"2.1 Let hen) be the unit sample response of an LSI system. Find the frequency response when (a) hen) = 8(n) + 68(n - 1) + 38(n - 2) (b) hen) = Ur+2u(n - 2). (a) This system has a unit sample response that is finite in length. Therefore, the frequency response is a polynomial in ejw, with the coefficients of the polynomial equal to the values of h(n): H(ejW) = 1 + 6e-jw + 3e-2jw This may be shown more formally by writing 00 H(ejW) 00 = n=-oo L h(n)e-jnw= L [8(n) + 68(n - 1) + 38(n - n=-oo 00 Because L n=-oo then 8(n - no)e-jnw = e-jnow H(ejW) = 1 + 6e-jw + 3e-2jw 2)]e-jnw (b) For the second system, the frequency response is 00 H(ejW) = L h(n)e-jnw= n=-oo 00 L or+2 e-jnw n=2 Changing the limits on the sum so that it begins with n = 0, we have 00 H(ejW) = L GrHe-j(n+2)W= G)4e-2jWL:o n=O Using the geometric series, we find 4 e-2jw H(ejW)= (13 ) l-l e-'-jw Ge~jWr 2.4 v Find the magnitude, phase, and group delay of a system that has a unit sample response hen) = 8(n) - a8(n - 1) where a is real. The frequency response of this system is H(ejW) = 1 - ae-jw = 1 - a cosw + ja sinw Therefore, the magnitude squared is IH(ejW)12= H(ejW)H*(ejW) = (1 - ae-jW) . (1 - aejW) = 1 + a2 - 2a cos w The phase, on the other hand, is a smw -I H/(ejW) = tan -I ( )cPhw - tan HR(ejW) 1 - a cos w Finally, the group delay may be found by differentiating the phase (see Prob. 2.19). Alternatively, we may note that because this system is the inverse of the one considered in Example 2.2.2, the phase and the group delay are simply the negative of those found in the example. Therefore, we have a2 - a cosw Th(W) = 1 +a2 - 2acosw .\ ~.10 Consider the high-pass filter that has a cutoff frequency Wc = 3Jl'/4 as shown in the following figure: H(eiw) 1 w I -7r 311" 311" "4 "4 7r Find the unit sample response, h(n). (b) A new system is defined so that its unit sample response is I!I(n) response, HI (elm), of this system. (a) = h(2n). S~tch the frequency (a) The unit sample response may be found two different ways. The first is to use the inverse DTFT formula and perform the integration. The second approach is to use the modulation property and note that if H/p(ejW) -'- n for Iwl ::: 4" otherwise {~ H (eiw) may be written as H(eiw) = H1p(ei(w-1I")) Therefore, it follows from the modul,ation property that hen) = ein1l"h1p(n) = (-l)n h1p(n) With h1p(n) = sin(mr nn /4) we have (b) hen) = (_1)n sin(n7r/4) nn The frequency response of the system that has a unit sample response hI (n) = h(2n) may be found by evaluating the discrete-time Fourier transform sum directly: 00 H1(eiw) = L n=-oo 00 hl(n)e-inw = L n=-oo h(2n)e-inw= L n even h(n)e-inw/2 However, an easier approach is to note that hl(n) =h(2n) =(-l) 2nsin(2mr/4) sin(mr /2) = 2mr 2mr which is a low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of ]'[/2 and a gain of ~. A plot of HI(ejW)is shown in the following figure: HI (ejW) 1/2 cv ~ Rn .. nJl -J{ 1{ Interconnection of Systems J 2.11 The ideal filters that have frequency responses as shown in the figure below are connected in cascade. IHI (ejW)1 IH2(ejW)1 1 . -1T cv -1T /3 1T/3 . 1T 1T 31T/4 1T/4 (a) 1T/4 31T/4 cv 1T (b) For an arbitrary input x(n), find the range of frequencies that can be present in the output y(n). Repeat for the case in which the two systems are connected in parallel. If thesetwo filtersare connectedin cascade,the frequencyresponseofthe cascadeis H (ejW) = HI (ejW)H2(ejW) .L Therefore, any frequencies in the output, y(n), must be passed by both filters. Because the passband for HI (ejW) is !wl > ]'[/3, and the passband for H2(ejW) is ]'[/4 < Iwl < 3]'[/4, the passband for the cascade (the frequencies for which both IHI (ejW)1 and IH2(ej(V)1 are equal to 1) is ]'[ - < 3 - 3 ]'[ Iw l < - - 4 . With a parallel connection, the overall frequency response is H (ejW) = HI (ejW) + H2(ejW) Therefore, the frequencies that are contained in the output are those that are passed by either filter, or ]'[ Iwl> 4 ~.a.13 Consider the interconnection of LSI systems shown in the following figure: c h2(n) x(n) +J hI (n) h3(n) h4(n) (a) Express the frequency response of the overall system in terms of HI (ejW), H2(ejW), H3(eiw), and H4(ejW). (b) Find the frequency response if hI (n) = 8(n) + 28(n - 2) + 8(n - 4) h2(n) = h3(n) = (O.2tu(n) h4(n) = 8(n - 2) (a) Because h2(n) is in parallel with the cascade of h3(n) and h4(n), the frequency response of the parallel network is G(e)W) = H2(e)W) + H3(e)W)H4(e)W) With h1(n) being in cascade with g(n), the overall frequency response becomes H(e)W) = H1(e)W)[H2(e)W)+ H3(e)W)H4(e)W)] (b) The frequency responses of the systems in this interconnection are HI(ejW) = 1 + 2e-j2w + e-j4w = (1 + e-j2w)2 . " 1 H2(eJW)= H3(eJW)= 1 - O.2e-Jw . H4(ejW) = e- j2w Therefore, H (ejW) = HI (ejW)[H2(ejW) + H3(ejW)H4(ejW)] = HI (ejCIJ)H2(ejCIJ)[1 + H4(ejCIJ)] (1 + e- j2w)3 1 - O.2e-jw 2.16 A linear shift-invariant system is described by the LCCDE yen) = 0.5y(n - 1) + bx(n) Find the value of b so that IH(ejW)1 is equal to 1 at (J)= 0, and find the half-power point (i.e., the frequency at which IH(ejW)12is equal to one-half of its peak value, which occurs at (J)= 0). The frequency response of the system described by this difference equation is b H(eJW)= I - 0.5e-Jw b2 Because b2 IH(eJW)12 = (1 - 0.5e-JW)(1 - 0.5eJW) = 1.25 - cosu/) IH(eJW)1 will be equal to I at w = 0 if b2 1.25 - I This will be true when b = I = ::f: 0.5. To find the half-power point, we want to find the frequency for which 0.25 IH(eJW)12 = 1.25- cosw This occurs when cosw or cv = 0.23Jl'. = 0.75 = 0.5 2.20 JFind the DTFT of each of the following sequences: (a) xl(n) (b) x2(n) = Gfu(n + 3) = an sin(ncvo) u(n) Gf (c) x3(n) = { n=O,2,4"" " otherwIse 0 (a) 'For the first sequence, the DTFT may be evaluated directly as follows: 00 00 L ore-jnw = n=-3 L Oe-jWr X1(ejW) = n=-3 00 = Oe-jWr3 L Oe-jwr = 1 -8e3jw n=O . 1.e- jw Z (b) The best way to find the DTFT of Xz(n) is to express the sinusoid as a sum of two complex exponentials as follows: 1. xz(n) = " 2j . (; - ane-jnWO]u(n) [anejnwo The DTFT of the first term is 1 oo L " 1 " oo L( 1 n " 1 anejnWOe-jnw = ae-j (w-wo») = " 2 ] n=O 2] 1 - ae- Jew-wo) 2 ]" n=O ' ' Similarly, for the second term we have 1 00 1 " 2];- Lane-jnWOe-jnw n=O 1 = - 2j 1 - ae-j(w+wo) Therefore, - 1 X ze ( jW ) -- [ 2j (c) 1 . 1 - ae- jew-wo) - 1 (a sincvo)e-jw ] 1 - ae- j(w+wo) 1 - (2a cos cvo)e- jw + aZe-Zjw Finally, for x3(n), we have 00 X3(ejW) = L n=-oo 00 X3(ejW) = '" Therefore, L n~ , 00 x3(n)e-jnw= (1. )zne-Zjnw = Z 00 '" L n~ L or e-jnw n=O,Z,4,... ( 1.e-Zjw )n = 4 1 " 1- 4 1.e-ZjW
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