Department of Computer Science University College London Cover Sheet for Examination Paper to be sat in May 2009 COMP3005 Operating Systems Time allowed 2.5 hours Calculators are allowed Answer any THREE questions Checked by First Examiner: Date: Approved by External Examiner: Date: COMP3005 1 Turn Over COMP3005: Operating Systems, 2009 Answer any THREE questions Marks for each part of each question are indicated in square brackets. Calculators are permitted COMP3005 2 Question 1 On Linux ext3 filesystem, when a user types : mv /tmp/myfile /home/joe/myfile then this moves “myfile” from the directory /tmp to the directory /home/joe. a) If the directories /tmp and /home/joe are not on the same disk partition, then the operating system must copy the contents of the file from one disk to the other, but if the directories are on the same disk partition there is no need to copy the file. Explain why this is. [4 marks] b) Assume the directories are on the same disk. With reference to inodes, directories, permissions, etc, list the operations the operating system must perform to find and move this file. [11 marks] c) If a program has opened /tmp/myfile for reading before the user issued the mv command and the program tries to continue reading from the same file descriptor after the file has been moved, what happens? Explain your reasoning, and again assume the directories are on the same disk. [6 marks] d) If the power failed half way through the sequence of operations described in your answer to (b) an Ext2 filesystem (which does not do journaling) might end up in an inconsistent state. Pick one point in the sequence of operations where the state would end up inconsistent and describe the inconsistencies that could arise. [5 marks] e) Ext3 is a journaling filesystem. What is meant by this? [2 marks] f) Explain how the Ext3 filesystem would repair the inconsistent state from (d) using the journal when the power is restored. What is the eventual state of the filesystem? [5 marks] [Total 33 Marks] COMP3005 3 Turn Over Question 2 a) The picture above shows a two-level page table. With reference to this diagram: i. Explain how a virtual memory address is mapped to a physical memory address. [ 5 marks] ii. If this is a 32-bit CPU and each top and second level page table can contain 1024 entries, how large are the pages? [4 marks] iii. At some point in time, a process has 3,500,000 bytes of program text, 800,000 bytes of heap and 120,000 bytes of stack. Assume each of these starts on a new page, and is then contiguous in virtual memory, with the heap growing up from the top of the program text and the stack growing downwards from the top of virtual memory. If each page table entry requires 32 bits, how much kernel memory is occupied by the program’s page table? [10 marks] b) In the context of paged virtual memory, what is meant by copy-on-write? [2 marks] c) The Apache 1.3 web server uses uses a separate process for each network connection to handle web requests. Explain why Apache’s performance is quite acceptable on Unix which uses copy-on-write pages to implement the fork() COMP3005 4 system call, but performance is much less good on Windows XP which lacks a fork() system call. [5 marks] d) Windows XP does however implement shared libraries (also known as Dynamic Load Libraries or DLLs). i. What is the main advantages of shared libraries? [2 marks] ii. With reference to the diagram above, explain how the virtual memory paging system can be used to implement shared libraries. [5 marks] [Total 33 Marks] COMP3005 5 Turn Over Question 3 The diagram above shows TCP being used to transfer data between an application on one machine and an application on another machine. Recall that the TCP network protocol reliably transmits data across the Internet. To do this a TCP receiver sends acknowledgment packets to indicate that data packets have been received. a) TCP is ack-clocked and uses a congestion window to control the rate of transmission of packets into the network. iii. What do these two terms mean? [4 marks] iv. Suppose instead of using an ack-clocked window, the OS attempted to calculate a data rate in bytes per second, and to transmit at precisely this rate. Why might this be harder for the OS than the existing TCP design? [5 marks] b) Sometimes the application on the receiving machine is not able to consume data as fast as the application on the sending machine is able to generate data. With reference to the OS buffers and OS mechanisms on both machines, explain the process by which the sending application is slowed down to almost exactly the rate that the receiving application can process. Assume the network itself is uncongested. [10 marks] c) The Network Interface Card (NIC) uses DMA to transfer data received from the network into kernel memory. i. What is DMA and why does the NIC use it? [3 marks] ii. COMP3005 How are interrupts normally used with DMA? 6 [3 marks] iii. Suppose the NIC is an Ethernet interface running at 10Gbit/s. If the machine attempts to receive full-size (1500byte) packets at line rate using DMA in the normal way, what will happen? [4 marks] iv. What can be done to improve performance in this case? Why do your suggested improvements work? [4 marks] [Total 33 Marks] COMP3005 7 Turn Over Question 4 a) A few years ago stack-based buffer overflow attacks were the most common form of software vulnerability. Write a very short C function that is vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow attack, and explain how the buffer might be exploited to cause arbitrary code to be executed. (Minor syntax errors in your C will not be penalized, so long as the intent is clear). [10 marks] b) Explain how the following operating system mechanisms help prevent such exploits: i. Non-executable stack. [3 marks] ii. Write XOR execute. [3 marks] iii. Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR). [3 marks] c) On Linux, the fork() system call does not re-randomize the address space layout. Consider the Apache 1.3 web server, which uses fork() to start a new process for each new network connection it receives. How might an attacker exploit a vulnerability in such a web server running on Linux, even though Linux implements all three of the mechanisms from (b). [6 marks] d) Traditional security mechanisms on Unix that can be used to limit the damage caused by exploits include chroot() and setuid() . i. How might you these protection mechanisms to contain exploits in the Apache 1.3 web server? [4 marks] ii. How might they be used to contain exploits in the Samba Network File System server process, which normally uses a single process running as root to serve all requests from all users? [4 marks] [Total 33 Marks] COMP3005 8 Question 5 a) Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF) is a disk scheduling algorithm that attempts to minimize the amount of time a disk spends seeking between cylinders. To do this it maintains a queue of requests, and always services the request from the queue that requires the smallest seek distance. Devise an example to show why this algorithm is not commonly used in real operating system disk schedulers. [5 marks] b) Write down pseudocode for a better disk scheduling algorithm, and show why it solves the problem you described with SSTF. [6 marks] c) How does the operating system’s thread scheduler get to be run if an application does not voluntarily give up the CPU? [2 marks] d) A Windows XP system is simultaneously running a DVD player application in one window, a word processor that the user is typing into in another window, and in a third window it is running SETI@Home which does complex mathematical analysis of recorded traces from a radio telescope. Explain how the Windows thread scheduler schedules these applications in such a way they share the singlecore CPU in a way that is acceptable to the user. [12 marks] e) The diagram above shows the three states that a process can be in. For each numbered arrow, give an example of an event that would cause the transition. [8 marks] [Total 33 Marks] END OF PAPER COMP3005 9 Turn Over
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