ her investigative/ reasoning skills
• Helps build communication
• Enforces and challenges rigor
Review of Problem Solving Process
8) Implement and Follow-Up
Upon approval, implementation plan is executed!
• If results are satisfactory, new change is established as the
standard process and results are disseminated to other groups
that may have similar situations.
• If results are not satisfactory, team engages in an abbreviated
problem-solving process to discover why the results were not
satisfactory and to take corrective action.
Documenting the Process
A problem solving process is universal, but we can’t always
write a report for each and every little problem.
Questions to Answer:
• Is the situation difficult enough to warrant using a
template to provide structure?
• Will there be on-going discussion for some time so this
summary of the thought process has communication
• Will a person be well served in terms of development
by drafting out a template?
• Is there a good reason to document and capture the
knowledge in some fashion?
Template helps with Problem Solving
The one-page template is meant to identify and
communicate the critical project information and to
facilitate decision-making.
This information should fit on one page.
It is customized to the Team Leader and application at
It can be characterized as a Lean tool best suited for
solving relatively short-duration improvement activities.
Template helps with Problem Solving (continued)
This process standardizes an approach for innovating,
planning, problem-solving, and communicating with
It places ownership squarely on the shoulders of the lead
(author-owner) of the report, the individual whose initials
appear in the upper right-hand corner of the paper.
This person has taken or accepted responsibility to get
decisions made and implemented.
Template layout is Universal, Simple, Easy
Every issue that an organization faces can and should be
captured on a single piece of paper.
Like a resume, can be adapted in layout, style, and
The layout can be adapted to fit the requirements of each
What does a template look like?
• Can be Handwritten
What does a template look like? (continued)
• Can be more Formal
What are the elements?
• Background - A brief description of the problem,
highlighting the importance to the organization and the
measures used.
• Current Situation - Visual depictions of the problem under
• Analysis - The analysis performed to determine root
• Goal - A visual depiction of what the situation would need
to be so that the problem did not occur.
What are the elements? (continued…)
• Recommendations - The solution that will be (or has been)
• Implementation Plan - Tasks, start dates, duration,
responsibilities, and completion status.
• Follow Up - Post-implementation tasks to ensure solution
benefits are maintained.
• Results Report - Charted progress to plan with
implementation and measures.
Theme or Title
– Names the problem or issue at hand.
Theme or Title
– Names the problem or issue at hand.
Owner/ Date
– Identifies ‘Who’ owns this issue and the last document
update or revision.
Theme or Title
– Names the problem or issue at hand.
Owner/ Date
– Identifies ‘Who’ owns this issue and the last document
update or revision.
– Establishes Business Context and Importance.
Current Conditions
– Describes what is currently known about the problem or
Mapping Example
Simple flowchart example (with data)
Mapping Example
Value Stream Map Example (w/ Symbols)
Value Stream Mapping is the process of identifying and charting the flows of
information, processes, and physical goods across the supply chain from raw
material to possession of the Customer.
Current Conditions
– Describes what is currently known about the problem or
Goals / Targets
– Identifies desired outcome.
Current Conditions
– Describes what is currently known about the problem or
Goals / Targets
– Identifies desired outcome.
- Analyzes the situation. Why does the problem or need
exist? What is the most likely or direct root cause of the
Proposed Countermeasures
– Proposes some corrective actions to address the problem,
close the gap, or reach a goal.
Proposed Countermeasures
– Proposes some corrective actions to address the problem,
close the gap, or reach a goal.
– Who will do what, when, where ??
Proposed Countermeasures
– Proposes some corrective actions to address the problem,
close the gap, or reach a goal.
– Who will do what, when, where ??
– Creates a review / learning process and anticipates
remaining issues.
Key Questions around the Problem / Issue
Who is responsible for this issue?
Who owns the process for addressing the problem (or
realizing the opportunity or managing the project)?
What is the business context?
How did you decide to tackle this problem?
What do you actually know and how do you know it?
What is Five Whys ? (Quick Review)
Practice asking Why? repeatedly whenever a problem is
encountered in order to get beyond the obvious symptoms
so as discover root cause.
Taiicho Ohno – (Toyota Motors executive)
“Why save your brainstorming creativity for solutions that
may solve the wrong problem? First brainstorm the cause of
the problem …”
Group Exercise (Left Hand Side of Form)
Decide on a Problem and complete the following:
1) Background
“What are talking about and why?”
2) Current Conditions
“Where do things stand now?”
3) Goal
“What specific outcome is required?”
4) Analysis
“Why does the problem or need exist?”
Additional Questions
Have you identified the real problem?
Did you go observe, and talk to the people who do the work
to fully grasp the current situation?
Did you clarify the true business objectives?
Did you uncover the right (i.e., most meaningful) information
to support the analysis?
Additional Questions
Did you capture this material in the most clear and concise
manner, i.e., one that clarifies true problems, invites
analytical questions, and suggests direct countermeasures?
Countermeasures vs Solutions
Detectives refer to cases as “closed” (meaning suspect
identified and handed over to authorities…) not “solved”
With JDI, this wording recognizes that even apparent
‘solutions’ inevitably create new problems. “They are
merely temporary responses to specific problems that will
serve until a better approach is found or conditions
change.” 1.
Once a countermeasure is in place, it will create a new
situation …
1. Steven J. Spear, “Learning to Lead at Toyota,” Harvard Business Review, September-October 1999.
Set-Based Decision-Making
Consider assessment of a set of countermeasures rather than
just one approach.
By exploring a range of potential choices, you can uncover a
broader and more meaningful database for analysis.
Through quick, simple trials, costs can be reduced by preventing
large projects from having to make large-scale change late in
the process as a result of choosing a weak approach early
Set-Based Decision-Making (continued …)
The responsibility of the individual developing the options is not
to create the ideal ‘solution’ that can be iterated to
perfection, rather it is to help everyone involved in the work
to develop the fullest understanding of the current situation
and the most effective set of countermeasures.
Leaders have to prevent people from making decisions too
quickly. [Jumping to conclusions…]
Group Exercise (Right Hand Side of Form)
Continue with Your Problem Analysis:
5) Recommendations
“What do you propose and why?”
6) Plan
“How will you implement?”
7) Follow-up
“How will you ensure on-going success?”
DMAIC (revisited)
… has proven itself to be one of the most effective problem–solving
methods ever used because it forces teams to use data:
• to confirm nature and extent of problem
to identify true causes of problem
to find solutions that evidence shows are linked to the causes
to establish procedures for maintaining the solutions even after
the project is done
Group Exercise (Right Hand Side of Form)
Continue with Your Problem Analysis:
5) Recommendations
“What do you propose and why?”
6) Plan
“How will you implement?”
7) Follow-up
“How will you ensure on-going success?”
Problem Solving is Hard Work
Can you …
• show how your proposed actions will address the root
causes of the performance problems?
justify why your proposed actions are necessary?
Have you …
continued to go to the “actual place” (Gemba) in gathering new
information and countermeasures?
Problem Solving is Hard Work
Have you …
• explored every reasonable alternative countermeasure?
produced viable alternatives based on productive
w/ everyone doing the work?
w/ customers of the process?
w/ stakeholders of the process?
Link to I/O Analysis (Inputs/ Outputs)
Has problem solving shifted from quick fixes to root-cause
Does the current Template / Plan reflect the input of the key
people involved with the work?
Do counter-measures have support?
Do you see where your Thought Process / Template (and the
work it encompasses) fit into the work / processes of
colleagues below and above you?
Link to D-M-A-I-C phases
Use JDI / A3 Template to gather and share knowledge.
Define project scope, problem statement, goals, and targets.
Measure extent of problem. Where? And how much?
Analyze specific issues, conditions, and occurrences.
Improve and address gaps in current situation.
Control and follow-up to enable, assure, and sustain success.
In the Final Analysis …
Are you making a conscious effort to use the review process
as a way of sharing your learning with your team members
and with other individuals?
Have you captured and communicated key details of what
your team has learned?
Have you considered a wide set of potential scenarios and
consequences of the changes – and developed follow-up
activities to address them?
In the Final Analysis …
Is your problem / theme ripe for another round or should
you turn your attention elsewhere?
Is your team gaining capability of JDI / A3 thinking? Are
they bringing problems and ideas forward, or waiting for
Are issues and problems being revisited repeatedly? This
indicates matters are not being dealt with at the root
Are staff still jumping to solutions?
Do’s and Don'ts …
Don’t worry about whether to use pen or pencil or even a
computer. Hand-written is just fine.
Don’t get hung up on formal elements. The ‘Template / Plan’
should be determined by analysis and questions as they
relate to the problem. Work the problem.
Do get your message across. Make it easy by following a
logical flow.
Do get messy. Pass it around, mark it up!
Use the JDI / A3 Template to control meetings and lock down
agreements. Learn from the practical knowledge gained.
Leverage your improvement.
In Closing
Our purpose was not about generating more paperwork, but
was about • creating and utilizing a process (and a mindset)
uncompromising in its dedication to continuous improvement.
• diligently applying this process, thinking, and tool set which
will dramatically improve the effectiveness of those involved
in problem solving.
When spread throughout the organization, A3 Thinking will
quickly result in a culture of genuine on-going improvement !
One More Point
• The measure of success is not whether you have a
tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the
same problem you had last year…
Thank You for Your Attention
Thoughts ?