FREE SAMPLE PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM MODERN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS Wrocław, September 6-8, 2006 VENUE: Wrocław University of Technology Wrocław, Poland ORGANISED BY: Institute of Electrical Power Engineering Wrocław University of Technology Wrocław, Poland UNDER AUSPICES OF: MODERN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS Proceedings of the International Symposium September 6-8, 2006 Wrocław, Poland FREE SAMPLE Edited by: Eugeniusz Rosołowski Waldemar Rebizant Piotr Pierz Proceedings cover design by: Dariusz Godlewski All the papers published in the proceedings have been reviewed and approved by the Scientific Committee Copyright © 2006 by Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, Wrocław University of Technology Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland phone: +48 71 320 26 55, +48 71 328 01 92 fax: +48 71 320 26 56 Internet: e-mail: [email protected] ISBN-10 83-921315-2-5 ISBN-13 978-83-921315-2-6 Wydrukowano w Drukarni Oficyny Wydawniczej Politechniki Wrocławskiej z dostarczonych materiałów w nakładzie 125 egz. MEPS’06, September 6-8, 2006, Wrocław, Poland SCIENTIFIC COMMITTE Raj Aggarwal Jan Bujko Guido Carpinelli Peter Crossley Thierry Van Cutsem Istvan Erlich Arif Gashimov George Gross Edmund Handschin Seung-Jae Lee Matti Lehtonen Tadeusz Łobos Jan Machowski Jacek Malko Ivan de Mesmaeker Vladimiro Miranda Bogdan Miedziński Wladyslaw Mielczarski Mohindar S. Sachdev Murari Mohan Saha Peter Schegner Marian Sobierajski Yong-Hua Song Petro Stakhiv Zbigniew Styczynski Janusz Szafran Zbigniew Szczerba Nicolai Voropai Louis Wehenkel Wilibald Winkler Andrzej Wiszniewski Felix F. Wu Dario Zaninelli ORGANISING COMMITTEE Jan Iżykowski Marek Michalik Joanna Orzechowska Piotr Pierz Waldemar Rebizant Eugeniusz Rosołowski Małgorzata Sadowska Kazimierz Wilkosz University of Bath, UK Institute of Power Systems Automation, Poland University of Naples, Italy Queen's University Belfast, UK University of Liege, Belgium University of Duisburg, Germany National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan University of Illinois, USA The University of Dortmund, Germany NPTC, Myongji University, Korea Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland CIGRE SC B5, Switzerland INESC, Porto, Portugal Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Technical University of Łódź, Poland University of Saskatchewan, Canada ABB, Sweden Dresden University of Technology, Germany Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Brunel University, UK National University ‘Lvivska Politechnica’, Lviv, Ukraine University of Magdeburg, Germany Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Technical University of Gdańsk, Poland Energy Systems Institute, Irkutsk, Russia University of Liege, Belgium Silesian University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Chairman The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Politechnic University of Milan, Italy FREE SAMPLE Secretary Chairman MEPS’06, September 6-8, 2006, Wrocław, Poland LIST OF THE REVIEWERS Raj Aggarwal Istvan Erlich Jan Iżykowski Antoni Klajn Seung-Jae Lee Matti Lehtonen Tadeusz Łobos Mirosław Łukowicz Jacek Malko Marek Michalik Bogdan Miedziński Waldemar Rebizant Eugeniusz Rosołowski Zbigniew Styczynski Louis Wehenkel Andrzej Wilczyński Kazimierz Wilkosz Andrzej Wiszniewski University of Bath, UK University of Duisburg, Germany Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland NPTC, Myongji University, Korea Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland University of Magdeburg, Germany University of Liege, Belgium Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland The Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee are grateful to above listed persons for their work and personal involvement in preparation of the Symposium. FREE SAMPLE SPONSORS AREVA T&D Sp. z o.o. Zakład Automatyki i Systemów Elektroenergetycznych address: Strzegomska 23/27, Świebodzice 58-160, Poland phone: +48 074/85 48 410, fax: +48 074/8 548 548 Internet: e-mail: [email protected] "ENERGETYKA" sp. z o.o. address: M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 58, 59-301 Lubin, Poland phone: +48 076/74 78 512, fax: +48 076/74 78 516 secretary: +48 076/72 46 820, 72 46 821 Internet: MEPS’06, September 6-8, 2006, Wrocław, Poland FREE SAMPLE List of Papers ENERGY MARKETS AND POWER SYSTEM ECONOMICS 1. Turkish Electricity Market Reforms for Compatibility with the South East European Regional Electricity Market ..... 13 Ç. Çelik 2. A Draft of the Methodology Used for Assessment of Electricity Competitiveness ........................................................ 17 M. Przygrodzki 3. Cooptimization of the Balancing Energy and Operating Reserves in the Competitive Electricity Market .................... 23 R. Korab 4. Investment Decision Making Model of Independent Power Producer under Uncertainty on the Electricity Market .... 29 J. Sowiński 5. Point and Interval Forecasting of Wholesale Electricity Prices: Evidence from the Nord Pool Market ........................ 34 R. Weron,A. Misiorek 6. Stratified Transmission Tariff ........................................................................................................................................ 39 A. Tymorek, A. Wilczyński, B. Namysłowska-Wilczyńska 7. Guidelines of Polish Energy Policy ................................................................................................................................ 43 J. Malko SYSTEM PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 1. Prioritization Procedure for Transmission Network Assets Revitalization .................................................................... 51 D. Bajs, G. Majstrovic, I. Medic 2. A Market Based Approach to Evaluate the Efficiency of Transmission Loss Allocation ............................................. 57 Y. Phulpin, M. Hennebel, S. Plumel 3. Artificial Neural Networks Aided by Fuzzy Logic in Short-Term Electric Energy Consumption Forecasting ............ 62 D. Baczyński, M. Parol 4. Unit Commitment for Virtual Power Plants ................................................................................................................... 68 N. Martensen, J. Stenzel 5. Impact of Energy End-Use on Optimal Allocation of Switchgear in Radial Distribution Networks ............................ 73 A. Helseth, A.T. Holen 6. Optimization of Structures of Open Electric Power Networks with Use of Evolutionary Algorithms .......................... 79 J. Brożek, W. Tylek FUEL CELLS AND DISTRIBUTED GENERATION 1. Smart Grids - the Challenges of Future Power Systems ................................................................................................ 87 B.M. Buchholz 2. Status of Dispersed Generation in Germany .................................................................................................................. 96 Z A. Styczynski, K. Rudion 3. Technical and Economical Benefits of a Combined Photovoltaic-Fuel-Cell System .................................................. 103 M. Rissanen, J. Schlabbach, L. Strupeit 4. Investigating the Influence of Flow Field Design on the Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells .... 110 J. Haubrock, G. Heideck, Z.A. Styczynski 5. Development of Benchmarks for Low and Medium Voltage Distribution Networks ................................................. 115 with High Penetration of Dispersed Generation K. Rudion, Z.A. Styczynski, N. Hatziargyriou, S. Papathanassiou, K. Strunz, O. Ruhle, A. Orths, B. Rozel 6. Technical Requirements on Clustered Distributed Generation .................................................................................... 122 M. Neubert, G. Balzer 7. Some Aspects of Distributed Generation Impact on Power System Reliability ........................................................... 128 J. Paska, M. Sałek, T. Surma List of Papers 8. Learning about Fuel Cell System using 3D Technology at the Otto-von-Guericke-University .................................. 134 T. Smieja, A.N. Angelov, Z.A. Styczynski 9. Technologies of Fuel Cells in Electric Microgeneration ............................................................................................... 138 I. Zamora, M. Larruskain, J. I. San Martín, J. J. San Martín, V. Aperribay POWER SYSTEM OPERATION 1. Comparison of Congestion Management Methods Including FACTS ........................................................................ 147 E. Handschin, D. Hause 2. Reactive Power Valuation in Competitive Environment by the Equivalent Reactive Compensation Method ............ 153 M. Hennebel, S. Plumel, H. Lefebvre 3. Loss-of-Synchronism in a System with Increased Share of DER ................................................................................ 159 A. Sauhats, I. Svalova, A. Svalovs 4. Applications of Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flows ...................................................................................... 165 F. Capitanescu, M. Glavic, D. Ernst, L. Wehenkel 5. The Analysis of the Impact of the Electric Traction Substation on the Supply Power System of 110 kV .................. 172 M. Sobierajski, W. Rojewski 6. Optimal Maintenance Strategy for Medium Voltage Cable Networks Based on the Load Flow and Reliability ........ 178 Calculation T. Okraszewski, G. Balzer, C. Schorn FREE SAMPLE POWER SYSTEM CONTROL AND FACTS 1. Multi-Objective Optimization and Online Adaptation Methods for Robust Tuning of PSS Parameters ..................... 187 G. K. Befekadu, O. Govorun, I. Erlich 2. Optimal Voltage Control in the Distribution Network Containing an Independent Generator .................................... 193 A. Kot 3. Harmonic Distribution in High Voltage Networks with Multiple HVDC Devices ...................................................... 198 S. Höpfner, P. Schegner, P. La Seta 4. The Influence of the FACTS Controllers on Work of Distance Protection ................................................................. 205 K. Szubert 5. Genetic Optimization Procedure for Design of Synchronous Generator Voltage and Speed Control Systems ........... 210 W. Rebizant, D. Bejmert 6. Selected Aspects of Protection and Control in Flexible Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution Systems .... 216 B. Witek 7. Application of DSTATCOMs for Dips Compensation in LV Grids ............................................................................ 222 P. Gburczyk, R. Mienski, R. Pawelek, I. Wasiak 8. Conversion of AC Lines to DC Lines .......................................................................................................................... 228 I. Zamora, D. M. Larruskain, A. J. Mazón, J. I. San Martín, O. Abarrategui RELIABILITY 1. Reliability Analysis of a 110 kV Grid ........................................................................................................................... 237 T. Dietermann, G. Balzer 2. A Probabilistic Approach in Assessment of Power Grid Condition ............................................................................ 242 W. Lubicki, S. Kałuża, M. Przygrodzki 3. Structural Optimization of the Existing Medium Voltage Cable Networks and Its Impact on the System Reliability. 250 T. Okraszewski, G. Balzer, I. Jeromin 4. Increase of Reliability of Medium Voltage Power Distribution Systems .................................................................... 256 W. Bąchorek 5. Power System Reliability in Local Subsystem ............................................................................................................. 261 J. Bargiel, W. Goc, P. Sowa, J. Paska 6. Long-Term Planning of Electric Power System Development Using Reliability Criteria – Polish Power .................. 265 System Case J. Paska, M. Sałek, T. Surma MEPS’06, September 6-8, 2006, Wrocław, Poland SYSTEM PROTECTION – FAULT IDENTIFICATION, LOCATION AND DIAGNOSIS 1. Signal Processing Considerations in Travelling Waves Fault Locators ....................................................................... 273 A. Elhaffar, G. Murtaza Hashmi, M. Lehtonen 2. Sensitivity Factor–Based Fault Discrimination ............................................................................................................ 279 H.-C. Yuan, S.-I. Lim, S.-J. Lee, M.-S. Choi, S.-H. Kang 3. Fault Location on Three-Terminal Overhead Line and Underground Cable Composite Network .............................. 283 M.M. Saha, J. Iżykowski, E. Rosołowski, P. Balcerek, M. Fulczyk 4. Differential Equation Algorithm for Locating Faults on Series-Compensated Transmission Lines ............................ 289 M.M. Saha, E. Rosołowski, J. Iżykowski 5. Wavelet Analysis and Visualization of Signals Disturbances in Electric Power Systems ........................................... 296 Z. Marcinkowski, K. Musierowicz 6. Pad Mounted Transformers: Protection and Insulation ................................................................................................ 300 I. Zamora, G. Buigues, A. J. Mazón, V. Valverde 7. Fault Location on Three-Terminal Overhead Lines Using Two-Terminal Synchronized Voltage and ....................... 306 Current Phasors J. Iżykowski, M. Bożek, R. Moląg 8. Evolutionary Optimized Neural Classifiers for Fault Detection and Classification ..................................................... 312 W. Rebizant, K. Solak 9. ANN Based HIF Detecting Algorithm for Multigrounded MV Networks .................................................................. 318 M. Michalik, M. Łukowicz, W. Rebizant, S.-J. Lee, S.-H. Kang 10. Modern Approach to Protection of Distributed Network with Dispersed Generation ................................................ 324 A. Burek, E. Rosołowski FREE SAMPLE SYSTEM PROTECTION – METHODS AND SCHEMES 1. Optimisation of Single-Phase Autoreclosures and Classification of Unsuccessful Autoreclosures ............................ 331 R. Luxenburger, P. Schegner 2. Modified Strategy for Protection of Power Transformers ............................................................................................ 337 A. Wiszniewski, W. Rebizant, L. Schiel 3. Distance Relay Performance on a Transmission Line Using STATCOM .................................................................... 342 R.K. Aggarwal, X.Y. Zhou 4. Investigation on the Behavior of the Remanence Level of Protective Current Transformers ...................................... 348 J. Dickert, R. Luxenburger, P. Schegner 5. Design of a Pilot Knowledge-Based Expert System for Providing a Coordinated Setting Values .............................. 354 for Power System Protection Devices M. R. Ganjavi, R. Krebs, Z. Styczynski 6. Application of Lightning Location Systems for Fault Detection on Transmission and Distribution Lines ................. 361 K.L. Chrzan, P. Bodzak, W. Gajda 7. Effectiveness of Earth Fault Protection Systems under Different Operating Conditions of the .................................. 365 MV Network and Lines J. Lorenc, A. Kwapisz, B. Staszak TRANSIENTS PHENOMENA ANALYSIS 1. Time-Frequency Analysis of Non-Stationary Phenomena in Electrical Engineering ................................................. 373 A. Bracale, G. Carpinelli, K. Wozniak, T. Sikorski, Z. Leonowicz 2. On Appropriateness of Use of Frequency-Dependent Resistor at Limitation of High-Frequency Overvoltages ........ 379 A. M. Gashimov, T. R. Mekhtiyev, N. R. Babayeva, S. I. Hasanova 3. Signal Processing Methods for Power Transients ........................................................................................................ 383 P. Imris, M. Lehtonen 4. Contact Force Stabilizer for Use in Vacuum Power Switches ..................................................................................... 389 A. Kozłowski, Z. Kowalski, B. Miedziński 5. Electromagnetic Transient Phenomena in Medium Voltage Network ......................................................................... 392 R. Memisevic, N. Berbic, A. Nuhanovic, N. Asceric List of Papers 6. Preventing the Risk o Ferroresonance Involving Voltage Transformers in MV Ungrounded Networks .................... 398 W. Piasecki, M. Florkowski, M. Fulczyk, W. Nowak 7. The Comparative Analysis of the Measurement Results of the Electromagnetic Field Distribution ........................... 402 under Multi-Circuit High Voltage Lines Z. Wróblewski, M. Habrych 8. On Stability while Simulating the Switching-Offs the Capacitive and Small Inductive Currents ............................. 407 T. Lazimov, S. Imanov 9. Simulative Investigation of Ferroresonance under Open-Phase Operating Conditions of Transmission Lines .......... 411 A. M. Gashimov, A. R. Babayeva, J. Iżykowski 10. Spectral Analysis of the Earth Fault Currents Occurring During Intermittent Arc Fault ............................................. 417 L. Marciniak, I. Pavlova-Marciniak 11. Dependence of Performance the Hermetic DC Contactor on Environmental Conditions ........................................... 423 B. Miedziński, W.Z. Okraszewski 12. Transmission Line Corona Effect Influence on Internal Overvoltages ........................................................................ 427 M. Seheda, I. Hubilit, L. Sereda SYSTEM MODELLING, TESTING AND IDENTIFICATION 1. Determination of the Wave Propagation Characteristics for Partial Discharge Monitoring in .................................... 435 Covered-Conductor Overhead Distribution Networks G. Murtaza Hashmi, M. Nordman, M. Lehtonen 2. Calculation of Frequency Dependent Impedance of Overhead Power Transmission Lines ........................................ 441 P. Imris, M. Lehtonen 3. Simulation of Electrical Transmission Transient Processes Using MATLAB/Simulink ............................................. 447 P. Stakhiv, O. Hoholyuk 4. Automated Testing Process of Protection Relays in IEC 61850 Substation Automation Systems .............................. 453 A. Kuc-Dzierżawska, W. Piasecki, Z. Korendo, O. Preiss 5. Reduced Order Model of Power Transformers for Power System Transient Studies ................................................. 458 M. H. Nazemi, G. B. Gharehpetian 6. Power System Topology Verification Using Artificial Neural Networks: Evaluation of the Methods ....................... 462 K. Wilkosz, R. Lukomski 7. Active and Reactive Power Estimation from Instantaneous Power Signal .................................................................. 468 V.V. Terzija, V.A. Stanojevic, W. Rebizant POWER QUALITY FREE SAMPLE 1. Influence of Harmonic System Voltages on the Harmonic Current Emission of Photovoltaic Inverters .................... 477 J. Schlabbach, A. Groß 2. Power Electronic Solutions for Voltage Dip Mitigation at Wind Farms ..................................................................... 483 H. Amaris, C. Álvarez 3. Selected Harmonic Calculations for the Electric Power Distribution Network Supplying .......................................... 489 the Rectifier Station for Electric Traction J. Wasilewski, M. Parol 4. Power Quality Assessment Using Neuro-Fuzzy Approach .......................................................................................... 495 P. Janik, T. Łobos, Z. Wacławek, D. Proto, D. Lauria 5. Comparison of Active and Hybrid Power Filters for Mitigation of Harmonic Currents .............................................. 500 T. Krzeszowiak, B. Kedra, L. Asiminoaei, W. Wiechowski, C.L. Bak 6. LPQIVES Training Courses in Germany and Europe - Power Quality Troubleshooting ............................................ 506 P. Komarnicki, G. Müller, Z. A. Styczynski 7. Effectiveness of Some Voltage Fluctuation Compensation Facilities ......................................................................... 511 A. Lipsky 8. Localization of Sources of Current Harmonic in a Power System: Comparison of Methods ...................................... 516 Using the Voltage Rate K. Wilkosz, T. Pyzalski MEPS’06, September 6-8, 2006, Wrocław, Poland POWER SYSTEM MONITORING AND DIAGNOSTICS 1. Monitoring Possibilities of Circuit Breaker with Mechanical Drive ........................................................................... 525 B. Rusek, G. Balzer, M. Holstein, M. S. Claessens 2. A Transformer Top Oil Temperature Model for Use in an on-Line Monitoring and Diagnostic System .................... 531 A. Elmoudi, M. Lehtonen, J. Palola 3. Transformer Diagnostics in the Practical Field ............................................................................................................ 535 M. N. Bandyopadhyay 4. Artificial Neural Network For MV/LV Transformers Load Estimation ...................................................................... 541 W. Szpyra 5. A Simple Low-Cost Electronic Circuit for the Measurement of Loss Angle of a Capacitor ....................................... 547 M. Ahmad 6. Estimation of Power Losses and Voltage Level in MV Power Distribution Networks Using .................................... 550 an Artificial Neural Network W. Szpyra 7. Estimation of Power Flows on Outgoing Feeders at Absence of their Telemetry ....................................................... 554 M. Uspensky, I. Kyzrodev, S. Kirushev Index of Authors ........................................................................................................................................................... 562 FREE SAMPLE FREE SAMPLE FREE SAMPLE Energy Markets and Power System Economics FREE SAMPLE MEPS’06, September 6-8, 2006, Wrocław, Poland 13 Turkish Electricity Market Reforms for Compatibility with the South East European Regional Electricity Market Ç. Çelik Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of Economics İnönü Cad. No: 28, Kuştepe 34387, Şişli, İstanbul, Turkey [email protected] Business Fax: +90-212-216 8478 Abstract - Privatization of the electric power sector in Turkey started early in the 1980s in an effort to attract private investment into its electric power sector, mainly generation. Recently, Turkey has embarked on the restructuring of the electric power sector achieve the required level of competitive market structure in order to be able to qualify for membership at the European Union. Legislators enacted the Electricity Market Law (ELM) in March 2001. Accordingly, the state governed electric utility has been unbundled and the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) has been put in place. Since then, several supporting legislations and regulations have been passed. During about the same timeline, the European Union (EU) issued the IEM Directive for restructuring of the electric power sector in Europe. However, creating a single energy market has several significant obstacles. To overcome the problem of implementing a single detailed operating framework in fifteen countries in one blow, the EU has encouraged the formation of regional markets. This article focuses on the current restructuring efforts taken by the Turkish legislative bodies to improve compatibility with the South East European Regional Electricity Market and summarizes the current restructuring status, problems, and areas of gaps. [1, 2, 5, 6]. Accordingly, the state governed electric utility has been unbundled and the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) has been put in place to independently regulate and supervise a financially viable, stable, transparent and competitive energy market [6]. Since then, several supporting legislations and regulations have been passed. These include, but are not limited to, the Electricity Market Implementation Manual published in May 2003, Import and Export Regulation in July 2003, Grid Regulation in March 2004, Balancing and Settlement Regulation in September 2004 [5, 6]. During about the same timeline, the European Union (EU) issued the IEM Directive for restructuring of the electric power sector in Europe [7, 8]. IEM set up common market rules that cover issues such as organization and functioning of the electricity sector, access to the market, regulatory authorities and rules, and the real-time system operations. However, creating a single energy market has several significant obstacles, such as market operators, regulator and market participants at national levels operating under very different legal and commercial conditions. To overcome the problem of implementing a single detailed operating framework in fifteen countries in one step, the EU has encouraged the formation of regional market in an effort to exploit the strong interactions between neighboring countries [9,10]. Turkey has already started participating in South East European Regional Market efforts whose members include Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro and the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo [9, 10]. This article focuses on the current restructuring efforts taken by the Turkish legislative bodies to improve compatibility with the South East European Regional Electricity Market and summarizes the current restructuring status, problems, and areas of gaps. FREE SAMPLE Keywords: Regional Electricity Markets, Electricity Market Privatization, Restructuring, Competitive Market Models. 1. INTRODUCTION Privatization of the electric power sector in Turkey started early in the 1980s in an effort to attract private investment into its electric power sector, mainly generation [1,2,3,4]. For this purpose, the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) and Build-Operate-Own (BOO) models have been introduced in 1984 and 1997, respectively [1,2]. Recently, Turkey has embarked on the restructuring of the electric power sector achieve the required level of competitive market structure in order to be able to qualify for membership at the European Union. Legislators enacted the Electricity Market Law (ELM) in March 2001, whose main goal of ELM was to create a framework for setting up a competitive market for electric power in Turkey 2. TURKISH ELECTRICITY MARKET RESTRUCTURING STATUS 2.1. Background Turkey has been experiencing rapid economic growth that requires significant investments in the power sector 14 Turkish Electricity Market Reforms for Compatibility with the South East European Regional Electricity Market infrastructure [1,2,11]. The forecasts indicate that the total installed capacity needs to increase to about 116 GW MW by the year 2020 from its present value of abut 28 GW. IEM issued by the European Union in 1996 sets up common market rules that cover issues such as organization and functioning of the electricity sector, access to the market, regulatory authorities and rules, and the real-time system operations [7, 8]. IEM provides three alternative transmission network access models: negotiated access, regulated access and the single buyer [7]. In Turkey, the regulated access model with bilateral contracts with residual power pool was opted for. In regulated access, all parties to the contracts have a right of access based on the same fixed pre-published tariffs. 2.2 Electricity Market Restructuring The Electricity Market Law (ELM), effective as of 3 March 2001, established the necessary legal framework for the implementation of competitive markets for the electricity in Turkey. The market model is based on bilateral contracts between market participants complemented by balancing and settlement mechanisms. ELM established the framework for private generation, distribution, wholesale and retail companies. The Turkish Electricity Generation and Transmission (TEAS) in effect was reorganized into three separate entities: a transmission company (TEIAS), a trading and contracting company (TETAS), and a generation company (EUAS) [5, 6]. The Turkish Electricity Distribution Company (TEDAS) is privatized into regional distribution companies [5, 6]. TEAS and TEDAS were under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. The legislation established the key institutions of a market place at the high level as Energy Market Regulatory Authority and Board (EMRA), Turkish Electricity Transmission Co. Inc. (TEIAS), Market Financial Reconciliation Center (MFRC), State-owned wholesale and trading company TETAS, and Electricity Generation Company (EUAS) [5, 6]. Established in 2001, EMRA regulates the electricity, natural gas and petroleum markets. It is financially and administratively independent, and has its own revenues and budget. Market Financial Reconciliation Center (MFRC) operates the balancing and settlement mechanism for the realtime and short-term markets. The MFRC will setup a metering-communication-control infrastructure to carry out the market operator function. On the consumer’s side, the law allows consumers whose electricity consumption is above nine million kWh and those who are directly connected to the transmission grid to choose their suppliers. The eligible suppliers include generation companies, distribution companies holding a retail license, retailers and wholesalers. Other consumers can purchase electricity energy and/or capacity at the regulated retail tariffs only. System access is regulated through a licensing mechanism. The transmission system operator ensures system balance by dispatching the generators, based on bids and offers submitted by generators. Until the balancing and settlement mechanism becomes fully operational, the market participants with bilateral contracts with the stateowned entities are subject to regulation. Market participants need to obtain licenses for each market activity and for each facility to be able to participate in generation, transmission, distribution, wholesale, retail and retail services, energy imports and exports in accordance with the Electricity Market Licensing regulation published in August 2002, Transmission, distribution and sales market activities are subject to regulation. In addition, the activities of TETAS shall also be regulated as long as TETAS maintains its dominant position. Generation licensees can not engage in any market activity other than generation related activities. Wholesale and retail license applications involving in importing or exporting electricity through international interconnections conditions will require EMRA to consult with the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, TEIAS and the corresponding distribution licensees. In the case of multiple applications for generation, auto-producer or auto-producer group licenses for wind and solar energy production in the same area and based on the same source, EMRA will determine the approved license based on its published selection rules and procedures. For connections to the transmission or the distribution systems of any new generation facility, EMRA will consult with the Turkish Electricity Transmission Co. Inc. (TEIAS) or the distribution licensee in the corresponding distribution region. Retail companies engaged in both retail of electricity and the retail services will need to keep separate accounts. Cross-subsidies between these activities are prohibited. In addition, electricity sales to eligible and non-eligible consumers will need to keep separate accounts for sales to these two groups of consumers. Again, cross-subsidies between these activities are prohibited. Auto-producer group licensees can engage in generation activities and its sale in case of an excess of energy more than required their consumptions. As long as they keep separate accounts, they may also engage in complementary market activities. Recently, the UCTE (Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity) began a study to investigate the possible scenarios surrounding the potential expansion of the union’s grid to Turkey [11]. The study is supported and financed by the European Commission, and its results are expected to be available in 2007. Turkey's rapid growth in electricity demand has led to almost a doubling of installed generating capacity over the past decade. This rapid growth is expected to continue for the foreseeable future, that could lead to building a total installed generating capacity of as much as 65 000 MW by 2010. The Turkish power system is currently not set up for synchronous operations with other countries, although it is interconnected to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Iran, Iraq and Syria [11]. FREE SAMPLE Ç. Çelik 2.3. Challenges for Restructuring There are several challenges that may be encountered during the transition to the new market model in Turkey. These include, but not limited to: The lack of freely negotiable generation margin, Lack of adequate metering-communication-control infrastructure The position of the state-owned wholesale and trading company TETAS as the dominant wholesaler The magnitude of stranded costs burden that TETAS will have to address Slow privatization of the state-owned entities 2.4. Interconnections of Turkey Turkey, currently, has no synchronous parallel operation at the moment. TEIAS has planned to establish a synchronous parallel operation with its neighbors other Bulgaria and Greece as a part of an effort for a synchronous parallel operation with UCTE power system [9]. Synchronous Parallel Operation with UCTE system is planned to establish at the end of 2006.Interconnection with Greece is planned to finish in 2007. Currently, Turkey has non-synchronous operation connection with Bulgaria, for importing about 700 MW. After the synchronous parallel operation is established, the non-synchronous values would change. Furthermore, Turkey has non-synchronous operation connection with Armenia. However, the line is currently, disconnected [9]. The same situation exists with Georgia. However, there is a new proposal to build a 400 kV DC back to back station to connect Georgia and Turkey. With Iran, Turkey has non-synchronous operation connection and passive island method is used. There are also longterm contracts with Iran. Explicit auction method is planned for new contracts starting in 2006. Turkey exports electricity to Iraq on a first-come first-served method. As in the case of Iran, explicit auction method is planned for new contracts starting in 2006. Turkey has nonsynchronous operation connection with Azerbaijan using passive island method. 15 In Southeast Europe, only Romania has a fully functioning balancing market [9, 10]. Bulgaria allows market participants to make bids and offers but in reality, Bulgaria’s Transmission Service Operator is using its own hydro reserves nearly all the time. Other countries in SEE are likely to implement a combination of ancillary services and regulated imbalance prices in the near future. The Athens Forum, held in October 2005 in Athens agreed to carry out a study on regional real time balancing market in SEE, and a pilot-project on a sub-regional basis [9, 10]. The main goals for this study are: A more efficient control of unintentional deviations and enhanced operational reliability through collaboration of Transmission Service Operators in each participating country Lower total balancing costs for each country through more efficient use of balancing resources Increased liquidity and convergence of balancing market prices, serving as an important transparent price signal driving bilateral contracts and investments Increased incentives to participants to post bids and offers in the balancing market Creation of tools to monitor and prevent market abuse through a transparent regional real-time price Movement towards harmonization of imbalance settlement procedures. FREE SAMPLE 3. SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN REGIONAL ELECTRICITY MARKET Concentration of different types of generation within the potential participating countries makes it difficult to have competition for a viable and liquid electricity market in South East Europe (SEE) [9,10]. This could lead to high volatility and price spikes in the region if certain measures are not taken. Several European benchmarking reports recommended sub-regional balancing arrangements. By bringing dispersed resources together to the benefit of all market participants in a sub-region, the total cost of provision of balancing services would be reduced and the dominance of a single company providing balancing services could be mitigated. This would also encourage suppliers to aggregate the imbalances and to trade them away as close to real time as possible. The Inter-Transmission System Operator (TSO) Compensation (SEE ITC) mechanism in South East Europe (SEE) is run by TSOs of Albania, Bulgarian, Bosnian and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia. This decision was made in sixth Athens Forum. During 2005, SEE ITC mechanism was adjusted in order to overcome existence of two equal neighboring mechanisms within the same synchronous zone. For 2005, the SEE area consisted of a geographical area of 7 countries that have signed the SEE agreement. These are the TSOs of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia. Hungary and Greece are part of the neighboring Eastern TSO area. Turkey is in the perimeter countries in addition to Moldova Republic, Ukraine, and Croatia [10]. 4. LOOKING FORWARD In order for South East European Regional Market to materialize, an independent organization that initially oversees activities of participant companies and countries needs to be set-up. Eventually, this independent organization would evolve into an independent non-profit organization, i.e., an Independent Regional Operator (IRO) that is not owned or supported by any countries, electricity companies or any of the stakeholders in the electricity market. 4.1. Organizational Structure The Independent Regional Operator’s (IRO’s) organi- 16 Turkish Electricity Market Reforms for Compatibility with the South East European Regional Electricity Market zation structure would be comprised of a Board of Governors, Committees, and officers and staff. The governing power would be placed in the Board of Governors, which would consist of members from the electricity industry, stakeholders and interested groups: investor-owned, municipal utilities, governmental entities, non-utility electricity sellers, public and private buyers and sellers, end users, public interest groups, and non-market participants. The Governors would be selected by the industry entities. Different committees would be designated to assist the Governing Board: Board Committees and Advisory Committees. Board Committees, which are appointed by the Board of Governors, include the Executive Committee, Audit Committee, Finance Committee, Grid Reliability/ Operations Committee, Human Resources/Compensation Committee, Market Issues/ADR Committee, and Governance Committee. An Advisory Committee could consist of governors, non-governors or both, and is formed to give advice to a particular Board Committee. For example, the Market Surveillance Committee would provide independent expert advice and recommends corrective action to prevent abuses of the system to the Market Issues/ADR Committee. The Maintenance/Co-ordination Committee would advise the Grid Reliability/Operation Committees. power schedulers win daily bids to transmit power and provide scheduling of energy and Ancillary services on the IRO controlled grid and congestion management Market Monitoring: 1) Provide open market pricing information for the transmission services and ancillary services markets; 2) Adopt, safeguard and monitor compliance with inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement standards for the IRO controlled grid during periods of emergency or disaster Market Settlement: Administer a settlement system for deviations between scheduled and actual use of the IRO controlled grid Ancillary Services: Provide or obtain adequate ancillary services for the IRO controlled grid and to dispatch such services as necessary Tariff Administration: Develop and submit for filings with the European Energy Regulatory Office and commission transmission service rate methodologies and 2) rates for such transmission services and ancillary services and to recover administrative costs. REFERENCES [1] International Energy Agency: Country Studies Turkey 2001 Review. [2] urkey. [3] The International Energy Agency Secretariat, “Background Note on Competitive Power Pools”, [4] The International Energy Agency Secretariat, “Competition in electricity Markets”, public/studies/compele.htm. [5] The Turkish Electricity Generation and Transmission (TEAS) Web Pages: [6] Energy Market Regulatory Authority Web Pages: - Electricity Market Law: Purpose, Scope and Definitions. [7], Network Access in the Deregulated European Electricity Market: Negotiated Third-Party Access vs. Single Buyer, Christoph Bier. [8] Electric Power Market Models in Europe, Çiğdem Çelik, IPEC 2003, The Sixth Power Engineering Conference, Singapore, 27-29 November. [9] Overview of currently applied methods for crossborder transmission capacity allocation in South-east Europe, Document for 7th Athens Forum, Belgrade, 23-25 November 2005. [10] Report on Inter-TSO Compensation mechanism among SEE TSOs, Document for 7th Athens Forum, Belgrade, 23-25 November 2005. [11] Europe Prepares for the Electrical Integration of Turkey, Power Engineering International, January 5, 2006 Issue. FREE SAMPLE 4.2. Responsibilities The Independent Regional Operator (IRO) would eventually have the operational control authority over the IRO Controlled Grid; the maintenance of high-voltage transmission lines is performed by the transmission owners. The primary role of IRO would be to ensure system-wide safety and reliability. Its responsibilities would include the following: Transmission Access: Provide open and nondiscriminatory access to all customers to the IRO controlled Grid Reliability Standards: 1) Operate in an efficient and reliable manner consistent with the operation standards established by the Regional Electric Reliability Council; 2) To ensure the entities located within or outside the IRO Controlled Grid adhere to enforceable protocols and standards to protect the reliability of the net work; Control Area and Security Coordinator: 1) Function as an integrated multi-control area operator that would contain the generating units in the participating countries; 2) Function as a security coordinator for all control areas within the region; 3) Develop mechanisms to coordinate with neighboring control areas Transmission Planning: 1) Establish operating rules and protocols for the reliable operation of the IRO; 2) Review annual filings of transmission owners to accommodate the participating countries’ growing electricity needs Market Administration/Coordination: Determine which MEPS’06, September 6-8, 2006, Wrocław, Poland 17 A Draft of the Methodology Used for Assessment of Electricity Competitiveness M. Przygrodzki Institute of Power Control Silesian University of Technology 44-100 Gliwice, Poland [email protected] Abstract - The paper presents a draft of the methodology used for assessment of competitiveness of electricity produced in own consumer’s source and electricity bought from transmission or distribution network. connection with above-mentioned circumstances research were conducted. Aim of this research is an analysis of competitiveness of electricity generated on-site and electricity bought from electric power network. Keywords: power system, Monte Carlo methods, optimization methods, marginal prices, system operation. 2. TASK DESCRIPTION AND ASSUMPTIONS 1. INTRODUCTION In the world power industry an increase of interest in distributed energy is observed. This name applies to small, high – efficient energy sources usually working in combined system – which were localized directly in a place or nearby the place, where generated energy is consumed. This trend is more and more outlined also in Poland and is shown by a wide range of publications bringing this subject up as well as (what is even more important), constantly extending offer of producers of these devices. On December 15 2000 it entered into force a decree of Minister of Economy [1, 2], which put on power industry companies obligation of buying electricity from unconventional and renewable sources and also energy from combined heat and power sources (CHP). Objects of distributed power industry placed in the depth of distribution network, often on customer’s busbars, and additionally taking into consideration above-mentioned statutory purchase preferences may be a potential competition for large commercial power plants and power output using a transmission network. Competitiveness of local distributed energy in comparison with commercial sources depends mainly on electricity generation costs and costs of its transmission resulting from transmission charges borne by final consumers. Attractiveness of distributed energy for investors is an important component of planning tasks conducted in order to develop and modernize transmission network systems. Network investments result from necessity of connection between electricity generation places and places where it is consumed. Consumers’ investments in their own sources don’t need building of lines’ sections, therefore they are extremely important and new element taken into consideration during planning of network development. In First step of the paper subject problem is formalization of definition: „energy competitiveness”, and then description of research task. Presented, often used concept describes a certain process of competition, which market participants take part in [3]. This competition concerns both: producers offering their products and consumers searching for these products. Mentioned-above competition may occur on few planes, and in particular: product quality, accessibility or also its price. In considered case its product is electricity, therefore competitiveness of energy will mean showing way and cost of generation for its consumption. As to this product quality it is necessary to assume, that it has to fulfill, independently from way of its production, certain established norms. These norms describe standard electricity parameters and result from suitable law acts [4]. Thus summing up above-mentioned considerations, it is necessary to say, that analysis of electricity competitiveness concern determining optimal way (here called option) of covering consumer’s demand. Task described in such way was specified following assumptions: • analysis is conducted on cost plane, so measure of energy competitiveness is total cost of a demand covering. This cost is evaluated for every option of covering of consumer’s demand. In consumer’s opinion the optimal option is that one, which has the smallest cost; • every considered option presents an alternative in the scope of consumer’s demand covering. It was assumed, that given option is a combination of possibility of electricity demand covering on one hand, and the heat demand covering on the other; • basic alternative of final consumer is energy purchase or its generation on-site. In case of own source CHP sources were considered, however energy purchase from district heating system or on electricity market (power exchange, bilateral contracts) was also taken into consideration. FREE SAMPLE 18 A Draft Of The Methodology Used For Assessment Of Electricity Competitiveness On the basis of presented assumptions mathematical model for assessment of electricity competitiveness was built. 3. MODEL FOR COMPETITIVENESS ASSESMENT Taking into consideration the task of assessment of competitiveness of electricity generated locally and purchased from network and mentioned-above assumptions cost form of objective function was established. This function reflects an annual cost of consumer’s demand covering. In objective function four cost components were taken into consideration, and finally the following formula was received: K (i, S ) = K A (i, S ) + K PA (i, S ) + K NA (i, S ) + K Q (i, S ) (1) where: i – examined option of covering consumer’s demand, S – state vector of analysis parameters, K – annual total cost of covering consumer demand, KA – cost of electricity purchase from network or on-site generation, KPA – cost of electricity transmission and distribution, KNA – cost of unserved energy, KQ – cost of heat purchase or on-site generation. While analysing form (1) of objective function it may be observed, that not only options of covering consumer’s demand are examined. Parameters of competitiveness’s analysis are also examined. These parameters are quantities describing final consumer (called internal parameters) and its environment (called external parameters). Internal parameters are the following: peak electric power, peak thermal power, utilization time of peak load, duration of cold season and consumer’s requirement for warm water. Short description of individual components of objective function (1) is presented below. Additionally characteristic external parameters are shown. PGE(t) – active power bought in power exchange, PRB(t) – active power purchase/sale on balanced market, C AK – price of electricity in bilateral contract, C AGE – price of electricity in power exchange, C AsRB – price of electricity sale on balancing market, C AzRB – price of electricity purchase on balancing market. The power interchanged with balancing market in every t hour results from balance between demand power and purchased power within the confines of contracts and power exchange: ∀t PRB (t ) = P (t ) − PK (t ) − PGE (t ) (3) where P(t) – an hourly active power of consumer’s demand. Heat cost for given i option and state vector of parameters S for consumer, who has not own source may be shown in the following form: K Q = C N ⋅ N s + CQ 8760 ∫ N (t ) dt (4) 0 where: CN – price of contracted heat power (assumed equal to peak power Ns), CQ – price of heat, N(t) – hourly power heat demand. In case of consumer, who has not his own source, components of state vector of external parameters connected with energy cost are following: electricity price on power exchange, energy price on balancing market, heat price, energy price in contract (or such deliverer’s parameters as: fuel price, production efficiency, etc., which determine that price). Above-mentioned equations (2) and (4) for consumer, who has his own CHP source may be presented in common notation. Electricity generation costs and heat generation costs in the source are taken into consideration in that notation. Then equation of hourly power balance is transformed to the following form: FREE SAMPLE 3.1. Purchase and generation of electricity and heat In case of consumer, who has not his own source, electricity cost is composed of following elements: cost of electricity purchase from power exchange, cost of energy purchase within the confines of bilateral contracts and balancing cost within the confines of purchase/sale on balancing market. Energy cost for given i option and state vector of parameters S may be shown in the following form: for PRB (t ) ≥ 0 KA = ∫ (PK (t )C A 8760 ) (2a) ) (2b) K + PGE (t )C AGE (t ) + PRB (t )C AsRB (t ) dt ∫ (PK (t )C A + PGE (t )C AGE (t ) + PRB (t )C AzRB (t ) dt 0 for PRB (t ) < 0 KA = 8760 K 0 where: PK(t) – active power bought in bilateral contract, ∀t PRB (t ) = P(t ) − Pzw (t ) − PK (t ) − PGE (t ) (5) where Pzw(t) is hourly power produced on-site. In case of consumer with his own source new elements appear in state vector of parameters. They are quantities connected with electricity and heat generation in own source such as: power of own source, ratio of electricity and heat combination, fuel price, pollution emissivity, operating costs as well as capital cost. 3.2. Costs of electricity transmission Costs of electricity transmission using power system network, therefore costs connected first of all with energy purchased from deliverers, are specified mainly through used model of transmission charges and level of charge’s rates. Two different models of transmission charges were taken into consideration during formulation of this component of objective function. These models were as follows: model of two-component charges (nodal or group M. Przygrodzki charges) and model of distance charges. The first of mentioned-above models is connected with incurring of charges divided on constant part (connected with consumer’s power) and on variable part (resulting from electricity consumption). The second of mentioned-above models of transmission charges ties level of charges incurred by consumer with electricity collected by him and with transmission distance. This distance is measured from a place of delivery of the electricity to a place of its consumption. Above-mentioned models of transmission charges apply to settlements for so-called net component of transmission charge. Furthermore, cost of transmission charge connected with system component was included in each model [5]. This cost was specified as a product of system charge’s rate and ratio of consumer’s participation in covering system costs. In case of consumer, who has his own source value, beside model of transmission charge, levels of rates and transmission distance, this ratio was also included in state vector of external parameters. 3.3. Costs of uncovering of electricity demand The costs of uncovering of (distinguished from costs of undelivered energy) are connected with potential consumer’s losses in case of lack of supply. These costs may be decomposed into following components: • costs of undelivered energy caused by lack of supply from network side, In case when electric power network is only one source of demand covering (concern the consumer without his own source) – symbol K1NA, • costs of undelivered energy caused by simultaneous lack of supply from network side and from own source side (concern the consumer with own source) – symbol K2NA, • cost of electricity purchase/generation in alternative supply point (concern the consumer with own source) – symbol K3NA. In order to assess the cost of undelivered electrical energy it is important in both above-mentioned cases to determine two basic quantities: i.e. unit cost of undelivered energy and level of undelivered energy. Determining both of above-mentioned quantities is difficult and often a little controversial. In presented model the first element was assumed in the form of constant value determined individually or using global index like gross national product [6], which was assumed as annual average value. The second element was determined by using a simulation. However diversity concerns possibilities of covering possible shortages in needed power supply at a node. In order to determine K1NA, cost the simulation of system state and interruption duration in consecutive settlement periods of demand curve was conducted. Simulation of system state gives binary value of level of nodal supply from external network. Similar situation is in case of determining K2NA cost, where additional element is simulation of simultaneous lack of supply from network side and from own source side. Third case, determined by K3NA cost, needs distinction of two states: • supply failure occurred in external network, which 19 supplies electricity to consumer (power system network), but this consumer has generation reserves in his own source. In this connection he is able to increase production till covering his full demand or a part of it, then he receives a cost of undelivered energy in supplement; • supply failure occurred in consumer’s own source, which causes increased (with reference to planned) energy purchase from network. This purchase causes increasing costs of electricity purchased from network and increasing transmission charges. Attractiveness of above-mentioned considerations is raised by fact, that taking into consideration generation limitations in own source as well as transmission contingencies in external network additionally influence the cost of uncovered electricity demand. Furthermore it is interesting to include in the analysis potential compensations from deliverer for lack of supply and restrictions of getting them in the form of permissible single outage duration and permissible annual total duration of emergency shutdowns. For the sake of costs of uncovered electricity demand state vector of external parameters will include following quantities: unit cost of undelivered energy, index of own source reliability, number of emergency outages and interruption duration for supply route or even for every element of this sequence. FREE SAMPLE 4. PROCESS OF COMPETITIVNESS ASSESSMENT By expression of above-mentioned mathematical model describing possibilities and resulting from them costs of the covering of the consumer’s electricity and heat demand allows to receive tool. This model gives a chance (when properly used) to draw a interesting conclusions resulting from analysis of this phenomenon. In order to draw these conclusions it is necessary to execute a sequence of actions. This sequence named process of competitiveness assessment. Proposed pattern of executing this process is show in Figure 1. In this figure individual steps of analysis of assessment of competitiveness of electricity purchased from network and generated on-site were distinguished in the form of consecutive blocks. As it is shown in the figure, outlined mathematical model is the first step of presented process. After creating this model, next actions may be based on results of analyses using this model. As it was presented in previous chapter, creation of the model is connected with introducing big number of parameters, which create already mentioned state vector. That's why the next step is selection and assessment of essentiality of individual parameters within the confines of competitiveness analysis. Utilization of Plackett-Burman’s experimental plans is suggested for estimate these parameters [7], which simplicity and at the same time efficiency allows limitation of number of researched parameters exclusively for these, which influence on result in the form of cost of demand covering is the biggest. Next step of proposed process is execution of parametric analyses, which, allow to assess the changes of 20 A Draft Of The Methodology Used For Assessment Of Electricity Competitiveness function’s (1) values with respect to changes of values of individual essential elements of competitiveness analysis. It is possible to sum up executed accounts creating so called cost matrix, which content defines the cost of covering of final consumer’s demand in a given option and at definite values of analysis’s parameters (state vector of parameters). Having so formulated matrix, it is possible to simulate a decision process using chosen decision criteria. Construction cost’s model of covering customer demand Preparation and execution of experimental plans of essentiality of model Execution of parametric analyses basis of cost’s model Maximum power demand of the consumer amounts Ps = 2,5 MW. It was assumed, that the consumer belongs to extraindustrial group (commerce, services), and his utilization time of maximum demand amounts on average Ts = 4 500 h/a. Annual planned consumer’s electricity demand amounts 11,25 GWh. Maximum consumer’s heat power demand assumed at the level of 1,8 MJ/s. Annual planned heat demand resulting from heating requirements and hot utilitarian water amounts about 17,9 TJ. It was assumed in range of transmission charges, that consumer incurs the cost of transmission according to currently obligatory principles in country, according to model of two-component charges. For above described established assumptions competitiveness analysis was carried out according to accepted and earlier described scheme. 5.1. Essentiality analysis Sensitiveness of consumer’s cost function (3) on change of input quantities’ values was tested, and next essentiality of influence of this change on result was specified. Negligible (i.e. such, which influence on result in the form of value of cost function could be omitted at set up level of essentiality) quantities were rejected in effect of these research. Plackett-Burman’s experimental plans based on Hadamard’s matrixes were used for this purpose [7]. Carried experiments planning was executed on two levels of tested factors. On the basis of analysis of components of purpose’s function the information of so called central values was received. In case of conducted research these values occupy the middle site in area of variability of tested input factors. The area of variability of input factors assumed in range of change from minimal to maximum values of these factors. For analyzed case essential (at the level of trust 0,95) parameters were received in effect of carried research. These parameters represent for example following quantities: utilization time of peak load (Ts), duration of cold season (τg), hot utilitarian water demand (wcwu), ratio of consumer’s participation in covering system costs (kO), transmission charge’s system rate (Sos), constant component of transmission charge’s net rate (Sss), variable component of transmission charge’s net rate (Szs), heat price (CQ) and electricity price on power exchange ( C AGE ). FREE SAMPLE Preparation and execution of risk analysis Simulation of customer decision process using decision criterions Fig. 1. The process of assessment of electricity competitiveness. However, it is proper to pay attention on another one element of decision process. Analysis of risk is this element [8]. This analysis in process of competitiveness assessment, as at the nature technical – market research, seems to be an essential component. Variability of some parameters of competitiveness analysis can effect in taking a decision by customers. Besides, it influences efficiency of consumers‘ investing in personal sources. Utilization of problems of risk becomes part of criteria of taking a decision by customer in final period of process of competitiveness. The consumer uses this analysis to choose the way of covering his electricity and heat demand. 5. EXAMPLE OF COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS Costs of a demand covering of a consumer connected to a distribution network at 20 kV nominal voltage were considered on example of a competitiveness analysis [9]. 5.2. Parametric analysis In order to determine quantitative character of influence of essential model’s input values the parametric analyses were conducted. The calculations were carried at planned changes of values of essential parameters. Descriptive models of cost of electricity and heat demand covering in individual considered options are effect of this analysis. It was assumed, that the cost of covering electricity and heat demand is an explained variable and essential input values of model of demand covering are explanatory variables. General form of such dependence is presented in the form of equation: To see the rest of the papers please buy MEPS’06 Proceedings. The Symposium Proceedings is available at the price of 40 EUR (hardbook) and 10 EUR (CD-ROM). Please contact the Symposium secretary: Address to correspondence: "MEPS'06" a/c Dr Waldemar Rebizant Wroclaw University of Technology Electrical Power Engineering Institute, I-8 Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27 50-370 WROCLAW POLAND phone: (+48) 71 320-26-58 fax: (+48) 71 320-35-96 e-mail: [email protected] www: MEPS’06, September 6-8, 2006, Wrocław, Poland 1 INDEX OF AUTHORS Author’s Name Abarrategui O. Aggarwal R.K. Ahmad M. Álvarez C. Amarís H. Angelov A.N. Aperribay V. Asceric N. Asiminoaei L. Babayeva N.R. Babayeva A.R. Baczyński D. Bajs D. Bak C.L. Balcerek P. Affiliation University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain University of Bath, Bath, UK Aligarh Muslim University, India Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany University of the Basque Country, Spain UMEL - Transmission Line Construction, Bosnia & Herzegovina Aalborg University, Denmark Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar, Zagreb, Croatia Aalborg University, Denmark ABB Corporate Research Center, Kraków, Poland Balzer G. Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany Bandyopadhyay M.N. Bargiel J. Bąchorek W. Befekadu G.K. Bejmert D. Berbic N. Bodzak P. Bożek M. Bracale A. Brożek J. Buchholz B.M. Buigues G. Burek A. Capitanescu F. Carpinelli G. Çelik Ç. Choi M.-S. Chrzan K.L. Claessens M.S. Dickert J. Dietermann T. Elhaffar A. Elmoudi A. Erlich I. Ernst D. Florkowski M. Deemed University, India Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Wrocław University of Technology, Poland University of Tuzla, Bosnia & Herzegovina Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Warsaw, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Universita degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland Siemens AG, Germany University of Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain Wrocław University of Technology, Poland University of Liège, Belgium Universita degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey Next-Generation Power Technology Center, Myongji University, Yongin, Korea Wrocław University of Technology, Poland ABB Switzerland Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Helsinki University of Technology, Finland University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany University of Liège, Belgium ABB Corporate Research, Kraków, Poland Fulczyk M. ABB Corporate Research, Kraków, Poland Gajda W. Ganjavi M.R. Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Warsaw, Poland SIEMENS AG, Erlangen, Germany Gashimov A.M. Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan Gburczyk P. Gharehpetian G.B. Glavic M. Technical University of Lodz, Poland Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran University of Liège, Belgium FREE SAMPLE Pages 228-233 342-347 547-549 483-488 483-488 134-137 138-143 392-397 500-505 379-382 411-416 62-67 51-56 500-505 283-288 122-127 178-183 237-241 250-255 535-540 261-264 256-260 187-192 210-215 392-397 361-364 306-311 373-378 79-84 87-95 300-305 324-328 165-171 373-378 13-16 279-282 361-364 525-530 348-353 237-241 273-278 531-534 187-192 165-171 398-401 283-288 398-401 361-364 354-360 379-382 411-416 222-227 458-461 165-171 MEPS’06, September 6-8, 2006, Wrocław, Poland 2 Goc W. Govorun O. Groß A. Habrych M. Handschin E. Hasanova S.I. Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld, Germany Wrocław University of Technology, Poland University of Dortmund, Germany Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan Hashmi G. Murtaza Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Haubrock J. Hause D. Heideck G. Helseth A. Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway Hennebel M. Supélec, Gif sur Yvette, France Hoholyuk O. Holen A.T. Holstein M. Höpfner S. Hubilit I. Imanov S. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway ABB Switzerland Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan Imriš P. Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Iżykowski J. Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Janik P. Jeromin I. Kałuża S. Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany EPC S.A., Katowice, Poland Kang S.-H. Next-Generation Power Technology Center, Myongji University, Yongin, Korea Kedra B. Kirushev S. Komarnicki P. Korab R. Korendo Z. Kot A. Kowalski Z. Kozłowski A. Krebs R. Krzeszowiak T. Kuc-Dzierżawska A. Kwapisz A. Kyzrodev I. La Seta P. University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland Komi Regional Power System Dispatching, Syktyvkar, Russia Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation, Germany Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland ABB Corporate Research, Kraków, Poland AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland Mining Electrification and Automation R & D Centre, EMAG, Katowice, Poland Mining Electrification and Automation R & D Centre, EMAG, Katowice, Poland SIEMENS AG, Erlangen, Germany University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland ABB Corporate Research, Kraków, Poland Poznań University of Technology, Poland Komi Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar, Russia Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Larruskain M. University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain Lauria D. Lazimov T. Universita degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan Lee S.-J. Next-Generation Power Technology Center, Myongji University, Yongin, Korea Lefebvre H. RTE Versailles, France Lehtonen M. Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Leonowicz Z. Lim S.-I. Lipsky A. Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Next-Generation Power Technology Center, Myongji University, Yongin, Korea The Academic College of Judea and Samaria, Ariel, Israel FREE SAMPLE 261-264 187-192 477-482 402-406 147-152 379-382 273-278 435-440 110-114 147-152 110-114 73-78 57-61 153-158 447-452 73-78 525-530 198-204 427-431 407-410 383-388 441-446 283-288 289-295 306-311 411-416 495-499 250-255 242-249 279-282 318-323 500-505 554-559 506-510 23-28 453-457 193-197 389-391 389-391 354-360 500-505 453-457 365-369 554-559 198-204 138-143 228-233 495-499 407-410 279-282 318-323 153-158 273-278 383-388 435-440 441-446 531-534 373-378 279-282 511-515 MEPS’06, September 6-8, 2006, Wrocław, Poland Lorenc J. Lubicki W. Lukomski R. University of Technology, Poznań, Poland EPC S.A., Katowice, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Luxenburger R. Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Łobos T. Łukowicz M. Majstrovic G. Malko J. Marciniak L. Marcinkowski Z. Martensen N. Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Energy Institute, Hrvoje Pozar, Zagreb, Croatia Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Technical University of Czestochowa, Poland Poznan University of Technology, Poland Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany Mazón A.J. University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain Medic I. Mekhtiyev T.R. Memisevic R. Michalik M. University of Split, Croatia Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences,Baku, Azerbaijan ACCS University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Miedziński B. Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Mienski R. Misiorek A. Moląg R. Müller G. Musierowicz K. NamysłowskaWilczyńska B. Nazemi M.H. Neubert M. Nordman M. Nowak W. Nuhanovic A. Technical University of Lodz, Poland Institute of Power Systems Automation, Wrocław, Poland Energia-Pro, District Power Company Wałbrzych, Poland Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation, Germany Poznan University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Islamic Azad University, Felestin Sq., Saveh, Iran Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany Helsinki University of Technology, Finland AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland University of Tuzla, Bosnia & Herzegovina FREE SAMPLE Okraszewski T. Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany Okraszewski W.Z. Orths A. Palola J. Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Energinet, Analysis and Methods, Fredericia, Denmark Helsinki Energy, Network Investments, Finland Parol M. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Paska J. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Pavlova-Marciniak I. Pawelek R. Phulpin Y. Technical University of Czestochowa, Poland Technical University of Lodz, Poland Ecole Superieure d’Electricité, Gif sur Yvette, France Piasecki W. ABB Corporate Research, Kraków, Poland Plumel S. Ecole Superieure d’Electricité, Gif sur Yvette, France Preiss O. Proto D. ABB Schweiz AG, Baden-Dattwill, Switzerland Universita degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy Przygrodzki M. Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland Pyzalski T. Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Rebizant W. Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Rissanen M. Rojewski W. ABB Corporate Research, Västerås Sweden Wrocław University of Technology, Poland 3 365-369 242-249 462-467 331-336 348-353 495-499 318-323 51-56 43-48 417-422 296-299 68-72 228-233 300-305 51-56 379-382 392-397 318-323 389-391 423-426 222-227 34-38 306-311 506-510 296-299 39-42 458-461 122-127 435-440 398-401 392-397 178-183 250-255 423-426 115-121 531-534 62-67 489-494 128-133 261-264 265-270 417-422 222-227 57-61 398-401 453-457 57-61 153-158 453-457 495-499 17-22 242-249 516-521 210-215 312-317 318-323 468-473 103-109 172-177 MEPS’06, September 6-8, 2006, Wrocław, Poland 4 Rosołowski E. Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Rozel B. Grenoble Electrical Engineering Lab Institut National Polytechnique of Grenoble Rudion K. Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany Ruhle O. Rusek B. Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Saha M.M. ABB Automation Technologies, Västerås, Sweden Sałek M. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland San Martín J.I. University of the Basque Country, Spain San Martín J.J. Sauhats A. University of the Basque Country, Spain Riga Technical University, Latvia Schegner P. Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Schiel L. Siemens AG, Berlin, Germany Schlabbach J. University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld, Germany Schorn C. Seheda M. Sereda L. Sikorski T. Smieja T. Sobierajski M. Solak K. Sowa P. Sowiński J. Stakhiv P. Stanojevic V.A. Staszak B. Stenzel J. Strunz K. Strupeit L. EnBW Regional AG, Stuttgart, Germany Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine Elektromreža Srbije Belgrade, Serbia&Montenegro Poznań University of Technology, Poland Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany University of Washington, Seattle, USA University of Lund, Sweden FREE SAMPLE Styczynski Z.A. Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany Surma T. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Svalova I. Svalovs A. Riga Technical University, Latvia Riga Technical University, Latvia Szpyra W. AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland Szubert K. Terzija V.V. Tylek W. Tymorek A. Uspensky M. Valverde V. Wacławek Z. Wasiak I. Wasilewski J. Wehenkel L. Weron R. Poznań University of Technology, Poland The University of Manchester, UK AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland PSE-Operator S.A., Warszawa, Poland Komi Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar, Russia University of Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Technical University of Lodz, Poland Warsaw University of Technology, Poland University of Liège, Belgium Hugo Steinhaus Center, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland 283-288 289-295 324-328 115-121 96-102 115-121 115-121 525-530 283-288 289-295 128-133 265-270 138-143 228-233 138-143 159-164 198-204 331-336 348-353 337-341 103-109 477-482 178-183 427-431 427-431 373-378 134-137 172-177 312-317 261-264 29-33 447-452 468-473 365-369 68-72 115-121 103-109 96-102 110-114 115-121 134-137 354-360 506-510 128-133 265-270 159-164 159-164 541-546 550-553 205-209 468-473 79-84 39-42 554-559 300-305 495-499 222-227 489-494 165-171 34-38 MEPS’06, September 6-8, 2006, Wrocław, Poland Wiechowski W. Wilczyński A. Aalborg University, Denmark Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wilkosz K. Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wiszniewski A. Witek B. Wozniak K. Wróblewski Z. Yuan H.-C. Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Wrocław University of Technology, Poland Next-Generation Power Technology Center, Myongji University, Yongin, Korea Zamora I. University of the Basque Country, Spain Zhou X.Y. University of Bath, UK To see all the papers please buy MEPS’06 Proceedings. The Symposium Proceedings is available at the price of 40 EUR (hardbook) and 10 EUR (CD-ROM). Please contact the Symposium secretary: Address to correspondence: "MEPS'06" a/c Dr Waldemar Rebizant Wroclaw University of Technology Electrical Power Engineering Institute, I-8 Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27 50-370 WROCLAW POLAND phone: (+48) 71 320-26-58 fax: (+48) 71 320-35-96 e-mail: [email protected] www: 5 500-505 39-42 462-467 516-521 337-341 216-221 373-378 402-406 279-282 138-143 228-233 300-305 342-347
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