1408 DOI 10.1002/pmic.200300471 Proteomics 2003, 3, 1408–1417 Review Margaret M. Shaw1, 2 Beat M. Riederer1, 2 Sample preparation for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis 1 Institut de Biologie Cellulaire et de Morphologie, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland 2 Centre de Neurosciences Psychiatriques, Hôpital de CERY, Prilly, Switzerland The choice of sample preparation protocol is a critical influential factor for isoelectric focusing which in turn affects the two-dimensional gel result in terms of quality and protein species distribution. The optimal protocol varies depending on the nature of the sample for analysis and the properties of the constituent protein species (hydrophobicity, tendency to form aggregates, copy number) intended for resolution. This review explains the standard sample buffer constituents and illustrates a series of protocols for processing diverse samples for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, including hydrophobic membrane proteins. Current methods for concentrating lower abundance proteins, by removal of high abundance proteins, are also outlined. Finally, since protein staining is becoming increasingly incorporated into the sample preparation procedure, we describe the principles and applications of current (and future) pre-electrophoretic labelling methods. Keywords: Detergents / Prefractionation / Prelabelling / Protease inhibitors / Review / Thiourea / Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis PRO 0471 Contents 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 5 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sample buffer constitutents . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thiourea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Detergents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reducing agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carrier amphloytes/Immobilines . . . . . . . . . . Protease inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recent advances in sample preparation methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sample prefractionation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resolution of “elusive” proteins . . . . . . . . . . Prelabelling applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Introduction 1408 1409 1409 1409 1410 1410 1411 1411 1412 1412 1414 1415 1416 1416 Correspondence: Dr. B. M. Riederer, IBCM, Rue du Bugnon 9, 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 141-21-692-5105 Abbreviations: ASB14, myristic amidosulphobetaine; SB3-10, caprylyl sulphobetaine; TBP, tributyl phosphine; TCEP, Tris (2carboxyethyl) phosphine 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) is a protein separation technique that combines two different electrophoretic methods, that is gel IEF in the first dimension (in which proteins are separated according to pI) and SDSPAGE in the second dimension (separation according to molecular weight (Mr)). The aim of sample preparation for 2-DE is to convert the native sample into a suitable physicochemical state for first dimension IEF while preserving the native charge and Mr of the constituent proteins. In many cases this means that the proteins of the sample need to be solubilised, disaggregated, denatured and reduced. However, the specific sample preparation method depends first and foremost on the aim of the separation. For example, if the aim of the first dimension is to resolve the isoelectric points of soluble aggregates, then the IEF needs to be carried out under nondenaturing, nonreducing conditions and the aim of the sample preparation method would be to achieve protein solubilisation without disaggregation. In many cases solubilisation under these conditions is incomplete and only the supernatant from the centrifuged sample can be applied to the first dimension. In nondenaturing, nonreducing IEF partial solubilisation of thylakoid membrane proteins has been achieved with the nonionic Proteomics 2003, 3, 1408–1417 detergents Triton X-100 and N-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside [1]. Triton X-100 and dodecyl maltoside are considered nondenaturing as they are more efficient at breaking lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interactions than protein-protein interactions. Sample preparation 1409 Probably the aim of most 2-D gel applications is, however, to resolve as many proteins as possible within a particular pI/Mr range, to facilitate comparison of two sets of data samples. In this case, it is preferable to carry out IEF under denaturing and reducing conditions. The following gives an account of the individual sample buffer constituents, their function, possible problems associated with each buffer component and recent advances or modifications which improve the final 2-D gel outcome and facilitate representation of a certain species of proteins which, due to their physicochemical properties, have until recently, remained unresolved on the 2-D gel map. 10 M urea will degrade to equilibrium to form 20 mM cyanate. Reaction of cyanate ions with the amine groups on proteins (carbamylation) removes the positive charge on the amine, which affects the IEF result. Carbamylation is not limited to amine groups. Lippincott and Apostol [2] investigated carbamylation of sulphhydryl groups on cysteine residues and found that carbamylation of cysteines readily occurs under slightly acidic conditions (pH 6) but that carbamylmercaptans are unstable in an alkaline environment. The issue of carbamylation presents a potential problem when IPG strips are rehydrated overnight with the prepared sample in strip rehydration solution. However, the overall quality of the 2-D gel map only appears to be affected at extended strip rehydration times of around 24 h [3]. To reduce the effects of carbamylation the cyanate scavenger, spermine, can be added to the sample solution or strip reswelling solution [4]. 2 Sample buffer constitutents 2.2 Thiourea 2.1 Urea Use of thiourea in combination with urea for IEF was first reported by Thierry Rabilloud in 1996 at the Siena 2-D electrophoresis conference [5]. As a result a whole variety of proteins previously elusive to the 2-D gel map could be resolved [6–8]. Thiourea has particularly been shown to improve solubilisation of hydrophobic membrane proteins [9, 10]. One disadvantage of thiourea, reported by Galvani et al. [11], is that at pH values of 8.5–9, which coincide with the pH of the buffer for equilibration after the first dimension (pH 8.8), the sulphur atom of thiourea is as reactive as the SH group of cysteine. As a consequence thiourea present in the first dimension gel scavenges the iodoacetamide during equilibration after the first dimension resulting in poor alkylation of proteins. To counteract this, Galvani et al. [11] recommend that thiourea should first be omitted from the solubilising solution and incorporated after the sample has been reduced and alkylated, prior to first dimension IEF. Reduction and alkylation at the sample preparation stage has the additional advantage of inhibiting carbamylation since (i) DTT acts as an effective scavenger of cyanate, and (ii) alkylation prevents further reaction with cyanate ions [2]. Thiourea is generally used at concentrations of 2 M in conjunction with 5–7 M urea although Musante et al. [7] reported a reduction in protein resolution associated with increasing concentrations of thiourea and consequently limited the concentration of thiourea to 0.5 M. The loss in protein resolution may possibly be a result of poor transfer to the second dimension, as thiourea additionally tends to inhibit SDS-protein binding, or of improved solubilisation of lipids, which affect resolution on 2-D gels. Sample solutions for first dimension separations under denaturing conditions always include urea. This neutral chaotrope denatures proteins by disrupting noncovalent and ionic bonds between amino acid residues. Its neutral charge renders it ideal for IEF as it remains in the gel during focusing and does not migrate. It may be included in the sample solution at a concentration of ,5 M to as high as 9.8 M. However, urea solutions are not stable. Spontaneous degradation of urea to cyanate (Fig. 1) occurs at room temperature. If left overnight at room temperature Figure 1. Cyanate formation and carbamylation. 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1410 M. M. Shaw and B. M. Riederer 2.3 Detergents Traditionally, sample buffer protocols for 2-DE included the anionic detergent SDS [12]. Since protein-detergent micelles formed on SDS treatment carry an overall negative charge, inclusion of SDS in sample buffers for IEF seems illogical. However, SDS was found not to interfere in IEF if used together with an excess of nonionic or zwitterionic detergent (e.g. NP-40, Triton X-100, CHAPS) and it was suggested by O’Farrell [12] (who used NP-40 in conjunction with SDS) that the nonionic detergent forms mixed micelles with the SDS which migrate to the anode. Ames and Nikaido [13] investigated the criteria for SDS compatibility and established that the NP-40:SDS concentration ratio should be at least 8:1 in order to avoid a streaking effect. In addition the final concentration of SDS in the IEF sample buffer should be below 0.25% [14]. Some inconveniences of using SDS for protein solubilisation for 2-DE application are discussed in a review by Molloy [5] who also mentions that the electrophoretic removal of SDS from the proteins during focusing may in some cases result in in-gel isoelectric precipitation. Indeed, even small amounts of SDS have been found to remove all the detergent from the gel due to the formation and anodic migration of mixed micelles leaving the proteins exposed to an environment containing little or no detergent [15]. An additional factor concerning SDS solubilisation/denaturation is that SDS is not suitable for all applications, since strongly acidic proteins do not bind SDS. The alternative for such proteins would be to use cationic detergents, which are, however, not widely investigated in 2-DE applications. Proteomics 2003, 3, 1408–1417 form inclusion compounds with urea, for example, SB3– 10 is a powerful surfactant which is however, compatible only with low concentrations of urea, whereas the shortertailed, less efficient detergent, SB3–8, is compatible with high concentrations of urea [19]. ASB14 is, however, an efficient surfactant compatible with 9 M urea. Structures of several nonionic and zwitterionic detergents are shown in Fig. 2. 2.4 Reducing agents Reduction of disulphide bonds aids solubilisation of complex mixtures of proteins. This is commonly achieved with free thiol-containing reducing agents such as dithiothreitol (DTT), dithioerythritol (DTE) or 2-mercaptoethanol [20]. However, 2-mercaptoethanol is no longer widely used in carrier ampholyte IEF, particularly where basic proteins are of interest, since it ionises at the alkaline end of the gel and is driven electrophoretically along the pH gradient, apparently sweeping away focused carrier ampholytes, resulting in a disturbance in this region [21]. In addition, DTT, DTE and an alternative reducing agent, tris(2carboxyethyl) phosphine (TCEP), which are also charged at alkaline pH, migrate towards the anode, depleting the basic end of the gel during IEF, which results in re-oxidation of reduced S-S bonds [22]. In the absence of an alkylation step during sample preparation this results in precipitation of some proteins (particularly keratins and keratin-associated proteins from hair and wool which are rich in disulphide bonds) and often in spurious spots in the alkaline pH region due to formation of “scrambled” disul- Nonionic detergents are favoured for nondenaturing IEF as most, such as Tween 80, NP-40 and Triton X-100 are mild detergents which retain enzyme activities. The original protocols of O’Farrell [12] and Klose [16] utilised NP40 and Triton X-100. These detergents are generally used at concentrations between 0.4–4%, although as high as 10% NP-40 has been used in sample buffers by Lenstra and Bloemendal [17]. N-dodecyl-b-D-maltoside is also a nonionic detergent which has been used at a final concentration of 0.47% [1]. The zwitterionic detergent, CHAPS has since been demonstrated to be more effective at solubilisation [18]. CHAPS is currently the most commonly used detergent in standard procedure for 2-DE and belongs to the class of linear sulphobetaine surfactants which also include caprylyl sulphobetaine (SB3–10), and amidosulphobetaine 14 (ASB14). Urea tolerance is a factor which must be taken into account when selecting detergents for IEF sample buffers. Some of the powerful detergents disadvantageously 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Figure 2. Nonionic and zwitterionic detergents. Proteomics 2003, 3, 1408–1417 Sample preparation phide bridges [23]. The noncharged reducing agent tributyl phosphine (TBP) overcomes this problem. DTT and DTE are both used in the concentration range of 20– 100 mM, whereas higher concentrations are required for the less potent 2-mercaptoethanol. TBP has been used at a concentration of 2 mM [24]. 2.5 Carrier ampholytes/Immobilines The addition of carrier ampholytes to the solubilising buffer has several advantages. First, where IPG strips are used, carrier ampholytes are useful in inhibiting interactions between hydrophobic proteins and Immobilines which tend to occur at the basic end of the gel, leading to a streaking effect due to precipitation [25, 26]. Carrier ampholytes additionally scavenge cyanate ions and help in the precipitation of nucleic acids during centrifugation. Carrier ampholytes are generally used at a concentration of 0.5–2%, although 2% is normally only recommended if protein solubilisation is a problem. Table 1 provides a list of different sample buffers used for solubilising various specimens for 2-DE. 1411 2.6 Protease inhibitors The denaturing properties of most sample buffers are often sufficient to inhibit the action of proteases [3, 20]. However, cathepsin C, several carboxypeptidases and endoproteinases, chymotrypsin, trypsin, plasmin and proteinase K are examples of some proteases which remain active in 1 mg/mL SDS. Thus, depending on the sample buffer employed, inclusion of protease inhibitors may be necessary. In addition, protease inhibitors are useful if lengthy sample manipulations are carried out prior to the first dimension loading. This is exemplified by the work of Olivieri et al. [33] who observed that failure to add protease inhibitors during the lengthy procedure of erythrocyte membrane preparation, which is carried out in physiological buffers providing favourable conditions for protease activity, led to massive degradation of high molecular weight proteins, resulting in a mixture of low molecular mass (,50 kDa) proteins and peptides on the 2-D gel map. Some commercially available protease inhibitors and their target proteases are summarised in Table 2. Table 1. Examples of solubilisation buffers which have been used for preparation of different samples for 2-DE. Sample Urea Thiourea Reducing agent Chinese Hamster Ovary cells (exogenously expressing membrane proteins) 7M 2M Mouse brain 5M Carrier ampholytes Reference 50 mM 2% C80 DTT or 2 mM TCEP- 2% CHAPS or HCl 2% ASB14 0.5% (3–10) Henningsen et al. [27] 2M 60 mM DTT 2% CHAPS 2% (3–10) Riederer and Shaw [3] 7M Bacterial outer membrane proteins (after carbonate washing) 7M E. coli outer membrane proteins (after carbonate washing) 2M 30 mM DTT 1% ASB14 0.5% Triton X-100 0.5% (3–10) Molloy et al. [28] 2M 2 mM TBP 1% ASB14 0.5% (3–10) Molloy et al. [29] Human plasma 8M None 10 mM DTE 2% CHAPS 0.8% (4–8) Liberatori et al. [30] Mouse liver 8M None 60 mM DTT 0.5% Triton X-100 2% (3–10) O’Connell and Stults [31] Disaggregated human kidney tissue 9M None 65 mM DTE 4% CHAPS 4% (9–11) Sarto et al. [32] 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Detergent 1412 M. M. Shaw and B. M. Riederer Proteomics 2003, 3, 1408–1417 Table 2. Protease inhibitors and their targets Protease inhibitor Target Recommended working concentration APMSF Plasma serine proteases 10–20 mM Aprotinin Serine proteases 0.01–0.3 mM Bestatin Aminopeptidases 40 mg/mL Dichloroisocoumarin Serine proteases 1–43 mg/mL Disodium EDTA Metalloproteases 100 mM E-64 Thiol proteases 1.4–2.8 mM Leupeptin Serine and thiol proteases 1 mM Pepstatin Acidic proteases 1 mM PMSF Serine proteases 100–1000 mM Phosphoramidon Thermolysin Collagenase Metalloendoproteases 7–569 mM TLCK.HCl Trypsin Thiol proteases 37–50 mg/mL TPCK Chymotrypsin Thiol proteases 70–100 mg/mL 3 Recent advances in sample preparation methodology There are three areas in sample preparation methodology which have been the subject of significant advance in recent years. These are (1) sample prefractionation, (2) resolution of “elusive” proteins, and (3) prelabelling applications. 3.1 Sample prefractionation Several examples can be provided of comparative 2-D gel studies in vivo where little or no differences have been observed in the 2-D gel maps between the control and test groups (Riederer and Shaw, unpublished data; Hondermarck et al. [34]). In many cases, even after some anatomical prefractionation (for example, removal of hippocampus or prefrontal cortex from whole brain) such studies fail to show differences due to the heterogeneity of cell types within a specimen: a protein marginally upregulated in one cell type by a particular drug treatment may be missed due to the majority of other unaffected cell types in the same sample. Similarly, some proteins in the sample may comigrate to the same spot, clouding the result. This has often led researchers to abandon the in vivo study in favour of a homogenous cell line. However, examples of enrichment of cells according to specific 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim type do exist: fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) of antibody-bound cells enables the collection of specific cell types from clinical specimens. One unique example which does not require antibody binding is the isolation of rat b-cells which can be distinguished from other cell types by their autofluorescence. After trypsin digestion of islets, rat b-cells can be FACS-sorted to .95% purity. Some cell types, for example, fibroblasts, neurons or glial cells can be “enriched” from clinical specimens by producing primary cultures under conditions which select out the cell type of interest and inhibit growth of other cell types. However, these manipulations are likely to result in activation of stress and other signalling pathways which may induce a considerable change in the protein profile of the cell. Subcellular fractionation either from a homogeneous cell type or from tissues composed of heterogeneous cell types provides an additional method of protein exclusion. Classical subcellular fractionation procedures were based mainly on centrifugation techniques [35–37]. However, recently developed methods rely more and more on differential resistance or susceptibility of cell components to various extraction buffers, for example the resistance of actin filaments, intermediate filaments and nuclei against nonionic detergents, the resistance of most intermediate-sized filament proteins, vimentin and nuclear proteins against the weakly ionic detergent sodium deoxycholate (in contrast to actin filaments which are susceptible to solubilisation by this detergent) and the resistance of intermediate-sized filaments against nonionic detergents and 1.5 M KCl [17]. Similarly, Molloy et al. [9] were able to partition Escherichia coli membrane proteins from other proteins based on the limited solubility of membrane proteins in solutions conventionally used for IEF (8 M urea, 4% CHAPS, 100 mM DTT, 40 mM Tris base, 0.5% v/v Pharmalyte 3–10, 150 U endonuclease, pH 9.5) and their partial solubility in a lysis buffer consisting of 5 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 2 mM TBP, 2% w/v SB3–10, 2% w/v CHAPS, 40 mM Tris base, 0.5% v/v Pharmalyte 3–10, 150 U endonuclease, pH 9.5. By a similar technique André et al. [38] were able to purify intermediate filaments from eukaryotic cells. Using several independent chemical extraction methods, Lenstra and Bloemendal [17] were able to characterise seven distinct subcellular fractions from cultured hamster lens cells on 2-D gels which represented the total detectable protein population of these cells (water soluble proteins, membrane proteins, actin filaments, intermediatesized filaments, microtubular proteins, polyribosomes and nuclei). For 2-D gel analysis, these fractions were dissolved in SDS-containing lysis buffer [39] and, despite the recommendations of Wilson et al. [40], boiled for 3 min, Proteomics 2003, 3, 1408–1417 then brought to 9 M urea 10% NP-40, 5% v/v Ampholines pH 3–10 and 5% 2-mercaptoethanol. The sum of the 2-D gel profiles of these fractions almost completely complemented the 2-D gel map of total cell lysates prepared by freeze-thawing in MgCl2 (5 mM), KCl (25 mM), 50 mM Tris HCl pH 7.4, treated with DNase I for 15 min at room temperature and diluting with SDS lysis buffer [39]. In many cases abundant proteins present a problem on 2-D gel maps as they severely limit the amount of nonabundant protein which can be loaded onto the first dimension and in addition, the enlarged spots which they produce on the gel may cloud or displace other spots, resulting in inaccurate pI/Mr representations of particular proteins or failure to detect proteins which may be significant. An example of a highly abundant protein in serum is albumin, which may constitute 50% of proteins present in serum. The product ProtoClear for albumin removal [41] comprised an affinity column with a monoclonal antibody to albumin, allowing better representation of proteins other than albumin on 2-DE gels. However, this product is no longer available. Albumin removal columns are, however, offered by several companies, but these do not exclude some nonspecific binding. Fibrinogen is also a highly abundant protein in plasma, which can be removed by affinity chromatography. PlasmaSelect (Martinsried, Germany) has developed a fibrinogen adsorption system (“Rheosorb”) consisting of a fibrinogen-specific pentapeptide ligand which selectively removes fibrinogen and fibrin from plasma [42]. The basis of this ligand is currently used by Geneva Proteomics (GeneProt, Geneva, Switzerland) for fibrinogen removal prior to 2-DE. In addition to columns for removal of high abundance proteins, there also exist commercially available kits for removal of substances which might otherwise interfere in IEF (e.g. PlusOne 2-DE clean up kit, Amersham Biosciences, Little Chalfont, Bucks, UK). Interfering substances include salts, nucleic acids, lipids and polysaccharides. In some instances salts may induce protein modification [43]. Generally, though, salts delay the onset of protein focusing which cannot occur until the ions have migrated to the electrodes. In addition salts increase the conductivity of the IEF gel, as the current increases since resistance is a constant, focusing occurs at a lower voltage, prolonging the time required for IEF. High salt concentrations may also cause electroendosmosis (EEO) resulting in uneven water distribution in the gel which forms zones of dehydration and overhydration. The salt concentration for IPG strips when sample is applied by in-gel rehydration should be lower than 10 mM. Application via sample cups permits higher salt concentrations (up to 50 mM). However, proteins may precipitate at the 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Sample preparation 1413 sample application site as they move into the lower salt environment of the first dimension gel [43]. Salts can be removed from samples by dialysis, gel filtration, TCA precipitation or use of protein concentration devices (e.g. Centricon columns, Millipore, Walford, UK). Urine and sweat are examples of clinical samples with a high salt content. Urine sample preparation and solubilisation for 2-DE have been described by Anderson et al. [44] and Edwards et al. [45]. Lipids bind proteins via hydrophobic interactions, affecting their charge and Mr. In many cases the protein lipid complex is insoluble in aqueous solution, resulting in failure to enter the first dimension gel. This interaction can be outcompeted by the addition of excess detergent. In the case of lipid-rich tissues such as brain or adipose tissue, excess lipids can be removed by acetone precipitation. Polysaccharides can interfere in IEF by obstructing gel pores. Ultracentrifugation removes high Mr polysaccharides. Lower Mr polysaccharides may be removed by precipitation in TCA, ammonium sulphate or phenol/ammonium acetate. Nucleic acid rich samples usually constitute rapidly dividing cells, cultured cells or biopsies from fast-growing tumours. Nucleic acids can bind proteins through electrostatic interactions, preventing focusing. High Mr nucleic acids can additionally clog the pores of the acrylamide matrix. They can be removed by treatment with nucleases, addition of carrier ampholytes with subsequent ultracentrifugation [12] or by precipitation with a basic polyamine at high pH [46]. In addition to the removal of abundant proteins such as albumin, column chromatography is also useful for the removal of certain contaminants. Desalting columns, for example, function by size exclusion. In addition to size exclusion chromatography, several other chromatographic techniques (hydrophobic interaction and reversed-phase chromatography, ion-exchange and affinity chromatography) [47] can be applied to sample prefractionation for 2-DE. However, the chromatographic principle employed depends on the aim of the electrophoretic separation. If only one or a group of proteins are to be studied by 2-DE, enrichment may be carried out by chromatographic methods. However, one technique which enables enrichment of many different proteins within a particular pI range is preparative IEF. This is useful if proteins are to be resolved afterwards on high resolution narrow range, first dimension gels, due to the limit to the overall quantity of protein which can be applied to the first dimension and avoids wasteful application of proteins which are outside of the pI range. 1414 M. M. Shaw and B. M. Riederer Preparative IEF devices include the “Rotofor” [48], produced by Bio-Rad (Hercules, CA, USA), which is based on a system proposed by Bier et al. [49], the “Isoprime” from Amersham Biosciences (Uppsala, Sweden) based on a development by Righetti et al. [50] and the “Gradiflow” from Gradipore, demonstrated by Corthals et al. [51]. The Rotofor is a rotating chamber in which samples are fractionated in solution by IEF. However, this apparatus has no separation barriers and fractions obtained are not well-resolved, with cross-contamination of proteins between fractionated pools. The Isoprime apparatus is a multicompartment electrolyser where each compartment is separated by a polyacrylamide gel membrane with a specific pH produced by Immobilines incorporated into the membranes. The Isoprime apparatus produces high quality fractions. However, it was developed primarily for large-scale separation of partially purified preparations, not for fractionation of crude extracts. Zou and Speicher [52] developed a solution IEF device based on a scaleddown volume version of the Isoprime apparatus for prefractionation of cell extracts, which also yielded wellresolved fractions. This has been further developed as the microscale solution or “nusol” IEF technique [53]. A further off-gel IEF unit, consisting of a fluid-filled multiwell device placed on top of an IPG gel has been developed by Michel et al. [54]. Proteins diffuse through the gel and into the solution of each well. This effectively increases the capacity of the IPG gel and provides protein at fractionated pI ranges in solution for further manipulation. The system allows resolution to as high as 0.1 pH unit. 3.2 Resolution of “elusive” proteins There exist several classes of proteins which have eluded resolution on 2-D gel maps and thus represent some of the proteins which continue to remain beneath the tip of the “proteome iceberg”. Proteins fail to be resolved on 2-D gels for a number of reasons. They either do not enter the first dimension gel, or they enter the gel but precipitate and do not migrate, forming streaks. Precipitation also makes transfer to the second dimension difficult. Other proteins may be present at such low levels that they escape detection or they may be highly unstable and degrade so rapidly that they cannot be detected, factors which may be counteracted by prefractionation or the use of protease inhibitors. Finally, some proteins may not be resolvable on 2-D gels simply because their pIs fall outside the range of the first dimension. The latter are exemplified by the very basic (pI .10) ribosomal proteins and histones. This problem was solved by developments which enabled extension of the pI extremes of IPG strips [55]. The increased reverse 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Proteomics 2003, 3, 1408–1417 electroendosmotic flow in these strips necessitated the inclusion of isopropanol and glycerol in the reswelling solution [4]. The failure of proteins to enter IEF gels may be due to several factors. One is size. The spectrins represent a group of large (280 kDa) filamentous proteins which, when using IPG strips in the first dimension, are lost from the 2-D map unless active instead of passive sample hydration into the IPG strip is carried out [33]. Another property, which affects the ability of proteins to enter IEF gels or remain in solution during focusing is solubility. Proteins which resist solubilisation in specific sample buffers are invariably hydrophobic membrane proteins, nuclear proteins and proteins highly prone to aggregation such as tubulin and keratins. Improved solubilisation of keratins can be achieved by ensuring (and maintaining) maximal reduction of disulphide bonds. This may be achieved by alkylation immediately after reduction, or with the highly potent, noncharged reducing agent, TBP. Further improvements have been made by the inclusion of thiourea; in the absence of this strong chaotrope, tubulin and fibronectin are barely visible on 2-D gels. The addition of zwitterionic amphiphilic surfactants (e.g. CHAPS or SB3–10) has also improved protein solublisation. In a study comparing the solubilisation properties of various sample buffers, Rabilloud et al. [6] found that CHAPS-containing solutions consisting of urea and thiourea were more effective at solubilising high Mr integral membrane proteins than SB3–10-containing solutions. However, since SB3–10 is not compatible with high levels of urea, the urea concentration in this case had to be limited to 5 M, whereas the CHAPS-containing solution contained 7 M urea. Therefore, a direct comparison of the efficacy of the two surfactants was not made. A similar indirect comparison was carried out by Molloy et al. [56] who compared the solubilisation efficacies of a buffer containing 2% CHAPS and 2% SB3–10 with a buffer containing 1% ASB14. The remaining components of both buffers were essentially the same, except that the CHAPS/SB3–10 buffer contained 5 M urea and 2 M thiourea, whereas the ASB14 buffer contained 7 M urea and 2 M thiourea. They found that the ASB14-containing buffer produced larger spots on the 2-D gels, indicative of more protein. However, this improved yield may also be a result of the increased urea concentration used in conjunction with this surfactant. The alkyl aminosulphobetaine, ASB14, used in conjunction with urea and thiourea, resulted in the appearance of several integral membrane proteins not previously detected on 2-D maps [57]. Nouwens et al. [58] directly compared two sample buffers (both containing 7 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 0.5% carrier ampholytes and 2 mM TBP), one buffer additionally containing 2% CHAPS and 2% Proteomics 2003, 3, 1408–1417 SB3–10 and the other additionally containing 1% ASB14. The ASB14 buffer was superior at solubilising bacterial membrane proteins. A direct comparison has also been made between a solubilisation buffer containing 2 M thiourea, 7 M urea and 4% CHAPS and the same buffer additionally containing the amphiphilic nondetergent sulphobetaine NDSB256 (Calbiochem, La Jolla, CA, USA) (at 5% concentration). It was found that this dual inclusion of surfactants markedly increased the number of spots present on the 2-D gel, in particular high Mr spots [6]. Macri et al. [59] reported an increase in the total number of proteins observed on 2-D gels when the alkylaryl aminosulphobetaine zwitterionic detergent C80 was used. However, a number of key membrane-associated proteins could not be detected. Nevertheless, in the case of plant plasma membranes, two of the most abundant hydrophobic proteins (water channels and H+ATPase) could be detected after solubilisation with C80 [60]. In a further study on plant plasma membrane proteins, Santoni et al. [61] purified plant plasma membranes and were able to enrich for integral membrane proteins by further washing with sodium carbonate at pH 11 to remove peripheral membrane proteins. Many of these proteins could then be viewed on 2-D gels after solubilisation in a C80-containing lysis buffer. Similar carbonate treatments were carried out by Molloy et al. [28, 29] to extract bacterial outer membrane proteins. Carbonate treatment is essentially an enrichment and extraction procedure which, coupled with an adequate solubilisation procedure, increases the likelihood of low copy number membrane proteins being present on the 2-D gel map. In addition to carbonate washing, organic solvent extraction has been carried out to enhance representation of hydrophobic proteins from E. coli on 2-D gels [56]. This method, however, in which lyophilised E. coli was extracted in a 1:1 v/v solution of chloroform and methanol, and, after evaporation, resuspended in ASB14-containing solubilisation buffer, facilitated the representation of new hydrophobic proteins from cytoplasm and periplasm. However, it failed to resolve highly hydrophobic transmembrane proteins and in addition produced a lipid smear on the 2-D gels. Since the same ASB14-containing buffer was later successfully used to resolve E. coli outer membrane proteins by Molloy et al. [28] it is likely that the organic solvent extraction method may have contributed to the failure to resolve highly hydrophobic proteins. Finally, it is important to mention a recent study by Henningsen et al. [27], comparing the solubilisation abilities of five surfactants, namely CHAPS, C80, ASB-14, ASB-16 and SB3-10. The solubilisation buffer used with all deter- 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Sample preparation 1415 gents in this case was 7 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 50 mM DTT, 2 mM TCEP-HCl, 0.5% carrier ampholytes pH 3–10 and 2% detergent (except in the case of SB3–10, where the urea concentration was limited to 5 M). Henningsen et al. [27] found that C80 appeared to be the best compound for solubilisation of the intrinsic membrane receptor, rP2X3, followed, to a much lesser extent, by CHAPS. The order of detergent solubilisation potency for rP2X3 was: C80 . CHAPS . ASB14 . SB3–10 ASB16. The authors also compared the solubilisation efficacies of C80, CHAPS and ASB14 for the integral membrane protein FLAG-hH2R and revealed that, again, C80 was the most potent solubiliser, but contrary to the results obtained with rP2X3, ASB14 was more effective than CHAPS (order of solubilisation potency: C80 . ASB14 . CHAPS) at solubilizing FLAG-hH2R. These results demonstrate that choice of detergent for optimal solubilisation clearly depends on the nature of the protein to be solubilised. 3.3 Prelabelling applications The first pre-electrophoretic labelling technique described for 2-DE was traditional radioactive labelling of E. coli proteins followed by autoradiography [12]. Since then, prelabelling has expanded into the area of fluorescent dye technology. The first prelabelling fluorescent dyes were monobromobimane [62, 63] and 2-methoxy2,4-diphenyl-3(2H)-furanone (MDPF). The main disadvantage of MDPF is that it reacts with primary amino groups, thereby altering the protein’s charge and pI, analogous to the effect of carbamylation. Monobromobimane, on the other hand, reacts with the free sulphhydryl groups of cysteine residues in proteins, and therefore, since SH groups are neutral, protein charge is unaffected. In order to generate free 2SH groups, reduction is necessary and therefore this dye is not suitable for nonreducing IEF. Another limitation of 2SH group labelling is that not all proteins contain cysteines and therefore cysteine-less proteins cannot be visualised by this method. In addition, the intensity of labelling is not linearly dependent on the amount of protein present in a single spot since it also depends on how cysteine-rich the protein is. A slight disadvantage of monobromobimane, particularly concerning 2-D gels, is that its sensitivity is comparable with that of Coomassie. An advantage of 2SH labelling is that it functions like alkylation after reduction, blocking the reduced sulphhydryl groups and preventing reformation of disulphide bridges. Theoretically, therefore and in practice, pre-electrophoretic sulphhydryl labelling improves the 2-D gel map at the basic end, where depletion of DTT is otherwise likely to result in a streaking effect due to protein aggregation and precipitation. 1416 M. M. Shaw and B. M. Riederer Until recently, no 2SH binding fluorophore has surpassed monobromobimane. It is possible, however, that a new fluorophore, “Superbright” – currently under development at PerkinElmer (Cambridge, UK) – will replace monobromobimane due to its increased intensity [64]. Amersham Biosciences have also manufactured a series of Cy dyes which bind to sulphhydryl groups, which, like Superbright” are not yet commercially available. The current commercially available Cy dyes label lysine residues and match the charge on the lysine so these dyes are suitable for IEF [65, 66]. The difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) methodology from Amersham offers three spectrally distinct CyDyes (Cy2, Cy3 and Cy5). This enables three different samples to be run on a single gel, which has the advantage of excluding variations in, for example, transfer to the second dimension after focusing, second dimension gel gradients or %T:%C ratios which may then interfere in comparative analysis. A further application of the fluorescent CyDyes is the inclusion of an “internal standard” [67]; a pool of all the experimental samples labelled with one of the CyDye DIGE fluors. The internal standard is then run on every single gel along with each individual sample. This means that every protein from all samples of the experiment will be represented in the internal standard. If a variation is observed in, for example, a drug-treated sample when compared to the control and the same variation is observed in the internal standard belonging to the same gel as the drug-treated sample but not of the control, then the apparent biological variation observed is most likely to be an artefact due to gel handling/first dimension transfer differences etc. and not a true biological difference. Thus the application of an internal standard using DIGE technology eliminates gelto-gel variation. 4 Conclusions Progress in recent years in sample preparation methodology for 2-DE has focused on improvements in sample prefractionation, results visualisation and sample buffer constituents to achieve better representation of poorly soluble proteins. Since the introduction of thiourea into the standard sample buffer protocol, research has been steered towards the synthesis of novel detergents for optimal solubilisation and comparison of the effectiveness of detergents and combinations of detergents. Current research into detergent-aided solubilisation for poorly soluble proteins suggests that C80 is likely to be the best surfactant, followed by ASB14 or CHAPS. In some cases combination of CHAPS with another surfactant (e.g. NDSB256) improves solubilisation potential. Generally, CHAPS appears to be more effective than 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Proteomics 2003, 3, 1408–1417 SB3–10 or ASB16 and CHAPS has also been found to be more effective than the traditional nonionic detergents, NP-40 and Triton X-100. It must be taken into account, however, that a variety of factors influence the optimal sample preparation protocol, some of which have been highlighted in this review. Our goal has been to provide a general protocol and to underline some of the reasons why certain proteins may not be optimally resolved. It is clear that for optimal protein representation a variety of sample buffers may need to be tested in a trial-and-error manner. Unfortunately, no mathematical model is available to determine the optimal sample buffer and since the purpose of 2-DE is often to compare and analyse the (in many cases unknown) constituents of samples, the realisation of such a model becomes appreciable only as the expanding proteome and 2-D gel map databases fully unravel the protein constituents of biological tissues. Received December 20, 2002 5 References [1] Jackowski, G., Pielucha, K., J. Photochem. Photobiol. B 2001, 64, 45–54. [2] Lippincott, J., Apostol, I., Anal. Biochem. 1999, 267, 57–64. [3] Riederer, B. M., Shaw, M. M., in: Proc. Swiss Proteomics Society, Fontis Media, Lausanne 2002, pp. 232–235. 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