International Journal of Neuroscience, 122, 500–505, 2012 Copyright © 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. ISSN: 0020-7454 print / 1543-5245 online DOI: 10.3109/00207454.2012.673516 Self-Reported Differences on Measures of Executive Function in a Patient Sample of Pathological Gamblers Rory C. Reid, Heather L. McKittrick, Margarit Davtian, and Timothy W. Fong Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Patients seeking help for pathological gambling often exhibit features of impulsivity, cognitive rigidity, poor judgment, deficits in emotion regulation, and excessive preoccupation with gambling. Some of these characteristics are also common among patients presenting with neurological pathology associated with executive deficits. Evidence of executive deficits have been confirmed in pathological gamblers using objective neurocognitive tests, however, it remains to be seen if such findings will emerge in self-report measures of executive control. These observations led to the current investigation of differences between a group of pathological gamblers (n = 62) and a comparison group (n = 64) using the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function–Adult Version (BRIEF-A). Significant differences between the groups emerged over all nine subscales of executive functioning with the most dramatic differences on BRIEF-A subscales Inhibit, Plan/Organize, Shift, Emotion Control, Self-Monitor, and Initiate among the pathological gamblers. These results provide evidence that support findings among pathological gamblers using objective neuropsychological measures and suggest that the BRIEF-A may be an appropriate instrument to assess possible problems with executive control in this population. KEYWORDS: assessment, executive functioning, pathological gambling Executive Functions and Pathological Gambling Pathological gambling is estimated to affect 1%–3% of North American adults at some point in their lifetime [1, 2] and creates a constellation of issues for the gambler, the gambler’s family, and society. Consequences include a diminished quality of life for the gambler [3] as well as financial problems, high divorce rates, legal challenges, and interpersonal problems [4]. Suicide attempts are common in this population, with rates as high as 12%–24% [5, 6]. Patterns of impulsivity, poor judgment, impaired decision making, and emotional lability commonly found among pathological gamblers have led to studies examining executive functioning in this population. Such studies help to illuminate whether there are underlying neurocognitive deficiencies implicated in pathological gambling that might provide greater information about the etiology, maintenance, or treatment of patients seeking help for gambling problems. Executive functions refer to a set of higher order cognitive abilities that enable an individual to inhibit, shift, plan, and organize information in order to achieve a desired goal in an efficient and acceptable way. Cognitive processes theoretically linked to executive functions include the ability to inhibit behavior and impulses, process nonverbal and verbal working memory stimuli, and regulate affect, motivation, and arousal. Executive functions are also important in allowing an individual to adapt to and manipulate external cues in the environment by facilitating processes involved in planning, organization, decision making, judgment, task monitoring, attention, problem solving, hypothesis generation, abstract thinking, and cognitive flexibility [7, 8, 9, 10]. There is evidence to suggest that disruptions in brain areas important for the proper functioning of executive tasks (e.g., prefrontal cortex) generate a wide range of behavioral disturbances manifested by impulsive, exaggerated, or extreme behaviors [11]. It has, therefore, been proposed that deficits in executive functions predate the onset and maintenance of addictive behaviors, including pathological gambling [12]. As such, understanding executive functioning in pathological gamblers Received 19 January 2012 Funding sources: NIDA Grant 5K23DA019522-04 Address correspondence to Rory C. Reid, Ph.D., Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, 760 Westwood Boulevard, Suite 38-260, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA. E-mail: [email protected] 500 Executive Functioning and Gambling can facilitate a more comprehensive assessment of the disorder and may even have implications for whether an individual can benefit from specific treatment interventions [13, 14]. Previous research examining executive functioning in pathological gamblers shows evidence of diminished performance on objective neuropsychological measures [13–18]. For example, pathological gamblers have slower stop signal reaction times and greater difficulty inhibiting responses to incongruent stimuli when compared to healthy controls, suggesting impaired inhibition in pathological gamblers [14]. Effective decision making, an important facet of executive control, also appears to be compromised in pathological gamblers when measured by objective neuropsychological testing [15–17]. Previous investigators have hypothesized that specific executive functions play an important part in risky decision making associated with pathological gambling and the maintenance of the disorder [17]. Evidence for such hypotheses has been observed in studies where diminished capacity for effective problem solving, as measured by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, has been noted in problem gamblers compared to healthy controls [18]. Collectively, these results suggest that executive deficits as measured by neuropsychological tests are common in pathological gamblers. Rationale for this Study Although objective neuropsychological tests are one approach to assessing executive control in patients, some researchers criticize the ecological validity of these tests because they are conducted in controlled settings that often do not generalize to real world situations [9, 19]. Furthermore, the ecological validity of such tests may vary significantly, even when using the same outcome measure [20]. As a result, some have suggested that selfreported assessment of executive functioning may provide a more accurate picture of real world deficits encountered among various clinical populations. In some cases, self-report measures of executive control have discovered deficits that neurocognitive instruments failed to identify [21]. In the present study, we sought to assess whether findings of executive deficits measured by neuropsychological tests in pathological gamblers could be replicated when limited to subjective measures of self-report. We were also interested in whether pathological gamblers would detect executive deficits not previously identified where objective testing had been employed. Finally, the utility of self-reported assessment of executive functioning is more cost effective and more feasibly conducted in a clinical setting. Thus, if self-report assessment of executive functioning parallels findings where objective neu C 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. 501 ropsychological testing is employed, our results could offer clinicians more cost effective and efficient ways of assessing the strengths and limitations of pathological gambling patients. At a minimum, a self-report instrument could be considered as a screener to assess whether additional neuropsychological testing of executive functioning is indicated for a given patient. METHODS Participants The patient sample used in this study consisted of 62 subjects (male = 38) recruited from an outpatient clinic that specialized in the treatment of pathological gamblers. These participants were selected consecutively based on (a) a primary complaint of problem gambling reported during intake and assessment and (b) willingness to participate in research, as reflected in consent provided at the outset of the treatment process. Ethnic representation among the patient sample included Asian (n = 11), Hispanic (n = 6), Native American (n = 1), African American (n = 5), and Caucasian (n = 39), and participants ranged from 21 to 66 years of age (M = 45.3, SD = 11.4). Relationship status included never married (n = 27), first marriage (n = 13), remarried (n = 1), divorced (n = 12), separated (n = 5), cohabitating (n = 3), and widowed (n = 1). Education among the gambling sample included high school education (n = 17), some college (n = 20), bachelor’s degree (n = 18), master’s degree (n = 5), and doctorate degree (n = 2). A total of 64 control (male = 40) subjects were drawn from a group of individuals who sought help for distress associated with minor relationship issues (e.g., communication problems) or a life transition issue (e.g., starting a new job) at an outpatient community clinic that provided brief counseling. These subjects were assessed by a clinical psychologist and determined to be void of meeting criteria for any mental health illness. Ethnic representation among the control sample included Asian (n = 5), Hispanic (n = 8), and Caucasian (n = 51), and participants ranged from 23 to 62 years of age (M = 37.1, SD = 8.7). Relationship status included never married (n = 17), first marriage (n = 33), remarried (n = 3), divorced (n = 6), separated (n = 2), and cohabitating (n = 3). Education among the control sample included high school education (n = 5), some college (n = 34), bachelor degree (n = 23), master degree (n = 3), and doctorate degree (n = 4). Measures Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function–Adult Version (BRIEF-A) The BRIEF-A is a self-report measure composed of 75 items with nine distinct empirically derived clinical 502 R.C. Reid et al. Problem gambling behaviors Executive function processes Difficulties controlling gambling behaviors Inhibition, impulse control Motivational deficits to change behavior Motivation, task initiation, decision making, sustained attention Alexithymia, emotion dysregulation, rumination Emotional control, cognitive flexibility, inhibition Choose gambling despite negative consequences Decision making, judgment, inhibition, impulse control Preoccupation and rumination about gambling Attention, behavior inhibition, cognitive flexibility FIGURE 1 Hypothesized correlates of pathological gambling and executive functions. scales that measure various aspects of executive functioning: Inhibit, Self-Monitor, Plan/Organize, Shift, Initiate, Task Monitor, Emotional Control, Working Memory, and Organization of Materials. The clinical scales form two broader indices: the Behavioral Regulation Index (BRI) and the Metacognition Index (MI). These two indices generate an overall Global Executive Composite (GEC) score. Standard scores are calculated for the clinical scales, the indices, and the summary composite score. Comparisons to a normative sample of 1050 self-reports and 1200 informant reports generate T scores for each scale, with higher scores reflecting greater difficulties and levels of impairment. The BRIEF-A also includes three validity scales: Negativity, Infrequency, and Inconsistency [22]. Internal consistency for the self-report form yielded alpha coefficients ranging from 0.80 to 0.94 for the clinical scales and 0.96 to 0.98 for the index scores. The BRIEF-A has also shown reliability over time with test–retest correlations among the clinical scales ranging from 0.91 to 0.94 over a 4–week period. The BRIEF-A has been shown to be sensitive to subtle executive changes in a population with mild cognitive impairment and older adults with significant cognitive complaints when standardized neuropsychological tests failed to detect any decline [23]. 27]. Participants who answered positively to five or more items are classified as pathological gamblers. Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI 6.0) The MINI is a structured diagnostic clinical interview used to assess DSM-IV-TR psychopathology along the Axis I domains and includes a module that assesses for adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is widely used, and the psychometric properties have been established and reported in the literature [24]. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS National Opinion Research Center DSM Screen for Gambling Problems (NODS) National Opinion Research Center DSM Screen for Gambling Problems (NODS) is a short brief structured interview based on the DSM-IV criteria [25] and has been demonstrated to be a valid, reliable, and clinically useful tool to screen for gambling related disorders [26, Procedure All subjects signed informed consent, completed a demographic survey, and research measures at the outset of their participation in counseling. All participants received an Axis I diagnostic interview by a clinical psychologist. Participants also received a diagnostic clinical interview to assess for Axis I disorders, including adult ADHD. The structured diagnostic interviews were conducted using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview and were administered by two doctoral level clinicians with 8+ years of experience. One clinician was trained in neuropsychology; the other in psychiatry. Exclusion criteria included any history of head injury, concussion, color-blindness, cortical neurotoxins, stroke, or alcohol or drug abuse. Participants with any history of a neurological or neuropsychiatric condition or adult ADHD were also excluded given these confounds might better account for executive deficits. All study procedures were approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of California, Los Angeles. Group Comparisons The overall MANOVA for the subscales of the BRIEF-A revealed significant differences between the two groups (Wilks’ λ = 0.702, F(9, 116) = 5.48, p = 0.001). As shown in Table 1, post-hoc univariate tests showed significant differences between the groups on all of the nine subscales of the BRIEF-A. The magnitude of the differences was most pronounced for the Inhibit, Plan/Organize, and Shift subscales, where pathological gamblers reported significantly higher scores. Clinically Meaningful Elevations In practice, we are usually interested in clinically meaningful elevations to determine whether patients International Journal of Neuroscience Executive Functioning and Gambling 503 TABLE 1. Means, standard deviations, and group differences on study variables Executive function Variables BRIEF-A Inhibit Shift Emotion control Self-monitor Initiate Working memory Plan/organize Task monitor Organization of materials ∗ Controls Gamblers n = 64 n = 62 Effect size M SD M SD F 52.6 53.8 48.9 49.8 52.1 55.4 52.3 52.6 49.8 8.2 7.9 8.4 7.3 8.6 9.5 8.8 8.3 10.3 61.6 61.8 56.7 57.1 61.2 61.9 61.5 59.9 53.8 10.4 10.2 9.8 9.4 12.5 10.5 10.6 10.9 11.7 29.19∗∗ 24.35∗∗ 23.17∗∗ 23.19∗∗ 23.67∗∗ 13.21∗∗ 27.99∗∗ 17.41∗∗ 4.09∗ η2 .19 .16 .16 .16 .16 .09 .18 .12 .03 p < .05, ∗∗ p < .001. fall within various groups. That same principle can be applied to understand how frequently pathological gamblers produce BRIEF-A elevations that are diagnostically significant (usually regarded as T ≥ 65). To better understand how often such elevations are found in gamblers versus the control group, frequencies of participants falling above and below this threshold on the BRIEF-A subscales were computed (see Table 2). For these data, 71% of the gamblers had at least one clinical elevation, with 56% having two or more clinically elevated scales and 45% having three or more elevated scales. As shown in Table 2, scales with the most frequent elevations among the gamblers are Plan/Organize (44%), Working Memory (42%), Shift (39%), Initiate (37%), and Inhibit (36%). As can be seen, the control sample exhibits some elevations, but overall, they occur much less frequently among this group than among gambling patients. TABLE 2. Prevalence rate comparisons for clinically elevated BRIEF-A scores Percent with T-scores > 65 BRIEF-A scales Inhibit Shift Emotion control Self-monitor Initiate Working memory Plan/organize Task monitor Organization of materials Gamblers Controls χ2 36% 39% 19% 18% 37% 42% 44% 21% 21% 6% 5% 5% 0% 9% 19% 14% 2% 8% 16.43∗∗∗ 21.65∗∗∗ 6.46∗∗ 12.44∗∗∗ 13.65∗∗∗ 8.04∗∗ 13.42∗∗∗ 12.01∗∗∗ 4.45∗ Note: p values for χ 2 based on Fisher’s Exact Test. ∗ p < .05, ∗∗ p < .01, ∗∗∗ p < .001. C 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. DISCUSSION In examining self-reported executive deficits in this study, pathological gamblers scored higher than controls across all nine indices as measured by the BRIEF-A. The magnitude of the effect sizes for the group differences was large for the majority of executive functioning indices. The most notable differences occurred on the BRIEF-A subscales of Inhibit, Plan/Organize, Shift, Emotion Control, Self-Monitor, and Initiate, providing a number of insights about difficulties encountered by pathological gamblers. Clinically speaking, these elevated indices among the gambling group suggest a number of executive deficits experienced by this population. In particular, cognitive rigidity in problem solving and making transitions (Shift), as well as the ability to modulate or control one’s own emotional responses (Emotional control), independently begin a task, generate ideas, responses, or problem-solving strategies (Initiate), and manage current and future-oriented task demands (Plan/Organize) appear to be problematic domains for gamblers. Not surprisingly, the ability to inhibit, resist, or delay gratification by not acting on an impulse (Inhibit) and selfmonitoring of one’s own social behavior and the effect of his or her behavior on others are also executive domains that gamblers appear to struggle with significantly more than healthy controls. Collectively, these executive deficits contribute to difficulties regulating thoughts, urges, and behaviors leading to a constellation of consequences for pathological gamblers and their loved ones. An important finding from this study is that a selfreport measure of executive functioning yields similar results among pathological gamblers compared to studies that employ objective neuropsychological tests. Thus, the BRIEF-A may provide clinicians a more cost effective way to assess executive deficits among 504 R.C. Reid et al. pathological gamblers. At a minimum, the BRIEF-A could be used to screen candidates for more comprehensive neuropsychological testing. Limitations to this study include the use of self-report instruments and lack of standardized clinical neuropsychological test batteries to collaborate the use of the BRIEF-A (although such testing was conducted in the development of the BRIEF-A). Inferences about the findings beyond those listed in this study should be made with caution, in part, because this study was crosssectional in nature and thus causal conclusions cannot be drawn from these data. Future studies may consider using other comparison groups such as a chemically dependent population or recreational gamblers. Furthermore, collaborating elevations on the BRIEF-A specifically with a sample of pathological gamblers would be a desirable way to assess the classification accuracy in this population. CONCLUSIONS The present study investigated differences between a sample of pathological gamblers and a comparison group on indices of executive functioning as measured by self-report. 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