Cover Sheet for Proposals JISC Grant Funding Call 2/10 Name of Programme & Strand: Information Environment 2011 Programme: Deposit of research outputs and Exposing digital content for education and research Programme Tags: INF11, JISCexpo Name of Call Area Bidding For: Strand B - Expose Name of Lead Institution: UKOLN Name of Department where project would be based: UKOLN, University of Bath Full Name of Proposed Project: LOCAH - Linked Open Copac Archives Hub Name(s) of Partner HE/FE Institutions Involved: Mimas Name(s) of Partner Company/Consultants Involved: Eduserv, Talis, OCLC, Ed Summers Full Contact Details for Primary Lead and/or Contact for the Project: Name: Adrian Stevenson Position: Project Manager Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0) 161 445 4934 Skype/VoIP: adrianstevenson Address: UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath Postal Code: BA2 7AY Length of Project: 12 months Project Start Date: 1 June 2010 Project End Date: 31 May 2011 Total Funding Requested from JISC: £100,000 Funding Broken Down over Financial Years Jun 10 - Mar 11: £68, 250. Apr 11 - May 11: £31,750 st st Project Description / Abstract: The Archives Hub and Copac national services provide a wealth of rich interdisciplinary information that we will expose as Linked Data. We will be working with partners who are leaders in their fields: OCLC, Talis and Eduserv. We will be investigating the creation of links between the Hub, Copac and other data sources including DBPedia, and the BBC, as well as links with OCLC for name authorities and with the Library of Congress for subject headings. This project will put archival and bibliographic data at the heart of the Linked Data Web, making new links between diverse content sources, enabling the free and flexible exploration of data and enabling researchers to make new connections between subjects, people, organisations and places to reveal more about our history and society. Keywords describing project: Linked Data, Semantic Web I have looked at the example FOI form at Appendix B and included an FOI form in the attached bid YES I have read the Call, Briefing Paper and associated Terms and Conditions of Grant at Appendix D YES 1 FOI Withheld Information FOI Withheld Information Form We would like JISC to consider withholding the following sections or paragraphs from disclosure should the contents of this proposal be requested under the Freedom of Information Act. We acknowledge that the FOI Withheld Information Form is of indicative value only and that JISC may nevertheless be obliged to disclose this information in accordance with the requirements of the Act. We acknowledge that the final decision on disclosure rests with JISC. Section / Paragraph No. Relevant exemption from disclosure under FOI 2 Justification LOCAH – Linked Open Copac Archives Hub 1 1.1 Appropriateness and Fit to Program Objectives and Overall Value to JISC Scope 1.1.1 The project will address all three areas of work outlined in paragraph 29 of the JISC Grant Funding Call 2/10 Strand B: Expose. This project is clearly defined by the scope of the Expose strand: to output Linked Data in order to benefit teachers, learners and researchers. It will implement the ‘four rules of Linked Data’ for bibliographic and archive data that is already in digital form. It will develop prototypes to show how the data can be utilised by third party tools and services. It will also identify potential barriers and issues surrounding the creation and use of bibliographic and archive data as Linked Data and, where appropriate, recommend ways forward. 1.2 Meeting a need 1.2.1 High quality research and teaching relies partly on access to a broad range of resources. Archive and library materials inform and enhance knowledge and are central to the JISC strategy. JISC invests in bibliographic and archival metadata services to enable discovery of, and access to, those materials, and we know the research, teaching and learning communities value those services. 1.2.2 As articulated in the Resource Discovery Taskforce Vision, that value could be increased if the data can be made to "work harder", to be used in different ways and repurposed in different contexts. 1.2.3 Providing bibliographic and archive data as Linked Data creates links with other data sources, and allows the development of new channels into the data. Researchers are more likely to discover sources that may materially affect their research outcomes, and the 'hidden' collections of archives and special collections are more likely to be exposed and used. 1.2.4 Archive data is by its nature incomplete and often sources are hidden and little known. User studies and log analyses indicate that Archives Hub1 users frequently search laterally through the descriptions; this gives them a way to make serendipitous discoveries. Linked data is a way of vastly expanding the benefits of lateral search, helping users discover contextually related materials. Creating links between archival collections and other sources is crucial – archives relating to the same people, organisations, places and subjects are often widely dispersed. By bringing these together intellectually, new discoveries can be made about the life and work of an individual or the circumstances surrounding important historical events. New connections, new relationships, new ideas about our history and society. Put this together with other data sources, such as special collections, multimedia repositories and geographic information systems, and the opportunities for discovery are significantly increased. 1.2.5 Similarly, by making Copac2 bibliographic data available as Linked Data we can increase the opportunities for developers to provide contextual links to primary and secondary source material held within the UK’s research libraries and an increasing number of specialist libraries, including the British Museum, the National Trust, and the Royal Society. The provision of library and special collections content as Linked Data will allow developers to build interfaces to link contextually related historical sources that may have been curated and described using differing methodologies. The differences in these methodologies and the emerging standards for description and access have resulted in distinct challenges in providing meaningful cross-searching and interlinking of this related content – a Linked Data approach offers potential to overcome that significant hurdle. 1 2 Archives Hub – Copac – 3 1.2.6 Researchers and teachers will have the ability to repurpose data for their own specific use. Linked Data provides flexibility for people to create their own pathways through Archives Hub and Copac data alongside other data sources. Developers will be able to provide applications and visualisations tailored to the needs of researchers, learning environments, institutional and project goals. 1.3 Innovation 1.3.1 Archives are described hierarchically, and this presents challenges for the output of Linked Data. In addition, descriptions are a combination of structured data and semi-structured data. As part of this project, we will explore the challenges in working with semi-structured data, which can potentially provide a very rich source of information. The biographical histories for creators of archives may provide unique information that has been based on the archival source. Extracting event-based data from this can really open up the potential of the archival description to be so much more than the representation of an archive collection. It becomes a much more multi-faceted resource, providing data about people, organisations, places and events. 1.3.2 The library community is beginning to explore the potential of Linked Data. The Swedish and Hungarian National Libraries have exposed their catalogues as Linked Data, the Library of Congress has exposed subject authority data (LCSH), and OCLC is now involved in making the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) available in this way. 1.3.3 By treating the entities (people, places, concepts etc) referred to in bibliographic data as resources in their own right, links can be made to other data referring to those same resources. Those other sources can be used to enrich the presentation of bibliographic data, and the bibliographic data can be used in conjunction with other data sources to create new applications. 1.3.4 Copac is the largest union catalogue of bibliographic data in the UK, and one of the largest in the world, and its exposure as Linked Data can provide a rich data source, of particular value to the research, learning and teaching communities. 1.3.5 In answering part (iii) of this call, we will be able to report on the challenges of the project, and how we have approached them. This will be of benefit to all institutions with bibliographic and archival data looking to maximise its potential. We are very well placed within the research and teaching communities to share our experiences and findings. 2 Proposal and Workplan: LOCAH - Linked Open Copac Archives Hub 2.1 Aims and Objectives 2.1.1 The project aims to make records from the JISC funded Archives Hub service, and records from the JISC funded Copac service available as Linked Data. In each case, the aim is to provide persistent URIs for the key entities described in that data. These URIs dereference to documents describing those entities. The information is made available as web pages in XHTML containing RDFa and also Linked Data RDF/XML. SPARQL endpoints will be provided to enable the data to be queried. In addition, consideration will be given to the provision of a simple query API for some common queries. 2.1.2 Making resources available as structured data The work will involve: 1. Analysis & modelling of the current data and the selection (or definition) of appropriate RDF vocabularies. 2. Design of suitable URI patterns (based on the current guidelines for UK government data). 4 3. Development of procedures to transform existing data formats to RDF. Either: i. uploading of that transformed data to an RDF store (such as a Talis Platform instance3) and development of application to serve data from that store, or ii. development of an application to serve RDF data from an existing data store. The former will be the case for the Hub data; the latter will be used for Copac. 4. We will enhance the source data with links between these two datasets and with existing Linked Data sets made available by other parties (e.g. DBpedia, Geonames, the Virtual International Authority File, Library of Congress' Subject headings). This process may include simple name lookups and also the use of services such as EDINA Unlock4, OpenCalais5 and Muddy6 to identify entities from text fragments 5. Providing resources such as dataset-level descriptions (using vOID7 and/or DCat8) and semantic sitemaps9. We will provide an accurate record of the provenance of the data, and procedures for ensuring that updates to the source data are reflected in the RDF data. 6. We will also consider incorporating the EAD-RDF transformation procedure within a version of the existing Archives Hub EAD data editor so that the functionality is available to data creators in the future. 7. The project will adopt a lightweight iterative approach to the development and testing of the exposed structured content. This will involve the rapid development of interfaces to Hub and Copac data that will be tested against existing third party Linked Data tools and data sets. The evaluated results will feed into the further phases of development. 2.1.3 It will also be possible to link to the UKOLN hosted RepUK service that aggregates resource metadata from 120 UK based institutional repositories, and which will soon make this data available as Linked Data. 2.1.4 The result will be the availability of two new quality-assured datasets which are "meshable" with other global Linked Data sources. In addition, the documents made available will be accessible to all the usual web search and indexing services such as Google, contributing to their searchability and findability, and thereby raising the profile of these Mimas JISC services to research users. In common parlance, the resources will have more "Google juice". 2.1.5 Prototype Data Visualisations 2.1.6 We have also produced a number of end user prototype ideas that we will develop from the outset of the project. These will provide attractive and compelling data visualisations based around a number of visualisation concepts. We propose: i) A timeline visualisation: this provides an event-based approach, something that enables researchers to bring together diverse sources coalesced around particular events. For example, a timeline of Sir Ernest Shackleton, the explorer, would allow links to content about places he has lived and worked, expeditions and other explorers. This would link into other Linked Data sources, such as DBpedia. The ability to move from a Wikipedia article about the 1907 British Antarctic Expedition to the Archives Hub primary source material that provides first-hand accounts, to published works listed on Copac that provide a range of interpretive accounts, is what we are looking to achieve. This proposal is exploratory, looking at how we can extract event-based data effectively from the data sources at our disposal. 3 Talis Platform - Unlock - 5 Open Calais - 6 Muddy - 7 Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (vOID) - 8 Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCat) - 9 Semantic Web Crawling: A Sitemap Extension - 4 5 ii) A map-based locator: this would provide an effective and visual means to plan visits to archive repositories and libraries, something of great benefit to time-poor researchers who want to plan their time effectively. The locator will not only plot the repository, but will give a visualisation of the type, date and extent of archive sources available at that location using the RDF. So, for example, a researcher interested in the history of co-operative societies could see where the most material is held, how extensive the collections are and what sort of dates they cover as well as relevant library holdings. We would look at providing a names look-up through other Linked Data sources (VIAF and Library of Congress). iii) An ‘elastic-list’ built upon the principle of browsing multi-faceted data structures, enabling researchers to clearly visualise relative weights by size and characteristics of data. Researchers will be able to query for a combination of attributes and thus narrow their search, enabling them to carry out very specific searches in an intuitive way. This will incorporate name and subject lookups and we will explore the potential to link to DBPedia and BBC data. 2.1.7 The project will hold a small developer competition to gather further end use cases and prototype ideas run by the UKOLN DevCSI team on behalf of the project. The project will also crowdsource prototype ideas from the outset via the project blog, looking for suggestions and ideas from the community as to what would make a useful and engaging application of the Linked Data concept. A UKOLN developer will rapidly implement the best prototype ideas against the Mimas and third party Linked Data sets. 2.1.8 Opportunities and Barriers Report 2.1.9 We will log ongoing projects issues as they arise. The findings will inform an ‘Opportunities and Barriers’ report that we will write. This will detail the issues that have arisen, and the methods and solutions we have adopted to overcome, mediate or mitigate against these, wherever this has been possible. 2.1.10 The methods and solutions we establish will iteratively feed into the ongoing development process. This will mean that we are able to work out solutions to issues as they arise, and implement them in the next phase of rapid development. The solutions will be tested and evaluated by the project team and selected stakeholders, then feeding into further rounds of rapid development. This will ensure that any useful prototype outputs are re-usable beyond the scope and lifetime of the project. 2.1.11 We would look to engage with the other projects funded as part of the jiscExpo call, and any additional UK HE projects working at implementing Linked Data solutions. The project team has very strong links with the Linked Data community: we will look to engage the community by stimulating debate about implementation problems via the project blog. We will also set up a project Twitter feed to generate discussion on the project #locah tag. In addition, we would engage via relevant JISCmail lists as well as the UK Government Data Developers and the Linked Data API Google discussion groups that several members of the team are already part of. 2.2 Project Plan 2.2.1 • 2.2.2 WP1: Project Management. Project management to support the project, the relationships with project partners, and with the funders. WP2: Data Modelling • Model Archives Hub EAD data and Copac data to RDF 2.2.3 WP3: Technical Development – Linked Data Interface • • • • Transform RDF modelled to RDF XML, n3, JSON, RSS. Enrich Hub and Copac data with data/links from sources such as DBPedia, BBC, LOC, VIAF, Musicbrainz, Freebase Provide both RDF and HTML documents for Archives Hub and Copac resources with stable well designed URIs Provide a SPARQL endpoint for the Hub and Copac Linked Data resources 6 • 2.2.4 • • • 2.2.5 • • • 2.2.6 • • 2.3 Provide RESTful API interface to the Hub and Copac Linked Data resources WP4: Prototype Development Test and refine requirements for proposed prototypes Design user interfaces for the data visualisations Technical development and testing of the user interfaces WP5: Provide ‘Opportunities and Barriers’ Report Design and implement rigorous procedures for logging ongoing projects issues Analyse and synthesise logged issues around known Linked Data issues Provide ‘Opportunities and Barriers’ report outlining methods and recommendations on how to overcome, mediate or mitigate against issues identified wherever possible. WP6: Advocacy and Dissemination Report on ongoing project progress and findings at JISC programme events Demonstrate project outputs and report to communities on the findings of the opportunities and barriers report. Timetable WP\Month 1 WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 2.4 2 X X X 3 X X X 4 X X X 5 X X X X X X X 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Risk Assessment Risk Probab Sever Score ility ity Action/Mitigation Difficulties recruiting or retaining staff 2 4 8 Key members of staff already in post at UKOLN, Mimas and Eduserv Project is overambitious 2 2 4 The project plan will ensure that deliverables are delivered in a timely fashion and the project does not divert from agreed goals. Failure to meet deadlines within the project timescale 2 4 8 Clear project plan with all relevant tasks outlined, continuous review and rescheduling of work as necessary Failure to disseminate best practices effectively 2 2 4 UKOLN has very effective dissemination channels. The involvement of partners who can gain clear benefits from this work will allow them to be involved in dissemination activities. Project partners fail to work effectively 1 3 3 UKOLN has good links with all the partners, many through previous joint projects and recent consultancy work. A consortium agreement with address potential concerns. 7 2.5 Intellectual Property Rights 2.5.1 The project will be managed according to JISC guidelines for intellectual property. Any custom-built prototype outputs will be made available under open-source license free of charge to the UK HE and FE community. There may be some rights restrictions relating to the Copac and Hub data content due to data licensing issues. These will be explored and addressed as part of the project. 2.6 Project Management and Staffing 2.6.1 Adrian Stevenson will project manage LOCAH to ensure that the workplan is carried out to the timetable, and that effective dissemination and evaluation mechanisms are implemented according to the JISC Project Management guidelines. Consortium agreements in line with JISC guidelines will be established for the project partners. UKOLN will lead on all the workpackages. Staff who will work on LOCAH are already in post. 2.7 Support for Standards, Accessibility and Other Best Practices 2.7.1 LOCAH will adhere to the guidance and good practice provided by JISC in the Standards Catalogue and JISC Information Environment. The primary technology methodologies, standards and specifications adopted for this project will be: • • • • • • • 3 3.1 XML, XSLT, RDF XML, RDFa, FOAF, SKOS, SPARQL, n3, JSON, RSS/ATOM Metadata standards: EAD, MODS, Dublin Core Berners-Lee,T. (2006). ‘Linked Data – Design Issues’ Berners-Lee,T. (1998). ‘W3C Style: Cool URIs don't change’ Cabinet Offices ‘Designing URI Sets for the UK Public Sector’ Dodds, L., Davis, I., ‘Linked Data Patterns’ W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Engagement with the Community Stakeholders 3.1.1 Several key stakeholder groups have been identified: end users, particularly historical researchers, students & educators; data providers, including RLUK and the libraries & archives that contribute data to the services; the developer community; the library community; the archival sector and more broadly, the cultural heritage sector. 3.1.2 End users. Copac and the Archives Hub services are heavily used by historical researchers and educators. Copac is one of JISC’s most heavily used services, averaging around one million sessions per month. Around 48% of HE research usage can be attributed historical research. Both services can directly engage relevant end users, and have done so successfully in the past to conduct market research or solicit feedback on service developments. In addition, channels such as twitter can be used to reach end users, particularly the digital humanities community. 3.1.3 Data providers; Library Community; Archival Community; Cultural Heritage Sector. Through the Copac and Archives Hub Steering Committees we have the means to consult with a wide range of representatives from the library and archival sectors. The project partners have wellestablished links with stakeholders such as RLUK, SCONUL, and the UK Archives Discovery Network, which represents all the key UK archives networks including The National Archives and the Scottish Archives Networks. The Archives Hub delivers training and support to the UK archives community, and can effectively engage its contributors through workshops, fora, and social media. OCLC’s community engagement channels will also provide a valuable means of sharing project outputs for feedback internationally. The key project partners are also engaged in the Resource Discovery Taskforce Vision implementation planning, as well as the JISC/SCONUL Shared Services Proposal. Outputs from this project will be shared in both these contexts. In addition, we will proactively share information with bodies such as the MLA, Collections Trust and Culture24. 8 3.1.4 Developer Community. As a JISC innovation support centre, UKOLN is uniquely placed to engage the developer community through initiatives such as the DevCSI programme, which is aimed at helping developers in HE to realise their full potential by creating the conditions for them to be able to learn, to network effectively, to share ideas and to collaborate. 3.2 Dissemination 3.2.1 The primary channel for disseminating the project outputs will be the UKOLN hosted blog. End users will be primarily engaged for survey feedback via the Copac and Archives Hub services. Social media will be used to reach subject groups with active online communities (e.g. Digital Humanities). Information aimed at the library and archival community, including data providers, will be disseminated through reports to service Steering Group meetings, UKAD meetings, the Resource Discovery Taskforce Vision group, the JISC/SCONUL Shared Services Proposal Group, as well as professional listservs. Conference presentations and demonstrations will be proposed for events such as ILI, Online Information, and JISC conferences. An article will be written for Ariadne. The developer community will be engaged primarily through the project blog, twitter, developer events & the Linked Data competition. 3.3 Evaluation 3.3.1 LOCAH will be evaluated by a number of means including qualitative and quantitative methods, and will look at both the tangible and intangible outputs of the project. We will establish a small network of critical friends for periodic consultation. We will regularly check progress against the project plan and requirements, and we will engage with users through the blog, social media, questionnaires and events. The project manager will lead the evaluation, liaising with relevant parties and drawing on contacts within the JISC community and wider HE community. 3.4 Impact 3.4.1 Several members of the project team are closely involved with current Linked Data activities, and are fully aware of the current ‘state of the art’ against which the impact of the project will be evaluated. A stakeholder analysis is provided above in section 3.1. The immediate impact of the project will be to provide two new enriched and quality assured data sets to the UK HE and global data graph. It will also provide a number of visualisation prototypes that highlight the potential of Linked Data for enhancing learning, teaching and research. The long-term impact will be to help Linked Data gain traction and achieve a critical mass in the UK HE community, as well as providing invaluable experience and insight on a range of issues. Mimas intends to sustain the Linked Data sets, and will ensure that the resources have stable URIs for two years beyond the life of the project. The project may be able to transition to using the Talis Connected Commons scheme if the licensing situation can be clarified. This would then provide long-term sustainability for the data publishing. 4 Previous Experience of the Project Team 4.1 Project Partners • • • • • 4.2 4.2.1 UKOLN, University of Bath Mimas, University of Manchester Eduserv Talis OCLC Project Personnel UKOLN Adrian Stevenson is a project manager and researcher at UKOLN. He has managed the highly successful SWORD project since May 2008 and also manages the JISC Information Environment Technical Review project. He has extensive experience of the implementation of interoperability standards, and has a long-standing interest in Linked Data. Adrian will manage LOCAH, and will be involved in the data modelling work, testing and the opportunities and barriers report. 9 Julian Cheal is a software developer at UKOLN. He is currently working on the analysis and visualisation of UK open access repository metadata from the RepUK project. He has experience of writing software to process metadata at UKOLN, and has previous development experience at Aberystwyth University. Julian will be involved in developing the prototype data visualisations. 4.2.2 Mimas Jane Stevenson is the Archives Hub Coordinator at Mimas. In this role, she manages the day-today running of the Archives Hub service. She is a registered archivist with substantial experience of cataloguing, implementation of data standards, dissemination and online service provision. She has expertise in the use of Encoded Archival Description for archives, and will be involved in the data modelling work, mapping EAD to RDF, testing as well as the opportunities and barriers report. Ashley Sanders is the Senior Developer for Copac, and has been working with the service since his inception. He is currently leading the technical work involved in the Copac Re-Engineering project, which involves a complete overhaul of the service. Ashley will be involved in the development work of transforming MODS to RDF. An additional Mimas developer will provide the development work for transforming the Archives Hub EAD data to RDF. This person will be allocated from existing Mimas staff in post. 4.2.3 Eduserv Pete Johnston is a Technical Researcher at Eduserv with a particular interest in the use of Semantic Web technologies and the Linked Data approach. Pete will be involved in the data modelling work, mapping EAD and MODS to RDF, testing and the opportunities and barriers report. Eduserv will provide a minimum of twenty days FTE for Pete’s contribution to the project. 4.2.4 Talis Talis is a privately owned UK company that is amongst the first organisations to be applying leading edge Semantic Web technologies to the creation of real-world solutions. Talis has already demonstrated the power of the Talis Platform by using it to drive the transformation of its existing products in the Library sector, and creation of new products in the Education sector. Talis has significant expertise in semantic web and Linked Data technologies, and the Talis Platform has been used by a variety of organisations including the BBC and UK Government as part of 4.2.5 OCLC OCLC is a worldwide library cooperative, owned, governed and sustained by members since 1967. Its public purpose is to work with its members to improve access to the information held in libraries around the globe, and find ways to reduce costs for libraries through collaboration. Its Research Division works with the community to identify problems and opportunities, prototype and test solutions, and share findings through publications, presentations and professional interactions. The contribution of OCLC to the project will be on an expenses only basis. 4.2.6 Consultants Ed Summers is a software developer at the Library of Congress. Ed developed and implemented the Linked Data interface to the Library of Congress Subject Headings, now in service as the Library of Congress’ Authorities and Vocabularies service. Ed will be involved in helping with the data modelling, advising on the development work of transforming MODS and EAD to RDF, and testing. Ed’s contribution to the project will be on an expenses only basis. 10 5 Budget Directly Incurred Staff UKOLN Project Mgr - 0.5 Tech Devel 0.5 Admin 0.10 MIMAS Snr Devel Officer 0.3 Tech Devel 0.02 Tech Devel 0.10 Total Directly Incurred Staff (A) Non-Staff Travel & Dissemination UKOLN Travel & Dissemination MIMAS Travel & Expenses - Eduserv Travel & Expenses – Ed Summers Travel & Expenses - OCLC Equipment UKOLN Jun 2010 Mar 2011 £ 18,900 16,853 2,802 Apr 2011 May 2011 £ TOTAL £ 3,780 3,371 560 Apr 2011 May 2011 £ TOTAL 38,555 7,711 46,266 3,333 667 4,000 PROJECT TOTAL £ £ 22,680 20,224 3,362 - 22,680 20,224 3,362 11,424 1,103 3,263 2,285 221 652 13,709 1,324 3,915 13,709 1,324 3,915 15,790 3,158 18,948 65,214 4,000 3,125 625 3,750 3,750 625 833 125 167 750 1,000 750 1,000 417 2,000 83 1,000 500 3,000 500 3,000 Total Directly Incurred Non-Staff (B) Directly Incurred Total (A+B=C) Directly Allocated Staff Estates Other Directly Allocated Total (D) MIMAS Jun 2010 Mar 2011 £ 4,440 888 9,250 3,750 13,000 55,516 22,698 78,214 3,192 8,520 3,192 8,520 5,328 2,660 532 5,328 Indirect Costs (E) 25,911 5,182 31,093 13,994 2,799 16,793 47,886 Total Project Cost (C+D+E) Amount Requested from JISC Institutional Contributions 76,614 56,875 15,323 11,375 91,937 68,250 35,569 26,458 7,114 5,292 42,683 31,750 134,620 100,000 19,739 3,948 23,687 9,111 1,822 10,933 34,620 Percentage Contributions over the life of the project No. FTEs used to calculate indirect and estates charges, and staff included JISC Partners 74% No. FTEs 26% 100% Which Staff? 1.1 Total listed above 11 JISC Partners 74% No. FTEs 26% 100% Which Staff? 0.42 Total listed above !!!! ! !"#$%&&#"'()*%'+,--)"' !"#$%&'($)*+,'(--#"./(0(+"'*. .,/%012)*/%--#"3&'4$$,/%' "#$%!"&'!(&)! ./''0!123/4/! ! *+,-!! ! 5#6-!! ./''0!1233'3! ! 78#9,-! :;<=>?=;+@+#;?%AB#$%C#?CDE! ! ! 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The proposal is of significant interest to Mimas as the service provider of both Copac and the Archives Hub, and offers considerable potential to exploit these rich national datasets in new and innovative ways. We believe that by exposing the information held by these services as linked data, we can significantly further understand the benefits of such an approach for end users, and develop new ways of combining library and archival data across JISC services and beyond. Such work addresses the vision of the JISC/RLUK Resource Discovery Taskforce directly: “By 2012 our vision is of integrated access to the rich resource collections held in libraries, museums, and archives in UK Higher Education and other relevant sectors. This will best be achieved by concentrating on the creation of open aggregated layers of data about the collections” In addition, we see considerable benefits in partnering with UKOLN, OCLC, Talis, the Library of Congress and Eduserv, the strength of which will ensure that the outputs from this project have the maximum impact and value for the community. Yours faithfully Keith Cole Director of Mimas I ,i.i-.", ,":,:?ir. ' Eduserv Royal Mead Railway Place Bath BA1 1SR 16 April 2010 David Flanders JISC Brettenham House 5 Lancaster Place London WC2E 7EN Dear David, LOCAH - Linked Open Copac Archives Hub ln line with our strategic desire to better understand Linked Data and the ways it can be used to drive effective |CT-related seryices, Eduserv is very happy to be involved with this bid under the JISC Grant Funding Call2110: Deposit of research outputs and Exposing digital content for education and research. We will provide a minimum of 20 days FTE, in the form of Pete Johnston, to the project. Yours sincerely, Andy Powell Research Programme Director j ";i;i:ijt t.:::,al':1:i,;f: I i ,.1.1 ,i;-i?i; ii4Jil I i.. i:;ir:-:ti,'r!..1:.Jl:,:,,,1_-rrj.rr li::'irif.ji:',r.i.iia:lila,i:)i.r,:a i-rail.lj,ril l5i( l,l!r. I l*:rs,jr::.r:rlilti:t
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