भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA अंत*र@ वभाग DEPARTMENT OF SPACE इसरो नोदन कॉ12ले3स ISRO PROPULSION COMPLEX मह6 ििग*र पी ओ MAHENDRAGIRI PO ित\नेलवेली 8जला TIRUNELVELI DISTRICT- 627 133 तिमलना तिमलनाडु नाडु TAMILNADU. बय व भंडार ूभाग /PURCHASE & STORES DIVISION दनांक/Date : 12th अगःत/August, 2014 अगःत िनवदा सूचना सं. आईपीआरसी आईपीआरसी/ पीआरसी/पीट/ पीट/3/2014-15 20 TENDER NOTICE NO.IPRC/PT/3/2014-15 भारत के रा#पित के िलए और उनक( ओर से व*र+ बय व भंडार अिधकार, इसरो नोदन कॉ12ले3स (आईपीआरसी), मह6 ििग*र िन1निल8खत क( आपूित: हे तु सीलबंद िनवदाएं आमंऽत करते ह> । For and on behalf of the President of India, Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Mahendragiri invites sealed tenders for the supply of the following: बम.सं बम सं Sl.No. सं8@A ववरण िनवदा संदभ: सं. Tender Ref. No. Brief Description अनुमािनत माऽा Estimated Quantity िनवदा शुDक Tender Fee *1. टएफ़ट11 2014000301 TFT11 2014000301 रोटर पःटन पंप क( आपूित:। Supply of Rotary Piston Pump िनवदा दःतावेज़ के अनुसार As per Tender Document ` 210/ 210/- *2. टएफ़ट15 2014000286 TFT15 2014000286 सीएस हःत गेट वाDव क( आपूित:। Supply of CS Manual Gate Valve िनवदा दःतावेज़ के अनुसार As per Tender Document ` 210/ 210/- *3. टएफ़ट11 2014000285 TFT11 2014000285 LN2 हट ए3सच6जर और बयोबात क( आपूित:। Supply of LN2 Heat Exchanger & Cryo Bath िनवदा दःतावेज़ के अनुसार As per Tender Document ` 210/ 210/- *4. ईसीट23 2014000157 ECT23 2014000157 ःब(न डः2ले क( आपूित: और ःथापना। Supply & Installation of Indoor LED based large screen display for MACC. िनवदा दःतावेज़ के अनुसार As per Tender Document ` 210/ 210/- #5. टएफ़ट11 2014000310 TFT11 2014000310 वाDव क( आपूित:। Supply of Valves िनवदा दःतावेज़ के अनुसार As per Tender Document ` 210/ 210/- MACC के िलए इNडोर एलईड क( आध*रत बड *बम सं.1 to 4 दो भाग वाली िनवदा है : भागÐ1 (तकनीक( तथा वा8ण8Tयक) तथा भागÐ2 (मूDय बोली) *Sl. No.1 to 4 are TWO PART TENDER : PART – I (Technical & Commercial) and Part-II (Price Bid) #बम सं. 5 – एक भाग / #Sl. No. 5 – SINGLE PART िनवदा दःतावेज़ जार करने क( अंितम ितिथ व समय Last Date & Time for the issue of Tender document 05.09.2014 Upto 1600 hrs. IST मोहरबंद ूःताव ूािA क( अंितम ितिथ व समय Last Date & Time for the receipt of the sealed offers 09.09.2014 Upto 1400 hrs. IST बोिलयाँ खोलने क( ितिथ व समय Date & Time of opening of Bids 10.09.2014 at 1000 hrs. IST ूित िनवदा दःतावेज़ मूDय `.210/- (अूितदे य) का भुगतान रे खांकत डमाXड साZट (माऽ एमआईसीआर डड) के [प म6 कया जाए जो मह6 ििग*र, ित\नेलवेली 8जला म6 दे य हो तथा वह माऽ व*र+ लेखा अिधकार, आईपीआरसी के नाम पर िलया जाए। िनवदा दःतावेज़ काय: दवस] पर 1400 बजे से 1600 बजे तक काया:लय से ूाA कए जा सकते ह> ।/ Each Tender document Cost Rs.210/- (non refundable) shall be paid in the form of CROSSED DEMAND DRAFT (MICR DD ONLY) payable at Mahendragiri, Tirunelveli District in favour of SENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER, IPRC only. Tender documents shall be collected from the office between 1400 hrs. and 1600 hrs. on working days. इस िनवदा सूचना के ूकाशन के प_ात जार कोई भी शु`पऽ हमारे वेबसाइट म6 दे खा जा सकेगा। आप कृ पया वेबसाइट िनयिमत \प से दे खा कर6 । Corrigendum if any, issued after publication of this Tender Notice, will be hosted in our web site. You may visit the site regularly. पूण: ववरण के िलए हमारा वेबसाइट दे 8खए।/ For complete details, kindly visit our website व*र+ बय व भंडार अिधकार /Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer फोन सं./Phone ./ No : 04637-281551/281557 ./ फै3स सं./Fax ./ No : 04637-281646/232666 ./ िनवदा सूचना सं. आईपीआरसी/ /2014-15 आईपीआरसी/पीट/ पीट/3/ 20 TENDER NOTICE NO.IPRC/PT/3/2014-15 Tender Sl. No.: 3 : टएफ़ट11 2014000285/TFT11 2014000285 (Two-Part) बम.सं बम सं /Sl. No. सं ववरण / DESCRIPTION OF THE ITEM इकाई / माऽा / UNIT QTY 1. Design, Fabrication, Inspection, Testing, Supply and erection of Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) Heat Exchanger No. 1 2. Cryo Bath as per the enclosed Specification Document. No. 1 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH CONTENTS Section No. Section Page No. 1.0: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 1.1. SCOPE OF WORK 2 1.2. FABRICATION 8 1.3. VACUUM COMPONENTS & INSTRUMENTS 10 1.4. INSTRUMENTS 10 1.5. SPARES 10 1.6. TESTS 11 1.7. INSPECTION 12 1.8. ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING 14 1.9. DOCUMENTATION 15 2.0: SPECIFICATION OF INSTRUMENTS 2.1. RTD FOR SURFACE (SKIN) TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT 19 2.2. ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS 20 3.0: SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3.1. PRICES 21 3.2. PAYMENT TERMS 22 3.3. COMPLETION PERIOD 24 3.4. EXTENSION OF DELIVERY CIRCUMSTANCES PERIOD UNDER FORCE MAJEURE 25 3.5. ARBITRATION 25 3.6. DELIVERY 26 3.7. SUPPLIER’S DEFAULT LIABILITY 27 3.8. WARRANTY 27 3.9 INDEMNITY 28 LIST OF DRAWINGS Drawing No.SST/HE-01/14 Drawing No.SST/CYB-01/14 SCHEMATIC DRAWING OF LN2 HEAT EXCHANGER (SHE 301) 29 SCHEMATIC DRAWING OF CRYO BATH (SLN 301) 30 1 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH 1.0 1.1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SCOPE OF WORK The overall scope of work comprises design, engineering, purchase of raw materials, components & instruments, fabrication, testing, co-ordination for inspection, supply and erection of Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) Heat Exchanger and Cryo Bath as per the following requirements LN2 HEAT EXCHANGER (SHE 301) The LN2 heat exchanger will be used to cool Gaseous Helium (GHe) for the requirements given in Table-I with LN2 as coolant. CRYO BATH (SLN 301) Cryo bath will be used to hold LN2 or LOX (Liquid Oxygen) for testing of Gas bottles developed by the Purchaser. 1.1.1 SPECIFICATION OF LN2 HEAT EXCHANGER Double walled cryogenic vessel Coolant Liquid Nitrogen Fluid to be cooled Helium gas at ambient temperature Inner Vessel Type of Vessel: Gross (geometrical) volume/ Water capacity (WC) Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP)/ Design pressure To be decided by the Supplier 5 bar, a 6.5 bar, a Hydrostatic test pressure Working temperature of inner vessel at design pressure 2 70 to 350 K SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH Inner diameter of inner shell To be specified by supplier Height of inner shell To be specified by supplier Working temperature of outer vessel 290 to 350 K Permissible evaporation loss rate with LN2 2 % per day (max.) 200 km/h with 3 sec gust Survival : Wind speed Operating : Tag Number 120 km/h SHE 301 Evacuated multilayer insulation (Super Insulation) Type of thermal insulation Heat exchanger coil shall be provided in the LN2 heat exchanger to cool Gaseous Helium for the following requirements given in Table-I Table-I Description GHe Temperature, K MAWP/ Design Inlet Outlet pressure bar (a) Heat Exchanger coil 290 to 320 79+2 400 GHe flow Maximum rate, (g/s) pressure drop (bar(d)) 1.0 g/s at pressure 10 bar,(a) 2 10 g/s at pressure 400 bar, (a) The heat exchanger coil shall be pressure tested hydrostatically at 1.3 times MAWP separately before integration inside the inner vessel. After pressure test, the inner wall of the heat exchanger coil shall be dried thoroughly by purging with dry Air or Gaseous Nitrogen until the moisture content is fully removed. 3 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH SPECIFICATION OF CRYO BATH Type of Vessel: Double walled cryogenic vessel Fluid to be filled inside the bath LN2 / LOX Inner Vessel 1.1.2 Gross (geometrical) volume/ Water capacity (WC) Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP)/ Design pressure 1.0 m3 3 bar, a 3.9 bar, a Hydrostatic test pressure Working temperature of inner vessel at design pressure 70 to 350 K 1000 mm Inner diameter of inner shell 1200 mm Height of inner shell Working temperature of outer vessel Permissible evaporation loss rate with LN2 290 to 320 K 5 % per day (max.) SLN 301 Tag Number Evacuated insulation Insulation) Type of thermal insulation 1.1.3. SPECIFICATION COMMON FOR LN2 HEAT EXCHANGER & CRYO BATH Permissible leakage rate with GHe (a) Global leakage rate : ≤1x10-6 mbar-l/s across inner and outer vessels : ≤1x10-8 mbar-l/s (b) Spot leakage rate across weld joints : ≤1x10-8 mbar-l/s (c) Flanged and threaded joints 4 multilayer (Super SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH Expected periodicity of re-evacuation Vacuum pressure in the jacket (at atmospheric temperature) Design code Seismic zone Acceleration load Allowable internal over pressure of outer vessel Allowable external over pressure of outer vessel Service life 1.1.4. : Once in 5 years : Finer than 1.0 x 10-3 mbar for (super insulated vessels) LN2 heat exchanger & Cyo bath. : ASME SEC VIII DIV 1 : Zone 3 of IS 1893 Acceleration load during transportation shall be taken into consideration in design of Heat exchanger and Cryo bath : 1.5 bar (a) : 1.5 bar (a) with specified vacuum in the annular space : To be specified by the Supplier MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION Inner vessel, pipes, pipe SA 240 TP 304L/316L for plates, fittings, Heat exchanger coil, sheets & strips. Vacuum valves SA 312 TP 304L/ 316L for pipes. SA 182 F 304L/ 316L for flanges & valves SA 403 WP-S 304L/ 316L for fittings Outer vessel 1.1.5 Carbon steel SA 515 Gr 55/60/65/70 CONFIGURATION DETAILS • Heat exchanger coil shall be arranged in order to minimize the volume of the heat exchanger. Minimum volume above the coils shall be provided in the heat exchanger to hold LN2 to cool GHe at 10 g/s, for 100 minutes duration and with 10% ullage volume. • The inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger coil shall be provided at the bottom of the Heat Exchanger. 5 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH • The heat exchanger (SHE 301) shall be of vertical configuration with cylindrical shell and semi-ellipsoidal dished ends as shown in the schematic diagram No. SST/HE-01/14. The Cryo Bath (SLN 301) shall be of vertical configuration with cylindrical shell, semiellipsoidal dish end at the bottom and removable lid at the top as shown in the schematic diagram No.SST/CYB-01/14. The heat exchanger, Cryo bath and lid of the Cryo bath shall have super insulation. The heat exchanger and Cryo bath shall be provided with suitable supports for grouting to the foundation as shown in the schematic diagram Nos. SST/HE-01/14 & SST/CYB-01/14 respectively. The foundation bolts, nuts and washers required for fastening the heat exchanger & Cryo bath to the foundation shall also be supplied. The heat exchanger and Cryo bath shall be provided with suitable lifting lugs for handling during transportation and erection. Top lid of the Cryo bath also shall have provision for lifting. The fill/ drain port of the heat exchanger and Cryo bath shall be provided with suitable anti-vortex baffles (whirl dampers). In both Cryo bath and heat exchanger, piping, instrumentation etc. shown in the schematic diagrams No.SST/HE-01/14 & No.SST/CYB-01/14 have to be integrated together by the supplier. The lid of the Cryo bath shall be provided with 2 Nos. of stainless steel brackets at the bottom of the lid as shown in the schematic diagram No. SST/CYB-01/14. These brackets are required for mounting of test article namely, Gas bottles, Bimetallic adaptors etc. Hence these brackets with lid shall be designed to take a load of 100 kg. The test article is in the scope of Purchaser. 6 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH Also the lid of the Cryo bath shall be designed to take an additional load of level & temperature sensors assembly to be mounted through nozzle No. N15 shown in the schematic diagram No. SST/CYB-01/14. Weight of the level & temperature sensors assembly shall be 100 kg (max). Hence the lid of the Cryo bath shall be designed for a total load of 200 kg max. This level and temperature sensors assembly is in the scope of Purchaser. The nozzle shall be provided with separate vacuum jacket. For evacuation of the vacuum jackets, vacuum pump out port cum seal off valve & pump out tool shall be provided. The Cryo bath shall be provided with Caster wheels at the bottom for ease of movement. Support frames, (2 Nos.) made of structural steel as shown in the schematic diagram No. SST/CYB-01/14 shall be provided to arrest the movement of Cryo bath during test. All the SS fasteners required for securing the Cryo bath to the support frames and to join the lid over the Cryo bath shall be supplied. The Cryo bath and the lid joint shall be provided with ‘O’ ring/gasket suitable for cryogenic operating condition. 3 sets of spare ‘O’ ring/gasket shall be supplied along with the Cryo bath. Safety relief valve and Burst disc are to be provided on both the heat exchanger and Cryo bath by the Supplier. Sizing and supply of safety relief valves and rupture discs for the inner tank of Heat exchanger and Cryo bath shall be in the scope of the Supplier. SS name plates with all the important details like Name of the manufacturer, operating pressure & temperature, hydrostatic test pressure, tag No., serial No., material etc. shall be fixed to the vessels. 7 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH The LN2/LOX fill nozzle No. N1 of the Cryo bath shall have a removable flanged joint and an extension pipe for a length of 900 mm as shown in the schematic diagram No. SST/CYB-01/14. The LN2 fill nozzle No. N3 of the Heat exchanger shall be provided with diffuser (for uniform distribution) as shown in the schematic diagram No. SST/HE-01/14. Suitable earthing bosses shall be provided for protection against lightning and static electricity. 1.2. FABRICATION 1.2.1. Forming & Heat treatment: As per design code. 1.2.2 Welding: All the welding on stainless steel parts of the vessel shall be carried out only by Gas purged Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) with gaseous argon of 99.999 % purity as the purge medium. All the welding on carbon steel parts of the outer vessel of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath shall be carried out by Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). Prior to commencement of welding on the vessels, welding procedure qualification and welder’s performance qualification tests, in accordance with the relevant standards shall be carried out. 1.2.3 Surface Treatment: The following procedure shall be employed for surface treatment of the vessels as per relevant standard. Cleaning of stainless steel surfaces After fabrication, the interior and exterior surfaces of the inner vessel & heat exchanger coil and the interior surfaces of the nozzles shall be cleaned, employing the following procedure: Mechanical cleaning: All the metallic surfaces with scales and newly welded surfaces shall be cleaned by scrubbing with stainless steel metallic wire brush. The loose scales and particles obtained from mechanical cleaning shall be 8 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH removed by blowing with dry air, sucking with vacuum cleaner or washing with water. De-greasing: The surfaces shall be de-greased to Oxygen service standard CGA G-4.1 or ASTM G-93 Pickling: In order to remove rusts and scales, the surfaces shall be pickled with a solution containing Hydro-fluoric acid (HF) and Nitric acid (HNO3). The composition of pickling solution and duration are to be adjusted after trial test on a sample piece to remove uniformly less than 25 µm thick material. Mostly, the composition is as follows: HF HNO3 H2O : 5% (by mass) : 15 to 20% : Remainder This is followed by rinsing with water. Passivation: In order to form a protective layer, the surfaces shall be passivated with a solution of the following composition: HNO3 H2O Duration : 25 % (by volume) : Remainder : 2 hr (minimum) This is followed by rinsing with De-Mineralised (DM) water and checking the PH to ensure the complete removal of acid. Drying: The surfaces of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath shall be dried by purging with dry Air or Gaseous Nitrogen until the moisture content is fully removed. Before transportation, all the openings shall be kept closed in order to avoid entry of any foreign matter inside the tank and inner vessel shall be pressurized to 1.5 bar (a) with nitrogen gas. 9 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH Cleaning of carbon steel surfaces The interior and exterior surfaces of the outer vessel shall be sand–blasted and mechanically cleaned. Painting: The exterior surfaces of the outer vessels shall be painted with 2 coats of primer (red-oxide) and 2 coats of white colour paint. A Green colour band of 200 mm width shall be painted circumferentially at the middle of the vessels. 1.3. VACUUM COMPONENTS & INSTRUMENTS The outer vessels of the heat exchanger and Cryo bath & lid shall be fitted with burst disc, vacuum pump-out port cum seal-off valves with pump out tool and suitable vacuum measurement devices. The rupture disc device shall be set to relieve at an internal pressure as per design code. However, during normal period, the rupture disc device shall withstand an external pressure of 1.5 bar (a) with full vacuum inside. Provision for vacuum measurement shall be with Bellow seal isolation valve and Pirani gauge head of Alcatel/Edwards/pfeiffer make. A portable digital vacuum meter of Alcatel/Edwards/pfeiffer make suitable to measure vacuum in all the vacuum jackets shall be provided 1.4. INSTRUMENTS The detailed specifications of the instruments to be integrated along with the heat exchanger & Cryo bath are given in Section 2. The instruments shall be integrated with (a) LN2 Heat exchanger as per schematic diagram No. SST/HE-01/14 (b)Cryo bath as per schematic diagram No.SST/CYB-01/14 1.4.1 Sub-Vendor List: The instruments shall be procured from the suggested sources, indicated in the Section 2. 10 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH 1.5 SPARES 1.5.1 For outer vessel of Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath a) b) c) d) 1.5.2 1.6 Rupture Disc Vacuum Sensor Vacuum Meter ‘O’ ring/gasket set for lid of Cryo bath : 3 Nos. in each type : 3 Nos. : 1 No. : 3 Nos. In addition to the above, supplier shall quote separately indicating the spares required for trouble free operation of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath for 5 years. Spare temperature sensors & vacuum feed through connectors also shall be quoted. TESTS The following tests shall be performed as per relevant standards/codes. 1.6.1 Material test certificates: Material test certificates shall be provided for all the principal and pressure-bearing parts of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath & lid (including plates, nozzles, inter-connecting pipes, heat exchanger coils, components, etc) to ascertain the physical and chemical properties. 1.6.2 Ultra-sonic test: All the plates used for the fabrication of vessels, pipes used for the nozzles, heat exchanger coils and inter-connection shall be subjected to ultra-sonic test. 1.6.3 Radio-graphic test & DP test: All the (100 % of the) stainless steel butt weld joints on the inner vessel as well as the nozzles, inter-connecting pipe-lines, heat exchanger coils, components, etc and 10 % of the butt weld joints on the outer vessel shall be subject to radio-graphic test with X-ray to 2-T sensitivity. All the weld joints shall be subject to Dye Penetrant test 11 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH 1.6.4 Pressure test: Heat exchanger coil: The heat exchanger coil shall be separately pressure tested hydrostatically at 1.3 times the design pressure before integration inside the inner vessel. After the test, the inner wall of the heat exchanger coil shall be dried thoroughly by purging with dry Air or Gaseous Nitrogen until the moisture content is less than 20 ppm,v. Heat exchanger: The inner vessel as well as the outer vessel (in assembled form, along with all the nozzles) shall be subjected to hydraulic pressure test with water at a pressure not lower than 1.3 times the respective design pressure, After the test, the medium is to be dried down to a residual H2O content of 20 ppm,v. Cryo bath: The inner vessel and outer vessel of the Cryo bath and lid (in assembled form, along with all the nozzles) shall be subjected to hydraulic pressure test with water at a pressure not lower than 1.3 times the respective design pressure, After the test, the medium is to be dried down to a residual H2O content of 20 ppm,v. 1.6.5 Leak test: The leak tightness across the inner vessel as well as the outer vessel shall be tested with Gaseous Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector (MSLD) by hood technique. The measured global leak rate shall be finer than 1E–07 Pa.m3/s. While leak-testing the inner vessel, the internal volume shall be charged to its MAWP with a mixture of 75 % GN2 + 25 % Gaseous Helium and the annular volume between the inner vessel and the outer vessel is to be evacuated and connected to MSLD. While leak-testing the outer vessel, the exterior surface of the outer vessel shall be shrouded by synthetic bag and charged to 1.5 bar,(a) with a mixture of 75 % Gaseous Nitrogen + 25 % Gaseous Helium and the annular volume between the inner vessel and the outer vessel shall be evacuated and connected to MSLD. 12 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH 1.6.6 1.7 Net Evaporation Rate test (NER) (Pre-Shipment test): The heat exchanger & Cryo bath shall be filled with Liquid Nitrogen to 75% of its gross volume and evaporation loss rate shall be measured by employing a gas flow meter in the vent line. The evaporation loss rate thus measured shall be less than the specified values. The NER test shall also comprise functional check of all components and instruments. Calibration certificate for all instruments shall be provided before the NER test. The NER test shall be carried out in the presence of Purchaser’s representative. INSPECTION The in process (stage) and pre-delivery inspection of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath shall be carried out by a reputed Third Party Inspection (TPI) agency. It shall be the responsibility of the supplier to arrange for and co-ordinate with the TPI agency. Supplier shall select any one of the following TPI agencies Lloyds, Bureau Veritas, DNV, TUV. The scope of inspection shall be as follows: a. Review and approval fabrication drawings. b. Identification of raw materials and review of the material test certificates and ultrasonic test certificate for compliance with the relevant requirements. c. Review of test and calibration certificates for compliance with the specification and visual examination of the bought-out components and instruments. d. Witnessing and certification of welding procedure specification and welder’s performance qualification tests. If the welders already possess the performance certificate, the TPI agency shall review and authorise the same. e. Review of X-ray films of radio-graphic tests for possible defects in the weld joints. 13 of design calculations and SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH f. Inspection at any stage of fabrication to ensure that the methodology employed for fabrication is in compliance with the requirements of standard codes and practices and the approved documents. g. Witnessing of DP tests, pressure test, leak test and performance test. h. Issuance of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) certificate and stamping on the heat exchanger & Cryo bath. Apart from inspection by the TPI agency, the Purchaser’s representative(s) shall also witness and certify the performance test and any other test as may be deemed necessary at their discretion. 1.8 ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING Supplier shall provide documents describing the requirements and procedure for erection and commissioning which will be mutually discussed and finalized. After receipt of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath at the Purchaser’s site at Mahendragiri, the heat exchanger & Cryo bath shall be erected by the Supplier. Foundation for the Heat exchanger and Cryo bath shall be the scope of Purchaser. Details of foundation required for mounting the Heat exchanger and Cryo bath are to be provided by the supplier so as to enable Purchaser to construct the foundation. Pocket type foundation will be constructed by the Purchaser. Supplier shall erect the vessels and grout with foundation bolts at Purchasers site. Mobile crane to handle the heat exchanger and Cryo bath for erection will be provided by the purchaser subject to availability on chargeable basis. However supplier is responsible for handling & erection of Heat exchanger and Cryo bath at Purchasers Site. Required Skilled/Unskilled labourers for erection should be deployed by the supplier. 14 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH The commissioning shall comprise performance test and pressure test up to the MEOP with the actual working fluid and functional check of the components and instruments. The evaporation loss rates measured during commissioning with the respective working fluids shall be better than the values specified. Though commissioning is executed by the purchaser, the supplier shall participate and in case any discrepancy or ill performance observed during commissioning, it shall be the supplier’s responsibility to rectify/ replace the defective/ ill-performing sub-systems or the entire heat exchanger & Cryo bath. In case the defective/ ill-performing sub-systems or the entire heat exchanger & Cryo bath require rectification/ re-work to be carried out at the Supplier’s works, it shall be Supplier’s responsibility to transport the same to the Supplier’s works and back to the Purchaser’s site without any extra cost. 1.9 DOCUMENTATION The following documents, in English, in duplicate shall be furnished at different stages specified thereupon. Apart from 2 hard prints, soft copy in CD-ROM shall also be provided. The design and engineering documents shall be as per the codes. 1.9.1 Along with the quotation, the following documents shall be provided: a) A complete technical description, along with catalogues of the products quoted. b) Schedule of deviations, if any from the tender specification shall be explicitly spelt out. If no deviation is indicated in the quotation, it will be presumed that the offer meets all the tender specification. c) Price break-up details such as basic product price, testing charges, inspection charges, spares price, taxes & duties, packing & forwarding charges, etc. d) The company profile of the vendor highlighting the following: 15 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH • Status as to whether the vendor is a manufacturer, trader, dealer, stockiest, agent, etc. • Infrastructural facilities such as factory area, machineries, equipments, material handling devices, instruments, tools, tackles, etc owned by the vendor. • Previous experience in the manufacture of products of similar specification under inspection by TPI agency (along with copies of typical purchase orders and inspection report by TPI agency). • Clientele specifying the clients to whom the vendor has supplied similar products indicating their address, telephone, fax, email, contact person, etc. • Quality management system: If the vendor is certified for ISO 9000:2000 quality management system, a copy of the certificate by the accredited agency shall be produced. 1.9.2 Upon award of Purchase Order and based on the specification given therein, the Supplier shall prepare detailed design and engineering of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath. 1.9.3 Within 8 weeks from placement of Purchase Order The following documents duly reviewed and approved by the TPI agency for compliance with the requirements of the relevant design codes as specified in Purchase order and statutory regulations, shall be submitted to the Purchaser. These documents are subjected to review by the Purchaser and only upon approval of the same by the Purchaser, the Supplier shall proceed with fabrication. However, the Purchaser’s approval shall not absolve the Supplier of their responsibility/ contractual obligation to comply with the specifications of the order. a. Overall dimensional General Arrangement (GA) drawings of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath, showing the assembled view along with all accessories shall be provided. The details of the components and instruments along with the inter-connecting pipe-lines 16 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH and their location with respect to the heat exchanger & Cryo bath shall also be shown in the GA drawings. The inter-face for both fluid connections and electrical connections, including the relative positioning among the inter-faces, their location with respect to the heat exchanger & Cryo bath and the end connection/ preparation details for each inter-face shall also be shown in the GA drawings. The location of nozzles shall be as per the schematic diagrams enclosed herewith. b. The foundation details of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath, indicating the forces and moments acting on the foundation due to static and dynamic loading of the heat exchanger, seismic load and load due to external over-pressure on the heat exchanger shall be provided. The calculations for arriving at the forces and moments acting on the foundation due to the aforesaid factors shall also be provided. c. The detailed calculations for the structural and thermal design of heat exchanger and Cryo bath including design of heat exchanger coil for Heat Exchanger shall be provided. (The thermal design calculations need not be reviewed by the TPI agency.) d. The detailed dimensioned fabrication drawings of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath shall be provided. e. A detailed Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) shall be provided. f. The make, model number and purchase specifications of the components and instruments along with the relevant catalogues shall be provided. Wiring diagram connecting RTD and vacuum feed through shall be provided. Connector drawings and cross-sectional drawings of the sensors shall be provided g. Sizing of safety relief valves and rupture disks for the inner tank shall be carried out by the Supplier and the 17 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH sizing calculations and specifications for the safety systems shall be provided. 1.9.4 1.9.4 During Pre-shipment review: The supplier shall complete the realization of the heat exchanger and Cryo bath within 6 months from the date of Purchase order. On completion of fabrication and testing, but prior to dispatch of the consignment, the Supplier shall organise Pre-Shipment Review (PSR). During the review, the following documents, duly approved by the TPI agency, shall be submitted to the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall review the same to ensure compliance with the specification of the order. On being satisfied, the Purchaser shall issue a “Purchaser’s dispatch clearance”, only upon receipt of which the Supplier shall proceed with dispatch of the consignment. a. The certificates of all tests and calibration (including those for the bought-out components and instruments) shall be provided. Each page of the certificates shall be duly counter-signed and stamped by the TPI agency. b. PDI certificate by the TPI agency. c. As-built GA and fabrication drawings. Along with the consignment: The following documents shall be provided a. Instruction manual for erection, commissioning, operation, trouble-shooting and maintenance. b. Details of periodic tests with test pressure, fluid, duration, test procedure, etc. for requalification of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath as per the design/ test code. c. Warranty certificate. d. Performance Bank Guarantee. 18 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH 2.0 SPECIFICATION OF INSTRUMENTS 2.1 RTD FOR SURFACE (SKIN) TEMPERATURE SENSOR The platinum RTD sensors are used for surface temperature measurement. The sensors are mounted in the outer surface of the inner wall of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath and the cables are taken out side the outer wall of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath through a vacuum feed through connector. Procurement, realisation and mounting of surface temperature sensors inside the heat exchanger & Cryo bath and their associated cabling up to vacuum feed through connector end is under the scope of supplier. The signal conditioning will be under the scope of purchaser. Sl No 1 2 Tag number Measure ment range STS 301, 302 & 303 STS 304, 305 & 306 60 to 320 K Equipment Qty. (Nos.) Heat exchanger 3 Cryo bath 3 Resistance : 100 Ohm at 0 Deg C Configuration : Four lead wire Temperature Vs Resistance : Meets IEC 751 CLASS A (or) Other similar standards like DIN 43760 or JIS 1604 are acceptable Material of construction : Stainless steel, weldable to outer surface of inner vessel of both heat exchanger and Cryo bath. Electrical connection : Four wire PTFE with length suitable to reach the vacuum Feed through connector. 19 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH Insulation resistance : The insulation resistance between probe lead and sensor body is greater than 100 Meg. Ohms at 45V DC Time constant : Calibration : Each sensor shall be calibrated traceable to NBS, or any National standards, calibration record shall be provided for each sensor. Calibration data shall be provided. Identification Drawing Suggested Model/ Make 3 sec. : The serial number shall be marked on the sensor body in the appropriate location : The construction drawing of the sensor proposed to be used by the supplier to be cleared by the purchaser. : 1. Scientific Production Corporation of Measurements, Russia 2. Auxitrol , France 3. Rosemount Aerospace ,USA 4. Scientific Instruments , USA 5. RDF, USA 20 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH 2.2 ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS a. For all the surface temperature sensors mounted on the outer surface of the inner vessel in both the heat exchanger & Cryo bath, suitable Vacuum feedthrough connectors shall be provided on the heat exchanger & Cryo bath for measurement on the tentative locations shown in the schematic diagram Nos. SST/HE-01/14 & SST/CYB-01/14 respectively. Vacuum feed-through shall be mounted on the outer vessel of heat exchanger & Cryo bath for outside connection. Vacuum feed through connector 61 pin shall be provided for all the surface temperature sensors sensors in heat exchanger and Cryo bath. 2 Nos. of vacuum feed through connectors (61 pin configuration) shall be supplied as spares. Crimp-type vacuum feed-through connectors, qualified as per relevant standards, shall be used. All the cable shields of temperature sensors shall be connected up to the vacuum feed through connector for grounding purpose. For surface temperature measurement the temperature sensor shall be connected with the vacuum feed through connector. Also the corresponding mating connector for connecting above measurement with signal conditioner shall be provided by the supplier. Suggested model / make: 1. Deutch connector, France. 2. Douglas, USA. 21 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH 3.0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3.1 PRICES 3.1.1 The price shall be indicated with break up for the following items. a. LN2 heat exchanger b. Temperature sensors & Vacuum feed through connectors for LN2 Heat exchanger c. Cryo bath. d. Surface temperature sensor & Vacuum feed through connectors. e. Safety relief valves, Burst discs etc. f. Each Instrument such as Pirani gauge, Vacuum meter. g. Spare such as ‘O’ ring/ gaskets etc.. h. Third Party Inspection charges separately for each item. i. Charges for erection & participation for commissioning j. Packing & forwarding, Freight & Taxes 3.1.2 The price shall be firm and fixed as per the scope given in this document. 3.2 PAYMENT TERMS 3.2.1. MILESTONE PAYMENTS The Purchaser shall make payment of the price as per the following milestones: The Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier 10 % of the total price, on receipt of purchase order acceptance against bank guarantee. The payment shall be released after receipt of invoice (commercially certified) by the Purchaser from the Supplier. The following documents shall accompany the invoice while claiming this milestone payment: a. Order acceptance from the supplier. 22 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH b. Bank guarantee for the sum of payment valid till arrival of the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath at Mahendragiri The Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier 20 % of the total price, on receipt of all the design and engineering documents mentioned in section 1.9.3 and approval by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier 50 % of the total price, on receipt of the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath at Mahendragiri. The payment shall be released on receipt of the heat exchanger & Cryo bath and invoice (commercially certified) from the Supplier. The following documents shall accompany the invoice while claiming this milestone payment: a. Joint declaration by the Purchaser and the Supplier of having successfully completed the Pre-shipment review after inspection and pre-shipment tests at the Supplier’s or their sub-contractor’s premises b. Inspection certificate by the Third party inspection agency c. Test certificates d. Packing list (3 copies) showing dimensions, gross mass, net mass and quantity & content of packages The Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier 20 % of the total price, upon erection & commissioning of the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath at Purchaser’s premises. The payment shall be released after commissioning and receipt by the Purchaser of invoice (commercially certified) from the Supplier. The following documents shall accompany the invoice while claiming this milestone payment: 23 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH a. Purchaser’s certification of having successfully completed erection and commissioning of the Heat exchanger &Cryo Bath b. Warranty certificate c. Performance bank guarantee for 10% of the total price valid over the warranty period 3.3 COMPLETION PERIOD 3.3.1 The overall completion period reckoned from the date of purchase order to the date of completion of erection & successful commissioning of the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath at Mahendragiri shall be 8 months. The completion period shall be deemed to be the essence of the order. The order shall be executed in 5 major phases as follows: a. Design & review b. Fabrication, testing and inspection c. Pre-shipment review d. Transportation and delivery e. Erection 3.3.2. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAYED DELIVERY & ERECTION If the Supplier fails to deliver and erect the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath within the period as specified in Section 3.3.1 above or any extension thereof as may be granted by the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall recover from the Supplier as liquidated damages a sum of one–half of one percent (0.5 %) of the total Purchase Order price for each calendar week or part thereof. The total liquidated damages shall not 24 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH exceed 10 % of the total Purchase Order price. The heat exchanger & Cryo bath shall be deemed to have been delivered, only when all its component parts are also delivered. If certain deliverables of the heat exchanger and Cryo bath are not delivered in time, it will be considered that the delivery is delayed until such time the missing deliverables are delivered and accepted. 3.4 EXTENSION OF DELIVERY PERIOD UNDER FORCE MAJEURE CIRCUMSTANCES The term “Force majeure circumstances” shall mean inevitable accident, strike, lock-out, other conflicts of like nature, acts of public enemy, war, freight embargoes, breach of public order, lightning, fire, thunderstorm, flood, explosion, restrictions imposed by the Government and any other circumstance over which the Supplier has no control. If the delivery of the heat exchanger and Cryo bath is delayed due to reasons of Force majeure circumstances, the Supplier shall, without delay, but within 30 days, notify to the Purchaser, in writing, of his claim for extension of time. The confirmation of the Force majeure circumstances shall be made by the purchaser. The Purchaser, on receipt of such notice, may agree to extend the order delivery period as may be reasonable, but not more than 3 months. After the extended period of time, if the Supplier fails to resume execution of the order, the Purchaser shall terminate the order. 3.5 ARBITRATION Except matters in respect of which the decision of the Department is final as specified in the Contract, any dispute, disagreement or question arising out of or relating to or in consequence of the work or fulfillment or the validity of the enforcement thereof which cannot be settled mutually, shall within 30 days from the date that either party informs the other in writing that such dispute or disagreement exists, be 25 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH referred to arbitration. The Arbitrator shall be a serving Law officer of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India and shall be nominated by Director, ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC). The award of the Arbitrator so appointed shall be final and binding on the parties to this Contract. The arbitration proceedings shall be in compliance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. The performance under this Contract shall continue during the arbitration proceedings and no payment due or payable by the Department will be withheld unless any such payment is or forms part of the subject matter of the arbitration proceedings. All expenditures towards arbitration will be equally shared by both the parties 3.6 DELIVERY 3.6.1 The heat exchanger & its cooling coil and Cryo bath shall be filled with Nitrogen gas at 0.15 MPa (a) pressure before dispatch. The Supplier shall arrange to deliver as per terms the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath on CPT Mahendragiri basis as per International commercial terms. 3.6.2 The ultimate consignee shall be as follows: Purchase & Stores Officer, Stores, ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), ISRO, Department of Space, Government of India, Mahendragiri 627 133, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu State, India. MARKING: The Supplier shall ensure that the consignment is legibly and properly marked for correct identification. 3.6.3. PACKING: The Supplier shall pack and crate the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath in such a manner so as to protect them from damage and deterioration during the transportation. The Supplier shall be held responsible for all damages due to improper or inadequate packing. 26 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH 3.7 SUPPLIER’S DEFAULT LIABILITY 3.7.1 The Purchaser may, upon 30 days written notice of default to the Supplier, cancel the order in the circumstances detailed hereunder: a. If the Supplier fails to deliver and erect the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath within the completion period specified or within the period for which extension may be granted by the Purchaser to the Supplier. b. If the Supplier commits breach of any terms and conditions of the Purchase order. 3.8 WARRANTY 3.8.1 The Supplier shall ensure and declare that the Heat exchanger & Cryo bath of the best quality and workmanship and in strict compliance with the technical specifications as per Section 1.1.1, 1.1.2 & 1.1.3 and shall also warrant that the heat exchanger & Cryo bath would continue to conform to the specification and quality during the warranty period specified below. The Supplier shall warrant the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath against any faulty material or workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning at the Purchaser’s site or 24 months from the date of delivery from the supplier’s factory, whichever is earlier. 3.8.2 PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE The Supplier shall guarantee the successful and satisfactory performance/ operation of the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath under the conditions and for the services specified. As a performance security, the Supplier shall furnish a performance bank guarantee for 10 % of the Purchase Order price to guarantee the faithful performance of the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath in accordance with all the specifications and terms specified herein valid for the 27 SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSPECTION, TESTING, SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN (LN2) HEAT EXCHANGER AND CRYO BATH warranty period as specified in Section 3.8.1 above. On due performance, the performance bank guarantee shall be automatically cancelled and returned to the Supplier within 30 days after expiry of the warranty period. 3.8.3 REJECTION In the event that the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath supplied by the Supplier is found defective in material or workmanship or otherwise not in conformity with the requirements of the specifications as per Section 1&2 the Purchaser shall reject the same and notify to the Supplier, in writing, to rectify the same. The Supplier, on receipt of such notification shall assess the defect in consultation with the Purchaser and either rectify or replace the defective heat exchanger and Cryo bath free of cost to the Purchaser. If the Supplier fails to take corrective action within 30 days, the Purchaser shall, at his option recover the cost involved in such replacement or rectification from the Supplier 3.9 INDEMNITY The Supplier shall warrant that all the materials are free and clean of infringement of any patent, copyright or trade mark, and shall at all times indemnify the Purchaser against all claims which may be made in respect of the Heat exchanger & Cryo Bath for infringement of any right protected by patent registration of design or trade mark and shall take all risk of accidents or damages which may cause a failure of the supply from whatever cause arising and the entire responsibility for the sufficiency of all the means used by him for the fulfillment of purchase order. 28 29 30 अय ववरण नीचे दया गया हे /The other details are given below :1. जस िलफाफे म इस ूकार का िनवेदन भेजा जा रहा हो उसके ऊपर$ भाग पर "िनवदा दःतावेज' के िलए अनुरोध", िनवदा सं .दे य ितिथ िलखा जाए । / The Envelope containing such request shall be super-scribed with 'REQUEST FOR TENDER DOCUMENTS, Tender Notice No., Date etc. 2 (a) ड$ड$, व3ापन क4 ितिथ से पूव6 ितिथ का नह$ं होना चाहए । ू7येक िनवदा दःतावेज के िलए अलग िनवेदन पऽ एवं अलग डमा9ड सा;ट भेजा जाए । / DD should not be dated prior to the date of advertisement. Separate request letter and separate Demand Draft shall be sent for each tender document. 2 (b) Government Departments, Public Sector Undertakings (both Central & State), Small Scale Industries Units borne on the list of National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) and foreign sources / suppliers are exempted from payment of Tender Fee/ सरकार$ वभाग, साव6जिनक =ेऽ के उपबम (केि$य और राAय दोन'), राCीय लघु उEोग िनगम (NSIC) क4 सूची म पंजीकृ त लघु उEोग इकाईय' और वदे शी ॐोतो / आपूित6कता6ओं को िनवदा शुLक के भुगतान से छूट द$ गई है । 3. िनवदा शुLक का भुगतान रे खांकत डमा9ड सा;ट (अूितदे य) के Pप म कया जाए जो (माऽ एम आई सी आर ड$ड$) महे ििगQर, ितPनेलवेली जला म दे य हो तथा वह माऽ वQरR लेखा अिधकार$, आईपीआरसी के नाम पर िलया जाए । / The Tender Fees (non refundable) shall be paid in the form of CROSSED DEMAND DRAFT (MICR DD ONLY) payable at MAHENDRAGIRI, TIRUNELVELI DISTRICT in favour of The Sr.ACCOUNTS OFFICER, IPRC only. 4. डमा9ड सा;ट के पीछे वबेता का नाम एवं िनवदा संSया दज6 होनी चाहए । / Vendor name and tender number shall be indicated on the reverse side of the Demand Draft 5. डाउनलोड कया हुआ िनवदा दःतावेज़ िनधा6Qरत िनवदा शुLक के डमांड सा;ट के साथ ूःतुत कया जाना चाहए। / Downloaded tender documents should be submitted along with Demand Draft for the requisite amount towards Tender fee. 6. िनयत ितिथ बढ़ाए जाने के िनवेदन पर कोई वचार नह$ं कया जाएगा ।/ No request for extension of the due date will be considered. 7. यद वबेता YयZगत Pप से आकर िनवदा दःतावेज ूा[ करना चाहते ह\ , तो िनयत ितिथ से चार दन पूव6 तक बय़ ूभाग म 1400 से 1600 बजे के बीच म कसी भी काय़6 दवस पर संपक6 कर सकते ह\ । / In case vendors desire to collect the tender document in person, they may contact Purchase Division on any working day between 1400 to 1600 hrs up to four days before the due date. 8. डाक bारा िनवदा दःतावेज क4 बब4 िनयत ितिथ से 10दन पूव6 बंद कर द$ जाएगी । / The sale of the tender documents through POST shall be closed 10 days prior to due date. 9. अंितम समय सीमा से पूव6 ूा[ बोिलयाँ उपःथत िनवदाकार'/ उनके bारा ूािधकृ त ूितिनिधय' क4 उपःथित म 10.09.2014 को 1000 बजे खोली जाएगी । / Bids shall be opened in the presence of attending tenderers/ their authorized representatives on 10.09.2014 at 10.00 hrs. 10. ऊपर िनद6 R ितिथ को यद छुdट$ घोषत क4 जाती है तो आईपीआरसी का अगला काय6 दवस िनवदाओं क4 ूाि[ एवं खोलने के िलए िनयत ितिथ माना जाएगा। / In the event any date indicated above is declared as holiday, the next working day at IPRC shall be considered as the due date for receiving & opening of tenders. 11. वलंबदे र$ से ूा[ ूःताव ःवीकृ त नह$ं कए जाएंगे ।/ Late/Delayed offers will not be accepted. 12. डाक bारा भेजे गए िनवदा दःतावेज़ दे र से ूा[ होने खो जाने या न ूा[ होने पर आईपीआरसी ज़fमेदार नह$ं होगा। / IPRC takes no responsibility for any delay, loss or non-receipt of tender documents sent by post. 13) (i) एक िनवदा म ूसपल / ओइएम क4 ओर से भारतीय ूितिनिध या ूसपल / ओइएम खुद बोली लगा सकते ह\ । पर दोन' एक ह$ िनवदा म एक ह$ वःतु / वषय के िलए एक साथ बोली नह$ं लगा सकते ह\ । In a tender either the Indian Agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/ product in the same tender. ii) यद एक ूितिनिध कसी ूसपल / ओइएम क4 ओर से बोली लगाते ह\ तो वह ूितिनिध उसी िनवदा मे कसी और ूसपल / ओइएम क4 ओर से एक ह$ वःतु / वषय के िलए बोली नह$ं लगा सकते ह\ । If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal/OEM in the same tender for the same item/Product. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION ISRO PROPULSION COMPLEX MAHENDRAGIRI – 627 133. (INDIGENOUS) INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Tenders should be sent in sealed envelopes super scribing the relevant tender No. and the due date of opening. Only one tender should be sent in each envelope. Late tenders will not be considered. Sales tax and/or other duties/levies where legally livable and intended to be claimed should be distinctly shown separately in the tender. As a Government of India Department. This office is exempted from payment of Octroi and similar local levies. Tenderers shall ensure that necessary exemption certificates are obtained by them from the purchase officer concerned to avoid any payment of such levies. (a) Your quotation should be valid for 60 days from the date of opening of the tender. (b) Prices are required to be quoted according to the units indicated in the annexed tender form. When quotations are given in terms of units other than those specified in the tender form, relationship between the two sets of units must be furnished. Preference will be given to those tenderers offering supplies from ready stock and on the basis of FOR destination/delivery at site. (a) All available technical literature catalogues and other data in support of the specification and details of the items should be furnished along with the offer. (b) Samples, if called for, should be submitted free of all charges by the tenderer and the purchaser shall not be responsible for any loss or damage thereof due to any reason whatsoever. In the event of non-acceptance of tender, the tenderer will have to remove the samples at his own expense. (c) Approximate net and gross weight of the items offered shall be indicated in your offer. If dimensional details are available the same should also be indicated in your offer. (d) Specifications: Stores offered should strictly confirm to our specifications. Deviations, if any should be clearly indicated by the tenderer in their quotation. The tenderer should also indicate the Make/Type number of stores offered and provide catalogues, technical literature and samples, wherever necessary along with the quotations. Test Certificates wherever necessary should be forwarded along with supplies. Whenever options are called for in our specifications, wherever specifically mentioned by us, the tenderer could suggest changes to specifications with appropriate response for the same. The purchaser shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right of acceptance of the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered and the tenderers shall supply the same the rates quoted. Corrections, if any, must be attested. All amounts shall be indicated both in words as well as in figures. Where there is difference between amounts quoted in words and figures, amount quoted in words shall prevail. The tenderer should supply along with his tender, the name of his bankers as well as the latest income-tax clearance certificate duly countersigned by the income-tax officer or the circle concerned under the seal of his office, if required by the purchaser. The purchaser reserves the right to place order on the successful tenderers for additional quantity up to 25% of the quantity offered by them at the rates quoted. The authority of the person signing the tender, if called for should be produced. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. Definitions: (a) The term ‘Purchaser’ shall mean the president of India or his successors or assigns. (b) The term ‘Contractor’ shall mean, the person, firm or company with or with which the order for the supply of stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the contractor’s successors, representatives, heirs, executors and administrators, unless excluded by the contract. (c) The term ‘Stores’ shall mean, what Contractor agrees to supply under the contract as specified in the Purchase Order including erection of plants and machinery and subsequent testing, should such a condition be included in the Purchase Order. (d) The term ‘Purchase Order’ shall mean, the communication signed on behalf of the Purchaser by an Officer duly authorized intimating the acceptance on the terms and conditions mentioned or referred to in the said communication accepting the Tender or offer of the Contractor for supply of stores or plant, machinery or equipment or part thereof. 2. Prices: Tender offering firm prices will be preferred. Where a price variation clause is insisted upon by tenderer, quotations with a reasonable ceiling should be submitted. Such offers should invariably be supported by the base price taken into account at the time of tendering and also formula for any such variations. 3. Security Deposit: On acceptance of tender, the contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser and within the period specified by him deposit with him in cash or in any other forms as the purchaser may determine, security deposit not exceeding ten percent of the value of the contract as the Purchaser shall specify. If the contractor fails is called upon by the purchaser to deposit security and the contractor fails to provide the security within the period specified, such failure shall constitute a breach of the contract and the Purchaser shall be entitled to make other arrangements for the re-purchase of the stores contracted for at the risk of the contractor in terms of sub-clause (ii) and (iii) of clause 10(b) here-of and/or to recover from the contractor damages arising from such cancellation. 4. Guarantees and Replacement: a) The contractor shall guarantee that the stores supplied shall comply fully with the specifications laid down, for material workmanship and performance. b) For a period of twelve months after the acceptance of the stores, if any defects are discovered therein or any defects therein found to have developed under proper use arising from faulty stores, design or workmanship, contractor shall remedy such defects at his own cost provided he is called upon to do so within in what respect the stores or any part thereof are faulty. c) If in the opinion of the purchaser, it becomes necessary to replace or renew any defective stores such replacement or renewal shall be made by the contractor free of all costs to the Purchaser provided the notice informing the contractor of the defect is given by the purchaser in this regard within the said period of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof. d) Should the Contractor fail to rectify the defects, the Purchaser shall have the right to reject or repair to replace at the cost of the Contractor the whole or any portion of the defective stores. e) The decision of the purchaser, not withstanding any prior approval or acceptance or Inspection thereof on behalf of the Purchaser, as to whether or not the stores supplied by the contractor are defective or any defects have developed within the said period of 12 months or as to whether the nature of the defects renewal or replacement, shall be final, conclusive and binding on the contractor. f) To fulfill the guarantee conditions outlined in clause 4 (a) to (e) above, the Contractor shall, at the option of the purchaser, furnish a Bank Guarantee ( as prescribed by the purchaser) from a Bank approved by the purchaser for an amount equivalent to 10% of the value of the contract along with first shipment documents. On the performance and completion of the contract in all respects, the Bank Guarantee will be returned to the Contractor without any interest. g) All the replacement stores shall also be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of arrival stores at Purchaser’s site. h) Even while the 12 months guarantee applies to all stores in case where greater period is called forth by our specifications then such a specification shall apply, in such cases the period of 14 months referred to in Para 4 (b) & (c) shall be ‘asked for’ guarantee period plus two months. 5. Packing Forwarding & Insurance: The contractor will be held responsible for the stores being sufficiently and properly packed for transport by rail, road, sea or air, to withstand transit hazards and ensure safe arrival at the destination. The packing and marking of the packages shall be done by and at the expense of the contractor. The purchaser will not pay separately for transit insurance, all risks in transit being exclusively of the contractor and the purchaser shall pay only for such as are actually received in good conditions, in accordance with the contract. 6. Despatches: The contractor is responsible for obtaining a clear receipt from the Transport Authorities specifying the goods dispatched. The consignment should be dispatched with clear Railway Receipt/Lorry Receipt. If sent in any other mode, it is at the risk of the contractor. Purchaser will take no responsibility for short deliveries or wrong supply of goods when the same are booked on ‘said to contain’ basis Purchaser shall pay for only such stores as are actually received by them in accordance with the contract. 7. Test Certificate: Whenever required, test certificates should be sent along with the dispatch documents. 8. Acceptance of Stores: a) The stores shall be tendered by the tenders by Contractor for inspection at such places as may be specified by the purchaser at the contractor’s own risk, expenses and cost. b) It is expressly agreed that the acceptance of the stores contracted for is subject to final approval by the purchaser, whose decision shall be final. c) If in the option of the purchaser all or any of the stores that do not meet the performance or quality requirements specified in the purchaser order, they may be either rejected or accepted at price to be fixed by the purchaser and his decision as to rejection and the prices to be fixed shall be final and binding on the contractor. d) If the whole or any part of the stores supplied are rejected in accordance with Clause No. 8. e) Above the Purchaser shall be at liberty, with or without notice to the contractor, or to purchase in the open market at the expense of the contractor, stores meeting the necessary performance and quality contracted for in place of those rejected, provided that either the purchase, or the agreement to purchase, from another supplied is made within six months from the date of rejection of the stores as aforesaid. 9. Rejected Stores: Rejected stores will remain at destination at the Contractor’s risk and responsibility. If instruction for their disposal are not received from the contractor within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the advice of rejection, the Purchaser or his representative has, at his discretion the right to scrap sell or consign the rejected stores to contractor’s address at the contractor’s entire risk and expense, freight being payable by the contractor at actual. 10. Delivery: a) The time for and the date of delivery of the stores stipulated in the Purchase Order shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract, and delivery must be completed on or before the specified dates. b) Should the contractor fail to deliver the stores or any consignment thereof within the period prescribes for such delivery, the purchaser shall be entitled at his option either. i) To recover from contractor as agreed liquidated damages and not by way of penalty, a sum of 2% of the price of any stores which the contractor has failed to deliver as aforesaid, for each month or part of a month, during which the delivery of such stores may be arrears , or (ii) to purchase elsewhere, without notice to the contractor on the account and at the risk of the contractor, the stores not delivered or others of a similar description (where others exactly complying with the particulars are not, in the opinion of the purchaser readily procurable such opinion being final) without canceling the contract in respect of the consignment (s) not yet due for delivery or (iii) to cancel the contract or a portion thereof and if so desired, to purchase or authorize the purchase of stores not so delivered of others of similar description ( where others exactly complying with the particulars are not, in the opinion of the Purchaser readily Procurable, such opinion final) at the risk and cost of the contractor. In the event of action being taken under sun clause (ii) & (iii) of clause 10 above, the contractor shall be liable for any loss with the Purchase may sustain on that account, provided that the re-purchase or, of there is an agreement of repurchase that such agreement is made within six months from the date or such failure. But the contractor shall not be entitled to any gain on such repurchase made against default. The manner and method of such repurchase shall be at the discretion of the purchase whose decision shall be final. It shall not be necessary for the purchaser to serve a notice of such repurchase on the defaulting contractor. This right shall be without prejudice to the right of the purchaser to recover damages for breach of contract by the Contractor. 11. Extension of time: As soon as it is apparent that contract dates cannot be adhered to, an application shall be sent by the contractor to the purchaser. If failure, on the part of the contractor to deliver the stores in proper time shall have arisen from any cause which the purchaser may admit as reasonable ground for an extension of the time (and his decision shall be final) he may allow such additional times as he considers it to be justified by circumstances of the case without prejudice to the purchaser’s right to recover liquidated damages under clause 10 thereof. 12. Erection of Plant & Machinery: Whether erection of a plant or machinery is the responsibility of the contractor as per the terms of the contract and in case the contractor fails to carry out the erection as and when called upon to do so within the period specified by the purchaser, the purchaser shall have the right to get the erection done through any source of his choice. In such an event, the contractor shall be liable to bear any additional expenditure that the purchaser is liable to incur towards erection. The contractor shall, however, not be entitled to any gain due to such an action by the Purchaser. 13.Payment: Contractor’s bill will be passed for payment only after the stores have been received, inspected and accepted by the Purchaser. 14.Mode of Payment: Normally payment will be made for the accepted stores within 30 days from the date of receipt of the materials. 15 .Recovery of Sum Due: Whenever any claim for payment of, whether liquidated or not, money arises out of or under this contract against Contractor, the purchaser shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating, in part or whole the security deposited by the contractor, if a security is taken against the contract. In the event of the security being insufficient or if no security has been taken from the contractor, then the balance or the total sum recoverable, as the case may be, shall be deducted from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to the contractor under this or any other contract with the purchaser, should this sum be not sufficient to cover the full amount recoverable, the contractor shall pay to the purchaser on demand the remaining balance due. Similarly, if the purchaser has or makes any claim, whether liquidated or not against the contractor under any other contract with the purchaser the payment of all money payable under the contract to the contractor including the security deposit shall be withheld till such claims of the purchaser are finally adjudicated upon and paid by the Contractor. 16. Indemnity: The contractor shall warrant and be deemed to have warranted that all stores supplied against this contract are free and clean of infringement of any Patent, copy right or trade mark and shall at all times indemnify the Purchaser against all claims which may be made in respect of the stores for infringement of any right protected by patent. Registration of design or Trade mark and shall all risk of accidents of damage which may cause a failure of the supply from whatever cause arising and the entire responsibility for the sufficiency of all the means used by him for the fulfillment of the contract. 17. Arbitration: In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under these conditions contained in the Purchase Order or in connection with this contract, (expects as to any matters, the decision of which is specifically provided for by these conditions) the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Head of the Purchase Officer or of some other person appointed by him. It will be no objection that the arbitrator is a Government, servant that he had to deal with matter to which the contract relates or that in the course of his duties as a Government servant he has expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties of this contract. It is a term of this contract:a) If the arbitrator to be the Head of the Purchase Office. i. In the event of his being transferred of vacating his office by resignation or otherwise, it shall be lawful for his successor-in-office either to proceed with the reference himself, or to appoint another person as arbitrator, or II. In the event of his being unwilling or unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of Purchase Office to appoint another person as arbitrator, or b) If the arbitrator be a person applied by the Head of the Purchase Office: In the event of his dying, neglecting to act, or resigning or being unable to act, for any reason, it shall be lawful the Head of the Purchase Office either proceed with reference himself or to appoint another person as arbitrator in place of the outgoing arbitrator. Subject as aforesaid, the arbitration Act, 1996 and the rules there under and any statutory modification thereof for the time being the force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause. The Arbitrator shall have the power to extend with the consent of the purchaser and the contractor the time for making and Publishing the award. The venue of arbitration shall be the place as the purchaser in his absolute discretion may determine. Work under the contract shall, if reasonably, possible, continue during Arbitration Proceedings. In the event of any dispute of difference relating to the interpretation and application for the provision of the contract, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party to Arbitration of one of the Arbitration in the Department Of public Enterprises. The Arbitration Act 1996 shall not be applicable to arbitration under this clause. The award of the Arbitration shall be binding upon the parties to the dispute provided however any party aggrieved by such award may make a further reference for setting aside or revision of the award to the Low secretary, Department of legal Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice Govt. of India. Upon such reference, the dispute shall be decided by the law secretary or the special secretary/ Additional Secretary when so authorized by the Law Secretary, whose decision shall bind the parties finally and conclusively. The parties to the dispute will share equally, the cost of arbitration as intimated arbitration. 18. Counter Terms and Conditions of Suppliers: Where counter terms and conditions/printed or cyclostyled conditions have been offered by the supplier, the same shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the Purchaser unless specific written thereof is obtained. 19. Security of Purchaser Materials: Successful tenderer will have to furnish in the form of a bank guarantee or in any other form as called for by the Purchaser towards adequate security for the materials/property provided by the Purchaser for the due execution of the contract. 20.Jurisdiction: The contract shall be governed by the Laws of India for the time being in force. The courts of Tamilnadu only shall have jurisdiction to deal with and decide any legal or dispute arising out of this contract. 21.Liquidated Damages: If the contractor fails to deliver the stores within the time specified the contract or any extension thereof, the purchaser shall recover from the contractor as liquidated damages sum of one-half of one percent (0.5 percent) of the contract price of the undelivered stores for each calendar week of delay. The total liquidated damages shall not exceed ten percent (10 percent) of the contract price of the unit or units delayed. Stores will be deemed to have been delivered only when all its component parts are also delivered. If certain components are not delivered in time, the stores will be considered as delayed until such time as the missing part is delivered. ***** INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE (IMPORT) 1. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS. 1.1 The tenderers should submit quotations in duplicate in a sealed envelope, super scribing the Tender No. and due date of opening and complete in all respects with technical specifications, including pamphlets and catalogues. 1.2 A Proforma Invoice may also be given which should contain the following information :(a) The FOB/FCA Value, the C & F value for import by sea – freight / Air freight upto and for air parcel post upto TRIVANDRUM should be separately indicated. (b) Agency Commission : The amount of Commission included in the price and payable to the Indian Agents of the Contractor shall be paid directly to the Indian Agents by the Purchaser in equivalent Indian Rupees on the basis of an Invoice from him applying T.T. buying rate of exchange ruling on the date of placement of the Purchase Order and Which shall not be subject to any further exchange variations. This payment will be released to the Indian Agents within 30 days from the date of receipt and acceptance of stores. (c) The contractor shall invoice only for the net amount payable to him, after deducting the amount of Agency Commission included in the invoice which would be paid to the Indian Agents directly by purchaser. However, the Contractor’s invoice should separately reflect the amount of commission payable to his Indian Agent. (d) The earliest delivery period and country of origin of the Stores. (e) Banker’s name and address of the contractor. (f) The approximate net and gross weight and dimensions of packages/cases. (g) Recommended spares for satisfactory operation for a minimum period of one year. (h) Details of any technical service, if required for erection, assembly, commissioning and demonstration. 1.3 The FOB/FCA and C & F prices quoted should be inclusive of all taxes, levies duties arising in the tender’s country. 1.4 The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date of opening of the tender. 1.5 Samples, if called for, should be sent free of all charges. 1.6 Late tenders will not be considered Quotations by cable must be followed by detailed offers. 1.7 Offers made by Indian Agents on behalf of their Principals should be supported by the Proforma Invoice of their Principal. 1.8 The details of Import Licence/OGL will be furnished in Purchase Order. 1.9 The authority of person signing the tender, if called for, shall be produced. 1.10 Instruction/operation Manual containing all assembly details including wiring diagrams should be sent wherever necessary in duplicate. All documents / correspondence should be in English language only. 1.11 The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject the lowest or any other offer in whole or in part without assigning any reason. 1.12 It is expressly agreed that the acceptance of the stores contracted for is subject to final approval in writing by the purchaser. 1.13 (a) Part shipment is not allowed unless specifically agreed by us. (b)As far as possible, stores should be dispatched by Indian Flag Vessels/Air India or through any Agency nominated by us. 1.14 Inspection / Test Certificate should be provided for the goods after testing it thoroughly at the Contractor’s works. If any inspection by Lloyds or any other testing agency is considered necessary. It shall be arranged by Contractors. 1.15 Where erection or assembly or commissioning is part of the contract is should be done immediately on notification. The contractor shall be responsible for any loss/damage sustained due to delay in fulfilling this responsibility. 1.16 For items having shelf life, those with maximum shelf life should be supplied, if order is placed. a) TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 2.1 Definitions: (a) The term ‘Purchaser’ shall mean the President of India or his successors or assigns. (b) The term ‘Contractor’ shall mean the person, firm or company with whom or with which the order for the supply of stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the Contractors Successors, representatives, heirs, executors and administrators unless excluded by the contract. (c) The term ‘Purchase Order’ shall mean, the communication signed on behalf of the Purchaser by an officer authorized intimating the acceptance on behalf of the Purchaser on terms and conditions mentioned or referred to in the said communication accepting the Tender or offer of the Contractor for supply of stores or plant, machinery or part thereof. (d) The term ‘Stores’ shall mean, what the Contractor agrees to supply under the contract as specified in the Purchase Order. 2.2 Prices : Tenders offering firm prices will be preferred. Where a price variation Clause is insisted upon by a tenderer, quotation with a reasonable ceiling should be submitted. Such offers should invariably by supported by the base price taken into account at the time of tendering and also the formula for any such variations. b) TERMS OF PAYMENT : 3.1 Being a Department of Government of India, the normal terms of payments are by Sight Draft however, other terms of payment like establishment of Letter of Credit may be considered by the Purchaser on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon. The Sight Draft/Letter of Credit will be operative on presentation of the under mentioned documents (a) Original Bill of Lading/Airway Bill. (b) Commercially certified invoices describing the Stores delivered, quantity, unit rate and their total value in triplicate. The invoice should indicate the discounts, if any, and Agency Commission separately. (c) Packing List showing individual and weight of packages. (d) Country of origin certificate in duplicate. (e) Test Certificate. (f) Declaration by the Seller that the contents in each case are not less than those entered in the invoices and the quality of the stores are guaranteed as per the specifications asked for by the Purchaser. (g) Warrantee and Guarantee Certificated vide Clause 20. 3.2 4. IMPORT LICENCE: Reference to Import Licence No. and date and contract number and date shall be prominently indicated in all the documents vide para 3.2. 5. DEMURRAGE: Supplier shall bear demurrage charges if any incurred by the purchaser due to delayed presentation of shipping documents as prescribed in para 3.2 to the Bankers within reasonable time (say within 10-12 days) from the date of bill of leading for sea consignment and within 3 to 4 days from the date of Air Way Bill for Air consignments. 6. ADDRESS OF INDIAN AGENTS: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. GUARANTEED TIME OF DELIVERY: The time for and the date of delivery stipulated in the Purchase Order shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract. Delivery must be completed within the details specified therein. 8. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE TESTS: 8.1 8.2 8.3 The Purchaser’s representative shall also be entitled at all reasonable times during manufacture to inspect, examine and test on the Contractor’s premises the material and workmanship of all stores to be supplied under this contract and if part of the said stores being manufactured on other premises, the contractor shall obtain from the Purchaser’s representative permission to inspect, examine, and test as if the equipment were being manufactured on the contractor’s premises such inspection, examination and testing shall not release the contract from the obligation under this contract. For tests on the premises of the contractor of any of his sub-contractors the contractor shall provide free of cost assistance, labour, materials, electricity, fuel and instruments as may be required or as may be reasonably needed by the purchaser’s representative to carry out the tests efficiently. When the stores have passed the specified test, the purchaser’s representative shall furnish a certificate to this effect in writing to the contractor. The contractor shall provide copies of the tests certificates to the purchaser as may be required. 9. MODE OF DESPATCH: Generally, stores should be dispatched by Indian Flagged Vessel/Air India or through any other Agency nominated by the purchaser. A copy of the invoice and packing list should invariably be kept inside each of the packages. 10.PORT OF ENTRY: Chennai / Trivandrum. 11.PORT CONSIGNEE: Purchase & Stores Officer, (Stores), IPRC, Mahendragiri 627 133, Tirunelveli Dist., Nadu. Tamil 12.ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE: Purchase & Stores Officer, (Stores), IPRC, Mahendragiri 627 133, Tirunelveli Dist., Nadu. Tamil 13.SHIPPING MARKS: The marks on the shipping documents such as invoice, bill of lading and on the packages should be as follows: PURCHASE ORDER NO.--------------------------------------GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF SPACE ISRO PROPULSION COMPLEX DESTINATION : TRIVANDRUM / CHENNAI. PORT OF ENTRY : TRIVANDRUM / CHENNAI. DT.:--------------- 14.INSURANCE OF THE STORES: The purchaser shall be responsible for insuring the stores wherever considered necessary. The contractor shall however be responsible for notifying as per Proforma enclosed, to the purchaser or the insurers nominated by the purchaser, the complete details of the proposed shipments including the value of each shipment and other relevant data, immediately after shipment to enable the purchaser or the insurers to arrange for the issuance of the insurance policy, if required. The necessity or otherwise of insurance will be as indicated in the purchase order. 15.CONTRACTOR’S DEFAULT LIABLITY: 15.1 The purchaser may upon written notice of default to contractor terminate the contract in whole or in part in circumstances detailed hereunder:(a) If in the judgment of the purchaser the contractor fails to make delivery of stores within the time specified in the contract agreement or within the period for which extension has been granted by the purchaser to the contractor. (b) If in the judgment of the purchaser the contractor fails to comply with any of the other provisions of this contract. 15.2 In the event the purchaser terminated the contract in whole or in part as provided in Clause 15.1 the purchaser terminates the right to purchase upon such terms and in such a manner as he may deem appropriate stores similar to the terminated and contractor shall be liable to the purchaser for any additional costs for such similar stores and / or for liquidated damages for delay as defined in clause 19 until such reasonable time as may be required for the final supply of stores. 15.3 If the contract is terminated as provided in clause 15.1 the purchaser in addition to any other rights provided in the article, may require the contractor to transfer title and deliver to the purchaser under any of the following cases in the manner and as directed by the Purchaser. (a) Any completed stores. (b) Such partially completed stores, drawing information and contract rights thereinafter called manufacturing material as the contractor has specifically produced or acquired for the performance of the contract as terminated. The purchaser shall pay to the contractor the contract price for completed stores delivered to and accepted by the purchaser and for manufacturing materials delivered and accepted. 15.4 In the event the purchaser does not terminate the contractor as provided in clause 15.1 the contractor shall continue the performance of the contract in which case be shall be liable to the purchaser for liquidated damages for delay as set out in clause 19 until the stores are accepted. 16.REPLACEMENT: If the stores or any portion thereof is damaged or lost during transit, the purchaser shall give notice to the contractor setting forth particulars of such stores damaged or lost during transit. The replacement of such stores shall be effected by the contractor within a reasonable time to avoid unnecessary delay in the intended usage of the stores. The price of replacement items shall be paid by the purchaser on the basis of the original prices quoted in the tender or as reasonably worked out from the tender. The cost of the damages will however be claimed by the purchaser from the insurance company. The import Licence / Customs clearance permit for the replacement, will be provided by the purchaser. 17.REJECTION: In the event that any of the stores supplied by the contractor is found defective in material or workmanship otherwise not conformity with the requirements of the contract specification, the purchaser shall either reject the stores or request the contractor, in writing to rectify the same. The contractor, on receipt of such notification shall either rectify or replace the defective stores free of cost to the purchaser. If the contractor fails to do so, the purchaser may at his option either - (a) replace or rectify such defective stores and recover the extra cost so involved from the contractor or. (b) Terminate the contract for default as provided under clause 15 above. (c) Acquire the defective stores at a reduced price considered equitable under the circumstances. The provision of this article shall not prejudice the purchasers rights under clause 19. 18. EXTENSION OF TIME: If the completion of supply of stores is delayed due to reasons of Force Majeure such as acts of god, acts of public enemy, acts of government, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine, restrictions, strikes and freight embargoes, the contractor shall give notice within 15 days to the purchaser in writing of his claim for an extension of time. The purchaser on receipt of such notice after verification, if necessary, may agree to extend the contract delivery date as may be reasonable but without prejudice to other terms and conditions of the contract. 19.DELAY IN COMPLETION / LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: If the contractor fails to deliver the stores within the time specified the contract or any extension thereof, the purchaser shall recover from the contractor as liquidated damages sum of one-half of one percent (0.5 percent) of the contract price of the undelivered stores for each calendar week of delay. The total liquidated damages shall not exceed ten percent (10 percent) of the contract price of the unit or units delayed. Stores will be deemed to have been delivered only when all its component parts are also delivered. If certain components are not delivered in time, the stores will be considered as delayed until such time as the missing parts are delivered. 20.GUARANTEE & REPLACEMENT: (a) The contractor shall guarantee the stores supplied shall comply fully with the specifications laid down, for material, workmanship and performance. (b) For a period of 12 months after the acceptance of the stores, if any defects are discovered therein or any defects therein are found to have developed under proper use arising from faulty materials, design or workmanship, contractor shall remedy such defects at his own cost provided he is called upon to do so within a period of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof by the Purchaser who shall state in writing what respect the stores or any part thereof any faulty. (c) If in the opinion of the Purchaser it becomes necessary to replace or renew any defective stores, such notice informing the contractor of the defect, is given by the Purchaser in this record within the said periods of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof. (d) Should the contractor fails to rectify the defects, the purchaser shall have the right to reject or repair or replace at the cost of the contractor the whole or any portion of the defective stores. (e) The decision of the purchaser, not withstanding any prior approval or acceptance or inspection thereof on behalf of the purchaser, as to whether or not the stores supplied by the contractor are defective or any defect has developed within the said period of 12 months or as to whether the nature of the defects requires renewal or replacement, shall be final, conclusive and binding on the contractor. (f) To fulfill guarantee conditions outlined in clause 20 (a) to (c) above, the contractor shall at the option of the purchaser, furnish a Bank Guarantee (as prescribed by the purchaser bank Guarantee enclosed) from a bank approved by the purchaser for an amount equivalent to 10% of the value of the contract along with first shipment documents. On the performance and completion of the contract in all respects, the bank guarantee will be returned to the contractor without any interest. (g) All the replacement stores shall also be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of arrival of stores at purchaser’s site. (h) Even while the 12 months guarantee applied to all stores in case where a greater period is called forth by our specifications then such a specification shall apply, in such cases the period of 14 months referred to in clause 20 (b) and (c) shall be the asked for guarantee period plus two months. 21.REQUIREMENT OF ADDITIONAL NUMBERS OF THE STORES/SPARE PARTS ORDERED: The contractor shall also undertake the supply of additional number (Nos.) of items covered by the order as considered necessary by the purchaser at a later date. The actual price to be paid shall be mutually agreed to after negotiations. 22.PACKING: (a) The contractor wherever applicable shall pack and create all stores : for sea/air shipment as applicable in a manner suitable for export to a tropical humid climate, in accordance with internationally accepted export practices and in such a manner so as to protect it from damage and deterioration in transit by road, rail or sea for space qualified stores. The contractors shall be held responsible for all damages due to improper packing. (b) The contractor shall ensure that each box/unit of shipment is legible and properly marked for correct identification. The failure to comply with this requirement shall make the contractor liable for additional expenses involved. (c) The contractor shall notify the purchaser of the date of shipment from the port of embarkation as well as the expected date of arrival of such shipment at the designated port of arrival. (d) The contractor shall give complete shipment information concerning the weight, size, content of each packages, etc. (e) Transshipment of equipment shall not be permitted expect with written permission of the purchaser. (f) Apart from the dispatch documents negotiated through Bank the following documents shall also be air-mailed to the purchaser within 7 days from the date of shipment by sea and within 3 days in case of air-consignments. (a) Commercial Bill of Lading/Air Way Bill/ post parcel Receipt (two non-negotiable copies) (b) Invoice (3 copies) (c) Packing List (3 copies) (d) Test Certificate (3 copies) (e) Certificate of origin Contractor shall also ensure that one copy of the packing list is enclosed in each case. 23. ARBITRATION: If at any time any question, disputes or differences whatsoever shall arise between the purchaser and the contractor upon or in connection with this contract, either party may forthwith give to the order notices in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference and the same shall be referred to the adjudication of two arbitration. One to be nominated by purchaser, other by a contractor and in the event of any difference of opinion, the arbitrators will refer the matter to the umpire. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and procedure of arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce at Paris. The expenses of the arbitrators and umpire shall be paid as may be determined by them. However, the venue of such arbitration should be India. 24.LANGUAGE AND MEASURES: All documents pertaining to the contract including specifications schedule notices, correspondence operating and maintenance instructions drawing or any other writing shall be written in English language. The metric system of measurement shall be used exclusively in this contract. 25.INDEMNITY: The contractor shall warrant and be deemed to have warranted that all stores, supplied against this contract are free and clean of infringement of any patent, copy right or trade mark and shall at all times indemnity the purchaser against all claims which may be made in respect of the stores of infringement of any right protected by patent, registration of design or trade mark and shall risk of accidents or damage which may cause a failure of the supply from whatever cause arising and the entire responsibility for the sufficiency of all the means used by him for the fulfillment of the contract. 26.COUNTER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SUPPLIERS: Where counter terms and conditions/printed or cyclostyled conditions have been offered by the supplier, the same shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the purchaser, unless specific written acceptance thereof is obtained. 27.SECURITY INTEREST: On each items to be delivered under this contract, including an item of work in progress in respect of which payment have been made in accordance with the terms of the contract. Purchaser shall have a security interest in such items which shall be deemed to be released only at the time when the applicable deliverable item is finally accepted and delivered to the purchaser in accordance with the term of the contract such security interest of the purchaser shall constitute a prior charge as against any other charge or interest created in respect of such items by any other entity. 28.BANK CHARGES: While the purchaser shall bear the Bank Charges payable to his bankers (State Bank of India, Nagercoil Branch.) the contractor shall bear the bank charge payable to his bankers including the charges towards advising amendment commissions. 29.TRAINING: The contractor shall, if required by the purchaser, provide facilities for the practical training of purchaser’s engineering or technical personnel from India and for their active association and the manufacturing process throughout the manufacturing period of the contract stores, number of such personnel to be mutually agreed upon. 30.APPLICABLE LAW: The contractor shall be interpreted, construed and governed by the laws of India. This the _______________________________ ______________________________ day of ____________________________________ ___________ 20 Signed WITNESS For the (Name of the Bank) INSURANCE (Clause 14 of P 005-B refers) When the equipment/spares are dispatched, the suppliers shall immediately after loading on board the ship inform M/s. __________________________________________________ India, the name of vessel, date of dispatch, C & F (Cost & Freight) of the consignment plus 10% for which the insurance cover is to be made. Therefore please airmail the insurance closing particular in the Proforma given below with copy of Bill of Lading/Airway Bill and Invoice of the following address under information to the purchaser, if this is not compiled with, no liability will be undertaken by us our underwriters in case of any transit insurance claim and it will be your responsibility for making good of the entire loss. PROFORMA TO, M/S. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ( to be completed and sent in duplicate) 1. No. of open cover : 2. Consignor’s name and address : 3. Name and Address of Consignee : 4. Consignee’s order No. and date : 5. Supplier’s Invoice No. and date : 6. No. of packages/crates : 7. Nature of consignment/name of article supplied : 8. Gross cost of materials as per Invoice 9. Commission/Discounts if any deducted : 10. Net amount of Invoice : 11. Mode of transport to destination : 12. Airway Bill No./Bill of Lading No. : : L.B.No./R.R.No./and date 13. Freight/handling charges paid/payable to carriers : 14. Particulars of deck cargo if any, in case or voyage by ship 15. Amount for which insurance is to be Effected (C & F and 10%) : : BANK GUARANTEE (CLAUSE 20 (F) OF P.0050-B refers) Bank Guarantee No. Date: Whereas M/s. …………………………………………………………………………….(hereinafter called the Contractors) have entered into a contract with ………………………………………………………………(hereinafter called the purchaser) being contract No…………………………………………………dated ………………………..(of the purchase, for the supply of Stores for order value Rs……………………………………………………………………or equivalent foreign currency. And whereas under the terms of contract, the contractor is to furnish the purchaser with a Bank Guarantee in the amount of ten percent(10%) of the total of the contract price for the due performance of the General terms and conditions of this order. And whereas the contractor has requested us (name of the Bank) having its registered office…………………… to guarantee the due payment by the contractor of the aforesaid amount to the purchaser. Not we (name of the Bank) hereby unequivocally and unconditionally to pay, within 48 hours, on demand, in writing from the purchaser or any officer authorized by at in this behalf and without demut, any amount up to and not exceed Rs……………………………………………….(in words)…………………………………..or equivalent foreign currency to the purchase on behalf of the contractors. This guarantee shall be valid and binding on us (name of the bank) for a period of 12 months from the date of which the purchaser puts the stores into operation and shall not be terminable on affected by notice of any change in the constitution of the bank of the firm of contractors or by any other reason whatsoever and our (name of the bank) liability hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by any extension of time or variation or alteration made, given conceded, agreed by with or without knowledge or consent, by or between the parties to the said written contract. Our (name of the Bank) liability under the guarantee is restricted to Rs…………………………………(in words)-------------------------------------------------------only / or equivalent foreign currency. Our guarantee shall remain in force till the expire of 12 (twelve) months from the date on which the purchaser formally accepted the said equipment. Unless a suite or action to enforce a claim under this guarantee is filed against us within six months from the expire of the said 12 months all the rights of the purchaser under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all liability there under. In witness whereof we the (name of the bank) have executed this. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT REQUIRED TO BE FILLED AND ENCLOSED ALONG WITH THE TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID BY THE VENDOR. Sr. Commercial terms Compliance No. 1. Delivery terms -Ex-works/FOB/ FCA etc. 1.1 Purchaser is having an air consolidation contract and their freight forwarder will arrange to collect the consignment from your premises/will take the responsibility for onward transmission from the point of delivery as per INCOTERMS 2010. This is applicable for import cases. 2. Packing charges inclusive/exclusive. 3. Delivery period – in weeks/months 4. Payment terms : Our standard term is - Sight Draft (import) /within 30 days from the date of acceptance (indigenous). 5. Country of origin – to be declared in the invoice. 6. Name and address of the Indian Agent. 7. Percentage of agency commission included in the quoted price – payable in Indian Rupees only directly to the Indian Agent. 8. Validity of the offer- minimum of 120 days from the date of opening. 9. If you are an Indian Agent, please enclose the authorization letter of your Principal and confirm that whether you have enrolled with DGS&D as per rules. 10. Cost of spares included in the price bid not included. 11. Will you able to provide consumables/spares for 10 years? 12. Taxes and duties : 12.1 Taxes in India to the account of Purchaser. Outside India to Seller’s/Contractor’s account. Please indicate your Tax Registration Number. 12.2 Wherever installation involved, Income Tax @ 2% will be deducted from the bill and a certificate issued. 12.3 Installation in India will attract Service Tax @ 12.36%. If required, orders for supply and installation can be issued separately. 12.4 Work order will attract work contract tax as per rules. Please confirm whether you have Sr. No. 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 13. 14. 14.2 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 19.1 20. Commercial terms included WCT in your offer. Customs Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be issued by Purchaser. Hence no CD is to be included in your offer wherever applicable. No concessional Sales Tax form will be issued since “D” form is abolished. Please indicate the Sales Tax/VAT applicable. Octroi Duty/Entry Tax exempted. Exemption certificate will be issued, if required. Purchaser is eligible for full Excise Duty exemption. Excise Duty exemption certificate will be issued. No Insurance is required at Purchaser’s cost. For two part bids two separate sealed envelopes are to be sent duly super-scribed as follows : 1. TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID 2. PRICE BID Please refer instructions. In 3 part bid, three separate sealed envelopes are to be sent duly super-scribed as follows : 1. TECHNICAL BID 2. COMMERCIAL BID 3. PRICE BID Please refer instructions. Wherever EMD/tender fee is payable – provide the same in the form of crossed Demand Draft in favour of The Accounts Officer, IPRC, Mahendragiri along with the bid but in a separate cover or along with technical bid. On the back side of the D.D, please write your company’s name. Language to be used in all correspondence – English Measurements – Metric system to be followed Whether prequalification of your facility procedure completed (if applicable). Warranty period – We need minimum 3 years from the date of acceptance. In case the product has a standard warranty of 1 year, confirm that additional 2 years warranty cost is indicated in the price bid/prices. Defective/rejected items if any, are to be replaced free of cost. Confirm whether you will be able to provide samples if called for, free of cost. Compliance Sr. No. 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 27.1 27.2 27.2.1 27.3 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Commercial terms Approximate weight (net and gross) of the consignment. Instruction/operational manual to be supplied free of cost. Supply and installation is subject to Purchaser’s acceptance. LC extension charges to your account, in case of delay from your side. Items from latest production batch only are to be supplied. Wherever Export Licence required, payment will be made after getting export licence and after confirmation by the supplier, with a copy of Export Licence. Bank Guarantees (from Nationalised/ Scheduled Bank/ Bank approved by Purchaser. Advance payment for the equal value valid till the completion of contract/acceptance, is to be provide by you. Towards issue of “Free Issue Material” by Purchaser for the value of the material issued, is to be provided. The Bill of material for the material used for the Fabrication work and available balance to be prepared by you and countersigned by the User Department is to be sent along with the final bill for arranging the balance/payment. Towards Performance of the Contract and Product for 10% value valid till the expiry of warranty period. Security Deposit @10% is to be submitted to IPRC by the successful bidder (wherever applicable) on awarding the contract Training – free of cost – to be imparted at Purchaser’s site. Bank charges wherever applicable shall be paid by Purchaser/Contractor to their respective Bankers. Arbitration proceedings – 1. Within India as per provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. 2. Outside India – as per ICC Rules. Liquidated Damages - @ 0.5% per week for the delayed portion – maximum 10% of the contract value. Compliance Sr. No. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Commercial terms Force Majeure conditions applicable? Acceptance Fall Clause. “The rates as per the charges of the Contract should not in any event exceed the lowest rates, the supplier charge to any other party or organization. If at any time during the period of Contract, the supplier reduce the charges to any other party, then they shall forth-with notify such reduction to Head, Purchase & Stores, IPRC and reduce the Contract rates subsequently, from the date of coming into force of such reduction”. The general terms and conditions based on which the contract/order is likely to be issued in response to the tender are enclosed to this. Supplier has to give his acceptance for all the clauses incorporated for the contract terms. Formats for Bank Guarantee/s is/are also enclosed to this tender. Supplier has to give acceptance. You are requested to indicate the registration number, you have for Sales Tax/Service Tax as the case may be with concerned Government authorities. Also you are requested to provide company registration details wherever applicable along with copy of the company registration certificate. The offers received without the above information will be summarily rejected. Compliance INSTRUCTIONS FOR TWO-PART TENDER We are proposing to invite Tenders in Two Parts viz. Part I Technical and Commercial & Part II Price. All Tenderers are requested to follow carefully the following instructions before preparing their offer. I PART I : TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID Part – (a) Technical i. ii. iii. iv. This part should contain detailed specifications of the items quoted by you along with Technical literature and leaflets if any. A compliance statement showing the compliance of the item quoted by you with that of item tendered by us should be prepared and enclosed to this. Any other information called for in the tender related technical and specifications can also come in this part. Prices should not be indicated in this cover. Part – (b) Commercial terms: (WITHOUT PRICES) i. ii. iii. iv. Note : 1. 2. 3. The commercial terms applicable for the item quoted by you should be indicated in this part. If any compliance statement is called for the commercial terms / contractual terms and conditions, the same is to be attached in this part. Prices should not be indicated in this part. However a copy of the price bid (without prices) can be enclosed in this part to enable to understand whether all the items required to be quoted by you have been quoted in the price bid. Alternatively a statement is to be made indicating that you have quoted prices for all the items as per the tender and enclosed in the Price Bid as per the format. The Commercial terms such as delivery terms, delivery period, payment terms, Warranty, validity of the offer, installation & commissioning, duties and taxes etc., shall come into this. Either Technical Specifications or terms & conditions as above should be very clearly reflected item-wise with reference to the items called for in the tender. Please note that the PRICE SHOULD NOT BE indicated in this part. Technical and Commercial part as described above shall be prepared and put it in a sealed cover & super scribed and addressed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART I : TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer ISRO PROPULSION COMPLEX (IPRC), Government of India, Department of Space, Mahendragiri P.O., Tirunelveli – 627 133 From : II PART II : PRICE BID i. The prices applicable for the items, item-wise in response to the tender shall come into this part. Tenderer shall indicate very clearly item-wise prices with reference to their technical offer. Price part prepared as above shall be enveloped and superscribed as follows: ii. iii. Tender No. : Due Date : PART II : PRICE BID Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer ISRO PROPULSION COMPLEX (IPRC), Government of India, Department of Space, Mahendragiri P.O., Tirunelveli – 627 133 From : III The Technical & Commercial envelope (Part I) and Price cover (Part II) prepared as above along with ‘Tender fee cover’ (if applicable) should be inserted in another envelope and super-scribed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART I & PART II ARE INDIVIDUALLY SEALED AND KEPT INSIDE : (DD towards Tender fee also is kept inside) Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer ISRO PROPULSION COMPLEX (IPRC), Government of India, Department of Space, Mahendragiri P.O., Tirunelveli – 627 133 From : Important Note: Being a Two-Part Tender, fax quotations will not be accepted. Please ensure your offers are received by mail before due date and time. In case you are going to download the documents from our website and submitting the offer, you are requested to submit the DD towards Tender fee in a separate cover along with a covering letter duly super-scribing on the cover “Tender fee in respect of File No. __________________”
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