CNAG Sample Requirements Code: INS-001 Rev: A Page: 1 of 9 General considerations: - Sample and shipment details for DNA and RNA samples should be discussed with the CNAG BIorepository (Lídia Agueda, Head of Biorepository, [email protected]). - Sample and shipment details for prepared libraries and ChIP experiments should be discussed with Sample Preparation team Manager (Julie Blanc, [email protected]). - CNAG BIorepository can provide advice on DNA/RNA extraction methods if extraction has not been performed yet. - When project details are set up (number and type of samples) the CNAG Biorepository will provide the collaborator with appropriate sample tubes and unique barcodes for sample shipment and identification. The provided labels contain: project ID, unique barcode and sample type. The use of these tubes and labels is mandatory. - DNA and RNA sample types can be classified into: Genomic DNA Cloned DNA DNA PCR amplicons cDNA Total RNA RNA polyA RNA (mRNA) rRNA-depleted RNA - Additional tubes and labels can be requested from the CNAG Biorepository, never use different tubes or non CNAG- labels for tube identification - . Before sample shipment the total amount of required material needs to be discussed with CNAG Project Manager as it may vary in function of the experiment type and/or the genome size of the organism. Most commonly used protocols and sample requested minimal quantities are: Lídia Agueda Berta Fusté Marta Gut 29/05/2014 Written by: Review by: Approved by: Date: Code: INS-001 Rev: A Page: 2 of 9 CNAG Sample Requirements Protocol Minimal quantity requested (fluorescence based quantification method) Whole Genome Sequencing without PCR 5 ug Low Input Whole Genome Sequencing with PCR 300 ng* Low Input Whole Genome Sequencing without PCR 500 ng* Bisulphite Whole Genome Sequencing 5 ug Mate Pair Sequencing 6 ug (1 library) RNA Sequencing 2 ug of total RNA; 400 ng of rRNA depleted RNA dirRNA Sequencing 2 ug of total RNA; 400 ng of rRNA depleted RNA Custom and Exome Capture Sequencing: Agilent SureSelect 6.5 ug Custom and Exome Capture Sequencing: Nimblegen SeqCap 2.5 ug Genotyping by Sequencing 2.5 ug *Contact CNAG Project Manager for further details. Collaborator Sample Data File for DNA and RNA samples: - CNAG Biorepository will provide the Collaborator Sample Data File (FOR-002) to be filled in by the collaborator (in Excel format). - FOR-002 file should provide the entire sample information for appropriate identification and posterior analysis. The correct completion of this document is crucial for the success of the project. Please do not modify anyhow the Excel, do not delete or add any columns (the information is automatically uploaded into the CNAG LIMS). - Please, complete the FOR-002 English. - FOR-002 verification by 2 independent persons is highly recommended as any error at this stage will be detrimental to the project. - Sending of replacements or additional material: a) if any sample needs to be replaced by a NEW ONE (new individual), use a new barcode for sample identification and fill in FOR-002 with its same sample_name Lídia Agueda Berta Fusté Marta Gut 29/05/2014 Written by: Review by: Approved by: Date: CNAG Sample Requirements Code: INS-001 Rev: A Page: 3 of 9 (that should be different from the sample being replaced). Also is recommended to fill in comments column with “to sequence instead of sample_barcode of the replaced sample” b) if additional material FROM SAME SAMPLE needs to be send, use a new barcode for sample identification, fill in FOR-002 with exactly the same sample_name and fill in the column “replacement_of” with the barcode of the sample that has been re-send. - FOR-002 must be sent by e-mail to CNAG Biorepository BEFORE sample shipment ([email protected]). - Contact CNAG Biorepository for any questions or doubts regarding the FOR-002 document ([email protected]). The Collaborator Sample Data File (FOR-002) contains the following fields: All fields are mandatory except for those labeled “Optional”. Column 1 Field name PROJECT_CODE 2 LAB_CENTER 3 COHORT_NAME 4 SAMPLE_BARCODE 5 REPLACEMENT_OF 6 SAMPLE_NAME Field description: Acronym for the Project identification. Provided by CNAG. Optional. Laboratory identifier. Use only alphanumerical characters (no spaces, dashes or dots). Optional. Cohort identifier. Use only alphanumerical characters (no spaces, dashes or dots). Aliquot unique identifier. Provided by CNAG in the same order as printed labels. Check that barcodes in the file correspond to ship barcode labels. Sample barcode of the original sample that is being replaced by this new aliquot. When a sample is a replacement of a previous one, SAMPLE_NAME must be exactly the same (see page 2). Sample unique identifier. No human name or surname should appear in the file. Two aliquots from same sample must have same SAMPLE_NAME but different SAMPLE_BARCODE. When additional material from the same sample is required, both samples must have same SAMPLE_NAME but different SAMPLE_BARCODE. If there are different samples from same individual (p.e. normal/tumor; treated/untreated…) those must have different SAMPLE_NAME. Two or more experimental replicates that need to Lídia Agueda Berta Fusté Marta Gut 29/05/2014 Written by: Review by: Approved by: Date: CNAG Sample Requirements 7 SAMPLE_ TYPE 8 SPECIES 9 MATERIAL_SOURCE 10 EXTRACTION_METHOD 11 RESUSPENSION_BUFFER 12 INITIAL_VOLUME 13 STOCK_CONCENTRATION 13 15 ABSORBANCE_RATIO_ 260/280 ABSORBANCE_RATIO_ 260/230 SEX 16 STATUS 17 PEDIGREE 18 FATHER 14 Code: INS-001 Rev: A Page: 4 of 9 be all sequenced must have different SAMPLE_NAME and different SAMPLE_BARCODE. Use only alphanumerical characters (no spaces, dashes or dots). Type of material (g DNA , total RNA, small RNA…) Provided by CNAG. Discuss with CNAG staff available possibilities. Specify the species from which the DNA/RNA has been obtained. Use NCBI Taxonomy Browser compatible species names. For non-human samples, add known/approximate genome size in the COMMENTS column. Specify the source (e.g. whole blood, buccal swabs, FFPE, liver, whole organism, etc.) from which the DNA/RNA has been obtained. Nucleic Acid extraction method employed. Please specify kit and manufacturer, if known. Buffer used in final resuspension for the material obtention. Sample volume in µl. Exact volume provided to CNAG, no approximations. Sample concentration in ng/µl. Accepted concentration may vary according to the project characteristics, please, discuss with CNAG staff. In quantification method employed is different than picogreen or equivalent; please specify it in COMMENTS column. ABSORBANCE RATIO 260/280 If samples are quantified by absorbance methods. ABSORBANCE RATIO 260/230 If samples are quantified by absorbance methods. Sex of the individual (coded). 0=unknown or not applicable; 1= Male; 2= Female. Mandatory. Status of the individual (coded). 0 = unknown or not applicable, 1 = unaffected/normal/ control/wild type, 2 = affected/tumor/index case. Mandatory. Pedigree identifier. Members of same family will have same PEDIGREE identifier. See example below. Optional, mandatory for family studies. Sample_name of the father of this individual. Must be coincident (exact same spelling) with the SAMPLE_NAME of the father. See example below. Optional, mandatory for family studies. Lídia Agueda Berta Fusté Marta Gut 29/05/2014 Written by: Review by: Approved by: Date: CNAG Sample Requirements 19 MOTHER 20 GEOGRAPHIC_ORIGIN 21 COMMENTS Code: INS-001 Rev: A Page: 5 of 9 Sample_name of the mother of this individual. Must be coincident (exact same spelling) with the SAMPLE_NAME of the mother. See example below. Optional, mandatory for family studies. Geographic origin of the sample. Mandatory. Any comments that the collaborator wishes to add, and/or any of the previously mentioned: For non-human samples, add known/approximate genome size. Quantification method (if different than Nanodrop). Optional. Sample shipment: - Always notify to the CNAG Biorepository staff about shipments BEFORE they are sent ([email protected]) . - It is imperative that all sample tubes are sent in the same parcel. - If possible, provide shipment tracking information upon shipment. - Shipment time: Send parcels preferably at the beginning of the week. Receipt of parcels later than 16h Monday to Thursday and 12 noon on Fridays is not possible. There is no delivery on Saturdays or Sundays. CNAG will not be responsible for parcels received outside of these time frames. Please, confirm with CNAG Biorepository staff the reception timetables during bank holidays dates and summer or Christmas period. Bank holidays differ between regions and Countries. - Shipment address: ATT. Lídia Agueda, PhD Centre Nacional de Anàlisi Genòmica (CNAG) Parc Científic de Barcelona C/Baldiri i Reixac, 4. Torre I, 1era planta Barcelona 08028 – Spain Lídia Agueda Berta Fusté Marta Gut 29/05/2014 Written by: Review by: Approved by: Date: Code: INS-001 Rev: A Page: 6 of 9 CNAG Sample Requirements DNA sample requirements: - The amount of total material required depends on the study and needs to be agreed with CNAG staff before the shipment of the samples. - The DNA must be pure and intact, of high molecular weight and free of contaminating nucleic acids from other individuals or other species. - The DNA must not be PCR amplified (no Whole Genome Amplified samples). - DNA must be free of RNA. Depending on the extraction method, RNAse treatment will be needed. - The sample buffer must be 10mM Tris/1mM EDTA or water. - DNA should be quantified using a double stranded DNA specific method such as Picogreen (or equivalent florescent-based quantification method). We consider OD quantification inadequate (ie. Nanodrop). - DNA must be given at a concentration between 50 and 200ng/ul - Samples outside of this concentration range (50-200ng/ul) cannot be accepted and will . be returned. - If OD quantification is the only option available, please indicate this in comments column and provide absorbance ratios 260/280 and 260/230. OD 260/280 must be between 1.8 and 2.0 and OD 260/230 between 1.8-2.2. - DNA samples can be sent at room temperature or refrigerated (~4ºC). At CNAG DNA Quality Control consists of integrity check on agarose gel electrophoresis, detection of present incidental inhibitors by regular PCR amplification and fluorescence-based quantification. RNA sample requirements: - The amount of total material required depends on the study and needs to be agreed with CNAG staff before the shipment of the samples. - RNA must be free of DNA and must have good integrity (RIN >8) - The sample buffer must be water. Lídia Agueda Berta Fusté Marta Gut 29/05/2014 Written by: Review by: Approved by: Date: CNAG Sample Requirements - Code: INS-001 Rev: A Page: 7 of 9 RNA must be given at normalized concentration between 50-200ng/ul for totalRNA samples and between 10-50 for rRNA depleted RNA samples . We strongly recommend florescent-based quantification methods. If concentration values are measured by spectrophotometric measures (e.g. Nanodrop) please indicate this in comments column and provide absorbance ratios 260/280 and 260/230. - RNA samples must be sent frozen on dry ice. - At CNAG RNA samples Quality Control consists of fluorescent-based quantification (Ribogreen) and integrity evaluation (Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer). If CNAG determines in its sole discretion that any of the samples do not meet the criteria set forth in the previous description, CNAG will so inform the Collaborator. At such time, Collaborator will be provided the option (a) replace such samples, or (b) proceed with such samples. In both (a) and (b), Collaborator shall pay CNAG full price for the sequencing of all samples, even if no successful results are obtained for those samples. Lídia Agueda Berta Fusté Marta Gut 29/05/2014 Written by: Review by: Approved by: Date: CNAG Sample Requirements Code: INS-001 Rev: A Page: 8 of 9 All matters regarding DNA/RNA sample transfer to CNAG please contact: Lídia Agueda, PhD Head of Biorepository Tel:+34 934020569 E-mail: [email protected] All matters regarding project design please contact: Berta Fusté, PhD Project Manager E-mail: [email protected] All matters regarding prepared libraries or partially prepared libraries Please contact: Marta Gut, PhD Head of Sequencing E-mail: [email protected] Julie Blanc, MSc Sample Preparation Manager E-mail: [email protected] Lídia Agueda Berta Fusté Marta Gut 29/05/2014 Written by: Review by: Approved by: Date: CNAG Sample Requirements Code: INS-001 Rev: A Page: 9 of 9 Example of collaborator sample data file (FOR-002): PROJECT_CO LAB_CENTER COHORT_ SAMPLE_ REPLACEMENT SAMPLE_ SAMPLE_ SPECIES (opt) NAME BARCODE _OF NAME TYPE DE (opt) MATERIAL_ EXTRACTION RESUSPENSION_ INITIAL_ STOCK_CONC absorbance absorbance SEX SOURCE _METHOD BUFFER VOLUME ENTRATION _RATIO_ _RATIO_ (opt) (ul) (ng/ul) 260/280 260/230 EXAMP EXAMP EXAMP EXAMP blood blood blood blood PCB PCB PCB PCB K035 K036 K037 K038 id1 id2 id3 id4 gDNA gDNA gDNA gDNA Homo sapiens Homo sapiens Homo sapiens Homo sapiens salting out salting out salting out salting out water water water water 100 120 100 110 210 212 189 200 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 STATUS PEDIGREE_ FATHER MOTHER GEOGRAPHIC COMMENTS (opt) (opt) NUMBER (opt) (opt) _ORIGIN (opt) (opt) 1 2 2 1 “id1” is the father of “id 4” Lídia Agueda Berta Fusté Marta Gut 29/05/2014 Written by: Review by: Approved by: Date: 1 1 1 2 322 322 322 322 id1 id2 Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona picogreen quantification picogreen quantification picogreen quantification picogreen quantification “id2” is the mother of “id 4”
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