EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS 2007, 8, 177 - 191 NUMBER 2 (WINTER 2007) 177 Different Retention Intervals in Delayed Matching-to-Sample: Effects of Responding in Accord with Equivalence Erik Arntzen1, Tommy Galaen2, and Lars Rune Halvorsen2 Akershus University College1 and Ostfold University College2 The purpose of the current experiment was to replicate and to extend the findings of the study by Arntzen (2006). We investigated the probability of responding in accord with stimulus equivalence as a function of increasing and decreasing retention intervals. In the one-to-many training structure with delayed matching to sample the retention intervals were 0 s, 6 s, and 12 s. Twenty adults served as participants – ten participants started with 0 s delay and ten participants started with 12 s delay, and the retention intervals were either increased or decreased. For each condition it was a novel set of abstract, arbitrary stimuli. Nine of ten participants responded in accord with equivalence for the participants either when the retention interval increased or decreased. However, all participants met the symmetry criterion. Reaction time was higher on “equivalence” trials compared to “symmetry” trials, and the typical pattern of an increase from baseline trials to the first test trials and a decrease during the test was most pronounced for the “equivalence” trials. Key words: stimulus equivalence, delayed matching to sample, retention intervals, adults, precurrent behavior, reaction time. Behavior analysis has identified basic behavioral principles governing both simple and complex human behavior, and has studies secondary principles derived from more fundamental behavioral principles (Donahoe & Palmer, 1994). Behavioral terms encourage parsimonious explanations, concurrently omitting circular reasoning, explanatory fictions and reifications (Skinner, 1953). Even though categorization and concept learning historically have been area for cognitive psychology and not a primary subject matter for experimental analysis of behavior, research on stimulus equivalence has been important for an understanding of such complex human behavior (Sidman, 1994). Thus, lately research on conceptual repertoires and learning histories which make these repertoires possible have been discussed (e.g., Critchfield, Galizio, & Zentall, 2002). For example, verbally competent humans “....often react to words and other symbols as if they are the things or events they refer to. ....This treatment of linguistic forms as equivalent to their referents permits us to listen and read with comprehension, to work out problems in their absence, to instruct others by means of speech or text, to plan ahead, to store information for use in the future, and to think abstractly - all of these by means of words that are spoken, written, or thought in the absence of the things and events they refer to” (Sidman, 1994, p.3). Thanks to Ruth Anne Rehfeldt and John Donahoe for valuable comments for her comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. Correspondence concerning this manuscript should be addressed to Erik Arntzen, Akershus University College, PO Box 423, 2001 Lillestrom, Norway. E-mail: erik.arntzen@ Concepts have been defined as generaliza177 178 Erik Arntzen, Tommy Galaen, and Lars Rune Halvorsen tion within categories or classes of stimuli, and discrimination among classes of stimuli (Keller & Schoenfeld, 1950). Hence, stimulus class formation warrants applicable experimental research to account for several complex behaviors. Although complex behaviors may not be readily observable, some lend themselves to experimental behavior analysis (see Palmer, 2003 for a discussion on interpretation). Furthermore, Donahoe (2004) has stated that “Interpretation may appeal to unobserved events (e.g., operants) as long as three requirements are met (Skinner, 1957, 1984): (a) The unobserved operant must be of a kind that has been subjected to prior experimental analysis. (b) The antecedents that prevail when the unobserved operant is invoked must include the critical antecedents identified when it was subjected to experimental analysis. (c) The prevailing conditions must contain antecedents known to be present in the history of the individual when the behavior was reinforced or, minimally, that such antecedents were very likely a part of the history of the individual” (p. 85). Sidman (1994) has for example argued that through stimulus equivalence research more complex behavior may emerge and be explained. Emergent equivalence relations refer to demonstrations of relations among stimuli that have not been explicitly trained. An equivalence class is defined by mutually interchangeable stimuli that hold all possible emergent relations between them. It requires at least three stimuli and two classes to occasion all logical relations that account for equivalence class formation. Mathematical set theory provides the descriptive system to classify logical stimulus relations as demonstrations of reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity (Sidman, 2000). Fields and Verhave (1987) proposed that the different structural relations of an equivalence class could best described by four parameters: (1) number of stimuli per class, (2) training structures, (3) number of nodes, (4) and distribution of single stimuli. There are three different training structures, i.e., one-to-many (OTM) or sample-as-node, many-to-one (MTO) or comparison-as-node, and linear series (LS). In the current study, we have used an OTM training structure, because the OTM training structure have given the highest yields of responding in accord with equivalence in our lab and since we wanted to replicate the findings of Experiment #2 and #3 in Arntzen (2006) with different delays (see below). Furthermore, a distinction is also made between training structures and training protocols. Imam (2006) has outlined the three different protocols, i.e., (1) simple-to-complex, (2) complex-to-simple, and (3) simultaneous protocol. We have used simultaneous protocol in the current study since it was also used (Arntzen, 2006), and because simultaneous protocol is the most used protocol in the stimulus equivalence research. Usually in matching to sample procedures, each trial starts with a response to the sample stimulus the sample which is followed by presentation of the comparisons, and sample and the comparisons are present at the same time. In a delayed matching-sample (DMTS) procedure, a response to the sample stimulus is followed by the disappearance of the sample, and the presentation of the comparisons (0 s delay) or n seconds before the comparisons appear. The interval between offsetting the sample stimulus and the onset of the comparison stimulus is often called the retention interval. The term refers to the fact that the sample stimulus has to be remembered in order to facilitate discriminative responses to comparison stimuli (Arntzen, 2006). Nevin, Davison, Odum, and Shahan (2007) distinguish between delayed matching to sample with physical similar stimuli and arbitrary or symbolic stimuli, and the latter is the case for stimulus equivalence research. Hence, the reinforcement contingencies in delayed matching-to-sample procedures apply to the discriminative behavior at the presentation of both the sample and comparison stimuli. The retention interval is an independent variable that can influence the different properties of these relations. The retention interval may effectively impede the acquisition of conditioned stimuli during training, but actually enhance transfer and retention test performances (Vaidya & Smith, 2006). Remembering is often described by two Retention Intervals in DMTS classes of contingencies. One is simply the establishment of stimulus control of a response through a three term contingency followed by presentation of the stimulus at a later time. The second contingency is often called problem solving, again initiated by establishing stimulus control of a response. The difference between contingencies is that reinforcement subsequently is made contingent upon relevant responses in the absence of the discriminative stimulus (Palmer, 1991). The delayed matching-to-sample procedure has often been used to study ‘remembering’ in nonhuman (Nevin et al., 2007; Sargisson & White, 2001, 2007; Urcuioli & Zentall, 1986) and humans (Williams, Johnston, & Saunders, 2006).There have been some diverging results regarding the matching accuracy of increasing retention intervals. For example, In an experiment with four youths with mental retardation, Constantine and Sidman (1975) found that a simultaneous presentation of sample and comparison gave better yields than delayed matching to sample (4-12 s). Furthermore, Torgrud and Holborn (1989) found lower yields with increasing retention intervals in children, and Wright (2007) points out that in monkeys and pigeons the performance decline as a function of increasing delays and is about chance levels at delays of one minute. On the other hand, Blough (1959) in his classical experiment found higher yields with longer retention intervals for some birds. The birds that showed correct responding during the retention intervals emitted sample specific responses. Furthermore, in a study with budgerigars the results showed that the birds emitted stereotypical behavior sequences in the retention interval which correlated with correct performance. Later when these behavior sequences were disrupted, the number of corrected decreased, and one could argue that such behavior sequences could bridge the gap in delayed matching to sample (Cleaveland, 1998). Except for a few studies (e.g., Barnes, Hegarty, & Smeets, 1997; Dickins & Kramo, 2003, as cited in Dickins, 2005; Fields, Reeve, Varelas, Rosen, & Belanich, 1997; Lane & Critchfield, 1998; Saunders, Chaney, & Mar- 179 quis, 2005; Tomanari, Sidman, Rubio, & Dube, 2006) research on stimulus equivalence has been conducted using simultaneous matching in a conditional discrimination procedure. Lately, two studies (Arntzen, 2006; Vaidya & Smith, 2006) have expanded our knowledge by studying responding in accord with equivalence as a function of simultaneous matching and different retention intervals in delayed matching-to-sample tasks. In Experiment 1 in Arntzen (2006), with a MTO training structure the number of participants who responded in accord with equivalence increased as function of increasing delays for the participants starting with simultaneous matching. In Experiment 2 and 3 with an OTM training structure even with delays of nine seconds the different delays did not affect the equivalence yields, e.g., all participants responded in accord with equivalence in all conditions. In a fourth experiment, the participants were engaged in distracting tasks during the retention interval, and the results showed that none of the participants responded in accord with equivalence. It was argued that delayed matching to sample could evoke precurrent behavior, that precurrent behavior may in turn facilitate responding in accord with equivalence that could be the case in the first three experiments. On the other hand, distracting tasks might prevent the possibilities for rehearsal of mediating behavior or precurrent behavior. Vaidya and Smith (2006) replicated the findings from Arntzen (2006) by using a experimental design with comparisons across groups of participants rather than individual participants and also with different stimuli since they used common English and unfamiliar Portuguese and Czechoslovakian words as stimuli. They used retention intervals of 0 s, 2 s, and 8 s both during training and testing and the results showed that participants in the groups with longer delays were more likely to respond in accord with symmetry on the tests. The purpose of the current study was to replicate the findings from Experiment #2 and #3 in Arntzen (2006). We wanted to investigate the probability of responding in accord with equivalence in adult human participants 180 Erik Arntzen, Tommy Galaen, and Lars Rune Halvorsen as a function of increasing and decreasing sample-comparison delays (0 s delay, 6 s delay, and 12 s delay) in a one-to-many conditional discrimination procedure, and therefore, also to expand the existing knowledge about DMTS by increasing the maximum delay to 12 s. In addition to an index of equivalence, measures relevant to the readiness of class formation include reaction times to comparison stimuli and number of training trials and errors as a function of increasing delays. Method Participants Twenty Norwegian healthcare and social workers were recruited to participate in the current experiment. Fourteen women and six men participated. The age range was 20 to 45 years. The participants were experimentally naïve, as they had no previous experience with equivalence concepts or the abstract, arbitrary stimuli used in the experiment. Every participant was debriefed after the experiment. Procedure All participants were trained in individual sessions according to an OTM training structure in DMTS format with three different conditions, 0-second, 6-second, and 12-second as retention intervals, followed by tests for responding in accord with equivalence. Half of the participants started with 0 s delay then followed by 6 s and 12 s. The other half of the participants started with 12 s delay then followed by 6 s and 0 s. For each training and testing condition, we used a new set of stimuli. The different retention intervals were used only during training, therefore, in the tests there 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B C D E F Stimulus material and presentation In all training and test conditions, we used 3 three-member classes. The visual abstract, arbitrary stimuli were Greek, Arabic, Cyrillic, and Japanese alphabet symbols (as shown in Figure 1). A number on the top of the columns in each table, indicate the different classes of stimuli. The letters to the left of each row indicate the class membership. The symbols in row ‘A’ were always the node. During the stimulus presentation, the sample stimulus was always displayed in a centre square, and the comparison stimuli were presented in random corner squares. 2 A Apparatus and software An IBM Thinkpad X30 portable computer with a 13” SVGA color monitor and a standard USB mouse pointing device was used in the experimental sessions. The computer had a 1200 MHz Mobile Intel Pentium 3 processor with 256 MB RAM. We used a software program made by Psych Fusion Ltd to run the experiment. 1 G H I Figure 1. The stimuli used in each condition. ABC were always 0 s, DEF were always 6 s, and GHI were always 12 s. 181 Retention Intervals in DMTS Table 1. The different training conditions and relations with the minimum number of trials per block are Table 1. The different training conditions and relations with the minimum number of trials per included in the table. block are included in the table. Training Condition Stage Relation 0-s delay Training A1B1,A2B2,A3B3 A1C1,A2C2,A3C3 Mixed Training A1B1,A1C1,A2B2, A2C2,A3B3,A3C3 18 trials (8 blocks) Testing A1B1,A1C1,A2B2, A2C2,A3B3,A3C3, B1A1,B1C1,B2A2, B2C2,B3A3,B3C3, C1A1,C1B1,C2A2, C2B2,C3A3,C3B3 54 trials Training D1E1,D2E2,D3E3 D1F1,D2F2,D3F3 9 trials 9 trials Mixed Training D1E1,D1F1,D2E2, D2F2,D3E3,D3F3 18 trials (8 blocks) Testing D1E1,D1F1,D2E2, D2F2,D3E3,D3F3, E1D1,E1F1,E2D2, E2F2,E3D3,E3F3, F1D1,F1E1,F2D2, F2E2,F3D3,F3E3 54 trials Training G1H1,G2H2,G3H3 G1I1,G2I2,G3I3 9 trials 9 trials Mixed Training G1H1,G1I1,G2H2, G2I2,G3H3,G3I3 18 trials (8 blocks) Testing G1H1,G1I1,G2H2, G2I2,G3H3,G3I3, H1G1,H1I1,H2G2, H2I2,H3G3,H3I3, I1G1,I1H1,I2G2, I2H2,I3G3,I3H3 54 trials 6-s delay 12-s delay was simultaneous matching. Breaks according to individual preferences were accommodated between each training-testing session. The experimental sessions were fulfilled in one day.1 Training and testing. All trials started with the presentation of a sample stimulus. A click with the pointing device on the stimulus produced a presentation of comparison stimuli in either corner of the screen with a 02-, 6-, or 12- second delay. The inter-trial-interval was 1 s and the mouse cursor was reset to a fixed 1 Participant #1402 failed the 6-second delay condition and had to resume the test about two weeks later, and participant #1404 had an approximately six week break between the 6-second trial condition and 12-second condition. 2 The 0-second condition was in fact configured with a 1 millisecond delay in the software, since the program requires a number. However, for all practical purposes 1 millisecond appeared as a 0 s delay to the participant. Minimum no. of trials per block 9 trials 9 trials position after each trial. In order to achieve initial errorless training all training conditions incorporated two initial training blocks (9 trials in each) presenting the correct comparison stimulus only, however randomly presented in any corner on the screen. Training block 3 (18 responses) presented 2 comparison stimuli per trial while block 4 through to 10 (18 responses in each block) presented 3 comparison stimuli per trial. An incorrect response was followed by a repeat trial of the specific sample-comparison pair, presenting the comparison stimuli at a random corner. Training block 1 through 6 all, correct responses were followed by a 1 s display of the word “Correct” on the screen. All incorrect responses produced the word “Incorrect” for 1 s. The feedback was reduced through block Erik Arntzen, Tommy Galaen, and Lars Rune Halvorsen In a moment a word will briefly appear in the middle of the screen. It will disappear and three other words4 will appear. Choose 1 of the words in a corner of the screen by clicking on it with the mouse. During some stages of the experiment, the computer will NOT tell you if your choices are correct or wrong. However, based on what you have learned so far, you can get all of the tasks correct. Please do your best to get everything right. Thank you and good luck! click as a response to both sample stimulus and comparison stimulus, we were able to record both reaction times (from the comparisons were presented to a response on comparison) and number of trials to criterion as dependent measures. We have divided the training into two parts. Part 1 is the introduction of training trials and Part 2 is the trials during mixing and fading of consequences. Results For the participants starting with 0 s delay, nine out of ten participants met the equivalence criterion during the 0 s condition, while ten of ten participants both in the 6 s condition and the 12 s conditions met the equivalence criterion (as shown in upper panel Figure 2). All of the participants responded in accord with symmetry on all conditions. For the participants starting with 12 s delay, nine out of ten partici- 10 9 Numberofparticipants 7 (75%), 8 (50%), and 9 (25%), ending with the non-reinforced training block 10 and the test block. The test block consisted of a random mixing 54 trials of three types of trials, (1) testing for directly trained relations, and both emergent (2) symmetry relations and (3) global equivalence relations. 18 trials tested for responding in accord with equivalence, 18 trials tested for responding in accord with symmetry and finally 18 trials tested directly trained relations. The criterion for responding in accord with equivalence was defined as 90% correct responding or more. Instructions. All participants were initially informed that the experiment aimed to explore characteristics in the mechanics of human learning, involving the use of a computer with a standard mouse pointing device. The participants signed a written consent to the intended application of the anonymous data. They were also informed that they could quit participation at any time, and, furthermore, that the duration of the experiment could vary, mainly depending on how correctly and quickly they responded, but about three to four hours. The following instructions3 were displayed on the screen before the start of the experiment: 8 7 6 Sym 5 Eq 4 3 2 1 0 0s 3 The instructions were in English and translated for 3 nonEnglish speaking participants. 4 After the participants read the instructions we specified that they would be presented with arbitrary symbols rather than words. 12s 9 8 7 6 Sym 5 Eq 4 3 2 1 0 12s We asked whether they felt the instructions were clear and informative. Dependent measures. By requiring a mouse- 6s Delays 10 Numberofparticipants 182 6s Delays 0s Figure 2. The number of participants responding in accord with symmetry and equivalence for each condition and starting with the shortest delay is shown in the upper panel. In the lower panel are shown the numbers for participants starting with the longest delay. 183 Retention Intervals in DMTS Table 2 Table 2 shows number trials tonumber criterion and for part 1and and 2 number of the training, equivalence and Table 2. Table 2ofshows ofnumber trialsoftoerrors criterion of furthermore errors forscores partin1theand 2 of the training, furthermore scores theconditions. equivalence and symmetry tests for each participant in all three symmetry tests for each participant in allin three conditions. 0-sec delay # 1401 Part 1 trials Part 2 trials Total Errors Total Errors 162 6-sec delay Em. relations Sym EQ Part 1 trials Total Errors 21 90 0 18/18 18/18 90 3 Part 2 trials Total Errors 90 12-sec delay Em. relations Sym EQ Part 1 trials Total Errors Part 2 trials Total Errors Em. relations Sym EQ 1 18/18 18/18 72 0 90 0 18/18 18/18 18/18 1402 126 12 108 4 18/18 17/18 72 2 90 0 18/18 18/18 72 0 90 1 18/18 1403 144 17 90 3 18/18 18/18 90 3 108 2 18/18 18/18 72 1 90 1 18/18 18/18 1404 216 74 90 3 18/18 17/18 90 3 90 1 17/18 17/18 81 1 90 0 18/18 18/18 1405 198 39 108 5 18/18 15/18 72 0 90 0 18/18 18/18 72 0 90 0 17/18 18/18 1406 108 5 90 1 18/18 18/18 72 1 90 0 18/18 18/18 72 0 90 0 17/18 18/18 1407 234 73 90 1 18/18 18/18 72 0 90 1 18/18 18/18 72 0 90 0 17/18 18/18 1409 90 8 108 4 18/18 18/18 108 8 108 3 18/18 18/18 72 0 90 1 18/18 18/18 1410 234 33 90 2 18/18 17/18 90 5 90 1 18/18 18/18 90 7 90 2 18/18 18/18 1412 198 31 90 0 18/18 18/18 126 14 90 0 18/18 18/18 72 0 90 0 18/18 18/18 Table 3 Table 3 shows number of trials to criterion and number of errors for part 1 and 2 of the training, furthermore scores in the equivalence and Table 3. Table 3 shows number of trials to criterion and number of errors for part 1 and 2 of the symmetry tests for each participant in allin three training, furthermore scores theconditions. equivalence and symmetry tests for each participant in all three conditions. 12 s delay # 6 s delay 0 s delay Part 1 trials Part 2 trials Em. relations Part 1 trials Part 2 trials Em. relations Part 1 trials Part 2 trials Em. relations Total Errors Total Errors Sym EQ Total Errors Total Errors Sym EQ Total Errors Total Errors Sym EQ 1413 108 19 90 0 18/18 17/18 72 0 90 2 18/18 18/18 72 0 90 2 18/18 18/18 1414 324 60 108 3 18/18 18/18 90 5 90 1 18/18 18/18 90 4 90 0 18/18 18/18 1415 144 22 90 1 18/18 18/18 72 1 90 1 18/18 18/18 72 0 90 2 18/18 18/18 1416 126 11 378 53 18/18 18/18 126 11 126 9 18/18 18/18 72 2 90 0 18/18 18/18 1417 144 15 90 3 18/18 18/18 108 6 90 1 18/18 18/18 72 0 90 1 18/18 18/18 1418 144 16 90 1 18/18 18/18 90 3 90 3 18/18 18/18 72 0 90 0 18/18 18/18 1419 216 30 126 8 18/18 17/18 72 0 90 1 18/18 18/18 72 1 90 1 18/18 18/18 1420 90 5 108 4 18/18 16/18 108 6 90 1 18/18 12/18 108 5 90 1 18/18 17/18 1421 180 40 90 0 18/18 18/18 90 3 90 1 18/18 18/18 72 1 90 0 18/18 18/18 1422 270 60 90 1 18/18 18/18 72 1 90 1 18/18 18/18 72 2 90 2 18/18 18/18 pants met the equivalence criterion during the 12 s and 6 s conditions and ten of ten in the 0s condition (as shown in lower panel Figure 2). All of the participants responded in accord with symmetry on all conditions. The individual data for participants starting with 0 s delay showed that only participant #1405 did not respond in accord with equivalence (see Table 2). For the participants starting with 12 s delay (see Table 3), #1420 did not respond in accord with equivalence with 12 s and 6 delay. As shown in Table 2, for the participants starting with 0 s delay all required more trials to meet criterion during Part 1 in the 0-second condition than during Part 2. During the 0second delay condition Part 1, the participants required from 0 to 164 extra trials to meet criterion, as opposed to Part 2 when 7 participants required minimum trials and 3 participants required 18 extra trials. For participant #1407, the number of extra trials was reduced from 164 during Part 1 to 0 extra trials during Part 2. During Part 1 in the 6-second condition 4 184 Erik Arntzen, Tommy Galaen, and Lars Rune Halvorsen participants reached criterion with the minimum of 72 trials, while 8 reached criterion in Part 2 with the minimum of 90 trials. In the 12-second condition, 8 participants required minimum number of trials to criterion in Part 1, and all participants met criterion in Part 2 with minimum number of trials. In the 12 s condition Part 2, all participants required only minimum training trials to meet criterion for test trials. The number of errors is substantially higher in the 0-second condition part 1, than in part 2 and all subsequent training conditions. The number of training trials and errors decrease as a function of increasing delays as shown in Figure 3. For participants starting with 12 s delay all except #1416 and #1420 showed a higher number of training trials in Part 1 than in Part 2 in the first condition with 12 s delay (see Table 3). None of the participants exceed the minimal number of responses in the 0 s delay condition. In sum for all participants, the number training trials and errors decreased as function decreasing delays (see Figure 4). For the participants5 starting with 0 s delay the median reaction times for both the 0 s and 6 s condition there is an increase from the five last training trials to the five first symmetry test trials and a subsequent decrease for the five last training trials (see Figure 5). For equivalence trials, there are also an increase from training to test and then later decrease during the test, and the changes (increase and decrease) are more pronounced for equivalence trials compared to symmetry trials. In the 12 s condition, there is no difference from training to test and there is no difference between symmetry and equivalence. The median reaction time for all conditions when starting with 12 s delay increased from the five last training trials to the five first test trials and decreased during the test (for the five last test trials), and changes were more pronounced for 12 s and 6 s, respectively (see Figure 6). Decreasingdelays 990 900 810 720 630 540 450 360 270 180 90 0 900 Numberoftrainingtrials 810 720 630 540 Part1oftraining 450 Part2oftraining 360 Numberoftrainingtrials Increasingdelays 270 180 Part1oftraining Part2oftraining 12s 90 0 0s 6s Delays 6s Delays 0s 12s 360 Numberoferrors 320 280 240 200 Part1oftraining 160 Part2oftraining Numberoferrors 320 360 280 240 200 Part1oftraining 160 Part2oftraining 120 80 120 40 80 0 12s 40 0 0s 6s Delays 12s Figure 3. The upper panel of Figure 3 shows the number of training trials more than what is needed to reach criterion for each condition. The lower panel shows the number of errors for each condition. 6s Delays 0s Figure 4. The upper panel of Figure 4 shows the number of training trials more than what is needed to reach criterion for each condition. The lower panel shows the number of errors for each condition. 5 Individual data could be presented if requested. 185 Retention Intervals in DMTS Discussion The current study was a replication and an extension of the study by Arntzen (2006) study on delayed matching to sample with different retention intervals that may influence responding in accord with equivalence. In the current study, we explored some effects of OTM training structures providing DMTS tasks with 0, 6, and 12 s retention intervals in which ten participants starting with 0 s delay and ten participants starting with 12 s. The experiment replicated the results from Experiment 2 and 3 in Arntzen (2006), supporting previously demonstrated MTS data (Arntzen & Holth, 1997, 2000). Furthermore, we extended knowledge of retention intervals in DMTS by increasing the interval to 12 s. The results showed that there 5 4,5 0sdelay 4 3,5 3 Baseline 2,5 Symmetry 2 Equivalence 1,5 1 0,5 was no difference in responding in accord with equivalence for the participants starting with either 0 s or 12 s, i.e., independent of order 9 of ten participants responded in accord with equivalence on all conditions. Reaction time data showed that the most typical pattern, increase from training and decreasing during the test, was observed for the “equivalence” trials in all conditions, and for the symmetry trials in the conditions presented first independent of retention interval. Vaidya and Smith (2006) showed in a between subjects design or comparison between groups design, that longer retention intervals are likely to produce more symmetry-consistent responses during testing. In the current experiment, all participants responded in accord with symmetry after all training conditions. 5 4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 Baseline Symmetry Equivalence 5lasttraining 0 5lasttraining 5firsttest 6sdelay 4 3,5 3 Baseline 2,5 Symmetry 2 Equivalence 1,5 1 0,5 6sdelay Baseline Symmetry Equivalence 5lasttraining 5firsttest 12sdelay Baseline Symmetry Equivalence 5lasttraining 5firsttest 5firsttest 5lasttest Trials 5lasttest 5 4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 5lasttest 5 4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 0 5lasttraining 5firsttest Trials 5lasttest 5 4,5 M Medianseconds 12sdelay 5lasttest Trials Figure 5. Reaction time to comparison for the five last training trials, the five first test trials, and the five last test trials are shown for the three different retention intervals. 5 4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 0sdelay Baseline Symmetry Equivalence 5lasttraining 5firsttest 5lasttest Trials Figure 6. Reaction time to comparison for the five last training trials, the five first test trials, and the five last test trials are shown for the three different retention intervals. 186 Erik Arntzen, Tommy Galaen, and Lars Rune Halvorsen Williams et al. (2006) mentioned two types of competing stimulus control of comparison selection – intratrial and intertrial sources of stimulus control. Competing stimulus control as other stimuli present at the time sample is presented until the selection of the comparison is labeled as intratrial sources. For example, distracters presented during the delay could be such competing stimuli. On the other hand, intertrial sources refer to stimuli conditions prior to the current trial. This could for example lead participants to select the same comparison as in the preceding trial. Pigeons have selected the same comparison as in the preceding trial, especially if that selection was reinforced (White, Parkinson, Brown, & Wixted, 2004). The same type of competing control has been seen in our lab and in the current experiment when some of the participants have mentioned that they have selected a stimulus in a special position on the screen and not under control by the samplecomparison matching. This could be one of the reasons for the differences in the number of training trials across participants. As mentioned earlier, relatively few studies have used delayed matching to sample training in stimulus equivalence research. Thus, those studies have used one fixed retention interval during the experiment, not varied intervals along a dimension as in the current study, Arntzen (2006) in a within-subject design, and Vaidya and Smith (2006) in a between group design. For example, Barnes et al. (1997) had a sample-comparison delay of 0.4 s retention interval and trained equivalence-equivalence relations in adults and children. Fields et al. (1997) used a delayed matching to sample with a retention interval of 0.25 s during testing as part of a correction procedure for participants not responding in accord with equivalence in a stimulus-pairing yes/no format. Lane and Critchfield (1998) trained four 4-member classes in six undergraduates with a delayed matching to sample procedure, with a retention interval of 0.25 s. In Experiment 2 in Saunders et al. (2005), six senior citizens were trained and tested with 0-s delayed matching to sample. Results showed that there was less number of training trials to criterion and a higher yield of responding in accord with equivalence during testing than in Experiment 1 with simultaneous matching. They discuss the possibility of precurrent behavior as an explanation for the higher yields during delayed matching to sample (see also Arntzen, 2006; Holth & Arntzen, 1998a, 2000). Skinner (1968) gave an example of teaching a precurrent response directly in a matching to sample task, as looking at sample and pressing it. Such attending behavior seems to be even more important in delayed matching to sample, and may be necessary for solving the problem, i.e., correct matching. It could be that the retention interval between sample and comparison stimuli will increase the possibilities for the participants to attend to the sample stimulus. Experiments with pigeons have shown that pecking that increase the sample duration had a solid effect on the pigeons’ accuracy of delayed matching (Spetch & Treit, 1986), others have explicitly mentioned that a delay could promote observing or having the participants looking at the sample (Lane & Critchfield, 1998). Dinsmoor (1985) wrote about behavior known as observing, for example looking at and focusing on the stimulus object, touching it, tasting it when he discussed attention, and he said “…to complete the picture I think we are obliged to consider analogous processes occurring further along in the sequence of events, presumably in the neural tissue, and commonly known as attention. The processes involved in attention are not as readily accessible to observation as the more peripheral adjustments, but it is my hope and my working hypothesis that they obey similar principles. Otherwise, the study of attention may prove extremely difficult. From the behavioral level it can only be approached indirectly, and we will face the arduous task of distinguishing its behavioral effects in each instance from those to be attributed to changes in observing” (p. 365). And also as Nevin et al. (2007) have mentioned – “… attending to the components of a conditional discrimination could be construed as umeasured or covert behavior …” (p. 286). In a delayed matching to sample procedure, the retention intervals could facilitate increasing rehearsal opportunities. For example, from Retention Intervals in DMTS the pigeon literature, Blough (1959) wrote that he observed that some pigeons emitted sample-specific, stereotypical responses, similar to rehearsal, during the delay interval. The suggestion is supported by Arntzen’s Experiment 4 (2006) that incorporated distracting tasks during the 3-second retention interval, making it difficult to engage in rehearsal. None of the participants responded in accord with equivalence during subsequent tests. Furthermore, Nevin et al. (2007) have proposed a theory of attending and reinforcement in conditional discrimination procedures where they have put in terms for disruption of attending in delayed matching to sample. On the other hand, Vaidya and Smith (2006) found that 1/3 of the participants reported intraverbal naming, but only some of them responded in accord with symmetry. The role of naming has been discussed within stimulus equivalence research for a long time and some researchers have concluded that naming (at least common naming) is not necessary and naming responses could be a product of the naming itself (e.g., Sidman, Willson-Morris, & Kirk, 1986), and could not be possible because of time restrictions (Tomanari et al., 2006). First, different types other than common naming as rehearsal have been discussed elsewhere (e.g., Holth & Arntzen, 1998b). Second, it is obvious that the task in a delayed matching to sample differ from a simultaneous matching to sample with respect to time gap in DMTS which must filled with some behavior. Rehearsal may represent an example of mediating behavior as it occurs in a consistent relation to correct responses and is maintained by making success more likely (Catania, 2007). Mediating behavior is termed as precurrent if it actually results in the target response. For example, if rehearsal during the retention interval in a DMTS-procedure actually contributes to responding in accord with equivalence, it has acted as precurrent behavior (Arntzen, 2006), and may in fact constitute remembering. The contingencies of remembering is described as reconstruction of experiences, as we do not actually remember stimuli themselves but rather “....our own behavior toward those stimuli” 187 (Catania, 2007, p. 321). In order to account for the phenomenon of remembering in basic behavioral terms, Catania suggests we do not try to “....follow the stimulus into the organism; rather we must discover how to characterize the organism’s behavior with respect to the stimulus” (Catania, 2007, p. 325). The contingency of remembering or precurrent behavior may lend itself to this strategy through experimental studies on responding in accord with equivalence as a function of increased retention intervals. With respect to the issue of precurrent behavior, a notable reaction time pattern seems to emerge from MTS research and warrants attention. Results often reveal increased reaction times during the first five test trials compared to the last five training trials and usually decrease somewhat during the test procedure. Reaction time variances may suggest that comparison selection is not directly under sample stimulus control during the first few test trials. Initial equivalence test trials may occasion some sort of precurrent behavior that in effect creates the actual discriminative stimulus, i.e. naming or intraverbals (e.g., Arntzen, 2004, 2006; Holth & Arntzen, 2000). Reaction times or latencies have been seen as an important feature within stimulus equivalence research besides responding in accord with equivalence (Dymond & Rehfeldt, 2001; Spencer & Chase, 1996). Actually, there are differences in the equivalence literature on how latency or reaction time is measured. Some have measured latency or reaction time from the presentation of comparison to a response to the comparison (e.g., Arntzen & Holth, 1997; Bentall, Dickins, & Fox, 1993; O’Hora, Roche, Barnes-Holmes, & Smeets, 2002; Tomanari et al., 2006; Wulfert & Hayes, 1988), while others have measured latency as the time from responding to the sample and selecting the comparison (Imam, 2001, 2003, 2006; Spencer & Chase, 1996). In a simultaneous matching condition this should not make a difference as long as it is a requirement of a response to sample stimulus as in our lab. When the sample is presented without requirement of any response one or two seconds before the 188 Erik Arntzen, Tommy Galaen, and Lars Rune Halvorsen comparison (e.g., O’Hora et al., 2002; Wulfert & Hayes, 1988) this could make a difference. It has been speculated that such an interval between the sample and comparison would prepare the participants to respond and therefore, wipe out the differences between reaction time to baseline trials and symmetry trials (Spencer & Chase, 1996). The reaction time results are in accord with other experiments that have shown that latency are longer for “equivalence” trials compared to “symmetry” trials (Bentall et al., 1993; Bentall, Jones, & Dickins, 1999; Imam, 2001; Saunders & McEntee, 2004; Spencer & Chase, 1996; Tomanari et al., 2006). Reaction time data may be of relevance to the question of whether initial test trials force some sort of precurrent behavior. The elevated reaction times during the first few test trials may be accounted for by problem solving behavior that facilitates demonstrations of emergent equivalence relations and the decrease in reaction times during the test could indicate a shift to more direct stimulus control (see Donahoe & Palmer, 1994). The suggestion is supported by experiments that effectively prevented responding in accord with equivalence by providing reaction time restrictions during testing (Holth & Arntzen, 2000). For example, has Palmer (2004) argued that reaction times could be important measure as an index for covert behavior. Schlund, Hoehn-Saric, and Cataldo (2007) discuss what sort of neural activity that could underlie covert behavior when they conclude that “… the findings extend the role of frontal-subcortical and frontal-partietal networks to derived conditional relations and suggests that regional involvement varies with the type of derived conditional relation.” (p. 287), but it is not clear what activity is related to stimulus presentations and what is related to reinforcement presentations. Some studies, mainly with identity matching, have shown that matching accuracy decreases as a function of increases in the retention interval. It has been argued that reduced samplestimulus control of comparison selection could be the reason for the decreased accuracy at longer retention intervals (e.g., Williams et al., 2006). The results are in contrast to findings from the current experiment and also to Arntzen (2006) and Vaidya and Smith (2006), and it is possible that the differences could be due to participants’ characteristics since Williams et al. are referring to studies with participants with mental retardation. Another variable that could influence is that in Williams et al. (2006) it is identity matching while in the others there is arbitrary matching. Furthermore, it could be that differences between the current study and Experiment 2 and 3 in Arntzen (2006) with respect to number of training trials and errors could be an effect of order and not as a function of increasing retention interval, since in the current experiment number of training trials and errors decrease as a function of the sequence of retention intervals presented to the participants. The duration of the experiment is longer when there is a delay as in delayed matchingto-sample procedures compared simultaneous matching, and for the participants an increase from 9 to 12 s does make a noticeable difference with respect of duration. It could be interesting to extend the interval even longer for example to 21 or 24 s (we have earlier done experiments with 0, 1, 3 etc up to 9 s), but such an increase will affect the duration of the length of experiment even more. Such time consuming experiments could be difficult to do with humans especially in within-subjects designs, but is often used with pigeons. On the other hand it seems very important to study the effects of different delays, and also longer ones, because in the real world it is obvious that there will be occasions with shorter or longer delays between stimulus presentations. So in spite of the possible “fatigue” effects it is important to do further analyses of different retention interval. One way to do this could be by using titrating delays. Then retention intervals could gradually be increased or decreasing depending on correct or incorrect responding during one experimental session. In sum, the results from the current study have contributed to knowledge regarding procedural variables that might influence the emergence of equivalence relations by replicating Experiment 2 and 3 in Arntzen (2006). The Retention Intervals in DMTS experiment demonstrated that OTM facilitates responding in accord with equivalence after extended DMTS training. Results showed that it is possible to increase retention intervals during training to 12 seconds while maintaining responding in accord with equivalence in the subsequent test block. It seems relevant to study in a future experiment the effects of using MTO with different retention intervals and also to include different retention intervals during the tests to provide more coherent training and testing conditions, since it could be that different covert behavior acquired during 12 s delay in training and simultaneous matching during testing. In addition, if we look at studies with pigeons one variable that could be important to study is the use of titrating delays instead of fixed retention intervals. Since with titrating delays the participant could increase or decrease the delays dependent on it's own behavior or responding. Furthermore, it could be difficult to compare results of different published experiments within stimulus equivalence research due to the fact that a number of variables vary or are not mentioned at all. 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