51 Chapter 5 An integrated study of the grain-size dependent magnetic mineralogy of the Chinese loess/paleosol and its environmental significance (Published in Journal of Geophysical Research) (108, B9, 2437, doi: 10.1029/2002JB002264, 2003) Abstract To investigate the grain-size dependent properties of the magnetic minerals in Chinese loess/paleosol samples (Touxiangdao, Xining, Gansu province, China), magnetic extracts were divided into two size fractions by gravitational settling. Based on hysteresis measurements, thermal demagnetization of low temperature saturation isothermal remanent magnetization, and non-magnetic studies (SEM and XRD), we identified magnetic phases both in the grain size fractions of the magnetic extracts and in the less magnetic residues, to provide more accurate and complete descriptions of all the magnetic components in the bulk natural samples. The results show that the oxidation degree (non-stoichiometry) of magnetic minerals is strongly affected by both grain size and the paleoclimatic environment in which they were deposited and altered. In ascending order of the oxidation degree of our samples, we find: (1) loess-coarse particles (LC) are multi domain (MD) magnetite with slight oxidation; (2) paleosol-coarse (PC) particles are also MD magnetite but with a higher oxidation degree compared to LC; (3) loess-fine (LF) particles are PSD magnetite with a high oxidation degree; and (4) paleosol-fine (PF) particles are pseudo-single domain (PSD) maghemite. Single domain (SD) and superparamagnetic (SP) maghemite mainly stay in the residues. Further thermomagnetic analysis of PF (PSD maghemite) revealed that this natural maghemite has a Curie temperature identical to that of magnetite, and that the conversion efficiency of transformation from maghemite to hematite is only about 50% after a 700oC heating/cooling cycle. These new results identify the sources of multi-component NRM in Chinese loess sequences as well as clarify the paleoenviromental and paleoclimatic controls on the remanence components. 52 1. Introduction Extremely thick Chinese loess/paleosol sequences of eolian origin have been shown to be excellent recorders of the variations in both paleomagnetic field (Heller & Evans, 1995; Guo et al., 1999; Zhu et al., 1999) and paleoclimate (Kukla 1988; Maher and Thompson, 1992; Banerjee and Hunt, 1993; An and Porter, 1997; Liu et al., 1999). The sequence consists of periodically alternating less-altered loess horizons and highly weathered paleosol formations. The two kinds of units correspond to cold/arid and warm/humid climate, respectively, and are characterized by variations in both non-magnetic (e.g., CaCO3 content, clay composition, color, etc.) and magnetic properties (Chen et al., 1997). It is well accepted that the magnetic enhancement (increased susceptibility and remanent magnetization) in such paleosols is due to the formation of new SP and SD magnetic minerals by in situ pedogenesis (Zhou et al., 1990; Maher and Thompson; 1991; Heller et al., 1993). Apparently, the climate has had a significant impact on the magnetic mineralogy of the loess during the process of soil development. The mineralogical difference (Heller and Liu, 1986; Han et al., 1991; Maher and Thompson 1992; Verosub et al., 1993; Eyre and Shaw 1994) and grain-size difference (Zhou et al., 1990; Maher and Thompson, 1991, 1992) between loess and paleosol have been extensively studied. The results show that magnetite, maghemite, and hematite are the dominant magnetic minerals in the Chinese loess/paleosol, and the size distribution of strongly magnetic grains ranges from below 30 nm (SP) to above 30 µm (MD). Thus the bulk magnetic properties of the loess/paleosol arise from a mixture of magnetite, maghemite and hematite with a wide range of grain sizes. However, to quantitatively reconstruct variations both in paleoclimate and in paleomagnetic field behavior, such bulk magnetic properties are not sufficient because of inherent ambiguities due to mixture of different magnetic minerals and grain sizes. We need to investigate the grain-size dependent mineralogy and rock magnetic properties to provide sound constraints for interpreting the bulk signals. An accurate separation will allow us to clearly distinguish the original signal of inherited lithogenic magnetic minerals from the secondary overprinting of the pedogenically formed minerals by combining information about grain-size, mineral phases, and remanent magnetization. 53 Generally, two kinds of techniques (chemical extraction and mathematical separation of bulk signals) serve this purpose. The citrate-bicarbonate-dithionite (CBD) method has been suggested to separate the finer-grained magnetic particles (generally of pedogenic origin) from the coarser-grained detrital magnetic particles (Verosub et al., 1993; Hunt et al., 1995; Sun et al., 1995; van Oorschot and Dekkers, 1999). Recently, van Oorschot et al. (2002) reported on the acid-ammonium-oxalate/ferrous-iron (AAO-Fe2+) extraction technique as a new approach to remove very fine-grained magnetite and maghemite from coarse-grained magnetite. However, these chemical extraction techniques potentially alter the magnetic properties. Mathematically, Banerjee et al. (1993) retrieved information of extremely fine (< 20 nm) superparamagnetic (SP) magnetite from that of multi-domain (MD) magnetite by taking advantage of its distinct low-temperature properties. However, there still remain ambiguities for this method because SP magnetite/maghemite is not the only material that gradually decreases its low-temperature remanent intensity during warming. Other various mathematical techniques involve separating coercivity fractions from IRM acquisition curves or alternating field (AF) demagnetization curves (e.g., Robertson and France, 1994; Stockhausen, 1998; Kruiver et al., 2001; Heslop et al., 2002). However, these methods are also indirect means to determine the mineralogy and grainsize distribution, inferred from coercivity spectra. Low-temperature oxidation can significantly enhance magnetite’s coercivity (van Velzen and Zijderveld, 1992, 1995; Cui et al., 1994; Kosterov, 2002) resulting in uncertain interpretation. To accurately determine the grainsize-dependent magnetic properties of the Chinese loess sequences, physical separation of the magnetic particles in the natural samples is still necessary even though aggregation of very fine-grained magnetic material during sample separation may change its magnetic properties (van Oorschot and Dekkers, 1999). Our approach in this study uses two methods of physical separation. First, we extract the highly magnetic material from a couple of the Chinese loess/paleosol from Xining, western China. Then, based on gravitational setting, we physically divide the magnetic extracts into two groups with grain size generally less than and greater than ~4-5 µm. The purpose of this size threshold is to investigate specifically whether finer pseudo-single domain (PSD) maghemite particles could be formed during and from pedogenesis. We then systematically measured both magnetic and non-magnetic properties of each group. 54 2. Sampling Xining Touxiangdao profile (36.6o N, 101.7o E), an 80m thick loess-paleosol sequence, is located on the 4th terrace of the Huanghe river. The paleosol unit S1 is located between 30.138.0m depth, and consists of three paleosol sub-units (S1S1, S1S2, and S1S3) interbedded with two loess units (S1L1 and S1L2) (Chen et al. 1999). The upper two weakly developed paleosol sub-units S1S1 and S1S2 are yellow-brown and the lower mature one (S1S3) is dark brown to red-brown. Oriented block samples were collected from a cleaned natural outcrop. Cubic specimens of 1.5×1.5×1.5cm3 were then cut from the block samples spanning from L2 to S1S3 (Fig. 1) in the University of Lanzhou, and transported to the University of Minnesota. ∆JTv (10-3Am2kg-1) S1L2 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0.10 36.6 0.08 -dJ/dT (10-3Am2kg-1T-1) Depth (m) 37.0 37.2 37.4 37.6 37.8 0.06 37.54m 38.11 m 0 (a) 0.02 37.87 m 38.2 Stratigraphy 0.04 37.13 m 38.0 L2 Altered L2 S1S3 36.8 5 10 15 50 100 150 200 250 0.00 300 Temperature (K) χ (m 3/kg 10-7 ) (c) (b) Figure 1. (a) Stratigraphy of the TXD section. (b) susceptibility (rectangle) and remanence drop at Verwey transition (∆JTV) as a function of depth. Two arrows point to the samples used for magnetic separation. (c) first derivative of LT-SIRM, the magnetic background (dashed lines) were fitted by third-order polynomials by using data between 50-70 K and 150-300 K. 3. Methods 3.1 Preliminary analysis and sample selection Low-field susceptibility of bulk samples, χ, was first measured with a Bartington susceptibility bridge to outline the general stratigraphy of the profile (Fig. 1). A more accurate 55 stratigraphy was later determined based on the new method put forward by Liu et al. (2003a). Because the upper part of the L2 glacial sediments were overprinted to a depth of about 1-1.5 m below the surface during deposition of the overlying interglacial deposits, the true climatic boundary between L2 and S1S3 has been obscured by pedogenesis. The method of Liu et al. (2003a) is based on the observation that the concentration-proxy (intensity drop at the Verwey transition, ∆JTV, explained in Fig. 1) for coarse (PSD/MD) magnetite clearly distinguishes the highly altered upper L2 samples from the overlying S1S3 samples. The method involves two steps. First, we calculate the derivative of low temperature thermal demagnetization of saturation isothermal magnetization (LT-SIRM) (Fig 1c). Second, polynomial curves fitted to the data between 50-70 K and 150 –300 K are subtracted from the total derivatives (Fig 1c). ∆JTV is the area under the background-corrected derivative between 70 and 150 K. A general interpretation of ∆JTV is that it quantifies the concentration of the relatively coarse-grained stoichiometric magnetite, which serves as a proxy for eolian inputs. Material deposited during cold/dry periods (e.g. L2 and S1L2) and warm/humid periods (S1S3) are observed to have ∆JTV values greater than and less than 0.9 ×10-3Am2/kg, respectively. Detailed discussion about the parameter ∆JTV and its geological indications are given in Liu et al. (2003a). Based on the pedostratigraphy (Fig 1a), two representative samples (a typical weakly-altered loess in L2 at ~38.1 m and a mature paleosol in S1S3 at ~ 37.2 m) were selected for separation and analysis. 3.2 Sequential separation and magnetic characterization Magnetic extracts were obtained in a continuous-loop flow driven by a pump, using a high-gradient magnet. Each separation ran for about two weeks to sufficiently extract the magnetic minerals from samples. Magnetic extracts (not the bulk sample) were then physically divided into two size fractions by gravitational settling based on Stokes’ Law, which states that particles settle in a viscous fluid at a rate proportional to the square of their effective diameter and to the density contrast between particles and fluid. In this study, first, about 0.1 ml of the magnetic extract slurry was dispersed in ~ 10 ml water, and then dropped into distilled water contained in a 50cm-length-tube. After thirty minutes, the upper 15 cm of supernatants were siphoned off, and transferred into another container. To avoid further aggregation of these finer particles, 56 the supernatants with water were directly mixed with non-magnetic CaF2 matrix, and dried at room temperatures. Based on Stokes’ law, 4-5 µm magnetite/maghemite particles will drop about 15 cm within 30 minutes. In our study, the coarser-grained fraction undoubtedly may contain some clumped finer-grained particles. However, this does not affect the overall comparison of finergrained and coarser-grained fraction of magnetic extracts. The fraction that remains in suspension must consist entirely of fine grains, and the more rapidly settled fraction, though consisting of a mixture of fine-particle aggregates and coarse individual grains, is enriched in the coarser grains. The 4-5 µm grainsize threshold estimation is further constrained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (see discussion 5.1) and thermomagnetic analysis (see discussion 5.2). For convenience, in the following discussion, the four magnetic extract fractions are referred to as paleosol coarse (PC), paleosol fine (PF), loess coarse (LC), and loess fine (LF), respectively. Residues after magnetic extraction were obtained by evaporating the associated water (about 2 L) in an air-drying oven for three days at a temperature of 80-90oC. The “nonmagnetic” residue (R) and bulk (B) raw sediments of the loess/paleosol are named as LR/PR, LB/PB, respectively. Hysteresis loops were measured for all of the material with an automated Princeton vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). ARM was imparted in an alternating field of 100 mT with a bias field of 0.05 mT. Thermal demagnetization of low temperature saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (LT-SIRM) acquired at 20K with a 2T applied field was performed by a Quantum Design susceptometer. The temperature was continuously swept at a constant rate of 2 K/min, and measurements were made when temperature increased in order to reduce the experimental time. Even though the uncertainties in measuring temperature are on the order of 10-3 K, the temperature change during individual measurement is relatively larger, but generally less than +0.5 K. Therefore, we refer to the latter as the temperature error for each measurements. The first derivative of the absolute or relative intensity curve was calculated to enhance the signature of the Verwey transition produced by magnetite at ~120 K. To check the existence of hematite in the residues, PR and LR were first imparted an IRM with a field of 1.2 T (IRM1.2T), then stepwise AF demagnetized with a maximum field up to 200 mT, to destroy the remanence carried by the strongly ferrimagnetic minerals 57 (magnetite/maghemite). The AF demagnetization was followed by a thermal demagnetization from room temperatures to 700oC. The 1.2 T applied field may not fully saturate the hematite remanence. However, it is sufficient for determining its Curie temperature. The contributions of “soft” and “hard” components to the remanence, carried by PR and LR, were quantified by a simple decomposition of the AF demagnetization spectra of the IRM1.2T suggested by Dekkers (1990). The observed linear trend of the high-coercivity fraction (fitted to the data between 70 and 200 mT) were subtracted. The “soft” remanence components were normalized again and referred as to modified IRM1.2T. An anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) for the paleosol residue was imparted in a 100 mT alternating field with a superimposed 50 µT direct bias field using a Dtech D2000 Alternating Field Demagnetizer. This ARM was further AF demagnetized with a procedure identical to that used for IRM1.2T. Thermomagnetic analysis of magnetization in an applied field of 1 T was measured using a VSM for the paleosol magnetic extracts PF and PC. The samples were heated in air at a rate of 10oC min-1 and cooled at the same rate. Mineral phases in the magnetic extracts were identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a Siemens D5005 X-ray diffractometer with a sealed tube, monochromatic Cu-Kα radiation. The scan speed was 0.005o 2θ s-1. Because the “zero-position” of different diffractograms could be slightly different, peaks of quartz (as an internal standard) were selected to determine the “zero-position”. The raw diffractograms were repositioned before estimating the unit cell of magnetite/maghemite peaks. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with a JEOL 8900 Electron Probe Microanalyzer was used to examine the physical size and composition of the two size groups of magnetic extract. Before taking digital photos, Energy Dispersive Spectra (EDS) were obtained to check the composition of the particles to make sure they were Fe-bearing oxides. 4. Results 4.1 Efficiencies of magnetic extraction and separation properties Concentration-dependent properties (Table 1) for the bulk sediments show that the paleosol (Ms ~ 70×10-3 Am2kg-1) contains twice as much ferrimagnetic material as the loess (Ms ~ 35×10-3 Am2kg-1). The magnetic enrichment is somewhat larger for the carrier of 58 saturation remanence (Mrs, paleosol /Mrs, loess ~ 2.5), and much higher for susceptibility (χpaleosol/χloess ~ 5.8). Table 1. Bulk properties and extract efficiency for the loess and paleosol samples. Parameter χ (10 m kg ) ARM(10-4Am2kg-1) Ms (10-3Am2kg-1) Mrs (10-3Am2kg-1) -7 3 -1 Loess Bulk 2.60 0.53 35.0 4.40 Residue 0.68 0.27 2.50 0.64 Efficiency (%) 74.0 48.0 93.0 86.0 Paleosol Bulk 15.1 4.7 70.71 11.79 Residue 6.89 4.5 20.0 2.73 Efficiency(%) 55.0 5.0 72.0 77.0 Table 2. Hysteresis properties of the different grain-size extracts and residues from loess and paleosol Sample Bc (mT) Bcr (mT) Bcr/Bc Mrs/Ms χ/Ms (10-6mA-1) PF 10.3 22.4 2.18 0.21 PC 11.6 27.4 2.36 0.18 PB 8.49 22.5 2.65 0.17 21.4 PR 4.3 15.8 3.67 0.133 34.5 LF 20.6 55.0 2.67 0.25 LC 14.0 48.8 3.48 0.12 LB 14.8 52.6 3.54 0.14 7.4 LR 24.3 117 4.81 0.20 27.2 Because of the possible loss of magnetic material during extraction and subsequent size separation, the extraction efficiencies are quantified by the following equation: efficiency (%) = 100(1-λresidue/λbulk), where λresidue and λbulk are the parameters (susceptibility, ARM, and SIRM) of the residue and bulk material, respectively. The extraction efficiencies for susceptibility, ARM, and SIRM are summarized in Table 1. For the loess sample, the extraction efficiency is 73.9% for susceptibility, 48.1% for ARM, 92.8% for Ms, and 85.5% for Mrs. The variation results from the different dependencies of these properties on mineralogy and grain size. The high Ms efficiency (92.8%) for the loess sample indicates that almost all of the strong ferrimagnetic material has been extracted. The reduced efficiencies for ARM and χ indicates that SD and SP grains are less effectively extracted. For the paleosol sample, the efficiencies as measured by susceptibility, ARM, Ms, and Mrs are 54.4%, 5.0%, 71.7%, and 76.8%, respectively. Compared to the loess, the lower efficiencies for the paleosol samples reveal that there are more magnetic components left in the “non-magnetic” residues. Especially, the extremely low ARM efficiency (5%) of the 59 paleosol sample indicates that single domain (SD) particles remain almost entirely in the paleosol residue (PR). Using our separation procedure, it is difficult to quantify precisely the mass ratios of the magnetic extract size fractions. Qualitatively, however, we can say that the fraction remaining in suspension is much smaller than the fraction that settled down, for both the magnetic extracts from the loess and those from the paleosol. 4.2 Magnetic properties of separated fractions Hysteresis parameters of different grain-size extracts and the corresponding raw and residual material are shown in both Fig. 2 and table 2. Clearly, the hysteretic properties of LC are nearly identical to those of LB (Fig. 2). In contrast, the finer fraction (LF) has a much higher Bc (20.6 mT) and Mrs/Ms (0.25), and the “non-magnetic” residue (LR) has even higher Bc and Bcr. On the whole, the hysteresis parameters of all paleosol samples (PB, PC, and PF) are comparable with one another except that the paleosol residue (PR) has a very low Bc due to a large SP content, as explained below. 0.3 0.25 LF Mrs/Ms LR PF 0.2 PC PB 0.15 LB PR 0.1 LC PSD 0.05 MD 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Bcr/Bc Figure 2. Ratio plots of Mrs/Mr versus Bcr/Bc. Large solid dot, small solid dot, and star and triangle stand for coarse magnetic extract, fine magnetic extract, and raw material, and residue respectively. The light crosses are the data from Day et al. (1977) for magnetite samples with different mean grain sizes. LT-SIRM warming curves for paleosol magnetic extracts and residue are shown in Fig. 3. Above 100 K, both PB and PC show asymmetric peaks in their derivative curves (Fig 3b) with 60 a maximum peak at 120 K, corresponding to the Verwey transition temperature for stoichiometric magnetite. The derivative for paleosol residue PR simply increases with decrease of temperature, forming the SP background contributed by the finest grains (solid line in Fig. 3b). PF PB PR -d(J/Jo)/dT J/Jo 0.8 PC 0.6 0.4 Paleosol 0.005 1 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.2 (a) (b) 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0.001 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 T (K) T (K) Figure 3. (a) Normalized LT-SIRM. (b) the first derivative of the data from (a). Samples are from mature paleosol at the depth of 24.4 m. LC LF LB LR 0.012 0.01 -d(J/Jo)/dT J/Jo 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.006 0.004 (b) 0 50 0.008 0.002 (a) 0 Loess 1 100 150 200 250 300 0 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Temperature (K) Temperature (K) Figure 4. (a) Normalized LT-SIRM. (b) the first derivative of the data from (a). Samples are from typical loess at the depth of 23.5 m. For LB and LC, sharp decreases in SIRM are observed around 110K (Fig.4 a). In the firstorder derivative curves (Fig. 4b), both LB and LC have two peaks, around 110 and 120 K. LF and the loess residue (LR) also show a drop in intensity around 110 K, but the decreases are much lower in amplitude than those of LB and LC (Fig 4). 61 The temperature dependence (the maximum temperature is 700oC) of induced magnetization M1T for the paleosol extracts PC and PF is shown in Fig. 5. The heating and cooling curves of PF show essentially reversible patterns with maximum temperatures up to 455oC (Fig. 5a). After heating to 700oC, the heating and cooling curves presented irreversible patterns. About 15% and 50% of the initial magnetization of PC (Fig. 5b) and PF (Fig. 5c) were removed after the higher thermal cycle, indicating some inversion (e.g. maghemite hematite) took place during heating. 200 300 400 1 0.9 0.8 455 oC run 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 o 250 C 350 oC 0.4 (a) 0.9 PC 0.2 (b) 0.1 455 oC 0 0.2 100 200 300 400 0 500 0 Temperature (oC) SP PF se co nd 0.5 0.4 rst 0.7 run 0.6 0.5 0.4 run 0.3 0.3 (c) 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 o Temperature ( C) 100 1000 0.3 0.25 PF 0.2 de Boer and Dekkers (1996) 0.15 ?? 40 30 0.1 20 0.2 0.2 10 PSD SD 50 PI (%) PF fi 0.6 1 60 0.8 0.7 0.1 70 0.9 PF 0.8 J/J0 0.001 0.01 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1 0.9 0.1 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Temperature (oC) 1 0.8 0.2 0.4 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1 350 oC run 0.8 J/J0 1 250 oC run 0.8 0.6 0 500 1.2 Mrs/Ms 100 J/J0 0 1.2 PI 10 (d) 0 0.001 0.01 0.05 Mrs/Ms 0.1 1 10 100 0 1000 Grain size (µm) Figure 5. (a) Thermomagnetic curves for PF heating to 250, 350, 455oC, respectively. Reversible patterns show PF is stable up to at least 455oC. (b) and (c) thermomagnetic curves for paleosol magnetic extracts PC and PF (dashed curve for the first run and solid curve for the second run), respectively. (d) Grain size dependent Mrs/Mr (open circle) and percentage of maghemite (solid circle) inverted to hematite (PI) during a thermomagnetic run to 650oC (after de Boer and Dekkers, 1996). The light shade areas indicates the size range of SD particles and estimated size range of PF. The solid triangle is the results from ? zdemir, 1990. For the second run of PF, the cooling curve is higher than the heating curve, indicating that magnetite particles were produced during the second heating run. This magnetic enhancement is probably caused in part by reduction of hematite and maghemite from the burning of organic matters trapped in magnetic extracts (Kletetschka and Banerjee, 1995) and 62 in part from the reducing environment caused by the high-temperature cement. During the first run, the slight intensity enhancement due to reduction was totally masked by the significant loss of remanence due to transformation from maghemite to hematite. Further enhancement is shown in the second run because the major inversion was completed after the first run. 25 125 225 325 425 525 625 Intensity (A/m), Normlaize intensity Paleosol residue (4.974 g) 1.4 1.2 0.8 IRM1.2T Normalized IRM1.2T 1.0 0.6 Modified IRM1.2T 0.8 ARM 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.2 Normalized Intensity 1.0 1.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 T (degree) AF field (mT) 25 125 225 325 425 525 625 1.0 Loess residue (3.430 g) 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 Normalized intensity Intensity (A/m), Normlaize intensity 1.0 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 T (degree) AF field (mT) Figure 6. Combining studies of AF and thermal demagnetization of IRM1.2T for loess/paleosol residue after magnetic extraction. Open circles stand for the IRM1.2T normalized by initial value. Dashed lines were fitted by the values at fields higher than 100 mT and are projected to the virgin state. The dashed lines are used to stand for the behavior of high coercivity material (hematite). After extracting the dashed line from the AF curve, the residual curves were normalized by the value at zero field again. The new curve was named as modified IRM1.2T, in which effects of hematite had been removed. The shadows in the right part of figures show possible inversion temperature and Curie points of maghemite and magnetite. Clearly, the main Curie point is at about 670o. This demonstrates that hematite is the main phase that controls the high coercivity behavior. SEM studies (Fig. 7) showed that both LC and PC contain abundant grains with diameters of several tens of µm (MD). There are also finer grains that may have settled rapidly due to clumping. The average size of LC is larger than that of PC. Consistent with the theoretical 63 calculation by Stokes’ law, the average grain size of LF and PF is generally less than 5 µm (Fig. 7). We note that Fig. 7 represents the upper limits of the grainsize of each separated fraction. Figure 7. SEM studies for different grain size of magnetic extract from the loess/paleosol. The scale and grain-size are marked on each of the sub figure. Each row of the sub figures stands for the same material. Sequential demagnetization of IRM1.2T for both the paleosol and the loess residues are shown in Fig. 6. Both PR and LR exhibit a bimodal AF demagnetization spectrum. The soft remanent fraction (low coercivity) can be easily removed by a 50 mT field. In contrast, the 64 hard components (high coercivity) decay slowly, with approximately linear trends between 70 and 200 mT. Based on these trends, the extrapolated hard components before AF demagnetization for PR and LR are ~30% and ~80% of the initial IRM, respectively. For PR, the AF demagnetization spectrum of modified SIRM1.2T (after subtracting the hard components) almost replicates that of ARM. The thermal demagnetization spectra of the hard components after 200 mT AF demagnetization for both PR and LR show a consistent unblocking temperature of ~ 670oC, indicating that hematite is the main carrier of the hard component for both PR and LR. 4.3 XRD MH Q Q MV Q MV MV MH M MV H Q Q MV LC Relative unit M H MH 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 LF Relative unit PC Relative unit PF Relative unit 30 2-Theta (degree) Figure 8. XRD spectrum for different grain size of magnetic extract from loess/paleosol. The label of M, MH, MV, H, and Q stand for magnetite, maghemite, muscovite, hematite, quartz, respectively. The peak around 30.8o probably relates to titanium iron oxide. 65 XRD analysis was used to characterize the mineralogy of samples. The mineralogy identification was performed based on the data between 15 and 90 degrees (2θ), and the results are presented in Fig 8. The 33.15o peak corresponding to hematite exists in all the material. At 35.45o (hkl, 311) and 43.10o (hkl, 400), two peaks are caused by magnetite. Just to the right of the magnetite peaks, two characteristic peaks for maghemite appeared at 35.63o (hkl, 311) and 43.28o (hkl, 400). In addition, peaks for muscovite and quartz show that they are also present in the extracts. For LC, there is a magnetite peak at 35.45o, with a right shoulder suggesting that the magnetite particles are slightly oxidized. LF has a peak at 43.28o corresponding to maghemite. For PF, between 35o and 36o, the maghemite peak (311) at 35.63o is much stronger than that the magnetite peak (311) at 35.45o. We believe that this indicates that maghemite instead of magnetite is the main magnetic mineral phase in PF. PC had two peaks with nearly equal amplitudes at 35.45o and 35.63o. The unit cells (D) for LC, LF, PC, PF calculated from the XRD spectrum were 8.399±0.010 (hkl, 311, 400, 531, 533), 8.360±0.008 (hkl, 311, 400, 440, 533), 8.393±0.010 (hkl, 220, 311, 222, 511, 440, 531), and 8.339±0.010 (hkl, 311, 400, 440, 642), respectively. The unit cell of (titano-) magnetite is mainly determined by its ulv?spinel content and oxidation degree (Readman and O’Reilly, 1972; Nishitani and Kono, 1983; Zhou et al., 1999). Moskowitz et al. (1998) showed that the remanence transitions are suppressed to temperatures below 80 K even for low-Ti substitution (e.g., TM05). The 110-120 K Verwey transition of the Chinese loess/paleosol samples therefore indicates that titanium substitution is insignificant. Therefore, in this study, we used Readman and O'Reilly (1972) reference curve to correlate the unit cell to the corresponding oxidation parameter z because the subsequent studies (e.g., Nishitani and Kono, 1983; Zhou et al., 1999) focused more on titanomagnetite. The resolution of the nominal z values calibrated from the D-z curves is highly dependent on the curve’s slope. The error ∆z due to errors in the determined value of D (∆D) is ∆z=∆D/(dD/dz). Especially for the lower z values corresponding to nearly stoichiometric magnetite, where dD/dz is almost zero, slight errors in D could be translated into very large errors in estimated value of z. With these caveats in mind, we use these z estimates as nominal values for purpose of discussion: LC (0-0.05), PC (0.27), LF (0.87), and PF (1.0). More subtle transitions from magnetite to maghemite and coexistence of these two minerals for different size fractions are indicated in Fig. 8. 66 5. Discussion 5.1 Magnetic mineralogy and grain-size Under our experimental procedure, it is extremely difficult to obtain an accurate estimation of the mass of each size fraction of the magnetic extracts. Therefore, we qualitatively evaluate the relative abundance of each in bulk sediments by comparing its rock magnetic properties with the bulk properties. In this section, based on XRD and magnetic measurements, we first discuss the magnetic mineralogy of the two size fractions of the magnetic extracts and residues. Second, constrained by SEM, Day-plot, characteristic magnetic properties, and thermomagnetic analysis (refer to section 5.2), we link the magnetic phases to the corresponding grainsizes to provide a clearer picture of the magnetic components in the Chinese loess/paleosol. Finally, the geological implications for the loess/paleosol natural remanent magnetization (NRM) carrier and model of low-temperature oxidation are discussed in some detail. XRD revealed that the oxidation degree in an ascending order is LC, PC, LF and PF. The fine fraction of paleosol (PF) is characterized by a characteristic maghemite peak at 35.63o (hkl 311) in the XRD pattern. The highly depressed Verwey transition at ~ 110K confirms that PC is more oxidized than LC (Kosterov, 2002) (Fig. 3). The highest oxidation degree of PF is further supported by the following facts: 1) brown color, which is typical for maghemite; and 2) no Verwey transition (Fig. 3). The AF demagnetization to 200 mT followed by thermal demagnetization of the loess residue IRM1.2T shows unblocking up to ~670oC, the Curie temperature (Tc) of hematite (Fig. 6). LT-SIRM curves for the loess residue LR show a weak Verwey transition. Meanwhile, LR has a Bcr value larger than 100 mT, which would also seem to require a significant contribution from hematite or other antiferromagnetic minerals. After subtracting the linear trend fitted to the data between 100 and 200 mT for the AF demagnetization curves, for the paleosol residue, the AF demagnetization spectrum of the normalized IRM1.2T is almost identical to that of ARM, indicating that the soft-fraction of the remanence (lower coercivity) is carried by SD particles. Further, the AF demagnetization spectrum of the normalized IRM1.2T for the loess residue almost replicates that of the paleosol residue. Therefore, we 67 conclude that the main mineral phase in LR is hematite, but it also contains a small percentage of SD/PSD magnetite/maghemite. Therefore, LC and PC are dominated by less-oxidized and more-oxidized magnetite, respectively. PF is an extremely oxidized magnetic phase (maghemite). LF has an oxidation degree between PC and PF. Hematite has minor effects on the magnetic properties of the extracts, but has stronger effects on the residue properties. The estimation of the grainsizes was constrained by multiple parameters. First, SEM observations (Fig. 7) provide an upper size limit of each size fraction. In ascending order, the largest observed grainsizes of these fractions are LC (42.0 µm), PC (16.0 µm), LF (9.0 µm), and PF (2.6 µm). This order matches exactly the order of the corresponding oxidation degree, indicating that the oxidation degree is grainsize dependent. A smaller grainsize corresponds to higher oxidation degree. Second, the existence and contribution of SP grains are estimated by hysteretic parameters. SP grains can result in a lower value of Bc, but have no effects on Bcr, which depends only on remanence. The high values of Bcr/Bc for the paleosol residue (Fig. 2 and Table 2) probably reflect the existence of both SP and stable SD, which also account for much of the bulk paleosol susceptibility and ARM. The indicator of superparamagnetic fraction χ/Ms for LB (~ 7.4 × 10-6 m/A) is typical for coarser-grained (>SP) ferrimagnetic minerals (magnetite or maghemite). In contrast, LR, PB and PR all have ratios at least three times larger, indicating significant contribution of SP particles. Unlike the loess residue, the paleosol residue PR has a quite low Bc (4 mT) suggesting a large SP fraction. These SP magnetic grains formed during the pedogenic processes (Zhou et al., 1990). The Day plot (Day et al., 1977) is another tool for estimating the average grain-size of magnetic minerals in a whole sample. However, the presence of multiple mineral phases and grain size populations in the sample as well as their non-stoichiometry can lead to serious ambiguities (Dunlop 2002a, b). Discrete size fractions of magnetite particles plot along the trend shown in Fig. 2 by light crosses (Day et al., 1977). Grain size mixtures (Tauxe et al., 1996; Carter-Stiglitz et al., 2001; Dunlop 2002a, b) and mineral mixtures (Jackson et al., 1990; Roberts et al., 1995) generally plot above and to the right of the trend. Determining the 68 components of a mixture from a Day plot can thus be quite difficult and indirect (Fukuma and Torii, 1998). To allow a more unique interpretation, our present study physically separates the raw loess/paleosol material into different parts (Table 2). Fig. 2 shows that bulk samples of loess (LB) and paleosol (PB) are located in the PSD region, and the overall grain-size of the PB is finer than that of LB. The bulk loess properties are dominated by the material recovered in the coarse extract, because both plot near the magnetic grain-size boundary between PSD and MD regions (Fig. 2). Thus the coarse extracts represent the characteristic magnetic material in bulk loess. For the paleosol, all fractions have similar characteristics except for the residue PR, which plots in an apparently coarser grainsize region than the others, near LB and LC. It is well known that abundant SP grains can form during pedogenesis, and contribute to the susceptibility enhancements of paleosols. These extremely fine SP particles can not be extracted by our method and they stay in the residue, resulting in a lower extraction efficiency based on susceptibility (54.5%) compared to that of loess. Further, this low susceptibility efficiency for paleosol confirms that these SP particles are the main contributor of enhancement of susceptibility. In summary, the oxidation degree in an ascending order for the magnetic extracts is: 1) LC, consisting mainly of slightly oxidized MD magnetite; 2) PC, which is also mainly MD magnetite, but with a higher oxidation degree, and a smaller average grain size than LC; 3) LF, which consists of heavily oxidized magnetites with a small nearly-stoichiometric magnetite core and a maghemite shell; 4) PF, which is dominated by PSD maghemite. LR is composed mainly of hematite and partially of small PSD maghemite. PR is a little more complicated than LR. It mainly consists of SP and SD maghemite grains formed during the pedogenic processes. For paleosol material, the average grain size from the Day plot of the bulk sample PB is consistent with both fine and coarse fraction from the SEM study of the corresponding magnetic extraction. This indicates that the PSD behavior of PB is not caused by a mixture of SD and MD magnetic particles because the SD particles mainly stay in the residue PR. In contrast, the SP particles had significantly shifted the plots of PB toward the MD region by decreasing Bc but without effecting Bcr. Therefore, the true average grain size of the PB ought to be smaller than that suggested by its position on the Day plot. For loess material, the coarse 69 magnetic fraction (LC) dominates the behavior of LB. So the PSD behavior of the loess bulk sample (LB) indicated by the Day plot is also reasonable. One more point about the magnetic minerals in the loess samples is that they are not stoichiometric. It has been well documented that the increase of non-stoichiometry in MD (especially just above PSD size) magnetic particles can result in a PSD behavior. So the grain size suggested by the Day plot is in terms of magnetically effective size instead of the true physical size. This study confirmed that the magnetite particles in both loess and paleosol samples are non-stoichiometric. Meanwhile, the partially oxidized coarse-grained magnetite particles (PC and LC) have higher remanence coercivity than the fine-grained single-phase maghemite (PF). This indicates that the partially oxidized magnetite has a high potential for recording stable detrital remanent magnetization (DRM). The maghemite (SD and small PSD) particles are strongly linked to pedogenesis, and these particles probably carry a chemical remanence magnetization (CRM) during its formation by pedogenesis. Further detailed studies on the remanence character of these different magnetic particles will bear on our understanding of the loess NRM acquisition history. However, more sensitive parameters are needed to separate the pedogenically-produced maghemite particles from the inherited maghemite of eolian origin, including the maghemite shell covering the coarse-grained magnetite caused by the low temperature oxidation. This study also has important implications for the low-temperature oxidation model for the magnetite particles in natural samples. The bulk and the coarse extract fraction of the paleosol samples contain a sharper Verwey transition, i.e. more surface area centered on 120 K, than the loess sample, which has a broad peak (or a double peak) from 105-120 K. Based on a comparison with Tv data for uniformly oxidized synthetic samples (?zdemi r et al., 1993; Honig, 1995; Moskowitz et al., 1998), the loess Verwey transition curves seem to contain signal more from 'altered magnetite' than the paleosol. This appears to conflict with the XRD analysis, which indicated that PC has a higher oxidation degree than LC. We tentatively interpret this paradox in the following way. The synthetic samples used in these previous studies were homogeneously oxidized and uniform. However, the lowtemperature oxidized products of initially stoichiometric magnetite in natural samples may consist of an inner magnetite core, covered by a maghemitized rim generally occurring mainly 70 at the crystal surface or in fissures (van Velzen and Zijderveld, 1992, 1995; Cui et al., 1994; Kosterov, 2002). One dramatic effect of the maghemite rim on the whole magnetic particle is to increase its coercivity due to the enhanced stresses induced by a large gradient in the oxidation degree from the maghemitized rim to the magnetite core (van Velzen and Zijderveld, 1995). The stress is related to the difference in lattice constants of the maghemite rim and magnetite core. van Velzen and Zijderveld (1995) further proposed that the coercivity of the oxidized magnetite is proportional to this oxidation gradient. We suggest that as the oxidation front penetrates more deeply into the grain, the oxidation gradient is reduced, and the sample’s coercivity will also decrease. LC is only slightly oxidized, as indicated by the stoichiometric-like unit cell. This slightly oxidized shell will shift Tv to a lower temperature, and the magnetite core contributes to the stoichiometric-like Tv peak. Compared to LC, the lower coercivity of PC confirms that it has a lower oxidation gradient caused by a higher oxidation. The nearly stoichiometric Tv (~120K) peak of PC (Fig. 3b) is most probably caused by the reduced in size magnetite core, but the shell has been oxidized to a higher degree. Its total contribution to Tv is small, and the SP and maghemite background are simultaneously enhanced. This would further suggest that the reduced (in size) magnetite core in PC may behave independently from the maghemite rim for the low-temperature thermal demagnetization of SIRM curves. Therefore, for the natural samples, the highly-suppressed but near stoichiometric Verwey transition (~120K), masked by a strong maghemite and SP background, appear to indicate a high degree of low-temperature oxidation. This weak but stoichiometric-like Verwey transition is caused by the highly reduced (in size) magnetite-core through low-temperature oxidation, which behaves independently from the maghemite-rim. In contrast, the broad Verwey transition peak and relatively large intensity drop for the loess indicates a lower lowtemperature oxidation degree. This can be further demonstrated by its coercivity. The paleosol has a lower coercivity than the loess. Based on this model, the absence of Verwey transition for PF strongly suggests that it is a homogeneously maghemite phase without a magnetitecore. 5.2 High temperature behavior of natural maghemite in Chinese loess 71 Magnetite and maghemite are two common strongly ferrimagnetic minerals. They are the main natural remanent magnetization (NRM) carriers and are also the main contributors to magnetic susceptibility in the Chinese loess/paleosols (Evans and Heller, 1994; Eyre and Shaw, 1994; Sun et al., 1995). Better understanding of the origin of these two magnetic minerals is essential for precise retrieval of the paleoclimatic information from Chinese loess. However, compared to magnetite, there remains a lack of detailed research on the magnetic properties of the natural maghemite in Chinese loess. Based on the thermomagnetic behavior of synthetic maghemite samples, Liu et al. (1999) concluded that maghemite in the loess/paleosol sequences originated mainly from eolian sources, with some additional maghemite generated during pedogenesis. This conclusion rested on the observation that the synthetic maghemite used in their studies fully inverted to hematite at temperatures above 500oC. However, the magnetic properties of maghemite are highly dependent on the presence of impurities, method of preparation and morphology of the particles. In contrast to Liu et al. (1999)’s reports, synthetic samples used by ? zdemir (1990) showed that only 30% of the initial Ms was destroyed by a thermal cycle from room temperature to 700oC indicating only some inversion from maghemite to hematite occurred during heating. The PSD natural maghemite particles from the Robe River mining district (Australia) showed similar thermal behavior (de Boer and Dekkers, 1996). These earlier studies indicate that the exact correspondence between the synthetic and natural maghemite in Chinese loess/paleosol proposed by Liu et al. (1999) needs further investigation. Constrained by low temperature measurements and XRD analysis, we believe that our finer fraction of paleosol (PF) is mainly composed of PSD maghemite. Four aspects associated with natural maghemite’s high temperature properties, including its Curie temperature, thermal stability, grain size and additional inflection of thermomagnetic curves at 350oC, will be addressed now. Fig. 5 shows that PF has a Curie temperature of 575oC, which is about 10oC lower than that of partially oxidized magnetite (PC), and much lower than the Tc (645oC) for a synthetic maghemite (a cubic spinel with tetragonal superstructure) measured by ? zdemir (1990). In addition, the Tc of PF is also lower than that (610oC) of natural maghemite reported by de Boer and Dekkers (1996). 72 The commonly present larger strain and higher amount of imperfections for natural maghemite, especially in the pedogenic environment, can significantly decrease its Tc (de Boer and Dekkers, 1996). In addition, substitution of Fe by Al can also lower the Tc of maghemite by reducing the exchange interactions (da Costa et al., 1995). A recent study by de Boer and Dekkers (2001) showed that maghemite particles inverted from hematite during heating have a Curie temperature 470-475oC. They suggested that the lower Tc of this unusual type of maghemite is related to vacancy ordering over the magnetic sublattices. Thus, the relatively lower Curie temperature (575oC) of PF suggests that this maghemite may have been significantly affected by one or more of those factors. Clearly, the difference of Tc between the maghemite (PF) and the partially oxidized magnetite (PC) is not sensitive enough to be a routine tool suggested by the early studies (Zhu et al., 1995) for distinguishing these two ferrimagnetic minerals in the Chinese loess/paleosol sequences. It has been well documented that maghemite can lose its initial magnetic intensity during thermal treatments due to partial transformation from maghemite to hematite. In this study, we are interested in both the corresponding inversion temperature and inversion efficiency because these two parameters are necessary for quantifying the concentration of maghemite in natural samples. The exact transformation temperature from maghemite to hematite is not fixed, and it can vary between 250-900oC (Kachi et al., 1963; Sato et al., 1967). ? zdemir (1990) reported that the transformation of synthetic SD maghemite to hematite take places at 725oC. Based on the stepwise thermal demagnetization of IRM1.2T and low-field bulk susceptibility measurements, de Boer and Dekkers (1996) found the majority of inversion of PSD and MD maghemite to hematite starts after the 600oC run, and is not fully complete even after the 800oC run. Our measurements show that the thermomagnetic curves are reversible at least up to 455oC (Fig. 5a), indicating the natural maghemite in our samples is moderately thermally stable. Our recent study (Liu et al., 2003b) also revealed that the inversion occurs just above 550oC. de Boer and Dekkers (1996) defined the inversion efficiency PI as the fractional decrease of Mrs after heating to 600oC. and found that PI increased from 0.13 for large MD (150-250 µm) to 0.16 for relatively small grains (< 5 µm). The ratio Mrs/Ms has a similar grain size dependence (Fig. 5d). The SD maghemite of ? zdemir (1990) does not follow this trend due to its acicular shape and tetragonal superstructure, which is not common in the natural samples. 73 Therefore, the natural samples used by de Boer and Dekkers (1996) are more analogous to PF even though PF may have a higher content of imperfections or impurities than the former. In this study, the corresponding Mrs/Ms and the inversion efficiency (PI) of PF are 0.21 and 0.5, respectively. These values are higher than those of the smallest size grain (2.5 µm) used by de Boer and Dekkers (1996). Even though the exact relationships between maghemite’s grain size and its PI and the other magnetic parameters are not available due to the scarcity of systematic measurements especially for grains smaller than 2 µm, we believe that the general trend of PI and Mrs/Ms with decrease of maghemite’s grain size is valid. Assuming that de Boer and Dekkers’s data can be extended to SD maghemite particles, then the average grain size of PF is about 200 nm, which is just above the threshold between SD and PSD particles. Grain size can also be directly estimated by SEM observation, but is highly dependent on the selection of particles and spatial resolution of the technique. Fig. 7 shows that the grain sizes of four typical PF particles are between 0.6 to 2.6 µm. The latter can only be considered as the maximum size of PF. In contrast, the smaller maghemite particles (e.g., just larger than 100 nm) can not be clearly characterized by direct SEM observation. To be safe, we conclude that the size range of PF is between 100 nm and 3 µm. The lower size limit rests on the fact that SD particles mainly stay in the paleosol residue (PR). Another interesting characteristic of the thermomagnetic curves from the earlier studies is the additional inflection occurring at 350oC (de Boer and Dekkers, 1996; Liu et al., 1999). This probably indicates the lowest initial inversion temperature from maghemite to hematite. However, Fig. 5A shows that the inflection for PF occurs at 250oC, whereas, PC has a 350oC inflection. A reasonable interpretation is that the maghemite particles contained in PC were formed on the surface of coarser magnetite (larger PSD/MD) by low temperature oxidation. The grain size of these maghemite particles is generally SP/SD (Dunlop and ?z demir, 1997). Therefore, the 350oC inflection relates more to PC rather than the PSD maghemite contained in PF. 6. Conclusion The gravitational separation of the magnetic extracts is an effective method to investigate the grain-size dependent magnetic properties for loess/paleosol. This method can clarify 74 inherent ambiguities of bulk magnetic parameters. This, then, makes it feasible to assign appropriate grain-size to the corresponding magnetic composition. In turn, we can provide a more accurate and detailed description of the magnetic minerals in the loess deposits. Based on the discussion above, the main conclusions are: 1) The magnetic extracts are not pure magnetic minerals. All of them still contain nonmagnetic quartz and muscovite. Weakly magnetic hematite is another common phase found in extracts, but its concentration is masked by the signal of magnetite and maghemite. It is most evident in the loess residue after most of the ferrimagnetic material was removed by extraction. 2) In the following conclusion, we refer the name of each group to its main magnetic mineral. Quartz and muscovite are not considered. Among the extracts, the coarser fraction of loess (LC) and the finer fraction of paleosol (PF) have the lowest and highest oxidation degree, respectively. LC is slightly oxidized MD magnetite and PF is single-phase PSD maghemite. The coarser fraction of paleosol (PC) is similar to LC, but has a higher degree of oxidation. Different from the PF, the finer fraction of loess (LF) is a highly oxidized magnetite with a small magnetite core in the center surrounding by a maghemite cell. The pedogenesis-related SP/SD grains mainly stay in the paleosol residue (PR). 3) The magnetic properties of the bulk samples are dominated by genuine PSD particles instead of a mixture of SD and MD grains. The PSD maghemite (PF) in paleosol has a Curie temperature similar to that of magnetite. Further, only 30% of maghemite was transformed to hematite after a heating cycle up to 700 oC. We believe that the PSD maghemite in paleosol was produced from pedogenesis because it is abundant only in paleosols. The TXD section is ideal for constructing the high-resolution paleoclimatic variations at the western part of the loess plateau because of the high sedimentation rate and relatively low pedogenesis. The exact oxidation degree of magnetite in the loess/paleosols may vary in different profiles because of the different pedogenic degree. Nevertheless, we believe that the order of the oxidation degree for the different separated magnetic fractions revealed by this study is general and can be extended to the other profiles. 75 Chapter 6 Determination of magnetic carriers of the characteristic remanent magnetization of Chinese loess by low-temperature demagnetization (Published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters) (216, 1-2, 175-186, 2003) Abstract The Chinese loess/paleosol sequences can provide excellent paleomagnetic records for detailed studies on both magnetostratigraphy and secular variations of the Earth’s magnetic field. However, the nature of the loess/paleosol Characteristic Remanent Magnetization (ChRM), isolated by thermal demagnetization from the Natural Remanent Magnetization (NRM), still remains in debate. In this study, we directly measure the thermal, alternating field (AF), and low temperature demagnetization (LTD, cooling/warming cycle of remanence in zero field between 300 and 50 K) spectra of ChRM of the loess samples at Touxiangdao, Xining, China. The results show that coarse-grained, pseudo-single domain (PSD)/ multidomain (MD) magnetite and PSD maghemite particles are the main magnetic carriers of the loess and paleosol ChRMs, respectively. By comparing the ChRM characteristics across a loess/paleosol transition zone, we have found that during pedogenesis, the thermally-separable ChRM (original detrital remanent magnetization, DRM), carried by the PSD/MD magnetite in loess is gradually overprinted by the chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) carried by PSD maghemite. Even moderate pedogenesis (e.g., for the pedogenically-altered loess) can strongly affect the loess ChRM. Thus more attention has to be focused on the paleosol ChRM separated solely by thermal demagnetization especially when constructing a continuous paleomagnetic record covering both loess and paleosol units. Key words: Chinese loess, Characteristic remanent magnetization, Magnetic carrier, Low temperature demagnetization, Paleomagnetism 1. Introduction 76 Over the last 20 years, paleomagnetic records have been successfully used to construct the chronological framework of the Chinese loess sequences (Heller and Liu, 1982, 1984; Heslop et al., 2000), and feature detailed variations in both paleomagnetic directions and intensities during geomagnetic polarity reversals as well as excursions (Zhu et al., 1994a, 1994b, 1998a; 1998b; Fang et al., 1997; Guo et al., 1999; Pan et al., 2001). Systematic patterns of the major geomagnetic chrons and subchrons unambiguously suggest that Chinese loess sequences record at least these major geomagnetic events even though they may have been locally affected by post-depositional alterations (Zhou and Shackleton, 1999). The initial purpose of the loess natural remanent magnetization (NRM) studies was to determine the stratigraphic location of the main geomagnetic reversals (e.g., MatuyamaBrunhes boundary as well as Jaramillo subchron), and the first-order chronological framework (Li et al., 1974) of the susceptibility profiles for a further global correlation with the marine isotope (Heller & Liu, 1984; Kukla et al., 1988) and ice core records (Chen et al., 1997). In these early studies, alternating field (AF) demagnetization was first used to isolate the Characteristic Remanent Magnetization (ChRM) from NRM. Afterwards, Heller and Liu (1984) showed that a better component separation was achieved by progressive thermal demagnetization, which has become the standard approach for the loess NRM cleaning. It was Heller and Liu (1984) who first systematically investigated the remanence carriers and the corresponding remanence origin of the Chinese loess. Their results showed that viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) and ChRM can be successfully separated after a 250300oC thermal treatment, and this was further verified by subsequent work (Zhu et al., 1994a; Fang et al, 1997). Heller and Liu (1984) argued that magnetite is so “soft” (low coercivity) that it can record only VRM, which can be effectively removed by thermal demagnetization. Therefore, they suggested that the most important ChRM carrier could be hematite. A contrary view proposed by Zhu et al.(1998b), based on a comprehensive investigation of the rock magnetic properties, is that pseudo-single domain magnetite accounts for the main portion of the ChRM. Despite these attempts, identification of the magnetic carrier of the loess ChRM is still unresolved because of the difficulty in linking bulk rock magnetic parameters to specific remanence carriers. Hysteresis parameters and in-field thermomagnetic analysis reflect contributions of all magnetic minerals in the bulk samples. In contrast, the loess ChRM, 77 generally less than 20% of the initial NRM intensity, is carried only by a fraction of the magnetic minerals (Heller and Liu, 1984). To avoid such ambiguities, we directly measure the ChRM properties of the Chinese loess/paleosols by combining multiple demagnetization methods (thermal, AF and low temperature demagnetization). A similar strategy has been used by van Velzen and Zijderveld[15,16] to investigate the remanence carrier of marine marls (van Velzen and Zijderveld, 1992, 1995). However, in their studies, they combined only AF and thermal demagnetization methods. Samples were collected from the Xining Touxiangdao (TXD) loess profile, western China, which is characterized by a high deposition rate, and relatively weak pedogenesis of the loess (Hunt et al., 1995). In this study, we focus on the variations in remanence carriers across the boundary between the loess unit L2 (Marine isotope stage, MIS 6) and the overlying paleosol sub-unit S1S3 (MIS 5e). We also focus on the effects of pedogenesis on the NRM recording history. Even though the goal of this study is to interpret the carriers of the ChRM in the Chinese loess, we believe that our method can be extended to other materials (e.g., marine/lake sediments, and igneous rocks). 2. Sampling and experiments The Chinese loess pedostratigraphy has been well studied by using lithologic and pedogenic criteria and magnetic susceptibility. The standard stratigraphic nomenclatures L and S are respectively assigned for the loess and paleosol units, (Kukla and An, 1989). An age model for the last glacial (L1) /interglacial (S1) cycle is well determined by multiple methods, including 14C (Head et al., 1989), thermoluminescence (Lu et al., 1988), 10Be dating (Beer et al., 1993), and correlation of grainsize and susceptibility with marine oxygen-isotope records (Kukla et al., 1988). Generally, the paleosol units have reddish color and higher susceptibility than the yellowish lower-susceptibility loess units. The contrasts between the loess and paleosol units reflect the effects of in-situ pedogenesis (Verosub et al., 1993; Fine et al., 1995), which is linked to variations in the Asian summer monsoons. The TXD profile (36.6o N, 101.7o E) is located on the 4th terrace of the Huanghe River (for details see Chen et al. 1999). Stratigraphically, the paleosol unit S1 (Marine isotope stage, 78 MIS 5) consists of three paleosol subunits (S1S1/MIS5a, S1S2/MIS5c, and S1S3/MIS5e) interbedded with two loess units (S1L1/MIS5b and S1L2/MIS5d). Oriented block samples were collected from a cleaned natural outcrop. Cubic specimens of 1.5×1.5×1.5cm3 were cut from these block samples in the University of Lanzhou, and transported to the University of Minnesota. 0.6 0.8 S1L2 S1L2 ∆JTv (10-3Am2kg-1) 1 1.2 0.10 36.6 37.2 37.4 37.6 ∆JTv 38.0 Stratigraphy a) b) 0.04 37.13 m 37.54m 0.02 38.11 m 38.2 5 0.06 37.87 m χ 0 0.08 -dJ/dT (10-3Am2kg-1T-1) Depth (m) S1S3 37.0 37.8 L2 L2 Altered L2 S1S3 36.8 50 10 15 100 150 200 250 0.00 300 Temperature (K) χ (m3/kg 10 -7) c) d) Figure 1. Plots of susceptibility, ∆JTV, and stratigraphy of the Xining profile. Arrows indicate representative samples for low temperature experiments. a) observed stratigraphy by color and susceptibility; b) interpreted stratigraphy by the new parameter ∆JTV; c) depth plots of susceptibility and ∆JTV; d) the first-derivatives of LTD-SIRM for four selected samples. Dashed lines in d) are fitted polynomials for backgrounds. Mass normalized low-field susceptibility (χ) of bulk samples was measured with a Bartington susceptibility bridge. Detailed stratigraphic boundaries (seen in Fig. 1a, 1b) were determined by χ, visual field observation, and a new and more precise parameter (named ∆JTV, in Fig. 1 proposed by Liu et al., 2003) to quantify the abundance of stoichiometric coarse-grained magnetites. During the development of soil, pedogenesis gradually progresses down to the underlying glacial loess deposits, and the upper part of loess unit was altered to soil, therefore obscuring the original climatic boundary between L2 and S1S3 (Fig. 1c). The parameter ∆JTV was 79 designed to distinguish the pedogenically-altered glacial material from the overlying authentically interglacial deposits. To obtain ∆JTV, first, we calculated the first order derivative of low temperature thermal demagnetization of saturation isothermal magnetization (LT-SIRM) (Fig 1d). Second, polynomial curves, fitted to the data between 50-70 K and 150300 K, were subtracted from the derivatives (dashed lines in Fig 1d). ∆JTV is the area under the background-corrected derivative between 70 and 150 K, and it equals the absolute drop of intensity directly associated with the Verwey transition. The differentiation, detrending and re-integration separate out remanence loss due to unblocking at the superparamagnetic (SP) /single-domain (SD) boundary, and isolate the loss due to the monoclinic-cubic phase transition. ∆JTV is a highly sensitive indicator of the abundance of stoichiometric coarsegrained detrital magnetite, which marks the paleoclimatic boundary between the glacial periods and interglacial periods (Fig. 1c) (Liu et al., 2003). Even though pedogenesis may have altered the coarser-grained aeolian magnetites, the sharp drops in ∆JTV (e.g., at 37.3 m) are dominantly a depositional signal rather than a pedogenic (Liu et al., 2003). Hysteresis loops were measured on an automated vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), in a maximum field of 1 T. Hysteretic parameters were calculated after subtracting the paramagnetic contribution. A Day plot (Day et al., 1977; Dunlop et al., 2002a, 2002b)[26-28] was constructed to estimate the overall grain-size of samples. For thermal demagnetization, samples were heated progressively from room temperature up to 650oC with steps of 10-25oC, using a Schonstedt furnace with an internal field less than 100 nT. It was noted that ChRMs of samples were isolated after 300oC thermal treatment (held for 25 minutes). ChRMs of parallel samples were then further demagnetized by AF and low-temperature demagnetization (LTD) methods. AF demagnetization was performed with a DTech-2000 AF demagnetizer, in steps of 2.5~5 mT up to a maximum applied field of 50 mT. Low-temperature demagnetization (LTD) of ChRMs was performed after a 300oC thermal demagnetization by putting specimens into liquid nitrogen in a zero-field container for one hour. After warming up to room temperature, the remanences of these samples were measured with a 2G cryogenic magnetometer. The fractional ChRM loss after LTD is referred to as ∆J%. To monitor the continuous LTD curves of the NRM and ChRM, first, the remanence directions of cubic bulk samples were determined using a 2G cryogenic magnetometer. Then, 80 cylinder sub-samples (~0.5 cm in diameter and ~1.5 cm in length) were cut from the cubic samples along the direction of ChRM (NRM) for measurement in a single-axes SQUID magnetometer (MPMS) for measuring. Before running the samples, the ambient field in the measurement chamber of the susceptometer was carefully adjusted to 0.0 ±0.5 µT. Finally, these sub-samples were cycled in zero-field from room temperature to 50 K, with a temperature error less than ±1K. Low temperature cycles of three typical empty plastic straw holders for the low temperature experiments were also measured for any contribution to the natural remanence. 0.25 Mrs/Ms 0.2 0.15 0.1 PSD 0.05 MD 0 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Bcr/Bc Figure 2. Biplot of Mrs/Mr and Bcr/Bc. Small dots are the samples from this study. The arrow represents the trend of increasing susceptibility. Background trend (cross bars) shows data from Day et al. (1977). To quantify the observed linear trend on the LTD warming/cooling curves, we define the extrapolated fractional change δex for this linear trend as J50/J300-1, where J50 and J300 are fitted intensities at 50 and 300 K, respectively. To obtain this rate, first, we fitted a line to the data between 200 and 300K to avoid the effects of the Verwey transition. Then, J300 and J50 were calculated based on this fitted line. This procedure can avoid large errors caused by using only single points. 81 3. Results 3.1 Susceptibility and hysteresis parameters The susceptibility profile from the loess unit L2 to the sub-paleosol unit S1S3 is shown in Fig. 1. Susceptibility values are between ~2 × 10-7 m3/kg for loess to ~15 × 10-7 m3/kg for mature paleosol. There is a susceptibility transition zone from L2 to S1S3 between 38.0 and 37.35 m. Based on the parameter ∆JTV (Fig. 1c), this transition zone is recognized as the pedogenically-altered loess (PAL) L2 material rather than the interglacial deposits (S1S3) suggested by the stratigraphy based on color and susceptibility (Fig. 1a). This repeats the pattern found for the same climatic boundary (MIS 5e/MIS6) at the Yuanbao section to the east (Liu et al., 2003). Plots of the hysteresis ratios Mrs/Ms and Bcr/Bc have been traditionally used to estimate the overall grainsize of the magnetic minerals in bulk samples. Results show that the grainsize of magnetic minerals becomes finer with increasing pedogenic degree, as indicated by enhanced susceptibility (Fig. 2). The overall magnetic grainsizes are located in the pseudo-single domain (PSD) region. 3.2 Thermal and AF demagnetization of ChRM Detailed progressive thermal demagnetization studies (Fig. 3) show that about 80-90% of the initial NRM intensity was removed after 300oC treatment. The thermally stable remanence component removed between 300 and 500oC (orthogonal projections of NRM in Fig. 3) has generally been used to define the loess ChRM vectors (Zhu et al., 1994a; Fang et al., 1997; Guo et al., 1999; Pan et al., 2001). Both thermal and AF demagnetization spectra of ChRM are shown in Figure 4. The paleosol ChRM is higher by a factor of 3~5 than that of loess (Fig. 4a). With increase of temperatures, ChRM intensities gradually decreased. Slight intensity drops around 570-580oC indicate that minor parts of the ChRM of both loess and paleosol are carried by thermally stable magnetite. The residual remanences at higher temperatures (>600oC) could be carried by maghemite, hematite or both. Unfortunately, the relatively large errors of the 82 measurements at temperatures higher than 600oC do not allow us to confidently distinguish them based on the thermal and AF demagnetization spectra (Fig. 4a, 4b). E/Down 1 Z 0.8 J/Jo 38.1 m 0.6 0.4 0.2 N Jo=0.009 A/m 0 0 200 400 600 Temperature (oC) E/Down 1 Z J/Jo 0.8 37.75 m 0.6 0.4 N 0.2 Jo=0.025 A/m 0 0 200 400 600 Temperature ( oC) E/Down 1 Z J/Jo 0.8 37.19 m 0.6 0.4 0.2 N Jo=0.063 A/m 0 0 200 400 600 Temperature (oC) Figure 3. Orthogonal projections of NRM vectors and NRM intensity behavior of three typical samples at 38.1, 37.75, and 37.19 m during thermal demagnetization. Solid and open circles represent vertical and horizontal projections, respectively. 83 The normalized thermal demagnetization spectra of ChRM for both loess and paleosol samples exhibit similar patterns (Fig. 4b). The same is true for the AF demagnetization spectra after thermal cleaning at 300oC (Fig. 4c). For AF demagnetization, about 20% of remanence remains after 50 mT. 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 J/J0 1.0 J/J300 J (10-3Am-1) 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 0.0 0.5 Loess Paleosol Loess 0.0 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 a) T (degree) b) T (degree) 0 10 c) AF field (mT) 20 30 40 50 Figure 4. Thermal and AF demagnetization of ChRM. a) Thermal demagnetization spectrum; b) Normalized intensity of the data from a); c) AF demagnetization spectrum. The open and closed circles stand for the paleosol and the loess, respectively. The shaded rectangle in a) outlines the temperature resistant component, which is probably carried by hematite, maghemite, or both. 3.3 LTD of NRM and ChRM The LTD results for the empty holders (one typical curve is shown in Fig. 5) show that the background caused by the holders is generally less than 2×10-10 Am2. In contrast, the weak remanence carried by the small cylinder samples are at least five times (1×10-9 Am2) higher than the background. Further, the LTD curves of holder have no systematic patterns at the characteristic points, e.g., Morin transition (~250K) (de Boer et al., 2001), and Verwey transition (~120K). Therefore, we believe that the systematic changes in the LTD curves of the loess samples actually reflect the behavior of the remanence carriers. Fig. 6a shows that the percentage of ChRM to the initial NRM intensity (JChRM/JNRM) is a function of susceptibility. For the loess samples (χ<3×10-7m3kg-1), the ratio may be as high as 20-30%. In contrast, for the paleosol sample (χ>5×10-7m3kg-1), it is only 5-10%. This pattern is repeated in the correlation between Bcr and χ (Fig. 6b). Fig. 6c illustrates that the ChRM loss after LTD is also negatively correlated to χ. The loess ChRMs lose by 8-16% of their intensities, whereas, the paleosol ChRMs remain almost unchanged with ∆J% less than 4%. 84 The normalized (J/J300K) LTD curves of NRM and ChRM for both loess and paleosol samples are shown in Fig. 7. For the loess sample (38.12 m), NRM intensity (Fig. 7a) gradually decreases from room temperature to just above the crystallographic Verwey transition (Tv, ~120 K). On cooling through Tv, the intensity abruptly increases, and the normalized jump magnitude is nearly 60% (Fig. 7a). On the warming curve, the intensity is initially reversible up to about 135 K, then departs from the cooling curve and stays nearly Intensity of Holder (10-10 Am2) constant up to room temperature. 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 50 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) Figure 5. Low temperature demagnetization of typical empty holders. 35 60 a) 20 b) c) 50 16 40 12 20 15 ∆J % 25 Bcr (mT) JChRM/JNRM (%) 30 30 8 20 4 10 5 0 10 0 0 5 10 χ(10 m kg ) -7 3 -1 15 0 5 10 χ(10 m kg ) -7 3 -1 15 0 5 10 χ(10-7m3 kg -1) 15 Fig. 6. Plots of ratio of ChRM/NRM (a), Bcr (b), and remanence loss after a low-temperature cycle (c) against susceptibility. 85 For the thermally-cleaned (300oC) loess ChRM (Fig. 7b), a different pattern is displayed. The loess ChRM does not sharply increase when cooling through Tv. Similar to the warming curve of the loess NRM, a reversible pattern is shown by the loess ChRM up to about 130 K. 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 ~50% 0.2 0.2 b) a) 0 0 50 50 100 150 200 250 300 1.5 1.15 ~15% 1.1 1.4 ~90% 1.3 1.05 1.2 1 ~22% 1.1 0.95 1 c) PAL J/J300K 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) temperature (K) d) 0.9 0.9 50 100 150 200 250 300 50 100 150 200 250 300 1.2 1.2 1.16 ~17% J/J300K Loess ChRM ~32% 1.12 1.1 1.08 ~13% Paleosol J/J300K NRM 1.04 1 1 e) f) 0.96 0.9 50 100 150 200 250 300 50 100 150 200 250 300 Figure 7. Normalized low temperature demagnetization spectra of NRM and ChRM for the loess (38.12 m) (a and b), pedogenically-altered loess (37.6 m) (c and d), and paleosol samples (37.2 m) (e and f). The solid and open circles represent the cooling and warming curve, respectively. The left column (a, c, e) and the right column (b, d, f) are NRM and ChRM measurements. PAL corresponds to the pedogenically-altered loess. One striking feature for most of these curves is the linear trend above 160 K (inclined dashed lines) and in some cases below 100 K. The corresponding numbers in each figure are δex values for these linear trends. 86 Unlike the loess sample, the paleosol NRM intensity gradually increases on cooling, and shows a weak drop at Tv (Fig. 7e). The warming curve is relatively reversible except that it is shifted down slightly, especially for temperatures higher than 150 K. Compared to the loess NRM curve, the paleosol NRM apparently has a much more linear trend (δex =~17%). The LTD curves (Fig. 7f) of the paleosol ChRM can be fitted by two linear trends at the temperature intervals between 50 and 100 K (~32%), and 150 and 300 K (~13%), respectively. The LTD curve is completely reversible. The NRM LTD curves (Fig. 7c) for the pedogenically altered loess, PAL, also have a twosegment behavior. A linear (δex =~15%) trend is similar to that of the paleosol NRM when temperatures are higher than 150 K. But the intensity drop at the Verwey transition is much higher than that of the paleosol NRM. Meanwhile, the intensity slightly increases when passing through Tv. This pattern is more like that of the loess NRM. The LTD pattern of ChRM (Fig. 4d) is consistent with that of the mature paleosol. However, δex values for two linear trends are ~90% for the lower temperatures (50-100K) and ~22% for the higher temperature (150-300K). 4. Discussion 4.1 NRM and ChRM carriers It is well known that remanences carried by multi-domain (MD) magnetite can be partially demagnetized by zero-field cooling from room temperatures to liquid nitrogen temperatures or to even lower temperatures (10K), leaving a relatively stable remanence (Heider et al., 1992; McClelland and Shcherbakov, 1995; ?zdemir and Dunl op, 1998, 1999; Muxworthy and McClelland, 2000; ?zdemir et al., 2002). In contrast, remanences carried by single domain (SD) magnetite are less affected by such low temperature demagnetization (LTD) (Ozima et al., 1964). Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the partial demagnetization of remanence during LTD: 1) unpinning of the domain walls at the iostropic point Ti (Dunlop and Argyle, 1991); 2) decrease in the magnetostrictive anisotropy energy on cooling to Tv (Hodych et al., 1998); and 3) domain reorganization on cooling through magnetite’s crystallographic transition (Hodych, 1991). Even though the mechanism of partial 87 demagnetization of MD magnetite is not precisely known in all cases (?zdemir and Dunlop, 1998; Muxworthy and McClelland, 2000; Hodych et al, 1998), the relatively larger partial demagnetization after LTD, as well as the existence of Verwey transition at ~120 K, can be confidently used as indicators for coarse-grained (large PSD/MD) magnetite particles as the weak remanence carriers. Chinese loess was deposited by the accumulation of dust from the north and northwest in response to major uplift of the Tibetan plateau, and the associated change in Asian wind patterns. Before deposition, each individual magnetite particle transported by the wind carries a TRM. The loess acquired a (p)DRM during and after deposition on the Loess Plateau, and then was altered by post-depositional processes. The original DRM could be overprinted not only by VRM but also by secondary CRM carried by the newly-formed SD magnetic particles produced during pedogenesis. Therefore, a working hypothesis is that loess/paleosols may preserve their initial DRM only if their ChRM carrier is partially oxidized MD or PSD magnetite. Otherwise the primary remanence may have been overprinted or totally replaced by the secondary CRM carried by pedogenic SD/PSD maghemite. Based on this model, first, we examine the LTD behavior for two characteristic loess (38.12 m) and mature paleosol samples (37.2 m). One common feature of the LTD remanence curves (NRM and ChRM) is the linear trend (Fig. 7), which is believed to be caused by maghemite (including maghemite rims on magnetite grains and individual maghemite particles) (Dekkers, 2002, personal communication). There are also other magnetic minerals that can show low-temperature behavior similar to that of maghemite, e.g., greigite (iron sulfite) and goethite (FeOOH). However, greigite is not a common phase in the Chinese paleosol. Goethite has a N?el temperature of about 150 o C, and moreover it dehydrates at temperature below 300oC, thus it can not contribute to the ChRM. Therefore, we identify maghemite as the main source for the linear LTD pattern of the paleosol ChRM. Fig. 7 shows that the remanence (NRM and ChRM) of the loess sample changes sharply at Tv indicating that PSD/MD magnetite particles are the main magnetic carriers. However, the paleosol NRM is dominated by a linear trend with a slight intensity anomaly at Tv, indicating that maghemite is the main NRM carrier. By comparing the evolution pattern from the loess to the paleosol (Fig. 7), we can trace the effects of pedogenesis on acquisition of NRM during the development of the soil. Clearly, 88 the DRM carried by the MD magnetite particles in the loess has been gradually overprinted or replaced by the CRM carried by the newly-formed maghemite particles. Thus we conclude that only the loess ChRM (after 300oC cleaning) may display reliable paleomagnetic field variations. Figs 2, 4 and 6 show that the magnetic properties of the bulk sample and the corresponding ChRMs continuously change with susceptibility. Especially, Fig. 6c displays a clear trend of ∆J% decreasing with increasing susceptibility. This pattern is further shown by the continuous LTD curves of three representative samples (Fig. 7). The measurement of continuous LTD curves with an instrument like MPMS is not always feasible. Nevertheless, the parameter ∆J% (Fig. 6c) appears to be an excellent index for ChRM carriers when the assemblage of the magnetic minerals is previously determined. For example, in this study, the low ∆J% (<4%) for the paleosol ChRM strongly indicates that the dominant paleosol ChRM carriers are maghemite. 4.2 Comparison of natural DRM with lab-induced weak remanence TRM and ARM Most previous LTD studies have focused on saturation isothermal remanence (SIRM) ( demir and Dunlop, 1998; demir et al., 2002; Hodych 1991). Fewer studies have been conducted on laboratory thermal remanence (TRM) (Ozima et al., 1964; Hartstra, 1983), natural TRM (Hodych et al., 1998; Creer and Like 1967), and anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) (Muxworthy et al., 2003), and no reports have been published on detrital remanent magnetization (DRM) because of difficulty in simulating DRM acquisition in laboratory. Clearly, TRM and DRM are acquired though different physical processes. When magnetic particles cool in a weak field from above their Curie temperature, they acquire a TRM. In contrast, the DRM is acquired by rotating the magnetic moments of magnetic particles parallel to the ambient field. However, the remanence of individual detrital grains in sediments is most likely a TRM inherited from the eroded source rocks (Dunlop and demir, 1997). During the DRM acquisition process, the weak ambient field generally does not change properties of the TRM carried by each particle, but simply rotates the grain and its magnetic moment. Thus, we believe that the LTD theory for the TRM can be extended to DRM. Likewise, ARM is often 89 used as an analog of TRM. Therefore, we will compare the loess NRM with both TRM and ARM induced in the laboratory. Muxworthy and McClelland observed that the TRM (weak-field) LTD curves of nearly stoichiometric magnetite are grainsize dependent. For example, finer-grained particles have a larger increase of intensity when cooling through Tv (∆VJ) than coarser-grained particles do. A tentative explanation for this phenomenon is that screening by closure domains is eliminated at low temperatures (below Tv) resulting in a large increase of the measured magnetization (Muxworthy and McClelland, 2000). They further pointed out that coarse-grained (large PSD/MD) magnetite has domain structures less controlled by the closure domain. Therefore, no intensity increase is apparent in the TRM LTD curves just below Tv for these grains. Based on this model, the observation that the loess NRM has a much higher ∆VJ (Fig. 7a) than the loess ChRM, appears to indicate that the loess NRM carriers are finer-grained than those of the loess ChRM. This conclusion seems inconsistent with the AF demagnetization spectra of ChRM (after a 300oC thermal demagnetization), which are more SD-like than PSD/MD-like. The stoichiometric-like magnetite behavior of the loess remanences across the 120 K Verwey transition, which strongly supports the idea that the loess remanence carriers are coarser than the paleosol remanence carriers. However, the positive intensity jump associated with Tv for magnetite particles depends not only on grainsize, but is also coercivity-dependent. Further LTD studies on ARM revealed that the higher coercivity fraction of remanence exhibits a higher ∆VJ. Muxworthy et al. (2003) proposed that the ARM results could be extended to identify NRM carriers, with high memory ratios and large ∆VJ values indicating a high-coercivity MD remanence. Abundant evidence indicates that high-coercivity of the loess magnetites is enhanced by low-temperature oxidation. Fig. 2 shows that the measured hysteresis ratios gradually depart from the background trend of Day et al. (1977) with decreasing pedogenesis. This pattern is probably caused by an increase of Mrs through low-temperature oxidation (van Velzen and Zijderveld, 1992, 1995). Based on theoretical mixing calculations, Dunlop (2002b) tentatively interpreted the Chinese loess ratios in terms of SD + 10-nm SP mixtures. However, this interpretation apparently conflicts with the accepted view that the effects of SD+SP particles are less important for these less-altered loess samples. Therefore, we currently accept the first 90 mechanism, that the loess bulk remanence is controlled by partially oxidized magnetite of high-coercivity. The similar LTD behavior of the loess NRM (Fig. 7a) and ARM carried by fine-grained, high-coercivity magnetite (Muxworthy et al., 2003) suggests that the loess NRM is carried dominantly by fine partially-oxidized magnetite. After thermal treatments, the stress caused by the large compositional gradient between the maghemite shell and the magnetite core is greatly reduced due to increase of the oxidation degree (van Velzen and Zijderveld, 1992, 1995). This is consistent with the LTD behavior of the loess ChRM, characterized by the absence of a remanence jump around Tv. However, direct comparison of the loess NRM and lab-induced remanences (TRM and ARM) is still problematic because of the possibilities of very different microcoercivity distributions and even mineral assemblages in the synthetic samples (Muxworthy et al., 2003), and in the natural samples. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to deduce that the intensity jump in the LTD of the loess NRM curve is caused by high-coercivity, partially-oxidized PSD/MD magnetites rather than the relatively finer SD-sized magnetite grains, because the former are more abundant in the loess. 4.3 Unsolved problems and future works The main unsolved problem in this study is the origin of the linear trend of LTD curves and the relationship between the slope and the grainsize and occurrence (rims or individual) of maghemite. First, we find that δex varied from ~13% (Fig. 7f) up to ~90% (Fig. 7d). Second, for a single sample (Fig. 7d and 7f), two linear trends can be perfectly fitted at the lower and higher temperatures, respectively. Temperature dependent variations in Js can not explain the large variations (much larger than 10%) in intensity during the low temperature cycle. We tentatively attribute the linear changes larger than 10% in intensity to progressive changes in domain configuration and moment orientation, related to changing magnetocrystalline and/or magnetoelastic anisotropy. However, we have to design more subtle experiments with synthetic samples to convincingly demonstrate this. The second question concerns the two kinds of maghemite particles controlling the partially altered loess (PAL) and paleosol ChRM (Fig. 7d and 7f). We associate the former 91 with maghemite rims on magnetites and the latter with individual maghemite particles. The maghemite rim is a part of the partially oxidized magnetite and results in a higher coercivity compared to the stoichiometric magnetite or maghemite. In contrast, the individual maghemites can either be formed by pedogenesis or of aeolian detrital origin (Liu et al., 1999). The saturation remanent magnetization for these two kinds of particles has been recently investigated by Liu et al. (2003). However, their weak remanent properties have not yet been fully understood. Low-temperature behavior of lab-induced remanence in stoichiometric magnetites with a wide size range (from SD to MD) have been well investigated. However, careful comparison of the lab-induced weak-field remanences (e.g., TRM, ARM, or DRM) for stoichiometric and partially oxidized magnetite samples with a wide range size (from SD to MD) is still essential to clarify this problem. 5. Conclusions The magnetic carriers of the loess /paleosol ChRM isolated by a 300oC thermal treatment are more complex than previously thought (e.g. nearly stoichiometric PSD magnetite). Based on the discussion above, the main conclusions are: 1) The loess and paleosol ChRMs are dominated by PSD/MD magnetite and PSD maghemite, respectively. Therefore, we believe that the loess ChRM is a (p)DRM. However, the contribution of a small maghemite component, added by pedogenesis to the loess ChRM, may affect the paleomagnetic results when scrutinizing the detailed variations of the magnetic field within a geomagnetic reversal. Due to a similar thermal coercivity spectrum for magnetite and maghemite particles, it is problematic to construct continuous paleomagnetic records spanning both loess and paleosol layers because the ChRM carried by the latter is totally controlled by maghemite particles of pedogenic origin. 2) A combined demagnetization (AF, thermal, LTD) approach is a more direct way to detect the magnetic carriers of the weak-field remanences (NRM and ChRM, or the other labinduced remanences, e.g., ARM, TRM, and DRM) than the traditional approaches, e.g., hysteresis ratios, and thermomagnetic analysis. 92
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