5/3/2010 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ANALYSIS, SAMPLE SIZE Dr. Yan Liu Department of Biomedical, Industrial and Human Factors Engineering Wright State University Statistics Types of Statistics Descriptive statistics Inferential statistics Comprises the statistical methods dealing with the collection, tabulation and summarization of the collected data, so as to present meaningful information of the data Consists of the methods involved with the analysis and interpretation of data that will enable the researcher to develop meaningful inferences about the population the data represents These two areas interrelated While descriptive statistics organizes the collected data in a systematic manner, inferential statistics analyzes the data and enables one to produce significant inferences about it 2 1 5/3/2010 Measures of Central Tendency Indicate the central point or the greatest frequency concerning a set of data Mean The statistical mean of a set of data is its average Population mean vs. sample mean Population mean, µ, is the expected value E(x), such that if an infinite number of measurements are made, the average of the infinite measurements is the result; this represents the true value of a measurement The sample mean, x , is the average value of a sample, which is a finite series of measurements, and is an estimate of the population mean Median The median of a set of data, ~ x , is the value which, when the data are arranged in an ascending or descending order, satisfies the following conditions: 1) If the number of data is odd, the median is the middle value; and 2) If the number of observations is even, the median is the average of the two middle values The same as the 50th percentile of a set of data 3 Measures of Central Tendency (Cont’d) Mode The mode of a set of data is the specific value that occurs with the greatest frequency May be more than one or none 4 2 5/3/2010 Measures of Variation Indicate the variability inherent in a set of data Variance and standard deviation Characterize the amount of spread in the distribution of the data Population vs. sample variance and deviation The population variance, σ2, and standard deviation, σ, indicate the deviation among individual measurements from the population mean, for the entire population Sample variance, s2, and standard deviation, s, indicate how much each individual data value deviates from the sample mean s2 = 1 n −1 ∑ (x i −x ) 2 i 5 Symmetry and Skewness Symmetric Distribution The histogram of variable is symmetric with respect to a vertical axis passing through its mean For a symmetrically distributed population or sample, the mean, median and mode have the same value Skewed Distribution It is positively skewed if a greater proportion of the data are less than or equal to the mean; this indicates that the mean is larger than the median It is negatively skewed if a greater proportion of the data are greater than or equal to the mean; this indicates that the mean is less than the median Positively skewed histogram (skewed to the right) Negatively skewed histogram (skewed to the left) 6 3 5/3/2010 Correlation Analysis Purpose Measures how strongly two attributes correlate with each other Correlation Coefficient Correlation analysis for numerical variables Indicates the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two numeric random variables Pearson’s product moment coefficient n rA, B = ∑( ai - A )(bi - B ) i =1 nσ A σ B N = ∑(ai bi )-nA B i=1 nσ Aσ B Curvilinear Relationship If the relationship between two variables is curvilinear, the Pearson productmoment correlation coefficient will not indicate the existence of a relationship To check whether the relationship is linear, the easiest way is to construct a scatterplot which gives a visual indication of the shape of the relationship 7 Perfect Positive Linear Relationship Curvilinear Relationship (quadratic relationship with an intermediate minimum) Perfect Negative Linear Relationship No Relationship 8 4 5/3/2010 Correlation Analysis (Cont’d) Chi-Square (χ2) Test Correlation analysis for categorical variables A A1 A1B1 A1B2 … A1Bq B1 B2 … Bq B p q χ = ∑∑ 2 i =1 j =1 eij = A2 A2B1 A2B2 … A2Bq ( oij - eij ) 2 eij … … … … … Ap ApB1 ApB2 … ApBq Cell (Ai, Bj) represents the joint event that A= Ai and B= Bj statistic test of the hypothesis χ2:that A and B are independent ~ χ 2 ( p -1)( q -1) count ( A= Ai )×count ( B = B j ) n n: number of cases in each variable Count(A=Ai): the observed frequency of the event A=Ai Count(B=Bj): the observed frequency of the event B=Bj 9 Gender and Preferred Reading Example Preferred_ Reading fiction non-fiction Column Margin e11 = e12 = e21 = e22 = Gender male female 250 200 Row Margin 450 50 1000 1050 300 1200 n=1500 count ( male)×count ( fiction ) 300×450 n 1500 count ( male )×count ( non -fiction ) 300×1050 n 1500 count ( female)×count ( fiction ) 1200×450 n 1500 count ( female )×count ( non -fiction ) 1200×1050 n 1500 = = 90 = = = 210 = 360 = = 840 10 5 5/3/2010 Preferred_ Reading fiction non-fiction Gender male female 200(360) 250(90) 50(210) 1000(840) 1050 300 1200 N=1500 Column Margin p q χ 2 = ∑∑ i =1 j =1 ( oij - eij ) 2 eij = Row Margin 450 ( 250 -90) 2 90 + ( 50- 210) 2 210 + ( 200 -360) 2 360 + (1000 -840) 2 840 = 284.44 + 121.90 + 71.11 + 30.48 = 507.93 dof = (2-1)*(2-1)=1 χ 2 0.005 (1) = 7.879 P< 0.005 Conclusion: Gender and Preferred_Reading are strongly correlated! In particular, males prefer fiction than non-fiction readings, whereas females prefer non-fiction than fiction readings. 11 Effect Sizes Problem with p-value What are Effect Sizes Probability of a unique result under a specific, conditional null hypothesis, affected by the sample size and measurement scale A family of indices that measure the strength of the relationship between two variables, independent of the sample size and the measurement scale Highly Recommended by APA In scientific experiments, it is often useful to know not only whether an experiment has a statistically significant effect, but also the size of any observed effects Effect size measures are the common currency of meta-analysis studies that summarize the findings from a specific area of research 12 6 5/3/2010 Standardized Difference Between Means Cohen’s d Defined as mean difference divided by the pooled standard deviation d= X1 − X 2 σp is pooled population standard deviation of X1 and X2 σp n1σ12 + n2 σ 22 n1 + n2 σp = when n1=n2, σ p = σ12 + σ 22 2 Interpretation of Cohen’s d Small effect size: ~[0.0, 0.5) Medium effect size: ~[0.5, 0.8) Large effect size: ~[0.8, +∞) 13 Standardized Difference Between Means (Cont’d) Hedges’ g Virtually the same as Cohen’s d in large sample sizes g= X1 − X 2 Sp when n1=n2, = X1 − X 2 ( n1− 1) S12 +( n2− 1) S22 n1+n2 −2 Sp = Sp is pooled sample standard deviation of X1 and X2 S1 = σ1√n1/(n1 -1), S2 = σ2√n2/(n2-1) S12 + S 22 2 Some software (e.g. Effect Size Generator) calculates g by adjusting the overall effect size based on the sample sizes, as follows g adjusted = X1 − X 2 Sp (1 − 4( n1 +3n2 ) −9 ) = X1 − X 2 ( n1− 1) S12 +( n2− 1) S22 n1+ n2 − 2 (1 − 4( n1 +3n2 ) −9 ) 14 7 5/3/2010 Visual Interface Example (I) Interface A) A1 6 5 5 7 4 3 5 4 A2 8 6 9 6 6 5 5 7 X 1 = 4.875 X 2 = 6.5 n σ1 = ∑ ( X 1i - X 1 ) 2 i =1 n n = 1.166 σ2 = S1 = n -1 = 1 .246 S2 = n = 1.323 n n ∑ ( X 1i - X 1 ) 2 i =1 ∑ ( X 2i - X 2 )2 i =1 ∑ ( X 2i - X 2 )2 i =1 n -1 = 1 .414 Cohen’s d d= 4.875 - 6.5 1.166 2 +1.323 2 ) 2 = -1.303 Hedges’ g g= 4.875 - 6.5 1.246 2 +1.414 2 ) 2 = -1.219 15 Standardized Difference between One Mean to a Population Mean Cohen’s d d= X −µ σX σX is population standard deviation of X Hedges’ g g= X −µ SX SX is sample standard deviation of X 16 8 5/3/2010 Standardized Difference between Paired Population Means Cohen’s d σD is population standard deviation of the paired difference between two variables, D d = σDD Hedges’ g g= SD is sample standard deviation of the paired difference between two variables, D D SD 17 Visual Interface Example Interface A) Participant (S) 4 5 7 4 A1 1 6 2 5 3 5 A2 8 6 9 6 D12 -2 -1 -4 1 6 3 7 5 8 4 6 5 5 7 -2 -2 0 -3 D12 = 1.625 n n σD = ∑ ( D i - D) 2 i =1 n = 1.495 Cohen’s d d = 11..625 495 = 1.087 Hedges’ g g = 11..625 598 = 1.017 SD = ∑ ( D i - D) 2 i =1 n -1 = 1.598 18 9 5/3/2010 Effect Sizes of Correlation Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient Correlation between numeric variables Point Biserial Correlation Coefficient (rpb) Used when one variable, say X1, is continuous but the other variable, say X2, is dichotomous Assuming that X2 has two values, 0 and 1, the data set can be divided into two groups, group 1 which receives the value "1" on X2 and group 2 which receives the value "0" on X2. Then rpb is calculated as follows rpb = M1 − M 0 SX n1 ⋅n0 ( n1 + n0 )( n1 + n0 −1) where M1 is the mean of X1 for all data points in group 1 of X2, M0 is the mean of X for all data points in group 2 of X2, n1 is the number of data points in group 1, n0 is the number of data points in group 2 19 Effect Sizes for ANOVA Effect Sizes for ANOVA Measure the degree of association between an effect (i.e., a main effect, an interaction) and the dependent variable Can be thought of as the correlation between an effect and the dependent variable If the value of the measure of association is squared, it can be interpreted as the proportion of variance in the dependent variable that is attributable to each effect Commonly used measures of effect size in AVOVA Eta squared, η2 Partial Eta squared, ηp2 Omega squared, ω2 Intraclass correlation, ρI η2 and ηp2 are estimates of degree of association for the sample, while ω2 and ρI are estimates of the degree of association in the population 20 10 5/3/2010 Eta Squared Eta Squared, η2 The proportion of the total variance that is attributed to an effect η 2 = SSSS Effect T Statistical issue The effect size of an effect is dependent upon the number and magnitude of other effects Effect Sum of Squares Drive 24 Reward 112 η2 =24/610 =3.93% 18.36% Reward * Drive 144 23.61% Error 330 54.10% SST 610 21 Within-Subject Design Effect Interface Participant Participant * Interface (error term) Total Sum of Squares 10.56 15.94 η2 =10.56/35.43 =29.8% 8.94 35.43 22 11 5/3/2010 Partial Eta Squared Partial Eta Squared, ηp2 The proportion of the (effect + error) variance that is attributable to the effect η p2 = (SS SS +SS Effect Err ) Effect Statistical issue The partial Eta squared values of all effects do not sum to the amount of variance of the dependent variable accounted for by all the independent variables Effect Sum of Squares Drive 24 ηp2 Reward 112 =24/(24+330) = 6.78% 25.34% Reward * Drive 144 30.38% Error 330 SST 610 23 Within-Subject Design Effect Interface Participant Participant * Interface (error term) Total Sum of ηp2 Squares 10.56 =10.56/(10.56+8.94) =54.2% 15.94 8.94 35.43 24 12 5/3/2010 Omega Squared Omega Squared, ω2 An estimate of the dependent variance accounted for by the independent variable in the population for a fixed effects model ω2 for between-subjects, fixed effects is ω 2 = (SS Effect − ( df Effect )( MSErr )) (SST + MSErr ) ω2 is always smaller than either η2 or ηp2 Effect Sum of Squares df Mean Squares Drive 24 1 24 Reward Reward * Drive Error 112 2 56 =(24-1*18.33)/(610+18.33) = 0.90% 12.0% 144 2 72 17.08% 330 18 18.33 SST 610 ω2 25 Within-Subject Design Effect Sum of Squares df Mean Squares ω2 Interface 10.56 1 10.56 =(10.56-1*1.28)/(35.43+1.28) =25.3% Participant Participant * Interface (error term) 15.94 7 2.28 8.94 7 1.28 Total 35.43 15 26 13 5/3/2010 Intraclass Correlation Intraclass Correlation, ρI An estimate of the dependent variance accounted for by the independent variable in the population for a random effects model ρ I = (MS (MS+( df −MS)(MS) Effect Effect Effect Err Err )) 27 Sample Size Importance of Sample Size When the sample size is too small, it can be difficult to detect differences between experiment conditions (a low statistical power) When the sample size is too large, we waste resources (both time and money) Steps in Determining Sample Size Determine the design of the experiment Single-factor between-subject design, single-factor within-subject design, factorial between-subject design, factorial within-subject design, mixed design, etc. Decide the null and alternative hypotheses and statistical test to be used Decide the amount of difference to be detected Significance level, α Power of the test, π The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually false Usually between 0.50 and 0.90 When you don’t have a good idea of the effect you are seeking, choose π at least 0.80 Combine the above information to find sample size 28 14 5/3/2010 Compare Two Population Means: Independent Samples (I) H0 : µ1 = µ2 H1 : µ1 < µ2 µ1 = 0 µ2 = 50 σ2 = 60 n = 24 Pr(reject H0|H0 is false)= π = 0.8 Critical region 29 Compare Two Population Means: Independent Samples (II) µ1 = 0 µ2 = 50 σ2 = 60 n = 48 Pr(reject H0|H0 is false)= π = 0.98 Critical region 30 15 5/3/2010 Compare Two Population Means with Independent Samples For large samples (n>30), the sample size per group n needs to satisfy 2 ( z1-α / 2 + z π ) 2 •σ 2error n≥ ∆2 2 2 ( z1−α + z π ) 2 •σ error n≥ ∆2 (Two-sided test) (One-sided test) σ2error: the within group variance ∆: the smallest difference between the two groups you wish to detect z1-α/2 : the percentile of the normal distribution used as the critical value in a two-sided test of size (1.96 for α = 0.05) z1-α : the percentile of the normal distribution used as the critical value in a one-sided test of size (1.645 for α = 0.05) zπ : the π ×100-th percentile of the normal distribution (0.84 for the 80-th percentile) 31 Compare Two Population Means with Independent Samples (Cont’d) For small samples (n≤30), the sample size per group n needs to satisfy n≥ n≥ 2 ( t1-α / 2 ,n-1 + t π,,n-1 ) 2 •σ 2error ∆2 2 2 ( t1-α ,n-1 + t π,,n-1 ) 2 •σ error ∆2 (Two-sided test) (One-sided test) Since the particular t distribution depends on the sample size, the equation must be solved iteratively (trial-and-error) The sample size increases with σerror and decreases with ∆ 32 16 5/3/2010 It is hypothesized that 40 year old men who drink more than three cups of coffee per day will score more highly on the Cornell Medical Index (CMI) than men who do not drink coffee. The CMI ranges from 0 to 195, and previous research has shown that scores on the CMI increase by about 3.5 points for every decade of life. It is decided that an increase, caused by drinking coffee, which was equivalent to about 10 years of age would be enough to warrant concern. 1. ∆ = 3.5, suppose σerror = 7, α = 0.95, π = 0.8 one-sided test n ≥ 50 2. ∆ = 3.5, suppose σerror = 4, α = 0.95, π = 0.8 one-sided test n ≥ 19 33 Compare Two Population Means with Independent Samples (Cont’d) Estimate the Within-Group Standard Deviation Often comes from previous similar studies Sometimes it is necessary to a pilot study to get some idea of the inherent variability Conservative estimates (estimates that lead to a slightly larger sample size) are preferable to underestimates Rules of Thumb For 80% power, need 393 samples for each group when Cohen’s d = 0.2, 64 samples when d=0.5, and 26 samples when d=0.8 34 17 5/3/2010 Compare Two Population Means with Paired Samples The formula for the total number of pairs is the same as for the number of independent samples except that the factor of 2 is dropped, i.e. n≥ ( z1-α / 2 + z π ) 2 •σ 2error n≥ n≥ n≥ ∆2 2 ( z1-α + z π ) 2 •σ error ∆2 (Two-sided test, n>30) (One-sided test, n>30) 2 ( t1-α / 2 ,n-1 + t π,,n-1 ) 2 •σ error ∆2 2 ( t1-α ,n-1 + t π,,n-1 ) 2 •σ error ∆2 (Two-sided test, n≤30) (One-sided test, n≤30) Rules of Thumb For 80% power, need 196 samples for each group when Cohen’s d = 0.2, 32 samples when d=0.5, and 13 samples when d=0.8 35 Sample Size for ANOVA Fixed Effects Model Effect Size Omega Squared, ω2 The proportion of the total variance in the dependent variable that can be explained by the effect (main effect, or interaction effect) Table of Sample Size A table of sample size needed to achieve a power of 0.60, 0.80, and 0.90 in a test at α=0.05 for a single factor can be downloaded on the course website 36 18 5/3/2010 Drive Reward Example ωdrive2=0.009, a=2, power=0.80, n>390 for each level of variable drive (n>130 for each combination of drive and reward levels) ωreward2=0.12, a=3, power=0.80, n≥25 for each level of variable reward (n≥13 for each combination of drive and reward levels) Interface Example, ω2=0.253, a=2, power=0.80, n<24 for each group 37 19
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