EDITORIAL SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 10 AND SOCIETY XXXIII. VOL.. PORTLAND, OREGON, MOKXIXG, SUNDAY OCTOBER 4, 4Q. NO. 1914. Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts Providing Same Are Paid in Full on or Before the lOth of Each Month Trunks, Suitcases and Traveling Needs of All Kinds, 4th Floor Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors, 2d Floor Furniture, Carpets, 3d Floor Home Journal Patterns All Orders Olds, WortmanScKing Received by Mail Are Given For. November Now In Prompt, Careful Attention Ladies' Home Journal Patterns for November now on sale at Pattern Counter. We have also received new issue of the Embroidery Book. Ask for your Free Copy of Good Dressing Fashion Magazin. oy Thoroughly Reliable Merchandise Expe- Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 rienced Shoppers. ' Reliable Methods Home Phone A 6231 Valuable Premiums FREE! Thousands of beautiful and useful articles on display in the Premium Parlors on the Fourth Floor to be given absolutely free to those who collect "S. & H." Stamps. Ask for book with 10 free Stamps. Now. Fashion's Smartest Modes in Women's and Misses' Ready -to- Green Stamps Save Free Classes in Knitting, Crocheting and Embroidery Daily From 1 to 5 P. M. Join the Classes Apparel -Wear New Tailored Suits for Fall at $25.00 Handsome New Fall Coats at $22.50 Special Showing of Suits at $35 Stylish New Coats Priced $28. 5Q Second Floor Season's latest models in Second Floor this line we show" a Second Floor Women's and misses' new Second Floor At $28.50 we display Tailored Suits for women and misses. Redingote and novelty cuts in splendid assortment to suit every fancy. Cheviots, broadcloth, serges, poplins, etc in every desirable color tor J all and V inter wear. Exceptional garments at this moderate price $25.00 In Crepe de Chine Waists $3.98 to $7.0Q Priced, $3.98 to W P Dressy Waists $6.7$ to $45.00 Second Floor Charming styles of laces, chiffons, embroidered, nets. "Georgette" crepe, combinations of lace and silk, etc. Many in the stylish draped effects, trimmed with gold IT lace, medallions, etc. Prices range from 6.75 up to ff lV Garment Department, Second Floor $5.0Q Sample Combs Special $1.00 Manufacturers" Main Floor sample line of women's hih-grad- e Back Combs in scores of styles only one ol a d1J. (V kind. Worth to 5; now O ff SJ.JJ Beautiful Evening Gowns of velour velvet, charmeuse, Second Floor taffeta, satin and lace, brocaded velvet, combinations of charmeuse and gold lace, embroidered . nets,, etc. Copies of models by Dricoll, Callot, David, Worth, Redfern and many others. Priced $38.50 to $175. Evening Coats and Wraps of velours, velvets, broadcloth and other wanted materials. Showing many handsome models trimmed with styles, line's with fine quality fur. , Cossack and fancy belted-bac- k silks. All the newest Fall shades. Prices range from $42.50 to $185. Extensive showing of Women's and Misses' Dresses for dancing and party wear. Made up in all the dainty sheer materials of the season. Prices range $14.98 to $35.00. size 2x2 yards, priced special size 2x2V2 yards, priced special size 2x3 j'ards, priced special $3.00 Linen Napkins to match these Cloths at, dozen, for 72-Inc- now now now only $1.98 $2.68 $2.98 $2.50 Linen Table Damask 88c Yard h Extra Heavy Linen Damask $1.08 Richardson's extra fine quality of bleached Linen Damask in beau tiful new patterns. 2 yards wide, yard Bleached Linen Damask in extra heavy quality. Made of pure linen flax. Full 2 yards OO-wi- de. yardOw $1.08 Special Bargains in Bath Towels Special, the - - Main Floor Hundreds of dozens of Bath Towels on sale this week at special reduced prices. Look to your needs Blue or red borders. All dependable qualities, good weight in these lines of Bath Towels. Extra heavy quality Bath Towels on sale at special price of 20 Regular 25c linen Huck Towels priced special at low price of 1S 45c Bath Towels, special 35 Fancy Plaid Bath Towels 25 S. & H. Stamps given purchasers. 65c Bath Towels, special at 50 ! New Today! Fall Styles Nemo Corsets Women's and misses' imported rubberized Coats from England. Styled with Raglan sleeves. Shown in serviceable colors. New line Hallowe'en Novelties in great variety. Shown on fourth floor. Exquisite new novelties in women's- Neckwear and Veilings Main Floor. Imported Art Brasses and Statuary Fancy China and Glassware Third Floor. II Satin Finish Bed Spreads Now at Sale Prices Main Floor Beautiful satin finish Bed Spreads, scalloped and cut d size and come in handsome new pat corners. These are of terns. This lot is somewhat limited, so be prompt if your VAl would secure one Priced special lor Monday s sale at Special now for $3.60 Same Quality as Above in Plain Hemmed Fur Trimming ,2Qc Yard full-be- l Something New! Baby set containing-onblanket, 2 bibs, 3 face cloths and 2 baby towels.- Ask to see these. Set of eight pieces on sale while they last at - 2.25 $1.25 Embroidered Pillow Cases 98c 15c Kimono Flannels 12 Vic Embroidered Initial Pillowcases of best quality pequot sheeting. The regular price $1.25, on sale at, a pair, only-'New Shipment "Viyella" Flannels QO. 0' Special sale of Kimono Flannels in great variety of new patterns. Ql JLtl, Fine soft fleecerlSc T grade. The yard at Just Received. Priced 75 Yard Main Floor Very desirable for trimmings of dresses, suits, coats, millinery, etc. Half inch wide. Shown in black, brown, gray and white. On sale at Trim-O- -, ming Counter at, the yard At $1.39 V SAVING "S. ft t II." GREEN TRADING STAMPS is people throughout every state in the Union are collecting these little Green Stamps. Don't wait another day. Ask for Book with 10 Free Stamps. special, , Circular Gas Heat- ers, 15 inches high with aluminum finish top and base. Priced special for this week at the f T T fk low price of only Swissalu Alumi- num Cleaner, Cake -- just money in the bank. Over 8,000,000 thrifty & Perfection" Oil Heaters $3.00 and $4.00 Third Floor i V1,OJ only"" 5J, 6D, ed Main Floor High-grad- e Crepe de Chine for evening gowns, wraps and dresses. The regular $3.00 qualities on sale at the yard, for only QO jXI70 Sale Extraordinary Sample Portieres . Circular Gas Heaters Special at $1.10 4t hand-painte- yjO pffrO Second Floor Women's fine quality nainsook or long cloth gowns in dainty styles with ribbon and beading. Garments in this lot worth up JJ O Q . liNURVEBAQSJ to $2.00 priced special now at Women's $1.25 Muslin Gowns, Priced Special Tomorrow at $1.QQ el 36-in- ch QO forC 13Bgxl5x84-inch- 7g QQp - Main, Floor Brocade Charmeuse, Brocade Pussy Willow Silks, Brocade Crepe Meteor. Regular $3.50 and $4.00 fabrics j?0 at, the yard, only Gas Heaters School Suits $3.15 , - $3.50 and $4 Silk Fabrics $2.48 Yd. $3 Crepe de Chine $1.98 Yd. Boys' Blue Serge 18V4xl2x834-inch- all-wo- ol much-want- Women's $2 Nainsook Gowns special at $3.60 Department, Third Floor These new Copper Reflectors are beautiful in design. Body of stove in" one piece with rounded corners and drawn-stetops, electric welded. No bolts or rivets used in their construction. They are finished in black ebony, with .electric welded copper fender. $1.50 Black Silks 98c widths in many waited weaves for dresses, waists, petticoats, etc. Good dependable qualities. Regular $1.25 to $1.50 black Silks on sale Mon- day at only, the yard, Size Special reduced prices on Reuben's Shirts and "Zimmerli," bands and Shirts for infants. Take advantage of this. Infants' Flannel of excellent Combs and Brashes with pin tray quality, edged with dainty pink Very dainty. of celluloid.or blue design. Priced Priced very special at "special, the- yard,' only low price of, set," only Josephine Slips for infants Combs and Brushes; d every motner Knows tne regu in pretty decorations of pink CT On sale CZjg lar price of these. 4? T and blue. Now 59S 89 special at each, Domestic Slips and Skirts in Roly Poly Dolls in those cute Gertrude and waist styles, emlittle styles so pleasing for the and lace OQ little tots. Priced very y broidered trimmed. special at only, each" Powder Boxes, special, each 36 Soap Boxes," special at only 32 Ask for Free Copy, of "Baby Book1 Every Mother Should Have One. Underwear' Department, Main Floor Beautiful new line of the heavy mixtures, chinchillas, cheviots, broadcloths, zibelines, etc. New fancy plashes for Evening Coats in all colors and combinations. New Furtex Coatings in plain colors, fancy and white. Visit ohr Dress Goods section and see these new arrivals in the .Fall Coatings. improper corseting. If you have good health, a Nemo will guard that health. If you are ill, a Nemo, properly selected, will do much to help your recovery. We show a complete line of Nemo Corsets in a wide variety of models to suit every figure. Expert corsetieres will be glad to help you select one that will suit you. Models as illustrated No. 506 Price $5 h Reflector Department on Second Floor Newest in Fall Coatings Nemo Corsets not only mold a naturally good figure into fashionable lines, but, by their ingenious construction, remold a figure' that has been ruined by ill health or Bargain Circle, First Floor Extra heavy white Outing Flannels for gowns, pajamas, skirts, etc. Thirty-tw- o inches wide. Priced T T at,, special, the yard, only Size Basement Bargain Center Hundreds of yards of beautiful fancy Silks stripes, pUiids, figured and Regular floral effects. Q $1.25 to $1.75 grades at 24 to of Women Will Wear No ' Corset but "Nemo" Outing Flannel 11c Yard Special Sale Fancy Silk Sale of Infants9 Apparel Come and Learn "Why Millions lace-trimm- ed 32-Inc- $1.25 to $1.75 79c $3.50 to $10 . II se- DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS will be given all this week with Cash Purchases of Infants' Apparel. Don't fail to ask for them. Millinery Salons, Second Floor Distinctive, original styles in the season's newest and most favored shapes Hats which carry with them an air of exclusiveness and yet the prices are within the reach of all. Our present showing of the new Hats is most complete in every detail, from the neat tailored models to the Imported Hats for dress wear. Especially- attractive are the exquisite Imported Models 'from Lichenstein, Verot, Georgette and Marie Guy. Visit the French room and see these creations. We also display many charming Hats, designed and made by our own experts. Department, Main Floor Richardson's Table Linens are exclusively new and beautiful in design and finish and will give satisfactory wear in every instance. Don't experiment with table linens buy Richardson's and get the best. Sold in Portland exclusively at this store. Pattern Cloths $3.25 Pattern Cloths $3.50 Pattern Cloths and Dress Hats From Foremost European and American Designers Semi-Dre- ss The World's Best for Generations models Many have the Roman' striped fancy vest effect. Models suitable for street or evening wear in all favored shades. Women's $10.00 Capes now at, only, $ 5.0Q Women's $15.00 Capes priced now at $ T.5Q Women's $21.00 Capes priced now at $10.50 Women's $22.50 Capes priced now at $11.25 Women's $28.50 Capes priced now at $14.25 Women's $35.00 Capes priced now at $17.50 Charming New Models in Tailored, - Capes and, serge, "Variety Some collars and hood. Trimnied Millinery Beautiful New Richardson's Linens $2.5,0 belted ' effects with large collars and cuffs. Your choice of a great many at tractive new styles. Reasonably priced at an unusually attractive assortment of Coats for women and misses. Materials include zibelines, cheviots, caracul, tweeds, serges, broadcloth and novelty weaves of various kinds. Full assortment of the latest Fall colorings. Choice of many 'styles $22.50 $28.50 All Capes Reduced Evening Gowns & Wraps golfine, Floor Women's misses' of broadcloth, tweeds and novelty Netv Creations for Fall mixtures. to of attractive with large flare or sailor lect from. f .JJ Richardson's Pattern Cloths Coats of heavy English, Scotch and German mixtures and plain weaves. Stylish new unlined models, in. Balmacaan and Second Second Floor Just received by express dainty new models in crepe de chine, pussy willow silk, satin and lace "Waists. Styled with the new set-i- n sleeves and low necks, hemstitched collars and fancy vests of silk and lace. Very newest effects. All sizes in the flJT fhfh assortment. . great variety of styles from the strictly tailored models to the dressy styles. Redingote, basque and belted back effects in all the most sought-fo- r materials and colors. Many are trimmed with caracul. Others with braids, but- - fif O CT tons, etc. Your choice Third Floor New "Perfection" Oil Heaters just the thing for these chilly mornings. They are nicely finished, arfd priced at from $3.00 to All Andirons, Fire Sets and $4.00 Screens Reduced Our entire stock of Andirons, Fire Screens and Fire Sets on sale this week at reduced prices. Buy now and save money. Ask for stamps. 4r.45 Smartly Tailored in the Popular Norfolk Style.- Main Floor These splendid made especially for us from a good serviceable g,:ade of wool serge. They are finished the same as the highest-price- d Suits and for general wear we know they will give most satisfactory wear., Pants are full lined and cnt in standard sizes. An even hundred of these Suits left for tomor-i row's selling. Priced Suits-were- , Ci PeiJ e Third Floor Hundreds of Sample Pairs Portieres, in Velours, Silk Velours, Tapestries, Brocades, Verona Velvets, French' Fro-Fr- a and other materials in beautiful rich patterns and colors. Entire line on sale tomorrow at about half the regular selling prices. High-Grad- Regular $20.00 Velour Portieres, Regular $15.50 Velour Portieres, Regular $23.75 Velour Portieres, Regular $35.00 Velour Portieres, Regular $40.00 Velour Portieres, Regular $50.00 Velour Portieres, Regular $55.00 Velour Portieres, sale price, $ 9.95 sale price, $ 7.50 sale price, 10.95 sale price, 14.95 sale price, 15.00 sale price, 17.95 sale price, 19.50 Rich Tapestry, Brocades, Velours and Silk Damask Portieres on sale tomorrow in the store at the following reductions from the list price: Reg. $6.00 Portieres JJ O $15 Portieres now CJO on sale at, a pair pOm on sale at, a pair Reg. $9.00 Portieres $16 Portieres now 3JO Clfl on sale at, a pair on sale at, a pair $17.50 Portieres CQ T $10 Portieres now JJff Ckft on sale at, a pair H on sale at, a pair $18.00 Portieres $13 Portieres now Q QO on sale at, a pair on sale at, a pair P ff JJ Off C? Afi PJVf pZfJ CT PJ )) Only One Pair of a Kind Shop Early
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