58 SAMPLE BALLOT 58 YOUNG ADULT LIBRARY SERVICES ASSOCIATION AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OFFICIAL BALLOT, 2011 Please mark this ballot and return in the enclosed envelope. Ballots must be received by April 22, 2011 @ 11:59 pm (CST), to be included in the tabulation of votes. 1. PROPOSAL TO CREATE A NEW DUES CATEGORY FOR NON-SALARIED LIBRARIANS: (VOTE FOR ONE) PRESIDENT ELECT (VOTE FOR ONE) 09. MARY L. HASTLER, MD 01. YES 10. H. JACK MARTIN, NY 02. NO 2. PROPOSAL TO CREATE A NEW DUES CATEGORY FOR YOUNG ADULT SERVICES ADVOCATES: (VOTE FOR ONE) FISCAL OFFICER (VOTE FOR ONE) 11. JERENE D. BATTISTI, WA 03. YES 12. PENNY JOHNSON, WI 04. NO SECRETARY (VOTE FOR ONE) 3. PROPOSAL TO INCREASE DUES RATES FOR CERTAIN DUES CATEGORIES: (VOTE FOR ONE) 13. KRISTA ROCHELLE MCKENZIE, MD 14. SARAJO SPURGEON WENTLING, MN 05. YES 06. NO 4. PROPOSAL TO REORGANIZE THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE: (VOTE FOR ONE) 07. YES 08. NO BOARD OF DIRECTORS (THREE TO BE ELECTED, VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN THREE) 15. MOLLY LAURA KRICHTEN, PA 16. SANDRA HUGHES-HASSELL, NC 17. GAIL TOBIN, IL 18. CHRISTIAN GRAHAM ZABRISKIE, NY 58 MARGARET A. EDWARDS COMMITTEE (THREE TO BE ELECTED, VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN THREE) MICHAEL L. PRINTZ COMMITTEE (FOUR TO BE ELECTED, VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN FOUR) 19. SHARI MELISA FESKO, MI 25. NAOMI MICHIKO BATES, TX 20 ANGELA LEEPER, VA 26. LOUISE BRUEGGEMANN, IL 21. BARBARA MOON, NY 27. MEGHAN EILEEN CIRRITO, NY 22. CHARLI OSBORNE, MI 28. SHARON GROVER, WI 23. ED SPICER, MI 29. HEIDI K. HAMMOND, MN 24. JAMIE WATSON, MD 30 ALEXANDRA ELIZABETH HENSHEL, RI 31. SHARON RAWLINS, NJ 32 SARAH BEAN THOMPSON, MO NONFICTION AWARD COMMITTEE (FOUR TO BE ELECTED, VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN FOUR) 33. RUTH BARLOW ALLEN, OR 34. ANGELA FREDERICK, TN 35. ANGIE MARIE MANFREDI, NM 36. JUDY TIENKEN NELSON, WA 37. MAREN OSTERGARD, WA 38. LAURA PEARLE, NY 39. PESKORZ, ADELA, MN 39. ADELA PESKORZ, MN 40. JENNIFER ANNE ROTHSCHILD, MD 2 These nominations have been made in accordance with the Division’s Bylaws. NOMINATING COMMITTEE John Sexton, Chairperson Sarah Cornish Debraski Lori Allen Guenthner E.M. Roublow Karyn N. Silverman BYLAWS 1. Proposal to create a new dues category for non-salaried librarians: at the 2010 ALA Annual Conference the YALSA Board voted to establish a new discounted dues category of $25 for non-salaried librarians (defined as library workers who are unemployed or who earn less than $25,000 per year) and would be effective beginning Sept. 1, 2011. VOTE “YES” OR “NO” IN BOX #01 OR #02 RESPECTIVELY 2. Proposal to create a new dues category for young adult services advocates: at a March 2011 Board meeting via conference call, the YALSA Board voted to establish a new discounted dues category of $25 for advocates (defined as individuals who do not work in a library setting but who support young adult library services) and would be effective beginning Sept. 1, 2011. VOTE “YES” OR “NO” IN BOX #03 OR #04 RESPECTIVELY 3. Proposal to increase dues rates for certain dues categories: at the 2010 ALA Annual Conference, the YALSA Board voted to place on the ballot a dues increase from $50 to $60 for regular members, from $20 to $25 for retirees and student members and from $60 to $70 for organizational and corporate members. These changes would be effective beginning Sept. 1, 2011. These changes in the dues rate will benefit YALSA members, as it will enable YALSA to: Offer new member recognition awards and scholarships Increase the resources and support services delivered to members through the web and social media Provide more continuing education opportunities, including e-learning options Expand YALSA’s efforts in the areas of advocacy and research VOTE “YES” OR “NO” IN BOX #05 OR #06 RESPECTIVELY 3 4. Proposal to reorganize the Nominating Committee: at the 2011 ALA Midwinter Meeting the YALSA Board voted to place on the ballot a proposal to expand the Nominating Committee into two committees. One committee would focus on selecting candidates for Board positions and the other committee would focus on selecting candidates for award committee positions. Each committee would be made up of five members – including the chair – and the members would be specifically selected based on their knowledge and experience with Board or award committee work. By creating a new committee that will focus solely on identifying candidates for award committees, YALSA will be in a better position to identify highly qualified individuals for its award committees. Deletions shown as strike through. Additions shown in brackets: Bylaws, Article VIII, Section I Prior to the Midwinter Meeting, the President-Elect shall appoint a [two] Nominating Committee[s] of five, [. One Committee will be responsible for preparing a slate of candidates who will run for YALSA Board positions and the other Committee will be responsible for preparing a slate of candidates who will run for YALSA Award Committee positions.] with one of the five having [One member of each committee will have] served on a recent Nominating Committee[.], with only The Immediate Past President being an [will be the only] appointee [on the governance committee] who is a current member of the Board, to [. Each committee will] arrange for a list of nominated candidates to be submitted by the following Midwinter Meeting. At the Midwinter Meeting the Nominating Committee[s] will be announced to the Board. The [governance] Nominating Committee shall present to the Board the names of at least two candidates for Vice-President/President-Elect, four candidates for Board directors-at-large, two candidates for Division Councilor (in appropriate years), two candidates for Fiscal Officer (in appropriate years), two candidates for Secretary (in appropriate years) and two candidates for each unexpired vacated position of Director-at-large, Councilor, Fiscal Officer or Secretary. The [award] Nominating Committee shall present to the Board the names of at least six candidates for the Margaret A. Edwards Award Committee, at least eight candidates for the Michael L. Printz Award Committee and at least eight candidates for the Nonfiction Award Committee. [Between October and February each year] the Nominating Committee[s] shall report its [their] nominations in the [an] Winter issue of YAttitudes [YALSA’s e-newsletter, the YALSA website, and appropriate electronic lists. VOTE “YES” OR “NO” IN BOX #07 OR #08 RESPECTIVELY 4 58. YALSA PRESIDENT-ELECT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------09. Mary L. Hastler Current Position: Director; 2010; Harford County Public Library; Previous Positions: Associate Director, Harford County Public Library, 2008-2010. Assistant Director for Support Services, Baltimore County Public Library, 2006-2008. Public Services Administrator, Harford County Public Library, 2002-2006. Degrees and Certificates: University of Maryland, College Park, MLS, 2000; Central Michigan University, MSA, 1992; Towson University, BS, 1988. ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA Fiscal Officer, 2008-Present; YALSA Executive Committee, 2008-Present; YALSA Board, 2007-Present; YALSA Strategic Planning Committee, Chair, 2007-08; YALSA Midwinter Gaming Institute, Chair, 2006-08; YALSA 2007 Margaret A. Edwards Award Committee, Chair, 2005-07; YALSA Regional Institute Task Force, Member, 2004-06; PLA 2008 Conference Planning Program Sub-Committee, Member, 2006-08; ALA Orientation, Training & Leadership Development, Member, 2004-05; YALSA Professional Development Committee, Chair, 2004-05; YALSA ALEX Award Committee, Member, 2003-04; ALA Office of Human Resource Development and Recruitment, Member, 2003-04. Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Maryland Library Association Legislation Panel State Officer, 2009-Present; Maryland Library Association Advisory Council, 2009-present; Maryland Library Association Public Services Division, Present, 2001-02; Harford Leadership Academy Board 2009-present; Harford Leadership Academy 2003-Present; Maryland Library Association; Learning Libraries III, 2006-08; Citizens for Maryland Public Libraries, 2005-Present; Maryland Library Association 1999-Present; Maryland Library Association Maryland Author Award, 2006-07; Margaret Alexander Edwards Day Books for the Beast, 2000-05. Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Roenna Fahrney Award of Excellence, Harford County Public Library, 2002. Major Accomplishments: Project Director for Storyville, BCPL’s award-winning interactive early literacy center. Director of a Library Journal 4-star rated, 11 branch public library system recognized for its innovative services and community commitment. Provided oversight and direction for numerous grant-funded projects including the successful development and implementation of a research-based needs assessment for educators. As YALSA Fiscal Officer, provide direction and oversight for financial policy. Established YALSA’s Midwinter Gaming Event for the purpose of introducing librarians and administrators to the value of gaming programming for teens. I was instrumental in developing the current YALSA Strategic Plan. As the Assistant Legislative Officer for the Maryland Library Association, I provide statewide Advocacy Training. I serve on many county-wide committees and boards including Economic and Development Advisory Board, Local Management Board, Healthy Harford Advisory Board, and the Susquehanna Workforce Business Advisory Board. I advocate for teen services both on a local and national level and enjoyed being an Adult Workforce Advisor for BRIDGE, the Youth Job Readiness Component for Choice Jobs Program for teens. 5 Publications: Author, "Lois Lowry Receives 2007 Edwards Award for Lifetime Achievement," Young Adult Library Services 5, no 3, Spring 2007; Author, "Greetings from the Fiscal Officer," Friends of YALSA Newsletter, December 2009; Author, "YALSA and Our Economy," YAtittudes, The Electronic Newsletters of the Young Adult Library Services Association," Vol 8, No 3, May 2009. Links for further information: Facebook "Mary Hastler for YALSA President" Statement of Professional Concerns: It is time to begin moving forward in the “new” economic reality. My extensive experience in YALSA and as a public library administrator has been the best preparation for leading YALSA. My priorities include focusing on YALSA members and benefits; repositioning and building on YALSA’s reputation as the voice of authority for teen services and resources; building partnerships beneficial to YALSA and members; building and sustaining best practices for teen services; continuance of the Division's fiscal health; and support developing innovative YALSA initiatives through skills and knowledge of the talented YALSA membership. My experience as YALSA Fiscal Officer, Chair and member of YALSA selection and process committees has provided me with the knowledge and experience to be an effective YALSA President. I believe that as President, it is essential that YALSA continues its role advocating and supporting the development of tools, resources and innovative services to its Memb0ers. Member of ALA since: 2000 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. H. Jack Martin Current Position: Assistant Director for Public Programs/Lifelong Learning for Children, Teens and Families; 2009; The New York Public Library; Previous Positions: Assistant Coordinator of Young Adult Services, The New York Public Library, 2005-2009 Young Adult Librarian, The New York Public Library, 2001-2005 Children's Specialist, Providence Public Library, 1998-2001 Degrees and Certificates: Pratt Institute, M.L.I.S., 2003 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA Board Member, 2010-11, Michael L. Printz committee member, 2009-10; YALSA Presidential Task Force, 2007-09, YALSA Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers, 2006-08, YALSA Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers Chair, 2008 Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Irene Diamond Scholarship, The New York Public Library, 2002 Publications: Co-Author, "Risky Business: Taking and Managing Risks in Library Services for Teens," ALA, 2010; Co-Author, "Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Teens: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians, Neal-Schuman, 2007; Author, "Transgressions," The New York Times, March 16, 2008. Statement of Professional Concerns: YALSA is the most dynamic division of ALA. We're intuitive, nimble, clever, political and pioneering. We're not afraid to speak our minds or advocate for the interests of teens in libraries. YALSA members are highly skilled at innovating--that's why some of the coolest things happening around the country are happening in teen services. We're cool, but we need to figure out how to let the rest of the world know it. YALSA as an organization needs to find ways to capture the cool. We must build pathways that tap ideas from membership and raise them to a higher level. What YALSA needs most is leadership that can effectively kick start this process. Our big ideas will inspire change--and they'll ultimately bring the expertise of YALSA's members to a national level as a partner in the larger continuum and community of youth development. Member of ALA since: 2002 7 FISCAL OFFICER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. Jerene D. Battisti Current Position: Education and Teen Services Coordinator; 2007; King County Library System; Previous Positions: Youth Services Librarian, Renton Library, 1993-2007 Youth Services Librarian, Pierce County Library System, 1991-1993 School Librarian, St. James School, 1988-1991 Degrees and Certificates: University of Washington, MLIS, 1969 University of Washington, BA,American History 1967 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA Board of Directors, 2009-2010 YALSA Best Books for Young Adults, 2007-2009 YALSA Odyssey Committee, 2007 YALSA Membership and Division Promotion, 2005-2007 ALSC Notable Books Committee, 2005-2006 ALSC Notable Recordings 2000-2004 ALSC Arbuthnot Committee, 2003 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Washington Library Association Board of Directors, 2000-2004 Washington Library Association, Children's and Young Adult Division Chair, 1999-2001 Renton Rotary Club Board of Directors, 2006-2008 Renton Technical College Foundation Board Chair, 2009-2010 Renton Technical College Foundation Board, 1998-Present Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Kappa Alpha Theta Woman of the Year, 1997 Phi Alpha Theta National History Honorary, 1967-Present Beta Phi Mu Librarianship Honorary, 1969 Statement of Professional Concerns: The role of Fiscal Officer is a pivotal one to the work of the YALSA Board. It is important for the Fiscal Officer to be aware of the place that YALSA occupies in the larger ALA organization. It is vital for this officer to ensure the fiscal health of the division and to communicate with the Board and the membership as to that fiscal health. The Fiscal Officer needs to be conversant with financial statements and to liaise with ALA’s Budget and Analysis Review Committee and other division fiscal officers. The Fiscal Officer also participates in the creation of the Business Plan for YALSA in conjunction with the Executive Director and the Board. I have the experience to fulfill the duties of this important position through my involvement and leadership with other non-profit boards. Member of ALA since: 1996 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. Penny Johnson Current Position: Teen Specialist; 2007; Baraboo Public Library; Previous Positions: Library support staff, Baraboo Public Library, 2006-2007 Owner/manager, Time & Space Unlimited Professional Organizers, 2005-2007 Owner/teacher, Penny's Music Studio, 1986-2007 Degrees and Certificates: Brigham Young University, BGS Management, 2010 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA: Chair, Annual Preconference 2011 Task Force, 2010-present. Chair, Midwinter Institute 2011 Task Force, 2010-2011. Chair, Midwinter 2010 Social Event, 2009-2010. Convener, Serving New Adults Interest Group, 2009-present. YALSA blogger, 2010-present. First Wednesday Chat discussion leader, 2010. Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Wisconsin Association of Public Libraries, Vice-chair, Jan-Mar 2010. Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Recognition award for twenty years of service as a volunteer, Baraboo Public School District, 2005. Major Accomplishments: *Enthusiastic and experienced public speaker, presenting regional and national workshops and in-services on teen library services, time management, home and office organization, and lifestyle coaching, 2000-present. *President, local chapter of international religion-based women's organization, 2005-present. *Baraboo Board of Education, Clerk and President, 2000-2004. *Organizer and first president of three separate school/community liaison groups, 1983-2006. *Active community and church volunteer, including service to Scouts and 4H, 1973-present. Publications: Author: "Four Steps to Effective Collaboration," YALS, Volume 9, Number 1, 2010. Author: "Using OBCB Booklists for Nontraditional Students and Lifelong Learners," Outstanding Books for the College Bound, 2011 Edition (ALA), 2011 Statement of Professional Concerns: As a grassroots member of YALSA, serving in a rural Midwestern library, I seek to represent everyone who serves teen patrons, including support staff and school aides. In addition to my passion for library services, I bring experience and education to the position of fiscal officer. With recently completed college courses in financial management, marketing, organizational effectiveness and leadership, I have the skills needed to be a dynamic executive board member. As a long-time small business owner and an active volunteer in numerous nonprofit organizations I know how to meet the challenges of leading a growing national organization. I will not dwell on the doom and gloom of our new economic reality. Rather I will emphasize the positive steps YALSA can continue to take to enhance the role of teen library specialists everywhere. Thank you for this opportunity. Member of ALA since: 2006 9 SECRETARY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13. Krista Rochelle McKenzie Current Position: Instructional Librarian; 2010; Garrett College; Previous Positions: Instructional Librarian, Garrett College Library, 2010-present; Children's Specialist/Teen Librarian/Branch Manager, 2008-2010; English Teacher, Garrett County Public Schools, 2006-2007 Degrees and Certificates: Drexel University iSchool Program, MLIS, 2010; Marquette University, Doctoral Coursework in Educational Policy and Leadership, Not-Completed; Frostburg State University, MBA, 2004; Frostburg State University, M.Ed. in Administration and Supervision, 2003; Frostburg State University, BS in English, Secondary Education, and Philosophy, 2001 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: Member, Young Adult Library Services Association, Strategic Planning Committee, 2010-2011; Chair, Young Adult Library Services Association, Legislation Committee, 2010-2011; Chair, Young Adult Library Services Association, Great Books Giveaway Committee, 2009-2010; Member, Young Adult Library Services Association, Legislation Committee, 2008-2010; Member/Reviewer, Young Adult Library Services Association, Research Journal Advisory Board, 2009-2010; Member, Young Adult Library Services Association, Intellectual Freedom Discussion Group 2008-2009; Member, Young Adult Library Services Association, 2008-present; Member of Association for Research and College Libraries, 2010-present; Member, Public Library Association, 2008-2010; Member, Association for Library Service to Children, 2008-2010; Member American Association of School Libraries, 2008-2010; Member, American Library Association, 2008-present Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Member, Maryland Library Association Awards Committee, 2009-2010; Member, Maryland Library Association Awards Committee Planning and Bylaws Committee, 2009-2010; Member, Children Services Division of Maryland Library Association, 2008-2010; Member, Blue Crab Award Committee, Maryland Library Association, 2010-2011; Co-Chair, Teen Interest Group, Maryland Library Association, 2009-present; Member, Maryland Library Association, 2008-present; Member, Western Maryland Teen Advisory Group, 2008-2010; Member, Technology Plan Committee Member, Ruth Enlow Library, 2010; Member, Website Advisory Committee, Ruth Enlow Library, 2009-2010; Member, Database Advisory Committee, Ruth Enlow Library, 2010 Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Selected Participant in the Maryland Library Leadership Institute, 2010; Drexel University, Dean’s Fellowship, 2009-2010; Marquette University, Research Assistantship, 2004-2006; Marquette University, Matthews Scholarship, Summer 2005; Frostburg State University, Senatorial, F. Perry Smith, and Kenney Education Scholarships 2002-2003; 10 Frostburg State University, Graduate Assistantship, Educational Professions, 2001-2004; Center Stage Poetry Contest Award, First Place, Spring 2002; Executive Board Member of the Month, March 2001, National Residence Hall Honorary; Betty Fauvre Second Place Writing Award, Spring 2001; Outstanding Student Leader Award, Spring 2001; Silver Service Award, Residence Hall Association, Spring 2001 Major Accomplishments: Selected as a winner for YALSA's Great Ideas Contest, 2010. Proposals Selected for Presentation: Co-Presented “Teen Book Groups: How Three Very Different Libraries Created Teen Reading Communities, 2010 Annual American Library Association Conference, Young Adult Library Services Association; Co-Presented “Advocacy,” Young Adult Library Services Association Legislation and Advocacy Task Force, 2010 Annual American Library Association Conference; Co-Presented “Programming for Pennies,” Children’s Services Division Pre-Conference Program, 2010 Annual Maryland Library Association Conference; Presented “There is More to Life than Book Reports: Exploring Fun Extension Activities for Familiar Reads,” 2010 Annual Children’s Literature Festival, Frostburg State University; Presented “Book Clubs for School-Aged Kids,” Children’s Services Division of the Maryland Library Association, Kids Are Customers Conference; Presented “Not All Education is Done in a Classroom: The Role of the Library in Identifying and Establishing Resources and Programs for Homeschooler Families” American Library Association’s Presidential Grassroots Programming, 2009 American Library Association Annual Conference; Began a successful and well attended teen program in her public library where none had existed Publications: As a recently graduated MLIS student, there are several publications that I am working on at this time. Statement of Professional Concerns: Throughout the years, I have been an advocate for teens and teen services in my rural public library community, and am now working to build and support services for young adults in my community college. As a recent MLIS graduate and having worked in public and academic libraries, as well as public schools, I feel I could bring a fresh new creative perspective to the YALSA Board. By attending the YALSA events and conferences and being an active participant in the various listservs and blogs, I have had the opportunity to meet YALSA members from all over the world, and believe that if I were elected to this position I could give all of these members the chance to share their voices. YALSA is an organization that is continually growing and changing to serve the needs of its members, and I would feel honored to serve it and its membership. Member of ALA since: 2008 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14. Sarajo Spurgeon Wentling Current Position: Collections and Youth Services Librarian; 2006; Carver County Library; Previous Positions: Capital Projects Coordinator, Hennepin County Library, 2006-06; Teen Services Librarian, Hennepin County Library, 2001-06; Supervising Librarian, Hennepin County Library, 2000-01 Degrees and Certificates: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, MSLIS, 1999; Emory University, BA, 1995. ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA: Chair, Organization and Bylaws, 2010-Present; YALSA: Chair, Strategic Planning, 2009-2010; YALSA: ExOfficio Member, Board of Directors, 2009-Present; YALSA: Member, Strategic Planning, 2008-09; YALSA: Chair, Outstanding Books for the College Bound, 2007-09; YALSA: Member, Michael L. Printz Award Com., 2005-07; YALSA: Chair, Division and Membership Promotion Com., 2003-05; YALSA: Member, Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults, 2003-05; YALSA: Member, Division and Membership Promotion Com., 2001-03; YALSA: Serving the Underserved Trainer, 2005. Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): In April 2007, I was selected as a participant into the Minnesota Library Association Institute for Leadership Excellence (MILE). This was a four day training seminar focused on developing leadership skills and refining management styles. Major Accomplishments: The accomplishment that I am most proud of is my involvement in establishing and institutionalizing ongoing teen services in two library systems. At the Hennepin County Library I was co-founder of the Teen Read Month Team which eventually broadened to become the Teen Services Team. These groups established best practices for teen services, coordinated system-wide programming, and implemented an annual teen fine waiver initiative. I was able to use this experience to bring Teen Read Month and fine waivers to Carver County Library (CCL.) A YALSA Teen Tech Week mini-grant that I wrote allowed CCL to start regular teen gaming programs. I was a speaker at the Popular Paperbacks program at ALA Annual 2007. At the 2004 PLA National Conference I was a presenter in the panel discussion "Set Your Books Free" on shared collections. I co-facilitated talk tables at both the 2004 and 2006 PLA Conferences on teen topics. I have also provided training on teen developmental needs and behavior in three library systems in the Minneapolis area. Publications: Co-author, "Brood of Frankenstein," School Library Journal, July 2006. Statement of Professional Concerns: In the current economic climate it is more important than ever to advocate for strong teen services in our libraries and media centers and to provide innovative ways to support and serve the needs of teens and the libraries serving them. It is vital that YALSA continue to create new ways for members to be actively involved and engaged in the Association. I am also concerned with issues of member recruitment and retention; raising awareness of the benefits of membership to those who haven't yet joined or who have let membership lapse. YALSA has been a huge part of my professional life and a source of inspiration and support. I look forward to this opportunity to give back to YALSA and its members. Member of ALA since: 1997 12 BOARD OF DIRECTORS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15. Molly Laura Krichten Current Position Title: New Service Models Coordinator; 2010; Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh; Previous Positions: Librarian III, Baltimore County Public Library, Randallstown, MD, 2010Associate Director, Guthrie Memorial Library, Hanover, PA, 2006-2009 Degrees and Certificates: University of Pittsburgh, MLIS, 2005University of Pittsburgh, BA English Writing, 2004 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA: Member, William C. Morris Debut YA Award committee, 2008 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Pennsylvania Library Association, Member, Conference Planning Committee, 2009 Honors and Awards (library and non-library, include DATES): Pennsylvania Library Association New Librarian Honors Award, 2009American Library Association Emerging Leader,2008 Women’s National Book Association Eastman Grant, 2008 Major Accomplishments: Major accomplishments of my professional career include building a teen collection, slate of programs, and Teen Advisory Board from the ground up at the Guthrie Memorial Library, building positive relationships with the teens of the Hanover community, and determining that I plan to be an advocate for teens in any position I hold, professionally or otherwise. Participating in the ALA Emerging Leaders program opened my eyes to the myriad ways I can work to improve libraries and our profession. Serving on YALSA's inaugural William C. Morris Debut YA Award committee was certainly an honor and put me in close contact with some of the Association's brightest stars. Being chosen as Pennsylvania New Librarian Honors Award winner in 2009 for "the originality and inventive ability of a new librarian who devises new and improved methods in library service on a statewide or local level" was truly an honor indeed. Publications: Krichten, Molly, Sarah Stohr, and Stefanie Warlick. “Practicum and Internship Experiences in LIS Education: a Perspective from ALA Emerging Leaders.” The Service Connection: Library and Information Science Education and Service to Communities.Ed. Loriene Royand Alex Hershey. Chicago, IL: ALA Editions, 2009.Krichten, Molly and George Matthew. “York County Library Celebrates Teen Read Week.” PaLABulletin February 2008: 15. Statement of Professional Concerns: Financial constraints are, of course, of huge concern to public and school librarians. I am committed to encouraging YALSA members to engage in the Association to get the most out of their membership dollars, and for the Association to connect its members with resources and services that will help them demonstrate the value of teen services to their stakeholders. Most of all, I want to unite those who support library services to teens to advocate for teens in ways that are appropriate for their situations, their communities, their teens. I am confident that YALSA can take part in the training of new librarians, so that they do not just appreciate YA literature and the philosophy behind teen services, but embrace teens themselves, all this demographic has to offer, and become positive role models to aid in the self-actualization of the teens with whom they come into contact. 13 Member of ALA since: 2006 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16. Sandra Hughes-Hassell Current Position: Associate Professor; 2006; School of Information & Library Science, The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Previous Positions: Associate Professor, Drexel University, 2004-2006; Assistant Professor, Drexel University, 1998-2004; Library Power Director, Philadelphia Education Fund, 1994-1998 Degrees and Certificates: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ph.D., Library & Information Science, 1998; James Madison University, M.Ed., Library Science, 1987; James Madison University, B.S., Early Childhood Education, 1982 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: ALA Committee on Research and Statistics: Chair 2010-present; member 2007-present; ALA ProQuest/SIRS State and Regional Intellectual Freedom Achievement Award Committee: Member 20072009; YALSA, Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults, Journal Advisory Board: Chair 2010-present, member 2009-present; YALSA, Research Committee: Chair 2008-2009; Member 2008-present; YALSA, Research Committee: Member 1999-2002; AASL National Institute Committee: member 2007-2008; AASL, Research Committee: Chair 2001; member 1999-2002; AASL, ICONnect Task Force: Member 2000-2001; AASL, Learning Through the Library: Member 2001-2002 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): North Carolina School Library Media Association, University and College Liaison; 2010-present; International Association of School Librarians; Program Committee, July 3-7, 2006, Lisbon, Portugal; Program Committee, July 16-20, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan; Reviewed conference proposals: 2006, 2007, 2008; Pennsylvania School Librarians Association; Urban Librarians Forum: Chair 2000-2002 Learning & Media Committee: Member 2000-2006; Curriculum Committee: Member 1998-2000 Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): School of Information & Library Science Faculty Teaching Award, 2010 (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; APSL Award for Advocacy for School Libraries. 1997 (Association of Philadelphia School Librarians) Major Accomplishments: Receiving the School of Information & Library Science Faculty 2010 Teaching Award; Receiving a 2010 ALA Diversity Grant with Casey Rawson (one of my students) that focuses on promoting equity in literacy instruction for adolescent African-American males through the use of enabling texts; Publication with Denise E. Agosto of our book Urban Teens in the Library: Research and Practice; Receiving an IMLS grant with Denise E. Agosto to study the everyday life information seeking needs and behaviors of urban teens--this grant resulted in the development of a theoretical and empirical model; Mentoring my students at SILS to become leaders in the profession by co-researching, co-writing, and co-presenting with them Publications: Agosto, D.E., & Hughes-Hassell, S. (Eds.) (2010). Urban Teens in the Library: Research and Practice. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. 208p.; Hughes-Hassell, S., Hanson-Baldauf, D., & Burke, J. (2008). “Urban Teenagers, Health Information, and Public Library Web Sites.” Young Adult Library Services, 6(4): 35-42.; Hughes-Hassell, S. & Rodge, P. (2007). “The Leisure Reading Habits of Urban Adolescents.” Journal of 15 Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 51 (1): 22-34. Links for further information: https://sites.google.com/site/sandrahassell/ Statement of Professional Concerns: As a long-time advocate for teenagers, particularly urban teens, I believe that in order to better serve their needs, it is critical for librarians who work with teens to engage in research--research about teens, their information habits and preferences, and their use of libraries. It is equally important that we collaborate with our colleagues in other areas, such as sociologists, psychologists, and educators, to continue to broaden our understanding of the developmental, social, and emotional needs of teens so that we might better meet them. Finally, I believe it is imperative that youth services librarians use research and data (collected from their own programs) to better communicate the impact libraries are having on the lives of teens. I see my potential role on the YALSA board as working to facilitate the efforts of young adult librarians to conduct research and to use data to” give voice” to teens. Member of ALA since: 1998 16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17. Gail Tobin Current Position: Branch Coordinator; 2000; Schaumburg Township District Library, Hanover Park Branch; Previous Positions: Preschool Services Coordinator, Schaumburg Township District Library, 1999-2000; Program Coordinator/Youth Services Librarian, Schaumburg Township District Library, 1992-99. Degrees and Certificates: Rosary College Graduate School of Library and Information Science, MALS, 1992; University of Illinois at Chicago, Bachelor of Arts in English, 1990; Oakton Community College, Associate in Applied Science in Data ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA: Board, 2009-Present; YALSA: Advocacy Task Force, 2009-2010; ALA: Councilor-at-Large, 2009-Present; YALSA: Morris Award, 2008-09; YALSA: Strategic Planning, 2007-08; PLA: Branch Libraries, 2006-08; YALSA: Great Graphic Novels for Teens, 2005-08; YALSA: Chair, Publishers Liaison, 2006-07; YALSA: Publishers Liaison, 200506; YALSA: Co-Chair, Local Arrangements/Chicago, 2004-05; YALSA: Margaret A. Edwards Award, 2003-05; YALSA: Chair, Legislation, 2002-04; YALSA: Legislation, 2000-02; YALSA: Local Arrangements/Chicago, 1998-99. Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): LACONI: President, YSS, 1999-2000; LACONI: Vice-President, YSS, 1998-99; LACONI: Treasurer, YSS, 1998-98. Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Golden Key National Honor Society, 1988. Major Accomplishments: Serving on process and award committees has given me many opportunities to support the association as well as for professional growth. As chair of the YALSA Strategic Planning Committee I helped coordinate the first annual "Support Teen Literature Day" and I emceed the media event in Chicago and spoke to the reporters on behalf of YALSA. I presented on graphic novels twice at Reaching Forward, the local Illinois conference for library support staff. I had the honor of serving with the committee that gave Francesca Lia Block the Edwards award for her contribution to YA literature. I have been a member of two brand new committees: Great Graphic Novels for Teens and the Morris Award. And through my library position, I became involved on the local Village CONECT Committee, which is the economic development committee for Hanover Park and which I now chair, and we successfully worked to create a new Chamber of Commerce in Hanover Park. I am now on the board of trustees of the Chamber and represent the library at Chamber activities. Statement of Professional Concerns: The past several years have been especially challenging for libraries. Libraries are busier than ever, yet funding continues to get tighter. We are all doing more with less and are competing with many other worthwhile services for funding. We must advocate at the local and national level to ensure that people of all ages and economic levels understand the value of the library and support teen services in their community. We must make sure teens are not forgotten when planning and budgeting for library services and spaces. Serving on the YALSA Board has given me an opportunity to direct the association’s energy and funds to where they can be most effective to help make sure teen librarians have the resources they need to accomplish this. If I am reelected I will continue to be a strong advocate for libraries and teens and uphold YALSA's mission at every opportunity. Member of ALA since: 1993 17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18. Christian Graham Zabriskie Current Position: Assistant Coordinator, Young Adult Services; 2010; Queens Library; Previous Positions: Young Adult Librarian, Queens Library, 2007-2010 Assistant Youth Librarian, Bermuda National Library, 2004-2007 Collection Development/Reference Librarian, Leon County Public Library, 2002-2004 Degrees and Certificates: Florida State University, MSLIS, 2001; University of St. Andrews (Scotland), MA English Language and Literature, 1992 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA Great Graphic Novels for Teens: Selection Committee Member 2009-2011; YALSA Frances Henne/YALSA/VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates) Research Grant, Grant Award Jury 2010, YALSA Serving Young Adults in Large Urban Populations Discussion Group, Convenor 2009-Present. Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Urban Librarians Unite, Founder, 2007 - Present. Major Accomplishments: Urban Librarians Unite, a social/professional/activist group based in New York City. This group has hundreds of loosely affiliated members and has become a force for library advocacy in the city. 2007 – Present; The 24 Hour Read-In at Brooklyn Public Library, an advocacy event which had over a hundred readers keeping a voice raised in support of libraries around the clock. More than 1200 people attended the event and it was covered by the New York Times, on the websites for The New Yorker and Wall Street Journal, on the radio with NPR and the BBC, and on numerous local television stations. This was an Urban Librarians Unite (ULU) event supported by Brooklyn, New York, and Queens Public Libraries as well as over a dozen information professional organizations in New York City. June 12-13 2010; Queens Engagement Strategies for Teens, an ongoing book discussion group with an alternative to detention center for young people working through issues in the juvenile justice system. 2007 – Present. Publications: Author, “Graphic Novels Let Teens OWN the Library” in Graphic Novels and Comics in Libraries and Archives: Essays on Readers, Research, History, and Cataloging (McFarland & Co.), 2010; Author, “Managing Your Library Manga Collection”, Diamond Booksellers Magazine, 2009; Author “The Challenge of Serving Urban Teens”, VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates), October 2008 Statement of Professional Concerns: I am a samurai librarian. I am very invested in library services for at-risk and urban teens. It is important that we get back to core practices and focus on providing high quality traditional library services. Technology is a useful tool but ultimately it is the individual front line librarian whose efforts and training will make a difference in the life of a young library user. Advocacy and library activism are two of my primary concerns. Old models of activism and drumming up library support are no longer enough. We need to move to a model of 18 constant advocacy, where our communities are continuously reminded of our value and so that it is political suicide to suggest closing or cutting libraries. You can close libraries when you step over my cold beaten body chained to the doors. Member of ALA since: 2007 19 MARGARET EDWARDS AWARD COMMITTEE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19. Shari Melisa Fesko Current Position: Teen Services Librarian; 2003; Southfield Public Library; Teen Services Librarian Northville District Library 1997-2003 Degrees and Certificates: Wayne State University, MSLIS, 1996, Eastern Michigan University,BA General Studies, 1995 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: ALA Mary Gaver Scholarship Committee 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 YALSA: Member, Great Books Giveaway Grant Jury 2007 YALSA: Member, Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults 2005-2009 Odyssey Award: Member, Award Committee 2009 YALSA: Member, Organization and Bylaws 2007-present YALSA: Member, BWI Collection Development Grant Jury 2010 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Michigan Library Association: Board Member, Teen Services Division Board Member, 1997-2000 Michigan Library Association: Member, Spring Institute Planning Committee, 1996-2009 Michigan Library Association: Member, Thumbs Up Award Jury, 1996,1997,1998, 1999 Audio Publishers Association: Member, Audie Award Jury, 2010 Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Michigan Library Association Frances Pletz Award for Outstanding Service to Young Adults, 2007 Baker and Taylor Young Adult Library Association Conference Grant, 1998 Major Accomplishments: Been working directly with teens in the public library for 14 years. I have extensive background in all genre's of teen fiction and have spoken on the topic of teen fiction at various conferences. Reviewed for VOYA for 12 years and still review audio books for SLJ. Have a column called Get With the Program for VOYA that I have been writing since December of 2009. Publications: Author, As Seen on TV: "Creating Great Programs Straight form television", Voice of Youth Advocates (E.L. Kurdyla Publishing) Volume 33, Number 5, December 2010 Member of ALA since: 2000 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20. Angela Leeper Current Position: Director, Curriculum Materials Center; 2009; University of Richmond; Previous Positions: Educational Consultant, Wake Forest, NC, 2003-2009. Educational Consultant, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Raleigh, NC 1997-2003. Degrees and Certificates: University of Rhode Island, MLIS, 1997; College of William and Mary, BA French, 1993. ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA: Member, Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults Advisory Board, 2010-11; Member, Printz Committee, 2008-10; Member, Odyssey Award Committee, 2007-09; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, 200709; Member, Division and Membership Promotion Committee, 2005-07; Member, Alex Award Committee, 2003-04; ALSC: Member, Special Collections and Bechtel Fellowship Committee, 2010-12; Member, Publications Committee, 2002-04. Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): North Carolina School Library Media Association, State Battle of the Books, 2000-04; AAAS/Subaru SB&F (Science Books & Films) Prize for Excellence in Science Books (Young Adult Book), Member, 2005-10, Chair, 2006Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Teacher Librarian Professional Development Grant, 2003; EBSCO/ALA Conference Sponsorship, 2001; Women’s National Book Association-Ann Heidbreder Eastman Grant, 1999. Major Accomplishments: As Director of the Curriculum Materials Center, the education library at the University of Richmond, I work with pre-service educators and educators in the field by introducing them to quality children’s and young adult literature. I love to share the possibilities of using books with children and teens, especially when teaching Young Adult Literature. A regular reviewer for Kirkus Reviews, Booklist, MultiCultural Reviews, and BookPage, I have also contributed reviews and articles about young adult literature to Book Links, Young Adult Library Services, the Horn Book Guide, Library Media Connection, North Carolina Literary Review, and Encyclopedia Virginia. I have also shared the wonder of young adult literature with librarians and teachers as a presenter at numerous statewide and regional conferences, a telecast participant, a YALSA Institute instructor, and an Publications: Author, Poetry in Literature for Youth (Scarecrow), 2006; Author, Juneteenth: A Day to Celebrate Freedom from Slavery (Enslow), 2004 (American Association of University Women Award for Juvenile Literature-North Carolina nominee); Author, Dairy Plant (Heinemann), 2004 (American Association of University Women Award for Juvenile Literature-North Carolina nominee). Member of ALA since: 1996 21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21. Barbara Moon Current Position: Youth Services Consultant; 2006; Suffolk Cooperative Library System; Previous Positions: Reference Librarian, Dowling College, 2005-2006 School Librarian, Tippit Middle School, 1999-2005 Classroom Teacher, Georgetown Independent School District, 1984-1999 Degrees and Certificates: New York State Education Department, Public Librarian Certificate, 2005 University of Texas at Austin, MLIS, 2000 Texas State Board of Education Certification, Learning Resources Specialist, 2000 Brigham Young University, BS, 1972 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: Member, Great Graphic Novels for Teens Selection Committee, 2008-2011 Member, Odyssey Award Committee, 2011-2012 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Conference planning committee, Youth Services Section of the New York Library Association, 2008 Major Accomplishments: Organized two Graphic Novel Symposia, 2008 and 2009 Organized Camp YA, an unconference for YA librarians, 2010 Presenter, NCTE ALAN workshop, 2009 Currently organizing Authors Unlimited, a county-wide celebration, connecting teens with authors of YA literature, April 2011 Publications: Author, "The Classics Revisited," School Library Journal, July 1, 2009. Member of ALA since: 2005 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22. Charli Osborne Current Position: Head of Teen Services; 2000; Oxford Public Library; Previous Positions: Coordinator of Young Adult Services/Electronic Services Librarian, Oxford Public Library, 1997-2000. Degrees and Certificates: Librarian's Permanent Professional Certificate, State of Michigan, 2004. Wayne State University, MLIS, 1997. Oakland University, BA English, 1991. Oakland Community College, AA Liberal Arts, 1988. ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: American Library Association: Member, 1996-present. New Members Round Table Member, 2003-2009. Public Library Association Member, 1996-present. Young Adult Library Services Association Member, 1996-present. YALSA Award for Excellence in Non-fiction Committee Member, 2010-11; Division and Membership Promotion Committee Member, 2009-11; Program Clearinghouse Committee Member, 2009-11; President’s Program Planning Committee Member, 2008-09; Alex Award Committee Member, 2007-09, 2005-07; Organization and Bylaws Committee Member, 2006-08; Michael L. Printz Award Committee Member, 2004. Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Michigan Library Association: Member, 1996-present. Nominating Committee Member, 2004. Executive Board Member, 2003. Children's Services Division Member, 1996-present. Teen Services Division Member, 1996present; Chair-Elect/Chair/Past Chair 2002-04; Frances H. Pletz Committee Member, 2006, 2007, 2009; Spring Institute Committee Member, 2002-03; Thumbs Up! Award Committee Member, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003; Chair, 2002, 2004. The Library Network (cooperative): Teen Services Committee Member, 1997-present; ChairElect/Chair, 2005-06; Co-Chair, 1999-2000. Michigan Electronic Library: MeL Best of the Web, Teen Services Selector, 2008. Beta Phi Mu International Library and Information Science Honor Society Member, 2003present; Director, 2005-07. Freedom to Read Foundation Member, 1996-present. Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Frances H. Pletz Award for Excellence in Service to Young Adults, Michigan Library Association Teen Services Division, 2005. Major Accomplishments: I have grown my teen section from two shelves of YA-stickered books in the Children’s Area in 1997 to a lovely 1,200 square foot Teen Area, complete with a Teen Service Desk, a 10,000+ item collection and five staff (1 FT and 4 PT), in 2011. I have presented on Teen Services related topics at numerous Michigan conferences and review regularly for both Library Journal and School Library Journal. Publications: Osborne, Charli. "Crafting Cheap and Successful Teen Programs". Teen Read Week™ and Teen Tech Week™: Tips and Resources for YALSA’s Initiatives. Megan Fink, ed. Chicago: American Library Association. 2011. Osborne, Charli. "Crafting Cheap and Successful Teen Programs". YALS. Fall, 2009. Osborne, Charli. "Catherine Called Birdy", "Into Thin Air", "Keesha's House", "No More Dead Dogs". Ultimate Teen Book Guide. Daniel Hahn & Leonie Flynn, eds. New York: Walker & Co. 2008. 23 Member of ALA since: 1996 24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23. Ed Spicer Current Position: Reviewer, Blogger, Teacher; 1999; Allegan Public Schools, Michigan Reading Journal; Previous Positions: Director of Special Events, Kalamazoo Nature Center 1995-1996.Director of Merchandising, Scripps Aquarium, 1981-1992. Degrees and Certificates: Grand Valley State University, MA Education, Reading Specialist Endorsement, 2004. ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: ALSC Notable Children's Books, Member, 2009-2011.ALSC Caldecott Committee, Member, 2009.YALSA BBYA, Member, 20062008.YALSA Printz Committee, Member, 2005. Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Honors and Awards (library and non-library, include DATES): WGVU (Grand Valley State University) Cool Teacher Award, 2003. Major Accomplishments: Today I have several former first graders in my high school book group. This thrills me to tears. My high school book group is in its 10th year. I have coordinated our high school literacy contest for 9 years. Students who have participated in Tiger Tales have gone on to win national and regional writing contests. I have two students today who are flirting with the idea of becoming published authors. Over the years I have connected students with authors that have changed these students. I am very proud to have student graduates return specifically to let me know about the authors and books they love! I am also proud of the MANY presentations I have done for a wide variety of audiences on the best books for teens and children (of all ages). While I have some reviews that are much better than others, I am still thrilled with the possibility of discovering future MAE winners each time I pick up a new manuscript or galley. Thanks for considering my qualifications. Publications: Author, "Well Stocked Bookshelf," Michigan Reading Journal, 2005-Present (regular, quarterly column). Links for further information: www.spicyreads.orghttp://web.mac.com/edspicer/spicyreads/Welcome.html Member of ALA since: 2000 25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24. Jamie Watson Current Position: Collection Development Coordinator; March 15, 2010; Baltimore County Public Library; Previous Positions: Harford County Public Library Belcamp, MD Assistant Materials Manager, 9/03 - 3/10 Enoch Pratt Free Library Baltimore, MD Librarian II, 9/97-9/03 Columbus Metropolitan Library Columbus, OH Librarian I, 9/95-9/97 Degrees and Certificates: Kent State University, MLS, 1996. The Ohio State University, BS in Home Economics, 1988. ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA, Michael L. Printz Committee, 2010 ALSC Robert F. Sibert Committee, 2008 YALSA Publisher Liaison Committee, 2006-08 YALSA Quick Picks, 2003-2006; Chair 2006 ALSC Notable Children's Software, 2001-2003 YALSA Pre-Conference committee, 2007, 2008, 2010, Co-chair, 2007, 2010 YALSA Local Arrangements Committee, 2010. Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Maryland Library Association, Maryland Author Award, 2009 Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Library Journal Mover and Shaker, 2008. Major Accomplishments: Capitol Choices, Member since 1999. Young Adult Reading Group Facilitator, 2004-2009. Publications: Quick and Popular Reads for Teens, Chapter 2, 2009. Blogger, www.adlit.org, 2008-2009. Reviewer, School Library Journal's Adult Books for Young Adults, 2001-2009. Member of ALA since: 1997 26 MICHAEL PRINTZ AWARD COMMITTEE 25. Naomi Michiko Bates Current Position Title: Librarian/Media Specialist; 2003; Northwest High School; Previous Positions: School Librarian/Media Specialist (K-12), Sabinal ISD, 1999-2003 Degrees and Certificates: Sam Houston State University, MLS, 2003 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA member, 2009; ALA member, 2009 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Texas Library Association, TAYSHAS State YA Reading List member, 2003-2006; Texas Computer Educator's Association, Library Special Interest Group President, 2006; Texas Library Association, Texas Association of School Librarians chair-elect/chair: 2009present Honors and Awards (library and non-library, include DATES): Cengage/SLJ Leadership Summit, New Leader member, 2010; Texas Computer Educator's Association, Amazing Librarian award, 2005 Major Accomplishments: Professionally, the major accomplishment I've experienced this year was to become part of the state library association and show leadership through the Texas Association of School Librarians, which impacts over 5,000 members throughout the state. As a school librarian, the major accomplishment I've experienced was to create a library environment that welcomes all students and staff and keeps the campus updated on new technologies, books/reading, and being a part of the team at NHS, not only as a leader, but also as a colleague. A major personal accomplishment is seeing students interest in books, reading and technology know-how raised through the use of booktalking and book trailers as well as teaching students and teachers through the classroom environment using the technology our campus has provided our students through the use of netbooks. Publications: N/A Links for further information: YA Books and More, www.naomibates.blogspot.com Member of ALA since: 2009 27 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26. Louise Brueggemann Current Position: Children's Services Supervisor; 2010; Naperville Public Library; Previous Positions: Librarian, J. Sterling Morton High School, Berwyn, IL, 2008-2010 Adjunct Professor, Dominican University GSLIS, 2010 Media Center Director, Westchester Middle School, Westchester, IL 2007-2008 Degrees and Certificates: Dominican University, MLIS, 2007; Simmons College, MA Children's Literature, 2001; University of Colorado, BA Psychology, 1979 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA: Member, BFYA Committee, 2011; Member, BBYA Committee, 2009-10; ALSC: Member, Liaison with National Organizations Serving Children and Youth Committee, 2007-08. Major Accomplishments: My work with young adult literature spans 30 years, most recently as a high school librarian in a culturally diverse suburb of Chicago. I am a reviewer for Kirkus Reviews, and have reviewed for Booklist. Since 2001, I have taught graduate and undergraduate courses in young adult literature at National-Louis University and Dominican University. I have presented at conferences and workshops at universities and for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. I have a background in publishing as marketing manager at Cricket Books and as an editor for educational publishers. I was the children’s and young adult book buyer at the Tattered Cover Book Store in Denver for twelve years. I have just completed a three-year term on Best Books for Young Adults/Best Fiction for Young Adults. Member of ALA since: 2005 28 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27. Meghan Eileen Cirrito Current Position: Senior Librarian; 2008; Queens Library; Degrees and Certificates: Pratt Institute, MLIS, 2008; Webster University, BA International Relations, 1998 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: Member, Alex Award Committee, 2010-present; Administrative Assistant, Alex Award Committee, 2009-2010 Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Gold Challenge Award, Queens Library, 2009; Pratt Institute Quiet Leadership Award, 2008 Major Accomplishments: I was a member of the inaugural "Floating Team" at Queens Library from June, 2008 until May, 2010. As a Floating Librarian, I worked with children and teens in seven different communities in Queens. This included providing reference services, programs, and readers advisory tailored to a diverse range of customers. In addition, I received the 2009 Gold Challenge Award at Queens Library for developing an introductory photography and photoblogging program at Queens Library - South Jamaica in conjunction with the library's Summer Reading Program. South Jamaica is a neighborhood where a significant percentage of the population lives below the poverty line and lack reliable access to computers and the Internet outside the library. For the first time, young people in the program experienced photography as a means of artistic expression firsthand Member of ALA since: 2006 29 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28. Sharon Grover Current Position: Head of Youth Services; 2006; Hedberg Public Library; Previous Positions: 2006—Present Head of Youth Services, Hedberg Public Library, Janesville, WI 1992—2006 Youth Services Collection Specialist, Arlington (VA) Public Library 1986—1991 Children’s Librarian, Middleton (WI) Public Library Degrees and Certificates: 1986 Master of Arts, Library and Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1981 Bachelor of Arts, College of Letters and Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) Member, Publications Committee, 2009 Co-Planner & Presenter, "Listening Is Reading," YALSA YA Literature Symposium, 2008 Member, Odyssey Award Committee, 2008 Chair, Selected Audiobooks for Young Adults, 2007 Member, Audiobook Award Exploration Committee, 2006 Member, Selected Audiobooks for Young Adults Committee, 2005—2007 Member, “Read with Your Ears” Preconference Planning Committee, 2006 Member, Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers Committee, 2000 Member, Selected Films and Videos for Young Adults Committee, 1994—1997 Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) Chair, Odyssey Award Committee, 2010 Member, May Hill Arbuthnot Committee, 2007 Member, Carnegie Award Committee, 2004 Member, Caldecott Award Committee, 2002 Member, Newbery Award Committee, 1998 Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Roundtable (EMIERT) Chair, Youth Services Committee, 2011 Major Accomplishments: Planner, Facilitator, and Presenter, "Listening for Literacy: Audioliterature and Teen Readers," a full-day workshop on audiobooks for Wisconsin teachers and librarians, 2009 Co-Planner and Presenter, "Listening Is Reading: Teens Choose Books Out Loud," a workshop on how and why teens listen to audiobooks as their chosen method of reading, 2008 Co-Presenter, "Reading With Your Ears: Audiobooks and Curriculum Connections," the opening session of the YALSA Preconference, "Reading With Your Ears," 2006 30 Founding Member, Coordinator and Editor, "Capitol Choices: Noteworthy Books for Children and Teens," 1996—2005 Co-leader for one of Arlington (VA) County’s award-winning Teen Advisory Board reading programs, holding biweekly book discussions with teens. Planned and implemented several countywide TAB events, bringing in teen authors (Christopher Myers, Jacqueline Woodson, John Green) and editors to meet and talk about books with students in the TAB program. Publications: “Hear and Now: Connecting Outstanding Audiobooks to Library and Classroom Instruction,” Teacher Librarian, Volume 35, Issue 3, 2008 (with Lizette Hannegan) “Not Just for Listening: Integrating Audiobooks into the Curriculum.” Book Links, May, 2005 (with Lizette Hannegan) “Audiobooks on the Go…Summer Listening for Teens and Families.” AudioFile, April/May issues, 2001 - 2010 Member of ALA since: 1992 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29. Heidi K. Hammond Current Position: Assistant Professor/MLIS, SLMS Coordinator; 2010; St. Catherine University; Previous Positions: School Librarian, Henry Sibley High School, 2003-2010; School Librarian, Friendly Hills Middle School, 1997-2003; School Librarian, Garlough Elementary School, 1987-1997 Degrees and Certificates: University of Minnesota, Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction/Literacy: Children’s and Young Adult Literature, 2009; University of Minnesota, M.A., Curriculum and Instruction/Secondary Reading, 1978; ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: ALSC: 2011 Randolph Caldecott Award Committee, 2010-2011 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Minnesota Library Association member, 2003-present; Minnesota Educational Media Organization member, 1988-present; Education Minnesota member, 1974-2010 Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): ALA Great Stories Club Grant, 2009 Major Accomplishments: Completing my Ph.D. while working full-time as a school librarian, teaching children's and young adult literature courses as an adjunct, and raising my daughter was a major accomplishment. It didn't allow much time for working within my library professional organizations, though I was involved in my state teacher organization Education Minnesota as a TALL (Teachers as Learners and Leaders) facilitator. After I completed my degree, I sought ways to volunteer in my library organizations and helped rewrite our state's school library media organization's information and technology literacy standards in 2009. I was also appointed to serve on Publications: 1) Hammond, H. (2010). The Development of a School Library Graphic Novel Collection. In R. G. Weiner (Ed.), Graphic novels and comics in libraries and archives: Essays on readers, research, history and cataloging. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 41-46. 2) Hammond, H. (2009). Graphic novels and multimodal literacy: A reader response study. Koln, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. 3) Graves, M.F. & Hammond, H. K. (1980). A Validated Procedure for Teaching Prefixes and Its Effect on Students' Ability to Assign Meaning to Novel Words. In M. L. Kamil, & A. J. Moe, (Eds.), Perspectives on reading research and instruction: Twenty-ninth yearbook of the National Reading Conference. Washington, D.C.: The National Reading Conference, 184-188. Links for further information: http://www.stkate.edu/~mlisweb/people/hammond.php 32 Member of ALA since: 2006 33 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30. Alexandra Elizabeth Henshel Current Position: Coordinator of Readers' Services; 2009; North Kingstown Free Library; Previous Positions: Readers' Advisor, North Kingstown Free Library, 2008-2009 Young Adult Librarian, West Warwick Public Library, 2007-2008 Degrees and Certificates: University of Rhode Island, MLIS, 2008 University of Rhode Island, BA History, 2003 ALA and/or ALA/APA Activities: ALA and YALSA member Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Rhode Island Library Association Rhode Island Young Adult Round Table (YART). Co-Hosted session on Social Networking and Youth Services. Presenter at R.I.E.M.A. 2008, 2009 with R.I.T.B.A. Rhode Island Teen Book Award committee member, reader, and reviewer since 2007 Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): 2008 William Bergeron Award from the Rhode Island Coalition of Library Advocates, an honor awarded to a student planning to work in public libraries. (Presented at the Rhode Island State House, February 2009) Major Accomplishments: I read the original 56 Nancy Drew books last month! I have recently begun an adult book group looking at YA and Childrens' literature, to try to reach an even larger audience for quality and popular works. Our first meeting compared the issues of privacy, gossip, spying, and notoriety in Louise Fitzhugh's Harriet the Spy and in Cecily von Ziegesar's Gossip Girl- the same neighborhood, 38 years and a world apart. I believe I have helped teens find books they love – I can think of no greater accomplishment, and there is nothing I could be more proud of. Publications: Lexi Henshel, "At The Library", Providence Journal, Thursday, June 28, 2007 http://www.projo.com/ri/eastgreenwich/content/WB_lib28_06-28-07_A6661SS.355736c.html Lexi Henshel, "Ten Fiction Must Reads From 2009", Rhode Island Library Association Newsletter, December 2010 http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs021/1102824136985/archive/1102916406763.html Lexi Henshel, "Ten Fiction Titles to Look for this Summer," Rhode Island Library Association Newsletter, May Links for further information: Lexacat's List: What I'm Reading Now http://lexacatslist.blogspot.com/ Lexacat's Booklists http://lexacatscovers.blogspot.com/ 34 Lexacat's Crafts (mostly YA/library appropriate, many with printable worksheets/instructions) http://lexacatcrafts.blogspot.com/ Member of ALA since: 2007 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31. Sharon Rawlins Current Position: Youth Services Consultant, Library Development Bureau; 2007; New Jersey State Library; Previous Positions: Head of Youth Services, New Jersey Talking Book and Braille Center, 2005-2007. Adult/Young Adult Reference Librarian, Piscataway Public Library, 1991-2005. Adult Services Librarian, Metuchen Public Library, 1990-1992. Degrees and Certificates: Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, MLS, 1991; University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, BA Journalism, 1984. ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: Association of Specialized & Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA)/State Library Agency Section (SLAS): Chair: Consultants for Services to Children & Young People, 2010-2011; ALSC: Member, 2011 Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Award Committee, 2009-2010; YALSA, Member, Nominating Committee, 2008-2009; YALSA: Member, 2009 Margaret A. Edwards Award Committee, 2007-2008; YALSA: Member, Best Books for Young Adults Committee, 2005-2007; YALSA: Administrative Assistant, Best Books for Young Adults, 2004. Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): New Jersey Library Association, Chair, Young Adult Section, 1994; New Jersey Library Association, Project Coordinator, Statewide Summer Reading Program, 2007 – present; New Jersey Library Association, Board Member, Children’s Services Section, 2006 – present. Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Appointed as the Children’s/Young Adult Librarian to the National Library Service’s Collection Development Advisory Group, 2007 – 2009. Major Accomplishments: Founding member of the (NJ) Garden State Teen Book Award Committee; reviewer of teen fantasy/science fiction for School Library Journal since 2002; quarter-finalist judge for the 2010 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest for Young Adult Fiction; member of the state’s Striving Reader Literacy Team; frequent speaker on topics for youth services librarians at the NJ Library Association and NJ Association of School Librarians annual conferences; NJ State Library liaison to the NJ Center for the Book and one of the state judges for the Library of Congress’s Letters About Literature competition; contributing blogger for YALSA’s The Hub; NJ state representative for the national Collaborative Summer Library Program; coordinator for the state’s annual Youth Services Forum and NJ Statewide Children’s and Teen Author Conference; judge for final selections of the Publications: Author, several biographical entries and a longer entry on fairytale retellings for "The Continuum Encyclopedia of Young Adult Literature", edited by Bernice E. Cullinan, Bonnie Kunzel and Deborah A. Wooten (Continuum Press), 2005. Member of ALA since: 1991 36 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32. Sarah Bean Thompson Current Position: Young Adult/Reference Associate; 2007; Springfield-Greene County Library; Previous Positions: Childrens Associate, Springfield-Greene County Library, 2006-2007 Degrees and Certificates: University of North Texas, MLIS, Youth Services Program, 2011 University of North Texas, Storytelling Certificate, 2011 Olivet Nazarene University, BS in Communications, 2004 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: Member, YALSA Fabulous Films Committee, 2010-2012 Protégé, YALSA Mentoring Program, 2011 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Member, Gateway Reader’s High School State Book Award Committee, Missouri School Library Association, 2010-2011 Reader-Selector, Gateway Reader’s High School State Book Award Committee, Missouri School Library Association, 2009 Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Featured Speaker on Young Adult Literature at Missouri State Library Association Conference, 2010 Book Review Blog, GreenBeanTeenQueen, Shortlisted for Best Young Adult Book Blog, Book Blogger Appreciation Week, 2009 Book Review Blog, GreenBeanTeenQueen, Winner of People’s Choice Blog Awards for Best Reviewer, hosted by Hey, Teenager of the Year, 2009 Major Accomplishments: At my library I run a successful teen library council. As part of this group the teens are given the opportunity to read and review upcoming young adult novels. The library council gives me the ability to discuss, critique and analyze books with the teens. We hold lengthy discussions, as well as arguments, over titles we have read. This gives me a chance to build my review skills as well as teach the teens skills they need to become successful reviewers. Outside of my library, I have a review blog, GreenBeanTeenQueen, where I review young adult titles. I read and review a variety of formats and genres and use my reviews to assist with readers’ advisory at my library. Through my reviews on GreenBeanTeenQueen, I am able to express and support my thoughts and feelings on the books I read. I engage in discussions of books with other readers. While I am able to defend books I feel 37 strongly about, I am open to others viewpoints and will reread books with a different outlook. Publications: Thompson, Sarah Bean, “In Step With Off-Beat Books.” VOYA (E L Kurdyla Publishing LLC), Volume 33, Number 4, 2010 Thompson, Sarah Bean “Book Blogs-Generating Buzz on Social Media Platforms.” VOYA (Scarecrow Press) Volume 32, Number 6, 2010 Links for further information: http://www.greenbeanteenqueen.com Member of ALA since: 2007 38 NONFICTION AWARD COMMITTEE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33. Ruth Barlow Allen Current Position: Youth Librarian; 1996; Multnomah County Library; Previous Positions: Library Assistant, Multnomah County Library 1993-1996 Library Assistant, Clackamas County Library 1992-1993 Degrees and Certificates: University of Wisconsin-Madison, MSLIS, 1990 Portland State University, BS Political Science, 1986 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA: Member, Margaret A. Edwards Award, 2007 YALSA: Member, Michael L. Printz Award, 2004 YALSA: Member, President's Program, 2001 YALSA: Teen Website Advisory Committee, 2001-2002 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Oregon Library Association, Oregon Young Adult Network Secretary 2008-present Oregon Library Association, Oregon Young Adult Network President 1999-2001 Major Accomplishments: Teen Author Lecture Committee chair, 2006 I led the committee that planned and implemented the 2006 Teen Author Lecture that brought Jacqueline Woodson to Multnomah County Library for two presentations to teens. PLA 2002: Co-presented a workshop entitled "Selling it in the Stacks: Reader's Advisory Services for Teens" PLA 2000: Co-presented a workshop entitled "Feasting on Forbidden Fruit", a program for teens about censorship. Raising Our Daughters grant 2000-2001 I planned for and oversaw the implementation and evaluation of a grant that funded sessions of "Raising Our Daughters" at three Multnomah County Library branches. ROD is a ten-week discussion group for parents of girls ages 8-18. The course focuses on the influences in a girl's life and provides readings, exercises and activities to help parents and other interested adults help build and maintain self-esteem in girls. Multnomah County Library Teen Committee Chair, 1997-1999 As chair of the Teen Committee, I helped form a group that was dedicated to improving teen services at Publications: Thomas, Stephanie A., Ruth B. Allen, Sarah Nelsen, and Sara Ryan. "School and Public Libraries Unite! A Case Study Showcasing Collaborative Programming between Parkrose High School and Multnomah County Library", Thinking Outside the Book: Essays for Innovative Librarians, ed. Carol Smallwood. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2008. 39 Kastner, Alison and Ruth Allen. "Feasting on Forbidden Fruit: How to Talk to Teens about Censorship", Teacher Member of ALA since: 1992 40 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------34. Angela Frederick Current Position: Teen Services Librarian; 2007; Nashville Public Library; Previous Positions: Teen Services Librarian, San Antonio Public Library, 2006-2007 Children's Librarian, San Antonio Public Library, 2005-2006 Degrees and Certificates: University of Alabama, MLIS, 2005 University of Alabama at Huntsville, BA Communications, 2001 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA: Member, Half-day Preconference Planning, 2010-11 YALSA: Member, Morris Award, 2009-10 YALSA: Member, Division & Membership Promotion, 2008-10 YALSA: Member, Outstanding Books for the College Bound, 2007-09 YALSA: Member, President’s Program Planning Committee, 2008 NMRT: Member, Local Arrangements, 2005-06 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Tennessee Library Association, Member, Volunteer State Book Awards: YA Division, 2010-11 Links for further information: twitter.com/angelina41 Member of ALA since: 2005 41 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------35. Angie Marie Manfredi Current Position: Head of Youth Services; 2007; Los Alamos County Library System; ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA, Morris Committee, 2010 YALSA, Outreach to Young Adults with Special Needs Interest Group Convenor, 2010-present YALSA, Outreach to Young Adults with Special Needs Committee, Chair, 2009-2010 YALSA, Recession Relief Taskforce, Chair, 2010 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): New Mexico Library Association, Chair, New Mexico Youth Services Special Interest Group, 2007-present. Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): 2010 YALSA Advocacy Day Stipend Major Accomplishments: I am an active member of YALSA and the GLBT roundtable. I have presented nationally at YALSA, ALA, and PLA events about services to teens. I have contributed to the YALSA and PLA blog. Most recently, I presented a halfday preconference at the 2010 YALSA YA Lit Symposium. I am also very active on a state level and believe in giving back to my local and national library community through professional service and training. Links for further information: www.fatgirlreading.com Member of ALA since: 2007 42 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36. Judy Tienken Nelson Current Position: Director of Youth Services; 2001; Pierce County Library System; Previous Positions: Children's Librarian, Lead, Bellevue Regional Library, King County Library System, 1990-2001 Children's Librarian, Bellevue Library, King County Library System 1982-1990 Degrees and Certificates: University of Washington Master of Library Science, 1982 Carleton College, BA Religion, 1971 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: ALA Counselor at large 1989-1993, Schneider Book Award at large jury member 2010-2011, COPE YALSA representative 2008-2010, BookLinks Advisory Board 2000-2004, Booklist Advisory Board chair 1997-1999, Booklist Advisory Board member 1994-1997; PLA Every Child Ready to Read (ECRR) Task Force 2010-2011, PLA/ALSC ECRR trainer 2000-2010; YALSA Morris Award chair 2008-2010, Nominating Committee 2009(chair 2000), YALSA President 2005-2008, Margaret Edwards Award committee member 2004-2006(chair 2001-2003), Schneider Family Book Award YALSA representative 2003-2005, Publisher's Liaison member 2000-2004 (chair 2001-2003), Printz Award member 1999-2000, Quick Picks 1996-1999 (chair 1997), NOSYAL committee chair 1995-1996, Best Books for Young Adults 1988-1990 (chair 1990) Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): First 5 FUNdamentals co-chair 2008-present (PC Early Learning Consortium) Alliance for Youth of Pierce County, treasurer 2008-present, board member 2001-2008 United Way Education Impact Team, 2005-present Lakewood's Promise Leadership Team member 2003-2005 McNeil Island Correction Center Advisory Board 2002-2007 Pierce County Reading Foundation board member 2005-2009 Northwest Literacy Foundation, founding member Board of Directors 1989-1994 Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): 2005 Library Journal Movers & Shakers Award 2002 Winner of Washington State CAYAS Visionary Award for Service to Children & Young Adults Major Accomplishments: As a public librarian serving youth my focus has been and continues to be on literacy and access issues for all. Here are two accomplishments that demonstrate this. As a founding member of the Northwest Literacy Foundation in the late 80's we worked to minimize summer reading loss by creating and supporting a peer to peer reading program in area day camps. In 2005, I was awarded an LJ Mover & Shaker award for building and overseeing the Explorer bookmobile program for Pierce County. This is a specially designed bookmobile to serve at risk geographically isolated youth. The program began in 2001 and continues to serve children from preschool through high school on a weekly basis, instilling in them the value of their public library. We know that regular access builds lifelong readers. 43 Publications: You Asked for It: Publisher's Respond, YOUNG ADULT, Fall 2003 Amazing Minds, ALKI, July 2002, JOYS, Summer 2000 Quick Picks, JOYS, Summer 1998 Booktalking Non-Fiction, co-written w/ Chapple Langemack, Booklist, 1989 Member of ALA since: 1985 44 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37. Maren Ostergard Current Position: Early Literacy/Outreach Librarian; 2005; King County Library System; Previous Positions: Children's Librarian, King County Library System, 1995-2005 Student Librarian, Seattle Public Library, 1994-1995 Graduate Student Assistant, University of Washington Health Sciences Library, 1993-1994 Degrees and Certificates: University of Washington, MSLIS, 1995; University of Washington, BS Biology, 1993. ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: ALA: Council, 2009-2012 YALSA: Chair, Margaret A. Edwards Award Committee, 2008-2010 ALSC: Member, Sibert Informational Book Award, 2007-2008 ALSC: Chair, Great Web Sites, 2005-2007 YALSA: Member, Virtual Regional Advisory Board, 2006-2007 ALSC: Member, Quicklists Committee, 2004-2006 YALSA: Member, Outreach to Young Adults with Special Needs, 2004-2005 ALSC: Member, Legislation, 2000-2004 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): AAAS/Subaru SB&F, Chair,Prize for Excellence in Science Book Award for young adults, 2009-2011 and 20072008 AAAS/Subaru SB&F, Member, Prize for Excellence in Science Books Award for young adults, 2008-2009 and 2005Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): 1994-1995 Friends of the Edmonds Library Scholarship Recipient 1992 Howard Hughes Fellowship Recipient Major Accomplishments: Reviewer, Booklist’s Reference Books Bulletin, 2001- Present Editorial Board Member, Booklist’s Reference books Bulletin, 2006 - 2009 Reviewer, School Library Journal, 1999-Present Publications: Ostergard, Maren, and Shauna Yusko. "Reference on the Web: a (mostly free) digital reference library for teens.(RBB)(Bibliography)." Booklist 103.18 (May 15, 2007): 78(2). Ostergard, Maren, and Shauna Yusko. "What's missing in reference collections for young adults." Booklist 103.1 (Sept 1, 2006): 171(2). Ostergard, Maren, and Shauna Yusko. "Core collection: YA reference sources." Booklist 102.1 (Sept 1, 2005): Member of ALA since: 1993 45 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------38. Laura Pearle Current Position: Head Librarian; 2005; Hackley School; Previous Positions: Librarian, Professional Children's School, 1997-2005; Librarian, Friends Seminary, 1996-1997 Degrees and Certificates: Long Island University, MSLIS, 1997; Hamilton College, AB Government, 1984 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: ALA Nominating Committee member, 2010 - 2011; YALSA Publications Advisory Board, 2010 - 2012; YALSA Strategic Planning Committee member, 2009 - 2010; AASL School Library Media Month Committee member, 2009 - 2011; AASLBlog co-moderator, 2005-2009; AASL Nominating Committee member, 2008 - 2009; AASL Publications Committee member, 2007 - 2009; AASL Web Planning Committee member, 2003 - 2005; AASL Knowledge Quest on the Web Associate Editor, 2003 - 2005; AASL Mentoring Committee member, 2003-2004; AASL Knowledge Quest Editorial Board member, 1999 - 2003; Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): Hudson Valley Library Association, Communications Coordinator, 1998 - 2004; New York City School Library System Council member, 2000-2004; New York City School Library System Council Secretary, 2002-2004 Links for further information: http://lpearle.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/vennlibrarian and on Goodreads as Laura Pearle Member of ALA since: 1996 46 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------39. Adela Peskorz Current Position: Faculty Librarian and Associate Professor; 2013; Metropolitan State University; Previous Positions: Faculty Librarian and Associate Professor, Metropolitan State University, 1997-present Coordinator of Young Adult Services, Minneapolis Public Library, 1991-1997 Young Adult Librarian, The New York Public Library, 1989-1990 Degrees and Certificates: Syracuse University, MLS, Library Science, 1977 State University of New York (SUNY), Oswego, B.A., English, 1976 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: YALSA, Member, William C. Morris Debut Author Award Committee, 2010-2011 YALSA, Advisor, YA Galley Group, 2006 through 2010 YALSA, Member, Outstanding Book for the College Bound Committee, 1997-1999 and 2007-2009 YALSA, Member, Awards Evaluation Task Force, 2006-2007 YALSA, Member, Best Books for Young Adults Committee, 2003-2006 YALSA, Director, Board of Directors, 2002-2004 YALSA, Member, Michael L. Printz Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature Committee, 1999-2000 YALSA, Trainer, Serving the Underserved, 1998 YALSA, Member, Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers Committee, 1995-1997 Honors and Awards (library and non-library, including DATES): Nominated for Excellence in Teaching Award, Metropolitan State University, 2010 and 2005 Major Accomplishments: In my current faculty position, I have created a vibrant collaborative teen review group, Teens Know Best, promoting active youth participation and university internships for future teachers, and partnerships with the University's Center for Community Based Learning, the University Library, and the St. Paul Public Library. Our group has an active blog, has been reviewing as a YA Galley Group (4 yrs)and as the inaugural review columnists for SLJTeen's online publication, and has been involved in a number of special programs. I also teach a unique online Adolescent Literature course, structured around an award committee process, required for all secondary Education majors. In my former position as Coordinator of YA Services for the Minneapolis Public Library, I created an annual annotated booklist, "The Book Scene...Especially for Teens," a network of Homework Help Centers, and had, through the Minneapolis Public School system, a cable television booktalk program. As a certified Serving the Underserved Trainer, I've presented workshops on serving teens in libraries throughout the Midwest. 47 Member of ALA since: 1992 48 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40. Jennifer Anne Rothschild Current Position: Library Associate II; 2006; Prince George's County Memorial Library System-Oxon Hill Branch; Previous Positions: Library Associate I, Prince George's County Memorial Library System, 2005-2006 Bibliographic Services Technician-- Cataloging, Mathematical Reviews, 2004-2005 Degrees and Certificates: University of Maryland, MLIS, 2008 Grinnell College, BA History and Chinese Studies, 2002 ALA and/or ALA-APA Activities: Selection Committee for the National Endowment of the Humanities/ALA We the People Bookshelf, 2008 Offices held in the ALA/APA, state, & regional library associations, and other associations (include DATES): The Prince George's County Memorial Library System Notable Teen Books Committee, 2007, 2008; co-organizer, 2011 The Maryland Library Association Blue Crab Young Reader Award, 2008-2010 The Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards (CYBILS), judging committee for Middle Grade and Young Adult nonfiction, 2007, 2008; nominating committee for Middle Grade and Young Adult nonfiction, 2009 PASIC Book of Your Heart Competition, Young Adult Field Judge, 2008 Aspen Gold Romance Competition, Final Round Judge, 2007 Major Accomplishments: I was invited to present at the Maryland Library Association Annual Conference on teen books, 2009, 2011 I was asked to co-organize the teen notable books discussion for Prince George's County Memorial Library system, 2011 I review picture books, middle grade and teen fiction and nonfiction for School Library Journal. I co-edit the History and Current Events newsletter put out by NextReads for the Prince George's County Memorial Library System. My book review blog, with an emphasis on teen and middle grade titles, has grown to over 200 subscribers around the world. I created, developed, edited, and published a children's and tween book review magazine for my library branch, 2006-2008. All of this has been accomplished within the first 5.5 years of becoming a public services librarian. 49 Links for further information: Candidate Info: www.jenrothschild.com/2011/01/yalsa-candidate-info.html Personal Blog: www.jenrothschild.com Member of ALA since: 2005 50
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