To Whom It May Concern: Attached you will find the final version of the Supreme Court Ordered- Civil Cover Sheet. It is also available in word format on our web-site at: st Beginning September 1 a Civil Cover Sheet will be required with new petitions, applications and modifications. New Rule revised and signed on August 16th, 2010. Rule 78a Case Information Sheet (a) Requirement. A civil case information sheet, in the form promulgated by the Supreme Court of Texas, must accompany the filing of: (1) an original petition of application; and (2) a post-judgment petition for modification or motion for enforcement in a case arising under the Family Code. (b) Signature. The civil case information sheet must be signed by the attorney for the party filing the pleading or by the party. (c) Enforcement. The court and clerk must take appropriate measures to enforce this rule. But the clerk may not reject a pleading because the pleading is not accompanied by a civil case information sheet. (d) Limitation on Use. The civil case information sheet is for data collection for statistical and administrative purposes and does not affect any substantive right. (e) Applicability. The civil case information sheet is not required in cases filed in justice courts or small-claims courts, or in cases arising under Title 3 of the Family Code. Comment: Rule 78a is added to require the submission of a civil case information sheet to collect data for statistical and administrative purposes, see, e.g., TEX. GOV"T CODE 71.035. A civil case information sheet is not pleading. Rule 78a is placed with other rules regarding pleadings because civil case information sheets must accompany pleadings. Thank you for your cooperation, Sincerely, Kathy H. Faulkner CIVIL CASE INFORMATION SHEET CAUSE NUMBER (FOR CLERK USE ONLY): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COURT (FOR CLERK USE ONLy): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ STYLED _____~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~-~~-~~~-~~~~~-~-~-------(e.g., John Smith v. All American Insurance Co; In re Mary Ann Jones; In the Matter of the Estate of George Jackson) A civil case infonnation sheet must be completed and submitted when an original petition or application is filed to initiate a new civil, family law, probate, or mental health case or when a post-judgment petition for modification or motion for enforcement is filed in a family law case. The infonnation should be the best available at the time of filing. This sheet, approved by the Texas Judicial Council, is intended to collect infonnation that will be used for statistical purposes only. It neither replaces nor supplements the filings or service of pleading or other documents as required by law or rule. The sheet does not constitute a discovery request, response, or I . an d'It IS . not ad' supplementatIOn missl'bl e at tn.aI. 1. Contact information for person completina case Information sheet: Names of parties in case: Name: Email: Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s): Address: Telephone: Person or entity completing sheet is: QAttorney for PlaintifflPetitioner DPro Se PlaintifffPetitioner DTitle IV-D Agency DOther: Additional Parties in Child Support Case: Defendant(5 )/Respondent(s): City/State/Zip: Custodial Parent: Fax: Non-Custodial Parent: State Bar No: Signature: Presumed Father: [Attach additional page as _ary to list all patties] 2. Indicate ease type or identify the most important issue in the case (select only 1): Civil Contract Debt/Contract DConsumerlDTPA DebtiContract DFraudJMisrepresentation DOther DebtiContract: o Foreclosure DHome Equity-Expedited DOther Foreclosure DFranchise Dlnsurance DLandlordITenant DNon-Competition DPartnership DOther Contract; Real Property DEminent Domain! Condemnation DPartition DQuiet Title DTrespass to Try Title DOther Property: Injury or Damaae QAssaultlBattery DConstruction DDefamation Malpractice DAccounting DLegal DMedical DOther Professional Liability: DMotor Vehicle Accident DPremises Product Liability AsbestosiSi1ica DOther Product Liability List Product: o DOther Injury or Damage: Employment DDiscrimination DRetaiiation DTennination Workers' Compensation DOther Employment: o Tax gTax Appraisal DTax Delinquency DOtherTax DAdministrative Appeal DAntitrust/Unfair Competition DCode Violations DForeign Judgment Dlntellectual Property FamiiyLaw Marriaae Relationship gAnnulment DDeclare Marriage Void Divorce DWith Children DNo Children Related to Criminal Matters gExpunction DJudgment Nisi DNon-Disclosure DSeizureIForfeiture DWrit of Habeas CorpusPre-indictment DOther: Other Family Law DEnforce Foreign Judgment DHabeas Corpus DName Change DProtective Order DRemovai of Disabilities ofMinority DOther: Other Civil DLawyer Discipline DPerpetuate Testimony DSecurities/Stock: DTortious Interference DOther: Post-judgment Actions (non-Title IV-O) gEnforcement DModification-Custody DModification-Other TitleIV-D gEnforcementIModification DPaternity DReciprocais (UIFSA) DSupport Order Parent-Child Relationship DAdoption!Adoption with Termination DChiid Protection DChild Support DCustody or Visitation DGestational Parenting DGrandparent Access DParentagelPaternity DTennination of Parental Rights DOther Parent-Child: Probate & Mental Health Probate/Wills/Intestate Administration DDependent Administration Dlndependent Administration DOther Estate Proceedings 3. Indicate procedure or remedy. if applicable (mo.y select more than 1): gDeclaratory Judgment gAppeal from Municipal or Justice Court DGamishment DArbitration-related DInterpieader DAttachment DLicense DBm of Review DMandamus DCertiorari DPost-judgment DClass Action gGuardianship--Adult DGuardianship--Minor OMental Health DOther: gPrejudgment Remedy DProtective Order DReceiver DSequestration DTemporary Restraining OrderlInjunction DTumover
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