Service de spectrométrie de masse de l'ISIC (SSMI) Dr. Laure Menin Francisco Sepulveda Daniel Baumann Prof. Yury O. Tsybin, Directeur EPFL SB ISIC-LSMB BCH 4312 CH-1015 Lausanne EPFL SB-ISIC-GE SSMI, BCH 1524 CH-1015 Lausanne Phone: +41 (0)21 693 94 64/68 Fax: + 41 (0)21 693 97 50 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +41 (0)21 693 97 51 Fax: + 41 (0)21 693 97 00 E-mail: [email protected] SAMPLE SUBMISSION FORM Date: Name: Group / Lab: Institute: Phone number: E-mail: Sample description: Number of samples: Sample IDs: Exact Masses: Molecular formula: Structure (sequence if peptide): Solubility : H2O Ebullition point (for CI and EI): MeOH CH3CN °C other: at Torr Quantity: Purity: THF Concentration/Solvent: crude extract fraction RP-HPLC Impurities: salts surfactants Toxicity: no yes Stability: yes sensitive to pure component others: polymers water air T °C light Goal of the analysis: Absence/presence of the expected mass Purity control in the following m/z range: Accurate mass determination (mass accuracy ≤ 5 ppm) Other (MS/MS...; please describe): Type of analysis requested: Mode: ESI positive APCI negative I dont'know APPI MALDI LC-MS/MS GC-MS CI/EI Separation requested: None LC-MS Scale: preparative analytical nano Data analysis requested: Basic data analysis (mass accuracy, deconvolution if multiply charges species....) Advanced data analysis (elemental composition report, MS/MS data interpretation, database searches, etc... GENERAL CONDITIONS - Each individual sample must be submitted with a completed sample submission form. Blank submission forms are located in room BCH-1524 or may be downloaded from link as a pdf file. Sample vials must be clearly labeled with the sample ID and securely attached to the completed submission form. For samples that require cold storage prior to analysis - please deposit them in the refrigerator in Room 1520 and mark the submission form with "In Fridge". Samples should be deposited in the appropriate trays (ESI/APCI, MALDI, EI/CI) in Room 1524, which is normally open from 7-17, Monday-Friday. - In order to ensure the best conditions of analysis, it is recommended to provide lyophilized samples without salts (phosphate and sulfate buffers), detergents and polyethylene glycols as they suppress the electrospray signal. - If your sample is in liquid state, ensure that its concentration does not exceed 100 µg/ml. The entire solution should be filtered to remove any insoluble material which would otherwise block the sample introduction line. Radioactive or Highly toxic samples requiring specialist handling will NOT be accepted. - Samples for EI or CI analyses are normally introduced using a heated direct insertion probe and it is important that the vaporization point of these samples is noted on the submission form in order to achieve good quality data. Samples for direct probe EI or CI should volatilize at temperatures below 350°C under high vacuum conditions. - For GC and LC-MS analysis, it helps to provide the experimental conditions usually used for your compound (column, solvents, gradient…).
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