Past Paper and Sample Solutions from Wednesday 3rd November 2010 The Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT) is a paper based test that has been used by the University of Oxford since 1996. This extract from the 2010 test and associated sample solutions constitute the test undertaken by applicants to the Mathematics, Maths & Philosophy and Maths & Statistics undergraduate degree courses at Oxford. From 2013, the test will be used as part of the admissions process for applicants to the following courses run by the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College. UCAS code G100 G103 G125 GG31 G104 G1F3 G102 G1G3 G1GH Course title Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics (Pure Mathematics) Mathematics, Optimisation and Statistics Mathematics with a Year in Europe Mathematics with Applied Mathematics/Mathematical Physics Mathematics with Mathematical Computation Mathematics with Statistics Mathematics with Statistics for Finance IN 2013 THE ADMISSIONS TESTING SERVICE WILL BE ORGANIZING THE DISTRIBUTION AND RECEIPT OF THE MATHEMATICS TEST. SEE THIS ADMISSIONS TESTING SERVICE PAGE FOR FULL DETAILS. Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test 1. For ALL APPLICANTS. For each part of the question on pages 3—7 you will be given four possible answers, just one of which is correct. Indicate for each part A—J which answer (a), (b), (c), or (d) you think is correct with a tick () in the corresponding column in the table below. Please show any rough working in the space provided between the parts. (a) (b) A B C D E F G H I J 2 (c) (d) Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test A. The values of k for which the line y = kx intersects the parabola y = (x − 1)2 are precisely (a) k 0, (b) k −4, (c) k 0 or k −4, (d) − 4 k 0. B. The sum of the first 2n terms of 1 1 1 1 1, 1, 2, , 4, , 8, , 16, , . . . 2 4 8 16 is (a) 2n + 1 − 21−n , (c) 22n − 23−2n , (b) 2n + 2−n , (d) 2n − 2−n . 3 Turn Over 3 Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test C. In the range 0 x < 2π, the equation sin2 x + 3 sin x cos x + 2 cos2 x = 0 has (a) 1 solution, (b) 2 solutions, (c) 3 solutions, (d) 4 solutions. √ D. The graph of y = sin2 x is drawn in y y x x (a) (b) y y x x (c) (d) 4 Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test E. Which is the largest of the following four numbers? (a) log2 3, (b) log4 8, (c) log3 2, (d) log5 10. F. The graph y = f (x) of a function is drawn below for 0 x 1. y 1 12 14 x 13 12 34 1 The trapezium rule is then used to estimate 1 f (x) dx 0 by dividing 0 x 1 into n equal intervals. The estimate calculated will equal the actual integral when (a) n is a multiple of 4; (b) n is a multiple of 6; (c) n is a multiple of 8; (d) n is a multiple of 12. Turn Over 5 Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test G. The function f, defined for whole positive numbers, satisfies f (1) = 1 and also the rules f (2n) = 2f (n) , f (2n + 1) = 4f (n) , for all values of n. How many numbers n satisfy f (n) = 16? (a) 3, (b) 4, (c) 5, (d) 6. H. Given a positive integer n and a real number k, consider the following equation in x, (x − 1) (x − 2) (x − 3) × · · · × (x − n) = k. Which of the following statements about this equation is true? (a) If n = 3, then the equation has no real solution x for some values of k. (b) If n is even, then the equation has a real solution x for any given value of k. (c) If k 0 then the equation has (at least) one real solution x. (d) The equation never has a repeated solution x for any given values of k and n. 6 Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test I. For a positive number a, let I (a) = a 0 2 4 − 2x Then dI/da = 0 when a equals √ √ 1+ 5 , (b) 2, (a) 2 (c) dx. √ 5−1 , 2 (d) 1. J. Let a, b, c be positive numbers. There are finitely many positive whole numbers x, y which satisfy the inequality ax > c by if (a) a > 1 or b < 1. (b) a < 1 or b < 1. (c) a < 1 and b < 1. (d) a < 1 and b > 1. Turn Over 7 Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test 2. For ALL APPLICANTS. Suppose that a, b, c are integers such that √ √ a 2 + b = c 3. (i) By squaring both sides of the equation, show that a = b = c = 0. √ √ [You may assume that 2, 3 and 2/3 are all irrational numbers. An irrational number is one which cannot be written in the form p/q where p and q are integers.] (ii) Suppose from the point √ that m, n, M, N are integers such that √the√ distance √ now 2, 3 equals the distance from (M, N) to 2, 3 . (m, n) to Show that m = M and n = N. Given real numbers a, b and a positive number r, let N (a, b, r) be the number of integer pairs x, y such that the distance between the points (x, y) and (a, b) is less than or equal to r. For example, we see that N (1.2, 0, 1.5) = 7 in the diagram below. y 2 1 1 -1 2 3 x -1 -2 (iii) Explain why N (0.5, 0.5, r) is a multiple of 4 for any value of r. (iv) Let k be any positive integer. Explain why there is a positive number r such that √ √ 2, 3, r = k. N 8 Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test Turn Over 9 Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test 3. MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS For APPLICANTS IN MATHEMATICS & PHILOSOPHY MATHEMATICS & COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer Science applicants should turn to page 14. ONLY. [In this question, you may assume that the derivative of sin x is cos x.] B C x O A (i) In the diagram above OA and OC are of length 1 and subtend an angle x at O. The angle BAO is a right angle and the circular arc from A to C, centred at O, is also drawn. By consideration of various areas in the above diagram, show, for 0 < x < π/2, that x cos x < sin x < x. (ii) Sketch, on the axes provided on the opposite page, the graph of sin x , 0 < x < 4π. y= x Justify your value that y takes as x becomes small. [You do not need to determine the coordinates of the turning points.] (iii) Drawn below is a graph of y = sin x. Sketch on the same axes the line y = cx where c > 0 is such that the equation sin x = cx has exactly 5 solutions. y 1.0 0.5 -3Π -2Π -Π Π 2Π 3Π x -0.5 -1.0 (iv) Draw the line y = c on the axes on the opposite page. (v) If X is the largest of the five solutions of the equation sin x = cx, explain why tan X = X. 10 Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test y 1 π 2π 3π 4π x −1 Turn Over 11 Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test 4. MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS For APPLICANTS IN ONLY. MATHEMATICS & PHILOSOPHY Mathematics & Computer Science and Computer Science applicants should turn to page 14. y y 3 H1,2hL 3 2 2 H1,2hL 1 1 Θ -2 Θ 1 -1 2 3 x -2 1 -1 2 3 x -1 -1 -2 √ Diagram when h > 2/ 5 -2 Diagram when h < √ 3/2 The three corners of a triangle T are (0, 0), (3, 0), (1, 2h) where h > 0. The circle C has equation x2 + y 2 = 4. The angle of the triangle at the origin is denoted as θ. The circle and triangle are drawn in the diagrams above for different values of h. (i) Express tan θ in terms of h. (ii) Show that the point (1, 2h) lies inside C when h < √ 3/2. (iii) Find the equation of the line connecting (3, 0) and (1, 2h) . Show that this line is √ tangential to the circle C when h = 2/ 5. √ (iv) Suppose now that h > 2/ 5. Find the area of the region inside both C and T in terms of θ. (v) Now let h = 6/7. Show that the point (8/5, 6/5) lies on both the line (from part (iii)) and the circle C. Hence show that the area of the region inside both C and T equals 27 + 2α 35 where α is an angle whose tangent, tan α, you should determine. [You may use the fact that the area of a triangle with corners (0, 0), (a, b), (c, d) equals 1 |ad − bc| .] 2 12 Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test Turn Over 13 Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test 5. For ALL APPLICANTS. This question concerns calendar dates of the form d1 d2 /m1 m2 /y1 y2 y3 y4 in the order day/month/year. The question specifically concerns those dates which contain no repetitions of a digit. For example, the date 23/05/1967 is one such date but 07/12/1974 is not such a date as both 1 = m1 = y1 and 7 = d2 = y3 are repeated digits. We will use the Gregorian Calendar throughout (this is the calendar system that is standard throughout most of the world; see below.) (i) Show that there is no date with no repetition of digits in the years from 2000 to 2099. (ii) What was the last date before today with no repetition of digits? Explain your answer. (iii) When will the next such date be? Explain your answer. (iv) How many such dates were there in years from 1900 to 1999? Explain your answer. [The Gregorian Calendar uses 12 months, which have, respectively, 31, 28 or 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30 and 31 days. The second month (February) has 28 days in years that are not divisible by 4, or that are divisible by 100 but not 400 (such as 1900); it has 29 days in the other years (leap years).] 14 Sample Solutions for Extract from 2010 Mathematics Admissions Test SOLUTIONS FOR ADMISSIONS TEST IN MATHEMATICS, JOINT SCHOOLS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE WEDNESDAY 3 NOVEMBER 2010 Mark Scheme: Each part of Question 1 is worth four marks which are awarded solely for the correct answer. Each of Questions 2-7 is worth 15 marks QUESTION 1: A. The line y = kx intersects the parabola y = (x − 1)2 when the equation (x − 1)2 = kx ⇐⇒ x2 − (k + 2) x + 1 = 0 has real solutions. This quadratic equation has discrimant (k + 2)2 − 4 which is nonnegative when k + 2 2, i.e. k 0 or k + 2 −2, i.e. k −4. The answer is (c). B. The odd terms in the sequence 1 1 1 1 1, 1, 2, , 4, , 8, , 16, , . . . , 2 4 8 16 from amongst the first 2n terms, are 1, 2, 4, . . . , 2n−1 and the relevant even terms are their reciprocals. So, recognising these as geometric series, we need to sum 1 1 1 n−1 1 + 2 + 4 + ... + 2 + 1 + + + · · · + n−1 2 4 2 n −n 1 (2 − 1) 1 (2 − 1) = + (2 − 1) (1/2 − 1) n = (2 − 1) + 2 − 21−n = 2n + 1 − 21−n . The answer is (a). C. If x solves the equation sin2 x + 3 sin x cos x + 2 cos2 x = 0 then cos x = 0, so that we can divide by cos2 x to find tan2 x + 3 tan x + 2 = 0. This factorises as (tan x + 2) (tan x + 1) = 0. The equations tan x = −2 and tan x = −1 each have one solution in the range −π/2 < x < 0 and one solution in the range π/2 < x < π. So, overall, the original equation has 4 solutions in the range 0 x < 2π. The answer is (d). 1 Sample Solutions for Extract from 2010 2011 Mathematics Admissions Test 2√ D. The function y = sin x only takes nonnegative values which discounts (a). The minimum and maximum values of y are 0 and 1 which discounts (c). Further the zeros of y are at x = n2 π 2 , which do not occur at regular intervals, and this discounts (d). The answer is (b). E. Note that log2 3 > 1 > log3 2. Also note log4 8 = 3 log2 8 = . log2 4 2 We are faced with decided whether or not log2 3 and log5 10 are bigger than 3/2. Well, log5 10 < 3/2 ⇐⇒ 10 < 53/2 ⇐⇒ 100 < 125 and log2 3 > 3/2 ⇐⇒ 3 > 23/2 ⇐⇒ 9 > 8. So we’ve shown log2 3 > log4 8 > log5 10 > log3 2 and in particular the answer is (a). F. The function y = f (x) is linear on the intervals 1 0x , 3 1 1 x , 3 2 1 3 x , 2 4 3 x 1. 4 If we apply the trapezium rule to estimate the area under the graph, by sampling the function at the values x = k/n where 0 k n then we will make an overestimate unless the values 0, 1/3, 1/2, 3/4, 1 appear amongst the values k/n. This means that the lengths of the intervals 1/3, 1/2 and 1/4 all need to be multiples of 1/n or put another way that 3, 2 and 4 all need to be factors of n. So the answer is (d). G. The function f satisfies f (1) = 1 and also the rules f (2n) = 2f (n) , f (2n + 1) = 4f (n) . The value 16 can be achieved by applying the first rule 4 times or by applying the first rule twice and the second rule once or by applying the second rule twice. However — for the second possibility — it matters what order the rules are applied. So we see the possibilities are: f (16) f (9) f (10) f (12) f (7) = = = = = 2f (8) = 4f (4) = 8f (2) = 16f (1) = 16, [first rule four times] 4f (4) = 8f (2) = 16f (1) = 16, [second rule, first rule, first rule] 2f (5) = 8f (2) = 16f (1) = 16, [second rule, first rule, first rule] 2f (6) = 4f (3) = 16f (1) = 16, [second rule, first rule, first rule] 4f (3) = 16f (1) = 16, [second rule twice] There are 5 possible solutions ait matters and the answer is (c). 2 Sample Solutions for Extract from 2010 2011 Mathematics Admissions Test H. Consider the equation (x − 1) (x − 2) (x − 3) × · · · × (x − n) = k. where n is positive integer n and k is a real number. • If n = 3 then we have a cubic function in x which we know (from the possible shapes of cubic graphs) achieves all values k. This discounts (a). • If n is even, for example if n = 2, we know that the graph will have a minimum value and not attain all negative values of k. This discounts (b). • If n = 2 and k = −1/4 (the minimum value of the function on the LHS) then we see that the equation has a repeated root x = 3/2. This discounts (d). Hence the answer is (c) by a process of elimination. Alternatively we might have argued positively to see that (c) is indeed the correct answer. If f (x) = (x − 1) (x − 2) (x − 3) × · · · × (x − n) then we see that f (n) = 0. As we increase x then f (x) increases as each of its factors is positive and increasing. Thus, as we keep increasing x, every positive value of k will be achieved. I. We have I (a) = 0 a 2 4 − 2x dx √ 2 where a 0. If√one considers the graph y = 4 − 2x then we see that√y > 0 for 0 < x < 2 and that y < 0 for 2 < x. We see that I (a) is increasing for 0 < a < 2 with I (a) recording ever 2 larger amounts of the area below the graph y = 4 − 2x and which is above the x-axis. I (a) reaches a maximum at I (a) and is decreasing after that as negative contributions are recorded from the 2 (signed) area where the graph y = 4 − 2x has moved under the x-axis. So the answer is (b). J. If we consider the inequality ax > c by where a, b, c are positive numbers we see: • when a > 1 that for any fixed y the inequality will become true for suitably large values of x. This discounts (a). • when b < 1 that for any fixed x the inequality will become true for suitably large values of y. This discounts (b) and (c). Hence the answer is (d). Alternatively we could rewrite the inequality as −x log a + y log b < − log c. We are now asking that the number of integer pairs (x, y) on one side of a line be finite. Thinking diagrammatically we can see that this will happen only if − log a > 0 and log b > 0 which lead to the same conclusions a < 1 and b > 1. 3 Sample Solutions for Extract from 2010 2011 Mathematics Admissions Test √ √ 2. (i) If a 2 + b = c 3 then squaring both sides of the equation gives √ 2a2 + b2 + 2ab 2 = 3c2 . If ab = 0 then √ 3c2 − 2a2 − b2 2= 2ab √ is rational — a contradiction 3 = b/c unless b = c = 0; and so a = 0 or b = 0. If a = 0 then we have if b = 0 then we have 2/3 = c/a unless c = a = 0. √ √ 2, 3 equals the square of the distance (ii) We have that the square of the distance from (m, n) to √ √ from (M, N ) to 2, 3 , or put algebraically √ 2 √ 2 √ 2 √ 2 m− 2 + n− 3 = M − 2 + N − 3 . (1) Rearranging this gives 2 (M − m) √ √ 2 + m2 + n2 − M 2 − N 2 = 2 (n − N) 3. By part (i) we have that 2 (M − m) = 0 = 2 (n − N ) and hence M = m and N = n. (iii) If a particular point (x, y) is within distance r of 12 , 12 then so will its reflection in the x = 12 line, the y = 12 line and in both lines as these are diameters of the circle. The coordinates of the three points are integers also. Precisely these are the points (1 − x, y) , (x, 1 − y) , (1 − x, 1 − y) . As the lattice points within the circle can be divided into sets of four like above then N multiple of 4. 1 , 1, r 2 2 is a (iv) As r increases then the circle (and consumes lattice points. But because no two √ boundary) √ its 2, 3 — as shown in part (ii) — then the lattice points are lattice points are equidistant from √ √ consumed one at a time and all positive integers are achieved by N 2, 3, r . 4 Sample Solutions for Extract from 2010 2011 Mathematics Admissions Test 3.(i) Let x denote the angle substended by the two sides of length 1. The area of the smaller triangle is 12 sin x, of the sector is 12 x and of the larger triangle is 12 tan x. So sin x < x < tan x. Multiplying the second inequality by cos x > 0 (for 0 < x < π2 ) we have x cos x < sin x < x. (ii) 1.0 0.5 H0,cL 0.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -0.5 -1.0 We have cos x < sin x 1.0 0.5 5 -5 -0.5 -1.0 (iv) The line y = c should be tangential with the second positive hump of the y = sin x/x graph. (v) As X is a solution of sin x = cx then we have sin X = cX. But y = cx is also tangential to y = sin x when x = X and so the gradients also agree, i.e. cos X = c. Eliminating c and rearranging we get tan X = X. Other may know the quotient rule and show x cos x − sin x d sin x = =⇒ at X we have X cos X = sin X =⇒ tan X = X. dx x x2 5 Sample Solutions for Extract from 2010 2011 Mathematics Admissions Test 4. (i) tan θ = 2h. (ii) The point (1, 2h) lies within C when 1 + 4h2 < 4 =⇒ h < √ 3/2. (iii) Say the line connecting (3, 0) and (1, 2h) has equation y = mx + c. Then we have 3m + c = 0 and m + c = 2h giving m = −h and c = 3h. So the line has equation y = h (3 − x) . This will be tangential to x2 + y 2 = 4 when x2 + h2 (3 − x)2 = 4 has a repeated root (i.e. a zero discriminant). The equation rearranges to 2 h + 1 x2 − 6h2 x + 9h2 − 4 = 0. The discriminant is zero when 36h4 = 4 h2 + 1 9h2 − 4 =⇒ 9h4 = 9h4 + 5h2 − 4 =⇒ h2 = 4/5 √ As h > 0 then h = 2/ 5. √ (iv) When h > 2/ 5 then the region inside both C and T is simply a sector subtending an angle of θ at the centre of C. So the area is 1/2 × (2)2 × θ = 2θ. (iv) Let h = 6/7. The equation of the line from (i) is y = 67 (3 − x). Note 6 8 6 7 6 3− = × = 7 5 7 5 5 and so the point (8/5, 6/5) does indeed lie on the line. It also lies on the circle C as 2 2 100 6 64 + 36 8 = = 4. + = 5 5 25 25 As the line intersects the circle, we are in the situation where the region inside both C and T comprises a sector (say subtending an angle α at 0) and a triangle. The sector again has area 2α where 3 6/5 = . tan α = 8/5 4 The triangle has vertices (0, 0) , (8/5, 6/5) and (1, 12/7) . So using the given formula, its area is 3 9 1 8 12 6 1 6 16 = × = 27 . × − = × − 1 5 7 2 5 7 5 2 5 7 35 So the total area of the region inside both C and T is 27 + 2α. 35 6 Sample Solutions for Extract from 2010 2011 Mathematics Admissions Test 5. (a) Let’s consider dates of the form d1 d2 /m1 m2 /20y3 y4 . Clearly m1 = 1 (to avoid repetition of 0). But then m2 = 0, 1 or 2 each of which would be a repetition. Hence there are no such dates. (b) As there are no such dates this century, let’s consider dates of the form d1 d2 /m1 m2 /19y3 y4 . The last possible year is 1987; the last possible month is 06; and the last possible day is 25. This gives the date 25/06/1987. (c) As there are no such dates this century, let’s consider dates of the form d1 d2 /m1 m2 /21y3 y4 . Now m1 = 0 (to avoid repetitions). Then d1 = 3 (to avoid repetitions). But that leaves no possible value for d1 . Clearly there is no such date of the form d1 d2 /m1 m2 /22y3 y4 . For dates of the form d1 d2 /m1 m2 /23y3 y4 : if m1 = 1 then m2 = 0 and there is no possibility left for d1 . So m1 = 0 and d1 = 1. Of the dates 1d2 /0m2 /23y3 y4 the earliest possible year is 2345, the earliest possible month is 06, and the earliest possible day is 17. This gives the date 17/06/2345. (d) Let’s consider dates of the form d1 d2 /m1 m2 /19y3 y4 . Clearly m1 = 0. If d1 = 3, then d2 = 0 or 1, either of which would be a repetition. Hence d1 = 2. We therefore have dates of the form 2d2 /0m2 /19y3 y4 . The remaining spaces can be filled with arbitrary distinct values from 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, giving 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 = 360 possibilities; each such possibility is a valid date. 6. (i) (a) The 6 people splits into 3 pairs sat opposite one another. For consistency each pair has to be both lying or both telling the truth. Hence there are 23 = 8 possible ways in which the statements can be made. (i) (b) If P1 is telling the truth then P6 is lying and P5 is telling the truth, etc. So the only ways that the statements can be made is as SLSLSL or LSLSLS. That is there are two ways. (ii) (a) If a partcular person is a saint we have a LSS situation, counting left-to-right the saint and neighbours; if not then the possibilities are LLL, SLS, SLL. If we had a LSS situation the neighbour would have to be in a SS? situation, but none such is permitted. Likewise SLS is impossible as there is no permitted LS?. And SLL is impossible as it only propagates by LLL and there is no means to complete the circle. The only possibility is LL . . . L (n times). (ii) (b) If a person is a saint we are in a SSS or LSL situation; if not we are in a LLS or SLL situation. If we had a SSS situation this could only consistently propagate as SSS . . . S and no-one would be lying. But a LLS situation can propagate to a LSL, then to a SLL, then to LLS etc. etc. So the situation around the table can be LLSLLSLLS . . . LLS, that is any number of repeats of LLS (or equivalently of LSL or SLL), provided of course that n is a multiple of 3. 7
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