STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION GENERIC PERMIT FOR THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GROUND WATER FROM ANY NON-CONTAMINATED SITE ACTIVITY Document number 62-621.300(2) Effective Date: February 14, 2000 This page left intentionally blank Generic Permit for the Discharge of Produced Ground Water from any Non-Contaminated Site Activity (1) The facility is authorized to discharge produced ground water from any non-contaminated site activity which discharges by a point source to surface waters of the State, as defined in Chapter 62-620, F.A.C., only if the reported values for the parameters listed in Table 1 do not exceed any of the listed screening values. Before discharge of produced ground water can occur from such sites, analytical tests on samples of the proposed untreated discharge water shall be performed to determine if contamination exists. (2) Minimum reporting requirements for all produced ground water dischargers. The effluent shall be sampled before the commencement of discharge, again within thirty (30) days after commencement of discharge, and then once every six (6) months for the life of the project to maintain continued coverage under this generic permit. Samples taken in compliance with the provisions of this permit shall be taken prior to actual discharge or mixing with the receiving waters. The effluent shall be sampled for the parameters listed in Table 1. Table 1 Parameter Total Organic Carbon (TOC) pH, standard units Total Recoverable Mercury Total Recoverable Cadmium Total Recoverable Copper Total Recoverable Lead Total Recoverable Zinc Total Recoverable Chromium (Hex.) Benzene Naphthalene Screening Values for Discharges into: Fresh Coastal Waters Waters 10.0 mg/l 10.0 mg/l 6.0-8.5 6.5-8.5 0.025 μg/l 0.012 μg/l 9.3 μg/l 9.3 μg/l 2.9 μg/l 2.9 μg/l 0.03 mg/l 5.6 μg/l 86.0 μg/l 86.0 μg/l 50.0 μg/l 11.0 μg/l 1.0 μg/l 1.0 μg/l 100.0 μg/l 100.0 μg/l (3) If any of the analytical test results exceed the screening values listed in Table 1, except TOC, the discharge is not authorized by this permit. (a) For initial TOC values that exceed the screening values listed in Table 1, which may be caused by naturallyoccurring, high molecular weight organic compounds, the permittee may request to be exempted from the TOC requirement. To request this exemption, the permittee shall submit additional information with a Notice of Intent (NOI), 1 Document number 62-621.300(2) Effective Date: February 14, 2000 described below, which describes the method used to determine that these compounds are naturally occurring. The Department shall grant the exemption if the permittee affirmatively demonstrates that the TOC values are caused by naturally-occurring, high molecular weight organic compounds. (b) The NOI shall be submitted to the appropriate Department district office thirty (30) days prior to discharge, and contain the following information: 1. the name and address of the person that the permit coverage will be issued to; 2. the name and address of the facility, including county location; 3. any applicable individual wastewater permit number(s); 4. a map showing the facility and discharge location (including latitude and longitude); 5. the name of the receiving water; and 6. the additional information required by paragraph (3)(a) of this permit. (c) Discharge shall not commence until notification of coverage is received from the Department. (4) For fresh waters and coastal waters, the pH of the effluent shall not be lowered to less than 6.0 units for fresh waters, or less than 6.5 units for coastal waters, or raised above 8.5 units, unless the permittee submits natural background data confirming a natural background pH outside of this range. If natural background of the receiving water is determined to be less than 6.0 units for fresh waters, or less than 6.5 units in coastal waters, the pH shall not vary below natural background or vary more than one (1) unit above natural background for fresh and coastal waters. If natural background of the receiving water is determined to be higher than 8.5 units, the pH shall not vary above natural background or vary more than one (1) unit below natural background of fresh and coastal waters. The permittee shall include the natural background pH of the receiving waters with the results of the analyses required under paragraph (2) of this permit. For purposes of this section only, fresh waters are those having a chloride concentration of less than 1500 mg/l, and coastal waters are those having a chloride concentration equal to or greater than 1500 mg/l. (5) In accordance with Rule 62-302.500(1)(a-c), F.A.C., the discharge shall at all times be free from floating solids, visible foam, turbidity, or visible oil in such amounts as to form nuisances on surface waters. 2 Document number 62-621.300(2) Effective Date: February 14, 2000 (6) If contamination exists, as indicated by the results of the analytical tests required by paragraph (2), the discharge cannot be covered by this generic permit. The facility shall apply for an individual wastewater permit at least ninety (90) days prior to the date discharge to surface waters of the State is expected, or, if applicable, the facility may seek coverage under any other applicable Department generic permit. No discharge is permissible without an effective permit. (7) If the analytical tests required by paragraph (2) reveal that no contamination exists from any source, the facility can begin discharge immediately and is covered by this permit without having to submit an NOI request for coverage to the Department. A short summary of the proposed activity and copy of the analytical tests shall be sent to the applicable Department district office within one (1) week after discharge begins. These analytical tests shall be kept on site during discharge and made available to the Department if requested. Additionally, no Discharge Monitoring Report forms are required to be submitted to the Department. (8) All of the general conditions listed in Rule 62621.250, F.A.C., are applicable to this generic permit. (9) There are no annual fees associated with the use of this generic permit. 3 Document number 62-621.300(2) Effective Date: February 14, 2000 This page left intentionally blank Site Contamination Permitting Section B Petroleum Contaminated Site Activity This page left intentionally blank This page left intentionally blank This page left intentionally blank This page left intentionally blank SECTION 17 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS This page left intentionally blank SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS Changes made to any of the contract documents for: West Dearborn Veteran Memorial, Bid #122181CS are shown in this section, and take precedence over all contract documents. 1. Upon issuance of the Notice to Proceed, the Pre-Construction Activities: Contractor is authorized to perform the following items of work: • Submit shop drawings; • Submit Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) [TP 104]; • Coordinate with Utilities to identify any potential conflicts; • Submit construction schedule; • Submit subcontractors list, including company name and contact person and title, address and phone numbers and the specific elements of work that they will perform; • Submit testing lab; • Submit supplier list, including company name, address and phone number and specific materials supplied; • Submit emergency contact list, including names, titles and phone numbers; • Submit projected cash flow; • Submit Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) plan; • Submit labor and equipment rate schedule; • Submit dewatering plan and SWFWMD approval; • Identify and submit staging areas to SWFWMD and Sarasota County Resource Protection Services for approval; • Submit Right-of-Way Use Permit to Sarasota County Planning and Development Services; • Construction stakeout and survey; • Submit photos and/or video of all areas affected by the proposed construction; • Submit project sign template. 2. Pre-Construction Conference Submittals: At the pre-construction conference, the Contractor is required to submit the following items: a. Shop drawings; b. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP); c. Construction schedule; d. Certification of Sublet Work (FDOT Form 700-010-36) – Contractor must have approved sublets of all Subcontractors prior to any Subcontractor performing work, updated throughout the project as necessary; e. Supplier list – including company name, address and phone number and specific materials supplied; f. Testing lab(s) list; g. Contractor’s emergency contact list – including names, titles and phone numbers; h. Traffic control plan; i. Labor and equipment rates; j. Photos and/or video of all areas affected by the proposed construction; k. Project sign template l. Anticipated DBE Participation Statement (FDOT Form 275-030-12); m. EEO Officer Identification Form (FDOT Form 275-021-13); n. Contractor’s Affidavit Vehicle Registration (FDOT Form 700-010-52). 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-1 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Before Workers are Present on the Project: Before workers are present on the job site, the Contractor is required to: a. Obtain and submit an approved EEO/AA Policy and Plan (FDOT Form 275-02104 on Company Letterhead) – a signed copy is to be maintained at Contractor’s office; b. Hold supervisory and office personnel EEO meetings (FDOT Form 275-021-05) – an initial meeting is to be held prior to the 1st day of work with subsequent meetings at 6 month intervals; new appointees within 30 days. Form must be maintained at Contractor’s office; c. Hold project personnel EEO meetings (FDOT Form 275-021-06) – an initial meeting is to be held within 30 days of first day of work with subsequent meetings at 6 month intervals; d. Erect a job site bulletin board containing appropriate literature e. Obtain an approved Certification of Sublet Work (FDOT Form 700-010-36) – Contractor must have approved sublets of all Subcontractors prior to any Subcontractor performing work, updated throughout the project as necessary; f. Notice of Rental Agreements (FDOT Form 700-010-11) – Contractor must have approval for all rented equipment on project, form submitted during the project as needed. 4. Working Hours: • Regular working hours are defined as up to ten (10) hours per day, Monday through Friday, beginning no earlier than 7:00 A.M. and ending no later than 7:00 P.M., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays. • Whenever the Contractor is performing any part of the Work, with the exception of equipment maintenance and cleanup, inspection of the work will be required. • Requests for approval by the County to work other than regular working hours must be submitted to the County at least 48 hours prior to any proposed weekend work or scheduled extended workweek hours. • Periodic unscheduled work hours on weekdays will be permitted provided that two hours notice is provided to the County. Maintenance and cleanup may be performed during hours other than regular working hours. 5. At the Beginning of the Project: At the beginning of the project, the Contractor is required to submit the following items: a. EEO Contractor Compliance Analysis; b. Company Wide EEO Report (FDOT Form 275-021-07). SARASOTA COUNTY SUPPLEMENT to FDOT SPECIFICATIONS: Amend the Sarasota County Supplement to FDOT Specifications as follows: SS102 - MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC: Method of Measurement: Add the following paragraph: Traffic Control Plan: Payment under this Supplement to FDOT Specification shall be for the Lump Sum item furnished to the County Engineer’s Representative’s satisfaction. 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-2 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ Add the following Payment Items: Pay Item 102-2-3 Description Traffic Control Plan Unit LS SS104 – PREVENTION, CONTROL, AND ABATEMENT OF EROSION AND WATER POLLUTION: Add: All BMP’s shall be paid for under bid item 104-30S Prevention, Control, & Abatement of Erosion & Water Pollution. SS110 - CLEARING & GRUBBING: Add after the first sentence of the paragraph Exotic / Nuisance Species Eradication the following new sentence: All exotic and nuisance plants within the work areas shall also be removed as part of the Standard Clearing and Grubbing work. SS120 - EXCAVATION & EMBANKMENT: Add the following Payment Item: Pay Item 120-1M __ Description Excavation & Embankment Unit LS SS550 – FENCING: Add the following Payment Items: Pay Item 550-10-1S 550-10-2S Description 2.5’ High Wrought Iron Fence Per Architectural Specifications 4’ High Wrought Iron Fence Per Architectural Specifications Unit LF LF SS580 – LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION: Add the following Payment Items: Pay Item Description TREES 580-T-2 Bursera Simaruba, 2” CAL , 10’x5’ 580-T-6 Persea Borbonia, 2” CAL, 10’x5’ 580-T-8 Quercus Virginiana, 2” CAL, 10’x4’ 580-T-9 Quercus Virginiana “Cathedral”, 2” CAL, 10’x4’ 580-AT-3 580-AT-4 580-AT-6 12/20/2012 ACCENT TREES Coccoloba Uvifera, Multi-Trunk, Full to Ground, 1.5” CAL, 8’x4' Conocarpus Erectus Sericeus, 1.5” CAL, 8’x4’ Ilex Cassine, 1.5” CAL, 8’x4’ PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS Unit EA EA EA EA EA EA EA PAGE PSP-3 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ 580-AT-7 580-PT-1 580-PT-6 Juniperus Silicicola, 1.5” CAL, 8’x4’ PALM TREES Phoenix Dactyifera, 8’ C.T. MATCHING SPECIMENS Sabal Palmetto, Smooth Trunk, 12’-24’ H.T. STAGGERED EA EA EA 580-S-1 580-S-2 580-S-4 580-S-7 580-S-8 580-S-10 580-S-12 SHRUBS Ardisia Escallonioides Callicarpa Americana Chrysobalanus Icaco Ilex Vomitoria Lycium Carolinianum Sesuvium Portulacastrum, 24”x24” Zamia Maritima EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 580-G-3 GRASSES Zamia Pumila EA 580-SA-2 580-SA-3 580-SA-4 580-SA-7 SHRUB AREAS Hamelia Patens “Compacta” Ilex Vomitoria “Stokes Dwarf” Muhlenbergia Capillaris Spartina Alteaniflora EA EA EA EA 580-GC-1 580-GC-2 580-GC-4 580-GC-8 580-GC-9 580-GC-13 GROUND COVERS Arachis Glabrata, "Ecoturf" Aristida Stricta Beyrichiana Borrichia Arborescens Gulfcoast Wildflower Mix #1 Helianthus Deblis Zoysia Japonica “Empire” EA EA EA SF EA SF 580-R-1 GREEN ROOF Green Roof Mix EA 580-M-1 580-M-2 580-M-3 580-M-4 580-M-5 580-M-6 MISCELLANEOUS Tree Staking Palm Staking Soil Mulch Fertilizer #89 Rock EA EA CY CY LS CY 580-M-11 580-M-12 SITE PREP Tree/Palm Removal Tree Protection EA EA 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-4 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ 580-I-1 580-I-2 580-I-3 580-I-4 580-I-5 580-I-6 580-I-7 580-I-8 580-I-9 580-I-10 12/20/2012 IRRIGATION Manufacturer/Model/Description PLEASE NOTE: ALL BRANDS SHOWN BELOW ARE TO BE BID “OR EQUAL” HUNTER MP1000 PROS-06-CV Turf Rotator, 6" (15.24cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle on PRS40 body. M=Maroon adj arc 90 to 210, L=Light Blue 210-270 arc, O=Olive 360 arc. 210-270 arc 40 psi. 14' rad. HUNTER MP1000 PROS-06-CV Turf Rotator, 6" (15.24cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle on PRS40 body. M=Maroon adj arc 90 to 210, L=Light Blue 210-270 arc, O=Olive 360 arc. 45-210 arc 40 psi. 14' rad. HUNTER MP1000 PROS-06-CV Turf Rotator, 6" (15.24cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle on PRS40 body. M=Maroon adj arc 90 to 210, L=Light Blue 210-270 arc, O=Olive 360 arc. 360 arc 40 psi. 0.75 gpm. 14' rad. HUNTER MP2000 PROS-06-CV Turf Rotator, 6" (15.24cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle on PRS40 body. K=Black adj arc 90 to 210, G=Green adj arc 210-270, R=Red 360 arc. 210-270 arc. 40 psi. 19' rad. HUNTER MP2000 PROS-06-CV Turf Rotator, 6" (15.24cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle on PRS40 body. K=Black adj arc 90 to 210, G=Green adj arc 210-270, R=Red 360 arc. 45-210 arc. 40 psi. 19' rad. HUNTER MP3000 PROS-06-CV Turf Rotator, 6" (15.24cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle on PRS40 body. B=Blue adj arc 90 to 210, Y=Yellow adj arc 210-270, A=Gray 360 arc. 45-210 arc. 40 psi. 30' rad. HUNTER MP Corner PROS-06-CV Turf Rotator, 6" (15.24cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle on PRS40 body. T=Turquoise adj arc 45 to 105 adj, arc, 40 psi. 13' rad. HUNTER MP1000 PROS-12-CV Shrub Rotator, 12" (30.48cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle. M=Maroon adj arc 90 to 210, L=Light Blue 210-270 arc, O=Olive 360 arc on PRS40 body. 210-270 arc. 40 psi. 14' rad. HUNTER MP1000 PROS-12-CV Shrub Rotator, 12" (30.48cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle. M=Maroon adj arc 90 to 210, L=Light Blue 210-270 arc, O=Olive 360 arc on PRS40 body. 45-210 arc. 40 psi. 14' rad. HUNTER MP1000 PROS-12-CV Shrub Rotator, 12" (30.48cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle. M=Maroon adj arc 90 to 210, L=Light Blue 210-270 arc, O=Olive 360 arc on PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA PAGE PSP-5 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ PRS40 body. 360 arc. 40 psi. 0.75 gpm. 14' rad. 580-I-11 580-I-12 580-I-13 580-I-14 580-I-15 580-I-16 580-I-17 580-I-18 580-I-19 580-I-20 12/20/2012 HUNTER MP2000 PROS-12-CV Shrub Rotator, 12" (30.48cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle. K=Black adj arc 90 to 210, G=Green adj arc 210-270, R=Red 360 arc on PRS40 body. 210-270 arc. 40 psi. 19' rad. HUNTER MP2000 PROS-12-CV Shrub Rotator, 12" (30.48cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle. K=Black adj arc 90 to 210, G=Green adj arc 210-270, R=Red 360 arc on PRS40 body. 45-210 arc. 40 psi. 19' rad. HUNTER MP2000 PROS-12-CV Shrub Rotator, 12" (30.48cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle. K=Black adj arc 90 to 210, G=Green adj arc 210-270, R=Red 360 arc on PRS40 body. 360 arc. 40 psi. 1.47 gpm. 19' rad. HUNTER MP3000 PROS-12-CV Shrub Rotator, 12" (30.48 cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle. B=Blue adj arc 90 to 210, Y=Yellow adj arc 210-270, A=Gray 360 arc. On PRS40 body. 45-210 arc. 40 psi. 30' rad. HUNTER MP3000 PROS-12-CV Shrub Rotator, 12" (30.48 cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle. B=Blue adj arc 90 to 210, Y=Yellow adj arc 210-270, A=Gray 360 arc. On PRS40 body. 210-270 arc. 40 psi. 30' rad. HUNTER MP Corner PROS-12-CV Shrub Rotator, 12" (30.48 cm) pop-up with check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle. T=Turquoise adj arc 45 to 105 on PRS40 body. adj, arc, 40 psi. 13' rad. HUNTER MP Strip PROS-12-CV Shrub Rotator, 12" (30.48 cm) pop-up with factory installed check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle. LST=Ivory left strip, SST=Brown side strip, RST=Copper right strip, on PRS40 body. LCS arc. 40 psi. 0.22 gpm. 5'x15' pattern. HUNTER MP Strip PROS-12-CV Shrub Rotator, 12" (30.48 cm) pop-up with factory installed check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle. LST=Ivory left strip, SST=Brown side strip, RST=Copper right strip, on PRS40 body. RCS arc. 40 psi. 0.22 gpm. 5'x15' pattern. HUNTER MP Strip PROS-12-CV Shrub Rotator, 12" (30.48 cm) pop-up with factory installed check valve, pressure regulated to 40 psi (2.76 bar), MP Rotator nozzle. LST=Ivory left strip, SST=Brown side strip, RST=Copper right strip, on PRS40 body. SST arc. 40 psi. 0.44 gpm. 5'x30' pattern. HUNTER PCB Flood Bubbler, 1/2" FIPT, 360 Arc. 30 psi. 1 gpm. 1' rad. PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA PAGE PSP-6 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ 580-I-21 580-I-22 580-I-23 580-I-24 580-I-25 580-I-26 580-I-27 580-I-28 580-I-29 580-I-30 580-I-31 580-I-32 580-I-33 580-I-34 580-I-35 12/20/2012 HUNTER PGV-151 Angle 1-1/2 1=1/2" Plastic Electric Remote Control Valve, for Residential/Light Commercial Use. Female NPT Inlet/Outlet, with Flow Control. Angle Configuration. Nibco T-29 200 psi CWP Bronze Gate Valve, wheel handle, size range 1/2 -2" ICD-200 2-station decoder with surge suppression and ground wire ICD-100 single station decoder with surge suppression and ground wire Irrigation Lateral Line: PVC Class 160 SDR 26 3/4" PVC Class 315 for 1/2" pipe, PVC Class 200 for 3/4"pipe, PVC Class 160 SDR 26 for 1" and above. Only lateral transition pipes 1" and above are indicated on the plan with all others being 3/4" in size. Irrigation Lateral Line: PVC Class 160 SDR 26 1" PVC Class 315 for 1/2" pipe, PVC Class 200 for 3/4"pipe, PVC Class 160 SDR 26 for 1" and above. Only lateral transition pipes 1" and above are indicated on the plan with all others being 3/4" in size. Irrigation Lateral Line: PVC Class 160 SDR 26 1 1/4" PVC Class 315 for 1/2" pipe, PVC Class 200 for 3/4"pipe, PVC Class 160 SDR 26 for 1" and above. Only lateral transition pipes 1" and above are indicated on the plan with all others being 3/4" in size. Irrigation Main Line: PVC Class 200 SDR 21 PVC Class 200 irrigation pipe. Pipe Sleeve: PVC schedule 40 typical pipe sleeve for irrigation pipe. Pipe sleeve size shall allow for irrigation piping and their related couplings to easily slide through sleeving material. Extend sleeves 18" beyond edges of paving and construction. GREEN ROOF IRRIGATION Toro RGP-218 (18) Landscape Dripline with Rootguard Protection and 0.53 gph emitters at 18" o.c. Dripline lateral rows spaced at 18" apart with emitters offset for triangular pattern Hunter PGV-101A 1" - 1" Plastic Electric Remote Control Valve for Residential/Light Commercial Use. Female NPT Inlet/Outlet. Angle Configuration with Flow Control. Netafim TLCV050M1-B Inline Check Valve with 1/2" Male Pipe Thread. Flow rate: 0.9 gpm to 4.4 gpm. Cistern Pump Station Complete with Cover and All Components including electrical Irrigation Lateral Line: PVC Class 200 for 3/4"pipe, PVC Class 160 SDR 26 for 1" and above. Only lateral transition pipes 1" and above are indicated on the plan with all others being 3/4" in size. 1" Irrigation Mainline: PVC Class 200 SDR 21 PVC Class 200 irrigation pipe PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS EA EA EA EA LF LF LF LF LF SF EA EA LS LF LF PAGE PSP-7 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ 580-I-36 2" Pipe Sleeve: PVC schedule 40 typical pipe sleeve for irrigation pipe. Pipe sleeve size shall allow for irrigation piping and their related couplings to easily slide through sleeving material. Extend sleeves 18" beyond edges of paving and construction. LF FDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION: Amend the FDOT Specifications as follows: Section 400 – CONCRETE STRUCTURES: Add the following Payment Item: Pay Item 400-1-2A 400-12M Description 24”X38” ERCP, ENDWALL 12”x12” Precast Piles Unit EA LF Section 425 – INLETS, MANHOLES & JUNCTION BOXES: Add: INLET FILTER BAG SPECIFICATION Description of Work: The work covered shall consist of supplying, installing, and maintaining/cleaning of the Inlet Filter assembly. The purpose of the Inlet Filter system is to collect silt and sediment from surface storm water runoff at drainage locations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Filters shall be capable of removing small particles, hydrocarbons, and other contaminants from stormwater runoff into new or existing inlet filters as indicated on the plans. Material: The Inlet Filter system is comprised of a corrosion resistant steel frame and a replaceable geotextile sediment bag attached to the frame with a stainless steel locking band. The sediment bag hangs suspended from the rigid frame at a distance below the grate that shall allow full water flow into the drainage structure if the bag is completely filled with sediment. The Inlet Filter frame shall include lifting handles in addition to the standard overflow feature. The inlet filter assembly shall be designed to allow manual removal of the assembly without machine assistance. The frame suspension system shall be adjustable in ½” increments up to 5” per side on rectangular designs should the casting or drainage structure have imperfections. Standard Sediment Bag: The standard Woven Polypropylene Sediment Bags have a typical flow rate of 200 gpm per sqft. Litter / Leaf Bags are offered to collect larger debris at very high flow rates. The filter bag shall be composed of Woven Polypropylene sediment bag lined with an absorbent filter fabric, which is made from recycled polyester fibers. 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-8 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ The Inlet Filter frame shall include lifting handles in addition to the standard overflow feature. The inlet filter assembly shall be designed to allow manual removal of the assembly without machine assistance. The frame suspension system shall be adjustable in ½” increments up to 5” per side on rectangular designs should the casting or drainage structure have imperfections. Standard Sediment Bag: The standard Woven Polypropylene Sediment Bags have a typical flow rate of 200 gpm per sqft. Litter / Leaf Bags are offered to collect larger debris at very high flow rates. The filter bag shall be composed of Woven Polypropylene sediment bag lined with an absorbent filter fabric, which is made from recycled polyester fibers. Sediment Bag Material Specifications (taken from manufacturers average roll value): Material Property Flow Rate (gpm/sqft) AOS (sieve) Puncture Strength (lbs) Liner (bag) 125 130 72 Tested Filtration Efficiency and Removal Rates: TSS and TPH testing shall be performed under large scale, real world conditions at an accredited third party erosion and sediment control testing laboratory. Standard Test Results: All testing shall be performed in general accordance with the ASTM D 7351, Standard Test Method For Determination of Sediment Retention Device Effectiveness in Sheet Flow Application, with flow diverted into an area inlet. Test Soil used as sediment shall have the following characteristics with a nominal 7% sediment to water concentration mix. This shall be representative of a heavy sediment load running off of a construction site. Soil Characteristics % Gravel % Sand % Silt % Clay Liquid Limit, % Plasticity Index, % Soil Classification Soil Classification Test Method ASTM D 422 ASTM D 4318 USDA USCS Value 2 60 24 14 34 9 Sandy Loam Silty Sand (SM) Test Results: TSS shall be measured on effluent samples in accordance with SM 2540D and TPH in accordance with EPA 1664A. 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-9 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ Product Tested Sediment Bag Product Tested Sediment Bag Product Tested Sediment Bag 110 micron Sediment Load 1750 mg/L using OK-110 Silica Sand and Clean Water Ave Flow Rate GPM % TSS Removal Soil Retention Efficiency 23 99.28% 98.96% 48 99.32% 99.25% 70 98.89% 98.80% Street Sweep Sediment Load Particle Size of Sediment Load % TSS Removal Soil Retention Efficiency 2.5% = 100 lbs Sed / 4000 lbs water .001 mm – 10.0 mm (median 200 micron) 99.68% 95.61% Hydrocarbon Load Ave Flow Rate GPM % TPH Removal Oil Retention Efficiency 243 mg/L using 750 mL (1.45 lb) used motor oil + lube oil and clean water 20 97.67% 91.61% Identification of Drainage Structures: The Installer (Contactor) shall inspect the plans and/or worksite to determine the quantity of each drainage structure casting type. The foundry casting number or the exact grate size and clear opening size will provide the information necessary to identify the required Inlet Filter assembly. Inlet Filters shall be supplied to the field pre-configured to fit the specified drainage structure. Installation Into Standard Grated Drainage Structures: Remove the grate/lid from the casting or concrete drainage structure. Clean the ledge (lip) of the casting frame or drainage structure to ensure it is free of stone and dirt. Drop in the Inlet Filter through the clear opening and be sure the suspension hangers rest firmly on the inside ledge (lip) of the casting. Replace the grate and confirm it is elevated no more than 1/8”, which is the thickness of the steel hangers. For Curb Box Inlet Filters: Insert Inlet Filter as described above, pull the rear curb guard flap up and over the open curb box until tight, align magnets to ensure firm attachment to the top portion of the curb box casting. If the curb back opening is not magnetic, slide a typical rock sack or P.T. 2 x 4 through the 2ply rear curb box flap to create a dam which will direct runoff into the sediment bag. Maintenance Guidelines: The frequency of maintenance will vary depending on the application (course construction, post construction, or industrial use), the area of installation 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-10 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ (relative to grade and runoff exposure), and the time of year relative to the geographic location (infrequent rain, year round rain, rain and snow conditions). Frequency of Inspections: Construction site inspection should occur following each ½” or more rain event and no more than once per month. General Maintenance for sediment bags: Upon inspection, the Inlet Filter should be emptied if the sediment bag is more than half filled with sediment and debris, or as directed by the Engineer. Remove the grate, engage the lifting bars or handles with any Removal Tool supplied by the manufacturer, and lift the Inlet Filter from the drainage structure. Machine assistance shall not be required. Dispose of the sediment or debris as directed by the Engineer in an approved container and dispose of in accordance with EPA regulations. As an alternative, an industrial vacuum may be used to collect the accumulated sediment if available. Remove any caked on silt from the sediment bag and reverse flush the bag for optimal filtration. Replace the bag if the geotextile is torn or punctured to ½” diameter or greater on the lower half of the bag. Sediment Bag Replacement: When replacing a Sediment Bag, remove the bag by loosening or cutting off the clamping band, or as indicated by manufacturer. Take the new sediment bag and use a screw driver or other tool necessary to tighten the bag around the frame channel. Ensure the bag is secure and that there is no slack around the perimeter of the band. Add the following Payment Items: Pay Item 425-1521 425-1541 425 1-J8-6 425 1-J8-8 425-IN 425-MG Description FDOT TYPE “C” DBI w/GRATE & INLET FILTER BAG ASSY FDOT TYPE “D” DBI w/GRATE & INLET FILTER BAG ASSY FDOT J-8 6'-0" DIA FDOT J-8 8'-0" DIA EMBEDDED INFILTROMETER KIT ASSY, COMPLETE MANATEE GUARD ASSY, COMPLETE Unit EA EA EA EA EA EA Section 430 – PIPE CULVERTS & STORM SEWERS: Add the following Payment Items: Pay Item 430-175-215E 430-175-218E 430-175-224E 430-175-230E 430-175-112R Description 12”x18” ERCP, Class 14”x23” ERCP, Class 19”x30” ERCP, Class 24”x38” ERCP, Class 12” RCP Class III SS HEIII, HEIII, HEIII, HEIII, SS SS SS SS Unit LF LF LF LF LF Section 436 – TRENCH DRAIN: Add the following Payment Items: 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-11 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ Pay Item 436-1-2 Description 12” TRENCH DRAIN w/CONCRETE ENCASEMENT Unit LF Section 526 – ARCHITECTURAL PAVERS: General • Scope Of Work: A. Supply materials, labor, transportation, services and equipment necessary to supply and install permeable pavers as indicated on drawings and specified herein. • • • • Performance Requirements: A. Permeability to be not less than 5 gallons per minute per square foot. B. Water absorption into paver to be zero in accordance with ASTM C 293. C. Static coefficient of friction ASTM C 1028. 1. Wet: 0.50 – 0.60 2. Dry: 0.60 – 0.70 D. Bulk density of paver to be the amount specified for the paver type and size selected (bulk density of pavers varies with type and size of stone selected). Quality Assurance: A. Manufacturer must be a company licensed to manufacture permeable pavers, utilizing approved manufacturing equipment and processes. B. Installation must be by a contractor with more than 1 year’s experience in placing permeable pavers on projects of similar nature or dollar cost. C. Installation contractor shall conform to all local, state/provincial licensing and bonding requirements. Submittals: A. Submit installation instructions as recommended by manufacturer. B. Submit full size sample sets of permeable paver units to indicate color, shape, stone type and size selected. Stone type and paver color will be selected by Architect/Engineer/Landscape Architect/Owner from available product range. C. Submit test results for compliance to specifications herein. D. Indicate layout pattern, and relationship of paving joints to fixtures and project formed details. E. Submit two copies of written instructions for recommended maintenance. Project Conditions: A. Do not install pavers in heavy rain or snowfall. B. 12/20/2012 Do not install pavers over frozen base materials. PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-12 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ • Product Delivery, Storage And Handling: A. Packaging and Shipping: Permeable pavers to be stretch wrapped in rows, banded on pallets and delivered in original unopened packaging with legible manufacture identification, including size, quantity, and manufacturing date. • Warranty: A. Manufacturer/Installer shall warrant the installed system for a period of ten years from the date of substantial completion against failure of workmanship and materials. Maintenance: A. Extra Materials: Deliver supply of maintenance materials to owner. Furnish maintenance materials from the same lot of materials installed, and enclosed in protective packaging with appropriate identifying labels. • 1. Supply not less than 1 percent of total product installed as maintenance stock. PART 2 – PRODUCTS • Permeable Pavers: A Manufacturers 1. • • • Acceptable Manufacturer Manufacturer Licensed to manufacture permeable pavers using the permeable pavers technology. 2. Drawings and installation specifications are based on propriety literature from the owners of the permeable pavers technology. Manufactured Units: A. Pavers Sizes: 12” X 12” (actual) 16” X 16” (actual) 8” X 8” (actual) 8” X 4” (actual) Face: With beveled edges Finish: Natural stone surface Color: Color selected from manufacturer’s available stone colors. Paver surfaces are sealed. Fabrication: A. Manufactured according to methodology related to the permeable pavers technology. Sub-grade: A. All sub grade material shall be fines free, and will, wherever practical, be washed to remove dust and foreign material. PART 3 – EXECUTION • Examination: 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-13 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ • A. Verify that sub grade preparation including compacted density conform with the specifications. B. Verify that aggregate base materials, thickness, compaction, and elevations conform with specifications. C. Verify location, type, installation and elevation of edge restraints required for the installation. A. Verify that base is dry, uniform, even and ready to support pavers and imposed or anticipated vehicular loads. Installation: A. Spread a bedding layer of 25 mm of fines free (no dust or undersize particles) 5-10 mm stone over the sub grade. Once spread, the screened bedding mix should not be disturbed. Do not use bedding mix to fill depressions in base surface. B. Ensure that pavers are free of foreign materials before installation. C. Lay pavers from permanent edge restraint in the pattern as shown on the drawings. Use string lines to keep paving joints straight. D. Use Brick Saw fitted with a diamond blade fitted with continuous water feed to cut pavers. E. Lay pavers on prepared surface. Make gaps between pavers (grout strips) uniform by inserting spacers between the pavers. F. Set pavers hand tight but do not use hammer to adjust pavers. Secure and level pavers using appropriate plate vibrator (cover plate with rubber or like to avoid damage to pavers). Trafficable areas should receive 4 passes with the plate compactor. G. Apply specified grouting mixture with trowel, ensuring exposed surfaces are protected from spillage. Overfill joints and iron in mixture with pointing tool. Add the following Payment Items: Pay Item 526-P-212 526-P-316 526-P-410 526-P-7 12/20/2012 Description 2-3/8” PERVIOUS PAVERS w/12” BASE, INCL. EDGE RESTRAINT, BEDDING SAND AND FILTER FABRIC 3-1/8” INTERLOCKING PERMEABLE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SYSTEM w/16” BASE, INCL. EDGE RESTRAINT, BEDDING SAND AND FILTER FABRIC “ARCHITECTURAL” PERVIOUS PAVERS W/10” BASE, INCL. EDGE RESTRAINT, BEDDING SAND AND FILTER FABRIC RAISED PERMEABLE CROSSWALK PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS Unit SY SY SY LS PAGE PSP-14 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ INCL. EDGE RESTRAINT, BEDDING SAND AND FILTER FABRIC AND ADA DETECTABLE WARNING TECHNICAL PROVISIONS: Amend the Technical Provisions as follows: TP331 – TYPE ‘S’ ASPHALTIC CONCRETE: Add the following Payment Item: Pay Item 331-72-1S Description TYPE S I ASPHALT CONCRETE, VARIES 1" - 1.5", OVERLAY Unit SY TP520 – CONCRETE GUTTER, CURB ELEMENTS AND TRAFFIC SEPARATOR: Add the following Payment Items: Pay Item 520-2-1S 520-2-2S 520-2-4M1 Description 8" CURB (STEEL FORM, RADIUS) WHEEL STOPS CONCRETE CURB, TYPE D, MODIFIED Unit LF EA LF TP522 – CONCRETE SIDEWALK: Add the following Payment Items: Pay Item 522-21-3M Description Concrete Driveway, Reinforced w/ Fibermesh, 6” thick Unit SY SARASOTA COUNTY STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: Amend the Sarasota County Standard Specifications as follows: SCSS-98 – PROJECT SIGNS: Add the following Payment Items: Pay Item 98-2M Description County -Provided Project Funding Sign, Install Unit EA SCSS-480 – SARASOTA COUNTY TRANSIT SHELTERS, BENCHES, BICYCLE RACKS, AND TRASH RECEPTACLES: Add the following Payment Items: Pay Item 480-BR-1 480-IK-1 12/20/2012 Description Bicycle Rack (3) w/ Concrete Pad, Complete INFORMATION KIOSK PER DETAIL, ASSY COMPLETE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS Unit EA EA PAGE PSP-15 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ Add the following Technical Specifications: TS165 - BIORETENTION & BIODETENTION SYSTEMS: Description of Work: • The extent of the BioRetention systems are from top of bank to top of bank and includes pre-filter strips where required. • The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools and appurtenances required to complete the installation of all BioRetention swales and ponds, complete with appurtenances, as shown, specified or required by the Drawings and Contract Documents. • All work shall be in accordance with the Sarasota County Low Impact Development (LID) Manual, the Shallow Bioretention for Consideration for Inclusion Into the Sarasota County Low-impact Development Manual and the FDEP Statewide Stormwater Treatment Rule, latest editions. • All work shall be in accordance with all local, state, and federal ordinances and regulations. Related Sections: • SS104 – Prevention, Control, and Abatement of Erosion and Water Pollution • SS110 – Clearing and Grubbing • SS120 – Excavation And Embankment • SS580 – Landscaping • Section 02616 – Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) And Polyethylene (PE) Section 02770 – PVC Geomembrane • Technical Provision TP120A – Borrow Excavation, Earth Embankment, and Fill Material • Technical Provision TP425 – Inlets, Manholes, And Junction Boxes (FDOT) • Technical Provision TP443 – French Drains • Technical Provision TP736 – Manhole And Valve Box Adjustments (FDOT) • Technical Provision TP738 – Water Service Adjustment (FDOT) Definitions: • BioRetention swales and ponds have no liner and underdrain system. The typical sections and their locations are shown in the plans. The BioRetention swales are located in the Right-Of-Way adjacent to roadways and act as roadside swales. The BioRetention Ponds are typically located next to site improvements, not roadways. • BioRetention Swales have 3:1 side slopes where as BioRetention Ponds have 4:1 side slopes. • Biosystem – Biosystems shall mean BioRetention swales or ponds. Submittals: • The CONTRACTOR shall perform a minimum of one (1) test for each BioRetention System, a minimum of one test per each side of each block, but no less than every 6,000 square feet (sf) of BioRetention area. The tests shall include the Planting Soil mix, Engineered Soil mix and Nutrient-Absorption Media mix as follows: BioRetention Systems Planting Soil Filter Bed A. The bed material must be sandy loam, loamy sand, or loam texture. B. Clay content must be between 3 and 5%. C. Soil pH must be between 5.5 and 6.5. 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-16 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ D. Soil organic matter content must be between 3% and 10% by volume. Soil amendments to raise the organic matter content must have a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of at least 50%. Nutrient-Adsorption Layer A. The unit weight must be more than 80 pounds per cubic foot when dry. C. Greater than 15% but less than 30% of the particles passing the #200 sieve. D. The media must be more than 50% uniformly graded sand by volume and the sand must not contain shale. E. The media water holding capacity must be at least 35% as measured by porosity. F. At the specified unit weight noted above, the vertical permeability must be at least 1 inch per hour but not more than 3 inches per hour. G. The media must have an organic content of at least 5% by volume. The organic content must be in the form of 1-inch hardwood chips (e.g., melaleuca or eucalyptus woodchips) evenly distributed throughout the layer. H. The media pH must be between 6.5 and 8.0. I. The concentration of soluble salts must be less than 3.5 g (KCL)/L. J. The sorption capacity of the sand must exceed 0.005 mg OP/mg media. K. The residual moisture content must exceed 50% of the porosity. Product Delivery, Storage, and Handling: • The CONTRACTOR shall protect the work described in this Section before, during, and after installation, and shall protect the installed work specified in other Sections, as well as work completed by the OWNER. • The soil mix and other materials shall be protected from the following: A. Site construction damage. B. Erosion and runoff. C. Sedimentation of excavated or completed bioswales or ponds. D. Any environmental condition that might damage or alter the materials. Materials: Bioretention Systems Planting Soil Filter Bed A. The planting soil filter bed must be at least 6 inches thick. B. The bed material must be sandy loam, loamy sand, or loam texture. C. Clay content must be between 3 and 5%. D. Soil pH must be between 5.5 and 6.5. E. Soil organic matter content must be between 3% and 10% by volume. Soil amendments to raise the organic matter content must have a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of at least 50%. F. The soil mix must be uniform and free of stones, stumps, roots, or other similar material greater than 2 inches in size. Nutrient-Adsorption Layer 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-17 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ A. The nutrient-adsorption layer must be at least 6 inches thick. B. The unit weight must be more than 80 pounds per cubic foot when dry. C. Greater than 15% but less than 30% of the particles passing the #200 sieve. D. The media must be more than 50% uniformly graded sand by volume and the sand must not contain shale. E. The media water holding capacity must be at least 35% as measured by porosity. F. At the specified unit weight noted above the vertical permeability must be at least 1 inch per hour but not more than 3 inches per hour. G. The media must have an organic content of at least 5% by volume. The organic content must be in the form of 1-inch hardwood chips (e.g., melaleuca or eucalyptus woodchips) evenly distributed throughout the layer. H. The media pH must be between 6.5 and 8.0. I. The concentration of soluble salts must be less than 3.5 g (KCL)/L. J. The sorption capacity of the sand must exceed 0.005 mg OP/mg media. K. The residual moisture content must exceed 50% of the porosity. Fabrication: The planting soil and nutrient-absorption media mixes shall be brought onto the site and shall be compatible with existing materials. The materials used for the mixes shall be select materials free of hydrocarbons, rocks, roots, sticks, paving materials, metal pieces, and all other unsuitable substances. Additionally, the materials shall have a moisture content such that the specified density will be obtained and to prevent excessive settlement or shrinkage. The various soil mixes shall be thoroughly mixed to obtain a uniform mix. Execution Site Preparation: • All required excavation, dewatering, grading, grooming, storm water or cistern pipes, inlets/manholes, utility relocation, compaction and construction quality assurance (CQA) testing shall be complete and accepted by the ENGINEER prior to placement of the BioRetention materials, soils or products. • The surface to be covered by the BioRetention materials shall be cleared of sharp objects, angular stones, sticks. The subgrade for the BioRetention materials shall have a smooth, finished surface, free from pockets, holes, ruts, and discontinuities. The subgrade shall be inspected for unsuitable areas or soft spots before the BioRetention materials are placed, and additional surface preparation will be required to eliminate any unsuitable areas as determined by the ENGINEER. • The subgrade to receive the BioRetention system materials shall be compacted and tested to meet the maximum density of 92% to 95% Modified Proctor Density (ASTM D-1557). Should the density exceed the 95% threshold, the subgrade shall be scarified to a depth of 12-inches and re-compacted and tested to meet the 92% to 95% density threshold. A minimum of one (1) test shall be conducted per BioRetention system, a minimum of one (1) test per each side of each block, but no less than one (1) test per 4,500 sf of BioRetention area or as directed by the ENGINEER. The testing shall be performed by an certified, independent testing laboratory approved by the COUNTY. 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-18 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ Installation: • The CONTRACTOR shall limit the number of BioRetention systems under construction at any given time to one (1) block at a time to limit impact to local businesses. Pedestrian and vehicular access shall be maintained at all times or alternative access shall be provided. Additionally, the CONTRACTOR shall provide FDOT signage for the businesses that are affected by construction, directing patrons to the appropriate entrances/exits to these businesses. • Drainage facilities shall also be maintained or a bypass system shall be provided to direct runoff around the Bio-system under construction. The CONTRACTOR shall keep the BioRetention materials free from contamination and sedimentation during storm events. • All materials shall be placed in a neat and orderly manner. All soil and aggregates, excluding the Planting Soil mix and Nutrient-Absorption Media, shall be installed in no more than 12” lifts and each lift compacted by hand or by mechanical tampers to 92% to 95% Modified Proctor Density (ASTM D-1557). In areas to be paved or repaved (i.e. culverts) the entire depth of backfill shall be deposited in lifts and compacted by hand or mechanical tampers to a maximum thickness of 6-inches and compacted to at least 95% Modified Proctor density (ASTM D-1557). Density tests shall be taken at every lift. Care shall be taken to not over-compact the soil mixes. However, enough moisture and compaction must be provided to maintain the soil stability and to limit shrinkage and swelling. • The Planting Soil and Nutrient-Absorption Media layers shall be installed in 2” to 3” lifts with pneumatic blowers and watered. These layers shall be compacted by hand or by mechanical tampers to 92% Modified Proctor Density (ASTM D-1557). In areas to be paved or repaved (i.e. culverts) the entire depth of backfill shall be deposited in lifts and compacted by hand or mechanical tampers to a maximum thickness of 6inches and compacted to at least 95% Modified Proctor density (ASTM D-1557). Density tests shall be taken in 6-inch lift increments. Care shall be taken to not over-compact the soil mixes. The CONTRACTOR shall perform Bulk Density (ASTM D2937) and infiltration rate (ASTM D5126) testing to see if the optimum density and minimum permeability has been met for plant growth and soil stability. The minimum infiltration rate is 2.4 in/hr for the planting material, engineered soil, base and subgrade at time of installation. Should the soil be overly compacted, as determined by the ENGINEER, the Contractor shall till the top layer, to a maximum depth of 12-inches, re-grade, re-compact and retest the soils to meet the ENGINEERS approval. Infiltration rate testing shall be performed at a rate of no less than one (1) for each BioRetention System soil layer (including the subgrade, engineered soil, nutrient-absorption media layer and planting soil layers), a minimum of one test per each side of each block, but no less than every 3,000 square feet (sf) of BioRetention area. Bulk density testing shall be performed at a rate of no less than one (1) for each BioRetention System soil layer (including the nutrient-absorption media layer and planting soil layers), a minimum of one test per each side of each block, but no less than every 3,000 square feet (sf) of BioRetention area. Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program General: • Before installation begins, and weekly thereafter (more often if determined necessary by the ENGINEER) project coordination meetings shall be held with the designated representative of the CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER and OWNER in attendance to review the following information: 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-19 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ • • • A. Progress of the work. B. Adherence to the Specifications. C. Adherence to the Construction Quality Assurance Program, including the timely submission of the pertinent forms. D. Methods of protecting materials and handling of storm water runoff. E. Planned work and methods for the ensuing week, including estimate of time remaining to completion of the work. F. Problem resolutions to be implemented during the upcoming week. All of the Forms specified and required must be submitted to the ENGINEER in a timely fashion. The OWNER and ENGINEER must approve any changes in the proposed method of work, subcontractors to be utilized, materials, or manufacturing in advance. The CONTRACTOR assumes all responsibility relevant to providing an acceptable product and installation. Method of Measurement: The Contractor shall give the County Engineer’s Representative four hours notice in advance of his start of Biosystem installation. The County Engineer’s Representative shall inspect and approve the subsoil condition prior to the Contractor beginning backfilling. The quantity of BioRetention swales and ponds to be paid for under this Technical Provision is the contract unit price per square foot for the final graded facility top of bank area for the Biosystem. The estimated quantities for BioRetention facilities as shown on the detailed plans are given for the bidders comparison of his calculations only. The figures do not include allowances for clearing loss, scalping before fill, losses resulting from removing vegetative material from the site, bulkage, shrinkage, swelling, topsoil, sodding, etc. Basis of Payment: If a payment item is listed on the bid form for work required under this Technical Specification, payment shall be as specified in the bid form. The contract square foot prices for BioRetention Systems measured as provided above, includes: full compensation for all work described herein including planting soil filter bed and nutrient adsorption layer. If listed on the bid form, payment shall be made under one or more of the following items: Pay Item 165-1 Description BioRetention Swales and Ponds Unit SF TS 994 - VETERANS MEMORIAL: Refer to the Construction Plans for Details and Specifications. Pay Item 994-1S Description VETERAN’S MEMORIAL, COMPLETE Unit LS TS 995 - FREEDOM PAVILION: Refer to the Construction Plans for Details and Specifications. Pay Item 995-1S Description Unit FREEDOM PAVILION BUILDING AND LS ACCESSORIES (INCL. GREEN ROOF), COMPLETE TS 996 - HARBOR LANE BUILDING AND ACCESSORIES: 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-20 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ Refer to the Construction Plans for Details and Specifications. Pay Item 996-1S Description HARBOR LANE BUILDING AND ACCESSORIES, COMPLETE Unit LS TS 997 - GRASSPAVE2: Refer to Manufacturers Specifications. Payment shall be provided under the following payment item: Pay Item Description 997-1S GRASSPAVE2 6. Unit SY Site Contamination Permitting: This project contains three areas of concern in dealing with site contamination permitting including, non-contaminated site activity, petroleum contaminated site activity, and non-petroleum contaminated site activity. Information on requirements for dealing with each issue is given below. A. Non-Contaminated Site Activity: The Contractor shall have to comply with the requirements of the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Generic Permit for the Discharge of Produced Ground Water from any Non-Contaminated Site Activity (Document 61621.300(2)). This generic permit will apply to dewatering discharge created in any non-contaminated project areas. B. Petroleum Contaminated Site Activity: The Contractor shall have to comply with the requirements of the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Generic Permit for the Discharges from Petroleum Contaminated Sites (Document 61-621.300(1)). This generic permit will apply to dewatering discharge created in fuel contaminated sites. The current FDEP generic permit fee is $100 and will be at the cost of the contractor. For more information, the Contractor can contact Yanisa Angulo at the Tampa FDEP office at (813) 632-7600. The Contractor shall refer to Section ? Contamination Report and Permitting for more information. This section lists the potential contaminated sites, the generic permits referred to above in items (A) and (B). Cost for the Contamination permitting and remediation shall be paid for under bid item 104-30S Prevention, Control, & Abatement of Erosion & Water Pollution. 7. Utility Adjustments: The Contractor and utility companies shall closely coordinate the sequence of their construction operations. The Contractor shall schedule his work activities to accommodate utility company work activities as described in the Contract Documents. The Contractor will receive no additional payment for delays caused by utility company work activities. 8. Utility Coordination and Contacts: The information below is provided as a courtesy. At the time of actual construction, the utility contact information shall be verified by the Contractor: 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-21 SECTION 17 ________________________________________________________________________ Utility Aqua America AT& T City of Sarasota City of Venice Comcast Cable Englewood Water FPL FPL Contact Name Tricia Williams Bill Mercer Glenn Marzlof Len Bramble Gonzalo Rojas Mike Ray Phone Number 352-266-0608 813-766-9571 941-955-2325 941-480-3333 941-342-3578 941-460-1040 941-723-4430 239-332-9154 561-694-4060 1-800-4 OUTAGE Sarasota County Greg Coker - Primary Scott Overbaugh – Englewood/North Port George J. Beck Transmission Steve Bothast Emergency Phone 941-650-9611 813-766-9571 941-955-4838 941-480-3333 941-377-4101 941-474-3217 or 941-270-7000 1-800-468-8243 1-800-4 OUTAGE 941-650-8803 941-861-0573 Sarasota County Jason Brown 941-650-3728 TECO/PEOPLES GAS PLURIS Southgate, Inc. Verizon Florida, LLC Dan Shanahan 941-342-4006 1-877-832-6911 Kenneth Pratt 949-454-7106 1-714-624-8670 Denise Hutton 941-906-6722 1-800-483-1000 FPL 9. Contractor shall provide water quality monitoring in accordance to Construction Plan Sheet 11. Cost for the water quality monitoring shall be paid for under bid item 10430S Prevention, Control, & Abatement of Erosion & Water Pollution. 10. Maintenance of the Dearborn LID components shall be incidental to the item of related work and has no direct payment bid item. 12/20/2012 PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE PSP-22 SECTION 18 SWFWMD GRANT REQUIRED FORMS This page left intentionally blank Section 18: Southwest Florida Water Management District Grant Provisions 1.0 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES. Pursuant to Subsections 287.133(2) and (3), F.S., a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, F.S., for Category Two, for a period of 36 months following the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. The COUNTY agrees to include this provision in all subcontracts issued as a result of this Agreement. 2.0 DISCRIMINATION. Pursuant to Subsection 287.134(2)(a), F.S., an entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity. The COUNTY agrees to include this provision in all subcontracts issued as a result of this Agreement. 3.0 SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES. Pursuant to Section 287.135, F.S., a company that, at the time of bidding or submitting a proposal for a new contract or renewal of an existing contract, is on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List of the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, created pursuant to Section 215.473, F.S., is ineligible for, and may not bid on, submit a proposal for, or enter into or renew a contract with an agency or local governmental entity for goods or services of $1 million or more entered into or renewed on or after July 1, 2011, must contain a provision that allows for the termination of such contract at the option of the awarding body if the company is found to have submitted a false certification as provided under Subsection 287.135(5), F.S., or has been placed on either of the aforementioned lists. The COUNTY agrees to comply with the requirements of Section 287.135, F.S. in connection with the implementation of the PROJECT. 3.0 Minority/Women Owned Business Utilizations Contractor will be required to submit with their monthly pay application to Sarasota County, the Minority/Women Owned and Small Business Utilization Report, Exhibit D.
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