1 ● ● ● 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 //html <div id="navigation"> <a href="#/home">Home</a> <a href="#/about">About</a> </div> <div id="content"> </div> //javascript var HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: '<h1>Home</h1>', initialize: function () { this.render(); }, render: function () { this.$el.html(this.template); } }); var AboutView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: '<h1>About</h1>', initialize: function () { this.render(); }, render: function () { this.$el.html(this.template); } }); var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { '': 'homeRoute', 'home': 'homeRoute', 'about': 'aboutRoute', }, homeRoute: function () { var homeView = new HomeView(); $("#content").html(homeView.el); }, aboutRoute: function () { var aboutView = new AboutView(); $("#content").html(aboutView.el); 10 } }); var appRouter = new AppRouter(); Backbone.history.start(); //JSFiddle 11 //html <script type="text/ng-template" id="embedded.home.html"> <h1> Home </h1> </script> <script type="text/ng-template" id="embedded.about.html"> <h1> About </h1> </script> <div> <div id="navigation"> <a href="#/home">Home</a> <a href="#/about">About</a> </div> <div ng-view></div> </div> //javascript var routingExample = angular.module('FunnyAnt.Examples.Routing', []); routingExample.controller('HomeController', function ($scope) {}); routingExample.controller('AboutController', function ($scope) {}); routingExample.config(function ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider. when('/home', { templateUrl: 'embedded.home.html', controller: 'HomeController' }). when('/about', { templateUrl: 'embedded.about.html', controller: 'AboutController' }). otherwise({ redirectTo: '/home' }); }); //JSFiddle 12 //html <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="application"> <h1> Ember Routing</h1> <div id="navigation"> <a href="#">Home</a> <a href="#about">About</a> </div> <br /> {{outlet}} </script> <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="home"> <h2> Home Page </h2> </script> <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="about"> <h2> About Page </h2> </script> //javascript App = Ember.Application.create(); App.Router.map(function() { //first paramater refers to the template this.route('home', { path: '/' }); this.route('about'); }); //JSFiddle 13 14 //html <h1>Simple Data Binding with AngularJS</h1> <br /> <div ng-app> Name: <input type="text" ng-model="name" /> <br /><br /> Welcome to AngularJS {{name}} </div> //javascript //No JavaScript needed aside from the reference to the AngularJS script. //JSFiddle 15 //html <div class="liveExample"> <p>Enter name and tab out of field</p> <p>Name: <input data-bind='value: name' /></p> <p>Welcome to KnockoutJS <span data-bind='text: name'></span></p> </div> //javascript // Here's my data model var ViewModel = function(name) { this.name = ko.observable(name); }; ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel("")); // This makes Knockout get to work //JSFiddle 16 //html <h1>Manual Data binding in Backbone.js</h1> <p>Enter a name in the input below</p> <div id="message-container"> <input id="name" /> <br /> <span id="message"></span> </div> <script type="text/template" id="message-template"> Welcome to Backbone <%=name%> </script> //javascript var MessageView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: _.template($('#message-template').html()), events: { 'keyup #name': 'updateModel' }, updateModel: function(event) { this.model.set({name:$("#name").val()}); }, initialize: function() { this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render); this.render(); }, render: function() { this.$('#message').html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); return this; } 17 }); var person = new Backbone.Model({name:''}); messageView = new MessageView({el: $('#message-container') ,model: person}); //JSFiddle 18 //html <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="application"> <h1>EmberJS data binding</h1> {{outlet}} </script> <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index"> Name: {{input type="text" value=name }} <br /> <br /> Welcome to Ember {{name}} </script> //javascript App = Ember.Application.create({}); App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(){ return{ name: '' }; } }); //JSFiddle 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
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