ZOR - Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (1995) 41:89-108 V~. I ] [4 Denumerable Controlled Markov Chains with Average Reward Criterion: Sample Path Optimality 1 ROLANDO CAVAZOS-CADENA2 Departamento de Estadistica y Chlculo, Universidad Aut6noma Agraria Antonio Narro, Buenavista 25315, Saltillo, COAH. MEXICO EMMANUEL FERN/~NDEZ-GAUCHERAND3 Systems & Industrial Engineering Department, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA Abstract: We consider discrete-time nonlinear controlled stochastic systems, modeled by controlled Makov chains with denumerable state space and compact action space. The corresponding stochastic control problem of maximizing average rewards in the long-run is studied. Departing from the most common position which uses expected values of rewards, we focus on a sample path analysis of the stream of states/rewards. Under a Lyapunov function condition, we show that stationary policies obtained from the average reward optimality equation are not only average reward optimal, but indeed sample path average reward optimal, for almost all sample paths. Key Words: Denumerable Controlled Markov Chains, Average Reward Criterion, Sample Path Optimality, Lyapunov Function Condition. I Introduction There are numerous applications, in many different fields, of denumerable controlled Markov chain (CMC) models with an infinite planning horizon; see Bertsekas (1987), Ephremides and Verd6 (1989), Ross (1983), Stidham and Weber (1993), Tijms (1986). We consider the stochastic control problem of maximizing average rewards in the long-run, for denumerable CMC. Departing from the most common position which uses expected values of rewards, we focus on a sample path analysis of the stream of states/actions. Under a Lyapunov function condition, we show that 1 Research supported by a U.S.-Mrxico Collaborative Research Program funded by the National Science Foundation under grant NSF-INT 9201430, and by CONACyT-MEXICO. 2 Partially supported by the MAXTOR Foundation for applied Probability and Statistics. under grant No. 01-01-56/04-93. 3 Research partially supported by the Engineering Foundation under grant RI-A-93-10, and by a grant from the AT&T Foundation. 0340-9422/95/41 : 1/89-108 $2.50 9 1995 Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg 90 R. Cavazos-Cadena and E. Fernhndez-Gaucherand stationary policies obtained from the average reward optimality equation are not only expected average reward optimal, but indeed sample path average reward optimal. For a summary of similar results, but under a different set of conditions as those used here, see Arapostathis et al. (1993), Section 5.3. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we present the model. Section 3 defines the standard stochastic control problem, under an expected average reward criterion. Section 4 introduces the sample path optimality average reward criterion, and the statement of our main result. After some technical preliminaries in section 5, our main result is proved in section 6. 2 The Model We study discrete-time controlled stochastic dynamical systems, modeled by CMC described by the triplet (S, A, P), where the state space S is a denumerable set, endowed with the discrete topology; A denotes the control or action set, a nonempty cumpact subset of a metric space. Let K := S x A denote the space of state-action pairs, endowed with the product topology. The evolution of the system is governed by a collection of stochastic matrices {P(a) = [px.y(a)] }a~A, i.e., P(a) is a state transition matrix, with elements px,y(a). In addition, to assess the performance of the system, a measurable 4 (and possibly unbounded) one-stage reward function r: K--* R is chosen. Thus, at time t ~ No := {0, 1, 2 . . . . }, the system is observed to be in some state, say Xt = x ~ S, and a decision At = a ~ A is taken. Then a reward r(x, a) is obtained, and by the next decision epoch t + 1, the state of the system will have evolved to X,+I = y with probability p~,y(a). Given a Borel space B, let Cg(B) denote the set of all real-valued and continuous functions on B. The following continuity assumptions are standard. Assumption 2.1: For each x, y e S, Px,r(') e Cg(A);furthermore r(., .) E Cg(K). [] Remark 2.1: We are assuming that all actions in A are available to the decisionmaker, when the system is at any given state x ~ S; this is done with no loss in generality; see Arapostathis et al. (1993), Section 5.3, and Borkar (1991). The available information for decision-making at time t E No is given by the history of the process up to that time H t := (X0, Ao, X1, A1, ..., At_l, Xt), which is a random variable taking values in H,, where 4 Given a topological space W, its Borel or-algebra will be denoted by ~(W); measurability will always be understood as Borel measurability henceforth. Denumerable Controlled Markov Chains with Average Reward Criterion H o:=S, H,:=H,_ 1 x(AxS), 91 Hoo:=(SxA) ~ , are the history spaces, endowed with their product topologies. An admissible control policy is a (possibly randomized) rule for choosing actions, which may depend on the entire history of the process up to the present time (H,); see Arapostathis et al. (1993) and Hern~ndez-Lerma (1989). Thus, a policy is specified by a sequence 7r = (Tq},E No of stochastic kernels 7~,on A given He, that is: a) for each h, ~ H,, n,('l h,) is a probability measure on ~(A); and b) for each B ~ ~(A), the map he ~ 7~,(BIh,) is measurable. The set of all admissible policies will be denoted by li. In our subsequent exposition, two classes of policies will be of particular interest: the stationary deterministic and the stationary randomized policies. A policy n ~ II is said to be stationary deterministic if there exists a decision function f : S --, A such that A, = f(x) is the action prescribed by n at time t, if X, = x. The set of all stationary deterministic policies is denoted as lisa. On the other hand, a policy n e II is said to be a stationary randomized policy if there exists a stochastic kernel y on A given S, such that for each B e ~(A), y(BIX,) is the probability of the event [Ae e B], given lit = (Hi-l, A,_I, Xt). The class of all stationary randomized policies is denoted by IlsR; 7~~ Ilso or 7~'~ IIsR will be equivalently identified by the appropriate decision function f or stochastic kernel y, respectively. Given the initial state Xo = x, and a policy 7t ~ II, the corresponding state, action and history processes, {X,}, {A,} and {H,} respectively, are random processes defined on the canonical probability space (H~, ~(H~o), ~ ) via the projections X,(hJ := x,, Ai(h~) := at and H,(h~) := h,, for each hoo = (x, a 0 ..... x,, at .... ) ~ I-I~, where ~ is uniquely determined; see Arapostathis et al. (1993), Bertsekas/Shreve (1978), Hinderer (1970), Hern/mdez-Lerma (1989). The corresponding expectation operator is denoted by ~:~.The following notation will also be used in the sequel: given Borel spaces B and D (see Arapostathis et al. (1993)), then a) P(B) denotes the set of all probability measures on B; b) P(BID) denotes the set of all stochastic kernels on B given D. 3 The Stochastic Control Problem Our interest is in measuring the performance of the system in the long run, i.e., after a steady state regime has been reached. A commonly used criterion for this purpose is the expected long-run average reward, where the stochastic nature of the stream of rewards is itself averaged by the use of expected values; see Arapostathis et al. (1993). Thus, we have the following definition. Expected Average Reward (EAR): The long-run expected average reward obtained by using rc~ li, when the initial state of the system is x e S, is given by 92 R. Cavazos-Cadenaand E. Fernhndez-Gaucherand N+ 1 ,-o r'x' A"I ,31, and the optimal expected average reward is defined as J*(x) := sup {J(x, ~)} . (3.2) lt~ll A policy n* ~ II is said to be EAR optimal if J(x, n*) = J*(x), for all x ~ S. Remark 3.1: In (3.1) above, the limit superior could also have been used, instead of the limit inferior. Although both alternatives are equivalent under some additional conditions, see Theorem 7.2 in Cavazos-Cadena (1991), in general the behavior of the inferior and superior limits is distinct, see pp. 181-183 in Dynkin and Yushkevich (1979). Remark 3.2: In choosing the limit inferior, we are embracing a conservative philosophy, in that we choose to maximize the worst expectations for the gains. That is, the limit inferior has the economic interpretation of guaranteed rewards, even if the (long) horizon is not known in advanced, or if the termination point is not determined by the decision-maker. On the other hand, the limit superior assumes a bolder, more optimistic position, in that what is being maximized is the best expectation of the gains. This criterion is rarely considered, since it makes sense only if the decision-maker has control on when to stop the processes. Our analysis will be carried out under the following asumption, which among other things guarantees that the expected value in (3.1) above is well defined, and that EAR optimal stationary policies exist. Assumption 3.1: Lyapunov Function Condition (LFC). There exists a function f: S -* [0, ~), and a fixed state z* such that: (i) For each (x, a) ~ K, 1 + [r(x, a)[ + ~ px, y(a)~(y) <_ E(x) ; y~z* (ii) For each x e S, the mapping f ~ E~{f(X1) } = ~y~ s Px,y(f(x))f(Y), is continuous in f e IIsD; (iii) For each f e IlsD and x e S, E~{r(X.)I[T > n]} .~oo 0 , DenumerableControlledMarkov Chains with AverageReward Criterion 93 where T := min{m > 01Xm = z*} is the first passage time to state z*, and I[A] denotes the indicator function for the event A. [] The LFC was introduced by Foster (1953) for noncontrolled Markov Chains, and by Hordijk (1974) for CMC, and has been extensively used in the study of denumerable CMC with an EAR criterion; see Arapostathis et al. (1993), Section 5.2. Furthermore, Cavazos-Cadena and Hern~mdez-Lerma (1992) have shown its equivalence, under additional conditions, to several other stability/ergodicity conditions on the transition law of the system. There are two main results derived under the LFC: a) EAR optimal stationary policies are shown to exist, and such policies can be obtained as minimizers in the EAR optimality equation (EAROE); and b) an ergodic structure is induced in the stream of states/rewards. We sumarize these well known results in the two lemmas below. Lemma3.1:Under Assumptions 2.1 and 3.1, there exist p* ~ ~ and h: S ~ R such that the following holds: (i) J*(x) = p*, Vx e S; (ii) th(')l < (1 + ~(z*)).l(.); (iii) The pair (p*, h(.)) is a (possibly unbounded) solution to the EAROE, i.e, P* + h(x)= sup [r(x'a) +y~sPx'Y(a)h(Y)l'Vx eS (3.3) (iv) For each x ~ S, the term within brackets in (3.3) is a continuous function of a e A, and thus it has a maximizer f*(x) e A. Moreover, the policy f * e IIsD thus prescribed is EAR optimal. Proof." For a proof of results (i), (iii), and (iv) see Arapostathis et al. (1993), Cavazos-Cadena and Hern~mdez-Lerma (1992), Hordijk (1974). On the other hand, the result in (ii) is essentially contained in the proof of Theorem 5.1 in Hordijk (1974); see especially Lemmas 5.3-5.7. However, we have not found an explicit statement of this inequality, and thus we provide one next. As shown in the above references, h(') can be defined as h(x) := IEx y* 1(r(X,, At) - ] p*) , x e S , Lt=O where T is as in Assumption 3.1. Observe that by iterating the equation in Assumption 3.1 (i) we get, for each x E S, 94 R. Cavazos-Cadena and E. Fernfindcz-Gaucherand E~" F 9 (Ir(Xt, A t ) I + I ) Lt=o 1 _<d(x),xeS . (3.4) Therefore, Ih(x)l < E~*Fr~"10r(X. Lt=O At)l+ Ip*l)] < (1 + ]p*I)E{* L, =o (Jr(X,, Atl] + 1) ] < (1 + IP*IV(x), (3.5) where the third inequality follows from (3.4). Now observe that y*rx'r-1 p , ~ Ez* k./~t=~, r(X,, A,)] Ez,(T) which follows from the theory of renewal reward processes (see Ross (1970)): under the action of f * , successive visits to the state z* determine a renewal process; see also Hordijk (1974), pp. 41-42. Then using (3.4) with x = z*, it follows that t(z*) Ip*l < ~ - IF=, ( T ) < f(z*) , - since T > 1. Combining this inequality with (3.5), we obtain the desired result. [] Lemma 3.2: Let Assumption 3.1 hold. (i) Let x ~ S and n ~ II be arbitrary. Then: 1 n + 1 IF~E#(Xn)].--,oo-'*0 . (ii) Let x ~ S and ~ ~ H be arbitrary. Then, for T as in Assumption 3.1, 1 _< E~,[T] _< t'(x) . Denumerable Controlled Markov Chains with Average Reward Criterion 95 In particular, for every stationary policy f e IlsD, the Markov chain induced by f has a unique invariant distribution q: ~ P(S), such that: 1 1 q:(z*) = ~ >~ > O; ~~,1_11 ~tz') moreover, the mapping f ~ q:(z*) is continuous on f e Ilso. (iii) For each f e Ilso, the following holds: n + ~ ~-~ r(X t, f(X,)) ~ | qy(y)r(y, f(y)) , t=O and 1 ~ r(X,, f ( X t ) ) , ~ n + 1 t=o E qy(y)r(y, f(y)), ~Y~ - a.s.. r~s (iv) Let ~ e IlsR. The Markov chain induced by ~ has a unique invariant distribution qr s P(S), and: n + 1 ~- r(X,, A t ~oo q~(y)r~(Y) , I and i ~" r(Xt' At)~oo E qr(y)rr(Y), ~ -- a.s. , rt + 1 t=0 r~s where rr(Y) := fA r(y, a)y(dalx) . (v) Let W e C~(K) be such that IWI ~ Irl + L, for some positive constant L. Then (L + 1)-:(.) is a Lyapunov function corresponding to W, i.e., it satisfies Assumption 3.1, with W(., .) taken as the one-stage reward function. Furthermore, there exist p* e R and hw: S ~ • such that: 96 R. Cavazos-Cadenaand E. Fern~mdez-Gaucherand p* + hw(x)= sup [W(x,a) y,s ~ P~'Y(a)hw(y)I'Vx ~S ' that is, (p*, hw(')) is a solution to the EAROE, for the CMC with reward function W(', "). Remark 3.3: The result in Lemma 3.2 (i) is due to Hordijk (1974); see also Cavazos-Cadena (1992). For the results in Lemma 3.2 (ii), see Lemma 5,3 and the equivalence between conditions L1 and L 5 in Cavazos-Cadena and HernhndezLerma (1992); see also Theorem 5.8 in Arapostathis et al. (1993). On the other hand, the convergence results in (iii) and (iv) can be easily derived by using the theory of (delayed) renewal reward processes; see Theorem 3.16 and the remarks on pp. 53-54 in Ross (1970). Finally, by applying Lemma 3.1 to the reward function W(., .), the result in Lemma 3.2 (v) follows immediately. 4 Sample Path Optimality The EAR criterion of (3.1)-(3.2) is commonly used as an approximation of undiscounted optimization problems when the planning horizon is very long. However, this criterion can be grossly underselective, in that the finite horizon behavior of the stream of costs is completely neglected. Moreover, it can be the case that EAR optimal policies not only fail to induce a desirable (long) finite horizon performance, but that the performance actually degrades as the horizon increases; see examples of this pathology in Flynn (1980). Thus, stron#erEAR criteria have been considered, see Arapostathis et al. (1993), Cavazos-Cadena and Fenhndez-Gaucherand (1993), Dynkin and Yushkevich (1979), Flynn (1980) and Ghosh and Marcus (1992). Also, weightedcriteria, which introduce sensitivity to both finite and asymptotic behaviour, have been recently introduced, see Fern~mdez-Gaucherand et al. (1994), and references therein. If there exist a bounded solution (p, h(')) to the optimality equation, i.e., with h(-) a bounded function, then EAR stationary optimal policies derived as maximizers in the optimality equation have been shown to be also (strong) average optimal and sample path optimal, i.e., the long-run average of rewards along almost all sample paths is optimal; see Arapostahis et al. (1993), Dynkin and Yushkevich (1979), Georgin (1978), and Yushkevich (1973). Undoubtely, sample path average reward (SPAR) optimality is a much more desirable property than just EAR optimality, since a policy has to actually be used by the decision-maker along nature's selected sample path. However, bounded solutions to the optimality equation necessarily impose very restrictive conditions on the ergodic Denumerable Controlled Markov Chains with Average Reward Criterion 97 structure of the controlled chain; see Arapostathis et al. (1993), Cavazos-Cadena (1991), and Fernfindez-Gaucherand et al. (1990). Under the conditions used in this paper, the solutions to the optimality equation obtained in Lemma 3.1 are possibly unbounded. For similar results, but under a different set of conditions as those used here, see the summary in Arapostathis et al. (1993), Section 5.3. After precisely defining SPAR optimality (see also Arapostathis et al. (1993)) we show in the sequel the SPAR optimality of the EAR optimal stationary policies in Lemma 3.1 (iv). Sample Path Average Reward ( S P A R ) : The long-run sample path average reward obtained by 7z e II, when the initial state of the system is x ~ S, is given by 1 Js(x, 7z) := lim i n f ~ N~o N+ N ~ r ( X t, At) . lt=o (4.1) A policy ~* E II is said to be SPAR optimal if there exists a constant ~ such that for all x ~ S we have that: Js(x, ~*) = -fi, ~ * - a.s. , while, for all rr ~ II and x e S, Js(x, ~) < ~, ~ - a.s. . The constant fi is the optimal sample path average reward. We present next our main result, showing the SPAR optimality of the EAR optimal stationary policy obtained in Lemma 3.1 (iv); its proof is presented in Section 6, after some technical preliminaries given in the next section. Theorem 4.1: Let Assumptions 2.1 and 3.1 hold. Let f * and p* be as in Lemma 3.1. Then: (i) f * is SPAR optimal, and p* is the optimal sample path average reward. (ii) For all ? ~ HsR, we have that 1 lira sup - - N~ N ~ r(X,, At) < p*, ~ r _ a . s . . N + lt=o 98 R. Cavazos-Cadenaand E. Fern~indez-Gaucherand Remark 4.1: According to the above result, regardless of the initial state x 9 S and policy rr 9 II being used, with probability 1 the limit inferior of the sample average reward over N periods does not exceed p*, th expected average reward. Moreover: lim 1 N-'~oo ~ N ~ r(X, At) = p*, ~f* - a.s. t= -~-0 and the limit inferior and the limit superior of sample path average rewards lead to the same optimal policy and optimal value, when the optimization is restricted to only policies in IlsR. 5 Preliminaries This section contains some technical results that will be used in the proof of Theorem 4.1. The next dominated convergence result is similar to that in Proposition 18, p. 232 of Royden (1968), although the latter requires stronger assumptions. Lemma 5.1: Let {v,} c P(K) be a sequence converging weakly to v e P(K). Let R s ~(K) be a nonnegative function such that: fK Rdv"~~ f l Rdv < oo . Then, for each C e Cg(K)satisfying lC(" )f -< R(-),it follows that: fK Cdv. ~| f~ Cdv . Proof." Let ~ > ;~ Rdv < exA 0 be fixed, and pick a finite set G c S such that e , (5.1) Denumerable Controlled Markov Chains with AverageReward Criterion 99 where Gc stands for the complement of G. Since {vn} converges weakly to v, it follows that f~• A Rdv~~ f~ x A Rdv . Then, we have that = f~ • A Rdv . Therefore, there exists M ~ ~ such that for all n > M fG exA Rdv,,< e , (5.2) and thus + f~ exA ]Cldv where the second inequality follows from (5.1) and (5.2), together with the fact that IC(')l _< R(.), On the other hand, since {vn} converges weakly to v and C(.) is continuous, it follows that f~ x A Cdvn,,~o f~ x A Cdv , (5.4) since G is a finite set. Taking the limit superior, as n ~ o% in both sides of (5.3) and using (5.4), we obtain that 100 R. Cavazos-Cadenaand E. Fern~indez-Gaucherand lim sup I Cdv, - f n~oo Cdv < 2~ , dg and the conclusion follows since ~ > 0 was arbitrary. [] Definition 5.1: Let p* be the optimal EAR associated with the reward function Irl, and set 6:= sup {I -- q y ( z * ) } , (5.5) f e lisp where qs(') is as in Lemma 3.2; notice that 0 < 6 < 1, by Lemma 3.2 (ii). Next, define L 9 ~ as p* L := 1 + 1 ~ ' (5.6) and R 9 if(K) as ~lr(x,a)l ,+L, x#z*,a 9 R(x'a):=(Ir(x,a)l x=z*,a 9 ; . (5.7) The function R defined above will play an important role in the proof of Theorem 4.1. The following result will also be very useful. Lemma 5.2: Let p~ be the optimal EAR corresponding to the reward function R. Then p* < L. Proof: Let f E IIsD be an EAR optimal policy for the reward function R. In this case p* = ~., qy(x)R(x,f(x)) xeS = ~ qy(x)lr(x,f(x))l + L ~ qT(x) x~ S < p~' + L(1 - qT(z*)) , x~z* Denumerable Controlled Markov Chains with Average Reward Criterion 101 where the second equality follows from (5.7), and the inequality from the fact that p* is the optimal EAR corresponding to Lr(', ")1. Then (5.5) and (5.6) yield that P* <- P* + LtS = ~ + l P ~ < , since 6 < 1. [] Definition 5.2: The sequence of state/action empirical measures {vn} ~ P(K) is computed as follows: for each pair of Borel sets G 9 ~(S) and B 9 ~(A), let v,(G x B ) : = - I[Xt 9 n + lt=0 At 9149 ~o 9 Remark 5.1: Notice that {vn} is an stochastic process, adapted to the filtration {a(Hn, An)}, and that vn 9 P(K). Also, for each W: K ~ 0~, we have that 1 n + lt=o w(x,, A,) = f, wdv,. (5.8) Next, let S := S u {~} be the one-point compactification of S, and observe that vn can be naturally considered as an element of P(S x A). Since S x A is compact, then {vn} is a tight sequence in ~(S x A). The following result, summarized from Borkar (1991), Chapter 5, describes the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of empirical measures; see also Arapostathis et al. (1993), Section 5.3. Lemma 5.3: Let x 9 S, and n 9 II be arbitrary. Then the following holds for ~ - a l m o s t all sample paths: Ifv 9 P(S x A) is a limit point of {v,}, then v can be written as 1J = (1 - - 0r 1 + ~2 , (5.9) where 0 < ~t < 1, and/~x,/~2 9 P(S x A) satisfy the following: (i) pl(S x A) = 1 = #2({oo} x A); (ii) /~1 can be decomposed as /~I({Y} x B) = ~(y)'r(Bly), for each y 9 S and B 9 &(A), where p 9 P(S) and V9 P(AIS); (5.10) 102 R. Cavazos-Cadena and E. Fern~indez-Gaucherand (iii) if ~ and ? are as in (5.10), then ~ is the unique invariant distribution of the Markov chain induced by ?, when 7 is viewed as a policy in IIsR. Thus, we have that ~ = q~, using the notation in Lemma 3.2. Now, let R(., .) be the function in Definition 5.1, and recall that (L + 1)~(.) is a Lyapunov function for R(., .). Let p* ~ R and hR: S ~ R be a solution to the EAROE corresponding to the reward function R(., .), i.e., P~ + hR(x) = supA IR(x' a) yeS ~ Px'r(a)hR(Y)] ' vx E S ; recall that such a solution exists, by Lemma 3.1. Furthermore, by Lemma 3.2 we obtain that n 1 IF~[hR(X.)].~ 0, Vx E S, ~t ~ H . + 1 (5.11) Next, define Mandl's discrepancy function q~: K --* [0, ~), by (see Arapostathis et al. (1993), Hernfindez-Lerma (1989)) ~5(x, a) = p* + hR(x) -- R(x, a) - ~ px.,(a)hR(y), V(x, a) ~ K . yeS Note that r a) > 0, for all (x, a) ~ K and that r a) = 0 if and only if the action a ~ A attains the maximum in the EAROE. With the above definitions, standard arguments show that for each n e No, x e S, and n e II, hR(x) P~ + - - n+l -_ n + 1 E:, ,~o R(X,, A,) + O(Xt, At) + nz~[hR(X,.+l)] where the second equality follows from (5.8). Then, we have that (5.11)yields (5.12) In particular, for any policy y e IIsa, Denumerable Controlled Markov Chains with Average Reward Criterion 103 (5.13) where RY(y) = f ~ R(x, a)y(dalx), x e S , with a similar definition for 4~~. The following technical result will also be used in the proof of Theorem 4.1; we present its proof in the Appendix. Theorem 5.1: Let x e S and rc~ II be arbitrary. Then for ~ - a l m o s t all sample paths {X,(h~), At(h~o)}, h| e H~, there exists a sequence {nk} C N, with n k ---+OO as k ~ 0% such that the following holds: (i) {vnk} converges weakly to v e P(K); (ii) f (R + ~)dv,knk--2~of~ (R + c~)dv ~ (5.14) [] Remark 5.2: Note that Theorem 5.1 (i) says that v e P(K) = P(S x A), a stronger assertion than v e P(S x A). 6 Proof of the Main Result Now we are ready to present the proof to Theorem 4.1, our main result. Proof of Theorem 4.1: (i) By Lemma 3.2 (iii), we have that 1 Z r(Xz, f*(X~)).~ r~s ~, qI,(y)r(y, f*(y)) = p*, ~[* - a.s. , n + lt=o 104 R. Cavazos-Cadena and E. Fernhndez-Gaucherand i.e., when the system is driven by policy f*, the average of the sample path rewards converges to the optimal EAR, almost surely. Now, let x ~ S and rc ~ II be arbitrary but fixed, and let U ~ I-I| be the set of sample paths along which the conclusions in Theorem 5.1 and Lemma 5.3 are valid; observe that ~ { U } = 1. Select next a sample path {Xt(h~), A,(h~o)}, h| e U, and pick a sequence {nk} ~ N as in Theorem 5.1; note that {nk} depends on the sample path selected. Recall that ~(x, a) > 0, for any (x, a) K, and that Irl -< R + ~, by (5.7). Then by (5.14) and Lemma 5.1, we get that (6.1) f ~ rdvn~nk~~ f i rdv . On the other hand, by Lemma 5.3, v can be decomposed in such a way that for all y ~ S and B e M(A), qr(Y)'7(BIy); ~ E P(AIS) . v({y} x B) = Therefore, by Lemma 3.2 (iv), fx rdv = y~e s qr(Y) fA r(y, a)7(daly) = ~, qr(y)rr(Y) yes = lim n + 1 E~ n--*oo r ( X , , At) , t=O and thus fK rdv < p* , (6.2) since p* is the optimal expected average reward associated with the reward function r(', .). Since lim inf ~ n~oo ~. r(X t, At) = lim inf /1 "l" 1 t = O rdvn n~oo < lim~..~inffx rdvn~ ' Denumerable Controlled Markov Chains with AverageReward Criterion 105 then using (6.1) and (6.2) it follows that lim inf - ,~ n + 1 t=o r(Xt, At) <_p* . Therefore, the conlusion follows since the sample path {Xt(ho~), At(h~)}, h~o E U, was arbitrary, and ~ { U } = 1. (ii) This follows inmediatly from (i) and Lemma 3.2 (iii)-(iv). [] Appendix: Proof of Theorem 5.1 Let x ~ S and rce II be arbitrary but fixed. Notice that (5.12) and Fatou's Lemma (see Royden (1968), p. 231) imply that P* > Nz~'Ilimin,-'o0 fL ,)~I (R + q~)dv"] " (A.1) Next, let V c H~o be the set of sample paths along which the conclusions in Lemma 5.3 are valid, and observe that ~ { V} = 1. Now select and fix arbitrarily a sample path {Xt(h~), A,(hJ}, h~o ~ V, and pick a sequence {nk} ~ N such that (e.g., see Royden (1968), p. 36), lim f (R + ~)dv.~ : liminf f (R + ~)dv. . n u "* oo K n -* ~ (A.2) J K Taking a subsequence if necessary, we can assume that {v,~} converges weakly to v = (1 - ~)#1 + ~/~2 e P(S • A), where 0 < at < 1 and/~1, #2 are as in Lemma 5.3. Now let G c S be a finite set, chosen arbitrarily except that z* ~ G. Define Ro and q~Gin c~(~ x A) as follows: ~R(x,a) , [.L , (x,a)~G x A ; (x, a) e (S\G) x A , ~'~(x,a) , a) : = / . 0 , (x,a)~G xA ; (x, a) e (S\G) x A . RG(x, a) := (A.3) and r (AA) 106 R. Cavazos-Cadena and E. Fern~ndez-Gaucherand Therefore, we have that 0 < Ro(x, a) + Co(x, a) "~R(x, a) + @(x, a) , as G increases to S. Thus, by the weak convergence of {v~k} to v, (A.3)-(A.4), and since Ro + r e c~(g x A) is a bounded function, we obtain that, liminf I (R + ~)dv,, = lim f (R + ~)dv~k > tim t_ nk--~~ =f d'~ • (R~ + ~)dv~ .J S • A (R~ + cl)~)dv =(l --ct) fg(RR + ~G)dl'tl "k g f{~}xA ( R a - k ~ a ) d # 2 = (1 - g) f x (R~ + @~)d#l + ~L . (A.5) Now, let G increase to S. In this case the Monotone Convergence Theorem and (A.5) yield that lim f (R + r k >_(1 - 0t) ~ (R + r ,dK nk ~ oo + 0tL. (A.6) To continue, as in Lemma 5.3 (ii), let/A be decomposed as, #~({y} x B) = qr(y).y(Bly); y ~ P(AIS) . Then, straightforward calculations yield that f (R + ~)d#l = ~, q~(y)(R~(y)+ ~b~(y))= p* , K (g.7) Y~$ where the second equality follows from (5.13). Hence, combining (A.6) and (A.7), it follows that Denumerable Controlled Markov Chains with Average Reward Criterion lim f (R + ~)dv,, > (1 n k ~ oo 107 (A.8) - ~)p* + ctL . K Since by Lemma 5.2 p* < L, (A.8) and (A.2) yield that: tim inf f (R + qb)dv, >_p* ; n--,oo d (A.9) K Note that (A.9) has been established for an arbitrary sample path {X,(hJ, A,(h~o)}, h~ e V. Since ~ { V } = 1, we have that (A:9) holds ~ - a l m o s t surely; this together with (A.1) yields that liminf f (R + ~)dv,= PR, * ~ " - a.s. . n ...*oo (A.IO) d K Hence, by (A.8) and since p* < L, ~ above must be zero, i.e., {Vn~} converges weakly to #1 e P(S x A). Let W be the set of all sample paths for which (A.10) holds; notice that :~x"[Wc~ V] = 1. Then, for each sample path {X,(hoo), At(boo)}, h| ~ W n V, equality is attained in (A.8). Thus choosing a sequence {v.,} which converges weakly to v e P(S x A) and satisfying (A.2), the following holds: (i) {v,,} converges weakly to v = ~1 e P(S x A); and (ii) lim f l (R + q))dv.k = lira inf t (R + ~)dv. = p* nk -4~ n~~176 d K = f x ( R + ~)dPl , where the second equality follows from (A.7). 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