Coursework Cover Sheet

Coursework Cover Sheet
All written assessed work other than timed examinations must be submitted with this cover sheet.
When your work is marked, the marker will write on the cover sheet the grade awarded and any
comments or feedback on the work. The feedback will help you to understand the aspects of the work
that were strong, and what action you could take to improve your performance. It is an important part
of the learning process.
SECTION 1: To be completed by the student
BIBF ID number
Course title
Coursework title (for example, mid-term essay, group project etc)
Faculty name
Submission deadline date
Word count of this coursework
1. I confirm that the work is my own, that I have not copied another’s work or allowed anyone to
copy my work, and that I have referenced the work of others in an appropriate way.
2. I confirm that I have read and understood the BIBF guidelines on plagiarism.
3. I confirm that I have kept a copy of my work.
SECTION 2: To be completed by the marker
Faculty signature