WORK STATEMENT COVER SHEET February 3, 2012 Date: (Please Check to Insure the Following Information is in the Work Statement ) A. Title B Executive Summary C. Applicability to ASHRAE Research Strategic Plan D. Application of the Results E. State-of-the-Art (background) F. Advancement to State-of-the-Art G. Justification and Value to ASHRAE H. Objective I. Scope J. Deliverables/Where Results will be Published K. Level of Effort Project Duration in Months Professional-Months: Principal Investigator Professional-Months: Total Estimated $ Value L. Other Information to Bidders (optional) M. Proposal Evaluation Criteria & Weighting Factors N. References Responsible TC/TG: * * * * * * * * * * For Against Abstaining Absent or not returning Ballot Total Voting Members Work Statement Authors: Derek Schrock Doug Horton Countertop Commercial Appliance Emissions WS# 1631 (To be assigned by MORTS - Same as RTAR #) Results of this Project will affect the following Handbook Chapters, Special Publications, etc.: * * * * * * * TC 5.10 Kitchen Ventilation Title: ASHRAE Applications Handbook Chapter 33 (kitchen ventilation) ASHRAE Standard 154 Model Codes and Standards (NFPA-96, International Building Code, etc.) Date of Vote: * * * 7 0 0 0 7 ** Jan. 22, 2012 This W/S has been coordinated with TC/TG/SSPC (give vote and date): TC 4.1 Load Calculations, 10-0-0 on Jan 30, 2012 letter ballot SSPC 154, 5-0-0 at Chicago meeting, Jan 23, 2012 Has RTAR been submitted? Strategic Plan Theme/Goals Yes Proposal Evaluation Subcommittee: Chair: Derek Schrock Members: Doug Horton Jason Greenberg Adam Jarboe (SSPC 154) Rolando Legarreta (TC 4.1) Project Monitoring Subcommittee: (If different from Proposal Evaluation Subcommittee) Recommended Bidders (name, address, e-mail, tel. number): ** **Don Fisher, Fisher-Nickel, Inc., 12949 Alcosta Blvd. San Ramon, CA 94583, Tel: 925.866.2844 Potential Co-funders (organization, contact person information): Dr. Thomas Kuehn, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 111 Church St. SE, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0111, Tel: 612-625-4520 Bill Welch, CE-CERT, University of California Riverside, 1084 Columbia Ave, RR Riverside, CA 92507, Tel: 951-781-5791 (Three qualified bidders must be recommended, not including WS authors.) Is an extended bidding period needed? Has an electronic copy been furnished to the MORTS? Will this project result in a special publication? Has the Research Liaison reviewed work statement? * Reasons for negative vote(s) and abstentions One voter who abstained simply did not feel familiar enough with this topic and issues. One voter who abstained may bid on the project. Negative voter felt project budget should be larger. ** Denotes WS author is affiliated with this recommended bidder. Use additional sheet if needed. Yes No x x x x How Long (weeks) WORK STATEMENT# 1631 SPONSORING TC/TG/MTG/SSPCs: TC 5.10 Kitchen Ventilation CO-SPONSORING TC/TG/MTG/SSPCs: SSPC 154 Ventilation for Commercial Cooking Operations and TC 4.1 Load Calculation Data and Procedures Title: Countertop Commercial Appliance Emissions Executive Summary: The national building codes (such as the International Mechanical Code) require that hoods be used over most appliances in the field. However, ASHRAE Standard 154 currently indicates that it is not necessary to put hoods over several smaller countertop appliances based on the field experience of its members. The principal purpose of this research project is to quantify the actual amount of grease, heat, and water vapor emitted by the twenty one countertop appliances and report these data to building owners, code officials, and engineers. This project will also provide design assistance to quantify the energy and operational cost differences between using hoods or leaving these appliances unhooded. Applicability to the ASHRAE Research Strategic Plan: This project supports both the understanding of the impact of IEQ (goal 4) and maximizing energy performance in buildings (goal 1). This project will directly evaluate the IEQ impact of operating countertop appliances without a hood by evaluating grease, heat and moisture emissions from the typical cooking processes. The project will maximize energy performance in buildings by determining the optimum HVAC design to ventilate the cooking effluents from countertop cooking appliances, and if they do not require a hood based on grease emissions, by establishing the best practice of whether the heat and moisture loads will be vented directly out of the building, or handled by the capacity of the general kitchen HVAC. Application of Results: The results can be applied to the following publications, codes and standards. ASHRAE HVAC Applications Handbook, Chapter 33 – Kitchen Ventilation TC 5.10 is now adding the latest research findings in the kitchen ventilation chapter of each bound Applications Handbook release along with a new research section that documents all of the research sponsored by TC 5.10 since its inception. ASHRAE Standard 154 - Ventilation for Commercial Cooking Operations. This project will provide scientific data on the grease emissions and heat gain to space for further refining Standard 154. Once the research project has been completed, the findings will be provided to the SSPC 154 committee for their consideration in classifying what appliances should be unhooded. Table 1 in SPC 154-2011 recommends which appliances may be unhooded; however, these have been based on field experience as no research data has been available on the grease emissions for these appliances. Additionally, the SSPC 154 committee has now started working the ASHRAE CIS committee to make changes to the International Mechanical Code and anticipates working with them on NFPA Standard 96 in the future. This is another avenue for utilizing this research in the future. Model Codes and Standards, such as International Mechanical Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, NFPA Standard 96, UL Standard 710, and UL Standard 710B (see References for complete titles). 1 State-of-the-Art (Background): Although this project is not defining when hoods are required, it is necessary to understand what the hood requirements are in current codes and standards. Type I exhaust hoods or systems are defined and required by two principal codes and standards for the removal of grease and smoke produced by commercial cooking processes: International Mechanical Code, 2009: Section 507.2.1: “A Type I hood shall be installed where cooking appliances produce grease or smoke.” National Fire Protection Association Standard 96, Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations, Chapter 4, section 4.1.1: “Cooking equipment used in processes producing smoke or grease-laden vapors shall be equipped with an exhaust system that complies with all the equipment and performance requirements of this standard.” (Note: because NFPA 96 only addresses fire safety issues, all references to hoods pertain to Type I hoods only.) Type II hoods are similar except they are usually of lighter construction, do not qualify for listing to a national standard, do not include fire suppression systems, and are required by one principal code for the removal of heat and steam produced by commercial cooking, heating, and dishwashing processes, with a significant exception that is related to this project: International Mechanical Code, 2009, Section 507.2.2: “Type II hood shall be installed above dishwashers and appliances that produce heat or moisture and do not produce grease or smoke as a result of the cooking process, except where the heat and moisture loads from such appliances are incorporated into the HVAC system design or into the design of a separate removal system…(section continues).” The current International Mechanical Code (ICC, 2012) requires that Type I (grease and smoke) or Type II (heat and moisture) exhaust hoods be installed and operated over commercial appliances, replacement air must be provided, and tempering of the replacement air is usually required. These requirements involve the use of exhaust fans, replacement air fans (through HVAC or dedicated replacement air units), as well as heating and cooling energy. ASHRAE Standard 154-2011 states that several types of countertop appliances can be exempt from a hood requirement, by requiring that the sensible heat and moisture loads be handled by the HVAC system. The exception to use HVAC capacity to remove heat and moisture was new to the IMC with the 2009 version and is retained in the 2012 version. Experience with this provision is limited because of the lag between model code publication and adoption. Application ideally involves comparative calculations of energy used for exhaust and replacement air versus energy for removing heat and moisture with HVAC capacity. Examining this comparison for a variety of commercial cooking scenarios is one goal of this project. The historic problem is that commercial cooking is highly varied, from small countertop electric appliances in convenience stores, to “full line” cooking with robust natural-gas appliances in large facilities such as hotels, schools, convention centers, and large full-service restaurants. Over the entire range of cooking, codes and standards require (Type I) hoods for grease and smoke, but the codes and standards do not uniformly define a threshold level for the amount of grease or smoke required. . Similarly, codes do not specify for Type II hoods how much heat or moisture is sufficient to require a Type II hood. In regard to when Type I hoods are required, a threshold specification of “how much grease” is contained in NFPA Standard 96, Section 4.1.1 and related subsections, which adopt the threshold requirement of the emissions test included in UL 710B Standard for Recirculating (Hood) Systems. 2 This test is currently used as a surrogate test method for determining when an individual appliance may not require an exhaust system. NFPA 96 Section 4.1.1 and subsections state that no (Type I) exhaust system is required if grease emissions measured in a test hood are less than 5mg/m3, when tested at an exhaust rate of 500 cfm. This revision is now incorporated into the 2012 International Mechanical Code. As related to Type I hoods, ASHRAE research projects 745 and 1375 have characterized effluents from various commercial cooking appliances and related food products. The research projects quantified the particulate and condensable grease generated by cooking appliances installed under a test hood but did not report the results in relation to the 5 mg/m3 threshold test. Additionally, the reported characterizations of grease emissions did not include tests of cooking with appliance types that may not require a hood, such as small countertop appliances, and the research goals and results did not include under what circumstances a Type I or II hood should be required for these small appliances. The project will examine the implications of grease emissions on hood requirements.. Although the 5 mg/m3 is currently an acceptable proxy for determining the need for a Type I hood for single appliance cooking a limited number of food items, the test is expensive to run and only a limited number of test facilities are capable. The cost of performing the test has ranged from $5,000 up to $12,900 from different test facilities. If the test were used to completely characterize emissions for single or multiple appliances of a restaurant chain, for example, realistic testing would require separate tests for each appliance cooking all applicable menu items, resulting in a very cumbersome and very expensive set of tests. This project will explore whether there are other means of classifying appliances and/or cooking operations for hood requirements. As related to Type II hoods, ASHRAE research project 1362 and Fisher (1998) measured and reported heat gains for a variety of commercial cooking appliances. RP-1362 included radiant heat gain for hooded and unhooded appliances, and additionally, the project measured convective heat loads for a group of unhooded appliances, including the latent heat (moisture) contribution. Significantly, the 2009 and 2012 International Mechanical Codes, without consideration of any research, have made Type II hoods optional if a choice is made to add heating and cooling capacity to remove the heat and moisture from the unhooded appliances. This may not be a sustainable choice in view of the first cost and energy cost considerations. This project will provide guidelines for improving owner decisions of Type II versus un-hooded operation of appliances. Advancement to the State-of-the-Art: Engineers need updated and improved guidance on the impact of installing un-hooded countertop appliances in commercial kitchens on the IEQ. They need to know the tradeoffs in IEQ between ventilating the appliances by using hoods, fans and supplying replacement air to the space, or utilizing the general HVAC system. As a result, this project will examine the energy impacts of HVAC design alternatives and determine which design maximizes the energy performance of buildings. This study will recommend which countertop appliances can operate unhooded and which require a hood. Another outcome of this project is to determine if a less-expensive alternative to the current grease emissions test method required by codes and standards can be developed and shown to provide equivalent results. Justification and Value to ASHRAE: The value of this research to ASHRAE, the HVAC industry, restaurant designers, consulting engineers, and end-users is significant though only quantifiable after the research is performed. The research will ensure that ASHRAE increases the expertise it currently maintains in providing design guidance for commercial kitchen ventilation systems. This knowledge is crucial for directing future revisions of the handbooks, design guides, codes, and standards that impact kitchen ventilation. 3 Restaurant designers and consulting engineers will benefit by gaining a better understanding of impacts on IEQ and energy when deciding if an appliance should be unhooded or hooded. Results will be translated into better operating kitchens for owners and customers. Restaurant owners may experience reduced energy costs and better indoor air quality, but even more importantly, the project can facilitate development of standard designs within the foodservice industry. The results of this research will also allow the various model codes and standards to clearly identify which appliances may be unhooded or which require kitchen hood. Objectives: The principal objectives of this research are to: 1. Determine the amount of grease particulate/vapor production, sensible and latent heat loads from 21 electric countertop appliances during cooking conditions, 2. Investigate comparative life-cycle calculations for exhaust and replacement air versus energy required for removing heat and moisture within the design capacity of the kitchen general HVAC system. Develop guidelines for improving the owner decisions of Type II versus unhooded operation of these appliances. 3. Explore whether there are other means of classifying appliances and/or cooking operations for hood requirements than the current 5 mg/m3 threshold concentration in the exhaust airstream, such a grease deposition, etc. 4. Determine if there is a less-expensive alternative to the EPA Method 5 test currently required by codes and standards that could be developed through future research. Scope/Technical Approach: It is anticipated that the objectives will be met through the following scope of work (refer to the Intermediate Deliverables section for items that need to be provided to the PMS at each stage of the project). The tasks for this project are broken down as follows: 1. Literature reviews 2. Laboratory setup for testing 3. Emissions testing of countertop appliances 4. An analysis tool that evaluates the life-cycle cost difference between installing a ventilation hood over an appliance that does not require one and installing a ventilation hood. 5. Delivery of the final report. The literature review shall focus on two efforts: the first is to identify any new sources of information relating to grease emissions for the specific countertop appliances being analyzed in this study and the second is to determine if there are other means of quantifying the grease emissions than the EPA Method 5 discussed below. The scope of the project will include testing the 21 appliances listed below in Table 1. This project is focused on the un-hooded equipment where cooking is typically performed as opposed to warming type equipment, such as coffee makers or dishwashing equipment. The list of appliances was generated from the un-hooded appliances list as recommended in ASHRAE Standard 154 as well as feedback from industry experts. The un-hooded appliances are typically found in restaurants, convenience stores, and institutional foodservice locations. Table 1. Appliances to be evaluated for Grease Emissions and Heat Gain Quantification 4 Countertop Appliance 1. Cheese-melter, electric 2. Cooktop, induction, electric 3. Egg cooker, electric 4. Fryer, countertop, electric 5. Griddle, countertop, electric 6. Grill, panini, electric 7. Grill, tortilla, electric 8. Hot dog roller, electric 9. Hot plate, countertop, electric 10. Ovens, conveyor, electric 11. Ovens, microwave, electric 12. Ovens, rapid cook, electric 13. Popcorn machine, electric 14. Rice cooker, electric 15. Soup warmer, electric 16. Steamers, bun, electric 17. Steamer, compartment atmospheric, countertop, electric 18. Steamer, compartment pressurized, countertop, electric 19. Toaster, conveyor, electric 20. Toaster, vertical, electric 21. Waffle Iron, electric In order to quantify the grease from the appliances, the grease generated by the appliances during cooking needs to be measured. One laboratory setup for measuring the grease emissions as well as the sensible heat and moisture loads is presented in Figure 1 below. 5 Exhaust Fan Duct Temperature and Humidity Measurement Grease Sampling Location Ductwork Exhaust Hood Space Temperature and humidity Countertop Appliance Space Temperature and humidity Table/Counter Figure 1. Laboratory Setup for Measuring Grease, Heat and Moisture Emissions One means of sampling the grease in the exhaust duct it to use the sampling train from the Environmental Protection Agency Method 5 (CFR, 1996) as shown in Figure 2. 6 Figure 2. EPA Method 5 Grease Sampling Train Based on the test setup presented in Figure 1 the sensible heat from the appliances can be calculated from equation 1 and the latent load can be calculated from equation 2. q sensible= 1.08 Q exh (T db-exh – T db-space) q latent = 4840 Q exh (W exh - Wspace) Where: q sensible is the convective sensible heat load from the appliances Btu/h q latent is the convective latent heat load from the appliances in Btu/h Q exh is the volumetric flow rate of the exhaust air stream in cfm T db-space the dry bulb temperature of the laboratory space air stream in °F T db-exh is the dry bulb temperature of the exhaust air stream in °F W space is the humidity ratio of the laboratory air stream in pound of water per pound of dry air W exh is the humidity ratio of the exhaust air stream in pound of water per pound of dry air (1) (2) For the investigation of the life-cycle costs comparison between allowing appliances to be unhooded versus utilizing hoods, at least one city from each weather region shown in Table 1 should be analyzed. Table 1. Weather Cities by Climate Zone Climate Zone 1 - Moist 2 & 3 – Moist 2 & 3 - Dry 4 - Moist Recommended Cities Miami, FL Mobile, AL Houston, TX Atlanta, GA Dallas, TX Phoenix, AZ Los Angeles, CA St. Louis, MO 7 4 - Marine 5 & 6 – Moist 5 & 6 - Dry 7 – Moist Nashville, TN Seattle, WA New York, NY Chicago, IL Indianapolis, IN Columbus, OH Boston, MA Buffalo, NY Denver, CO Las Vegas, NV Minneapolis, MN For the unhooded appliances case, the latent and sensible loads need to be accounted added to the space need to be accounted for. For this case, it should be assumed that efficiency of the air conditioning system corresponds to the minimum efficiency required by the ASHRAE Standard 90.1. For the analysis of unhooded versus hooded operation the principle investigator will need to account for the additional exhaust fan energy on the exhaust hood and supply system as well as the additional quantity of outdoor air being heated or cooled. Assume that the air is heated when the outside temperature is below 55° F (12.8 C) during winter and above 65° F (25.6 C) during summer. Deliverables/Where Results Will Be Published: Progress, Financial and Final Reports, Research or Technical Paper(s), and Data shall constitute required deliverables (“Deliverables”) under this Agreement and shall be provided as follows: a. Progress and Financial Reports Progress and Financial Reports, in a form approved by the Society, shall be made to the Society through its Manager of Research and Technical Services at quarterly intervals; specifically on or before each January 1, April 1, June 10, and October 1 of the contract period. Furthermore, the Institution’s Principal Investigator, subject to the Society’s approval, shall, during the period of performance and after the Final Report has been submitted, report in person to the sponsoring Technical Committee/Task Group (TC/TG) at the annual and winter meetings, and be available to answer such questions regarding the research as may arise. b. Final Report A written report, design guide, or manual, (collectively, “Final Report”), in a form approved by the Society, shall be prepared by the Institution and submitted to the Society’s Manager of Research and Technical Services by the end of the Agreement term, containing complete details of all research carried out under this Agreement. Unless otherwise specified, six copies of the final report shall be furnished for review by the Society’s Project Monitoring Subcommittee (PMS). Following approval by the PMS and the TC/TG, in their sole discretion, final copies of the Final Report will be furnished by the Institution as follows: - An executive summary in a form suitable for wide distribution to the industry and to the public. 8 - Two bound copies One unbound copy, printed on one side only, suitable for reproduction. Two copies on CD-ROM; one in PDF format and one in Microsoft Word. c. HVAC&R Research or ASHRAE Transactions Technical Paper One or more papers shall be submitted first to the ASHRAE Manager of Research and Technical Services (MORTS) and then to the “ASHRAE Manuscript Central” website-based manuscript review system in a form and containing such information as designated by the Society suitable for publication. Papers specified as deliverables should be submitted as either Research Papers for HVAC&R Research or Technical Paper(s) for ASHRAE Transactions. Research papers contain generalized results of long-term archival value, whereas technical papers are appropriate for applied research of shorter-term value, ASHRAE Conference papers are not acceptable as deliverables from ASHRAE research projects. The paper(s) shall conform to the instructions posted in “Manuscript Central” for an ASHRAE Transactions Technical or HVAC&R Research paper. The paper title shall contain the research project number (1631-RP) at the end of the title in parentheses, e.g., (1631-RP). Note: A research or technical paper describing the research project must be submitted after the TC has approved the Final Report. Research or technical papers may also be prepared before the project’s completion, if it is desired to disseminate interim results of the project. Contractor shall submit any interim papers to MORTS and the PMS for review and approval before the papers are submitted to ASHRAE Manuscript Central for review. d. Data The Institution agrees to maintain true and complete books and records, including but not limited to notebooks, reports, charts, graphs, analyses, computer programs, visual representations etc., (collectively, the “Data”), generated in connection with the Services. Society representatives shall have access to all such Data for examination and review at reasonable times. The Data shall be held in strict confidence by the Institution and shall not be released to third parties without prior authorization from the Society, except as provided by GENERAL CONDITION VII, PUBLICATION. The original Data shall be kept on file by the Institution for a period of two years after receipt of the final payment and upon request the Institution will make a copy available to the Society upon the Society’s request. e. Project Synopsis A written synopsis totaling approximately 100 words in length and written for a broad technical audience, which documents 1. Main findings of research project, 2. Why findings are significant, and 3. How the findings benefit ASHRAE membership and/or society in general shall be submitted to the Manager of Research and Technical Services by the end of the Agreement term for publication in ASHRAE Insights f. Intermediate Deliverables from this Project: After Task 1, the PMS shall be provided an annotated list of references and conclusions/summary of the current state of the art on grease emission measurements from the appliances in this study as well as the alternate means of measuring condensable vapors. In Task 2, the PMS shall review the laboratory setup and provide consent prior to the measurements starting. Within Task 3, for the first three (3) appliance tests, the PMS shall be provided the 9 measurement results from each appliance test and the PMS shall give consent before the investigator can perform the next test with another appliance. After the first three appliance tests, the PMS shall review each consecutive batch of results for three appliances to ensure the scope is being met. After Task 4, the PMS shall receive a tabular comparison of the life-cycle cost analysis of operating appliances unhooded or hooded for the weather regions in the scope. In Task 5, the draft final report to the PMS shall also include a discussion on whether the current code requirement of requiring a Type I hood if the grease emissions are larger than or equal to 5 mg/m3 has justification based on the results of this project or if there were other metrics observed during this study that better quantify when to use a Type I hood. The Society may request the Institution submit a technical article suitable for publication in the Society’s ASHRAE JOURNAL. This is considered a voluntary submission and not a Deliverable. All Deliverables under this Agreement and voluntary technical articles shall be prepared using dual units; e.g., rational inch-pound with equivalent SI units shown parenthetically. SI usage shall be in accordance with IEEE/ASTM Standard SI-10. Level of Effort: The largest portion of funding in this project is anticipated to be spent on the analyses of the grease emissions and the heat and moisture testing. Based on an assumed cost of $9,000 per test for 21 appliances the grease emissions analyses cost is anticipated to be $189,000. The costs for heat and moisture loading tests, student labor, oversight from the principal investigator, food product for cooking is estimated to be $57,000. It is anticipated that the project will take 2 months of oversight from the principal investigator and 12 months of student labor and the project duration will be 12 months with a total project cost of $246,000. Other Information for Bidders: Heat gain data for some of the appliances in this study was previously measured in ASHRAE RP1362 (ASHRAE, 2008). This study also contained test setup descriptions for measuring convective heat gain from appliances and this type of setup could be modified to sample grease emissions during cooking. Another ASHRAE project (RP-1375) evaluated using a condensable vapor monitor to replace the EPA Method 5 testing. The final report from this project discusses some obstacles that still needed to be overcome with using the condensable vapor monitor. It is anticipated that the bidders on this project will include discussion of these previous projects in their proposal where applicable. Proposal Evaluation Criteria: The following criteria and weighting factors shall be used to evaluate the proposals for this project. 1. Contractor's understanding of Work Statement as revealed in proposal. a) Logistical problems associated b) Technical problems associated 2. Quality of methodology proposed for conducting research. a) Organization of project b) Management plan 3. Contractor's capability in terms of facilities. a) Managerial support 10 15% 20% 20% 4. 5. 6. 7. b) Data collection c) Technical expertise d) Laboratories Qualifications of personnel for this project. 20% a) Project team 'well rounded' in terms of qualifications and experience in related work b) Project manager person directly responsible; experience and corporate position c) Team members' qualifications and experience d) Time commitment of Principal Investigator Student involvement 5% a) Extent of student participation on contractor's team b) Likelihood that involvement in project will encourage entry into HVAC&R industry Probability of contractor's research plan meeting the WS objectives. 15% a) Detailed and logical work plan with major tasks and key milestones b) All technical and logistic factors considered c) Reasonableness of project schedule Performance of contractor on prior ASHRAE or other projects. 5% (No penalty for new contractors.) References: 1. ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook Chapter 31:Commercial Kitchen Ventilation 2008 2. ASHRAE, RP-745 - Identification and Characterization of Effluents from Various Cooking Appliances and Processes as related to Optimum Design of Kitchen Ventilation Systems, February 1999 3. ASHRAE, RP-1362 - Revised Heat Gain Rates from Typical Commercial Cooking Appliances, 2008 4. ASHRAE, RP-1375 - Characterization of Effluents from Additional Cooking Appliances, April 2008 5. ASHRAE Standard 154-2011, Ventilation for Commercial Cooking Appliances 6. Code of Federal Regulations, Protection of Environment, 40 CFR 60.1, Appendix A, 1996. 7. Fisher, D.R., New Recommended Heat Gains for Commercial Cooking Equipment, ASHRAE Transactions 104(2):953-60, 1998 8. International Code Council, 2012 International Mechanical Code 9. NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations, 2011 Edition 10. UL Standard 710, Exhaust Hoods for Commercial Cooking Equipment 11. UL 710B, Standard for Recirculating Systems 12. UL Standard 1046, Standard for Safety Grease Filters for Exhaust Ducts 11 ASHRAE Technology for a Better Environment 1791 Tullie Circle, NE Atlanta, GA 30329-2305 USA Tel 404.636.8400, Ext. 1211 Fax 678.539.2211 Michael Vaughn, PE Manager of Research & Technical Services email: [email protected] TO: Gregory B Duchane, Chair TC 5.10, [email protected] Derek Schrock, Research Subcommittee Chair TC 5.10, [email protected] Piotr Domanski, Research Liaison Section 5.0, [email protected] FROM: Michael Vaughn, MORTS, [email protected] DATE: October 18, 2010 SUBJECT: Research Topic Acceptance Request (RTAR) 1631-RTAR, “Commercial Appliance Emissions for Operation with “Type I” or “Type II” Hoods At their fall meeting, the Research Administration Committee (RAC) reviewed the subject Research Topic Acceptance Request (RTAR) and voted to conditionally accept it for further development into a work statement (WS) provided that the RAC approval condition(s) below are addressed to the satisfaction of your Research Liaison (RL) in a revision to the RTAR first. 1. Revise or justify project budget to the satisfaction of RL or work with RL to split project up into a series of smaller projects. An RTAR evaluation sheet is attached as additional information and it provides a breakdown of comments and questions from individual RAC members based on a specific review criteria. This should give you an idea of how your RTAR is being interpreted and understood by others. Some of these comments may indicate areas of the RTAR and subsequent WS where readers require additional information or rewording for clarification. Please coordinate changes to the RTAR with the help of your Research Liaison, Piotr Domanski, [email protected], in response to the approval condition(s) only so that it can submitted to the Manager of Research and Technical Services and posted by ASHRAE as part of the Society’s Research Implementation Plan. Once the revised RTAR is posted, please develop a work statement also with the help of your Research Liaison prior to submitting it to the Manager of Research and Technical Services for consideration by RAC. The work statement must be approved by the Research Liaison prior to submitting it to RAC. The first draft of the work statement should be submitted to RAC no later than August 15, 2012 or it will be dropped from display on the Society’s Research Implementation Plan. The next submission deadline for work statements is December 15th 2010 for consideration at the Society’s 2011 winter meeting. The submission deadline after that for work statements is May 15, 2011 for consideration at the Society’s 2011 annual meeting. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. AN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION Project ID Project Title Sponsoring TC Cost / Duration Submission History Classification: Research or Technology Transfer TW 2010 Meeting Review Check List Criteria 1631 Commercial Appliance Emissions for Operation with “Type I” or “Type II” Hoods TC 5.10, Commercial Kitchen Ventilation $300,000/24 months 1st Submission Applied Research RTAR SUMMARY SCORES & COMMENTS - Version 1 VOTED NO Comments & Suggestions Is there a well-established need? The RTAR should include some level of literature review that documents the importance/magnitude of a problem. If not, then the RTAR should be returned for revision. #3 - May be. There seems to be many studies done by a number of organizations and this one may be a supplement Is this appropriate for ASHRAE funding? If not, then the RTAR should be rejected. Examples of projects that are not appropriate for ASHRAE funding would include: 1) research that is more appropriately performed by industry, 2) topics outside the scope of ASHRAE activities. #11 - BUT NOT AT THIS LEVEL OF FUNDING #3 - But, co-funding has to be investigated prior to approval. #10 - YES, but it seems high, could the project be split up into parts? Is there an adequate description of the approach in order for RAC to be able to evaluate the appropriateness of the budget? If not, then the RTAR should be returned for revision. #3 #3 - There is no a list of the tasks that will be investigated. The Objective section is general with no enough clear list of "what to do". Is the budget reasonable for the project scope? If not, then RTAR could be returned for revision or conditionally accepted with a note that the budget should be revised for the WS. #11 #11 - TOO HIGH FOR THE BENEFITS #3 - But, It is very high #4 - Actually it is difficult to say. The RTAR has an extremely ambitious scope of work, but also a very large budget. Have the proper administrative procedures been followed? This includes recording of the TC vote, coordination with other TCs, proper citing of the Research Strategic Plan, etc. If not, then the RTAR could be returned for revision or possibly conditionally accepted based on adequately resolving these issues. #4 #4 - It seems the RTAR is citing research themes from the 2005-2010 ASHRAE Research Strategic Plan. The 2010-2015 Research Strategic Plan should be used instead. #9 - The RTAR needs to explain the applicability to the 2010-2015 Research Strategic Plan (instead of the 2005-2010 plan). Initial Decision? Final Decision & Additional Comments or Approval Conditions Decision Options ACCEPT COND. ACCEPT RETURN REJECT CONDITIONAL ACCEPT 10-0-0 CNV REVISE OR JUSTIFY BUDGET TO SATISFACTION OF RL OR WORK WITH RL TO SPLIT PROJECT UP INTO A SERIES OF SMALLER PROJECTS #10, #4, #9 #3 - More details about the tasks to be done, specific parts of the ASHRAE Application HB that will be changed, and other specifics in the ASHRAE Standard 154. If the information will be used in updating International Mechanical Code, and used by NFPA Standard 96, UL Standard 710 and UL #11 Standard 710b: why don't these organizations participate in the funding of the study? #6 - I would encourage the inclusion of the effects of capture efficiency of hoods/fans for kitchen exhaust. There is current experimental work at LBNL by Dr. Brett Singer ([email protected]) that is evaluating #3 this issue - you may want to talk to him about the experiments he is doing. #4 - Update to reflect 2010-2015 ASHRAE Research Strategic Plan. #6, #5, #1 ACCEPT Vote - Topic is ready for development into a work statement (WS). COND. ACCEPT Vote - Minor Revision Required - RL can approve RTAR for development into WS without going back to RAC once TC satisfies RAC's approval condition(s) RETURN Vote - Topic is probably acceptable for ASHRAE research, but RTAR is not quite ready. REJECT Vote - Topic is not acceptable for the ASHRAE Research Program Unique Tracking Number Assigned by MORTS _______1631-RTAR_____________________ RESEARCH TOPIC ACCEPTANCE REQUEST Sponsoring TC: 5.10 Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Title: Commercial Appliance Emissions for Operation with “Type I” or “Type II” Hoods Applicability to ASHRAE Research Strategic Plan: This project supports both the Energy and Resources and Indoor Air Quality components of the Research Strategic Plan. The project is related to Energy and Resources in two interconnected ways: To the extent that Type I (grease and smoke) or Type II (heat and moisture) exhaust hoods are required by codes and standards to be installed and operated over commercial appliances, replacement air must be provided, and tempering of the replacement air is usually required. These requirements involve the use of exhaust fans, replacement air fans (through HVAC or dedicated replacement air units), as well as heating and cooling energy. To the extent that hood requirements might be moderated, including moving from the usually greater airflows of Type I hoods to typically lower requirements of Type II hoods, or even using heating and cooling capacity instead of Type II hoods, as recently added as an alternative by the 2009 International Mechanical Code, there are potential savings of fan energy, as well as likely savings in energy for heating and cooling of replacement air. The Indoor Air Quality component is supported by better identifying when Type I or II hoods are required, which in turn provides for removal of grease, smoke, heat, and/or moisture, as well as fuel combustion products, from commercial kitchens. In terms of ASHRAE strategic research opportunity themes, the project is related to: (A7) Develop evaluation methods that allow reductions in energy, cost, and emission and improvements in comfort, health, and productivity to be quantitatively measured. (D1) Establish techniques to improve the energy efficiency and reliability of heating, ventilating, cooling, and refrigeration system components. (D3) Improve performance and reliability and minimize the environmental impacts of working fluids and materials. (E1) Make the results of ASHRAE sponsored and cooperative research available to the technical community. Research Classification: Basic/Applied Research TC/TG/SSPC Vote: 13-0-0-0 (affirmative-negative-abstain-not returned) Reasons for Negative Votes and Abstentions No negative votes or abstentions Estimated Cost: $300,000 Estimated Duration: Two years RTAR Lead Author: Doug Horton: [email protected]: Expected Work Statement Lead Author: Doug Horton: [email protected] Co-sponsoring TC/TG/SSPCs and votes: No other groups have expressed interest or support. Possible Co-funding Organizations: ETL, International Code Council, NFPA Application of Results: ASHRAE HVAC Applications Handbook, Chapter 31 – Kitchen Ventilation ASHRAE Standard 154 - Ventilation for Commercial Cooking Operations Model codes and standards, such as International Mechanical Code, NFPA Standard 96, UL Standard 710, and UL Standard 710B State-of-the-Art (Background) Type I exhaust hoods or systems are defined and required by two principal codes and standards for the removal of grease and smoke produced by commercial cooking processes: International Mechanical Code, 2009: Section 507.2.1: “A Type I hood shall be installed where cooking appliances produce grease or smoke.” National Fire Protection Association Standard 96, Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations, Chapter 4, section 4.1.1: “Cooking equipment used in processes producing smoke or grease-laden vapors shall be equipped with an exhaust system that complies with all the equipment and performance requirements of this standard.” (Note: because NFPA 96 only addresses fire safety issues, all references to hoods pertain to Type I.) Type II hoods are similar except they are usually of lighter construction, do not qualify for listing to a national standard, do not include a fire suppression system, and are required by one principal code for the removal of heat and steam produced by commercial cooking, heating, and dishwashing processes: International Mechanical Code, 2009, Section 505.2.2: “Type II hood shall be installed above dishwashers and light-duty appliances that produce heat or moisture and do not produce grease or smoke, except where the heat and moisture loads from such appliances are incorporated into the HVAC system design or into the design of a separate removal system…(section continues).” (Note that a proposal to remove the “light-duty” qualifier of this section of the IMC was approved in May 2010 for revision in the next published version of the IMC.) The exception to use HVAC capacity to remove heat and moisture is new to the IMC with the 2009 version, which is just beginning to be adopted. Experience with this provision is limited, and application ideally involves comparative calculations of energy used for exhaust and replacement air versus energy for removing heat and moisture with HVAC capacity. Examining this comparison for a variety of commercial cooking scenarios is one goal of this project. The historic problem is that commercial cooking is highly varied, from small countertop electric appliances in convenience stores, to “full line” cooking with robust natural-gas appliances in large facilities such as hotels, schools, convention centers, and large full-service restaurants. Over the entire range of cooking, codes and standards require (Type I) hoods for grease and smoke, but the codes and standards do not uniformly define how much grease or smoke. Similarly, codes do not specify for Type II hoods how much heat or moisture is sufficient to require a Type II hood. In regard to when Type I hoods are required, a threshold specification of “how much grease” is contained in NFPA Standard 96, Section 4.1.1 and related subsections, which adopt the threshold requirement of the emissions test included in Section 17 of UL 710B Standard for Recirculating (Hood) Systems – previously contained in UL 197 Standard for Commercial Electric Cooking Appliances. This test is currently used as a surrogate test method for determining when an individual appliance may not require an exhaust system. NFPA 96 Section 4.1.1 and subsections state that no (Type I) exhaust system is required if grease emissions measured in a test hood are less than 5mg/cm3, when tested at an exhaust rate of 500 cfm. (Note that in the International Mechanical Code revision cycle 09/10, this same requirement was approved in May 2010 for incorporation in the next published version of the IMC). As related to Type I hoods, ASHRAE research projects 745 and 1375 have characterized effluents from various commercial cooking appliances and related food products. Similar research by Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Food Service Technology Center reported grease emission rates for lighter duty equipment, such as half-size convection ovens and hybrid countertop ovens, both of which might be permitted to be installed without a hood in some jurisdictions. The three studies quantified the particulate and condensable grease generated by cooking appliances installed under a test hood but did not report the results in relation to the 5 mg/m3 threshold test. Additionally, the reported characterizations of grease emissions did not include tests of cooking with appliance types that may not require a hood, such as small countertop appliances, and the research goals and results did not include under what circumstances a Type I or II hood should be required for these small appliances. The project will examine the implications on hood requirements of the above mentioned research, seek information from other available research, and within the available budget, conduct addition research sufficient to classify the need for Type I, Type II, or unhooded for all common restaurant appliances and food types. Though the UL 710B, section 17 grease emissions test with threshold of 5 mg/m3 is currently an acceptable proxy for determining the need for a Type I hood for single appliances cooking a limited number of food items, the test is very expensive to run and only a limited number of test facilities are available. In a recent example, an appliance manufacturer was quoted $12,900 for one round of tests of an oven with one food product. If the test were used to completely characterize emissions for single or multiple appliances of a restaurant chain, for example, realistic testing would require separate tests for each appliance cooking all applicable menu items, resulting in a very cumbersome and very expensive set of tests. This project will explore whether there are other means of classifying appliances and food for hood requirement by correlating previous research with 5 mg/m3 tests for a set of appliances for which the Type I versus Type II requirement is questionable. A longstanding case of this is pizza ovens of various sizes, fuels, and configurations. As related to Type II hoods, ASHRAE research project 1362 and Fisher (1998) measured and reported heat gains for a variety of commercial cooking appliances. RP-1362 included radiant heat gain for hooded and unhooded appliances, and additionally, the project measured convective heat loads for a group of unhooded appliances, including the latent heat (moisture) contribution. As a significant example, the project measured the convective and latent heat gain from an unhooded door-type, hot water sanitizing, conveyor dishwasher during its wash (and rinse) cycle as 59,100 Btu/h, which is equivalent to nearly five tons of HVAC cooling capacity – a particularly interesting case because the measured convective heat gain is 26% greater than the rated electrical input to the appliance, due to the latent energy in the hot rinse water. Significantly, the 2009 International Mechanical Code, without consideration of any research has made Type II hoods optional if a choice is made to add heating and cooling capacity to remove the heat and moisture from the unhooded appliances. This may not be a sustainable choice in view of the first cost and energy cost considerations. This project will include measurements of sensible and latent emissions from appliances to provide guidelines for improving owner decisions of Type II versus unhooded operation of appliances, and provide a computer software life-cycle analysis tool to guide this decision. Advancement to the State-of-the-Art Engineers need updated and improved guidance on designing commercial kitchen ventilation as an interrelated system of appliances, hoods, fans, HVAC units, and optionally, replacement air units, including options such demand control ventilation as a modern design element. Model codes need to better define the threshold of grease, smoke, heat, and moisture production from commercial cooking processes that dictate the need for Type I or II hoods, and design engineers need a simple and easily applied criteria for when a Type I hood is not required, which would permit the designer to decide whether to use a Type II (no grease filter or fire suppression system), or to install the appliance without a hood and remove heat and moisture by installing appropriate HVAC capacity, per the 2009 International Mechanical Code. These alternatives will have significant, related impacts on equipment design and selection, energy consumption, fire protection, and indoor air quality. Justification of Value to ASHRAE: The value of this research to ASHRAE, the HVAC industry, restaurant designers, consulting engineers, and endusers is significant though only quantifiable after the research is performed. The research will ensure that ASHRAE increases the expertise it currently maintains in providing design guidance for commercial kitchen ventilation systems. This knowledge is crucial for directing future revisions of the handbooks, design guides, codes, and standards that impact kitchen ventilation. Restaurant designers and consulting engineers will benefit by gaining a better understanding of when a Type I or II hood is needed, and whether operation without a hood may be allowed and be beneficial. Results will be translated into better operating kitchens for owners and customers. Restaurant owners may experience reduced costs and better indoor air quality, but even more important, the project can facilitate development of standard designs within the foodservice industry. The results of this research will also allow the various model codes and standards to clearly identify which appliances require a Type I or II hood, and the circumstances under which unhooded operation is acceptable. Objectives The principal objective of this research is to determine the amount of grease particle/vapor production or other measures or classifications for cooking processes, such as energy type, rated appliance energy input, type of appliance, type of foods cooked, and/or volume of food cooked, to indicate: 1. When a Type I hood is required for life safety, indoor air quality, and other code or standard-related requirements. 2. When a Type II hood is required for heat and moisture removal 3. When unhooded appliance operation (with HVAC removal of heat and moisture) is acceptable It is anticipated that this objective will be met through reviews of previous research, extensive industry surveys, and emissions testing of appliances that may not pose a grease emissions hazard sufficient to require a Type I hood, or a heat and moisture load to require a Type II hood. This will include additional latent and sensible heat gain testing of appliances to the extent the data are not available. This project will include development of a testing procedure for appliances that are typical candidates for operation under Type I hoods, for submission to a consensus standard approval process such as ASTM/ANSI. For Type II hood consideration, the project will develop an economic and indoor air quality method for evaluation of whether a Type II hood or heat and moisture removal by HVAC would be more economical and/or result in improved Indoor Air Quality. This research project will combine data analysis of previous test results with laboratory studies of cooking equipment emissions. It is anticipated for Type I hood work that the project will focus on the concentration test described above, quantify the absolute levels of grease emitted by appliances (e.g., lb per hour, lb per 1000 lb food cooked, etc.), which will classify those appliances, cooking processes, foods, and/or amounts of foods cooked, that produce enough grease (or smoke) to require Type I hood. Additionally, based on the database of appliances and emissions, the project will explore whether it might be possible classify appliances for use with Type I or II hoods by other factors such as energy source (natural gas or electric), rated energy input, appliance type, appliance size, and/or types and amounts of foods cooked, without test by manufacturers or users. If test methods are needed, they will be recommended for adoption or revision as part of standards such as UL 710B or UL KNLZ.GuideInfo. Key References: 1. ASHRAE, HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook Chapter 31:Commercial Kichen Ventilation 2008 2. ASHRAE, RP-745 - Identification and Characterization of Effluents from Various Cooking Appliances and Processes as related to Optimum Design of Kitchen Ventilation Systems, February 1999 3. ASHRAE, RP-1362 - Revised Heat Gain Rates from Typical Commercial Cooking Appliances, 2008 4. ASHRAE, RP-1375 - Characterization of Effluents from Additional Cooking Appliances, April 2008 5. ASHRAE Standard 154, Ventilation for Commercial Cooking Appliances 6. Fisher, D.R., New Recommended Heat Gains for Commercial Cooking Equipment, ASHRAE Transactions 104(2):953-60, 1998 7. International Code Council, 2009 International Mechanical Code 8. NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations, 2008 Edition 9. UL Standard 710, Exhaust Hoods for Commercial Cooking Equipment 10. UL 710B, Standard for Recirculating Systems 11. UL Standard 1046, Standard for Safety Grease Filters for Exhaust Ducts
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