Agenda Item Cover Sheet Agenda Item No. A-53 Meeting Date x Consent Section Regular Section July 18, 2012 Public Hearing Subject: Approve payment of excess proceeds from Tax Deed File 10-173 in the amount of $6,238.13, plus any interest which might have accrued, to be made payable to Russell C. Janson, 840 South Boulevard, Tampa, Florida, 33606. Department Name: Clerk Of The Circuit Court Contact Person: Yvette Castro Sign-Off Approvals: Contact Phone: 813-307-7085 Assistant County Administrator 07/06/2012 Date Department Director 07/03/2012 Date Management and Budget – Approved as to Financial Impact Accuracy 07/05/2012 Date County Attorney – Approved as to Legal Sufficiency 07/05/2012 Date Staff's Recommended Board Motion: Approve payment of excess proceeds from Tax Deed File 10-173 in the amount of $6,238.13, plus any interest which might have accrued, to be made payable to Russell C. Janson, 840 South Boulevard, Tampa, Florida, 33606. Financial Impact Statement: Background: List Attachments: 2 Office of the County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Donald R. Odom, Interim County Attorney Kevin Beckner Victor D. Crist Ken Hagan AI Higginbotham Lesley "Les" Miller, Jr. Sandra L. Murman Mark Sharpe Managing Attorneys Hillsbo~ County MEJ69a9fuu M TO: FROM Christine M. Beck Robert E. Brazel Hank Ennis Mary Helen Farris Susan). Fernandez Sheree C. Fish Adam). Gormly Jennie Granahan Tarr Kimberly Richards, BOCC Records :C,~arlotte V. Diggs, Assistant County Attorney DATE: June 25, 2012 RE: File No. 10-173 - Russell Janson Enclosed please find the claim form executed by Russell Janson, the mortgagee in the above matter. In support of his claim, attached are copies of the following documents: 1. Mortgage deed and note 2. Ledger sheet for the property compiled by Suzanne C. Chandler, C.P.A. showing last payment by the mortgagor and amount due and owing Mr. Janson. Please place this matter on the BOCC agenda, and upon approval request a check in the amount of $6,238.13 plus any interest which may have accrued. The check should be made payable to Russell C. Janson at the following address: 840 South Boulevard Tampa, FL 33606 Please advise Nancy Milam or in her absence another employee in the office of the County Attorney when this check is ready to be picked up for transmittal. CVD:nm Enclosures 601 E. Kennedy Boulevard, 27th Floor Post Office Box 1110 • Tampa, Florida 33601 (813) 272-5670 • Fax: (813) 272-5231 An Affirmativt Action/Equal Opportunity Employtr 3 FILE NO. 2010-64 TAX DEED SALE EXCESS PROCEEDS AFFIDAVIT :J<v I, >$' e-ll C. · JA NS 0 N, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: (Print/Type Name of Affiant) 1. That, as further stated in paragraph 3 below, I am one of the persons described in F.S. 197. 502( 4), to wit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ___Ji Legal titleholder of record whose address appears on the record of conveyance of the land to the owner. Lienholder of record whose address appears on the recorded lien. Mortgagee of record whose address appears on the recorded mortgage. Vendee of a recorded contract or vendee who has applied to receive notice. Other lienholder who has applied to receive notice. in real property legally described as: SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING TAXES 2. That, because of delinquent real property taxes, the above described real property was sold under the administration of the Clerk of Circuit Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, on )'12o..r@. }b tl:l, all in accordance with and pursuant to law. + I 3. That at the aforesaid time of sale of the above described real property, as connected with Tax Certification No. I am one of those persons described in paragraph 1 above and entitled under Florida Statutes 197.582(2) to certain undistributed surplus funds as my interests appear. My maximum entitlement to such funds is $"5'"~ which is subject to all other claims by such other persons as described in F.S. 197.502 4) within a two year period. c:: __ Affiant Name: ~u s,s-e-ll C, ;rANSoN Affiant Address: ~~ S'. "Bovl.ev~_, ~rn.p'l. FL- 3 3~b Affiant Telephone: %\ '1>jJ.s-+-7-3s- J STATE OF FlonJa COUNTY OF b-\-dtsbov-ov.f}h --cr- , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __tJ_day of ~ 2012, by r(.llS$.:E:.U ~. :JA"NX>j who is personally known to me or who has produced ~ · 'y:L as identification. My~s::J.:~. ~· No. 00902780 7 State of FL t.i2-LOA My Commission Expires ACJ'j. J-8, 'J-t> 13 4 JlllDlll.181811111al•l•llllll heremaftcr called the mortgqor, to Russell c. Janson who•• address isa 840 South Boulevard, Tampa, PL 33606 hcrcmafter called the monaaaec Witnesseth, tbat for &ood aDd valuable considerations, aDd al8o m consideration of the agreaate sum IWIIed m the pro1D1810ry note of even date herewith, hercmaftcr delcnbed, the mortaqor hereby aranu. baraaios, aella, llieos, remlsea, conveys aDd confirms unto the monaaaec Ill the certain land of which the mortgagor Is now ICIZed aad in possession 11tuate m Hillsborough County, Plonda, VIZ: That certain parcel consisting of unit 23, Building 2, as shown on Condominium plat of WBSTCBBSTBR MANOR, a Condominium, according to Condominium Plat Book 2, Page 68, Public Records of Hillsborough County, PloridaJ and being further described in that certain Declaration of Condominium filed 3/24/80 in o.R. Book 3639, Page 1674 through 1727, inclusive, Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida1 together with an undivided share in the common elements appurtenant thereto. Said property is not the homestead of the Mortgagor(•) under the laws and constitution of the state of Florida in that neither Mortgagor(•) nor any member of the household of Mortgagor(•) reside thereon. nns M)R'l'GAGE KJR'l'GAGEE. IF OR TRANSFERRED AT ITS OPTION, INS'llUJMmr. IS NOT ASSUMABLE wrmotJT THE PRIOR 'WRITIEN CONSEm OF 'mE ALL OR ANY PART OF IHE PROPERTY OR ANY INrEREST IN IT IS SOLD WIDIXJ'l' 'lliE MORIGAGEE' S PRIOR 'WRITIEN CONSEm, K>R'l'GAGEE MAY, IUX!tJIRE IMMEDIATE PAYMENT IN FULL OF ALL SUMS SEXlJRED BY 'lHIS K>RTGAGOR 'IO FURNISH PROOF '1'0 MJRTGAGEE BY APRIL 15th EACH YEAR THAT REAL F.STATE TAXES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. Prepared by uuJ mum to: Lynda L. Stepp United Southern Title, LLC 1902 Bast Busch Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33612 00213 5199 \01).113 5 lt~~~~CUta mo tg~ H:t~~e.£~· belon and tbe cov 1 the II g ee 11 , in the rt ~ e. is IDd appurteiWicel thereto feasibly seized of tald laad In fee =eee; that the mort:a•aor hafts good nghf2t and ifilawful authoril!ty to =eey laldeland aa afo[Mfreaald; that the ~.:·=.::~' that mort per10 ; lly t I free I t I wl lear o m fen e a awful claJDII of all except taxea for t e year 2 0 an aubaequent yeara, eaaementa, reatrictiona, reservations, covenant• and conditione, if any. Provided Always, that subatanually copied File No.. If wd mortgagor aball or Identified, to-wlt: pay unto aa1d mortgagee the certain promiuory note hereinlfter 00213 MORTGAGE NOTE $23,000.00 October 16 For value received, the underalgned Ruaaell c. Janaon jointly and severally • 2000 , promise to pay to the order of Dollara theprlnclpalsumof 'l'wenty Three 'l'hout~and and No/100······--·--···-·($ 2 3 , 0 00 • 0 0 ) with lntereat thereon atthe rata of 1 0 0 per centum per annum from data untl maturity, said lnlaraat being payable aa aet forth below, both principal and Interest being payeble In lawU money of the United States of America at o• 8'0 South Boulevard Tampa, PL 33606 or at such other addrau aa the holder from time to time may specify by written notice to the maker, aald principal and Interest to be paid on the date and In the manner following: In equal monthly inatallmenta of $303.95 commencing on December 1, 2000 and continuing on the firat day of each month thereafter until the principal aum of $23,000.00 and the intereat accrued thereon baa been paid, Said inatallment when ao paid ahall be applied firat to the intereat then accrued and the balance thereof to the reduction of the principal hereof. Privilege ia reaerved to prepay, at any time, all or any part• of indebtedneaa due hereunder without premium or fee. If the Note Holder has not received the full amount of any installment by the end of ten calendar days after the date i t is due, I will pay a late charge to the Note Holder. '!he amount of the charge will be $15 ,()(), I will pay this late charge promptly but only once on each late payment. This note Is to be construed and enforced according to the Jaws of the State of Florida, and Is secured by mortgage on real estate of 8\len date herewith Hdefault be made In the payment of any of aald sums or Interest or In the performance of any agreements contained herein or In the aald mortgage, and If such default Is not made good within 3 0 days, than, at the option of the holder of the aame, the principal sum th,en remaining unpaid with accrued Interest shall Immediately become due and collectible without notice, time being the e&aence of this contract, and aald principal sum and said accrued Interest shall both bear Interest at the maximum rate per annum allowed by law, from such time untl paid Each maker and endorser waives praaentmant, protest, notice of protest and notice of dishonor and agrees to pay all costa, Including a reasonable attorney's fee, whether suit be brought or not, If counsel shell after maturity of this nota or default hereunder or under aald mortgage, be employed to collect thla nota or to protect the aecurlty thereof. Documanlary Tax has been paid and proper stamps have been affixed to the Mortgage. Makar's Add1'188 PO BOX 571242 IARZANA CA 91357 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(SeaQ -------------------------~-) ---------------------------~-) 6 ='~~-=t~~sh!lA~c::o::!c:~:s=.of, And the mortpaor hereby further covenants BDd Ha ts, no or ,o I or a , 10 y aarecs to pay promptly when due the pnnctpal llld lntereat l§~ g of said I asum r the ' o to~thetucs, dp at y , to t, commit or IUffcr the bwldmp DOW Pull in•u~able value In a company or comparues acceptable to the mortgagee, the policy or poliClCS to be held by, and payable to, said mortpgec, and m the event any sum of money becomea payable by Vtrtuc of such lnsuran.c:e the mortgagee shall have the nght to rcce1ve and apply the same to the Indebtedness hereby sccurcd, ICtOUiltmg to the mortgagor for any surplus; to pay all coats, charges, llld expcnacs, mcludmg lawyer's fees and utle scarchcs, rcuonably IDCUI'I'Cd or paid by the mortpgee because of the flllurc of the mongaaor to promptly BDd fully comply w1th the agrecJDeDts, stipulations, condittons and covenants of wd note and thJI mortgage, or either; to perform, comply With and ab1dc by each and every the agreements, sttpulatton, condrtlons and covenants set forth In 111d note and dua mortgage or etthcr. In the event the mortgqor fatls to pay when due any tu, ll8elsment, msurancc preJDJum or other sum of 1J1011eY payable by Vtrtuc of JaJd note and th11 mortpge, or either, the mortaagee may pay the same, without wa~vmgor affcctmg the option to foreclose or any other nght hereunder, and all1Uch payments shall bcsr interest from date thereof at the htghcst lawful rate then allowed by the Jaws or the State of Plonda. If any sum of tDOncy herem referred to be DOt promptly p11d wlthtn 3 0 days next after the same becomes due, or 1f each and every the agreements, stipulations, condJttons llld covenants of wd note and thts tDOrtpae, or e1thcr, arc not fully pcrfonncd, complied w1th azul abided by, then the enure sum mcuuonecl In Aid note, and this mortgage, or the enure balance U1lplld thereon, shall forthWith or thercsflcr, at the opuon of the tDOrtgagec, become and be due and payable, anythmg m 111d note or herein to the contrary notwithstandmg. F11lure by the tDOrtgagec to exercJJC my of the nghu or options herein proVIded shall not constitute a WaJVer of my nghts or opt1ons under wd note or dua mortgage accrued or thercsfler accnu111 In Witness Whereof,the said mortgagor baa hereunto a1gned and aealed these presents the day and year first above wntten PO BOX 571242 TARZANA CA 91357 ixaatw G STATE OP COUNTY OF Florida Billsbo~ough The forcgomg mstrument was acknowledged before me thts Andi \ ':t day of october 2000 ,by Pea~•on who Ia personally known to me or who has produced HER CA DRIVER'S LICENSE as Jden«flcanon. OfFICIAL NOTARY II!AL. LYNDA LEONARD STEPP NOTARY PUDLIC STATE OF Fl~IDA COA.IMISSION ICC 720385 tiY COMMISSION EXP MARCH 11 2002 5193 10().3/3 ~ ~ ~GPsffil s.,.~ NoiU)' PubliC MyColllDIIIIIIOR Bxpuea - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Suzanne C. Cliand{er, C.P.Jt, P..Jt Certified 'PufJac 5\ccountant 7 MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS December 19, 2006 Russ Janson 840 South Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606 Dear Russ: Pursuant to your request I have calculated the payoff amount due on the mortgage you hold on Unit 23, 9011-C Westchester Circle. The balance due as ofDecember 15,2006 was $22,678.36 and includes accrued interest through 12/15/2006. The per diem interest amount after that date is $5.89 per day. Sincerely, ~ (?/'~ Suzanne C. Chandler 2203 NORTH LOIS AVENUE • SUITE M-600 • TAMPA, FLORIDA 33607 • (813) 872-6494 • FAX (813) 876-8592 12/19/2006 Page 1 " UNIT 23 9011-C WESTCHESTER CIR. Compound Period ....... : Monthly Nominal Annual Rate ... : Effective Annual Rate .. : Periodic Rate .............. : Daily Rate ................... : % 10.000 % 10.471 0.8333 % 0.02740% CASH FLOW DATA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Event Start Date Loan Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment 10/16/2000 12/05/2000 01/04/2001 02/06/2001 03/10/2001 04/09/2001 05/08/2001 06/07/2001 07/09/2001 08/10/2001 09/10/2001 10/12/2001 11/09/2001 03/22/2002 05/07/2002 07/31/2002 08/14/2002 10/11/2002 01/03/2003 05/13/2003 06/14/2003 07/14/2003 06/03/2006 12/15/2006 Amount 23,000.00 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 1,276.43 303.95 303.95 303.95 638.65 303.95 907.42 303.95 303.95 6,150.00 22,678.36 Number Period End Date 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE - Normal Amortization Date Loan 10/16/2000 1 12/05/2000 2000 Totals 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 01/04/2001 02/06/2001 03/10/2001 04/09/2001 05/08/2001 06/07/2001 07/09/2001 Payment Interest 303.95 303.95 318.74 318.74 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 189.16 203.49 215.19 186.66 179.51 184.68 198.60 Principal 14.7914.79114.79 100.46 88.76 117.29 124.44 119.27 105.35 Balance 23,000.00 23,014.79 22,900.00 22,799.54 22,710.78 22,593.49 22,469.05 22,349.78 22,244.43 8 12/19/2006 Page 2 UNIT 23 9011-C WESTCHESTER CIR. Date Payment Interest Principal Balance 9 10 11 12 2001 08/10/2001 09/1 0/2001 10/12/2001 11/09/2001 Totals 303.95 303.95 303.95 303.95 3,343.45 191.52 184.43 195.60 168.03 2,096.87 112.43 119.52 108.35 135.92 1,246.58 22,132.00 22,012.48 21,904.13 21,768.21 13 14 15 16 17 2002 03/22/2002 05/07/2002 07/31/2002 08/14/2002 10/11/2002 Totals 1,276.43 303.95 303.95 303.95 638.65 2,826.93 814.88 271.73 498.28 82.35 341.41 2,008.65 461.55 32.22 194.33221.60 297.24 818.28 21,306.66 21,274.44 21,468.77 21,247.17 20,949.93 18 19 20 21 2003 01/03/2003 05/13/2003 06/14/2003 07/14/2003 Totals 303.95 907.42 303.95 303.95 1,819.27 484.84 773.06 180.77 173.94 1,612.61 180.89134.36 123.18 130.01 206.66 21 '130.82 20,996.46 20,873.28 20,743.27 22 06/03/2006 23 12/15/2006 2006 Totals 0(]:15o]W @S].l37~·~E ~ :::.828.:§ 37,121.96 Grand Totals 6,912.81 1,172.28 . 8,085.09 "" 14,121.96 762.8121,506.08 '"20.7~) ®(115o6.0V 0.00 23,000.0~ (l"~ HVl-wt l?t·,d~- Jo/ VJ1,o M--1 ~' Cl r, @ 'i?~~~ e>wed ~ 1?--.vT f'Zf ~ btj vrtor'fc:J ~ 0 @) •1 r~ ~ ~~wt ~ t\ f'1rY 0 -FF" mor-1-927e, bvt r:b·' /,u t f"'. '\noY"+ ; oY' n-e-re.,- ~ IMJ.t/ p~ ~ ~ 6-J ,.._~. 17 VV'~ Pt:X-'2!.~a- tt-p ;tY () pp IU"Z$" ¥1-e ~ r~d ® '):: ® ~~1--~ ®~ 1'- , 9 10 June 3, 2005 (rev. 6-10-05) Russell C. Janson, 840 So. Boulevard, Tampa FL 33606, phone 254-2351, fax (call first), e-mail: Andi (Adriane) Pearson, P.O.Box 571242, Tanana CA 91357, phone (page): 818/776-6551, fax 818/255-9931, e-mail: sunpattyt(J,, physical4937 Van Alden Ave, Tarzana CA 91351 OR somewhere in Santa Anna, California . . . Her lawyer is Lamey Fowler 949/683-9774, Fax 949-425-3780, 1 Polaris Way, Aliso Viejo CA 92156. Westchester Manor Condominium Association, Inc. 401 Westchester Court, Tampa FL 33604. President of the assn. Gary Brenneman Property Manager of the assn. Wanda Bretmeman Office hours: 10a.m.- 3p.m., Mon. -Fri. home 935-1913 , office 935-5173, fax 935-9483, Accounting for the assn. Lowery, Weldon & Company, CPAs, P.A attn: Khanh "Kon" T. Lowery, CPA, 101 Main St, S1E B, Safety Harbor FL 34695, phone 796-2002, fax 725-9264. Legal counsel for the assn., Becker & Poliakoff, P .A, attn: Ellen Hirsch de Haan, 2401 West Bay Drive, S1E 414, Largo FL 33770, phone 727/559-0588, fax 727/581-4063. State of Florida, Dept. ofB&PR, Div. Fla. Land Sales, Condominiums & Mobile Homes, Bureau of Condominiums, Northwood Centre, S1E 60, 1940 N. Monroe St., Tallahassee FL 32399-1033. (Also at 4524 Oak Fair Blvd., S1E 200, Tampa FL 33610, phone 744-6149; note, their question/answer/info line is 800/226-6028, and it is open Mon-Fri. from 8:30am. -noon and 1:30-4:30 p.m.
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