DOCUMENT N: COURSE AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT COVER SHEET See Course and Program Development Policy and Procedures forInstructions FSP0 Contact Name: Marouerlte Weber SCHOOL: LAW D MSB D YGCLA D Phone: 410.837.4087 DEPARTMENT I DIVISION: First and Second Year Program SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL (state action item 1-23 and course name & number orproqram affected): lOIS 110: Require students attain a qrade of C- or higher to meet qraduation requirement for FSP students. PROPOSED SEMESTER OF IMPLEMENTATION: Fall X Spring D Year: 2008 o Box 1: TYPE OF ACTION Box 2: LEVEL OF ACTION ADD(NEW) D Non-Credit DEACTIVATE D MODIFY 0' OTHER D Undergraduate 0' Graduate D OTHER D D Box 3: ACTION ITEM (check appropriate boxes) Experimental Course 1 1. Course Title 2. Course Credits 3. Course Number 4. Course Level 5. 6. Pre &Co-Requisite 7. Course Description 8. New Course 9. Deactivate aCourse 10. Procram Requirements 11 a. UG Specialization (24 credits or less) 11 b. Masters Specialization (12 credits orless) 11 c. Doctoral Specialization (18 credits orless) 12. Closed Site Proqrarn 13. Prooram Suspension 9 14a. Certificate Program (ug/g) exclusively within existinq decree procram 14b. Certificate Program (ug/g) where degree programs donotexist or where courses are selected across decree proqrams (12 or more credits) 15. Off-Campus Delivery of Existinq Proqram 16a. UG Concentration (exceeds 24 credit hours) 16b. Masters Concentration (exceeds 12credit hours) 16c. Doctoral Concentration (exceeds 18 credit hours) 17. Proqram Title Chance 18. Program Termination 19. New Deqree Proqram 20. Other o DOCUMENTS REQUIRED (see box 4 below) NOP NO NO NO NO NO NOP NOP NO NO NO NO NO NOT NO,5 b,c,d,e a, b,c,d,e a,b,c,d,e a, b,e e a,e APPROVAL SEQUENCE (see box 6 on back) AC ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCDEF ABCDEF ABCDEF ABCDEF ABCDEF ABCDEF ABCDEF ABCDHIK ABCDEGIK NO a, c,e ABCDEFHIK NOQR,6 a,c,e ABCDEFHJL NO,4 NO,5 NO,5 NO,5 NO,5 NO,10 NOQR,3,8 Varies a, b,c,e a,c,d,e a,c,d,e a,c,d, e a,c,d,e d,e a,c,d,e Varies ABCDHIL ABCDEFGHJL ABCDEFGHJL ABCDEFGHJL ABCDEFGHJL ABCDEFGHIK ABCDEFGHJI_ Varies IMPACT REVIEWS (see box 5 on back) a,c,e Box 4: DOCUMENTATION (check boxes ofdocuments included) N. This Cover Sheet Summary Proposal O. P. Course Definition Document 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (:/ Q. Full 5-page MHEC Proposal Financial Tables (MHEC) R. S. T. Other Contract Approval ofexperimental course automatically lapses after two offerings unless permanently approved as a new course. Codes: a) Library Services (Langsdale or Law) b) Office of Technology Services c) University Relations d) Admissions Letter of Intent is required byUSM at least 30days before a full proposal can besubmitted. Letter of Intent requires only the approval of the dean and the provost and is forwarded to USM by the Office of the Provost. One-page letter to include: Program title °ree/certificate to beawarded; resources requirements; need and demand; similar programs; method of instruction; and oversight and student services (MHEC requirement) One-page letter with description and rational (MHEC requirement) One ortwo-page document that describes: centrality to mission; market demand; curriculum design; adequacy offaculty resources; and assurance program will besupported with existing resources. (MHEC requirement) Leaming objectives, assessment strategies; fitwith UB strategic plan Joint Degree Program or Primary Degree Programs require submission of MOU w/program proposal. (MHEC requirement) Temporary suspension ofprogram to examine future direction; time notto exceed two years. No new students admitted during suspension, but currently enrolled students must begiven opportunity tosatisfy degree requirements. DOCUMENT N: COURSE AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT COVER SHEET (Page2 of 2) MSB 0 YGCLA 0 FSP 0' SCHOOL: LAW 0 SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL (state name of action item 1-20 and course name, code & number I program affected): lOIS 110: Require students attain a grade of C- or nioher to meet qraduaton requirement for FSP students. o 10. 11. Provide: a. evidence that the action isconsistent with UB mission and can be implemented within the existing program resources ofthe institution. b. proposed date after which no new students will be admitted into the program; c. accommodation ofcurrently enrolled students inthe realization oftheir degree objectives; d. treatment ofall tenured and non-tenured faculty and other staff inthe affected program; e. reallocation offunds from the budget ofthe affected program; and f. existence atother state public institutions of programs towhich to redirect students who might have enrolled inthe program proposed for abolition. University Council review (for a recommendation tothe President orback tothe Provost) shall be limited tocurricular oracademic policy issues that may potentially affect the University's mission and strategic planning, orhave a significant impact on the generation orallocation ofits financial resources. Box 5: IMPACT REVIEW procedures for authorized signers) a. o b. o c. o Library No impact OTS Noimpact e. Records o No impact o Impact statement attached CIO ordesignee: o Impact statement attached Director ordesignee: Director ordesignee: o Impact statement attached Registrar ordesignee: o Impact statement attached Box 6: APPROVAL SEQUENCE APPROVAL SIGNATURES A. Department I Division DATE Chair:/·i~ B. Final faculty review body within each School Chair: C. Dean: College Dean D. Provost and Senior Vice President forAcademic Affairs E. Curriculum Review Committee (UFS subcommittee) F. University Faculty Senate (UFS option) &% i {e~ UK' - , -. L~..r1 11 ~A' __ ~I A ~ ~ Provost~ d3~ ChairGff~. :J!7)J; '=" Chair: University Council (see # 11above) Chair: H. President President: I. only Board of Regents - notification J '= I' A .., L2~ JJ J. Board of Regents - approval ~_ MHEC - notification only L. MHEC - approval M. Middle States Association notification Lf770g \<:Q~~~ ~SBF~ 4-)1\ )0% G. K. DATE Director ordesignee: University Relations No impact o Impact statement attached d. Admissions o No impact o SIGNATURES (see Required only ifthe mission ofthe University ischanged by the action J/-), / f.)<t ql2-7~/OfY rrr: r ~LJ~/n(/ V7 'r UNIVERSITY OF BALTIMORE DOCUMENT 0: SUMMARY PROPOSAL See Course and Program Development Policy and Procedures for Instructions o FSP0 Contact Name: Marguerite Weber Phone: 410.837.4087 SCHOOL: LAW D MSB D YGCLA D DEPARTMENT I DIVISION: First and Second Year Program SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL (state action item 1-23 and course name & number or program affected): IDIS 110: Require students attain a grade of C- orhigher to meet graduation requirement for FSP students. Fall X Spring D PROPOSED SEMESTER OF IMPLEMENTATION: Year: 2008 0-1: Briefly describe what is being requested: Establish that agrade ofC- orhigher isthe minimum passing grade for credit in lOIS 110 (Information Literacy). .. OLD Title: For new courses or changes inexisting courses (needed byRegistrar) Course # / HEGIS Code: NEW Title: Course # / HEGIS Code: Credits: Credits: ~--- 0-2: Set forth the rationale forthe proposal: Students must demonstrate a minimal ability with SUbject matter of course before continuing with their education. A grade of C- or higher isconsistent with UB standards forattaining credit ina lower division general education courses, (
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