Swinburne Higher Education Exam Paper Examination Cover Sheet SEMESTER 1, 2010 EXAMINATION DETAILS Faculty: FAC ENG&IND SCI Subject Code: HET386 Subject Title: ANALOGUE ELECTRONICS 2 Duration: min 180 Reading time: 15 min 60 % of overall assessment covered by this exam CANDIDATE DETAILS Student to complete (please print & do not use pencil) Surname: ID: Given: CANDIDATE DECLARATION x x x x I am the person stated above I agree to obey the Examination Supervisors instructions for proper conduct of the exam I have read and understood the Instructions to Candidates provided (see back of this exam paper) I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that I have been correctly enrolled for the above subject and that I am fully liable for any outstanding fees and charges x I am aware that I am not allowed to present for any special examination unless approval has been granted by the appropriate Swinburne or external authority STUDENT SIGNATURE: DATE: INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Material/equipment that is not on this list is unauthorised material. Where a student is found in possession of any unauthorised material: 1. That material will be removed as soon as it is detected; and 2. The Student Examination Irregularity procedures of the Assessment and Appeals Policy and Procedures – Higher Education will be implemented. Materials Allowed: Calculator. Answering Instructions: Attempt ALL questions. Do not use RED ink in answering questions. Answers which are ambiguous or illegible to the examiner will receive NO credit. Workings and answers must be done in the work books provided. The entire examination paper is to be enclosed inside the front cover of the work book, and handed in at the end of the examination period. If you complete this exam before the set exam duration time, you may be asked to enter your time of departure. This information will have no bearing on your result. SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & INDUSTRIAL SCIENCES HET386 ANALOGUE ELECTRONICS 2 FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2010 Note : State any assumptions made in your answers. Unless specified otherwise, ⏐VBE(on)⏐= 0.7 V, ⏐VCE(sat)⏐= 0.1 V, VT = 25 mV, rb = 0, and ro = ∞ . Q1. An operational amplifier with fT = 2 MHz, slew rate of SR = 1 V/μs, and Vo(max) = 10 V, is used in the design of a non-inverting amplifier with a nominal gain of 10. Assume the input is a sine-wave with peak amplitude of Vp, and at a frequency f. (a) If Vp = 0.5 V, what is the maximum frequency before the output distorts? (b) If f = 20 kHz, what is the maximum value of Vp before the output distorts? (c) If Vp = 50 mV, what is the useful frequency range of operation? (d) If f = 5 kHz, what is the useful input voltage range? ( 8 marks) Q2. For the circuit of Figure 1, find the approximate values of IO and IZ. The Zener diode has a breakdown voltage VZ of 2.7 V. Assume that β for the transistor is very large in value. IO IZ Figure 1 ( 8 marks) Page 1 of 9 -2HET386 Analogue Electronics 2 Semester One Examination 2010(Cont'd) Q3. A power MOSFET, for which θjC = 4 oC/W, is mounted on a heat sink with θjA = 5 oC/W. The mounting method uses a 0.2 mm thick mica spacer that introduces an additional thermal resistance of 1 oC/W between the transistor case and the heat sink. During its operation, the transistor carries an average drain current of 1 A at an average drainsource voltage of 10 V. If the ambient temperature is 25 oC, find the operating temperatures of the transistor case and the heat sink. (8 marks) Q4. For the circuit of Figure 2, the transistor parameters are Kn = 500 μA/V2, VTN = 1.2 V, and λ = 0. The resistor values are R1 = 383 kΩ, R2 = 135 kΩ, RS = 3.9 kΩ, and RD = 16.1 kΩ. Find the drain current ID. (8 marks) 10μF Figure 2 Q5. For the ideal class-B output stage shown in Figure 3, V+ = 25 V, V- = -25 V, and RL = 4 Ω. If the peak voltage at vO is 17 V, find the power dissipated by each transistor. (8 marks) Figure 3 Page 2 of 9 -3HET386 Analogue Electronics 2 Semester One Examination 2010(Cont'd) Q5. Sketch and clearly label the transfer characteristics (Vout versus Vin) for the circuit shown in Figure 4. The operational amplifier saturates at ±12 V. (8 marks) Figure 4 Q6. The circuit of Figure 5 represents one form of a phase-shift oscillator. 3 Show that oscillations will occur at ω o = as long as the product RC A1A2A3 is equal to -8, regardless of the values of the individual stage gains. (10 marks) A1 A2 A3 Figure 5 Page 3 of 9 -4HET386 Analogue Electronics 2 Semester One Examination 2010(Cont'd) Q7. Clearly explain the operation of each of the circuits shown in Figure 6. (15 marks) Figure 6a Figure 6b Page 4 of 9 -5HET386 Analogue Electronics 2 Semester One Examination 2010(Cont'd) Q8. EITHER OR Explain (clearly) the operation of a 3-bit flash analogue-todigital converter. Details of the encoder circuit are NOT required. Explain the operation of the digital-to-analogue converter of Figure 7. Each of the N-channel enhancement FETs have a threshold voltage VTN of 1 V and negligible ON resistances. Treat each FET as a switch: closed if the gate input (for example, b0) is greater than the threshold voltage VTN, otherwise the switch is open. Also assume that Rd << 2R. b0, b1, b2, and b3 are digital inputs, with values of either 0 or 5 V. (15 marks) Figure 7 Page 5 of 9 -6HET386 Analogue Electronics 2 Semester One Examination 2010(Cont'd) Q9. For the circuit of Figure 8, the transistors have parameters: β = 100, VA = ∞, Cμ = 2 pF, and fT = 400 MHz. From the DC viewpoint, base currents may be neglected. (a) Draw a clearly labelled small-signal equivalent circuit at mid-band frequencies. (b) From your diagram of part (a), calculate the mid-band voltage gain, Av = Vout/VS. (c) Estimate the upper -3 dB frequency, fH. (5+5+10 = 20 marks) Figure 8 (Total for the paper is 8+8+8+8+8+10+15+15+20=100 marks) END OF QUESTIONS Page 6 of 9 -7HET386 Analogue Electronics 2 Semester One Examination 2010(Cont'd) Appendix – some basic information and formulae. 1. A Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) is in the active mode when its baseemitter junction is forward biased and its base-collector junction is reverse biased. 2. When a BJT is in the active mode of operation, I C = β I B = αI E 3. β β +1 The small-signal parameters of a BJT are : gm = re = I CQ VT rπ β +1 ωT = 3. where α = rπ = ro = β gm VA I CQ gm where ωT is the unity − gain frequency. Cπ + C μ The current-voltage characteristics of an N-channel MOSFET are as follows : for vGS > VTN , k n' W 2 2 [2(vGS − VTN ) v DS − v DS ] = K n [2(vGS − VTN ) v DS − v DS ] for v DS < v DS ( sat ) 2 L k n' W = (vGS − VTN ) 2 = K n (vGS − VTN ) 2 for v DS ≥ v DS ( sat ) 2 L where v DS ( sat ) = vGS − VTN , iD = k n' W Kn = , 2 L and k n' = μ n C ox . For an N-channel enhancement-mode MOSFET, VTN > 0, and for an Nchannel depletion-mode MOSFET, VTN < 0. Page 7 of 9 -8HET386 Analogue Electronics 2 Semester One Examination 2010(Cont'd) 4. The small-signal voltage gain of a common-emitter amplifier is given by: AV (base → collector ) ≈ − RC' R E + re where RC' is the effective resis tan ce in the collector , and R E is the external resis tan ce in the emitter. 5. The small-signal voltage gain of a common-base amplifier is given by: AV (emitter → collector ) = g m RC' 6. The small-signal voltage gain of a common-collector amplifier is given by: RE' AV (base → emitter ) = ' RE + re 7. where RC' is the effective resis tan ce in the collector . where RE' is the effective external resis tan ce in the emitter. The time constant methods are : ωL ≈ ∑ i 1 Ris C i and ω H ≈ 1 ∑ Rio Ci i where Ris is the resis tan ce seen by C i , with all other capaci tan ces short − circuited , and Rio is the resis tan ce seen by C i , with all other capaci tan ces open − circuited . External sources are removed when evaluating Ris or Rio . 8. For the basic differential amplifier, the magnitude of the differential-mode gain is gmRC if the output is between the two collectors, and is 0.5gmRC if the output is single-ended. RC is the effective resistance at the collector. 9. The average power dissipation, PD(average), in a BJT, is given by: PD(average) = IC(average) X VCE(average) Page 8 of 9 -9HET386 Analogue Electronics 2 Semester One Examination 2010(Cont'd) 10. Table below gives the relationship between the filter type and the biquadratic functions Filter type Low-pass Transfer function Kω 02 H LP = 2 s + (ω 0 / Q) s + ω 02 High-pass H HP = Band-pass H BP Ks 2 s 2 + (ω 0 / Q) s + ω 02 K (ω 0 / Q) s = 2 s + (ω 0 / Q) s + ω 02 K ( s 2 + ω 02 ) s 2 + (ω 0 / Q) s + ω 02 Band-reject H BR = All-pass H AP = K s 2 − (ω 0 / Q) s + ω 02 s 2 + (ω 0 / Q) s + ω 02 12. The step response of a first-order RC circuit is given by : vC (t ) = vC (∞) + [vC (0 + ) − vC (∞)]e − t / τ where vC (t ) is the voltage across the capacitor , vC (∞) is the final or steady state value, vC (0 + ) is the initial voltage at t = 0 + , and τ (= RC ) is the time cons tan t. 13. The small-signal parameters for a FET are: g m = 2 K n I DQ and ro = VA 1 where V A = λ I DQ END OF PAPER Page 9 of 9 Swinburne Higher Education Exam Paper INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Examination conditions start now. 2. Please wait until permission to begin is given by an Examinations Supervisor before starting your examination. 3. During an examination you must not have in your possession a book, notes, mobile phones, any electrical devices, pencil case, paper or any other materials/items which have not been authorised for the exam or specifically permitted on the front page of the examination paper. Any material or item on your desk, chair or person will be deemed to be in your possession. You are reminded that possession of unauthorised materials in an exam is a breach of discipline under the University’s Assessment and Appeals Policy. 4. A candidate shall comply with all instructions set forth on the examination paper, with any examination notice displayed in the examination room and with instructions given by an Examinations Supervisor. 5. A candidate shall not attempt or undertake any activity which may be considered a breach of exam discipline including any form of communication with another candidate or person other than an Examinations Supervisor. 6. All rough work must be completed on the examination paper, blank paper (if provided) or pages of an examination script book (if provided). You must not use your own paper for this purpose. 7. Do not remove or detach any part of this exam paper or tear out any part of an examination script book (if provided). 8. Do not remove from the examination room any worked script, examination book or other material which is the property of the University. 9. No candidate may leave the examination room during reading time, the first 30 minutes of writing time or the last 15 minutes of the examination.
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