NACURH Programming on the Go DVD Submission Cover Sheet ***Please save this document as: Region_School Name_Program Title Title of Program:____Parli Pro Game Show________________________________________ Presenter’s Name: __Trey King____________________________________________ School Name: _____University of Wisconsin ‐ Stout____________________________________ Contact info: [email protected]___________________________________________ 1. What kind of program is this? Please HIGHLIGHT one of the following NACURH U: President NCC THEME: Diversity & Multicultural Awareness Team Building & Transitioning NRHH First Time Delegate Current Issues Start to Finish Programming Personal Growth Passive Programming 2. Please provide a brief description of the program. This program introduces individuals to parliamentary procedure, in a fun game show format. 3. Who was the program for? Name your target audience. The target audience is NCCs and Presidents. This is for anyone looking to run meetings or be an active participant in one. 4. How much did the program cost? Who funded it? Please provide a brief budget breakdown. The program costs as much as the prizes needed at the end of the game. Prizes are given away to all participants. est. $20‐$100 5. How many people were involved in planning the program AND how long did it take to plan? One person was the primary planner/ creator of event with help from a few individuals. It took 3 days to pull together. 6. Why was the program started on your campus? How does it benefit the university and/or community population? To increase participation at RHA meetings, make meetings run more smoothly, and to maintain order in meetings. The benefit is to create a stronger more productive student organization. 7. What were some pros/cons of the program? How could the program be improved? Time, or lack there of to present. 8. How could this program be adapted for other universities? Change some of the trivia questions to relate to your RHA’s by‐laws, or your school. 9. Additional questions, comments, notes, or concerns: “In a land where perhaps most persons… are members of one or more societies, some knowledge of parliamentary [procedure] may be justly regarded as a necessary part of the education of every man and woman….” ‐Henry M. Robert Parliamentary Procedure Abilities w/ Chairperson and Member Dialogue Motion Chair: How to ask for it: Members Dialogue: Second?*** Call Meeting to Order - - - Approve the Minuets (Main Motion) “Is there a motion to approve the minuets?” “Is there a motion to/for?” “I will now entertain_____” “I move to approve the minuets.” YES "I move that ..." YES Main Motion Amendment “Are there any amendments?” "I move to amend the motion by (inserting) (striking) (adding)…" YES Recess “Is there a motion to take a recess?” “I move to recess for___ (time)” YES Caucus “Is there a motion to caucus?” “I move to caucus for___ with ___.” YES Lay on the table “Is there a motion to Lay on the table?” "I move to lay on the table the motion that…” YES Take from the table. “Is there a motion to take from the table?” "I move to take from the table the motion that..." YES Move the previous question. - "I move the previous question." YES Call the previous question. Request for information. Chairperson Dialogue (Two Taps of the Gavel) “The meeting room will come to order.” “It has been properly moved and seconded to approve the minuets. Are there any amendments?” "It has been properly moved and seconded (that)/(to)_______.” Is there any debate?” "It has been properly moved and seconded to amend the motion by (inserting) (striking) (adding) ‘______’ so that the motion reads _______. Is there any debate?” “It has been properly moved and seconded to take a ___ recess. Are there any amendments? … Seeing none we will proceed to vote.” “It has been properly moved and seconded to caucus for___ with ___. Are there any amendments? Seeing none we will proceed to vote.” "It has been properly moved and seconded to lay on the table the motion that_____. Since there is no debate we will proceed to a vote.” "It has been properly moved and seconded to take from the table the motion that ______” Since there is no debate we will proceed to a vote” “It has been properly moved and seconded to move the previous question. We will now proceed to a vote on moving the previous question. All in favor of moving the previous question….all oppose?” A D Vote - - - YES NO M YES YES M YES YES M YES NO M YES NO M NO NO M NO NO M NO NO 2/3* “Request for information.” "I call the previous question.” Or “Question!” "Request for information." Point of Order “Point of Order” "Point of order.” NO “Point of order has been called. State your point.” NO NO C Parliamentary Inquiry “Parliamentary Inquiry” "Parliamentary Inquiry.” NO "Parliamentary inquiry has been called. State your inquiry.” NO NO C “Is there a motion to suspend the rules?” “Is there a motion to limit or extend debate?” “Is there a motion to refer to a committee?” “Mdm. /Mr. Secretary can I have the orders of the day?” "I move to suspend the rule that…” "I move limit (or extend) debate to…” "I move to refer this issue to a committee." NO NO 2/3 YES NO 2/3 YES YES M "I call for orders of the day” NO NO NO 2 “Is there a motion to adjourn the meeting?” "I move to adjourn the meeting." YES NO NO M Suspend the Rules Limit or Extend time for Debate Refer to a committee Orders of the Day Adjourn - Created 9/21/09 Trey King University of Wisconsin ‐ Stout NCC NO “Question has been called. Are there any objections?” ** NO NO UC* NO "Request for information has been called. Please state your question” NO NO C YES YES YES "It has been properly moved and seconded to suspend the rules” Since there is no debate we will proceed to vote.” "It has been properly moved and seconded to limit (or extend) debate to____ debates. ” "It has been properly moved and seconded to refer this to a committee. Is there any debate?" "Orders of the day have been called.” (ask secretary to read the orders of the day) “We are now following the orders of the day.” "It has been properly moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. [Vote] Are there any announcements? … Seeing none, meeting adjourned.” (one tap of the gavel) UC = Unanimous Consent C = Chair Decision * (If previous question passes take a vote on the motion. If previous question fails, resume debate). ** (If there are no objections)”Seeing none we will proceed to vote.” (If there are objections the member must speak to their objection. Then resume the debate). ***Making the second Chairperson and Member Dialogue Chair: How to ask for it: Members Dialogue “Is there a second?” “I second the motion” or “Second” A chairperson has the ability to ask for motions as need when they fit with Roberts Rules of Order. Precedence of Motions is as follows. 1. Fix the time to which to adjourn to [Most Precedence] 2. Adjourn 3. Recess 4. Rise a question of privilege 5. Call for the orders of the day 6. Lay on the table 7. Call the previous question 8. Limit or Extend Limits of debate 9. Postpone to a certain time 10. Commit or Refer 11. Amend 12. Postpone Indefinably 13. Main Motion [Least Precedence] Created 9/21/09 Trey King University of Wisconsin ‐ Stout NCC What is it? Main Motion Amendment Lay on the table Take from the table. Move the previous question. Call the previous question. Request for information. Point of Order Parliamentary Inquiry Point of personal privilege. Suspend the Rules Limit or Extend time for Debate Refer to a committee Orders of the Day Adjourn How to Phrase it... In English 2nd Amendable Debate Vote to Pass "I move that ..." "We should do this ..." YES YES YES Majority "I move to amend the motion by (inserting) (striking) (adding)…" "I move to lay on the table the motion that…” "I move to take from the table the motion that..." "I have an idea to make this motion better..." "Let’s discuss this later and put it on the table.” "Let’s discuss the motion we put on the table.” Stops debate and leads to a vote by a vote. Stops debate and we vote now, unless there is objection. "I have a question about the motion.” YES YES YES Majority YES NO NO Majority YES NO NO Majority YES NO NO 2/3 NO NO NO Unanimous Consent NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO 2/3 YES YES NO 2/3 YES YES YES Majority NO NO NO Chair Decision "I move the previous question." "I call the previous question.” Or “Question!” "Request for information." "Point of order.” "Parliamentary Inquiry.” “Point of personal privilege” "I move to suspend the rule that…” "I move limit (or extend) debate to…” "I move to refer this issue to a committee." "I call for orders of the day” "I think you are out of order.” “I have a question about Parliamentary Procedure.” Special Request. Ex. “Could you speak a little louder?” "I want do something not allowed by the rules.” "I want to limit amount of time to debate.” "This needs attention outside of the counsel." "Where are we?” “Lets get back on track” Chair Decision Chair Decision Chair Decision Chair Decision "I move to adjourn the meeting." "I want to end the meeting.” YES NO NO Majority How to Phrase it... In English 2nd Amendable Debate Vote to Pass "I move that ..." "We should do this ..." YES YES YES Majority "I move to amend the motion by (inserting) (striking) (adding)…" "I move to lay on the table the motion that…” "I move to take from the table the motion that..." "I have an idea to make this motion better..." "Let’s discuss this later and put it on the table.” "Let’s discuss the motion we put on the table.” Stops debate and leads to a vote by a vote. Stops debate and we vote now, unless there is objection. "I have a question about the motion.” YES YES YES Majority YES NO NO Majority YES NO NO Majority YES NO NO 2/3 NO NO NO Unanimous Consent NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO 2/3 YES YES NO 2/3 YES YES YES Majority NO NO NO Chair Decision YES NO NO Majority What is it? Main Motion Amendment Lay on the table Take from the table. Move the previous question. Call the previous question. Request for information. Point of Order Parliamentary Inquiry Point of personal privilege. Suspend the Rules Limit or Extend time for Debate Refer to a committee Orders of the Day Adjourn "I move the previous question." "I call the previous question.” Or “Question!” "Request for information." "Point of order.” "Parliamentary Inquiry.” “Point of personal privilege” "I move to suspend the rule that…” "I move limit (or extend) debate to…” "I move to refer this issue to a committee." "I call for orders of the day” "I move to adjourn the meeting." "I think you are out of order.” “I have a question about Parliamentary Procedure.” Special Request. Ex. “Could you speak a little louder?” "I want do something not allowed by the rules.” "I want to limit amount of time to debate.” "This needs attention outside of the counsel." "Where are we?” “Lets get back on track” "I want to end the meeting.” Chair Decision Chair Decision Chair Decision Chair Decision Main Motion Person 1: “I move that the RHA Exec. Board perform a song and dance.” Person 2: “Second!” President: [President restates the motion and gives it to the assembly for discussion] “It has been properly moved and seconded that the RHA Exec. Board perform a song and dance. Is there any debate?” Person 1: “I am in favor of this because I think it would be really fun to watch. Therefore, I think you should vote in favor of this motion.” Person 3: “I am opposed to this motion because I want to spare them the embarrassment. Therefore I think you should vote no to this motion.” President: “Is there any further debate” [seeing no one raises their placard for debate says:] “seeing none we will proceed to a vote. All in favor that the RHA Exec. Board perform a song and dance signify by raising your placard… [members in favor raise placards]… all oppose raise your placard…[members opposed raise placards]…all abstain raise placard…[members abstaining raise placards]. Motion passes by a ____to ____to ___ vote.” [Tap gavel once.] A Quick and Easy Way to learn Parliamentary Procedure 1. 2. 3. Name School One thing you hope to gain from this program. An orderly method of running meetings – smoothly and fairly Standard procedure for Nominations and elections Secretary’s minuets Treasurer's reports Bylaws and resolutions Amendments, and more. Originally intended to “assist an assembly to accomplish the work for which it was designed in the best possible manner…” Uniformity of proceeding in business Maintain order during meetings Conduct meetings fairly It is flexible 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Call to Order Reading of Minutes Officer Reports Standing Committee Reports Special Committee Reports Special Orders Unfinished Business New Business Announcements, Program, Adjournment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Making the Motion Second Chair ‘States the Question’ Debate Chair ‘Puts the Question’ Vote Move a Motion: “I Move That…” Maker cannot debate against! Person who seconds may debate against “Second” or “I second the motion” Locks the motion Item shifts from motion to question Gives to assembly for debate Chair asks for “further debate” Puts the question to the vote 5 Types Voice (Aye or Naye) Hand Standing Ballot Roll Call Chair States results: Outcome of Vote & Effect (most) Everything Starts with this Introduces topic or business to the assembly “I move that…” Amendable, Debatable, Majority Vote Item of business: For the RHA to purchase a new banner for the office. Ability: Main Motion Member 1,“ I move that RHA purchase a new banner for the RHA office.” Chair, “Is there a second?” Member 2, “Second.” Chair, “It has been properly moved and seconded that the RHA purchase a new banner for the office. Is there any debate?” Member 1, “I am in favor of this motion because the old banner is falling apart and a new one would look great in the office” Member 3, “ I am opposed to this motion because we don’t use the banner much as is.” Chair, “Is there any further debate? [pause] Seeing no more debate, we will proceed to vote.” “All in favor?” “All opposed?” “All abstain?” [Chair announces results] To amend a main motion “I move to amend…” Strike Insert Add Amendable, Debatable, Majority Vote Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly Revised, 10th Edition) Henry M. Robert III Robert’s Rules for Dummies C.Allan Jennings Robert’s Rules of Order The Modern Edition 1989 Darwin Patnode, Ph.D “In a land where perhaps most persons… are members of one or more societies, some knowledge of parliamentary [procedure] may be justly regarded as a necessary part of the education of every man and woman….” ‐Henry M. Robert I move… In favor, opposed, or abstain Whacha Say Second! Saturday Night Leadership 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 10001000100010001000 This motion cannot be debated, needs a second, and ends the meeting. I move… 200 Adjournment I move… 200 This motion is used to delay consideration of a question for a specified period of time and can be amended. I move… 400 Postpone to a Certain Time I move… 400 This motion is used to bring a question back to the floor in order to revote on the question I move… 600 Reconsider I move… 600 This motion can only be used to ask the Chair a question relative to the business at hand, but not relating to parliamentary procedure. I move… 800 Point of Information I move… 800 This “informal” motion is stated when no debate is pending. This “informal” motion is the less formal version of “Moving to Previous Question” and does not need a vote. I move… 1000 Call the Question I move… 1000 This vote allows members to vote anonymously. In favor, opposed, or abstain 200 Ballot In favor, opposed, or abstain 200 Moving to Previous Question requires this vote to successfully pass. In favor, opposed, or abstain 400 2/3 Vote In favor, opposed, or abstain 400 When counting the votes for passage of a question, these votes do not count towards votes in the affirmative or the negative. In favor, opposed, or abstain 600 Abstentions/Present In favor, opposed, or abstain 600 In an assembly with 20 voting members, this many votes are required to have a simple majority. In favor, opposed, or abstain 800 11 In favor, opposed, or abstain 800 A specified number of members required, according to Constitutions/Bylaws, to hold a regular legal meeting in which voting can take place is called this term. In favor, opposed, or abstain 1000 Quorum In favor, opposed, or abstain 1000 Speakers are limited to this amount of time once they have obtained the floor while a debatable motion is pending. Whacha say 200 Ten minutes Whacha say 200 These two members automatically receive speaking rights on a motion. Whacha say 400 The maker and the second Whacha say 400 This member is not allowed to speak against the motion on the floor Whacha say 600 The maker Whacha say 600 Members of an assembly are allowed to speak this many times per motion per meeting. Whacha say 800 Two Whacha say 800 Non-debatable motions include: Adjourn, Recess, and Question of Privilege. Name 1 of the other 3. Whacha say 1000 Orders of the day, previous question, or extend or limit debate Whacha say 1000 After the chair makes a ruling, any two members have the right to make a motion and second it; the question is taken from the Chair and vested in the assembly for final decision. What is the name of this process? Second 200 Appeal the decision of the chair Second 200 Daily Double This motion is used to adjourn for only a short intermission (not overnight.) Second 400 Recess Second 400 A member wishing to reconsider a previous action can only move to reconsider if they were on this side of the vote on the previous action. Second 600 Prevailing or winning side Second 600 This motion is used to remove the main motion from the assembly to be brought back at an unspecified future time. Second 800 Lay on the table Second 800 This motion is used to bring a motion back to the assembly that was previously removed from the assembly to be brought back at an unspecified future time. Second 1000 Take from the table Second 1000 This food ends with “amburger” and is made with beef. Saturday Night Leadership 200 hamburger Saturday Night Leadership 200 The process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. Saturday Night Leadership 400 Leadership Saturday Night Leadership 400 This condiment is made from mustard seeds. Saturday Night Leadership 600 Mustard Saturday Night Leadership 600 This movie title comes from the book Gone With the Wind Saturday Night Leadership 800 Gone With the Wind Saturday Night Leadership 800 This is what a group of sheep is called. Saturday Night Leadership 1000 A flock Saturday Night Leadership 1000 Final Jeopardy “WHEREAS” Main motions that are particularly important, long, or complex are called Resolutions
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