City of Oshawa Consolidated Operation Depot Site Work and Ancillary Structures, Consolidated Operations Depot — Phase 4 The Corporation of the City of Oshawa 199 Wentworth Street East Oshawa, Ontario Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 SECTION NO. TITLE TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 00010 Page 1 of 3 NO. OF PAGES DIVISION 2 SITE CONSTRUCTION 02060 02111 02310 02312 02315 02740 02770 02830 02831 02870 02890 02923 02924 02930 Demolition of Structure ........................................................................... 2 Clearing and Grubbing ............................................................................ 2 Site Grading ............................................................................................ 2 Topsoil .................................................................................................... 1 Excavation Trenching an Backfilling ...................................................... 5 Asphalt Paving ........................................................................................ 6 Concrete Paving ..................................................................................... 4 Wood Privacy Fence ............................................................................... 3 Chain Link Fences .................................................................................. 2 Site Furnishings ...................................................................................... 1 Regulatory Signs..................................................................................... 2 Seeding ................................................................................................... 4 Sodding ................................................................................................... 3 Planting ................................................................................................... 9 DIVISION 3 CONCRETE 03100 03200 03300 03310 03350 Concrete Forms and Accessories........................................................... 3 Concrete Reinforcement ......................................................................... 5 Cast-In-Place Concrete .......................................................................... 6 Concrete Bunkers ................................................................................... 2 Concrete Floor Finishes .......................................................................... 2 DIVISION 4 MASONRY 04200 Clay and Concrete Unit Masonry ............................................................ 8 DIVISION 5 METALS 05120 05210 05311 05500 05510 05511 Structural Steel ....................................................................................... 4 Steel Joists.............................................................................................. 4 Steel Deck............................................................................................... 3 Metal Fabrications................................................................................... 5 Metal Stairs ............................................................................................. 3 Guards and Railings ............................................................................... 2 DIVISION 6 WOOD AND PLASTICS 06100 06192 Rough Carpentry..................................................................................... 4 Prefabricated Wood Trusses .................................................................. 2 Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 00010 Page 2 of 3 DIVISION 7 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07131 07180 07190 07212 07213 07250 07270 07401 07460 07620 07900 Ice and Water Shield .............................................................................. 2 All Polyurethane Traffic Topping System ............................................... 5 Vapour Barriers ....................................................................................... 2 Board Insulation ...................................................................................... 3 Batt and Blanket Insulation ..................................................................... 2 Sheet Air Barrier ..................................................................................... 4 Self Adhesive Sheet Air/ Vapour Barrier Membrane .............................. 3 Preformed Metal Roofing – TSR1000..................................................... 5 Metal Siding ............................................................................................ 4 Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim ............................................................... 2 Sealants .................................................................................................. 6 DIVISION 8 DOORS AND WINDOWS 08110 08120 08310 08360 08373 08710 08800 08950 Steel Doors and Frames ....................................................................... 10 Aluminum Doors and Frames ................................................................. 5 Access Panels ........................................................................................ 2 Sectional Overhead Doors...................................................................... 4 High Speed Rolling Doors ...................................................................... 5 Door Hardware...................................................................................... 14 Glass and Glazing................................................................................... 3 Prefinished Aluminum Soffit Eavestrough and Fascia…………….…....3 DIVISION 9 FINISHES 09250 09900 09964 Gypsum Board Systems ......................................................................... 6 Painting ................................................................................................... 8 Polyurethane Coating ............................................................................. 3 DIVISION 10 SPECIALTIES N/a DIVISION 11 EQUIPMENT 11151 11125 11802 11810 11815 11825 Cantilever Chain Link Gates ................................................................... 7 Automatic Barrier Gates ......................................................................... 5 Bird Netting ............................................................................................. 1 Fueling System ....................................................................................... 9 Brine Storage System ............................................................................. 9 Heavy-Duty Steel Deck Truck Scale....................................................... 5 Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 00010 Page 3 of 3 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 DIVISION 12 FURNISHINGS N/a DIVISION 13 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13700 Security Access and Surveillance........................................................... 3 DIVISION 14 ELEVATOR N/a END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURE Section 02060 Page 1 of 2 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Related Work 1. Restrictions on use of adjacent public and private roads, walks and property, including aerial space. 1.2 Reference Standards 1. Do blasting operations in accordance with requirements of CSA S350-M1980, except where otherwise specified. (IF REQUIRED) 1.3. Existing Conditions 1. Take over structures to be demolished based on their condition at time of examination prior to tendering. 2. Demolition of spray or trowel-applied asbestos can be hazardous to health. Should material resembling spray or trowel-applied asbestos be encountered in the course of demolition work, stop work and notify the Consultant immediately. Do not proceed until written instructions have been received from the Consultant. 1.4 Demolition Drawings 1. Where required by authorities having jurisdiction, submit for approval drawings, diagrams or details showing sequence of disassembly work or supporting structures and underpinning. 2. Drawings for structural elements shall bear stamp of qualified professional engineer registered in the Province of Ontario. 1.5 Protection 1. Prevent movement, settlement or damage of adjacent structures, services, walks, paving, landscaping adjacent to grades. Provide bracing, shoring and underpinning required. Make good damage and be liable for injury caused by demolition. 2. Take precautions to support structures and, if safety of adjacent structures appears to be endangered, cease operations and notify the Consultant. 3. Prevent debris from blocking, surface drainage systems, mechanical and electrical systems which must remain in operation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not applicable. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURE Section 02060 Page 2 of 2 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Work 1. Dispose of demolished materials except where noted otherwise and in accordance with authorities having jurisdiction. 3.2 Safety Code 1. Unless otherwise specified, carry out demolition work in accordance with all Safety Requirements. 3.3 Preparation 1. Refer to Mechanical / Electrical Section 2. Do not disrupt active or energized utilities traversing premises or designated to remain undisturbed. 3. Employ rodent and vermin exterminators to comply with heath regulations. 3.4. Demolition 1. Demolish complete or partial structure as indicated. 2. Demolish parts of building to permit construction of addition and remedial work as indicated. 3. Remove existing equipment, services, and obstacles where required for refinishing or making good of existing surfaces, and replace as work progresses. 4. At end of each day's work, leave work in safe condition so that no part is in danger of toppling or falling. Protect interiors of parts not to be demolished from exterior elements at all times. 5. Demolish to minimize dusting. Keep dusty materials wetted. 6. Demolish masonry and concrete walls in small sections. Carefully remove and lower structural framing and other heavy or large objects. 7. Do not sell or burn materials on site. 8. Remove contaminated or dangerous materials, as defined by authorities having jurisdiction, from site and dispose of in strict accordance with bylaws, regulations and/or guidelines applicable to such material. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 DESCRIPTION .1 General requirements governing work of this section are specified in Division 1. .2 3 CLEARING AND GRUBBING Section 02111 Page 1 of 2 RELATED WORK .1 Site Grading .2 Demolition of Structure Section 02310 Section 02060 .3 DEFINITIONS .1 Clearing consists of cutting off trees and brush vegetative growth to not more than a specified height above ground and disposing of felled trees and surface debris. .2 Close-cut clearing consists of cutting off standing trees, brush, scrub, roots, stumps and embedded logs, removing flush with existing grade and disposing of fallen timber and surface debris. .3 Clearing isolated trees consists of cutting off to not more than a specified height above ground of trees designated grubbing and disposing of felled trees and debris. .4 Underbrush clearing consists of removal from treed areas of undergrowth, deadwood and trees smaller than 50 mm diameter and disposing of all fallen timber and surface debris. .5 Grubbing consists of excavation and disposal of stumps and roots boulders and rock fragments to not less than a specified depth below existing ground surface. .4 PROTECTION .1 Prevent damage to fencing trees, landscaping, natural features, bench marks, existing buildings, existing pavement, utility lines, site appurtenances, water courses, root systems of trees, which are to remain. Make good damage. .2 Apply tree paint approved by Consultant, to cuts or scars suffered by vegetation designated to remain. EXECUTION .1 CLEARING .1 Clear trees, shrubs, uprooted stumps and surface debris not designated to remain. .2 Cut off trees, brush and scrub as indicated. .3 Cut off unsound branches and cut down trees overhanging area cleared at no extra cost. .2 CLOSE CUT CLEARING .1 Cut off trees, shrubs, stumps and other vegetation as indicated (within 100mm of existing ground surface). .2 Perform close cut clearing so that existing insulation of fibrous material is not damaged. .3 Cut off unsound branches and cut down trees overhanging area cleared at no extra charge. .3 ISOLATED TREES .1 Cut off isolated trees as indicated or as directed by Consultant at height of not more than 300 mm above exist .2 Grub out isolated tree stumps. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 CLEARING AND GRUBBING Section 02111 Page 2 of 2 .4 UNDERBRUSH CLEARING .1 Clear underbrush from areas as indicated at ground level. .5 GRUBBING .1 Grub out stumps and roots to not less than 200 mm below existing ground surface. .2 Grub out visible rock fragments and boulders, greater than 300 mm in greatest dimension, but less than 0.25 m 3. .6 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL .1 Remove cleared and grubbed materials off site to disposal area as indicated. .7 FINISHED SURFACE .1 Leave ground surface in condition suitable for immediate grading operations stripping of topsoil. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 SITE GRADING Section 02310 Page 1 of 2 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide site grading including stripping and stockpiling of topsoil. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Environmental Protection .2 Topsoil .3 Excavation, Trenching and Backfilling .4 Section 01561 Section 02312 Section 02315 REFERENCES .1 ASTM D698-12e1; Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics 3 3 of Soil Using Standard Effort [12,400 ft lbf/ft (600 KN-m/m )]. .5 DEFINITIONS .1 Native Topsoil: existing on-site material, capable of supporting good vegetative growth and suitable for use in finish grading for sodding or seeding. .6 SITE CONDITIONS .1 Underground and surface utility lines and buried objects affected by the Work, are indicated on the drawings. .2 2 3 Locate and confirm any and all on-site services prior to commencement of grading operations. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Fill material: Types 2 and 3, in accordance with Section 02315. .2 Excavated or graded material existing on site may be suitable to use as fill for grading work if approved by Consultant, subject to laboratory analysis. .3 Protect approved material from contamination. EXECUTION .1 PROTECTION .1 Protect all existing fencing, trees, landscaping, natural features, bench marks, buildings, pavement, surface or underground utility lines which are to remain, as directed by Consultant. If damaged, restore to original condition unless directed otherwise. .2 .2 Maintain access roads to prevent accumulation of mud on roads. STRIPPING OF NATIVE TOPSOIL .1 Do not handle topsoil while in wet or frozen condition or in any manner in which soil structure is adversely affected, as determined by Consultant. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. Error! Not a valid link. Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 4 .2 Commence topsoil stripping of areas as indicated, after area has been cleared of brush, weeds and/or grasses, which have been removed from site. .3 Strip topsoil to depths as indicated. Avoid mixing topsoil with subsoil. .4 Stockpile in locations as directed by Consultant. Stockpile height not to exceed 7'-0". .5 Dispose of unused topsoil to location off site. GRADING .1 Rough grade to levels, profiles, and contours allowing for surface treatment as indicated. .2 Rough grade, using imported Type 2 fill material, to the following depths below finished grades: .1 10" for HD asphalt paving. .2 10" for concrete paving. .3 9" for unit paving. .3 Rough grade, using Type 3 fill material as required, to the following depths below finished grades: .1 8" for grassed areas. .2 24" for planting beds. .3 36" for trees. .4 Slope rough grade away from building 1:50 minimum. .5 Grade ditches to depth as indicated. .6 Prior to placing fill over existing ground, scarify surface to depth of 6". Maintain fill and existing surface at approximately same moisture content to facilitate bonding. .7 Compact filled and disturbed areas to Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (SPMDD) in accordance with ASTM D698-12e1 as follows: .1 98% under paved and walk areas, Type 2 fill. .2 85% under landscaped areas, Type 3 fill. .8 Do not disturb soil within branch spread of trees or shrubs to remain. INSPECTION & TESTING .1 Inspection and testing of soil compaction will be carried out by an independent testing laboratory under separate contract. .2 5 SITE GRADING Section 02310 Page 2 of 2 Costs of testing will be paid from a Cash Allowance. Refer to Section 01210 for allocation of allowances. Refer to Section 01400 for extent and frequency of testing. SURPLUS MATERIAL .1 Remove surplus material and material unsuitable for fill, grading or landscaping as directed by the Consultant. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. Error! Not a valid link. Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 TOPSOIL Section 02312 Page 1 of 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 TESTING .1 Inspection and testing of topsoil is to be carried out under separate contract. 2 PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 All topsoil, supplied by the Contractor, shall be a fertile, friable natural loam containing four percent (4%) minimum organic matter for clay loams and two percent (2%) minimum organic matter for sandy loams with acidity range of 5.5 PH to 7.5 PH and shall be capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth. It shall be free of any admixture of sub-soil, clay lumps, stones, and roots and other extraneous matter and shall be free of weeds and weed seeds. 3 EXECUTION .1 TOPSOIL SPREADING AND FINE GRADING .1 Obtain approval by the Landscape Architect of prepared subgrade prior to spreading topsoil. .2 Spread topsoil to the following depths: 1. 150 mm for all areas to be seeded and sodded. 2. Depth indicated is compacted depth. 3. Spread topsoil on prepared sub-grade of the work site. 4. Fine grade topsoil to produce a smooth even surface free from debris, sod, stones and roots. 5. Compact (85% Standard Proctor Density). 6. Meet and match all existing turf areas, curbs, manholes and catchbasin frames in a smooth uniform line to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect. 7. Refer to Section 02930 PLANTING, Part 2, 2.1 a. for type of topsoil mix required and depth where planting material will be installed. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING Section 02315 Page 1 of 5 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide excavating, trenching, backfill and compaction. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Quality Requirements .2 Temporary Facilities & Construction Controls .3 Environmental Protection .4 Site Grading .4 Section 01400 Section 01500 Section 01561 Section 02310 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 OPSS-1010-93; Material Specification for Aggregates – Granular A, B, M and Select Subgrade Material (Ontario Provincial Standard Specification). .2 ASTM D698-91(1998); Test Method for Laboratory Compaction 3 .3 .4 Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft. lbf/ft (600 kNm/m³). CSA-A23.1-00; Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. CSA-A23.2-00; Methods of Test for Concrete. .5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING .1 Stockpiling Of Material .1 Stockpile fill materials in areas designated by Consultant. Stockpile granular materials in manner to prevent segregation. .2 Protect fill materials from contamination. .6 SITE CONDITIONS .1 Location Of Existing Buried Utilities .1 Existing utilities and structures indicated on the drawings are schematic only. Actual size, depth, and location must be determined by site locates and test excavation. .7 .2 Prior to commencing any excavation work, notify applicable authorities, and establish location and status of use of buried utilities and structures. Engage authorities having jurisdiction to clearly mark such locations to prevent disturbance during work. .3 Confirm locations of buried utilities by careful test excavations. .4 Conduct, with Consultant, condition survey of existing buildings, trees and other plants, lawns, fencing, service poles, wires, pavement, survey bench marks and monuments which may be affected by work. SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL .1 Inform Consultant at least 4 weeks prior to commencing work, of proposed source of fill materials and provide access for sampling. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 2 3 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING Section 02315 Page 2 of 5 PRODUCTS .1 FILL TYPES .1 Fill Types are designated herein as "Type 1" etc., for clarity. Designations do not coincide with Soil Types defined in Section 226 of the Occupational Health & Safety Act. .1 Type 1: Granular A, to OPSS 1010. .2 Type 2: Granular B, to OPSS 1010. .3 Type 3: selected native material from excavation, having moisture content within 3% of optimum value, approved by Consultant for use intended, unfrozen, free from roots, rocks larger than 3" cinders, ashes, sods, refuse, or other deleterious materials. .4 Type 4: clean, coarse concrete sand to CSA A23.1, free from clay, shale, and organic matter. .5 Type 5: 3/4", clear crushed stone, to CSA A23.1 (rounded aggregate will not be acceptable). EXECUTION .1 SITE PREPARATION .1 Remove obstructions, ice and snow, from surfaces to be excavated within limits indicated. .2 Cut pavement or sidewalk neatly along limits of proposed excavation in order that surface may break evenly and cleanly. .2 PROTECTION .1 Existing buried utilities and structures: .1 Maintain and protect from damage, water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone and other utilities and structures encountered as indicated. .2 Where utility lines or structures exist in area of excavation, obtain direction of Consultant before removing or re-routing. Pay costs of such work. .3 Record location of maintained, re-routed and abandoned underground lines. .2 Existing buildings and surface features: .1 Protect existing buildings and surface features which may be affected by work from damage while work is in progress. In event of damage, immediately make repair to approval of Consultant. .2 Where excavation necessitates root or branch cutting, do so only as approved by Consultant. .3 Excavations .1 Protect bottoms of excavations from softening or freezing. .2 Construct banks in accordance with local bylaws. .3 Provide adequate protection around bench markers, layout markers, survey markers, and geodetic monuments. .4 Effect approved measures to minimize dust as result of this work. .5 Do not stockpile excavated material to interfere with site operation or drainage. .4 Shoring, Bracing And Underpinning .1 Protect existing features in compliance with Section 01500 and applicable local regulations. .2 Engage services of qualified Professional Engineer registered in the Province of Ontario to design and inspect shoring, bracing and Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 .4 .5 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING Section 02315 Page 3 of 5 underpinning required for work. Submit design and supporting data at least (2) weeks prior to commencing work. Design and supporting data submitted to bear the stamp and signature of qualified Professional Engineer registered in the Province of Ontario. Professional Engineer responsible for design of temporary structures to submit proof of insurance coverage for professional liability except where Engineer is employee of Contractor, in which case Contractor shall submit proof that work by Professional Engineer is included in Contractor's insurance coverage. .3 DE-WATERING AND HEAVE PREVENTION .1 Keep excavations free of water while work is in progress. .2 Submit, for Consultant's review, details of proposed dewatering or heave prevention methods, such as dikes, well points, and sheet pile cut-offs. .3 Avoid excavation below groundwater table if quick condition or heave is likely to occur. Prevent piping or bottom heave of excavations by groundwater lowering, sheet pile cut-offs, or other means. .4 Protect open excavations against flooding and damage due to surface run-off. .5 Dispose of water in a manner not detrimental to public and private property, or any portion of work completed or under construction. .6 Provide flocculation tanks, settling basins, or other treatment facilities to remove suspended solids or other materials before discharging to storm sewers, water courses or drainage areas. .4 EXCAVATION .1 Excavate to lines, grades, elevations and dimensions indicated. .2 Remove paving, walks, demolished foundations and rubble, and other obstructions encountered during excavation. .3 Excavation must not interfere with normal 45 degree splay of bearing from bottom of any footing. .4 Do not disturb soil within branch spread of trees or shrubs that are to remain. If excavating through roots, excavate by hand and cut roots with sharp axe or saw. Seal cuts with approved tree wound dressing. .5 For trench excavation, unless otherwise authorized by Consultant in writing, do not excavate more than 100 feet of trench in advance of installation operations and do not leave open more than 50 feet at end of day's operation. .6 Dispose of surplus and unsuitable excavated material off site. .7 Do not obstruct flow of surface drainage or natural watercourses. .8 Earth bottoms of excavations to be undisturbed soil, level, free from loose, soft or organic matter. .9 Notify Consultant when soil at bottom of excavation is reached. .10 Obtain Consultant's approval of completed excavation. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .5 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING Section 02315 Page 4 of 5 .11 Remove unsuitable material from trench bottom to extent and depth directed by Consultant. .12 Where required due to unauthorized over-excavation, correct as follows: .1 Fill under bearing surfaces and footings with concrete specified for footings. .2 Fill under other areas with Type 2 fill, compacted to not less than 95% Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (SPMDD). .13 Hand trim, make firm and remove loose material and debris from excavations. Where material at bottom of excavation is disturbed, compact foundation soil to density at least equal to undisturbed soil. Clean out rock seams and fill with concrete mortar or grout to approval of Consultant. .14 Excavate trenches to lines and grades shown, to a minimum of 6" below underside of pipe, conduit, cable or duct. Provide recesses for bell and spigot pipe to ensure bearing will occur along barrel of pipe. .15 Cut trenches 12" wider than maximum pipe, conduit, cable or duct diameter or width. Trim and shape trench bottoms and leave free of irregularities, lumps or projections. .16 Excavation exceeding that indicated in contract documents, if authorized in writing by Consultant before extra excavation is performed, will be paid as extra to Contract price in accordance with General Conditions. FILL TYPES AND COMPACTION (FOR REFERENCE) .1 Exterior side of perimeter foundation walls: Type 2 fill to sub grade level. Compact to 95% SPMDD in accordance with ASTM D698. .2 Sub-Base Course for Asphalt Paving .1 As per geotechnical report. .3 Base Course for Asphalt Paving as per geotechnical report. .4 Sub-Base Courses for Concrete Slabs-on-Grade .1 Within Building Area: as per geotechnical report. .2 Exterior Concrete Paving: as per geotechnical report. .5 Base Courses for Concrete Slabs-on-Grade .1 Within Building Area: as per geotechnical report. .2 Exterior Concrete Paving: as per geotechnical report. .6 Underground services: .1 Sanitary and storm sewer pipe, water pipe, and conduit protective cover to be as per the Town of Ajax and the Region of Durham applicable standards. .2 Cable and cable duct bedding and immediate protective cover: cover bottom of trench with 6" of Type 4 fill. After cables and ducts are in place, side fill ducts with sand up to top of ducts. Tamp around ducts with hand tampers and cover with 6" of same material. .3 Fill above protective cover: in areas within buildings and where paving and walks occur, fill remainder of trench with Type 2 fill. In Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 .5 .6 .6 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING Section 02315 Page 5 of 5 other areas, fill to subgrade level using Type 3 fill. Compaction: compact bedding and immediate protective cover to 100% SPMDD. In areas within buildings and where paving and walks occur, compact remainder of fill to at least 100% SPMDD. In other areas compact remainder of fill to 85% SPMDD. Notify Consultant 3 days prior to backfilling of trenches for electrical services. Trenches under roads/parking areas: Suitable excavated material compacted to 95% SPD as per Town of Ajax Standard AS-135 or applicable Region of Durham Standards to be used. BACKFILL .1 Do not proceed with backfill operations until Consultant has inspected and approved installations. .2 Areas to be backfilled to be free from debris, snow, ice, water and frozen ground. .3 Do not use backfill material which is frozen or contains ice, snow or debris. .4 Prior to placing fill under slabs on grade, compact existing subgrade to obtain same compaction as specified for fill. Remove "soft" material and fill with approved material. .5 Prior to installation of foundations, compact existing subgrade to obtain required bearing capacity. Remove "soft" material and fill footing concrete. .6 Place backfill material in uniform layers not exceeding 6" compacted thickness up to grades indicated. Compact each layer before placing succeeding layer. .7 Backfill around services: .1 Place bedding and surround material as specified in 3.5.5. .2 Do not backfill around or over cast-in-place concrete within 24 hours after placing of concrete. .3 Place layers simultaneously on both sides of installed work to equalize loading. .4 Where temporary unbalanced earth pressures are liable to develop on walls or other structures: .1 Permit concrete to cure for minimum 14 days or until it has sufficient strength to withstand earth and compaction pressure, and approval is obtained from Consultant. .2 If approved by Consultant, erect bracing or shoring to counteract unbalance, and leave in place until removal is approved by Consultant. .5 Place material by hand under, around and over installations until 24" of cover is provided. Dumping material directly on installations will not be permitted. .7 INSPECTION AND TESTING .1 Testing of materials and compaction will be carried out by testing laboratory under separate contract .8 RESTORATION .1 Upon completion of work, remove surplus materials and debris from site, trim slopes, and correct defects as directed by Consultant. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 ASPHALT PAVING Section 02740 Page 1 of 6 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide the asphalt concrete pavement structure, including: .1 Proof rolling of sub-base for compaction required, .2 Placement, fine grading and final compaction of granular base material, .3 Placement, compaction, and finishing of asphaltic concrete, .4 [Pavement line painting]. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Quality Requirements .2 Excavating, Trenching and Backfilling .3 Concrete Paving .4 Section 01400 Section 02315 Section 02770 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 OPSS-1010-93; Material Specification for Aggregates – Granular A, B, M and Select Subgrade Material (Ontario Provincial Standard Specification).. .2 OPSS-1150-93; Material Specification for Hot Mix, Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete (Ontario Provincial Standard Specification). .3 ASTM D698-91(1998); Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of 3 .4 .5 .6 3 Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft. lbf/ft (600 kN m/m )). ASTM D979; Practice for Sampling Bituminous Paving Mixtures. ASTM D995-95b; Specification for Mixing Plants for Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures. CAN/CGSB 1-GP-74M;Alkyd Traffic Paint. .5 PAVEMENT DESIGN .1 The following pavement designs are required. Thicknesses referenced are "after compaction". Refer to drawings for location and extent of paving types: .1 Subbase Course: As per soils report .2 Base Course: As per soils report .3 Binder Course: As per soils report .4 Surface Course: As per soils report .6 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Installer Qualifications .1 Asphalt pavement work shall be performed by mechanics having a minimum of 2 years documented experience in the placing and finishing of asphalt pavement. Submit proof of experience to Consultant. .2 Installation .1 Perform asphalt pavement work in strict accordance with these specifications, standards referenced herein, and with all warranty requirements. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 2 ASPHALT PAVING Section 02740 Page 2 of 6 PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Base Materials .1 Type 1 fill: As per soils report .2 Type 2 fill: As per soils report .2 Asphalt Prime: MTO Primer, or SS-1 to OPSS 1103. .3 Sand Blotter: clean concrete sand, passing 3/16" sieve and free from organic matter or other deleterious materials. .4 Asphaltic Concrete: hot mix, hot laid asphaltic concrete, to OPSS 1150. .1 Binder Course: ][HL-8]. .2 Surface Course: [HL-3]. .5 Traffic Paint: to OPSS 1714 (Lafrenze System 400 or equal). 2 part Field reacted Polymeric Line marking spary method commonly known as 2 part spray MMA (methyl Methacrylate) is acceptable.Glass beads shall meet the requirements of OPSS 1750. Acceprtable Manufacturers are thise listed on MTO’s DSM listing (see #5.85.38). Note that subsetction 1714.05.04 of OPSS 1714 requires both premixed and surface applied glass beads for the screed application method. .2 PLANT AND MIXING REQUIREMENTS .1 To ASTM D995, and OPSS 1150. .3 EQUIPMENT .1 Pavers: mechanical grade controlled self powered pavers capable of spreading mix within specified tolerances, true to line, grade and crown indicated. .4 .2 Rollers: sufficient number of rollers of type and weight to obtain specified density of compacted mix. .3 Vibratory Rollers .1 Minimum drum diameter: 2'-6". .2 Maximum amplitude of vibration machine setting: 0.02" for lifts less than 1½" thick. .4 Haul trucks .1 Adequate size, speed and condition to ensure orderly and continuous operation, and as follows: .1 Boxes with tight metal bottoms. .2 Covers of sufficient size and weight to completely cover and protect asphalt mix when truck fully loaded. .3 In cool weather or for long hauls, insulate entire contact area of truck. .5 Suitable hand tools. SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .1 3 ASPHALT PAVING Section 02740 Page 3 of 6 Submit mix designs from asphalt supplier for review by Consultant prior to mobilization for asphalt pavement work. EXECUTION .1 PREPARATION .1 Verify grades of maintenance holes, catch basins, and other items set in paving area for conformity with elevations and sections before placing granular base materials. .2 .3 .2 With regards to asphalt replacement, and regarding, please refer to the existing conditions to the V.A. Wood Geotechnical report dated March 2003. Heavy Duty paving and granulars are to be installed as per Cambium Geotechnical report dated 2014-04-04. .3 Where placement of granular base does not immediately follow sub-base, or where sub-base has suffered severe weather conditions, proof roll sub-base by numerous passes of compaction equipment to ensure that a uniform 98% Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (SPMDD) is achieved. .4 Obtain approval of sub-base by Consultant before placing granular base. .5 Place granular base material on clean unfrozen surface, properly shaped and compacted and free from snow and ice. .6 Sub-excavate any loose or softened areas to competent material and backfill with compacted granular fill. BASE COURSE .1 Base Courses .1 As per soils report .3 Grade to uniform levels or slopes between given elevations or between given elevations and existing surfaces, allowing for depth of asphalt surfacing. .4 Place base course in lifts not exceeding 6" compacted thickness. Compact as required in soils report ASPHALT PRIME .1 Do not apply prime when air temperature is less than 41°F or when rain is forecast within 2 hours. .2 .4 If asphalt prime fails to set within 24 hours, spread sand blotter material in amounts required to absorb excess material. Sweep and remove excess blotter material. ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING .1 Pavement Thickness on Grade Situations .1 Heavy Duty Paving Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .1 .2 .5 ASPHALT PAVING Section 02740 Page 4 of 6 Binder Course: As per soils report Surface Course: As per soils report .3 Obtain approval of base and primer from Consultant before placing asphalt mix. .4 Place asphalt mix only when base or previous course is dry and air temperature is above 41°F. .5 Paint contact edges of catch basins, and maintenance holes with hot asphalt prime before the mixture is placed against them. .6 Apply hot asphalt prime to existing asphalt when repaving, or over binder course applied more than 7 days before surface course application. Power wash surface prior to applying prime, to remove any and all dirt, or other surface contamination. Allow to dry sufficiently. .7 Binder courses applied less than 7 days prior to surface course application shall be power-washed to remove any and all dirt, or other surface contamination, and allowed to dry sufficiently. Power washing may be done in lieu of applying prime, to the approval of the Consultant. .8 Place asphalt concrete in compacted layers not exceeding 2". .9 Minimum 275°F mix temperature required when spreading. .10 Maximum 320°F mix temperature permitted at any time. .11 Compact each course with roller as soon as it can support roller weight without undue cracking or displacement. .12 Compact asphalt concrete to density not less than required in soils report of density obtained with Marshall specimens prepared in accordance with ASTM D1559 from samples of mix being used. .13 Roll until roller marks are eliminated. Keep roller speed slow enough to avoid mix displacement and do not stop roller on fresh pavement. .14 Moisten roller wheels with water to prevent mix adhesion. .15 Compact mix with hot tampers, or other equipment approved by Consultant, in areas inaccessible to roller. .16 Finish surface smooth, of uniform density and texture, true to grade to within 3/8" and with no irregularities greater than 3/8" in 14.75'. .17 Repair areas showing checking, rippling or segregation as directed by Consultant. JOINTS .1 Remove surplus material from surface of previously laid strip. Do not deposit on surface of freshly laid strip. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .6 .6 ASPHALT PAVING Section 02740 Page 5 of 6 .2 Paint contact surfaces of existing structures such as manholes, curbs or gutters with bituminous material prior to placing adjacent pavement. .3 For cold joints, cut back to full depth vertical face and tack face with hot asphalt. .4 For longitudinal joints, overlap previously laid strip with spreader by 1" to 2". PAINTED LINES AT NEW ASPHALT .1 Remove all loose dirt, oil and grease. Obliteration of existing pavement markings shall be completed by abrasive blasting as per OPSS 710 Special Provision 710S03. These markings shall be removed with no residual paint. .2 Pavement markings shall be placed by the extrusion (screed) method. Appropriate straightedges shall be used for all line work, and templates are to be used for symbols .3 Schedule .1 Parking Lines: 4" wide solid lines at locations shown on the Site Plan; colour white. .2 Barrier Free Symbols: MTO standard barrier free symbols at locations shown on the Site Plan. .3 Traffic Arrows: MTO standard arrows; colour white. .4 Stop Lines: 12" wide solid line from centre of road or drive to edge of pavement, at all new stop signs; colour white. .5 Centre Lines: 4" wide solid line, 19'-8" long from Stop Line at centre of road or drive, at all new stop signs; colour white. PAINTED LINES AT EXISTING TO REMAIN ASPHALT .1 Remove all existing pavement markings. Remove and dispose of debris. Obliteration of existing pavement markings shall be completed by abrasive blasting as per OPSS 710 Special Provision 710S03. These markings shall be removed with no residual paint. .2 Remove all loose dirt, oil and grease. .3 Pavement markings shall be placed by the extrusion (screed) method. Appropriate straightedges shall be used for all line work, and templates are to be used for symbols .4 Schedule .1 Parking Lines: 4" wide solid lines at locations shown on the Site Plan; colour white. .2 Barrier Free Symbols: MTO standard barrier free symbols at locations shown on the Site Plan. .3 Traffic Arrows: MTO standard arrows; colour white. .4 Stop Lines: 12" wide solid line from centre of road or drive to edge of pavement, at all new stop signs; colour white. .5 Centre Lines: 4" wide solid line, 19'-8" long from Stop Line at centre of road or drive, at all new stop signs; colour white. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 ASPHALT PAVING Section 02740 Page 6 of 6 .7 PROTECTION 1. Keep vehicular traffic off newly paved areas until paving surface temperature has cooled below 100°F. Do not permit stationary loads on pavement until 24 hours after placement. .8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .1 The work of this section is subject to inspection and testing under separate contract. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 CONCRETE PAVING Section 02770 Page 1 of 4 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide exterior concrete paving, curbs, and walks to configurations indicated. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Quality Requirements .2 Site Grading .3 Excavating, Trenching and Backfilling .4 Asphalt Pavement .5 Concrete Reinforcement .6 Cast-in-Place Concrete .4 Section 01400 Section 02310 Section 02315 Section 02740 Section 03200 Section 03300 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 ASTM D698-91(1998); Test Method for Laboratory Compaction 3 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .5 3 Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft. lbf/ft (600 kN m/m ). ASTM D1751-97; Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Non-extruding and Resilient Bituminous Types). CSA-A23.1-00; Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. CSA-A23.2-00; Methods of Test for Concrete. CSA-A5-98; Portland Cement. CSA-G30.5-M92(R1998); Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. CAN/CSA-G30.18-M92 (R1998); Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Prior to starting concrete work, submit quality control procedures for Consultant's approval for following items: .1 Hot weather concrete, .2 Cold weather concrete, .3 Curing, .4 Finishes, .5 Formwork removal. .2 .3 Certification: Provide certification from the Ready-Mixed Concrete Association of Ontario (RMCAO) of the following: .1 Certification of concrete production facilities, .2 Mix proportions selected will produce concrete of specified quality and yield, .3 Mix design is adjusted to prevent alkali aggregate reactivity, and .4 Strength will comply with CSA-A23.1. Pre-construction Meeting .1 Convene a pre-construction meeting for the work specified in this section. Attendees must include, as a minimum, representatives of the following: .1 Contractor (Site Superintendent & Project Manager) Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .3 .4 .6 Installation Subcontractor (Site Foreman & Project Manager) Related Subcontractors (ie. Landscape) Consultant ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS .1 Do not pour concrete during, or for 24 hours after, rain/snow fall. .2 2 CONCRETE PAVING Section 02770 Page 2 of 4 Examine subgrade and ensure soil material is not frozen or saturated with water. Do not use frozen base materials. Do not install base on frozen subgrade. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Portland Cement: to CSA-A5. .2 Water: to CSA-A23.1. .3 Aggregates: to CSA-A23.1. .4 Reinforcing Steel: Canadian manufactured deformed steel to CSA G30 Series. .5 Welded steel wire fabric: to CSA G30.5. Provide in flat sheets only. .6 Air Entraining Admixture: to CSA-A23.1. .7 Joint Filler: asphalt impregnated fiberboard, to ASTM D1751. .8 Curing Compound: to CSA-A23.1. .9 Granular Base: Type 1 (OPSS Granular A), to Section 02315. .2 3 CONCRETE MIX .1 Proportion normal density, sulfate resistant concrete in accordance with CSAA23.1, and as follows: .1 Cement: Type 50, grey Portland Cement. .2 Minimum compressive strength at 28 days: 32 MPA. .3 Exposure Classification: C-2. .4 Coarse Aggregate Size: ¾", crushed (smooth aggregate not acceptable). .5 Slump at time and point of discharge: 75mm. .6 Air Content: 5-7% EXECUTION .1 PREPARATION .1 Perform subgrade preparation work in accordance with Section 02310. .2 GRANULAR BASE .1 Obtain Consultant's approval of subgrade before placing granular base. .2 .3 Place granular base to depth as shown on drawings. Compact to 98% of Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (SPMDD) to ASTM D698. PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 .5 .6 CONCRETE PAVING Section 02770 Page 3 of 4 .1 Place reinforcing steel and welded wire fabric in accordance with details and reviewed shop drawings. Where no reinforcing is indicated, provide minimum 6" x 6" WWM in all concrete sidewalks and exterior concrete paving. .2 Obtain Consultant's approval of granular base and placement of reinforcing steel prior to placing concrete. .3 Perform concrete work in accordance with CSA-A23.1. EXPANSION AND ISOLATION JOINTS .1 Install expansion joints at maximum intervals of 20'-0", or as indicated on the drawings. .2 Install expansion/isolation joints around manholes and catch basins and along length adjacent to concrete curbs, catch basins, buildings or other permanent structure. .3 When sidewalk is adjacent to curb, align joints of curb, gutters and sidewalks. .4 Install ½" thick joint filler of maximum practical length in expansion and isolation joints, from bottom of pour to within ¼" of finished surface. FINISHING .1 Finish concrete in accordance with CSA-A23.1. Use referenced procedures for removal of excess bleed water. Ensure surface is not damaged. .2 Float surface of concrete to CSA-A23.1, with wood float, and bring surface to true elevation. .3 Non-Slip Surfaces: provide uniform broom finish to concrete paving on sloped grades exceeding 3%, and to all sidewalks, by drawing broom across surface of concrete perpendicular to direction of travel. .4 Control Joints on sidewalks: install tooled transverse control joints as soon as possible after floating and brooming, when concrete is stiff, but still plastic, at intervals of 5'-0", or as indicated on the drawings. .5 Provide edging using 3/8" radius edging tool. CURING & PROTECTION .1 Protect surface from rapid moisture evaporation to avoid plastic shrinkage cracking, when severe drying conditions (sun, wind, humidity) are anticipated, in accordance with CSA A23.1. .2 The use of curing compounds must be approved by the project manager. .3 Cure concrete in accordance with Section 21 of CSA A23.1, and per manufacturers recommendations or as directed. .4 Add curing compound evenly over entire surface of concrete in continuous film. .5 Allow concrete to cure minimum 7 days prior to backfilling or installing adjacent landscaping. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 CONCRETE PAVING Section 02770 Page 4 of 4 .7 TOLERANCES .1 Surface tolerances to CSA-A23.1, Table 19, Class A. .8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .1 Inspection and testing of concrete will be carried out by an Inspection and Testing Laboratory designated by the Owner, in accordance with Section 01400, and CAN/CSA-A23.2. .2 The cost of inspection and testing will be paid by contractor END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 WOOD PRIVACY FENCE Section 02830 Page 1 of 3 Site Work and Ancillary Structure Consolidated Operations Depot Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Conditions of CCDC-2-2008 and the General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 .3 RELATED WORK .1 02212 STORAGE OF MATERIALS .1 Material which are subject to deterioration resulting from weather or any other causes shall be stored on the site in a dry weatherproof place in such a manner that their effectiveness will not be impaired. .2 .4 Guarantee all workmanship and materials for a period of one year (1) commencing on the date of Substantial Performance of all Works. MATERIALS .1 WOOD .1 All wood shall be pressure treated S.P.F. and shall be graded and stamped in accordance with current requirements of the latest NLGA Standard Grading rules. .2 All wood shall be dressed four sides. .3 All wood shall be selected for uniform appearance and size, shall be structurally sound, and shall be free of splits, cracks and loose open knots. .2 STAIN .1 No stain is required. .3 FITTINGS .1 All spikes to be galvanized ardox nails. .2 .4 3 Store all timber and lumber off the ground. MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEE .1 Protect and maintain all work from time of installation until project work has been inspected, approved and accepted. .2 2 Top Soils and Finish Grading All spikes, nails, bolts, nuts, brackets and other metal fasteners and connectors shall be hot dipped galvanized in accordance with CSA G164. CONCRETE .1 Shall be ready mixed concrete and shall have a compressive strength of 25 MPa at 28 days. LAYOUT .1 LAYOUT RESPONSIBILITY .1 Surveyor: shall establish the property line bars in the vicinity of the fence location. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structure Consolidated Operations Depot Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 4 .2 Civil Engineer: shall provide bench mark elevations and will check and approve of rough grade prior to fence construction. .3 Contractor: shall do all layout work of lines and levels to the Landscape Architect's approval. Verify all dimensions on the site before cutting and fabricating. Immediately report all discrepancies to the Landscape Architect. EXECUTION .1 MOBILIZATION .1 In the event that the contractor needs to mobilize on different occasions to complete works, the contractor will be entitled to mobilization costs provided the following: .1 A minimum quantity of 3 cubic metres of concrete can not be used per site visit at no fault of the contractor. .2 A minimum of 1 day, 8 hours, of works can not be performed at no fault of the contractor. .3 If the owner requests that works be completed when the aforementioned are not satisfied. .2 5 WOOD PRIVACY FENCE Section 02830 Page 2 of 3 .2 The contractor will not be entitled to mobilization costs if the contractor or subcontractors are required to complete works at multiple locations within a specific site/ project. .3 When mobilization costs are warranted, both the contractor and the client must be in agreement on any extra costs and the contractor must receive approval from the client and or the consultant. EXTRA DEPTH FOOTIGS .1 When there is a potential for additional costs due to extra depth footings or extended footings, the contractor must receive authorization by the client and or the consultant to proceed with works. INSTALLATION .1 Excavate for footings, to the specified depths. approved by the Landscape Architect. Excavations to be inspected and .2 Excavations to be performed by a machine powered auger that can sufficiently penetrate soils on site. .3 Centre posts of the wood fence in the footings and set plumb. Support all concrete until it sets. .4 Install infill panels and set level. .5 Install infill panels tightly fitted and nailed at regular intervals and as indicated on the drawings. .6 "Step" the fence in areas necessary to allow for grade changes. .7 Do all work true to line and level, and plumb, as detailed and in accordance with approved layout. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 WOOD PRIVACY FENCE Section 02830 Page 3 of 3 Site Work and Ancillary Structure Consolidated Operations Depot Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .8 Nail all members with galvanized "Ardox" nails, of sufficient length to make structure rigid. .9 Exposed ends and cuts of all Cedar wood to receive 2 coats of the specified stain. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 CHAIN LINK FENCES Section 02831 Page 1 of 2 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Conditions of CCDC-2-2008 and the General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 .3 .4 2 ENVIRONMENTAL GOALS FOR THE PROJECT .1 Provide materials in this specification section based on but not limited to the following criteria; .1 Option: Materials of this section may conform to performance standards for recycled material content and distance to the jobsite. .2 Refer to Section 01352 for additional criteria not listed above. .3 Contractor shall reference applicable standards specified in Section 01352 and shall require suppliers to provide documentation to verify conformance to these standards and goals, as required to support the Environmental Plan. RELATED WORK .1 Unit Paving Section 02515 SCOPE OF WORK .1 Install 1.8 m high Chain Link Fencing as shown on the drawings. PRODUCTS .1 CHAIN LINK FRAMING .1 Framing shall be constructed of Schedule 40 prime galvanized pipe to diameter listed below: .1 Terminal and Corner Posts: 90mm O.D. .2 Rails and cross braces: 43mm O.D. .3 Finish to be galvanized. .4 Bottom Tension Wire: Single strand, galvanized steel wire, 9 guage. .5 Tie Wire Fasteners: single strand, alum coated or galvanized steel wire, 5mm diameter. .6 Tension bar: 5mmx20mm minimum galvanized steel. .7 Tension Bar Bands: 3mm x 20mm minimum galvanized Steel, or 5mm x 20mm minimum galvanized steel, or 5mm x 20mm aluminum. .8 Fittings and hardware: cast aluminum alloy or galvanized steel. Post Caps to provide waterproof fit, to fasten securely over post and carry top rail. .7 Turnbuckles to be drop forged. Zinc pigmented paint to CGSB 1-gp-178 Ma. .2 CHAIN LINK FABRIC .1 Chain link fabric to CAN2-138.1M80 Mesh to be 50 mm woven mesh 9 gauge for 1.8 m height. .3 CONCRETE FOOTINGS Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 CHAIN LINK FENCES Section 02831 Page 2 of 2 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .1 .4 3 All footings to be 25 mpa concrete 300 mm diameter for line posts and 356mm diameter for terminal posts. All footings to be a minimum 1.22 m depth. MANUAL CHAIN LINK GATE SYSTEM .1 43mm O.D.Schedule 40 galvanized pipe framework, electrically welded at all joints, and hot dipped galvanized after welding. Square corners, c/w height hull 3050 mm. Complete with galvanized malleable iron hinges, and latch catch. Latch catch to be designed so padlock can be attached and operated from either side of gate. Install gateposts. Provide perimeter pipe, cross braces, hinges, hasp, and chain link fabric. EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION .1 Install the work of this section plumb, level, rigid and secure. .2 Fencing and openings shall be to length, size and location as shown on drawings and details. .3 All uprights shall be spaced at 3.05 m O.C. maximum, and shall be imbedded into concrete footings 1067 mm deep. .4 Provide caps and closers to all framings. .5 Secure chain link fabric to line posts, top rail, mid rail, bottom rail and stretcher bars by 9 gauge knuckled fasteners 457 mm O.C. Do not install fence fabric until concrete has cured min 5 days. .6 Secure chain link fabric to gate stretcher bar, top and bottom gate with knuckled fasteners 254 mm O.C. .7 Provide all tapping, threading, cutting, welding and reinforcing of fences and gates as required. .8 All fence components to be hot dipped galvanized. .9 Install chain link Gate System where shown. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 SITE FURNISHINGS Section 02870 Page 1 of 1 City of Oshawa Consolidated Operation Depot Phase 4 - Five and Two Acre Parcel Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. 2 PRODUCTS .1 .2 All products to be supplied from suggested suppliers. Equal products will be accepted with approval of Landscape Architect. 5 - MLB510 Benches (surface mount installation) – Colour: black by Maglin Site Furniture Inc. 1-800-716-5506 or approved equal. .3 Bicycle rack: Express Bike Rack – 12 Series MODEL #E12-BR38. Galvanized finish. Surface mounted with tamper proof fasteners.. SUPPLIER: FRANCES ANDREW SITE FURNISHINGS, SURREY, B.C (TEL) 1-800-565-6579 3 EXECUTION .1 EXCAVATION .1 Verify locations of all below grade utilities prior to excavating. Stake locations of utilities in areas where excavation will occur. .2 CLEAN UP .1 At completion of work, remove all excess materials and equipment. .2 Clean up and make good any damaged work. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 REGULATORY SIGNS Section 02890 Page 1 of 2 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 2 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide post-mounted and wall-mounted regulatory signs. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Site Grading .2 Asphalt Paving .3 Concrete Paving Section 02310 Section 02740 Section 02770 .4 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 CSA-A23.1; Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. .2 CAN/CSA-G40.20/G40.21; General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel / Structural Quality Steels. .3 CAN/CSA-G164; Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregular Shaped Articles. .5 SUBMITTALS .1 Shop Drawings/Product Data .1 Provide full scale sign layouts for all signs specified, for review by the Consultant. Layouts shall include correct symbols, lettering, lettering styles, and shall indicate colours. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Sign Posts .1 One piece, cold-rolled channel sign posts, 2.5" wide x 1.25" deep, hot-dip galvanized steel, 3/16" base metal thickness, minimum 50,000ksi yield, perforated for sign attachment, as manufactured by Armtec Limited, or an approved alternative. Provide mounting hardware. .1 Post Length .1 Signs: 8'-0". .2 Signs .1 Hot-dip galvanized sheet steel, with MTO standard traffic colours and graphics. .3 Concrete .1 Proportion normal density concrete in accordance with CSA-A23.1, and as follows: .2 Cement: Type 10 Portland Cement. .3 Minimum compressive strength at 28 days: 3500psi. .4 Exposure Classification: C-2. .5 Coarse Aggregate Size: 5/8", crushed (smooth aggregate not acceptable). .6 Slump at time and point of discharge: 3.125" ± 3/4". Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 REGULATORY SIGNS Section 02890 Page 2 of 2 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION .1 Place concrete in post holes then embed posts into concrete to minimum 3'-0" depth. Extend concrete 1" above ground level and slope to drain away from posts. .2 Brace posts in plumb position and true to alignment and elevation until concrete has set. Bolt signs to top of posts with tamper-proof galvanized steel bolts and nuts. .2 SCHEDULE – PROVIDE WHERE/ IF LOCATED ON DRAWINGS .1 Signs .1 Provide signs along main driveways as required by local fire and municipal authorities, in conformance with local by-laws and regulations. .2 Accessible Parking Signs .1 Provide signs at designated barrier-free parking stalls as required by local municipal authorities, in conformance with local by-laws and regulations. .3 Hybrid Vehicle Parking Signs .1 Provide signs at designated parking stalls as indicated on the site plan. Signs shall be as detailed, and in conformance with local by-laws and regulations. .4 Expectant Mothers Parking Signs .1 Provide signs at designated parking stalls as indicated on the site plan. Signs shall be as detailed, and in conformance with local by-laws and regulations. .5 Fire Route Sign .1 Provide signs at designated in conformance with local by-laws and fire department regulations. .6 Stop Sign .1 Provide for 12 stop signs to be located at choice of owner END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 City of Oshawa Consolidated Operation Depot Phase 4 - Five and Two Acre Parcel Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 SEEDING Section 02923 Page 1 of 4 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .2 .3 .4 .5 .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 Seeding may be completed by either hydro-seeding or Brillion seeder. PRODUCT HANDLING .1 Use all means necessary to protect material before, during and after installation. Provide adequate protection to material which may deteriorate if exposed to elements. .2 In the event of damage or rejection, make immediate repairs or replace materials at no extra cost to the Owner. DELIVERY AND PACKAGING .1 Fertilizer: .1 Packaged in waterproof bags, with a label clearly indicating net mass, analysis and manufacturer. .2 Store on pallets and protect from the elements. .2 Grass Seed packaged and labelled clearly indicating: .1 Analysis of seed mixture. .2 Percentage of pure seed. .3 Year of production. .4 Net mass. .5 Date tagged and location. .6 Percentage germination. .7 Name and address of distributor. SITE CONDITIONS .1 Immediately after seeding, erect snowfencing to protect seeded areas from traffic until seed mix is established. .2 Contractor is responsible for maintaining snowfencing until project is accepted. .3 Keep site well drained and landscape excavations dry. .4 Clean up immediately any soil or debris spilled onto pavement or concrete. .5 Biodegradable erosion control mat is to be used on all 3:1 or steeper slopes that require seed - install as per manufacturer’s specifications. Suggested supplier: Terrafix Geosynthetics Inc. 1-416-647-0363 or approved equal. MAINTENANCE .1 Maintain seeded areas for 1 year until acceptance of seeding work. Maintenance includes but is not limited to weeding, fertilizing as required by Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 City of Oshawa Consolidated Operation Depot Phase 4 - Five and Two Acre Parcel Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 SEEDING Section 02923 Page 2 of 4 soil tests, cutting if required is to maintain grass at a maximum height of 60mm and watering. Grass is to be cut at least twice during the maintenance period. .2 Water seeded areas to sustain its prosperous growth and prevent deterioration. Contractor is responsible for supplying water to the site. .3 Ensure maintenance equipment is suitable to Owner's Representative. .4 Keep soil moist during germination period and adequately water grassed areas until accepted by Owner's Representative. .5 Apply water to ensure moisture penetration of 75 to 100 mm. watering to prevent wash-outs. .6 Cut grass, when it reaches height of 60 mm and cut to height of 60 mm for all Park Lawn areas. Heritage Lawn areas to be a minimum of 150mm. Do not cut more than 33% of blade at any one mowing. Remove clippings. After one year or substantial completion of project, request inspection by Owner's Representative immediately after cutting grass. Maintain grassed areas free of pests and disease. .7 Control .8 Reseed areas which show root growth failure, deterioration, bare or thin spots, or which have been damaged by any means, including replacement operations. .9 Apply herbicide when it will not cause damage to new grass or other plants. .1 Avoid use of dicambal and picloram solutions near trees and shrubs. .2 Use only mecoprop on Bentgrass turf areas. .10 Contractor is to provide 3 applications of fertilizer in the first year of maintenance. The timing of fertilizing will depend on when seeding is completed. If seeding is completed in the spring, the second application of fertilizer is to be applied in late June or early July as weather permits. Coverage is not to exceed 3 kg per 100m2 to be applied evenly and water in well. The third application of fertilizer is to be applied in September or October weather permitting. If seeding is applied in early August, the second application of fertilizer will occur in September or October weather permitting, and the third application in the following spring as weather permits. .6 ACCEPTANCE .1 .7 Areas will be accepted by Owner's Representative provided that: .1 Seeded areas are properly established. .2 Seeded area is free of eroded, bare or dead spots and 98% free of weeds. .3 No surface soil is visible when grass has been cut to height of 60 mm. WARRANTY .1 Warrant all seeded areas for one (1) year from date of acceptance. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 City of Oshawa Consolidated Operation Depot Phase 4 - Five and Two Acre Parcel Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 2 SEEDING Section 02923 Page 3 of 4 Re-seed all areas which have failed to establish into a healthy, vigorous stand of grass. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Fertilizer: complete commercial fertilizer as recommended by soil test, minimum of 50% of elements derived from organic sources. .2 Grass seed: Canadian No. 1 seed mixture in accordance with the Canadian Seeds Act, having minimum purity of 97% and germination of 75% or seed mix as indicated on plans. .3 Mulch for hydro-seeding: .1 The hydraulic mulch material shall be capable of dispersing rapidly in water to form a homogeneous slurry and remain in such a state when agitated or mixed with other materials. When applied, the hydraulic mulch shall be capable of forming an absorptive mat, which will allow moisture to percolate into the underlying soil. It shall contain no growth of germination inhibiting factors. The mulch shall be dry, free of weeds and all other foreign material and shall be supplied in packages labelled to indicate weight. .2 .4 .2 The hydraulic mulch shall be a mixture consisting of cellulose pulp and natural sun dried plant fibres processed in lengths 15mm minimum and 25 mm maximum. Water: potable, free of impurities that would inhibit germination. GRASS SEED MIXTURES As per Landscape Drawings. 3 EXECUTION .1 WORKMANSHIP .2 .1 Keep site well drained. .2 Clean up immediately, soil, mulch or other debris spilled onto pavement, dispose of deleterious materials. .3 Take reasonable care to prevent contamination by seeding slurry of structures, signs, guiderails, fences and utilities. .4 Where contamination occurs, remove seeding slurry to satisfaction of the Owner's Representative. PREPARATION OF SURFACES .1 All areas to be seeded shall be fine graded to a uniform surface and the surface materials shall be loosened to a depth of 25 mm whether or not topsoil has been applied. These areas shall be so maintained until they are Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 City of Oshawa Consolidated Operation Depot Phase 4 - Five and Two Acre Parcel Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 SEEDING Section 02923 Page 4 of 4 seeded and mulched. Stones and all other surface litter shall be removed and disposed of outside the right-of-way at locations arranged for by the contractor. .2 .3 Obtain Owner's Representative's approval of seed bed preparation including topsoil grades, and depth before starting seeding. No seeding will be accepted unless seed bed preparation has been inspected and approved prior to completion of work. SEEDING .1 Seed area as per manufacturer’s specifications for application rates and seasonal timing. .2 Apply when winds less than 10 km/h using equipment suitable for area involved to the approval of the Owner's Representative. .3 Measure quantities of material by mass or mass-calibrated volume measurement to satisfaction of Owner's Representative. .4 Seed, fertilizer and hydraulic mulch shall be thoroughly mixed in a water slurry and be distributed uniformly over the surface area via an approved hydraulic mulcher. .5 The Contractor shall measure the quantities of each of the materials to be charged into the hydraulic mulcher, either by weight or by a system of mass calibrated volume measurements. After charging, no water or other material shall be added to the mixture in the hydraulic mulcher. .6 Complete slurry to be applied as follows: .1 Seed: For Conservation Halton Custom Riparian mixture as per manufacturer’s specifications, For Rural Ontario Roadside Mixtureas per manufacturer’s specifications For Native Prairie Meadow Mix as per manufacturer’s specifications .2 .3 .7 Mulch Water, minimum 1,000 kg/per hectare 10,000 L per hectare Blend applications into adjacent grass areas. Clean seed mixture off all sign and light posts, walks, etc. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 City of Oshawa Consolidated Operation Depot Phase 4 - Five and Two Acre Parcel Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 SODDING Section 02924 Page 1 of 3 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SOURCES QUALITY CONTROL .1 Obtain the Landscape Architect's approval of sod at source. .3 SAMPLES .1 Submit one square metre (yard) of sample sod to project site for approval prior to delivery of sod. .4 DELIVERY AND STORAGE .1 Schedule delivery in order to keep storage on the job site to a minimum without causing delays. .5 .2 Deliver, unload and store sod on pallets. .3 Deliver sod to site within 24 hours of being lifted and lay sod within 36 hours of being lifted. .4 Do not deliver small, irregular or broken pieces of sod. .5 During dry weather protect sod from drying and water sod as necessary to ensure its vitality and prevent dropping of soil in handling. Sod which dries out will be rejected. SCHEDULING OF WORK .1 Schedule sod laying to coincide with topsoil operations. Do not begin to install sod without inspection and approval of topsoil preparation by Landscape Architect. Topsoil to be free of stones, debris and weeds and fine graded to grades indicated on grading plan prior to start of sodding operation. 2 .6 SCOPE OF WORK .1 Install sod where indicated on drawings and where existing sod to remain is damaged. .7 ACCEPTANCE .1 Sodded areas will be accepted by the Landscape Architect at the end of the maintenance period provided that: .1 Sod is properly established. .2 Turf is free of bare or dead spots and weeds. .3 Sodded areas have been cut within 24 hours prior to acceptance inspection. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Turf grass nursery sod: specially sown and cultivated in nursery field all in compliance with the specifications latest issue of the Nursery Sod Growers Association of Ontario for (A) Number One Kentucky Bluegrass-Fescue Sod. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 SODDING Section 02924 Page 2 of 3 City of Oshawa Consolidated Operation Depot Phase 4 - Five and Two Acre Parcel Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 Weed Killer: .1 .2 .3 Type 1, 2-4D Amine for broadleaf plants. Type 2, Mecoprop for clover and chickweed. Fertilizer: as recommended by Soil Test All herbicides and fertilizers to be applied according to manufacturer's specifications by licensed contractors. Check municipalities for application restrictions. 3 EXECUTION .1 WORKMANSHIP .1 Keep site well drained. .2 .2 Clean up immediately any soil or debris spilled onto pavement and dispose of all deleterious materials off the site. .3 Lay sod within limit of work and where existing turf to remain is damaged during construction. LAYING OF SOD .1 Lay sod during growing season. frozen ground is not acceptable. Sodding at freezing temperatures or on .2 Sodding during dry weather is acceptable only if sufficient and continuous watering is assured. The contractor is responsible to supply water and apply water as needed to ensure establishment. .3 Where slippage of sod is likely to occur because of the degree of slope pegging is required and shall be at no extra cost to the Owner. Drive pegs flush with sod once sod has become established. .4 Obtain the approval of the Landscape Architect of topsoil spreading and fine grading prior to beginning sodding. Topsoil is to be weed-free. Apply herbicide according to manufacturer's specifications or cultivate to a depth of 100mm and remove weeds. Do not apply immediately prior to installing sod. .5 Lay sod even with adjoining areas. The rows shall have staggered joints. Butt sections closely without overlapping or leaving gaps between sections. Cut out irregular or thin sections. .6 Provide close contact between sod and soil by means of light roller. Heavy rolling to correct irregularities in grade is not permitted. .7 Water immediately after laying to obtain moisture penetration through sod into top 150 mm of topsoil. .8 Provide adequate protection of sodded areas against erosion and other damage. Remove this protection after sod has become established and if approved by the Landscape Architect. .9 If seen desirable peg sod to prevent movement. When sod is established, drive pegs flush with sod. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 City of Oshawa Consolidated Operation Depot Phase 4 - Five and Two Acre Parcel Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 SODDING Section 02924 Page 3 of 3 MAINTENANCE .1 Maintain sodded areas for 60 days until acceptance of sodding work. Maintenance includes but is not limited to weeding, fertilizing as required by soil tests, cutting as required to maintain sod at a maximum height of 60mm and watering. Sod is to be cut at least twice during the maintenance period. .2 Water sodded areas to sustain its prosperous growth and prevent deterioration. Contractor is responsible for supplying water to the site. .3 All sodded areas shall be guaranteed for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 PLANTING Section 02930 Page 1 of 9 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 TESTING .1 Topsoil supplied by the contractor is to be two types - unamended standard screened soil in sod areas to a depth of 150mm or amended with the addition of bonemeal to a minimum depth of 450mm and peat moss as per Section 3.5. Triple mix is an acceptable alternative for the planting beds. In both cases, whether screened regular topsoil or triple mix. .2 Inspection and testing of topsoil will be carried out under separate contract. .3 SAMPLES .1 Submit samples of mulching material and accessories for tree staking as per specification (or equal) for approval. .4 INSPECTION .1 Make all materials available for inspection at source of supply or advise the Landscape Architect 72 hours in advance of delivery to site. .5 .2 Approval of plant materials at source does not overrule the right of the Landscape Architect to inspect plants upon arrival on project site or during the course of construction and to reject plants at that time. .3 Planting of plant materials, prior to inspection by the Landscape Architect will be the Contractor's responsibility. The Landscape Architect reserves the right to reject any plants, whether planted or not, which do not conform to the specifications and/or drawings. All material not conforming to specification, should be removed from the site. .4 Furnish all inspection certificates as may be required by Federal, Provincial and other applicable regulations. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING .1 Store and protect fertilizer, limestone, bonemeal, mulching materials and similar products to prevent damage from moisture. Labels shall indicate weight, analysis and name of manufacturer. .2 Plants specified B/B (Ball and Burlap) or W/B (Wire Ball) on the plant list shall be moved with root systems as solid units, with balls of earth firmly wrapped with burlap. The diameter and depth must be sufficient to encompass a fibrous and feeding root system necessary for the healthy development of the plant. No plant shall be accepted when the ball of earth surrounding its roots has been cracked or broken preparatory to, or during planting, or after the burlap, staves, ropes, or platform required in connection with its transplanting has been removed. All balled plants that cannot be planted at once shall be kept watered and shaded from the hot sun. The least possible time shall elapse between the digging of the tree and its final planting. The entire root system of all plant material shall be kept moist and at no time shall the root system be exposed to drying winds or air. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 PLANTING Section 02930 Page 2 of 9 .3 Should temporary storage of plant material be necessary on the site, such plant material shall be heeled in by the Contractor, using good loam. Contractor shall be responsible for all necessary watering and maintenance to preserve the stock in good condition. .4 Transport plants with branches tied to prevent damage, and padded to avoid abrasion from equipment. Protect drying out of roots, rootballs, trunks, branches and leaves, of plants from time of removal at place of origin until they are planted. While temporarily stored at site, protect them with soil or similar materials and keep moist. .5 Spray plant materials with an anti-desiccant immediately before moving them from their original location. Apply a sufficient amount over trunk, branches and foliage. Plants may be re-sprayed after planting. .6 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS .1 Installation shall be done under weather conditions and in suitable growth season for each specified material, and as approved by the Landscape Architect. .7 POST INSTALLATION CARE .1 Water all plant material upon planting and water sufficiently until acceptance of plant material at the time of substantial performance of the contract. Water sufficiently to maintain optimum growing conditions for each plant. If installation is completed in the fall, ensure adequate moisture in root zone at freeze-up. .2 Maintain all plant materials and planting areas immediately after plants have been planted and continue such maintenance until substantial performance of the contract is complete. Maintenance shall include all measures necessary to establish and maintain plant materials in a vigorous, healthy growing condition. .3 The owner is responsible for regular maintenance activities (watering, grass cutting, pruning, fertilizing etc.) once plant material is accepted. The contractor is responsible to monitor plant material during the guarantee period and advise the owner of any changes in the maintenance activities required to ensure plant survival. .4 The contractor is responsible to maintain all plant and tree accessories, such as stakes, turnbuckles, and similar items from time of installation until expiration of guarantee (minimum one year). .5 Cultivate and keep planting beds and tree saucers free of weeds, debris, broken branches, and maintain planting beds in a neat condition at all times until acceptance. .6 Spray at appropriate time to combat pests and diseases. Do not use DDT or sprays prohibited by Agriculture Canada. .7 All chemicals used for weed and pest control shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations by licensed contractors. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 PLANTING Section 02930 Page 3 of 9 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 2 .8 All plants shall be free of diseases and/or insect infestations. .9 Provide adequate protection against winter damage including damage caused by rodents. .8 GUARANTEE .1 Guarantee planting for a period of one year from the date of Substantial Performance of the Contract or of the landscape work, whichever is the later. Trees and shrubs found to be dead, defective, or not in a healthy, growing condition at the end of the guarantee period shall be replaced and reguaranteed for an additional one year dated from the date of replacement. .9 REPLACEMENTS .1 Replace, during next planting season, trees and shrubs which failed to survive. Replacements are subject to same approval and guarantee conditions specified for initial planting. Continue this replacement until all specified trees and shrubs are well established. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Topsoil: All topsoil, supplied by the Contractor shall meet the following requirements: pH Total Salts (mmhos/cm) Organic Matter % Phosphorus (ppm) Potassium (ppm) Magnesium (ppm) Calcium (ppm) Sodium (ppm) Chloride (ppm) Sodium Absorption Ratio Sand Fraction % Silt Fraction % Clay Fraction % Texture Atrazine (ppm) 5.5-7.5 <1.5 4-15 10-60 80-250 100-300 1000-4000 <200 <100 <15 20-75 5-50 5-30 Loam/Sandy Loam <0.05 .2 Peat moss: Decomposed plant material, fairly elastic and homogenous, free of decomposed collodial residue, wood, sulphur and iron. Brown in colour containing minimum 60% organic matter by weight and moisture content not exceeding 15%. Shredded particles, may not exceed (6 mm) in size. Minimum PH value of peat, 4.5, maximum 6.0. .3 Bonemeal: Raw commercial, finely ground, and with a content of minimum 4% Nitrogen and 20% Phosphoric Acid. .4 Lime: Lime to be used in all cases where the PH of the soil is less than 6.0 limestone containing not less than 8% of calcium and magnesium carbonates combined, finely ground to pass a 10 mesh sieve with at least one half passing a Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 PLANTING Section 02930 Page 4 of 9 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 100 mesh sieve. Rate of application shall be determined after determining the PH of the topsoil. .5 Fertilizer: Shall be complete commercial fertilizer 50% of the elements of which shall be derived from organic sources, and shall contain no less than 60% urea formaldehyde with the following percentages by weight of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash in that order for: Trees .6 .2 .3 10-6-4 Shrubs 12-6-6 Anti-Desiccant: Emulsion to form permeable film over plant surfaces, and mixed according to manufacturer's directions. PLANT ACCESSORIES .1 Anchors: For support of large shrubs and trees up to (90 mm) in calliper use new metal `T' bars (38 mm x 38 mm x 5 mm) painted black. .2 Hose: New black rubber hose (12.7 mm) in diameter, two ply reinforced. .3 Mulch: Shredded Bark Mulch of fine, uniform particle size. Depth of mulch to be minimum 100mm over planting soil. .4 Water: Potable. PLANT MATERIAL .1 Conform to the horticultural standards of the Canadian Nursery Trades Association with respect to grading and quality. Supply in strict accordance with plant list. .2 Substitutions for the specified plants will not be accepted unless approved in writing by the Landscape Architect. All materials that are not available at tender time shall be brought to the attention of the Landscape Architect prior to closing. .3 Give timely notice, in writing, to the Landscape Architect, when applying for substitutions. .4 Measure plants when branches are in their natural positions. Height and spread dimensions refer to main body of plant and from branch tip to branch tip. Measure calliper 300 mm above ground level. Use trees and shrubs of No. 1 grade. Label each plant to type, grade and size. .5 Use trees and shrubs with strong fibrous root systems free of disease, insects, defects or injuries and structurally sound. Crowns are to be fully leafed with a uniform shape. Use trees with straight trunks well and characteristically branched for the species with a uniform, fully developed crown. All trees are to have a single straight leader. Plants must have been transplanted or root pruned regularly but not later than 9 months prior to arrival on site. .6 Plant material that has come out of dormant stage and is too far advanced will not be accepted unless due to special circumstances and if Landscape Architect's approval has been obtained. .7 Use of plant material which has been held in "Cold Storage" requires approval of Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 PLANTING Section 02930 Page 5 of 9 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 the Landscape Architect. .8 Container grown stock is acceptable if containers are large enough for root development. Trees and shrubs must have grown in container for minimum of one growing season but not longer than two. Root system must be able to "hold" soil when removed from container. Plants that have become root bound are not acceptable. Container stock must have been fertilized with slow releasing fertilizer. Soil mixture in container must consist of: 6 parts loam soil 3 parts peatmoss 1 part sand .9 Balled and Burlapped: Conifer, Broad-leaf evergreens and trees in excess of 10'0" (3 m) height must have been dug with large firm ball. Measure calliper at 12" (300 mm) above ground level. A tree with 3" (75 mm) calliper requires root ball of 40" (1 m) diameter. Increase diameter of root ball by 10" (250 mm) with each increase of 1" (25 mm) in calliper. Root balls of proper size must include 75% of fibrous and feeder root system. This excludes use of native trees grown in light sandy or rocky soil. Secure root balls with burlap, heavy twine and rope. Use hessian burlap. Frozen root balls will be permitted provided root balls are sufficiently protected to prevent breakage. Protect root balls from sudden changes in temperature and exposure to heavy rainfall. .10 The sizes of root balls for trees shall be as specified below. Ball sizes are minimum and shall be adjusted according to growth habits of plants. DECIDUOUS TREES Calliper 1" (25 mm) 2" (50 mm) 3" (75 mm) 4" (100 mm) 5" (125 mm) 6" (150 mm) 7" (175 mm) 8" (200 mm) CONIFEROUS TREES Height 6'-8' (1820 mm to 2430 mm) 8'-10 (2430 mm to 3040 mm) 10'-12' (3040 mm to 3650 mm) 12'-15' (3650 mm to 4570 mm) 15'-18' (4570 mm to 5480 mm) .11 3 Root BallDiameter 24" (.6 m) 32" (.8 m) 40" (1.0 m) 50" (1.25 m) 60" (1.5 m) 70" (1.75 m) 80" (2.0 m) 90" (2.25 m) Root Ball Diameter 32" (800 mm) 36" (900 mm) 44" (1100 mm) 48" (1200 mm) 56" (1400 mm) Imported plant material must be accompanied by the necessary permits and import licences. Conform to Federal and Provincial Regulations. EXECUTION .1 WORKMANSHIP .1 Notify the Landscape Architect of the source of plant material at least 7 days in advance of the commencement of work. No work is to proceed without the Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 PLANTING Section 02930 Page 6 of 9 Landscape Architect approval. .2 .3 .4 .2 Plant material must be approved prior to planting. Planting locations must be approved prior to excavation of planting pits. .3 Acceptance of plant material at its source does not prevent rejection on site prior to or after planting operations. .4 After acceptance of staked trees, all tree stakes are to remain for a period of one year unless otherwise directed by the landscape architect. .5 Co-ordinate operations. Keep site clean and planting holes drained. Immediately remove soil and debris spilled onto pavement. PLANTING TIME .1 Plant deciduous plant material if specified as bare root during dormant periods before buds have broken. Plant material imported from a region with warmer climatic conditions may only be planted in early Spring. .2 Planting of coniferous material with root balls may start after the middle of August if interference with contract completion is not anticipated. Apply anti-desiccant to all coniferous material before digging. .3 When permission has been obtained, trees and shrubs growing in containers may be planted throughout the growing season. .4 Ensure that watering facilities are available. Take particular care, and use antidesiccant when planting in the heat of summer. .5 Plant only under conditions that are conducive to health and physical conditions of plants. .6 Plant material noted by the Landscape Architect for spring planting must only be planted in its dormant period. .7 Provide the Landscape Architect with a planting schedule. Extended planting operations over a long period using a limited crew will not be accepted. PREPARATION .1 Stake out location of all trees using colour coded sod pegs for approval by the Landscape Architect. .2 Shrub beds are to be shown with outline indicating extent and specified shape for approval of the Landscape Architect. .3 The Landscape Architect may choose to alter layout of trees and shrub beds due to site conditions. EXCAVATION .1 Verify locations of all below grade utilities prior to excavating. Stake locations of utilities in areas where excavation will occur. Do not plant above buried utilities or trees below above ground wires. .2 Individual Shrubs: excavate planting holes 450 mm deep and at least 450 Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 PLANTING Section 02930 Page 7 of 9 mm wide. .5 .6 .3 Shrubs in Planting Beds: excavate continuous planting bed to a depth of at least 450 mm with a minimum width of at least 300 mm from planting bed edge to the outermost root ball edge. .4 Large Trees: excavate to depth of at least 300 mm deeper than height of root ball, with a minimum width of 600 mm greater than diameter of root ball. .5 Increase the size of planting holes in heavy soils 150 mm for every 300 mm of diameter of root ball. .6 Provide drainage for planting holes in heavy soil if natural drainage does not exist. Use perforated tile drain and connect to existing catch basins. Notify the Landscape Architect when necessary. .7 Protect bottoms of excavations from freezing. .8 Remove water which enters excavations prior to planting. .9 Remove all excavated material from planting pits and beds and dispose of material off site. .10 Scarify subgrade of planting beds and tree pits to 200 mm. Augering of tree wells is not acceptable. PLANTING MIX PREPARATION .1 Backfill planting beds and tree pits with a planting mix consisting of 20% to 30% peatmoss with topsoil. .2 Add bonemeal to the mixture at a rate of .6Kg. per M3. .3 Commercial fertilizers will be added in accordance with the soil testing report. .4 Backfilling and mixing planting mix shall be done under favourable weather conditions. .5 Allow for settlement when backfilling. Place mix in 150 mm layers and tamp each layer before placing next layout. PLANTING PROCEDURE .1 Plant only under conditions that are conducive to health and physical conditions of plants as 3.2. .2 Plant trees and shrubs vertically, in the centre of pits. .3 Place all plant material to a depth equal to the depth originally grown in the Nursery. Allow for settlement when installing plants. .4 Trees that do not have a uniform head but are accepted by the Landscape Architect should be placed to give the best appearance to the approval of the Landscape Architect. .5 Ensure root balls rest on a minimum of 150 mm planting mix. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .7 .8 .9 .l0 PLANTING Section 02930 Page 8 of 9 .6 Tamp planting soil mix around root system in layers of 150 mm depth eliminating air pockets. Frozen or saturated planting soil mix is unacceptable. When 2/3 of the topsoil mixture has been placed, fill hole with water. After water has completely penetrated the soil, complete backfilling. .7 Build a 100 mm lip around outer edge of hole to assist in maintenance watering. .8 When planting is completed give surface of planting hole a dressing of organic 10-6-4 fertilizer at the rate of 4.5 kg/100 sq. m. for shrubs and at .2kg/24mm of calliper for trees. Mix fertilizer with top layer of topsoil mixture and water immediately after planting. TREE SUPPORTS .1 Install support as detailed for specified tree. All stakes to be vertical (not angled). .2 Ensure tree is plumb after staking. .3 Place stakes so as not to damage root ball. .4 Keep cables taut at all times. .5 Place stake on side of prevailing winds, or uphill side. PRUNING .1 Do pruning only as necessary to remove dead and broken branches and to compensate for the loss of roots from transplanting. .2 Preserve the natural form and character of plants. .3 Use only sharp, clean tools and make cuts flush without leaving stubs and treat all cuts, 25 mm in diameter and larger with approved tree paint. .4 Cut back cambium to living tissue where there are cuts, bruises and scars on the bark and treat with approved tree paint. Shape wood to prevent retention of water. MULCHING .1 Obtain the Landscape Architect's approval of planting before mulching material is applied. .2 Loosen soil in planting beds and pits and remove all debris and weeds. Spread mulch to indicated depth. Mulch material susceptible to blowing must be moistened and mixed with a small amount of topsoil before application. .3 When mulching is placed in fall, place immediately after planting. When mulch is placed in the spring, allow soil to warm up prior to application. FINAL ACCEPTANCE .1 Planting will be inspected at the end of the one year guarantee period and plant material will be accepted only if it is in a vigorous, healthy, growing condition, in full leaf with no more than 20% dieback. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 PLANTING Section 02930 Page 9 of 9 No partial acceptance will be considered. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide concrete formwork and accessories as indicated on the drawings and specified herein. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Concrete Paving .2 Concrete Reinforcement .3 Cast-in-Place Concrete .4 Section 02770 Section 03200 Section 03300 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 CAN/CSA-S269.3-M92(R2013); Concrete Formwork. CSA-A23.1-09; Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. CSA-A23.2-09; Methods of Test for Concrete. CSA-A23.3-04(R2010); Design of Concrete Structures. CSA-O86-09 CONSILIDATION; Engineering Design in Wood (Limit States Design). CSA O121-08(R2013); Douglas Fir Plywood. .5 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS .1 Design formwork to safely support vertical and lateral loads until they can be supported by the structure, as recommended in CAN/CSA-S269.3M92(R2012). .6 SHOP DRAWINGS .1 Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01300. Each shop drawing shall bear the stamp and signature of a Professional Engineer registered in the Province of Ontario. .2 2 CONCRETE FORMS AND ACCESSORIES Section 03100 Page 1 of 3 Indicate method and schedule of construction, materials, arrangement of joints, ties, shores, and locations of temporary embedded parts. Comply with CAN/CSA-S269.3-M92(R2012) for formwork drawings. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Formwork Lumber .1 For non-architectural concrete work: plywood and wood formwork materials to CSA-O86-09 and CSA-S269.3-M92(R2012). .2 For architectural concrete work: plywood and wood formwork materials to CSA-A23.1-09 and CSA-S269.3-M92(R2013). .2 Form Ties: removable or snap-off metal ties, fixed or adjustable length, free of devices leaving holes larger than 25mm diameter in concrete surface. .3 Form Release Agent: chemically active release agents containing compounds that react with free lime in concrete, resulting in water insoluble soaps. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 CONCRETE FORMS AND ACCESSORIES Section 03100 Page 2 of 3 EXECUTION .1 FABRICATION AND ERECTION .1 Verify lines, levels and centers before proceeding with formwork and ensure dimensions agree with drawings. .2 .2 Obtain Consultant's approval for use of earth forms. .3 Hand trim sides and bottoms and remove loose earth from earth forms before placing concrete. .4 Form footing sides unless footings are shown to be placed against undisturbed soil. .5 Fabricate and erect formwork in accordance with CAN/CSA-S269.3M92(R2013)to produce finished concrete conforming to shape, dimensions, locations, and levels indicated within tolerances required by CSA-A23.1-09. .6 Where shown, camber formwork such that hardened concrete, prior to stripping of forms, is cambered as shown. Maintain beam depth and slab thickness from cambered surface. .7 Align form joints and make watertight. Keep form joints to a minimum. .8 Mark building, grid or other lines on forms to permit the accurate positioning of reinforcing steel. .9 Construct templates and supports to rigidly fix reinforcing dowels in the forms prior to concreting. .10 Provide suitable markers to indicate the location and configuration of continuing concrete members so that dowels can be positioned accurately in relation to their position in the continuing members. .11 Set anchor bolts, templates, steel connection units, hardware, or other inserts into the forms and secure them rigidly so that they do not become displaced during concreting. Set and secure these items to the tolerances specified and required in the appropriate Sections. SLEEVES, CHASES AND FORMED OPENINGS .1 Form sleeves, chases and openings except where such items are specified to be formed or sleeved by the appropriate trade. .2 All openings, sleeves, chases are not necessarily shown on the structural drawings nor are their sizes or locations shown. Refer to architectural, mechanical and electrical drawings and specifications for openings and sleeves requirements not shown, located and dimensioned on the structural drawings. .3 No sleeves, chases and openings through structural members shall be formed without the Consultant's approval. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 .4 .5 CONCRETE FORMS AND ACCESSORIES Section 03100 Page 3 of 3 TOLERANCES .1 Perform forming operations and place hardware so that finished concrete will be within the tolerances set out in CSA-A23.1-09. .2 Variations in building lines which result in extension of the building over lot lines or restriction lines will not be permitted. .3 Tolerances referenced are acceptable with regard to structural requirements. Interfacing tolerances may not be compatible with the above. Review and coordinate interfacing tolerances so that the various elements come together properly. REMOVAL AND RE-SHORING .1 Leave formwork in place for following minimum periods of time after placing concrete: .1 3 days for walls. .2 1 day for footings and abutments. .3 3 days for beams, slabs, decks and other structural members. .4 3 days for columns. .2 Remove formwork when concrete has reached 70% of its design strength or minimum period noted above, whichever comes later, and immediately replace with adequate re-shoring. .3 Provide all necessary re-shoring of members where early removal of forms may be required or where members may be subjected to additional loads during construction as required. DEFECTIVE MATERIALS AND WORK .1 Materials or work which fails to meet specified requirements may be rejected by the Consultant whenever found at any time prior to final acceptance of the work regardless of previous inspection. .2 If rejected, defective materials or work shall be promptly removed and replaced or repaired to the satisfaction of the Consultant, at no expense to the Owner. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Section 03200 Page 1 of 5 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide all concrete reinforcement and accessories such as chairs, supports, bolsters etc. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Concrete Paving .2 Concrete Forms and Accessories .3 Cast-in-Place Concrete Section 02770 Section 03100 Section 03300 .4 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 Reinforcing Steel Institute of Canada (RSIC); Manual of Standard Practice. .2 CSA-A23.1-09; Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. .3 CSA-A23.2-09; Methods of Test for Concrete. .4 CSA-A23.3-04(R2010); Design of Concrete Structures. .5 CSA-G30.3-M1983(R1998); Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. .6 CSA-G30.5-M1983(R1998); Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement. .7 CSA-G30.14-M1983(R1998); Deformed Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. .8 CSA-G30.15-M1983(R1998); Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement. .9 CAN/CSA-G30.18-M92(R2007); Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. .10 ACI 315-99; Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement. .11 ACI 315R-04; Manual of Engineering and Placing Drawings for Reinforced Concrete Structures. .12 Ontario Provincial Standard Specification (OPSS) 1443; Material Specifications for Organic Coatings for Steel Reinforcement. .5 SUBMITTALS .1 Samples .1 Supply samples of all materials required for testing in accordance with Sections 01300, and 01400. Cost shall be paid for from a cash allowance as allocated under Section 01210. .2 Shop Drawings .1 Prepare placing drawings to a minimum scale of 1/4"=1'-0", to permit placing of reinforcement without reference to contract drawings. .2 Detail reinforcement in accordance with contract documents, CSAA23.1-09, and detailing standards in RSIC Manual of Standard Practice. .3 As a minimum, show the following: .1 Bar sizes, spacing, location and quantities of reinforcement, welded wire fabric Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .3 2 Identification of each bar with code mark corresponding to bar lists. Details illustrating placement of reinforcement at openings, change of levels, spandrels, stairs, etc. Large scale details at areas of steel concentrations such as intersections of beams and columns, column splices, etc. Placing sequence for reinforcement such as intersections of beams and beams, slabs and beams and within plate, flat and two-way slabs. Clearances between reinforcement, and minimum concrete protection to reinforcement. Location and embedment of dowels. Location, number and type of support accessories. Certificates .1 Canadian Manufacture: Provide Consultant with certified copy of reports of reinforcing steel showing physical and chemical analysis minimum (5) weeks prior to commencing reinforcing work. .2 .6 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Section 03200 Page 2 of 5 Submit code marks or symbols used on reinforcement of each manufacturer so that Consultant may identify grades and sizes of reinforcement. SUBSTITUTIONS .1 Substitution of different size bars permitted only upon written approval of Consultant. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Reinforcing Steel: Only Canadian manufactured deformed steel to CSA G30 Series and to material specification shown on the drawings. .2 .2 Welded steel wire fabric: sheets only. to CSA G30.5-M1983(R19998). Provide in flat .3 Chairs, bolsters, bar supports, spacers: to CSA-A23.1-09. In the case of concrete exposed to view or weather the accessories shall be such that no metal is permitted to come closer than 1½" from a formed face and 2" from a trowelled surface. Use precast concrete supports for exposed concrete beams and soffits and concrete cast against soil/rock. FABRICATION .1 Fabricate reinforcing in accordance with CSA-A23.1-09 and the RSIC Manual of Standard Practice. .2 Identify with a tag each bar with code mark corresponding to that appearing on bar list. .3 Bend reinforcement once only and at room temperature. Do not straighten or re-bend reinforcement. Do not use bars with kinks or bends not shown on the drawings. .4 Replace bars which develop cracks or splits. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Section 03200 Page 3 of 5 EXECUTION .1 PLACING REINFORCEMENT .1 Prior to concreting, place reinforcement, support and secure against displacement, as indicated on reviewed placing drawings and in accordance with CSA-A23.1-09. .2 .2 Place reinforcement accurately and secure against displacement by using ties or clips at intersections. Tack welding of reinforcement to secure in place will not be permitted. .3 Secure reinforcement in walls using sufficient spacers on each face to maintain the requisite distance between reinforcement and wall face and so that vertical bars are plumb. Provide spreader bars of minimum 10M size, spaced at 6'-6" centres in both directions. .4 Do not drive or force reinforcement into fresh concrete. .5 Where toppings are placed on waterproof membranes, vapour barriers and the like, prevent reinforcement or tie wire contacting these items. .6 Pre-assemble column and beam cages as necessary. Do not "spring" or bend ties and stirrups in order to place longitudinal reinforcement. .7 Pre-tie reinforcement for footings and lower into place so as not to disturb the soil at founding elevation. TOLERANCES .1 Perform fabrication and setting within tolerances set out in CSA-A23.1-09. .2 .3 .4 These tolerances are acceptable with regard to structural requirements. Interfacing tolerances may not be compatible with the above. Review and coordinate interfacing tolerances so that the various elements come together properly. FIELD BENDING .1 Do not field bend reinforcement except where indicated or authorized in writing by Consultant. .2 When field bending is authorized, bend without heat, applying a slow and steady pressure. .3 Replace bars which develop cracks or splits. WELDED WIRE FABRIC .1 Provide welded wire fabric where indicated on the drawings. .2 Where no reinforcement is shown, provide 6"x6" 6/6 welded wire fabric at middepth in all slabs-on-grade, and exterior walks, and concrete toppings 2.5" in thickness or greater. .3 Lap ends and sides of fabric not less than 6". Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .5 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS .1 Obtain approval from the Consultant for location and details of construction joints not shown. .2 .6 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Section 03200 Page 4 of 5 Continue reinforcement through the joint in its normal position. Add additional reinforcement across the joint as shown or directed. QUALITY CONTROL .1 Provide a system of quality control to ensure that the minimum standards specified herein are attained. .2 List the names, qualifications, duties and responsibilities of supervisory and quality control personnel. .3 Bring to the attention of Consultant any defects in the work or departures from the Contract Documents which may occur during Construction. The Consultant will decide upon corrective action and give recommendations in writing. .4 The Consultant's general review during construction and inspection and testing by Independent Inspection and Testing Companies reporting to the Consultant is undertaken to inform the Owner of the Contractor's performance and shall in no way augment the Contractor's quality control or relieve the Contractor of contractual responsibility. .7 NOTIFICATION .1 Prior to commencing significant segments of the work, give the Consultant and Independent Inspection and Testing Companies appropriate notification so as to afford reasonable opportunity to review the work. Failure to meet this requirement may be cause for the Consultant to classify the work as defective. .8 INSPECTION AND TESTING .1 The Owner will engage an Independent Inspection and Testing Company under separate contract .2 .9 A series of specimens for each grade and size of reinforcing steel contained in any 90 tons of steel shipped may be tested. A series of tests will include two bars for each test required of each size and grade of steel used. Reinforcing steel tests will be made in accordance with CSA G30 Series. DEFECTIVE MATERIALS AND WORK .1 Where evidence exists that defective work has occurred or that work has been carried out incorporating defective materials, the Consultant may have additional tests, inspections or surveys performed, in order to determine if work is defective. Tests, inspections or surveys carried out under these circumstances will be made at the Contractor's expense in the event of defective work, or at the Owner's expense where work is in conformance. .2 Materials or work which fail to meet specified requirements may be rejected by the Consultant whenever found at any time prior to final acceptance of the work regardless of previous inspection. If rejected, defective materials or work shall be promptly removed and replaced or repaired to the satisfaction of the Consultant, at no expense to the Owner. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Section 03200 Page 5 of 5 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Section 03300 Page 1 of 6 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide all cast-in-place concrete work including, but not limited to, the following: .1 Mixing and transportation to the site .2 Placing of concrete .3 Installation of accessories .4 Finishing .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Excavating, Trenching and Backfilling .2 Concrete Paving .3 Concrete Forms and Accessories .4 Concrete Reinforcement Section 02315 Section 02770 Section 03100 Section 03200 .4 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 ASTM C109/C109M-13; Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or 50-mm Cube Specimens). .2 ASTM C309-11; Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. .3 ASTM C827/827M-10; Test Method for Change in Height at Early Ages of Cylindrical Specimens from Cementitious Mixtures. .4 ASTM C939-10; Test Method for Flow of Grout for Pre-Placed Aggregate Concrete (Flow Cone Method). .5 ASTM D1751-04(2013)e1; Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Non-extruding and Resilient Bituminous Types). .6 CGSB 51-GP-51M; Polyethylene Sheet for Use in Building Construction. .7 CSA-A3000-13; Portland Cement. .8 CSA A3000-13; Masonry Cement. .9 CSA-A23.1-09; Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. .10 CSA-A23.2-09; Methods of Test for Concrete. .11 CSA-A23.3-04(R2010); Design of Concrete Structures. .12 CSA A3000-13; Blended Hydraulic Cement. .13 CSA-A3000-13; Cementitious Hydraulic Slag. .5 SAMPLES .1 Submit samples in accordance with Section 01300. .6 CERTIFICATES .1 Provide certification of the following: .1 Mix design specified will produce concrete of specified quality and yield. .2 Strength will comply with CSA-A23.1-09. .3 Mix design is adjusted to prevent alkali aggregate reactivity. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .7 2 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Section 03300 Page 2 of 6 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Prior to starting concrete work submit quality control procedures for Consultant's approval for following items: .1 Hot weather concrete .2 Cold weather concrete .3 Curing .4 Finishes .5 Formwork removal. .2 Installer Qualifications .1 Concrete work shall be performed by mechanics having a minimum of 2 years documented experience in the placing and finishing of castin-place concrete. Submit proof of experience to Consultant. .3 Installation .1 Perform cast-in-place concrete work in strict accordance with these specifications, standards referenced herein, and with all warranty requirements. .4 Pre-installation Meeting .1 Convene a pre-installation meeting for the work specified in this section. Attendees must include, as a minimum, representatives of the following: .1 Contractor (Site Superintendent & Project Manager) .2 Installation Subcontractor (Site Foreman & Project Manager) .3 Product Manufacturer and/or Distributor (Technical Representatives) .4 Related Subcontractors .5 Consultant PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Portland Cement: to CSA-A5-98. .2 Supplementary Cementing Materials: to CSA-A3000-13. .3 Cementitious Hydraulic Slag: to CSA-A3000-13. .4 Water: potable, to CSA-A23.1-09. .5 . .6 Aggregates: to CSA-A23.1-09. Coarse aggregates to be normal density .7 Chemical Admixtures: to CSA-A23.1-09. Consultant to approve accelerating or set retarding admixtures during cold and hot weather placing. .8 Shrinkage Compensating Grout: premixed compound consisting of nonmetallic aggregate, Portland cement, water reducing and plasticizing agents. .1 Compressive strength: 4350psi at 28 days. .2 Consistency: .1 Fluid: to ASTM C827. Time of efflux through flow cone (ASTM C939), under 30 seconds. Air Entraining Admixture: to CSA-A23.1-09. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .3 .4 .2 Flowable: toASTM C827. Flow table, 5 drops in 3 seconds, (ASTM C109, applicable portions) 125 to 145%. Plastic: to ASTM C827. Flow table, 5 drops in 3 seconds, (ASTM C109, applicable portions) 100 to 125%. Dry pack to manufacturer's requirements. .5 Net shrinkage at 28 days: maximum 2%. .9 Non-premixed dry pack grout: Composition of non-metallic aggregate Portland cement with sufficient water for the mixture to retain its shape when made into a ball by hand and capable of developing compressive strength of 4350psi at 28 days. .10 Curing Compound: white, to CSA-A23.1-09, and to ASTM C309, Type 1 chlorinated rubber. ACCESSORIES .1 Pre-molded Joint Fillers .1 Bituminous impregnated fiber board to ASTM D1751-04(2013). .2 .3 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Section 03300 Page 3 of 6 WaterStops .1 Bentonite Clay: expandable, 3/4", Superstop by Mameco International Inc. CONCRETE MIXES .1 Concrete Foundations, Footings and Piers: proportion normal density concrete in accordance with CAN/CSA A23.1-09, Alternative 1 as follows: .1 Cement: Type 10 Portland cement. .2 Minimum compressive strength at 28 days: 3500psi. .3 Nominal size of aggregate: 3/4". .4 Slump at time and point of discharge: 3.125"(±1.18"). .5 Air content: 3% maximum. .2 Interior Concrete Slabs-on-Grade: proportion normal density concrete in accordance with CAN/CSA A23.1-09, Alternative 1 as follows: .1 Cement: Type 10 Portland cement. .2 Minimum compressive strength at 28 days: 3500psi. .3 Nominal size of aggregate: 3/4" .4 Slump at time and point of discharge: 3.125"(±1.18"). .5 Air content: 3% maximum. .3 Exterior Structural Concrete and Slabs-on-Grade: proportion normal density concrete in accordance with CAN/CSA A23.1-09, Alternative 1 as follows: .1 Cement: Type 10 Portland cement. .2 Minimum compressive strength at 28 days: 4500psi. .3 Nominal size of aggregate: 3/4". .4 Slump at time and point of discharge: 3.125"(±1.18"). .5 Air content: 5 to 8%. .6 Class of exposure: C-2. .4 Concrete for Toppings and Fill in Unit Masonry: proportion normal density concrete in accordance with CAN/CSA A23.1-09, Alternative 1 as follows: .1 Cement: Type 10 Portland cement. .2 Minimum compressive strength at 28 days: 3500psi. .3 Nominal size of aggregate: pea gravel. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 .5 3 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Section 03300 Page 4 of 6 Slump at time and point of discharge: 3.125"(±1.18"). Air content: 3% maximum. EXECUTION .1 PREPARATION .1 Obtain Consultant's approval of formwork and reinforcement before placing concrete. Provide 48 hours notice prior to placing of concrete. .2 .3 .2 Pumping of concrete is permitted only after approval of equipment and mix. .3 Ensure reinforcement and inserts are not disturbed during concrete placement. .4 Obtain Consultant's approval of proposed method for protection of concrete during placing and curing. .5 Maintain accurate records of concrete pours to indicate date, location of pour, quality, air temperature and test samples taken. .6 In locations where new concrete is dowelled to existing work, drill holes in existing concrete. Place steel dowels of deformed steel reinforcing bars and pack solidly with shrinkage compensating grout to anchor and hold dowels in position as indicated. .7 Do not place load upon new concrete until authorized by Consultant. .8 Perform cast-in-place concrete work to CSA-A23.1-09. SLEEVES AND INSERTS .1 Check locations and sizes of sleeves and openings shown on structural drawings with those indicated on architectural, mechanical and electrical drawings. .2 No sleeves, ducts, pipes or other openings shall pass through joists, beams, column capitals or columns, except where indicated or approved by Consultant. .3 Where approved by Consultant, set sleeves, ties, pipe hangers and other inserts and openings as indicated or specified elsewhere. Sleeves and openings greater than 4"x4" not indicated, must be approved by Consultant. .4 Do not eliminate or displace reinforcement to accommodate hardware. If inserts cannot be located as specified, obtain Consultant's approval of modifications prior to placing of concrete. ANCHOR BOLTS .1 Set anchor bolts to templates under supervision of appropriate trade prior to placement of concrete. .2 With approval of Consultant, grout anchor bolts in preformed or drilled holes. Formed holes shall be minimum 4" diameter. Drilled holes shall be minimum 1" larger in diameter than bolts used. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Section 03300 Page 5 of 6 .3 Protect anchor bolt holes from water accumulations, snow and ice build-up. .4 Set bolts and fill holes with shrinkage compensating grout. .4 PLACING GROUT .1 Grout under base plates and machinery using procedures in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, which result in 100% contact over grouted area. .5 SURFACE TOLERANCE .1 Concrete slab and floor finish tolerance in accordance with CSA-A23.1-09, Table 19, Class B: FF 25/FL 20, SWI – 3mm. .6 FINISHING .1 Finish concrete in accordance with CSA-A23.1. .7 .8 .2 Use procedures acceptable to Consultant or those noted in CSA-A23.1-09 to remove excess bleed water. Ensure surface is not damaged. .3 Use curing compounds compatible with applied finish on concrete surfaces. Provide written declaration of compatibility. .4 Provide scratch finish where bonded topping is to be applied. .5 Provide steel trowel finish to all interior concrete slabs. .6 Rub exposed edges of concrete with carborundum to produce 1/8" radius edges unless otherwise indicated. .7 Rub all exposed faces of concrete foundations above grade, with cement slurry and carborundum to fill all voids and remove all form marks. TOPPINGS .1 In pouring base course, make allowance for topping thickness. .2 Place bonded topping over precast concrete planks in accordance with CSAA23.1-09 and topping manufacturer's recommendations. .3 Apply latex bonding agent modified cement/sand grout to precast slabs in accordance with CSA-A23.1-09 and manufacturer's recommendations before placing bonded topping. .4 In the case of conflicting requirements between CSA-A23.1-09 and manufacturer's recommendations, follow Consultant's instructions. WATERSTOPS .1 Install waterstops to provide continuous water seal. Do not distort or pierce waterstop in such a way as to hamper performance. Do not displace reinforcement when installing waterstops. Use equipment to manufacturer's requirements to field splice waterstops. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .9 .10 Use only straight heat sealed butt joints in field. Use factory welded corners and intersections unless otherwise approved by Consultant. JOINT FILLERS .1 Provide joint filler for each joint in single piece for depth and width required for joint, as recommended by the Consultant and the manufacturer. .2 Locate and form isolation joints as indicated. Install joint filler. .3 Use 1/2" thick joint filler to separate slabs-on-grade from vertical surfaces and extend joint filler from bottom of slab to within 3/8" of finished slab surface. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .1 The Owner will engage an Independent Inspection and Testing Company under separate contract. .2 .11 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Section 03300 Page 6 of 6 Prior to commencing significant segments of the work, give the Consultant and Independent Inspection and Testing Companies appropriate notification so as to afford reasonable opportunity to review the work. Failure to meet this requirement may be cause for the Consultant to classify the work as defective. DEFECTIVE MATERIALS AND WORK .1 Where evidence exists that defective work has occurred or that work has been carried out incorporating defective materials, the Consultant may have additional tests, inspections or surveys performed, in order to determine if work is defective. Tests, inspections or surveys carried out under these circumstances will be made at the Contractor's expense in the event of defective work, or at the Owner's expense where work is in conformance. .2 Materials or work which fail to meet specified requirements may be rejected by the Consultant whenever found at any time prior to final acceptance of the work regardless of previous inspection. If rejected, defective materials or work shall be promptly removed and replaced or repaired to the satisfaction of the Consultant, at no expense to the Owner. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 2 CONCRETE BUNKERS Section 03310 Page 1 of 2 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast in Place Concrete .2 Security Acees and Surveillance .3 Electrical Section 03300 Section 13700 Section 16000 .3 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide complete Concrete Bunkers. .4 SUBMITTALS .1 Shop Drawings .1 Submit electronic shop drawings. PRODUCTS .1 2400x1950 Concrete Bunker Building .1 Redicast 8 by Anchor Concrete or approved equal .1 Provide one piece reinforced 35mpa c/w 5-7% air entrainment continuous concrete walls and roof, and base c/w 30mmm concrete cover of a 2578x1978x 2375 high concrete bunker bulding. .2 Exposed Aggregate Concrete Walls .3 Provide Butyl Mastic Sealant between walls and base. .4 Provide 4 lifting points .5 Provide high and low ventilation at rear wall. .6 Provide 16 gauge 36”x84”x1-3/4” unrated hollow metal door and frame c/w butts alum threshold and drip cap. .7 Ensure enclosure is weatherproof .2 3048x3048 Concrete Bunker Building .1 Redicast 10 by Anchor Concrete or approved equal .1 Provide one piece reinforced 35mpa c/w 5-7% air entrainment continuous concrete walls and roof, and base c/w 30mmm concrete cover of a 3048x3048x 2375 high concrete bunker bulding. .2 Exposed Aggregate Concrete Walls .3 Provide Butyl Mastic Sealant between walls and base. .4 Provide 4 lifting points .5 Provide high and low ventilation at rear wall. .6 Provide 16 gauge 36”x84”x1-3/4” unrated hollow metal door and frame c/w butts alum threshold and drip cap. .7 Ensure enclosure is weatherproof CONCRETE BUNKERS Section 03310 Page 2 of 2 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 EXECUTION .1 EXAMINATION .1 Verification of conditions: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be performed and identify conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion. .2 3 Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. .2 PREPARATION .1 Manufacturer/ installer shall offer assistance and guidance to ensure proper installation and function of concrete bunkers. .3 INSTALLATION .1 Install the work of this section in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations .2 Concrete Bunkers to be hoisted onto concrete bases. .3 Provide penetrations and provisions for mechanical, electrical, lighting and switching, security, fuel system, and IT. WARRANTEE .1 Provide 10 year warrantee on weather resistance and concrete integrity. END OF SECTION City of Oshawa Consolidated Operation Depot Phase 4 - Five and Two Acre Parcels Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide finishing of concrete .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast in Place Concrete .4 2 3 CONCRETE FLOOR FINISHES Section 03350 Page 1 of 2 Section 03300 SAMPLES – Mock ups .1 Provide 4’-0”x4’-0” mock ups for each work of this section for review prior to proceeding with ordering product for remainder of work. . PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Mineral Surface Hardener– Sika Colourplete by Sika Canada or approved equal .2 Concrete Sealer, Densifier, Surface Hardener – Sikafloor 3S by Sika Canada or approved equal .3 Saw Cut Filler – Rezi Weld Flex by W.R. Meadows EXECUTION .1 FINISH AT NEW EXPOSED CONCRETE FLOORS .1 Roll or tamp concrete to force coarse aggregates into concrete mix and then screed. .2 Float surface with wood, or metal floats, or with power finishing machine to bring surface to true grade. .3 Steel trowel to smooth and even surface. .4 Follow with second steel toweling to produce smooth burnished surface to within 3mm tolerance when measured in any direction using a 3.0m straight edge. .5 Sprinklering of dry cement or dry cement/ sand mixture over concrete surfaces is not acceptable. .6 Install Mineral Surface Hardener as per manufacturers instructions. .7 Saw cut crack-control joints to CSA CAN3-A23.1, latest revision. .8 Install Saw Cut Filler per manufacturers instructions .9 Apply Concrete Sealer, Densifier, Liquid Surface Hardener as per Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 City of Oshawa Consolidated Operation Depot Phase 4 - Five and Two Acre Parcels Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .3 SYSTEM. FINISH AT EXISTING CONCRETE FLOORS TO REMAIN .1 No new work except where noted. FINISH AT EXISTING CONCRETE FLOORS TO RECEIVE TRAFFIC TOPING .1 4 CONCRETE FLOOR FINISHES Section 03350 Page 2 of 2 WARRANTY .1 See specification 007180. As per manufacturers standard warranty END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide finishing of concrete .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast in Place Concrete .4 2 3 CONCRETE FLOOR FINISHES Section 03350 Page 1 of 2 Section 03300 SAMPLES – Mock ups .1 Provide 4’-0”x4’-0” mock ups for each work of this section for review prior to proceeding with ordering product for remainder of work. . PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Mineral Surface Hardener– Sika Colourplete by Sika Canada or approved equal .2 Concrete Sealer, Densifier, Surface Hardener – Sikafloor 3S by Sika Canada or approved equal .3 Saw Cut Filler – Rezi Weld Flex by W.R. Meadows EXECUTION .1 FINISH AT NEW EXPOSED CONCRETE FLOORS .1 Roll or tamp concrete to force coarse aggregates into concrete mix and then screed. .2 Float surface with wood, or metal floats, or with power finishing machine to bring surface to true grade. .3 Steel trowel to smooth and even surface. .4 Follow with second steel toweling to produce smooth burnished surface to within 3mm tolerance when measured in any direction using a 3.0m straight edge. .5 Sprinklering of dry cement or dry cement/ sand mixture over concrete surfaces is not acceptable. .6 Install Mineral Surface Hardener as per manufacturers instructions. .7 Saw cut crack-control joints to CSA CAN3-A23.1-09, latest revision. .8 Install Saw Cut Filler per manufacturers instructions .9 Apply Concrete Sealer, Densifier, Liquid Surface Hardener as per Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .3 SYSTEM. FINISH AT EXISTING CONCRETE FLOORS TO REMAIN .1 No new work except where noted. FINISH AT EXISTING CONCRETE FLOORS TO RECEIVE TRAFFIC TOPING .1 4 CONCRETE FLOOR FINISHES Section 03350 Page 2 of 2 WARRANTY .1 See specification 007180. As per manufacturers standard warranty END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 CLAY AND CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY Section 04200 Page 1 of 8 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 .3 .4 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Masonry Procedures. .2 Mortar and Grout for Masonry. .3 Masonry Reinforcing & Connectors. .4 Masonry Accessories. .5 Concrete Unit Masonry. RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 03300 .2 Structural Steel Section 05120 .3 Board Insulation Section 07212 .6 Self Adhesive Sheet Air/Vapour Barrier Membrane Section 07270 .7 Firestops and Smoke Seals Section 07840 .8 Sealants Section 07900 REFERENCES .1 CSA-A165 Series-04(R2009); CSA Standards on Concrete Masonry Units. .2 CSA-A179-04(R2009); Mortar and Grout for Unit Masonry. .3 CSA-A370-04(R2009); Connectors for Masonry. .4 CSA-A371-04(R2009); Masonry Construction for Buildings. .5 CSA-S304.1-04(R2010); Masonry Design for Buildings (Limit States Design). .5 SUBMITTALS .1 Source Quality Control .1 Manufacturers of clay and concrete masonry units must submit independent laboratory test reports performed within the twelve month period immediately prior to date of delivery of material, certifying compliance of masonry units and mortar components with specification requirements, in accordance with Section 01300. .6 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Installer Qualifications Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .1 .2 .7 .8 CLAY AND CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY Section 04200 Page 2 of 8 Work of this section shall be performed by mechanics having a minimum of 2 years documented experience in laying of brick and concrete block. Submit proof of experience to Consultant. Installation .1 Perform work of this section in strict accordance with these specifications, standards referenced herein, and with all warranty requirements. DELIVERY, STORAGE & HANDLING .1 Deliver materials to job site in dry condition. Keep materials dry until use except where wetting is specified. .2 Deliver all masonry units cubed and banded on hardwood pallets, with polyethylene "shrink-wrap", or other non-staining covering. Prevent damage to units. .3 Deliver mortar materials in original unbroken and undamaged packages with manufacturer's name and brand distinctly marked thereon, and upon delivery store in dry shed until used on work. .4 Store or pile sand on a plank platform and protect from dirt and rubbish. Store mortar materials and sand in such a manner as to prevent deterioration or contamination by foreign materials. .5 Lift skids with proper and sufficiently long slings or forks with protection to prevent damage to units. Protect edges and corners. .6 Store masonry in a manner designed to prevent damage and staining of units. .7 Place polyethylene or other plastic film between wood and other finished surfaces of units when stored for extended periods of time. .8 Cover stored units with protective enclosure if exposed to weather. .9 Do not use salt or calcium-chloride to remove ice from masonry surfaces. PROJECT CONDITIONS .1 Cold Weather Requirements .1 Supplement Clause of CSA-A371 with the following: .1 Maintain mortar temperature between 41°F and 122°F for a minimum of 3 days after setting. .2 Hot Weather Requirements .1 Supplement Clause 5.16.4 of CSA-A371 with the following: .1 Protect freshly laid masonry from drying too rapidly, by means of waterproof, non-staining coverings. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 2 CLAY AND CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY Section 04200 Page 3 of 8 PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Use same suppliers of masonry units, accessory materials and source of aggregate for entire project. .2 .3 .2 Portland cement: Type 10 to CSA-A3000. .3 Blended Cement: to CSA-A3000. .4 Aggregates: to CSA-A23.1. .5 Hydrated Lime: to ASTM C207. .6 Supplementary Cementing Materials: to CSA-A3001. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS (CMU) .1 The physical properties of the concrete masonry units at the time of delivery by the manufacturer to the site, shall conform to the requirements of Table 1 of CSA-A165.1, as classified herein. Test reports submitted to the Consultant by the manufacturer prior to delivery shall verify conformance, in order for material to be acceptable. .2 Provide special shapes such as return corners, lintels, universal knock-outs, A-blocks, sash blocks, piers, bull-nosed blocks, etc., to perform masonry work with minimal cutting or breaking of masonry units. .3 Acceptable Manufacturers .1 Atlas Block .2 Boehmers .3 Canada Building Materials (CBM) .4 Day & Campbell .5 Richvale York .6 Permacon .4 Standard Weight Concrete Masonry Units: to CSA-A165.1. .1 Classification: H/15/A/M. .2 Size: OCBA metric modular. Sizes as indicated on the drawings. HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT .1 Horizontal reinforcement shall be sized to suit width of masonry in accordance with CSA-A371. Undersized or oversized reinforcing is not acceptable. .2 Provide pre-manufactured "L" and "T" corner units. Crimped metal strap ties are not acceptable for connecting intersecting walls. .3 Corrosion Protection: to CSA-A370, hot-dip galvanized for metal ties and horizontal reinforcing in exterior walls. .4 Single Wythe Masonry: Standard 9 gauge wire with hot-dip galvanized finish after fabrication to CSA-A371; .1 Blok-Lok® BL-10, by Blok-Lok Ltd., or .2 #220 Ladder-Mesh, by Hohmann & Barnard Ltd. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 .5 3 CLAY AND CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY Section 04200 Page 4 of 8 .5 Double Wythe Masonry (no cavity): Standard 9 gauge wire, hot-dip galvanized finish after fabrication to CSA-A371; .1 Blok-Lok® BL-11, by Blok Lok Ltd., or .2 #230 Ladder-Tri-Mesh, by Hohmann & Barnard Ltd. .6 Partition Stabilization: PTA-420 hot-dip galvanized, Masonry Wall-Top Stabilizing Anchor by Blok-Lok Ltd. MORTAR AND GROUT .1 Use aggregate passing 0.046" sieve where 6 mm thick joints are indicated, to CSA-A179. .2 Mortar Colour .1 Interior (Concrete Block): Natural. .3 Mortar for all exterior masonry above grade: Portland cement/hydrated lime, Type "N" (1:1:6) based on specifications of CSA-A179. .4 Mortar for foundation walls, manholes, sewers, pavements, walks, patios and other exterior masonry at or below grade and under joist and beam bearings and other locations noted on the structural drawings: Type "M" based on specifications of CSA-A179. .5 Mortar for interior concrete masonry and all load-bearing masonry above grade, including inner wythe of exterior cavity walls: Type "S" based on specifications of CSA-A179. .6 Grout: for masonry shall be pre-mixed, high strength, non-shrink cementitious grout, to CSA-A179, with minimum compressive strength of 4350psi. ACCESSORIES .1 Control Joint Block Fillers: RS Series Rubber Control Joint by Blok-Lok Ltd., or RS Series Rubber Control Joint by Hohmann & Barnard Ltd. .2 Through-wall Flashing & Dampproof Course: self-adhesive, SBS modified bitumen membrane; .1 Blueskin TWF by Bakor, or .2 Air-Shield by W.R. Meadows of Canada, or .3 Textroflash by Blok-Lok Ltd. .3 Flashing & Dampproof Course Primer: polymer emulsion based primer, Blueskin Aquaprime by Bakor. Textroflash Primer by Blok-Lok Ltd. .4 Through-wall Flashing Support: 0.015" thick hot-dip galvanized sheet steel, formed to suit. EXECUTION .1 QUALITY OF WORK .1 Perform masonry work in accordance with CSA-A371, except where specified otherwise. .2 Build masonry plumb, level, and true to line, with vertical joints in alignment. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 CLAY AND CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY Section 04200 Page 5 of 8 .3 Perform masonry mortar and grout work in accordance with CSA-A179 except where specified otherwise. .4 Provide temporary bracing of all masonry walls until permanent bracing is installed. .5 Lay out coursing and bond to achieve correct coursing heights and continuity of bond above and below openings, with minimum of cutting. .6 Machine cut all exposed masonry units where adjusted in size. .7 Tolerances in notes to Article 5.3 of CSA-A371 apply. .8 Remove chipped, cracked, or otherwise damaged units and replace with new. .9 Coordinate work of this section with work of mechanical and electrical trades for conduit, piping, and other items built-in to masonry work. Masonry Subcontractor must cooperate with mechanical and electrical trades, for placement of such items within masonry walls. LAYING CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS .1 Bond .1 Interior Concrete Block: Running Bond. .2 Exterior Architectural Block: Running Bond. Provide Stack Bond where indicated on the elevations. .2 Tooth bond all intersections of walls and partitions unless otherwise indicated. .3 Coursing height: standard metric coursing. .4 Construct all interior masonry walls full height to underside of structure or deck above, unless otherwise shown. Leave 1" void between top of wall and structure above. Fill void with 1"x6" mineral wool insulation to Section 07840. Where walls are fire separations, firestop to Section 07840. .5 Set bearing plates for joists, beams, etc., at locations and elevations indicated, and grout into place. .6 Jointing .1 Concave: all joints exposed to view, and where paint or other finish coating is specified. .2 Flush: all concealed joints, and all joints within wall cavities. .7 Special Shapes .1 Provide Bull-nose block at all vertical exposed outside corners. .2 Provide Bullnose block at all exposed window sill outside corners. .3 Provide Universal Knock-out blocks for chases for piping and conduit. .4 Provide A-Blocks for all vertical reinforcing locations. .5 Provide Lintel blocks over all openings where steel lintels are not specified. .6 Provide Sash blocks at both sides of all control joints. .8 Provide lightweight block for all fire-rated applications unless noted otherwise. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 CLAY AND CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY Section 04200 Page 6 of 8 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 .9 Provide standard weight block for all non-fire rated applications, where concealed. .10 Provide solid masonry units where required for mechanically fastening of blocking, furring or mechanically applied finishes. .11 Do not form chases in load-bearing walls less than 10" thick. Do not form chases closer than 6'-6" apart in any wall, unless otherwise shown. .12 Do not construct horizontal chases for piping or conduit unless other reasonable means of allowing for services are impossible. Where horizontal chases are required, construct chases using lintel blocks filled solid with concrete fill as specified. .13 Build in conduits as required without breaking bond. THROUGH-WALL FLASHING & DAMPPROOF COURSE .1 Clean and wire-brush all surfaces to receive through-wall flashing or dampproof course. Remove all dirt, oil and loose mortar material. .2 Prime all surfaces to receive through-wall flashing or dampproof course at a 2 rate of 1 gal./100-300 ft and allow to dry for 30 minutes before applying membrane. .5 .3 Position membrane to allow for minimum 2" laps at all edges. .4 Roll back membrane and remove release paper. Press membrane firmly into primer. Roll membrane and seams to ensure full contact. .5 Where membrane traverses cavity unsupported by substrate or other means, provide continuous galvanized bent metal flashing support, mortared into back-up wythe of masonry (or fastened to steel studs), and continuous to outside face of exterior wythe of masonry. .6 Minimum vertical height of metal flashing support shall be 8". VERTICAL REINFORCING .1 Place vertical reinforcement in cells of concrete unit masonry as detailed on the drawings. Provide A-Blocks where required to facilitate ease of placement. .2 Place vertical reinforcement accurately and secure against displacement by using ties or clips. Tack welding of reinforcement to secure in place will not be permitted. .3 Secure vertical reinforcement in walls using sufficient spacers on each face to maintain the requisite distance between reinforcement and wall face and so that vertical bars are plumb. Provide spreader bars spaced at 6'-6" centres in both directions. .4 Place concrete fill in masonry unit cells, in maximum 2 course lifts. Vibrate to remove all air pockets. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .6 .7 HORIZONTAL REINFORCING & WALL TIES .1 At all single and double wythe concrete masonry walls, install reinforcing at vertical intervals of 16" maximum and lapped 6" at each splice. .2 Provide reinforcement/veneer ties in the first, second and top bed joints at 8" vertical spacing, every second joint thereafter. .3 Provide additional reinforcement/veneer ties immediately above lintel and .7 Install insulation retainers at every veneer tie point. LATERAL SUPPORT AND ANCHORAGE .1 Provide lateral support and anchorage in accordance with CAN3-S304, and as indicated on the drawings. .2 .8 .9 CLAY AND CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY Section 04200 Page 7 of 8 Where walls exceed the limits stated in CAN3-S304, provide partition stabilization anchors at top of masonry partitions for full length of wall at 4'-0" o.c. maximum. CONTROL JOINTS .1 Provide vertical control joints to CSA-A371, and as shown on the drawings. .2 Width of control joints shall be 3/8". Joints to have backer rod and sealant to match colour of grout at that location. .3 Horizontal reinforcing shall be continuous across control joints. .4 Control joints shall be continuous across thickness of exterior wall. Where vertical joints in wythes of brick and block do not align, offset of maximum 8" is allowable. .5 Where not otherwise shown or detailed, the following minimum requirements for vertical control joints in unit masonry shall apply: .1 Above all openings in masonry, extending from end point of lintel to top of masonry. .2 At all structural column or pilaster locations. .3 All locations where structural substrate changes. .4 At all uninterrupted panels of masonry. Maximum panel width shall be 23'. .5 Within 40" each side of changes in direction of wall. .6 Provide sash block units on both sides of control joint for full height of joint. Ensure control joint is free of all mortar. .7 Install pre-manufactured control joint material continuously for full height of joint. Caulk control joints to Section 07900. JOINTING .1 Allow joints to set sufficiently to remove excess water; Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .1 .2 .2 CLAY AND CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY Section 04200 Page 8 of 8 Concave Joints: tool with round jointer to provide smooth, compressed, uniformly concave joints. Strike flush all joints concealed in walls and joints in walls to receive plaster, tile, insulation, or other applied material except paint or similar thin finish coating. Remove all excess mortar from surface of masonry. .10 JOINING OF WORK .1 Where necessary to temporarily stop horizontal runs of masonry, and in building corners, step-back masonry diagonally to lowest course previously laid. Do not "tooth-in" new masonry. Fill in adjacent courses before heights of stepped masonry reach 4'-0". .11 SUPPORT OF LOADS .1 For all masonry under concentrated loads, where concrete fill is used in lieu of solid units, use 4350psi concrete for width and depth equal to 3 times the length of bearing. .2 Use grout to CSA-A179 where grout is used in lieu of solid units. .3 Install building paper below voids to be filled with concrete. Keep paper 1/2" back from faces of units. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 STRUCTURAL STEEL Section 05120 Page 1 of 4 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide all structural steel. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Steel Joists .2 Steel Deck .4 REFERENCES .1 ASTM A307-12; Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60000psi Tensile Strength. .2 ASTM A325-13; Specification for High Strength Heat Treated Structural Bolts for Structural Steel Joints. .3 ASTM A490-12; Specification for High-Strength Heat Treated Steel Structural Bolts. .4 CAN/CGSB-1.40-97; Primer, Structural Steel, Oil-Alkyd Type. .5 CSA-G40.20-13; General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel. .6 CSA-G40.21-13; Structural Quality Steel. .7 CAN/CSA-G164-M92 (R2003); Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. .8 CAN/CSA-S16.1-09; Limit States Design of Steel Structures. .9 CSA W47.1-09; Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .5 Section 05210 Section 05311 CSA W48-06(R2011); Filler Metals and Allied Materials for Metal Arc Welding. CSA W55.3-08(R2013); Resistance Welding Qualification Code for Fabricators of Structural Members Used in Buildings. CSA W59-03 (R2008); Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding). CAN/CGSB-85.10-99; Protective Coatings for Metals. CISC/CPMA 2-75; Quick-Drying Primer for use on Structural Steel. CISC/CPMA 1-73a; Shop Primer. SSPC, SP-7; Brush-Off Blast Cleaning. SUBMITTALS .1 Mill Test Reports .1 Submit 2 copies of mill test reports to Consultant showing chemical and physical properties and other details of steel to be incorporated into work at least 4 weeks prior to fabrication of structural steel. Qualified metallurgists confirming that tests conform to requirements of CSA G40.20-13 and CSA G40.21-13 shall certify such mill test reports. .2 Upon request, inform Consultant of proposed source of material to be supplied, including point of manufacture. .3 Fabricator of structural steel shall, in addition, provide an affidavit Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 STRUCTURAL STEEL Section 05120 Page 2 of 4 stating that materials and products used in fabrication conform to applicable material and products standards called for by design drawings and specifications. .2 Design Of Details And Connections .1 Design details and connections in accordance with requirements of CAN/CSA-S16.1-94(R2000) to resist forces, moments, and shears and allow for movements indicated. .2 .3 2 If connection for shear only (standard connection) is required: .1 Select framed beam shear connections from an industryaccepted publication such as "Handbook of the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction". .2 If shears are not indicated, select or design connections to support reaction from maximum uniformly distributed load that can be safely supported by beam in bending, provided no point loads act on beam. .3 For non-standard connections, submit sketches and design calculations stamped and signed by qualified Professional Engineer registered or licensed in Place of the Work. In addition to the above, a qualified Professional Engineer registered or licensed in the Place of the Work must certify all connection design. .4 All bolted connections must be designed using minimum high strength ASTM A325 structural bolts, slip critical connection. Fabrication And Erection Documents .1 Submit copies of fabrication and erection documents and materials list to consultant in accordance with Section 01300 and CSA-S16.109. .2 On erection drawings, indicate all details and information necessary for assembly and erection purposes such as, description of methods, sequence of erection, type of equipment used in erection and temporary bracing. .3 Each drawing submission shall bear signature and stamp of qualified Professional Engineer registered or licensed in the Place of the Work for all fabricator-designed assemblies, components and connections. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Structural steel: to CSA-G40.21-13, Grade 350W, for rolled shapes and plates, Grade 350W for HSS members, Class H. .2 Anchor bolts: to ASTM A307. .3 Bolts, nuts and washers: to ASTM A325. .4 Welding materials: to CSA W48(R2011) Series CSA W59-13 and certified by Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 STRUCTURAL STEEL Section 05120 Page 3 of 4 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 Canadian Welding Bureau. .5 Hot dip galvanizing: galvanize steel to CAN/CSA-G164-M92 (R2003), 2 minimum zinc coating of 2.0oz/ft . .2 .3 FABRICATION .1 Fabricate all structural steel work as shown on drawings and specified herein, but not limited to, and including base plates, columns, beams, and girts, in accordance with CAN/CSA-S16.1-94(R2000); and in accordance with reviewed shop drawings. .2 Weld in accordance with CSA W47.1-09 and CSA W59-13. .3 Continuously seal members by using continuous welds. Grind smooth. .4 Unless otherwise indicated provide wall anchors including embedded steel plates, base plates, steel angle lintels, shelf angle for holding masonry, miscellaneous curb angles, and all other hardware to be embedded in concrete for steel members on concrete structure including anchor bolts and steel supports. Angle Lintels .1 Angle lintels shall have a bearing of at least 6" at each end, or as noted on Drawings; if doubled, shall be bolted or welded back to back. If angle seats are at different elevations, steel packing shall be supplied to provide even bearings. .2 .4 Provide, as required, one angle lintel of appropriate size for each 4" masonry wall thickness over all openings in walls for ducts, radiator recesses, hose cabinets, electric panels, etc. unless a reinforced concrete lintel, or concrete filled lintel block, is noted for the opening. Shop Painting .1 Clean, prepare surfaces and shop prime structural steel in accordance with CAN/CSA-S16.1-94(R2003). .2 Clean all members, remove loose mill scale, rust, oil, dirt and other foreign matter. Prepare surface according to SSPC SP7 (brush) blast. .3 Apply one coat of CISC/CPMA 1-73a primer in shop to all steel surfaces to achieve minimum dry film thickness of 3.0 mils, except: .1 Surfaces and edges to be field welded. .2 Facing surfaces of slip critical connection. .3 Below grade surfaces in contact with soil. .4 Apply paint under cover, on dry surfaces only and when surface and air temperatures are above 41°F. .5 Maintain dry condition and 41°F minimum temperature until paint is thoroughly dry. .6 Strip paint from bolts, nuts, sharp edges and corners before prime coat is dry. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 STRUCTURAL STEEL Section 05120 Page 4 of 4 EXECUTION .1 GENERAL .1 Do structural steel work in accordance with CAN/CSA-S16.1-94(R2003). .2 Do welding in accordance with CSA W59-13 and CSA W48-06 (R2011) .3 Companies to be certified under Division 1 or 2.1 of CSA W47.1 for fusion welding of steel structures and/or CSA W55.3 for resistance welding of structural components. .4 All exterior structural steel shall be hot-dip galvanized. .5 Setting of steel lintels in masonry by Section 04200. series. .2 MARKING .1 Mark materials in accordance with CSA-G40.20-13. Do not use die stamping. If steel is to be left in unpainted condition, place marking at locations not visible from exterior after erection. .2 .3 Match marking: shop mark bearing assemblies and splices for fit and match. ERECTION .1 Erect structural steel, as indicated and in accordance with CAN/CSA-S16.194(R2000) and in accordance with reviewed erection drawings. .2 Obtain written approval of Consultant prior to field cutting or altering of structural members. .3 Install and tighten all structural bolts used for slip critical connection as per CAN/CSA S16.1-94(R2003). .4 Clean with mechanical brush and touch up shop primer to bolts, rivets, welds and burned or scratched surfaces at completion of erection. .5 Continuously seal members by continuous welds. Grind smooth. .4 QUALITY CONTROL .1 Inspection and testing of materials to be arranged and paid by Owner under separate contract. .5 FIELD PAINTING .1 Touch up all damaged surfaces and surfaces without shop coat with primer to CAN/CGSB-1.40, applied in accordance with CAN/CGSB 85.10. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 STEEL JOISTS Section 05210 Page 1 of 4 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Clay and Concrete Unit Masonry .2 Structural Steel .3 Steel Deck .4 Painting Section 04200 Section 05120 Section 05311 Section 09900 .3 REFERENCES .1 CSA-G40.20-13; General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel. .2 CSA-G40.21-13; Structural Quality Steel. .3 CAN/CSA-S16-09; Limit States Design of Steel Structures. .4 CSA-S136-12; Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. .5 CSA W47.1-09; Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. .6 CSA W55.3-08(R2013); Certification of Companies for Resistance Welding of Steel and Aluminum .7 CSA W59-03(R2008); Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding) Metric. .8 CAN/CGSB-1.40-97; Anticorrosive Structural Steel Alkyd Primer. .9 CGSB 85-GP-14M-78; Painting Steel Surfaces Exposed to Normally Dry Weather. .10 CAN/CGSB-85.100-93; Painting. .4 SUBMITTALS .1 Mill Test Reports .1 At least 4 weeks prior to fabrication of steel joists and accessories, submit 2 copies of mill test reports showing chemical and physical properties and other details of steel to be incorporated into work. Such mill test reports shall be certified by qualified metallurgists confirming that tests conform to requirements of CSA G40.20 and CSA G40.21. .2 .2 Steel joist fabricator shall provide an affidavit stating that materials and products used in fabrication conform to applicable material and products standards called for by design drawings and specifications. Design Of Steel Joists And Bridging .1 Design steel joists and bridging to carry loads shown on drawings in accordance with CAN/CSA-S16.1. .2 Design joists and anchorages for uplift forces as indicated. .3 Ensure joists are manufactured to consider the load effects due to fabrication, erection and handling. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 2 STEEL JOISTS Section 05210 Page 2 of 4 .4 Limit roof joist deflection due to specified live load to 1/360th of span and deflection due to specified total load to 1/240th of span. .5 Submit 4 copies of calculations and joist design drawings for typical joists for Consultant review at least 4 weeks prior to fabrication and/or delivery. Shop Drawings .1 Submit shop details and erection drawings in accordance with Section 01300. .2 Submit drawings stamped and signed by qualified Professional Engineer licensed in the Place of the Work. .3 On erection drawings, indicate relevant details such as joist mark, depth, spacing, bridging lines, bearing, anchorage and other details. .4 In shop details, provide particulars relative to joist geometry, framed openings, splicing details, bearing and anchorage. Include member size, properties, specified and factored member loads and stresses under various loadings, deflection and camber. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Structural steel: to CSA-G40.21. .2 .3 .2 Welding materials: to CSA W59. .3 Shop paint primer: to CAN/CGSB-1.40. FABRICATION .1 Fabricate steel joists and accessories as indicated in accordance with CAN/CSAS16.1 and in accordance with reviewed shop drawings. .2 Weld in accordance with CSA W59. .3 Provide bottom chord extensions where indicated. .4 Provide diagonal and horizontal bridging, and anchorage as indicated. SHOP PAINTING .1 Clean, prepare and shop prime all surfaces of steel joists to CAN/CSAS16.1 and CAN/CGSB-85.100. .2 Apply paint under cover, on dry surfaces when surface and air temperatures are above 41°F. .3 Maintain dry condition and 41°F minimum temperature until paint is thoroughly dry. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 3 STEEL JOISTS Section 05210 Page 3 of 4 Strip paint bolts, nuts, sharp edges and corners before prime coat is dry. EXECUTION .1 GENERAL .1 Structural steel work: in accordance with CAN/CSA-S16.1. .2 Welding: in accordance with CSA W59. .3 Companies to be certified under Division 1 or 2.1 of CSA W47.1 for fusion welding and/or CSA W55.3 for resistance welding. .4 Provide certification that all welded joints are qualified by Canadian Welding Bureau. .2 CONNECTION TO EXISTING WORK .1 Verify dimensions and condition of existing work, report any discrepancy and potential problem areas to Consultant for direction before commencing fabrication. .3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .1 Inspection and testing of materials and workmanship will be carried out by an independent testing authority designated by the Owner. .4 .2 Testing authority will inspect representative joists for integrity, accuracy of fabrication and soundness of welds. .3 Testing authority will monitor test loading of joists used by manufacturer to verify design and check representative field connections. Consultant will determine extent of and identify all inspections. .4 Submit test report to Consultant within 7 days after completion of inspection. .5 Cost of testing and inspection will be paid from a cash allowance as allocated in Section 01210. ERECTION .1 Erect steel joists and bridging as indicated in accordance with CAN/CSAS16.1 and in accordance with reviewed erection drawings. .2 Complete installation of all bridging and anchorages before placing construction loads on joists. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .5 STEEL JOISTS Section 05210 Page 4 of 4 .3 Field cutting or altering joists or bridging that are not shown on shop drawings: to approval of Consultant. .4 Clean and touch up shop primer to bolts, welds, burned or scratched surfaces at completion of erection. FIELD PAINTING .1 Touch up all damaged surfaces and surfaces without shop coat with CAN/CGSB 1.40 in accordance with manufacturers recommendations to CGSB 85-GP-14M. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Structural Steel .2 Steel Joists Section 05120 Section 05210 .3 REFERENCES .1 ASTM A653/A653M-13; Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. .2 CSA S136-12; Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. .3 CSA W59-13; Welded Steel Construction, (Metal Arc Welding). .4 CAN/CGSB-1.181-99; Ready-Mixed Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. .5 CSSBI 10M-08; Steel Roof Deck. .6 CSSBI 12M-08; Composite Steel Deck. .7 CSA W47.1-09; Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. .8 CSA W48-06(R2011); Filler Metals and Allied Materials for Metal Arc Welding. .9 CSA W55.3-08(R2013); Certification of Companies for Resistance Welding of Steel and Aluminum. .4 DESIGN CRITERIA .1 Design steel deck using limit states design in accordance with (Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute) CSSBI 10M and CSSBI 12M. .5 2 STEEL DECK Section 05311 Page 1 of 3 .2 Steel deck and connections to carry dead, live and other loads, shear diaphragm action lateral loads, composite deck action. .3 Deflection under specified live load not to exceed, live load deflection not to exceed 1/360th of span. Deflection under specified live load not to exceed 1/360th of span for floor deck. SHOP DRAWINGS .1 Submit shop drawings erection and shoring drawings in accordance with Section 01300. .2 Each drawing submission shall bear signature and stamp of qualified professional Engineer licensed in Place of the Work. .3 Submit design calculations to Consultant. .4 Indicate deck plan, profile, dimensions, base steel thickness, metallic coating designation, connections to supports and spacings, projections, openings, reinforcement details and accessories and design loads. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Zinc-iron Alloy (ZF) coated steel sheet: to ASTM A653/A653M structural quality Grade A, with Z275 coating, for interior surfaces not exposed to weather, unpainted finish, minimum 0.036" base steel thickness. (See Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 STEEL DECK Section 05311 Page 2 of 3 drawings for thickness.) .2 .2 Closures: as recommended by manufacturer. .3 Cover plates, cell closures and flashings: steel sheet with minimum base steel thickness of 0.030". Metallic coating same as deck material. .4 Primer: zinc rich, ready mix to CAN/CGSB-1.181. TYPES OF DECKING .1 Floor Deck: 0.030" minimum base steel thickness, 1½" deep profile, interlocking sides, Hi-Bond composite floor deck, HB306 by VicWest or P-308CF by Peerless. Deck must meet ULC assembly requirements for rating required. .2 3 Roof Deck: 0.030" minimum base steel thickness, 1½" deep profile, cellular, interlocking sides, RD938 by VicWest or P-156 by Peerless. EXECUTION .1 GENERAL .1 Design, detail, fabricate and erect in accordance with CAN/CSA-S136 and CSSBI 10M and CSSBI 12M. .2 .3 .2 Do welding in accordance with CSA W59 and CSA W48 Series. .3 Welding companies to be certified under Division 1 or 2.1 of CSA W47.1 for fusion welding of steel decks and/or CSA W55.3 for resistance welding. ERECTION .1 Erect steel deck in accordance with CSA S136 and CSSBI 10M and CSSBI 12M except as specified otherwise. .2 Butt ends: to 1/16" to ⅛" gap. Install steel cover plates over gaps wider than ⅛". .3 Lap ends: to 2" minimum. .4 Weld and test stud shear connectors through steel deck to steel joists/beams below in accordance with CSA W59-M1989. .5 Immediately after deck is permanently secured in place, touch up metallic coated top surface with compatible primer where burned by welding. CLOSURES .1 Install closures in accordance with details, as indicated, to ensure effective closures against weather, thermal and acoustic effects. .2 .4 For details not indicated, follow manufacturer's recommendations. OPENINGS AND AREAS OF CONCENTRATED LOADS .1 No reinforcement required for openings smaller than 6" square, cut in Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 STEEL DECK Section 05311 Page 3 of 3 deck. .2 Frame deck openings with any one dimension between 6" to 12" as recommended by manufacturer, except as otherwise indicated. .3 .5 For deck openings with any one dimension greater than 12" and for areas of concentrated load, reinforce in accordance with structural framing details, except as otherwise indicated. CONNECTIONS .1 Provide connections in accordance with CSSBI specifications. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 Page 1 of 5 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide all miscellaneous metal fabrications. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast-in-Place Concrete .2 Structural Steel .4 Painting .5 Polyurethane Coating Section 03300 Section 05120 Section 09900 Section 09964 .4 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 ASTM-A53/A53M-01; Specification for Pipe, Steel Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc Coated, Welded and Seamless. .2 ASTM-A269-01; Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service. .3 ASTM-A276-00a; Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. .4 ASTM-A325-00; Specification for High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints. .5 ASTM-A563-00; Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts. .6 ASTM-C1107-99; Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic-Cement Grout (Non-Shrink). .7 CSA-W47.1-92 (R2001); Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. .8 CSA-W55.3-1965 (R1998); Resistance Welding Qualification Code for Fabricators of Structural Members Used in Buildings. .9 CSA-W59-M1989 (R2001); Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding). .10 CSA-G40.20/G40.21-98; General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel / Structural Quality Steels. .11 CAN/CSA-G164-M92 (R1998); Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregular Shaped Articles. .12 CAN/CGSB-1.40-97; Primer, Structural Steel, Oil Alkyd Type. .13 CAN/CGSB-1.181-99; Ready-Mixed Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. .5 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Manufacture & Fabrication .1 Companies to be certified under Division 1 or 2.1 of CSA-W47.1 for fusion welding, and CSA-W55.3 for resistance welding. Provide certification that all welded joints are certified by Canadian Welding Bureau. .2 Installation .1 Work shall be performed in strict accordance with reviewed shop drawings. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .6 SUBMITTALS .1 Shop Drawings .1 Submit electronic shop drawings. .2 Each shop drawing submitted shall bear the stamp and signature of a qualified Professional Engineer registered in the Place of the Work who has coverage of minimum $2,000,000 liability insurance. .3 Submit all necessary shop drawings, bearing the professional seal and signature of the Subcontractor' Engineer, including design calculations for review by the Consultant. Shop drawings to include all necessary shop details and erection diagrams with; .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 2 METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 Page 2 of 5 member sizes, locations, thickness (exclusive of coatings), metallic coatings and mechanical properties, connection details for attaching framing to itself and to the structure, dimensions, requirements of related work, and critical installation procedures, temporary bracing required for erection purposes, design loads, and welds indicated by welding symbols as defined in CSA-W59. .4 Submit copies of engineering calculations and/or certified data verifying the capacity of members, connectors, connections, and the ability of assemblies to meet the design requirements, signed and sealed by the Subcontractor's Engineer. .5 Do not fabricate until submittals are reviewed and approved by Consultant. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Steel Sections And Plates: to CAN/CSA-G40.21, grade 300W. .2 Steel Pipe: to ASTM-A53/A53M, standard weight, yield strength 35 KSI, black or galvanized finish. .3 Welding Materials: to CSA-W59. .4 Bolts And Nuts: to ASTM-A325 and ASTM-A563. .5 Galvanizing: hot dipped galvanizing with minimum zinc coating in accordance with Table 1 of CAN/CSA-G164. .6 Galvanized Primer: zinc-rich, ready mix to CAN/CGSB-1.181. .7 Grout: to ASTM-1107, non-shrink, non-metallic, flowable, minimum compressive strength of 4300psi after 24 hours, pull-out strength 1150psi; .1 M-Bed® Superflow by Sika Canada Inc., or .2 Sealtight® CG-86™ by W.R. Meadows of Canada. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .3 .8 Hinges .9 Locks .10 Access Ladders (and cages if needed) .11 Bollards METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 Page 3 of 5 FABRICATION .1 Fabricate work square, true, straight, and accurate to required size, with joints closely fitted and properly secured. .2 Use self-tapping shake-proof oval headed screws on items requiring assembly by screws. Use screws for interior metal work. Use welded connections for exterior metal work unless otherwise detailed or approved by Consultant. .3 Where possible, fit and shop assemble work, ready for erection. .4 Ensure exposed welds are continuous for length of each joint. File or grind exposed welds smooth and flush. .5 Angle Lintels: Steel angles, in sizes indicated for openings. Provide 6" minimum bearing at ends. Weld or bolt back-to-back angles to profiles as indicated. Provide [hot-dip galvanized for exterior; hot-dip galvanized for interior. .6 Interior Pipe Railings & Balustrades: Fabricate from hot-dip galvanized , Schedule 40 steel pipe of sizes indicated, cut and welded to configurations detailed on the drawings. Grind and sand all welds smooth. .7 Exterior Pipe Railings & Balustrades: Fabricate from hot-dip galvanized, Schedule 40 steel pipe of sizes indicated, cut and welded to configurations detailed on the drawings. Grind and sand welds smooth. .8 Exterior Pipe Bollards: Fabricate from hot-dip galvanized, Schedule 40 steel pipe, cut to lengths indicated on the drawings, set into concrete. .9 Access Ladders: solid steel rungs, welded to stringers, brackets as indicated, weld stringers complete with fixing anchors. Fabricate interior ladders from hot-dip galvanized steel, exterior ladders (and sump ladder) from hot-dip galvanized steel. Galvanize exterior assemblies after welding into largest possible assemblies. .11 Brackets: Fabricate from hot-dip galvanized steel plate and sections, sizes as indicated. Welded construction. Provide steel anchors as indicated or as required. SHOP PAINTING .1 Apply polyurethane coating to all items per Section 09964. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 Page 4 of 5 EXECUTION .1 ERECTION .1 Do welding work in accordance with CSA-W59 unless specified otherwise. .2 .3 .2 Erect metalwork square, plumb, straight, and true, accurately fitted, with tight joints and intersections. .3 Provide suitable means of anchorage acceptable to Consultant such as dowels, anchor clips, bar anchors, expansion bolts and shields, and toggles. .4 Exposed fastening devices to match finish and be compatible with material through which they pass. .5 Provide components for building-in by other sections in accordance with shop drawings and schedule. .6 Make field connections with high tensile bolts, or weld. .7 Hand items over for costing to appropriate trades together with setting templates. .8 Touch-up rivets, field welds, bolts and burnt or scratched surfaces after completion of erection, with primer. .9 Touch-up galvanized surfaces burned by field welding with zinc rich primer. Touch up Polyurethane Coating. PIPE RAILINGS & BALUSTRADES .1 Install pipe railings and balustrades in locations indicated on drawings. Bolt balustrades to steel structure using hex-head, high-strength bolts. .2 Where installed in concrete slabs, core drill for posts after fabrication and grout into place using high-strength, non-shrink grout. .3 Provide separator membrane/mastic between steel and substrates of concrete, masonry, or dissimilar metals. ACCESS LADDERS .1 Install roof access ladders where indicated. .1 Bolt ladders securely to walls, using hex-head, high-strength bolts. Use metal expansion shields for concrete; equivalent to "Quik-Bolts". .2 .4 Provide separator membrane/mastic between brackets and unpainted substrates of concrete, masonry, or dissimilar metals. PIPE BOLLARDS .1 Cast pipe bollards into concrete. Fill bollards with concrete to top and trowel off. Ensure conduits and electrical run in bollards, and penetrations and provisions are provided for block heater receptacles. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 Page 5 of 5 .5 CHANNEL FRAMES FOR OVERHEAD DOOR OPENINGS .1 Set channel frame in overhead door openings, prior to construction of masonry wall. Ensure full bedding of anchors into mortar joints. Refer to details. .7 MISCELLANEOUS METAL ITEMS .1 Install as indicated. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 METAL STAIRS Section 05510 Page 1 of 3 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide metal stairs and balustrades. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast-in-Place Concrete .2 Metal Fabrications .4 Painting .5 Polyurethane Coating Section 03300 Section 05500 Section 09900 Section 09964 .4 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 ASTM-A53/A53M-01; Specification for Pipe, Steel Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc Coated, Welded and Seamless. .2 ASTM-A269-01; Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service. .3 ASTM-A276-00a; Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. .4 ASTM-A325-00; Specification for High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints. .5 ASTM-A563-00; Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts. .6 CSA-W47.1-92 (R2001); Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. .7 CSA-W55.3-1965 (R1998); Resistance Welding Qualification Code for Fabricators of Structural Members Used in Buildings. .8 CSA-W59-M1989 (R2001); Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding). .9 CSA-G40.20/G40.21-98; General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel / Structural Quality Steels. .10 CAN/CSA-G164-M92 (R1998); Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregular Shaped Articles. .11 CAN/CGSB-1.40-97; Primer, Structural Steel, Oil Alkyd Type. .12 CAN/CGSB-1.181-99; Ready-Mixed Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. .5 DESIGN CRITERIA .1 Design metal stair, balustrade and landing construction and connections to OBC vertical and horizontal live load requirements. .2 .6 Detail and fabricate stairs to NAAM Metal Stairs Manual 1982. QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Manufacture & Fabrication .1 Companies to be certified under Division 1 or 2.1 of CSA-W47.1 for fusion welding, and CSA-W55.3 for resistance welding. Provide certification that all welded joints are certified by Canadian Welding Bureau. .2 Installation .1 Work shall be performed in strict accordance with reviewed shop drawings. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .7 2 METAL STAIRS Section 05510 Page 2 of 3 SUBMITTALS .1 Shop Drawings .1 Submit electronic shop drawings. .2 Each shop drawing submitted shall bear the stamp and signature of a qualified Professional Engineer registered in the Place of the Work who has coverage of minimum $2,000,000 liability insurance. .3 Submit all necessary shop drawings, bearing the professional seal and signature of the Subcontractor' Engineer, including design calculations for review by the Consultant. Shop drawings to include all necessary shop details and erection diagrams with; .1 member sizes, locations, thickness (exclusive of coatings), metallic coatings and mechanical properties, .2 connection details for attaching framing to itself and to the structure, .3 dimensions, requirements of related work, and critical installation procedures, .4 temporary bracing required for erection purposes, .5 design loads, and .6 welds indicated by welding symbols as defined in CSA-W59. .4 Submit copies of engineering calculations and/or certified data verifying the capacity of members, connectors, connections, and the ability of assemblies to meet the design requirements, signed and sealed by the Subcontractor's Engineer. .5 Do not fabricate until submittals are reviewed and approved by Consultant. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Steel Sections And Plates: to CAN/CSA-G40.21, grade 300W. .2 Steel Pipe: to ASTM-A53/A53M, standard weight, yield strength 35 KSI, black or galvanized finish. .3 Stainless Steel Tubing: commercial grade, Type [304] welded, to ASTM-A269, AISI No. 4 finish. .4 Grating Treads & Landing Sections: to ANSI/NAAM MBG531, Type [W-19-4] steel with checkerplate nosings. .5 Welding materials: to CSA W59. .6 High strength bolts: to ASTM A325. .7 Galvanized Primer: zinc-rich, ready mix to CAN/CGSB-1.181. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 METAL STAIRS Section 05510 Page 3 of 3 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 3 4 FABRICATION .1 Weld connections where possible, otherwise bolt connections. Countersink exposed fastenings, cut off bolts flush with nuts. Make exposed connections of same material, colour and finish as base material on which they occur. .2 Accurately form connections with exposed faces flush; mitres and joints tight. Make risers of equal height. .3 Grind or file exposed welds and steel sections smooth. .4 Shop-fabricate stairs in sections as large and complete as practicable. EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION OF STAIRS .1 Install plumb and true in exact locations, using welded connections wherever possible to provide rigid structure. Provide anchor bolts, bolts and plates for connecting stairs to structure. .2 Hand items over for casting into concrete or building into masonry to appropriate trades together with setting templates. .3 Perform welding in accordance with CSA W59. .4 Touch up shop primer to bolts, welds, and burned or scratched surfaces at completion of erection. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .1 Engineer responsible for shop drawings of such stairs, or approved equal, to provide field reviews and reports, including letter of conformance to Architect, Owner and Contractor. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 GUARD AND RAILINGS Section 05511 Page 1 of 2 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast in place Concrete .2 Painting .3 Polyurethane Coating .1 .4 2 REFERENCES CSA W59-1984 unless specified otherwise. DESIGN CRITERIA .1 Design balustrade and landing, picket construction, fasteners connections to NBC vertical and horizontal live load requirements. .2 .5 Section 03300 Section 09900 Section 09964 and Design, Guard Heights, Guards Opening Spacing, Vertical limitations, and Handrail Diameters to Part 3 of the Ontario Building Code. SUBMITTALS .1 Shop Drawings .1 Submit electronic Stamped shop drawings by Engineer who will be responsible for Design and Review of Guards and Railings .2 Indicate construction details, sizes of steel sections and thickness of steel. .3 Submit all necessary shop drawings, bearing the professional seal and signature of the Subcontractor' Engineer, including design calculations for review by the Consultant. Shop drawings to include all necessary shop details and erection diagrams with; .1 member sizes, locations, thickness (exclusive of coatings), metallic coatings and mechanical properties, .2 connection details for attaching framing to itself and to the structure, .3 dimensions, requirements of related work, and critical installation procedures, .4 temporary bracing required for erection purposes, .5 design loads, and .6 welds indicated by welding symbols as defined in CSA-W59. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 As defined by Guard and Railing Engineer. .2 Provide hot-dip galvanized shop prime and finish with Polyurethane coating per Section 09964 . This note is to be superceded by any shop drawing engineer upgrade requiremnets . Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 GUARD AND RAILINGS Section 05511 Page 2 of 2 .2 FABRICATION .1 Shop fabricate stairs in sections as large and complete as practical. .3 PIPE BALUSTRADES/HANDRAILS .1 Construct balusters and handrails from steel bars as indicated, complete with brackets. .2 Cap and weld exposed ends of balusters and handrails. .3 Terminate at abutting wall with end flange. EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION OF HANDRAILS/GUARD .1 Apply handrails in accordance with shop drawings, using recommended tools. .2 Make joints and mitres neat, tight and inconspicuous. Remove surplus material from joints. Provide solid return at exposed ends of handrail. .3 Install all work plumb and true in locations indicated, use welded connections to steel stringers and provide bolts and drill holes in concrete stairs and slabs indicated. .2 REVIEW .1 Engineer responsible for Design and Review of such Guards and Railings, or approved equal, to Provide Field Reviews including letter of conformance to Architect, Contractor and Owner. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide rough carpentry work, including but not limited to, the following: .1 Miscellaneous furring and blocking, .2 Wood nailers, curbs and parapet sheathing for roofing, .3 Electrical mounting boards, and .4 Rough blocking in walls for support of wall-mounted items. .2 .3 For additional specialty features see structural drawings RELATED SECTIONS .1 Finish Carpentry .2 Architectural Woodwork .3 Self Adhesive Sheet Air / Vapour Barrier Membrane .4 Hybrid Bituminous Protected Membrane Roofing .5 Vegetative Roof Assembly Protected Roof .6 Washroom Accessories Section 06200 Section 06400 Section 07270 Section 07551 Section 07561 Section 10800 .4 REFERENCES .1 CSA-B111-1974 (R1998); Wire Nails, Spikes and Staples. .2 CAN/CSA-G164-M92 (R1998); Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. .3 CSA-O80 Series-97; CSA Standards for Wood Preservation. .4 CSA-O86-01; Engineering Design in Wood (Working Stress Design). .5 CSA-O112 Series-M1977 (R2001); CSA Standards for Wood Adhesives. .6 CAN/CSA-O141-91 (R1999); Softwood Lumber. .7 CSA-O151-M1978 (R1998); Canadian Softwood Plywood. .8 CAN/ULC-S102; Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies. .9 National Lumber Grades Authority (NLGA) Special Products Standard for Finger joined Structural Lumber SPS-1991. .10 National Lumber Grades Authority (NLGA) Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber-1991. .5 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Lumber identification: by grade stamp of an agency certified by Canadian Lumber Standards Accreditation Board. .2 2 ROUGH CARPENTRY Section 06100 Page 1 of 4 Plywood identification: by grade mark in accordance with applicable CSA standards. PRODUCTS .1 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .1 .2 .3 .4 ROUGH CARPENTRY Section 06100 Page 2 of 4 Mills supplying wood products for this project must be Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified. LUMBER MATERIAL .1 Lumber: SPF softwood, NLGA No. 2 Grade or better, except where noted S4S, kiln-dried with moisture content 19% or less in accordance with CAN/CSA-O141. .2 Machine stress-rated lumber is acceptable for all purposes, except where noted. .3 Glued end-jointed (finger-jointed) lumber [products certified under NLGA Special Products Standard 1-81 are acceptable] except for material for "A" appearance framing to be left unfinished or to be finished with transparent or translucent type coating. Sand and salt dome lumber to have no finger or glue joints. .4 Furring, blocking, nailing strips, grounds, rough bucks, curbs, fascia backing, and sleepers: .1 S2S is acceptable. .2 Board sizes: "Standard" or better grade. .3 Dimension sizes: "Standard" light framing or better grade. .5 Pressure Preservative Treated Lumber: SPF softwood, NLGA No. 2 Grade or better, except where noted.S4S, kiln-dried with moisture content 19% or less in accordance with CAN/CSA-O141; pressure preservative treated with Copper Azole (CBA-A or CAB), or Alkaline Copper Quaternary (ACQ) to CSAO80 Series. PANEL MATERIALS .1 Canadian Softwood Plywood (CSP): to CSA-O151, standard construction, thickness as indicated. .2 Pressure Preservative Treated Plywood: Canadian softwood plywood (CSP) to CSA-O151, standard construction; pressure preservative treated with Copper Azole (CBA-A or CA-B), or Alkaline Copper Quaternary (ACQ) to CSA-O80.9 and kiln-dried to a moisture content of 15% or less. Thickness as indicated. .3 Fire Retardant Treated Plywood: Douglas Fir Plywood (DFP) to CSA-O121, standard construction; fire retardant treated to CSA-O80.27, kiln-dried to a moisture content of 15% or less, Flame Spread Rating of less than 25 to CAN/ULC-S102. Product must be UL or ULC labeled. Thickness as indicated. ACCESSORIES .1 Sealants: in accordance with Section 07900. .2 General Purpose Adhesive: to CSA-O112 Series. .3 Nails, Spikes And Staples: to CSA-B111. .4 Proprietary Fasteners: toggle bolts, expansion shields and lag bolts, screws Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 ROUGH CARPENTRY Section 06100 Page 3 of 4 and lead or inorganic fibre plugs] recommended for purpose by manufacturer. 3 .5 Nailing Discs: flat caps, minimum 1" diameter, minimum 0.015" thick, [sheet metal][, formed to prevent dishing. Bell or cup shapes not acceptable. .6 Finishes .1 Hot-dip galvanized connectors and fasteners to CAN/CSA-G164 minimum 2.00 oz/ft2 coating for: .1 [Exterior work (outside of building vapour barrier)] .2 [Interior highly humid areas] .3 [Pressure-preservative treated wood], and .4 [Fire-retardant treated wood] .7 Surface-applied wood preservative: to CAN/CSA-O80 Series; Copper Azole (CBA-A or CA-B) or Alkaline Copper Quaternary (ACQ). EXECUTION .1 PREPARATION .1 Treat cut surfaces of pressure preservative treated material exposed by cutting, trimming, or boring with wood preservative before installation. .2 .2 .3 Apply preservative by dipping, or by brush to completely saturate and maintain wet film on surface for minimum 3 minute soak on lumber and one minute soak on plywood. INSTALLATION .1 Install members true to line, levels and elevations, square and plumb. .2 Construct continuous members from pieces of longest practical length. .3 Select exposed framing for appearance. Install lumber and panel materials so that grade-marks and other defacing marks are concealed or are removed by sanding where materials are left exposed. .4 Install furring and blocking as required to space-out and support casework, cabinets, wall and ceiling finishes, facings, fascia, soffit, siding, electrical equipment mounting boards, and other work as required. .5 Align and plumb faces of furring and blocking to tolerance of 1:600. .6 Install rough bucks, nailers and linings to rough openings as required to provide backing for frames and other work. .7 Install wood nailers, curbs, and other wood roof supports as required and secure using galvanized steel fasteners. ERECTION .1 Frame, anchor, fasten, tie and brace members to provide necessary strength and rigidity. .2 Countersink bolts where necessary to provide clearance for other work. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 ROUGH CARPENTRY Section 06100 Page 4 of 4 SCHEDULES .1 Electrical Equipment Mounting Boards .1 CSP Plywood: Fire Retardant Treated, S1S, square edges, minimum [3/4]" thick. See painting sections. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 This division of the specifications shall include the furnishing of all materials, equipment and labour necessary for the pre- fabrication, delivery and permanent setting of the wood trusses in the building. It shall also include all the miscellaneous parts, including bridging, temporary and permanent bracing, and all related items of hardware, metal hangers, anchors and special metal shapes deemed by the Architect, Structural Engineer or the Truss Design Engineer to be necessary for the proper pre- fabrication, erection, assembly, supporting and anchoring of the wood trusses; except that metal parts or items which are to be embedded in concrete, or fastened to the structural steel shall be excluded from this division and shall be the responsibility of other Contractors. .2 .3 .4 2 PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES Section 06192 Page 1 of 2 For additional special information, see structural drawings. SHOP DRAWINGS .1 Submit electronic shop drawings bearing the stamp of a qualified Professional Engineer registered in the Province of the project. .2 Field Confirm all site conditions prior to submission of shop drawings/ Fabrication. .3 Indicated species, sizes and stress grades of lumber used as truss members. Show pitch, span, camber configuration and spacing of trusses. Indicate connector types, thicknesses, sizes, locations and design value. Show bearing details. REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS .1 The design and fabrication criteria of all wood trusses shall meet with National Building Code of Canada (NBC) and CSA 086 "Code of Recommended Practice for Engineering Design in Timber" and "Design Specifications for Light Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses" by Truss Plate Institute (latest revision), the same as if those specification and all their references were sent out in full herein. PRODUCTS .1 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL .1 Millwork fabricator will supply to the Consultant, shipping labels and/or bills of lading for panel materials used in the work of this Section, for verification purposes. .2 Mills supplying wood products for this project must be Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 3 PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES Section 06192 Page 2 of 2 LUMBER .1 All lumber shall conform to the recognized nominal sizes shown on the plans or truss engineering designs. All members shall be cut from lumber, which bears the proper grade-mark stamps of a recognized grading association or licensed lumber inspection agency. No lumber shall be used which does not appear to conform to the proper dimensions and/or grades. .2 All truss connector plates shall be manufactured from ASTM A446, Grade B prime commercial quality galvanized sheet steel of no less than 20 gauge thickness which has a minimum yield of 37,000 psi and a minimum ultimate tensile strength of 52,000 psi. The corrosion resistant coating shall be ASTM A525, "Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process, General Requirements", Coating Designation Z275 or Z180, or ASTM A591, "Standards Specification for Electrolytic Zinc Coated Steel Sheets", Coating Class C, or such treatment as will give equivalent corrosion protection. .3 Where field assembly of truss sub-components is necessary, the connections shall be in accordance with the details shown on the truss design drawings, approved by a Professional Engineer and the Architect. INSTALLATION .1 HANDLING, ERECTION & BRACING .1 Fabricated trusses and sub-components shall be so handled and stored that they are not subject to damage. If the trusses are to be stockpiled prior to erection, sufficient bearing points and/or bracing shall be provided to prevent excessive lateral bending or tipping over. 4 .2 Framing anchors and/or truss hangers shall be provided by the Contractor in accordance with the architectural plans. .3 Field erection of the trusses, including items such as proper handling, safety precautions, temporary bracing to prevent toppling and buckling of the trusses during erection, and any other safeguards or procedures consistent with good workmanship and good building erection practices, shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor and/or the Erection Contractor. QUALITY CONTROL . .1 Engineer who provides shop drawings or approved alternate is to provide final signed sealed letter that trusses have been provided and installed as per shop drawings END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 ICE AND WATER SHIELD Section 07131 Page 1 of 2 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 2 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide Grace Ice & Water Shield self-adhering membrane system. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Preformed Metal Roofing Section 07400 .4 REFERENCES .1 (ASTM D412) Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Elastometric Tension .2 (ASTM D461) Standard Test Methods for Felt .3 (ASTM D903) Test Methods for Peel or stripping Strength of Adhesive Bonds .4 (ASTM D1970) Standard Specification for Self-Adhering Polymer Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment for Ice Dam Protection .5 (ASTM D3767) Standard Practice for Rubber - Measurement of Dimensions .6 (ASTM E96) Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. .5 SUBMITTALS .1 Manufacturer’s product data sheet and product sample. .6 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Manufacturer Qualifications: Self-adhesive membrane roofing underlayment shall be manufactured and marketed by W. R. Grace and Co. – Conn., Grace Construction Products, Cambridge, MA or a firm with minimum of 25 years experience in the production and sales for self-adhered membrane roofing underlayments. .7 DELIVERY, STORAGE & HANDLING .1 The membrane and accessory products must be handled properly. Read all product labels and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for proper handling and disposal. Deliver all materials in manufacturer’s unopened packages and store all materials under cover. Do not double stack palletized material. PRODUCTS .1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS AND PRODUCTS .1 Grace Ice & Water Shield manufactured by W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn., Grace Construction Products, Cambridge, MA .2 MATERIALS .1 Grace Ice & Water Shield is a cold-applied, self-adhering membrane composed of a high density, cross laminated polyethylene film coated on one side with a layer of rubberized asphalt adhesive. An embossed, slip resistant surface is provided on the polyethylene. Grace Ice & Water Shield is interwound with a disposable silicone-coated release sheet. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 .4 3 ICE AND WATER SHIELD Section 07131 Page 2 of 2 PROPERTIES AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS .1 Colour: Grey-Black .2 Thickness, membrane: 40 mil (1.02 mm) as per ASTM D3767 procedure A (Section 9.1) .3 Tensile strength, membrane: 250 psi (1720 kN/m2) as per ASTM D412 (Die C modified) .4 Elongation, membrane: 250% as per ASTM D412 (Die C modified) .5 Low temperature flexibility: Unaffected @ -20 F (-29 C) as per ASTM D1970 .6 Adhesion to plywood: 3.0 lbs/in. width (525 N/m) as per ASTM D903 .7 Permeance (maximum): 0.05 Perms (2.9 ng/m2s Pa) as per ASTM E96 .8 Material weight installed (maximum): 0.3 lb/ft2 (1.3 kg/m2) as per ASTM D461 ACCESSORIES .1 Accessory Products: Perm-A-Barrier WB Primer. EXECUTION .1 PREPARATION .1 Install the membrane directly on a clean, dry, continuous deck. Some suitable deck materials include plywood, wood composition, wood plank, metal, concrete, or gypsum sheathing. Remove dust, dirt, loose nails, and old roofing materials. .2 .2 Prime concrete, masonry surfaces and DensDeck with Perm-A-Barrier WB Primer at a rate of 250-350 ft2/gal (6-8 m2/L). Prime wood composition and gypsum sheathing with Perm-A-Barrier WB Primer if adhesion is found to be marginal. (Refer to Technical Letter 12, Use on Oriented Strand Board (OSB) Roof Sheathing.) Apply at same rate. .3 Priming is not required for other suitable surfaces provided that they are clean and dry. INSTALLATION .1 Install in strict accordance with manufacturer’s printed application procedures, precautions and limitations. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 ALL POLYURETHANE TRAFFIC TOPPING SYSTEM Section 07180 Page 1 of 5 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 RELATED DOCUMENTS .1 Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 – General Requirements, apply to work of this section. .3 WORK INCLUDED .1 Application of waterproof traffic deck coating system, including surface preparation, membrane, wearcourse, finish coats, and vertical surfaces as indicated on drawings. .4 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Parking and Traffic Control Markings Section 2 .2 Concrete Work Section 03300 .3 Joint Sealants Section 07900 .5 .6 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Applicator of traffic coating system shall have had a minimum of three years recent experience in applying coatings to concrete surfaces and shall be an “Authorized Applicator” recognized in writing by the manufacturer of the coating materials. .2 Prior to commencement of any work, a minimum 6.2 square metres (20 square feet) mock-up will be installed on site for each system. This will be viewed by all parties, and only when accepted will work of the same system be allowed to proceed. The mock-up will serve as a benchmark for the installation of each system for the entire project. .3 During job mock-up and initial period of installation, manufacturer of coating system will provide a trained employee to ensure proper use and installation of product. Periodic site visits will also be made during installation to verify continued proper installation. SUBMITTALS .1 Samples: Submit two samples representative of complete deck coating system applied to suitable rigid substrate. .2 Manufacturer’s Literature: Submit two copies of manufacturer’s literature, specifications and application instruction for all products provided. .3 Attestation: Submit a minimum of five projects of similar nature which have been installed during the last five years, including name, locations and installation dates. .4 Applicator Certificate: Submit “Authorized Applicator” certificate issued to system applicator by coating material manufacturer. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .5 .6 .7 2 Guarantee Requirements: Upon completion and acceptance of the work, submit an executed copy of the guarantee. Maintenance: Upon completion and acceptance of work submit maintenance instruction for coating system that outlines cleaning procedures and frequency. PRODUCT DELIVERY AND STORAGE .1 Deliver materials to job site in sealed, undamaged containers clearly labelled with name and manufacturing date or batch number. .2 .8 ALL POLYURETHANE TRAFFIC TOPPING SYSTEM Section 07180 Page 2 of 5 Store materials according to manufacturer’s directions to prevent deterioration due to moisture, heat, cold, direct sunlight or any other causes. JOB CONDITIONS .1 Provide temporary traffic barriers, signalization and supervision necessary to control traffic during coating operations. .2 Ensure that storage areas for coating materials are above 13ºC (55ºF) and below 29ºC (85ºF) for a minimum of 48 hours prior to installation. .3 Commencement of installation implies acceptance of the concrete surface as suitable to receive the traffic coating. Contractor must be notified in writing of any deficiency of the concrete surface or if the surface is unacceptable. .4 Apply deck coating materials in strict accordance to the manufacturer of coating materials printed application procedures. .5 Establish appropriate health, safety and environmental protection practices, in consultation with appropriate regulatory authorities, if necessary, to achieve compliance with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to use of products. PRODUCTS .1 GENERAL .1 All components and products of the deck coating system shall be manufactured and supplied by a single manufacturer. .2 MANUFACTURER .1 Duochem Inc., 1250 Graham Bell, Boucherville, Quebec J4B 6H5. 1-800933-7452, Toronto, Ontario 905-807-2364. .3 WATERPROOF TRAFFIC COATING .1 The waterproof traffic coating shall consist of a flexible, liquid applied, elastomeric membrane topped with a liquid applied polyurethane wearcourse containing suitable hard aggregates and, if necessary, a polyurethane topcoat for exterior applications. System for interior installation must be VOC free and be odour free. .1 Primer: Not required on clean dry surfaces. .2 Membrane: Duochem 390, a two component, 100% solids, solvent free flexible polyurethane. .3 Polyurethane wearcourse: Duochem 8200, a two component, 100% solids, solvent free epoxy wearcourse. .4 Aggregates: Minimum Moh’s scale hardness of 6, with sieve analysis similar to Unimin 2010. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 ALL POLYURETHANE TRAFFIC TOPPING SYSTEM Section 07180 Page 3 of 5 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES .1 Duochem 390 – 20 mils membrane .2 Duochem 8200 – 20 mils basecoat .3 System Duodeck (no aggregates) Properties Test Method: Results 0.028 g/h – sq.m or 0.04 grain/hrs – sq. ft. Water Vapour Transmission ASTM E 96 Water Vapour Permeability ASTM E 96 0.0013 ng/Pa-s-sq.m or 0.09 perm inch Water Vapour Permeance ASTM E 96 0.026 ng/Pa-s-sq.m 4.65 x 10.5 perms Tensile Strength – D-390 D-391 ASTM D 638 ASTM D 638 9.1 N/ 4.1 N/ Elongation – D-390 D-391 ASTM D 638 ASTM D 638 435% 205% ASTM C 957 Passes Hardness – D-390 D-391 ASTM D 2240 ASTM D 2240 80 Shore A 80 Shore A Adhesion to Concrete ASTM D 4541 2.4 mPa (350 psi) Tear Strength D 624 Die C 38.22 KN/m 16.9 KN/m 0.14 g Water absorption ASTM ASTM D 638 ASTM D 4060 CS 17, 1000 g ASTM D 570 Chloride Permeability AASHTO T 277 Fire Rating CAN/S 102.2 Negligible Table Class A Low Temperature Flexibility & Crack Bridging Abrasion Resistance Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 0.26% as per Whiting 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 ALL POLYURETHANE TRAFFIC TOPPING SYSTEM Section 07180 Page 4 of 5 EXECUTION .1 INSPECTION .1 Examine surfaces and conditions under which coating system is to be applied. Moisture content of surfaces and building air temperatures must be within limits recommended by the coating manufacturer. Do not start work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Application materials indicate acceptance of surfaces. .2 .2 Surfaces shall be free of curing compound membrane, laitance, dust, dirt, grease, oil and other contaminants that may affect proper adhesion of the coating Specific Gravity:0.81. .3 Surfaces to receive coating shall be equivalent to a steel trowel finish for new or patched concrete surfaces. .4 Moisture content of the concrete and block shall be checked using a Delmhorst moisture meter. Moisture content shall be within green section for concrete scale prior to commencing work.To be paid for by contractor. .5 Do not apply deck coating system if ambient temerpeature and surface temperature is below 4ºC (41ºF) or above 32ºC (90ºF), or if relative humidity is above 80%. SURFACE PREPARATION .1 Thoroughly clean all surfaces to receive coating by steel shotblasting, sandblasting, or other method in accordance to the manufacturer’s instructions. .2 Remove projection and other conditions that may affect the installation of the coating. .3 Rout or sawcut all cracks exceeding 1.5 mm (1/16 inch) in width and fill with Duropli sealant. .4 Protect adjacent surfaces, fixtures and equipment with drop cloths or masking as necessary to prevent damage from splatter or spillage. .3 MATERIAL PREPARATION .1 Carefully prepare and mix materials used in coating work in compliance with manufacturer’s instructions. .4 FLASHINGS .1 Provide fluid applies integral flashings at all locations where a horizongal surface abuts a vertical surface and at all deck projections. Duochem 390 membrane shall be applies over the prepared surfaces at the minimal rate of 20 mils thick and shall extend 5 cm (2 inches) minimum on vertical surfaces and 10 cm (4 inches) on horizontal surfaces. .2 At projections through deck such as post, pipes, railings, vents and similar locations of potential movement, install a 1.5 cm (1/2 inch) bead of sealant, tool to form a core and allow to cure prior to coating. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 ALL POLYURETHANE TRAFFIC TOPPING SYSTEM Section 07180 Page 5 of 5 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .5 DETAIL WORK .1 Apply Duochem 390 membrane at a minimum thickness of 20 mils for a distance of 5 cm (2 inches) each side of all unfilled visible cracks up to 0.15 cm (1/16 inch) wide, and filled cracks in concrete surface, control joint and construction joints to receive coating. Allow to dry (8 – 16 hours) before proceeding to the application of the waterproofing membrane. .6 WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE .1 Apply duochem 390 Waterproofing Membrane at a minimum thickness of 20 mils (interior). Spread waterproofing membrane evenly over flashing and detailed work. .2 Allow 8-16 hours of curing before proceeding to the application of subsequent coating. NOTE: Do not apply Duochem 390 Membrane when relative humidity is above 80% or concrete moisture content of concrete is above 3-4% by weight of concrete. .7 WEARING WEARCOURSE .1 Spread Duochem 8200 Epoxy Wearcourse on dry waterproofing membrane at a minimum thickness of 25 mils .2 Allow epoxy wearcourse to self level, approximately 10 to 20 minutes. Broadcast selected mineral aggregates over the surface at the following rates. - 9 kg/10m² (18 lbs./100 sq. ft.) Backroll to ensure uniform finish at all termination of work. Mask edges prior to applying polyurethane wearcourse. Remove tape approximately 1 (one) hour after polyurethane wearcourse application. .3 .8 Allow wearcourse to cure for a minimum of 48 hours before allowing traffic to users. CLEANING .1 Remove remaining materials and debris from site and dispose of according to rules and regulations. .2 Clean up and leave ready coated areas for paint markings and normal traffic usage. .3 Uncured materials can be cleaned with Duochem 208 or 205 Solvent. Cured materials are unaffected by solvents or any cleaning chemicals; it will require grinding, chipping or scraping to be removed. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Conditions of CCDC 2- 2008 and the General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide sheet vapour barrier system. PRODUCTS .1 SHEET VAPOUR BARRIER .1 Polyethylene film: to CAN2-51.33-M80, Type 1, 0.10 0.15 mm thick. .2 3 VAPOUR BARRIERS Section 07190 Page 1 of 2 ACCESSORIES .1 Joint sealing tape: air resistant pressure sensitive adhesive tape type recommended by vapour barrier manufacturer, 50 mm wide for lap joints and perimeter seals, 25 mm wide elsewhere. .2 Sealant: in accordance with Section 07900 - Sealants. .3 Staples: minimum 6 mm leg or screws for metal studs. .4 Moulded box vapour barrier: factory-moulded polyethylene box for use with recessed electric switch and outlet device boxes. EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION .1 Install sheet vapour barrier on underside of roof trusses where noted. .2 Use sheets of largest practical size to minimise joints. .3 Inspect sheets for continuity. Repair punctures and tears with sealing tape before work is concealed. .2 EXTERIOR SURFACE OPENING .1 Cut sheet vapour barrier to form openings and ensure material is lapped and sealed to frame. .3 PERIMETER SEALS .1 Seal perimeter of sheet vapour barrier as follows: .1 .2 .3 .4 Apply continuous bead of sealant to substrate at perimeter of sheets. Lap sheet over sealant and press into sealant bead. Install staples through lapped sheets at sealant bead into substrate. Ensure that no gaps exist in sealant bead. Smooth out folds and ripples occurring in sheet over sealant. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 VAPOUR BARRIERS Section 07190 Page 2 of 2 .4 LAP JOINT SEALS .1 Seal lap joints of sheet vapour barrier as follows: .1 Attach first sheet to substrate. .2 Apply continuous bead of sealant over solid backing at joint. .3 Lap adjoining sheet minimum 150 mm and press into sealant bead. .4 Install staples through lapped sheets at sealant bead into substrate. .5 Ensure that no gaps exist in sealant bead. Smooth out folds and ripples occurring in sheet over sealant. .6 Tape seal areas as required. .5 ELECTRICAL BOXES .1 Seal electrical switch and outlet device boxes that penetrate vapour barrier as follows: .1 For sheet-type vapour barriers, install moulded box vapour barrier wrap boxes with polyethylene film sheet providing minimum 300 mm perimeter lap flange. .2 Apply sealant to seal edges of flange to main vapour barrier and seal wiring penetrations through box cover. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide rigid board insulation. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast in Place Concrete Section 03300 .4 REFERENCES .1 CAN/ULC-S102; Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies. .2 CAN/ULC-S114; Determination of Non-combustibility of Building Materials. .3 CAN/ULC-S701-01; Standard for Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Covering. .4 CAN/ULC-S702-97; Standard for Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings. .5 CAN/ULC-S704-01; Standard for Thermal Insulation, Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate, Boards, Faced. .6 CAN/ULC-S770-00; Standard for Determination of Long-Term Thermal Resistance of Closed-Cell Thermal Insulation Foams. .7 CGSB 71-GP-24; Adhesive, Flexible, for Bonding Cellular Polystyrene Insulation. .5 SUBMITTALS .1 Samples: Submit samples of insulation furring system channels, fasteners and accessories. .2 .6 Product Data: Submit manufacturer's printed product literature, MSDS sheets. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING .1 Deliver materials to the site in their original unopened packages, bearing all manufacturer's labels. .2 2 BOARD INSULATION Section 07212 Page 1 of 3 Protect packages from damage, and materials from effects of weathering. PRODUCTS .1 INSULATION .1 Underground Application: extruded closed-cell polystyrene, to CAN/ULC-S701 Type 4, square edges, thickness as shown on the drawings, and as follows; .1 Board size: 24" x 48". .2 Compressive strength: 100psi. .3 Flame Spread: less than 50, to CAN/ULC-S102. .4 Vapour Permeance: 1 perm maximum. .5 Dimensional stability: 1.5% maximum linear change at 158°Fand 97% relative humidity for 7 days. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .6 .7 .8 Curing Time: minimum 24 hours, plus 24 hours per 1" of thickness before shipment from manufacturer. Long Term Thermal Resistance (LTTR) .1 R 5.0 for 1" thickness of board. .2 R 10.0 for 2" thickness of board. .3 R 15.0 for 3" thickness of board. Acceptable Products .1 Dow High Load 100 or approved equal .2 ADHESIVES .1 For polystyrene: to CGSB 71-GP-24M. .3 ACCESSORIES .1 Insulation clips: impale type, perforated 2" x 2" cold-rolled carbon steel 0.03" thick, self-adhesive back, spindle of 0.10" diameter annealed steel, length to suit insulation, 1" diameter self-locking washers. .2 3 BOARD INSULATION Section 07212 Page 2 of 3 Joint Tape: CCMC approved, Tuck 20502 Contractor's Sheathing Tape, by Canadian Technical Tape Ltd., Montreal PQ. EXECUTION .1 QUALITY OF WORK .1 Install insulation after building substrate materials are dry. .2 Install insulation to maintain continuity of thermal protection to building elements and spaces. .3 Fit insulation tightly around electrical boxes, plumbing and heating pipes and ducts, around exterior doors and windows and other protrusions. .4 Keep insulation minimum 3" from heat emitting devices such as recessed light fixtures. .5 Cut and trim insulation neatly to fit spaces. Butt joints tightly, offset vertical joints. Use only insulation boards free from chipped or broken edges. Use largest possible dimensions to reduce number of joints. .6 Offset both vertical and horizontal joints in multiple layer applications. .7 Do not enclose insulation until it has been inspected and approved by Consultant. .2 EXAMINATION .1 Examine substrates and immediately inform Consultant in writing of defects. .2 Prior to commencement of work ensure substrates are firm, straight, smooth, dry, of snow, ice or frost, and clean of dust and debris. .3 INSTALLATION .1 General Application Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .1 .2 .3 .4 .2 BOARD INSULATION Section 07212 Page 3 of 3 Apply adhesive to substrate by notched trowel in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Embed insulation boards into adhesive, prior to skinning of adhesive. In addition to adhesive. Install mineral fibre insulation boards with insulation clips, 2 per board minimum, fit boards tight, cut off fastener spindle 1/8" beyond disc. Leave unbonded joints in insulation board over line of expansion and control joints. Underground Application .1 Install tight to substrate. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Conditions of CCDC-2-2008 and the General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide batt and blanket insulation. .3 RELATED SECTIONS 2 Board Insulation .3 Spray-in-Place Insulation .4 Self Adhesive Sheet Air / Vapour Barrier Membrane .5 Gypsum Board Systems .6 Mechanical (Insulation) .4 2 Section 07212 Section 07216 Section 07270 Section 09250 Division 15 REFERENCES .1 CSA-B111-1974 (R1998); Wire Nails, Spikes and Staples. .2 CAN/ULC-S102-1998 (R2000); Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies. .3 CAN/ULC-S114-1980 (R1997); Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building Materials. .4 CAN/ULC-S702-97; Standard for Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings. PRODUCTS .1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS .1 Owens Corning Canada .2 Roxul Inc. .3 Fibrex Insulations Inc. .4 CertainTeed Corporation .2 INSULATION .1 3 BATT AND BLANKET INSULATION Section 07213 Page 1 of 2 Fire Blanket Insulation: mineral fibre processed from rock, slag, or glass, to CAN/ULC-S702 Type 1, non-combustible to CAN/ULC-S114, Mass to be not less than 1.22 kg/sq m . Thickness as shown on the drawings; UL /ULC Specific requirements for manufacturers materials and methods to be as follows. .1 Sound Attenuation Batts, by Owens Corning Canada Inc., .2 Fibrex SAFB, .3 Roxul AFB, or .4 CertainTeed Sustainable Insulation NoiseReducer Sound Attenuation Batts EXECUTION .1 INSULATION INSTALLATION .1 Install insulation to maintain continuity of thermal protection to building elements and spaces. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 BATT AND BLANKET INSULATION Section 07213 Page 2 of 2 .2 Do not install batt and blanket insulation until portion of building is closed in to satisfaction of consultant. .2 Fit insulation closely around electrical boxes, pipes, ducts, frames, and other objects in or passing through insulation. Do not compress insulation to fit into spaces. .3 Keep insulation minimum 3" away from heat emitting devices such as recessed light fixtures. .4 Do not enclose or build over insulation until it has been inspected and approved by Consultant. .6 Install Fire Blanket/Sound Attenuation insulation in all fire-rated wall and ceiling assemblies, where indicated as having fire resistance ratings on the drawings. Use exact instructions of specific UL / ULC / OBC requirements. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 SHEET AIR BARRIER Section 07250 Page 1 of 4 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide weather barrier system, not limited to but including the following: .1 Weather barrier membrane .2 Seam Tape .3 Flashing .4 Fasteners .3 REFERENCES .1 ASTM International .1 ASTM C920; Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants .2 ASTM C1193; Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants .3 ASTM D882; Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting .4 ASTM D1117; Standard Guide for Evaluating Non-woven Fabrics .5 ASTM E84; Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials .6 ASTM E96; Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials .7 ASTM E1677; Specification for Air Retarder Material or System for Framed Building Walls .8 ASTM E2178; Test Method for Air Permeance of Building Materials .4 .2 AATCC – American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists .1 Test Method 127 Water Resistance: Hydrostatic Pressure Test .3 TAPPI .1 Test Method T-410; Grams of Paper and Paperboard (Weight per Unit Area) .2 Test Method T-460; Air Resistance (Gurley Hill Method) SUBMITTALS .1 Submit in accordance with Section 01340. .2 .5 Quality Assurance Submittals: .1 Product Data: Manufacturer’s standard printed product data and installation instructions for specified products. .2 Manufacturer’s Field Service Reports: Provide site reports from authorized field service representative, indicating observation of weather barrier assembly installation QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Qualifications .1 Installer shall have experience with installation of weather barrier assemblies under similar conditions. .2 Installation shall be in accordance with weather barrier manufacturer’s installation guidelines and recommendations. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 .6 2 Store weather barrier materials as recommended by weather barrier manufacturer. SCHEDULING .1 Review requirements for sequencing of installation of weather barrier assembly with installation of windows, doors, louvers and flashings to provide a weather-tight barrier assembly. .2 .8 Source Limitations: Provide weather barrier and accessory materials produced by single manufacturer. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING .1 Deliver weather barrier materials and components in manufacturer’s original, unopened, undamaged containers with identification labels intact. .2 .7 SHEET AIR BARRIER Section 07250 Page 2 of 4 Schedule installation of weather barrier materials and exterior cladding within nine months of weather barrier assembly installation. WARRANTY .1 Provide Special 10 year Warranty .2 Special weather-barrier manufacturer’s warranty for weather barrier assembly for a period of ten (10) years from date of final weather barrier installation. .3 Approval by weather barrier manufacturer for warranty is required prior to assembly installation. PRODUCTS .1 SHEET AIR BARRIER (WEATHER BARRIER) .1 Tyvek Commercial Wrap or equal .2 A non-perforated, nonwoven, non-absorbing, breathable membrane that resists air flow, bulk water and wind driven rain and channels water and moisture to the outside of the building envelope. It has microscopic pores that allow moisture vapor to escape from inside walls. .3 Physical Properties .1 Spunbonded polyolefin membrane. .4 Performance Characteristics: .1 Air Penetration: 0.001 cfm/ft2 at 75 Pa, when tested in accordance with ASTM E2178. Type I per ASTM E1677. .2 Water Vapor Transmission: 28 perms, when tested in accordance with ASTM E96, Method B. .3 Water Penetration Resistance: Minimum 280 cm when tested in accordance with AATCC Test Method 127. .4 Basis Weight: Minimum 2.7 oz/yd2, when tested in accordance with TAPPI Test Method T-410. .5 Air Resistance: Air infiltration at >1500 seconds, when tested in accordance with TAPPI Test Method T-460. .6 Tensile Strength: Minimum 38/35 lbs/in., when tested in accordance with ASTM D882, Method A. .7 Tear Resistance: 12/10 lbs., when tested in accordance with ASTM Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 SHEET AIR BARRIER Section 07250 Page 3 of 4 D1117. .8 .2 3 Surface Burning Characteristics: Class A, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. Flame Spread: 10, Smoke Developed: 10. ACCESSORIES .1 Seam Tape: As recommended by the weather barrier manufacturer. .2 Fasteners: .1 Nail Caps: #4 nails with large 1-inch plastic cap fasteners. .3 Sealants .1 Refer to Section 07900. .4 Adhesives: .1 Provide adhesive recommended by weather barrier manufacturer. .2 Products: Adhesives recommend by the weather barrier manufacturer. .5 Primers: .1 Provide flashing manufacturer recommended primer to assist in adhesion between substrate and flashing. .2 Products: Primers recommended by the flashing manufacturer. .6 Flashing .1 Flexible membrane flashing materials for window openings and penetrations recommended by manufacturer. .2 Straight flashing membrane materials for flashing windows and doors and sealing penetrations such as masonry ties, etc. recommended by manufacturer. EXECUTION .1 EXAMINATION .1 Verify substrate and surface conditions are in accordance with weather barrier manufacturer recommended tolerances prior to installation of weather barrier and accessories. .2 INSTALLATION .1 Install weather barrier over exterior face of exterior wall substrate in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. .2 Install weather barrier prior to installation of windows and doors. .3 Start weather barrier installation at a building corner, leaving 6-12 inches of weather barrier extended beyond corner to overlap. .4 Install weather barrier in a horizontal manner starting at the lower portion of the wall surface with subsequent layers installed in a shingling manner to overlap lower layers. Maintain weather barrier plumb and level. .5 Sill Plate Interface: Extend lower edge of weather barrier over sill plate interface 3-6 inches. Secure to foundation with elastomeric sealant as recommended by weather barrier manufacturer. .6 Window and Door Openings: Extend weather barrier completely over Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 SHEET AIR BARRIER Section 07250 Page 4 of 4 openings. .7 Overlap weather barrier .1 Exterior corners: minimum 12 inches. .2 .3 Seams: minimum 6 inches. .8 Weather Barrier Attachment: .1 Attach weather barrier to studs through exterior sheathing. Secure using weather barrier manufacturer recommend fasteners, space 12-18 inches vertically on center along stud line, and 24 inch on center, maximum horizontally. .9 Apply flashing to weather barrier membrane prior to installing cladding anchors. SEAMING .1 Seal seams of weather barrier with seam tape at all vertical and horizontal overlapping seams. .2 Seal any tears or cuts as recommended by weather barrier manufacturer. 4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .1 Notify manufacturer’s designated representative to obtain periodic observations of weather barrier assembly installation, where required by warranty 5 PROTECTION .1 Protect installed weather barrier from damage. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 SELF ADHESIVE SHEET AIR/ VAPOUR BARRIER MEMBRANE Section 07270 Page 1 of 3 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide complete air[/vapour] barrier membrane, including the following: .1 Preparation of substrates for installation of membrane, .2 Installation of membrane, and .3 Installation of all periphery detailing around all interruptions in, penetrations through, and terminations of membrane. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Clay and Concrete Unit Masonry .2 Preformed Metal Roofing .3 Gypsum Board Systems Section 04200 Section 07401 Section 09250 .4 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 ASTM C920-01; Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants. .2 ASTM D412-98a; Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension. .3 ASTM D882-00; Test Methods for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting. .4 ASTM E96-00; Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. .5 ASTM E283-91(1999); Test Method for Determining the Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen. .6 ASTM E1677-95; Standard Specification for an Air Retarder (AR) Material or System for Low-Rise Framed Building Walls. .5 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Applicator Qualifications .1 Work of this section shall be performed by applicators having a minimum of 2 years documented experience in the installation of air barriers. Submit proof of experience to Consultant. .2 Installation .1 Work shall be performed in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions, and in accordance with all warranty requirements. . .6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING .1 Deliver all products to the site in manufacturer's original unopened packages with all labels intact. .2 Store materials in such a manner so as to protect them from precipitation, ground moisture, and temperature extremes. Raised platforms, waterproof coverings or interior storage shall be employed when and where necessary. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .7 .8 .9 2 3 SELF ADHESIVE SHEET AIR/ VAPOUR BARRIER MEMBRANE Section 07270 Page 2 of 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS .1 Do not install solvent curing sealants or vapour release adhesive materials in enclosed spaces without ventilation. .2 Maintain temperature and humidity recommended manufacturers before, during and after installation. by materials .3 Concrete block substrates shall be cured for a minimum of seven (7) days prior to application of air/vapour barrier products. Concrete substrates shall be cured for a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to application of air/vapour barrier products. All substrates shall be allowed to dry a minimum of 24 hours following any precipitation. COORDINATION .1 Coordinate work of this Section with all related Sections. .2 Sequence work to permit installation of materials in conjunction with related air/vapour seals. .3 Schedule work such that insulation or building veneer installation follows as closely as possible the installation of the air barrier system so as to minimize exposure. EXTENDED WARRANTY .1 Provide a three (3) year extended system warranty against defects in manufacturer's materials or defective installation. Warranty shall include coverage of installed materials which fail to achieve air tight and watertight seal, exhibit loss of adhesion/cohesion, or do not cure. PRODUCTS .1 SELF-ADHESIVE SHEET AIR/VAPOUR BARRIER MEMBRANE .1 Membrane: 40mil composite sheet of rubberized asphalt integrally bonded to high density polyethylene film; .1 Blueskin, by Bakor Inc. .2 Perm-A-Barrier, by W.R. Grace & Co. of Canada Ltd. .3 Air Shield, by W.R. Meadows of Canada. .4 ExoAir™ 110, by Tremco (an RPM Company). .5 Sopraseal Stick 1100, by Soprema. .2 Transition Membrane: shall be same material as main membrane except in 12", 18", and/or 36" wide rolls. .3 Primer: Rubber-based, dispersed in solvent, designed for use at min. ambient temperature of 14°F. .4 Mastic: Single component rubber-based mastic. EXECUTION .1 GENERAL .1 Examine all substrates to receive air barrier system, to ensure they are suitable for installation to commence. Report any unsatisfactory conditions in writing to the Contractor prior to commencement of the installation. .2 Surfaces shall be clean, dry, continuous and be free of voids, excessive gaps Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 SELF ADHESIVE SHEET AIR/ VAPOUR BARRIER MEMBRANE Section 07270 Page 3 of 3 and foreign matter that would impair the adhesion or regularity of the air barrier installation. .3 Provide self adhesive air vapour barrier membrane as a transition system to join discontinuities in the air/ vapour barrier system. Also provide self adhesive air vapour barrier membrane as a transition system to ensure continuity of the air/ vapour barrier system. .4 Provide self adhesive air vapour barrier membrane at control as a transition system to join discontinuities in the air barrier system. .5 Have Consultant inspect air barrier installation immediately upon completion. Deficiencies must be corrected immediately. Replace any torn sheet membranes, and touch up any liquid-applied membranes. .6 Provide self adhesive air barrier membrane as transition between exterior wall air barrier and penetrations and door and window frames. .2 PREPARATION .1 Clean and prime substrate surfaces to receive air barrier in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. .3 [SELF-ADHESIVE SHEET AIR BARRIER MEMBRANE INSTALLATION] .1 Apply sheet membrane horizontally to the primed substrate between the projecting masonry reinforcing, beginning at the base of the wall. .2 Each length shall be installed such that its upper edge runs along the underside of the reinforcing. Subsequent sheets shall overlap by a minimum of 2". Cut and seal around reinforcing with mastic. .3 End laps shall be a minimum of 2". .4 The membrane shall be pressed firmly into place by means of a hand roller. .5 Fit membrane tightly around all penetrations and seal with mastic. .6 Cut, lap and seal flashing and transition strips where required. Where flashing strips pass through outer veneer to exterior of wall, cut back membrane 1" from outside face of wall to prevent contact with building sealants. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 PREFORMED METAL ROOFING – TSR1000 Section 07401 Page 1 of 5 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 .3 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide preformed metal roofing system, including but not limited to, the following: 1. Design, fabricate supply, install and make weathertight all precoated, preformed Metal Roofing based on VicWest Steel TSR1000(Non-thermal block) Roof System. 2. All materials shall be supplied by one supplier and manufacturer. 3. Design, fabricate, supply, install and make watertight an integral 6” gutter c/w leaf stop screen and downspout system to properly drain roof water down to splashpads. 4. Supply and install formed prefinished metal closures, flashings, and related components to complete a weathertight envelope. 5. Supply and install supporting clips fastenings, anchors, and accessories required for erection and completion of this section. RELATED SECTIONS .1 .2 .3 .4 .4 The General Conditions of CCDC 2- 2008 as supplemented and the General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. Rough Carpentry Ice and Water Shield Self Adhesive Sheet Air/ Vapour Barrier Membrane Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim Section 06100 Section 07131 Section 07270 Section 07620 QUALIFICATIONS 1. Use only approved applicators with skilled workmen experienced in this trade in strict accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions and have a minimum of five (5) years continuous experience with particular system. 2. Submit proof of experience upon Architect’s request. 3. Preformed metal roofing system shall be inspected by manufacturer. Manufacturer’s technical representative shall visit site on first day work commences and , thereafter, at intervals necessary to ensure proper quality control and compliance with manufacturer’s established procedures to provide a weathertight roofing system. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 4. .5 .2 .3 .4 .5 .7 .8 If site inspection and testing reveals that preformed metal roofing does not conform to specifications, take such remedial measures as directed by Engineer. DESIGN CRITERIA .1 .6 PREFORMED METAL ROOFING – TSR1000 Section 07401 Page 2 of 5 Wind Load and Uplift: as per OBC for a return period of 1 in 30 yearly probability. Snow Load: as per NBC Watertight Assemblies Provide for thermal and structural movement without distortion or failure of joints. Construction drawings shall bear seal of an Engineer registered in the Province of Ontario according to governing regulations and in accordance with applicable codes. SHOP DRAWINGS .1 Shop Drawings: Submit electronic engineer stamped and signed shop drawings to the consultant. .2 Clearly indicate type of roof cladding being supplied, gauges of roof cladding components, size, spacing, and location of structural supports. Proper ridge and eave support system. .3 Clearly indicate provision for structural and thermal movement between metal cladding and adjacent materials. .4 State design criteria. SAMPLES .1 Submit samples of finishes to the Contract .2 Samples shall be 900 mm x 900 mm. .3 Submit interlocking panel assembly approximately 1000 x 1000 mm in size of all fabricated materials forming a part of roof panel assembly. Show weather proof exterior and air vapour sealed interior joints. Panel colours to be final colours selected by Contract Administrator. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE & HANDLING .1 Package materials to protect finished surfaces from staining and marring. .2 Store materials flat at site under protection to prevent staining from ground or from collection of water or construction debris on material; and secure against wind damage. .3 Provide air circulation around finished metal surfaces. .4 Store insulation and adhesives in dry areas, heated as required to Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 PREFORMED METAL ROOFING – TSR1000 Section 07401 Page 3 of 5 prevent damage to adhesives. .9 PROTECTION .1 .10 .11 2 Provide protection of finished work where there is likelihood of traffic or damage by subsequent trades. WARRANTY .1 Submit a written warranty for a period of five (5) years from date of completion. .2 All systems shall meet dimensional requirements set by proposed building structure as shown on drawings and as specified ALTERNATIVES .1 The system specified is based on VicWest Steel’s TSR1000 Cladding system. Other metal roof systems meeting the design requirements and conforming to drawings and specifications will be considered. All submissions must be based on a complete system which has been installed at least five (5) years. An itemized detailed specification must be submitted to the consultant for approval. .2 All systems shall meet dimensional requirements set by proposed building structure as shown on drawings and as specified. .3 Alternate bids shall include an outline spec plus detail drawings of basic roof system construction and details covering all special conditions. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS & COMPONENTS .1 Exterior roof sheet shall be VicWest Steel’s TSR 1000 System, factory caulked to provide watertight seal after seaming. Colour to be selected from full range by architect.. .2 Roofing membrane shall be W.R. Grace Ice and Water Shield shelf adhering, self sealing rubberized asphalt membrane ensuring watertight seal around fasteners. Thickness to be minimum 36 mils of rubberized asphalt and 3 mils of high density cross laminated polyethylene film. Complete with primers, liquid Membranes and Mastics to manufacturers standard specifications. .3 Substrate shall be exterior grade plywood sheathing, and/ or metal roof deck .4 Exposed flashings shall be same gauge and finish as exterior sheet. Flashings non-exposed to view shall be minimum 0.61 mm Z275 zinc coated steel. .5 Exposed fasteners shall be cadmium plated hexhead AB 14 x 19 mm Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 PREFORMED METAL ROOFING – TSR1000 Section 07401 Page 4 of 5 coloured nylon headed washer type screws. match prefinished steel. 3 Colour of fasteners to .5 Concealed fasteners shall be cadmium plated hexhead sheet metal screws. .6 Sealants to CAN/CGSB19-24M-1987, two component polyurethane,. EXECUTION .1 .2 .3 EXAMINATION & MEASUREMENTS .1 Take site measurements to ensure that work is fabricated to fit structure; surrounding construction; around obstructions and projection in place, or as shown on drawings, and to suit locations of services. .2 Verify that backup construction is aligned for proper installation of roof before commencing erection. QUALITY & WORKMANSHIP .1 Workmanship shall be first-class, with parts accurately fitted and fabricated, with surfaces free from warp, wave, buckle or other defects and with accurately square corners and angles, unless otherwise shown. .2 Corner pieces, trim, flashings and caps shall be symmetrical with panel lines and overall design. .3 Set work in alignment, plumb, level straight to true planes and square with roof joists/grits. ERECTION – MAIN ROOF SYSTEM .1 Roof deck shall be inspected and approved before Metal Roof System is installed. Substrate must be dry and free of debris before installation continues. .2 Install Galvanized starter strip at eave. .3 Install ice and water shield roofing membrane over substrate and starter strip commencing at eave with membrane parallel to eave. Make sure that roof membrane is joined to any wall air/barrier. .4 Install roof panels as shown in the installation manual. Ensure butyl caulking tape at side laps. Roof sheets must be seamed at the end of each working day. .5 Install closures (metal and neoprene), flashings, flexible membranes, etc., as shown and detached on approved erection drawings. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 .5 PREFORMED METAL ROOFING – TSR1000 Section 07401 Page 5 of 5 ADJUSTMENTS AND CLEANING .1 Remove and replace damaged, dented, defaced, defectively finished, or tool marked components. .2 Refinish shop applied finishes in filed only with approval of the Consultant. .3 Remove as the work progresses, all excess or foreign materials which would setup or become difficult to remove from finished surfaces. .4 Do all final cleaning upon completion of the work to the consultant’s and Owner Representatives. QUALITY CONTROL .1 Engineer providing shop drawings, or approved equal, is to provide final letter of conformance that materials and installation of system is as per the shop drawings. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 METAL SIDING Section 07460 Page 1 of 4 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide pre-finished metal siding, as follows: .1 Siding stock (face sheets) .2 Corner and edge trims .3 Fasteners, girts, and attachments .4 Installation .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Structural Steel Section 05120 .4 REFERENCES .1 ASTM-A591/A591M-98; Specification for Steel Sheet, Electrolytic Zinc-Coated for Light Coating Mass Applications. .2 ASTM A653/A653M-03; Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. .3 ASTM A924/A924M-99; Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process. .4 ASTM A1008/A1008M-01; Specification for Steel, Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, and High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability. .5 ASTM-D523-89 (1999); Test Method for Specular Gloss. .6 ASTM-D822-96; Practice for Conducting Tests on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials using Operating Light -and water - Exposure Apparatus (Carbon-Arc Type) for Testing. .7 ASTM E283, Test Method for Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors. .8 ASTM E331-00; Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. .9 ANSI B18.6.4-1981; Screws, Tapping and Metallic Drive, Inch Series, Thread Forming and Cutting. .10 CSSBI 20M-99; Standard for Sheet Steel Cladding for Architectural, Industrial and Commercial Building Applications. .11 CSA S16.1; Steel Structures for Buildings, Limit States Design. .12 CSA-S136-94; Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. .5 SUBMITTALS .1 Samples .1 .2 Submit duplicate 12"x12" samples of siding material, of colour and profile specified. Shop Drawings .1 Submit structural stamped and signed engineer electronic shop drawings. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .6 .3 Installation .1 Work shall be performed in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions, and in accordance with all warranty requirements. . Review .1 Structural Engineer providing shop drawings (or equal) to provide final signoff on system. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .1 Design Requirements .1 Use Limit States Design Principles using factored loads and resistances. .2 Refer to Structural drawings for loads. Load factors shall be in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada. .3 Deflection of sheet steel cladding components due to uniformly distributed loads (wind, snow) shall not exceed L/90 of the span for walls. .2 2 Indicate dimensions, profiles, attachment methods and girts, schedule of wall elevations, trim and closure pieces, metal furring, and related work. QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Applicator Qualifications .1 Work of this section shall be performed by mechanics having a minimum of 5 years documented experience in the installation of commercial metal siding. Submit proof of experience to Consultant. .2 .8 METAL SIDING Section 07460 Page 2 of 4 Performance Requirements .1 All materials provided under this section shall meet or exceed CSSBI 20M-99. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Sheet air Barrier per section 07250 .2 Steel Cladding .1 Fabricated from ASTM A653M structural quality Grade 230 galvanized steel, with Z275 zinc coating, as designed by ASTM A653M. Thickness to be 22 Guage. Horizontal application complete with mitred corners. .2 Prepainted with Weatherex Series or equivalent. Premium colour as selected by Consultant. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 METAL SIDING Section 07460 Page 3 of 4 Acceptable products: MS1: Vicwest CL-308 or approved equal. Colour to be from full range as chosen by Architect. MS3: Vicwest AD 300R or approved equal. Coulr to be from full range as chosen by Architect. .3 Supporting Sub-Girts, Spacers and Clips .1 Minimum 1.2mm (0.048 inches) think formed galvanized steel, ASTM A653M Grade 230 with Z275 zinc coating. .4 Fastening Systems .1 Fasteners: Galvanized, with exposed fasteners colour matched to cladding. .5 Accessories .1 Flashing, Trim and Closures: Fabricate to profiles indicated on shop drawings, or as required to meet performance requirements. Use Preformed corner pieces only. Double back exposed edges. Material to match cladding in exposed locations, galvanized material in concealed locations. .2 .2 Sealants: .1 Concealed: Tape or compound, non-skinning, non-drying, butyl rubber. .2 Exposed: Acrylic co-polymer to CGSB 19GP-5M .6 Self Adhesive Sheeat Air Vapour Barrier per section 07270 .7 Fabrication .1 Fabricated wall components to comply with dimensions, profiles, thicknesses and details as shown on the shop drawings, including fascia and soffit panels and all companion flashing. .2 Fabricate all components of the system in the factory, ready for field installation. .3 Provide liner and cladding and all accessories in longest practicable length to minimize filed lapping of joints. SIDING SYSTEM COMPONENTS .1 Z-Girt Supports: designed to accommodate insulation depth and allow full thermal expansion and contraction of sheet; cold-rolled, commercial grade structural quality sheet steel (SS), minimum 16 gauge base metal thickness; zinc-coated to ASTM A653/A653M, coating designation G90. .2 Flashing & Trim: gauge, coating, and finish to match face sheet. .3 Fasteners: screws to ANSI B18.6.4, self-drilling, self-tapping, cadmium-plated steel, with colour-matched heads. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 EXECUTION .1 EXAMINATION .1 Steel Structure .1 Examine steel structure, and ensure that all structural members required for support of the wall assembly are in place. .2 INSTALLATION .1 General .1 Install cladding in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. .2 Maintain joints in exterior cladding, true to line, tight fitting, hairline joints. .3 Attach components in manner not restricting thermal movement. .2 .3 4 METAL SIDING Section 07460 Page 4 of 4 Installation- Non Liner System: .1 Provide Sheet Air Barrier per Section 07250, and transition flashings per Self Adhesive Air Vapour Barrier section 07270 . .2 Sub-girt framing system: .1 Install {sub-girts} {Thermal Spacer Clips} through liner directly to steel structure. Frame all openings in the cladding. .2 {Install slotted Z-bars over supporting lugs on thermal spacer clips, to provide proper wall thickness}. .3 Flashing .1 Install started flashing, drip and other flashing, and corners, edging, window and door flashing as shown on the drawings. .4 Exterior Cladding: .1 Install exterior cladding in accordance with manufacturer’s standard installation procedures, providing proper laps and detailing to ensure a weathertight face. .2 Install finishing flashing and cap flashing. .5 Sealants: .1 Install sealants at junctions with adjoining work, and where shown on the drawings, in accordance with section [07900]. Quality Control .1 Shop drawing Engineer, or approved equal, to provide signed and sealed letter of conformance that all products and installation are per shop drawings. WARRANTY .1 Provide manufacturer's written warranty against defects in materials and workmanship under normal usage, for a period of five (5) years from Date of Substantial Completion. Warranty shall provide for all material and labour to repair or replace defective materials. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 2 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Section 07620 Page 1 of 2 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide sheet metal flashing and trim. .3 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 ASTM A526-M85 Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, Commercial Quality. .2 ASTM A591-77 Specification for Steel Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Electrolytic ZincCoated. .3 ASTM A792-M85a Specification for Steel Sheet, Aluminum-Zinc AlloyCoated by the Hot-Dip Process. .4 ASTM D523-85 Test Method for Specular Gloss. .5 ASTM D822-86 Recommended Practice for Operating Light -and water Exposure Apparatus (Carbon-Arc Type) for Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and related Products. .6 CSA B111-1974 Wire Nails, Spikes and Staples. .7 Canadian Roofing Contractors Association. .4 SAMPLES .1 Submit duplicate 50x50mm samples of each type of sheet metal material, colour and finish in accordance with Section 01 30 00. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Zinc-Coated Sheet Steel: 24 gauge, minimum base thickness, commercial quality to ASTM A526-80 with Z275 designation zinc coating. .2 .3 .4 PREFINISHED STEEL SHEET .1 Prefinished steel with factory applied 2-coat silicon-modified polyester system, 8000 series finish. .1 Colour: as selected by Consultant from manufacturer's full range. ACCESSORIES .1 Isolation Coating: alkali resistant bituminous paint. .2 Plastic Cement: to CGSB 37-GP-5Ma. .3 Underlay for Metal Flashing: asphalt-laminated 3.6 to 4.5kg kraft paper. .4 Sealants: in accordance with 07 92 00. .5 Cleats: of same material, and temper as sheet metal, minimum 50mm wide. Thickness same as sheet metal being secured. .6 Fasteners: of same material as sheet metal, to CSA B111, self-drilling, selftapping screws of sufficient length and thickness suitable for application. .7 Washers: same material as sheet metal, 1mm thick with rubber packings. .8 Touch-up Paint: as recommended by prefinished material manufacturer. FABRICATION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Section 07620 Page 2 of 2 .1 Fabricate metal flashings and other sheet metal work as indicated on the drawings and in accordance with CRCA details. .2 Fabricate aluminum flashings and other sheet aluminum work in accordance with Aluminum Association Aluminum Sheet Metal Work in Building Construction. .3 Form pieces in maximum practical lengths. Make allowance for expansion at joints. Provide slip flashing at expansion joint at parapet. .4 Hem exposed edges on underside 12mm. sealant. .5 Form sections square, true and accurate to size, free from distortion and other defects detrimental to appearance or performance. .6 Apply isolation coating to metal surfaces to be embedded in concrete or mortar. Mitre and seal corners with .5 METAL FLASHINGS .1 Form flashings, copings and fascias to profiles indicated of 26 ga. prefinished material. .6 REGLETS AND CAP FLASHING .1 Form surface mounted reglets and metal cap flashing of sheet metal to be built into concrete or masonry work for base flashings as detailed. Provide slotted fixing holes and steel/plastic washer fasteners. EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION .1 Install sheet metal work in accordance with CRCA FL series details and as detailed on the drawings. .2 Use concealed fastenings except where approved before installation. .3 Provide underlay under sheet metal. Secure in place and lap joints minimum 100mm. .4 Counter-flash roof membrane flashings at intersections of roof with vertical surfaces. Flash joints using S-lock seams forming tight fit over hook strips as detailed. .5 Lock end joints and caulk with sealant. .6 Install surface mounted reglets true and level. Turn top edge of flashing 13mm out from surface of reglet. .7 Caulk flashing at all reglets with sealant. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 SEALANTS Section 07900 Page 1 of 6 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide caulking and sealing of joints between building components, including joint preparation. .1 Exterior Joints .1 Perimeter of door, window, vent, & equipment frames in exterior walls, .2 Joints between dissimilar materials, .3 Full length of door thresholds, .4 Control and expansion joints, .2 .3 Interior Joints .1 Perimeter of metal frames in interior walls, .2 Base of metal frames at floor, .3 Joints between dissimilar materials, .4 Full length of door thresholds, .5 Control and expansion joints, .6 Perimeter of plumbing fixtures, .7 Perimeter of fixed equipment, RELATED SECTIONS .1 Clay and Concrete Unit Masonry .3 Roofing Sheet Metal Flashings .4 Firestops and Smoke Seals .5 Steel Doors and Frames .6 Mechanical General Requirements .7 Electrical General Requirements Section 04200 Section 07620 Section 07840 Section 08110 Division 15 Division 16 .4 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 ASTM C920-01; Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants. .2 CAN/CGSB-19-GP-5M; Sealing Compound, One Component, Acrylic Base, Solvent Curing. .3 CAN/CGSB-19-GP-14M; Sealing Compound, One Component, ButylPolyisobutylene Polymer Base, Solvent Curing. .4 CAN/CGSB-19.17-M90; Sealing Compound, One Component, Acrylic Emulsion Base. .5 CAN/CGSB-19.13-M87; Sealing Compound, One Component, Elastomeric, Chemical Curing. .6 CAN/CGSB-19.24-M90; Sealing Compound, Multi-Component, Chemical Curing. .5 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Applicator Qualifications .1 Work of this section shall be performed by applicators having a minimum of 3 years documented experience in the installation of joint sealants. Submit proof of experience to Consultant. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .6 Installation .1 Work shall be performed in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions, and in accordance with all warranty requirements. SUBMITTALS .1 Submit samples of sealants and backing materials. .2 2 SEALANTS Section 07900 Page 2 of 6 Submit product list with manufacturer's product name for each sealant to be used for this project, along with recommendations for use of the sealant, before commencing joint sealing. .7 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS .1 Apply sealants only to completely dry surfaces, and at air and material temperatures above minimum established by manufacturer's specifications. .8 EXTENDED WARRANTY .1 Submit a warranty for the work of this Section for a period of three(3) years from the Date of Substantial Performance, including materials and application. .2 Replacement of joint sealants shall include removal of defective materials, preparation for and application of new material, and the repair and making good of damaged adjacent materials. .3 Defective joint sealant installation shall include, but not be restricted to, joint leakage, hardening, cracking, crumbling, melting, bubbling, shrinkage, running, sagging, change of colour, loss of adhesion, loss of cohesion, and staining of adjoining of adjacent materials or surfaces. PRODUCTS .1 APPROVED MANUFACTURERS .1 Tremco Canada (div. of RPM Canada). .2 Dow Corning. .3 GE Silicones. .4 Sika Canada. .2 .3 MATERIALS .1 All materials utilized in a sealant system shall be compatible and non-staining. .2 Specified proprietary products are minimum acceptable quality. Products of other manufacturers of equal or superior quality will be acceptable where specifically approved by Consultant. .3 Provide sealant formulation recommended by manufacturer for type of joint, substrate and service conditions applicable. SEALANTS .1 Refer to Caulking Schedule for utilization of the following sealants: .1 Sealant Type 1: Multi-component, chemical-cure polyepoxide Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 SEALANTS Section 07900 Page 3 of 6 polyurethane sealant, to CAN/CGSB-19.24, Type 2, Class B; equivalent to DYMERIC 240 by Tremco Canada (div. of RPM Canada). .2 .4 3 .2 Sealant Type 2: One-part, moisture-cure polyurethane sealant, to CAN/CGSB-19.13, Classification MC-2-25-B-N; equivalent to DYMONIC or Vulkem 116, by Tremco Canada (div. of RPM Canada). .3 Sealant Type 3: One-part, acrylic latex sealant, to CAN/CGSB-19GP5M; equivalent to TREMFLEX® 834, by Tremco Canada (div. of RPM Canada). .4 Sealant Type 4: One-part, acetoxy silicone sealant, to CAN/CGSB19.13; equivalent to TREMSIL® 200, by Tremco Canada (div. of RPM Canada). .5 Sealant Type 5: One-part, medium modulus, neutral cure silicone sealant, to CAN/CGSB-19.13, Classification MCG-2-25-A-L; equivalent to SPECTREM® 2, by Tremco Canada (div. of RPM Canada). .6 Sealant Type 6: One-part, non-skinning, non-hardening, synthetic rubber acoustical sealant, to CGSB 19-GP-14M; equivalent to Tremco Acoustical Sealant, by Tremco Canada (div. of RPM Canada). .7 Sealant Type 7: One-part, low modulus, non-staining, neutral-cure silicone sealant, to CAN/CGSB-19.13; equivalent to [SPECTREM®3], by Tremco Canada (div. of RPM Canada). [Colours of sealants will be selected by the Consultant from manufacturers full standard range.] ACCESSORIES .1 Primer: Type recommended by sealant manufacturer. .2 Backer Rods: 30% greater diameter than joint width, with Shore-A hardness of 20, and 17,335-18,797psi tensile strength; .1 Vertical Surfaces: extruded polyolefin rod; SofRod by Tremco Canada (div. of RPM Canada). 2 Horizontal Surfaces: closed cell polyethylene rod; Standard Backer Rod by Tremco Canada (div. of RPM Canada). .3 Bond Breaker: pressure sensitive plastic tape, for installation where minimum specified depth of joint is unobtainable; 3M #266/#481, or Valley Industries #40. EXECUTION .1 EXAMINATION .1 Before commencing joint sealing, verify at the site that joint configuration and surfaces have been provided as specified in other Sections to meet intent of sealant specification. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 SEALANTS Section 07900 Page 4 of 6 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .3 .2 Verify that joint conditions will not adversely affect execution, performance or quality of completed sealed joints, and that they can be put into acceptable condition by means of preparation specified in this Section. If in doubt, verify site conditions together with manufacturer's representative of the sealant to be applied. .3 Verify that sealers and coatings applied to sealant substrates are compatible with the sealant used and that full bond between sealant and substrate is attained. Request samples of the sealed or coated substrate from their fabricators for testing of compatibility and bond if necessary. .4 Verify that specified environmental commencing joint sealing. .5 Defective sealed joints resulting from application to unsatisfactory joint conditions will be considered the responsibility of this Section. .6 Examine joint sizes for anticipated movement, and for proper width/depth ratio per manufacturer's recommendations for specified sealant. conditions are ensured before PREPARATION .1 Remove loose mortar, dust, oil, grease, oxidation, mill scale, coatings and all other materials affecting bond of compounds from surfaces to which sealant compounds must adhere, except for painted surfaces, by brushing, scrubbing, scraping or grinding. .2 Clean down caulked metal surfaces with clean cellulose sponges or rags soaked in solvent recommended by sealant manufacturer, and wipe dry with clean cloths. Ensure that solvent is not injurious to painted surfaces. .3 Use methods of preparation suitable for substrate as recommended by sealant manufacturer, and that does not damage adjacent surfaces. .4 Ensure that releasing agents, coatings or other treatments have either not been applied to joint surfaces, or that they are entirely removed. .5 Where necessary to protect adjacent surfaces, mask adjacent surfaces with tape prior to priming and/or caulking. APPLICATION .1 Except where specified in other Sections, seal open joints in surfaces exposed to view, and to make the building weather-tight and airtight as applicable; as indicated typically on the Drawings, and as otherwise specified and instructed by Consultant. Refer to Caulking Schedule at the end of this section. .2 Prime surfaces to receive sealants as required by substrate and manufacturer's specifications to ensure positive and permanent adhesion, and to prevent staining. .3 Pack joints tightly with backer rod set at depth specified for sealant. Fill other voids with filler. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 SEALANTS Section 07900 Page 5 of 6 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 .4 Install joint backing material or apply bond breaker tape to achieve correct joint depth and prevent three-sided adhesion. Install bond breaker tape in bottom of joints in lieu of sealant backing where proper depth cannot be obtained when backing is installed. .5 Maintain depth of sealant as follows: JOINT DEPTH ¼" (minimum) ¼" to ½" ½" to ¾" ¼" depth = joint width depth = ½ joint width .6 Maximum widths of joints are as follows: .1 Exterior: ¾". .2 Interior: 3/8". .7 Perform joint sealing in accordance with compound manufacturer's specifications, under manufacturer's supervision, and using pressure guns and other equipment as approved by the manufacturer. .8 Finish joints with a full bead so that they are smooth; and free from ridges, wrinkles, air pockets and embedded foreign materials. Tool surface of joints to a slight concave profile. .9 Caulk joints in site-painted materials after surfaces have been prime painted. .10 Do not allow sealants to cover or spot surfaces outside of joints. Use masking tape protection to prevent coating of adjacent surfaces if necessary. .11 All work shall be performed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications for sealants specified. CLEANING .1 Remove sealant smears and droppings, and masking tape immediately on completion of joint sealing. .2 .5 JOINT WIDTH Do not use chemicals, scrapers, or other tools, which would damage surfaces from which excess compounds, or droppings are removed. Make good materials damaged by cleaning by the installer of the damaged material and at the expense of this Section. CAULKING SCHEDULE Sealant Type 1 or 2 Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. • Interior joints between dissimilar materials. • Interior joints at perimeter of all built-in equipment. • Interior joints at perimeter of metal door and window frames. 13057 SEALANTS Section 07900 Page 6 of 6 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 Sealant Type 3 • Interior non-movement joints 1/4" or less for painting (painter's caulk). Sealant Type 4 • Interior joints where mildew resistance is required. • Interior joints at perimeter of all plumbing fixtures • Interior joints between counter backsplash and wall surfaces. Sealant Type 5 • Glass to glass joints. • Glass to metal joints. • Metal to metal curtain wall joints. Sealant Type 6 • Perimeter of all gypsum board partitions where sound insulation is indicated. • All vapour barrier seams and seals. Sealant Type 7 • Exterior joints between dissimilar building veneer materials. • Exterior control joints in building veneers. • Exterior joints at perimeter of all door and window frames. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08110 Page 1 of 10 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to supply all steel (hollow metal) doors, frames, and screens. .2 .3 This section shall provide all factory fabrication, hardware preparation, and accessories specified herein. RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast in Place Concrete .3 Sealants .5 Door Hardware .6 Security Access and Surveillance .7 Painting .8 Electrical Section 03300 Section 07900 Section 08710 Section 013700 Section 09900 Division 16 .4 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 ASTM A1008/A1008M-01; Specification for Steel, Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, and High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability. .2 ASTM A653/A653M-03; Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. .3 ASTM A924/A924M-99; Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process. .4 ANSI/BHMA A156 Series; Hardware. .5 CSA-G40.20/G40.21-98; General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel/Structural Quality Steel. .6 CSA W59-1989 (R2001); Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding). .7 CAN4-S104-1980 (R1985); Fire Tests of Door Assemblies. .8 CAN4-S105-1985 (R1992); Fire Door Frames. .9 CAN/ULC-S102; Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies. .10 CAN/ULC-S702-97; Standard for Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings. .11 Canadian Steel Door and Frame Manufacturers' Association, (CSDFMA) Canadian Manufacturing Specifications for Steel Door and Frames, 1990. .12 CAN/CGSB-1.181-99; Ready Mixed Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. .13 CGSB 41-GP-19Ma; Rigid Vinyl Extrusions for Windows and Doors. .14 NFPA-80-1992; Fire Doors and Fire Windows. .15 UL Building Materials Directory. .16 ULC List of Equipment and Materials, Volume 2. .17 ITS/WH Certification Listings. .5 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES .1 Steel fire rated doors and frames shall be labelled and listed by an organization accredited by Standards Council of Canada in conformance with CAN4-S104 and CAN4-S105 for ratings specified or indicated. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .6 2 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08110 Page 2 of 10 Install labelled, fire resistance rated, steel doors and frames in accordance with NFPA-80 except where specified otherwise. SHOP DRAWINGS .1 Submit electronic shop drawings. .2 Indicate each type of door, material, steel core thicknesses, mortises, reinforcements, location of exposed fasteners, glazed openings, arrangement of hardware and fire ratings. .3 Indicate each type frame material, core thickness, reinforcements, glazing stops, location of anchors and exposed fastenings and finishes. PRODUCTS .1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS .1 Fleming Steel Doors & Frames. .2 Baron Metal Industries Inc. .3 Artek Door Limited. .4 Trillium Doors and Frames Ltd. .5 Daybar Industries Ltd. .6 Metal Door Limited. .2 MATERIALS .1 Steel Sheet: Cold-rolled, commercial grade steel sheet, Type A, to ASTM A1008/A1008M 16 gauge base metal thickness; .1 Hot-dip Galvanized/Galvannealed: zinc-coated to ASTM A653/A653M, coating designation G90, for all exterior doors and frames. .2 .2 Wipe-Coat Galvanized: to ASTM A653/A653M, coating designation A01, for all other doors and frames. Insulation (if required) .1 Semi-Rigid Mineral Fibre: processed from rock, slag, or glass, to 3 CAN/ULC-S702 Type 1, minimum density 385 lb/ft ; .3 .3 .4 Primer: Zinc-rich rust inhibitive type to CAN/CGSB-1.181. ACCESSORIES .1 Door Bumpers: Single stud rubber/neoprene type. .2 Exterior Top Caps: Rigid PVC extrusion conforming to CGSB 41-GP-19Ma. .3 Frame Thermal Breaks: Rigid PVC extrusion conforming to CGSB 41-GP19Ma. FABRICATION .1 General .1 Fabricate doors and frames as detailed, to CSDFMA Specifications for Commercial Steel Doors and Frames, except where specified otherwise. .2 Blank, reinforce, drill and tap doors and frames for all hardware. Mortised cutouts shall be protected with steel guard boxes. .3 Reinforce doors and frames for surface mounted hardware. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08110 Page 3 of 10 .4 Formed edges shall be true and straight with a minimum radius for the thickness of steel used. .5 Provide for appropriate anchorage to floor and wall construction. Each wall anchor shall be located immediately above or below each hinge reinforcement on the hinge jamb and directly opposite on the strike jamb. .6 For rebate opening heights up to and including 60", provide two anchors, and an additional anchor for each additional 30" or fraction thereof. .7 Frames in existing concrete, masonry or steel shall be provided with anchors located not more than 6" from top and bottom of each jamb, and intermediate anchors at 26" o.c. max. .8 Each door opening shall be prepared for rubber stud door silencers, three (3) for single doors, two (2) for double doors. .9 Factory-apply touch up primer to galvanized steel doors and frames where coating has been removed during fabrication. .10 Fire labelled doors and frames shall be provided for those openings requiring fire protection ratings. Doors and frames shall be tested in accordance with CAN4-S104. .11 Provide all required internal steel frame reinforcement to ensure structural rigidity and integrity, including connections to nearest building structure elements. .12 Faces of all steel doors shall be fabricated without visible seams, free of scale, pitting, coil brakes, buckles and waves. .13 Construct matching transom panels or inactive leaves in same manner as doors. .14 Longitudinal edges of interior doors shall be mechanically interlocked, adhesive assisted with edge seams tack welded, filled and sanded flush with no visible seam. .15 Lock and hinge edges shall be beveled 1/8" in 2" unless hardware or door swing dictates otherwise. .16 Top and bottom of doors shall be provided with inverted, recessed, 16 gauge steel end channels, welded to each face sheet at 6" on center maximum. .17 Exterior doors shall be provided with factory installed flush top caps. Fire labeled exterior doors shall be provided with factory-installed flush steel top caps. .18 Provide 16 gauge closer reinforcement channels at top of all doors (interior and exterior). Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .19 .2 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08110 Page 4 of 10 Fire labelled doors shall be provided for those openings requiring fire protection ratings, as indicated. Such frames shall be tested in conformance with CAN4-S104. Doors .1 Exterior Doors .1 Face Sheets: 16 gauge base metal thickness. .2 Door Cores .1 Steel Stiffened: vertically stiffened with 20 gauge steel ribs at 6" o.c. maximum, with all voids filled completely with semi-rigid mineral fibre insulation as specified above. .2 Interior Doors .1 Face Sheets: 18 gauge base metal thickness. .2 Door Cores .1 Honeycomb: Structural 1" maximum, small cell kraft paper "honeycomb"; weight 80 lb per ream 3 .2 .3 (minimum); density 1.03 lb/ft (minimum); sanded to required thickness. Steel Stiffened: vertically stiffened with 20 gauge steel ribs at 6" o.c. maximum, with all voids filled completely with semi-rigid mineral fibre insulation as specified above. .3 Temperature Rise Rated (TRR): Core composition to limit temperature rise on the unexposed side of door to 250°F, 450°F, or 650°F temperature rise at 30 minutes, or 482°F at either 30 or 60 minutes, as determined by Ontario Building Code requirements. Core shall be tested as part of a complete door assembly, in accordance with CAN4S104. .4 Use Steel Stiffened for all fire rated doors where temperature rise rating is not required, and heavy use doors. Heavy use doors are as follows: .1 Apparatus Room and ancillary rooms .2 Stairwells .3 Service & Utility Rooms .4 Locker Rooms .5 Washrooms .6 Storage Rooms .7 Equipment Rooms .8 Training Rooms .9 Temperature Rise Rated for doors indicated in schedules. .10 Honeycomb core for all others. Hardware Preparation .1 Doors shall be factory blanked, reinforced, drilled and tapped for fully templated mortised hardware only, in accordance with the final approved schedule and templates provided by the hardware supplier. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08110 Page 5 of 10 .2 Doors shall be factory blanked and reinforced only for mortised hardware that is not fully templated. .3 Doors shall be factory reinforced only for surface mounted hardware. .4 Templated holes 0.5" diameter and larger shall be factory prepared, except mounting and through bolt holes, which shall be by the contractor responsible for installation on site, at the time of application. Templated holes less than 0.5" diameter shall be factory prepared only when required for the function of the device (for knobs, levers, cylinders, thumb or turn pieces) or when these holes over-lap function holes. .5 Drilling and tapping for surface mounted hardware or mortised hardware that is not fully templated shall be by the contractor responsible for installation on site, at the time of application. .6 Hinge and pivot reinforcements shall be 10 gauge steel minimum high frequency type reinforcing. .7 Doors in excess of 96" rabbet height shall be prepared for 4.5" heavy weight 0.180" hinges minimum. .8 Lock, strike and flush bolt reinforcements shall be 16 gauge steel minimum. .9 Reinforcements for concealed closers and holders shall be 12 gauge steel minimum. .10 For surface mounted hardware, reinforcements shall be 16 gauge steel minimum. .11 All pairs of fire labeled doors with a 1½ hour rating or more shall be provided with 12 gauge steel surface mounted flat bar astragals, predrilled and shipped loose for installation on site. All pairs of doors up to 1½ hour fire rating maximum shall be provided without astragals. Lock edge seam of such doors shall be tack-welded, filled and ground smooth. .12 Where electrically or electronically operated hardware is specified on the schedules or details or the final approved schedule and templates provided by the hardware supplier, hardware enclosures and/or junction boxes, where indicated on the templates, shall be provided and inter-connected with CSA-approved 0.5" diameter conduit and connectors. Glazing .1 Make provision for glazing as indicated and provide necessary glazing stops in accordance with tested and labelled assemblies. .2 All glazing rebates and stops for frames located in fire separations shall be minimum ¾" in height. .3 Where glazing materials up to and including 5/16" thick are specified, Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08110 Page 6 of 10 doors shall be provided with 20 gauge steel glazing trim and snap-in glazing stops. .5 .6 .4 Where glazing materials greater than 5/16" thick are specified, doors shall receive 20 gauge steel trim and screw fixed glazing stops. Screws shall be #6 x 1¼" oval head, self-drilling type at 12" on center maximum. .5 Glazing trim and stops shall be accurately fitted, butted at corners, with removable glazing stops located on the 'push' side of the door. Finishing .1 Remove weld slag and splatter from exposed surfaces. .2 All tool marks, abrasions and surface blemishes shall be filled and sanded to present smooth uniform surfaces. .3 On exposed surfaces where zinc coating has been removed during fabrication, doors shall receive a factory applied touch-up primer. .4 Primer shall be fully cured prior to shipment. Frames .1 General .1 Fabricate frames from tension levelled steel to ASTM A924, galvanized to ASTM A653/653M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B. .2 Exterior frames .1 Fabricate from 16 gauge base metal thickness. .2 Exterior frame product shall be supplied set-up and welded. .3 Thermally Broken Frames .1 Fabricate thermally broken frames for exterior doors using 16 gauge steel, separating exterior portion of frame from interior portion with polyvinylchloride thermal breaks. .2 Thermally broken sections shall not be assembled by means of screws, grommets or other fasteners. .3 Where thermally broken welded frame product is specified, welds shall not cause thermal transfers between interior and exterior surfaces of the frame sections. .4 Closed sections (mullions and center rails) of thermally broken frames shall be factory insulated with semi-rigid mineral fibre insulation as specified above. .5 Insulation of open sections (jambs, heads and sills) shall be provided on site. .4 Interior frames .1 Fabricate from 16 gauge base metal thickness. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08110 Page 7 of 10 Interior frame product shall be supplied set-up and welded. .5 Corner joints shall be continuouosly welded on the inside of the profiles' returns and faces for set-up and welded frames. .6 Joints at mullions, transom bars, sills or center rails shall be coped accurately, butted and tightly fitted, with faces securely welded, matching corner joint faces. .7 Frame product shall be fabricated with integral door stops having a minimum height of 0.625". .8 Glazing stops shall be formed 20 gauge steel, 0.625" minimum height channel, accurately fitted, butted at corners and fastened to frame sections with #6 x 1¼" oval head scrulox (self-drilling) type screws at 12" on center maximum. Stops shall be ¾" high at all labelled frames. .9 Where required due to site access, as indicated schedules, when advised by the contractor responsible co-ordination or installation, or when shipping limitations dictate, frame product shall be fabricated in sections splicing in the field. .10 Field spliced jambs, heads and sills shall be provided with 16 gauge steel splice plates securely welded into one section, extending 4" minimum each side of splice joint. .11 Field splices at closed sections (mullions or center rails) shall be 16 gauge steel splice angles securely welded to the abutting member. Face of splice angle shall extend 4" minimum into closed sections when assembled. .12 Field splice joints shall be welded, filled and ground to present a smooth uniform surface. .13 On factory-assembled frame product, each door opening shall be provided with two (2) temporary steel jamb spreaders welded to the base of the jambs or mullions to maintain proper alignment during shipping and handling. Spreaders shall be removed prior to anchoring of frame to floor. .14 Each door opening shall be prepared for single stud door silencers, three (3) for single door openings, two (2) for double door openings. Silencers shall be shipped loose for installation after finish painting. .15 Hardware Preparation .1 Frame product shall be blanked, reinforced, drilled and tapped for fully templated mortised hardware only, in accordance with the final approved schedule and templates provided by the hardware supplier. .2 Frame product shall be factory blanked and Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. on for so for 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .16 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08110 Page 8 of 10 reinforced only for mortised hardware that is not fully templated. Frame product shall be reinforced only for surface mounted hardware. Drilling and tapping for surface mounted hardware or mortised hardware not templated shall be done at the time of installation. Frames shall be prepared for 4.5" standard weight hinges (minimum). Hinge and pivot reinforcements shall be 10 gauge steel minimum reinforcing, high frequency type shall be provided. Strike reinforcements shall be 16 gauge steel minimum. Reinforcements for surface mounted hardware, concealed closers and holders and flush bolts shall be 12 gauge steel minimum. Mortised cutouts shall be protected with 22 gauge steel minimum guard boxes. Where electrically or electronically operated hardware is specified on schedules or details, or the final approved schedule and templates provided by the hardware supplier, hardware enclosures and/or junction boxes where indicated on templates shall be provided and inter-connected with CSA-approved 0.5" diameter conduit and connectors. Anchorage .1 Frame product shall be provided with anchorage appropriate to floor, wall and frame construction. .2 Each wall anchor shall be located immediately above or below each hinge reinforcement on the hinge jamb and directly opposite on the strike jamb, except as indicated below. .3 Frame product installed in unit masonry partitions shall be provided with 0.156" diameter steel wire anchors, 18 gauge steel adjustable stirrup and strap or "T" type anchors as conditions dictate. .4 Where frame product is installed prior to construction of the adjacent wall, each jamb shall be provided with 16 gauge steel floor anchors. Each anchor shall be provided with two (2) holes for mounting to the floor and shall be securely welded to the inside of the jamb profile. .5 Frame product installed in steel stud and drywall partitions shall be provided with 20 gauge steel snapin or "Z" type stud type anchors. .6 Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. Jambs of frames in previously placed concrete, masonry or structural steel shall be punched and dimpled to accept machine bolt anchors, 0.25" diameter, located not more than 6" from the top and bottom of each jamb. Anchor preparations and guides 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .7 .17 .5 .6 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08110 Page 9 of 10 shall also be located immediately above or below the intermediate hinge reinforcings and directly opposite on the strike jamb. Each preparation shall be provided with 16 gauge anchor bolt guides. After sufficient tightening of the anchor bolt, the head shall be welded so as to provide a non-removable application. Welded bolt and dimple shall be filled and ground to present a smooth uniform surface, prior to finish painting. Finishing .1 Remove weld slag and spatter from exposed surfaces. .2 All tool marks, abrasions and surface blemishes shall be filled and sanded to present smooth and uniform surfaces. .3 On exposed surfaces where zinc has been removed during fabrication, frame product shall receive a factory applied touch-up primer. SIZES AND TOLERANCES .1 Widths of door openings shall be measured from inside of frame jamb rabbet with a tolerance of +0.063" - 0.031". .2 Heights of door openings shall be measured from the finished floor (exclusive of floor coverings) to the head rabbet of the frame with a tolerance of ± 0.047". .3 Unless builders’ hardware dictates otherwise, doors shall be sized so as to fit the above openings and allow a 0.125" clearance at jambs and head. A clearance of 0.75" between the bottom of the door and the finished floor (exclusive of floor coverings) shall be provided. Tolerances on door sizes shall be ±0.047". .4 Manufacturing tolerances on formed frame profiles shall be ± 0.031" for faces, door stop heights and jamb depths. Tolerances for throat openings and door rabbets shall be ± 0.063" and ± 0.016" respectively. Hardware cutout dimensions shall be as per template dimensions, + 0.015", - 0. HARDWARE LOCATIONS .1 Hardware preparations in frame product shall be as noted below and locations on doors shall be adjusted for clearances specified above. .2 For 4.5" hinges, top of upper hinge preparation shall be located 7.5" down from head, transom mullion, or panel as appropriate. The top of the bottom hinge preparation shall be located 12.625" from finished floor. Intermediate hinge preparations shall be spaced equally between top and bottom cutouts. For dutch door frames, top and bottom hinge locations shall be as above, with the tops of intermediate hinges located at 36.5" and 55.938" from finished floor. .3 Strike preparations for unit, integral, cylindrical and mortise locks and roller latches shall be centered 40-5/16" from finished floor. Strikes for deadlocks shall be centered at 48" from finished floor. Strikes for panic or fire exit Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08110 Page 10 of 10 hardware shall be located as per device manufacturer's templates. 3 Push and/or pulls on doors shall be centered 42" from finished floor. .5 Preparations not noted above shall be as per hardware manufacturer's templates. .6 Hardware preparation tolerances shall comply with ANSI A156 Series standards. EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION .1 General .1 Install all doors and frames in accordance with NFPA-80. .2 4 .4 .2 Doors .1 Install doors in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and templates. .2 Install hardware in accordance with hardware templates, manufacturer's instructions and Section 08710. .3 Provide maximum clearances at edges of doors as follows: .1 Between door and frame at head and jambs: 1/8". .2 At meeting edges pairs of doors and at mullions: 1/8". .3 At transom panels, without transom bars: 1/8". .4 At sills without thresholds: 5/8" maximum above finish floor. .5 At sills with thresholds: 1/8" above threshold. .4 Adjust operable parts for correct function. .3 Frames .1 Set frames plumb, square, level and at correct elevation. .2 Secure anchorages and connections to adjacent construction. .3 Brace frames rigidly in position while building-in. Install temporary horizontal wood spreader at third points of door opening to maintain frame width. Provide vertical support at centre of head for openings over 48" wide. Remove temporary spreaders after frames are built-in. .4 Make allowances for deflection of structure to ensure structural loads are not transmitted to frames. FINISH REPAIRS .1 Touch up with primer galvanized finish damaged during installation. WARRANTY .1 Provide manufacturer's written warranty against defects in materials and workmanship under normal usage, for a period of two (2) years from Date of Substantial Completion. Warranty shall provide for all material and labour to repair or replace defective materials. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 ALUMINUM DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08120 Page 1 of 5 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Conditions of CCDC 2-2008 and the General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide all aluminum doors, frames, sidelites, transoms, and screens as designed, including the following: .1 All required frame reinforcing, .2 All internal sealants, .3 All factory preparation and installation of hardware and security. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast in Place Concrete .2 Rough Carpentry .3 Sealants .4 Door Hardware .5 Security Access and Surveillance .6 Electrical .5 Section 03300 Section 06100 Section 07900 Section 08710 Section 13700 Division 16 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 ASTM A653/A653M-00; Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. .2 Aluminum Association (AA); DAF-45, Designation System for Aluminum Finishes. .3 American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA); Aluminum Curtain Wall Design Guide Manual. .4 ASTM B209-01; Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate. .5 ASTM B221M-00; Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Shapes, and Tubes. .6 ASTM E283-91(1994); Test Method for Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, Doors. .7 ASTM E330-97; Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. .8 ASTM E331-00; Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. .9 ASTM E1105-00; Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference. .10 CSA-G40.21; Structural Quality Steels .11 CAN/CSA G164-M92 (R1998); Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. .12 CAN3-S157-M83 (R2001); Strength Design in Aluminum. .13 CSA W59.2-M1991 (R1998); Welded Aluminum Construction. .14 CAN/ULC-S114; Determination of Non-combustibility of Building Materials. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 ALUMINUM DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08120 Page 2 of 5 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .6 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Fabrication Qualifications .1 Work of this section shall be performed by fabricators having a minimum of 5 years documented experience in the fabrication of aluminum entrance systems. Submit proof of experience to Consultant. .2 .7 Installation .1 Work shall be performed in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions, and in accordance with all warranty requirements. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS .1 Structural performance shall be based on CAN3-S157, Strength Design in Aluminum, and a maximum deflection of 1/175 of the span. .2 Air infiltration shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E283 at a pressure differential of 75Pa. A single 914x2134mm door and frame 3 shall not exceed 2.78m /h m per linear metre of crack. A pair of doors 3 and frame shall not exceed 5.56m /h m per linear metre of crack. .8 .3 Design and size components to withstand dead and live loads caused by pressure and suction of wind, acting normal to plane of system, as calculated in accordance with the Ontario Building Code. .4 Size glass units and glass dimensions to limits established in CAN/CGSB-12.20. .5 System to provide for expansion and contraction within system components caused by a cycling temperature range of 95°C over a 12 hour period without causing detrimental affect to system components. .6 Drain water entering joints, condensation occurring in glazing channels or migrating moisture occurring within system, to the exterior by a weep drainage network. .7 Maintain continuous air barrier and vapour retarder throughout assembly, primarily in line with inside pane of glass. SUBMITTALS .1 Shop Drawings .1 Submit electronic shop drawings. .2 Indicate materials and large scale details for profiles of components, elevations of unit, anchorage details, required reinforcing, location of isolation coating, description of related components, finishes and fasteners. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 2 ALUMINUM DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08120 Page 3 of 5 .2 Product Data .1 Submit product data for the following .1 Material composition .2 Finishes .3 Hardware requirements .3 Test Reports .1 Submit test report from approved independent testing laboratory, certifying windows comply to performance requirements of CAN/CSAA440.2, and this specification. PRODUCTS .1 MANUFACTURERS .1 Provide products and systems from one single source manufacturer. Mixing of doors, frames, and hardware from different manufacturers is not acceptable. .2 MATERIALS .1 Aluminum Members: Alcan 6063-T54 alloy and temper. .2 Extruded Aluminum: to ASTM B221. .3 Sheet Aluminum: ASTM B209. .4 Screws, bolts and fasteners: 300 series stainless steel or 400 series stainless steel cadmium plated. .5 Sheet Steel: Zinc-iron Alloy (ZF) coated steel sheet to ASTM A653/A653M structural quality Grade A, with Z275 coating, for interior surfaces not exposed to weather, unpainted finish, minimum 0.914mm base steel thickness. .6 Steel Reinforcement: to CAN/CSA-G40.21, grade 300W, as required by system design limitations. .8 Glazing gaskets: extruded, black, closed cell or dense elastomer of durometer appropriate to the function. .9 Sealants: refer to Section 07900. .10 Isolation Coating: alkali resistant, epoxy resin solution. .11 Thermal separators for door cladding shall be rigid PVC extrusions. .12 Weatherstrip: Mohair or Elastomeric. .13 Door Bumpers: black neoprene. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 EXTERIOR ENTRANCES .1 Exterior Frames: nominal 2" x 4.5", extruded aluminum, thermally broken for double glazing; center glazed. Acceptable products are: .1 TRIFAB™ VG 451T, by Kawneer Company Canada Ltd., .2 3400 Series Insulframe, by Alumicor Limited. .4 Exterior Doors: extruded aluminum .1 Bottom Rails 7” Stiles 4” mid rail 4”. .2 Acceptable Products .1 Insulclad 360, by Kawneer Company Canada Ltd., .1 To have insulated alum metal panel in lieu of window finished both sides to match door .2 3 ALUMINUM DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08120 Page 4 of 5 Series 400A(Insul), by Alumicor Limited. .1 To have insulated alum metal panel in lieu of window finished both sides to match door .6 FINISH .1 Clear Anodized: Class I to AA-M12C22A41, #14 Clear. .8 FABRICATION .1 Fabricate doors and frames from extrusions of size and configurations shown on drawings. .2 Door rails and stiles shall be porthole extrusions. Corner construction shall be mechanical clip, and plug and fillet weld fastening. .3 Fabricate units square and true with maximum tolerance of plus or minus 1.5mm for units with a diagonal measurement of 1800mm or less and plus or minus 3mm for units with a diagonal measurement over 1800mm. .4 Face dimensions detailed are maximum permissible sizes. .5 Brace frames to maintain squareness and rigidity during shipment and installation. .6 Provide all internal reinforcing as required for the proper structural design and support of the framing system. .7 All joints shall be accurately machined, assembled and sealed to provide neat weathertight joints. EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION .1 Erect and anchor all frames square and level using concealed fastenings where possible. .2 Anchors to be built into the structure shall be provided to the General Contractor for setting in accordance with the approved shop drawings. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 Doors shall be installed, glazed and adjusted by experienced personnel in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and reviewed shop drawings. .4 All items in this Section shall be set in their correct location and shall be set level, square, plumb and at proper elevations and in alignment with other work. .5 Manufacturer's nameplates or labels shall not be installed on the exterior of doors or screens. .2 ISOLATION COATING .1 Isolate aluminum from following components, by means of isolation coating: .1 Dissimilar metals except stainless steel, zinc, or white bronze. .2 Concrete, masonry, and masonry mortar. .3 Untreated wood. .3 CAULKING .1 Apply sealant in accordance with Section 07900. .4 CLEANING .1 During installation, remove all corrosive or foreign materials or droppings resulting from work of this or other trades. .2 4 ALUMINUM DOORS AND FRAMES Section 08120 Page 5 of 5 Clean all surfaces in accordance with manufacturer's instructions for final cleaning of finished surfaces. WARRANTY .1 Provide manufacturer's written warranty against defects in materials and workmanship under normal usage, for a period of ten (10) years from Date of Substantial Completion. Warranty shall provide for all material and labour to repair or replace defective materials. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 2 ACCESS PANELS Section 08310 Page 1 of 2 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide wall and ceiling mounted access doors. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Rough Carpentry .2 Gypsum Board Systems .3 Acoustic Tile Ceiling Systems .4 Mechanical .5 Electrical Section 06100 Section 09250 Section 09510 Division 15 Division 16 .4 SUBMITTALS .1 Provide manufacturer's data and independent test reports/approvals for all fire-rated access doors. .5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING .1 Deliver all products to the site in manufacturer's original, unopened containers and packaging, with labels clearly identifying product name and manufacturer. .2 Store products indoors in a clean, dry area, having environmental conditions acceptable to product manufacturer. .3 Protect products from damage during storage and installation. PRODUCTS .1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS .1 Williams Bros. Corp., .2 Cendrex Inc., Montreal PQ. .3 Nystrom Building Products, Minneapolis MN. .4 Acudor Access doors (905) 839-7165 .2 ACCESS DOORS .1 Wall Mounted .1 Fire-Rated: for fire separations; .1 Model WB-FR, by Williams Bros. Corp., .2 Model PFI, by Cendrex Inc., or .3 Model APFR, by Nystrom Building Products, .2 Non Fire-Rated .1 Gypsum Board Partitions .1 Model WB-DW, by Williams Bros. Corp. .2 Model AHD-GYP, by Cendrex Inc., or .3 Model APWB, by Nystrom Building Products, .2 All Other Partition Types .1 Model WB-GP, by Williams Bros. Corp. .2 Model AHD, by Cendrex Inc., or Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 ACCESS PANELS Section 08310 Page 2 of 2 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 .2 .3 .3 3 Model APTM, by Nystrom Building Products, Ceiling Mounted mech/ elect openings .1 Gypsum Board .1 Model WB-FRC (1 hr. f.r.r.) for fire rated gypsum board ceiling separations. .2 Model WB-DW (non-rated) for other gypsum board ceilings. .3 Model WB-AT (1 hr. f.r.r.) for fire rated acoustic tile ceiling separations. Ceiling Mounted attic hatch .1 Acudor LT-4000 24”x36” FABRICATION .1 Fabricate units from wipe-coat galvanized steel, with minimum 1.9mm thick doors, and 1.5mm frames. .2 Finish: Electrostatically-applied, baked enamel primer. .3 Fire-rated doors shall be spring-loaded for automatic closing. .4 All units shall have concealed hinges and recessed key locks. .5 All units in gypsum board surface shall have taped-in type edges and shall be flush mounted. EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION .1 Install access doors plumb and square, and flush with finished ceiling, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. .2 .2 Ensure adequate bracing is present for support of access panel frame. Provide additional support as required. .3 Adjust operable parts for correct function. LOCATION .1 Refer to Division 15 and 16 for quantities and sizes of access panels. Refer to reflected ceiling plans and room elevations for locations. Refer to partition and ceiling types for rating requirements. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS Section 08360 Page 1 of 4 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Conditions of CCDC-2-2008 and the General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. Steel .3 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide upward acting steel and aluminum sectional overhead doors, including: .1 Door panels, .2 Tracks and hardware, .3 Vision lites, .4 Door operators, .5 Control mechanisms .4 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast in Place Concrete .1 Structural Steel .2 Metal Fabrications .3 Door Hardware .4 Security Access and Surveillance .5 Electrical .5 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 ASTM A366-M85; Specification for Steel Carbon, Cold-Rolled Sheet, Commercial quality. .2 ASTM-A591/A591M-98; Specification for Steel Sheet, Electrolytic ZincCoated for Light Coating Mass Applications. .3 ASTM A653/A653M-03; Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. .4 ASTM A924/A924M-99; Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process. .5 CSA G164-M92; Hot-Dip Galvanizing of Irregular Shaped Objects. .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .6 CAN/CGSB-1.105-M91; Quick drying Primer. CGSB 1-GP-181-M77; Coating, Zinc rich, Organic, Ready-mixed. CAN/ULC-S702-97; Standard for Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings. CAN/ULC-S704-01; Standard for Thermal Insulation, Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate, Boards, Faced. CAN/ULC-S770-00; Standard for Determination of Long-Term Thermal Resistance of Closed-Cell Thermal Insulation Foams. DESIGN CRITERIA .1 Design exterior door assembly to withstand windload of 0.14 psi with a maximum horizontal deflection of 1/240 of opening width. .2 .7 Section 03300 Section 05120 Section 05500 Section 08710 Section 13700 Division 16 Design door panel assemblies with min. insulation factor R0. SHOP DRAWINGS .1 Submit electronic shop drawings. Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .8 2 SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS Section 08360 Page 2 of 4 Indicate all door and hardware materials and finishes, operating mechanisms, required clearances and electrical connections. MAINTENANCE DATA .1 Provide operation and maintenance data for overhead door hardware for incorporation into Maintenance Manual. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Precoated Sheet Steel: Cold-rolled, commercial grade structural quality sheet steel (SS), to ASTM A924/A924M, 20 gauge base metal thickness; .1 Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) & Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated Galvannealed): ASTM A653/A653M, coating designation G90. .2 .2 Primers: CAN/CGSB-1.105 for steel, CGSB 1-GP-181 for galvanized steel. .3 Aluminum Sheet .1 ASTM B209M, stucco embossed surface clear anodized aluminum. DOORS .1 Panels: .1 Aluminum Door Sections: Min. 1 3/4” thick, extruded aluminum members fabricated from 6063-T6 aluminum alloy, with min. wall thickness of 0.07” and 0.115” at hardware mounting locations; 3/4” thick kick panels of CFC-free and HCFC-free polyurethane insulation covered on both sides with embossed aluminum sheets. Panel joints shall be tongue & groove type joints with neoprene weather-strip between panels. Perimeter framing including meeting rails, end stiles and top and bottom rails shall have a thermo break. Meeting rails shall have an integral strut reinforcing bar. Top panel to have continuous weatherstrip, and bottom panel to have continuous "bulb-type" seal. .2 Aluminum Sheet .1 ASTM B209M, stucco embossed surface clear anodized aluminum. .3 Vision Lites: .1 5/8” translucent polycarbonate, five wall in clear tint where shown on drawings. .2 .4 Finish: .1 .5 Full clear acrylic panels where shown on drawings. Aluminum Overhead Doors: Exterior and interior of door in clear anodized finish. Acceptable Products Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS Section 08360 Page 3 of 4 .1 Solalite by Upwardor Corporation (Milton, ON), or approved equal. .3 .4 DOOR HARDWARE COMPONENTS- CORROSION PACKAGE .1 Heavy Duty Hardware .1 Tracks: standard lift, 3" wide, 11ga tracks, with 5 inch track radius .2 Rollers: 3" floating bearing Nystroll(or Equal) nylon rollers with stainless steel shaft, located at to[p and bottom of each panel, each side. .3 Bottom Bracket: Powder coated steel, minimum 12 guage with removeable aluminum roller holder. .4 Lift Mechanism: Glavanized torsion springs fitted on zinc plated cold rolled solid shaft, keyed and mounted on ball bearings, and supported by heavy guage galvanized gusset plates; oil tempered with 10,000 standard cyclage. .5 Cable Drum: Suitable for lift type specified, with stainless steel aircraft grade lifting cables designed to suit door weight at a saftety factor of 5:1 .6 Weatherstripping : all 4 edges of door .7 Fasteners: Stainless steel .8 Inside Lock: side mounted adjustable keeper, spring activated, with feature to retain in locked or retracted position. Non keyed. DOOR OPERATION .1 Door operation shall be electrical operation. Motor: 1/2"HP 208v 3 phase manually operated in case of power failure. Speed of 12” per second. .3 Power Supply : 208v / 3 phase. . .5 Activation: .1 See Architectural Drawing A020. .2 Safety switch: .3 Safety photo eye: at low level to reverse door to open position when object crosses path on closing cycle Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 3 SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS Section 08360 Page 4 of 4 EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION .1 Install doors and hardware. .2 Touch-up doors with primer where finish damaged during fabrication. .3 Install electrical motors, controller units, pushbutton stations, relays, and other necessary equipment required for complete door installation. .4 Installation includes electric wiring from power supply located near door opening. .5 Lubricate springs and adjust door-operating components to ensure smooth opening and closing of doors. Adjust weather-strip to form weather-tight seal. WARRANTEE .1 Provide 10 year manufacturers warrantee. END OF SECTION Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 HIGH SPEED ROLLING DOORS Section 08373 Page 1 of 5 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 The work of this section, and related work specified in other sections shall comply with all requirements of Division 1 – General Requirements. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide high speed rolling door system. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast in place Concrete .2 Structural Steel .3 Metal Fabrications .4 Security and Access System .5 Electrical .4 .5 REFERENCES .1 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) .2 National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) .3 Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (CUL) SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .1 Electrical Motor operated unit with manual override in case of power failure. .2 .6 Submit the following: .1 Shop Drawings: Indicate pertinent dimensioning, anchorage methods, hardware locations and installation details. .2 Product Data: Provide general construction, component connections and details, electrical equipment and operation instructions. .3 Samples: Submit color samples of door panels for selection by owner. .4 Manufacturer's Installation: Indicate installation sequence and procedures, adjustment and alignment procedures. REGULARTORY REQUIREMENTS .1 Electrical components UL listed. .2 .8 Motor: 3.35hp 208V, 3 phase, 50/60hz. SUBMITTALS .1 Submit electronic shop drawings . .2 .7 Section 03300 Section 05120 Section 05500 Section 13700 Division 16 Electrical enclosure NEMA approved. PERFORMANCE REQUIRMENTS .1 High Wind Loading Option required: Equipped with wind gussets. No windbars required or allowed Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 2 HIGH SPEED ROLLING DOORS Section 08373 Page 2 of 5 .9 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Furnish high-speed roll doors and all components and accessories by one manufacturer. .10 FIELD MEASUREMENTS .1 Verify field measurements are as indicated on shop drawings. .11 COORDINATION .1 Coordinate the work with installation of electric power and locations and sizes of conduit. .12 WARRANTY .1 SBR fabric for the life of the door, labour limited to one (1) year. .2 One year warranty covering material and workmanship defects on mechanical and electrical components. .3 One year labour warranty. PRODUCTS .1 PRODUCTS .1 .2 Albany Door Systems UltraTough high speed rubber door or approved alternatives. MATERIALS .1 Door Panel .1 Fabric: .1 2 layers of Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) each 1/8” (0.8mm) thick, 70 durometer; sandwiched with 1-ply, 110lbs (50kg) polyester cord center. .2 Complete with bonded SBR bevelled continuous windlocks, providing normal resiliency and flexibility at temperatures ranging from -40 F to +180F (-40C to +85C). .2 Characteristics: .1 Breaking strength 1100 lbs/in/ply .3 Color - black .2 Door Header .1 Door roll .1 Fabricate minimum 8 5/8" (219 mm) diameter, steel tube from 0.188” (4.75 mm) steel complying with ASTM A513. .2 Drum tube deflection shall not exceed 0.03" per foot (2.5 mm / M) of opening width .3 Drive barrel shafts are constructed of 2” (50.8 mm) diameter 1045 bolt-on steel shafts .2 Idler .1 Fabric guiding barrel shall be constructed of minimum 4” (102 mm) O.D. round tubing with a minimum wall thickness of 0.134” (3.4 mm) and supported by 1 ½” (32 mm) diameter 1018 steel shafts. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 Top plates .1 Constructed of minimum ¼” (6 mm) hot-rolled steel laser-cut plates with heavy-duty, self-aligning bearings with cast iron housings to support both the spring and idler barrels. 2” (50.8 mm) diameter shaft bearing shall be load-rated at 10800 lbs (48000N) dynamic and 6400 lbs (28500 N) static. 1 ½” (32 mm) diameter idler shaft bearing shall be load-rated at 8150 lbs ((36000 N) dynamic and 4400 lbs (19600 N) static. .2 .4 .3 To include top roll alignment plates for installation. Counterbalance System .1 Direct Drive only. No counter-balance or torsion springs allowed. Lifetime parts and labor warranty on all spring components Side Frames .1 Frames .1 Frame assemblies shall be constructed of steel members to form a slot of sufficient depth to allow the thicker edges of the rubber curtain windloks to move freely in the guides at all times. Steel members are to be of sufficient thickness and rigidity to maintain the windloks within the guides while enabling the windloks to break away during impact. .2 .3 .4 .4 HIGH SPEED ROLLING DOORS Section 08373 Page 3 of 5 Wind Resistance .1 Wind resistant capabilities shall include a windlok rubber component on each side of the curtain fabric. The windlok feature runs the full height of the door curtain and is contained in the side frames to secure the door under wind pressure and to decrease air infiltration. Paint .1 Painted with durable, chemical and corrosion resistant coating .2 Color: as selected by architect from full range Side frames covers shall be hinged to allow easy curtain access. Control Panel .1 UltraSmart controller housed in a NEMA 4 / 12 enclosure. .2 Control Panel must be provided with fusible rotary disconnect mounted on the control panel. No exceptions. .3 Controls must include a variable frequency drive system capable of infinitely variable speed control in both the up and down directions. Fused 24V AC power for the door controller and optional activators. .4 All interior control panel components must be touch-safe (protected from high voltage when control panel door is open). NO EXPOSED HIGH VOLTAGE CONTACTS. .5 All door operational parameters must be set on the outside face of the control panel. No fixed or rotary limit switches. No exceptions. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 3 HIGH SPEED ROLLING DOORS Section 08373 Page 4 of 5 Controller comes with factory set parameters, a two line display that shows functional information during normal operation and will advise if maintenance is required for abnormal situations. Controller and panel must be fully modular. Separate modules for activation, safety, drive, controls, operation and all other options. Must be expandable to accommodate additional modules for desired inputs and outputs. Controls must be fully self diagnostic. Door must be provided with an absolute encoder. Activation Devices to include 3 button switch with disconnect on inside of door opening and loop detector on side side of door opening as described by drawings. .5 Bottom Bar .1 Bottom bar shall extend the full width of the curtain, sufficient to maintain the bottom edge of the curtain parallel to the door threshold at all times. The bottom bar shall be constructed of a steel angle and flat bar bolted together and shall have a breakaway center section to reduce risk of damage during accidental impacts and provide ease of straightening, allowing for simple re-assembly. .2 6” tall weatherproof rubber loop made of EPDM able to seal uneven finished floors .3 Door to be provided with failsafe electric safety edge. No pneumatic edges allowed. .4 Bottom bar and door operation must be totally wireless. No coil cords allowed. All faults registering from the wireless device must be displayed on the control panel. .5 Bottom bar wireless system battery life must be more than three years. Battery must be able to be replaced at ground level. .6 Bottom bar controls must indicate in advance when battery must be replaced .6 Safety Features .1 Door to be provided with TruckGuard Safety Light Curtain System. .2 Light curtain must be attached to the side frame material and cover area up to a height of no less than six feet. .3 Light curtain system must have a minimum of 96 infrared thru-beam optical sensors. .4 Control panel must indicate in written visible English each time the light curtain is broken. Door to be provided with failsafe electric safety edge. Door controller must indicate if the safety edge is not operable. .7 Speed .1 Door to operate at a variable speed up to 48" per second in the up direction depending on door size. Door must operate at a variable speed in the down direction. .8 All components furnished by factory. EXECUTION .1 EXAMINATION .1 Verify that opening sizes, tolerances and conditions are acceptable. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .3 HIGH SPEED ROLLING DOORS Section 08373 Page 5 of 5 INSTALLATION .1 Install door assembly in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. .2 Use anchorage devices to securely fasten assembly to wall constructions and building framing without distortion or stress. .3 Fit and align assembly including hardware; level and plumb to provide smooth operation. .4 Coordinate installation of electrical service. Complete wiring from disconnect to unit components. .5 Touch-up paint on frame and other painted surfaces in accord with painting section. .1 Upon completion of installation, including work by other trades, lubricate, test and adjust doors to operate in accordance with manufacturer's product data. Final adjustments shall be made by manufacturer's authorized representative. .2 Protect finished installations until Date of Substantial Completion. Repair damage to door panel, hardware and operators. ADJUSTING .1 Adjust door and operating assemblies. .2 Test and adjust door, if necessary, for proper operations. .4 CLEANING .1 Clean door and components. .5 Demonstration .1 Provide 0.5 hours of videotaped system demonstration. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 SECTION 08710 DOOR HARDWARE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: A. Section Includes: Finish Hardware for door openings, except as otherwise specified herein. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Related Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C. 2. Should items of hardware not definitely specified be required for completion of the Work, furnish such items of type and quality comparable to adjacent hardware and appropriate for service required. Where items of hardware aren’t definitely or correctly specified, are required for completion of the Work, a written statement of such omission, error, or other discrepancy to Architect, prior to date specified for receipt of bids for clarification by addendum; or, furnish such items in the type and quality established by this specification, and appropriate to the service intended. Allowances 1. F. Builders Hardware Manufacturing Association (BHMA) ANSI-A156.xx- Various Performance Standards for Finish Hardware UL-C10C – Positive Pressure Fire Test of Door Assemblies DHI /ANSI A115.IG – Installation Guide for Doors and Hardware Intent of Hardware Groups 1. E. Division 6: Rough Carpentry. Division 8: Aluminum Doors and Frames Division 8: Hollow Metal Doors and Frames. Division 8: Wood Doors. Division 26 Electrical Division 28: Electronic Security References: Comply with applicable requirements of the following standards. Where these standards conflict with other specific requirements, the most restrictive shall govern. 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Door hardware for steel (hollow metal) doors. Door hardware for aluminum doors. Door hardware for wood doors. Door hardware for other doors indicated. Keyed cylinders as indicated. Refer to Division 1 for allowance amount and procedures. Alternates 1. May 7, 2014 Refer to Division 1 for Alternates and procedures. Page 1 of 14 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1.2 DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 SUBSTITUTIONS: A. 1.3 Comply with Division 1. SUBMITTALS: A. Comply with Division 1. B. Special Submittal Requirements: Coordinate submittals of this Section with related Sections to ensure the "design intent" of the system/assembly is understood and can be reviewed together. C. Product Data: Manufacturer's specifications and technical data including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Shop Drawings - Hardware Schedule: Submit 6 complete reproducible copy of detailed hardware schedule in a vertical format. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. E. Templates, wiring diagrams and "reviewed Hardware Schedule" of electrical terms to electrical for coordination and verification of voltages and locations. Samples: (If requested by the Architect) 1. 2. G. List groups and suffixes in proper sequence. Completely describe door and list architectural door number. Manufacturer, product name, and catalog number. Function, type, and style. Size and finish of each item. Mounting heights. Explanation of abbreviations and symbols used within schedule. Detailed wiring diagrams, specially developed for each opening, indicating all electric hardware, security equipment and access control equipment, and door and frame roughins required for specific opening. Templates: Submit templates and "reviewed Hardware Schedule" to door and frame supplier and others as applicable to enable proper and accurate sizing and locations of cutouts and reinforcing. 1. F. Detailed specification of construction and fabrication. Manufacturer's installation instructions. Wiring diagrams for each electric product specified. Coordinate voltage with electrical before submitting. Submit 6 copies of catalog cuts with hardware schedule. 1 sample of Lever and Rose/Escutcheon design, (pair). 3 samples of metal finishes Contract Closeout Submittals: Comply with Division 1 including specific requirements indicated. 1. Operating and maintenance manuals: Submit 3 sets containing the following. a. b. c. May 7, 2014 Complete information in care, maintenance, and adjustment, and data on repair and replacement parts, and information on preservation of finishes. Catalog pages for each product. Name, address, and phone number of local representative for each manufacturer. Page 2 of 14 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 d. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.4 DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 Parts list for each product. Copy of final hardware schedule, edited to reflect, "As installed". Copy of final keying schedule As installed “Wiring Diagrams” for each piece of hardware connected to power, both low voltage and 110 volts. One set of special tools required for maintenance and adjustment of hardware, including changing of cylinders. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with Division 1. 1. 2. 3. Statement of qualification for distributor and installers. Statement of compliance with regulatory requirements and single source responsibility. Distributor's Qualifications: Firm with 3 years experience in the distribution of commercial hardware. a. b. 4. 5. Installer's Qualifications: Firm with 3 years experienced in installation of similar hardware to that required for this Project, including specific requirements indicated. Regulatory Label Requirements: Provide testing agency label or stamp on hardware for labeled openings. a. b. 6. B. 1.5 Distributor to employ full time Architectural Hardware Consultants (AHC) for the purpose of scheduling and coordinating hardware and establishing keying schedule. Hardware Schedule shall be prepared and signed by an AHC. Provide UL listed hardware for labeled and 20 minute openings in conformance with requirements for class of opening scheduled. Underwriters Laboratories requirements have precedence over this specification where conflict exists. Single Source Responsibility: Except where specified in hardware schedule, furnish products of only one manufacturer for each type of hardware. Review Project for extent of finish hardware required to complete the Work. Where there is a conflict between these Specifications and the existing hardware, notify the Architect in writing and furnish hardware in compliance with the Specification unless otherwise directed in writing by the Architect. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Packing and Shipping: Comply with Division 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Deliver products in original unopened packaging with legible manufacturer's identification. Package hardware to prevent damage during transit and storage. Mark hardware to correspond with "reviewed hardware schedule". Deliver hardware to door and frame manufacturer upon request. Storage and Protection: Comply with manufacturer's recommendations. May 7, 2014 Page 3 of 14 DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS: A. Coordinate hardware with other work. Furnish hardware items of proper design for use on doors and frames of the thickness, profile, swing, security and similar requirements indicated, as necessary for the proper installation and function, regardless of omissions or conflicts in the information on the Contract Documents. B. Review Shop Drawings for doors and entrances to confirm that adequate provisions will be made for the proper installation of hardware. 1.7 WARRANTY: A. Refer to Conditions of the Contract B. Manufacturer’s Warranty: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.8 Closers: Ten years Exit Devices: Three Years Locksets & Cylinders: Three years Power Door Operator: One year All other Hardware: Two years. OWNER’S INSTRUCTION: A. 1.9 Instruct Owner’s personnel in operation and maintenance of hardware units. MAINTENANCE: A. Extra Service Materials: Deliver to Owner extra materials from same production run as products installed. Package products with protective covering and identify with descriptive labels. Comply with Division 1 Closeout Submittals Section. 1. 2. 3. B. Special Tools: Provide special wrenches and tools applicable to each different or special hardware component. Maintenance Tools: Provide maintenance tools and accessories supplied by hardware component manufacturer. Delivery, Storage and Protection: Comply with Owner’s requirements for delivery, storage and protection of extra service materials. Maintenance Service: Submit for Owner’s consideration maintenance service agreement for electronic products installed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS: A. The following manufacturers are approved subject to compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents. Approval of manufacturers other than those listed shall be in accordance with Division 1. Item: Hinges Locksets May 7, 2014 Manufacturer: Stanley Best Page 4 of 14 DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 Cylinders Exit Devices Door Closers Push/Pull Plates Push/Pull Bars Protection Plates Overhead Stops Door Stops Flush Bolts Coordinator & Brackets Threshold & Gasketing Electric Strikes Power Door Operators 2.2 Best Precision Stanley Standard Metals Standard Metals Standard Metals Rixson Standard Metals Standard Metals/Hager Trimco KN Crowder Stanley / Rutherford Controls Stanley MATERIALS: A. Hinges: Shall be Five Knuckle Ball bearing hinges 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. B. Template screw hole locations Bearings are to be fully hardened. Bearing shell is to be consistent shape with barrel. Minimum of 2 permanently lubricated non-detachable bearings on standard weight hinge and 4 permanently lubricated bearing on heavy weight hinges. Equip with easily seated, non-rising pins. Non Removable Pin screws shall be slotted stainless steel screws. Hinges shall be full polished, front, back and barrel. Hinge pin is to be fully plated. Bearing assembly is to be installed after plating. Sufficient size to allow 180-degree swing of door Furnish five knuckles with flush ball bearings Provide hinge type as listed in schedule. Furnish 3 hinges per leaf to 7 foot 6 inch height. Add one for each additional 30 inches in height or fraction thereof. Tested and approved by BHMA for all applicable ANSI Standards for type, size, function and finish ULC10C listed for Fire Supply as specified. Cylindrical Type Locks and Latchsets: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. May 7, 2014 Tested and approved by BHMA for ANSI A156.2, Series 4000, Operational Grade 1, Extra-Heavy Duty, and be UL10C listed Fit modified ANSI A115.2 door preparation Locksets and cores to be of the same manufacturer to maintain complete lockset warranty Locksets to have anti-rotational studs that are thru-bolted Each lever to have independent spring mechanism controlling it (70 mm) backset (14 mm) throw latchbolt Provide sufficient curved strike lip to protect door trim Provide locksets with 7-pin removable and interchangeable core cylinders Core face must be the same finish as the lockset Functions and design as indicated in the hardware groups. Page 5 of 14 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 12. C. 11. 12. 13. Tested and approved by BHMA for ANSI 156.3, Grade 1 Provide a deadlocking latchbolt Non-fire rated exit devices shall have cylinder dogging. Touchpad shall be “T” style Exposed components shall be of architectural metals and finishes. Lever design shall match lockset lever design Provide strikes as required by application. Fire exit devices to be listed for UL10C UL listed for Accident Hazard Shall consist of a cross bar or push pad, the actuating portion of which extends across, shall not be less than one half the width of the door leaf. Provide vandal resistant or breakaway trim Aluminum vertical rod assemblies are acceptable only when provide with the manufacturers optional top and bottom stainless steel rod guard protectors Supply as specified Cylinders: 1. 2. 3. 4. E. Supply as specified. Exit Devices shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. D. DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 Provide the necessary cylinder housings, collars, rings & springs as recommended by the manufacturer for proper installation. Provide the proper cylinder cams or tail piece as required to operate all locksets and other keyed hardware items listed in the hardware sets. Coordinate and provide as required for related sections. Supply as specified Door Closers shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Tested and approved by BHMA for ANSI 156.4, Grade 1 UL10C certified Closer shall have extra-duty arms and knuckles Conform to ANSI 117.1 Maximum 2 7/16 inch case projection with non-ferrous cover Separate adjusting valves for closing and latching speed, and backcheck Provide adapter plates, shim spacers and blade stop spacers as required by frame and door conditions Full rack and pinion type closer with 1½“ minimum bore Mount closers on non-public side of door, unless otherwise noted in specification Closers shall be non-handed, non-sized and multi-sized. Supply as specified Power Door Operators Shall be Stanley Access Technologies; Magic-Access™ Series power door operator. Materials Aluminum: Alloy and temper recommended by manufacturer for type of use and finish indicated. May 7, 2014 Page 6 of 14 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1. 2. 3. DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 Headers: 6063-T6. Extruded Bars, Rods, Profiles, and Tubes: ASTM B 221. Sheet and Plate: ASTM B 209. Sealants and Joint Fillers: Refer to Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants". Components Header Case: Header case shall not exceed 6-1/8 inch x 4 inch (156 mm x 102 mm) in rectangular section and shall be fabricated from extruded aluminum with structurally integrated end caps, designed to conceal door operators and controls. The operator shall be sealed against dust, dirt, and corrosion within the header case. Access to the operator and electronic control box shall be provided by a fulllength removable cover, edge rabbetted to the header to ensure a flush fit. Removable cover shall be secured to prevent unauthorized access. Door Arms and Linkage Assembly: A combination of door arms and linkage shall provide positive control of door through entire swing; units shall permit use of butt hung, center pivot, and offset pivothung doors. Fasteners and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant, non-staining, nonbleeding fasteners and accessories compatible with adjacent materials. Signage: Provide signage in accordance with ANSI/BHMA A156.19. Swinging Doors Operators Provide door operators of size recommended by manufacturer for door size, weight, and movement; for condition of exposure; and for long-term, maintenance-free operation under normal traffic load for type of occupancy indicated. Operators: Self-contained units powered by a minimum fractional horsepower, permanentmagnet AC or DC motors. 4. Electro-mechanical Operator: Transmit power from operator to door through reduction gear train, splined spindle, door arm, and linkage assembly. Drive train shall have positive constant engagement. 5. Operation: Power opening and spring closing. 6. Mounting: Visible 7. Features: a. Adjustable opening, open check, and closing speeds. b. Adjustable opening force. c. Adjustable hold-open time between 0 and 30 seconds. d. Reverse on obstruction. Closing Operation: The operator shall close the door by spring energy employing the motor, as a dynamic brake to provide closing speed control. The closing spring shall be adjustable for positive closing action at a low material stress level for long spring life. Manual Use: The operator shall function as a manual door closer in the direction of swing with or without electrical power. The operator shall deliver an even, consistent open force across the entire transition from door fully closed to door fully open. Electrical service to door operators shall be provided under Division 16 Electrical. Minimum service to be 120 VAC, 10 amps for doors with operators in pairs, 5 amps for single doors. May 7, 2014 Page 7 of 14 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 ELECTRICAL CONTROLS Electrical Control System: Electrical control system shall include a solid state controller with quick connect plugs. Controller Protection: The controller shall incorporate the following features to ensure trouble free operation: 8. Fuse Protection 9. Electronic Surge Protection 10. Internal Power Supply Protection. Program Dip Switches: The controller shall have program dip switches to allow selection or change at the following parameters: carpet or timer logic, single or dual door, and activation options. Activation Devices Push Plates: Provide 4 ½ inch (114 mm) square SPDT push plates with UL listed switch. Face plates and mounting studs shall be stainless steel. Face plates shall be engraved with the international symbol for accessibility and “Push To Open”. 11. Interior and exterior push plates shall be wall mounted in single or double gang electrical boxes and hardwired to door operator controls. Aluminum Finishes Comply with NAAMM Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products for recommendations for applying and designing finishes. Finish designations prefixed by AA comply with system established by Aluminum Association for designing finishes. Class II, Clear Anodic Finish: AA-M10C22A31 Mechanical Finish: as fabricated; Chemical Finish: etched, medium matte; Anodic Coating: Architectural Class II, clear coating 0.40 mils minimum complying with AAMA 611-98, and the following: 12. AAMA 607.1 Applicator must be fully compliant with all applicable environmental regulations and permits, including wastewater and heavy metal discharge. F. Overhead Stops: Provide a Surface mounted or concealed overhead when a floor or wall stop cannot be used or when listed in the hardware set. 1. Concealed overhead stops shall be heavy duty bronze or stainless steel. 2. Surface overhead stops shall be heavy duty bronze or stainless steel. Door Stops: Provide a dome floor or wall stop for every opening as listed in the hardware sets. 3. Wall stop and floor stop shall be wrought bronze, brass or stainless steel. 4. Provide fastener suitable for wall construction. 5. Coordinate reinforcement of walls where wall stop is specified. 6. Provide dome stops where wall stops are not practical. Provide spacers or carpet riser for floor conditions encountered 7. May 7, 2014 Page 8 of 14 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 G. Push Plates: Provide with four beveled edges ANSI J301, .050 thickness, size as indicated in hardware set. Furnish oval-head countersunk screws to match finish. H. Pulls with plates: Provide with four beveled edges ANSI J301, .050 thickness Plate s with ANSI J401 Pull as listed in hardware set. Provide proper fasteners for door construction. I. Push Pull Bars: Provide ANSI J504, .1” Dia. Pull and push bar model and series as listed in hardware set. Provide proper fasteners for door construction. J. Kickplates: Provide with four beveled edges ANSI J102, 8 inches high by width less 2 inches on single doors and 1 inch on pairs of doors. Furnish oval-head countersunk screws to match finish. K. Door Bolts: Flush bolts for wood or metal doors. 1. 2. 3. 4. L. Provide a set of Automatic bolts ANSI/BHMA 156.3 Type 25 for hollow metal label doors. Provide a set of Automatic bolts ANSI/BHMA 156.3 Type 27 at wood label doors. Manual flush bolts ANSI/BHMA 156.16 at openings where allowed local authority. Provide Dust Proof Strike ANSI/BHMA 156.16 at doors with flush bolts without thresholds. Coordinator and Brackets: Provide a surface mounted coordinator when automatic bolts are used in the hardware set. 1. 2. 3. Coordinator shall comply with ANSI/BHMA A1156.3 Type 21A full width of the opening. Provide mounting brackets for soffit applied hardware. Provide hardware preparation (cutouts) for latches as necessary. M. Power Supply: Field Selectable 12VDC or 24VDC output. The power supply will specifically designed to support electric locks and access controls. The power supply uses 115 VAC at 800mA input. The power shall be able to be expanded to four station controls. The filtered and regulated output power is field selectable for 12 or 24 VDC. 1. Fire Alarm/Life Safety emergency release included in power supply. 2. Available options for multiple door options four or more control stations, Adjustable Time delay relay, Battery charging, Battery Back up. N. Electric Door Strike: ANSI/BHMA 156.31, Grade 1. and listed for Burglary Protection ANSI/ UL1034 Grade 1. 1. For General use provide fail-secure electric strike and with fire-rated device. 2. Listed UL-C10C-1997 Fire Door assemblies 3. Latchbolt monitor switch option when specified in hardware sets. 4. Provide the electric strike in the appropriate model that will accept a 5/8” or 3/4" latchbolt. 5. Supply as specified O. Door Position Switch: Provide door position switch for door status monitoring as indicated in hardware sets. 1. At all fired rated doors the door and frame hardware preparation will be provided by the door and frame manufacturer or by an authorized label service agent. P. Seals: All seals shall be finished to match adjacent frame color. Seals shall be furnished as listed in schedule. Material shall be UL listed for labeled openings. May 7, 2014 Page 9 of 14 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 Q. Weatherstripping: Provide at head and jambs only those units where resilient or flexible seal strip is easily replaceable. Where bar-type weatherstrip is used with parallel arm mounted closers install weatherstrip first. 1. Weatherstrip shall be resilient seal of (Neoprene, Polyurethane, Vinyl, Pile, Nylon Brush, Silicone) 2. UL10C Positive Pressure rated seal set when required. R. Door Bottoms/Sweeps: Surface mounted or concealed door bottom where listed in the hardware sets. 1. Door seal shall be resilient seal of (Neoprene, Polyurethane, Nylon Brush, Silicone) 2. UL10C Positive Pressure rated seal set when required. S. Thresholds: Thresholds shall be aluminum beveled type with maximum height of ½” for conformance with ADA requirements. Furnish as specified and per details. Provide fasteners and screws suitable for floor conditions. T. Silencers: Furnish silencers on all interior frames, 3 for single doors, 2 for pairs. Omit where any type of seals occur. 2.3 FINISH: A. Designations used in Schedule of Finish Hardware - 3.5, and elsewhere to indicate hardware finishes are those listed in ANSI/BHMA A156.18 including coordination with traditional U.S. finishes shown by certain manufacturers for their products B. Powder coat door closers to match other hardware, unless otherwise noted. C. Aluminum items shall be finished to match predominant adjacent material. Seals to coordinate with frame color. 2.4 KEYS AND KEYING: A. Provide keyed brass construction cores and keys during the construction period for all lockable exterior doors. Construction control and operating keys and core shall not be part of the Owner's permanent keying system or furnished in the same keyway (or key section) as the Owner's permanent keying system. Permanent cores and keys (prepared according to the accepted keying schedule) will be furnished to the Owner. B. Cylinders, removable and interchangeable core keyed to a existing Best Masterkey System. C. Permanent keys and cores: Stamped with the applicable key mark for identification. These visual key control marks or codes will not include the actual key cuts. Permanent keys will also be stamped "Do Not Duplicate." D. Transmit Grand Masterkeys, Masterkeys and other Security keys to Owner by Registered Mail, return receipt requested. E. Furnish keys in the following quantities: 1. 2. 3. May 7, 2014 1 each Grand Masterkeys 4 each Masterkeys 2 each Change keys each keyed core Page 10 of 14 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 4. 5. DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 15 each Construction masterkeys 1 each Control keys F. The Owner, or the Owner's agent, will install permanent cores and return the construction cores to the Hardware Supplier. Construction cores and keys remain the property of the Hardware Supplier. G. Keying Schedule: Arrange for a keying meeting, and programming meeting with Architect Owner and hardware supplier, and other involved parties to ensure locksets and locking hardware, are functionally correct and keying and programming complies with project requirements. Furnish 3 typed copies of keying and programming schedule to Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verification of conditions: Examine doors, frames, related items and conditions under which Work is to be performed and identify conditions detrimental to proper and or timely completion. 1. 3.2 Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. HARDWARE LOCATIONS: A. 3.3 Mount hardware units at heights indicated in the following publications except as specifically indicated or required to comply with the governing regulations. 1. Recommended Locations for Builder’s Hardware for Standard Steel Doors and Frames, by the Door and Hardware Institute (DHI). 2. Recommended locations for Architectural Hardware for flush wood doors (DHI). 3. WDMA Industry Standard I.S.-1A-04, Industry Standard for Architectural wood flush doors. INSTALLATION: A. Install each hardware item per manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Do not install surface mounted items until finishes have been completed on the substrate. Set units level, plumb and true to line and location. Adjust and reinforce the attachment substrate as necessary for proper installation and operation. B. Conform to local governing agency security ordinance. C. Install Conforming to ICC/ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Building and Facilities. 1. D. Adjust door closer sweep periods so that from the open position of 70 degrees, the door will take at least 3 seconds to move to a point 3 inches from the latch, measured to the landing side of the door. Installed hardware using the manufacturers fasteners provided. Drill and tap all screw holes located in metallic materials. Do not use “Riv-Nuts” or similar products. May 7, 2014 Page 11 of 14 DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL AND FINAL ADJUSTMENT A. Contractor/Installers, Field Services: After installation is complete, contractor shall inspect the completed door openings on site to verify installation of hardware is complete and properly adjusted, in accordance with both the Contract Documents and final shop drawings. 1. Check and adjust closers to ensure proper operation. 2. Check latchset, lockset, and exit devices are properly installed and adjusted to ensure proper operation. a. b. 3. 3.5 Verify levers are free from binding. Ensure latchbolts and dead bolts are engaged into strike and hardware is functioning. Report findings, in writing, to architect indicating that all hardware is installed and functioning properly. Include recommendations outlining corrective actions for improperly functioning hardware if required. SCHEDULE OF FINISH HARDWARE: Manufacturer List Code AD BE BEST BY BYOW CKN HA PR RC RX SD SE SMHM TR Name Adams Rite Best Access Systems BEST By Others By Owner K.N. Crowder Hager Precision RCI Rixson Stanley Door Closers Securitron Standard Metal Hardware Trimco Hardware Sets SET #1 3 Hinges 1 Storeroom Lockset May 7, 2014 CB191 4 1/2 X 4 NRP 9K3-7D14C STD US32D 626 Page 12 of 14 ST BE DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Electric Strike Door Closer Kick Plate Weatherstrip Door Sweep Threshold Drip Cap Door Position Switch Motion Sensor Power Supply Card Reader ES4 S A-S CLD-4551 CS K10A .50 X 200 X 50 LDW W-20N 1 X 36", 2 X 84" W-24S 36" CT-10 36" W-3 36” MC-4 Motion Sensor RTE by Security Contractor Power Supply by Security Contractor Card Reader by Security Contractor 628 689 32D CA CA AL AL BE SD SMHM CKN CKN CKN CKN 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hinges Storeroom Lockset Door Closer Drop Plate Weatherstrip Door Sweep Threshold Door Position Switch CB191 4 1/2 X 4 NRP 9K3-7D14C STD CLD-4551 CS P45-180D W-20N 1 X 36", 2 X 84" W-24S 36" CT-10 36" MC-4 US32D 626 689 689 CA CA AL ST BE SD SD CKN CKN CKN MSS-1G BLK SE US32D 626 628 689 32D CA CA AL ST BE BE SD SMHM CKN CKN CKN BY BY BYOW SET #2 SET #3 1 Door Position Switch Note: Speed motorized rubber door system. Balance of hardware by door supplier. SET #4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hinges Storeroom Lockset Electric Strike Door Closer Kick Plate Weatherstrip Door Sweep Threshold Door Position Switch Motion Sensor Power Supply Card Reader CB191 4 1/2 X 4 NRP 9K3-7D14C STD ES4 S A-S CLD-4551 CS K10A .50 X 200 X 50 LDW W-20N 1 X 36", 2 X 84" W-24S 36" CT-10 36" MC-4 Motion Sensor RTE by Security Contractor Power Supply by Security Contractor Card Reader by Security Contractor BY BY BYOW Opening List Opening 801A 801B 801C May 7, 2014 Hdw Set 1 1 1 Opening Label Page 13 of 14 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 801D 802 900A 900B 900C 901A 901B 902 905 906 DOOR HARDWARE SECTION 08710 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 4 4 THE END May 7, 2014 Page 14 of 14 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GLASS AND GLAZING Section 08800 Page 1 of 3 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide glass and glazing for: .1 Overhead Door .2 .3 Section includes but is not limited to the provision of: .1 Glass .2 Glazing Films .3 Glazing sealants, gaskets, tapes, and backing materials .4 Miscellaneous glazing materials necessary to complete the work of this section RELATED SECTIONS .1 Sectional Overhead door Section 08360 .4 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 ANSI/ASTM E330-90; Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. .2 ASTM C509-01; Standard Specification for Elastomeric Cellular Gasket and Sealing Material. .3 ASTM C542-94(1999); Specification for Lock-Strip Gaskets. .4 ASTM C864-99; Specification for Dense Elastomeric Compression Seal Gaskets, Setting Blocks, and Spacers. .5 ASTM C920-01; Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants. .6 ASTM C1115-00; Specification for Dense Elastomeric Silicone Rubber Gaskets and Accessories. .7 ASTM C1311-95; Specification for Solvent Release Sealants. .8 ASTM D790-91; Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials. .9 ASTM D2240-91; Test Method for Rubber Property - Durometer Hardness. .10 ASTM E84-91a; Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. .11 ASTM F1233-92; Test Method for Security Glazing Materials and Systems. .12 CAN/CGSB-12.3-M91; Flat, Clear Float Glass. .13 CAN/CGSB-12.6-M91; Transparent (One-Way) Mirrors. .14 CAN/CGSB-12.8-M90; Insulating Glass Units. .15 CAN/CGSB-12.9-M91; Spandrel Glass. .16 CAN/CGSB-12.11-M90; Wired Safety Glass. .17 CAN/CGSB-12.20-M89; Structural Design of Glass for Buildings. .18 Laminators Safety Glass Association Standards Manual. .5 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT .1 Provide continuity of building enclosure vapour and air barrier using glass and glazing material as follows: .1 Utilize inner light of multiple light sealed units for continuity of air and vapour seal. .2 Size glass to withstand wind loads, dead loads and positive and negative live Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 GLASS AND GLAZING Section 08800 Page 2 of 3 loads acting normal to plane of glass to a design pressure measured in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and CAN/CGSB-12.20. .6 .3 Limit glass deflection to flexural limit of glass with full recovery of glazing materials. .4 Provide thermal stress analysis for all single glazed lites and all sealed glass units. Make recommendations for additional heat treatment, thickness change, or other required modifications prior to ordering of materials or manufacture of sealed glass units. .5 All glazing in window and/or door systems are to meet all requirements of Parts 3 and 4 of the Ontario Building Code for the building design SAMPLES .1 Submit 300mm x 300mm samples of all tinted, coated, and surface treated glass. .2 .7 Colour to be selected by Consultant. QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Applicator Qualifications .1 Work of this section shall be performed by applicators having a minimum of 5 years documented experience in the installation of commercial glass and glazing. Submit proof of experience to Consultant. .2 .8 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS .1 Install glazing when ambient temperature is 10°C minimum. Maintain ventilated environment for 24 hours after application. .2 .9 .10 2 Installation .1 Work shall be performed in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions, and in accordance with all warranty requirements. Maintain minimum ambient temperature before, during and 24 hours after installation of glazing compounds. MAINTENANCE DATA .1 Provide maintenance data including cleaning instructions incorporation into Operations and Maintenance manual. for EXTENDED WARRANTY .1 Provide sealed glass unit manufacturer's warranty certificate stating that the factory-sealed insulating glass units specified under this section are guaranteed against failure of seal of enclosed air space and deposits on inner faces of glass detrimental to vision, for a period of ten (10) years from the Date of Substantial Performance. PRODUCTS .1 FLAT GLASS Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 GLASS AND GLAZING Section 08800 Page 3 of 3 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .1 Type 1: Sealed Insulating Glass Units .1 Insulating glass units: to CAN/CGSB-12.8, double unit, 25mm overall thickness. .2 Glass: to CAN/CGSB-12.1 and CAN/CGSB-12.3. .1 Glass thickness: 6mm each light. .2 Inter-cavity space thickness: 13mm. .3 Inner Lite – Type 2A glass; Outer Lite – Type 3 glass. . .3 GLAZING MATERIALS .1 Setting Blocks: EPDM or Neoprene, 80 – 90 (Shore A) durometer hardness to ASTM D2240, to suit glazing method, glass weight, and area. .2 .5 SEALED GLASS UNIT FABRICATION .1 Fabricate sealed glass units through the Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association of Canada Certification Program to CAN/CGSB 12.8. Sealed units shall bear IGMAC Certified Products List number and be properly identified. .2 3 Spacer Shims: EPDM or Neoprene, 50 – 60 (Shore A) durometer hardness to ASTM D2240, 75mm long x one half height of glazing stop x thickness to suit Perimeter Seal shall consist of three components; an extruded EPDM (warm edge) spacer manufactured in continuous lengths, formed to window configuration, a primary polyisobutylene seal between spacer and glass sheets, and a secondary two-part silicone or polysulfide perimeter seal. EXECUTION .1 EXAMINATION .1 Verify that openings for glazing are correctly sized and within tolerance. .3 Sectional Overhead Door – .1 Provide to be integral with Sectional Overhead Door System . .6 CLEANING & PROTECTION .1 During installation, remove all corrosive or foreign materials or droppings resulting from work of this trade. .2 Provide instructions for the proper method and materials to be used in the cleaning and maintenance of finished surfaces. Remove all remaining labels and protective films at time of final cleaning. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 2 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM SOFFIT EAVESTROUGH AND FASCIA Section 08950 Page 1 of 3 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide prefinished aluminum soffits, soffit ventilation, eavestroughs. .3 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 Aluminum Standards Fourth Edition 1984, The Aluminum Association .1 ASTM A792-M85a Specification for Steel Sheet, Aluminum-Zinc AlloyCoated by the Hot-Dip Process. .4 ASTM D523-85 Test Method for Specular Gloss. .5 ASTM D822-86 Recommended Practice for Operating Light -and water Exposure Apparatus (Carbon-Arc Type) for Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and related Products. .6 CSA B111-1974 Wire Nails, Spikes and Staples. .7 Canadian Roofing Contractors Association. .4 SAMPLES .1 Submit duplicate 50x50mm samples of each type of aluminum material, .2 Supply 1’(305mm) section of each type of linear material to be used for evaluation of colour & profile. .5 DELIVERY, STORAGE & HANDLING .1 Products are to remain in manufacturer’s shipping material (stamped with product & manufacturer ID) until ready for installation. .2 Products are to be stored in a clean, dry & secure area prior to installation. .3 Products are to be protected from impact/crushing damage. Do not crease material. PRODUCTS .1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS .1 The following are acceptable manufacturers: .1 Kaycan Ltd. .2 Emco Corporation Ltd. .3 Royal Building Products .4 Master flow .5 Buchner Manufacturing Inc. .2 .2 Contractor may propose alternative product & manufacturer for consultant’s evaluation and approval PRODUCT PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS .1 Aluminum perforated soffit panels shall have the linear vents as called for on architectural drawings. .2 Prefinished surface to be free of streaks, blistering and other imperfections. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM SOFFIT EAVESTROUGH AND FASCIA Section 08950 Page 2 of 3 .3 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM .1 Minimum 0.64mm (0.025”) thickness .4 HEAVY DUTY 6” EAVESTROUGH GUTTER SYSTEM. .1 Minimum 0.032 Guage thickness - colour as chosen by architect .2 Include all end caps, connections, mitres, collection boxes, gutter ties, roof brackets, hangers, downpipes, elbows, pipe clips, pipe straps, splash guards, outlets, and tile covers,. .5 ACCESSORIES .1 Fasteners to be aluminum or stainless steel nails, as recommended by manufacturer for specific application shall be used to install the roofing products. .2 Isolation Coating: alkali resistant bituminous paint. .3 Plastic Cement: to CGSB 37-GP-5Ma. .4 Sealants: in accordance with 07920. .5 Cleats: of same material, and temper as aluminum, minimum 50mm wide. Thickness same as aluminum being secured. .6 Washers: same material as sheet metal, 1mm thick with rubber packings. .7 Touch-up Paint: as recommended by prefinished material manufacturer. .8 Master Flow or equal linear continuous soffit vents. .6 FABRICATION .1 Fabricate aluminum flashings and other sheet aluminum work in accordance with Aluminum Association Aluminum Sheet Metal Work in Building Construction. .2 Form pieces in maximum practical lengths. Make allowance for expansion at joints. Provide slip flashing at expansion joint at parapet. .3 Hem exposed edges on underside 12mm. Mitre and seal corners with sealant. .4 Apply isolation coating to metal surfaces to be embedded in concrete or mortar. .7 CONTINUOUS ALUMINUM EAVESTROUGH .1 Each run of eavestrough is to be created from a singular aluminum piece, with joined connections only at changes in eave direction. EXECUTION .1 PREPARATION .1 Site confirm dimensions of area of installation .2 Any substrate flaws or defects must be repaired and free of obstructions before installation commences. .3 Commencement of installation implies acceptance of the substrate as suitable to accept new material. .2 INSTALLATION - SOFFITT .1 Review manufacturer’s installation recommendations and instructions prior to commencement. .2 Install aluminum work in accordance with CRCA FL series details and as detailed on the drawings. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM SOFFIT EAVESTROUGH AND FASCIA Section 08950 Page 3 of 3 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 Use concealed fastenings except where approved before installation. Provide underlay under aluminum. Secure in place and lap joints minimum 100mm. Counter-flash roof membrane flashings at intersections of roof with vertical surfaces. Flash joints using S-lock seams forming tight fit over hook strips as detailed. Lock end joints and caulk with sealant. Install continuous linear soffit vents as shown .3 INSTALLATION - HEAVY DUTY 6” EAVESTROUGH GUTTER SYSTEM. .1 Review manufacturer’s installation recommendations and instructions prior to commencement. .2 Install as per heavy duty installation requirements .3 Install brackets and standoffs as required for heavy duty installation .4 Install system as to tie to plumbing stacks at 18” above grade .4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .1 After accessories installation is complete, review products as installed for defects in material or workmanship. Replace and/or repair as necessary to make good installed system. .5 WARRANTY .1 Manufacturer shall provide 20 year transferrable warranty for installed systems END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GYPSUM BOARD SYSTEMS Section 09250 Page 1 of 6 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Conditions of CCDC-2-2008 and the General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide gypsum board systems including the following: .1 .3 .4 .5 .3 .4 Non load bearing steel stud framing Gypsum board Reinforced cement board Exterior Sheathing Board RELATED SECTIONS .1 Batt and Blanket Insulation .2 Rough Carpentry .3 Prefinished wood trusses .4 Sealants .5 Access Panels .6 Painting .7 Mechanical .8 Electrical Section 07213 Section 06192 Section 06100 Section 07900 Section 08310 Section 09900 Division 15 Division 16 REFERENCES .1 ASTM C79-97; Specification for Gypsum Sheathing Board. .2 ASTM C442-98; Specification for Gypsum Backing Board and Coreboard. .3 ASTM C473-00; Test Methods for Physical Testing of Gypsum Panel Products. .4 ASTM C475-94; Specification for Joint Compound and Joint Tape for Finishing gypsum Board. .5 ASTM C630/C630M-01; Specification for Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Board. .6 ASTM C645-98; Specification for Non-Load (Axial) Bearing Steel Studs, Runners (Track), and Rigid Furring Channels for Screw Application of Gypsum Board. .7 ASTM C840-98; Specification for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board. .8 ASTM C931/C931M-02; Specification for Exterior Gypsum Soffit Board. .9 ASTM C954-98; Specification for Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Board. .10 ASTM C1002-04; Specification for Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Panel Products or Metal Plaster Bases. .11 ASTM C1047-99; Specification for Accessories for Gypsum Wallboard and Gypsum Veneer Base. .12 ASTM C1177-96; Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing. .13 ASTM C1278/1278M-01; Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Gypsum Panels. .14 ASTM C1280-98; Specification for Application of Gypsum Board Sheathing. .15 ASTM C1395/C1395M-01; Specification for Gypsum Ceiling Board. .16 ASTM C1396/C1396M-02; Specification for Gypsum Board. .17 ASTM D3273-00; Test Method for Resistance to Mold Growth on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .24 .25 GYPSUM BOARD SYSTEMS Section 09250 Page 2 of 6 ASTM-E90-99; Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions. ASTM-E119-00a; Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. ANSI A118.9-1992; Test Methods and Specifications for Cementitious Backer Units. CAN/CGSB-51.34-M86; Vapour Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet for Use in Building Construction. CAN/CGSB-71.25-M88; Adhesive, for Bonding Drywall to Wood Framing and Metal Studs. CAN/ULC-S102-1988; Building Materials and Assemblies, Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of. CAN/ULC-S114; Determination of Non-combustibility of Building Materials. CAN/CSA-S136-M89; Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. .5 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Qualifications .1 Installers shall have a minimum of two years documented experience in the installation of steel studs, gypsum board, and other products specified herein, including taping and jointing. Submit documentation to Consultant. .6 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .1 Performance Requirements: Fabricate and install systems as indicated but not less than that required to comply with ASTM C754 under the following conditions: .1 Standard systems: Maximum deflection of l/240 of partition height. .2 Systems to receive water resistant gypsum board or backer board: Maximum deflection of l/360 of partition height. .2 .7 .8 Fire Resistance Ratings: Where fire resistance classifications are indicated, provide materials and application procedures identical to those listed by UL/ULC or tested according to ASTM-E119 for type of construction shown. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING .1 Deliver material to site promptly without undue exposure to weather. .2 Deliver in manufacturer's unopened containers or bundles, fully identified with name, brand, type and grade. .3 Store above ground in dry, ventilated space. .4 Protect materials from soiling, rusting, or damage. .5 Store board to be directly applied to masonry walls at 70°F for 24 hours prior to installation. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS .1 Maintain temperature minimum 50°F, maximum 70°F for 48 hours prior to and during application of gypsum boards and joint treatment, and for at least 48 hours after completion of joint treatment. .2 Apply board and joint treatment to dry, frost free surfaces. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 .9 2 GYPSUM BOARD SYSTEMS Section 09250 Page 3 of 6 Do not install drywall before building portion closed in to the satisfaction of the consultant. SEQUENCING .1 Co-ordinate installation of ceiling suspension systems with work of Divisions 15 and 16. Allow for completion of major items of work by mechanical and electrical trades prior to installation of ceiling grid systems. PRODUCTS .1 STEEL MATERIALS .1 Sheet Steel: Cold-rolled, commercial grade structural quality sheet steel (SS), to ASTM A924/A924M; Zinc-Coated (Hot Dip Galvanized) to ASTM A653/A653M; coating designation G90. .3 FURRING SYSTEMS .1 Metal furring runners, hangers, tie wires, inserts, anchors: to ASTM C645. .2 .5 Drywall Furring Channels: 25ga. core thickness hot-dip galvanized, steel channels for screw attachment of gypsum board. BOARD MATERIAL .1 Gypsum Board materials provided under this section shall conform to the following: .1 EcoLogo certified. .2 Recycled content: Contain minimum of 20% by weight of FGD gypsum and 5% by weight of recycled material in core. .2 Standard Board: to ASTM C36, regular 1/2" and 5/8” thick, 48" wide x maximum practical length, ends square cut, edges tapered. .3 Glass Mat Fire Rated Type X Exterior Sheathing Board: to ASTM C931, C1177, and C1278; standard 5/8" thick, 48" wide x maximum practical length; .1 .6 GlasRoc™ Fire Rated Type x 5/8” Exterior Sheathing by CertainTeed Gypsum Canada Inc. or approved equal. ACCESSORIES .1 Screws .1 Self-tapping, corrosion-resistant, screws and plates, Deklite by DeckFast, or equivalent. .2 Non-tapeable J-trims are unacceptable for all applications. .3 Acoustical sealant: to Section 07900. .4 Firestop and Smoke sealant: to Section 07840. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 GYPSUM BOARD SYSTEMS Section 09250 Page 4 of 6 .5 Insulating strip: rubberized moisture resistant, 1/8" thick, closed cell neoprene strip, 1/2" wide, with self sticking permanent adhesive on one face; lengths as required. .6 Joint Tape: Paper tape, nominal 2" wide. .7 Joint Compounds: to ASTM C475, dry powder for mixing with water, or readymix compounds; .1 Standard Interior Use Joint Compound .1 DensArmor™ Sandable Joint Compound, by Georgia-Pacific. .2 FibaTape Mold-X-10” Mould Resistant Drywall Tape with M2Tech, by CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc. .3 Sheetrock Setting-Type Joint Compound, by CGC Canada Inc. .13 Water: potable. EXECUTION .1 GENERAL .1 Perform work in accordance with ASTM C840 except where specified otherwise. .3 .5 FURRING INSTALLATION .1 Frame with furring channels, perimeter of openings for access panels, light fixtures, diffusers, grilles. .2 Furr for gypsum board faced vertical bulkheads within or at termination of ceilings. .3 Install wall furring for gypsum board wall finishes where indicated. .4 Furr openings and around built-in equipment, cabinets, access panels, on four sides. Extend furring into reveals. Check clearances with equipment suppliers. .5 Furr, beams, columns, pipes and exposed services except where noted. BOARD APPLICATION .1 Do not apply gypsum board until bucks, anchors, blocking, electrical and mechanical work are approved. .2 install Sheet Vapour Barrier per Section 07190. .3 Apply Fire-rated type X glass mat exterior gypsum sheathing board in single layer, to load bearing studs and underside of Prefabricated wood trusses where noted, using pan-head screw fasteners. Maximum spacing of screws 12" o.c. .4 Apply single layer 5/8” gypsum board to Prefabricated wood Trusses in Scale Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 GYPSUM BOARD SYSTEMS Section 09250 Page 5 of 6 Control Room and Electrical Room B using screw fasteners. Maximum spacing of screws 12" o.c. .5 .6 .7 Apply single layer 1/2” gypsum board to sides of Prefabricated wood Trusses and associated wood framing for the attic compartmentalization in the salt brine building. Maximum spacing of screws 12" o.c. INSTALLATION OF ACCESSORIES .1 Erect accessories straight, plumb or level, rigid and at proper plane. Use full length pieces where practical. Make joints tight, accurately aligned and rigidly secured. Mitre and fit corners accurately, free from rough edges. Secure with screws at 6" o.c., or using contact adhesive for full length. .2 Install casing beads where gypsum board butts against surfaces having no trim concealing junction and where indicated. Seal joints with sealant. .3 Install insulating strips continuously at edges of gypsum board and casing beads abutting metal window and exterior door frames, to provide thermal break. .4 Construct control joints set in gypsum board facing and supported independently on both sides of joint in accordance with manufacturer’s standard details for non-fire rated walls, and Gypsum Association GA 234 for fire rated walls. .5 Provide continuous polyethylene dust barrier behind and across control joints. .6 Locate control joints at approximately 33' spacing on walls, and at approximately 50' on ceilings. .7 Install control joints straight and true. .8 Construct expansion joints as detailed, at building expansion and construction joints. Provide continuous dust barrier. .9 Install expansion joint straight and true. .10 Install access doors to electrical and mechanical equipment where specified in Divisions 15 and 16. .11 Rigidly secure frames to furring or framing systems. TAPING AND JOINTING .1 Provide levels of gypsum board finish for locations as follows, in accordance with Gypsum Association GA 214, Recommended Specification: Levels of Gypsum Board Finish. .1 Level 1: Ceiling plenum and concealed areas, except provide higher level of finish as required to comply with fire resistance ratings and acoustical ratings. . Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 GYPSUM BOARD SYSTEMS Section 09250 Page 6 of 6 Interior Gypsum Board Ceilings in Brine Control Room/ Electrical Room B .1 Pre-fill .1 Use setting-type joint compound. Mix joint compound according to manufacturer's directions. .2 Fill joints between boards flush to top of eased or beveled edge. .3 Fill joints of gypsum board above suspended ceilings in firerated partitions. .4 Wipe off excess compound and allow compound to harden. .2 Taping (Level 1) .1 Butter taping compound into inside corners and joints. .2 Center tape over joints and press down into fresh compound. .3 Remove excess compound. .4 Tape joints of gypsum board above suspended ceilings. . .3 Fill screw head depressions with joint and taping compounds to bring flush with adjacent surface of gypsum board so as to be invisible after surface finish is completed. .4 Sand lightly to remove burred edges and other imperfections. Avoid sanding adjacent surface of board. .5 Completed installation to be smooth, level or plumb, free from waves and other defects and ready for surface finish. 3 Interior Gypsum Board in Salt Brine Main Building .1 None .4 Interior Gypsum Board Attic Compartmentalization in Salt Brine Building .1 Pre-fill .1 Use setting-type joint compound. Mix joint compound according to manufacturer's directions. .2 Fill joints between boards flush to top of eased or beveled edge. .3 Fill joints of gypsum board above suspended ceilings in firerated partitions. .4 Wipe off excess compound and allow compound to harden. .2 Taping (Level 1) .1 Butter taping compound into inside corners and joints. .2 Center tape over joints and press down into fresh compound. .3 Remove excess compound. .4 Tape joints of gypsum board above suspended ceilings. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 PAINTING Section 09900 Page 1 of 8 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 .3 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to cover with paint the surfaces of the building or structure, and the building services and accessories not otherwise protected or covered, to the full intent of the drawings and specifications. .2 Surface preparation of substrates to receive painting and finishing is not included in this section of work, except for specific pretreatments specified herein, or in the Canadian Painting Contractors' Architectural (CPCA) Painting Specification Manual. .3 This section of work shall include the painting and finishing of all exposed surfaces of the following substrates: .1 All Exterior .1 Steel (Galvanized) .2 All Interior .1 Steel (Galvanized) .2 Concrete floors .3 Concrete walls of salt brine building .4 Gypsum Board RELATED SECTIONS .1 Cast in Place Concrete .2 Structural Steel .3 Steel Joists .4 Steel Deck .4 Metal Fabrications .5 Metal Stairs .2 Guards and Railings .7 Steel Doors and Frames .8 Access Panels .9 Gypsum Board Systems .10 Polyurethane Coating .11 Mechanical .12 Electrical Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. Section 03300 Section 05120 Section 05210 Section 05311 Section 05500 Section 05510 Section 05511 Section 08110 Section 08310 Section 09250 Section 09964 Division 15 Division 16 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 PAINTING Section 09900 Page 2 of 8 .4 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 CAN2-85.100-M81, National Standards of Canada, Painting. .2 Canadian Painting Contractors' Architectural (CPCA) Painting Specification Manual. .5 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT NOT TO BE PAINTED .1 Surfaces not to be painted shall be left completely free of droppings, overspray, or accidentally applied materials resulting from the work of this Section. .2 .6 Items not to be painted include concealed structural elements, and equipment furnished with complete factory-applied, coloured paints and finish systems. COOPERATION WITH OTHER TRADES .1 Schedule and coordinate this work with other trades and do not proceed until other work and/or job conditions are as required to achieve satisfactory results. .2 Examine all specification sections for materials and products, and become thoroughly familiar with all provisions regarding painting. .7 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Material Manufacturers .1 All paint and finish products shall be those listed in the CPCA manual, latest edition unless otherwise specified or listed herein. .2 Applicators .1 The painting subcontractor shall have a minimum of five (5) years documented experience in commercial painting and finishing, and shall maintain a qualified crew of size necessary to fully satisfy the requirements of this section. .8 COMPLETION SCHEDULE .1 Furnish the Consultant with a schedule showing expected completion of the respective coats of paint for the various areas and surfaces. Keep this schedule current as the job progresses. .9 COLOUR AND GLOSS SCHEDULE .1 A colour and gloss schedule will be prepared as the job progresses by the Consultant. The final selection of colours, glosses and surface textures of all finishes throughout shall rest solely with the Consultant. .10 SUBMITTALS .1 Product Codes .1 Submit a complete list of product codes from the manufacturer(s) proposed for use on this project, for all products listed in finish systems specified herein. .2 Samples .3 Submit samples of all finishes specified herein .2 Submit duplicate 8" x 12" sample panels of each type of paint and finish application for approval by the Consultant. .3 Where manufacturer of paint differs from that listed in the colour schedule, Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 PAINTING Section 09900 Page 3 of 8 employ spectrograph technology to ensure accurate colour match. Selection of the "next nearest colour" by another manufacturer will not be acceptable. .11 .12 .4 Use birch plywood for wood finishes, gypsum board for paint finishes over smooth surfaces. .5 Finished work to match approved samples. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING .1 Paint and finish materials shall be delivered to the site in sealed original labeled containers bearing manufacturer's name, type of paint, brand name, colour designation and instructions for mixing and/or reducing. .2 Store materials in a heated, dry, well-ventilated, indoor place having a minimum ambient temperature of 45°F. .3 Keep waste rags in metal drums and remove all rags, waste and trash from the building at the end of each working shift. .4 Provide CO2 fire extinguisher of minimum 20 lb capacity in storage area. .5 Ensure that health and fire regulations are complied with in storage area. GENERAL COLOUR REQUIREMENTS .1 Refer to the Finish Schedule for type and extent of finishes, and to the Colour Schedule for individual colour and sheen selections. .2 Where manufacturer of paint differs from that listed in the colour schedule, employ spectrograph technology to ensure accurate colour match. Selection of the "next nearest colour" by another manufacturer will not be acceptable. .3 The following, generally, will be painted colour, and sheen to match adjacent surfaces .1 .2 .4 Access doors Exposed piping, conduit and ductwork Except noted in 12.5 below, the following major items, generally, will be painted the same colour throughout the Work, but different colours from each other: .1 Exterior .1 Doors .2 Door frames .2 Bollards .3 Railings and ladders .2 Interior .1 Doors .2 Door frames .3 Ceilings Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 .4 .5 .6 .7 .5 .13 PAINTING Section 09900 Page 4 of 8 Walls Railings and balustrades Exposed structural members Bulkheads Bollards This subcontractor shall base their bid price on: .1 2 different colour schemes for the painting of walls. .2 2 different colour schemes for the painting of doors and frames. .3 Colour schemes shall allow for the use of 2 deep base colours. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS .1 Temperatures: No painting shall be performed when substrate or ambient air temperatures are below 41°F. Minimum allowable temperatures for application of Latex paints are 45°F (interior work) and 50°F (exterior work). .2 Relative humidity: shall not exceed 85%. .3 Moisture content of substrates: Masonry and concrete materials shall be allowed to cure for a minimum of 28 days before application of paints. Substrates shall be measured by electronic moisture meter, to the following maximums: .1 Gypsum board: 12%. .2 Masonry, concrete/concrete block: 12% for solvent based paints. .3 Wood: 15%. .4 Lighting: Painting shall not proceed unless a minimum of 15 cd/ft lighting is provided on the surfaces to be painted. .5 Ventilation: All areas where painting is proceeding require adequate continuous ventilation and sufficient heating facilities to maintain temperatures above 45°F for 24 hours before during and after paint application. 2 .14 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS .1 Supply Owner with one clearly identified, new and unopened gallon of each colour and type of paint, stain and varnish used for this work, in accordance with Section 01780. .2 .15 All colour mixing codes must be clearly labeled, and colour numbers (P1, P2, etc.) must be marked on the container. EXTENDED WARRANTY .1 Provide upon completion of the work, a Warranty Certificate in the name of the Owner, stating that the work of this section was performed in accordance with these specifications and the CPCA manual (latest edition), and is warranted against defects in material or installation, for a period of two (2) years from Date of Substantial Performance. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 2 PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Primer, paint, epoxy, varnish, stain, enamel, lacquer, fillers etc stated herein shall be from the same manufacturer unless approved by Architect. .2 .2 .3 3 PAINTING Section 09900 Page 5 of 8 Paint materials such as linseed oil, shellac, turpentine, and any materials not specified herein but required for first class work with the finish specified shall be the highest quality product of an approved manufacturer. All materials shall be compatible with finish paint or coating materials. MIXING .1 Paints shall be ready-mixed unless otherwise specified, except that any coating in paste or powder form, or to field-catalyzed shall be field-mixed in accordance with the directions of its manufacturer. Pigments shall be fully ground and shall maintain a soft paste consistency in the vehicle during storage that can and shall be dispersed readily and uniformly by paddle to a complete homogeneous mixture. .2 The paint shall have good flow and brush properties and shall dry or cure free of sags or runs to yield the desired finish specified. .3 Products specified herein shall conform to requirements for low VOC content. GLOSS LEVELS .1 Gloss Level Category Units @60 degrees & Units @85 degrees. .1 Level 1 - (Flat): >0-5 & max. 10. .2 Level 2 – (Velvet): 0-10 & 10-30. .3 Level 3 – (Eggshell): 10-25 & 10-30. .4 Level 4 – (Satin): 20-35 & min. 30. .5 Level 5 – (Semi-Gloss): 35-70. .6 Level 6 – (Gloss): >70. EXECUTION .1 INSPECTION OF SURFACES .1 Examine surfaces to receive paint finishes for defects which cannot be corrected by procedures specified herein, and which may result in unsatisfactory paint finishes. Report items to Consultant and Contractor in writing, prior to commencement of work of this section, or after initial prime coat shows defects in substrate. .2 .2 The application of subsequent prime and finish coats shall be construed as acceptance of the surfaces, and thereafter this subcontractor shall be fully responsible for satisfactory work as required herein. PREPARATION OF SURFACES Refer to the CPCA manual Chapter 3 for surface preparations not specified in thi.1 Refer to the CPCA manual Chapter 3 for surface preparations not specified in this section. .1 .3 PROTECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 PAINTING Section 09900 Page 6 of 8 .1 Protect all adjacent surfaces from paint and damage resulting from the work of this section, and make good any damage caused by failure to provide such protection. .2 Mask all adjacent finishes and surfaces with masking tape as required. Remove tape promptly after final finish coat has been applied and allowed to dry. .3 Furnish sufficient drop cloths, shields and protective equipment to prevent spray or dropping from fouling surfaces not being painted or where painting has been completed. .4 Cotton waste, cloths and material, which may constitute a fire hazard, shall be placed in closed metal containers and removed daily from the site. .5 Remove and protect, prior to painting operations, all hardware, accessories, device plates, lighting fixtures, factory finished work, and similar items, or provide ample in-place protection such as masking tape. If removed, these items shall be labeled, stored, cleaned if necessary and re-installed following successful completion of the work in each area. Solvents detrimental to lacquer finishes are not to be used for cleaning these items. APPLICATION .1 Apply paints and coatings by currently accepted trade methods. .2 Painting coats specified are intended to cover surfaces satisfactorily when applied in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Where proper coverage has not been attained, the Consultant may ask for additional coats as required, at no additional cost. .3 Apply each coat at the proper consistency. Sand lightly between coats. .4 Tint primers to same colour range as finish coats. .5 Do not apply finishes on surfaces that are not sufficiently dry. Each coat of finish should be dry and hard before a following coat is applied unless specified otherwise by the manufacturer. .8 Spraying of paint will not be allowed, unless specified herein, or approved by the Consultant. .9 Where spray painting is specified, finish 100ft2 by spraying a sample of the finish upon the request of the Consultant, using materials specified. .10 Provide complete coverage and hide. When colour, stain, dirt or undercoats show through final coat of paint, provide additional coats until the paint film is of uniform finish, colour, appearance and coverage, at no additional cost to the Owner. .11 Allow all coats to dry to manufacturer's recommendations before applying succeeding coats. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .5 .12 Touch up all suction spots or "hot spots" in concrete after the application of the first coat, before applying the second coat. .14 Barricade areas where finishing is in progress to prevent traffic or other activities, and otherwise protect work until dry. Post "Wet Paint" signs and remove when no longer required. .15 Replace at the expense of this section, materials soiled or damaged by finishing materials which cannot be removed. PAINTING AND FINISHING OF EXISTING MATERIALS AND SURFACES .1 Provide proper masking and protection; or remove, label and store, prior to painting of existing materials and surfaces the following items: .1 Door hardware signage and accessories, .2 Device plates, .3 Lighting fixtures, .4 Factory finished work, .5 Signage where removable. .2 .6 PAINTING Section 09900 Page 7 of 8 Clean such items if deemed necessary by the Consultant, before being reinstalled following successful completion of the work in each area. Solvents detrimental to lacquer finishes are not to be used for cleaning these items. CLEAN-UP .1 Upon completion of the work, remove all paint and varnish spots from floors, glass and other surfaces. Remove from the premises all rubbish and accumulated materials of whatever nature, not caused by others, and leave this work in clean, orderly and acceptable conditions. PAINTING AND FINISHING SCHEDULE .1 The following titles and code numbers refer to Chapter 4 of the CPCA Manual, unless otherwise indicated for type of coating, grade, named products and their manufacturers. .2 EXTERIOR PAINTING & FINISHING OF NEW MATERIALS .1 Metal Finishing Systems .1 Galvanized Metal (Structural Steel, Steel Joists, Steel Deck, Metal Fabrications, Steel Doors and Frames, Metal Stairs, Guards and Railings, all other galvanized metals except fencing and gates);. .1 High Performance Polyurethane Finish and prime, refer to Section 09964. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 PAINTING Section 09900 Page 8 of 8 INTERIOR PAINTING & FINISHING OF NEW MATERIALS .1 Structural Steel/ Miscellaneous Metal/ Steel Deck/ Steel Joist .1 Galvanized Metal (Structural Steel, Steel Joists, Steel Deck, Metal Fabrications, Steel Doors and Frames, Metal Stairs, Guards and Railings, all other galvanized metals except fencing and gates);. .1 High Performance Polyurethane Finish and prime, refer to Section 09964. .2 Exposed Concrete Floors .1 See specification section 03350. .3 Exposed Concrete Walls in salt/ brine building .1 See specification section 07180.(traffic topping) .4 Exposed Drywall .1 1 coat prime. .2 2 coats finish paint END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 POLYURETHANE COATING Section 09964 Page 1 of 3 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide high performance polyurethane coating for exterior steel. .3 RELATED SECTIONS .1 Structural Steel .2 Metal Fabrications .3 Painting Section 05120 Section 05500 Section 09900 .4 REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 ASTM D2697-86(1998); Test Method for Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Pigmented Coatings. .5 SUBMITTALS .1 Product Data .1 Submit product data in accordance with Section 01300. .2 Submit WHMIS MSDS-Material Safety Data Sheets in accordance with Section 01500. Indicate VOC content. .2 Samples .1 Submit duplicate 8" x 8" samples of each colour and finish applied to galvanized sheet steel, in accordance with Section 01300. .6 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Applicator .1 Applicator shall have a minimum of two (2) years documented experience in the application of high performance coatings, and shall be approved as such by the manufacturer. Documentation shall be submitted to the Consultant prior to commencement of work. .7 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE .1 Deliver products to the site in original, unopened containers with manufacturer's labels intact. Labels shall indicate product designation, lot numbers and colour. .2 .8 Store products in cool, dry, well ventilated area at 50 to 81°F, and away from any open flame, spark or other heat source. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS .1 Ambient air and surface temperature shall be 40 to 120°F at installation area for 24 hours prior to and 24 hours after application. .2 Substrate temperature must be minimum 5°F above dew point to prevent condensation. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .9 .10 2 .3 Applicators shall wear appropriate safety apparatus such as masks, gloves and protective eyewear and clothing. .4 Provide adequate ventilation during mixing, application and curing. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING .1 Site application of polyurethane coating shall not commence until final welding is completed. .2 For applications where site welding is not required, items to receive coating shall be shop-applied, spray finish. .3 For applications where site welding is required, items to receive coating shall be site-applied, brush finish. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS .1 Provide maintenance data for incorporation into Operations and Maintenance Manual. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS .1 Polyurethane Top Coating: Two component, fast drying, aliphatic acrylic polyurethane. Colours shall be custom colours as selected by the Consultant. .1 Acceptable Products .1 Amershield™/Amercoat 866M, by Amercoat Canada Inc. .2 Devthane™ 389H, by DeVoe Coatings (ICI Canada Inc.) . .3 Pitthane™ Ultra 95-8000 Series, by PPG Canada Inc. .4 Carbothane® 134HG, by Carboline Company. .2 .2 3 POLYURETHANE COATING Section 09964 Page 2 of 3 Epoxy Coating (Primer for Galvanized Steel): Two-component, chemicallycured zinc-rich epoxy coating; .1 Acceptable Products .1 Amercoat™68HS, by Amercoat Canada Inc. .2 Cathacoat 203HB, by DeVoe Coatings (ICI Canada Inc.) . .3 Aquapon® 97-670, by PPG Canada Inc. .4 Carbozinc® 8701, by Carboline Company. MIXING .1 Stir resin thoroughly and add cure to produce uniform mixture. Mixing ratio is 4 parts resin to 1 part cure by volume. EXECUTION .1 PROTECTION .1 Mask all adjacent surfaces against overspray and provide wind barriers when application is exterior. .2 SURFACE PREPARATION .1 Remove oil, grease or soap film with neutral detergent or emulsion cleaner. Pre-treat as recommended by coatings manufacturer. Abrasive blast all surfaces to SSPC–SP-7. .3 PRIMER .1 Primer Coat: Apply 1 coat epoxy coating to all steel / galvanized steel Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 POLYURETHANE COATING Section 09964 Page 3 of 3 surfaces by brush or spray application in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Use zinc-rich epoxy primer as specified under Intermediate Coating above. .4 .5 TOP COAT APPLICATION .1 General .1 Apply topcoat to all exterior steel / galvanized steel, in minimum 2 coats, in 2 directions to ensure full even application. .2 Apply coating to produce smooth surface, uniform in sheen, colour and texture, free from marks, dirt, particles, runs, crawls, curling, holes, air pockets and other defects. .3 Application of 8 mil wet film thickness, shall produce minimum 5 mil dry film thickness. .2 Brush-application .1 Where brush-applied, remove brush lines and drips in coating. .3 Spray-application .1 Apply coating using airless or electrostatic spray equipment. .2 Apply a wet coat in even, parallel passes, overlapping each pass 50%. If required, cross spray at right angles. CLEANING .1 Clean surfaces to coating manufacturer's printed instructions. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Conditions of CCDC-2-2008 and the General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Chain link type cantilever steel sliding gates with external Superior safety rollers. .2 .3 .4 .3 Gate operators, access controls and safety accessories RELATED SECTIONS .1 02831 Chain Link Fence .2 03310 Cast-in-Place Concrete .3 13700 Security Access and Surveillance .4 Division 16 Electrical REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 Underwriter’s Laboratories UL 325, “Standard for Safety: Door, Drapery, Gate, Louvre and Window Operators and Systems.” .2 2 CANTILEVER CHAIN LINK GATES Section 11151 Page 1 of 7 ASTM F2200-2, “Standard Specification for Automated Vehicular Gate Construction.” SUBMITTALS .1 Submit electronic shop drawings stamped by appropriate engineer. .2 Shop drawings of fences and gates with all dimensions, details, and finishes. Drawings must include post foundations. .3 Product Data: Manufacturer’s catalogue indicating materials and a letter certifying that all conditions of the specifications have been met. PRODUCTS .1 MANUFACTURER .1 Gate type shall be Fortress Cantilever Slide Gate as manufactured by Superior Door & Gate Systems Inc. Phone 905-828-7000 and Fax: 905-828-0089, or approved equal. .2 .2 Substitution of products from other manufacturers who possess at least 10 years documented industry experience in the manufacturing of external roller steel cantilever slide gates will be considered by the architect as equal if they meet all specifications for fabrication, design, size, and gauge of all component parts. .3 All requests for submittal of an approved equal must be made to and approved by the architect prior to he published scheduled bid date. CANTILEVER SLIDE GATE WITH EXTERNAL SAFETY ROLLERS .1 Gate Frame: Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 CANTILEVER CHAIN LINK GATES Section 11151 Page 2 of 7 .1 Materials to be in accordance with ASTM F 1083 Type II Class 1 steel pipe Grade A. .1 Gate frames to be welded at all corners. .2 External rollers shall be Superior Safety Rollers as per UL 325 and ASTM F 2200-02 .2 Construction: .1 Gates shall be left hand operation. .2 Base materials of gate frame shall be round tube. .3 Interior vertical or cross bracing shall be the same metal tubular material and finish as the gate frame, but need not be the same size. .4 Chain link type gate frames for cantilever sliding gates up to 18,200 mm (60 ft.) (2 3/8” round schedule 40 tubing. .5 Gate frame width shall be the width of the opening, plus an overhang or counterbalance panel of at least 50% of the width of the opening, plus an additional 400 mm (16”) to prevent metal to metal wear. .6 Welded joints shall be coated in accordance with ASTM F 900 employing a zinc-rich paint. .7 Gate frames to be hot-dipped zinc coated inside and out by using the most advanced galvanizing methods with an average of not less than 366 g/m2 Class I (1.2 oz PSF) of coated surface. .8 Gate posts and gate frames shall be in accordance with the following chart: Slide Gates GATE OPENING 6100 mm (20ft.) to 9150 mm (30 ft.) .3 GATE SUPPORT POSTS 115 mm (4 ½”) O.D. Round Schedule 40 Tubing GATE FRAME SIZE 48 mm (1 7/8”) O.D. Round Schedule 40 tubing 100 mm (4” Square Tubing x 6mm) 50 mm (2”) Square Tubing x 6 mm) The counterbalanced overhang of the gate shall be a minimum of 50% of the gate width plus 400mm (16”) of the opening size. .2 Cantilever/Safety Roller Assembly .1 Cantilever external safety rollers supports the weight of the gate in such a way that no portion of the gate that projects over the road requires a wheel or other support for it to slide. .2 Four Superior Safety Rollers to be manufactured from Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMW) material that permits a quieter, softer and smoother gate operation. Safety rollers bust be used on all cantilever gates. (UL 325 and ASTM F2200-02) .3 Gates to receive an aluminum T-Strut 150mm (6”) x 6mm (1/4”) across the full width of the gate for rigidity and to support the chain drive mechanism. .3 Hardware: All gate hardware; guide assemblies and hangers shall be galvanized after fabrication from malleable iron or pressed steel. .4 Gate Frame Finish: .1 Galvanized Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 CANTILEVER CHAIN LINK GATES Section 11151 Page 3 of 7 .5 Filler Materials: .1 Chain Link Fence Fabric Filler .1 The chain link fabric filler shall be 50 mm (2”) x 9 gauge .2 The chain link fabric filler shall be stretched along the overall length of the gate. .3 Assembly: .1 Attach the fabric to the gate frame by lacing a steel tension bar vertically through the last link of the fabric at both ends of the gate frame. .2 The tension bars are secured to the gate frame by attaching a steel tension band around frame and through. .3 Tension bars are also installed all along the top and bottom rail. Secure the top and bottom of the chain link fabric filler to the horizontal steel tension bards with tie wires looped around both. .6 Notes: .1 Refer to ASTM F-2200-2 and UL 325 Standard for complete clarification on the construction of gate intended for automation. EXECUTION .1 POST INSTALLATION .1 Gate support posts for chainlink type cantilever gates up to 9150mm (30 ft.) 115 mm (4 ½”) O.D. round schedule 40 tubing. .1 Type A steel pipe (Schedule 40) per ASTM F 1083 having a minimum yield strength of 205 MPa (48,000 psi). all steel posts to be hot-dipped zinc coated inside and out by using the most advanced galvanizing methods with an average weight of not less than 366g/m2 class I (1.2 oz PSF) of zinc coated surface. .2 Cantilever gates require 4 gate posts. One (1) Latch post, two (2) support posts and one (1) fall over post as per UL 325 and ASTM F 2200-02. .2 .2 Install posts in accordance with approved drawings and manufacturers recommendation. .3 Excavate footing holes having a diameter 4 times the diameter of the post, and 150mm (6”) deeper than the bottom of the post or otherwise as specified by the engineer. Set posts in concrete. Crown the finished concrete at the top of the grade point to shed water. Posts should be set a minimum depth of 1220mm (48”) or below frost line for all cantilever gates. .4 Concrete to have a minimum 28 day compressive strength 300 psi (20 MPa) .5 Check each post for vertical and top alignment. GATE INSTALLATION .1 Installation: .1 Gates and related equipment to be installed in accordance with Superior Door & Gate Systems Inc. or approved equal instructions and standard, using only workers that have over 10 years’ experience installing this Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 CANTILEVER CHAIN LINK GATES Section 11151 Page 4 of 7 type of specialized equipment. 4 .2 Install Gate: Make sure that gate rolls free of binding. .3 Install guide rollers and make sure gate rolls free of binding. .4 Install gate stops on both ends to make sure gate does not over travel. .5 Attach Latch and make sure that gate is received by latch in a secure manner. (Manually operated gates only) GATE OPERATORS .1 AUTOMATIC SLIDING GATE OPERATOR .1 Model: SUPERIOR GSLG .2 .2 Frequency of use cycle/hour: Continuous duty .3 Driveway Width: 7.5m ELECTRICAL .1 Instant reverse: 1 HP Motor .2 Voltage: 1.5 AMP at 575 V three phase .3 Full overload protection .4 Inherent obstruction sensing .5 External obstruction sensing .6 Gate movement warning .7 24 volt Control circuit .8 Timer to close .9 1.5 Second time delay in reversing cycle .10 Digital logic control .11 LED indicators .12 Maximum run timer .13 Emergency stop button .14 External reset button .15 On/off switch .16 Sequenced access management .17 Surge and spike protection Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 .4 CANTILEVER CHAIN LINK GATES Section 11151 Page 5 of 7 .18 Contactor-type reversing starter .19 Maglock control .20 Remove control enclosed .21 Control inputs .22 250 W. Heater with adjustable Thermostat .23 3-Button station marked open, close and stop .24 Advanced dual gate synchronization MECHANICAL .1 Cast iron pillow block bearings .2 Adjustable rotary limit switches .3 Solenoid brake for stops and locking .4 Manual disconnect .5 Gate speed 300mm per second .6 Emergency release disconnect .7 Heavy duty worm gear reducer .8 Adjustable friction clutch .9 Plated #50 roller chain .10 Baked on enamel finish .11 Swing door with pad locking .12 NEMA 3R enclosure .13 UL325, Class I, II, III, and IV ACCESS CONTROLS & SAFETY ACCESSORY OPTIONS TO BE INCLUDED WITH DUAL HEIGHT PEDESTAL USED FOR BOTH CANTILEVER CHAIN GATE AND AT UATOMATIC BARRIER GATES, AT BOTH ENTRY AND EXIT TO GATE SYSTEM: .1 Transponder, camera, open/ close switching and voice network to Security Office, Reception Desk, and City Hall by others (security contractor) .2 365 days / 24 hrs Timers Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 CANTILEVER CHAIN LINK GATES Section 11151 Page 6 of 7 .3 On / Off Selector Switches .4 Magnetic Loops .5 Dry contact to allow hook up to fire alarm system (Gates will open upon alarm) .6 Dual Height Pedestals for cars and trucks – Model AL .7 Polycarbonate Housings – Model PCH 14 x 14 .8 Photo Cells .19 Vehicle Sensing loops Note: UL325 and ASTM F2200-02 Standard & Compliance .5 .6 .7 INSTALLATION .1 Concrete Pads .1 Layout concrete pads .2 Form concrete pads .3 Install OVC conduit for power and controls .4 Pour concrete, ensuring that pad is level and above the ground line .5 Allow concrete to set for a t least three days before installing the power unit. .2 Mounting to Pads .1 Carefully secure the power unit to the concrete pads with the idler sprockets facing the gate. It is very important that the unit is level and parallel to the gates. WORK INCLUDED .1 Concrete Pads .2 Conduit Work and trenching .3 Wiring .4 Integrating all equipment .5 Commissioning and Instruction INSTALLING THE GATE OPERATORS TO THE GATES .1 Gates, Gate Operators, Concrete Foundations, PVC Conduit, Access Controls, Safety Devices, Wiring and Interfacing to be installed in accordance with Superior Door & Gate Systems Inc. instructions and standards, using only Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 CANTILEVER CHAIN LINK GATES Section 11151 Page 7 of 7 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 workers that have been certified in gate operator installations. .2 4 Note: Installers that are certified in gate operator installation have been trained and tested to install the correct number and proper placements of safety features as required by Underwriters Laboratory (UL 325) and ASTM F 2200-02. .8 CLEANING .1 Clean up debris and remove from the site. .9 DEMONSTARTION .1 Provide 0.5 hours of videotaped instruction.. WARRANTY .1 Provide manufacturer's written warranty against defects in materials and workmanship under normal usage, for a period of five (5) years from Date of Substantial Completion for all labour and five (5) years from Date of Substantial Completion for materials. Warranty shall provide for all material and labour to repair or replace defective materials. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Conditions of CCDC-2-2008 and the General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Automatic Barrier Gates .2 .3 .4 Gate operators, access controls and safety accessories RELATED SECTIONS .1 03310 Cast-in-Place Concrete .2 13700 Security Access and Surveillance .3 Division 16 Electrical REFERENCE STANDARDS .1 Underwriter’s Laboratories UL 325, “Standard for Safety: Door, Drapery, Gate, Louvre and Window Operators and Systems.” .2 2 AUTOMATIC BARRIER GATES Section 11125 Page 1 of 5 ASTM F2200-2, “Standard Specification for Automated Vehicular Gate Construction.” .5 SCOPE OF WORK .1 Supply and install GARD 4 barrier gates as follows .1 Gate location: In front of Cantilevered Gates .2 Quantity: Two (2) per driveway .3 Arm length required: To suit .4 Arm finish: Illuminated LED Lights .5 Special Features: Battery Back Up .6 SUBMITTALS .1 Submit electronic foundation shop drawings stamped and signed by structural engineer. Submit remaining electronic shop drawings. .2 Shop drawings of fences and gates with all dimensions, details, and finishes. Drawings must include post foundations. .3 Product Data: Manufacturer’s catalogue indicating materials and a letter certifying that all conditions of the specifications have been met. PRODUCTS .1 MANUFACTURER .1 Gate type shall be Superior GARD 4 barrier gates as manufactured by Superior Door & Gate Systems Inc. Phone 905-828-7000 and Fax: 905-828-0089, or approved equal. .2 Substitution of products from other manufacturers who possess at least 10 years documented industry experience in the manufacturing of external roller steel cantilever slide gates will be considered by the architect as equal if they meet all Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 AUTOMATIC BARRIER GATES Section 11125 Page 2 of 5 specifications for fabrication, design, size, and gauge of all component parts. .3 .2 All requests for submittal of an approved equal must be made to and approved by the architect prior to he published scheduled bid date. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS .1 Model: Superior GARD 4 for 7.5 meter wide driveway. .2 Power Supply: 120 V.A.C. .3 Automatic barrier height = 1.5m .4 Highly reflective bars/arms .5 Left hand mount .6 Cabinet Size: 460mm x 240mm x 1077mm .7 Weight: 47 kg (104 lbs) .8 Access door is lockable with personal keys .9 Mounting base galvanized steel with 4 mounting holes .10 Galvanized steel beam flange for quick bar/arm mounting .11 Gear motor can be locked with key .12 Motor is 24V D.C. .13 ½ hp motor .14 Duty Cycle: Intensive and frequent use .15 Protection rating: IP 54 .16 Current Draw: 15 amps max. .17 Operating temperature: - 15.6°C up 55.0°C .18 Reduction gear: self-locking, in die cast aluminum housing .19 Internal worm gear reduction system .20 Permanently-lubricated with liquid grease .21 Barrier rotates on permanently-lubricated bearing .22 Springs acts as the counter-weight balance system .23 Internal shock absorber/positive stop is provided .24 Easily adjustable limit switches Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 .3 AUTOMATIC BARRIER GATES Section 11125 Page 3 of 5 .25 ZL27UL control panel .26 Opening/closing time 2 to 6 seconds .27 Adjustment of closure/aperture speed and deceleration speed .28 Connections for master and slave barriers .29 Up input memory buffer .30 Down memory option .31 Multiple up commands .32 Built in 24V D.C., power supply for radio receivers .33 Plug in loop detectors .34 Built in timers to close .35 Complies with the UL325 and UL991 safety standards .36 ETL listed .37 CSA approved SPECIAL FEATURES .1 24V D.C. electronics system automatically recognizes a power loss and activates emergency operation with special auxiliary battery back-up. .2 24V D.C. electronics enables the operating speed to be adjusted depending on whether the situation requires faster or slower openings and closings .3 Low voltage motor ensures operation of the barrier for intensive traffic conditions. .4 Special electronic circuit constantly analyzes the proper functioning of the bar/arm, allowing for them to completely stop or invert the motion if obstacles are detected. DUAL HEIGHT PEDESTALS AT ENTRY AND EXIT TO GATE .1 Transponder, camera, and voice network to Security Office, Reception Desk, and City Hall by others (security contractor) .2 Emergency open switch .3 365 day/ 24 hr timer .4 Photo Cell .5 Loop Sensing Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .4 PEDESTAL TYPE AND HEIGHT .1 Dual Height Pedestals for cars and trucks – Model AL .5 HOUSING TYPE AND SIZE .1 Polycarbonate Housings – Model PCH 14 x 14 .6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT TO BE INCLUDED .1 .7 3 AUTOMATIC BARRIER GATES Section 11125 Page 4 of 5 Dry contact to hook up to fire alarm panel and tie in complete system back to alarm panel in main building. WORK INCLUDED .1 Concrete Pads .2 Conduit Work and trenching .3 Wiring .4 Integrating all equipment .5 Commissioning and Instruction . EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION .1 Concrete Pads .1 Layout concrete pads .2 Form concrete pads .3 Install OVC conduit for power and controls .4 Pour concrete, ensuring that pad is level and above the ground line .5 Allow concrete to set for a t least three days before installing the power unit. .2 .2 Mounting to Pads .1 Carefully secure the power unit to the concrete pads with the idler sprockets facing the gate. Unit to be level and parallel to the gates. INSTALLING THE GATE OPERATORS TO THE GATES .1 Gates, Gate Operators, Concrete Foundations, PVC Conduit, Access Controls, Safety Devices, Wiring and Interfacing to be installed in accordance with instructions and standards, using only workers that have been certified in gate operator installations. .2 Note: Installers that are certified in gate operator installation have been trained and tested to install the correct number and proper placements of safety features as required by Underwriters Laboratory (UL 325) and ASTM F 2200-02. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 AUTOMATIC BARRIER GATES Section 11125 Page 5 of 5 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 4 .3 CLEANING .1 Clean up debris and remove from the site. .3 SYSTEM DEMONSTRATION .1 Provide 0.5 hours of videotaped instruction WARRANTY .1 Provide manufacturer's written warranty against defects in materials and workmanship under normal usage, for a period of one (5) years from Date of Substantial Completion for all labour and five (5) years from Date of Substantial Completion for materials. Warranty shall provide for all material and labour to repair or replace defective materials. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Conditions of CCDC 2- 2008 and the General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide sheet vapour barrier system. PRODUCTS .1 BIRD-NETTING .1 3/4” Polyethylene netting. Bird-X or approved equal. .2 3 BIRD NETTING Section 11802 Page 1 of 1 ACCESSORIES .1 Weave Connectors and Ties . EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION .1 Install bird netting on underside of open web steel joists and to canopy opening head horizontal girt where noted. .2 Use sheets of largest practical size to minimise joints. .3 Inspect sheets for continuity. Repair damage and tears before work is completed. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 2 FUELING SYSTEM Section - 11810 Page 1 of 9 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 Conform to requirements stated in General Conditions and Supplementary General Conditions and General Requirements of the Specification and all addenda. .2 Finish all materials, labour, equipment and services for fuelling system work to the full intent of the drawings and as specified herein. .3 The contractor shall provide a fully operational fuelling system consisting of: .1 Aboveground fuel storage tanks (AST). .2 Storage tank submersible pumps and underground double wall piping. .3 Dispensing equipment. .4 Trenching, conduits, piping, wiring, cabling, and backfilling. .2 RELATED WORK .1 The following work description is general and does not absolve the contractor of their responsibility and all related Specification Sections and drawing information to identify the total scope of work on this section. Consultant will not consider requests for additional costs for work otherwise indicated. .1 Concrete tank slab, bollards and aprons by general contractor. .2 Electrical: Division 16 – Electrical contractor to provide at Electrical room A, south of fuelling station for fuelling system, one 24 circuit 120/208 3 phase panel and two 600 V 15 amp fused disconnects. .3 SHOP DRAWINGS .1 Submit shop drawings for all equipment supplied indicating a fully dimensioned layout of the fuel island and the location of all fuelling system components. .2 Indicate dimensions, profiles, attachment methods and related work. .3 Supply manuals on completion of project. .4 QUALIFICATIONS .1 Work of this Section shall be done by a manufacturer and workers with 5 years experience in successful manufacture and installation of this type of work and of quality as indicated on drawings and as specified. Submit proof of such experience with a list of installations. .5 APPROVED CONTRACTORS .1 KLD Construction Ltd., Ajax, ON Contact: Ken Davidson Ph: (905) 427-8729 Fax: (905) 427-7192 .2 Cannington Construction, Gormley, ON Contact: Steve McCrossan Ph: (905) 841-0430 Fax: (905) 841-0967 .3 Telar Maintenance Inc., Peterborough, ON Contact: Ted Butson Ph: (705) 748-4414 Fax: (705) 742-6305 PRODUCTS .1 ABOVEGROUND FUEL TANK .1 Description Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .1 FUELING SYSTEM Section - 11810 Page 2 of 9 Supply (1) 75,000L split compartment (40,000L Diesel, 35,000L Gas) aboveground, double wall, vacuum monitored, horizontal steel tank constructed to ULC S601-07. .2 Design Criteria .1 The tank system shall be designed and tested in strict accordance with ULC S601. The ULC listing shall be for horizontal aboveground tanks for flammable and combustible liquids double wall. Numbered brass plaques issued by ULC S601 shall be installed on the tank and be clearly visible to inspectors. Tank shall provide 360deg. integral secondary containment of the primary storage tank. A vacuum monitored VM-3 or equal shall be located on the outer head providing continuous leak detection of the interstitial space between the inner and outer tank. .3 Tank Construction .1 Tank .1 The primary tank shall be carbon steel construction approved ULC S601 Standard section 4 double wall, vacuum monitored. Integral secondary containment shall provide a minimum 360deg. Containment of the primary storage tank. The interstitial space shall be continuously vacuum monitored. A VM-3 gauge complete with protective cage shall be located on the outer head of the secondary tank. Tank shall comply with the normal and emergency venting requirements of ULC S601. .2 Tank shall carry a five year written warranty including materials and workmanship. .3 The secondary containment space shall be vented with a factory installed emergency vent complying with ULC S601. .4 Tank Appurtenances: The tank manufacturer shall provide the following integral components. .2 Supports .1 Tank shall have integral leg supports ULC approved designed to support the full load of tank and contents. Supports shall be bolted to tank base providing a minimum 6” clearance between tank and pad for complete visual inspection. The tank support system shall be anchored to concrete pad to protect from floatation. Anchors shall be as provided by tank manufacturer. .3 Access Stairs and Platform .1 Tanks shall be equipped with access stairs and platform as indicated on the drawings. Stairs and platform shall be of welded steel construction hot dip galvanized after fabrication. Designed to conform to National Building Code requirements and shall include non-skid tread surfaces and handrails. .4 Venting .1 Provide properly sized ULC listed and CARB approved emergency and standard vents to satisfy code requirements. Standard vent shall terminate a minimum of 12’ above adjacent ground level. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .5 .6 .7 FUELING SYSTEM Section - 11810 Page 3 of 9 Grounding .1 A grounding cable, clamp and ground rod shall be provided by and installed by contractor. System shall be electrically grounded in full compliance with Canadian Electrical Code standards for static electricity build up. Exterior Finish .1 The complete fuel tank shall be blast cleaned to SSPCSP6 primed and finished with an epoxy based high dose white exterior finish. Accessories .1 Access stairs/platforms c/w handrail for filling and inspection of tanks. .2 Spill containment device on fill pipe c/w locking 100mm tight fill cap, collar and drain valve. .3 Level Gauge: Probe c/w cap and collar. .4 Emergency vent device. .5 Vacuum gauge (tank mounted) c/w switch. .6 Dipstick and gauge chart. Dipstick to be tank mounted in lockable enclosure. .7 Lifting lugs. .2 TANK FILL PUMPS AND LINES .1 Description .1 Supply Gorman Rupp RS3A31-B 4” x 3” (or equal) with 8.75” impeller DIA coupled to 7.5hp/575VAC/1750RPM/cPhXPFC motor using flexible shaft couplings and coupling guard. All assembled on a base prime painted for gas and diesel offloading. .2 Supply spill saver at each off-load point. .3 Provide 3” steel welded discharge line from off-load pump to tank fill point complete with drop tube and pipe supports. .4 Provide overfill prevention alarm panel at fill point and interlock with off-load pump to be shut down at 95% capacity. .2 Grounding and Bonding .1 Provide grounding for tank c/w 50’ ground reel. .3 Aboveground Piping .1 Steel Pipe: ASTM A53 or ASME B36.10, Schedule 40 black. .2 Fittings: ASTN B16.3. malleable iron or ASTM A234/A234M wrought carbon steel and alloy steel welding type. .3 Joints: NFPA 30 threaded or welded to ANSI B3.1, ANSI B31.4 and ANSI B31.9. .4 Anti-Syphon Valve .1 Automatic shut-off to prevent spillage in the event of line rupture, cast of ductile iron body, adjustable hydrostatic pressure, brass trim, corrosion resistant steel spring, fluorocarbon seal, sized for application, built-in thermal pressure relief valve. .3 UNDERGROUND DOUBLE WALL PIPING SYSTEM .1 Transition Sump / Dispenser Sumps .1 High density polyethylene sump, located near tank to be a low point of piping system. Sump liquid tight with removable lid and sensing device. OPW Flexworks (or equal). .2 Double Wall Tubing Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 FUELING SYSTEM Section - 11810 Page 4 of 9 .1 .3 .4 .5 Flexible fuel oil piping system purpose-designed with secondary containment ULC certified to ULC/ORD C107.4, C107.7 and C107.19, listed for fuel oil service. .2 Primary (inner) piping: Continuous, unbroken, flexible piping polyethylene/ composite material with all joints located in sumps or controlled access points. Piping to be tested in place using 415 kPa air test. Accommodate rated pump flow with less than 20 kPa total pressure loss. .3 Secondary (outer) piping: Continuous, unbroken flexible piping with all joints located at sumps controlled access points. Piping to be tested in place using 35 kPa air test. Piping to be positively sloped to sump as shown on drawings. Accessories .1 All accessories and optional equipment as required for a complete and functional system; including piping adapters, test boots, reducers, sump entry boots terminations, fittings, end caps, etc. OPW Flexworks (or equal). .2 Testing: Pressure test all piping and water test all sumps as per the T.S.S.A requirements. Fuelling System / Liquid Controls Electrical Requirements .1 Provide trenching and backfilling for underground conduits from electrical room to fuel tank slab and fuelling island. .2 Provide Rigid steel conduits from fuel system panel to fuelling area for STP power, dispenser island terminal power, monitor system communication and power to fuelling area. .3 All conductors to be T90 TWN oil and gas resistant. .4 Supply breakers for all equipment supplied in this section. .5 Supply ESA electrical inspection for this section. .6 Commission all equipment supplied in this section. Leak Detection .1 Electronic solid-state type: Combination tank level sensor and leak detector. Single or multiple tanks installation and containment sump(s) monitoring where sumps are indicated on drawings. .1 Monitor console containing visual LED display and printer and algorithms to automatically compute required operation, battery backup. Capable of handling number of tanks supplied with sensors, complete with minimum of (2) output relays. Probe diagnostics. Fuel delivery reports. System to be programmable for console supplied in Phase 3 (Veeder Root). Inventory reporting with following features: .1 Litres of fuel remaining .2 Amount of water in bottom of tank. .2 Level Probe: Factory calibrated and pre-set, corrosion resistant and fuel oil compatible materials, two (2) 75mm polyurethane floats to monitor water and fuel level, top mounted on tank, sized to suit tank. .3 Leak Detection Sensor: Sump Sensor .1 Tank sensor: Pressure sensor/switch for continuous monitoring of fuel tank interstitial space. Communicates loss of interstitial vacuum as an alarm condition to the monitoring instrument. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 FUELING SYSTEM Section - 11810 Page 5 of 9 .2 .3 .4 Alarm annunciator: Visual and audible alarm, alarm silence/reset function. .3 Leak detection system supplied and install as a complete functional system including all wiring, controls, options and accessories as required. Level Probe Sensors for Brine: .1 Provide 3 Level Probe indicators (1 per brine tank) c/w all electrical and communication, wiring and conduits back to Electrical Room B. FUEL DISPENSING EQUIPMENT .1 Description .1 Provide a fuel dispensing system conforming to the requirements of CSA B346-M1980 and the following: .2 General description of User Requirements: .1 Fuel dispensing system shall conform to the applicable version of CSA B346-Mand shall also meet the requirements of all governing codes and regulations including Ontario Fire Code, TSSA, Ontario Electrical Safety Code and the Canadian Electrical Code. .2 Fuel Dispenser Specification for SHC Twin, One-Product Remote Dispenser, Lane-Oriented .1 Fuel dispenser specification for super high capacity twin, oneproduct remote dispenser with lane-oriented nozzle boots, which is rated up to 36 GPM/136 LPM at the discharge (one hose operating). Designed for dispensing diesel, including biodiesel blends up to 20%; gasoline, including standard oxygenated blends; and kerosene. .1 Features: .1 Electronic displays. Mechanical registers are not acceptable. .2 For each hose, backlit 6-digit 1" liquid crystal (LCD) litres display on side with correlating nozzle boot. .3 Display backup for a minimum of 15 minutes in the event of power loss. .4 Thermostatically controlled heater fan for cold temperatures. .5 Automatic temperature compensation. .6 Four-character 1/2" LCD operator message display for each hose to denote authorization status, limits, etc. .7 All displays covered with tempered or doublestrength glass (plastic not acceptable). .8 Electronic register and lights - 115VAC, 60 hz. .9 Electromechanical totalizer, 7-digit nonresettable, for each hose located on dispenser sides for inventory control. .10 Electronic 6-digit non-resettable and resettable totalizers per hose. .11 Diagnostics including log of last 50 errors/events. Dispenser software configurable and downloadable from PC. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 FUELING SYSTEM Section - 11810 Page 6 of 9 .12 .3 Hand held remote control for accessing totals, diagnostics, & configuring dispenser via LCD w/o opening cabinet. .13 Dual pulse output interface for each hose for connection to fuel control and tank monitoring systems. .14 Cabinet: All exterior panels made from galvannealed steel for corrosion-resistance. Side panels 14-gauge minimum. .15 Finish: Powder-coated metallic silver sides, top, and base with blue lower doors. .16 Hinged lower doors for easy service access without having to remove panels. .17 Lighted brand panels. .18 Lane-oriented nozzle boot on each dispenser side with lift-to-start nozzle hooks to turn on/off dispenser. .19 Hose mast for each hose outlet with heavy duty spring base and top swivel connector to ease handling of hose. .20 For each hose, two (2) positive displacement, two-piston meters connected to the same discharge for maximum flow. .21 Integral Hall Effect pulsers with no external parts to wear out. .22 Electronic calibration without the need to set mechanical adjusters. .23 Proportional solenoid valve on discharge of each meter, programmable thru electronic register to set maximum flow rate. .24 Two (2) internal filters with 30-micron elements per product to help ensure product purity. .25 Two (2) 1" discharge outlets. .26 One (1) 2" NPT inlet for one product. Include 1.5" NPT adapter. .27 Explosion-proof junction box in hydraulic cabinet to make all dispenser power and control wiring terminations. .28 Warranty: One year parts and labour except for cabinet which shall be warranted against corrosion for 4 years. .2 Standards/Approvals: ADA compliant user controls per ANSI A117.1; UL listed; CSA, FCC, NYCFD, W&M approvals. .3 Model & Manufacturer: Wayne Select Model 3/G7227D/CGHJ/JL (Dresser Wayne, Austin, TX) (or equal). Fuel Dispenser Specification for Twin, One-Product, Remote Dispenser, Island-Oriented .1 Fuel dispenser specification for enhanced capacity twin, oneproduct, remote dispenser with island-oriented nozzle boots, which is rated up to 22 GPM/83 LPM at the discharge (one hose operating). Designed for dispensing gasoline, including standard oxygenated blends; diesel, including biodiesel blends up to 20%; and kerosene. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .1 FUELING SYSTEM Section - 11810 Page 7 of 9 Features: .1 Electronic displays. Mechanical registers are not acceptable. .2 For each hose, matching backlit 6-digit 1" liquid crystal (LCD) litres display on each side of dispenser. .3 Display backup for a minimum of 15 minutes in the event of power loss. .4 Thermostatically controlled heater fan for cold temperatures. .5 Automatic temperature compensation. .6 Four-character 1/2" LCD operator message display for each hose to denote authorization status, cut-off limit, etc. .7 All displays covered with tempered or doublestrength glass (plastic not acceptable). .8 Electronic register and lights - 115VAC, 60 Hz. .9 Electromechanical totalizer, 7-digit nonresettable, for each product located on dispenser side for inventory control. .10 Electronic 6-digit non-resettable and resettable totalizers per hose. .11 Diagnostics including log of last 50 errors/events. Dispenser software configurable and downloadable from PC. .12 Hand held remote control for accessing totals, diagnostics, & configuring dispenser via LCD w/o opening cabinet. .13 Cabinet: All exterior panels made from galvannealed steel for corrosion-resistance. Side panels 14-gauge minimum. .14 Finish: Powder-coated metallic silver sides, top, and base with blue lower doors. .15 Hinged lower doors for easy service access without having to remove panels. .16 Lighted brand panels labelled Diesel. .17 Island-oriented nozzle boots located on sides of cabinet with lift-to-start nozzle hooks to turn on/off dispenser .18 Nozzle boots shall accommodate Healy 400 vapour recovery nozzles. .19 Hose mast for each hose outlet with heavy duty spring base and top swivel connector to ease handling of hose. .20 Two (2) positive displacements, two-piston meters with integral Hall Effect pulsers with no moving parts to wear out. .21 Electronic calibration without the need to set mechanical adjusters. .22 One (1) proportional solenoid valve for each hose, programmable through electronic register to set maximum flow rate. .23 One (1) internal filter with 30-micron element for each hose to help ensure product purity. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 FUELING SYSTEM Section - 11810 Page 8 of 9 .24 .2 .3 .5 3 Two (2) 1" discharge outlets with ¾” reducing bushings so that either a ¾” or 1” hoses may be used. .25 One (1) 1.5" NPT inlet for one product. .26 Explosion-proof junction box in hydraulic cabinet to make all dispenser power and control wiring terminations. .27 Warranty: One year parts and labour except for cabinet which shall be warranted against corrosion for 4 years. Standards/Approvals: ADA compliant user controls per ANSI A117.1; UL listed; CSA, FCC, NYCFD, W&M approvals. Model & Manufacturer: Wayne Select Model 3/G7242D/2CGJ/JL (Dresser Wayne, Austin, TX) (or equal). BULK DEF TOTE ENCLOSURE DISPENSER .1 Description .1 Fiberglass unit .2 Features .1 Benecor or approved equal 1/2 HP DEF centrifugal pump .2 Integrated nozzle boot switch .3 Fiberglass island mounted enclosure .4 UL, CUL enclosed electrical panel 25’ hose reel with Benecor or approved equal DEF hose. .5 Automatic stainless steel nozzle with breakaway swivel. .6 25’ hose reel and hose .7 Lockable front tank access door. .8 Lockable rear tank access door for service. .9 500 gallon tank EXECUTION .1 INSTALLATION .1 Install tank(s) and all piping, fittings, accessories and associated systems in accordance with National Fire Code of Canada, CCME – “Code of Practice” and in compliance to authorities having jurisdiction, CSA, provincial regulations and manufacturer’s recommendations and T.S.S.A. Liquid Fuels Code. .2 Position tank(s) using lifting lugs and hooks and where necessary use spreader bars. Do not use chain in contact with tank walls. .3 Assist Owner with all registration and permits as required by Provincial regulations. 4 Provide and Pay for TSSA certification, if such certification is required. 5 Provide and Pay for ESA certification, if such certification is required. 6 Provide and Pay for Units to be certified by Measures Canada. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 FUELING SYSTEM Section - 11810 Page 9 of 9 END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 BRINE STORAGE SYSTEM Section - 11815 Page 1 of 9 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 Division 16 to provide 208 3 Phase 40 amp CCT to panel adjacent to Brine System control panel (pump house). .2 The Brine Storage System shall be delivered and installed as a complete, turnkey system with all plumbing, electrical, pump, etc. included. All field assembly and plumbing, will be completed by the supplier. The system will include a programmable, automatic temperature controlled re-circulation feature, a 3” x 5hp electric pump (208VAC 3 Phase) bench rated for 240US gallons per minute, all electric solenoid valves necessary for automatic re-circulation feature on a tank by tank basis, a flow meter and a NEMA4X rated electrical panel. The system will have a built-in automatic shut-off that can be activated when plugged into municipal trucks that are equipped with compatible level sensors. The municipality will be responsible for providing a dedicated 220 VAC outdoor type receptacle for the Brine Storage System. Supplier will be responsible for installing 1 Veeder Root Ultrasonic level indicator at the top of each tank which will be supplied by the contractor installing the Veeder Root System. The Veeder Root System installer will be responsible for all necessary connections to that level monitoring system. .3 System being supplied shall be designed and constructed so as to assure the storage tanks can be filled using a standard 3” cam lock fitting. The control system will include individual ultrasonic level sensors mounted on top of each tank that will control the filling of the tanks automatically one at a time using individual solenoid valves connected to the fill line of each tank. The driver of the brine delivery truck will activate this system from the location of the truck filler connection (outside). Outside activation switch box will be NEMA4X rated and include an emergency stop button. .4 All valves and fittings that are exposed to salt or brine shall be corrosion resistant Banjo brand polypropylene flange style – no substitutes. Schedule 80 PVC is acceptable for all electric valves. .5 All flexible hose affixed to the Brine Storage System shall be Flextral or Goodyear Tank Truck Hose reinforced and rated for up to 150 PSI and have a service temperature rating of -40°C to 120°C. .2 SCOPE .1 This specification covers upright, double wall, flat bottom storage tank assemblies. The assembly consists of one cylindrical inner primary tank and one blended form octagonal outer secondary tank. Each tank is molded in one-piece seamless construction by rotational molding. The tanks are designed for above-ground, vertical installation and are capable of containing chemicals at atmospheric pressure. The assembly shall be designed to prevent rainwater from entering the containment tank. The design shall allow direct primary tank base retention for up to seismic zone 4 conditions per UBC code requirements. The containment tank shall be designed to hold a minimum of 115% of the normal fill capacity of the primary tank. Included in this specification are requirements for material properties, design, construction, dimensions, tolerances, workmanship, and appearance. Tank capacities are from 550 gallons (2,082 L) up to 10,000 gallons (37,800 L). .2 This specification does not cover the design of vessels intended for use at pressures above or below atmospheric conditions. It is also not for vessels intended for use with liquids heated above their flash points, Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 BRINE STORAGE SYSTEM Section - 11815 Page 2 of 9 temperatures above temperatures above 130 degrees Fahrenheit for Type II materials. .3 .4 .5 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .1 ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Standards: .1 D618 Conditioning Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials for Testing .2 D638 Tensile Properties of Plastics .3 D790 Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials .4 D883 Definitions of Terms Relating to Plastics .5 D1505 Density of Plastics by the Density-Gradient Technique .6 D1525 Test Method for Vicat Softening Temperature of Plastics .7 D1693 Test Method for Environmental Stress-Cracking of Ethylene Plastics .8 D1998 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Upright Storage Tanks .9 D2765 Degree of Crosslinking in Crosslinked Ethylene Plastics as Determined by Solvent Extraction .10 D2837 Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials .11 D3892 Practice for Packaging/Packing of Plastics .12 F412 Definitions of Terms Relating to Plastic Piping Systems .2 ARM (Association of Rotational Molders) Standards: .1 Low Temperature Impact Resistance (Falling Dart Test Procedure) .3 ANSI Standards: .1 B-16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings .4 OSHA Standards: .1 29 CFR 1910.106 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Flammable and Combustible Liquids .5 UBC CODE: .1 Uniform Building Code 1997 Edition CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY .1 Chemical compatibility shall be according to the following chemical resistance guides: .1 Pruett, Kenneth M., "Chemical Resistance Guide for Elastomers", Compass Publications. .2 Pruett, Kenneth M., "Compass Corrosion Guide II", Compass Publications. .2 These references shall be considered as general guidelines only. In many cases, combinations of these chemicals are used in such a way that only the customer (by testing molded product samples) can make a determination in regards to acceptability. SHIPPING .1 Since there are variations in methods of shipping, SII's instruction shall be followed in all cases. .2 Consult the SII “Guidelines for Use and Installation” booklet included with your tank for unloading instructions on specific tanks. This booklet can be found attached to the cap or manway area on the inside of the tank. Tanks with capacities of 2000 gallons or more have molded-in lifting lugs provided to assist with tank handling. All tank units are shipped with shipping cables allowing the two tanks to be handled as a unit during shipping and tank handling. Once the tank is put into position the Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 2 BRINE STORAGE SYSTEM Section - 11815 Page 3 of 9 shipping cables are to be removed to allow the tank to fully contact the tank pad/support area. Upon arrival at the destination, the purchaser and/or his agent shall be responsible for inspection for damage in transit. If damage has occurred, a claim should be filed with the carrier by the purchaser, and the manufacturer should be notified prior to the tank being put into service. PRODUCTS .1 PUMP HOUSE AND TRUCK FILLERS: .1 The Pump House shall contain the pump, main valve(s), Y-Trap and flow meter and meet the following minimum specifications: .1 Dimensions: 6’ High x 4’ Wide x 2’ Deep .2 Elevated for ease of use .3 100% 304 Stainless Steel .4 Lockable door latch – recessed .5 Raised 24” from ground .6 The truck filler system shall be capable of filling 3 trucks at the same time with 2 truck fillers located inside the building and 1 truck filler located outside the building. .7 Each truck filler station will include a spring driven hose reel Reelcraft 4800 Series or approved equal c/w 25’ of 2”tank truck hose hose The frame and spool to be constructed from 304 stainless steel, with a passivated finish, Stainless steel fluid path (316SS) with Viton seals rated for pressures up to 300PSI, with 2” FNPT90° female inlet and 2” FNPT female outlet and standard roller guide system. .2 Pump/Motor shall be: .1 Close (direct) coupled only: Rated for 240 USGPM flow rate .2 5 HP-208 VAC 3 Phase, maximum 40 amp .3 1750 or 3450 RPM, TEFC Motor .4 Housing shall be glass reinforced polypropylene .5 Pump shaft shall be stainless steel .6 All other pump parts shall be corrosion resistant .7 NOTE: Municipality will provide 40 amp 208VAC 3 phase dedicated service to within 10’ of the proposed location of the Electrical panel (near tanks). .2 ELECTRICAL PANEL .1 Minimum Nema 4X rated .2 Motor contactor c/w overload relay .3 Variable speed drive for 5 HP motor .4 Emergency Stop button .5 Manual over-ride switch for re-circulation feature .6 Ability to control automatic re-circulation on 3 tanks complete with settable timer(s) .7 Fill/Re-circulation switch .8 On/Off indicator light .9 Truck Full indicator light .10 ESA inspected and approved .3 FLOW METERS .1 (Model MFM220 – no substitutes) 3 Required – I For Each Truck Filler Station .1 Magnetic system (NO Paddlewheels) .2 Full Port Flow Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 BRINE STORAGE SYSTEM Section - 11815 Page 4 of 9 Corrosion resistant Digital readout Self-powered Re-settable batch counter Continuous counter Self-Calibrating Feature Metric/imperial selectable. .4 ELECTRONIC TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER .1 Extended Sensor Probe .2 Programmable set-point and differential .3 Set-point range of -25°C to 100°C .5 POLYETHYLENE UPRIGHT DOUBLE WALL STORAGE TANKS .1 Each Tank To Meet the Following Minimum Requirements .1 Rotationally molded .2 8700 USG (32,880 litre) capacity minimum each .3 Dimensions: 142” Diameter x 197” High .4 HDLP Tanks – rated for specific gravity of 1.5 .5 Level 8 U.V. protection minimum .6 3” UFO – Unified Fitting Outlet w/3” Banjo Valve .7 3” External Draw Down Pipe assembly c/w FRP Support Struts .8 3” External Fill Pipe Assembly c/w FRP Support Struts .9 OSHA Approved FRP Ladder .10 Reverse Float Level Indicator system c/w self adjusting bulkhead fitting .11 Reverse Stenciled calibration Board .12 Minimum 24” Manhole .2 Classification .1 Tanks are to be Type II – molded from linear polyethylene resin. .3 Materials .1 The material used shall be virgin polyethylene resin as compounded and certified by the manufacturer. Type II tanks shall be made from linear polyethylene resin as manufactured by ExxonMobil Chemical, or resin of equal physical and chemical properties. .2 All polyethylene resin material shall contain a minimum of a U.V. 8 stabilizer as compounded by the resin manufacturer. .3 Mechanical Properties of Type II tank material: PROPERTY Density (Resin) Tensile (Yield Stress 2"/min) Elongation at Break (2"/min.) ESCR (100% Igepal, Cond. A, F50) ESCR (10% Igepal, Cond. A, F50) Vicat Softening Degrees F. Temperature Flexural Modulus .4 ASTM D1505 D638 D638 D1693 D1693 D1525 D790 VALUE 0.940-0.948 g/cc 2950 PSI >1000% 550 hours 48 hours 235 129,000 PSI Design Requirements .1 The minimum required wall thickness of the cylindrical shell at any fluid level shall be determined by the following equation, but shall not be less than 0.187 in. thick. T = P x O.D./2 SD = 0.433 x S.G. x H x O.D./2 SD T = wall thickness Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 SD P H S.G. O.D. = = = = = BRINE STORAGE SYSTEM Section - 11815 Page 5 of 9 hydrostatic design stress, PSI pressure (.433 x S.G. x H), PSI fluid head, ft. specific gravity, g/cm^3 outside diameter, in. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .5 The hydrostatic design stress shall be determined by multiplying the hydrostatic design basis, determined by ASTM D2837 using rotationally molded samples, with a service factor selected for the application. The hydrostatic design stress is 600 PSI at 73 degrees Fahrenheit for Type I and Type II materials. In accordance with the formula in 6.1, the tank shall have a stratiform (tapered wall thickness) wall. .2 The hydrostatic design stress shall be derated for service above 100 degrees Fahrenheit and for mechanical loading of the tank. .3 The standard design specific gravity shall be 1.5 or 1.9. The minimum required wall thickness for the cylinder straight shell must be sufficient to support its own weight in an upright position without any external support. Secondary containment tanks shall be designed per SII standard containment thickness requirements. The secondary containment shall be configured to allow shipment of the primary tank inside of the secondary tank. The shipment shall be done without the aid of additional spacer blocks which can be lost during shipment causing tank damage. The top head must be integrally molded with the cylinder shell. The minimum thickness of the top head shall be equal to the top of the straight wall. The primary tank top shall be configured to prevent rain water from entering the secondary containment tank. The top head of tanks with 2000 or more gallons of capacity shall be designed to provide a minimum of 1300 square inches of flat area for fitting locations. The primary tank shall be keyed to the secondary tank preventing primary tank rotation. The secondary containment shall have 115% of the normal fill capacity of the primary tank. Tanks with 550 or more gallons of capacity shall have a minimum of 3 lifting lugs integrally molded into the top head. The lifting lugs shall be designed to allow erection of empty primary and secondary tanks. Tanks shall be capable of being lifted into position as a unit (primary and secondary tanks). The tank shall be designed to provide a minimum of 4 tie-down lugs integrally molded into the top head. The tie-down lugs shall be designed to allow tank retention in wind and seismic loading situations without tank damage. The primary/secondary tank unit shall be configured to allow direct primary tank base retention for seismic load conditions. The base retention unit shall be anchor bolted to an appropriate structure and not require additional spacer blocks. Refer to section 12.2 for tank tie-down accessories. Dimensions and Tolerances .1 All dimensions will be taken with the tank in the vertical position, unfilled. Tank dimensions will represent the exterior measurements. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .1 .2 .6 .7 BRINE STORAGE SYSTEM Section - 11815 Page 6 of 9 The tolerance for the outside diameter of the primary tank, including out of roundness, shall be per ASTM D1998. The tolerance for fitting placements shall be +/- 0.5 in. in elevation and 2 degrees radial at ambient temperature. Test Methods .1 Test specimens shall be taken from fitting location areas or piggy-back test molds. .2 Low Temperature Impact Test .1 Test specimens should be conditioned at -40 degrees Fahrenheit for a minimum of 2 hours. .2 The test specimens shall be impacted in accordance with the standard testing methods as found in ASTM D1998. Test specimens < 1/2" thickness shall be tested at 100 ft.-lb. Test specimens > 1/2" thickness shall be tested at 200 ft.-lb. .3 Ultrasonic Tank Thickness Test .1 All tanks 2000 gallons or larger shall be measured for tank wall thickness at 6”, 1ft., 2ft. and 3ft. on the tank sidewall height at 0° and 180° around the tank circumference with 0° being the tank manway and going counter-clockwise per ANSI standard drafting specifications. A copy of this test report can be ordered when placing the original tank order. All tanks shall meet design thickness requirements and tolerances. .2 Tanks smaller than 2000 gallons are only periodically measured at the start of a production run or after any design changes. Customers can place an order for tank wall thickness measurements on smaller tank sizes when placing the original order. A copy of the test report will be provided if ordered. .4 Hydrostatic Water Test .1 The hydrostatic water test shall consist of filling the tank to brim full capacity for a minimum of four hours and conducting a visual inspection for leaks. A hydrostatic water test will be conducted if ordered by the customer. .5 The tank shall be visually inspected to determine such qualities as are discussed in Section 9. Tank Fittings .1 Fittings – Threaded Bulkhead .1 Threaded bulkhead fittings are available for above liquid installation depending on the tank diameter and the placement of the fitting in the tank. Fittings must be placed away from tank knuckle radius' and flange lines. Consult SII for placement questions. The maximum allowable size for bulkhead fittings placed on a curved cylindrical section of tanks 48 in. to 142 in. in diameter is 2 inch. Tank wall thickness must be considered for bulkhead fitting placement. The maximum wall thickness for each fitting size is shown below. Fitting Size 1/2 in. 3/4 in. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. Maximum Wall Thickness 0.750 in. 0.875 in. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 in. 1 1/4 in. 1 1/2 in. 2 in. 3 in. BRINE STORAGE SYSTEM Section - 11815 Page 7 of 9 0.875 in. 0.875 in. 0.875 in. 1 in. 1.125 in. (Flat Surface Only) .2 .2 The bulkhead fittings shall be constructed of PVC, PP, or other specified material. Gaskets shall be a minimum of 1/4" thickness and constructed of 40-50 durometer EPDM. Fittings – Bolted Double 150 lb. Flange Fittings .1 Bolted double flange fittings are available for below liquid level installation for sizes 2 in. through 4 in. depending on the placement of the fitting in the tank. Fittings must be placed away from tank knuckle radius' and flange lines. Consult SII for placement questions. Bolted double flange fittings provide the best strength and sealing characteristics of any tank fitting available. Allowable fittings sizes based on tank diameter for curved surfaces are shown below. Tank Diameter 48 in. - 86 in. 90 in. - 102 in. 120 in. - 142 in. Maximum Bolted Fitting Size Allowable 3 in. 6 in. 8 in. The bolted double flange fittings shall allow tank wall thickness up to 2 1/2 in. .2 .3 The bolted double flange fitting shall be constructed with 2 ea. 150 lb. flanges, 2 ea. 150 lb. flange gaskets, and the correct number and size of all-thread bolts for the flange specified by the flange manufacturer. The flanges shall be constructed of PVC Type I, Grade I, or other specified material. Gaskets shall be a minimum of 1/4" thickness and constructed of 40-50 durometer EPDM, 60-70 durometer Viton or other specified material. There shall be a minimum of 4 ea. full thread bolts. The bolts may have gasketed flanged metal heads or bolt heads encapsulated in Type II polyethylene material. The encapsulated bolt shall be designed to prevent metal exposure to the liquid in the tank and prevent bolt rotation during installation. The polyethylene encapsulation shall fully cover the bolt head and a minimum of 1/4" of the threads closest to the bolt head. The polyethylene shall be color coded to distinguish bolt material (white - 316 S.S., yellow - Hastelloy C276, red Monel, green - Titanium). Each encapsulated bolt shall have a gasket to provide a sealing surface against the inner flange. Standard orientation of bolted double flange fittings shall have bolt holes straddling the principal centerline of the tank in accordance with ANSI/ASME B-16.5 unless otherwise specified. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .3 .4 .5 BRINE STORAGE SYSTEM Section - 11815 Page 8 of 9 Fittings – Unified Fitting Outlet (UFOTM) .1 The UFO shall provide a flexible containment seal between the inner primary tank and the outer secondary containment tank. This fitting outlet when used in combination with fittings as per sections 10.2 provides access for connecting piping to the inner primary tank while maintaining containment integrity between the inner primary tank and the outer secondary containment tank. This fitting outlet may be used for 2,3, and 4 in. fitting sizes. .2 The fitting outlet shall consist of 1 ea. flexible polyethylene containment boot, 1 ea. appropriate fitting gasket, 1 ea. UFO gasket, 1 ea. solid 304 stainless steel UFO flange, 1 ea. split 304 stainless steel UFO flange, and 12 ea. 3/8 in. 304 stainless steel bolt assemblies. Gaskets shall be a minimum of 1/4" thickness and constructed of 40-50 durometer EPDM. Fittings - Siphon Tube Fittings .1 Siphon tubes to be added to the fittings specified in sections 10.2 and 10.3. A siphon tube will allow these fittings, when used as drainage fittings, to provide better tank drainage. Fittings - Self-Aligning Threaded Bulkhead .1 Self-Aligning fittings are available for installation in vapor phase applications on curved surfaces depending on the spherical dome radius and the placement of the fitting on the tank dome. Fittings must be placed away from tank radius'. Consult SII for placement questions. The maximum allowable size for self-aligning fittings placed on a spherical section of the tank is shown below. Tank Diameter 45 in. - 48 in. 64 in. - 142 in. Maximum Fitting Size Allowable 2 in. 3 in. Tank thickness and fitting angle to be considered for self-aligning fitting placement. The maximum thickness and installation angles for each fitting size are shown below. Fitting Size 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. Maximum Angle 27 degrees 25 degrees 20 degrees Maximum Thickness 1.000 in. 0.750 in. 1.0 in. .2 .6 The self-aligning fittings shall be constructed of PVC or other specified material. Gaskets shall be a minimum of 1/4" thickness and constructed of 40-50 durometer EPDM. All tank fitting attachments shall be equipped with flexible couplers or other movement provisions provided by the tank customer. The tank will deflect based upon tank loading, chemical temperature, and storage time duration. Tank piping flexible couplers shall be designed to allow 4% design movement. Movement shall be considered to occur both Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .8 .9 3 BRINE STORAGE SYSTEM Section - 11815 Page 9 of 9 outward in tank radius and downward in fitting elevation from the neutral tank fitting placement. Tank Attachments .1 Tank Attachments - Manway and Fill Cap (Non-sealed) .1 Manways are to be a 24 in. vented threaded style (minimum opening diameter of 22 in.) .2 All caps and manways shall be constructed of polyethylene material. .2 Tank Attachments – External Fill Pipes .1 External fill pipes shall be prepared per the customer approved drawings and specifications. All external fill pipes shall be supported at 3 ft. maximum intervals with a support structure independent of the tank (ground supported). All designs shall be done according to the specific needs of the customer. .2 All external fill pipes shall be constructed of Sch.80 PVC. .3 Tank Attachments - U-Vents .1 Each tank must be properly vented for the type of material and flow rates expected. Vents must comply with OSHA 1910.106 (F) (iii) (2) (IV) (9) normal venting for atmospheric tanks and shall be 3” in size and located in the center of the top of the tank. .2 All u-vents shall be constructed of PVC. Tank Accessories .1 Tank Accessories – Ladders .1 Ladders shall be constructed of FRP. .2 Safety cages shall be provided with ladders. .3 All ladders shall be designed to meet applicable OSHA standards. Reference: OSHA 2206; 1910.27; fixed ladders. .4 Ladders must be mounted to the tank to allow for tank expansion and contraction due to temperature and loading changes. All top ladder mounts shall be connected to integrally molded in attachment lugs that allow for tank movement. ` EXECUTION .1 WORKMANSHIP .1 The finished tank wall shall be free, as commercially practicable, of visual defects such as foreign inclusions, air bubbles, pinholes, pimples, crazing, cracking and delaminations that will impair the serviceability of the vessel. Fine bubbles are acceptable with Type II tanks to the degree in which they do not interfere with proper fusion of the resin melt. .2 All cut edges where openings are cut into the tanks shall be trimmed smooth. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 HEAVY DUTY STEEL DECK TRUCK SCALE Section 11825 Page 1 of 5 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section, and all related sections. .2 .3 RELATED SECTIONS .2 Concrete Paving .1 Electrical Section 02770 Section 16000 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide a complete Truck Scale System also including foundations. .2 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide electrical and communication trenching, wiring and conduits to all components of scale system, and also to include such to back to and including scale control room. .3 Division 16 to bring 30amp 220v power to location of Vehicle Scale for use by this division. Division 16 to bring 2 ccts of 15 amp/ 110v power to Vehicle Scale Room. .4 SUBMITTALS .1 Shop Drawings .1 Submit electronic shop drawings. .2 Indicate final location of Truck Scale System components, including mounting and wiring. .3 Show scope and location of interconnection to form complete Truck Scale System. .5 DELIVERY AND STORAGE .1 Deliver materials in original unopened packages, manufacturer's name and product designation. .6 clearly labeled with .2 Store products in safe dry area, protected from elements, and construction traffic. .3 Handle in such a manner to ensure against racking, distortion, or physical damage of any kind. QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Work of this Section shall be done by a manufacturer and workers with experience in successful manufacture and installation of this type of work and of quality as indicated on drawings and as specified. Submit proof of such experience with a list of installations. .1 Approved Contractors: Avery Weigh-Tronix Contact: John Farrell T (Cell): (905) 302-6703 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 HEAVY DUTY STEEL DECK TRUCK SCALE Section 11825 Page 2 of 5 T (Office): (416) 213-9900 ext. 105 Fax: (416) 213-9960 Email: [email protected] Canadian Scale Company Limited Contact: Philip Clarke T (Office): (416) 259-1111 Fax: (416) 259-1959 Email: [email protected] .2 Or approved equal .7 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS .1 Electrical components ULC listed. .8 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS .1 Maintenance & Operation Data: Provide maintenance data (cleaning requirements and complete instructions for system operation) for the Truck Scale System for incorporation into Operations and Maintenance manual. .9 WARRANTY .1 Truck Scale Supplier to warranty for installation of Truck Scale System specified herein, stating that products will be free from defects in installation for a period of five (5) years (min.) for internal components and 10 years (min.) for structure; from date of Substantial Performance. .2 Submit manufacturer’s warranty for Truck Scale products specified herein, stating that products will be free from defects in manufacture for a period of five (5) years (min.) for internal components and 10 years (min.) for structure from date of Substantial Performance. . 2 PRODUCTS .1 HEAVY-DUTY STEEL DECK TRUCK SCALE .1 Truck Scale Supplier is responsible for the scope of work under this Section shall be registered with Measurement Canada as an Authorized Service Provider. .2 Submit inspection reports by outside agencies such as TSS, ESA and Measurement Canada in advance of the commissioning of the entire facility. .2 HEAVY-DUTY STEEL DECK TRUCK SCALE – FULL ELECTRONIC SYSTEM .1 BridgeMont Heavy-Duty Steel Deck Truck Scale or Equivalent Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 HEAVY DUTY STEEL DECK TRUCK SCALE Section 11825 Page 3 of 5 a. Provide an unattended system (AVS-7 or equivalent); allowing for fulltime accessibility. b. Concentrated Load Capacity: c. 45 tons Plantform Length: 40’-0” d. Platform Width: 12’-0” e. “r” Factor: 2.65 f. Module Size: As required for the specified platform length. g. Weighbridge Design; Sandwiched steel deck with minimal profile (10.125” thickness) h. Factory Assembled: yes i. Guide Rails and Posts: Not required j. Manhole: Not required k. Corrosion Protection: All steel surfaces to be sandblasted to industry standards with a high quality industrial urethane primer applied, with final coat of acrylic polyurethane. l. Provide a self-checking Suspension System (Easi-Post) to absorb shocks and vibrations from sudden starting and stopping of vehicles on the scale. m. Provide NEMA 4 Stainless Steel Junction Box and Summation boxes with connector-less cables for elimination of moisture or condensation related problems. Includes Gore breather vent to equalize pressure inside and outside the box. .2 Weighbars: a. Quantity: as required for the specified platform length. b. Capacity of 75,000lb for each sensor, with 200% overload safety factor. c. Constructed of high quality aircraft alloy steel bar stock, heat treated, quenched and tempered to resist corrosion. d. Failure rate to be minimal (max. 0.31%) e. Impervious to end, side and torque loading conditions that could damage load cells. f. Resistant to surge voltage or lightening related problems. Strain gauges Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 HEAVY DUTY STEEL DECK TRUCK SCALE Section 11825 Page 4 of 5 to be sealed against moisture and corrosive elements. g. Weighbar cabling to have stainless steel jacketed cables in factory installed conduit runs .3 Programmable Weight Indicator (E1310 with AVS-7 Vehicle Scale Controller; or equivalent) a. To be installed in the Scale Control Room. b. Includes Truck Scale In/Out software application. c. Allow for tracking of up to 250 different open transactions, store up to 1,000 completed transactions and store up to 500 tare weights. .4 Vehicle Loop Sensors a. To be located at each end of the weighbridge and embedded in concrete. .5 Stop & Go Traffic Lights a. Provide 9’-0” high stop (red/green) light c/w concrete foundation and conduit and wiring from scale and loop sensors and to Scale Control room. .6 ID Readers a. Provide future vehicle reader location on Stop & Go Traffic light c/w conduit and wiring from scale and loop sensors to Scale Control Room. .7 Video Surveillance a. Provide surveillance camera mount c/w conduit and pull string from camera location to Switch Room B 3 EXECUTION .1 EXAMINATION .1 Verification of conditions: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be performed and identify conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion. .2 Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. .2 PREPARATION .1 Manufacturer/ installer shall offer assistance and guidance to ensure proper installation and function of all truck scale system components .3 INSTALLATION .1 Install the work of this section in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .2 HEAVY DUTY STEEL DECK TRUCK SCALE Section 11825 Page 5 of 5 Provide trenching and backfilling for conduit and communication wiring as required. .4 DEMONSTRATION .1 Provide 0.5 hours videotaped instruction to owner’s authorized representative the complete operation of the installed truck scale system; including any software component. .5 PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION .1 All components and functions of the truck scale system as outlined herein shall be tested for proper and specified performance once installation is complete. END OF SECTION Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 1 SECURITY ACCESS AND SURVEILLANCE Section 13700 Page 1 of 3 GENERAL .1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .1 The General Requirements of Division 1, form part of this section, and must be read in conjunction with the requirements of this section and all related sections. .4 .2 SECTION INCLUDES .1 Provision of all labour, materials, equipment and incidental services necessary to provide complete security access and surveillance systems as specified herein. .2 .3 .4 Supply and install of Access Control, CCTV, and Intrusion to be by: DBS Security 3761 Victoria Park Ave, Unit 5, Scarborough, Ontario M1W 3S2 Contact: Darren Shestowsky 416-499-4767 RELATED SECTIONS .5 Steel Doors and Frames .6 Aluminum Doors and Frames .7 Wood Doors .8 Door hardware .9 Electrical Section 08110 Section 08120 Section 08210 Section 08710 Division 16 SUBMITTALS .1 Shop Drawings .1 Submit electronic shop drawings. .2 Indicate final location of security devices, including mounting and wiring. .3 Show scope and location of interconnection to form complete security system. .2 .5 Security Contractor. to provide final schedule and shop drawings prior to fabrication. Samples .1 Submit to Architect complete selection charts of security access card styles and colours for selection by Owner .2 Submit to Architect up to 6 sample security access cards of the style selected by Owner. DELIVERY AND STORAGE .1 Deliver materials in original unopened packages, clearly labeled with manufacturer's name and product designation. .2 Store products in safe dry area, protected from elements, and construction traffic. .3 Handle in such a manner to ensure against racking, distortion, or physical damage of any kind. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 .6 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Work shall be performed by an experienced installer with no less than three (3) years experience with field installation. .2 Installation to be in accordance with all warranty requirements. .3 Verify field measurements are as indicated on shop drawings .7 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS .1 Electrical components ULC listed. .8 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS .1 Maintenance & Operation Data: Provide maintenance data (cleaning requirements and complete instructions for system operation) for Security Access and Surveillance system for incorporation into Operations and Maintenance manual. .9 WARRANTY .1 Security Consultant to warranty for installation of security products specified herein, stating that products will be free from defects in installation for a period of three (3) years from date of Substantial Performance. .2 2 SECURITY ACCESS AND SURVEILLANCE Section 13700 Page 2 of 3 Submit manufacturer’s warranty for security products specified herein, stating that products will be free from defects in manufacture for a period of three (3) years from date of Substantial Performance. PRODUCTS .1 MATERIALS & COMPONENTS .2 Card Reader at door mullions- MiniProx - 5365 Weigand Interface by Assa Abloy in black finish c/w ISOProx II Cards connected with Alpha 1295 (22AWG) 5 conductor stranded with overall shield. .3 Card Reader at other locations- Thinline II- 5395 Wiegand Interface by Assa Abloy c/w IsoProxII Cards connected with Alpha 1295 (22AWG) 5 conductor stranded with overall shield. .4 Request to Exit motion sensor detectors- DS150i Series Request to exit Detectors by Bosch. Provide TP161 Trim Plates when mounting over standard single gang box. .5 Door Contacts- 184 Series 1” recessed by GRI - Colour black .6 Power supply- 10-5-PDD-FT 12v by Rutherford Controls c/w 12v 5 hour battery. .7 Access Control Units- CA 8500 by Keyscan as required. .8 Cameras and their mounting hardware (supplied by owner- installed by security contractor). .9 Security Cable and wire as required. Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057 Site Work and Ancillary Structures Consolidated Operations Depot - Phase 4 Oshawa, Ontario Project No. 13057 3 SECURITY ACCESS AND SURVEILLANCE Section 13700 Page 3 of 3 EXECUTION .1 EXAMINATION .1 Verification of conditions: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be performed and identify conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion. .2 Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. .2 PREPARATION .1 Manufacturer / installer shall offer assistance and guidance to ensure proper installation and function of security system components .3 INSTALLATION .1 Install the work of this section in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. .2 .4 Security cabling by security provider, Network Cabling by Electrical Contractor, AC power to power supply by Electrical Contractor. PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION .1 All components and functions of the security system as outlined herein shall be tested for proper and specified performance once installation is complete. Documentation to be provided to architect and provided security contractor. .2 Demonstrate to owner’s authorized representative the complete operation of the installed security system. END OF SECTION Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 13057
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