20140613a.pdf IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Cover Sheet Trial: 2013 CA Researcher(s) Cai-Zhong Jiang University of California Affiliation: CA PhoneNumber: Email: ProjectTitle: Protocol #: PR# 31894 31569 31562 31572 31563 31564 31571 31565 31566 31568 Botrytis Efficacy 13-017 Research Target Crop/Plant Product EPA Reg. # Production Site Botrytis Gray Mold Rose BAS703 01F Botrytis cinerea Rosa sp. Fluxapyrosad + pyraclostrobi BASF - Botrytis Gray Mold Rose Disarm 480SC 66330-64 Botrytis cinerea Rosa sp. Fluoxastrobin OHP Status Greenhouse C Greenhouse C Greenhouse C Botrytis Gray Mold Rose F9110 - Botrytis cinerea Rosa sp. F9110 FMC Botrytis Gray Mold Botrytis cinerea Rose Rosa sp. Medallion Fludioxonil 100-769 Syngenta Greenhouse C Botrytis Gray Mold Rose Palladium 100-1328 Greenhouse C Botrytis cinerea Rosa sp. Cyprodinil + fludioxanil Syngenta Botrytis Gray Mold Botrytis cinerea Rose Rosa sp. Proud 3 Thyme oil (5.6%) Greenhouse Biohumanetics C 84059-3 Greenhouse C Greenhouse C Botrytis Gray Mold Rose Regalia 5O (MOI-10605) Botrytis cinerea Rosa sp. Extract of Reynoutria sachali Marrone Bio In Botrytis Gray Mold Rose SP2770 10WP - Botrytis cinerea Rosa sp. SP2770 SePro Botrytis Gray Mold Botrytis cinerea Rose Rosa sp. SP2773 SP2773 SePro Greenhouse C Botrytis Gray Mold Rose V-10135 - Greenhouse C Botrytis cinerea Rosa sp. Fenpyrazamine Valent Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p1 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Narrrative Summ mary (Resullts/Discussion) Plea ase keep tex xt to one pag ge if possible e. Include su ummary of tri rial results an nd a brief disscussion inccluding how any changes from the protoc col may hav ve affected re esults. Resu ults for multip ple PRnumb bers can be ssummarized d toge ether, but ple ease list all PRNumbers P in the heade er and in the e summary d data table. Dise ease Rates disease rate es, refer to Tables 1 and 2 and Figurres 1 and 2. BAS703 (P PR#31859) w was shown to For d dram matically reduce the amo ount of funga al infections in miniature e rose flowerrs through th he course of the expe eriment for both b applicattion rates of 4 oz per 100 0 gal and 8 o oz per 100 g gal, howeverr the statisticcal signiificance for the t differenc ce in mean disease d rating went awayy on Day 28 8 for the 4 ozz per 100 ga al BAS703 rate (see notes below). b Palladium (PR# # 31563), Pro oud 3 (PR# 31564), SP2 2770 (PR# 3 31565), SP2 2773 (PR# 3156 66, and V10135SC (PR# # 31568) acttually showe ed a few stattistically sign nificant incre eases in dise ease rates versus the untre eated controls plants, esp pecially after Day 21, bu ut we believe e that after D Day 14, the sshelf-life of the fflowers have e expired and d the flowers s rapidly bec come infecte ed with fungii after senesscence. Phyttotoxicity Therre found no evidence e of phytotoxicity y from any of o the treatm ments. Althou ugh there were differencces in the chan nge of growth between treatments, the t variability y was also h high on Day 0 between g groups (Figu ure 4 and Figure 5). There e was no lea af necrosis or o leaf yellow wing, except for mild leaff yellowing d due to senesscence at the e e of most of the plants affter Day 14, but that occ curred even in control plants. We te ested for premature base sene escence as an a indicator of phytotoxicity by keep ping track of “Pale” flowe ers, but the d data was sevverely impa acted by sec condary fung gal disease that t afflicted senescing fflowers. es: Note 1). M Multiple attem mpts were made m to reac ch the Cleary y Chemical rrepresentativve for the sa ample of Torrque fungicide (PR# 31567) 3 but th hey could no ot be reache ed, so Torqu e was not in ncluded in th his study. Data collecte ed at Day28 should be in nterpreted with caution b because the shelf life of the minirose e flowers 2). D was terminated and a result in n dead flowe ers. Ornamenta al Horticultu ure Program m Research Report Fo orm Researc cher: Project Title: Protoco ol #: p2 Cai-Zh hong Jiang Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy cy of Management Tools for Botryttis 13-017 PR numbers: 31894, 31569, 31562, 31572, 315563, 31564, 315771, 31565, 31566,, 31568 Results s Table Please iinsert results tab ble here. Includ de PRnumbers for f each treatme ent if multiple PR Rnumbers are in included in this ssummary. Pleasse include product,, active ingredie ent, and statistic cs. Click he ere to enter text.. Mean Total Dis sease Rating (±S SD) PR # 31894 31894 31569 31562 31572 31563 31564 31571 31565 31566 31568 Product Active Ingredient Control -BAS703 half Xemium an nd pyraclobstrin BAS703 full Xemium an nd pyraclobstrin Disarm Fluox xastrobin F9110 F9110 F Medallion Fludioxonil Palladium Cy yprodinil Proud 3 Thyme e oil (5.6%) Regalia Extract of Reyn noutria sachalinen nsis SP2770 SP P2770 SP2773 SP P2773 V10135SC Fenpy yrazamine Day 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28 0.0 (± 0) 0.0 (± 0) 0.0 (± 0) 0.0 (± 0) 0.0 (± 0) 0.0 (± 0) 0.0 (± 0) 0.0 (± 0) 0.0 (± 0) 0.0 (± 0) 0.0 (± 0) 0.0 (± 0) 0.0 0 (± 0) 0.0 0 (± 0) 0.0 0 (± 0) 0.0 0 (± 0) 0.0 0 (± 0) 0.0 0 (± 0) 0.0 0 (± 0) 0.0 0 (± 0) 0.0 0 (± 0) 0.0 0 (± 0) 0.0 0 (± 0) 0.0 0 (± 0) 4.1 (± ± 0.5) ± 1.0) *1.6 (± ± 0.4) *0.9 (± 4.6 (± ± 0.9) 2.4 (± ± 1.5) 5.3 (± ± 1.7) 4.2 (± ± 2.3) 3.9 (± ± 1.0) 5.9 (± ± 2.4) 5.7 (± ± 2.0) ± 0.9) *5.3 (± 4.5 (± ± 1.8) 7.5 (± 1.00 *4.6 (± 1. 7) *3.7 (± 1.44) 8.1 (± 1.00) 6.8 (± 1.44) 8.7 (± 0.44) *9.3 (± 0. 9) 8.4 (± 0.66) 7.9 (± 2.22 8.7 (± 1.66) 8.5 (± 0.99) 9.0 (± 1.66) 8.4 (± 1.1) 6.0 (± 2.5) *6.4 (± 1.4) 9.0 (± 1.4) 8.5 (± 1.0) 9.5 (± 0.6) 9.4 (± 0.4) *9.7 (± 0.6) 9.4 (± 0.6) *9.9 (± 0.2) *9.8 (± 0.3) *9.8 (± 0.6) Mean Growth (cm) 4.8 7.2 8.6 4.5 6.9 2.6 3.2 1.4 3.1 3.8 4.1 -0.7 Table 1:: Overall summa ary of total disea ase rating, where 0 = no sign of o disease and 10 1 = 100% of flo ower blooms affflicted with eithe er black petals or o ed powderyy fungal growth.. Bolded and as sterisks values show results with statistical sig gnificance when compared to untreated controls. Data collecte at Day28 should be inte erpreted with ca aution because almost a all flowers senesced an nd the shelf-life o of the minirose were terminated d. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: BA AS703 half B BAS703 full Disarm F9110 M Medallion P Palladium Proud 3 Regalia SP2770 SP2773 V V10135SC p3 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Day 14 *0.002 *0.000 0.286 0.068 0.179 0.907 0.714 0.163 0.147 *0.043 0.669 Day 21 1 *0.016 6 *0.002 2 0.355 0.365 0.051 *0.017 7 0.105 0.717 0.198 0.141 0.119 Day 28 0.106 *0.0 041 0.470 0.839 0.081 0.113 *0.0 046 0.100 *0.0 032 *0.0 041 *0.0 044 Table 2: Confide ence intervalls of the mea ans between n each treatm ment group and the con ntrol group ussing Stud dent’s T-test.. P ≤ 0.05. Bold B and astterisked valu ues indicate statistical siignificance. Days 0 and d 7 are not show wn because there was no variance in all treatme ents on thos e data collecction dates. Notes: Data a collected at Day2 28 should be e interpreted d with caution because almost a all flo owers senesced and the shelf-life of the minirrose were te erminated. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Day 14 V10135SC SP2773 SP2770 Regalia Proud 3 Palladium Medallion F9110 Disarm BAS703 full BAS703 half Control Treatment Treatment Day 0 a and 7 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% V100135SC SSP2773 SSP2770 Regalia PProud 3 Pallladium Meedallion F9110 Disarm BAS7703 full BAS7703 half C Control 100% 0% an proportion of Mea affflicted flowerss Treatment 20% 40% 40% 60% 80% 100% Day 28 V10135SC SP2773 SP2770 Regalia Proud 3 Palladium Medallion F9110 Disarm BAS703 full BAS703 half Control 0% 20% portion of Mean prop afflicted flowers Day 2 21 Treatment p4 60% 80% an proportion of Mea affflicted flowerss 100% V100135SC SSP2773 SSP2770 Regalia PProud 3 Pallladium Meedallion F9110 Disarm BAS7703 full BAS7703 half C Control 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% owers Meaan proportion of afflicted flo Figure 1: Repres sentation of the average e proportion of flowers th hat exhibited d each of the e four health states dery (red), Black B (green), and Pale (purple). scored: Healthy (blue), Powd Ornamenta al Horticultu ure Program m Research Report Fo orm Cai-Zh hong Jiang Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy cy of Management Tools for Botryttis 13-017 PR numbers: 31894, 31569, 31562, 31572, 315563, 31564, 315771, 31565, 31566,, 31568 BAS70 03 full 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 7 4 14 21 28 7 DAIIA 14 21 4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 21 28 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 14 DAIA 6 6.0 4 4.0 2 2.0 0 0.0 0 7 14 21 28 0 7 21 28 4 14 21 28 21 28 DAIIA Regalia 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 7 8 8.0 Proud 3 10.0 0 10 0.0 DAIA 0.0 DAIIA 4.0 28 Total disease rating Total disease rating 6.0 4 14 6.0 Pallad dium 8.0 7 8.0 DAIA 10.0 0 10.0 0.0 0 Medallion F9110 Total disease rating 0 Total disease rating Disarm Total disease rating 10.0 Total disease rating Total disease rating BAS703 half Total disease rating Researc cher: Project Title: Protoco ol #: p5 10 0.0 8 8.0 6 6.0 4 4.0 2 2.0 0 0.0 0 7 14 DAIA 21 28 0 7 4 14 DAIIA Ornamenta al Horticultu ure Program m Research Report Fo orm Researc cher: Project Title: Protoco ol #: Cai-Zh hong Jiang Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy cy of Management Tools for Botryttis 13-017 PR numbers: 31894, 31569, 31562, 31572, 315563, 31564, 315771, 31565, 31566,, 31568 SP27 773 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 V10135SC V 10.0 Total disease rating 10.0 Total disease rating Total disease rating SP2770 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0 p6 7 4 14 DAIIA 21 28 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0 7 14 DAIA 21 28 0 7 14 21 28 DAIA Figure 2 2: Mean plant to otal disease ratin ngs for each of the correspondiing treatments compared c to un ntreated controlss throughout the e course of the e experim ment. Evaluation n was based on the percentage e of flowers on each e plant that had h either visiblle powdery fung gus or blackened petals. These two prop portions were ad dded together and a converted to o a 0-10 scale to o determine the e total disease ra ating, where 10 0% afflicted flow wers equals a rating off 1, 20% afflicted flowers equals a rating of 2, etc. e Standard errors e are plotted. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Mean Plant Height 30 Height (cm) Height (cm) 25 20 15 10 Day 0 5 Day 28 0 Treatmentt Figure 3: Mean plant p height on Day 0 an nd Day 28 fo or each treattment. Mean ch M hange in n height (cm) 10.0 Change in height (cm) Change in height (cm) p7 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 Change 0.0 ‐2.0 Horizontaal p height on o Day 0 and d Day 28. Figure 4: Change in mean plant Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 erials & Metthods/Reco ordkeeping Mate Plea ase fill out the e information n below or attach a a sepa arate docum ment with com mparable infformation. Nam me(s) of Pers sonnel Conducting Rese earch: Chao Ma, Ayla Norrris, Nick Daoo, Gulden Hasspolat, Daide Che Loca ation of Trial (city/state): Davis, CA Use Site (greenh house/shade ehouse/field container/etc): Greenhoouse Crop p History Crop Cultiva ar/Variety: Date of stick cutting g: Date of first cut / fin nal cut: Date of first space / final space: Potting Mix: Pot size & spacing: s Row spacin ng: Karina miniature m rose e Decemb ber 4, 2013 Decemb ber 25, 2013 / January 15, 2014 January y 22, 2014 / Ja anuary 29, 20 014 Peat mo oss perlite mix x 4” pot, 5 pots per 10’ x 20’ tray N/A Prod duct(s) applie ed prior to sttart of experriment: Product Date of Application Bonzi Bonzi Bonzi Overture Flagship p8 1-31-2014 2-17-2014 2-19-2014 1-28-2014 2-26-2014 A Add more rows as neede ed. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p9 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Expe eriment Info ormation E Experimenta al Design: N Number of Reps: R Comple etely Random mized 5 M Materials & Methods: M IInsert materiials & metho ods here only y if informatiion is not pre esented else ewhere. IInclude any changes c from m protocol. nt Material Plan Immature potted d miniature ro oses of the Karina K varie ety were retriieved from th he Rocket F Farms nurserry (Rocket Farm ms, Half Moo on Bay, CA) on 2-26-201 14 and place ed indoors u under grow liights with a light strength h of 18 µmol m2s-1. The flowe ers were uno opened in tig ght buds. On 3-3-2014 tthe plants w were moved tto the greenhouse. The e plantts were allow wed to acclim mate for one e week beforre the first trreatment and d data collecction date on n 3-10-2014 (Dayy 0). By thatt point the flo owers were fully f open an nd mature. Plants rema ained in the 4 4’ pots they were delivvered in. The plants werre brought in ndoors for th he final three e days of the e experimentt to avoid exxposure to a routine greenhou use pesticide application n that was sc cheduled. Trea atments The plants were arranged fiv ve pots to a tray, one tra ay for each o of the 11 trea atments, plu us one untrea ated control tray. On each data collectio on day, the pesticides p we ere prepared d according to the instru uctions and ssprayed onto o the fflowers and leaves until wet using ha andheld spra ay bottles. T The untreate ed control plants were allowed to ase bias due rema ain dry. Also o, each week the tray po ositions were e rearranged d on the ben nch to decrea e to possible e light and temperrature gradie ents in the grreenhouse. Dise ease scoring g On e each collection date (Day 0 (3-10-14 4), Day 7 (3-17-14), Dayy 14 (3-24-14 4), Day 21 (3 3-31-14), and Day 28 (47-20 014) the num mber of flowe ers on each plant p display ying each off the four hea alth categoriies (Healthy, Powdery, Blacck, and Sene escent were counted. Healthy flowe ers were brig ght red with n no sign of disease or senescence. Pow wdery flowers s had visible white, powd dery fungus on one or m more petals, which may b be powdery mildew or mold d. Black flow wers had one e or more pe etals that had blackened d petals that resemble B Botrytis infection. Flow wers that had d both blacke ened petals and powderry fungus we ere categorizzed as Powd dery. Senesscent flowers s had pale flowers s. The numb ber of flowerrs in each ca ategory was converted in nto the perce entage of the total number of flowers on each plant, p which was then co onverted to a 0-10 scale e, where 0 eq quals 0% affflicted and 10 equals 100% afflicted. For the total disease d scorre, Powderyy and Black sscores were added toge ether. Also at ea ach collectio on date, plants were evaluated for ph hytoxicity sy mptoms succh as leaf bu urning / yello owing or stuntted growth. Paling sene escent flowe ers were included in the e evaluations because pre emature sen nescence can be a sympto om of phytoto oxicity. nt Height Plan On D Day 0 (3-10--2014) and Day D 28 (4-7-14), plant he eight was me easured at tthe plants’ highest pointss. Statistical Analysis Statiistical significance betwe een disease rating mean ns between the controlss and the trea atments wass calculated using g Student’s t test through JMP softw ware. Standard errors w were plotted o on the graph hs using Miccrosoft Exce el. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 10 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Appllication Equipment: handheld spray s bottles s P Product(s) applied during g experimen nt (including treatments, fertilizers, e etc): Product Active ingredie ent Rate(s) Applicatio on Type Date o of Appliccation op Growth Cro Sta age Application n Volume BAS703 Xemium m and pyracolb bstrin 8 oz per 100 ga al Foliar * Matture 20 mL BAS703 Xemium m and pyracolb bstrin 4 oz per 100 ga al Foliar * Matture 20 mL Disarm 480S SC F9110 Medallion WDG Palladium Proud 3 Fluoxasttrobin F9110 Fludioxo onil Cyprodin nil Thyme oil o (5.6%) Extract of o Reynouttria sachalin nensis 8 oz per 100 32 2l oz per 100 l per 100 8 oz l per 100 6 oz 4 qts per 100 ga al 4 oz per 100 ga al Foliar Foliar Foliar Foliar Foliar ** * ** * * Matture Matture Matture Matture Matture 20 mL 20 mL 20 mL 20 mL 20 mL Foliar * Matture 20 mL SP2770 SP2773 Fenpyra azamine Hoaglan nd solution 2.66 lbs per 10 1.00 66 lbsl per 10 00 l 100 16 6 oz per l 1% % Foliar Foliar Foliar Sub-irrigatiion * * * Every 4 4-5 days 20 mL Matture Matture Matture 20 mL 20 mL 20 mL -- Regalia SP2770 10W WP SP2773 V10135SC Fertilizer *Applied every 7 day ys: Day 0 (3--10-14), Day y 7 (3-17-14)), Day 14 (3--24-14), and d Day 21 (3-3 31-14). **Applied d every 14 days: Day 0 (3-10-14) ( an nd Day 14 (3 3-24-14), acccording to prrotocol. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 11 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Phottos Plea ase embed photos p here or o send jpg, tiff, or bmp. Figure 5: The arrea where we e conducted d the experim ment. Photo o taken on Day 15 after iinitial applica ation. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 12 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Figure 6: An exa ample of a ro ose flower sc cored as “He ealthy.” Pet als are brigh ht red and firrm, with no ssign of disea ase or senes scence. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 13 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Figure 7: This flo ower had da arkening peta als even beffore the bloo om fully open ned. It is like ely infected w with Botry rytis. It was scored s as “B Black.” Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 14 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Figure 8: A fully opened flow wer with exte ensive blacke ening of pet als. Scored d as “Black.” Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 15 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Figure X: er afflicted with w a powde ery fungus, likely powderry mildew. ““Powdery” flo owers like th his were Figure 9: A flowe uently accom mpanied by one o or more e blackened petals. Anyy flower posssessing pow wdery funguss was scored d frequ as “P Powdery” reg gardless of additional a black/pale pettals. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 16 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Figure 10: Additional examp ple of a powd dery flower which w is beg inning to bla acken. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 17 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Figure 11: Exam mple of a flow wer scored as a “Pale.” Th hese flowerss show pale discoloration as they be egin to sene esce, but dis splay no sign ns of infectio ous disease. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 18 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Figure 12: Pale flowers f with visible powd dery fungus were scored d as “Powde ery.” Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 19 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Figure 13: Micro oscope image of a rose petal p with po owdery funga al growth. Ornamenta al Horticultu ure Program m Research Report Fo orm Researc cher: Project Title: Protoco ol #: p 20 Cai-Zh hong Jiang Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy cy of Management Tools for Botryttis 13-017 PR numbers: 31894, 31569, 31562, 31572, 315563, 31564, 315771, 31565, 31566,, 31568 e Figure 1 14: Photographs s of an example e plant from each treatment group on each data a collection date e. No photogra aphs were taken n on Day 7 since 100% off the flowers in every e treatmentt group were he ealthy like on Da ay 0. See attach hed .jpeg file forr a larger, highe er resolution piccture. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 21 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Data a Collected Plea ase describe data collectted and scorring system. Also include e the dates data were collected. Heallth Ratings The days, expre essed in the figures f as Days D after initial applicati on (DAIA) w were as follow ws: Day 0 = 3-10-14, Day 7 = 3-17-14 4, Day 14 = 3-24-14, 3 Day y 21 = 3-31-14, and Dayy 28 = 4-7-20 014. The percentage of flowers per plantt were categ gorized into four f health groups g (Healthy, Powde ry, Black, an nd Pale, desscribed in the e Methods sectiion) which was w then con nverted to a 0-10 scale, where w 0 is 0 0% afflicted a and 10 is 10 00% afflicted d. Total disea ase rating was w calculate ed by adding g the Powder and Black rating. nt Height Plan On D Day 0 (3-10--2014) and Day D 28 (4-7-14), plant he eight was me easured at tthe plants’ highest pointss. Enviironmental data Each h day, the weather and temperature t were record ded. The grreenhouse iss known to b be about 50% % humidity everry day. w Data Raw Insert raw data below b or sen nd separate file containin ng raw data.. (Sen nt as separatte .xlsx file) Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 22 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Environmental conditions c du uring the exp periment: Insert temperatu ure, precipita ation and/or irrigation, an nd relative h umidity with h a minimum m of high, low w and mperatures. Or send se eparate file with w this inforrmation. averrage daily tem Inclu ude a statem ment about any significan nt weather or o environme ental events during the ccourse of the e expe eriment. Tempe erature 90 85 Temperature (F) Temperature (F) 80 75 70 65 Low 60 High 55 Median 50 45 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Day Figure 15: Low, high, and median daily temperature t es in the gree enhouse wh here the expe eriment wass conducted. Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: p 23 Cai-Zhong Jiang J Date: 6/6/2014 Efficacy of Management M Tools T for Botrrytis 13-017 PR num bers: 318944, 31569, 315662, 31572, 311563, 31564, 31571, 311565, 31566, 31568 Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Date 3/10/2014 3/11/2014 3/12/2014 3/13/2014 3/14/2014 3/15/2014 3/16/2014 3/17/2014 3/18/2014 3/19/2014 3/20/2014 3/21/2014 3/22/2014 3/23/2014 3/24/2014 3/25/2014 3/26/2014 3/27/2014 3/28/2014 3/29/2014 3/30/2014 3/31/2014 4/1/2014 4/2/2014 4/3/2014 4/4/2014 4/5/2014 4/6/2014 4/7/2014 Low (F) 66 69 68 71 64 64 65 62 64 66 64 65 64 64 62 68 69 69 68 68 64 65 65 64 63 69 68 68 68 High (F) 80 80 82 78 82 82 85 85 80 85 84 84 85 85 83 81 80 81 79 80 81 81 80 86 82 85 68 68 68 Me edian (F) 73 7 74.5 75 7 74.5 73 73 75 7 73.5 72 7 75.5 74 7 74.5 7 74.5 7 74.5 7 72.5 7 74.5 7 74.5 75 7 73.5 74 7 72.5 73 7 72.5 75 7 72.5 77 68 68 68 We eather Irrigation su unny w water su unny su unny su unny su unny w water su unny su unny su unny su unny w water su unny su unny su unny su unny w water su unny su unny clou udy/rain rrain clo oudy w water rrain rrain su unny rrain w water rrain su unny su unny rrain w water Ind doors Ind doors ind doors er data and irrigation dattes. No unusual weathe er occurrences happened during the e course of Table 3: Weathe experiment. On Days 26-28, the pla ants were moved indoorrs to avoid ro outine green nhouse pestiicide spray. this e
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