14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Contents Vials 1169 Ampoules, Septa, Caps 1169 Syringes 1178 Microlitre Syringes 1178 Sample preparation 1184 SPE 1184 Chromatography columns 1212 HPLC 1212 + Flash columns 1239 + Solvent storage/handling 1240 + GC columns 1253 + GC Reagents 1268 Thin-layer chromatography Plates 1272 + Chambers 1282 + Syringes 1283 + Detection 1285 + Accessories 1288 1168 1272 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Vials/Ampoules, Septa, Caps 1 2 3 4 General informations - vials and caps 1 Materials MACHEREY-NAGEL According to the high requirements of chemical analyses, especially with regard to reproducibility combined with high detection sensivity, the container material for the respective samples is of great importance. In general, for this purpose vials made from glass are used. The hydrolytic resistance of the glass can be taken as a measure for its chemical inertness. Determination of the hydrolytic resistance and the resulting classification of a glass grade are governed by the German and international industrial standard DIN 12111/ISO 719. Glass grades are classified in hydrolytic classes . We supply vials from the following classes: 2 1st hydrolytic class Glass grades made from borosilicate, such as Duranfi , Pyrexfi , Fiolaxfi and others belong to this group. Glass of this class, which is often called neutral glass, has a very good chemical resistiance towards acid and neutral solutions. The relatively low alkali content permits good values for the resistance towards alkaline solutions, too. If nothing else is stated, the vials of our programm are made from glass of the 1st hydrolytic class (manufactured in accordance with Eu.Ph. VI Ed., U.S.P. XXV Ed., DAB-10, Ph. Jap. 13). 3rd hydrolytic class, AR glass Glass of this class, also called soft glass or lime soda glass, has a mediumhydrolytic resistance. For longtime storage of aqueous and especially alkaline-aqueous samples (for example to use them repeatedly) it is not recommended. Nevertheless, it can be used for many analytical applications. 3 We supply the following types of sample bottles: vials with crimp top and corresponding caps screw thread vials and srew caps sealing disks for individual combinations of cap and seal Except for a few frequently used combi packs, vials and caps can be ordered separately, thus allowing a wide range of possible combinations. 4 Advantages of the DIN crimp top: Crimp top vials are available with 3 differnt rim heights: 3 mm, DIN crimp top with 3.6 mm and 4mm. When using only one crimper, tedious adjustments for the different heights are necessary. The standardized DIN crimp top avoids this problem. The rim height in accordance with DIN 58366 should be 3.6 ±0.2 mm. We supply vials with DIN crimp top for volumes above 5 ml. Except where explicitly mentioned, caps with sealing disks are supplied assembled, i. e. ready-to-use. Seals below the caps are shown for illustration purposes only, and they are pictured upside down. Physical properties of glass grades Parameter 1st hydrolytic class density: 2.64 thermal coefficient of linear expansion (K-1): 60 * 10-7 quenching stability (Δ T in K) in accordance with DIN 52321: 60 internal pressure resistance (bar) in accordance with DIN 52320: at least 6 bar Temperature stability of sealing disks and plastic caps shaped butyl rubber disks, center coated with PTFE natural rubber butyl rubber silicone rubber PTFE PE (polyethylene) PP (polypropylene) Allowable variation for the thickness of sealing disks: ±0.25 mm. 3rd hydrolytic class density: 2.5 thermal coefficient of linear expansion (K-1): 85 * 10-7 quenching stability (Δ T in K) in accordance with DIN 52321: 42 internal pressure resistance (bar) in accordance with DIN 52320: at least 6 bar 120°C (-40°C) 140°C 190°C (-30°C) 200°C (-60°C) 250°C 80°C 120 - 130°C E & OE. 1169 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Vials/Ampoules, Septa, Caps 1 Crimp top vials and caps 1 Vials with crimp top are injection bottles with rim diameters of 8, 11, 13 or 20mm which can be closed with crimp caps or PE caps (PE caps only for 11 and 20mm rim diameters). MACHEREY-NAGEL Vials with snap ring design with 11mm rim diameter may be closed with PE snap-on caps or crimp caps. Conic vials are vials with tapered inner shape for small sample volumes, which can be closed with crimp caps or PE caps. Micro inserts are used to reduce the volume of standard sample vials for application with very small sample volumes. Vials are closed as usual. As an alternative for small volumes you may use the sample vials with conic inner shape (conic vials) mentioned above. Crimp caps can be used for crimp top vials and for vials with snap ring design. They are available with or without sealing disks, with centre hole, tear-off middle seal or as tear-off caps. Caps with centre hole are made from aluminium, aluminium with steel insert or steel. The two latter are magnetic. Additionally we offer a versatile range of sealing disks for crimp caps and PE caps. Description PK Cat. No. mm 8.2 x 30.0 11.6 x 32.0 11.6 x 32.0 100 100 100 9.003 427 7.086 520 6.700 977 11 / 3 11.6 x 32.0 100 6.700 976 0.20 - 5.5 x 30.0 100 7.401 744 Micro inserts for N11-1 HP and Snap-ring tubes, fitted with PP spiral pring Vials with snap N 11-1, clear* Vials with snap N 11-1, clear, writing patch* 0.25 - 5.5 x 29.0 100 6.093 247 1.50 1.50 11 / 11 / - 11.5 x 32.5 11.5 x 32.5 100 100 6.073 833 4.001 545 Vials with snap N 11-1, amber, writing patch* 1.50 11 / - 11.5 x 32.5 100 7.059 846 Micro inserts for Snap-ring tubes, 15mm tip, sharply tapering Micro inserts for Snap-ring tubes, 12mm tip 0.20 - 5.5 x 30.0 100 4.001 546 0.30 - 5.5 x 30.0 100 4.001 547 N-13-4, clear N 20-6 PE, clear, conical top edge, rounded base 4.00 6.00 13 / 3.6 20 / 4 14.75 x 45 22 x 38.25 100 100 4.001 529 7.052 186 N 20-20 PE, clear conic rim, rounded bottom edges for PE autosamplers, wall 1.2 mm thick 20.00 20 / 4 23 x 75.5 100 7.060 463 N20-20 HP/CTC, clear, flat crimp top, long neck rounded bottom edges for PE / CTC and HP autosamplers 20.00 20 / 3.6 22 x 75.5 100 9.003 453 N 8-08, clear N 11-1 HP, clear* N 11-1 HP, clear, with writing patch and inscription* N 11-1 HP, amber, writing patch and inscription* Micro insert for N11-1 HP, tapered Capacity diameter / height rim o.d. x height ml 0.80 1.50 1.50 mm 8/3 11 / 3 11 / 3 1.50 *wide neck Snap ring vials N11 can also be used with crimp caps N 11 1170 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Vials/Ampoules, Septa, Caps Crimp top vials and caps Vials with crimp top are injection bottles with rim diameters of 8, 11, 13 or 20 mm which can be closed with crimp caps. MACHEREY-NAGEL Vials with snap ring design with 11 mm rim diameter may be closed with PE snap-on caps or crimp caps. Conic vials are vials with tapered inner shape for small sample volumes, which can be closed with crimp caps or PE caps. Micro inserts are used to reduce the volume of standard sample vials for application with very small sample volumes. Vials are closed as usual. As an alternative for small volumes you may use the sample vials with conic inner shape (conic vials) mentioned above. Crimp caps can be used for crimp top vials and for vials with snap ring design. They are available with or without sealing disks, with centre hole, tear-off middle seal or as tear-off caps. Caps with centre hole are made from aluminium, aluminium with steel insert or steel. The two latter are magnetic. Snap ring caps: Description N 11 transparent N 11 blue N 11 blue Int. bore diameter mm 6.0 6.0 6.0 N 11 blue Material / Sealing disk Thickness / Hardness PK Cat. No. mm / Image 1.0 / 60 1.3 / 45 1.0 / 45 100 100 100 7.059 844 4.001 544 6.073 555 1.0 / 55 100 6.073 834 Thickness / Hardness PK Cat. No. mm / Image 1.3 / 45 0.9 / 45 1.3 / 45 100 100 100 9.003 441 9.003 443 9.003 444 1.3 0.9 1.3 1.3 2.0 45 45 45 45 50 100 100 100 100 100 4.001 7.060 9.003 4.001 7.060 nat. rubber orange red/PTFE colourless colourless silicone rubber white/ PTFE red Red PTFE/white silicone rubber /red PTFE 6.0 silicone rubber white/ PTFE blue, slotted Crimp caps: Description N 11 TB/oA N 8 TB/oA-4 aluminium coloured N 8 TS/oA aluminium coloured N N N N N 11 11 11 11 13 TB/oA aluminium coloured TB/oA-0.9 aluminium coloured TS/oA aluminium coloured TS/oA-M magnetic TB/oA aluminium coloured Int. bore diameter mm 5.6 4.0 4.0 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.0 6.0 Material / Sealing disk Butyl rubber/PTFE butyl rubber red/PTFE colourless silicone rubber white/PTFE red butyl rubber colourless butyl red/PTFE colourless butyl rubber red /PTFE colourless silicone rubber white/PTFE red silicone rubber white /PTFE red shaped butyl rubber disk dark grey/PTFE light grey / / / / / 523 469 446 564 475 N20 TB/oA, aluminium coloured N20 TB/oA, aluminium coloured 10.0 Red butyl rubber/grey PTFE 10.0 Light grey butyl rubber/dark grey PTFE 3.0 / 55 3.0 / 50 100 100 9.003 454 4.001 549 N20 TS/oA, aluminium coloured N 20 TS/oA aluminium coloured 10.0 Blue silicone rubber/colourless PTFE 10.0 silicone rubber beige/PTFE grey 3.0 / 40 3.0 / 60 100 100 4.001 553 9.003 447 N20 TB/HS, aluminium coloured N20 TS/HS, aluminium coloured 8.0 Red butyl rubber /grey PTFE 8.0 Beige silicone rubber /grey PTFE 3.0 / 55 3.0 / 60 100 100 9.003 455 9.003 456 N20 TB/oA ASM bimetal, magnetic N20 TS/oA ASM bimetal, magnetic N20 TS/oA ASM bimetal, magnetic 8.0 Grey butyl rubber/grey PTFE 8.0 Cream silicone rubber/grey PTFE 8.0 Blue silicone rubber /colourless PTFE 3.0 / 50 3.0 / 60 3.0 / 40 100 100 100 9.003 457 9.003 458 6.234 541 Crimp top vials and crimp caps N 11 as combi packs sealing disks assembled MACHEREY-NAGEL Description Combipack N 11-1 HP, clear + N 11 N 20 TB/oA coloured aluminium caps and red butyl rubber / natural PTFE seals Combipack N 11-1 HP, clear + N 11 N 20 TB/oA coloured aluminium caps and red silicone / white PTFE seals E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1000 9.003 439 1000 9.003 440 1171 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Vials/Ampoules, Septa, Caps 1 1 Crimp top vials stoppers MACHEREY-NAGEL Description Rubber stoppers N20 light grey Rubber stoppers N20 for freeze-drying 2 Hardness PK Cat. No. Image 37 37 100 100 7.060 433 7.076 651 2 Screw thread vials and screw caps Vials with screwthreads are available in sizes of N 8, N 9 and N 13. They feature a threaded rim for screw caps. MACHEREY-NAGEL Conic vials with screwthreads and thick glass walls are micro reaction vials for small sample volumes, which are closed with screw caps. Micro inserts are used to reduce the volume of standard sample vials for applications with very small sample volumes. Vials are closed as standard. As an alternative for small volumes you may use the sample vials with conic inner shape (conic vials) mentioned above. Screw caps for threaded vials available with or without sealing wads and with or without centre hole. Additionally we offer a versatile range of sealing wads for screw caps. Description Capacity o.d. x height N 8-1, clear* N 8-1, amber* N 8-1, amber, label area with scale* Micro inserts for N 8-1, with mounted PP spring Micro inserts for N8-1, standard, clear Micro inserts for N8-1, strongly tapered Springs for micro inserts 5 x 30 mm N9-1, clear, wide opening** N9-1, clear, wide opening, label area with scale** ml 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.00 1.50 1.50 mm 11.5 11.5 x 32.5 11.5 x 32.5 5 x 29 5 x 30 5 x 30 N9-1, amber, with label area, wide mouth** N 13-4 G, clear N 13-4 G, amber Micro inserts for vials N 13-4 G Springs for micro inserts 6 x 40 mm 1.50 4.00 4.00 0.30 0.00 11.6 14.75 14.75 6 11.6 x 32 11.6 x 32 x x x x 32 45 45 40 PK Cat. No. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 9.003 9.003 7.081 4.001 9.003 7.401 7.086 9.003 4.001 481 480 414 556 435 066 408 448 520 100 100 100 100 100 9.003 9.003 7.058 7.055 4.001 449 482 142 486 567 *8-425 thread **short thread Combi packs of screw thread vials and screw caps N 8 Sealing wads assembled MACHEREY-NAGEL Description Combipack N 8-1, clear + N 8, with phenolic resin screw caps and red / natural seals Combipack N 8-1, clear + N 8, with phenolic resin screw caps and red / white seals 1172 E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1000 9.003 437 1000 9.003 438 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Vials/Ampoules, Septa, Caps 1 Screw caps N 8, N 9, N 13 1 with or without sealing wads MACHEREY-NAGEL N 8 8-425 threads N 9 short threads N 13 13-425 threads Description N8* N8* Int. bore Material / Sealing disk diameter mm 5.5 Red butyl rubber/clear PTFE 5.5 Red nat. rubber / colourless PTFE Thickness / Hardness PK Cat. No. mm / Image 1.3 / 60 1.3 / 60 100 100 9.003 483 6.224 027 N8* 5.5 White silicone rubber / red PTFE w/slit 1.3 / 35 100 6.232 178 N8* N8* N8** N 9 blue* 5.5 5.5 0.0 5.5 White silicone rubber / red PTFE without seal without seal red nat. rubber / colourless PTFE 1.3 / 35 -/-/1.0 / 45 100 100 100 100 9.003 7.060 7.075 9.003 N 9 blue* N 9 blue* 5.5 White silicone rubber / red PTFE 5.5 White silicone rubber / red PTFE w/slit 1.3 / 35 1.3 / 35 100 100 9.003 451 4.001 521 N 13* 8.5 Nat. rubber / PTFE 1.3 / 60 100 4.001 566 N 13* 8.5 White silicone rubber / red PTFE 1.3 / 35 100 7.510 053 Hardness PK Cat. No. Image 60 35 55 100 100 100 7.060 417 7.060 419 7.085 892 PK Cat. No. 484 421 960 450 *with centre hole, **witout centre hole 2 Sealing disks N 8 2 Sealing wads for screw caps Description N 8 Nat. rubber, red / colourless PTFE N 8 White silicone rubber / red PTFE N 8 White silicone rubber / blue PTFE /slit MACHEREY-NAGEL Ext. diam. mm 8 8 8 Wall thickness mm 1.3 1.3 1.0 3 Manual crimpers and opening pliers 3 For tightly closing crimp top vials manually, you need an appropriate crimper, for MACHEREY-NAGEL opening the corresponding opening pliers are used. If you have e. g. sample vials with 20 mm rim diameter and the proper crimp caps (e. g. N 20 TB/oA), you can use crimpers N 20 and opening pliers N 20 OE. The crimpers listed below can be adjusted to the respective rim height with the aid of a hexagonal key (except for the N8 crimper). Description PK 8 13 11 20 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 470 473 471 475 Opening pliers For sample, injection and infusion, crimp top bottles or vials with aluminium, or combination caps. For dia. mm 1 1 1 1 11 13 20 E & OE. 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 511 367 368 369 1173 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Vials/Ampoules, Septa, Caps Containers for vials available in 3 different sizes for small (N8 to N 11), medium size (N 13) and large (N 20) vials suited for freezers stackable MACHEREY-NAGEL Description PK Cat. No. 81 positions, for vials N 8, N 9 and N 11, with integrated insert; size 130 x 130 x 45 mm, coded, with lid 1 6.225 649 49 positions, for vials N 13, with integrated insert; size 130 x 130 x 50 mm, with lid 1 4.001 527 25 positions, for vials N 20, with removable insert; size 130 x 130 x 80 mm, with lid 1 4.001 528 PK Cat. No. 100 100 100 9.003 600 9.003 601 9.003 602 PK Cat. No. 0.10 ml conical, glass 100 9.003 603 0.15 ml conical, glass with POLYSPRING 100 9.003 604 0.25 ml flat bottom, glass 500 9.003 605 PK Cat. No. 100 100 100 9.003 606 9.003 607 9.003 608 PK Cat. No. 100 100 500 9.003 609 9.003 610 9.003 611 1 Sample vials, crimp top 1 Transparent borosilicate glass vials. Choice of clear or amber. Supplied with and without labelling area, size 12 x 32 mm. Crimp top vials, standard neck. Type 2.0 ml, transparent 2.0 ml, transparent with labelling area 2.0 ml, amber with labelling area 2 3 4 Insert vials Insert vials, 5 mm diameter, KG-33 borosilicate glass. Type 2 5 6 3 4 5 6 Sample vials, crimp top Transparent borosilicate glass vials. Choice of clear or amber. Supplied with and without labelling area, size 12 x 32 mm. Crimp top vials, wide mouth. Type 2.0 ml, transparent 2.0 ml, transparent with labelling area 2.0 ml, amber with labelling area 7 8 9 Insert vials Insert vials, 6 mm diameter, KG-33 borosilicate glass. Type 0.25 ml conical, glass 0.25 ml conical, glass, Polyspring 0.35 ml flat bottom, glass 7 1174 8 9 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Vials/Ampoules, Septa, Caps 1 Alu-caps 1 Aluminium caps for crimp top bottles, standard and wide mouth. Diameter 11 mm. Type PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PK sealing rim / natural rubber seal / Silicone seal red / Silicone seal 1000 1000 100 100 Cat. No. 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 612 613 614 615 2 Seals 2000 2 Coloured aluminium caps with PTFE/rubber seal. 11 mm dia. Other colours available on request. Colour Silver PK Cat. No. 100 9.003 616 3 4 Sample vials, screwthread top 3 4 With wide mouth. Supplied with and without labelling area, size 12 x 32 mm. Type 2.0 ml transparent 2.0 ml transparent, with labelling area 2.0 ml amber, with labelling area PK Cat. No. 100 100 100 9.003 617 9.003 618 9.003 619 PK Cat. No. 100 100 500 9.003 609 9.003 610 9.003 611 5 6 7 Insert vials Insert vials, 6 mm diameter. Type 0.25 ml conical, glass 0.25 ml conical, glass, Polyspring 0.35 ml flat bottom, glass 5 6 7 8 Screwthread caps and septa 8 Diameter 10 mm. Screw cap, open, coloured, PP. Colour PK Black Red Blue Green 100 100 100 100 Cat. No. 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 620 621 622 623 9 Septa 9 Septa. 10 mm Type PTFE PTFE red/Silicone white E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1000 100 9.003 624 9.003 627 1175 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Vials/Ampoules, Septa, Caps 1 2 Sample vials, screwthread top With standard screw neck. Supplied with and without labelling area, size 12 x 32 mm. Type 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ml ml ml ml PK transparent transparent, with labelling area amber amber, with labelling area 1 100 100 100 100 Cat. No. 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 629 630 631 632 2 4 3 5 3 4 5 Insert vials Insert vials, 5 mm diameter. Type 0.10 ml conical, glass 0.15 ml conical, glass with Polyspring 0.25 ml flat bottom, glass PK Cat. No. 100 100 9.003 603 9.003 604 500 9.003 605 PK Cat. No. 1000 100 9.003 633 9.003 634 PK Cat. No. 1000 100 100 9.003 635 9.003 636 9.003 638 7 6 6 7 Screwthread caps and septa Diameter 8 mm. Open screwthread cap. Type Phenolic, black PP, black 8 8 Septa Septa. 8 mm Type PTFE PTFE/Rubber PTFE red/Silicone white 9 9 Three-layer septa Low density silicone wad sandwiched between two high density silicone layers. Working temperature max. 200°C. Dia. mm 9.5 10.0 13.0 1176 E & OE. Hamilton PK Cat. No. 12 12 12 9.221 803 9.221 805 9.221 809 Filtration MACHEREY-NAGEL Find out about high-quality products for filtration. As one of the leading filter paper manufacturers, we offer more than 7000 products from the following ranges: • Quantitative (ashless) filter papers • Qualitative filter papers • Glass fibre filters • Filter papers for technical applications • Extraction thimbles • PORAFIL® filter membranes • CHROMAFIL® syringe filters • CHROMABOND ® MULTI 96 filters • Special products and costum-made products • ... and many more Quality „Made in Germany“ We produce our filter papers exclusively in Germany. Thereby we guarantee constant high quality for our customers. With pride we look back to a almost 100-year-old successful history. Founded in 1911 MACHEREYNAGEL today is a worldwide operating company. We develop and produce a large number of special products for analytical chemistry. • Filter and filtration products • Rapid tests for environmental, process and food analysis • Test papers for medical urine analysis • Consumables for chromatography • Kits for purification of DNA and proteins Be prepared for the future Rely on MACHEREY-NAGEL filter papers at any time in the future. As a family-owned company the friendly expert advice for our highly-valued customers as well as outstanding product quality have been the cornerstones of our corporate success for almost 100 years. MACHEREY-NAGEL 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Syringes/Microlitre Syringes 1 Syringe Terminations 1 Syringe terminations are offered in a number of different configurations Hamilton designed to accommodate a broad range of applications. From cemented to removable needles, and luer taper /TEFLON luer lock to special syringe fittings, syringe barrel terminations serve a key function at the interface of a syringe and its mating connection. N, NR (Cemented Needle, Cemented Needle Rheodyne) Needles are cemented into the glass syringe barrel at a point corresponding to the zero graduation mark. NR stands for syringes with Rheodyne specified needles. LTN (Luer Tip Cemented Needle) Needles are cemented into the conical glass luer tip of the barrel at a point corresponding to the zero graduation mark. SN (Special Needle) Hamilton offers customized syringes with special needles. State the following details: needle length, gauge, point style, and whether electro-tapered. Example of a correct specification: 701 SN, 70 mm, gauge 25, point style 3, not electrotapered. Without these details the corresponding standard syringe 701 N will be supplied. RN (Removable Needle) Removable needles seat precisely to the zero graduation mark of the syringe. Allows the use of different specification needles on the same syringe barrel. LT (Luer Tip) Ground glass syringe barrel with a male luer taper accepts most hypodermic needles. Use Kel-F hub needles and connectors for a tight seal. KH (Knurled Hub) Removable needle, knurled hub is used on 7000 Series syringes, exclusively. The attachment of a spacer enables repeatable depth injections. SL (SampleLock) On/Off syringe valve with RN needle is cemented to a syringe barrel. Used for headspace, environmental sample collection and storage, pre-pressurization of gaseous samples for GC analysis, and sample spiking. TLL, TLLX (TEFLON Luer Lock) Male luer taper with nickel-plated brass hub accepts, and locks in place, luer hub needles and connectors. The X-style plunger stop incorporates a 6-32 UNC female thread on the end of the stop to allow attachment to drive arm mechanisms, such as on the MICROLAB 500 Series diluters/dispensers. C (Cheminert) 1/4''-28 UNF, male fitting. Used in low volume applications where system dead volumes need to be minimized. AD (AccuDil®) M8 x 0.75, male fitting. Used with MICROLAB 1000 PLUS diluter/dispenser. DAD (Diluter AccuDil®) M8 x 0.75 male fitting with M6 x 1 side port. Used with MICROLAB 1000 PLUS diluter/dispenser. 1178 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Syringes/Microlitre Syringes 1 Microlitre syringes, Needle Types Point Style 2: 12° bevelled non-coring needle point recommended for septum penetration. Ideal for gas chromatographic applications. Hamilton 1 Point Style 3: Blunt needle point (90°) for use with HPLC injection valves. Also recommended for applications where exact dosing is required (e.g. thin layer chromatographs). Point Style 4: 10-12° bevelled needle point recommended for life science applications; special point styles such as 12°, and 45° are available on request Point Style 5: Conical needle with side port for penetration of septa, thin-gauged vinyls and plastics without coring; minimizes septum damage Point Style AS: Special conical style needle point (8° taper) designed to withstand the demands of multiple injections; exclusively used on GC autosampler syringes 2 Microlitre syringes, 700 series 2 With fixed needle (N, NR). NR stands for syringes with Rheodyne specified needles. Plungers are individually fitted, therefore cannot be interchanged and are not available as replacement parts. Needles are electro-tapered. Needle length Type 75 N 701 N 701 N, Unit = 6 702 N 705 N 710 N 725 N 750 N 75 N 701 N 702 NR 705 NR 710 NR 725 NR 750 N Hamilton 51 mm Capacity µl 5 10 10 25 50 100 250 500 5 10 25 50 100 250 500 Gauge Point style 26s 26s 26s 22s 22s 22s 22s 22s 26s 26s 22s 22s 22s 22s 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 PK 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (GC) (GC) (GC) (GC) (GC) (GC) (GC) (GC) (HPLC) (HPLC) (HPLC) (HPLC) (HPLC) (HPLC) (HPLC) Cat. No. 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 6.055 001 002 010 003 004 005 006 007 011 012 013 014 015 016 335 3 Microlitre syringes, 700 series 3 - 5 µl - 500 µl - For use with liquids - Cemented needles (N), removable needles (RN9, or luer tip (LT) - Plungers and Syringe barrels are not interchangeable or replaceable - Tight tolerances between the plunger and the barrel Needle length 51mm Point style 2 (GC) Type 75 RN 701 RN 701 RN, Unit = 6 702 RN 705 RN 710 RN 725 RN 750 RN 701 LT 702 LT 705 LT 710 LT 725 LT 750 LT Capacity µl 5 10 10 25 50 100 250 500 10 25 50 100 250 500 Gauge Point style 26s 26s 26s 22s 22s 22s 22s 22 26s 22s 22s 22s 22s 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Hamilton PK 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 9.221 9.221 6.059 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 080 081 899 082 083 084 085 086 021 022 023 024 025 026 1179 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Syringes/Microlitre Syringes 1 1 Needles for RN syringes Removable. Not for use in HPLC applications. Length Point style 51 mm 2 Type Ext. dia. mm 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 7758-02 7758-03 7779-01 7779-03 2 Hamilton Int. dia. mm 0.13 0.15 0.41 0.15 Gauge 26s 22s 22s 22s Volume PK litres 2.5 µl to 100 µl 2.5 µl to 100 µl 250 µl to 10 ml 250 µl to 10 ml 6 6 6 6 Gauge Needle length Point style Type 85 N 801 N 802 N 805 N 810 N 825 N 26s 51 mm 2 (GC) Capacity µl 5 10 25 50 100 250 Gauge Point style 26s 26s 22s 22s 22s 22s 2 2 2 2 2 2 PK 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 105 110 111 112 113 114 3 Microlitre syringes, 800 series Gauge Needle length Point style Type 85 RN 801 RN 802 RN 805 RN 810 RN 825 RN 85 RN 801 RN 810 RN 85 RN B/P 801 RN B/P Hamilton 26s 51mm 2 (GC) Capacity µl 5 10 25 50 100 250 5 10 100 5 10 Gauge Point style 26s 26s 22s 22s 22s 22s 26s 26s 22s 2 2 2 2 2 2 PK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 6.222 6.231 6.803 9.221 9.221 115 116 117 118 119 120 013 153 384 171 172 4 Microlitre syringes, 1700/1000 series Glass barrel with Teflon-coated plunger, seal and with Luer Tip (LT). Gas-tight microlitre syringe without needle. MS = Plunger stop fitted to prevent damage to the Teflon seal. Prevents the plunger tip from reaching the end of the syringe. Type 1710 1725 1750 1001 1002 1005 1180 692 693 694 695 Hamilton Type RN are equipped with metal plunger handles and removable needles. Type RN B/P are syringes only without metal plunger (replacement syringes). 4 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 2 Microlitre syringes, 800 series With cemented-in, standard needles (N). With metal handle. Plungers are individually fitted, therefore cannot be interchanged and are not available as replacement parts. Needles are electro-tapered. 3 Cat. No. LT LT LT LT LT LT Hamilton Capacity Grad. PK µl 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000 µl 1 5 10 10 50 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 210 225 250 251 252 255 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Syringes/Microlitre Syringes 1 Microlitre syringes, 1700/1000 series 1 Glass barrel with Teflon-coated plunger and seal, and Luer lock outlet (TLL). TLLX with 6-32 UNC female thread. Allows attachment to drive arm mechanisms, e.g. Microlab 500 Series diluters/dispensers. Hamilton Gas-tight microlitre syringe without needle. MS = Plunger stop fitted to prevent damage to the Teflon seal. Prevents the plunger tip from reaching the end of the syringe. Type 1702 1705 1710 1725 1750 1001 1001 1001 1002 1005 1010 1025 1025 TLLX TLLX TLLX/MS TLLX/MS TLLX/MS TLL TLL/MS TLLX TLL TLL TLL TLL TLL Capacity Grad. PK µl 25 50 100 250 500 1000 1000 1000 2500 5000 10000 25000 25000 µl 0.25 0.5 1 5 10 10 20 0.01 50 100 200 500 0.25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 300 305 310 315 320 348 325 328 330 335 340 347 345 2 Needles for LT/TLL/TLLX syringes 2 Removable. With Luer tip made of Kel-F. All hypodermic needles available according to specification in 3 mm to max. 1200 mm lengths. Needle length Type KF KF KF KF KF KF 726 722 719 710 722 S 722 PsT 3 Hamilton 51 mm Ext. dia. mm 0.5 0.7 1.1 3.4 0.7 0.7 Int. dia. mm 0.30 0.40 0.70 0.70 0.20 0.40 Gauge Point style 26 22 19 10 22s 22 2 2 2 2 3 3 PK 6 6 6 6 6 6 Cat. No. 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 626 622 619 610 607 722 3 Microlitre syringes, 1700/1000 series 3 Gas-tight microlitre syringes with removable needle (RN). Needle length Point style Type 1701 1702 1705 1710 1725 1750 1001 1002 RN RN RN RN RN RN RN RN Hamilton 51 mm 2 (GC) Capacity µl 10 25 50 100 250 500 100 2500 Gauge 26 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 PK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s s s s s Cat. No. 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 4 Microlitre syringes, 1700/1000 series 4 With Teflon plunger seal. Gastight microlitre syringes with cemented-in needles (N). Needles are electro-tapered (LTN). Needle length Point style Type 1701 1702 1705 1710 1725 1750 1001 1002 1005 1010 N N N N N LTN LTN LTN LTN LTN Hamilton 51 mm 2 (GC) Capacity µl 10 25 50 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000 10000 Gauge 26 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 PK s s s s s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 448 449 450 455 460 465 470 475 480 485 1181 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Syringes/Microlitre Syringes 1800 Series Gastight Syringes 10 µl - 250 µl - For use with gases and liquids - Removable needles (RN) or cemented needles (N) - Precision-machined Teflon PTFE-tipped plungers - Reinforced plungers - Plunger assemblies and glass barrels are replaceable Type 1801 1802 1805 1810 1825 1801 1802 1805 1810 1825 1 Capacity µl 10 25 50 100 250 10 25 50 100 250 N N N N N RN RN RN RN RN Gauge Point style 26s 22s 22s 22s 22s 26s 22s 22s 22s 22s 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Hamilton PK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 836 837 838 839 840 831 832 833 834 835 1 Microlitre syringes, 7000 series - 0.5 µL - 5 µL - For use with liquids - Removable needles (KH) - Positive displacement - Sample contained in the needle - No dead volume - Replaceable syringe parts Needle length 70 mm Type Capacity µl 0,5 1,0 1,0 2,0 2,0 5,0 0,5 0,5 1,0 1,0 2,0 2,0 5,0 7000.5 KH 7001 KH 7101 KH 7002 KH 7102 KH 7105 KH 7000.5OC KH 7000.5 KH 7001 KH 7101 KH 7002 KH 7102 KH 7105 KH Hamilton Gauge Point style 50 47 70 50 63 56 23 50 47 70 50 63 56 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 PK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 6.700 9.221 6.802 6.204 6.801 9.221 9.221 9.221 6.802 9.221 9.221 9.221 6.050 111 121 391 624 037 125 590 126 598 131 122 132 160 Spare unit for Microlitre syringes, 7000 series Hamilton Type Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare 2 PK unit unit unit unit unit unit for for for for for for syringes syringes syringes syringes syringes syringes 7000.5 7001 7002 7105 7101 7102 1 1 1 1 1 1 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 9.221 181 182 183 184 185 186 2 Microlitre syringe needles for HPLC Removable. For use with Rheodyne valves and Valco system VSF 2. Fit Hamilton syringes from 5 to 100 µl capacity. Gauge Needle length Point style Type 7770-01 1182 Cat. No. Hamilton 22s 51 mm 3 (HPLC) Volume PK Cat. No. litres 2.5 µl to 100 µl 6 9.221 603 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Syringes/Microlitre Syringes Microlitre syringes for GC-autosamplers With cemented-in needles (N). For GC-autosamplers: - Hewlett-Packard 7670 A, 7671 A, 7672 A. Gauge 26s Needle length 51 mm Point style 2 (GC) Type 701 N 1701 N Hamilton Capacity µl 10 10 PK Cat. No. 1 1 9.221 002 9.221 448 1 Microlitre syringe for GC-Autosampler 1 With cemented-in needles (N). For Autosampler: - Hewlett-Packard 7673 A. Gauge: 23s Neddle length: 43 mm Point style: AS (GC) Type 701 ASN 23S Hamilton Capacity µl 10 PK Cat. No. 1 9.221 196 2 Microlitre syringes, repeat dispensing device 2 For syringes 25 µl to 2.5 ml. Dispenses 2 % of total syringe volume each time the plunger is depressed. Type PB 600-1 Hamilton PK Cat. No. 1 9.221 650 We can supply this manufactorer’s whole product range ! E & OE. 1183 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE Basic principles of SPE SPE is a form of digital (step-wise) chromatography designed to extract, partition, and / or adsorb one or more components from a liquid phase (sample) onto a stationary phase (adsorbent or resin). An adsorbed substance can be removed from the adsorbent by step-wise increase of elution strength of the eluent (step gradient technique). SPE extends a chromatographic system’s lifetime, improves qualitative and quantitative analysis, and the demand placed on an analytical instrument is considerably lessened. In general, SPE is used for three important purposes in stateof-the-art analyses: Solid phase extraction (SPE) is a powerful method for sample preparation and is used by most chromatographers today. More than 20 years ago MACHEREY-NAGEL designed and introduced CHROMABOND® SPE cartridges containing silica-based adsorbents. Since then we developed the widest range of phases and products for SPE based on silica and polymeric materials. SPE has capabilities in a broad range of applications: organic chemistry removal of interfering compounds (protection of subsequent analyses like HPLC, GC, TLC, UV or IR spectroscopy, …) changing an analyte’s environment to a simpler matrix more suitable for subsequent analyses Advantages of SPE compared to classical liquid-liquid extraction: lower consumption of solvents food analysis faster – enormous time savings lower costs per sample potential for automation ge il So Ve ta bl e Ta ble Bl ts oo d Ur ine high consistency in individual sample handling Drinking water d Foo Solid phase extraction environmental analyses pharmaceutical and biochemical analyses concentration of the analyte (up to factor 10.000 - increase of chromatographic sensibility / improved limits of detection) te as W PRUHVSHFL¿FVHOHFWLYLW\EHFDXVHRIWKHEURDGUDQJHRIDGVRUEHQWV and different retention mechanisms optimisation of extraction by variation or adjusting of the solid phase and chromatographic conditions l oi Fruit Separation of food additives 1. Acesulfam K 2. Saccharin 3. Benzoic acid 4. Sorbic acid 5. Aspartam 1 Pesticides PAHs PCBs Drugs Dyes Vitamins 1184 2 3 4 5 before SPE after SPE time [min] A E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE Basic principles of SPE CHROMABOND® CHROMAFIX® sample reservoir CHROMABOND® LV CHROMABOND® MULTI 96 sample reservoir /XHU¿WWLQJIHPDOH polypropylene or glass 84 72.3 1° SRO\SURS\OHQHPO 90 . DGVRUEHQW /XHUWLS ¿OWHU male HOHPHQWV ¿OWHU HOHPHQWV DGVRUEHQW DGVRUEHQW /XHUWLS ¿OWHU HOHPHQWV DGVRUEHQW /XHUWLS ¿OWHU HOHPHQWV Solid phase extraction Design of columns, cartridges and 96-well plates All CHROMABOND® FROXPQVFDUWULGJHVDQGZHOOSODWHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPSRO\SURS\OHQH33ZLWKORZHVWFRQWHQWRIH[WUDFWDEOHVSODVWLFL] HUVVWDELOLVHUV«RIIHULQJEODQNYDOXHIUHHUHVXOWVE\XVDJHRIPRVWFRPPRQVROYHQWV7KHKLJKTXDOLW\&+520$%21'®DGVRUEHQWVDUHNHSWLQSODFH E\FKHPLFDOO\YHU\LQHUWSRO\HWK\OHQH¿OWHUHOHPHQWV3(VWDQGDUGSRUHVL]HP CHROMABOND® polypropylene columns CHROMABOND® LV columns 33FROXPQVZLWK3(¿OWHUHOHPHQWV ODUJHYROXPH33FROXPQVZLWK3(¿OWHUHOHPHQWV GLIIHUHQWVL]HVIURPXSWRPO WKUHHGLIIHUHQWDGVRUEHQWZHLJKWVDQGPJ DGVRUEHQWZHLJKWVIURPPJWRJ IXQQHOVKDSHGUHVHUYRLUZLWKPOYROXPH PDOHOXHUWLSDVH[LW HVSHFLDOO\IRUFOLQLFDOVDPSOHVWKHZKROHVDPSOHHJXULQHVHUXP EORRGFDQEHDSSOLHGWRWKHFROXPQLQRQHVWHS FRPSDWLEOHZLWKPRVWURERWV HJ*LOVRQ$63(&&DOLSHU$XWR7UDFH®« FDQEHGLUHFWO\XVHGLQWKH=\PDWH®ODEURERWVRI=\PDUN CHROMABOND® glass columns CHROMABOND® MULTI 96 · SPE in 96-well format JODVVFROXPQVZLWKFKHPLFDOO\YHU\LQHUWJODVV¿EUH¿OWHUHOHPHQWV QRPLQDOSRUHVL]HP WZRGLIIHUHQWVL]HVDQGPO ZHOOSRO\SURS\OHQHSODWHVZLWK3(¿OWHUHOHPHQWV DGVRUEHQWZHLJKWVIURPWRPJ VXSSOLHGZLWKDQ\&+520$%21'®63(DGVRUEHQWV DYDLODEOHZLWKDOO&+520$%21'®SKDVHV H[FOXGHVDQ\LQÀXHQFHIURPWKHFROXPQPDWHULDOHJSODVWLFL]HUV« CHROMAFIX® cartridges IRUVLPXOWDQHRXVSUHSDUDWLRQRIVDPSOHV HDV\PHWKRGWUDQVIHUIURP&+520$%21'® columns or CHROMAFIX® FDUWULGJHVWR&+520$%21'®08/7, UHDGLO\DGDSWDEOHWRDOOFRPPRQDXWRPDWHGURERWLFKDQGOLQJV\V WHPV 33FDUWULGJHVZLWK3(¿OWHUHOHPHQWV WKUHHGLIIHUHQWVL]HVZLWKGLIIHUHQWDGVRUEHQWZHLJKWV Small POMHGLXPPOLDUJHPO IHPDOH/XHUWLSDWWKHLQOHWPDOH/XHUWLSDVH[LW RIIHUVDOWHUQDWLYHZD\RIKDQGOLQJXVLQJSRVLWLYHSUHVVXUHE\V\ULQJHV RUSHULVWDOWLFSXPSV HVSHFLDOO\VXLWHGIRUFRQYHQLHQWVROLGSKDVHH[WUDFWLRQRIVPDOOVDPSOH volumes E & OE. 1185 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE Summary of MN phases for SPE Phase Matrix RP phases HR-X 36'9% Easy 36'9% 0RGL¿FDWLRQ$SSOLFDWLRQ PS-RP 36'9% UHPRYDORIRUJDQLFFRPSRQHQWV &HF VLOLFD RFWDGHF\OHQGFDSSHG & VLOLFD RFWDGHF\OQRWHQGFDSSHG (19,&KURP36WUDWD;2DVLV®+/%1H[XV 6WUDWD;2DVLV®+/%3RUDSDN5';1H[XV%RQG(OXW®33/ )RFXV6W\UH6FUHHQ®'9%%DNHUERQG+22SKLOLF'9% ,VROXWH®(19 6WUDWD6'%/%RQG(OXW®(19%RQG(OXW®/06'&636'9% (1936'9%%DNHUERQG+22SKRELF'9%,VROXWH® 6WUDWD&(6HS3DN®W&%RQG(OXW®&'6&/W (19,/&&/($183®&%DNHUERQG®2FWDGHF\O,VROXWH &(&/L&KUROXW53( 6WUDWD&8$FFXERQG®&%DNHUERQG3RODU3OXV,VROXWH® &/L&KUROXW®53 SRODUELIXQFWLRQDO &+\GUD VLOLFD & VLOLFD RFWDGHF\OQRWHQGFDSSHGIRUSRODUDQDO\WHV RFW\O &6H5 SKHQ\O VLOLFD 6LPLODUSKDVHV XQPRGL¿HG NH2 VLOLFD DPLQRSURS\O 2+ &1 VLOLFD VLOLFD GLRO &\DQR 6WUDWD6L%RQG(OXW®VLOLFD'6&6L/&6L&/($183®VLOLFD $FFXERQG®VLOLFD%DNHUERQGVLOLFDJHO,VROXWH®VLOLFD/L&KUROXW®6L 6WUDWD1+26HS3DN®1+2%RQG(OXW1+2'6&1+2/&1+2 &/($183®DPLQRSURS\O$FFXERQG®1+2%DNHUERQGDPLQR ,VROXWH®1+2/L&KUROXW®1+2 '6&'LRO/&'LRO$FFXERQG®'LRO2+ 6WUDWD&16HS3DN®&1%RQG(OXW®&18'6&&1/&&1 &/($183®&1$FFXERQG®&1%DNHUERQGF\DQR,VROXWH®&1 /L&KUROXW®&1 /&$OXPLQD$1%$FFXERQG®DOXPLQLXPR[LGH$1% 6WUDWD)/356HS3DN®)ORULVLO®%RQG(OXW®)ORULVLO®(19, )ORULVLO®/&)ORULVLO®&/($183®)ORULVLO®$FFXERQG®)ORULVLO® %DNHUERQG)ORULVLO®,VROXWH®)//L&KUROXW®)ORULVLO® '3$6 $OR[$1% DOXPLQLXPR[LGHDFLGLFQHXWUDOEDVLF )ORULVLO® PDJQHVLXPVLOLFDWH 3$ SRO\DPLGH Ion exchangers 6% VLOLFD TXDWHUQDU\DPPRQLXPDQLRQH[FKDQJHU6$; 6$ VLOLFD EHQ]HQHVXOSKRQLFDFLGFDWLRQH[FKDQJHU6&; 36$ +5;& VLOLFD 36'9% 6WUDWD6$;6HS3DN®6$;%RQG(OXW®6$;'6&6$;/&6$; &/($183®4XDWHUQDU\$PLQH$FFXERQG®6$;%DNHUERQG 4XDWHUQDU\$PLQH,VROXWH®6$;/L&KUROXW®6$; 6WUDWD6&;%RQG(OXW®6&;'6&6&;/&6&;&/($183® %HQ]HQHVXOIRQLF$FLG$FFXERQG®6&;%DNHUERQG$URPDWLF 6XOIRQLF$FLG,VROXWH®6&;/L&KUROXW®6&; SURS\OVXOSKRQLFDFLGFDWLRQH[FKDQJHU VWURQJPL[HGPRGHFDWLRQH[FKDQJHUIRUEDVLFDQ DO\WHV0&; 362+– 36'9% VWURQJDQLRQH[FKDQJHU2+–IRUP PS-H 36'9% VWURQJFDWLRQH[FKDQJHU+IRUP 36$J 36'9% VWURQJFDWLRQH[FKDQJHU$JIRUP 36%D 36'9% VWURQJFDWLRQH[FKDQJHU%DIRUP Phases for special applications 'UXJ VLOLFD ELIXQFWLRQDO&6$IRUHQULFKPHQWRIGUXJVIURPXULQH 'UXJ,, 2DVLV®0$; 2DVLV®0&;6WUDWD;& 6WUDWD6FUHHQ&%RQG(OXW®&HUWLI\,'6&0&$;&OHDQ 6FUHHQ®'$8$FFXERQG®(YLGH[%DNHUERQG1DUF,VROXWH® +&;/L&KUROXW®76& 6WUDWD6FUHHQ$%RQG(OXW&HUWLI\,,&OHDQ6FUHHQ®7+& %DNHUERQG®1DUF,VROXWH®+$; ELIXQFWLRQDO&6%IRUH[WUDFWLRQRI7+&DQGGHULYD WLYHVDVZHOODVDFLGLFDQDO\WHVIURPELRORJLFDOÀXLGV &16L2+ VLOLFD FRPELQDWLRQSKDVHIRU3$+VIURPVRLO NH2& VLOLFD FRPELQDWLRQSKDVHIRU3$+VIURPZDWHU Na2624)ORULVLO® FRPELQDWLRQSKDVHIRUH[WUDFWLRQRIK\GURFDUERQVIURP ZDWHU',1+,62',6 6$6L2+ VLOLFD FRPELQDWLRQSKDVHIRU3&%VIURPZDVWHRLO 6L2++ VLOLFD FRPELQDWLRQSKDVHWRJHWKHUZLWK6L2+IRUHQULFKPHQW 6$ RI3&%VIURPRLO 1$1 VLOLFD$J12 FRPELQDWLRQSKDVHIRUHQULFKPHQWRI3&%VIURPVOXGJH 1D2624 'LDPLQR VLOLFD pULPDU\DQGsHFRQGDU\DPLQHIXQFWLRQV36$IRUGH 6XSHOFOHDQ36$%RQG(OXW36$ WHUPLQDWLRQRISHVWLFLGHVLQIRRG4X(&K(56PHWKRG SKDVHVZKLFKSURYLGHDVLPLODUVHOHFWLYLW\EDVHGRQFKHPLFDORUSK\VLFDOSURSHUWLHVOLVWQRWFRPSOHWH 1186 VLOLFD 2DVLV®0&;6WUDWD;&6W\UH6FUHHQ®'%; E & OE. Solid phase extraction Normal phases 6L2+ VLOLFD 6WUDWD&6HS3DN®&%RQG(OXW®&'6&(19,/& &/($183®&$FFXERQG®&%DNHUERQG2FW\O,VROXWH&(& 6WUDWD3+%RQG(OXW®3+'6&3K&/($183®3KHQ\O $FFXERQG®3KHQ\O%DNHUERQG3KHQ\O,VROXWH3+(& 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 Chromabondfi HR-X 1 hydrophobic polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer MACHEREY-NAGEL pH stability 1 to14 high-purity material with highest reproducibility and lowest blank values due to a novel manufacturing process spherical particles 85µm; pore size 55 to 60Å very high surface 1000m²/g capacity 390mg/g (caffeine in water) excellent recovery rates especially for the enrichment of pharmaceuticals/active ingredients due to the spherical structure of the particles, very homogeneous surface, and optimised pore structure recommended applications: pharmaceuticals/active ingredients from tablets, creams and water/waste water drugs and pharmaceuticals from urine, blood, serum and plasma trace analysis of pesticides Capacity Capacity PK mg 30 60 100 200 200 500 500 500 1000 200 200 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 250 250 ml 1 3 1 3 6 3 6 15 15 3 6 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 808 811 809 807 814 813 818 819 820 806 815 BIGpacks: 4.003 806/4.003 815 Highest reproducibility within each batch Compounds: Standard protocol for method development with CHROMABOND® HR-X Column type: CHROMABOND® HR-X 3 ml / 200 mg Sample pretreatment: if necessary, adjust pH value Column conditioning: 5 ml methanol Equilibration: 5 ml water Sample application: slowly aspirate the sample through the column Column washing:POZDWHU±PHWKDQROYY Elution: after drying 3 x 2 ml methanol from batch to batch 100 A phenobarbital B pentobarbital C hexobarbital 50 0 A B C A B C A B C Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Further analysis: if necessary, evaporate and redissolve in a suitable VROYHQW+3/&RU*& Barbiturates from serum Column type: ® CHROMABOND HR-X 3 ml / 200 mg Sample:QJPOHDFKLQVHUXP Column conditioning: 5 ml methanol, 5 ml dist. water Sample application: 1 ml spiked serum Column washing: 5 ml water Elution: after drying 3 x 2 ml methanol Further analysis: +3/&RQ18&/(2'85®&18 ec, see MN Appl. 1R 01$SSO1R E & OE. 01$SSO1R 1187 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE Chromabondfi Easy MACHEREY-NAGEL polar modified polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer with a weak anion exchanger Specific surface 650 to 700 m²/g, particle size 80µm, pore size 50 Å, pH stability 1 to 14. Due to bifunctional modification much more hydrophilic than conventional polystyrene-divinylbenzene polymers and thus easily wettable with water. recommended applications: - polar herbicides/pesticides from water (acidic, neutral, basic) - polar phenols from water - polyaromatic compounds - polychlorinated biphenyls - drug analysis from urine, blood, serum, plasma pharmaceuticals/active ingredients from tablets, creams Due to the bifunctional modification CHROMABONDfi Easy is considerably more hydrophilic than conventional polystyrene-divinylbenzene polymers and thus easily wettable with water. The Easy effect: Aqueous samples can be loaded directly without preconditioning! This means that little or even no conditioning is needed, in contrast to standard SPE materials, where recovery rates normally decrease, in the worst case down to zero! Depending on the separation task conditioning may be required and is recommended for method development. A positive side effect of the excellent wettability: there is no decrease of recovery rates, if the cartridge runs dry, therefore automation is easier or, in some cases compared to silica materials only feasible with CHROMABONDfi Easy, because a permanent vacuum can be used without supervision. Further advantages of using a polymeric material: - high surface, this means very high binding capacity (2 5 times higher than silica-based adsorbents) - less adsorbent is needed in the cartridge (without losing sensitivity or recovery) - faster analysis, because the height of the adsorbent bed can be reduced - acidic or basic solvents (e. g. TFA) do not destroy the phase, or lead to unintended side products Because of the polar modification the material is suitable for a broad range of compounds (acidic, neutral, basic, polar and nonpolar substances). Highly reproducible recovery rates can be obtained, even if the cartridge runs dry (especially advantageous when using 96-well plates, where stopcocks are not available!) Capacity ml 1 3 1 3 6 3 6 15 15 3 6 Capacity PK mg 30 60 100 200 200 500 500 500 1000 200 200 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 250 250 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 6.226 6.234 4.003 6.224 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 719 721 720 452 375 728 850 726 727 723 724 BIGpacks: 4.003 723/4.003 724 'XH WR WKH ELIXQFWLRQDO PRGL¿FDWLRQ &+520$%21'® (DV\ LVFRQVLGHUDEO\PRUHK\GURSKLOLFWKDQFRQYHQWLRQDOSRO\VW\ UHQHGLYLQ\OEHQ]HQHSRO\PHUVDQGWKXVHDVLO\ZHWWDEOHZLWK ZDWHU The Easy effect: DTXHRXVVDPSOHVFDQEHORDGHGGLUHFWO\ZLWKRXWSUHFRQ ditioning!7KLVPHDQVWKDWOLWWOHRUHYHQQRFRQGLWLRQLQJLV QHHGHG LQ FRQWUDVW WR VWDQGDUG 63( PDWHULDOV ZKHUH UH FRYHU\UDWHVQRUPDOO\GHFUHDVHLQWKHZRUVWFDVHGRZQWR ]HUR'HSHQGLQJRQWKHVHSDUDWLRQWDVNFRQGLWLRQLQJPD\EH UHTXLUHGDQGLVUHFRPPHQGHGIRUPHWKRGGHYHORSPHQW $SRVLWLYHVLGHHIIHFWRIWKHH[FHOOHQWZHWWDELOLW\ WKHUHLVQRGHFUHDVHRIUHFRYHU\UDWHVLIWKHFDUWULGJHUXQV GU\WKHUHIRUHDXWRPDWLRQLVHDVLHURULQVRPHFDVHV±FRP SDUHGWRVLOLFDPDWHULDOV±RQO\IHDVLEOHZLWK&+520$%21'® (DV\ EHFDXVH D SHUPDQHQW YDFXXP FDQ EH XVHG ZLWKRXW VXSHUYLVLRQ 1188 E & OE. )XUWKHUDGYDQWDJHVRIDSRO\PHULFPDWHULDO KLJKVXUIDFHWKLVPHDQVYHU\KLJKELQGLQJFDSDFLW\ ±WLPHVKLJKHUWKDQVLOLFDEDVHGDGVRUEHQWV OHVVDGVRUEHQWLVQHHGHGLQWKHFDUWULGJHZLWKRXW ORVLQJVHQVLWLYLW\RUUHFRYHU\ IDVWHUDQDO\VLVEHFDXVHWKHKHLJKWRIWKHDGVRUE HQWEHGFDQEHUHGXFHG DFLGLFRUEDVLFVROYHQWVHJ7)$GRQRWGHVWUR\ WKHSKDVHRUOHDGWRXQLQWHQGHGVLGHSURGXFWV %HFDXVHRIWKHSRODUPRGL¿FDWLRQWKHPDWHULDOLVVXLWDEOH IRUDEURDGUDQJHRIFRPSRXQGVDFLGLFQHXWUDOEDVLF SRODU DQG QRQSRODU VXEVWDQFHV +LJKO\ UHSURGXFLEOH UHFRYHU\UDWHVDUHREWDLQHGHYHQLIWKHFDUWULGJHUXQV GU\HVSHFLDOO\DGYDQWDJHRXVZKHQXVLQJZHOOSODWHV ZKHUHVWRSFRFNVDUHQRWDYDLODEOH 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 Chromabondfi C18 ec 1 octadecyl modified silica phase for SPE, endcapped MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm for C18 ec, 100µm for C18 ec f (for fast flow), specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 octadecyl phases, endcapped, carbon content 14% very non-polar, hydrophobic interactions with a wide variety of organic compounds advantageous for clean-up of samples with large structural variations (polarity differences) recommended applications: non-polar compounds aflatoxins, amphetamines, antibiotics, antiepileptics, barbiturates, caffeine, drugs, preservatives, fatty acids, nicotine, PAHs, pesticides, PCBs, heavy metals, vitamins very well suited for desalting of samples Capacity ml 1 3 3 6 6 6 15 45 70 3 6 6 Capacity PK mg 100 200 500 500 1000 2000 2000 5000 10000 500 500 1000 100 50 50 30 30 30 20 20 10 250 250 250 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 6.701 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 442 444 448 451 454 243 603 604 560 446 450 452 BIGpacks: 4.003 446/4.003 450/4.003 452 2 Chromafixfi C18 ec 2 Columns for C18 ec Size S M L MACHEREY-NAGEL Capacity PK Cat. No. mg 270 530 950 50 50 50 4.003 839 4.003 840 4.003 841 E & OE. 1189 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 1 CHROMABONDfi C18 octadecyl modified silica phase for SPE, not endcapped MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm for C18, 100µm for C18 f (for fast flow), specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 octadecyl phases, not endcapped, carbon content 14% similar to C18 ec, however possesses more free silanols (SiOH), which allow secondary interactions with polar groups of the analytes recommended applications: non-polar compounds pesticides Capacity Capacity PK mg 100 200 500 500 1000 2000 2000 5000 10000 500 500 1000 100 50 50 30 30 30 20 20 10 250 250 250 ml 1 3 3 6 6 6 15 45 70 3 6 6 2 6.226 9.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 6.700 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 798 487 434 436 438 512 464 747 561 433 435 437 2 CHROMAFIXfi C18 columns for C18 Size S M L 3 Cat. No. MACHEREY-NAGEL Capacity PK Cat. No. mg 270 530 950 50 50 50 7.083 665 7.079 617 4.003 838 3 Chromabondfi C18 Hydra octadecyl modified silica phase for SPE of polar analytes MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 special octadecyl phase for polar analytes, not endcapped, carbon content 15% recommended applications: more polar compounds like pesticides and their polar degradation products, phenols, phenoxycarboxylic acids, nitroaromatics, pharmaceuticals Capacity ml 1 1 3 3 6 3 6 6 6 1190 Capacity PK mg 50 100 200 500 500 1000 1000 2000 3000 100 100 50 50 30 50 30 30 30 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 565 566 567 569 573 571 575 576 577 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 Chromabondfi C8 1 octyl modified silica phase for SPE, not endcapped MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 octyl phase, not endcapped, carbon content 8% similar to C18, however slightly more polar secondary interactions with polar compounds are more pronounced due to shorter alkyl chains recommended applications: pesticides, PCBs Capacity ml 1 3 3 6 6 Capacity PK mg 100 200 500 500 1000 100 50 50 30 30 Cat. No. 4.003 6.203 4.003 4.003 6.224 460 672 461 462 849 2 CHROMABONDfi C6H5 2 phenyl modified silica phase for SPE MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 phenyl phase, carbon content 8% polarity similar to C8 in addition to hydrophobic interactions more selective adsorption is possible by Π-Π interactions due to the electron density of the phenyl ring recommended applications: aflatoxins caffeine phenols Capacity ml 1 3 3 Capacity PK Cat. No. mg 100 200 500 100 50 50 4.003 491 4.003 608 6.224 848 3 Chromabondfi CN 3 cyanopropyl modified silica phase for SPE MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 cyanopropyl phase, carbon content 5.5% polar to mid-polar in addition to weak hydrophobic interactions selective interactions are possible due to the high electron density of the CN group recommended application: cyclosporins carbohydrates Capacity ml 1 3 3 Capacity PK Cat. No. mg 100 200 500 100 50 50 4.003 473 4.003 611 4.003 474 E & OE. 1191 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 1 Chromabondfi NH2 aminopropyl modified silica phase for SPE MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 aminopropyl phase, carbon content 3.5% polar, weak anion exchanger recommended applications: trace elements lipids Capacity Capacity PK mg 100 200 500 500 1000 500 100 50 50 30 30 250 ml 1 3 3 6 6 3 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 6.205 4.003 4.003 4.003 465 609 143 533 678 466 BIGpacks: 4.003 466 2 2 Chromabondfi OH diol modified silica phase for SPE MACHEREY-NAGEL Base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 diol phase, carbon content 5.5% polar properties similar to SiOH recommended application: antibiotics prostaglandins Capacity ml 1 3 3 6 3 Capacity PK mg 100 200 500 500 100 50 50 30 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 6.224 470 610 471 847 3 Chromabondfi SiOH unmodified silica phase for SPE MACHEREY-NAGEL unmodified, weakly acidic silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 very polar adsorbs humidity from air, for this reason it should be kept well closed and if necessary dried before use due to its high affinity for polar compounds it should not be conditioned with polar (e.g. methanol) or water-containing solvents recommended applications: aflatoxins chloramphenicol pesticides steroids vitamins Capacity ml 1 3 3 6 6 6 15 45 70 150 3 6 6 Capacity PK mg 100 200 500 500 1000 2000 2000 5000 10000 50000 500 1000 2000 100 50 50 30 30 30 20 20 10 10 250 250 250 BIGpacks: 4.003 477/4.003 482/4.003 499 1192 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 6.202 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 476 548 479 475 481 498 550 605 850 630 477 482 499 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 Chromabondfi Alox A/Alox N/Alox B 1 aluminium oxide, acidic, neutral, basic MACHEREY-NAGEL aluminium oxide, high purity, pore volume 0.90ml/g, particle size 60 to 150µm, specific surface 150m²/g acidic, pH 4 ±0.5 recommended application: together with phase SA for PCB and pesticides Alox A: acidic, pH 4 ±0.5 Alox N: neutral, pH 7 ±0.5 Alox B: basic, pH 9.5 ±0.5 Phase Alox Alox Alox Alox Alox Alox Alox Alox Alox Alox Alox Alox Capacity Capacity PK ml 3 6 6 45 3 6 6 45 3 6 6 45 mg 500 500 1000 4000 500 500 1000 4000 500 500 1000 4000 50 30 30 20 50 30 30 20 50 30 30 20 A A A A N N N N B B B B Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 6.226 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 621 622 456 623 619 620 515 917 615 628 458 629 2 Chromafixfi Alox 2 Columns for Alox Phase Size Alox N Alox N M L MACHEREY-NAGEL Capacity PK Cat. No. mg 850 1700 50 50 4.003 853 4.003 854 3 Chromabondfi Florisilfi 3 magnesium silicate for SPE MACHEREY-NAGEL matrix magnesium silicate (MgO to SiOH 15:85), high purity, particle size 150 to 250µm recommended application: organic tin compounds, aliphatic carboxylic acids, PCBs, PAHs Capacity ml 3 3 6 6 6 6 Capacity PK mg 200 500 500 1000 1000 1000 50 50 30 30 250 30 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 6.224 4.003 4.003 624 488 557 842 489 490 BIGpacks: 4.003 489/4.003 490 E & OE. 1193 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 1 Chromabondfi PA polyamide 6 for SPE MACHEREY-NAGEL matrix polyamide 6, unmodified, high purity, particle size 40 to 80µm recommended application: flavonoids, PAHs Capacity Capacity PK mg 200 500 500 1000 50 50 30 30 ml 3 3 6 6 2 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 7.089 7.400 595 511 089 537 2 Chromabondfi PSA propylsulphonic acid modified silica cation exchanger for SPE MACHEREY-NAGEL Base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 propylsulphonic acid modified silica very strong cation exchanger (capacity ~ 0.7meq/g) contrary to the SA phase no Π-Π interactions recommended applications: weak cations Capacity Capacity PK Cat. No. mg 100 500 1000 100 50 30 4.003 626 4.003 627 6.206 233 ml 1 3 6 3 3 Chromabondfi SA benzenesulphonic acid modified silica cation exchanger for SPE (SCX) MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45 µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 benzenesulphonic acid modified silica strongly acidic cation exchanger (capacity ~ 0.5meq/g) adsorbent with hydrophobic and Π-Π interactions (benzene ring) ion exchange of organic compounds from aqueous matrix elution of interesting compounds with solvent systems, which compensate the ionic and nonpolar interactions, e.g. methanolic HCl recommended application: amino acids amines chlorophyll PCBs Capacity Capacity PK mg 100 200 500 500 1000 500 100 50 50 30 30 250 ml 1 3 3 6 6 3 BIGpacks: 4.003 485 1194 E & OE. Cat. No. 6.314 4.003 7.051 4.003 6.224 4.003 563 563 056 613 846 485 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 Chromabondfi SB 1 quaternary ammonium modified silica anion exchanger for SPE (SAX) MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 silica modified with quaternary amine strongly basic anion exchanger (capacity ~ 0.3meq/g) not suited for very strong anions such as sulphonic acids, because these are difficult to elute recommended application: organic acids caffeine saccharin Capacity Capacity PK mg 100 200 500 500 1000 500 100 50 50 30 30 250 ml 1 3 3 6 6 3 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 7.075 4.003 6.206 4.003 486 580 759 614 234 487 BIGpacks: 4.003 487 2 Polymer-based ion exchangers for SPE 2 The innovative cation exchanger offers: MACHEREY-NAGEL mixed-mode SPE phase with distinct cation exchange and RP properties excellent enrichment of basic analytes modern support polymer with optimised pore structure and large specific surface good reproducibility, reliable and cost-efficient analyses more aggressive washing procedures for matrix removal possible cleaner samples and protection of analytical HPLC and GC instrumentation quantificationof analytes from heavily contaminated samples lower limits of detection also for critical matrices ... the perfect fit for basic analytes in comination with CHROMABOND® HR-X 3 Chromabondfi HR-XC 3 benzenesulphonic acid modified polymeric cation exchanger for SPE MACHEREY-NAGEL base material spherical PS/DVB copolymer, pore size 65 - 75Å, particle size 85µm, very large specific surface 800m²/g, pore volume 1.4cm³/g, pH stability 1 to 14 benzenesulphonic acid modification, exchange capacity 1.0meq/g RP capacity 300mg/g (caffeine in water) high-purity material, highest reproducibility and lowest blank values due to an optimised production process outstanding recovery rates especially for the enrichment of basic analytes recomended application: basic active ingredients from strongly matrix-contaminated samples e.g. urine, plasma, serum fungicides from food basic analytes, e.g. amines Capacity ml 3 3 6 Capacity PK Cat. No. mg 200 500 500 30 30 30 4.003 821 4.003 822 4.003 823 E & OE. 1195 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE Fractionation of acidic, neutral and basic analytes from serum Column type: CHROMABOND® HR-XC / 3 ml / 200 mg 3.500 mAU 3.000 100 serum sample without SPE 2.000 80 1.000 Further analysis IRUIUDFWLRQ$+3/&HJRQ18&/(2'85® C18 *UDYLW\IROORZLQJ01$SSO1RIRUIUDFWLRQ%+3/& RQ18&/(2'85® C8*UDYLW\IROORZLQJ01$SSO1R 60 after SPE with HR-XC 0 Recovery rates [%] 40 1 Fraction A: neutral and Fraction B: acidic analytes basic analytes 2 20 3 0 Compound 4 after SPE with HR-XC 0 5 10 15 min MN Appl. No. 304780 1 Sample:POVSLNHGPDWUL[DFLGL¿HGZLWKO+3PO4 Column conditioning: 5 ml methanol, then 5 ml water Sample application:VORZO\SDVVPOVSLNHGVHUXPWKURXJK the column Washing:POPROO+&O Elution:POPHWKDQROfraction A: neutral and acidic analytes); then 5 ml methanol – NH3YYfraction B: basic analytes) Suprofen Naproxen Tolmetin Phenobarbital ,QGRPHWKDFLQ Hexobarbital 85 73 33 Compound 'R[HSLQ ,PLSUDPLQH 3. Amitriptyline 4. Trimipramine HR-XC Oasis® Strata¸ 0&; X-C 68 95 71 85 94 78 81 1 CHROMAFIXfi HR-XC Columns for HR-XC Size S M L 1196 HR-XC MACHEREY-NAGEL Capacity PK Cat. No. mg 155 240 500 50 50 50 4.003 835 4.003 836 4.003 837 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 PS-RP/PS-OH-/PS-H+/PS-Mix/PS-Ag+/PS-Ba2+ 1 phases for RP/ion chromatography MACHEREY-NAGEL base material: high-purity polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymers (PS/DVB) pore size 100 Ä, paricle size 100 µm verly low degree of swelling, thus very well suited for chromatography reliable function over the whole pH range from 0-14 different modifications for different applications from elimination of nonpolar compounds up to removal of specific polar comonents recommended application: removal of interfering compounds - improves chromatographic separtions, if the interfering components overlap with the analyte in the chromatogram - improves lifetime of the chromatographic column, since interfering components can irreversibly block the column packing enrichment of the analytes removal of organic interfering components from water removal or concentration of anions from water increasing the pH value in acidic samples removal or concentration of cations from water decreasing the pH value in basic samples desalting of water removal of halide ions from water removal of sulphate ions from water PS-RP hydrophobic PS/DVB-copolymer PS-OH- strong PS/DVB anion exanger, OH- form capacity 0.6 meq/g PS-H+ strong PS/DVB cation exchanger, H+ form, capacity 2.9 meg/g PS-Mix mixture of PS-OH- and PS-H+ PS-AG+ strong PS/DVB cation exchanger, Ag+ form PS-Ba2+ strong PS/DVB cation exchanger, Ba2+ Form Phase Capacity Capacity PK PS-OHPS-H+ PS-OHPS-H+ PS-OHPS-H+ ml 3 3 3 3 6 6 mg 200 200 500 500 500 500 30 30 30 30 30 30 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 600 702 581 589 591 590 2 Chromafixfi PS 2 Columns for PS Phase Size PS-RP PS-OHPS-H+ PS-Ag+ PS-Ba2+ PS-RP PS-OHPS-H+ PS-Ag+ PS-Ba2+ PS-OH PS-H+ S S S S S M M M M M L L MACHEREY-NAGEL Capacity PK mg 200 200 230 240 280 320 380 430 480 550 800 900 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 6.228 4.003 7.401 4.003 7.402 4.003 4.003 869 867 866 865 868 258 861 474 864 218 862 863 1197 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 1 Chromabondfi Drug special silica phase for SPE enrichment of drugs from urine or plasma MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 special bifunctional modification - C8/SA (strong cation exchanger - benzenesulphonic acid) recommended application: enrichment of acidic, neutral and basic drugs from urine or plasma Capacity Capacity PK mg 100 200 500 500 100 50 50 30 ml 1 3 3 6 2 Cat. No. 4.003 6.802 4.003 4.003 696 715 699 697 2 Chromabondfi Drug II Special silica phase for SPE of THC and derivatives acidic analytes from biological fluids (urine, blood ...) MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 special bifunctional modification - C8/SB (strong anion exchanger - quaternary amine) recommended applications: extraction of THC and derivatives from urine, blood, serum, plasma acidic analytes from biological fluids Capacity Capacity PK mg 100 200 500 500 100 50 50 30 ml 1 3 3 6 3 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 700 695 701 698 3 Chromabondfi NH2/C18 Combination phase for SPE analysis of PAHs from water containing humic acids MACHEREY-NAGEL Special combination phase: aminopropyl phase for removal of interfering humic acids octadecyl phase for enrichment of PAHs recommended application: PAHs from water containing humic acids Capacity ml 6 6 500 / 500 / Capacity PK Cat. No. ml / mg 500 mg 1000 mg 30 30 6.228 257 4.003 675 PAHs from water containing humic acids Column type: Sample application:DVSLUDWHPORIWKHSUHWUHDWHG CHROMABOND® NH&POPJJ ZDWHUVDPSOHWKURXJKWKHFROXPQaPOPLQ glass column Washing:POGLVWZDWHU±SURSDQROYYWKHQ Sample pretreatment: GU\FROXPQDERXWPLQYDFXXP PL[POZDWHUVDPSOHZLWKPOSURSDQRO Elution:[PO&+ClSHUFRODWH¿UVWPOLQWR WKHFROXPQSDFNLQJZLWKRXWYDFXXPWKHDSSO\OLJKW Column conditioning:POGLFKORURPHWKDQHPO YDFXXPLIQHFHVVDU\HYDSRUDWHLQDVWUHDPRIQLWURJHQ PHWKDQROWKHQPOGLVWZDWHU±SURSDQRO DQG¿OOXSZLWKDVXLWDEOHVROYHQW v/v) 01$SSO1R 1198 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 Chromabondfi CN/SiOH 1 Combination phase for SPE analysis of PAH MACHEREY-NAGEL special combination phase cyanopropyl phase for selective adsorption of polycyclic aromatics via Π-Π interactions unmodified silica phase for removal of polar compounds recommended applications: extraction of the 16 PAHs according to EPA from soil samples Capacity ml 3 6 6 500 / 500 / 500 / Capacity PK Cat. No. ml / mg 1000 mg 1000 mg 1000 mg 50 30 250 4.003 507 6.233 128 4.003 514 BIGpacks: 4.003 514 PAHs from soil Column type: Sample application: CHROMABOND® CN/SiOH, DVSLUDWHPORIWKHH[WUDFWWKURXJKWKHFROXPQ 6 ml, 500/1000 mg Washing:POSHWUROHXPHWKHU Sample pretreatment:GU\JVRLOZLWKVRGLXPVXO Elution:[PODFHWRQLWULOHWROXHQHYYWKHQ SKDWHDQGUHÀX[KZLWKPOSHWUROHXPHWKHULQD HYDSRUDWHRU¿OOWRWKHYROXPHUHTXLUHG Soxhlet extractor. For low PAH contents (colourless or )XUWKHUDQDO\VLV+3/&HJZLWKFROXPQ[PP weakly coloured extracts) concentrate extract to 1/10 NUCLEOSIL® &18 PAH of its volume in a rotation evaporator. recovery rates see application 301310 at Column conditioning:POSHWUROHXPHWKHU www.mn-net.com MN Appl. Nr. 301310 2 Chromabondfi Na2SO4/Florisilfi 2 Combination phase for SPE of hydrocarbons from water acc. to DIN H53/ISO DIS 9377-4 MACHEREY-NAGEL Special combination phase of sodium sulphate and Florisilfi recommended application: hydrocarbons from drinking, surface and waste waters Capacity ml 6 6 6 Capacity PK Cat. No. ml / mg 2000 mg 2000 mg 2000 mg 30 30 250 4.003 558 6.900 415 4.003 559 2000 / 2000 / 2000 / BIGpacks: 4.003 559 Hydrocarbons from water $GGHQRXJKGLVWZDWHUWRVHSDUDWHWKHRUJDQLFIURP Column type: WKHDTXHRXVSKDVH CHROMABOND® Na2SO4/Florisil®, Column conditioning:POSHWUROHXPHWKHU 2000/2000 mg, 6 ml glass column Sample application: Internal standard solution: dissolve 20 mg n-tetraconslowly aspirate or force the sample through the column tane (C40H82) in petroleum ether, add 20 ml n-decane Elution:ZDVKZLWKPOSHWUROHXPHWKHU(YDSRUDWH (C10H22DQG¿OOXSWROLWUHZLWKSHWUROHXPHWKHU)RU the combined solutions from sample application and perparation of the extraction solution dilute standard HOXWLRQWRPODWDERXW&,IQHFHVVDU\¿OOXSWR VROXWLRQZLWKSHWUROHXPHWKHU PODJDLQ,IWKHK\GURFDUERQFRQWHQWLVKLJKHYDSR Sample pretreatment: adjust 900 ml water (10 °C) with UDWLRQWRPOPD\QRWEHQHFHVVDU\ HCl (12 mol/l) to pH 2 and add 80 g MgSO4$GGPO of the extraction solution, close the bottle and stir the Recovery rate: must be > 80 % for nWHWUDFRQWDQH 01$SSO1R VXVSHQVLRQLQWHQVHO\IRUPLQ 3 Chromabondfi SA/SiOH 3 Combination phase for SPE analysis of PCBs MACHEREY-NAGEL Special combination phase: SA: strongly acidic cation exchanger based on silica with benzenesulphonic acid modification SiOH: unmodified silica for removal of polar compounds recommended application: extraction of PCBs from waste oil (hexane extract) Capacity ml 3 3 Capacity PK Cat. No. ml / mg 500 / 500 500 / 500 50 250 6.901 798 4.003 513 BIGpacks: 4.003 513 E & OE. 1199 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE PCBs from waste oil Column type: CHROMABOND® SA/SiOH, 3 ml, 500/500 mg Column conditioning: 1 ml n-hexane Sample application: DSSO\OZDVWHRLOWRWKHFROXPQDQGDVSLUDWHRU force it into the adsorbent with 2 x 1 ml n-hexane 01$SSO1R Elution:DVSLUDWHRUIRUFHDQRWKHU[On-hexane through the column; collect all n-hexane fractions and if necessary adjust to a concentration suitable for subsequent analysis by either evaporting n-hexane in a stream of nitrogen or by dilution with n-hexane Recovery rates: 3&%3&%3&%3&% 3&%3&%3&% 1 Chromabondfi SiOH-H+/SA 1 Combination phase for SPE analysis of PCBs MACHEREY-NAGEL SiOH-H+: H2SO4-impregnated silica phase for oxidation of accompanying compounds to ionic and/or polar compounds SA: strongly acidic cation exchanger based on silica with benzenesulphonic acid modification for removal of ionic and sulphur-containing compounds recommended application: extraction of PCBs from oil with reference to German industrial standard DIN 51527, part 1. This combination column is used together with a SiOH column. Capacity Capacity ml 3 3 ml / mg PK Cat. No. 50 250 7.051 054 4.003 492 BIGpacks: 4.003 492 Chromabondfi SiOH-H+/SA MACHEREY-NAGEL Description PK Cat. No. Kombi-Kit for extraction of PCBs from oil with reference to DIN 51527, part 1, 25 columns each CHROMABONDfi SiOH-H+/SA and CHROMABONDfi SiOH 25 7.051 055 PCBs in oil samples (German industrial standard DIN 51527) Column type: Sample application: aspirate 500 μl sample through CHROMABOND® SiOH-H2SO4/SA 3 ml, 500/500 mg and the CHROMABOND® SiOH-H2SO4/SA column. Place CHROMABOND® SiOH / 3 ml / 500 mg CHROMABOND® SiOH-H2SO4/SA column on top of SiOH or Kombi-Kit PCB FROXPQZLWKDQDGDSWRUDQGDIWHUDWOHDVWVÀXVK Sample pretreatment: sample into the SiOH column with 2 x 1 ml n-hexane. extract oil-contaminated solids with n-hexane. Elution: elute SiOH column with 3 x 0.5 ml n-hexane; Homogenise other oil samples and dissolve 1.5 to 2.0 g adjust to a suitable concentration for subsequent GC in 50 ml n-hexane. Water which may cause turbidity analysis by evaporation of n-hexane in a stream of can be removed with sodium sulphate. nitrogen or by dilution with n-hexane Column conditioning: let 1 ml nKH[DQHÀRZWKURXJK Recovery rates: the CHROMABOND® SiOH-H2SO4/SA column PCB-28 99 %, PCB-52 95 %, PCB-101 99 %, PCB-138 MN Appl. No. 301380 94 %, PCB-153 99 %, PCB-180 96 %, PCB-209 101 % 1200 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 Chromabondfi NAN 1 Special phase for SPE analysis of PCB from sludge MACHEREY-NAGEL special combination phase: N: sodium sulphate for removal of trace water A: SiOH/AgNO3 phase for removal of sulphur, sulphur-containing and polar compounds recommended application: extraction of PCB from sludge Capacity ml 3 6 6 400 / 700 / 700 / Capacity ml / mg 1400 / 400 2000 / 700 2000 / 700 PK Cat. No. 50 30 250 4.003 503 6.204 684 4.003 517 BIGpacks: 4.003 517 PCBs from sludge Compounds investigated: Column conditioning:POn-hexane polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) Sample application: This method is also suited for soil samples. aspirate 2 ml of the extract through the column Column type: Elution:VORZO\DVSLUDWHPOn-hexane through the CHROMABOND® NAN, FROXPQZLWKOLJKWYDFXXPWKHQHYDSRUDWHDQG¿OOWR 6 ml, 700/2000/700 mg 5 ml with n-hexane Sample pretreatment: extract 2 g lyophilised sludge Recovery rates: with 70 ml nKH[DQHHYDSRUDWHH[WUDFWDQG¿OOWRPO 3&%3&%3&%3&% with n-hexane 3&%3&%3&% 01$SSO1R E & OE. 1201 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 SPE phases for food analysis 1 QuEChERS method and pre-mixes MACHEREY-NAGEL Within a fes years after its devleopment by Anastassiades et al. the QuEChERS method has gained a leading position for determination of pesticide residues in food by GC-MS or LC-MS allowing rapid and cheap clean-up of strongly matrix-contaminated samples. Standard clean-up of food samples 10 g sample are homogenised with 10 ml acetonitrile. After adding the internal standard the sample is shaken with 4 g MgSO4 and 1 g NaCI and afterwards centrifuged. 1 ml of the supernantant is spiked with 25 mg CHROMABOND® Diamino and 150 mg MgSO4 and shaken again. After centrifugation the supernatant is injected into the GC/MS. For optimising the extraction of pH-dependent compounds, for minimising decomposition of sensitive substances, and for broadending the matrix spectrum, different modifications of the QuEChERS method have been elaborated. 2 Chromabondfi 2 In addition to the required adsorbent CHROMABONDfi Diamino MACHEREY-NAGEL offers a number of individually weighed and pre-mixed buffers and extraction mixtures, specially composed for different sample matrices. MACHEREY-NAGEL Procedure 1 for standard food samples: The sample is extracted with Mix II, then purified with Mix III or Mix IV (for food with higher fat content) Procedure 2 for complex or rich food samples: The sample is extracted with Mix I, then purified with - Mix III (samples with low fat content), - Mix IV (moderate content of chlorophyll and carotinoids; e. g. carrots, lettuce), - Mix V (high content of chlorophyll and carotinoids; e. g. bell peppers, spinach), - Mix VI (high fat content; e. g. avocados). Capacity ml 15 Description Composition PK Cat. No. Mix I Citrat-Extraction-Mix 50 4.003 824 15 15 15 15 15 Mix Mix Mix Mix Mix 4g MgSO4, 1g NaCl, 0,5g Na2H-Citrat*1,5 H2O, 1g Na3-Citrat*2 H2O 6 g MgSO4 - 1,5 g Na-Acetat 0,9 g MgSO4 0,9 g MgSO4 - 0,015 g CHROMABOND Carbon 0,9 g MgSO4 - 0,150 g CHROMABOND C 18 ec 0,9 g MgSO4 - 0,045 g CHROMABOND Carbon 50 50 50 50 50 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 II Acetat-Extraction-Mix III Diamino Clean-up Mix IV Diamino/Carbon Clean-up Mix V Diamino/Carbon Clean-up Mix VI Diamino/C 18 ec Clean-up Mix 825 826 827 829 828 15 ml centrifuge tubes with screw cap 3 3 Chromabondfi Diamino Special silica phase for determination of pesticides in food samples MACHEREY-NAGEL Base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m²/g, pH stability 2 to 8 Primary and Secondary Amine functions (PSA), 5% C removes polar compounds (e. g. organic acids, pigments, sugars) from matrices like fruit or vegetables similar phases: Supelclean PSA, Bond Elut PSA recommended application: special SPE phase for quick and cheap determination of pesticides in strongly matrix-contaminated samples by GC QuEChERS method = Quick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged Safe QuEChERS clean-up mixes containing 0.15 g Chromabondfi Diamino each Capacity ml 3 6 1202 Capacity PK Cat. No. mg 200 500 50 30 4.003 652 4.003 653 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 Chromabondfi Diamino 1 Adsorbent MACHEREY-NAGEL Weight g 100 20 PK Cat. No. 100 20 4.003 688 4.003 689 2 2 Chromabond QuEchERS fi QuEChERS accessories MACHEREY-NAGEL Type PK Cat. No. 50 ml PP-centrifuge tube with crew cap 50 4.003 552 3 Chromabondfi vacuum manifolds and accessories for handling SPE columns and cartridges for simultaneous preparation of up to 12, 16 or 24 samples replacement parts and accessories for special applications 3 MACHEREY-NAGEL Vacuum manifold complete consists of: glass cabinet with lid and lid gasket, removable needles on lower side of lid, vacuum gauge, control valve, valves and caps, variable rack. Description PK Cat. No. Vacuum manifold complete for up to 12 columns or cartridges (incl. reservoir tank) 1 9.003 479 Vacuum manifold complete for up to 16 LV columns 1 4.003 586 Vacuum manifold complete for up to 24 columns or cartridges 1 7.056 914 Lids with gaskets for 12 columns (incl. Luer fittings and valves), plastic 1 4.003 530 Gaskets for lid, for 12 columns Luer fittings for lid, female Luer fittings for lid, male Valves, plastic Stainless steel needles Drying attachment for 12 columns Products for protection from cross contamination valve, brass, tarnished 2 12 12 12 12 1 1 6.801 4.003 4.003 7.089 7.079 4.003 4.003 Products for protection from cross contamination valve as above Products for protection from cross contamination stainless steel connectors 12 12 7.089 162 7.079 431 Products for protection from cross contamination PTFE connectors with valve 12 6.234 376 4 6.900 713 Tubing adaptor for 1,3 and 6 ml polypropylene columns (teflon, 1ml) Protection from cross contamination Drying attachment )RUVSHFLDODSSOLFDWLRQVZKLFKUHTXLUHPD[LPXPSURWHF WLRQ IURP FURVV FRQWDPLQDWLRQ ZH VXSSO\ FKURPHSODWHG brass valves and stainless steel or PTFE connectors, the DSSOLFDWLRQ RI ZKLFK LV VKRZQ EHORZ 7KHVH VSHFLDO FRQ QHFWRUV DUH ¿WWHG WKURXJK WKH OLG WKXV WKH VDPSOH RQO\ has contact with the inert connector and not with the lid, GLUHFWO\ÀRZLQJLQWRWKHUHFHSWDFOH If the eluate has to be evaporated, this can be performed ZLWKWKHVRFDOOHGGU\LQJDWWDFKPHQW11VHHEHORZ7KLV VSHFLDO OLG KDV D JDV FRQQHFWRU RQ RQH VLGH 12), from ZKLFKWKHJDVLVIHGVLPXOWDQHRXVO\WRWKHRUVWD tions (137KXVRUHOXDWHVFDQEHHYDSRUDWHGVLPXO WDQHRXVO\E\MXVWFKDQJLQJWKHOLGDQGDSSO\LQJDVWUHDP RILQHUWJDVHJQLWURJHQ 608 534 535 161 432 536 538 SPE column with frits and solid phase /XHU¿WWLQJIHPDOH lid of vacuum manifold with bore /XHU¿WWLQJPDOH connector stainless steel needle E & OE. 1203 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE CHROMABONDfi empty columns and accessories for SPE for individual packing of SPE columns with CHROMABOND® adsorbents MACHEREY-NAGEL Description PK Cat. No. Empty polypropylene column with PE filter elements, 3 ml 50 7.510 238 Empty polypropylene column with PE filter elements, 6 ml 30 7.510 090 Empty polypropylene column with PE filter elements, 15 ml 20 4.003 555 Empty polypropylene column with PE filter elements, 45 ml 20 4.003 584 Empty polypropylene column with PE filter elements, 30 ml 20 4.003 592 Empty polypropylene column with PE filter elements, 70ml 20 4.003 521 Empty polypropylene column with PE filter elements, 150 ml 20 4.003 631 Empty glass columns with glass fibre filter elements, 3 ml 50 4.003 528 Empty glass columns with glass fibre filter elements, 6 ml 30 7.054 440 Glass fibre fliter elements for glass columns 3 ml Glass fibre fliter elements for glass columns 6 ml Adaptor (PP) for polypropylene columns (1,3 and 6 ml) Reservoir columns 70 ml, polypropylene, incl. 1 connector 250 250 10 10 1 7.056 7.054 7.401 4.003 687 441 419 594 1 2 3 Chromabondfi XTR For liquid-liquid extraction MACHEREY-NAGEL Base material coarse-grained kieselguhr (also known as diatomaceous earth, hydromatrix, celite) large pore size, high pore volume, constantly high batch-to-batch quality pH working range 1to13 application: liquid-liquid extraction of highly viscous aqueous solutions such as physiological fluids (blood, plasma, and serum) in clinical chemistry, dyes in textiles, environmental and food analysis without use of a separation funnel high water loadability without water breakthrough during elution with organic solvents also suited for removing small amounts of water from solvents which are not miscible with water. 2 advantages: fast, reproducible and economical simultaneous preparation of several samples no problems with phase separation, no formation of emulsions high recovery rates saving of time and solvents organic solutions need not to be dried after separation Capacity 3 ml 1 3 6 6 15 30 45 70 70 150 Capacity g 0.25 1.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 4.50 8.30 14.50 14.50 37.50 max. volume capacity of aq. solution µl 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 BIGpacks: 4.003 637/4.003 648 1204 E & OE. PK 100 50 30 250 30 30 30 30 100 10 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 6.205 4.003 6.225 4.003 4.003 645 646 636 637 638 372 647 180 648 650 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE General column parameters CHROMABOND® XTR volume amount of adsorbent 1 ml 250 mg 3 ml 500 mg 6 ml 1g 15 ml 3g 30 ml 4.5 g 45 ml 8.3 g 70 ml 14.5 g 150 ml 37.5 g max. volume capacity of aqueous sollution 0.25 ml 0.5 ml 1 ml 3 ml 5 ml 10 ml 20 ml 50 ml Solvents applicable for elution waiting pe- elution riod before volume elution 5 min 5 min 5 – 10 min 5 – 10 min 5 – 10 min 10 – 15 min 10 – 15 min 10 – 15 min 3 ml 6 ml 8 ml 12 ml 16 ml 24 ml 40 ml 90 ml diethyl ether tert-butyl methyl ether ethyl acetate n-hexane cyclohexane toluene dichloromethane (methylene chloride) trichloromethane (chloroform) trichloromethane / methanol (90:10, v/v) trichloromethane / methanol (85:15, v/v) diethyl ether / ethanol (90:10, v/v) diethyl ether / ethanol (80:20, v/v) dichloromethane / 2-propanol (90:10, v/v) dichloromethane / 2-propanol (85:15, v/v) Chromabondfi XTR adsorbent 50 bags of 14.5g (for max. 20ml aqueous solution each) MACHEREY-NAGEL Description PK for 70 ml PP columns with 100 PE filter elements for NT20 with 50 PE filter elements (10 mm dia.) 500 g 1 kg 5 kg 50 50 500 1000 5000 Cat. No. 4.003 6.900 4.003 4.003 4.003 656 717 658 657 659 We can supply this manufactorer’s whole product range ! E & OE. 1205 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 6\ULQJH¿OWHUV&+520$),/® Syringe ¿OWHUVDUHXVHGIRU¿OWUDWLRQRIVXVSHQGHGPDWWHUIURPOLTXLGVDP SOHVRUJDVHV:LWK CHROMAFIL®UDSLGSXUL¿FDWLRQDQGUHPRYDORISDUWL FOHVLVYHU\VLPSOHMXVWSODFHWKH¿OWHURQWKHV\ULQJHDQG\RXDUHUHDG\ IRU¿OWUDWLRQ6SHFLDOPDQLSXODWLRQVDUHQRWUHTXLUHG&RQWDPLQDWLRQRIVHQ VLWLYHLQVWUXPHQWDWLRQE\VROLGLPSXULWLHVFDQEHDYRLGHGWKXVLQFUHDVLQJ OLIHWLPHRIFKURPDWRJUDSKLFFROXPQVDQGHTXLSPHQW $GYDQWDJHV 3RO\SURS\OHQHKRXVLQJ FRQVLGHUDEO\EHWWHUVROYHQWVWDELOLW\FRPSDUHGWRDFU\ODWHDQGSRO\ VW\UHQH¿OWHUVORZFRQWHQWRIH[WUDFWDEOHVXEVWDQFHV +RXVLQJXOWUDVRQLFDOO\VHDOHGQRWJOXHG QRH[WUDFWDEOHFRPSRQHQWVIURPJOXHV 7KHVSHFLDOWKLFNULPRIWKHKRXVLQJLVLGHDOIRUXVHRIWKH¿OWHUVLQ ODERUDWRU\URERWVHJ%HQFKPDWH )LOWUDWLRQLQERWKGLUHFWLRQVSRVVLEOHWKHOLTXLGFDQQRWE\SDVVWKH PHPEUDQH /XHUORFNRQVLGHRIHQWU\ VDIHFRQQHFWLRQRQWKH´KLJKSUHVVXUH³VLGH 6DPSOHFODUL¿FDWLRQ /XHUH[LW VWDQGDUGOXHUIRUPP¿OWHUVPLQLVSLNHOXHUZLWKORZGHDGYROXPH DQGVPDOO2'IRUPP¿OWHUV)LOWHULQOHWDQG¿OWHUH[LWFDQEH¿WWHG WRWKH&+520$%21'®FROXPQVIRUVHOHFWLYHVDPSOHSUHSDUDWLRQZLWK WKHDLGRIDVSHFLDODGDSWRU PPRUPPTXDOLW\V\ULQJH¿OWHUV 'HÀHFWRU WKHVWUHDPRIOLTXLGLVEURNHQDQGGLVWULEXWHGDQGGRHVQRWGLUHFWO\ KLWWKHPHPEUDQHWKLVSUHYHQWVUXSWXUHRIWKHPHPEUDQH IRRGVDIH3(ER[ZLWKVFUHZFDS HFRQRPLFDOSULFH 6WDUVKDSHGGLVWULEXWLRQGHYLFH WKHOLTXLGLVHYHQO\GLVWULEXWHGWRWKHZKROHPHPEUDQHVXUIDFHWKLV UHVXOWVLQDEHWWHUXWLOLVDWLRQRIWKHWRWDODUHDWKH¿OWHULVQRWSOXJJHG XSUDSLGO\KLJKÀRZHI¿FLHQF\ &RORXUFRGHG¿OWHUV ¿OWHUVZLWKPSRUHVKDYHD\HOORZXSSHUVKHOOWKDWRI¿OWHUV ZLWKPSRUHVLVFRORXUOHVVWKHGLIIHUHQWPHPEUDQHW\SHVDUH GLVWLQJXLVKHGE\GLIIHUHQWFRORXUVRIWKHORZHUVKHOO 'HSHQGLQJRQ\RXU¿OWUDWLRQWDVN\RXFDQFKRRVH¿OWHUPHPEUDQHVPDGH IURPGLIIHUHQWPDWHULDOV 0DWHULDO $YDLODEOHSRUHVL]HVDQGPH[FHSWLRQV3(7¿OWHUVZLWK PJODVV¿EUH¿OWHUVZLWKP3(6¿OWHUVZLWKNjP 3RO\HVWHU3(7 ZLWKRUZLWKRXWJODVV¿EUHSUH¿OWHU 5HJHQHUDWHGFHOOXORVH5& 7HÀRQ®37)( &HOOXORVHPL[HGHVWHUV09 &HOOXORVHDFHWDWH&$ÂVWHULOHDQGQRQVWHULOH 3RO\DPLGH1\ORQ3$ 3RO\HWKHUVXOIRQH3(6ÂVWHULOH 3RO\YLQ\OLGHQHGLÀXRULGH39') ZLWKRUZLWKRXWJODVV¿EUHSUH¿OWHU *ODVV¿EUH*) )LOWHUVL]HVDQGPPGLDPHWHU7KHVPDOOGLDPHWHU¿OWHUV DUHHVSHFLDOO\UHFRPPHQGHGIRUYHU\VPDOOVDPSOHVZKLFKUHTXLUH H[WUHPHO\ORZGHDGYROXPHVOIRUPPOIRUPP $OO¿OWHUVFDQEHDXWRFODYHGDW121 °CDQGEDUIRUPLQ 5HFRPPHQGHG¿OWHUVL]HGHSHQGLQJRQVDPSOHYROXPH VDPSOHYROXPH ±PO ±PO 1206 CHROMAFIL® %,*%2;(6 UHFRPPHQGHG¿OWHUGLDPHWHU PP PP E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE Syringe filters CHROMAFILfi CHROMAFIL® Xtra MACHEREY-NAGEL labelled for method validation and cerification Xtra: imprint for direct identification of membrane type, diameter and pore size Xtra: low bleeding polypropylene housing Xtra: colour-free plain polypropylene Chromafilfi PET syringe filters with polyester membrane hydrophilic multipurpose membrane MACHEREY-NAGEL For polar as well as non-polar solvents the HPLC filter, especially suited for mixtures of water and organic solvents for TOC/DOC determination not cytotoxic, does not inhibit the growth of microorganisms and higher cells polyester filter with integrated glass fibre prefilter (GF/PET): recommended for solutions with a high load of particulate matter or for highly viscous solutions Type Pore size PET-20/25 PET- 45/25 PET-120/25 PET-20/25 PET- 45/25 PET-120/25 GF/PET- 20/25 GF/PET- 45/25 PET-20/15 MS PET-45/15 MS GF/PET- 20/25 GF/PET- 45/25 µm 0.20 0.45 1.2 0.20 0.45 1.2 1.0/0.45 1.0/0.45 0.20 0.45 1.0/0.20 1.0/0.45 Membrane Housing dia. colour top mm 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 blue 25 black 15 yellow 15 colourless 25 blue 25 black Housing colour base PK 100 100 100 400 400 400 100 100 800 800 400 400 orange orange orange orange orange orange Cat. No. 4.003 6.232 6.232 4.003 4.003 6.233 9.049 9.049 4.003 4.003 9.049 9.049 417 548 549 418 416 172 079 080 397 398 020 021 MS = minispike on filter exit CHROMAFILfi Xtra: 4.003 417/6.232 548/6.232 549 BIG-BOX: 4.003 418/4.003 416/6.233 172/4.003 397/4.003 398/9.049 020/9.049 021 1 CHROMAFILfi RC syringe filters with membrane of regenerated cellulose hydrophilic membrane with very low adsorption 1 MACHEREY-NAGEL for aqueous and organic/aqueous liquids i.e. polar and medium polar sample solutions binding capacity for proteins 84µg/filter Type RC-20/25 RC-45/25 RC-20/25 RC-45/25 RC-20/15 RC-20/15 RC-45/15 RC-45/15 Pore size MS MS MS MS µm 0.20 0.45 0.20 0.45 0.20 0.20 0.45 0.45 Membrane Housing dia. colour top mm 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 15 yellow 15 yellow 15 colourless 15 colourless Housing colour base PK 100 100 400 400 100 800 100 800 blue blue blue blue Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 6.233 9.049 4.003 9.049 4.003 424 426 425 891 025 399 026 400 MS = minispike on filter exit BIG-BOX: 4.003 425/6.233 891/4.003 399/4.003 400 E & OE. 1207 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 1 Chromafilfi PTFE syringe filters with Teflonfi membrane hydrophobic membrane MACHEREY-NAGEL for nonpolar liquids and gases very resistant towards all kinds of solvents as well as acids and bases flushing with alcohol, followed by water, makes the originally hydrophobic membrane more hydrophilic Type Pore size Membrane Housing dia. colour top mm 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 3 natural 3 natural 15 yellow 15 natural 15 yellow 15 natural µm 0.20 0.45 0.20 0.45 0.20 0.45 0.20 0.45 0.20 0.45 PTFE-20/25 PTFE-45/25 PTFE-20/25 PTFE-45/25 O-20/3 O-45/3 O-20/15 MS O-45/15 MS O-20/15 MS O-45/15 MS Housing colour base PK 100 100 400 400 100 100 100 100 800 800 natural natural natural natural natural natural Cat. No. 4.003 9.049 4.003 9.049 9.049 9.049 9.049 9.049 4.003 4.003 409 059 410 060 053 054 055 056 394 395 MS = minispike on filter exit BIG-BOX: 4.003 410/9.049 060/4.003 394/4.003 395 2 2 Cellulose mixed esters (MV) hydrophilic membrane MACHEREY-NAGEL for aqueous or polar solutions Type MV-20/25 MV-45/25 MV-20/25 MV-45/25 Pore size µm 0.20 0.45 0.20 0.45 Membrane Housing dia. colour top mm 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled PK 100 100 400 400 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 407 405 408 406 BIG-BOX: 4.003 408/4.003 406 3 3 Cellulose acetate (CA) hydrophilic membrane MACHEREY-NAGEL for filtration of water-soluble oligomers and polymers, especially suited for biological macromolecules very high shape stability in aqueous solutions extremely low binding capacity for proteins (21µg/filter) also available in a sterile package (S) for filtration under sterile conditions (each filter individually sealed) Type CA-20/25 CA-45/25 CA-20/25 CA-45/25 CA-20/25 S CA-45/25 S Pore size µm 0.20 0.45 0.20 0.45 0.20 0.45 Membrane Housing dia. colour top mm 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 yellow 25 natural BIG-BOX: 4.003 420/4.003 422 1208 E & OE. Housing colour base red red PK 100 100 400 400 50 50 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 9.049 9.049 419 421 420 422 036 037 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 Polyamide (PA) = Nylon 1 rather hydrophilic membrane MACHEREY-NAGEL for aqueous and organic/aqueous medium polar liquids Type PA-20/25 PA-45/25 PA-20/25 PA-45/25 AO-20/3 AO-45/3 Pore size µm 0.20 0.45 0.20 0.45 0.20 0.45 Membrane Housing dia. colour top mm 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 3 light beige 3 light beige Housing colour base PK 100 100 400 400 100 100 light beige light beige Cat. No. 4.003 6.232 4.003 6.234 9.049 9.049 411 389 412 011 047 048 BIG-BOX: 4.003 412/4.234 011 2 Polyethersulfone (PES) 2 hydrophilic membrane MACHEREY-NAGEL for aqueous and slightly organic liquids with higher flow rates very low adsorption for pharmaceuticals and proteins, with good stability against acids and bases for sterile filtration of non-sterile solutions we recommend the Chromafil Sterilizer PES (each filter individually sealed) binding capacity for proteins 29µg/filter Type Pore size µm 0.20 Sterilizer PES - blue rim Membrane dia. mm 25 PK Cat. No. 50 6.228 095 3 Polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) 3 hydrophilic membrane MACHEREY-NAGEL for polar and nonpolar solutions, water-soluble oligomers and polymers like proteins binding capacity for proteins 82µg/filter The PVDF filter with integrated glass fibre prefilter is recommended for filtration of biological samples with high particle loads. This filter features a high binding capacity for proteins. also suited for filtration of polar and non-polar solutions Type PVDF-20/25 PVDF-45/25 PVDF-20/25 PVDF-45/25 GF/P-45/25 GF/P-45/25 Pore size µm 0.20 0.45 0.20 0.45 1.0/0.45 1.0/0.45 Membrane Housing dia. colour top mm 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 labelled 25 black 25 black Housing colour base PK 100 100 400 400 400 100 white white Cat. No. 4.003 9.049 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 413 063 414 415 402 401 CHROMAFILfi Xtra: 4.003 413/9.049 063/4.003 414/4.003 415 BIG-BOX: 4.003 414/4.003 402 E & OE. 1209 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE 1 Glass fibre (GF) 1 inert filter, nominal pore size 1µm, allows higher flow rates than smaller pore filters for solutions with high loads of particulate matter or for highly viscous solutions (e. g. soil samples, fermentation broths) MACHEREY-NAGEL as prefilters for other Chromafil filters, they prevent plugging of the membrane. Type GF- 100/25 GF- 100/25 GF- 100/15 MS Pore size µm nom. 1.0 nom. 1.0 nom. 1.0 Membrane Housing dia. colour top mm 25 labelled 25 labelled 15 blue Housing colour base natural PK Cat. No. 100 400 100 6.232 362 4.003 423 9.049 077 MS = minispike on filter exit CHROMAFILfi Xtra: 6.232 362/4.003 423 BIG-BOX: 4.003 423 2 2 Chromabondfi Multi 96 filter plates 96-well polypropylene plates for simultaneous filtration of 96 samples advantages of this high-throughput system are: - economical by saving time and solvent - use of multi-channel pipettors facilitates liquid transfer steps - readily adaptable to all common automated/robotic handling systems - minimised dead volume (≤ 40µl) - membrane materials correspond to the respective Chromafilfi syringe filters Description MACHEREY-NAGEL PK Cat. No. Filter plates with cellulose mixed ester filter elements (0.20 µm) Filter plates with cellulose mixed ester filter elements (0.45 µm) 1 1 4.003 976 4.003 977 Filter plates with cellulose mixed ester filter elements (3.0 µm) 1 4.003 978 Filter plates with RC filter elements (regenerated cellulose, 0.2 µm) 1 4.003 971 Filter plates with RC filter elements (regenerated cellulose, 0.45 µm) 1 6.227 345 Filter plates with PTFE filter elements (0.2 µm) 1 6.227 343 Filter plates with PTFE filter elements (0.45 µm) 1 6.227 344 Filter plates with PTFE filter elements (1.0 µm) 1 4.003 974 Filter plates with PTFE filter elements (3.0 µm) 1 4.003 975 Filter plates with PE filter elements (20 µm) 1 4.003 970 Filter plates with PE filter elements (50 µm) 1 4.003 973 Filter plates with glass fibre filter elements (nominal 1 µm) 1 6.227 346 Filter plates with glass fibre filter elements (nominal 3 µm) 1 4.003 972 Vacuum manifold for monoblocks, with reservoir tank, vacuum gauge and control valve, required for filtration with 96-well filter plates 1 4.003 962 1210 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Sample preparation/SPE &KHPLFDOFRPSDWLELOLW\RI¿OWHUPDWHULDOV The following table lists the chemical compatibility of our CHROMAFIL® materials. The chemical compatibility depends on several parameters such as time, pressure, temperature and concentration. In most cases, CHROMAFIL®¿OWHUVZLOOKDYHRQO\VKRUWFRQWDFWZLWKDVROYHQW,QWKHVHFDVHVWKH\PD\EHXVHGGHVSLWH of limited compatibility. )RUH[DPSOHD37)(¿OWHUZLWK33KRXVLQJGRHVQRWOLEHUDWHDQ\89GHWHFWDEOHVXEVWDQFHVGXULQJ¿OWUDWLRQRIPO7+) although PP shows only limited resistance towards THF. Solvent Acetaldehyde Acetic acid, 100 % Acetone Acetonitrile $PPRQLD Benzene n–Butanol Cyclohexane 'LFKORURPHWKDQH 'LHWK\OHWKHU 'LPHWK\OIRUPDPLGH ±'LR[DQH Ethanol Ethyl acetate Ethylene glycol Formic acid, 100 % Hydrochloric acid, 30 % Methanol 1LWULFDFLG Oxalic acid, 10 % aqueous Petroleum ether Phosphoric acid, 80 % Potassium hydroxide, 1 mol/l 2–Propanol Sodium hydroxide, 1 mol/l Tetrachloromethane Tetrahydrofuran Toluene Trichloroethene Trichloromethane 8UHD Water Xylene PA Material PTFE 39') 09 CA RC ұ ұ ұ ұ ұ ұ ұ ұ ұ ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ ұ ұ ұ ұ ұ Ұ ұ ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ PES PET GF PP Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ ұ ұ Ұ ұ ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ ұ ұ Ұ Ұ ұ ұ ұ ұ ұ ұ Ұ ұ ұ Ұ ұ ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ ұ ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ Ұ ұ Ұ Ұ 'DWDQRWJXDUDQWHHGҰ resistant, ұ not resistant, limited resistance 09 FHOOXORVHPL[HGHVWHUV&$ FHOOXORVHDFHWDWH5& UHJHQHUDWHGFHOOXORVH3$ SRO\DPLGH 37)( SRO\WHWUDÀXRURHWK\OHQH7HÀRQ39') SRO\YLQ\OLGHQHGLÀXRULGH3(6 SRO\HWKHUVXOIRQH 3(7 SRO\HVWHU*) JODVV¿EUH33 SRO\SURS\OHQHKRXVLQJPDWHULDO E & OE. 1211 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC NUCLEODUR® high purity silica for HPLC NUCLEODUR® is a fully synthetical type B silica (silica of 3rdJHQHUDWLRQRӽHULQJKLJKO\ advanced physical properties like totally spherical particle shape, outstanding surface microstructure, high pressure stability and low metal content. NUCLEODUR® as a state-of-the-art silica is the ideal base material for modern HPLC SKDVHV,WLVWKHUHVXOWRI0$&+(5(<1$*(/·V pioneering research in chromatography for PRUHWKDQ\HDUVDQGVXFFHHGV01·VIDPRXV NUCLEOSIL® silica. Columns for HPLC ,Q53OLTXLGFKURPDWRJUDSK\WKHHԀ FLHQF\RIWKHSDFN LQJLVVWURQJO\DӽHFWHGE\WKHTXDOLW\RIWKHEDVHVLOL ca itself. Shortcomings in the surface geometry of the particles or metal contaminants are the main reasons for inadequate coverage with the covalently bonded alkylsilanes in the subsequent derivatization steps. It is well known, that poor surface coverage and, in consequence, high activity of residual free silanols often results in peak tailing or adsorption, particularly with basic compounds. Particle shape and surface symmetry NUCLEODUR® is virtually free of metal impurities and low acidic surface silanols. Elemental analysis data of NUCLEODUR®ĂPPHDVXUHGE\$$6DUHOLVWHGEHORZ Elementary analysis (metal ions) of NUCLEODUR® 100-5 Aluminium Iron Sodium Calcium Titanium Zirconium Arsenic Mercury 5 5 5 10 1 1 0.5 0.05 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Pressure stability The totally spherical and 100% synthetic silica gel exhibits an outstanding mechanical stability, even at KLJKSUHVVXUHVXSWREDUDQGHOHYDWHGHOXHQWӿRZ rates. In addition, after several cycles of repeated packing, no VLJQLӾFDQWGURSLQSUHVVXUHFDQEHREVHUYHG7KHODW ter is of prime importance for preparative and processscale applications. Physical properties of NUCLEODUR® Surface (BET) Pore size Pore volume 340 m2/g 110 Å 0.9 ml/g NUCLEODUR®PRGLӾFDWLRQV NUCLEODUR® silicas are synthesized in a unique and carefully controlled manufacturing process which provides silica particles, which are totally spherical. The picture shows the outstanding smoothness of the NUCLEODUR® surface. Purity As already mentioned above, a highly pure silica is required for achieving symmetric peak shapes and maximum resolution. Inclusions of e. g. iron or alkaline earth metal ions on the silica surface are largely responsible for the unwanted interactions with ionizable analytes, e. g. amines or phenolic compounds. 1212 < < < < < < < < E & OE. 6HYHUDOGLӽHUHQWVXUIDFHPRGLӾFDWLRQVEDVHG on NUCLEODUR® silica have been developed over the last years providing a full range of VSHFLӾHG+3/&SKDVHVDQGDQLGHDOWRROIRU every separation: NUCLEODUR® C18 Gravity and C8 Gravity NUCLEODUR® C18 Isis NUCLEODUR® C18 Pyramid NUCLEODUR® Sphinx RP NUCLEODUR® CN and CN-RP NUCLEODUR® NH2 and NH2-RP NUCLEODUR® C18 ec and C8 ec For important properties of NUCLEODUR® phases please see our summary. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Overview of NUCLEODUR® HPLC phases &KDUDFWHULVWLFV C18 Gravity B 6WDELOLW\ RFWDGHF\OSKDVH, high GHQVLW\FRDWLQJ PXOWLHQGFDSSLQJ S+VWDELOLW\² VXLWHGIRU/&06 &Á863L1 C8 Gravity RFW\OSKDVHKLJKGHQVLW\ FRDWLQJ PXOWLHQGFDSSLQJ S+VWDELOLW\² VXLWHGIRU/&06 S+VWDELOLW\² VXLWHGIRU/&06 NUCLEODUR® (Si-O2)n RFWDGHF\OSKDVHZLWK VSHFLDOO\FURVVOLQNHG VXUIDFHPRGLӾFDWLRQ HQGFDSSLQJ VWDEOHLQDTXHRXV HOXHQWVZLWKRXWSKDVH FROODSVH S+VWDELOLW\ VXLWHGIRU/&06 NUCLEODUR® (Si-O2)n &Á863L7 C18 Isis ELIXQFWLRQDO53SKDVH EDODQFHGUDWLRRISURS\O SKHQ\ODQG&18OLJDQGV HQGFDSSLQJ S+VWDELOLW\ VXLWHGIRU/&06 NUCLEODUR® (Si-O2)n &Á863L1 S+VWDELOLW\² &863L1DQGL11 C18 ec RFWDGHF\OSKDVHPHGLXP GHQVLW\FRDWLQJ HQGFDSSLQJ &Á863L1 C8 ec RFW\OSKDVHPHGLXP GHQVLW\FRDWLQJ HQGFDSSLQJ S+VWDELOLW\² CN / &153 NH2 / NH253 SiOH F\DQRQLWULOHSKDVHIRU 13DQG53VHSDUDWLRQV ² &Á863L10 DPLQRSKDVHIRU13DQG 53VHSDUDWLRQV ² &Á863L8 XQPRGLӾHG 863L3 ² QD ² S+VWDELOLW\² VXLWHGIRUPRELOH SKDVHVZLWKKLJK FRQWHQWVRIZDWHU NUCLEODUR® (Si-O2)n &Á863L7 S+VWDELOLW\² VXLWHGIRUPRELOH SKDVHVZLWKKLJK FRQWHQWVRIZDWHU NUCLEODUR® (Si-O2)n Columns for HPLC Sphinx RP C18PRGLӾFDWLRQZLWK SRODUHQGFDSSLQJ NUCLEODUR® (Si-O2)n &Á863L1 C18 Pyramid 6WUXFWXUH C NUCLEODUR® (Si-O2)n A NUCLEODUR® (Si-O2)n 6SHFLӾFDWLRQ NUCLEODUR® (Si-O2)n Phase S+VWDELOLW\² (Si-O2)n OH OH Si OH Si O Si(CH ) 3 3 Si OH Si O Si(CH ) 3 3 C N Si OH C N Si O Si(CH ) 3 3 NH2 Si OH NH2 Si OH Si OH $ K\GURSKRELFVHOHFWLYLW\% SRODULRQLFVHOHFWLYLW\& VWHULFVHOHFWLYLW\ E & OE. 1213 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC An optimised phase for every separations $SSOLFDWLRQ 6LPLODUSKDVHV LQJHQHUDOFRP SRXQGVZLWKLRQ L]DEOHIXQFWLRQDO JURXSVVXFKDV EDVLFSKDUPDFHXWL FDOVDQGSHVWLFLGHV NUCLEOSIL® C18 HD OLNH&18*UDYLW\ KRZHYHUJHQHUDOO\ VKRUWHUUHWHQWLRQ WLPHVIRUQRQSRODU FRPSRXQGV 6HSDUDWLRQSULQFLSOHÁ5HWHQWLRQPHFKDQLVP :DWHUV;WHUUD®531806&18; 3KHQRPHQH[/XQD® C18 (2), 6\QHUJLXQG0D[53=RUED[® only hydrophobic ([WHQG&,QHUWVLO®2'6,,, 3XURVSKHU®536WDU53 interactions NUCLEOSIL® C8 HD N O :DWHUV;WHUUD®53806&8; 3KHQRPHQH[/XQD® C8; =RUED[®(FOLSVH;'%& EDVLFSKDUPDFHX WLFDOLQJUHGLHQWV YHU\SRODUFRP SRXQGVRUJDQLF DFLGV hydrophobic interactions DQG polar interactions +ERQGV 3KHQRPHQH[$TXD®; <0&® AQ; :DWHUV$WODQWLV®G& FRPSRXQGVZLWK DURPDWLFDQGPXO QRVLPLODUSKDVHV WLSOHERQGV\VWHPV CH3 OH H3C N O LQWHUDFWLRQV DQGhydrophobic interactions NO2 NUCLEOSIL® C18 6SKHULVRUE®2'6,,+\SHUVLO® 2'6:DWHUV6\PPHWU\® C18; ,QHUWVLO®2'6,,.URPDVLO® &/L&KURVSKHU®53 NUCLEOSIL® C8 ec / C8 ® ® UREXVW&8SKDVHIRU 6SKHULVRUE &+\SHUVLO ® C8; 026:DWHUV6\PPHWU\ URXWLQHDQDO\VHV .URPDVLO®&/L&KURVSKHU® 53 NUCLEOSIL®&1&153 only hydrophobic interactions YDQGHU:DDOV LQWHUDFWLRQV VRPHUHVLGXDOVLODQRO LQWHUDFWLRQV polar / ionic interactions, hydrophobic interactions SRODURUJDQLFFRP XQPRGLӾHG18&/(26,/® SRXQGVLQJHQHUDO polar / ionic interactions H3C SiOH C LQWHUDFWLRQV, polar interactions +ERQGV hydrophobic interactions VXJDUVVXJDUDOFR KROVDQGRWKHUK\ GUR[\FRPSRXQGV NUCLEOSIL® '1$EDVHVSRODU NH2 / NH253 FRPSRXQGVLQ JHQHUDO CH3 Si(CH3)3 N O N O C N + HO NH3 OH O SiOH O2N SKDVHVZKLFKSURYLGHDVLPLODUVHOHFWLYLW\EDVHGRQFKHPLFDODQGSK\VLFDOSURSHUWLHV 1214 E & OE. Columns for HPLC steric interactions DQGhydrophobic interactions SRODURUJDQLF FRPSRXQGVEDVLF GUXJVPROHFXOHV FRQWDLQLQJHOHF WURQV\VWHPV H 3C YDQGHU:DDOV LQWHUDFWLRQV KLJKVWHULFVHOHF WLYLW\WKXVVXLWHG NUCLEOSIL® C18 AB IRUVHSDUDWLRQRI SRVLWLRQDODQG ,QHUWVLO®2'63 VWUXFWXUDOLVRPHUV <0&®3UR&56 SODQDUQRQSOD QDUPROHFXOHV UREXVW&18 phase IRUURXWLQH DQDO\VHV CH3 Si(CH3)3 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC 3DUWLFOHVL]HDQGVHSDUDWLRQHԀ FLHQF\ PSDUWLFOHVIRULQFUHDVHGVHSDUDWLRQHԀ FLHQF\ decrease of analysis time (ultra fast HPLC) VKRUWHUFROXPQVZLWKKLJKVHSDUDWLRQHԀ FLHQF\ VLJQLӾFDQWLPSURYHPHQWRIUHVROXWLRQ LQFUHDVHGGHWHFWLRQVHQVLWLYLW\ suitable for LC/MS due to low bleeding characteristics all NUCLEODUR®SUHPLXPSKDVHVDUHDYDLODEOHLQP C*UDYLW\&*UDYLW\&,VLV&3\UDPLG6SKLQ[53 NUCLEODUR®PSDUWLFOHVDUHIUDFWLRQDWHGWROLPLWWKHLQFUHDVHLQEDFNSUHVVXUH 1RZDYDLODEOHĂP SDUWLFOHVL]H 5HVROXWLRQDVDIXQFWLRQRISDUWLFOHVL]H )HDWXUHVRIĂP18&/(2'85®VLOLFDSDUWLFOHV LQFUHDVHRIVHSDUDWLRQHԀ FLHQF\E\KLJKHU QXPEHURIWKHRUHWLFDOSODWHV1 Eluent: Flow rate: Pressure: Detection: Peaks: 1. Naphthalene 2. Ethylbenzene VLJQLӾFDQWLPSURYHPHQWLQUHVROXWLRQ Columns for HPLC ORZFROXPQEDFNSUHVVXUH &RPSDULVRQRIEDFNSUHVVXUH (OXHQW )ORZUDWH 7HPSHUDWXUH &ROXPQGLPHQVLRQ PHWKDQRO POPLQ & [PP 1 A) 3 μm Rs = 1.11 B) 1.8 μm Rs = 1.42 2 NUCLEODUR® C*UDYLW\ Competitor A EDU EDU – EDU ĂP ĂP 50 x 4 mm NUCLEODUR® C18 Gravity A) 3 μm, B) 1.8 μm acetonitrile – water (80:20, v/v) 2 ml/min A) 80 bar, B) 160 bar UV, 254 nm Column: 1 2 VKRUWHUUXQWLPHV 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 min 5HGXFWLRQRIDQDO\VLVWLPH Column: 50 x 4 mm (for 5 μm 125 x 4 mm) NUCLEODUR® C18 Isis Eluent: 100 % methanol Flow rates and pressure see ÀJXUH Detection: UV, 254 nm m-Terphenyl 1.8 μm, 3.00 ml/min (320 bar) o-Terphenyl Triphenylene p-Terphenyl 1.8 μm, 2.00 ml/min (220 bar) 1.8 μm, 1.15 ml/min (125 bar) 5 μm, 0.8 ml min (50 bar) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 E & OE. 3.5 4.0 min 1215 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC HPLC columns with NUCLEODURfi Phasen NUCLEODUR® C18 - C 8 Gravity nonpolar high density phases MACHEREY-NAGEL available as octadecyl (C18 -USP L!) and octyl (C8 - USP L7) modifications Pore size 110 Ä; particle sizes 1.8 µm, 3 µm and 5 µm for C18, 1.8 and 5 µm for C8 7, 10, 12 and 16 µm particles for preparative separations on request carbon content 18 % C for C18 , 11 % C for C8 ideal for method development allows HPLC at pH extremes (pH 1 - 11) suitable for LC/MS due to low bleeding characteristics recommended for overall sophisticated analytical separations compound classes separated so far: pharmaceuticals, e.g. analgesics, antiinflammatory drugs, antidepressants; herbicides; phytopharmaceuticals; immunosppressants Nucleodurfi C18 Gravity, 1.8µm EC analytical columns particle size 1.8µm, 18% C Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 Nucleodurfi C18 Gravity, 3µm EC analytical columns particle size 3µm, 18% C Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 6.232 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 400 401 402 403 404 333 405 406 411 412 413 414 407 408 409 410 Guard columns for Nucleodurfi C18 Gravity, 3µm MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 2 and 3 mm i.d. 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. 1216 E & OE. PK Cat. No. 3 3 4.004 624 4.004 625 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Nucleodurfi C18 Gravity, 5µm EC analytical columns particle size 5µm, 18% C Type MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 6.224 4.004 422 423 424 425 415 416 417 418 426 427 428 429 419 420 511 421 VarioPrep preparative columns NUCLEODURfi C18 Gravity particle size 5, 10 µm, 11 % C Type 10 mm ID 10 mm ID 10 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 50 250 10 1 1 2 4.004 773 4.004 775 4.004 780 * Guard columns for Nucleodurfi C18 Gravity, 5µm MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 2 and 3 mm i.d. 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 3 7.510 912 4.004 626 Nucleodurfi C8 Gravity, 1.8µm EC analytical columns particle size 1.8 µm, 11% C Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 563 564 565 566 559 560 561 562 1217 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Nucleodurfi C8 Gravity, 5µm EC analytical columns particle size 5µm, 11% C Type MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 Guard columns for Nucleodurfi C8 Gravity, 5 µm MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 2 and 3 mm i.d. 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 3 4.004 719 4.004 720 VarioPrep preparative columns NUCLEODURfi C8 Gravity MACHEREY-NAGEL particle size 5 µm, 11 % C Available on request. 1218 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC NUCLEODURfi C Isis phase with high steric selectivity C18 phase with special polymeric, crosslinked surface modification - USP L1 pore size 110 Ä, particle sizes 1.8 µm, 3 µm and 5 µm; 20 % C high steric selectivity outstanding surface deactivation suitable for LC/MS due low bleeding characteristics pH stability 1 - 10 broad range of application: steroids, (o,p,m-) substituted aromatics, fat-soluble vitamins MACHEREY-NAGEL 6XUIDFHPRGL¿FDWLRQ %\XVHRIVSHFL¿F&18 silanes and appropriate polymeric bonding technologies a dense shield of alkyl chains protects the subjacent silica matrix. (OHPHQWDODQDO\VLVRI18&/(2'85® C18,VLVVKRZVDFDUERQORDGRI The target crosslinking of the C18 chains on the surface enables the separation of compounds with similar molecular structure but different stereochemical properties. The technical term for this feature is steric selectivity. Steric selectivity of NUCLEODUR® C18 Isis &ROXPQV[PPNUCLEODUR® C18 Isis, monomerically coated C18 phase, C18 phase with polar endcapping Eluent: methanol – water (90:10, v/v) )ORZUDWH POPLQWHPSHUDWXUH& 'HWHFWLRQ 89QP ,QMHFWLRQYROXPHO Peaks: 2 1. o-Terphenyl m-Terphenyl 1 p-Terphenyl 4 7ULSKHQ\OHQH 3 The separation of o-terphenyl and triphenylene is a concrete example to evaluate the selectivity potential of a reversed phase column in terms of the different shape of two molecules. The phenyl rings of o-terphenyl are twisted out of plane while triphenylene has a planar geometry. 7KHVHSDUDWLRQIDFWRUĮYDOXHLVDPHDVXUHIRUWKHVWHULFVHOHFWLYLW\$VLV VKRZQLQWKHIROORZLQJFKURPDWRJUDPVWKHĮYDOXHLVFRQVLGHUDEOHODUJHURQ 18&/(2'85® C18 Isis compared to a conventional C18 column. Steric selectivity of NUCLEODUR® C18 Isis &ROXPQV[PPHOXHQWPHWKDQRO±ZDWHUYY )ORZUDWHPOPLQWHPSHUDWXUH& 'HWHFWLRQ89QPLQMHFWLRQYROXPHO Peaks: 1. o7HUSKHQ\O7ULSKHQ\OHQH 1 1 2 2 C18, polar endcapping monomeric C18 C18 Isis 0 NUCLEODUR® C18 Isis monomerically 1 coated C18 phase = 1.35 2 3 4 min 5 0 = 1.93 5 10 0 5 10 min Nucleodurfi C18 Isis, 1.8µm EC analytical columns particle size 1.8µm, 20% C Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.006 501 502 503 504 497 498 499 500 019 1219 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Nucleodurfi C18 Isis, 3µm EC analytical columns particle size 3µm, 20% C Type MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 100 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.006 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 481 482 483 484 020 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 VarioPrep preparative columns particle size 10µm, 18% C Type 40 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length mm 250 PK Cat. No. 1 4.004 782 Guard columns for Nucleodur C18 Isis, 3µm fi MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 2 and 3 mm i.d. 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 3 4.004 629 4.004 630 Nucleodurfi C18 Isis, 5µm EC analytical columns particle size 5µm, 20% C Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 100 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.006 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 505 506 507 508 021 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 Guard columns for Nucleodurfi C18 Isis, 5µm MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 2 and 3 mm i.d. 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. 1220 E & OE. PK Cat. No. 3 3 4.004 640 4.004 641 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC VarioPrep preparative columns NUCLEODURfi C18 Isis particle size 5µm, 20% C Type MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 50 250 1 1 4.004 801 4.004 797 21 mm i.d. 10 mm i.d. VarioPrep columns for preparative HPLC C18 Isis, 3, 5µm MACHEREY-NAGEL Type Length PK Cat. No. mm 10 20 2 2 4.004 802 4.004 803 8 mm i.d. 16 mm i.d. 10 x 8mm ID VarioPrep guard columns require the VP 8mm guard column holder and are suited for 8 and 10mm ID VP columns, 20 x 16mm ID VarioPrep guard columns require the VP guard column holder 16mm and are used for 16 and 21mm ID VP columns. NUCLEODUR C18 Pyramid phase for highly aqueous eluents stabel in 100 % aqueous eluent systems- SUP L1 pore size 110 Ä, particle sizes 1.8 µm, 3 µm and 5 µm; 14 % C 7 and 10 µm particles for preparative separations on request interesting polar selectivity features excellent base deactivation; suitable for LC/MS due low bleeding characteristics pH stability 1 - 9 MACHEREY-NAGEL classes of compounds separated so far: analgesics, penicillin antibiotics, nucleic acid bases, water-soluble vitamins, complexing agetns, organic acids RP HPLC with highly aqueous eluents 'LIIHUHQWDSSURDFKHVFDQEHXVHGWRLQFUHDVHFROXPQVWD ELOLW\ZLWKKLJKO\DTXHRXVPRELOHSKDVHV\VWHPV7KHPRVW SURPLVLQJFRQFHSWVDUHLQFRUSRUDWLQJDSRODUJURXSLQWKH K\GURSKRELFDON\OFKDLQRUXVLQJK\GURSKLOLFHQGFDSSLQJ SURFHGXUHV WR LPSURYH WKH ZHWWDELOLW\ RI WKH UHYHUVHG SKDVHPRGL¿FDWLRQ Stability features 18&/(2'85® C183\UDPLGLVDVLOLFDSKDVHZLWKK\GURSKLOLF HQGFDSSLQJGHVLJQHGHVSHFLDOO\IRUXVHLQHOXHQWV\VWHPV RIXSWRZDWHU7KHVWDELOLW\WHVWVKRZVWKHUHWHQWLRQ EHKDYLRXURIWDUWDULFDFHWLFDQGPDOHLFDFLGXQGHUSXUHO\ DTXHRXVFRQGLWLRQVRQ18&/(2'85® C183\UDPLGLQFRP SDULVRQZLWKDFRQYHQWLRQDOO\ERQGHG53SKDVH ,WFDQEHVKRZQWKDWWKHUHWHQWLRQWLPHVIRU18&/(2'85® C183\UDPLGUHPDLQQHDUO\XQFKDQJHGEHWZHHQLQLWLDOLQ MHFWLRQ DQG UHVWDUW DIWHU WKH ÀRZ KDV EHHQ VWRSSHG IRU KRXUVZKLOVWWKHSHUIRUPDQFHRIWKHFRQYHQWLRQDO53 FROXPQFROODSVHGWRWDOO\DIWHUPLQ Retention characteristics 7KHSRODUVXUIDFHGHULYDWL]DWLRQH[KLELWVUHWHQWLRQFKDUDF WHULVWLFV ZKLFK GLIIHUHQWLDWH WKH ³3\UDPLG´ IURP FRQYHQ tional C18 VWDWLRQDU\ SKDVHV 7KH FKURPDWRJUDP DW ULJKW VKRZV WKH LPSURYHG UHWHQWLRQ EHKDYLRXU RI YHU\ SRODU FRPSRXQGVVXFKDVVKRUWFKDLQRUJDQLFDFLGVZKLFKDUH LQVXI¿FLHQWO\UHWDLQHGRQ53FROXPQVZLWKSUHGRPLQDQWO\ K\GURSKRELFVXUIDFHSURSHUWLHV Stability test initial injection UHVWDUWDIWHUK Pyramid 3 3 1 1 stop 2 2 UHVWDUWDIWHUPLQ 3 FRQYHQWLRQDO&18 &RQYHQWLRQDO UHYHUVHG SKDVH FROXPQV RIWHQ GLVSOD\ VWD ELOLW\ SUREOHPV LQ HOXHQW V\VWHPV ZLWK KLJK SHUFHQWDJH RIZDWHU!DVHYLGHQFHGE\DVXGGHQGHFUHDVHRI UHWHQWLRQWLPHDQGRYHUDOOSRRUUHSURGXFLELOLW\7KLVSKH QRPHQRQ LV GHVFULEHG DV SKDVH FROODSVH FDXVHG E\ WKH PRELOHSKDVHH[SHOOHGIURPWKHSRUHVGXHWRWKHIDFWWKDW K\GURSKRELF53SKDVHVDUHLQFRPSOHWHO\ZHWWHGZLWKWKH PRELOHSKDVH 1 stop 2 5 min 0 0 5 min ERWKFROXPQV[PP,'P0.+2324S+ POPLQ&89QPLQMHFWLRQYROXPH 1 μl Peaks:WDUWDULFDFLGDFHWLFDFLGPDOHLFDFLG 01$SSO1R Separation of very polar compounds &ROXPQ [PP18&/(2'85® C18 3\UDPLGP (OXHQW +324 1 )ORZUDWH POPLQ 7HPSHUDWXUH & 'HWHFWLRQ 89QP 2 ,QMHFWLRQYROXPHO Peaks: )RUPLFDFLG $FHWLFDFLG t0 01$SSO1R E & OE. 0 2 min 1221 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Nucleodurfi C18 Pyramid, 1.8µm EC analytical columns particle size 1.8µm, 14% C Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 Nucleodurfi C18 Pyramid, 3µm EC analytical columns particle size 3µm, 14% C Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 6.232 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 469 470 471 472 458 459 460 796 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 Guard columns for Nucleodurfi C18 Pyramid, 3µm MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 2 and 3 mm i.d. 4 and 4,6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 3 4.004 739 4.004 740 Nucleodurfi C18 Pyramid, 5µm EC analytical columns particle size 5µm, 14% C Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 1222 MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 6.226 4.004 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 454 455 456 457 451 452 913 453 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Guard columns for Nucleodurfi C18 Pyramid, 5µm MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 2 and 3 mm i.d. 4 and 4,6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 3 4.004 721 4.004 722 VarioPrep preparative columns NUCLEODURfi C18 Pyramid particle size 5µm, 14% C Type 10 mm i.d. 21 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 250 250 1 1 4.004 783 4.004 785 VarioPrep columns for preparative HPLC C18 Pyramid, 3, 5µm MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 8 mm i.d. 16 mm i.d. Length PK Cat. No. mm 10 20 2 2 4.004 788 4.004 789 VarioPrep guard columns require the 8mm VP guard column holder and are suited for 8 and 10mm ID VP columns, 20 x 16mm ID VarioPrep guard columns require the 16mm VP guard column holder and are used for 16 and 21mm ID VP columns. NUCLEODURfi Sphinx RP bifunctional RP phase distinct selectivity based on bifunctional surface coverage - USP L1 and USP L11 MACHEREY-NAGEL pore size 110 Ä, particle sizes 1.8 µm, 3 µm and 5 µm; 14 % C high density of covalently bonded silanes for tailing-free peaks widens the scope for method development pH stability 1 - 10 suitable for LC/MS due low bleeding characteristics high reproducibility and consistent quality due to tight QC procedures range of application: quinolone antibiotics, sulfonamides, xanthines, substituted aromatics E & OE. 1223 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Alternative RP selectivity 18&/(2'85® 6SKLQ[ 53 LV FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ H[FHSWLRQDO selectivity features generated by a well-balanced ratio of FRYDOHQWO\ERQGHGRFWDGHF\ODQGSKHQ\OJURXSV7KHFRP bination of classical hydrophobic with interactions DURPDWLF ULQJ V\VWHP H[SDQGV WKH VFRSH RI VHOHFWLYLW\ LQFRPSDULVRQZLWKFRQYHQWLRQDOUHYHUVHGSKDVHSDFNLQJV 18&/(2'85® 6SKLQ[ 53 LV SDUWLFXODUO\ VXLWHG IRU WKH VHSDUDWLRQRIPROHFXOHVFRQWDLQLQJDURPDWLFDQGPXOWLSOH ERQGV )RU WKH VHSDUDWLRQ RI SRODU FRPSRXQGV 18&/(2 '85®6SKLQ[53FDQEHHVSHFLDOO\UHFRPPHQGHGDQGFDQ DOVRRXWSHUIRUPPDQ\FXVWRPDU\&SKDVHV ,Q DGGLWLRQ H[KDXVWLYH HQGFDSSLQJ VWHSV PLQLPL]H XQ ZDQWHG VXUIDFH VLODQRO DFWLYLW\ DQG JXDUDQWHH H[FHOOHQW peak shapes even for strongly basic analytes 'LIIHUHQW IURP VWDQGDUG SKHQ\O SKDVHV 18&/(2'85® 6SKLQ[53LVIDUPRUHVWDEOHWRZDUGVK\GURO\VLVDQGLVDOVR VXJJHVWHGIRU/&06DSSOLFDWLRQV 'XHWRWKHDGGLWLRQDOLQWHUPROHFXODULQWHUDFWLRQV18&/(2 '85® 6SKLQ[ 53 LV DQ LQWHUHVWLQJ UHSOHQLVKPHQW WR WKH KLJKGHQVLW\ERQGHGSKDVHV18&/(2'85®&& Gravity DQGWKHSRODUHQGFDSSHG18&/(2'85®&3\UDPLG 6HSDUDWLRQRIÀDYRQRLGVRQGLIIHUHQW18&/(2'85® phases &ROXPQV[PP A) NUCLEODUR® C8 Gravity, 5 μm B) NUCLEODUR® C18 Gravity, 5 μm C) NUCLEODUR® Sphinx RP, 5 μm (OXHQWZDWHU±PHWKDQROYYPOPLQ& 'HWHFWLRQ89QPLQMHFWLRQYROXPHO Peaks: &DWHFKLQ5XWLQ)LVHWLQ4XHUFHWLQ .DHPSIHURO,VRUKDPQHWLQ A B C 1 01$SSO1R 0.0 2 3 2.5 4 5 5.0 6 7.5 min Nucleodurfi , Sphinx RP, 1.8µm EC analytical columns particle size 1.8µm, 14% C Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 Nucleodurfi , Sphinx RP, 3µm EC analytical columns particle size 3µm, 14% C Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 1224 MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 582 583 584 585 594 595 596 597 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Guard columns for Nucleodurfi C18 SPHINX RP, 3µm MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 2 and 3 mm i.d. 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 3 4.004 696 4.004 697 Nucleodurfi , Sphinx RP, 5µm EC analytical columns particle size 5µm, 14% C Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 6.225 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 971 577 578 579 580 581 Guard columns for Nucleodurfi C18 SPHINX RP, 5µm MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 2 and 3 mm i.d. 4 and 4,6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 3 4.004 681 4.004 682 VarioPrep preparative columns NUCLEODURfi C18 SPHINX RP particle size 5µm, 14% C Type 10 mm i.d. 10 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 50 250 1 1 4.004 790 4.004 791 VarioPrep columns for preparative HPLC SPHINX RP, 3, 5µm MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 8 mm i.d. 16 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 2 2 4.004 795 4.004 796 10 x 8mm ID VarioPrep guard columns require the 8mm VP guard column holder and are suited for 8 and 10mm ID VP columns, 20 x 16mm ID VarioPrep guard columns require the 16mm VP guard column holder and are used for 16 and 21mm ID VP columns. E & OE. 1225 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC NUCLEODURfi C18 ec - C8 ec nonpolar phases for routine analyses available with medium density octadecyl (C18 - USP L1) and octyl (C8 - USP L7) modification pore size 110 Ä, particle sizes, 3 µm and 5 µm; 7 µm, 10 µm, 12 µm, 16 µm, 20 µm, 30 µm und 50 µm for preparative separations on request for daily routine analysis and up-scaling for preparative HPLC pH stability 1 - 9 carbon content 17.5 % C for C18 , 10.5 % C for C8 high reproducibility from lot to lot for standard routine applications in reversed phase chromatography NUCLEODUR® C18 ec for daily routine analysis and up-scaling in preparative HPLC 7KHHI¿FLHQF\RIDVHSDUDWLRQLVFRQWUROOHGE\SDUWLFOHVL]H DQG VHOHFWLYLW\ RI WKH VWDWLRQDU\ SKDVH 7KH H[FHSWLRQDO VXUIDFHFRYHUDJHRIPRQRPHULFERQGHGDON\OVLODQHVFRP ELQHG ZLWK DQ H[KDXVWLYH HQGFDSSLQJ UHVXOWV LQ D VXU IDFH ZLWK ORZHVW VLODQRO DFWLYLW\ 7KLV DOORZV WKH WDLOLQJ IUHH HOXWLRQ RI SRODU FRPSRXQGV VXFK DV EDVLF GUXJV 18&/(2'85® C18HFLVDOVRLGHDOIRUVFDOHXSSXUSRVHV Chemical stability 7KH XWPRVW SXULW\ RI WKH EDVH VLOLFD DQG WKH H[FHSWLRQDO VLODQHERQGLQJFKHPLVWU\PLQLPL]HVWKHULVNRIGLVVROXWLRQ RUK\GURO\VLVDWS+H[WUHPHV MACHEREY-NAGEL Separation of phenols &ROXPQV[PP18&/(2'85®C8 ec / C18 ec (OXHQW$ZDWHU%PHWKDQRO *UDGLHQWIRU&8PLQ%WKHQWR%LQ PLQJUDGLHQWIRU&18PLQ%WKHQWR %LQPLQ )ORZUDWHPOPLQWHPSHUDWXUH& 'HWHFWLRQ89QPLQMHFWLRQYROXPHO Peaks: 5HVRUFLQRO3\URFDWHFKRO0HWKR[\SKHQRO 3KHQRO0HWKR[\SKHQRO(WKR[\SKHQRO 9HUDWURO%LSKHQ\ORO3KHQHWROH 7 High loadability /RDGDELOLW\SUREDEO\WKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWIHDWXUHIRUSUH SDUDWLYH/&LVGHWHUPLQHGE\SRUHVL]HSRUHYROXPHDQG VXUIDFHDUHDRIWKHSDFNLQJ 6 1 5 7 2 3 1 NUCLEODUR® octyl phases 8 6 9 4 %DVHGRQWKHVDPHWRWDOO\VSKHULFDODQGKLJKO\SXUHVLOLFD the C8 SKDVHV H[KLELW WKH VDPH H[FHOOHQW FKHPLFDO DQG PHFKDQLFDOVWDELOLW\IHDWXUHVDVWKH&18FRXQWHUSDUWV'XH WR WKH VKRUWHU FKDLQ DQG OHVV K\GURSKRELF SURSHUWLHV RI WKHVWDWLRQDU\SKDVHWKHUHWHQWLRQRIQRQSRODUFRPSRXQGV LV GHFUHDVHG DQG LQ FRQVHTXHQFH D UHGXFWLRQ LQ WLPH RI DQDO\VLVFDQEHDFKLHYHG0RUHRYHUDVWURQJHUSRODUVHOHF WLYLW\SDUWLFXODUO\ZLWKWKHVHSDUDWLRQRILRQL]DEOHDQDO\WHV LVIUHTXHQWO\REVHUYHGDVGLVWLQFWIURPWKH&18SKDVHV 2 3 C8 ec 5 89 4 0 5 C18 ec 10 15 min 20 01$SSO1R 6RPHJHQHUDOSULQFLSOHVDUH +LJKGHQVLW\&8 and C18SKDVHVDOORZWDLOLQJIUHHHOXWLRQHYHQIRUYHU\SRODUFRPSRXQGV 2FW\OSKDVHV&8VKRZVXSHULRUSRODUVHOHFWLYLW\ 2FWDGHF\OSKDVHV&18VKRZVXSHULRUK\GURSKRELFVHOHFWLYLW\ +\GURSKRELFFRPSRXQGVVKRZVKRUWHUUHWHQWLRQWLPHVRQ&8 phases Nucleodurfi 100-3 C18 ec EC analytical columns Octadecyl phases, 17.5% C, particle size 3µm Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 1226 MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 125 125 125 125 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 375 376 377 378 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Guard columns for NUCLEODURfi 100-3 C18 ec MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 3 9.003 794 9.003 795 Nucleodurfi 100-5 C18 ec EC analytical columns Octadecyl phases, 17.5% C, particle size 5µm Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 125 125 125 125 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 368 369 370 371 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 Guard columns for NUCLEODURfi 100-5 C18 ec MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 3 9.003 814 9.003 815 VarioPrep preparative columns NUCLEODURfi 100-5 C18 ec Octadecyl phases, 17.5% C, particle size 5µm Type 10 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 250 1 4.004 752 VarioPrep preparative columns NUCLEODURfi 100-7 C18 ec Octadecyl phases, 17.5% C, particle size 7µm Type 10 mm i.d. 10 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 50 250 1 1 4.004 759 4.004 757 VarioPrep preparative columns NUCLEODURfi 100-10 C18 ec Octadecyl phases, 17.5% C, particle size 10µm Type 10 mm i.d. 21 mm i.d. 10 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 50 50 250 1 1 1 4.004 749 4.004 751 4.004 745 E & OE. 1227 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC VarioPrep columns for preparative HPLC 100-5, 100-7, 100-10, C18 ec MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 8 mm i.d. 16 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 2 2 4.004 769 4.004 770 10 x 8mm ID VarioPrep guard columns require the 8mm VP guard column holder and are suited for 8 and 10mm ID VP columns, 20 x 16mm ID VarioPrep guard columns require the 16mm VP guard column holder and are used for 16 and 21mm ID VP columns. Nucleodurfi 100-3 C8 ec EC analytical columns Octyl phases, 10.5% C, particle size 3µm Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 125 125 125 125 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 388 389 390 391 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 Guard columns for Nucleodurfi 100-3 C8 ec MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 2 and 3 mm i.d. 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 3 4.004 607 4.004 608 Nucleodurfi 100-5 C8 ec EC analytical columns Octyl phases, 10.5% C, particle size 5µm Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 50 50 50 125 125 125 125 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 6.228 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 531 Guard columns for Nucleodurfi 100-5 C8 ec MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 2 and 3 mm i.d. 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. 1228 E & OE. PK Cat. No. 3 3 4.004 708 4.004 709 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC VarioPrep preparative columns Octyl phases, 10.5% C, particle size 5µm Type 10 mm i.d. 10 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 50 250 1 1 4.004 767 4.004 761 VarioPrep columns for preparative HPLC 100-5 C8 ec MACHEREY-NAGEL Type PK Cat. No. 2 2 4.004 771 4.004 772 10 mm i.d. 21 mm i.d. 10 x 8mm ID VarioPrep guard columns require the 8mm VP guard column holder and are suited for 8 and 10mm ID VP columns, 20 x 16mm ID VarioPrep guard columns require the 16mm VP guard column holder and are used for 16 and 21mm ID VP columns. NUCLEODURfi CN/CN-RP cyano-modified high purity silica phase pore size 110 Ä, particle sizes 3 µm and 5 µm; 7 % C - USP L10 multi-mode columns (RP and NP) widens the scope in selectivity differnet retention characteristics compared to C8 and C18 stable against hydrolysis at low pH values, working range pH 1-8 high reproducibility from lot to lot classes of compounds separated so far: tricyclic antidepressants, steroids, organic acids MACHEREY-NAGEL 6HSDUDWLRQRIFROGPHGLFLQHLQJUHGLHQWVRQWZRGLIIHUHQW18&/(2'85®SKDVHV &ROXPQV 4 A) 250 x 4 mm NUCLEODUR® 100-5 C18HF ® B) 250 x 4 mm NUCLEODUR 100-5 CN-RP (OXHQW DFHWRQLWULOH±P0VRGLXPFLWUDWH 4 S+YY )ORZUDWH POPLQWHPSHUDWXUH& 'HWHFWLRQ 89QPLQMHFWLRQYROXPHO Peaks: 0DOHLFDFLG 3 2 5 1RUHSKHGULQH 3 5 (SKHGULQH 2 $FHWDPLQRSKHQ 1 6 &KORUSKHQLUDPLQH A %URPSKHQLUDPLQH B 1 01$SSO1R 0 6 4 8 12 min Nucleodurfi 100-3 CN-RP EC analytical columns eluent in column acetonitrile, particle size 3µm Type 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 125 150 150 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 442 441 439 440 Guard columns for NUCLEODURfi 100-3 CN-RP MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 2 and 3 mm i.d. 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. E & OE. PK Cat. No. 3 3 4.004 663 4.004 664 1229 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Nucleodurfi 100-5 CN-RP EC analytical columns eluent in column acetonitrile, particle size 5µm Type 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 125 125 150 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 436 437 438 434 435 Guard columns for Nucleodurfi 100-5 CN-RP MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 4.004 655 Nucleodurfi 100-5 CN EC analytical columns eluent in column n-heptane, particle size 5µm Type 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 125 125 250 250 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 432 433 430 431 Guard columns for Nucleodurfi 100-5 CN MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 4.004 654 As guard columns for EC columns use ChromCartfi guard column cartridges with guard column adaptor EC. NUCLEODURfi NH2 /NH2 -RP amino-modified high purity silica phase pore size 110 Ä, particle sizes 5 µm; 2.5 % C; not endcapped - USP L8 multi-mode columns (RP and NP) MACHEREY-NAGEL normal phase chromatography (NP) with hexan, dichloromethane or 2-propanol as mobile phase for polar compounds such as substituted anilines, esters, chlorinated pesticides reversed phase chromatography (RP) of polar compounds like sugars in aqueous-organic eluent systems ion exchange chromatography of anions and organic acids using common buffers and organic modifiers stable against hydrolysis at low pH, working range pH 2-8, 100 % stable in water, suitable for LC-MS classes of compounds separated so far: polar compounds under RP conditions (sugars, DNA bases), hydrocarbons under NP conditions Eluent in column is n-heptane for the NP mode - RP columns are delivered in acetonitrile - water. For changing the solvent system a rinsing step with THF may be necessary. 1230 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC &ROXPQ (OXHQW )ORZUDWH 'HWHFWLRQ Peaks: )UXFWRVH *OXFRVH 6DFFKDURVH 0DOWRVH /DFWRVH 5HYHUVHGSKDVHVHSDUDWLRQRIVXJDUV [PP18&/(2'85®1+253 1 DFHWRQLWULOH±ZDWHUYY POPLQ 5, 3 2 4 01$SSO1R 0 2 4 6 5 8 10 min Nucleodurfi 100-5 NH2-RP EC analytical columns eluent in column acetonitrile, particle size 5µm Type 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 125 125 150 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 538 539 540 541 542 Guard columns for Nucleodurfi 100-5 NH2-RP MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 4.004 628 Nucleodurfi 100-5 NH2 EC analytical columns eluent in column n-heptane, particle size 5µm Type 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 125 125 150 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 533 534 535 536 537 Guard columns for Nucleodurfi 100-5 NH2 MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 4.004 627 As guard columns for EC columns use ChromCartfi guard column cartridges with guard column adaptor EC. Unmodified NUCLEODURfi for normal phase separations totally spherical high purity silica - USP L3 pore size 110 Ä, pore volume 0.9 ml/g, surface (BET) 340 m2/g, density 0.47 g/ml, pressure stability 800 bar, pH stability 2 - 8 available particle sizes 3 µm and 5 µm; larger particles (10, 12, 16, 20 , 30 and 50 µm) for preparative applications are available as bulk materials E & OE. MACHEREY-NAGEL 1231 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Nucleodurfi 100-5 EC analytical columns particle size 5µm Type 4.6 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 150 250 250 1 1 1 4.004 374 4.004 372 4.004 373 Guard columns for Nucleodurfi 100-5 MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 4 and 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 3 4.004 623 VarioPrep preparative columns NUCLEODURfi 100-5 particle size 5µm Type 10 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 250 1 4.004 743 NUCLEOSILfi 100-5 C18 PAH special octadecyl phase for PAH analysis base material NUCLEOSILfi silica, particle size 5 µm, pore size 110 Ä; polymeric coating MACHEREY-NAGEL - USP L1 eluent in column acetonitrile/water 70:30 allows efficient gradient separation of the 16 PAH in accordance with EPA detection of the separated PAH by UV (250 to 280 nm), with diode array or with fluorescence detection at different wavelegths for excitation and emission (acenaphthylene cannot be analysed with fluorescence detection) Rapid separation of 16 PAH according to EPA &ROXPQ [PP18&/(26,/® 100-5 C3$+ (OXHQWV $ZDWHU%DFHWRQLWULOH *UDGLHQW IURPWR%LQPLQWKHQPLQDW%¿QDOO\LQPLQIURPWR% )ORZUDWH POPLQSUHVVXUH±EDU 6 7HPSHUDWXUH & 'HWHFWLRQ 89QP 5 10 ,QMHFWLRQYROXPHO 9 11 Peaks: 1DSKWKDOHQH $FHQDSKWK\OHQH $FHQDSKWKHQH )OXRUHQH 3KHQDQWUHQH $QWKUDFHQH )OXRUDQWKHQH 3\UHQH %HQ]>D@DQWKUDFHQH &KU\VHQH %HQ]R>E@ÀXRUDQWKHQH %HQ]R>N@ÀXRUDQWKHQH %HQ]R>D@S\UHQH 'LEHQ]>DK@DQWKUDFHQH %HQ]R>JKL@SHU\OHQH ,QGHQR>FG@S\UHQH 8 7 2 1 0 01$SSO1R 4 13 15 12 14 16 3 10 min Nucleosilfi 100-5 C18 PAH EC analytical columns octadecyl phase PAH, particle size 5µm Type 4 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 2 mm i.d. 3 mm i.d. 4 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. 1232 MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK mm 50 150 150 250 250 250 250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.002 4.002 4.002 7.089 4.002 4.002 4.002 491 493 494 855 372 373 374 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Guard columns for NUCLEOSILfi 100-5 C18 PAH MACHEREY-NAGEL As guard columns for EC columns use ChromCartfi guard column cartridges with guard column adaptor EC. 1 HPLC columns for enantiomer separation 1 NUCLEOCEL ALPHA enantiomer separation based on amylose derivatives MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, chiral selector amylose-(3.5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) - USP L51 similar phases: Chiralpakfi AD, Kromasilfi , AmyCoatfi , Europak 01 high resolution type (S) with 5 µm particle size, allows use of shorter columns (150 mm) for faster separations, pressure stability up to ~ 150 bar (2000 psi) NUCLEOCEL ALPHA for normal phase applications: eluent in column n-heptane - propanol-2 (90:10, v/v) typical eluents are heptane - propanol mixtures NUCLEOCEL ALPHA-RP for reversed phase applications: eluent in column acetonitrile - water (50:50), v/v) designed for use either in polar organic mode or with eluents containing high concentrations of chaotropic salts such as perchlorate recommended application: pharmaceutically active compounds, chiral pollutants (e. g. herbicides, PCB), chiral compounds in food (dyes, preservatives), chiral catalysts and bioorganic compounds Enantiomer separation of hexobarbital Column: 250 x 4.6 mm NUCLEOCEL ALPHA S Eluent: n-heptane – 2-propanol (80:20, v/v) Flow rate: 1 ml/min Temperature: 22 °C Detection: UV, 210 nm Injection volume: 5 μl Concentration: 1 μg/μl ƴ = 1.39 Rs = 3.78 O N CH3 NH O 0 MN Appl. No. 121940 CH3 O 5 10 15 min Nucleocel ALPHA S EC analytical columns eluent in column n-heptane - propanol-2, particle size 5 µm Type 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 150 250 1 1 4.002 477 4.002 478 Guard columns for Nucleocel ALPHA S MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 1 4.002 509 Nucleocel ALPHA-RP S EC analytical columns eluent in column acetonitrile - water, particle size 5µm Type 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 150 250 1 1 4.002 479 4.002 480 E & OE. 1233 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Guard columns for Nucleocel ALPHA-RP S MACHEREY-NAGEL Type PK Cat. No. 1 4.002 510 4.6 mm i.d. As guard columns for EC columns use ChromCartfi guard column cartridges with guard column adaptor EC. 8mm ChromChartfi guard column cartridges in packs of 3, all other columns in packs of 1. 1 1 HPLC columns for enantiomer separation NUCLEOCEL DELTA enantiomer separation based on cellulose derivatives MACHEREY-NAGEL base material silica, chiral selector Cellulosetris-(3.5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) - USP L40 similar phases: Chiralcelfi OD, Kromasilfi , CelluCoat™, Eurocelfi 01 standard particle size 10 µm, high resolution type (S) with 5 µm particle size, allows use of shorter columns (150 mm) for faster separations, pressure stability up to ~ 150 bar (2000 psi) NUCLEOCEL DELTA for normal phase applications: eluent in column n-heptane - propanol-2 (90:10, v/v) typical eluents are heptane - propanol mixtures NUCLEOCEL DELTA-RP for reversed phase applications: eluent in column acetonitrile - water (40:60), v/v) designed for use either in polar organic mode or with eluents containing high concentrations of chaotropic salts such as perchlorate recommended applications: pharmaceutically active compounds, chiral pollutants (e. g. herbicides, PCB), chiral compounds in food (dyes, preservatives), chiral catalysts and bioorganic compounds ƴ = 1.29 Rs = 2.6 (QDQWLRPHUVHSDUDWLRQRIÀDYDQRQH Column: 250 x 4.6 mm NUCLEOCEL DELTA Eluent: n-heptane – 2-propanol (90:10, v/v) Flow rate: 1 ml/min Temperature: 25 °C Detection: UV, 254 nm Injection volume: 5 μl &RQFHQWUDWLRQ JO O O 0 MN Appl. No. 121260 10 min Nucleocel DELTA S EC analytical columns eluent in column n-heptane - propanol-2, particle size 5µm Type 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 150 250 1 1 4.002 446 4.002 445 Guard columns for Nucleocel DELTA S MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 4.6 mm i.d. 1234 E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1 4.002 511 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Nucleocel DELTA EC analytical columns eluent in column n-heptane - propanol-2, particle size 10µm Type MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 250 1 4.002 444 4.6 mm i.d. Guard columns for Nucleocel DELTA MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 1 4.002 513 Nucleocel DELTA-RP S EC analytical columns eluent in column acetonitrile - water, particle size 5µm Type MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 150 250 1 1 4.002 449 4.002 448 4.6 mm i.d. 4.6 mm i.d. Guard columns for Nucleocel DELTA-RP S MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 4.6 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 1 4.002 512 Nucleocel DELTA-RP EC analytical columns eluent in column acetonitrile - water, particle size 10µm Type 4.6 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 250 1 4.002 447 Guard columns for Nucleocel DELTA-RP MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 4.6 mm i.d. E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1 4.002 514 1235 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC NUCLEOGEL® SUGAR 810 separation of sugars sulphonated polystyrene/divinylbenzene resins in diffent ionic forms and RP chromatography separation mechanism includes ion exclusion, ion exchange, size exclusion, ligand exchange as well as NP and RP chromatography H+ form: separation of sugars, sugar alcohols and organic acids - USP L17 - eluent in column 0.01 N H2SO4 Ca2+ form: separation of mono-, di- and oligosaccharides - USP L19 eluent in column water 2UJDQLFDFLGVDQGDOFRKROV &ROXPQ [PP18&/(2*(/® 68*$5+ Injection volume: 5 μl (OXHQW PPRO+2624 )ORZUDWH POPLQ Temperature: 35 °C 'HWHFWLRQ 5, 6XJDUVDQGVXJDUDOFRKROV &ROXPQ[PP18&/(2*(/®68*$5&D (OXHQWZDWHUÀRZUDWHPOPLQGHWHFWLRQ5, 0DOWRWULRVH 5DI¿QRVH Cellobiose Trehalose 0DOWRVH 6XFURVH Lactose Palatinose 0HOLELRVH Lactulose *OXFRVH *DODFWRVH Xylose 6RUERVH Lactitol 0DOWLWRO 0DQQRVH 5KDPQRVH Palatitol )UXFWRVH $UDELQRVH meso(U\WKULWRO 0DQQLWRO $UDELWRO Xylitol 6RUELWRO 5LERVH 2[DOLFDFLG Citric acid 2URWLFDFLG 0DOHLFDFLG Tartaric acid Pyruvic acid 0DOLFDFLG 6XFFLQLFDFLG Lactic acid )RUPLFDFLG $FHWLFDFLG )XPDULFDFLG 0HWKDQRO Propionic acid 3\URJOXWDPLFDFLG (WKDQRO i%XW\ULFDFLG %XW\ULFDFLG 0 5 10 15 5HWHQWLRQWLPH>PLQ@ 20 MACHEREY-NAGEL 25 0 01$SSO1R 5 10 5HWHQWLRQWLPH>PLQ@ 15 20 01$SSO1R Nucleogelfi SUGAR 810 H Valco type columns separation of sugars, sugar alcohols and organic acids - USP L17 eluent in column 0.01N H2SO4 Type 7.8 mm i.d. MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 300 1 4.002 276 Guard columns for Nucleogelfi SUGAR 810 H MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 7.8 mm i.d. 1236 E & OE. PK Cat. No. 2 4.002 277 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC Nucleogelfi SUGAR 810 Ca Valco type columns separation of mono-, di- and oliogosaccharides - USP L19 eluent in column water Type MACHEREY-NAGEL Length PK Cat. No. mm 300 1 4.002 274 7.8 mm i.d. Guard columns for NUCLEOGEL fi SUGAR 810 Ca MACHEREY-NAGEL Type 7.8 mm i.d. PK Cat. No. 2 4.002 275 ChromCart Nucleogelfi SUGAR 810 guard column cartridges measure 30 x 4mm and require the 30mm CC column holder, (columns in packs of 1, guard columns in packs of 2 MN column systems MACHEREY-NAGEL VarioPrep columns column system for preparative HPLC manufactured from stainless steel with one adjustable end fitting (on request, columns with two adjustable end fittings are also available, e.g for frequent use of backflushing techniques) allows compensation of a dead volume, which could result at the column inlet after some time of operation, without need for opening the column packed with NUCLEODURfi and NUCLEOSILfi spherical silica Available standard dimensions of9DULR3UHSFROXPQVZLWKD[LDOO\DGMXVWDEOHHQG¿WWLQJ ,' [mm] 8 10 16 21 32 40 50 80 Length [mm] 10* 20* x x 50 100 125 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (QGӾWWLQJGHVLJQ 150 250 x x x x x x x x x x x x 500 x x x [PP,'JXDUGFROXPQVUHTXLUHWKH93JXDUGFROXPQKROGHUPPDQGDUHVXLWHGIRUDQGPP,'93FROXPQV[PP,' JXDUGFROXPQVUHTXLUHWKH93JXDUGFROXPQKROGHUPPDQGDUHXVHGIRUDQGPP,'93FROXPQV 1 VarioPrep guard column holders and replacement parts O-rings available on request. 1 MACHEREY-NAGEL Description for 8 and 10 mm ID guard columns for 16 and 21 mm ID guard columns 2 Accessories for VarioPrep PK Cat. No. 1 1 4.002 176 4.002 175 2 MACHEREY-NAGEL Description VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP PK plunger fitting 10 mm nut 10 mm sealing element set 10 mm sealing ring set 10 mm MN Inert sealing combination 10 mm plunger fitting 21 mm nut 21 mm sealing element set 21 mm sealing ring set 21 mm MN Inert sealing combination 21 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.002 4.002 4.002 4.002 4.002 4.002 4.002 4.002 4.002 4.002 209 210 218 212 211 215 216 213 214 217 1237 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/HPLC MN column systems MACHEREY-NAGEL EC standard columns for analytical HPLC analytical column system manufactured from stainless steel M 8 outer threads on both ends combination of sealing element and very fine-meshed stainless steel screen, PTFE sealing ring and fitting adaptor column heads SW 12 with inner threads M8 x 0.75 and UNF 10-32 as built -in guard columns use ChromCartfi guard column cartridges with 8 mm lenght with the guard column adaptor EC packed with NUCLEODURfi spherical silica $YDLODEOHVWDQGDUGGLPHQVLRQVRI(&FROXPQVÂSOHDVHDVNIRUDYDLODELOLW\RIFHUWDLQSKDVHV ,' [mm] 8* 20 50 2 4 – x x – x x x x x x x x x x x x /HQJWK>PP@ 75 100 125 x x x x x x x x x x x x (QG¿WWLQJGHVLJQ 150 200 250 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3OHDVHQRWHWKDWPP,'JXDUGFROXPQFDUWULGJHVDUHDSSOLFDEOHIRUPP,'DQGPP,'(&FROXPQVZKLOHPP,'JXDUGFROXPQ FDUWULGJHVDUHDOVRXVHGIRUPP,'(&FROXPQV ,QVWDOODWLRQRIWKH(&JXDUGFROXPQDGDSWRU&DW1R (&FROXPQZLWK&&JXDUGFROXPQ Accessories and replacement parts for EC columns MACHEREY-NAGEL Description PK Guard column adapter EC 1/16" nut fpr connecting 1/16" capillaries 1/16" ferrule 1/16" end cap, plastic EC fitting adaptor EC column head (nut) EC PTFE sealing ring sealing-set combination for EC columns 1238 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 7.081 4.002 4.002 4.002 4.002 4.002 4.002 4.002 898 179 180 178 219 220 221 222 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Flash columns 1 Chromabondfi Flash cartridges for Biotagefi systems 1 product range designed for use in Flash systems of Biotage AB (Flash 12i™ and FlashMaster™) without additional connectors or capillaries MACHEREY-NAGEL on request all column types listed below can be packed with any Chromabondfi adsorbent (please note that other packings often result in differing adsorbent weights) Chromabondfi Flash RS columns for Teledyne Iscofi systems (RS) on request. Description CHROMABONDfi CHROMABONDfi CHROMABONDfi CHROMABONDfi CHROMABONDfi CHROMABONDfi CHROMABONDfi CHROMABONDfi CHROMABONDfi CHROMABONDfi CHROMABONDfi CHROMABONDfi CHROMABONDfi Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM 15/2 SiOH 25/5 SiOH 25/10 SiOH 70/10 SiOH 70/20 SiOH 70/25 SiOH 150/25 SiOH 150/50 SiOH 150/70 SiOH 15/2 C18 ec 25/5 C18 ec 70/10 C18 ec 150/50 C18 ec Column length Int. dia. Capacity PK cm 9.0 10.0 10.0 15.4 15.4 15.4 17.0 17.0 17.0 9.0 10.0 15.4 17.0 mm 15.80 20.50 20.50 26.80 26.80 26.80 38.20 38.20 38.20 15.80 20.50 26.80 38.20 g 2.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 25.0 25.0 50.0 70.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 50.0 50 50 50 30 30 30 20 20 10 50 20 20 10 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 785 792 693 787 799 793 694 789 784 791 786 788 790 Silica adsorbents for low pressure column chromatography standard silica 60, pore size ~ 60 Å; pore volume ~ 0.75 ml/g; spec. surface BET ~ 500 m2/g MACHEREY-NAGEL highly porous, amorphous silicic acid in the form of hard, opalescent particles, prepared by precipitation of water glass with sulphuric acid. For higher demands on the performance of column packings we recommend our high-purity irregular Polygoprep silicas. silica FIA for the fluorescence indicator adsorption procedure for the determination of hydrocarbon groups in the testing of liquid fuels in accordance with DIN 51791 and ASTM D 1319-58T The FIA method determines saturated hydrocarbons, olefins and aromatic hydrocarbons of a sample chromatographically by adsorption and desorption in a column filled with FIA silica, in the presence of a fluorescent dye mixture Description Silica 60, 0.015 - 0.04 mm Silica 60, 0.025 - 0.04 mm Silica 60, 0.04 - 0.063 mm Silica 60 M, 0.04 - 0.063 mm Silica 60, 0.05 - 0.1 mm Silica 60, 0.05 - 0.2 mm Silica 60, 0. 063 - 0.2 mm Silica 60, < 0.063 mm Silica 60, < 0.08 mm Silica 60, 0.1 - 0.2 mm Silica 60, 0.2 - 0.5 mm Silica 60, 0.5 - 1.0 mm Silica 60, 0.015 - 0.04 mm Silica 60, 0.025 - 0.04 mm Silica 60, 0.04 - 0.063 mm Silica 60 M, 0.04 - 0.063 mm Silica 60, 0.05 - 0.1 mm Silica 60, 0.05 - 0.2 mm Silica 60, 0. 063 - 0.2 mm Silica 60, < 0.063 mm Silica 60, < 0.08 mm Silica 60, 0.1 - 0.2 mm Silica 60, 0.2 - 0.5 mm Silica 60, 0.5 - 1.0 mm Silica 60, 0.015 - 0.04 mm Silica 60, 0.025 - 0.04 mm Silica 60, 0.04 - 0.063 mm Silica 60 M, 0.04 - 0.063 mm Silica 60, 0.05 - 0.1 mm Silica 60, 0.05 - 0.2 mm Silica 60, 0. 063 - 0.2 mm Silica 60, < 0.063 mm Silica 60, < 0.08 mm Silica 60, 0.2 - 0.5 mm Silica 60, 0.5 - 1.0 mm Silicia FIA fine Silicia FIA coarse particle size mesh/mm 230 230 130 70 70 - 400 - 400 - 270 - 270 - 230 + 230 + 190 70 - 130 35 - 70 18 - 35 mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh 230 230 130 70 70 mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh - 400 - 400 - 270 - 270 - 230 + 230 + 190 70 - 130 35 - 70 18 - 35 230 230 130 70 70 - 400 mesh - 400 mesh - 270 mesh - 270 mesh - 230 mesh + 230 mesh + 190 mesh 35 - 70 mesh 18 - 35 mesh 0.071 - 0.16 mm 0.071 - 0.63 mm E & OE. Weight kg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 1 1 PK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.005 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.005 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 999 948 968 971 974 954 957 977 951 960 962 965 001 950 970 973 976 956 959 979 953 961 964 967 000 949 969 972 975 955 958 978 952 963 966 980 981 1239 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Flash columns-Solvent storage/handling Aluminium oxide adsorbents for column chromatography aluminium oxides produced by dehydration of different aluminium hydroxides, e. g. hydrargillite between 400 and 500°C, activity grade I, particle size 50 to 200µm, specific surface (BET) ~ 130m²/g Type Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium 1240 Range oxide oxide oxide oxide oxide oxide oxide oxide oxide 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 basic neutral acidic basic neutral acidic basic neutral acidic pH pH 9,5 ± 0,3 pH 7 ± 0,5 pH 4 ± 0,3 pH 9,5 ± 0,3 pH 7 ± 0,5 pH 4 ± 0,3 pH 9,5 ± 0,3 pH 7 ± 0,5 pH 4 ± 0,3 MACHEREY-NAGEL Weight PK kg 1 1 1 5 5 5 25 25 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.004 6.231 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 934 726 939 936 938 941 935 937 940 Safety for Laboratory and Production Fire-resistant Safety Specialist Level control WasteManagement HPLC Extraction 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Solvent storage/handling 1 Safety Caps 1 The integral air filter blocks hazardous vapours and cleans the inflowing air from dust Scat and dirt particles. With various connectors for capillaries and tubes. Safety Caps are available for most common glass bottles (e.g. thread size GL45). They can be customized for other container sizes by using different adapters. Especially recommended for HPLC use: Solvents stay clean and components of solvent mixtures can not evaporate. Optimum protection against health hazards caused by evaporation and insufficient sealing. Key advantages: - no evaporation of hazardous gases - no contamination of solvents - no crimping of connection tubing - easy container exchange - no air intake (HPLC) - cost efficiency (save expensive solvents by avoiding evaporation) 2 3 Safety Caps Safe solvent supply. Scat With integral air filter vent. For maximum efficiency, we recommend that the vent is changed every 6 months. The filter membrane absorbs dust and dirt particles to protect your solvent reservoirs. The vent is universally suitable for all Safety Caps: it also works with your current Safety Caps. Simply replace the old vent with the new one. Description Connections PK Cat. No. capillary (3.2mm o.d.) capillaries (3.2mm o.d.) capillaries (3.2mm o.d.) capillaries (3.2mm o.d.) capillaries (3.2mm o.d.) capillary (3.2mm o.d.) capillaries (3.2mm o.d.) capillaries (3.2mm o.d.) capillaries (3.2mm o.d.) capillaries (3.2mm o.d.) capillaries (3.2mm o.d.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 Safety Caps III, combined, GL45 (2 with stopcocks / 1 without stopcock) 3 capillaries (3.2mm o.d.) 1 9.139 861 Safety Caps I, for 3/16", GL45 Safety Caps II for NS 29/32 bottles 1 capillary (3/16" o.d.) 2 capillaries (3.2mm o.d.) 1 1 9.139 862 9.139 863 Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Caps Caps Caps Caps Caps Caps Caps Caps Caps Caps Caps I, GL45 II, GL45 III, GL45 IV, GL45 VI, GL45 I, with 1 stopcock, GL45 II, with 2 stopcocks, GL45 III, with 3 stopcocks, GL45 IV, with 4 stopcocks, GL45 VI, with 6 stopcocks, GL45 II, combined, GL45 (1with stopcock / 1 without stopcock) 2 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 3 4 6 2 3 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 4 4 Pressure relief valve for SafetyCaps Pressure relief valve for SafetyCaps, with integral air filter. Scat The valve opens when the HPLC pump is operated, and allows air to flow into the bottle - this prevents a vacuum buiding up in the bottle. As soon as the pump stops, the membrane immediately seals shut and no dangerous solvent vapours can escape. Description PK Cat. No. Pressure relief valve for SafetyCaps Pressure relief valve for SafetyCaps (refill pack) 1 10 9.139 864 4.005 886 1242 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Solvent storage/handling 1 SafetyCaps Basic fire-resistant 1 For GL45 necked solvent reservoirs in HPLC devices - fire-resistant - orange - optionally available with 1 to 6 connectors Description Connections SafetyCap SafetyCap SafetyCap SafetyCap SafetyCap 1 2 3 4 6 I GL45 II GL45 III GL45 IV GL45 VI GL45 x x x x x connector connector connector connector connector Scat PK 3.2mm 3.2mm 3.2mm 3.2mm 3.2mm o.d. o.d. o.d. o.d. o.d. 1 1 1 1 1 2 SafetyCaps with shutoff fire-resistant Connections SafetyCap SafetyCap SafetyCap SafetyCap SafetyCap 1 2 3 4 6 I GL45 II GL45 II GL45 IV GL45 VI GL45 x x x x x PK 1 1 1 1 1 3 Fire-resistant pressure relief valve, orange, for SafetyCaps The valve opens when the HPLC pump is operated, and allows air to flow into the bottle - this prevents vacuum building up within the bottle. As soon as the pump stops, the membrane immediately seals shut and no dangerous solvent vapours can escape. 4 SafetyWasteCaps fire-resistant, orange SafetyWasteCap GL45 SafetyWasteCap GL45 SafetyWasteCap GL45 x x x x x x x x 772 785 786 777 778 PK Cat. No. 1 4.005 769 PK Cat. No. 1 4.005 773 1 4.005 788 1 1 4.005 783 4.005 787 4 For GL45 necked, solvent reservoirs in HPLC systems. Stopper systems - made up of a cap and safety funnel (on request) - offer great flexibility in the area of application and use. Through the use of pure PTFE and HDPE, SafetyWasteCaps are resistant to aggressive media, e.g. organic solvents, acids and bases. 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 1 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 Scat pressure relief valve SafetyCaps, with integral air filter SafetyWasteCap GL45 Cat. No. 3 Description Description 770 780 781 776 779 Scat connector 3.2mm o.d. with shutoff connectors 3.2mm o.d. each with shutoff connectors 3.2mm o.d. each with shutoff connectors 3.2mm o.d. each with shutoff connectors 3.2mm o.d. each with shutoff Description 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 2 For GL45-necked, solvent reservoirs in HPLC devices - with shutoff - fire-resistant - orange - optionally available with 1 to 6 connectors Description Cat. No. safety funnel with mesh sieve, connector 2.3/3.2mm o.d. connection tubing 6.4mm i.d. connectors 2.3/3.2mm o.d. connector 6.4mm i.d. connectors 2.3/3.2mm o.d. connectors 2.3/3.2mm o.d. connector 6.4mm i.d. E & OE. Scat 1243 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Solvent storage/handling 1 Exhaust air filters, fire-resistant, for Safety Waste Caps 1 Fire-resistant exhaust air filter, orange. For flammable liquids. Scat Description Exhaust air filter Size S (24g), fire-resistant Exhaust air filter Size M (48g), fire-resistant PK Cat. No. 1 1 4.005 782 4.005 784 2 3 Safety Waste Caps For safe disposal of liquid waste. Safety Waste Caps have a connection for exhaust vent filter. Scat The exhaust vent filter absorbs 99% of all volatile substances that can evaporate from the containers during solvent disposal. For optimum protection of health and environment. Safety Waste Caps are manufactured of pure PTFE and HDPE, ensuring maximum chemical resistance against organic solvents and other aggressive chemicals. Please order exhaust vent filter separately. Thread Connections GL45 GL45 GL80 3 connectors Ø 2.3/3.2 mm o.d. 2 connectors Ø 2,3/3.2 mm o.d., 1 tubing Ø 6.4 mm i.d. 4 connectors Ø 2.3/3.2 mm o.d., 1 tubing Ø 6.4 mm i.d. 2 Connections S51 S55 S60/61 S60/61 S70/71 S90 2 2 3 2 2 4 1244 x x x x x x connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors 2.3/3.2 2.3/3.2 2.3/3.2 2.3/3.2 2.3/3.2 2.3/3.2 1 1 1 9.139 865 9.139 866 9.139 869 PK Cat. No. 4 different thread diameters optional 1 to 4 connections exhaust filter safety funnel level control Thread Cat. No. 3 4 Safety Waste Caps S-thread with tube connection - PK Scat mm mm mm mm mm mm o.d., o.d., o.d. o.d., o.d., o.d., 1 x connector 6.4 mm i.d. 1 x connector 6.4 mm i.d. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x connector 6.4 mm i.d. 1 x connector 6.4 mm i.d. 1 x connector 6.4 mm i.d. E & OE. 4.005 4.005 9.139 9.139 4.005 9.139 583 584 867 868 585 870 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Solvent storage/handling 1 Safety Waste Caps 1 B-thread with tube connection. Thread Connections 53B 4 1 4 1 83B x x x x connector connector connector connector Scat 2.3/3.2mm o.d. 6.4 mm i.d. 2.3/3.2mm o.d. 6.4mm i.d. 2 Charcoal filters for Safety Waste Caps Filter packing g 24 48 100 PK Cat. No. 1 1 1 9.139 871 9.139 872 9.139 873 Description with splash guard with splash guard with splash guard 4.005 438 PK Cat. No. 1 1 1 4.005 634 4.005 631 4.005 635 4 Exhaust air filter supply pack (blue) Supply pack S Supply pack M 1 Scat 4 Exhaust air filter supply pack for Safety Waste Caps Description 4.005 441 3 The filter cleans the exhaust air of solvent vapours. With a specific surface area of 1200m²/g, our special, activated charcoal-based, granulate is the optimum filter medium for almost all solvent vapours - 99% of all volatile substances are absorbed. Exhaust air filter S - small Exhaust air filter M - medium Exhaust air filter L - large 1 Scat 3 Exhaust air filter for Safety Waste Caps with splash guard Filter packing g 24 48 100 Cat. No. 2 There are three sizes of absorbent charcoal filters (with capacity for 3, 6 or 9 months respectively) available: Size PK Scat Filter packing g 24 48 E & OE. PK Cat. No. 4 3 4.005 884 4.005 885 1245 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Solvent storage/handling 1 Side collectors for Safety Waste Caps 1 Side collectors for tube connectors. Scat Description 2 3 2 3 2 x x x x PK connectors 3.2 mm o.d., 1 x tube 6.4 i.d. tube 6.4 mm i.d. tube 6.4 mm i.d. connectors 3.2 mm o.d. 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.005 4.005 4.005 9.139 859 864 865 888 2 Collectors for Safety Waste Caps With fittings and ferrules 3.2 mm. Straight µanifold for tubing connector. Scat Description 3 connection collector for 3 capillaries with 3.2mm o.d. 8 connection collector for 8 capillaries with 3.2mm o.d. PK Cat. No. 1 1 9.139 888 9.139 889 3 Safety Waste Caps with safety funnel 3 Press the locking mechanism to open the funnel when disposing liquid waste. When releasing, the funnel will close automatically and seal the container safely. With integral exhaust filter, for optimum protection against hazardous vapours and gases. Each cap has different connectors for multiple capillaries. 4 Thread Connections S 50 S 55 S 60 / 61 S 65 S 70 / 71 83B S 90 S 95 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 x x x x x x x x connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors Scat PK 2.3/3.2mm 2.3/3.2mm 2.3/3.2mm 2.3/3.2mm 2.3/3.2mm 2.3/3.2mm 2.3/3.2mm 2.3/3.2mm o.d. o.d. o.d. o.d. o.d. o.d. o.d. o.d. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 9.139 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 4 5 Safety Waste Caps with mechanical level control - proven SCAT technology for SafetyWasteCaps different thread diameters choice of 1 to 4 connections exhaust filter safety funnel mechanical level control option: SafeLock supplied as a set with connectors Scat 5 Thread Connections S55 S60/61 S90 2 x connectors 2.3/3.2mm o.d., 1 x connector 6.4 mm i.d. 2 x connectors 2.3/3.2mm o.d., 1 x connector 6.4 mm i.d. 4 x connectors 2.3/3.2mm o.d., 1 x connector 6.4 mm i.d. 1246 E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1 1 1 4.005 612 4.005 613 4.005 616 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Solvent storage/handling 1 1 Level control, electronic, contactless Monitor up to 15 containers simultaneously Scat External devices, e.g. pumps or valves, can additionally be controlled via a contact switch (floating output contact). All signal boxes are delivered with power supply (110/230V). Disk sensor Level control without contacting the contents of the container. The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted to different wall thicknesses. Suitable for all containers made in glass and non-conductive plastic. Not suitable for stainless steel containers and canisters made of electro-conductive plastic. Cable for transmission to signal box and for the connection of peripheral devices. Combine the extension cable to monitor containers at a distance of up to 200 metres. Control the connected device via a switch cable with a potential free contact. Description Description Full level SafetySet Signal box with disk fill level senor (1 channel), 220V EU power supply, signal cable 3 meters, Fastening material for sensor Signal box with disk low level senor (1 channel), 220V EU power supply, signal cable 3 meters, Fastening material for sensor Low level SafetySet 2 Fittings and Ferrules for Safety Waste Caps PK Cat. No. 1 4.005 638 1 4.005 797 2 Scat Description PK PP Fittings, universal PP Fittings, universal PTFE ferrules, 1.6mm PTFE ferrules, 1.6mm PTFE ferrules, 2.3mm PTFE ferrules, 2.3mm PTFE ferrules, 3.2mm PTFE ferrules, 3.2mm 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. Cat. No. 4.005 9.139 4.005 9.139 4.005 9.139 4.005 9.139 944 884 941 885 942 886 943 887 3 PTFE fitting with integral ferrule 3 Scat Description PK for for for for for for for for 5 10 5 10 5 10 1 1 tubing 1.6mm o.d. tubing, 1.6mm o.d. tubing 2.3mm o.d. tubing, 2.3mm o.d. tubing 3.2 mm o.d. tubing, 3.2mm o.d. tubing, 4.76mm (3/16") o.d. tubing, 6.35mm (¼") o.d. Cat. No. 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 938 444 939 445 940 446 448 447 4 PTFE-Plugs 4 Closure screwplugs Scat Description PK for for for for for for for 5 10 50 5 10 1 1 standard capillary connectors 3.2mm i.d., PTFE standard capillary connectors 3.2mm i.d., PTFE standard capillary connectors 3.2mm i.d., PTFE connectors, 4.76mm (3/16") i.d., PTFE connectors, 4.76mm (3/16") i.d., PTFE connectors 6.35mm i.d., PTFE exhaust air filter connector Cat. No. 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 946 881 947 945 880 883 504 5 Thread adapters for Safety Waste Caps, PTFE 5 Scat Description Adapter GL38 (f) - GL45 (m) Adapter GL40 (f) - GL45 (m) E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1 1 9.139 882 9.139 883 1247 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Solvent storage/handling 1 Inlet filter for solvents 1 HPLC solvent filter Scat Description HPLC solvent filter, PP, for 1/8" dia. (3.2mm o.d.) HPLC solvent filter, PFA/PTFE, for 1/8" (3.2mm o.d.) 2 PK Cat. No. 5 5 4.005 890 4.005 891 2 Safety funnel, electroconductive HDPE HDPE safety funnel, black, electroconductive. - earthing cable included - for all types of chemicals - different thread sizes - with or without mesh sieve - for barrels - supplied as a set with connectors Thread Description GL45 GL45 S55 S55 S60/61 S60/61 S65 S65 83B 83B with with with with with with with with with with splash guard stainless steel splash guard stainless steel splash guard stainless steel splash guard stainless steel splash guard stainless steel Scat PK mesh sieve mesh sieve mesh sieve mesh sieve mesh sieve 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Electroconductive, for all black safety funnels, black. Description Stainless steel mesh 4 515 756 518 759 514 755 519 760 520 761 Scat PK Cat. No. 1 4.005 537 4 HDPE Safety funnels, white, non-electroconductive. - for all types of chemicals different thread sizes with or without anti-flash mesh for barrels Thread Description GL45 GL45 S55 S55 S60/61 S60/61 S65 S65 83B 83B with with with with with with with with with with splash guard stainless steel splash guard stainless steel splash guard stainless steel splash guard stainless steel splash guard stainless steel Scat PK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mesh mesh mesh mesh mesh Cat. No. 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 621 741 624 744 620 740 625 745 628 748 5 Stainless steel mesh sieve for all safety funnels white. Scat Description Stainless steel mesh sieve for all white safety funnels 1248 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 3 Stainless steel sieve 3 5 Cat. No. E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1 4.005 540 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Solvent storage/handling 1 Connection systems DG Safety Caps 1 DG safety caps are flexible connection systems which have been designed specially for DURAN Group handling aggressive, gas-forming liquids. Available with 1, 2 or 3 connection ports with optional stopcocks, DG safety caps are particularly suitable for pharmaceutical and chemical applications. - No dangerous gas emissions - No slipped tubes - No substance loss due to evaporation - Clean working environment The safety caps come complete with v-ring seal (inside diameter 3.2 mm) and are ready for immediate use. V-ring seals are optionally available for 2 additional tube sizes (1.6 and 2.3 mm external diameter) to suit your application. DG safety waste caps are ideal for safely collecting and storing liquid laboratory waste. With a choice of different connections and activated carbon filters, they increase safety for laboratory technicians. - Drip-free collection of used or contaminated media. - Charcoal filters prevent harmful gas emissions - Additional connections available for charcoal filter housings and vent tubing. Description DG DG DG DG DG DG DG DG DG Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety PK Cap I (1 port) Cap II (2 ports) Cap III (3 ports) Cap I (1 port), with stopcock Cap II (2 ports), with stopcocks Cap III (3 ports), with stopcocks Cap for NS 29/32 Waste GL 45 Waste GL 45 for leak hose 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 9.072 9.072 9.072 9.072 9.072 9.072 9.072 9.072 9.072 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 2 3 DG Safety Caps, accessories DURAN Group Description PK Charcoal filter small, 24 g Charcoal filter large, 48 g Fitting, PP (spare set) Venting valve Thread adapter GL40/GL45 PTFE Thread adapter GL40/GL45 PP Thread adapter GL38/GL45 PTFE Thread adapter GL38/GL45 PP Thread adapter GL32/GL45 PTFE Thread adapter GL32/GL45 PP Screw plug PTFE UNF ¼'' Ferrule, inner diam. 1.6 mm, PTFE Ferrule, inner diam. 2.3 mm, PTFE Ferrule, inner diam. 3.2 mm, PTFE Fitting with ferrule, inner diam. 1.6 mm, PTFE Fitting with ferrule, inner diam. 2.3 mm, PTFE Fitting with ferrule, inner diam. 3.2 mm, PTFE Tool for PP fitting Tool for PTFE fitting Screw plug NPT 1/8", for vent tubing Filter for venting valve, 1 µm, PTFE membrane 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Cat. No. 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 9.209 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 3 E & OE. 1249 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Solvent storage/handling 1 1 HPLC bottles, Duranfi complete system 4-port screw cap For sterile transfer of media or for feeding solvent to HPLC instruments. DURAN Group The bottle is pressure/vacuum resistant from -1 to +1.5 bar (tested by TÜV in accordance with EN 1596, GS marked). Complete with a 4-port screw cap (autoclavable, reusable). Suitable for tube diameters of 1.6 mm and 3.2 mm. Spare parts are available individually. Further connection system components for the GL45 thread are available upon request (Tubing not included). With Retrace Code (Batch Identification), with certificate available via the internet. Neutral /Type I glass acc. to USP/EP. Capacity ml 500 1000 2 PK Cat. No. 1 1 9.072 526 9.072 525 2 3 Accessories for connecting system for Duranfi GL 45 bottles (HPLC) DURAN Group 3 Description PK Cat. No. Screw cap HPLC GL 45, 4 Port complete Spare set for HPLC screw cap 1 6.226 328 1 6.226 329 Pressure equilization, 0,2 µm for 4-Port-cap, incl. membrane filter 1 6.226 915 Spare membrane filter for pressure equilization, 0,2 µm Bottle 1000 ml, GL 45, Duran pressure resistant up to +1,5 bar Bottle 500 ml, GL 45, Duran pressure resistant up to +1,5 bar 1 6.230 844 1 9.971 704 1 9.071 707 1250 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Solvent storage/handling 1 Flexible connecting system for Duranfi GL 45 flasks (HPLC) 1 Materials used: PP and PTFE. Flexible modular system. Four different tube diameters DURAN Group (1.6 mm; 3.0 mm; 3.2 mm and 6.0 mm) can be connected. Sterile pressure equalisation is possible through use of a membrane filter. Unused ports can be provided with a blind cap. Typical applications: safe transfer of liquid media within a closed and sterile system (evaporation is reduced). Ordering example You would like to fit two bottles with a 3-port connection system. You would like to work with two different tube diameters (1.6 mm and 3 mm) and pressure equalization. Consequently, you need the following individual components: Screw cap GL 45 3-port (Art. No. 7.623 018) 1 pack (2 per pack); Screw cap GL 14 (Art. No. 6.227 781) 2 packs (2 per pack); Insert for screw cap GL14 1.6 mm inner diam. (Art. No. 6.229 494) 2 packs (1 per pack); Insert for screw cap GL14 3.0 mm inner diam. (Art. No. 6.229 495) 2 packs (1 per pack); Pressure equalization set (complete) (Art. No. 6.228 023) 2 packs (1 per pack). Description PK Scew cap GL 45, 2 port x GL 14 Screw cap GL 45, 3 port x GL 14 Screw cap GL 14 for tubing connector Liner for GL 14 screw cap, 1.6 mm i.d. hole Liner for GL 14 screw cap, 3 mm i.d. hole Liner for GL 14 screw cap, 3.2 mm i.d. hole Liner for GL 14 screw cap, 6 mm i.d. hole Screw cap, GL 14, red Pressure equalising set, 0.2 µm filter, for 2- / 3-Port screw cap Replacement 0.2 µm membrane filter for pressure equalising set Bottle 1000 ml, GL 45, Duran pressure resistant up to +1,5 bar Bottle 500 ml, GL 45, Duran pressure resistant up to +1,5 bar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 Scrubber Adapter for Bottles Cat. No. 6.227 7.623 6.227 6.229 6.229 6.230 6.227 7.623 6.228 6.230 9.971 9.071 780 018 781 494 495 213 782 838 023 844 704 707 2 Consisting of PTFE body with connecting nut and two lateral GL18 threaded necks, a Bohlender 300mm long FEP inlet tube and a gas distributor with frit. Easy in- and outlet of gas by means of rigid-walled tubing (e.g. PTFE) which can be connected to the threaded necks using Bola Laboratory Screw Joints. Elastic tubing can be connected by means of hose connectors. Inlet tube can be individually shortened. Special feature: the body of the adapter can be turned independently from the connecting nut. This means, that the completely assembled adaptor can be removed and fixed onto another bottle without the risk of disarranging the tubing. Suitable for bottles from Duran Group (formerly Schott, Mainz) with GL45 or GLS80 threads and capacities between 100 and 5000ml. 3 For thread type Thread GL45 Thread GLS 80 PK Cat. No. 1 1 9.110 310 9.110 311 4 Distributors for Reaction Vessels (R) 4 Blue screw cap made of PP with GLS80 thread and PTFE body. Centre neck with GL25 thread for connecting tubing up to 15 mm o.d., four lateral necks with GL18 thread. Exchangeable shaft guide (PTFE) with screw cap (PPS) for inserting and fixing a stirrer shaft in the centre neck included. Bohlender Very good chemical resistance, for working temperatures up to max. +250°C (PP screw cap max. +140°C). Centre neck Lateral neck For diam. stirrer shaft GL 25 GL 25 4 x GL 18 4 x GL 18 8 mm 10 mm E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1 1 9.209 920 9.209 921 1251 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/Solvent storage/handling 1 1 Bottle distributors PTFE, with GL-threaded necks and screw caps. Suitable for GL45 threaded bottles. The distributors are ideal for decanting liquids, whereby the necks are connected either to a liquid source or to an excess pressure or vacuum system (up to 6mm max. tubing dia.). Bohlender For hassle-free connection, we recommend the Bola threaded connector, which has to be ordered separately, in accordance with the outer diameter of the tubing. 2 Type Central neck PFA PTFE PTFE 2 x GL14 3 x GL14 3 x GL18 PK Cat. No. 1 1 1 9.209 851 9.209 852 9.209 844 2 Ground Joint GL Adapters Black screw cap made of PPS with GL45 thread or blue screw cap made of PP with Bohlender GLS80 thread, movable insert with ground joint made of PTFE. Transition from a ground joint to a glass thread. The body can be turned independently from the screw cap. The complete, assembled adapter can be removed and fixed onto another bottle without the risk of disarranging the tubing. Very good chemical resistance, for working temperatures up to max. +250°C. Type 3 Joint size NS PK Cat. No. 1 6.224 507 3 4 Flexible Distributors Polypropylene. For connecting elastic tubing by simply slipping it onto hose connectors. Bohlender Suitable for GL45 threaded bottles. With screw cap made of glass-fibre reinforced PP, ideal for transferring liquids or gases. The angled tubing connectors can be attached to a liquid source, or to a pressure or vacuum system and avoid crimping of the tubing. The distributor can be loosened by simply turning the screw cap. The complete distribution system can then be fixed onto another bottle. 4 5 number of nozzles For tubing bore mm 2 6 - 9 mm 3 6 - 9 mm 2 7 - 11 mm PK Cat. No. 1 1 1 7.634 892 9.209 858 9.209 859 5 GL fittings PTFE couplings with GL connector screwthread. Connect PTFE, PFA, FEP, glass and metal Bohlender tubing. Fittings are chemical and temperature resistant to approx. 250°C. Can be used at working pressures of up to 10 bar when used in combination with Bola laboratory screwthread connections (at room temperature). A further advantage is that they can be used as expansion/reduction adapters to connect tubing of different diameters. For easy tubing connection we recommend accessory Bola laboratory screwthread connectors which can be ordered separately. Neck thread GL 14 18 25 1252 Bore PK Cat. No. mm 6.5 10.5 14.5 1 1 1 9.207 113 9.207 114 9.207 115 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns Summary of MN phases for GC )RU FRPSRQHQWV IHDWXULQJ GLӽHUHQW K\GURJHQ ERQG LQJFDSDFLWLHVDQGWKHDELOLW\WRIRUPVWURQJK\GURJHQ ERQGV SRO\HWK\OHQH JO\FRO SKDVHV :$; DUH WKH EHVW FKRLFH IRU D VHSDUDWLRQ 7\SLFDO DQDO\WHV DUH DOFRKROV DQGFDUER[\OLFDFLGV 01RӽHUVPRUHWKDQGLӽHUHQWSKDVHVIRUJDVFKUR PDWRJUDSK\IURPYHU\QRQSRODUWRSRODUFROXPQV 1RQSRODU VWDWLRQDU\ SKDVHV HJ GLPHWK\OSRO\ VLOR[DQH SKDVHV VHSDUDWH E\ YRODWLOLW\ LH ERLOLQJ SRLQW RQO\7\SLFDODQDO\WHVDUHOLQHDUK\GURFDUERQVQDONDQHV 6HOHFWLYLW\ KDV WR EH RSWLPL]HG IRU WKH FULWLFDO SDLU RI FRPSRQHQWV RU IRU WKH PDLQ FRPSRQHQW <RX VKRXOG DOZD\VVHOHFWWKHOHDVWSRODUFROXPQZKLFKVROYHV\RXU VHSDUDWLRQ WDVN $ERXW RI DOO VHSDUDWLRQV FDQ EH SHUIRUPHG RQ QRQ WR PLGSRODU FROXPQV 7KHVH FRO XPQVJHQHUDOO\IHDWXUHKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHVWDELOLW\ 3RODU SKDVHV RӽHU DGGLWLRQDO LQWHUDFWLRQV ZKLFK PD\ LPSURYH D VHSDUDWLRQ :KHQ LQFUHDVLQJ WKH SRODULW\ HJE\LQWURGXFLQJSKHQ\ODQGRUF\DQRSURS\OJURXSV VHSDUDWLRQ LV LQFUHDVLQJO\ LQӿXHQFHG E\ GLӽHUHQFHV LQ GLSROHPRPHQWDQGE\FKDUJHWUDQVIHUHӽHFWVHJIRU ² GLSKHQ\OSRO\VLOR[DQHSKDVHV7\SLFDODQDO\WHV DUH K\GURFDUERQV ZKLFK FRQWDLQ R[\JHQ VXOSKXU QL WURJHQ SKRVSKRUXV RU KDORJHQ DWRPV XQVDWXUDWHG PROHFXOHVZKLFKFDQEHSRODULVHGDQGDURPDWLFV Comparison of separation properties of selected OPTIMA® phases 3 1 3 5 2 4 6 3 8 9 10 8 7 5 1 OPTIMA® 225 6 74 PD[WHPS& OPTIMA® 1701 9 10 PD[WHPS& 4 2 6 7 8 9 10 5 3 1 4 25 OPTIMA® 17 PD[WHPS& 6 8 9 10 7 OPTIMA® 5 PD[WHPS& 1 2 3 4 0 All columns: Sample: Injection: Carrier gas: Temperature: Detector: 10 5 6 8 7 20 OPTIMA® 1 9 10 min PD[WHPS& increasing polarity Capillary columns for GC 1 2 30 Peaks: 1. Undecane 2. Dodecane 3. Octanol 4. Dimethylaniline 5. Decylamine ĂPӾOPP[PP,' MN-OPTIMA® test mixture 1.0 μl, split 1:50 80 kPa N2 80 °C A Tmax (isothermal), 8 °C/min FID, 260 – 300 °C, 26 6. Methyl decanoate 7. Methyl undecanoate 8. Henicosane 9. Docosane 10. Tricosane (DFKFROXPQLVLQGLYLGXDOO\WHVWHGDQGVXSSOLHGZLWKWHVWFHUWLӾFDWHDQGWHVWFKURPDWRJUDPEXWZLWKRXWӾWWLQJVRU IHUUXOHV&ROXPQHQGVDUHPHOWHGRUFORVHGZLWKVHSWDDQGWKXVSURWHFWHGIURPDWPRVSKHULFR[\JHQ$GGLWLRQDOO\ZH LQFOXGHWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJWHVWPL[WXUHZLWKHDFKFROXPQ 2QUHTXHVWDOOFROXPQVFDQEHVXSSOLHGZLWKDLQFKFPFDJHIRUWKH$JLOHQW*& E & OE. 1253 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns Summary of MN phases for GC Phase Composition max. temperature 1 2 USP Similar phases G1 G2 G38 G1 G2 G38 PERMABOND® SE-30, OV-1, DB-1, SE-30, HP-1, SPB-1, CP-Sil 5 CB, Rtx®-1, 007-1, BP1, MDN-1, AT™-1, ZB-1, OV-101 Standard phases OPTIMA® 1 100 % dimethylpolysiloxane 340/360 °C OPTIMA® 1 MS Accent 100 % dimethylpolysiloxane 340/360 °C OPTIMA® 5 5 % phenyl – 95 % methylpolysiloxane 340/360 °C OPTIMA® 5 MS OPTIMA® 17 OPTIMA® 624 340/360 °C 340/360 °C 320/340 °C 280/300 °C PERMABOND® SE-52, SE-54, SE-52, DB-5, G27 HP-5, SPB-5, CP-Sil 8, Rtx®-5, 007-5, BP5, G36 MDN-5, AT™-5, ZB-5 G27 G36 DB-5MS, HP-5MS, Ultra-2, Equity™-5, CP-Sil 8CB low bleed/MS, Rtx®-5SIL-MS, Rtx®-5MS, G27 007-5MS, BPX5, MDN-5S, AT™-5MS, VF-5MS G36 G3 OV-17, DB-17, HP-50+, HP-17, SPB-50, SP2250, Rtx®-50, CP-Sil 24 CB, 007-17, ZB-50 DB-624, DB-VRX, SPB-624, G43 HP-624, HP-VOC, CP-624, Rtx®-624, Rtx®-Volatiles, 007-624, G43 BP624, VOCOL OPTIMA® 624 LB as above, low bleed phase 280/300 °C OPTIMA® 1701 14 % cyanopropylphenyl – 86 % dimethylpolysiloxane 300/320 °C OV-1701, DB-1701, CP-Sil 19 CB, HP-1701, G46 Rtx®-1701, SPB-1701, 007-1701, BP10, ZB1701 OPTIMA® 225 50 % cyanopropylmethyl – 50 % phenylmethylpolysiloxane 260/280 °C G7 DB-225, HP-225, OV-225, Rtx®-225, CP-Sil G19 43, 007-225, BP225 OPTIMA® WAX polyethylene glycol 20 000 Dalton 250/260 °C G16 OPTIMA® FFAP polyethylene glycol-2-nitroterephthalate 250/260 °C PERMABOND® CW 20 M, DB-Wax, Supelcowax™, HP-Wax, HP-INNOWax, Rtx®-Wax, CP-Wax 52 CB, Stabilwax, 007-CW, BP20, AT™-Wax, ZB-Wax G25 PERMABOND® FFAP, DB-FFAP, HP-FFAP, G35 CP-SIL 58 CB, 007-FFAP, CP-FFAP CB, Nukol Phases for special separations 5 % phenyl – 95 % methylpolysiloxane, G27 300/320 °C Rtx-5 Amine, PTA-5 specially deactivated for G36 amine separations octakis-(2,6-di-O-pentyl2EXW\U\OƶF\FORGH[WULQ 200/220 °C – – LIPODEX® E for enantiomer separation heptakis-(2,3-di-O-methylHYDRODEX 6-O-t-butyldimethyl-silyl)230/250 °C – – ƵF\FORGH[WULQIRUHQDQWL Ƶ7%'0 omer separation heptakis-(2,3-di-O-acetylHYDRODEX 6-O-t-butyldimethyl-silyl)220/240 °C – – ƵF\FORGH[WULQIRUHQDQWL Ƶ7%'$F omer separation 1 ӾUVWWHPSHUDWXUHIRULVRWKHUPDORSHUDWLRQVHFRQGYDOXHIRUVKRUWLVRWKHUPVLQDWHPSHUDWXUHSURJUDPPH3OHDVHQRWH WKDWIRUFROXPQVZLWKPP,'DQGIRUFROXPQVZLWKWKLFNHUӾOPVWHPSHUDWXUHOLPLWVDUHJHQHUDOO\ORZHU)RUGHWDLOV refer to the description of individual phases. 2 phases which provide a similar selectivity based on chemical and physical properties OPTIMA® 5 Amine 1254 E & OE. Capillary columns for GC OPTIMA® 5 MS Accent 5 % diphenyl 95 % dimethylpolysiloxane silarylene phase with selectivity similar to 5 % diphenyl – 95 % dimethylpolysiloxanphasee phenylmethylpolysiloxane, 50 % phenyl 6 % cyanopropylphenyl – 94 % dimethylpolysiloxane Ultra-1, DB-1MS, HP-1MS, Rtx®-1MS, Equity™-1, AT™-1MS, VF-1MS, CP-Sil 5 CB MS 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns 1 Optimafi 1high performance capillary columns 100% dimethylpolysiloxane MACHEREY-NAGEL 1 nonpolar phase separation of components according to boiling points thick film columns ≥ 3 µm film are expecially recommended for solvent analysis similar phases: Permabondfi SE-30 , OV-1, DB-1, SE-30, HP-1, SPB-1, CP-Sil 5 CB, Rtx-1, 007-1, BP1, MDN-1, AT-1, ZB-1, OV-101 for columns with 0.2 to 0.32mm ID and films <3µm the max. temperature for isothermal operation is 340°C, the max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme is 360°C for 0.53mm ID columns with films < 3µm the max. temperatures are 320 and 340°C, resp. for thick film columns with films ≥ 3µm the max. temperatures are 300 and 320°C, resp. Type 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) Film thickness Length PK µm 0.10 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.10 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.10 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 3.00 5.00 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 3.00 5.00 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 3.00 5.00 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 3.00 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 m 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 657 662 667 671 658 663 668 672 664 669 673 659 665 670 674 676 682 686 691 697 701 706 677 683 687 692 698 702 707 678 684 688 693 699 703 708 679 685 689 694 700 704 149 164 152 265 150 165 153 266 267 In addition to this standard programme we will be happy to supply columns custom-made to your specifications. Each column is individually tested and supplied with test certificate and test chromatogram, but without fittings or ferrules. Column ends are melted or closed with septa, and thus protected from Additionally, we supply the corresponding test mixture with each column. E & OE. 1255 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns 1 Optimafi 1 MS Accent ultra-low bleed capillary columns for GC 1 100 % Dimethylpolysiloxan MACHEREY-NAGEL nonpolar phase with ultra-low bleeding, ideal for ion trap and quadrupol MS detectors increased sensitivity due to an unmatched low background level perfect inertness for basic compounds solvent rinsing for removal of impurities applicable application areas: all-round phase for environmental analyses, trace analyses, EPA methods, pesticides, PCB, food and drug analyses similar phases: Ultra-1, DB-1 MS, HP-1 MS, Rtx-1 MS, Equity?1, AT-1 MS, VF-1 MS, CP-Sil 5 CB MS max. temperature for isothermal operation 340°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme 360°C Type 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm a.d.) a.d.) a.d.) a.d.) a.d.) a.d.) a.d.) a.d.) Film thickness Length PK µm 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.50 m 30 30 60 60 30 30 60 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.002 4.003 4.002 4.003 001 003 002 004 998 005 999 006 Each column is individually tested and supplied with test certificate and test chromatogram, but without fittings or ferrules. Column ends are melted or closed with septa, and thus protected from atmospheric oxygen. Additionally, we supply the corresponding test mixture with each column. 2 EPA 8140 / 8141 / 8141 A org. P pesticides Column: OPTIMA®06$FFHQWNjP¿OPP[PP,' 6DPSOHNjJPOLQKH[DQH23SHVWLFLGHVFDOLEUDWLRQ mix A + 8141 OP pesticides calibration mix B; IS triphenyl phosphate and tributyl phosphate 13 Injection splitless (for 1 min); inj. temperature 250 °C Carrier gas He, 1 ml/min, constant pressure Temperature 100 °C A 180 °C, 10 °C/min (2 min) A 300 °C, 18 °C/min (3 min) 'HWHFWRU)3'ÀDPHSKRWRPHWULFGHWHFWRU& Peaks: 1. Dichlorvos, 2. Hexamethylphosphoramide, 3. Mevinphos, 4. Trichlorfon, 5. TEPP, 6. Thionazin, 7. Demeton-O, 8. Ethoprop 9. Tributyl phosphate (IS), 10. Dicrotophos, 11. Monocrotophos, 12. Naled, 13. Sulfotepp, 14. Phorate, 15. Dimethoate, 16. Demeton-S, 17. Dioxathion, 18. Terbufos, 19. Fonophos, 20. Phosphamidon-Isomer, 21. Diazinon, 22. Disulfoton, 23. Phosphamidon, 24. Dichlorofenthion, 25. Parathion-methyl, 26. Chlorpyrifos methyl, 27. Ronnel, 28. Fenitrothion, 29. Malathion, 30. Fenthion, 1 31. Aspon, 32. Parathion-ethyl, 33. Chlorpyrifos, 34. Trichloronate, 35. Chlorfenvinphos, 36. Merphos, 37. Crotoxyphos, 38. Stirofos, 39. Tokuthion, 40. Merphos oxidation product, 41. Fensulfothion, 42. Famphur, 43. Ethion, 44. Bolstar, 45. Carbophenothion, 46. Triphenyl phosphate (IS), 47. Phosmet, 48. EPN, 49. Azinphosmethyl, 50. Leptophos, 51. Tri-o-cresyl phosphate, 52. Azinphosethyl, 53. Coumaphos MN Appl. No. 213030 1256 E & OE. 51 31 32 33 6 9 10 11 12 8 3 5 4 43 44 24 25 42 18 19 45 27 48 30 36 46 47 26 28 37 15 41 29 14 49 50 34 21 38 5253 22 35 39 40 23 16 17 7 20 4 8 12 16 min 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns 1 Optimafi 5 capillary columns for GC 1 5 % phenyl - 95 % dimethylpolysiloxane MACHEREY-NAGEL USP G27, G36 nonpolar standard phase with large range of application similar phases: Permabondfi SE-52 , SE-54, SE-52, DB-5, HP-5, SPB-5, CP-Sil 8, Rtx-5, 007-5, BP5, MDN-5, AT-5, ZB-5 for columns with 0.1 to 0.32mm ID and films <3µm the max. temperature for isothermal operation is 340°C, the max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme is 360°C for 0.53mm ID columns with films < 3µm the max. temperatures are 320 and 340°C, resp. for thick film columns with films ≥ 3µm the max. temperatures are 300 and 320°C, resp. Type 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) Film thickness Length PK µm 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 3.00 5.00 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 3.00 5.00 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 3.00 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 3.00 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 m 10 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 50 50 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 235 709 715 719 723 727 710 716 720 724 728 711 717 721 725 729 712 718 722 726 730 733 738 742 746 751 755 760 734 739 743 747 752 756 761 735 740 744 748 753 757 736 741 745 749 754 758 155 168 158 261 156 169 159 262 160 263 161 In addition to this standard programme we will be happy to supply columns custom-made to your specifications. Each column is individually tested and supplied with test certificate and test chromatogram, but without fittings or ferrules. Column ends are melted or closed with septa, and thus protected from atmospheric oxygen. Additionally, we supply the corresponding test mixture with each column. E & OE. 1257 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns 1 Optimafi 5 MS capillary columns for GC 5 % diphenyl - 95 % dimethylpolysiloxane 1 MACHEREY-NAGEL USP G36 nonpolar phase with low bleeding ideal for GC/MS and ECD applications and general analyses at trace level perfect inertness for basic compounds similar phases: DB-5 MS, HP-5 MS, Ultra-2, Equity-5, CP-Sil 8 CB low bleed/MS, Rtx-5SIL-MS, Rtx-5 MS, 007-5 MS, BPX5, MDN-5S, AT-5 MS, VF-5 MS max. temperature for isothermal operation: 340°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 360°C Type 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) Film thickness Length PK µm 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 m 30 30 30 60 60 25 30 30 50 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 7.080 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 6.700 4.003 4.003 7.080 092 099 101 098 100 091 690 093 092 742 In addition to this standard programme we will be happy to supply columns custom-made to your specifications. 12 Analysis of various phenols OPTIMA® 5 MS, 30 m x 0.25 mm ID, P¿OPPD[WHPSHUDWXUH& Sample: 5 ppm each except N-i-propylaniline (9.4 ppm) Method: SPME Temperature: 40 °C (2 min) A 240 °C, 6 °C/min A 320 °C, 20 °C/min Detector: MSD Peaks: 1. Toluene-D8 2. Phenol 3. 2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) 4. Nitrobenzene-D5 5. N-i-Propylaniline 6. 2,4-Dichlorophenol 7. 4-Chlorophenol 8. 4-Bromo-2-chlorophenol 9. 3-Bromophenol 10. 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 11. 2,4-Dibromophenol 12. 2-Hydroxybiphenyl 13. 2-Cyclohexylphenol +H[DÀXRURELVSKHQRO$ Column: 8 10 5 9 7 1 34 13 2 6 courtesy of Riedel-de-Haën, Seelze, Germany MN Appl. No. 210110 E & OE. 14 10 11 20 30 min 1259 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns 1 Optimafi 5 MS Accent capillary columns for GC 1 silarylene phase MACHEREY-NAGEL with polarity similar to a 5 % diphenyl -95 % dimethylpolysiloxane phase. USP G27, G36 lowest column bleed, nonpolar phase, ideal for ion trap and quadrupol MS detectors solvent rinsing for removal of impurities applicable application areas: all-round phase for environmental analyses, trace analyses, EPA methods, pesticides, PCB, food and drug analyses similar phases: DB-5 MS, HP-5 MS, Ultra-2, Equity-5, CP-Sil 8 CB low bleed/MS, Rtx-5SIL-MS, Rtx-5 MS, 007-5 MS, BPX5, MDN-5S, AT-5 MS, VF-5 MS max. temperature for isothermal operation: 340°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 360°C Type 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Film thickness Length PK µm 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.50 0.25 1.00 m 30 30 30 60 60 60 25 30 30 60 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 017 019 021 018 020 022 011 009 013 010 012 Each column is individually tested and supplied with test certificate and test chromatogram, but without fittings or ferrules. Column ends are melted or closed with septa, and thus protected from atmospheric oxygen. Additionally, we supply the corresponding test mixture with each column. 7KHEOHHGFRPSDULVRQWHVWRIWKH237,0$® 5-MS Accent with a conventional 5-MS phase shows the outstanding performance of the silarylene phase. 7KH XQPDWFKHG ORZ EDFNJURXQG OHYHO RI WKH 237,0$® 5 MS Accent, which is approximately three times lower FRPSDUHGWRD06EUDQGFROXPQSURYLGHVVLJQL¿FDQWO\ increased sensitivity and allows the application in trace analyses particularly of high-boiling compounds. Background noise at 340 °C FID Signal in mV 107.8 90.2 Standard 5 MS Phase 107.6 90 107.4 89.8 107.2 89.6 0 1260 10 20 30 s E & OE. 0 OPTIMA® 5 MS Accent 10 20 30 s 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns 1 Optimafi 17 capillary columns for GC phenylmethylpolysiloxane (50 % phenyl) MACHEREY-NAGEL 1 USP G3 medium polar phase suitable for higher temperatures preferred applications: steroids, pesticides, drug analyses similar phases: OV-17, DB-17, HP50+, HP17, SPB-50, SP-2250, Rtx-50, CP-Sil 24 CB, 007-17, ZB50 max.temperature for isothermal operation: 320°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 340°C, for 0.53mm ID columns the max. temperatures are 300 and 320°C, resp. Type 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.53 0.53 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.8 (0.8 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Film thickness Length PK µm 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 1.00 m 10 25 25 25 30 30 30 50 50 50 60 60 60 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 60 60 60 25 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 236 181 026 046 182 027 047 183 028 048 184 029 049 112 194 185 193 113 195 186 114 196 187 115 197 188 191 192 In addition to this standard programme we will be happy to supply columns custom-made to your specifications. Analysis of pesticides Column: Sample: Inj. volume: Carrier gas: Temperature: Detector: 1 2 5 10 OPTIMA®P¿OP 25 m x 0.20 mm ID, max. temperature 320/340 °C, pesticide standard of the cantonal laboratory Schaffhausen (Switzerland), 0.1 mg/ml or 0.01 mg/ml each 1.0 μl He, 25 cm/s, 3 s without split 100 °C (3 min), 8 °C/min A 250 °C, 10 °C/min A 320 °C MSD HP 5971 MN Appl. No. 200930 13 34 6 7 89 10 E & OE. 20 1112 Peaks: 1. Dichlorphos 2. Naled 3. Vinclozolin 4. Chlorthalonil 5. Chlorpyrifos 'LFKORÀXDQLG 7. Procymidon 8. Captan 9. Folpet 10. Carbophenothion 11. Iprodion 12. Captafol 13. Coumaphos 30 min 1261 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns 1 Optimafi 1701 capillary columns for GC 1 14 % Cyanopropyl-phenyl - 86 % Dimethylpolysiloxane MACHEREY-NAGEL USP G46 medium polar phase special selectivity due to high cyanopropyl content reference column for structure identification, e.g. in combination with Optima 5 film thickness ? 1 µm for solvent analyses similar phases: OV-1701, DB-1701, CP?Sil 19 CB, HP-1701, Rtx-1701, SPB-1701, 007-1701, BP10, ZB-1701 max. temperature for isothermal operation: 300°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 320°C for 0.53mm ID columns the max. temperatures are 280 and 300°C, resp. Type 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32.mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.53 mm i.d. (0.8 mm o.d.) 0.53 mm i.d. (0.8 mm o.d.) 0.53 mm i.d. (0.8 mm o.d.) 0.53 mm i.d. (0.8 mm o.d.) 0.53 mm i.d. (0.8 mm o.d.) Film thickness Length PK µm 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.35 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.35 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 m 25 30 30 30 50 60 60 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 25 25 30 30 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 7.088 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 035 036 039 272 037 038 040 103 222 107 268 104 223 108 269 105 224 109 270 106 225 327 271 172 178 173 179 180 In addition to this standard programme we will be happy to supply columns custom-made to your specifications. 2 Analysis of aromatic hydrocarbons Column: ,QMYROXPH &DUULHUJDV Split: Temperature: Detector: Peaks: 1. Benzene 2. Toluene (WK\OEHQ]HQH 4. p-Xylene 5. o-Xylene 6. Phenol 1262 OPTIMA®P¿OPP[PP,'PD[WHPS& O EDU12 1:40 60 °C A&&PLQ FID 260 °C 6 7 1 4 9 3 5 7. 2-Methylphenol 8. 2,6-Dimethylphenol 9. 4-Methylphenol 10. 2,4-Dimethylphenol 11. 2,4,6-Trimethylphenol 8 01$SSO1R E & OE. 0 5 10 10 11 15 min 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns 1 Optimafi 624 capillary columns for GC 1 6 % cyanopropyl-phenyl - 94 % dimethylpolysiloxane MACHEREY-NAGEL USP G43 medium polar phase recommended for environmental analyses similar phases: HP-624, HP-VOC, DB-624, DB-VRX, SPB-624, CP-624, Rtx-624, Rtx-Volatiles, 007-624, BP624, VOCOL max. temperature for isothermal operation: 280°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 300°C Type 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.53 0.53 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.8 (0.8 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Film thickness Length PK µm 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.80 1.80 1.80 3.00 3.00 m 30 50 60 30 50 60 25 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 211 212 213 217 218 219 220 221 In addition to this standard programme we will be happy to supply columns custom-made to your specifications. 2 Optimafi 624 LB capillary columns for GC 2 6 % cyanopropyl-phenyl - 94 % dimethylpolysiloxane MACHEREY-NAGEL USP G 43 medium polar phase low bleed columns for halogenated hydrocarbons, volatiles, aromatic compounds, solvents etc. similar phases: HP-624, HP-VOC, DB-624, DB-VRX, SPB-624, CP-624, Rtx-624, Rtx-Volatiles, 007-624, BP624, VOCOL max. temperature for isothermal operation: 280°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 300°C Type 0.32 mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 0.32 mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) Film thickness Length PK Cat. No. µm 1.80 1.80 m 30 50 1 1 4.003 214 4.003 215 In addition to this standard programme we will be happy to supply columns custom-made to your specifications. E & OE. 1263 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns Solvents and semi-volatiles Column: Carrier gas: 7HPSHUDWXUH ,QMHFWLRQ Detection: OPTIMA® 624 LBP¿OPP[PP,'5HWHQWLRQ*DS3KH6LOP[PP 1.1 bar He 15 17 1 &PLQA&&PLQA 14 &&PLQPLQ& OSSPSHUVXEVWDQFHLQDFHWRQH 8 cold on-column 16 13 FID 280 °C Peaks: 1. Acetone 2. Ethyl acetate 3. Tetrahydrofuran 4. Cyclohexane 0HWK\OEXWDQRO 6. Butanol-1 7. Pyridine 8. Toluene 9. Dimethylformamide 10. Dimethylsulphoxide 11. Decane 12. Octanol-1 13. Acetophenone 14. Butyrophenone +HSWDQRSKHQRQH 0HWKR[\LQGROH 17. Dibenzylamine 18. Methyl eicosanoate 19. Methyl cis-13-docosenoate 20. Methyl docosanoate 7 2 45 3 6 01$SSO1R 0 11 12 18 19 20 9 10 10 20 30 40 min 1 OPTIMAfi 225 capillary columns for GC 1 50 % cyanopropylmethyl - 50 % phenylmethylpolysiloxane MACHEREY-NAGEL USP G7/G19 middle polar phase recommended for fatty acid analyses similar phases: DB-225, HP-225, OV-225, Rtx-225, CP-Sil 43, 007-225, BP225 max. temperature for isothermal operation: 260°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 280°C Type 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.32 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Film thickness Length PK µm 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 m 10 30 50 60 30 50 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) In addition to this standard programme we will be happy to supply columns custom-made to your specifications. Column: Carrier gas: Temperature: Detector: Peaks: 1. C4:0 2. C5:0 3. C6:0 4. C8:0 5. C10:0 6. C11:0 7. C12:0 8. C13:0 9. C13:1 10. C14:0 11. C14:1 12. C15:0 13. C15:1 14. C16:0 15. C16:1 16. C17:0 17. C17:1 Analysis of FAME in porcine fat OPTIMA®P¿OPP[PP,'PD[WHPSHUDWXUH& 60 kPa H2, injection volume 1 μl, split 1:40 50 °C (2 min) A 125 °C, 30 °C/min A 160 °C, 5 °C/min A 180 °C, 20 °C/min A 200 °C, 3 °C/min A 220 °C, 20 °C/min (10 min) FID 260 °C FAME in porcine fat FAME standard 7 8 10 14 15 20 14 18 20 18. C18:0 19 18 19. C18:1 19 20. C18:2 21. C18:3 8 22. C19:0 23. C20:0 24. C20:1 25. C20:2 26. C20:4 27. C20:3 28. C20:5 24 16 29. C22:0 25 30. C22:1 15 12 31. C22:2 22 32. C22:6 21 10 33. C24:0 22 34. C24:1 3 4 courtesy of Dr. Bantleon, Mr. Leusche, Mr. Hagemann, VFG-Labor, Versmold, Germany MN Appl. No. 210060 1264 2 5 6 9 1113 17 1 28 30 23 26 3132 27 29 3334 24 2 5 0 10 20 min E & OE. 0 7 1112 10 16 17 21 25 23 26 27 20 32 min Cat. No. 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 050 066 067 068 117 118 119 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns 1 Optimafi WAX capillary columns for GC 1 polyethylene glycol 20000 daltons MACHEREY-NAGEL USP G16 polar phase recommended for solvent analysis and alcohols suitable for aqueous solutions similar phases: Premabondfi CW 20 M , DB-Wax, Supelcowax, HP-Wax, HP-INNOWAX, Rtx-Wax, CP-Wax 52 CB, Stabilwax, 007-CW, BP20, AT-Wax, ZB-Wax max. temperature for isothermal operation 250°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 260°C, for 0.53 mm ID columns the max. temperatures are 220 and 240°C, resp. Type 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.53 0.53 0.53 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.8 (0.8 (0.8 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) Film thickness Length PK µm 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 m 25 30 50 60 25 25 30 30 50 50 60 60 25 30 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 4.003 4.003 4.003 762 763 764 765 766 770 767 771 768 772 769 773 175 176 174 In addition to this standard programme we will be happy to supply columns custom-made to your specifications. 0RGL¿HG*UREWHVW Column: Inj. volume: Carrier gas: Split: Temperature: OPTIMA®:$;P¿OPP[PP,'PD[WHPSHUDWXUH& 1 μl 1,2 bar He 1 1:20 3 2 80 °C Ο 250 °C, 4 &PLQ FID 250 °C Detector: Peaks: 1. Decane 2. Undecane 3. Octanol 4. Methyl decanoate 5. Dicyclohexylamine 6. Methyl undecanoate 7. Methyl dodecanoate 8. 2,6-Dimethylaniline 9. 2,6-Dimethylphenol MN Appl. No. 211170 0 5 10 E & OE. 15 6 5 7 89 20 min 1265 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns 1 Optimafi FFAP capillary columns for GC 1 polyethylene glycol 2-nitroterephthalate MACHEREY-NAGEL close equivalent USP G25/G35 polar phase recommended for FAME, free carboxylic acids similar phases: Permabond FFAP , DB-FFAP, HP-FFAP, CP-Sil 58 CB, 007-FFAP, CP-FFAP CB, Nukol for columns with 0.10 to 0.32mm ID the max. temperature for isothermal operation is 250°C, the max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme is 260°C for 0.53mm ID columns the max. temperatures are 220 and 240°C, resp. Type 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.53 0.53 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. i.d. (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.4 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.8 (0.8 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Film thickness Length PK µm 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.25 1.00 0.50 m 10 25 30 50 60 25 25 30 30 50 50 60 25 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) o.d.) Cat. No. 4.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 9.003 4.003 4.003 079 774 775 776 777 778 782 779 783 780 784 781 111 110 In addition to this standard programme we will be happy to supply columns custom-made to your specifications. Each column is individually tested and supplied with test certificate and test chromatogram, but without fittings or ferrules. Column ends are melted or closed with septa, and thus protected from atmospheric oxygen. Additionally, we supply the corresponding test mixture with each column. FAME test Column: Carrier gas: Temperature: OPTIMA®))$3P¿OPP[PP,'PD[WHPSHUDWXUH& 1.2 bar He, split 55 °C Ο 250 °C, 6 °C/min 1,0 μl, 220 °C 2 FID 220 °C 3 Injection: Detector: Peaks: 1. C4 2. C6 3. C8 4. C10 5. C12 6. C14 7. C16 8. C18 9. C18:1 cis/trans 10. C18:2 11. C18:3 12. C20 13. C22 14. C22:1 15. C24 MN Appl. No. 211140 4 5 1 9 6 7 8 11 10 12 13 14 0 10 20 30 40 50 15 60 min Optimafi 5 Amine GC capillary columns for amine separation especially deactivated for the analysis of polyfunctional amines such as ethanolamines, amino-functionalised diols and similar compounds, which are important base materials in industrial chemistry, and shows strong tailing on standard-deactivated columns similar phases: Rtx-5 Amine, PTA-5 MACHEREY-NAGEL USP G27/G36 improved linearity for analyses of active components at trace levels: no amine absorptions even for aliphatic and aromatic amines at concentrations of 100 pg/peak tested with the Optimafi Amine test mixture, which among others also contains diethanolamine and propanol-pyridine (this test mixture is supplied with each column) max. temperature for isothermal operation: 300°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 320°C Type 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) 0.32 mm i.d. (0.5 mm o.d.) 1266 Film thickness Length PK Cat. No. µm 0.50 1.00 0.25 m 30 30 30 1 1 1 6.900 659 4.003 123 4.003 125 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns Separation of secondary and tertiary amines Column: OPTIMA®$PLQHP¿OPP[PP,'PD[WHPSHUDWXUH& Injection volume: 1 μl 2 Carrier gas: 0,6 bar H2, Split 1:100 3 6 Temperature: 100 °C (3 min) A 280 °C, 10 °C/min 5 7 8 'HWHFWRU ),'& 1 4 Peaks: 'LHWK\ODPLQH 'LLVREXW\ODPLQH 'LLVRSURS\ODPLQH 8. Tri-n-butylamine 3. Triethylamine 'LLVRKH[\ODPLQH 'Ln-propylamine 'LF\FORKH[\ODPLQH 'Ln-butylamine 'LEHQ]\ODPLQH 6. Tri-n-propylamine 12. Tri-n-hexylamine MN Appl. No. 210280 0 9 10 12 11 10 20 min Capillary columns for special separations MACHEREY-NAGEL LIPODEX® cyclodextrin phase for enantiomer separation base material: cyclic oligosaccharide consisting of eight glucose units bonded through α-1.4-linkages (y-cylodextrin) regioselective alkylation and acylation of the hydroxyl groups leads to a lipophilic phase, which is well suited for GC enantiomer analyses important advantage: many compounds can be analysed without derivatisation (however, for certain substances enantioselectivity can be favourably influenced by formation of derivatives) A large number of separations have been achieved, however, it is not possible to make gerneral predictions. Even for compounds with small structural differences or within a homologous series the enantiodifferentia-tion can be quite different. LIPODEX fi is patented under EP 0407 412 and US Re. 36.092 Lipodexfi E · octakis-(2.6-di-O-pentyl-3-O-butyryl)-γ-cyclodextrin recommended for α-amino acids, α- and β-hydroxycarboxylic acid esters, alcohols (TFA), diols (TFA), ketones, pheromones (cyclic acetals), amines, alkyl halides, lactones MACHEREY-NAGEL max. temperature for isothermal operation: 200°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 220°C Type Diam. FS-LIPODEXfi E FS-LIPODEXfi E 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) Length m 25 50 PK Cat. No. 1 1 4.002 925 4.002 926 Enantiomer separation of amino acid methyl esters (TFA) &ROXPQ )6/,32'(;®(P[PP,' PD[WHPS& O N3D+ a A&&PLQ ),'&$7 9ROXPH &DUULHUJDV 6SOLW 7HPSHUDWXUH 'HWHFWRU Peaks: 'LVHOXWHGEHIRUH/H[FHSWIRUSUROLQH/EHIRUH' $ODQLQH 9DOLQH /HXFLQH 3UROLQH $VSDUWLFDFLG 3KHQ\ODODQLQH 01$SSO1R 2 1 3 6 4 5 0 10 E & OE. 20 min 1267 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC columns-GC Reagents HYDRODEX cyclodextrin phases for enantiomer separation cyclodextrin derivatives with high melting point: for GC-enantiomer separation diluted with polysiloxanes MACHEREY-NAGEL heptakis-(2.3-di-O-methyl-6-O-t-butyldimethyl-silyl)-β-cyclodextrin phase diluted with optimised polysiloxane recommended for γ-lactones, cyclopentanones, terpenes, esters, tartrates MACHEREY-NAGEL max. temperature for isothermal operation: 230°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 250°C Type Diam. FS- HYDRODEX β− 6 TBDM FS- HYDRODEX β− 6 TBDM 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) Length m 25 50 PK Cat. No. 1 1 4.002 931 4.002 932 heptakis-(2.3-di-O-acetyl-6-O-t-butyldimethyl-silyl)-β-cyclodextrin MACHEREY-NAGEL all columns 0.25 mm ID, 0.4 mm OD phase diluted with optimised polysiloxane recommended for alcohols, esters, ketones, aldehydes, δ-lactones max. temperature for isothermal operation: 220°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 240°C Type Diam. FS-HYDRODEX β-TBDAC FS-HYDRODEX β-TBDAC 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) 0.25 mm i.d. (0.4 mm o.d.) Length m 25 50 6HSDUDWLRQRILVRPHULFDQWLLQÀDPPDWRU\GUXJV &RXUWHV\RI3URI:$.|QLJ+DPEXUJ*HUPDQ\ &ROXPQ +<'52'(;`7%'0P[PP,' max. temperature 250 °C &DUULHUJDV +H 7HPSHUDWXUH &A&&PLQ 'HWHFWRU ),' Peaks: ,EXSURIHQ )OXUELSURIHQ )HQRSURIHQ 4. Naproxen 5. Ketoprofen 2 10 Cat. No. 1 1 4.002 935 4.002 936 6HSDUDWLRQRI56FLWURQHOOROFLWURQHOODO &ROXPQ )6+<'52'(;`7%'$FP[PP ,'PD[WHPSHUDWXUH& EDU+2VSOLWPOPLQ & OLQ&+2Cl2 ),'& &DUULHUJDV 7HPSHUDWXUH ,QMHFWLRQ 'HWHFWRU Peaks: 56&LWURQHOODO65&LWURQHOODO 6&LWURQHOORO5&LWURQHOORO O 3 1 SR PK 1 OH 3 4 2 4 5 15 20 30 40 50 min 0 10 20 30 min 01$SSO1R 01$SSO1R Reagents and methods for derivatisation Derivatisation reagents MACHEREY-NAGEL for improved volatility, better thermal stability or low limit of detection in gas chromatography prerequisite: quantitative, rapid and reproducible formation of only on derivative halogen atoms introduced by derivatisation (e.g. trifluoroacetates) allow specific detection (ECD) with the advantage of high sensitivity elution order and fragmentation patterns in MS can be influenced by a specific derivatisation reagents for silylation - alkylation (methylation) - acylation are available 1268 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC Reagents Selection guide for derivatisation of important functional groups in GC Function method derivative recommended reagents silylation acylation alkylation R’O – TMS R’O – CO – R R’O – R MSTFA HFBA, MBTFA TMSH R’O – TMS R’ – NR’’ – TMS R’ – NR’’ – CO – R R’ – NR’’ – TMS not stable BSTFA, SILYL-991 MSTFA, SILYL-991 HFBA, MBTFA MSTFA Amides silylation silylation acylation silylation silylation Amino acids acylation silylation R’ – CO – NH – CO – R R’ – CH(NH – TMS) – CO – O – TMS MBTFA, HFBA BSTFA, MSTFA R’ – CH(NH – CO – R) – CO – O – R Carboxylic acids alkylation (a) + acylation (b) silylation a) TMSH b) HFBA, MBTFA MSTFA Alcohols, phenols R’OH sterically hindered Amines primary, secondary hydrochlorides R’ – CO – O – TMS susceptible to hydrolysis (fatty acids) Carbohydrates alkylation silylation Steroids acylation acylation R’ – CO – O – R TMSH MSTFA MBTFA MBTFA, HFBA Derivatisation method development kit Which type of derivatisation is best suited for your sample (alkylation, acylation or silylation)? MACHEREY-NAGEL Contents of the kit 2 x 1 ml each of TMSH, MSTFA, MBTFA PK Cat. No. 1 4.001 514 Acylation kit Which is the proper reagent for acylation? MACHEREY-NAGEL Contents of the kit 2 x 1 ml each for MBTFA , TFAA, MBHFBA PK Cat. No. 1 6.207 118 Alkylation kit Which is the proper reagent for methylation? MACHEREY-NAGEL Contents of the kit 3 x 1 ml each for TMSH, DMF-DMA PK Cat. No. 1 4.001 513 Silylation kit Which is the proper reagent for silylation? MACHEREY-NAGEL Contents of the kit 2 x 1 ml each for MSTFA, BSTFA, TSIM, MSHFBA PK Cat. No. 1 6.704 458 Acylation reagents for GC - Anhydrides MACHEREY-NAGEL by-products of acylation with anhydrides: corresponding acids excess reagent and the acid formed have to be removed Acylation with fluorinated acid anhydrides can be used for alcohols, phenols, carboxylic acids, amines, amino acids and steroids forming volatile, stable derivatives suited for FID as well as for ECD detection. Heptafluorobutyric acid anhydride (HFBA) m.w. 410.06, Bp 106 - 107°C (760 mm Hg), C3F7 - CO - O - CO - C3F7 density d20°/4° = 1.665 Code Capacity PK Cat. No. HFBA HFBA HFBA 20 x 1 ml 1 x 10 ml 5 x 10 ml 20 1 5 4.001 480 4.001 479 4.001 481 E & OE. 1269 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC Reagents Methods for acylation $F\ODWLRQZLWKÀXRULQDWHGDFLGDQK\GULGHV $F\ODWLRQZLWKÀXRULQDWHGDFLGDPLGHV Acylation with HFBA can be used for alcohols, phenols, carboxylic acids, amines, amino acids and steroids forming volatile, stable derivatives suited for FID as well as for ECD detection. This method is recommended for alcohols, primary and secondary amines as well as thiols under mild, neutral conditions. MBTFA also forms very volatile derivatives with carbohydrates [J. Sullivan and L. Schewe, J. Chromatogr. Sci. 15 (1977) 196 – 197]. Procedure: Dissolve 0.1 to 1 mg of the sample in 0.1 ml solvent, add 0.1 ml HFBA and heat to 60 – 70 °C for 1 – 2 hours. If the sample need not be concentrated prior to the analysis and if there is no danger of catalytically induced side reactions, pyridine is used as solvent. The reaction solution can be injected directly into the gas chromatograph. Otherwise use a volatile solvent and evaporate solvent, excess derivatisation reagent and free acid in a stream of nitrogen. Dissolve the residue in 50 μl hexane, chloroform etc. and inject aliquot portions. Procedure: Add 0.5 ml MBTFA to about 2 mg sample. If there is no reaction at ambient temperature, heat the reaction PL[WXUH WR & &RPSRXQGV ZKLFK DUH GLI¿FXOW WR GLVVROYH FDQ EH WULÀXRUDFHW\ODWHG LQ VXLWDEOH VROYHQW mixtures. It is recommended to use a ratio of solvent to MBTFA of 4 : 1. The reaction mixture can be chromatographed directly. MN Appl. No. 213042 MN Appl. No. 213051 Acylation reagents for GC - Bisacylamides by-products: corresponding neutral acylamides, which can be easily removed due to MACHEREY-NAGEL their high volatility; because of neutral conditions and favourable chromatographic properties often removal of the bisacylamide is not necessary. Thus sample preparation is much more convenient. Acylation with fluorinated acid amides is recommended for alcohols, primary and secondary amines as well as for thiols under mild, neutral conditions. MBTFA also forms very volatile derivatives with carbohydrates. MBTFA /MBHFBA N-methyl-bis(trifluoroacetamide) MBTFA m.w. 223.08, Bp 123 - 124°C (760 mm Hg), density d20°/4° = 1.55 CF3 - CO - N(CH3) - CO - CF3 Code Capacity PK Cat. No. MBTFA MBTFA MBTFA 20 x 1 ml 1 x 10 ml 5 x 10 ml 20 1 5 7.401 143 7.510 796 6.228 605 Due to their purpose, derivatisation reagents are very reactive substances. For this reason they should be stored cool and protected from moisture. Our derivatisation reagents are supplied in vials with crimp caps for easy access with a syringe. Vials with pierced sealing disks have limited stability and should be used soon. Alkylation reagents for GC - Trimethylsulphonium hydroxide TMSH (0.2 M in methanol) M.G. 94.06 MACHEREY-NAGEL Code Capacity PK Cat. No. TMSH TMSH TMSH 10 x 1 ml 20 x 1 ml 5 x 10 ml 10 20 5 7.086 147 7.083 308 4.001 512 Silylation reagents Usually the term silylation in GC stands for replacement of active hydrogen atoms by a MACHEREY-NAGEL trimethylsilyl group (TMS derivative). Sometimes, however, trialkylsilyl groups or dimethylalkylsilyl groups with longer alkyl chains are used for derivatisation. The trialkylsilyl group increases volatility and enhances thermal stability of the sample. Silylation can be catalysed either acidic by addition of TMCS or basic by addition of pyridine (e. g. for sterically hindered functionalities like tert. alcohols) 1270 E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC Reagents Silylation reagents - BSTFA, SILYL-991 N,O-bis-trimethylsilyl-trifluoroacetamide MACHEREY-NAGEL m.w. 257.4, Bp 40°C (12 mm Hg), density d20°/4° = 0.961 BSTFA: R = CF3 powerful trimethylsilyl donor with approximately the same donor strength as the non-fluorinated analogue BSA advantage of BSTFA over BSA: greater volatility of its reaction products (particularly useful for GC of some lower boiling TMS amino acids. BSTFA is nonpolar (less polar than MSTFA), and can be mixed with acetonitrile for improved solubility. For silylating fatty acid amides, hindered hydroxyls and other compounds, which are difficult to silylate (like secondary alcohols and amines), we recommend BSTFA + 1 % trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS), available under the designation SILYL-991. Description BSTFA BSTFA BSTFA SILYL-991 (BSTFA - TMCS (99:1) SILYL-991 (BSTFA - TMCS (99:1) SILYL-991 (BSTFA - TMCS (99:1) Capacity ml 1 10 10 1 50 100 PK 20 1 5 1 1 1 Cat. No. 4.001 6.803 4.001 4.001 4.001 4.001 486 320 487 511 510 509 Due to their purpose, derivatisation reagents are very reactive substances. For this reason they should be stored cool and protected from moisture. Our derivatisation reagents are supplied in vials with crimp caps for easy access with a syringe. Vials with pierced sealing disks have limited stability and should be used soon. 6LO\ODWLRQZLWK%67)$RU6,/</%67)$70&6 Procedure: Add 0.5 ml silylation reagent to 1 – 10 mg sample; if necessary, add some solvent (normally pyridine or DMF [dimethylformamide] are used). Heat to 60 – 80 °C for 20 min to increase the reaction rate. BSTFA MN Appl. No. 213092 · SILYL-991 MN Appl. No. 213093 1 Silylation reagents - MSTFA 1 N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyl-trifluoroacetamide MACHEREY-NAGEL m.w. 199.1, Bp 70°C (75 mm Hg), density d20°/4° = 1.11 MSTFA: R' = CF3, R" = CH3 the most volatile trimethylsilyl amide available very strong TMS donor which does not cause any noticeable FID fouling even after long-time measuring series The already good solution characteristics can be improved by addition of submolar quantities of protic solvents (e.g. TFA for extremely polar compounds such as hydrochlorides) or pyridine (e.g. for carbohydrates). recommended application: carboxylic acids, hydroxy and ketocarboxylic acids, amino acids, amines, alcohols, polyalcohols, sugars, mercaptans and similar compounds with active hydrogen atoms. Even amine hydrochlorides can be silylated directly. advantages: complete reaction with high reaction rates, even without a catalyst (1 to 2% TMCS or TSIM) the by-product of the reaction (N-methyltrifluoroacetamide) features high volatility and short retention time. Description PK MSTFA MSTFA MSTFA MSTFA MSTFA MSTFA MSTFA 20 1 5 1 6 1 1 Cat. No. 7.055 6.704 6.085 6.227 6.227 4.001 4.001 892 091 475 683 450 493 492 Due to their purpose, derivatisation reagents are very reactive substances. For this reason they should be stored cool and protected from moisture. Our derivatisation reagents are supplied in vials with crimp caps for easy access with a syringe. Vials with pierced sealing disks have limited stability and should be used soon. Silylation with MSTFA Procedure: Dissolve 10 – 15 mg sample in 0.8 ml solvent, then add 0.2 ml MSTFA. The reaction mixture can be heated to 60 – 70 °C for up to 1 h and can be analysed directly. If TFA is used as a solvent, proceed as follows [M. Donike, J. Chromatogr. 85 (1973) 1 – 7]: Dissolve 1 – 2 mg sample in 100 μl TFA. Dropwise add 0.9 ml MSTFA. After cooling the sample can be chromatographed directly. MN Appl. No. 213111 E & OE. 1271 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Chromatography columns/GC Reagents-Thin-layer chromatography/Plates 1 Chromatography columns, ground glass joint 1 With PTFE stopcock. 14/23 ground socket neck. With fused-in frit support. Porosity 0. 2.5 mm bore stopcock key. Length mm 200 300 200 Int. dia. mm 10 10 15 Lenz Capacity PK Cat. No. ml 15 23 35 1 1 1 9.025 912 9.025 913 9.025 914 2 Chromatography columns, ground glass joint 2 With PTFE stopcock. With NS ground socket neck as indicated Indents are moulded in above the stopcock for holding cotton wool plug supports. Length mm 200 400 600 Int. dia. mm 10 20 30 Capacity ml 15 125 430 Lenz Description with NS 14 / 23 socket with NS 29 / 32 socket with NS 29 / 32 socket 1 Ion exchange media DE52 pre-swollen microgranular DEAE-cellulose, 500g DE52 pre-swollen microgranular DEAE-cellulose, 2kg CM52 pre-swollen microgranular CM-cellulose, 500g CF11 fibrous cellulose powder for column work, 500g P11 dry bi-functional cation exchange cellulose, 100g P11 dry bi-functional cation exchange cellulose, 500g 2 2 Ion exchange papers A thin (0.20 mm) DEAE cellulose paper-a weakly basic anion exchanger with diethylaminoethyl functional groups. The ion exchange capacity is 1.7 µeq/cm2 and flow rate is 95 mm/30 min. For use with reverse transcriptase assays and DNA polymerase. 1272 1 1 1 9.025 932 9.025 934 9.025 936 PK Cat. No. 1 9.950 365 1 9.950 366 1 9.950 367 1 9.950 368 1 9.950 369 1 9.950 370 1 Description DE81 Cat. No. Whatman Anion and cation exchangers for chromatography column separations. Grade PK Dia. mm 23 E & OE. Whatman PK Cat. No. 400 9.950 335 MACHEREY-NAGEL . . . we Meet your Needs Professional Solutions for HPLC ➢ C18 and C8 Gravity unique base-deactivation for pH extremes ➢ C18 Pyramid polar endcapped phase ➢ Sphinx RP distinct selectivity for aromatic compounds ➢ C18 Isis exceptional steric selectivity Products for Solid Phase Extraction ➢ modern polymer resins – HR-X, EASY, PS/DVB copolymers ➢ standard phases – C18ec, SiOH, NH2, . . . ➢ cation / anion exchangers – HR-XC, HR-XA, SA, SB ➢ polar phases – Alox, Diol, Florisil®, . . . ➢ phases for special applications – QuEChERS, PCB, PAH, THC, . . . Europe's leading SPE manufacturer www.mn-net.com MACHEREY-NAGEL Germany · USA · Switzerland · France e-mail: [email protected] 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Plates Florisilfi adsorbent for column chromatography hard granular magnesia silica gel: MgO 15.5±0.5% - SiO2 84.0±0.5% - Na2SO4 <= 1.0%; 60/100 mesh typical applications: sample preparation (SPE); clean-up of pesticide residues, separation of chlorinated pesticides, extraction of steroids, sex hormones, antibiotics, lipids etc. Description Florisil standard 60 / 100 mesh Florisil standard 60 / 100 mesh particle size mesh/mm 0.15 / 0.25 mm 0.15 / 0.25 mm Weight kg 1 5 MACHEREY-NAGEL PK Cat. No. 1 1 6.232 873 4.005 002 01UHDG\WRXVHOD\HUVIRU7/& $GYDQWDJHV FRQWLQXRXVKLJKTXDOLW\ guaranteed by stringent production control including VWDQGDUGLVHG ORW WHVWV VXUIDFH FKHFNV IRU URXJKQHVV RUFUDFNVDVZHOODVKDUGQHVVDQGDGKHUHQFHFKHFNV FRPSUHKHQVLYHUDQJHRISKDVHVIRU7/&+37/& WKHUHLVQRXQLYHUVDO7/&SODWHZKLFKPHHWVDOOSRV VLEOH W\SHV RI DQDO\VHV 2XU YHUVDWLOH UDQJH RI 7/& UHDG\WRXVH OD\HUV FRYHUV PDQ\ GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI DSSOLFDWLRQV LPPHGLDWHO\UHDG\IRUFKURPDWRJUDSKLFVHSDUD tion coatings or impregnations are not necessary KRPRJHQHRXVVPRRWKZHOODGKHULQJOD\HUV DQLPSRUWDQWFULWHULXPHVSHFLDOO\IRUUHSURGXFLEOH TXDQWLWDWLYHHYDOXDWLRQ 1274 (OHFWURQPLFURVFRSLFSKRWRJUDSKRIDFURVVVHFWLRQ WKURXJKDJODVVSODWHZLWKVLOLFDOD\HUPDJQL¿FDWLRQ[ E & OE. 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Plates Standard silica layers for TLC MACHEREY-NAGEL Support materials for TLC ready-to-use layers Glass plates: glass, ~ 1.3 mm thick, high requirments for weight, packaging and storage, ideal torsional strength, high temerature stability, susceptible to breakage, can not be cut with scissors, high resistance against solvents, mineral acids and conc. ammonia, suitability for aqueous detection reagents depends on the phase POLYGRAM®: polyester, ~ 0.2 mm thick, low requirments for weight, packaging and storage, low torsional strength, max. 185°C temerature stability, not susceptible to breakage, can be cut with scissors, high resistance against solvents, mineral acids and conc. ammonia, very suitable for aqueous detection reagents ALUGRAM®: aLuminium, ~ 0.15 mm thick, low requirments for weight, packaging and storage, relatively high torsional strength, high temerature stability, not susceptible to breakage, can be cut with scissors, high resistance against solvents, low resistance against mineral acids and conc. ammonia, limited suitable for aqueous detection reagents Adamant unmodified standard silica layers for TLC silica 60, specific surface (BET) ~ 500m²/g, mean pore size 60Å, MACHEREY-NAGEL specific pore volume 0.75ml/g, particle size 5 to 17µm outstanding hardness and abrasion resistance due to an optimized binder system increased separation efficiency due to an optimized particle size distirbution high suitability for trace analyses resulting from a UV indicator with brilliance and a low-noise background of the layer available as glass plates with or without fluorescent indicator (UV254) Type ADAMAT ADAMAT ADAMAT ADAMAT ADAMAT ADAMAT ADAMAT ADAMAT ADAMAT ADAMAT ADAMAT Plate size UV254 UV254 UV254 UV254 UV254 UV254 UV254 Thickness of layer PK mm 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 100 50 50 200 200 100 25 25 50 25 25 cm 2.5 x 7.5 5 x 10 5 x 10 5 x 10 5 x 10 5 x 20 10 x 10 10 x 10 10 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 Cat. No. 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 4.005 060 067 061 068 062 063 069 064 065 070 066 Separation of steroids Layers: ADAMANT UV254, SIL G/UV254; eluent: trichloromethane – methanol (97:3) Developing time: 10 minutes; 0.1 % solution in CHCl3 Rf Cortisone Corticosterone Testosterone Desoxycorticosterone Progesterone Migration distance ADAMANT 0.37 0.43 0.50 0.55 0.73 5.0 cm SIL G 0.27 0.30 0.39 0.46 0.62 5.7 cm MN Appl. No. 402930 E & OE. ADAMANT UV 254 SIL G/UV254 1275 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Plates 1 2 3 1 2 3 SIL G unmodified standard silica layers for TLC glass plates, Polygramfi , Alugramfi MACHEREY-NAGEL silica 60, specific surface (BET) ~ 500m²/g, mean pore size 60 Å, specific pore volume 0.75 ml/g, particle size 5 to 17µm; standard grade thickness of layer for analytical plates 0.25mm, for preparative plates 0.5 and 1mm; for 2mm preparative layers a slightly coarser material is used indicators: manganese activated zinc silicate with green fluorescence for short-wave UV (254nm); special inorganic fluorescent pigment with blue fluorescence for long-wave UV (366nm) binders: highly polymeric products, which are stable in almost all organic solvents and resistant towards aggressive visualisation reagents; binder system for Polygramfi sheets is also completely stable in purely aqueous eluents available as glass plates, Polygram polyester sheets and Alugram aluminium sheets available as glass plates with or without fluorescent indicator (UV254) Type Plate size Glass plates SIL G-25 UV254 Glass plates SIL G-25 Glass plates SIL G-25 Glass plates SIL G-25 Glass plates SIL G-25 Glass plates SIL G-25 Glass plates SIL G-25 UV254 Glass plates SIL G-25 UV254 Glass plates SIL G-25 Glass plates SIL G-25 UV254 Glass plates SIL G-25 Glass plates SIL G-25 UV254 Glass plates SIL G-100 Glass plates SIL G-100 UV254 Glass plates SIL G-200 Glass plates SIL G-200 UV254 POLYGRAMfi polyester sheets SIL G POLYGRAMfi polyester sheets SIL G UV254 POLYGRAMfi polyester sheets SIL G POLYGRAMfi polyester sheets SIL G UV254 POLYGRAMfi polyester sheets SIL G POLYGRAMfi polyester sheets SIL G UV254 POLYGRAMfi polyester sheets SIL G POLYGRAMfi polyester sheets SIL G UV254 POLYGRAMfi polyester sheets SIL G POLYGRAMfi polyester sheets SIL G UV254 ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets SIL G UV254 ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets SIL G UV254 ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets SIL G ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets SIL G UV254 ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets SIL G ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets SIL G UV254 ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets SIL G ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets SIL G UV254 ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets SIL G ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets SIL G UV254 ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets SIL G ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets SIL G UV254 cm 2.5 x 7.5 5 x 10 5 x 10 5 x 10 5 x 10 5 x 20 5 x 20 10 x 10 10 x 20 10 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 2.5 x 7.5 2.5 x 7.5 4x8 4x8 5 x 20 5 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 40 x 20 40 x 20 2.5 x 7.5 4x8 5 x 7.5 5 x 7.5 5 x 10 5 x 10 5 x 20 5 x 20 10 x 20 10 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 1276 Thickness of layer PK mm 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 100 50 50 200 200 100 100 25 50 50 25 25 15 15 12 12 200 200 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 200 50 20 20 50 50 50 50 20 20 25 25 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.004 6.230 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 6.232 9.003 6.227 6.230 9.003 9.003 4.004 7.300 6.224 4.004 4.004 4.004 4.004 9.003 6.803 9.003 6.202 9.003 4.004 4.004 4.005 9.003 4.005 6.227 6.802 9.003 7.084 9.003 4.005 6.233 7.059 9.003 850 729 848 847 849 846 660 474 917 274 491 492 853 555 417 854 827 826 825 493 651 476 190 494 822 824 043 496 042 948 883 477 918 478 052 568 745 497 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Plates Silgur unmodified standard silica layers with concentrating zone MACHEREY-NAGEL glass plates silica 60, specific surface (BET) ~ 500m²/g, mean pore size 60Ä, specific pore volume 0.75ml/g, particle size 5.17µm kieselguhr zone for rapid sample application: because kieselguhr is completely inert towards a large number of compounds, the samples always from a narrow band at the interface of the two adsorbents, irrespective of shape, size or position of the spots in the concentrating zone. Separation then takes place in the silica layer. available as glass plates with or without fluorescent indicator (UV254) Type Glass Glass Glass Glass Plate size plates plates plates plates cm 10 x 10 x 20 x 20 x SILGUR-25 SILGUR-25 UV254 SILGUR-25 SILGUR-25 UV254 Thickness of layer PK mm 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 50 50 25 25 20 20 20 20 Cat. No. 4.004 4.004 6.093 7.400 856 857 869 306 Nano-Adamant unmodified nano silica layers for HPTLC glass plates MACHEREY-NAGEL nano silica 60, specific surface (BET) ~ 500m²/g, mean pore size 60Å, specific pore volume 0.75ml/g, particle size 2 to 10 µm outstanding hardness and abrasion resistance due to an optimized binder system increased separation efficiency due to an optimized particle size distribution high suitability for trace analyses resulting from a UV indicator with increased brilliance and a low-noise background of the layer narrow fractionation of the silica particles allows theoretical plate heights, which are one order of magnitude smaller than on standard silica layers with the advantage of sharper separations, shorter developing times, shorter migration distances, lower amount of samples, and increased detection sensitivity with equal selectivity available as glass plates with or without fluorescent indicator (Υς 254) Type Plate size Nano-ADAMANT Nano-ADAMANT UV254 Nano-ADAMANT Nano-ADAMANT UV254 Nano-ADAMANT Nano-ADAMANT UV254 cm 5x5 5x5 10 x 10 10 x 10 10 x 20 10 x 20 Thickness of layer PK mm 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 100 100 25 25 50 50 Cat. No. 4.005 4.005 4.005 6.226 4.005 4.005 073 071 074 346 075 072 &RPSDULVRQRI$'$0$17DQG1DQR$'$0$17SODWHVIRUVHSDUDWLRQRIDQWKUDTXLQRQHG\HV A 1 /D\HUV $$'$0$17 %1DQR$'$0$17 6DPSOHODERXW (OXHQWWROXHQH±F\FORKH[DQH 2 YY 5 0LJUDWLRQWLPH 3 4 7 $PLQ%PLQ 6 Peaks: 1. Blue 3 10 20 30 40 50 mm 2. Violet 2 3. Red 4. Green 5. Blue 1 1 B 6. Greenish blue 7. Violet 1 2 3 10 4 5 7 6 20 30 40 mm E & OE. 1277 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Plates 1 Nano-SIL unmodified Nano-silica layers for HPTLC 1 Alugramfi MACHEREY-NAGEL nano silica 60, specific surface (BET) ~ 500m²/g, mean pore size 60Å, specific pore volume 0.75ml/g, particle size 2 to 10µm indicator: manganese activated zinc silicate with green fluorescence for short-wave UV (254nm) binder: highly polymeric product, which is stable in almost all organic solvents and resistant towards aggressive visualisation reagents narrow fractionation of the silica particles allows sharper separations, shorter developing times, shorter migration distances, smaller samples and an increased detection sensitivity compared to SIL G plates available as glass plates with or without fluorescent indicator (Υς254) Type ALUGRAM ALUGRAM ALUGRAM ALUGRAM Plate size NANO-SIL NANO-SIL NANO-SIL NANO-SIL G G G G Thickness of layer PK mm 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 50 50 25 25 cm 5 x 20 5 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 UV254 UV254 2 3 RP-18 W/UV254 octadecyl-modified nano silica layers for HPTLC glass plates, ALUGRAMfi Cat. No. 4.005 6.227 6.227 4.005 044 900 899 045 2 MACHEREY-NAGEL base material: silica 60, specific surface (BET) ~ 500m²/g, mean pore size 60Å, specific pore volume 0.75ml/g, mean particle size 9 µm, pH stability 2 to 10 indicator: acid-resistant product with a pale blue fluorescence for short-wave UV (254nm); UV-absorbing substances apppear as dark-blue to black spots on a light-blue background partial octadecyl modification, wettable with water, carbon content 14% order of polarity: silica > DIOL > NH2 > CN > RP-2 > C 18-50> RP-18 W > C 18-100 normal phase or reversed phase separation modes with eluents from anhydrous solvents to mixtures with high concentrations of water (see figure); the relative polarity of the eluent determines the polarity of the layer 3 recommended application: aminophenols, barbiturates, preservatives, nucleobases, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, steroids, tetracyclines, plasticizers (phthalates) available as glass plates with or without fluorescent indicator (UV254) Type Plate size Glass plates RP-18 W UV254 Glass plates RP-18 W UV254 Glass plates RP-18 W UV254 Glass plates RP-18 W UV254 Glass plates RP-18 W UV254 ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets ALUGRAMfi aluminium sheets cm 5 x 20 10 x 10 10 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 4x8 5 x 10 5 x 20 10 x 10 20 x 20 1278 RP-18 RP-18 RP-18 RP-18 RP-18 W W W W W UV254 UV254 UV254 UV254 UV254 Thickness of layer PK mm 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.00 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 50 25 50 25 15 50 50 50 25 25 E & OE. Cat. No. 4.004 6.206 4.004 4.004 4.004 7.400 6.901 4.005 4.005 6.704 880 173 879 878 881 375 143 046 047 046 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Plates 1 1 TLC plates, aluminium coated Standard, rigid TLC plates in a choice of media, backing materials, and with dimensions as indicated. Material MACHEREY-NAGEL Gel Dimensions thickness polyester with aluminium oxide* aluminium with aluminium oxide* mm mm 0.2 200 x 200 0.2 200 x 200 PK Cat. No. 25 25 9.003 495 9.003 498 *with 254 nm UV indicator TLC micro-set A beginner's set for science education Features separations with simple developing sovents; samples are coloured thus eliminating the need for visualisation. All equipment needed is contained in the kit. Description TLC micro-set A for beginners MACHEREY-NAGEL PK Cat. No. 1 6.057 472 TLC micro-set A for beginners This kit contains all chemicals and accessories for the following separations: ϑ separation of the fat-soluble (lipophilic) test mixture 1: butter yellow, indophenol, sudan blue II, sudan red G ϑ separation of a mixture of anthraquinone dyes (test dye mixture 2): blue 1, blue 3, green, greenish blue, red, violet 1, violet 3 ϑ separation of a mixture of food dyes (test dye mixture 3): brilliant black BN (E151), fast red E, erythrosine (E127), yellow orange S (sunset yellow CFC, E110), naphthol red S, ponceau 4 R (E124), tartrazine (E102) ϑ separation of dyes from felt tip pens E & OE. Contents of TLC micro-set A for beginners 1 manual 3 developing chambers 50 glass capillaries 1 μl 1 spotting guide 1 measuring cylinder10 ml 50 polyester sheets each 4 x 8 cm POLYGRAM® SIL G/UV254, ALOX N/UV254 and CEL 300 8 ml each of test dye mixture 1 (4 lipophilic dyes), test dyes sudan red G and sudan blue II 8 ml each of test dye mixture 2 (7 anthraquinone dyes), test dyes blue 1 and violet 2 8 ml each of test dye mixture 3 (7 food dyes), test dyes yellow orange S and brilliant black BN 100 ml each of toluene, toluene/cyclohexane (2:1, v/v) chloroform/acetone (1:1, v/v) 2.5 % sodium citrate solution 25 % ammonia/2-propanol (5:3, v/v) 2 felt tip pens 1279 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Plates 1 TLC plates 1 Linear- K: give rapid, precise recognition. The pre-adsorbent layer is thicker than the Whatman silica layer and functions like a sponge that pre-concentrates the sample before it reacts with the silica layer. This allows the user to apply sample volumes that would not be possible with standard TLC-plates. The symbol for silica gel is K (from the German Kieselgel). followed by a classification designation: - K5 10-12 µm silica, with pore size 150 Å - K6 10-12 µm silica, with pore size 60 Å - High-performance silica is prefixed with the letters HP: HP-K 4.5 µm silica, pore size 60 Å - Reversed-phase plates with a bonded alkyl group are represented by a K, followed by the length of the alkyl chain KC-18 10-12 µm Silica 60 Å, octadecyl bonded phase Further identification information for a particular plate can be found from the following letter codes: - L pre-adsorbent layer for the easier application of larger volumes. Compresses each sample into a narrow horizontal band, so also known as Linear-K, prefix L. - D channelled plates with separate lanes. 2 mm clear glass channels separate the individual sample lanes to prevent the samples becoming mixed, so D for Division. - F fluorescent indicator: fluorescent plates glow bright green under UV light. Samples that absorb UV at 254 nm are recognized by fluorescence quenching. - M microscope slide, plate size 25/75 mm. - P preparative layer. Has a thickness of 500 or 1000 µm for large samples. These letter codes enable easy, rapid identifcation of all TLC plates, for example PLK6DF = preparative K6 silica 60 Å pore diameter, separate lanes, fluorescent indicator and preadsorbent layer. 2 TLC Plates 2 Silica gel plates. 250 µm layer. The plates are 20 x 20cm and can be cut with scissors. Whatman The flexible plates Silica-Gel 60 A, available on aluminium or polyester support material, have a similar separation performance to K6 glass plate and are often used for moderate to strong polar analytes. Ion exchanger plates (DEAE-diethylaminoethyl tertiary amine) are used for anionic species and are available on a polyester support material. Type PE PE AL AL Sil Sil Sil Sil G G/UV 254* G G/UV 254* Description PK Polyester backed Polyester backed Aluminium backed Aluminium backed 25 25 25 25 Cat. No. 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 336 337 338 339 * With fluorescent indicator 3 Glass TLC Plates 3 Reverse phase plates, 200 µm layer. Type Size MKC18F KC18 KC18F KC18F LKC18 LKC18F LKC18F 2,5 x 7,6 cm 20 x 20 cm 5 x 20 cm 20 x 20 cm 20 x 20 cm 5 x 20 cm 20 x 20 cm Whatman PK 100 25 75 25 25 75 25 Cat. No. 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 4 4 Adsorption TLC plates Partisilfi K6 60 angstrom. 250 µm layer, PK6F with 1000 µm layer. Type Size MK6F K6 K6 K6 K6F K6F K6F K6F PK6F LK6D LK6D LK6DF LK6DF 2,5 x 7,6 cm 5 x 20 cm 10 x 20 cm 20 x 20 cm 5 x 10 cm 5 x 20 cm 10 x 20 cm 20 x 20 cm 20 x 20 cm 5 x 20 cm 20 x 20 cm 5 x 20 cm 20 x 20 cm 1280 Whatman PK 500 75 50 25 150 75 50 25 20 75 25 75 25 E & OE. Cat. No. 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Plates 1 TLC plates 1 Silica gel 60 F254 Material Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Plastic Merck Gel thickness Width Length PK mm 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 mm 20.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.5 2.5 20.0 5.0 5.0 20.0 mm 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 7.5 7.5 20.0 10.0 7.5 20.0 25 50 100 25 200 25 100 500 25 50 20 25 Cat. No. 9.130 9.130 9.130 9.130 9.130 9.130 9.130 9.130 9.130 9.130 9.130 9.130 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 063 TLC plates Silica gel 60 F254 Material Glass backed Glass backed 2 Merck Gel Dimensions thickness mm mm 0.5 20 x 20 2 20 x 20 PK Cat. No. 20 12 9.130 061 9.130 062 2 Chromatography paper/Ion exchange papers Whatman chromatography papers are the most widely used papers for chromatography Whatman worldwide. This acceptance and usage reflects the purity, high quality and consistency of Whatman papers. These qualities are relied upon by chromatographers and essential to successful reproducible chromatography. Whatman chromatography paper media are made from specially selected cotton cellulose. They are rigorously quality controlled for characteristics important to the chromatographer and to ensure uniformity within the grade. 1 Chr world standard chromatography paper. A smooth surface, 0.18 mm thick with a linear flow rate (water) of 130 mm/30 min. Good resolution for general analytical separations. 3MM Chr widely used as a blotting paper, 3MM Chr is used in both electrophoresis and for general chemistry. A medium thickness paper (0.34 mm) used extensively for general chromatography and electrophoresis. Flow rate is 130 mm/30 min. 3 Chr medium thickness paper (0.36 mm) with a flow rate of 130 mm/30 min. For general applications with medium/heavy solute loadings. Frequently used for separation of inorganic compounds and for electrophoresis. 17 Chr thick (0.92 mm) and highly absorbent paper with a very high flow rate of 190 mm/30 min. Suitable for the heaviest loadings and ideal for preparative paper chromatography and electrophoresis. Ion exchange papers DE81 A thin (0.20 mm) DEAE cellulose paper-a weakly basic anion exchanger with diethylaminoethyl functional groups. The ion exchange capacity is 1.7 µeq/cm² and flow rate is 95 mm/30 min. For use with reverse transcriptase assays and DNA polymerase. SG81 A unique paper (0.27 mm thick) combining cellulose and large pore silica gel. Suitable for separations in which both partition and adsorption are important, including the separation of phospholipids, steroids, phenols and dyes. Flow rate is 110 mm/30 min. P81 A thin (0.23 mm) cellulose phosphate paper. Strong cation exchanger of high capacity. Ion exchange capacity is 18.0 µeq/cm² and the flow rate is 125 mm/30 min. For use with protein kinase assay with peptide substrates. Grade Size 1Chr 1Chr 1Chr 1Chr 3MMChr 3MMChr 3Chr 3MMChr 3MMChr 4Chr 17Chr DE81 SG81 P81 100 200 250 460 200 315 460 460 580 460 460 460 460 460 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x PK 300 200 250 570 200 355 570 570 680 570 570 570 570 570 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 25 25 25 25 E & OE. Cat. No. 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 371 315 316 317 318 319 320 1281 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Plates-Chambers 1 1 Chromatography paper, reels Chromatography Paper 1 CHR The standard chromatography paper. Good resolution for general analytical separations. Pure cellulose. Thickness 0.18 mm. Capillary rise (water) 130 mm/30 min. Whatman Chromatography Paper 3MM CHR Used in electophoresis, in general chemistry and as blotting paper. Pure cellulose. Thickness 0.34 mm. Capillary rise (water) 130 mm/30 min. Grade 1Chr 1Chr 1Chr 1Chr 1Chr 1Chr 1Chr 3MMChr 3MMChr 3MMChr 3MMChr 3MMChr 3MMChr Width mm 10 20 30 40 50 100 150 20 100 150 190 230 270 Length mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 PK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 322 323 324 325 326 328 329 327 330 331 332 333 334 Chromatography strips Divided into 12 bands, each of 15 mm wide, for parallel separation of 12 samples. Grade 1Chr CRL 2 Width mm 110 Whatman Length mm 213 PK Cat. No. 100 9.950 321 PK Cat. No. 2 Standard separating chamber With absolutely flat, chamber floor, ground flange rim and lid for all TLC plates up to 200 x 200 mm. Other separating chambers available on request. Type Separating chamber with knob lid Separating chamber with ground cover plate Knob lid for 9.020 160 Glass cover disc for 9.020 173 3 9.020 9.020 9.020 9.020 160 173 163 177 3 Simultaneous developing chamber For TLC plates up to 20 x 20 cm. Choice of plates as indicated. 1282 1 1 1 1 E & OE. MACHEREY-NAGEL 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Chambers-Syringes 1 Simultaneous batch separating chamber 1 With absolutely flat, chamber floor, ground flange rim and lid and storage trough for five 200 x 200 mm TLC plates. Type Simultaneous batch separating chamber with knob lid Simultaneous batch separating chamber with ground cover plate 2 Nano separating chambers PK Cat. No. 1 9.020 167 1 9.020 174 PK Cat. No. 1 9.020 112 1 9.020 210 1 9.020 212 2 The use of quantitative TLC on nano or HPTLC gel layer plates is increasing. Nano separating chambers have been developed for the more popular 100 x 100 mm and 200 x 100 mm plate formats and have all the advantages of standard separating chambers. Type Nano separating chamber 200 x 100 mm, with stainless steel lid Nano separating chamber 100 x 100 mm, with knob lid Nano separating chamber 100 x 100 mm, with stainless steel lid Nano stainless steel lid, 200 x 100 mm Nano knob lid, 100 x 100 mm Nano stainless steel lid, 100 x 100 mm Nano filter paper for vapour conditioning the chamber, 210 x 110 mm, 25 sheets 1 1 1 25 3 H separating chamber 9.020 9.020 9.020 9.020 117 211 213 214 3 The H separating chambers make optimum use of HPTLC gel layer advantages. Small Sarstedt (Desaga) particle size 5 µm, stringently controlled pore size and distribution, and more theoretical bases. Excellent value for money and can be supplied for time and cost saving in 50 x 50 mm plate format or traditional 100 x 100 mm format. Optimum separations are achieved even on the shortest runs. Type H separation chamber H separation chamber Frit rods Cover plate Cover plate Width mm 50 100 0 50 100 Length mm 50 100 50 50 100 PK 1 1 5 1 1 Cat. No. 9.023 9.023 9.023 9.023 9.023 150 160 955 956 957 4 5 Syringes, disposable plastic 4 2-piece construction: PP barrel, with PE piston. Sterile. Disposable. With Luer nozzle. Capacity ml 1 : 1/100 (Tuberculin) 2 (3) 5 (6) 10 (12) 20 (24) 30 50 (60) PK 100 100 100 100 100 50 30 E & OE. Cat. No. 9.410 9.410 9.410 9.410 9.410 9.410 9.410 5 000 002 005 010 020 025 050 1283 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Syringes 1 1 Disposable syringes Polypropylene with two-piece plunger and Luer nozzle. Without needle. Supplied sterile, individually pouch-sealed in outer boxes as indicated. Capacity ml 1 2 5 10 20 50 2 PK 100 100 100 100 120 60 4 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 296 297 298 299 300 301 2 3 Sampling syringes, Fortunafi Borosilicate glass. Transparent calibrated barrel. With chemically-resistant, diffused amber stain graduations. 3 Cat. No. Capacity Grad. Type ml 25 50 100 50 100 ml 1 1 1 1 1 Without stopcock Without stopcock Without stopcock With capillary stopcock With capillary stopcock Poulten & Graf PK 1 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 9.143 9.143 9.143 9.143 9.143 055 056 057 066 067 4 5 Syringes, glass, Fortuna Optimafi Borosilicate glass. With centre glass or metal luer nozzle. Interchangeable plungers and barrels (between identical capacity syringes). Poulten & Graf With amber graduations. Autoclavable up to +134°C. Capacity 5 6 ml 1 2 5 10 20 50 1 2 5 10 20 50 Material Cone ex Nozzle type glass glass glass glass glass glass metal metal metal metal metal metal luer luer luer luer luer luer luer-lock luer-lock luer-lock luer-lock luer-lock luer-lock PK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1284 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 021 022 025 030 032 035 061 062 065 070 072 075 6 7 Glass-metal syringes With calibrated glass cylinder and plunger made of stainless steel. Plungers and cylinders interchangeable. With central metal cone. Graduated. Sterilizable ip to +200°C. 7 Cat. No. Capacity ml 1 2 5 10 20 50 1 2 5 10 20 50 Type Henke-Sass, Wolf PK Luer Luer Luer Luer Luer Luer Luer-Lock Luer-Lock Luer-Lock Luer-Lock Luer-Lock Luer-Lock 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E & OE. Cat. No. 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 9.222 221 222 225 230 232 235 241 242 245 250 252 255 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Syringes-Detection 1 Syringe needles, disposable 1 Sterile. Individually wrapped. Disposable. Luer fitting with plastic sheath. Type Pravaz Pravaz Pravaz Pravaz Pravaz Pravaz Pravaz 1 2 12 14 16 18 20 Dia. mm 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 Length mm 40 40 30 30 25 25 20 Colour PK yellow green black blue blue brown grey 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cat. No. 9.410 9.410 9.410 9.410 9.410 9.410 9.410 101 102 112 114 116 118 120 2 Disposable syringe needles 2 Stainless steel. With Luer push-on fitting for use with disposable syringes. Supplied sterile in boxes of 100. Gauge 18G 19G 20G 21G 23G 25G x x x x x x 1½ inch* 1½ inch 1 inch* 1½ inch* 1 inch 5 /8 inch Dia. mm 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.5 Length mm 40 40 25 40 25 16 PK 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cat. No. 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 9.950 302 303 304 305 306 307 9.950 302 is a thin wall needle with a short bevel. 9.950 304 and 9.950 305 are intravenous thin wall needles. 3 Micro capillary tubes 3 These disposable capillary tubes fill automatically from end to end. Accuracy is better than 1 %. A capillary tube holder is supplied in each pack. Also contains a small bulb with aperture, which can be inserted into capillary tube and used as an effective support for filling and emptying tubes. Capacity µl 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 PK 100 100 100 100 100 Cat. No. 9.020 9.020 9.020 9.020 9.020 192 193 194 195 196 4 Chromatography sprayer SG 1 4 CFC-free spraying with powerful and quiet pump.The finest spray is produced even when the battery power is low. Liquids, up to the viscosity of light oil, can be finely sprayed at the touch of a button. Particle diameter 5 to 10 µm with a throughput of 20 ml/min. based on water. The reservoir bottle for the spray reagent is made of borosilicate glass. The bottle is screwed into the high-grade PTFE nozzle and can be changed in seconds. With quick-charging dock as a storage base. Overload protection enables continuous storage of the sprayer in the charging station. Supplied with battery, battery charger, bottle and nozzle. Type PK Cat. No. SG 1 Reservoir, 50 ml 1 10 9.539 045 9.539 046 5 Special atomiser 5 With rubber blowball for nebulising reagents. Can be connected to other compressed air supplies. Type Special atomiser E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1 9.024 000 1285 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Detection 1 1 Test tube atomiser Glass atomiser for nebulising small amounts of reagents. Atomiser can be inserted in a 12 ml test tube with a ground joint and held in position with a spring clip. Type Test tube atomiser 2 PK Cat. No. 1 9.023 990 2 Spray box with fan For spraying TLC plates with aggressive media. Housing made of acid-resistant PVC for plates up to 200 x 200 mm. Low-noise extraction fan supplies 400 m³/h. The exhaust tube leads upwards and can be connected to NW 100 extraction tubing. Reagent droplets are collected in a separate drip tray. Size (WxDxH) 620 x 610 x 580 mm. Type Spray box with fan PK Cat. No. 1 9.020 031 3 Thermoplate S Electronically controlled, precision laboratory hotplate. For controlled, constant heating of dipped TLC plates for increased reproducibility and evaluation. Rapid evaporation of the solvent is enabled by the direct warming of the plated zone. Provides defined intermediate drying for multiple processing. Also used for reduction or evaporation of small liquid quantities at constant temperatures or warming of reaction mixtures at a preset temperature, e.g. for colorimetric analysis. Visual control of colour build-up. Temperature is preset and displayed digitally. 3 Hotplate: Temperature range: Accuracy: 240 x 240 mm 25 to 199°C ±2°C Type Thermoplate S PK Cat. No. 1 9.023 840 4 Analytical lamps, CabUVIS With back lighting. Constant lighting, low-pressure mercury tubes and UV-Filter for 254 and 366 nm wavelength output. Incident and back lighting with 8 W daylight fluorescent tube lamps and 200 x 200 mm diffusing screen. Basic unit is supplied with transparent cover screen. Optional attachment allows observation or documentation of films without a darkroom. Type CabUVIS 4 1286 E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1 9.539 341 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Detection 1 2 1 2 HPLC Detector lamps Kinesis Type For PK Cat. No. LD-ABI-100 ABI 757 759 783A 785A 1000S 980 120A 130A D2 Lamp 1 4.007 053 LD-AGI-101 LD-AGI-104 LD-AGI-104LL LD-AGI-105 LD-AGI-105LL LD-DIO-102LL LD-DIO-105LL Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Dionex Dionex 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4.007 4.007 4.007 4.007 4.007 4.007 4.007 LD-GIL-101 Gilson115/116/117/118/119/151/152/155/156 D2 Lamp 1 4.007 108 LD-JAS-101LL Jasco 970 975 (B & C Series) 1570 1575 2075 D2 Lamp 1 4.007 112 LD-KNA-101 LD-MEH-100 Knauer Wellchrom K2000 K2500 K2501 D2 Lamp Hitachi LaChrom L Series, Elite, U Series nosed D2 Lamp 1 1 4.007 115 4.007 127 LD-PER-100-3 LD-PER-160 Perkin Elmer Series 200 D2 Lamp XPack3 PE Lambda 2 to 45 800 900 Bio, 55X Series LC480 D2 Lamp 1 1 4.007 132 4.007 139 LD-SHI-101LL Shimadzu SPD-10A, AVP, AV, AVVP, M10AVP, 20A, 20AV Lamp 1 4.007 156 LD-SHI-102 LD-SHI-103LL LD-TSP-102 Shimadzu Spectrophotometer D2 Lamp Shimadzu LC2010 Longlife D2 Longlife Lamp TSP UV100/1000/2000/3000 Focus Spectrachrom D2 Lamp 1 1 1 4.007 157 4.007 159 4.007 164 LD-TSP-106 LD-VAR-103LL TSP UV 6000 DAD Surveyor D2 Lamp Varian UV50/100/200 9050 Prostar 310 D2 Longlife lamp 1 1 4.007 167 4.007 173 LD-VAR-105LL LD-WAT-102 LD-WAT-104LL LD-WAT-105LL Varian Prostar 325 335 Longlife D2 Lamp Waters 486 D2 Lamp Waters 996, 2996 PDA Longlife D2 Lamp Waters 2487 Longlife D2 Lamp 1 1 1 1 4.007 4.007 4.007 4.007 1050C 1050DAD 1090 D2 Lamp 1100 VWD D2 Lamp 1100 VWD Longlife D2 Lamp 1100 DAD, 8453 D2 Lamp 1100, 1200 DAD Longlife D2 Lamp PDA-100, PDA-3000, AD-25 D2 Lamp Ultimate UVD 3000 Nano LC D2 Longlife Lamp E & OE. 058 061 064 067 070 096 099 176 184 186 188 1287 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Detection-Accessories 1 UV analysis lamps HP-UVISfi 1 For UV analysis without a darkroom. High-pressure mercury lamp emits very intense radiation at 366 nm for fluorochemical analytical evaluation. Specially selected 254 nm filters enable optimal contrast. Minimal footprint in spite of simultaneous observation points for two 200 x 200 mm plates. Inclined plate angle gives comfortable viewing. Dimensions (WxDxH) 325 x 280 x 475 mm. Supply requirements 230 V. Type HP-UVIS PK Cat. No. 1 9.539 360 2 UV irradiation systems BIO-LINK 2 - Compact and powerful, ideal for a broad range of applications Precise measurement and control technology, non-ageing UV sensors Choice for irradiation parameter energy or time Easy operation: Programme memory, storage of the last parameters, programme resumes after opening of the door, auto-restart after power failure - Secure and stable construction, very easy to use - Available in 3 different wavelengths - Easy exchange of the UV tubes for wavelength change Dimensions (WxDxH) Housing: 350 x 360 x 305mm Interior: 260 x 330 x 145mm Type Description Tubes BLX-E254 BLX-E312 BLX-E365 UV crosslinker UV irradiation system UV irradiation system 5x8W 5x8W 5x8W Wavelength nm 254 312 365 PK Cat. No. 1 1 1 9.971 923 9.971 924 9.971 925 3 TLC Viewing cabinets 3 Model CN-6: - for one or two UV hand lamps model VL-6; choice of combined wavelengths 254nm, 312nm and 365nm - cabinet dimensions (WxDxH): 300 x 280 x 240mm; easy access also for large samples Model CN-15: - integral high intensity UV lamps, extra large capacity; easy access also for large samples; white-light bulb for normal observation - removable bottom panel for use with an ETX Professional Line transilluminator - cabinet dimensions (W x D x H): 505 x 415 x 280mm Type Description Tubes CN-6 CN-15.LC* without UV handlamps with integrated UV tubes and white-light source 2 x 15W each Wavelength nm 365 / 254 PK Cat. No. 1 1 9.971 926 9.971 927 Other models available on request TLC accessories set MACHEREY-NAGEL Description PK DC simultaneous chamber for up to 5 plates, 20 x 20 cm Laboratory atomiser, glass with rubber bulb Glass capillary 1 µl Outlining templates Chromatography Paper MN 260, 7,5 x 17 cm (for saturating) 4 1 1 150 2 100 Cat. No. 9.003 4.004 7.056 4.004 4.004 500 909 849 903 907 4 TLC plate cutter For scoring and cutting glass backed TLC plates. For cost-effectiveness in plate use, or in order to give individual plates different derivatives after separation. Supplied with cutting ring and template. Type TLC plate cutter 1288 E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1 9.539 041 14. Chromatography GENERAL CATALOGUE 2010/11 Thin-layer chromatography/Accessories-General Accessories 1 Universal application and evaluation templates 1 Plexiglass. Simplifies application, marking and evaluation of thin layer chromatograms. Size 200 x 200 mm. Type Universal application and evaluation templates PK Cat. No. 1 9.020 131 2 Outlining templates 2 With limit stops for precise positioning of the plate on the template. Provide precise pipette guidance due to triangular apertures in a 5 mm spaced grid, providing 9, 19 or 39 outlining points, depending on the size of the template. A non-slip coating means that the outlining template does not slide on the bench. Width mm 100 50 100 200 Length mm 100 50 200 200 PK 1 1 1 1 Cat. No. 9.020 9.020 9.020 9.020 134 135 136 137 3 Laboratory dryer 3 position power switch, 230V a.c. (0/700/1400W). With 2 heat/blower speed settings, nozzle attachment, cold air button, detachable air filter and a 3 metre mains lead. Type PK Cat. No. 1 9.018 995 3 Laboratory dryer Profi-labdryer PHT 30 3 heating levels, 3 cooling levels and 3 fan speeds giving 12 heating/ventilation combinations. Overheat protected. Removable inlet grille with filter. Supply requirement: 230 to 240V, 50 Hz, 1600 - 1800 W. Type Profi Labdryer E & OE. PK Cat. No. 1 9.106 809 1289
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