APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Arkansas Public Service Commission Docket Summary Cover Sheet (For all dockets other than Rate Cases, "TD", "C" and "TF" Dockets Must be filed with each new docket filed at the Commission STYLE OF DOCKET: (Style may be changed by Secretary of Commission) Docket Number: IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF WINDSTREAM ARKANSAS, LLC FOR REVIEW AND REVERSAL OF THE DECISION OF NEUSTAR, INC. AS THE POOLING ADMINISTRATOR TO WITHHOLD NUMBERING RESOURCES DOCKET DESIGNATOR: U SD A R P RELATED DOCKETS: Nature of Action: (See second sheet) PETITIONER/INITIATING PARTY* Windstream Arkansas, LLC ATTORNEYS' NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, FAX AND E-MAIL Kimberly K. Bennett 4001 Rodney Parham Road Little Rock, AR 72212 501-748-6374 501-748-5589 fax [email protected] *If the initiating party is not a jurisdictional utility in Arkansas, please provide mailing address, phone, fax and e-mail for the company Pursuant to Rule 2.03(b) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, please provide name, address, phone, fax, e-mail of at least one, but not more than two names to appear on the Service List for this docket Kimberly K. Bennett - same as above Write a brief statement, limited to the space provided herein describing the case that you are filing. Please provide enough information to assure that the nature of your docket is clear. Windstream Arkansas, LLC ("WIN") is filing this Application and Motion for Expedited Decision requesting the Commission to issue an expedited order reversing the recent decision of NeuStar, Inc. acting as the Pooling Administrator to withhold certain numbering resources from WIN needed by the company to continue to provide reliable and adequate service to customers. Form completed by: J.T. Meister Date: 10/18/11 Representing: Windstream Arkansas, LLC APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 NATURE OF ACTION: Please choose at least one, but no more than three docket types Accounting Acquisition/Sales Act 310 of 1981 (Surcharge) Act 821 of 1987 (Cooperatives Rate Change) Administrative Procedures Affiliate Rules Annual Reports/Assessment Ar Energy Conservation Act (Efficiency Programs) Arbitration Arkansas High Cost Fund Arkansas Intralata Toll Pool Arkansas Universal Service Fund ARSI Arkansas Relay Service, Inc. Auto Adjustment Avoided Cost CCN Cancellation CCN Facility CCN License CECPN Cost of Gas/Energy seasonal/unscheduled Customer release/Abandonment Declaratory Judgment Depreciation Dialing/Numbering Disabilities Act of 1990 Earnings Review Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation Energy Policy Act Energy/Fuel Purchasing Practices EWG Exempt Wholesale Generator Extended Area Service Extension of Telecommunications Facilities Fund Extraordinary Property Loss FCC Finance (Bonds/issue & sell; stock; prom note) Grand Gulf Integrated Resource Planning Interconnection Agreements Interest/Customer Deposit Investigation/Inquiry Lifeline/link up Market Power Merger/Transfer Municipal Franchise Tax Net Metering Nuclear Decommissioning One Call Pipeline Safety Pole attachment issues Protective Order Public Utility Holding Company Act Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act Purchase Power Railroad Rates Refund Reports Resource Plan Restructuring Retail River Crossing Regional Transmission Organization Rulemaking Self-Direct Certification Service Quality Shielded Outdoor Lighting Show Cause Stranded Costs Sustainable Energy Resources Terms and Conditions Territory/release/unallocated territory Transition costs Unbundling USOA (Uniform System of Accounts) Waiver/Exemption Weather Wholesale Wholesale Rate Adjustment APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 BEFORE THE ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF WINDSTREAM ARKANSAS, LLC FOR REVIEW AND REVERSAL, OF THE DECISION OF NEUSTAR, INC. AS THE POOLING ADMINISTRATOR TO WITHHOLD NUMBEMNG RESOURCES 1 ) ) DOCKET NO. ) ) 1 APPLICATION AND MOTION FOR EXPEDITED DECISION Windstream Arkansas, LLC ("WIN") files this Application and Motion for Expedited Decision, pursuant to APSC Rules of Practice and Procedure 2.1 1 and 4.01 and to 47 C.F.R. $ 52.15 (g)(3)(iv), and respectfully requests the Commission to issue an expedited order reversing the recent decision of NeuStar, Inc. ("NeuStar") acting as the Pooling Administrator ("PA") to withhold certain numbering resources from WIN needed by the company to meet the specific request of a customer. In support of its Application and Motion for Expedited Decision, WIN states as follows: 1. WIN is a local exchange carrier ("ILEC") authorized to provide telecommunications services in designated service territories in the State of Arkansas. 2. NeuStar is the corporation authorized by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to perform the functions of the national PA. 3. All correspondence, pleadings, orders, decisions and communications regarding this docket should be sent to: Kimberly K. Bennett, AR BIN 95 185 Director - Regulatory Counsel Windstream Communications 4001 Rodney Parham Road Mailstop: 1170 - BlF03-53A Little Rock. AR 72212 4. WIN is deploying new packet switches to support our broadband Stimulus project - utilizing the funds awarded to WIN by the Federal government. To that end, we will need APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 LRNs (for the purpose of porting existing customer numbers to new switches) and 1k blocks (for those customers that wish to obtain a brand new number[s]). We had planned on utilizing an existing NXX/block for the LRN, however we do not have any NXX that could be moved (for the purpose of establishing an LRN) or a clean block that could be intra-service provider ported to the new switch. WIN hopes not to delay our Stimulus roll-out by any more than three (3) additional weeks due to these waiver requests. Therefore, WIN is asking for expedited treatment of this request. This is consistent with the FCC's guidelines on an expedient process for states considering waiver requests which notes that in most instances 10 business days from receipt of a safety valve request is sufficient time to review and act upon a request (ref. paragraph 66 of the FCC's Third Report and Order and Second Order On Reconsideration in CC Docket No. 96-98 and CC Docket No. 99-200). For the LRN requests, WIN is installing a new packet switch (in those locations) that is a Class 5 type switch - each with it's own point code and trunkinglcircuits. Those locations needing an LRN are: Elkins, Creenbrier and Perryville. The location that needs a l k block is Quitman (which will use the Greenbrier LRN once established). The industry Location Routing Number (LRN) Assignment Practices (ATIS-0300065) document state that: "1. A unique LRN will be provisioned to identify each recipient switch or POI in the number portability capable network." "2. A service provider will establish one (1) LRN per LATA from an assigned NXX for each recipient switch or POI in the number portability capable network." APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 WIN has submitted applications (in the rate centers listed above) to the Pooling Administrator (PA) for the purpose of either 1) establishing an LRN or 2) having a dedicated l k block of numbers on a new switch for this Stimulus roll-out. These applications were submitted in accordance with the current guidelines (see attached application[s]). The PA denied the requests because WIN did not meet the months-to-exhaust criteria and/or the utilization criteria established by the FCC[ I]. 5. Given the need described above, on October 12, 201 1, WIN submitted a request for an thousands block to NeuStar acting as the PA. (A copy of WIN'S application is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein.) 6. NeuStar subsequently denied WIN'S request on the grounds that it failed to meet the FCC's months to exhaust requirement. (Copies of both NeuStar7s denial and WIN'S current utilization of numbering resources are attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein.) As a result of NeuStar's denial, WIN has been unable to obtain the requested LRN for its customer. 7. Under existing procedures, NeuStar, as the PA, is required to accept or reject an application for numbering resources based solely on FCC criteria. However, 47 C.F.R. $ 52.15 (g)(3)(iv) makes clear that a carrier may challenge a numbering resource denial by the PA before the appropriate state regulatory commission and that the state commission has jurisdiction to affirm or overturn the PA7sdecision to withhold numbering resources. Moreover, the FCC has determined that state commissions, like the Arkansas Public Service Commission ("Commission"), may overturn the PA's decisions to withhold numbering resources from a carrier where there is a verifiable need for the carrier to satisfy a specific customer request: We also agree with WinStar that a carrier should be able to get additional numbering resources when there is a verifiable need due to the carrier's inability to satisfy a specific customer request. We therefore clarify that states may also grant relief if a carrier demonstrates that it has received a customer request for APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 numbering resources in a given rate center that it cannot meet with its current inventory. 1 8. WIN has demonstrated a verifiable need. WIN cannot satisfy this request from its current inventory or in any other manner. 9. WIN seeks the Commission's reversal of NeuStar7s decision acting as PA and requests the Commission to direct NeuStar to assign WIN a thousands - block. The FCC permits such direction in order to meet specific customer demands and specifically grants state commissions "flexibility to direct the NANPA or pooling Administrator to assign additional numbering resources to carriers that have demonstrated a verifiable need for additional numbering resources outside of these specifically enumerated 10. instance^."^ WIN respectfully requests that the Commission act upon this Application within ten (10) business days. The FCC has recognized the importance of timely action: [Wle recognize that in many instances, the failure to address a request for additional numbering resources can impair a carrier's ability to stay in or expand business. We therefore direct states to act on carrier requests for a safety valve as expeditiously as possible. Although we do not establish a specific time limit for states to act on these requests, we believe that, in most instances, 10 business days from receipt of a request that the state determines to be sufficiently detailed and complete will be sufficient time to review and act upon safety valve requests.? 11. Granting WIN'S Application will not adversely affect the numbering resources available for use by carriers throughout the state in providing telecommunications services to their customers. Granting WIN'S request is in the public interest and consistent with the FCC's rules and decisions. ' Third Report and Order and Second Order on Reconsideration in CC Docket No. 96-98 and CC Docket No. 99-200, In the Matter of Numbering Resource Optimization, Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and the Telephone Number Portability, FCC 01-362, (rel. December 28,200 l), 764. Id. at 1/61. Id. at 766. ' ' APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 WHEREFORE, WIN respectfully requests that the Commission overturn and reverse NeuStar's previous determination as the PA; direct NeuStar to grant WIN'S application regarding its request; act within ten (10) business days as suggested by the FCC or as soon thereafter as is possible; instruct NeuStar acting as PA to release the numbering resources as specified herein; and grant all other proper relief to which WIN may be entitled. Respectfully submitted, Windstream Arkansas, LLC Kimberly K. Bennett, AR BIN 951 85 400 1 Rodney Parham Road Mailstop: 1170 - B 1F03-53A Little Rock, AR 72212 Telephone: (501) 748-6374 Attorney for Windstream APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 1 of 2 Part3 November 21,2003 ATIS-0300066.at3 Attachment 3 Pooling Administrator's ResponseiConfirmation TBPAG Part 3 Tracking Number : 479-ELKINS-AR488976 Date of Application: Date of Receipt: 1011212011 1011212012 Service Provider Name: WINDSTREAM ARKANSAS, INC. (TelcordiaTM LERG TM Routing Guide ) OCN: 1691 Effective Date: Date of Response: 1011212011 NPAC SOA SPID : Pooling Administrator Contact Information: Phone: Genevieve Bettiga Signature of Pooling Administrator Genevieve Bettiga Fax: Name (print) Email: [email protected] NPA-NXX or NPANXX-X : - Block Assigned: Block Reserved : Block Reservation Expiration Date : BlocWCode Modified : BlocWCode Disconnected : Block Contaminated(Yes or No) : If Yes,enter the number of TNs contaminated : Switch Identification(Switch EntityIPOi): Rate Center: Rate Center Sub Zone: -Form Complete, request denied. ' EKNSARXAPSO ELKINS Explanation: DR-57: You do not meet the MTE andlor Utilization requirements, therefore this request for a new code is denied. You may proceed with requesting a State Waiver from the appropriate state commission using this Part 3 denial. If you are in disagreement with the disposition of this request, please refer to the Thousands'Block Number (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines for the appeals process. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 2 of 2 Part3 withdrawn. -Request Explanation: -Assignment activity suspended by the administrator. Explanation: Remarks: ' This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls.This must be the CLLl TM Location Identification code of the switching entityip01 shown on the Part t A form (Telcordia,LERG ROUTING Guide and CLLl are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies,lnc.) APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 1 of 4 Code Part 1 A Central O E c e Code (NXX) Assignment Request Part 1 December 9,2005 Tracking Number: Full NXX: LRN Type of Application: Change T" Delete F New 1.0 GENERAL INFOR%IATION 1.1 Contact Information: Code Apipl_ic_ant Company'Entity WINDSTREAM ARKANSAS. INC. Name: Headqua*ers Address: City, State, Zip: Contact Name: Contact Address: City,State.Zip: Phone: 400, RodneyPachhm Rd Little-Rock &AR,72212 Paula Hus1S_e& 10005 Monrp_e Rd, B1_FOl Matthews, NCL2&I05 704-845-7489 FAX: Email: ~aula.hustead@windstr~rnmc_oOm 3 Code Administra_@r; Name: Michael Ortern Address: Q60!OCenterOak-?BZaaz_a City,State,Zip: Ste&n~n_~1,VA ,20168 Phone: 57 1-434-538 FAX:571-434-5fi02 NXX: LATA: 526 1.2 NPA: 479 OCN: 4 1491 Parent ~ o m ~ a n y~' C s N ( SG118 ) Switching Identitication(Switch EntityiPOI) EKNSARXAPSO Locality;City/Wire Center: Homing Tandem Operating Go: WINDSTREAM 1.3 Dates: Date of Tandem Homing CLLI :HRSNARU08T Rate Center: ELKINS APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Code Part 1A Page 2 of 4 r By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am requesting the earliest possible effective date the Administrator can grant. Please note that this only applies to a reduction in the Administrator's processing time, however the request will still be processed in the order received. Request Expedited Treatment? Yes No _ X Incumbent L o ~ l 1.4 a) Type of companylentity requesting the code: (LEC, IC, CMRS, Other) Exchange-Carrier QLEC) b, Types of service: Wire&ne (e.g.. Cellular - Type 2 ) Code Assignment Preference (Optional) - - - Codes that are undesirable, if any - - - Type of change(Mark si that apply) OCN-Intra-company l 1 f"" Switching Id Tandem Homing CLLI r OCN-Inter-company Reservation 1.5 r r Rate Center r Effective Date r LATA F-' Extend Type of Request (Initial, growth, etc.) ..-_-Growth_- Ifan initial_code_,atta_chLlle_videnceof certification and 12) pmof of ability to place &e in_sxwicewithin 60 da~s.-Ifa growth code. a t t ~ months h to exhaug worksheet, r Pooling Indicator: l 3 P Yes NO 1.6 KPA Jeopardy Criteria Apply: r Yes r No 1.7 Code request for new service (Explain): _ 1.8 .-- It is the code applicant's responsibility to arrange input of Part 2 APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Code Part 1 A Page 3 of 4 information into BIRRDS. The 45-calendar day nationwide minimum interval cutover for BIRRDS will not begin until input into BIRRDS has been completed. Comments: 3eed an L-RT-on a n_ewpa_cketswitch tosupport deplovment of broadband Stimulus project I hereby certift. that the above information requesting an NXX code is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that this application has been prepared in accordance with Central Office Code (NXX) Assignment Guidelines posted to the ATIS Web Site (http:l~www.atis.~r~~atis/cl~~inciincdocs.htm) as of the date of this application: l 3 Paula Hustead Signature of Code Applicant CODE 1011212011 ADMINISTRATI(2Iv Title Date Identif) type and reason for change(s) in Section 1.4(e). A list of the current Code Administrator(s) who can provide assistance in completing this form is available upon request fiom NANPA. The NXX field is required for any code request in which there is a change or the NXX is being returned. Company Number (OCN) assignments must uniquely identiQ the applicant. Relative to CO Code assignments, NECA-assigned Company Codes may be used as OCNs. Companies with no prior CO Code or Company Code assignments may contact NECA (800-228-8597) to be assigned a Company Code (s). Since multiple OCNs and/or Company Codes may be associated with a given company, companies with prior assignment should direct questions regarding appropriate OCN usage to the Telcordia Routing Administration (TRA) on 732-699-6700. This is an eleven-character descriptor of the switch provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This is the eleven-character Telcordia COMMON LANGUAGE CLLI TM Location Identification of the applicant's switch or POI. (Telcordia and CLLI are trademarks and COMMOX LANGUAGE is a registered trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, Inc.) Rate Center name must be a tariffed Rate Center associated with toll billing. Applies to any code applicant connecting to the Public Switched Telephone Network via a tandem owned by a different camer. * This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This must be the CLLI TM Location Identiftcation Code of the switching entity/POI, and is the same on Part 2, Form 1, Page 2 of 2. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 4 of 4 Code Part 1 A Code applicants should request an effective date that is at least 66 calendar days from the submission of this form. It should be noted that interconnection arrangements and facilities need to be in place prior to activation of a code. Such arrangements are outside the scope of these guidelines. Requests for code assigment shall not be made more than six months prior to the requested effective date. ' Select if you are the current Code Holder Select if you are nc)_tthe current Code Holder l 3 The Applicant will indicate "YES" if the NXX being requested will be used for thousands-block number pooling and will leave this field blank if it is not. l4 An incomplete form may result in delays in processing this request. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 1 of 2 MTE Block Appendix 3 May 16,2008 MONTHS TO EXHACST and UTILIZATION CERTIFICATION WORK SHEET - TN ~ e v e l ' (Thousands-Block Number Pooling Growth Block Request) Tracking Number: 479-ELKINS-AR-488976 Date: 10112/2(fll Company Name:WINDSTREAM AR-KANSAS, INC. OCN:1691 Rate Center: ELKINS List all Codes NPA(s)-NXX(s) and Blocks NPA(s)-NXX-X(s):479-643 Name of Block App1icant:Paula ]cr_ustead Signature: Paula Hustead Tit1e:CODE A D M I N I S T W I O N No.: Telephone No. : 704-845-1489 FAX E-mail: paula.hustead@wi~s.Iream.com. A. Available Numbers:8149 B. Assigned Numbers: 172-0 C. Total Numbering Resources:10000 D. Quantity of numbers activated in the past 90 days (increments of 1,000 or 10.000) and excluded from the Utilization calculation ':(1 List Excluded Code(s) or Blockfs): Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month krl ai2 $3 #4 ti5 $6 $7 #8 $9 $10 # I 1 #I2 E. Growth History - 1 4 2 3 8 5 APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 2 of 2 MTE Block F. Forecast - k x t 12 months3 1004 1054 1107 1162 1221 1281 1344 1411 1482 1556 1634 1716 G. Average Monthly Forecast (Sum of months 1-6 (Part F above) divided by 6):1 133.1-67 W. Months to ~xhaust' - Numbers Available for Assimment to Customers[A) d Average Monthly Forecast(G) Block Requested 1 Ava/lable_3umbers 8149 Month~ToExhaust 7.16 1. ,4ssign-ed Numbers@) - Excluded Numbers utilization6 - LDI - = 17.2 Total Numbering Resources(C)-Excluded Numbers@) Explanation: -_- 'A copy of this worksheet is required to be submitted to the Pooling Administrator when requesting additional numbering resources in a rate center. For auditing purposes, the applicant must retain a copy of this document. ' ~ u a n t i tof ~ numbers activated in the past 90 days is based an blocks andlor codes received tiom the administrator and shall be reported in increments of 1.000 or 10,000 TNs (e, g.: 2 blocks received=2.000 and 1 code received =10,000). 3 ~ echange t in TNs no longer available for assignment in each previous month, starting with the most distant month as Month $1, and Month #6 as the current month. 4~orecastof TNs needed in each following month, starting with the most recent month as Month #I. 'TO be assigned an additional thousands-block (NXX-X) for growth. "Months to Exhaust" must be less than or equal to 6 months. (FCC 00- 104, section 52.15 (g) (3) (iii)). 'Newiy acquired numbers may be excluded from the Utilization calculation (FCC 00104, section 52,lS (g)(3)(ii)) APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 1 of 4 Part 1A TBPAG Attachment I - March 19.2007 Thousands-Block Application Form - Part 1A Tracking Number: 479-ELKINS-AR: 488976 Full NXX: LRN Type of F New Application: -I Change t- I Disconnect GENERAL APPLICATION INFORMATION 1.1 Contact Information: Block Applicant: Company Name: WINDSTREAM ARKANSAS, INQ Headquarters 40P1 Rgdney Parham Rd Address: City' State' Zip: Contact Name: Contact Address: City,State,Zip: Phone: 704: 845-7389 Little Rock. AR,72212 P a u h Hustead 10005 Monroe Rd, BIFOI Matthews, NC, 28105 FAX: E-mail: paula.hustead@windstr~m.c~ Po_olingAdmin~strator:" Contact Genevieve Bettiga Name: Contact 1800 Sutter St Address: City,State.Zip: Concord ,CA,94520 Phone: 925-363-7652 FAX: 925-363-7683 E-mail: genevie_ve.bettiga@neustar,bil: 1.2 General Information: Check one : No LRN needed LRN needed iii x APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 2 of 4 Part 1 A 479 LATA: 526 OCN: " Parent Company's OCN GI 18 1691 Number of Thousands-Blocks Requested : I NPA: Switching Identification(Switch Et1tity;POf) : " _ EKNSARXAPSO City or Wire Center Kame : Rate Center Sub Zone: Rate Center: " - ELKJNS 1.3 Dates: Date of Application: '"'" lO/12/2Qll _ Requested Block Effective Date: '"I 12/1__9/2011 r By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am requesting the earliest possible effective date the Administrator can grant. Please note that this only applies to a reduction in the Administrator's processing time, however the request will still be processed in the order received. Request Expedited Treatment? (See Section 8.6) Yes ---_No X 1.4 Type of Service Provider Requesting the Thousands-Block : a) Type of Service Provider : Incumbent L-oc-a1 Exchange C a r r i e ~U L E Q (LEC, IXC, CMRS, Other) b) Primary type of service Blocks to be used for : _- Wire&nc-_ __ c) Thousands-Block(s) (NXX-X) assignment Preference (Optional) - _ _ _ d) Thousands-Block(~)(NXX-X) that are undesirable for this assignment , if any _ ___ e) If requesting a code for LRN purposes, indicate which block(s) you wiH be keeping(the remainder of the blocks will be given to the pool) - _ 479-_~-~-~~14~- - 1.5 Type of Request: . Initial block for rate center : Yes If Yes attach evidence of authorization and proof of capability to provide service within 60days. Growth block for rate center : Yes If Yes , attach months to exhaust worksheet .X r By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am willing to accept a block in red and expjicitly understand that the underlying CO code may not yet be activated in the PSTN and loaded in the KPAC on the block effective date. Type of change(Mark all that apply) r 0CN:Intra-company '" r Switching Id r Part 1 B APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 3 of 4 Part 1A fl 0CN:Inter-company " Change block : Yes r Effective Date If Yes , list NPA-NXX-X 1.6 Block Return : a) b) c) d) Is this block Contaminated Yes No If Yes how many TNs are YOT available for assibqment : -_ Have all netr: Intra SP ports been completed in the NPAC Yes Has this block been protected from further assignment Yes Disconnect block : Yes - No _ _so -- If Yes , list NPA-NXX-X Remarks: Need an LRN on _a new pasket switch to support deployment of broadband Stimulus project I hereby certifji that the above information requesting an NXX-X block is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that this application has been prepared in accordance with the Thousands-Block (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines(AT1S-0300066) available on the ATIS web site (http:l/www.atis.orgiinc) or by contacting [email protected] as of the date of this application. Paula Hustead G0I)E Signature of Block Applicant Titie ADMLNLSTR4TIQN 10/12/2011 Date I_nstructions foyfillingput eagh Sstionof the Part IAform: Section 1 . 1 Contact information requires that Service Providers supply under 'Block Applicant" the company name, company headquarters address, a contact within the company, an address where the contact person may be reached, in addition to the correct phone, fax, and e-mail address. The Pooling Administrator section also requires the Service Provider to fill in the Pooling Administrator s name, address, phone. fax and e-mail. Section 1.2 Service Providers who need a thousands-block assignment or for an Location Routing Number (LRK) are required to fill in this section. If needed for an LRN, a CO Code Application needs to also be submitted to the PA. The Service Provider should supply the Numbering Plan Area (NPA); the Local Access Transport Area (LATA), which is a three-digit number that can be found in the ~ e l c o r d i aL' ~E R G Routing ~ Guide. The Operating Company Number (OCN) assigned to the service provider and the OCN its parent company. An OCN is a four-character alphanumet-icassigned by ~ e l c o r d i Routing a~ Administration (TRA). In addition, the number of thousands-blocks requested should be supplied. The Switch Identification as me11 as the city or wire center name, rate center, rate center sub zone, homing tandem and C L L I tandem ~ ~ of the facilities based provider Explanations of these terms may be found in the footnotes. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 4 of 4 Part 1A Section 1.3 The date the Service Provider completes the application should be entered in this section, as well as the Ef'fective Date of the requested thousands-block. Section 1.4 Service Provrders should indicate their type. e.g.. local exchange carrier, competitive local exchange carrier, interexchange cartier, CMRS. The also indicate the primary type of business in which the numbering resource is to be used. Service Providers also may indicate their preference for a particutar thousands-block, e.g., 321 -9XXX, or indicate any thousands-blocks that may be undesirable, e.g., 32 1-6LXYX. Section I .5 Service Providers indicate the type of request. Initial requests are for first applications for thousands-blocks in a rate center, growth for additional thousands-blocks in a rate center in which the applicant already has numbering resources, and provide the required evidence as ordered by the FCC. Section I .6 Service Providers must indicate the updatedicunent infomation in regards to contaminated TNs on the block they are returning to the pool. Blocks with over 10% contamination ( I 01 TNs or more) shall not be returned to the pool unless they meet criteria outlined in section 9.1.2 of these Guidelines. If the block being returned is over 10% contaminated the PA shall seek a new block holder. If question c andlor d have a response of No, the request for return shall be denied. The thousands-block applicant certifies veracity of this form by signing their name, and providing their title and date. Foot Notes : IdentifL the type of change(s) in Section 1.5. ii The Pool Administrator is available to assist in completing these forms. ... "'A CO Code application will also need to be submitted to the PA. iv Operating Company Number (OCN) assignments must uniquely identify the applicant. Relative to CO Code assignments, NECA-assigned Company Codes may be used as OCNs. Companies with no prior CO Code or Company Code assignments should contact NECA (800 524- 1020) to be assigned a Company Code(s). Since multiple OCNs andfor Company Codes may be associated with a given company, companies with prior assignments should direct questions regarding appropriate OCN usage to (TRA) (732-699-6700). " This is an eleven-character descriptor of the switch provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This is the 11 character C L L I code ~ ~ of the switch :POI. Rate Center name must be a tariffed Rate Center. "ii Acknowledment and indication of disposition of this application will be provided to applicant within seven calendar days from the date of receipt of this application. An incomplete form may result in delays in processing this request. '"' Please ensure that the NPA-NXX of the LRN to be associated with this block(s) islwill be active in the network prior to the effective date of the block(s). iX Select if you are the current Block Holder. " Select if you are not the current Block Holder "'Telcordia, LERG Routing Guide, and CLLI are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 1 of 2 November 21,2003 ATIS-0300066.at3 Attachment 3 Pooling Administrator's ResponselConfirmation TBPAG Part 3 Tracking Number : 501-GREENBRIERAR-488977 Date of Application: Date of Receipt: 1011212011 1011212011 Effective Date: Date of Response: Service Provider Name: WINDSTREAM ARKANSAS, INC. (Telcordia TM LERG TM Routing Guide ) OCN: 1691 1011212011 NPAC SOA SPID : Pooling Administrator Contact Information: Genevieve Bettiga Phone: Signature of Pooling Administrator Genevieve Bettiga Fax: Name (print) Emaii: 7 925-363-7652 925-363-7683 [email protected] NPA-NXX or NPANXX-X : Block Assigned: Block Reserved : Block Reservation Expiration Date : BlocWCode Modified : BlocWCode Disconnected : Block Contaminated(Yes or No) : If Yes,enter the number of TNs contaminated : Switch identification(Switch EntitylPOI): Rate Center: Rate Center Sub Zone: ' GNBRARXAPSO GREENBRIER Complete, request denied. -Form Explanation: DR-57: You do not meet the MTE andlor Utilization requirements, therefore this request for a new code is denied. You may proceed with requesting a State Waiver from the appropriate state commission using this Part 3 denial. If you are in disagreement with the disposition of this request, please refer to the Thousands'Block Number (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines for the appeals process. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Part3 Page 2 o f 2 withdrawn. -Request Explanation: -Assignment activity suspended by the administrator, Explanation: Remarks: ' This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls.This must be the CLLI TM Location Identification code of the switching entityfPOI shown on the Part 1A form (Telcordia,LERG ROUTING Gu~deand CLLI are trademarks of Teicordia Technologies,lnc.) APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page I of 4 Code Part l A Central Office Code (NXX) Assignment Request Part 1 December 9,2005 Tracking Number: 501GREENB BRIER-W48892J Full NXX: LRN r Change r Type of Application: F New Delete 1O . GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Contact Information: Code Applicant: Name: ify WINDSTREAM_ARWNSAS.INC. 4001 Rodlley Parhm Rd Address: City, State, Zip: Little R&ck.,AR ,72212 Contact Name: PaulaHustead Contact Address: City,State,Zip: Matthews, NC,28105 704-845-7489 -FAX: Phone: mall: ~aula.hust_ead@w~ndstream2gom E- CodeAd!ministrato_r:Name: MiclhaeI0-rtee Address: 46000 Center Oakplaza City,State,Zip: Steding ,VA ,24166 Phone: 571,434-5348 FAX:571-434-5502 7 NXX: LATA: 528 1.2 NPA:501 0 ~ ~ : " 4 9 1 Parent ~ a r n p w ~ ' s - ~G~1~B ( s ) Switching Identification(Switch Entity!POI) GNBRAKUPSO LocalityiCitpWire Center: Homing Tandem Operating Co: WINDSTREAR1 ' 1.3 Dates; Date of Tandem Homing CLLI :GNBRARXAOiT * Rate Center: GRE-EPBRIER APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 2 of 4 Code Part 1A 10 Application: 10/12/2011 Request Effective Date; 1211912011 r By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am requesting the earliest possible ef'fective date the Ad~ninistratorcan grant. Please note that this only applies to a reduction in the Administrator's processing time, however the request w111 still be processed in the order received. N O Request Expedited Treatment? Yes 24 Incumbent Local 1.4 a) Type of companyentity requesting the code: Exc-hange Carrier [ILECJ _ (LEC, IC, CMRS, Other) b, Types of service: -W&gline - (e.g., Cellular - Type 2) Code Assignment Preference (Optional) Codes that are undesirable, if any --- - - - Type of change(Mark all that apply) OCN-Intra-company I ' Tandem Homing CLLI r Switching Id /"" Rate Center r OCN-Inter-company l 2 Reservation r Effective Date 1.5 Type of Request (Initial, growth, etc.) r LATA r r Extend Growth If an initial codgLgtachLlj evidence of certification and Lagr_ooflo_fa i ~ t o place codgln service within@ d a y s - i f a p w t h code, attach 5npnths to exhaust worksheetl Pooling Indicator: l 3 F Yes r No 1.6 NPA Jeopardy Criteria Apply: r Yes 1.7 Code request for new service (Explain): 1.8 T No - --- It is the code applicant's responsibility to arrange input of Part 2 APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Code Part 1A rage 3 ot 4 information into BIRRDS. The 45-calendar day nationwide minimum interval cutover for BIRRDS will not begin until input into BIRRDS has been completed. Comments: Need an Llll\T on a new packet switch to support deployment of broaaand Stimulus proiect I hereby certify that the above information requesting an NXX code is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that this application has been prepared in accordance with Central Of'fice Code (NXX) A s s i v e n t Guidelines posted to the ATIS Web Site (http:~~www.atis.orgiati~lc!inc/incdocs.htm) as of the date of this application: I' Paula Hugead Signature of Code Applicant CODE AQLti?IN_f Title 10f1212011 ~'fU-'_r JOPl Date IdentifL type and reason for change(s) in Section 1.4(e). - A list of the current Code Administrator(s) who can provide assistance in completing this form is available upon request from NANPA. 7 The NXX field is required for any code request in which there is a change or the NXX is being returned. Operating Company Number (OCN) assignments must uniquely identify the applicant. Relative to CO Code assignments, NECA-assigned Company Codes may be used as OCNs. Companies with no prior CO Code or Company Code assignments may contact NECA (800-228-8597) to be assigned a Company Code (s). Since multiple OCNs andlor Company Codes may be associated with a given company, companies with prior assignment should direct questions regarding appropriate OCN usage to the Telcordia TM Routing Administration (TRA) on 732-699-6700. This is an eleven-character descriptor of the switch provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This is the eleven-character Telcordia 7TVI COMMON LANGUAGE CLLI Location identification of the applicant's switch or POI. (Telcordia and CLLI are trademarks and COMMON LANGUAGE is a registered trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, Inc,) Rate Center name must be a tariffed Rate Center associated with toll billing. Applies to any code applicant connecting to the Public Switched Telephone Network via a tandem owned by a different carrier. This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This must be the CLLI Location Identification Code of the switching entity/POI, and is the same on Part 2, Form I , Page 2 of 2. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Code Part 1A Page 4 of 4 'Code applicants should request an effective date that is at least 66 calendar days from the submission of this form. It should be noted that interconnection anangments and facilities need to be in place prior to activation of a code. Such arrangements are outside the scope of these guidelines. Requests for code assipment shall not be made more than six months prior to the requested effective date. Select if you are the current Code Holder ' Select if you are not the current Code Holder l 3 The Applicant will indicate "YES" if the NXX being requested will be used for thousands-block number pooling and will leave this field blank if it is not. "'n incomplete form may result in delays in processing this request. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 MTE Block Page 1 of 2 Appendix 3 May 16,2008 MONTHS TO EXHAUST and UTILIZATION CER'TIFICATION WORK SHEET - TN ~ e v e l ' (Thousands-Block Number Pooling Growth Block Request) Tracking Number: 501-GRE&iVB_WER-AR-488977 Company Name: WWIKDSTREAh3ARKANSAS, Date: 10112f2011 OCN: 1691 IEC-. Rate Center: CREEKBRIE-R List all Codes NPA(s)-NXX(s) and Blocks NPA(s)-NXX-X(s):501-581z0,4~5$1-679;-501-287-1 Name of Block Applicant:Paul_a figstgad Signature: PaudaHustead Tit1e:GODE ADhjINISTUTlOIY No*: Telephone No.: 704-845-7489 FAX E-mail: paulathustead@yind~ream.eom A. Available Numbers:6446 B. Assigned Numbers: 6272 C. Total Numbering Reso~rces:l3~000 D. Quantity of numbers activated in the past 90 days (increments of 1.000 or 10,000) and excluded from the Utilization calculation l : 0 List Excluded Code(s) or Block(s): Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month #1 #2 if3 #4 d5 #6 557 #8 #9 #10 e l l #I2 E. Growth History - 29 14 7 5 16 2 APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 2 of 2 MTE Block F. Forecast -Next 12 months4 1010 1061 1134 1169 1228 1289 1353 1421 1492 1547 1645 1727 G. Average Monthly Forecast (Sum of months 1-6 (Part F above) divided by 6):1148.5 H. Months to Exhatrst5 - Numbers Available- fgr Assignment to Customers(.%] Average Monthly Forecast(G) Blo~k~Requested 1 Availablg Numbers 6446 Months To Exhaust 5.613 I. Ass~m-edNumbersBL :Exdud& Numbers X 100 = Ut~lization 48.246 @I Total Numbering Resources(C)-Excluded Numbers(D) Explanation: 'A copy of this worksheet is required to be submitted to the Pooling Administrator when requesting additional numbering resources in a rate center. For auditing purposes, the applicant must retain a copy of this document. 2~uantityof numbers activated in the past 90 days is based on blocks andlor codes received fiom the administrator and shall be reported in increments of 1,000 or 10,000 TNs (e. g.: 2 blocks received=2,000 and 1 code received = 10.000). 3 ~ echange t in lWs no longer available for assignment in each previous month, starting with the most distant month as Month #I, and Month #6 as the current month. 4~orecastof TNs needed in each following month, starting with the most recent month as Month #I. 'TO be assigned an additional thousands-block (NXX-X) for growth, "Months to Exhaust" must be less than or equal to 6 months. (FCC 00-104, section 52.15 (g) (3) (iii)). "Newly acquired numbers may be excluded from the Utilization calculation (FCC 001 04, section 52.15 (g)(3)(ii)) APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 1 of 4 Part 1 A TBPAG A~achmentI - March 19,2007 Thousands-Block Application Fonn - Part 1A 50%- Traeliing Number: GREENBRIERARB897ff Fuli MXX: LR-N Type of F New Application: f Change i r Disconnect GENERAL APPLICATWN INFORMATTON 1.1 Contact Information: Block Applicant: Company Name: Address: W l N D S T w AR_KANSAS,INC. 4001 Rodney Parham Rd City' State' Linle Rgnk* AR, 72212 Zip: Contact Paula Hustead Name: Contact 10005 Monro-e RdABI FOl Address: City,State,Zip: Matthews JNC .28105 Phone: 704- FAX: E-mail: paula.hustead~w~dstreamIcom 845-7489 Pooling Administrator: " Contact Genevieve Bettiga Name: Contact 1800 Sutter St Address: City,State.Zip: Concord ,CA,94520 Phone: 925-363-7652 FAX: 925-363-7683 E-mail : genevieve.be#[email protected] 1.2 General Information: Check one : No LRN needed LRN needed iii X APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page Z ot 4 Part 1A 528 OCN: '" Parent Company's OCN (2118 1691 Number of Thousands-Blocks Requested : 1 SPA: 501 LATA: Switching Identilication(Switch EntityJPOI) : " GNBRAKUPSO City or Wire Center Name : Rate Center Sub Zone: _ - Rate Center: - _ GREENBRIER 1.3 Dates: Date of Application: ''I 10/12/2011_ Requested Block Effective Date: '"' 12/l9/20ll r By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am requesting the earliest possible effective date the Administrator can grant. Please note that this only applies to a reduction in the Administrator's processing time, however the request will still be processed in the order received. Request Expedited Treatment? (See Section 8.6) Yes _-__. _No - -X 1.4 Type of Service Provider Requesting the Thousands-Block : a) Type of Service Provider : Incumbent Local Exchanxe Carrkr {ILECL- - (LEC, IXC, CMRS, Other) Wireline b) Primary type of service Blocks to be used for : c) Thousands-Block(s) (NXX-X) assignment Preference (Optional) . _ - d) Thousands-Block(s) (NXX-X) that are undesirable for this assignment ,if any --- -_ - ---- e) If requesting a code for LRN purposes, indicate which block(~)you will be keeping(the 501-xxxx-4, -_ remainder of the blocks will be given to the pool) 1.5 Type of Request: If Yes , attach evidence of authorization and proof of Initial block for rate center : Yes _ capability to provide service within 60 days. If Yes , attach months to exhaust worksheet Growth bIock for rate center : Yes XfBy selecting this checkbox. I acknowledge that I am willing to accept a block in red and explicitly understand that the underlying CO code may not yet be activated in the PSTN and loaded in the NPAC on the block eft'ective date. T y ~ of e change(Mafk a8 that apply) r 0CN:lntra-companylX f- Switching Id f- Part 1B APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 3 of 4 Part 1A f- 0CN:Inter-company Change block : Yes r Effective Date If Yes , list NPA-NXX-X 1.6 Block Return : a) Is this block Contaminated Yes No b) If Yes how many ms are KOT available for assignment : _ _ c) Have all new Intra SP ports been completed in the NPAC Yes d) Has this block been protected &om further assignment Yes Disconnect block : Yes __ _IfYes , list NPA-NXX-X - -_-- No No _ _- __- _- Remarks: Need an LEY on a new ~ a c k e t s y i t c h t sup~ort_deployment o of broadband Stimulus proiect I hereby certify that the above infomation requesting an NXX-X block is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that this application has been prepared in accordance with the Thousands-Block (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines(AT1S-0300066)available on the ATIS web site (http://www.atis.or~nc)or by contacting [email protected] as of the date of this application. Paula Hustead Signature of Block Applicant CODE lOf1212011 AD1\lINISTRqTION - -- - - --Title Date ~tructionsforfi12iingouteach Se~tio-nof the Part 1A f o r m Section 1 . 1 Contact information requires that Service Providers supply under "Block Applicant" the company name, company headquarters address, a contact within the company, an address where the contact person may be reached. in addition to the correct phone. fax, and e-mail address. The Pooling Administrator section also requires the Service Provider to fill in the Pooling Administrator s name, address. phone, fax and e-mail. Section 1.2 Semice Providers who need a thousands-block assignment or for an Location Routing Number (LRN) are required to fill in this section. If needed for an LRN, a CO Code Application needs to also be submitted to the PA. The Service Provider should supply the Numbering Plan Area (NPA); the Local Access Transport Area (LATA). which is a three-digit number that can be found in the ~ e t c o r d i a 'L~ E R C Routing ~ ~ Guide. The Operating Company Number (OCN) assigned to the service provider and the OCN its parent company. An OCP; is a four-character alphanumeric assigned by ~ e l c o r d i a Routing ~l Adminishration (TRA). In addition, the number of thousands-blocks requested should be supplied. The Switch Identification as well as the city or wire center name. rate center, rate center sub zone, homing tandem and CLLI rM tandem of the facilities based provider 'I. Explanations of these terms may be found in the footnotes. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Part 1A Page 4 of 4 Section 1.3 The date the Service Provider completes the application should be entered in this section, as well as the Effective Date of the requested thousands-block. Section 1.4 Service Providers should indicate their type, e.g., local exchange carrier, competitive local exchange carrier; interexchange carrier, CMRS. The also indicate the primary type of business in which the nudering resource is to be used. Service Providers also may indicate their preference for a particular thousands-block. e.g., 32 1- 9 m X . or indicate any thousands-blocks that may be undesirable, e.g., 321-6XXX. Section 1.5 Service Providers indicate the type of request. Initial requests are for first applications for thousands-blocks in a rate center, growth for additional thousands-blocks in a rate center in which the applicant already has numbering resources, and provide the required evidence as ordered by the FCC. Section 1.6 Service Providers must indicate the updated/current information in regards to contaminated TNs on the block they are returning to the pool. Blocks with over 10% contamination (101 TlVs or more) shall not be returned to the pool unless they meet criteria outlined in section 9. I .2 of these Guidelines. If the block being returned is over 10% contaminated the PA shall seek a new block holder. If question c and/or d have a response of No. the request for return shall be denied. The thousands-block applicant certifies veracity of this form by signing their name, and providing their title and date. &ot_Not_es: Identify the type of change(s) in Section 1.5. 'i The Pool Administrator is available to assist in completing these forms. "'A CO Code application will also need to be submitted to the PA. ' Operating Company Number (OCN) assignments must uniquely identify the applicant. Relative to CO Code assignments, NECA-assigned Company Codes may be used as OCNs. Companies with no prior CO Code or Company Code assignments should contact NECA (800 524- 1020) to be assigned a Company Code(s). Since multiple OCNs andlor Company Codes may be associated with a given company, companies with prior assignments should direct questions regarding appropriate OCN usage to (TRA) (732-699-6700). This is an eleven-character descriptor of the switch provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This is the 1 I character C L L I code ~ ~ of the switch /POI. "'Rate Center name must be a tariffed Rate Center. Acknowledgment and indication of disposition of this application will be provided to applicant within seven calendar days from the date of receipt of this application. An incomplete form may result in delays in processing this request. "li Please ensure that the NPA-NXX of the LRN to be associated with this block(s) is;will be active in the network prior to the effective date of the block(s). ""I lX Select if you are the current Block Holder, " Select if you are not the current Block Holder "I Telcordia, LERG Routing Guide, and CLLI are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 1 ot 2 Part3 Attachment 3 November 21,2003 ATlS-0300066.at3 Pooling Administrator's Response/Confirmation TBPAG Part 3 Tracking Number : 501-PERRWILLEAR-488981 Effective Date: Date of Response: Date of Application: Date of Receipt: 1011212011 1011212011 Service Provider Name: WINDSTREAM ARKANSAS, INC. (Telcordia TM LERG TM Routing Guide ) OCN: 1691 10112f201I NPAC SOA SPlD : Pooling Administrator Contact Information: Phone: Genevieve Bettiga Signature of Pooling Administrator Genevieve Bettiga Fax: Name (print) Email: 925-363-7652 925-363-7683 genevieve. bettigaaneustar. biz NPA-NXX or NPA- -NXX-X : Block Assigned: Block Reserved : Block Reservation Expiration Date : BlocWCode Modified : BlocWCode Disconnected : Block Contaminated(Yes or No) : If Yes,enter the number of TNs contaminated : Switch Ident~fication(SwitchEntitylPOI): Rate Center: Rate Center Sub Zone: ' PRVLARXAPSO PERRWILLE X Form Complete, request denied. Explanation: DR-57: You do not meet the MTE andlor Utilization requirements, therefore this request for a new code is denied. You may proceed with requesting a State Waiver from the appropriate state commission using this Part 3 denial. If you are in disagreement with the disposition of this request, please refer to the Thousands'Block Number (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines for the appeals process. -Request withdrawn. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Part3 Page 2 of 2 Explanation: -Assignment activity suspended by the administrator. Explanation: Remarks: This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls.This must be the CLLl TM Location Identification code of the switching entitylPOl shown on the Part 1A form (Telcordia,LERG ROUTING Guide and CLLl are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies,tnc.) APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Code Part 1 A Page 1 of 4 Central Office Code (NXX) Assignment Request Part 1 December 9,2005 Tracking Nutnber: 501-PERRYVtLLE-A.R-488989 Ful! NXX: CRN Type of Application: P New r Change -t Delete 1.0 GENERAL INFORB3ATION 1.l Contact Information: Code Applicant: Kame: Headquarters Address: City, State, Zip: Contact Name: Contact Address: City,State,Zip: Phone: WINDSTREAM ARKANSAS, IW. 4001Rodney Parharn Rd Little Rock_,A-R _,72212 Pa~l~Huslsad 10005~MonroeRd, B l FOI M=$hews,NC, 28105 E- 704-845-7489 FAX: mail: [email protected] Code Adm_inistratorr, Name: Tllichael Ortega Address: 46000 Center Oak Plaza City,State,Zip: SBding ,VA ,29166 Phone: 571-434-5348 FAX:571-434-5502 NXX: LATA: 528 1.2 YPA: 501 OCN: 4 1691 Parent ~ o r n ~ a n yOCN(S) 's G1 18 Switching Identification(Switch Entity!POI) PRVLARX4PS-Q ' LocalitylCityiWire Center: Homing Tandem Operating Co: IVINDSTRE-AM 1.3 Dates: Date of ' Rate Center: PERRYVILLE Tandem Homing CLLI ~GNBRARXAOIT APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 2 of 4 Code Part 1A r By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am requesting the earliest possible effective date the Administrator can grant. Please note that this only applies to a reduction in the Administrator's processing time, howeter the request will still be processed in the order received. Request Expedited Treatment? Yes X No Type of companfientity requesting the code: Exchange Gwrier LILECZ- (LEC, IC, CMRS, Other) 1.4 a) b' Types of service: e Incumbent Local (e.g.. Cellular - Type 2) l ') Code Assignment Preference (Optional) d' Codes that are undesirable, if any Type of change(Mark all that apply) r OCN-lntra-company " r Switching Id f r Rate Center Tandem Homing CLLI r OCK-Inter-company l 2 Reservation Effective Date f- LATA 1.5 Type of Request (Initial, growth, etc.) - r Extend Growth rfarrinitial-codeA att.a_c_h_Lll evld~-nce.ofcert;fi~.atLo_ean~4~IZI proof of i&iAt4i to p!a~e._cod~in d~Se~Icewithin~6.~.day~zXa @-~1?1th.~~d@~;2tta-~_h~rnenf_hs_t_o e_xkauzi_t worksheet, - I Pooling Indicator: l 3 No F Yes 1.6 NPA Jeopardy Criteria Apply: r Yes 1.7 Code request for new sersice (Explain): 1.8 r No - - It is the code applicant's responsibility to arrange input of Part 2 APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 3 of 4 Code Part 1 A information into BIRRDS, The 35-calendar day nationwide minimum interval cutover for BIRRDS will not begin until input into BIRRDS has been compieted. Comments: Need an LEN an a new packet switch to s u p e r t degi=ment of b_r_oad&a& Stimulus p_roJect I hereby certify that the above information requesting an NXX code is w e and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that this applicatron has been prepared in accordance with Central Office Code (NXX) Assignment Guidelines posted to the ATIS Web Site (http:;i www.atis.ory'atisic1c~in~incdocs,htm) as of the date of this application: l4 Paula- Hustead Signature of Code Applicant CODE 10/12_12011 ADMIIVISTRJsTI-03 Title Date I IdentiQ type and reason for change(s) in Section 1.4(e). 7 - A list of the current Code Administrator(s) who can provide assistance in completing this form is available upon request from NANPA. The NXX field is required for any code request in which there is a change or the NXX is being returned. operating Company Number (OCN) assignments must uniquely identify the applicant. Relative to CO Code assignments, NECA-assigned Company Codes may be used as OCNs. Companies with no prior CO Code or Company Code assignments may contact NECA (800-228-8597) to be assigned a Company Code (s). Since multiple OCNs andlor Company Codes may be associated with a given company, companies with prior assignment should direct questions regarding appropriate OCN usage to the Telcordia TM Routing Administration (TRA) on 732-699-6700. This is an eleven-character descriptor of the switch provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This is the eleven-character Telcordia TM COMMON LANGUAGE CLLI TM Location Identification of the applicant's switch or POI. (Telcordia and CLLI are trademarks and COMMON LANGUAGE is a registered trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, inc.) ' Rate Center name must be a tariffed Rate Center associated with toll billing. Applies to any code applicant connecting to the Public Switched Telephone Network via a tandem owned by a difTerent carrier. This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This must be the CLLI TM Location Identification Code of the switching entity/POI, and is the same on Part 2, Form 1. Page 2 of 2. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Code Part 1A Code applicants should request an effective date that is at least 66 calendar days from the submission of this form. It should be noted that interconnection anangements and facilities need to be in place prior to activation of a code. Such arrangements are outside the scope of these guidelines. Requests for code assignment shall not be made more than six months prior to the requested effective date. ' I Select if you are the current Code Holder l 2 Select if you are not the current Code Holder l 3 The Applicant will indicate "YES" if the NXX being requested will be used for thousands-block number pooling and will leave this field blarlk if it is not. ' An incomplete form may result in delays in processing this request. Page 4 of 4 APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 1 of 2 MTE Block Appendix 3 May 16,2008 MONTHS TO ESHAL'ST and UTILIZATION CERTIFICATION WORK SHEET - TN ~ e v e l ' (Thousands-Block Number Pooling Growth Block Request) Tracking Number: 501-PERRYVI;LLE-AR48898I Company Name: WIXBSTmAMiFiI ARKANSAS, Date: 1011212011 OCN:l@I LYC. Rate Center: PERR-Yk'ILLE List all Codes NPA(s)-WXX(s) and Blocks NPA(s)-NXX-X(s):501-889-0,1,2,3,5,6,7;501-391-0 Signature: Paula- Hustead Name of Block App1icant:Paula Hustead Tit1e:CODE ADMINISTRATION No.: Telephone No.: 704-845-7489 FAX E-mail: [email protected] A. Available Numbers:4579 B. Assigned Numbers: 3338 C, Total Eumbering Resources:8000 D. Quantity of numbers activated in the past 90 days (increments of 1,000 or 10,000) and excluded fiom the Utilization calculation ':0 List Excluded Code(s) or Block(s): Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month #I $2 it3 #4 $5 #6 #7 #8 $9 #10 #11 $12 E. Growth History Previous 6 17 86 71 6 0 3 APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 2 of 2 MTE Block F. Forecast -Next 12 months4 1031 1082 1137 1194 1253 1353 1382 1451 1523 1559 1679 1762 G. Average Monthly Forecast (Sum of months 1-6 (Part F above) divided by 6):1175,O H. Months to ~xhaust' - Numbers AvaiJable for Assiynment to Customers(A) Average Monthly Forecast(G) Block Requested 1 I. utilizationh - Available Numbsrs 4579 Assigned Numbers(B) - Excluded Numbers X 100 = 4 1.725 im Total Numbering Resources(C)-Excluded Numbers(D) Explanation: -- - - -- - 'A copy of this worksheet is required to be submitted to the Pooling Administrator when requesting additional numbering resources in a rate center. For auditing purposes, the applicant must retain a copy of this document. '~uantityof numbers activated in the past 90 days is based on blocks and/or codes received from the administrator and shall be reported in increments of 1,000 or 10,000 TNs (e. g.: 2 blocks received=3,000 and I code received =10,000). ' ~ e tchange in TNs no longer available for assignment in each pre%iousmonth, starting with the most distant month as Month #1, and Month #6 as the current month. oreca cast of TNs needed in each following month. starting with the most recent month as Month #I 'TO be assigned an additional thousands-block (NXX-X) for growth, "Months to Exhaust" must be Iess than or equal to 6 months. (FCC 00- 104, section 52.15 (g) (3) (iii)). '~ew1-jacquired numbers may be excluded from the Utilization calculation (FCC 00104, section 52.15 (g)(3)(ii)) APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Part l A Page 1 of 4 TBPAG Attachment I - March 19,2007 Thousands-Block Application Form - Part I A Full N M : LRN Type of Application: F New T Change r Disconnect i GENEfraL APPLIGA?rWiV 1Nf;ORMATION 1.1 Contact Information: Block Applicant: Name: WINDSTREAM ARKANSAS. INC. Headqua*ers 4001 Rodney Parham Rd Address: City' State' Zip: Contact Name: Contact Address: City,State.Zip: Phone: 704845-7489 Little Rock, AR, 72212 Paula Hustead 10005 Monroe Rdl E31FOl Matthew ,NC ,28105 FAX: E-mail: paula.hus_tead@windstream,com Contact Genevieve Bettiga Name: Contact 1800 Suttgr St Address: City.State,Zip: Concord .CA,94520 Phone: 925-363-7652 FAX: 925-363-7683 E-mail: [email protected] 1.2 General Information: Check one : No LRN needed LRN needed iii X APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 2 o f 4 Part 1A 528 OCN: " Parent Company's 0C.U Gl18 1691 Number of Thousands-Blocks Requested : 1 NPA: 501 LATA: Switching IdentificationfSwitch EntltyiPOI) : ' PRVLAWPSO City or %'ire Center Name : Rate Center Sub Zone: Rate Center: " PER-R-YVILLE 1.3 Dates: Date of Application: '" 1011212011- Requested Block Effective Date: " * 121191201 1- By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am requesting the earliest possible effective date the Administrator can grant. Please note that this only applies to a reduction in the Administrator's processing time, however the request will still be processed in the order received. Request Expedited Treatment? (See Section 5.6) Yes -- No _ _ X 1.4 Type of Service Provider Requesting the Thousands-BIoek : a) Type of Service Provider : Incumbent Loc-al-Ex-ehan~carrier(JLECL- (LEC, IXC, CMRS. Other) b) Primary type of service Blocks to be used for : Wireline _ c) Thousands-Block(s) (NXX-X) assignment Preference (Optional) d) Thousands-Block(s) (NXX-X) that are undesirable for this assignment, if any e) If requesting a code for LRY purposes, indicate which block(s) you will be keeping(the remainder of the blocks will be given to the pool) _ _ 501-xxx-4, 1.5 Type of Request: Initial block for rate center : Yes If Yes , attach evidence of authorization and proof of capability to provide service w~thin60 days. Growth block for rate center : Yes _ X _ If Yes , attach months to exhaust worksheet I-" By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am willing to accept a block in red and explicitly understand that the underlying CO code may not yet be activated in the PSTN and loaded in the NPAC on the block et'fective date. Type of change(Mark a11 that apply) r 0CN:Intra-company lX Switching Id r Part 1B APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 3 of 4 Part1 A r 0CN:Inter-company " r EfTective Date If Yes . list NPA-NXX-X Change block : Yes 1.6 Block Return : a) b) C) d) Is this block Contaminated Yes No If Yes how many TNs are NOT available for assignment : Hare all new Intra SP ports been completed in the NPAC Yes Has this block been protected from further a s s i m e n t Yes Disconnect block : Yes - No So - . If Yes fist NPA-NXX-X Remarks: Need an LW on a nem- packet s ~ i t c hto support deployment of broadband Stimulus project I hereby certify that the above information requesting an NXX-X block is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that this application has been prepared in accordance with the Thousands-Block (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines(AT1S-0300066)available on the ATIS web site (http:~/www.atis,or~inc) or by contacting [email protected] as of the date of this application. Paula Hustead Signature of Block Applicant CODE 100 2/zpll ADiCIINIST~TION - Title Date I_stru~ions_fo_r~f@1ingout_e_ach Section ofthe Part la form Section 1 . 1 Contact information requires that Service Providers supply under "Block Applicant" the company name, company headquarters address, a contact within the company, an address where the contact person may be reached, in addition to the correct phone, fax, and e-mail address. The Pooling Administrator section also requires the Service Provider to fill in the Pooling Administrator s name, address, phone, fax and e-mail. Section 1.2 Service Providers who need a thousands-block assignment or for an Location Routing Number (LRN) are required to fill in this section. If needed for an LRN, a CO Code Application needs to also be submitted to the PA. The Senice Provider should supply the Numbering Plan Area (NPA); the Local Access Transport Area (LATA), which is a three-digit number that can be found in the ~ e l c o r d i aL ~E R C ~ "Routing [ Guide. The Operating Company Number (OCN) assigned to the service provider and the OCN its parent company. An OCN is a four-character alphanumeric assigned by ~elcordia'~'Routing Administration (TRA). In addition, the number of thousands-blocks requested should be supplied. The Switch Identification as well as the city or wire center name, rate center, rate center sub zone, homing tandem and CLLl rM tandem of the hcilities based provider 'I. Explanations of these terms may be found in the footnotes. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Part 1 A Page 4 of 4 Section 1.3 The date the Service Provider completes the appIication should be entered in this section, as well as the Effective Date of the requested thousands-block. Section 1.4 Service Providers should indicate their type, e.g., local exchange carrier, competitive local exchange carrier, interexchange carrier, CMRS. The also ~ndicatethe primary type of business in which the numbering resource is to be used. Service Providers also may indicate their preference for a particuIar thousands-block, e.g.. 321-9-XLY, or indicate any thousands-blocks that may be undesirable, e.g., 32 1-6XXX. Section 1.5 Service Providers indicate the type of request. Initial requests are for first applications for thousands-blocks in a rate center, growth for additional thousands-blocks in a rate center in which the applicant already has numbering resources, and provide the required evidence as ordered by the FCC. Section 1.6 Service Providers must indicate the updatedicurrent information in regards to contaminated TNs on the block they are returning to the pool. Blocks with over 1094 contamination (101 TNs or more) shall not be returned to the pooI unless they meet criteria outlined in section 9.1.2 of these Guidelines. If the block being returned is over 10% contaminated the PA shall seek a new block holder. If question e and/or d have a response of No, the request for return shall be denied. The thousands-block applicant certifies veracity of this form by signing their name, and providing their title and date. Foot Piptes : ' Identify the type of change(s) in Section 1.5. " The Pool Administrator is availabIe to assist in completing these forms. i'i A CO Code application will also need to be submitted to the PA. ' Operating Company Number (OCN) assignments must uniquely identify the applicant. Relative to CO Code assignments, NECA-assigned Company Codes may be used as OCNs. Companies with no prior CO Code or Company Code assignments should contact NECA (800 524-1020) to be assigned a Company Code(s). Since multiple OCNs and!or Company Codes may be associated with a given company, companies with prior assignments should direct questions regarding appropriate OCN usage to (TRA) (732-699-6700). 'This is an eleven-character descriptor of the switch provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This is the 1 1 character C L L I code ~ of the switch /POI. "' Rate Center name must be a tarifTed Rate Center. Acknowledgment and indication of disposition of this application will be provided to applicant within seven calendar days from the date of receipt of this application. An incompIete form may result in delays in processing this request. '"' Please ensure that the NPA-NXX of the LRN to be associated with this block(s) is/will be active in the network prior to the effective date of the block(s). IX Select if you are the current Block Holder. 'Select if you are not the current Block Holder "' Telcordia, LERC Routing Guide, and CLLI are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page I of 2 Part3 Attachment 3 November 21,2003 ATIS-0300066.at3 Poollng Adm~nistrator'sRespnseiConf~rmat~on TBPAG Part 3 Tracking Number : 501-QUITMAN-AR488983 Effective Date: Date of Response: Date of Application: Date of Receipt: 1011212011 1011212011 Service Provlder Name: WINDSTREAM ARKANSAS, INC. (Teicordia TM LERG TM Routlng Gulde ) OCN: 1691 1011212011 NPAC SOA SPlD : Pooling Administrator Contact information: Phone: Genevieve Bettiga Signature of Pooling Administrator Genevieve Bettiga Fax: Name (print) Email: genevieve.bettigaaneustar. biz NPA-NXX or NPA- Block Assigned: -NXX-X : Block Reserved : Block Reservation Expiration Date : BlocWCode Modified : BlocWCode Disconnected : Block Contaminated(Yes or No) : If Yes,enter the number of TNs contaminated Switch Identification(Switch EntityiPOI): Rate Center: Rate Center Sub Zone: ' QTMNARXARPO QUITMAN Form Complete, request denied. Explanation: DR-57: You do not meet the MTE andlor Utilization requirements, therefore this request for a new block is denied. You may proceed with requesting a State Waiver from the appropriate state commission using this Part 3 denial. If you are in disagreement with the disposition of this request, please refer to the Thousands-Block Number (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines for the appeals process. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 rage L 01 L withdrawn. -Request Explanation: -Assignment activity suspended by the administrator. Explanation: Remarks: ' This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls.This must be the CLLl TM Location Identification code of the switching entitylPOl shown on the Part 1A form (Teicordia,LERG ROUTING Guide and CLLl are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies,lnc.) APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 IJage I o t 4 Part 1A TBPAG Attachment i - March 19. 2007 Thousands-Block Application Form - Part 1 A Tracking Number: 5Ol-QUtTMANAR-488983 Individual Block Request Type of F New Application: I i Change r Disconnect GENERAL APPLICATION INFORMATION 1.1 Contact Information: Block Applicant: Company Natne: Address: City' State, z1p: Contact Name: Contact Address: City,State,Zip: Phone: 704845-7489 WINDSTREAM A-RKANS-AS, INC. 4001 Rodney Parharn Rd Little Rock, AR, 72212 Paula Hustead 10005 Monroe R& BIFOI Matthews ,NC .28105 E-mail: [email protected] Pooling Admimstrator: l' Contact Genevieve Bettiga Kame: Contact 1800 Sutter St Address: City,State,Z~p:Concord ,CA,94520 Phone: 925-363-7652 FAX: 925-363-7683 E-mail: [email protected] 1.2 General Information: Check one : No LRN needed X LRN needed iii https://www.nationalpooling.corn/pas/search/print form jsp I I APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 2 of 4 Part 1A SPA: 501 528 OCN: l" Parent Company's O f X G118 1691 _ Number of Thousands-Blocks Requested : 1 LATA: Switching Idcntification(Switch Entity!POI) : ' QTl\lN&WARPO City or Wire Center Name : Rate Center Sub Zone: _ _ Rate Center: " QUITMAN 1.3 Dates: Requested Block Effective Date: 'Ii' 12~2012011_ Date of Application: 1I' lOn212oll f By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am requesting the earliest possible effective date the Administrator can grant. Please note that this only applies to a reduction in the Administrator's processing time, however the request will still be processed in the order received. Request Expedited Treatment? (See Section 8.6) Yes -____No- _ X 1.4 Type of Service Provider Requesting the Thousands-Block : a) Type of Service Provider : Incumbent LocalExchang~eC a r r i GLE-CL ~ _ (LEC, IXC, CMRS, Other) b) Primary type of service Blocks to be used for : _ -Wireline C) Thousands-Block(s) (NXX-X) assignment Preference (Optional) _ _ --_ d) Thousands-Block(s) (NXX-X) that are undesirable for this assignment , if any _- - _ NO NXX-0 or FJX.3-9 e) If requesting a code for LRN purposes, indicate which block(s) you will be keeping(the remainder of the blocks wlll be given to the pool) - 1.5 Type of Request: Initial block for rate center : Yes - - _ If Yes , attach evidence of authorization and proof of capability to provide senice within 60 days. Growth block for rate center : Yes X If Yes , attach months to exhaust worksheet r By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am willing to accept a block in red and explicitIy understand that the underlying CO code may not yet be activated in the PSTN and loaded in the NPAC on the block effective date. 'Type of change(Mark all that apply) r 0CN:Intra-company iX Switching Id r Part 1 B APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 3 of 4 Part 1A 0CN:Inter-companyX Change block : Yes Effective Date If Yes . list NPA-NXX-X - 1.6 Block Return : a) Is this block Contaminated Yes _No b) If Yes how many T%s are NOT available for assignment c) Have all new Intra SP ports been completed in the NPAC Yes dl Has this block been protected firom further assignment Yes Disconnect block : Yes - No _ No . If Yes list NPA-lb',XX-X Remarks: Need a 1K block on a new remote packet switch to support deployment of bro-adband Stimulus projgct I hereby certifL that the above information requesting an NXY-X block is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that this application has been prepared in accordance with the Thousands-Block (NXX-X) Pooling Administration GuidelinesIATIS-0300066) available on the ATIS web site (http:f/www.atis.orgiinc) or by contacting [email protected] as of the date of this application. Paula Hustead Signature of Block Applicant CODE lOf1212011 ADN~I~ISTRJ~TION Title Date 1n.ructions for fiIIing_ctuteach_Sectionn_of the Part 1Aform Section 1.1 Contact information requires that Service Providers supply under "Block Applicant" the company name. company headquarters address, a contact within the company, an address where the contact person may be reached. in addition to the correct phone, fax, and e-mail address. The Pooling Administrator section also requires the Service Provider to fill in the Pooling Administrator s name, address. phone, fax and e-mail. Section 1.2 Service Providers who need a thousands-block assignment or for an Location Routing Number (LRN) are required to fill in this section. If needed for an LRN. a CO Code Application needs to also be submitted to the PA. The Service Provider should supply the Numbering Plan Area (NPA); the Local Access Transport Area (LATA). which is a three-digit number that can be found in the TclcordiaTM LERG Routing Guide. The Operating Company Number (OCN) assigned to the service provider and the OCN its parent company. An OCN is a four-character alphanumeric assigned by TelcordiaTMRouting Administration (TRA). In addition, the number of thousands-blocks requested should be supplied. The Switch Identification as well as the city or wire center name. rate center, rate center sub Lone. homing tandem and C L L I ~ 'tandem ~ of the facilities based provider "'. Explanations of these tenns may be found in the footnotes. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 4 of 4 Part 1A Section 1.3 The date the Service Provider completes the application should be entered in this section, as well as the Effective Date of the requested thousands-block. Section 1.4 Sewice Providers should indicate their type, e.g., local exchange carrier, competitive local exchange carrier, interexchange carrier, CMRS. The also indicate the primary type of business in which the numbering resource is to be used. Service Prociders also may indicate their preference for a particular thousands-block, e.g., 32 I -9XXX. or indicate any thousands-blocks that may be undesirable, e.g,. 321-6XXX. Section 1.5 Service Providers indicate the type of request. Initial requests are for first applications for thousands-blocks in a rate center, growth for additional thousands-blocks in a rate center in which the applicant already has numbering resources, and provide the required evidence as ordered by the FCC. Section 1.6 Service Providers must indicate the updatedicunent information in regards to contaminated W s on the block they are returning to the pool. Blocks with over 1004 co~ltamination(10 1 TNs or more) shall not be returned to the pool unless they meet criteria outlined in section 9.1.2 of these Guidelines. If the block being returned is over 10% contaminated the PA shall seek a new block holder. If question c and/or d have a response of No. the request for return shall be denied. The thousands-block applicant certifies veracity of this form by signing their name, and providing their title and date. Foot Notes _: Identifjl the type of change(s) in Section 1.5. " The .' . Pool Administrator is available to assist in completing these forms. "' A CO Code application will also need to be submitted to the PA. Operating Company Number (OCN) assignments must uniquely identify the applicant. Relative to CO Code assignments, NECA-assigned Company Codes may be used as OCNs. Companies with no prior CO Code or Company Code assignments should contact NECA (800 524-1 020) to be assigned a Company Codefs). Since multiple OCNs and/or Company Codes may be associated with a given company, companies with prior assignments should direct questions regarding appropriate OCN usage to (TRA) (732-699-6700). lV "This is an eleven-character descriptor of the switch provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This is the 1 1 character C L L I code ~ ~ of the switch /POI. V' Rate Center name must be a tariffed Rate Center. 'li Acknowledgment and indication of disposition of this application will be provided to applicant within seven calendar days from the date of receipt of this application. An incomplete form may result in delays in processing this request. Please ensure that the NPA-NXX of the LRN to be associated with this block(s) isiwill be active in the network prior to the effective date of the block(s). "li' '" Select if you are the current Block Holder. 'Select if you are not the current Block Holder " Telcordia, LERG Routing Guide. and CLLI are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page I of 2 MTE Block Appendix 3 May 16,2008 MOKTHS TO EXHAUST and UTILIZA4TIONCERTIFICATION WORK SHEET - TN Level1 (Thousands-Block Xumber Pooling Growth Block Request) Tracking Number: 501-QUITMAN-AR-488983 Company Kc'ame:WIND_STREAMARKANSAS, Date: 10/12/2011 OCN:1691 IBC, Rate Center: QUITMAN List all Codes NPA(s)-NXX(s) and Blocks NPA(s)-NXX-X(s):501-5W,1,2,3,4,6, 8,9 Signature: Paula Hustea-d Name of Block App1icant:Paula Hustead Tit1e:COP)E APRIIN_J_STRATION No.: Telephone No.: 704-845-7489 FAX E-mail: ~aula,hustead@win_dstream.com B. Assigned Numbers: 16% C. Total Numbering Resources:800_0 D. Quantity of numbers activated in the past 90 days (increments of 1.000 or 10,000) and excluded from the Utilization calculation 2:0 List Excluded Code(s) or Block(s): Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month #1 +.t3 #3 #4 #5 +6 if7 d8 #9 #lo +11 ;ti12 E. Growth History Previous 6 1 1 7 3 6 5 APSC FILED Time: 10/18/2011 10:43:18 AM: Recvd 10/18/2011 10:18:52 AM: Docket 11-151-u-Doc. 1 Page 2 of 2 MTE Block F. Forecast -Next 12 months4 1004 1054 1107 1162 1220 1281 1342 1413 1483 155% 1635 1717 G. Average Monthly Forecast (Sum of months 1-6 (Part F above) divided by 6):1138.0 H. Months to ~xhaust' - Numbers Availabk fwAssignment to Customers(A) Average Monthly Forecast(G) Block Requested Available N-umb~s Months To Exhaust 1 6279 5.5 18 I. Assigned NumbersCB) - ExcludedNurnbe_rsX 1 00 = utilization6 20.325 CDl Total Numbexing Resources(C)-Excluded Numbers(D) Explanation: -- 'A copy of this worksheet is required to be submitted to the Pooling Administrator when requesting additional numbering resources in a rate center. For auditing purposes, the applicant must retain a copy of this document. 2~uantity of numbers activated in the past 90 days is based on blocks and/or codes received tE-om the administrator and shall be reported in increments of 1,000 or 10,000 T?is (e. g.: 3 blocks received=2,000 and 1 code received = 10,000). ' ~ e tchange in 73s no longer available for assignment in each previous month. starting with the most distant month as Month # I , and Month #6 as the current month. 4~orecastof TNs needed in each following month, starting with the most recent month as Month # I . 9 0 be assigned an additional thousands-block (NXX-X) for growth, "Months to Exhaust" must be less than or equal to 6 months. (FCC 00-104, section 52.15 (g) (3) (iii)). 6 ~ e w l acquired y numbers may be excluded from the Utilization calculation (FCC 001 04, section 52.15 (g)(3)(ii))
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