F-3.4.1-1 Rev 3 DOCUMENT COVER SHEET DOCUMENT NO. REVISION UKP-GW-GL-037 DOCUMENT STATUS: TDC: PAGE 1 PRE CFC ASSIGNED TO 1 of 23 CAE Permanent File: OPEN ITEMS (Y/N) W-Russ DES N Westinghouse Acceptance of AP1000 Design Partner Document by: N/A (Name and Date) ALTERNATE DOCUMENT NUMBER: N/A WORK BREAKDOWN #: ORIGINATING ORGANIZATION: NPP/NSE 1 TITLE: Applicability of COMAH Regulations ATTACHMENTS: N/A DCP/DCA/EDCR #/REV. INCORPORATED IN THIS DOCUMENT REVISION: N/A CALCULATION/ANALYSIS REFERENCE: N/A ELECTRONIC FILENAME UKP-GW-GL-037.doc ELECTRONIC FILE FORMAT Word ELECTRONIC FILE DESCRIPTION © 2010 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC COMPANY LLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED – WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 All Class 3 Documents require the following two approvals in lieu of a Form 36. LEGAL REVIEW SIGNATURE / DATE (If processing electronic approval select option) L. A. Campagna Electronically Approved*** PATENT REVIEW SIGNATURE / DATE D. E. 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It is transmitted to you in confidence and trust, and you agree to treat this document in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement under which it was provided to you. Third Party Provided Information To be used only for the specific contract under which it was provided. Requirements and responsibilities for this information are specified in APP-GW-GAP-104. ORIGINATOR(S) WEC 6.1.pdf L. R. Eisenstatt SIGNATURE / DATE (If processing electronic approval select option) Electronically Approved*** REVIEWER(S) WEC 6.1.pdf D. M. Popp SIGNATURE / DATE Electronically Approved*** SIGNATURE / DATE SIGNATURE / DATE VERIFIER(S) WEC 6.1.pdf R. J. Vijuk Plant Applicability: SIGNATURE / DATE Electronically Approved*** All AP1000 plants except: Only the following plants: UKP APPLICABILITY REVIEWER WEC 6.1.pdf J. A. Speer SIGNATURE / DATE Electronically Approved*** RESPONSIBLE MANAGER* WEC 6.1.pdf P. A. Russ SIGNATURE / DATE Electronically Approved*** * Verification Method: Independent Review Approval of the responsible manager signifies that the document and all required reviews are complete, the appropriate proprietary class has been assigned, electronic file has been provided to the EDMS, and the document is released for use. *** Electronically approved records are authenticated in the electronic document management system. When a document is approved, this footnote is replaced by a footnote with a date stamp. Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 Applicability of COMAH Regulations UKP-GW-GL-037, Revision 1 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC P.O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Copyright © 2010 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC All Rights Reserved Revision History Applicability of COMAH Regulations REVISION HISTORY Revision Description of Changes 0 Initial Submittal. 1 Complete rewrite and reformatting to incorporate responses to Technical Queries and Regulatory Observations. UKP-GW-GL-037 ii Revision 1 Table of Contents Applicability of COMAH Regulations TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page REVISION HISTORY .................................................................................................................................ii LIST OF TABLES....................................................................................................................................... iv LIST OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................ v 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 COMAH SUBSTANCES ...................................................................................................... 2 3.0 CHEMICALS STORED AT AP1000.................................................................................... 6 4.0 APPLICABILITY OF COMAH TO AP1000...................................................................... 10 5.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................. 16 6.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 17 UKP-GW-GL-037 iii Revision 1 Table of Contents Applicability of COMAH Regulations LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 HSE Named COMAH Substances ......................................................................................... 3 Table 2-2 HSE Categories of Substances and Preparations not Specifically Named............................. 5 Table 3-1 Inventories on AP1000 Turbine Island .................................................................................. 7 Table 3-2 Inventories on AP1000 Nuclear Island .................................................................................. 8 Table 3-3 Chemical Inventory on Seawater Cooling System................................................................. 9 Table 4-1 AP1000 Dangerous Substance Categories ........................................................................... 11 Table 4-2 HSE Risk Phrases ................................................................................................................ 13 Table 4-3 Comparison of AP1000 with COMAH Regulations............................................................ 15 UKP-GW-GL-037 iv Revision 1 List of Acronyms Applicability of COMAH Regulations LIST OF ACRONYMS COMAH CFS DOS FPS GDA HSE LPG MAPP PGS UK VWS Control of Major Accident and Hazard Regulations Turbine Island Chemical Feed System Standby Diesel Fuel Oil System Fire Protection System Generic Design Assessment Health and Safety Executive Liquefied Petroleum Gas Major Accident Prevention Policy Plant Gas System United Kingdom Central Chilled Water System UKP-GW-GL-037 v Revision 1 1.0 Introduction 1.0 Applicability of COMAH Regulations INTRODUCTION The United Kingdom (UK) nuclear regulators have developed a Generic Design Assessment (GDA) process for evaluating alternative designs for the next generation of nuclear power plants to be built in the UK. Initially, the regulators review the safety, security, and environmental impact of the nuclear power plant designs against a generic site, which, as far as possible, will envelop or bound the characteristics of any potential UK site. An important issue for the regulators is whether the storage of hazardous chemicals on the Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear power plant design will fall within the Control of Major Accident and Hazard (COMAH) regulations (Reference 1). This report identifies the maximum inventory of the chemicals used on the AP1000 site. The chemical inventories are compared against the COMAH specified thresholds of dangerous substances to determine whether the AP1000 falls within the scope of COMAH regulations. UKP-GW-GL-037 1 Revision 1 2.0 COMAH Substances 2.0 Applicability of COMAH Regulations COMAH SUBSTANCES The COMAH guidance specifies threshold quantities of dangerous substances that bring establishments within the scope of COMAH regulations. Two thresholds are defined: a lower-tier and a top-tier. If the lower-tier is exceeded, operators must notify the competent authority, and take all measures necessary to prevent major accidents and report any that do occur. Operators of lower-tier sites must also prepare a Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP). If the top-tier threshold is exceeded, operators must submit a substantial written safety report and provide emergency planning requirements. Before a top-tier site is constructed, information must be submitted for approval from the competent authority. Application fees and regulatory cost recovery are higher for an upper tier site than for a lower tier site. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) listed dangerous substances, with associated lower and upper tier thresholds, to which the COMAH regulations apply as given in Table 2.1. Substances that are not specifically listed may fall into a dangerous substance category, as shown in Table 2.2. UKP-GW-GL-037 2 Revision 1 2.0 COMAH Substances Applicability of COMAH Regulations Table 2-1 HSE NAMED COMAH SUBSTANCES Lower-Tier Site Dangerous Substances Top-Tier Site Quantity in tonnes Ammonium nitrate – Fertilisers capable of self-sustaining decomposition 5,000 10,000 Ammonium nitrate – Fertiliser grade 1,250 5,000 Ammonium nitrate – Technical grade 350 500 Ammonium nitrate – Off-spec material and fertilisers not satisfying the detonation resistance test 10 50 Potassium Nitrate (Composite potassium nitrate-based fertilisers composed of potassium nitrate in prilled/granular form) 5,000 10,000 Potassium Nitrate (Composite potassium nitrate-based fertilisers composed of potassium nitrate in crystalline form) 1,250 5,000 Arsenic pentoxide, arsenic (V) acid and/or salts 1 2 Arsenic trioxide, arsenious (III) acid and/or salts 0.1 0.1 Bromine 20 100 Chlorine 10 25 Nickel compounds in inhalable powder form (nickel monoxide, nickel dioxide, nickel sulphide, trinickel disulphide, dinickel trioxide) 1 1 Ethyleneimine 10 20 Fluorine 10 20 Formaldehyde (concentration = >90%) 5 50 Hydrogen 5 50 Hydrogen chloride (liquefied gas) 25 250 Lead alkyls 5 50 Liquefied extremely flammable gases (including LPG) and natural gas (whether liquefied or not) 50 200 Acetylene 5 50 Ethylene oxide 5 50 Propylene oxide 5 50 500 5,000 Methanol UKP-GW-GL-037 3 Revision 1 2.0 COMAH Substances Applicability of COMAH Regulations Table 2-1 (cont.) HSE NAMED COMAH SUBSTANCES Lower-Tier Site Dangerous Substances Top-Tier Site Quantity in tonnes 4, 4-Methylenebis (2-chloraniline) and/or salts, in powder form 0.01 0.01 Methylisocyanate 0.15 0.15 Oxygen 200 2,000 Toluene diisocyanate 10 100 Carbonyl dichloride (phosgene) 0.3 0.75 Arsenic trihydride (arsine) 0.2 1 Phosphorus trihydride (phosphine) 0.2 1 Sulphur dichloride 1 1 Sulphur trioxide 15 75 0.001 0.001 0.5 2 2,500 25,000 Polychlorodibenzofurans and polychlorodibenzodioxins (including TCDD), calculated in TCDD equivalent The following CARCINOGENS 4-Aminobiphenyl and/or its salts, Benzidine and/or salts, Bis(chloromethyl) ether, Chloromethyl methyl ether, Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride, Dimethylnitrosomine, Hexamethylphosphoric triamide, 2-Naphthylamine and/or salts, 1,3 Propanesultone and 4-Nitrodiphenyl, Benzotrichloride, 1,2-Dibromoethane, Diethyl sulphate, Dimethyl sulphate, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine, Hydrazine Petroleum products: (a) gasolines and naphthas (b) kerosenes (including jet fuels) (c) gas oils (including diesel fuels, home heating oils and gas oil blending systems) UKP-GW-GL-037 4 Revision 1 2.0 COMAH Substances Applicability of COMAH Regulations Table 2-2 HSE CATEGORIES OF SUBSTANCES AND PREPARATIONS NOT SPECIFICALLY NAMED Lower-Tier Site Dangerous Substances Top-Tier Site Quantity in tonnes 1. VERY TOXIC 5 20 2. TOXIC 50 200 3. OXIDISING 50 200 4. EXPLOSIVE (where the substance, preparation or article is an explosive within UN/ADR Division 1.4) 50 200 5. EXPLOSIVE (where the substance, preparation or article is an explosive within UN/ADR Division 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5 or 1.6 or risk phrase R2 or R3) 10 50 6. FLAMMABLE (substances and preparations having a flash point equal to or greater than 21°C and less than or equal to 55°C (risk phrase R10), supporting combustion) 5,000 50,000 7a. HIGHLY FLAMMABLE (substances and preparations which may become hot and finally catch fire in contact with air at ambient temperature without any input of energy (risk phrase R17), or that have a flash point lower than 55°C and which remain as a liquid under pressure, where particular processing conditions may create major accident hazards) 50 200 5,000 50,000 8. EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE (liquid substances and preparations which have a flash point lower than 0°C and boiling point at normal pressure that is less than or equal to 35°C, or gaseous substances and preparations which are flammable in contact with air at ambient temperature and pressure, or flammable liquid substances and preparations maintained at a temperature above their boiling point) 10 50 9. DANGEROUS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT in combination with risk phrases: 100 200 200 500 100 500 50 200 7b. FLAMMABLE liquids (substances and preparations having a flash point lower than 21°C and which are not extremely flammable (risk phrase R11, second indent)) (i) R50: “Very toxic to aquatic organisms” (ii) R51: “Toxic to aquatic organisms”; and R53: “May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment” 10. ANY CLASSIFICATION not covered by those given above in combination with risk phrases: (i) R14: “Reacts violently with water” (including R14/15) (ii) R29: “in contact with water, liberates toxic gas” UKP-GW-GL-037 5 Revision 1 3.0 Chemicals Stored at AP1000 3.0 Applicability of COMAH Regulations CHEMICALS STORED AT AP1000 Chemicals are stored at the AP1000 plant on the turbine island and the nuclear island. The inventory and chemical content of each tank on the turbine island, nuclear island, and seawater cooling system are summarised in Tables 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3, respectively. UKP-GW-GL-037 6 Revision 1 3.0 Chemicals Stored at AP1000 Applicability of COMAH Regulations Table 3-1 INVENTORIES ON AP1000 TURBINE ISLAND Inventory Tank Gallons (US) m3 Chemical Turbine Island Chemical Feed System (CFS) MT01 800 3.0 Hydrazine or Carbohydrazide MT02 800 3.0 pH control chemical – monoethanolamine (actual pH control additive used may differ) MT03 800 3.0 Ammonium Hydroxide MT04 800 3.0 Ammonium Hydroxide MT05 240 0.9 Sodium Sulfite and Sodium Hydroxide MT07 800 3.0 Polyphosphate MT08 800 3.0 Ammonium Chloride MT11 800 3.0 Ammonium hydroxide Standby Diesel Fuel Oil System (DOS) MT01 A/B 120000 454.2 No. 2 Diesel Fuel Oil MT02 A/B 2600 9.8 No. 2 Diesel Fuel Oil MT03 650 2.5 No. 2 Diesel Fuel Oil Fire Protection System (FPS) MT02 240 0.9 No. 2 Diesel Fuel Oil Plant Gas System (PGS) Liquid 1500 5.7 Nitrogen Gas (3 bottles) 27735 scf 785.4 Nitrogen Liquid 1500 5.7 Hydrogen Gas (1 bottle) 500 scf 14.2 Hydrogen Liquid 104800 scf 2967.6 Carbon Dioxide Central Chilled Water System (VWS) MT02/MT05 45 0.2 Sodium Molybdate Tolytriazole MT02/MT05 45 0.2 Ethylene/Propylene Glycol Zinc Addition Subsystem Zinc Addition UKP-GW-GL-037 200 0.8 Zinc Acetate 7 Revision 1 3.0 Chemicals Stored at AP1000 Applicability of COMAH Regulations Table 3-2 INVENTORIES ON AP1000 NUCLEAR ISLAND Inventory Gallons (US) m3 80,000 302.8 Boric Acid 1500 5.7 Hydrogen Lithium7Hydroxide 5 0.019 Lithium7Hydroxide Hydrazine 5 0.019 Hydrazine Tank Boric Acid Tank Hydrogen (liquid) UKP-GW-GL-037 Chemicals 8 Revision 1 3.0 Chemicals Stored at AP1000 Applicability of COMAH Regulations Table 3-3 CHEMICAL INVENTORY ON SEAWATER COOLING SYSTEM Inventory Gallons (US) m3 MT06 10000 37.9 Polyacrylate or polyphosphate or orthopolyphosphate MT09 10000 37.9 Sodium Hypochlorite MT10 10000 37.9 Ammonium hydroxide Tank UKP-GW-GL-037 Chemicals 9 Revision 1 4.0 Applicability of COMAH to AP1000 4.0 Applicability of COMAH Regulations APPLICABILITY OF COMAH TO AP1000 The chemicals that are stored at the AP1000 plant fall under different categories according to COMAH regulations. The category for each substance, as well as the corresponding HSE risk phrases and COMAH regulation thresholds are summarized in Table 4.1. The HSE risk phrase definitions are listed in Table 4.2. The maximum predicted inventory of each tank on the Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear power plant was listed in Tables 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. To calculate the maximum total inventory of each individual substance, it is assumed that each tank could potentially be 100% full of a single chemical. The maximum total inventories on AP1000 can be compared against the COMAH specified thresholds of dangerous substances listed in Table 4.1 to identify those that would fall under COMAH regulations. This comparison is given in Table 4.3. UKP-GW-GL-037 10 Revision 1 4.0 Applicability of COMAH to AP1000 Applicability of COMAH Regulations Table 4-1 AP1000 DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE CATEGORIES Chemical Dangerous Substance Category Risk Phrases (Table 4.2) COMAH Thresholds (tonnes) Lower-Tier Top-Tier R34 R36 R37 R38 R50 100 200 N/A - - R12 R67 10 50 Turbine Island Ammonium hydroxide Dangerous for Environment, (30% w/v) Corrosive, Toxic Carbon dioxide liquid Non- flammable Ethylene/Propylene Glycol Extremely Flammable Hydrazine (35% w/v) Named Substance R10 R23 R24 R25 R34 R43 R45 R50 R53 0.5 2 Hydrogen Named Substance R12 5 50 Morpholine Harmful, Corrosive, Flammable R10 R20 R21 R22 R34 5000 50000 Nitrogen Not Hazardous N/A - - No.2 Diesel fuel oil Named Substance R40 2500 25000 Polyphosphate Not Hazardous N/A - - Sodium Hydroxide Corrosive R35 - - Sodium Molybdate Irritant R36, R37, R38 - - R31,R36,R38, - - Tolytriazole (sodium) Harmful, Corrosive (15% w/v) R22 R34 - - Zinc Acetate R22 R36 - - Turbine Island Sodium Sulfite Irritant Harmful, Irritant Nuclear Island Boric Acid (<4% w/v) Toxic R60 R61 50 200 Lithium7Hydroxide Harmful, Corrosive R22 R35 - - Hydrazine (35% w/v) Named Substance R10 R23 R24 R25 R34 R43 R45 R50 R53 0.5 2 Hydrogen Named Substance R12 5 50 UKP-GW-GL-037 11 Revision 1 4.0 Applicability of COMAH to AP1000 Applicability of COMAH Regulations Table 4-1 (cont.) AP1000 DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE CATEGORIES Chemical Dangerous Substance Category Risk Phrases (Table 4.2) COMAH Thresholds (tonnes) Lower-Tier Top-Tier Seawater Cooling System Orthopolyphosphate Not Hazardous N/A - - Polyacrylate Not Hazardous N/A - - Polyphosphate Not Hazardous N/A - - Sodium Hypochlorite Dangerous for Environment, (30% w/v) Toxic, Corrosive R31 R34 R50 100 200 Ammonium hydroxide Dangerous for Environment, (30% w/v) Corrosive, Toxic R34 R36 R37 R38 R50 100 200 UKP-GW-GL-037 12 Revision 1 4.0 Applicability of COMAH to AP1000 Applicability of COMAH Regulations Table 4-2 HSE RISK PHRASES Risk Phrase Risk Phrase Definition Definition R1 Explosive when dry. R19 May form explosive peroxides. R2 Risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other source of ignition. R20 Harmful by inhalation. R3 Extreme risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ignition. R21 Harmful in contact with skin. R4 Forms very sensitive explosive metallic compounds. R22 Harmful if swallowed. R5 Heating may cause an explosion. R23 Toxic by inhalation. R6 Explosive with or without contact with air. R24 Toxic in contact with skin. R7 May cause fire. R25 Toxic if swallowed. R8 Contact with combustible material may cause fire. R26 Very toxic by inhalation. R9 Explosive when mixed with combustible material. R27 Very toxic in contact with skin. R10 Flammable. R28 Very toxic if swallowed. R11 Highly flammable. R29 Contact with water liberates toxic gas. R12 Extremely flammable. R30 Can become highly flammable in use. R13 Extremely flammable liquefied gas. R31 Contact with acids liberates toxic gas. R14 Reacts violently with water. R32 Contact with acid liberates very toxic gas. R15 Contact with water liberates extremely flammable gases. R33 Danger of cumulative effects. R16 Explosive when mixed with oxidizing substances. R34 Causes burns. R17 Spontaneously flammable in air. R35 Causes severe burns. R18 In use, may form inflammable/explosive vapour-air mixture. R36 Irritating to eyes. UKP-GW-GL-037 13 Revision 1 4.0 Applicability of COMAH to AP1000 Applicability of COMAH Regulations Table 4-2 (cont.) HSE RISK PHRASES Risk Phrase Risk Phrase Definition Definition Irritating to respiratory system. R53 May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. R38 Irritating to skin. R54 Toxic to flora. R39 Danger of very serious irreversible effects. R55 Toxic to fauna. R40 Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect. R56 Toxic to soil organisms. R41 Risk of serious damage to the eyes. R57 Toxic to bees. R42 May cause sensitization by inhalation. R58 May cause long-term adverse effects in the environment. R43 May cause sensitization by skin contact. R59 Dangerous to the ozone layer. R44 Risk of explosion if heated under confinement. R60 May impair fertility. R45 May cause cancer. R61 May cause harm to the unborn child. R46 May cause heritable genetic damage. R62 Risk of impaired fertility. R47 May cause birth defects. R63 Possible risk of harm to the unborn child. R48 Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure. R64 May cause harm to breastfed babies. R49 May cause cancer by inhalation. R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R50 Very toxic to aquatic organisms. R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. R51 Toxic to aquatic organisms. R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. R52 Harmful to aquatic organisms. R68 Possible risk of irreversible effects. R37 UKP-GW-GL-037 14 Revision 1 4.0 Applicability of COMAH to AP1000 Applicability of COMAH Regulations Table 4-3 COMPARISON OF AP1000 WITH COMAH REGULATIONS Max Conc (% w/v) Total Inventor y (m3) Density (kg/m3) Total Inventory (tonnes) Ammonium hydroxide 30% 14.1 900 Carbon dioxide liquid 100% 2967.6 Ethylene/ Propylene Glycol 100% Hydrazine COMAH Thresholds (tonnes) LowerTier TopTier COMAH Applies? (Y/N) 12.7 100 200 No 762 2261.3 - - No 0.2 1113 0.2 10 50 No 35% 3.05 1021 1.1 0.5 2 Yes Hydrogen 100% 19.9 70 1.4 5 50 No Nitrogen 100% 791.1 808 639.2 - - No No. 2 Diesel fuel oil 100% 467.4 880 411.3 2500 25000 No Orthopoly phosphate 100% 37.9 1350 51.2 - - No Polyacrylate 100% 37.9 1310 49.6 - - No Polyphosphate 100% 37.9 1250 47.4 - - No Sodium Hydroxide 50% 0.9 1529 0.7 - - No Sodium Hypochlorite 30% 37.9 1210 13.7 100 200 No Sodium Molybdate 100% 0.2 3780 0.8 - - No Sodium Sulfite 30% 0.9 1150 0.3 - - No Tolytriazole (sodium) 15% 0.2 1000 0.03 - - No Zinc Acetate 100% 0.8 7140 5.4 - - No Boric Acid 4% 302.8 1.045 0.01 - - No Lithium7 Hydroxide 100% - - 0.005 - - No Hydrazine 100% - - 0.1 0.5 2 No Hydrogen (liquid) 100% 5.7 70 0.4 5 50 No Chemical UKP-GW-GL-037 15 Revision 1 5.0 Summary and Conclusions 5.0 Applicability of COMAH Regulations SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Based on the current specification, the AP1000 nuclear power plant site will be a lower tier COMAH site because of the proposed hydrazine inventory. The hydrazine tank(s) potentially contain 1.1 tonnes of hydrazine, which is above the lower tier COMAH threshold of 0.5 tonnes, but below the top tier COMAH threshold of 2 tonnes. UKP-GW-GL-037 16 Revision 1 6.0 Reference 6.0 Applicability of COMAH Regulations REFERENCES 1. Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 1088, “The Control of Major Accident Hazards (Amendment) Regulations 2005,” Health and Safety Executive. UKP-GW-GL-037 17 Revision 1
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