AGENDA U.S.D. 506 Board of Education August 8, 2011, 7:00 PM Board of Education office, Altamont, KS 67330 All Students will develop: • Skills to live & work in a progressive world • A positive work ethic • A sense of individual worth • Pride in citizenship • A life-long desire for learning I. Call to Order II. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments III. Approval of the Printed Agenda At this time the Board members may (1) accept the agenda as shown below or (2) request that one or more “Consent Agenda Items” be placed under “Business Agenda Items for Separate Consideration.” Recommended Motions (1) I move the Board approve the printed agenda as presented, or (2) I move the Board approve the printed agenda as amended. IV. Teaching and Learning in USD 506 (A monthly agenda item to provide a short presentation for the Board from various staff members, students, administrators or guest speakers demonstrating the great work and continuous improvement efforts of USD 506 staff to realize our vision “…to be recognized and respected as one of the premier public school systems in Kansas.”). V. Superintendent’s Report A. July meeting follow-up B. FY12 Budget Review VI. Consent Agenda Items A. Approval of the July 11, 2011 minutes B. Approval of bills C. Approval of investments D. Approval of activity fund report E. Approval of resignations F. Employment of personnel G. Approval of new supplemental assignment H. Approval of request for use of facilities USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda Page 56 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 52 VII. Information Items A. Review of USD 506 pre-school program B. Consideration of resolution to continue capital outlay tax levy C. Consideration of designated workers compensation provider VIII. Business Agenda Items for Separate Consideration A. Consideration of LCHS in school suspension position B. Consideration of Vo-Ag new tractor purchase C. Approval of 2011-12 budget publication and set budget hearing date and time 67 70 71 72 74 76 IX. VIII. Board Member Comments and Future Issues X. Executive Session for personnel matters for non-elected personnel A. Recommended Motion I move that the board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters for non-elected personnel; and that the board return to the open meeting at ___________o’clock in this room. The executive session is required to protect the privacy interests of an identifiable individual. XI. Adjournment USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 53 IV. Teaching and Learning in USD 506 The “Teaching and Learning in USD 506” agenda item is a monthly item to provide a short presentation for the Board from various staff members, students, administrators or guest speakers demonstrating the great work and continuous improvement efforts of USD 506 staff to realize our vision “…to be recognized and respected as one of the premier public school systems in Kansas.” This month’s presentation is by Ms. Lindsey Smith, who in addition to her LCHS teaching and coaching duties, has technology support responsibilities. Ms. Smith’s presentation will focus on a Microsoft service Live@edu. Ms. Smith has been investigating this product to ascertain its value and applicability for USD 506 students and staff. Ms. Smith plans to use her time at the meeting to introduce Board members to the product prior to the development of an implementation plan for rollout to USD 506 students, staff and parents. Live@edu is a no-cost e-mail and collaboration services, co-branded for schools that supports the collaborative campus of the 21st century. Microsoft Live@edu is a single resource with multiple tools that students can access with one e-mail account for a consistent user experience. It is a free offering for schools based on e-mail through Microsoft Outlook Live, with access to other services such as Windows Live SkyDrive. This service gives students, staff, and faculty the power to choose how they communicate and collaborate with the people and communities around them. Also, because schools customize Live@edu e-mail with their branding, students feel connected with their academic community. Students thrive when they are more engaged. Microsoft Live@edu helps extend learning beyond the classroom walls by making select classroom information, like class materials, schedules, and announcements available online in a controlled environment – creating a deeper engagement between teachers, students, and parents. Additionally, Live@edu offers a technology solution that meets the changing needs of our schools. By allowing Microsoft to host student email and collaboration services, we can provide students with the latest technology while reducing costs. At the same time, Live@edu’s security and privacy controls help us create a controlled environment for our students. Microsoft commits that students will NOT see third party ads in the user interface of the email service. Additionally, third party ads will be turned off automatically for all Windows Live Services except Windows Live Messenger. However, Microsoft does reserve the right to display information about Microsoft products and services with recognition of the need to do so in a manner that is tasteful and not overbearing. For example, Live@edu “tips and tricks” may be shown to enhance usage of Windows Live services. Alumni, applicants/trial users and other nonstudent users of Live@edu will see banner advertisements for third-party products. Microsoft will ensure that third-party advertisements are family-safe and follow their creative acceptance policy. Microsoft offers Live@edu to educational institutions at no cost to the institution as part of Microsoft's overall vision for the education sector and their Software and Services vision. Outlook Live offers most of the end user features available in Exchange Server and prepares students to familiarize themselves with tools they are likely to encounter in their future workforce. Microsoft’s goal is to introduce their services to students who are beginning to form online habits, discover that these services help reduce the time it takes to finish coursework while at the same time helping them stay connected with friends and family, have them fall in love with them, and USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 54 use them for life. At the same time, they are helping schools around the world connect students, faculty, staff and alumni to access email and documents on their desktop, mobile phone or online. Live@edu provides reliable and easy-to-use tools to support the District security and compliance strategy. For example, administrators can use the multi-mailbox search function in Outlook Live to search by keyword across multiple mail boxes. We can also implement supervision policies that control who can send email to and from specific users, and filter and reject email that contains objectionable words. In addition, Microsoft is continually investing in their anti-spam / anti-virus solution to protect our schools. USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 55 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM A Subject: July 11, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes BOARD OF EDUCATION LABETTE COUNTY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 506 Altamont, Kansas Board of Education Office July 11, 2011 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Leon Allen Gail Billman Jessie Foister Ronda Good Kelly Schulze Dr. Kolette Smith MEMBERS ABSENT: Shelly Perez OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Chuck Stockton, superintendent Arlene Shelton, clerk Steve Spencer, director of maintenance I. Dr. Stockton called the meeting to order. Mr. Allen opened the meeting with prayer. II. Mrs. Foister nominated Ronda Good for president of USD 506 Board of Education for 2011-2012. Mr. Allen seconded the motion. Mrs. Billman nominated Leon Allen for president of USD 506 Board of Education for 2011-2012. Mrs. Schulze seconded the motion. Dr. Smith moved nominations cease, Mrs. Schulze seconded. Nominations ceased on a vote of 6-0. Mrs. Good was duly elected as board president, for the 2011-12 school year, on a 4-2 vote. Mrs. Billman nominated Leon Allen for vice-president of the board for 2011-12. Mrs. Schulze seconded. Dr. Smith moved nominations cease, Mrs. Billman seconded. Nominations ceased on a vote of 6-0. Mr. Allen was elected vicepresident of the board for the 2011-12 school year by acclamation. III. There were no visitors who desired to address the board during recognition of visitors. IV. Mrs. Schulze moved to amend the printed agenda by adding Beth Conrad’s resignation to Item VI. Q. Approval of Resignations, Item VI. S. Approval of milk bid, was corrected to correctly reference attachment C. The word virus was replaced with the word bacteria on page 39. Mrs. Billman seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. V. Dr. Stockton reviewed June meeting Board member comments and future issues, and followed-up on same. Additionally, Dr. Stockton advised Board members on the timeline for the FY12 budget preparation, review, publication, hearing and approval process. USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 56 VI. Consent Agenda Items Dr. Smith moved that the board approve by consent items in the amended agenda, which are identified as A—W. Mrs. Foister seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. VII. Information Items A. The Board reviewed a proposal to hire an in-school suspension supervisor for Labette County High School. Consensus of the Board was to consider same for action at the regularly scheduled August 2011 meeting. B. The Board reviewed a proposal for the purchase of a new tractor purchase for the Vo-Ag department. Consensus of the Board was to consider same for action at the regularly scheduled August 2011 meeting. C. The Board reviewed a proposal to purchase lockers for a physical education dressing room in Harrison gymnasium and consider same for action at the regularly scheduled August 2011 meeting. The consensus of the Board was to have the lockers in place for the start of the 2011-12 school year. As such, Mrs. Billman moved to approve the purchase as presented, authorizing the Superintendent or his designee to proceed with this purchase. Mrs. Foister seconded which carried on a 6-0 vote. VIII. Business A. Mrs. Billman made a motion to waive requirements for Generally Accepted Accounting Practices pursuant to KSA 75-1120a (c) (1). Dr. Smith seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. B. Dr. Smith made a motion to approve the resolution to rescind all policy statements in the minutes of FY 2010-11. Mr. Allen seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. C. Mrs. Schulze made a motion to approve the resolution for Gate Receipt Accounting. Mrs. Billman seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. D. Mrs. Billman made a motion to approve the resolution to establish regular meeting dates. Mrs. Schulze seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. E. Mrs. Billman made a motion to approve the resolution to establish Home Rule. Dr. Smith seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. F. Dr. Smith made a motion to approve the 2011-12 grade school student handbooks. Mrs. Foister seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. G. Mrs. Schulze made a motion to approve the following board member committees and representatives. Mrs. Billman seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. Gail Billman-- Governmental Relations Ronda Good-- SEK Interlocal representative Dr. Kolette Smith-- KASB Resolutions Committee voting delegate; Leon Allen-- alternate Kelley Schulze and Jessie Foister-- Negotiations Committee Gail Billman, Shelly Perez and Ronda Good-- Board Policies and Procedures Committee; Leon Allen-alternate USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 57 IX. Board member comments and future issues included: Board members recognized the accomplishments of the LCHS Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) members who recently attended the National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida, June 27 through July 2. Alex Dodsworth (Sr.) won 5th place in Public Speaking II and Sloan Dwyer (2011 graduate) won 7th place in Electronic Career Portfolio Board members also recognized the accomplishments of the LCHS SkillsUSA team. Ten students from LCHS attended the SkillsUSA nationals held June 20-24 in Kansas City. Michael Banowetz placed 1st in the Electronics Residential Installation and Maintenance contest. Michael is the first student to win a gold medal from LCHS at the national conference. Garrett Richins placed 12th in Prepared Speech. The Mechatronics team of Darrell Winter and Joshua Mathes placed 7th. Andy Emerson placed 13th in Electronics Technology. Savannah Osborn, Samantha Barney, Megan Bierbrodt, and Holden Harshman placed 16th in Broadcast News Production. Board members indicated a desire to improve communications with patrons and directed the superintendent to develop a plan for accomplishing same. Board members requested an agenda item for the regularly scheduled August 2011 meeting to consider the feasibility of continuing “senior trip.” A trip sponsored by and facilitated by USD 506 for graduated seniors at the end of each school year. Board members commented on a willingness to explore the feasibility of sharing district administrative services with other area districts and directed the superintendent to informally explore potential opportunities. X. At 9:23 p. m. the meeting adjourned. Arlene Shelton Clerk USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda Attested by: Ronda Good, President 58 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B Subject: Approval of bills A. Pertinent Facts 1) The Board received under separate cover titled “August 2011 bills and financial reports” the August 2011 bills. Bills will also be available just prior to each Board meeting on the district web site; click the tab “Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes” from the drop down menu on the “District” tab. B. Fiscal Notes 1) Total July 2011 bills $ 328,549.88 C. Recommendation That the Board approves the consent agenda items as presented. By approving the consent agenda the Board approves the payment of bills as presented and authorizes the Superintendent or his designee to execute said payment. NOTE: The consent agenda is a method whereby the board, with one motion, may approve (by consent) all consent agenda items as a single block with one motion as opposed to separate consideration and discussion of each item. Consent agenda items are routine, informational, or the receipt of reports, which may not need discussion. This procedure assumes that each board member has read and studied the agenda prior to the meeting. Prepared by: Susan Dodsworth Reviewed by: Chuck Stockton Board Meeting August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 59 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C Subject: Approval of investments A. Pertinent Facts 1) Interest on Idle funds in NOW Account General $ 404.76 Activity $ 7.43 2) Investments of idle funds Community National Bank Community National Bank Community National Bank B. $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 .50% due 08/03/2011 .50% due 09/07/2011 .50% due 10/05/2011 Fiscal Notes 1) Total interest earned on idle funds in NOW account $412.19 C. Recommendation That the Board approves the consent agenda items as presented. By approving the consent agenda the Board approves the treasurer’s report on investments. NOTE: The consent agenda is a method whereby the board, with one motion, may approve (by consent) all consent agenda items as a single block with one motion as opposed to separate consideration and discussion of each item. Consent agenda items are routine, informational, or the receipt of reports, which may not need discussion. This procedure assumes that each board member has read and studied the agenda prior to the meeting. Prepared by: Susan Dodsworth Reviewed by: Chuck Stockton Board Meeting August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 60 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM D Subject: Approval of activity fund report A. Pertinent Facts 1) By resolution the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 506, Labette County, Kansas established an activity fund designated as the LCHS Activity Fund for the purpose of receiving and expending funds for student activities including athletics, music, forensics, dramatics and other board approved student extra-curricular activities. 2) As such, the activity fund secretary shall keep a record of all receipts and expenditures of the fund and shall prepare and file with the board a statement showing all receipts, expenditures and balance at the end of each month and at the end of each school year. 3) The Board received under separate cover titled “August 2011 bills and financial reports” the called for report to be filed with the board. The report will also be available just prior to each Board meeting on the district web site; click the tab “Board Meeting Agendas And Minutes” from the drop down menu on the “District” tab. B. Fiscal Notes 1) None C. Recommendation That the board approves the activity fund report as presented. By approving the consent agenda, the board approves the activity fund report as presented. NOTE: The consent agenda is a method whereby the board, with one motion, may approve (by consent) all consent agenda items as a single block with one motion as opposed to separate consideration and discussion of each item. Consent agenda items are routine, informational, or the receipt of reports, which may not need discussion. This procedure assumes that each board member has read and studied the agenda prior to the meeting. Prepared by: Susan Dodsworth Reviewed by: Chuck Stockton Regular Meeting August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 61 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM E Subject: Approval of resignations A. Pertinent Facts 1) Mr. Scott Smith, seasonal grounds keeper, has tendered a resignation effective July 29, 2011. B. Fiscal Notes 1) None. C. Recommendation That the Board approves the consent agenda items as presented. By approving the consent agenda the board accepts the resignation of Scott Smith, seasonal grounds keeper, as presented. NOTE: The consent agenda is a method whereby the board, with one motion, may approve (by consent) all consent agenda items as a single block with one motion as opposed to separate consideration and discussion of each item. Consent agenda items are routine, informational, or the receipt of reports, which may not need discussion. This procedure assumes that each board member has read and studied the agenda prior to the meeting. Prepared by: Chuck Stockton Board Meeting August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 62 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM F Subject: Employment of personnel A. Pertinent Facts 1) Due to the recent resignation of Labette County High School graphic arts and business teacher, Beth Conrad, an opening was posted and interviews of potential candidates conducted on Wednesday, August 3, 2011. 2) Mrs. Kelly Manley, LCHS business teacher, Mrs. Tracy Holzem, LCHS business teacher, Mr. Marty Anderson, LCHS principal and Dr. Stockton, superintendent, interviewed 5 candidates for the posted 6-12 business teacher position. 3) At this writing, reference checks are in progress as the final step prior to the presentation of a candidate for employment approval. As such said candidate name will be presented for Board approval at the meeting. B. Fiscal Notes 1) Payment based upon Board approved salary schedule. C. Recommendation That the Board approves the consent agenda items as presented. By approving the consent agenda the board approves the employment of ____________________________ for the 2011-12 school year as presented. NOTE: The consent agenda is a method whereby the board, with one motion, may approve (by consent) all consent agenda items as a single block with one motion as opposed to separate consideration and discussion of each item. Consent agenda items are routine, informational, or the receipt of reports, which may not need discussion. This procedure assumes that each board member has read and studied the agenda prior to the meeting. Prepared by: Marty Anderson Reviewed by: Chuck Stockton Board Meeting August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 63 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM G Subject: Approval of new supplemental assignment A. Pertinent Facts a) Meadow View principal Chris Kastler has recommended the appointment of Kyleigh Hucke as the Meadow View cheerleading sponsor for the 2011-12 school year. B. Fiscal Notes 1) Supplemental positions are part of the negotiated agreement and as such payment for these positions is outlined in the negotiated agreement. C. Recommendation That the Board approves the consent agenda items as presented. By approving the consent agenda the Board approves the supplemental assignment of Kyleigh Hucke for the 2011-12 school year as presented. NOTE: The consent agenda is a method whereby the board, with one motion, may approve (by consent) all consent agenda items as a single block with one motion as opposed to separate consideration and discussion of each item. Consent agenda items are routine, informational, or the receipt of reports, which may not need discussion. This procedure assumes that each board member has read and studied the agenda prior to the meeting. Prepared by: Chris Kastler Reviewed by: Chuck Stockton Board Meeting August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 64 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM H Subject: Approval of request for use of facilities A. Pertinent Facts 1) The Altamont City Recreation Commission has requested the use of the cafeteria in Labette County High School (See Attachment A). 2) Additionally, the Altamont City Recreation Commission has requested that the Board of Education waive the facility usage fee. 3) The Board previously established usage fees as follows: • Building rental fee: $15.00/hr. • (Fees waived for 4-H, PTO & Scouts) 4) Historically the Board of Education has waived the usual facilities usage fee for similar requests. B. Fiscal Notes 1) None C. Recommendation That the Board approves the consent agenda item as presented. By approving the consent agenda the board approves the facility usage request of Altamont City Recreation Commission as written, including a waiver of facility usage fees for the “Music in the Park” event. NOTE: The consent agenda is a method whereby the board, with one motion, may approve (by consent) all consent agenda items as a single block with one motion as opposed to separate consideration and discussion of each item. Consent agenda items are routine, informational, or the receipt of reports, which may not need discussion. This procedure assumes that each board member has read and studied the agenda prior to the meeting. Prepared by: Chuck Stockton Board Meeting August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 65 Attachment A USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 66 INFORMATION ITEM A Subject: Review of USD 506 pre-school program The purpose of this item is to provide Board members an opportunity to provide the superintendent feedback on a proposed change in the USD 506 pre-school program. Currently, USD 506 participates in two pre-school programs; one administered by Greenbush for at-risk 3 to 5 year olds and another administered by the SEK Interlocal #647. Both are currently housed in the Altamont Grade School (AGS) and the Mound Valley Grade School. Both programs offer a morning session and afternoon sessions that run concurrently at either AGS or Mound Valley, serving the needs of USD 506 pre-school aged children selected from among those eligible to participate in either program. That is to say that while one is at AGS the other is in session at the same time in Mound Valley during the morning session and vice versa during the afternoon session. The proposed change for Board input is to locate either for a full day at one or the other location. That is to say that one program would be located at AGS for the entire day, hosting both a morning and afternoon session while the other is at Mound Valley for the entire day, hosting both a morning and afternoon session, for the entire school year. The purpose of the Kansas Preschool Program: Four Year Old At-Risk is to provide a quality early learning program for four-year old children who meet at-risk criteria. The objectives for the program are as follows: 1. Help at-risk preschool children acquire the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that they need to transition successfully to kindergarten. 2. Reduce the number of at-risk children who are retained in grade during their primary school years. 3. Reduce the number of at-risk children who are referred for special education evaluations during their primary school years. 4. Reduce the achievement gap between at-risk and non at-risk primary age children. 5. Increase the level of parent participation in the education of their at-risk children. 6. Provide information to policy makers to assist in planning programs and services for at-risk preschoolers. Greenbush administers the USD 506 at-risk pre-school program through a grant from the Kansas Department of Education (KSDE). The current KSDE grant is for 24 students. Eligible students are recruited and selected by Greenbush staff based upon meeting the criteria listed in attachment B. Additionally; USD 506 does not provide school transportation for at-risk pre-school students. Rather, parents are responsible for transporting students to and from school. Further, all USD 506 3-5 year old students meeting the at-risk criteria are eligible to participate in our at-risk pre-school program. Our Special Education pre-school is administered by the SEK Interlocal #647, of which USD 506 is a member. Pre-school age children with special needs as determined by the appropriate Interlocal staff are eligible to receive special education services that may include attending the USD 506 special needs preschool program. As part of this pre-school program, a limited number of “model students” are admitted to provide a balanced program. Model students have no special needs and are selected cooperatively by interlocal and USD 506 staff members. If identified as a need for special needs students, district transportation is provided to and from school as part of the special education services. Model students’ parents are responsible for their transportation to and from school. USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 67 The intended change in location for both programs is part of an effort to improve the quality of services available to all USD 506 eligible students. My intent is to house the special ed program at Altamont Grade School and the at-risk program at Mound Valley Grade School. This change will provide more time for both teachers to prepare for and address the needs of their respective students by eliminating travel time and conversely increasing planning time. Additionally, both teachers will benefit from starting and ending each day in the same location, as opposed to starting in one location and ending in another, after which said teacher must prepare materials and lessons for both locations, often times creating the need to prepare duplicate materials and potentially deal with the inconvenience of needed materials located in another location. Another advantage that can be realized by this change is providing both teachers and their respective programs the opportunity to become a more permanent part of their respective school culture and support system. A concern that has been expressed about this arrangement is the loss of a pre-school program in the community. While this is true for those fortunate and eligible students in the Altamont and Mound Valley communities, the same cannot be said for less fortunate and eligible students in any of the other USD 506 communities served by these programs. Further, in any given year eligible students in either program may or may not be located in close proximity to either program. There is no additional cost associated with this change as the furniture and materials needed for either program are located in both locations. Further, transportation needs vary in any given year based upon the location of eligible special needs students. As transportation is not provided for at-risk pre-school students, the change in location for a ½-day is at best an issue of convenience or inconvenience given any number of families in any present or future school year, may be located throughout the district regardless of program location past, present or future. At this point it is the Board’s opportunity to provide reasons why this change should not occur. Should you have no concerns, it is my intent to proceed with the proposed change for the 2011-12 school year. As parents are still awaiting notification of acceptance and location, an immediate change should not create parental issues other than those previously mentioned. Pre-school staff have been advised of this potential change and are anxious to begin setting up their rooms regardless of this discussion’s outcome. Prepared by: Chuck Stockton Board Meeting: August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 68 Attachment B USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 69 INFORMATION ITEM B Subject: Consideration of resolution to continue capital outlay tax levy As provided for by law and by appropriate resolution, the Board established for five years, on October 9, 2006, a capital outlay mill levy not to exceed 8 mills. Further, the law provides that a capital outlay mill levy cannot exceed five years or 8 mills. As such this item is presented for Board discussion of the need to approve another resolution in order for the District to continue to access a tax levy for the capital outlay fund. It is my recommendation that the Board, by resolution, establish a five-year capital outlay mill levy not to exceed 8 mills. Should the Board support this recommendation, a resolution will be presented for approval at the September meeting prior to the expiration of the current mill levy. It should be noted that the approval of such a resolution only provides for the authority to levy 8 mills for Capital Outlay. The process of actually levying up to 8 mills is part of the budget approval process. The 2011-12 proposed budget presented at this meeting calls for a 1-mill capital outlay levy. This is precipitated by the fact that stateaid is no longer provided for capital outlay and the desire of the Board to hold the District’s total mill levy flat. The following expenditures may be paid from the capital outlay fund: acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, remodeling, additions to furnishing and equipping buildings necessary for school district purposes, including housing and boarding pupils enrolled in an area vocational school operated under the board of education, architectural expenses incidental thereto, the acquisition of building sites, the undertaking and maintenance of asbestos control projects, the acquisition of school buses, and acquisition of other equipment. The current capital outlay fund balance is at 1.689 million dollars. Our annual capital outlay expenditures typically total approximately $550,000. These expenditures include repairs and upkeep of district properties and equipment. At the current District assessed valuation, 1 mill generates approximately $49,000. In addition to the annual repairs and upkeep of district properties and equipment, a major and long-term roof replacement project is in development. The proposed roof-replacement project includes an immediate need to replace the biggest section of roof over Labette County High School estimated to cost $250,000 from capital outlay funds. Once completed, the roof-replacement project will be presented for Board consideration at a date to be determined. In an effort to fully educate the Board and public it should also be noted a capital outlay tax levy may be made if authorized by resolution, unless a petition in opposition to the same, signed by not less than 10% of the qualified electors of the school district, is filed with the county election officer of Labette County within 40 days after the last publication of the resolution. In the event a petition is filed the county election officer shall submit the question of whether the tax levy shall be authorized to the electors in the school district at an election called for that purpose, or at the next general election, as is specified by the board of education. Prepared by: Chuck Stockton Board Meeting: August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 70 INFORMATION ITEM C Subject: Consideration of designated workers compensation provider The purpose of this item is to seek Board member input on a proposal to designate a USD 506 workers compensation medical provider. Employees of USD 506 are covered by workers compensation insurance provided by the district. All work related injuries or illnesses are managed through the district’s workers compensation program. The district abides by all the regulations regarding the investigation and compensation for workers injured within the scope of their duties to the district. The law provides that the Board of Education may name a health care provider as the district's designated workers compensation medical provider. Doing so would require any employee seeking treatment for a work related injury or condition, in order to be eligible for workers compensation benefits, to utilize the Board designated health care provider as the first medical contact. Protecting the safety and health of all employees while on the job is a high priority of the District. However, despite the best health and safety efforts, accidents will occur. Should an employee be injured on the job, an effective designated medical provider approach will provide our employees with quality of care, while providing coordination and communications between the employee, the District, the medical provider, and our workers compensation insurance provider. My goal is to designate a medical provider trained in occupational medicine with a firm knowledge of the workers compensation system to enhance the implementation of reasonable accommodations for the injured worker’s return to work, and provide for effective cost controls impacting our continually rising workers compensation insurance premiums. In addition to providing work related injury treatment, a designated medical provider might also be designated as the sole provider of work required physicals. Again, said designation provides the district more control over cost and employee fitness for assigned work. Please provide your ideas and input regarding this proposal, including recommendations for next steps, should you believe such a proposal would be of benefit to the District and its employees. Prepared by: Chuck Stockton Board Meeting: August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 71 BUSINESS AGENDA ITEM A FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION Subject: Labette County High School in-school suspension supervision A. Pertinent Facts: 1) The purpose of this item is to seek Board approval for the addition of in-school suspension supervision at Labette County High School for the 2011-12 school year. Board members may recall that in the fall of 2009, the Board undertook the study and eventual implementation of significant changes in staffing due to anticipated cuts in state funding for K-12 public education. One such change in staffing was the employment of one person assigned the duties of director of transportation, athletic director and in-school suspension supervisor. Three different persons were previously responsible for each of the three separate duties. 2) Following a full year of implementation during the 2010-11 school year, a review of this staffing change resulted in the conclusion that to expect one person to perform all three duties was not reasonable. The positions of District Athletic Director and Transportation Director require a great deal of time to be devoted to personnel as well as student issues. While supervising students in in-school suspension, it was difficult and often times inappropriate to have the needed conversations or interactions required as part of the responsibilities related to athletics and/or transportation. 3) Supervision of in-school suspension does not always allow a proactive approach in dealing with personnel or student issues related to athletics and/or transportation. Freeing up the District Athletic Director/Transportation Director from in-school suspension duties will allow said individual to spend the time necessary for developing relationships and regularly checking on, and lending support to, athletic and transportation personnel, students and community members. 4) Further analysis shows that the addition of an in-school suspension supervisor will still save a great deal of money compared to the past practice of employing three different individuals, as well as requiring the K-8 Principals to perform all athletic related duties for their buildings. Staffing the three positions previously was at an annual cost of $66,500. At this time, the position of District Athletic / Transportation Director is staffed at a cost of $40,000 on a 12month contract. 5) Pending Board approval, the next steps in this process are to post the position of in-school suspension supervisor and recommend for Board approval, employment of personnel at the September 2011 regularly scheduled meeting. B. Fiscal Note: 1) The proposed in-school suspension supervisor would be staffed four (4) days a week, currently planned for Tuesday through Friday. Said person would be employed at the classroom aide rate of $9.10 per hour or approximately $11,000 annually. This still yields a savings of $15,500 per year, which does not include time required of grade school principals related to athletics. USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 72 C. Recommendation: Approve the addition of an in-school suspension supervisor as presented. Prepared by: Marty Anderson Reviewed by: Chuck Stockton Board Meeting: August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 73 BUSINESS AGENDA ITEM B FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION Subject: Consideration of new tractor purchase for Vo-Ag program A. Pertinent Facts: 1) The purpose of this item is to seek Board approval for the purchase of a new tractor for the Vo-Ag program at Labette County High School. The Labette County High School Ag department currently has in inventory a 35 year-old Ford diesel tractor, model 4600. The Ag department uses the tractor primarily to mow pasture, spread fertilizer, and move hay over the course of the calendar year. The maintenance department also uses the tractor to move and level rock and dirt, as well as snow removal. 2) The age of the tractor along with limited safety features that would otherwise be available on current tractor models limits the instructional use of the Ag department’s Ford tractor. The purchase of a new tractor is intended to provide an additional piece of equipment for maintenance, as well as provide our Ag teachers a resource to have a safety program of instruction that is practical, effective, economical of class time, and of sufficient depth and scope to actually change attitudes and impart understanding to our students. 3) The operation of agricultural machinery differs from the relatively formalized equipment operation in industry. Where the worker in industry performs primarily one type of operation in a standardized environment, a farm worker must perform a large variety of operations under greatly varying conditions. Industry usually works on a time schedule of eight hours, while farmers in some seasons may work twelve or more, thus possibly developing a hazard due to fatigue. Training must be provided so that there will be flexibility. Technical agriculture changes so rapidly that many of the facts, rules, and procedures learned today may be obsolete tomorrow. The individual must learn to adapt himself to this changing world, for if he is to remain progressive, staying alive and well, there will rarely be someone to tell him what to do. As such a new tractor purchase will provide students with hands-on opportunities to learn many of today’s farming techniques including the predominance of GPS equipment. 4) The requested action would be to grant the superintendent or his designee authority to develop bid specifications, let bids, evaluate bids and execute all necessary actions to secure the purchase and acquisition of the specified tractor and equipment. Based upon our preliminary analysis the Ag department, pending Board approval, will pursue the purchase of a CASE or John Deere tractor. Area vendors of both products have been supportive of the local Vo-Ag program. B. Fiscal Note: 1) Estimated cost of the new tractor and equipment is less than $50,000. Funding for this purchase has been budgeted annually in the Vocational fund for the purchase of equipment as exemplified by the Board’s recent approval for a new alignment machine in the automotive department. USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 74 C. Recommendation: Authorize the superintendent or his designee to develop bid specifications, let bids, evaluate bids and execute all necessary actions to secure the purchase and acquisition of the specified tractor and equipment as presented. Prepared by: Dustin Wiley Reviewed by: Chuck Stockton Board Meeting August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 75 BUSINESS AGENDA ITEM C FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION Subject: Approval of 2011-12 budget adoption A. Pertinent Facts: 1) The Board received under separate cover a copy of the proposed budget. 2) Per K.S.A. 79-2929 notice of the proposed budget and all essential items in the budget must be published in the designated newspaper at least 10 days in advance of the scheduled Budget Hearing. 3) Based upon Board approval to publish the proposed budget, this provides an August 10 publication in the weekly edition of the Labette Avenue, the Board designated newspaper for legal publications, of the proposed budget and notice of the subsequent budget hearing. 4) Ten calendar days following publication of the proposed budget and notice of the subsequent budget hearing is Saturday, August 20. As such the budget hearing has been scheduled on Monday, August 22, 7:00 p.m. at the Curran Administrative Center. Board approval of the budget on Monday, August 22 will also allow for district administration and staff to submit the approved budget to the Labette County Clerk and the Kansas State Department of Education by the August 25th deadline. 3) The basis of Kansas public school funding relies on student enrollment, referred to as full-time equivalent or FTE. FTE is differentiated from actual headcount as exemplified by a kindergarten student counted as .5 FTE for funding purposes. The fiscal year 2012 (FY12) was prepared based upon an estimated FTE of 1622 or 34 more FTE than our actual FTE for FY11. This number is likely more than our actual FTE; however, the higher number was used to provide maximum operating capital while minimizing negative tax implications. 4) Board members will recall that base state aid per pupil (BSAP) has been reduced multiple times in the last two fiscal years and currently stands at $3780. Current BSAP is down $653 per FTE compared to the 2008-2009 (FY09) adopted budget. 5) The proposed budget includes a total mill levy of 51.517, compared to the adopted mill levy of 51.515 for FY11. The proposed supplemental general budget is 25.682 mills, up from last year’s actual mill levy of 23.631. Bond and interest is 4.835 mills, down slightly from last year’s actual 5.049 mills. The proposed capital outlay mill levy has been reduced for the second consecutive year and is proposed to be 1 mill, resulting in a flat total proposed mill levy to avoid an additional tax burden on 506 patrons. Further, it is anticipated that the actual tax levy will be slightly less than published as has been the case each of the past two years. 6) The proposed budget shall be reviewed in more detail as part of the item presentation. Board members are then given the opportunity to propose adjustments to same after which a final budget is approved for publication. USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 76 7) Final approval of the budget by action of the Board follows the budget hearing scheduled for Monday, August 22, 7:00 p.m., Curran Administrative Center, when interested patrons are given the opportunity to present questions, comments or concerns regarding the proposed 2011-12 budget at the budget hearing preceding the regular meeting. B. Fiscal Note: 1) The proposed budget includes a total mill levy of 51.517 and budgeted expenditures totaling $23,469,234 including $10,285,380 in general fund expenditures and $3,447,409 in supplemental general fund expenditures. C. Recommendation: 1) The Board of Education approves for publication Labette County USD 506 budget for 2011-12 as presented (as amended). Prepared by: Chuck Stockton Regular Meeting: August 8, 2011 USD 506 Board Meeting Agenda 77 USD 506 – Labette County August 2011 bills and financial reports Presented August 8, 2011 for Board approval 1 of 23 2 of 23 3 of 23 4 of 23 5 of 23 6 of 23 7 of 23 8 of 23 9 of 23 10 of 23 11 of 23 12 of 23 13 of 23 14 of 23 15 of 23 16 of 23 17 of 23 18 of 23 19 of 23 20 of 23 21 of 23 08/05/11 09:00:11am 03-03-03 rebrep16.lst dir:>ACT MAPP2 REVENUE/EXPENSE/BALANCE BY FUND PAGE 1 USD #506 H.S. ACTIVITY FUND REPORT PREPARED ON 08/05/11 BUDGET YEAR 12 FUND 010 011 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 024 025 026 027 028 030 032 033 035 036 038 039 040 041 042 044 045 046 047 049 050 052 053 054 055 058 059 060 061 065 NAME YEARBOOK LCHS GATE RECEI BAND CHESS CLUB VIC GEORGE MEMR F.B.L.A. 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