REPORT ON THE MINERALOGY OF A SAMPLE FROM THE AGRICOLA RESOURCES ENERGY RIDGE PROSPECT HAUTAJAERVI, LAPIN LAANI, FINLAND Christopher Halls PhD Associate Department of Mineralogy NHM London 21 November 2005 1 Contents Figures Figure 1 Geological map of the Kuusamo Schist Belt Finland, showing the location of the Hautajaervi claims with the Energy Ridge prospect. Figure 2 Photograph of exposure in Trench A, Agricola Resources Energy Ridge prospect, Hautajaervi claims. Macrophotograph of the polished block containing the Energy Ridge sample. Figure 3 Figure 4 Backscattered electron micrograph of amphibole matrix with secondary uranium minerals filling fractures. Semi-quantitative analysis of elements present in edenite. Figure 5 23-1045) Diffraction peaks of the Energy Ridge amphibole compared to reference edenite (PDF number Figure 6 Backscattered electron micrograph showing aggregate of oxidised pyrite and secondary uranium minerals with stacked X-ray spectra. Figure 7 Backscattered electron micrograph showing widenmannite forming filling of fracture in edenite. Figure 8 Backscattered electron micrograph showing widenmannite core in altered aggregate together with characteristic X-ray spectrum. Figure 9 Backscattered electron micrograph of detail in pure widenmannite aggregate to show tabular morphology of crystallites. Figure 9a Semi-quantitative analysis of pure widenmannite aggregate. Figure 10 Backscattered electron micrograph showing detail of oxidised aggregate with widenmannite and altered pyrite. X-ray spectra in stacked format. Figure 11 Backscattered electron micrograph showing calcite with uranophane located in cleavage. Figure 11a Detail showing uranophane from cleavage with semi-quantitative analysis. Figure 12 Backscattered electron micrograph showing magnetite grain in edenite. Figure 13 Nucleus of secondary widenmannite in oxidised aggregate of pyrite. Figure 14 Backscattered electron micrograph showing detail of mosaic pattern in altered pyrite with associated widenmannite. Figure 15 Diagram from Garrels and Christ (1965) showing the wide field of stability of uranyl carbonate ionic species under ambient conditions in the natural environment. Table 1 List of lattice planes and parameters for reference edenite (PDF number 23 1045). Acknowledgements The analyses presented in this report were made using the JEOL scanning electron microscope and the Nonius X-ray diffractometer in the Department of Mineralogy at the Natural History Museum by courtesy of Dr Andy Fleet, Keeper of Mineralogy. Expert assistance in the gathering of images and analyses was provided by Mr Anton Kearsley Mr John Spratt, and Ms Caroline Kirk 2 Introduction A small sample of rock taken from outcrop in Trench A of the Agricola Resources Energy Ridge prospect on the Hautajaervi claims in the Kuusamo Schist Belt of Lapin Laani County in Finland was submitted for mineralogical analysis. The setting in relationship to the geology of the Kuusamo Schist Belt is shown in the map Figure 1. The outcrop of this rock exposed by trenching is shown in the photograph, Figure 2, taken from the Agricola Resources plc website Based on the results of scintillometry and multielement chemical analysis carried out in the laboratories of the Geological Survey of Finland, the rock is known to contain greater than 0.36 wt % of U3O8 , together with significant amounts of Na2O, K2O, MgO, Fe2O3 , CaO, Al2O3 (reaching 50 wt %) TiO2,and SiO2. P2O5 and Pb are also present in minor amounts. The sample was taken from a ten metre interval over which the average grade of uranium is 0.36 wt% U3O8 , and the CaO content reaches values as high as 50 wt%. Mineralogical investigation of the sample has been carried out with the aim of identifying the main mineral components of the rock and, in particular, to determine the uranium-bearing phases that are present. Preparation of sample material and analytical methods Using a Geiger counter, the sample was tested for radioactivity. The count rate was significantly above background confirming the presence of radioactive elements in the rock. The sample was cut using a diamond saw and two fragments were mounted in a resin block and polished so that semi-quantitative energy dispersive X-ray analysis of the minerals could be made using the JEOL JSM 5900 LV scanning electron microscope in the Department of Mineralogy at the NHM. A small fragment of the dark green ferromagnesian mineral from the sample was crushed to a powder in an agate pestle and mortar so that a definite identification could be made using the Nonius CPS 120 powder diffractometer in the Department of Mineralogy at the NHM. This enabled a specific identification of the amphibole mineral for which only an approximate chemical analysis could be obtained using the JSM 5900 in semi-quantitative analytical mode. Description of the Energy Ridge sample A macrophotograph of the two fragments of the rock, mounted and polished in a resin block, is shown in Figure 3. There are two distinct areas in the rock that contrast markedly in colour. One is the blackish green aggregate of subhedral ferromagnesian minerals. The other forms the matrix of pink and colourless minerals in which the dark green material is set. The external characteristics of this sample therefore match those of the outcrop from which it was collected (see Figure 2). A tentative identification of the dark green mineral as tourmaline is made in the caption on the Agricola Resources plc website. The well-developed prismatic cleavage of the mineral suggests that it is more likely a pyroxene or amphibole. The basal/oblique sections visible on the polished surface of the sample show partly rhombic outlines with an obtuse angle between faces of about 124o. Based on this characteristic, the mineral preliminarily identified as an amphibole. The cleavage surfaces exposed by splitting the grains with a steel engraving tool are lustrous and bright showing that the mineral has not been significantly altered to chlorite. Examination of the specimen using a hand lens shows that some biotite is also present. The pink matrix in which the ferromagnesian minerals are set is relatively soft (Mohs hardness 3) and has a good rhombohedral cleavage. It is therefore likely to be a carbonate. In addition to the major minerals making up the rock, small grains of an iron grey magnetic phase are present. These can be seen with a hand lens and a pen magnet is attracted to the corresponding points on the polished surface. This confirms that accessory magnetite is present in the rock. Small yellowish flecks are present on the macrophotograph of the polished surface (Figure 3). These are the secondary uranium minerals which are described as coating the surface of the outcrop in Trench A shown in Figure 2. Their presence on the polished surface suggests that uranium bearing mineral aggregates occur not only as surface coatings but also distributed within the mass of the rock. 3 Results of analysis of the Energy Ridge sample The polished block was coated with carbon and placed in the specimen chamber of the JEOL JSM 5900 LV scanning electron microscope. A reconnaissance of the polished surface was made using the instrument in the scanning mode. Backscattered electron images of the scanned surface enable a distinction to be made between mineral phases consisting of elements with high atomic numbers and those with elements having lower atomic numbers. Backscattering of electrons from the electron beam is greater when the nuclei of the constituent elements are heavier. Thus the minerals containing heavier elements show up brightly, whereas the less heavy phases appear darker in the grey scale of the image. For this reason, minerals in which uranium is a constituent element show up brightly against areas of the common rock forming silicates and gangue. Uranium has an atomic number of 92 and is the heaviest of the common elements in the periodic table. Using the contrast in the backscattered electron images, the areas of uranium-bearing phases were quickly identified and a selection of images were captured. The images were then used to control the selection of points for semi-quantitative analysis of the uranium minerals and the minerals in the surrounding matrix. When operated in analytical mode, the JEOL JSM 5900 LV combined with Oxford Instruments Inca software can graphically display the energy dispersive spectra of the characteristic X-ray peaks emitted by the constituent elements in the mineral as they are bombarded by the focussed electron micro beam. Based on the counts obtained for characteristic X-rays emitted within defined energy ranges, a semiquantitative analysis of the mineral can be rapidly calculated using the Inca programme. In the case of binary and ternary compounds, these semi-quantitative analyses usually allow an unambiguous identification of the mineral to be made. If the mineral belongs to a complex silicate mineral group like the pyroxenes or amphiboles, the semi-quantitative analysis will often only allow a rough identification of the phase concerned. In such a case, further confirmation can be obtained by using X-ray diffractometry to provide information about the lattice structure of the mineral concerned. To obtain an unequivocal identity for the amphibole in the Energy Ridge sample, this option was chosen. The Nonius CPS 120 diffractometer with an Inel position sensitive detector was used to collect a spectrum of the X-ray diffraction peaks from a powdered sample of the dark green mineral. The results of the semi-quantitative analysis of elements contained in the amphibole, combined with the match between the diffractometry peaks for the various planes in the lattice structure show that the amphibole is edenite NaCa2(MgFe)5(AlSi7)O22(OH)2 A semi-quantitative analysis of edenite with the corresponding backscattered electron micrograph captured using the JEOL JSM 5900 LV is shown in Figure 4. The micrograph also shows the bright secondary uranium minerals-filling fractures in the edenite matrix. Figure 5 shows the diffraction peaks of the amphibole from Trench A, Energy Ridge, matched against the diagnostic peaks for edenite stored in the XRD powder diffraction reference archive. The comparison has been made with reference sample PDF number 23-1045. The full details of the reflections characteristic of the reference edenite sample are given in Table 1. Reconnaissance of the polished sample using backscattered electron imagery allowed the uraniferous phases in the rock to be rapidly located. The uraniferous minerals occur in two different situations in the rock: 1) The larger areas of uranium minerals coincide with the pale yellow spots (0.5-1.5mm diameter) which are clearly visible in the macrophotograph, Figure 3. The areas are aggregates in which a central core of secondary uranium minerals is partly surrounded by and intergrown with pyrite which itself is partly oxidised to secondary sulphates. The characteristic mineralogies of these aggregates are shown in Figures 6, 8, 10, 13 and 14 2) Within the host amphibole and the pink carbonate matrix, thin veinlets (10-40 microns wide) of secondary uranium minerals fill cleavages and fractures. In many cases, these veinlets are distributed around the larger aggregates. Typical examples are shown in Figures 4, 7 and 11. Characteristic X-ray spectra from these thin veins frequently include peaks of elements present in the surrounding matrix. In other cases, the spectrum and semi-quantitative analysis is good enough to allow identification. 4 A typical aggregate of the first type containing a core of secondary uranium minerals and surrounded by partly oxidised pyrite is shown in the backscatter electron micrograph Figure 6. The X-ray spectra from several points in the aggregate and surrounding matrix are given in a stacked format below the micrograph. The secondary uranium mineral in the core of the aggregate displays characteristic peaks for the elements U, Pb, and C. It should be noted that the specimen has been coated with carbon to ensure a conducting surface so that charge from the electron beam does not build up on the specimen surface. For this reason a carbon peak will be detected whether the mineral contains carbon in its structure or not. In this case, the carbon peak is much higher than that produced by X-ray emission from the coating alone, and therefore carbon must be present in the mineral structure. Based on semi-quantitative analysis of several aggregates and homogeneous areas of this mineral (Figures 6, 7, 8, 9a, 10, and 13), the secondary uranium mineral is identified as widenmannite. This is a lead uranyl carbonate having the formula Pb2(UO2)(CO3)3. Widenmannite is a soft (Mohs hardness 2), pale yellow mineral with a nacreous lustre, perfect cleavage [100], a tabular habit and a density of 6.89. Because of the uranium it contains, it is radioactive, producing greater than 70 Bq/gramme. The macrophotograph provides confirmation of the colour of the mineral and the electron micrographs show the densely packed tabular crystallites which form the cores of the larger aggregates (Figure 9) and the segregated veinlets (Figure 7). The mineral was first described in 1961 by Walenta and Wimmenauer from the Michael Vein in Weiler bei Lehr, Schwarzwald, Germany and was named for Bergrat J.F. Widenmann (1764-1798) who first discovered ‘uranium micas’ in the Schwarzwald. In the Michael vein, the widenmannite occurs in association with galena and cerussite. In addition to the widenmannite that forms the cores of all the uraniferous aggregates in the specimen from Energy Ridge, and fills many of the veinlets in the surrounding minerals, some other secondary uranium minerals are also present in fine veinlets. The spectra obtained from these indicate the presence of uranophane and probably also some autunite (Figure 11a). The matrix of the widenmannite in the aggregates shows characteristic X-ray peaks indicating the presence of thorium, LREE and phosphorus, as well as U and lead (Figure 10). This association of elements is not readily ascribed to a single mineral and the matrix is, in all probability a mixture of at least two secondary phases. Conclusions Semi-quantitative energy-dispersive analysis of the X-ray spectra generated by the electron beam on selected points in the minerals composing the rock sample from the Agricola Resources Energy Ridge prospect indicate that the main minerals present are amphibole (edenite), biotite, albite and calcite. Accessory Fe-Ti oxide phases are magnetite and ilmenite. The uranium minerals present are the secondary uranyl lead carbonate widenmannite, together with minor amounts of the calcium uranyl silicate uranophane. Much of the widenmannite is found in mm scale aggregates together with pyrite that is partly altered to secondary sulphate minerals such as jarosite. The atomic ratio Pb:U indicated by the stoichiometry of the widenmannite formula is 2:1 so this secondary mineral is relatively lead rich. No remains of a lead-rich precursor mineral have been detected, so the original mineralogical source of the lead in the widenmannite is open to speculation. Some of the lead may have been generated as a result of the breakdown of the radioactive isotopes of U. The most likely candidate mineral to provide a source of lead would be galena PbS, as is the case at the type locality, the Michael Vein in the Schwarzwald. Uranium could originally have been present as uraninite UO2 .The euhedral shapes visible around the widenmannite cores suggest that the original aggregates may have been a mixture of euhedral pyrite and uraninite. This hypothesis fails to account for the presence of Th, LREE and P in the matrix surrounding the cores of pure widenmannite. The presence of secondary uranyl compounds in the Energy Ridge sample is a natural consequence of oxidation of precursor minerals carrying uranium in the U4+ state. The wide range of conditions under which complex uranyl carbonate ions are stable at near ambient temperatures in the natural environment is shown in the Eh-pH-PCO2 diagram (Figure) taken from Garrels and Christ (1965). At Energy Ridge the uranyl carbonate ions have combined mainly with Pb and Ca. 5 The association of rock-forming minerals in the Energy Ridge sample shows that the rock has affinities with alkaline carbonic eruptives. This conclusion is supported by the presence of LREE and phosphorus, as well as uranium in the accessory paragenesis. Edenite was first described from the Franklin Marble, a formation that extends from the famous mines of Franklin, New Jersey, to New York. In fact, the fine specimen of edenite on display at the Smithsonian Museum is from Finland! The Agricola Hautajaervi claims are located in the meta-eruptive unit of the Palaeoproterozoic Kuusamo Schist Belt which has been interpreted as a failed intracontinental rift within an Archaean platform. The metallogeny of the belt is characterised by the distinctive association of the elements Cu-Co-U-LREE (Au). Intense albitisation is also a feature of the deuteric/metamorphic history of the eruptives in this belt. This geochemical pattern has been well-described in the literature and is summarised in the Geological Survey of Finland site ( where additional references can be found. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the Energy Ridge rock sample fits well within the context of the Kuusamo Schist belt, but further mineralogical study of fresh rocks will be necessary to determine the identity of the primary uranium bearing minerals from which the secondary paragenesis at Energy Ridge has been formed. References Garrels R.M. and Christ C.L. (1965) Solutions, Minerals and Equilibria. Harper and Row, New York, 450p Hey M.H. (1961) Twenty-second list of new mineral names. Mineralogical Magazine, 32, p.941-961. Walenta K. and Wimmenauer W (1961) Jahresheft geol. Landesamt Baden-Wurttemburg, 4, p.22 6 FIGURE 1 Geological map showing the position of the Agricola Energy Ridge prospect in the Hautajaervi sector of the Kuusamo Schist Belt 7 FIGURE 2 - Exposure of uraniferous rock in Trench A from which the sample was obtained. The dark green mineral is the amphibole edenite. The pink mineral is calcite with some albite intergrown. Yellowish secondary uranium minerals coat the upper surface. 8 FIGURE 3 - Macrophotograph of sample of uraniferous rock from Trench A, Energy Ridge, Agricola Hautajarvi prospect, Kuusamo Schist Belt, Lapin Laani, Finland. Polished block with two fragments mounted in resin. The dark mineral forming most of the rock is the amphibole edenite NaCa2(MgFe)5(AlSi7)O22(OH)2, also intergrown with some biotite, and containing accessory grains of magnetite and ilmenite. The pink mineral forming a partial matrix for the pyroxene is calcite, showing rhombohedral cleavage. The clear (grey) silicate grains included within the calcite in the smaller fragment to the right are albite. The yellow flecks in the pyroxene and calcite of the larger fragment are aggregates of secondary uranium minerals associated with oxidised pyrite. The main secondary uranium minerals are widenmannite Pb2(UO2)(CO3)3, a lead uranyl carbonate, and uranophane Ca(UO2)2[SiO3(OH)]2.5H2O, a hydrated calcium uranyl silicate. Identity of minerals determined by semi-quantitative energy dispersive x-ray analysis using the JEOL JSM-5900 LV scanning electron microscope in the Department of Mineralogy at the Natural History Museum, London. Scale: Diameter of polished block is 4cm¨ 9 FIGURE 4 - Electron backscatter micrograph showing the amphibole edenite forming a matrix for secondary uranyl minerals (bright grey) filling fractures. The identity of edenite was confirmed by X-ray diffractometry using a Nonius CPS 120 powder diffractometer with an INEL position sensitive detector. Diffraction peaks with match against reference edenite shown in Figure 5 No peaks omitted Processing option : Oxygen by stoichiometry (Normalised) Number of iterations = 3 Eleme nt Weight % Atomic % Compd % Formul a Na K Mg K Al K Si K Ca K Fe K O 0.58 11.07 1.15 26.11 8.33 8.70 44.07 0.55 9.96 0.93 20.34 4.55 3.41 60.27 0.78 18.35 2.17 55.86 11.66 11.19 Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 CaO FeO Totals 100.00 10 STOE Powder Diffraction Analysis Nonius CPS120 Powder Diffractometer with Inel PSD 21-Nov-05 Finland Agricola Resources, Energy Ridge Prospect [23-1405] Na Ca2 Mg5 Al Si7 O22 ( O H )2 / Sodium Calcium Magnesium Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide / Edenite 1000 Absolute Intensity 800 600 400 200 0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 2Theta FIGURE 5 - Diffraction pattern of the amphibole mineral from Agricola Energy Ridge prospect. The best match in the powder diffraction data base is with Edenite, (PDF number 23-1045). There are peaks observed that are not part of the standard pattern, but this is probably due to the quality of the pattern. The monoclinic unit cell of Edenite has calculated peaks coinciding with all those displayed in the pattern of the Energy Ridge sample. This confirms edenite. 11 TABLE 1 Reference Pattern [23-1405] PDF-2 Sets 1-89 Quality: I Wavelength: 1.540598 ________________________________________________________________________________ Sodium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium Silicate Hydroxide Na Ca2 Mg5 Al Si7 O22 ( O H )2 Edenite ________________________________________________________________________________ Rad.: CuKa (1.54178) Filter: Beta Ni d-sp: I/Icor.: Cutoff: Int.: Diffractometer Ref.: Department of Geology, University of Durham, Durham, England, UK., ICDD Grant-in-Aid ________________________________________________________________________________ System: Monoclinic Spacegroup: C2/m (12) a: 9.837 b: 17.954 c: 5.307 a/b: 0.5479 c/b: 0.2956 A: B: 105.18 C: V: 904.6 Z: 2 Dx: 3.062 Dm: Mp: SS/FOM: F23 = 7.8 ( 0.0350, 83 ) FOM(DeWolff): 8.4 ________________________________________________________________________________ Color: Green, black ________________________________________________________________________________ Optical data on specimen from Eganville, Ontario, Canada. Specimen from Franklin Furnace, New Jersey, USA. See ICSD 79138 (PDF 01-083-0056). ________________________________________________________________________________ d[Å] 2Theta Int. h k l d[Å] 2Theta Int. h k l ________________________________________________________________________________ 9.0100 8.4300 4.9100 4.5000 3.8870 9.809 10 10.486 80 18.052 4 19.713 10 22.860 4 0 1 -1 0 -1 2 1 1 4 3 0 0 1 0 1 2.3380 38.473 10 2.2930 39.259 4 2.2210 40.587 2 2.1550 41.887 8 2.0430 44.301 4 3.3770 3.2670 3.1200 2.9330 2.8000 26.371 12 27.275 40 28.587 100 30.453 12 31.937 18 0 2 3 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 1 0 0 1 0 2.0100 45.068 10 1.9570 46.359 2 1.8590 48.958 2 2.7370 2.6990 2.5870 2.5490 2.3760 32.692 33.166 34.646 35.179 37.834 -3 1 0 -2 3 3 5 6 0 5 1 1 1 2 0 10 20 8 10 10 -3 -1 0 -3 2 5 7 4 3 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 1 1 9 0 4 6 0 ________________________________________________________________________________ 12 FIGURE 6 - Backscattered electron micrograph showing aggregate of oxidised pyrite and secondary uranium minerals in biotite matrix. Characteristic X-ray spectra are (1)-biotite; (2)-pyrite; (3)-widenmannite (lead uranyl carbonate); (4) jarosite 13 FIGURE 7. Widenmannite (lead uranyl carbonate) Pb2 (UO2) (CO3)3 filling fracture in edenite. Note prominence of carbon peak (C). 14 FIGURE 8. Electron backscatter micrograph of widenmannite core in secondary aggregate showing characteristic X-ray spectrum. Iron peaks are from products of pyrite oxidation. 15 FIGURE 9 - Backscattered electron micrograph showing tabular morphology in area of secondary lead uranyl carbonate, widenmannite, in silicate matrix. Diagnostic X-ray spectrum. 16 FIGURE 9a: - Semi-quantitative analysis of pure widenmannite aggregate. Note the stoichiometric proportions of Pb and Uranium which are present in the ratio Pb:U approximately 2:1. No peaks omitted Semi-quantitative analysis Processing option : Oxygen by stoichiometry (Normalised) Number of iterations = 3 Eleme nt Weight % Atomic % Compd % Formul a Pb M UM O Totals 51.86 36.73 11.41 100.00 22.39 13.80 63.80 55.87 44.13 PbO UO3 Figure: Backscattered electron micrograph showing area of nearly pure lead uranyl carbonate, widenmannite, and analysis of constituent elements, omitting carbon. 17 FIGURE 10 - Backscattered electron micrograph showing aggregate of secondary uranium minerals and oxidised pyrite with stacked X-ray spectra corresponding to specific phases and mixtures in the aggregate. Spectra 1, 2 and 5 show elements characteristic of Widenmannite with addition of thorium. Spectra 3 and 4 indicate pyrite and secondary sulphate 18 FIGURE 11. Backscattered electron micrograph showing calcite (spectrum 1) and amphibole (spectrum 2) with secondary uranyl compound filling fractures in calcite. Note that an analysis of the carbon in the carbonate is not computed because carbon is used as a conductive coating on the specimen. However, a proportionally high carbon peak appears in the X-ray spectrum. Note rhombohedral cleavage traces in calcite. This is the pink matrix seen in Figure 2. Processing option : Oxygen by stoichiometry (Normalised) Spectru m In stats. Spectru m1 Spectru m2 Yes Max. Min. Yes Na Mg Si 6.6 2 6.5 4 56.8 5 6.6 2 0.0 0 6.5 4 0.0 0 56.8 5 0.00 Ca 100.0 0 0.56 100.0 0 0.56 Fe Total 29.4 2 100.0 0 100.0 0 29.4 2 0.00 All results in compound% 19 FIGURE 11a - Backscattered electron micrograph showing veinlet filled by secondary uranophane, hydrated calcium uranyl silicate Ca(UO2)2[SiO3(OH)]2.5H2O. A small amount of phosphorus is also detected so some calcium uranyl phosphate is also likely to be present No peaks omitted Processing option : Oxygen by stoichiometry (Normalised) Number of iterations = 3 Eleme nt Weight % Atomic % Compd % Formul a Si K PK Ca K UM O Totals 6.45 0.28 5.63 64.66 22.99 100.00 11.00 0.43 6.73 13.01 68.83 13.79 0.63 7.88 77.70 SiO2 P2O5 CaO UO3 Figure Backscattered electron micrograph showing fractures in calcite filled by secondary uranophane, calcium uranyl silicate Ca (UO2)2 [SiO3(OH)]2.5H2O 20 FIGURE 12 Accessory magnetite included in edenite matrix 21 Spectrum processing : No peaks omitted Processing option : Oxygen by stoichiometry (Normalised) Number of iterations = 3 Standard : Fe Eagle Station 2okV 2nAFC 051018 Pb PbF2 1-Jun-1999 12:00 AM U U 1-Jun-1999 12:00 AM 18-Oct-2005 03:56 PM Eleme nt Weight % Atomic % Compd % Formul a Fe K Pb M UM O Totals 0.66 51.74 36.13 11.47 100.00 1.04 22.09 13.43 63.43 0.85 55.73 43.42 FeO PbO UO3 FIGURE Aggregate showing secondary lead uranyl carbonate, widenmannite, replacing unknown precursor mineral 22 Spectrum processing : No peaks omitted Processing option : All elements analyzed (Normalised) Number of iterations = 2 Standard : S FeS b6 2nAFC 20kV 040901 2-Sep-2004 04:11 PM Fe Eagle Station 2okV 2nAFC 051018 18-Oct-2005 03:56 PM Eleme nt Weight % Atomic % SK Fe K 52.57 47.43 65.88 34.12 Totals 100.00 FIGURE 14 - Partly altered pyrite with associated widenmannite (white). Detail from larger aggregate. 23 Figure 15 - Diagram taken from Garrels and Christ (1965) showing the wide field of stability of uranyl carbonate ionic species under ambient conditions in the natural environment. See Garrels R.M. and Christ C.L. (1965) Solutions, Minerals and Equilibria. Harper and Row, New York, 450p. 24
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