Case 2:14-cv-04084-NS Document 1 Filed 07/03/14 Page 1 of 9 JS44 CryIL COVER SHEET (Rev. l2l12) TheJS44civi|coversheetandtheinformationcontainedhereinneitherreotacenorsuDDlementtheflingandserviceofp|eadingsorotherpap'''rsasrequired providedbylocalrulesol.court.Thisform,approvedbytheJudicia|Con|.i:renceo|th6UnitedStatesinSeptemberl974,isrequiredfortheust:oftheClerkofCoufbrthe purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON NEXT PAGE oF THIS FORM.) L (a) PLAINTIFFS DEFENDANTS NEW JERSEY TRANSIT RAIL OPERAT'IONS, INC., AND JAMES HOLLINGER NEW JERSEY TRANSIT FTAIL OPERATIONS INC. WANDA TATE.LINTON (b) County ofResidence ofFirst Listed Defendant (IN U,S. PUINTIFF CAS]':S QNLY) NOTE: IN LAND CONDEMNATION CASES' USE THE LOCATION OF THE TRACT OF LAND INVOLVED. County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff (EXCEPT IN U.S. PLAINTIFF C.4SES) J ff'gguu'ft:g A[tE $fuf tr{tcfttfi/trnt h o n e Nuu b e Attorneys (If Known) r) KELLER & GOGGIN, P.C., 1528 WALNUT STREET, SUITE PHILADELPHIA, PA 19102 (215) 735-8780 II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION 9OO III. frra"e a n "x" in one Box onty) CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTII1S (For Diversity Cases Only) X3 Govemment Ptainliff 0 I U.S. PTF DEF 0 I CitizenofThisSlate Dl Federal Question (U.5. Government Not a Party) etace 4n "x" and One Box ia one Box for Ptaintill for Defenclant) PTF ItrcorporatedorPrincipalPlace O 4 DEF J 4 O 5 of Business In This State O 2 D4 U.S. Government Defendant CitizenofAnotherState tr 2 Diversity (lndicate Citizenship ol Pafiies in Item III) e 0 I O 120 Marine 3 3 130 Miller Act D 3 15 D D O D O l0 lnsurance Negotiabte Instroment 150 Recovery of0verpayment & Elforcement of Judgment l5l MedicareAct 152 Recovery of Defaulted lJ d 365 Personal lnjury Product Liability O 367 Health Care/ Pharmaceutical 320 Assault, Libel & Slander 330 Federal Employers' 340 345 Mrine Mtrire Product olProperly 2l USC O fl 362 Penonal Injury - D 0 il D Injury 210 Land Condemnation D 220 Foreolosue 230 Rent Lcase & Ejectmeni 240 Torts to Land 245 Tort Product Liability 290 All Other Real Property D D D D O D 440 Other Civil Rights 441 Votirg 0 442 Employment 443 Housing/ O D O Accommodations O 445 Amer. w/Disabilities Employment O 446 Amer. w,/Disabilities Other 0 448 Education 881 O 6 ForeignNation 3 O 0 il 0 710 Fair Labor Slandards D D O Act 3T0OtherFraud 371 Truth in Lending o 720 Labor/lr4aragemenl Rclations 380 Other Personal Propefiy Damage 385 Property Damage Produot Liability D 740 Railway Labor Act D 751FamilyandMedical J6 Other: Mandamus & Other Civil Rights D D 3T5FalseClaimsAct O 400 State Reapportionment 410 Antihust D 820 Copyrights 830 Patent 840 Trademark 861 862 863 864 865 J I fl 3 O 450 Commerce 460 Deportation 470 Racketeer Influenced and Compt Organizations 480 ConsumerCredit HIA (l39sff) Black Lung (923) DIWC/DIWW (a0s($) SSID TitIC XVI RSI (40s(g)) D 870 Taxes (IJ.S. Plaintiff or Defendatrt) 3 871 IRS-ThirdParty Exchmge O Other Stalutory Actions D D D 890 891 893 895 O O 896 Arbitration 899 Administmtive Procedure D Act/Review or Appeal of Agency Decision 950 Constitutionality of Agdcultual Acts Environmental Matten Freedom oflnformation Act State Statutes 26 USC 7609 D D 430BmksandBanking D D 49ocable/SatTv O 850 Securities/Commodities/ Leave Aot 790 Other LaborLitigalion 791 Emptoyee Retirement Income Security Act Habeas Corpus: 463 Alien Detaitree 510 Motiotrs to Vacate Sentence 530 General 535 Death Penalty 158 28 USC t57 Product Liability 368 Asbestos Personal Injury Product 540 550 555 560 D 422Appeal28USC D 423 With&awal O D O O 0 O l 690 Other Liability PERSONAL PROPERTY 350 Motor Vehicle 355 Motor Vehicle Product Liability 160 Other Personal 196 Franchise 625 Drug Related Seizure Pe$onal Injury D Liability 153 Recovery D D PERSONAL INJURY D Airplane Product Liability fl O O l90OtherContract O 195 Contact Product Liability Cl D O3 ofa in One Box Liability D of Overpaymert ofVeteran's Benefits 160 Stockholders' Suits "X PERSONAL INJURY l0 Airplane 140 Student Loans (Excludes Veterans) rn Place O 5 ofBusiness In Another State Citizen or Subject IV. NATURE OF SUIT Incorporated drd Principal D 462 Naturalization Applic 465 Other Immigratior Actions Prison Condition Civit Detainee - Conditions of Confioement V. ORIGIN (Place an "x" in one Box only) !t Original D2 Removedfronr Proceedins. State Court D 3 Remanded from O 4 Reinstatedor Appellate Court Ppnnpnp,l rwvPw'rvv 5 5 Transferued from D6 Multi,listrict Litiga.tion Another District Cite the U.S. Civil Starute under which vou are fllins (Do not cite iurisdictionul stottttes ttnless diversity)i VI. VII. CAUSE OF ACTION REQUESTED IN FEDERAL EMPLOYER LIABILIfY ACT. SEX DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT Brief description of cause: I cuncrr COMPLAINT: VIII. RELATED CASE(S) IFANY RECEIPT # AMOUNT rHrs rs ACLASS ACTToN LTNDER RULE 23, F.R.Cv.P, (See inslru.tions): DEMAND $ CHECK YES only if demanded in complaint JURYDEMAND: XYes DOCKETNUMBER APPLYING MAC, JUDGE oNo Case 2:14-cv-04084-NS Document 1 Filed 07/03/14 Page 2 of 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA WANDA TATE-LINTON 3501 Woodhaven Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 CNIL ACTION NO.: VS. NEW JERSEY TRANSIT RAIL OPERATIONS, INC. (NJTRO) One Penn Plaza East Newark, NJ 07105-2246 VS. JAMES HOLLINGER NEW JERSEY TRANSIT RAIL OPERATIONS,INC. One Penn PlazaEast Newark, NJ 07105-2246 COMPLAINT Plaintifl Wanda Tate-Linton alleses: JURISDICTION AND VENUE 1. The jurisdiction of this Court over the subject matter of this action is predicated on 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-5(f)(3),28 U.S.C. Section 1331, diversity between Plaintiff and Defendant NJTRO, and principles of pendent jurisdiction over cases arising under federal lau'. 2. Venue is proper in the Eastem District of Pennsylvania pursuant to 45 IJ.S.C. Section 56, because NJTRO has significant business operations within the Eastern District. PARTIES 3. Plaintiff Wanda Tate-Linton is and at all times mentioned herein was an African-American female residing in the County of Philadelphia, Commonwealth c,f Pennsylvania and was employed by defendant New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. 4. .'NJT"). Defendant New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Case 2:14-cv-04084-NS Document 1 Filed 07/03/14 Page 3 of 9 is and at all times was a corporation that employed fifteen or more employees for 20 or more weeks each calendat year and was engaged in interstate commerce Civil Rights Act of 1964, 5. within the meaning of 'Iitle VII of the as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e. Defendant NJTRO operates a passenger railroad in and between the states of Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey and is subject to the provisions of the Fe,Ceral Employers' Liability Act 45 U.S.C. Section 5I et seq. 6. Defendant James Hollinger, Inc., is an employee of New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, whose activities subject to this complaint occurred while working for NJTRtf on NJTRO's property. 7. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges that each defendant is the agent, servant, employee, successor in interest, co-conspirator, and/or alter ego of every other defendant, and that, in doing the acts alleged herein, each defendant acted as the agent of and with the consent, knowledge, authorization, and/or ratification of every other defendant herein. 8. Plaintiff is informed and believes and based thereon alleges that defenda.nt was in some manner intentionally and/or negligently and legally responsible for the events and happenings alleged in this Complaint and for plaintiff s injuries and damages. FACTS FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION (Federal Employers' Liabilify Act, U.S.C.A. Title 450 Sec 51 et sec1.) Plaintiff v. Defendant, NJTRO 9. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations contained in paragraphs and incorporates the same by reference as though set forth 10. The action arises under the 1 - 8 inclusive, fully herein. Act of Congress, April 22,1908, c.149,35 Stat. 65, and amendments thereto, U.S.C.A. Title 45, Sec 51 et seq., and further amended by the Act Congress, approved by the President of the United States on August Il,1939, Chapter 685 - First Session of the 76th Congress, known and cited as "The Federal Employers' 1 1. All the acts alleged to have of Liability Act" been done or not to have been done by the Defendant were done or not done by the Defendant, its agents, servants, workmen andlor employees acting in the course and scope of its employment for and on behalf of the Defendant. Case 2:14-cv-04084-NS Document 1 Filed 07/03/14 Page 4 of 9 12. At all time material hereto, Plaintiff was employed by Defendant antl was subjected to harmful, illegal and improper sexual discrimination by, among other things, her supervisor, a senior employee of Defendant NJTRO, repeatedly engaged in unwarranted and uniustified conduct by suneptitiously taking photographs up Plaintiff s skirt without her permission. 13. Plaintiff reported Defendant Supervisor Hollinger's misconduct to other senior employees of Defendant who did not properly report or remedy the situation. 14, Plaintiff was subjected to retaliation when it became known to Deft:ndant Supervisor Hollinger that Plaintiff was making inquiries as to her right to be free from such unwarranted and unj ustified behaviors. 13. alia: The negligence and carelessness of the Defendant consisted of the lbllowing, inter a) Failing to provide Plaintiff with a safe place to work; b) Failing to keep the workplace free from sexual intimidation and harassment, sexual abuse; c) Negligent failure to provide a workplace free of tortious intr:rference with her body and person; 0 with a workplace free g) Negligent failure to supervise managerial employees so as to provide her of tortious physical contact with her body and menaces to h,:r person; Intentional infliction of emotional distress in allowing Defendant Hollinger's conduct to exist and persist; h) Negligent infliction of emotional distress in allowing Defendant Hollinger's conduct to exist and persist; SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (Sex Discrimination in Employment, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e, et seq.) Plaintiff v. all Defendants Case 2:14-cv-04084-NS Document 1 Filed 07/03/14 Page 5 of 9 14. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations contained in paragraphs and incorporates the same by reference as though set forth 15. 1 - 13 inclusive, fully herein. In July 2012, Plaintiff was subjected to a caustic, hostile, and illegal work environment where sexual harassment was open, pervasive and of such severity thirt employees and management could not have been unaware of the illegal activities taking place, 16. Plaintiff was repeatedly and improperly the subject of a number of upskirt photographs suneptitiously taken by co-worker James Hollinger, a NJTRO supervisor, who was popular and friendly with management and other workers. 17. The conduct was reported to several senior employees of Defendanl. without remedy, discipline or avail. 18. Plaintiff was then subject to retaliation by her supervisor after he leiirned that Plaintiff sought information about protecting herself from Defendant Hollinger's abuses. 19. Plaintiff has been forced to take a number of days off to deal with tlie trauma stemming from Defendants' misconduct which has caused and may cause future financial harm. 20. Defendants' engaged in serious misconduct which may have causecl serious emotional and financial harms with physical manifestations, all or some of which rnay be permanent in nature. 2L Defendant, directly and through employees and agents, subjected plaintiff to unlawful sexual harassment in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 U.iS.C. Section 200e et seq., in that plaintiff s acceptance of harassment by defendant was an express and implied condition to the receipt of certain job benefits, and defendant's harassment of plairLtiff was the cause of tangible 22. job detriments to plaintiff. The acts described above also created a hostile and sexually offensive working environment for plaintiff. 23. 24. Plaintiff has exhausted all administrative remedies. As a direct and proximate result of defendant's actions, plaintiff har; suffered and will continue to suffer emotional distress, consisting of outrage, shock, humiliation, and psychological trauma, reasonably occurring and likely to occur based on the sexual harassment she experienced and defendant's failure to take prompt and appropriate remedial actiorr; and she has Case 2:14-cv-04084-NS Document 1 Filed 07/03/14 Page 6 of 9 suffered and will continue to suffer a loss of earnings and employment benefits an<l job opportunities. 25. be proven Plaintiff is thereby entitled to general and compensatory damages in an amount to attrial. 26. Defendant's conduct as alleged herein was committed maliciously, fraudulently, and oppressively with the wrongful intention of injuring plaintiff, and defendant acted with an improper and evil motive amounting to malice. 27. Alternatively, defendants' despicable conduct was carried out in conscious disregard of plaintiff s rights. 28. As a result of defendants' conduct, plaintiff is entitled to recover punitive damages in an amount commensurate with the wealth of defendant. WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment in excess of $175,000.00 as follows: 1. For compensatory damages and general damages according to proof at trail 2. 3. 4. For attorneys fees pursuant to statute and costs of suit Prejudgment interest on all amounts claimed Such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper DATE: JuIy 3,2014 KELLER & GOGGIN, P.C. woRTH,IESQUTRE No. 83017 suite 900, 1528 Walnut St. . Philadelphia, PA 19102 (2rs) 73s-8780 Attomey for Plaintiff Case 2:14-cv-04084-NS Document 1 Filed 07/03/14 Page 7 of 9 DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Plaintiff hereby demands ajury trial as provided by Rule 38(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. DATE: July 3,2014 KELLER & GOGGIN. P.C. suite 900, 1528 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19102 (21s) 13s-8780 Attorney for Plaintiff Case 2:14-cv-04084-NS Document 1 Filed 07/03/14 Page 8 of 9 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA CASE MANAGEMENT TRACK DESIGNATION FORM CryIL AC'TION WANDA TATE-LINTON V. NEW JERSEY TRANSIT RAIL OPERATIONS rNC. v. NO. JAMES HOLLINGER NJTRO In accordance with the Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan of this court, counsel for plaintiff shall complete a Case Managenient Track Desii;rration Form in all civil cases at the time of ;ide'=of-fhis-f -f,tiuslhei=sup,*eeall-dsfe.ldeqls*-6-se,$,L,0J*o-tlbgrla.4-t"'g!&rgtls!iqgI9g9.I+g regarding seid Aod'notngree-with-thC ddntiff designation, that defendant shall, with its first appearance, submit to the clerk of court and serve on the fllaintiff and all other parties, a Case Manageinent Track Designation Form specifying the track to which that defendant believes the case should be assigned. SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CASE MANAGEMENT TRACKS: (a) Habeas Corpus - Cases brought under 28 U.S.C. S 224I through * 2255. (b) Social Security - Cases requesting review of a decision of the Secretary of Health and Human Services denying plaintiff Social Security Benefits. (c) Arbitration - Cases required to be designated for arbitration under Local Civil Rrrle 53.2. - Cases involving claims for personal injury or property damage from exposure to asbestos. (d) Asbestos through (d) that are (e) ' ' Special Management - Cases that do not fall into tracks (a)intense management try commonly referred to as complex and that need special or the court. (See reverse side olthis form for a detailed explanation of special management cases.) (f) Standard Management - Cases that do not fall into any one of the other tracks. JTJLY 3, 2OT4 Date -T ,1q-7?(-A.7qn T-elephone (Civ.660) 10/02 () () () () () (r) AMtre---tL-++]{ -Atf o-rlei,'-irt-faiv ?r q-7?q-q1 FAX Number )6 jduckworEh€*ef-Le+:g.egg in,6 o m E-Mail Address Case 2:14-cv-04084-NS Document 1 Filed 07/03/14 Page 9 of 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA assignment to appropriate calendar. AddressofPlaintiff, wogBunveD^J DESIGNATION FORM to be used by counsel to indicate the category of the case for the purpose of RonB, pF{llnBelpF{l+, l+ }g}54 Defendant: ONE ptrNN POAZA EAST , NtrWARK, NJ 07f, 05 Addressof Place 351 - ofAccident, lncident or Transaction: Does this civil action involve a nongovernmenral colporare patty ",ith any p-ent co.poration ind any publicly held corpolation owning yesE (Attach two copies of the Disclosure Statement Form in accordance with Fed.R.Civ.P. 7.1(a)) Does this case involve multidistrict litigation possibilities? I 09/o or more of its stock? NotX NolX Y CSU RELATED CASE, IF ANY: Case Number: Civil l. Date Terminated: Judge cases are deemed rglated when yes is answered to any Is this case related to property inclutled il ofthe following questions: an earlier numberetl suit pending or within one year previously termiuated action in this court? yesE NuF 2. Doesthiscaseinvolvethesameissueoffactorgrowoutofthesametransactionasapriorsuitpendingorwithinoneyearpreviouslyter:minated action in this court? yes! NoF 3. Does this case involve the validity or infiingement of a patent alreacly in suit or any earlier numbered iase pending or witbin one year prSiously terminated action in this 4. YesE NotrX court'/ Is this case a second or successive habeas corpus, social security appeal, or pro se crVIL: (Place A. y' in oNg CATEGORY civil rights case filed by the same individual? yesE oNLY) D ivers Federal Questi<tn Cases: l. tr Iqdemnity ,/ NoB< ity hr r isd ic ti o n C as es : tr Insurance Contract and Other Contracts o Airplane Personal Injury tr Assault, Defamation tr Marine Personal Injury tr Motor Vehicle Personal InjurY o Other Personal Injury (I'lease specify) tr Products Liability o Products Liability Asbestos - Contract, Marine Contract, and All Other Contracts 2. YFELA 3. tr Jones Act-Personal Injury 4. o Antitrust 5. tr Patent 6. tr Labor-Management Relations 7. o civil Rights 8. tr Habeas Corpus 9. n Securities Act(s) Cases D All other Diversity o Social Security Review Cases 11. tr All other Federal Question Cases Cases (Please specify) 10. (Please specify) ARBITRATION CERTIFICATION (C hec k A pprop ri ate Cat egory) counsel ofrecord do hereby certify: Pursuant to lncal Civil Rule 53.2. Section 3(c)(2) that to the best $ I ofmy knowledge and belief, the damages recoverable in this civil action case exceed the sum of 50,000.00 exclusivc of interest and costs; tr Relief other than monetary damages is soughl DArE: JULY 3, 2Of4 ffi- " NOTE: A trial I certify that, to my knowledge, the within de novo will be a trial by jury only if there case is not related to any case now pending has been compliance "'A-hdmey I.D.# with F.R.C.P. 38 or within one year previously terminated action in this court except as noted aboYe. oeru: crv. 609 JUly 3, (s/zotz) 20L4 JAMES M- nrlcKWoRTH/ ESQ. Altorney-at-Law 8?O17 Attorney LD.#
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