www.pall.com/lab Accelerate Protein Sample Preparation and Analysis Products for Proteomics, Biopharmaceutical Research, Diagnostics, and Protein Chemistry Inspiring Confidence in Critical Proteomic Steps Reliable sample preparation and fractionation processes are key to the success of proteomic research. Effective steps can facilitate the discovery of life-saving and life-enhancing diagnostic and pharmaceutical products. Ineffective steps can lead to loss of valuable samples and time. Pall Life Sciences manufactures membranes and chromatography resins that exhibit high resolution and binding capacities with low non-specific binding for the purification and concentration of proteins. We incorporate these media into devices that use fast, gentle methods and minimize handling to protect your samples. Our attention to product quality and performance is expressed in reproducible, reliable results. Pall also offers a variety of products for protein detection including PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes for western blotting, available as cut membranes or integrated into multi-well filter plates. “The results of my work can change people’s lives. That’s why I count on Pall technologies.” Optimized Pall offers the largest selection of membrane and chromatography resin chemistries and manufactures these under precise, highly controlled conditions to ensure product quality. Applying a unique blend of Lean Manufacturing and Six-Sigma principles, our quality assurance procedures result in superior products with exceptional lot-to-lot reproducibility. Pall is one of the few companies to control device manufacturing through all stages, from media production to housing material selection to final device assembly. This gives us a distinct quality advantage, allowing us to maximize processing accuracy, speed, safety and reliability. 2 “When we need support, Pall has the resources that link service to science.” Global reach Pall Corporation is the largest filtration, separation and purification company in the world. Our diversity and global reach provide us with unique application insights and Scaleable product development opportunities that we use to benefit our customers. Pall scientific laboratories worldwide work to Whether you are processing a single sample or detecting thousands of samples, Pall offers a variety of device configurations to support your techniques. And when scale-up is a factor, Pall offers product platforms that incorporate the same membranes and materials of solve complex customer problems, test products, explore new product applications, and provide ongoing technical support. Our global manufacturing facilities and distribution networks ensure product availability, easy ordering, and fast delivery. construction to allow precise scale-up of processing volumes from lab to process scale. Personalized solutions Automation compatible With over 50 years of experience, Pall knows how to combine the optimal materials to improve performance in Pall’s high throughput products meet industry guidelines to ensure compatibility with all standard robotic equipment. Our filter plates meet the ANSI/SBS X-2004 specifications for smooth operation and worry-free performance. We partner with industry-leading equipment manufacturers to develop products and optimize the automation for both routine and unique applications. a range of applications. Our goal is to provide you with the best products for your application and help you use them to their fullest potential. Although we offer thousands of standard product configurations, Pall product teams work diligently with our clients and other industry leaders to develop leading-edge technologies and optimize product configurations. www.pall.com 3 Addressing the Challenges of Protein Sample Preparation Application guide CHROMATOGRAPHY PRODUCTS (Pages 8 - 13) Ultrogel® AcA, Trisacryl® GF Size Exclusion Chromatography Resins Sample complexity reduction is an important first step to facilitate access to Ceramic HyperD® Ion Exchange Chromatography Resins the low abundant proteins of interest for disease research and diagnostics. Trisacryl, HyperD, HyperCel™ Affinity Chromatography Resins The process for human serum and plasma frequently includes depletion of SDR HyperD Solvent-Detergent Removal Resins highly abundant proteins such as albumin and IgG in combination with other MEP HyperCel Hydrophobic Charge Induction Chromatography Resins fractionation technologies prior to 2D-Gel or LC-MS/MS separation. This can Mustang® Ion Exchange Membrane Devices be achieved with a combination of specific affinity ligand-based depletion and Omega™ Ultrafiltration Membrane for Size Exclusion ion exchange chromatography-based fractionation technologies. Pall provides MULTI-WELL FILTER PLATES (Pages 14 - 17) separation technologies and devices to address these challenging needs in AcroPrep™ Plates with Hydrophilic Filtration Membranes both low and high throughput applications. AcroPrep Plates with Ion Exchange Membranes AcroPrep Plates with Prefilters AcroPrep Plates with Ultrafiltration Membranes for Size Exclusion AcroPrep Plates with Glass Fiber AcroWell™ Plates with Binding Membranes CENTRIFUGAL DEVICES/SPIN FILTERS (Pages 18 - 19) Microfiltration Centrifugal Devices Ultrafiltration Centrifugal Devices PROTEIN PURIFICATION KITS (Pages 20 - 21) Enchant™ Kit for Albumin Depletion Enchant Kits for IgG Purification Enchant Multi-Protein Affinity Separation Kit TANGENTIAL FLOW FILTRATION PRODUCTS (Pages 22 - 25) Minimate™ TFF Capsules Ultrasette™ Lab TFF Devices LV Centramate™ Lab TFF Systems Centramate Lab TFF Systems PREFILTRATION/CLARIFICATION (Pages 26 - 27) Acrodisc® Syringe Filters with Prefilters VacuCap® Vacuum Filtration Devices DETECTION PRODUCTS (Pages 28 - 29) Vivid™ Gene Array Slides FluoroTrans® PVDF Membranes BioTrace™ PVDF Membrane BioTrace NT Nitrocellulose Membrane UltraBind™ Affinity Membrane Immunodyne® ABC Membrane “Sample preparation...it’s the last thing I want to worry about but the first thing on my mind. That’s why I trust Pall.” 4 ARRAYS (Pages 13, 29) Protein Chip System Based on Arrays Vivid Gene Array Slides Sample Preparation † † † † † † Optimization † † † † † † † † † Sample Detection † In combination with appropriate chromatography resin. www.pall.com 5 Blo ttin Im g mu no as sa ys Co va l e Bin nt din Pro g tein We ste rn Ab un da nt Pro tei Pro nR tei nF em rac ov al t i on Pro ati tei on nC on ce Pro ntr ati tei on nD es a l t Bu ing ffe rE xc ha ng De e ter Im gen pu t a rity nd Re mo Fil va tra l t i an on, d L Cl ys arif ate ic Cle atio Pro ari n, tei ng n Tra P dit urif ion ica al tio Ch n b Pu rom y rifi ato Ta catio gra gg n ph ed of y Pro tei ns Sc ou tin g Pro ce ss Pro teo Sc mi ale cs -u p Finding the Perfect Fit For Your Application Pall has thousands of media chemistries from which to select, and we are constantly modifying and developing new chemistries to meet your specific application challenges. Combined with superior housing materials in a multitude of configurations and industry-leading research, development, and manufacturing resources, Pall is uniquely positioned to deliver products exactly to your specifications. Versatile separation technologies Pall gives you more filtration and separation material options than any other organization in the world. This means you have the best technologies available to optimize Reliable device configurations your application performance. Our quality control procedures While the heart of Pall is media development and result in the production of media with exceptional lot-to-lot manufacturing, the design and manufacture of devices reproducibility and uniformity to give you the consistent, is the ultimate expression of Pall technologies. This is accurate results you require. where it all comes together – high performance media, outstanding housing materials, and devices designed to maximize processing accuracy, speed, safety, reliability, and ease of use. The charts on pages 5 and 7 will help you evaluate media and device options based on your applications and desired material characteristics. 6 Protein purification and analysis media Ca p Co ture, nc Re e Hig ntra leas te e, h Ac Nu id cle Bin ic Hig di h P ng rot ein Lo Bin w din Pro g tei nB Bin ind ds ing Le Vir uk o a Ca l Par cytes ptu tic re/ le Re Hy dro leas e ph ob Hy i dro c ph ilic Co m Ha pati rsh ble C w Ch hem ith rom ica ls ato gra Fil ph tra y tio n Pre filt rat ion Characteristic Separation Technologies Membrane Name Medium Microfiltration Bio-Inert® Membrane Modified Nylon Hydroxyl • • Fluorodyne® II Membrane PVDF Hydroxyl • • GH Polypro Membrane (GHP) Polypropylene Proprietary • • HT Tuffryn® Membrane Polysulfone Proprietary LoProdyne® LP Membrane Nylon Hydroxyl • • • • Pallflex® Media Glass Fiber Varies PTFE Membrane PTFE PTFE Supor® Membrane Polyethersulfone Proprietary • Supor R Membrane Polyethersulfone RepelTM Treated • Versapor® Membrane Acrylic Copolymer Proprietary on a Nonwoven Support Versapor R Membrane Acrylic Copolymer Repel Treated on a Nonwoven Support Ultrafiltration OmegaTM Membrane Modified Polyethersulfone Chromatography BioSepra® Size Exclusion Resins (Ultrogel®, Trisacryl®) Varies • • Fractionation, purification, desalting BioSepra Q Ion Exchange Resins (HyperD®) Composite Quaternary Material (ceramic) Amine • • Protein concentration, protein fractionation, contaminant removal, separation based on charge BioSepra S Ion Exchange Resins (HyperD) Composite Sulfopropyl Material (ceramic) • • BioSepra DEAE Ion Exchange Resins (HyperD) Composite Diethylaminocthyl Material (ceramic) • • BioSepra CM Ion Exchange Resins (HyperD) Composite Carboxymethyl Material (ceramic) • • Surface Chemistry Proprietary • Filtration of protein solutions, low protein binding, general filtration, clarification of cell lysate and tissue homogenates • • Filtration of low concentration proteins, sample preparation, general filtration • • Time-resolved fluorescence, bead-based assays, fluorescent detection of analytes, sample prep prior to HPLC, general filtration of aqueous and organic solvents • Filtration of low concentration proteins, sample preparation • • • Prefilters, DNA extraction • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Proven performance in documented procedures Vent filters, chemical and molecular synthesis General filtration applications, low protein binding, bead-based assays Vent filters General filtration applications • Vent filters • Sample preparation, PCR cleanup, sequencing cleanup, ultrafiltration separations, nucleic acid and protein purification, concentration and fractionation BioSepra Affinity Resins Varies (Blue Trisacryl M, Protein A Ceramic HyperD F, Heparin HyperD M, Lysine HyperD, IMAC HyperCel™) Varies • • Abundant protein removal, lgG purification, glycoprotein enrichment, lipoprotein purification BioSepra Solvent-Detergent Removal Resins (SDR HyperD) Composite Material (silica) Hydrophobic Polymer Moiety • • Detergent removal BioSepra Hydrophobic Charge Induction Chromatography Resins (MEP HyperCel) Cellulose Polymer 4-Mercaptoethyl-pyridine • • Purification of poly and monoclonal antibodies of various species, enzymes and recombinant proteins Mustang® E Membrane Polyethersulfone Quaternary Ammonium • • • Removes endotoxin from buffers, water, neutral sugar solutions, and certain biological solutions Quaternary Amine • • • • (positively-charged) Strong anionic exchanger for DNA clearance, nucleic acids and negatively-charged proteins, viral particle purification/concentration Polyethersulfone Sulfonic Acid • • • • Strong cationic exchanger for positivelycharged proteins, viral particle purification/concentration (positively-charged) Mustang Q Membrane Mustang S Membrane Polyethersulfone • (negatively-charged) Binding Recommended Applications Biodyne® A Membrane Nylon 6,6 (amphoteric) Biodyne B Membrane Nylon 6,6 Quaternary • • • • • • • Macroarrays, microarrays, Southern blots, northern blots, dot blots, reverse dot blots, DNA fingerprinting, binds negatively-charged molecules • • Reverse dot blots, ELISA, binds positively-charged molecules • • • Macroarrays, microarrays, Southern blots, northern blots, dot blots, DNA fingerprinting, ELISA • • • (positively-charged) Ammonium Biodyne C Membrane Nylon 6,6 Carboxyl (negatively-charged) Biodyne Plus Membrane Nylon 6,6 (positively-charged) Quaternary Ammonium BioTraceTM NT Membrane Nitrocellulose BioTrace PVDF Membrane PVDF FluoroTrans® PVDF Membrane PVDF FluoroTrans W Membrane PVDF Immunodyne® ABC Membrane Modified Nylon Proprietary Activated Surface Leukosorb® Membrane Proprietary Proprietary UltraBindTM Membrane Modified Polyethersulfone Aldehyde • • • • • • • • • Western blots, colony/plaque lifts, Southern blots, protein/nucleic acid dot blots, flow-through diagnostic tests, northern blots Western blots, protein dot blots N-terminal protein sequencing, lowest levels of autofluorescence • • • Macroarrays, microarrays, Southern blots, northern blots, dot blots, reverse dot blots, DNA fingerprinting, colony and plaque lifts, ELISA Western blots, Southern blots • Oligonucleotide arrays, reverse dot blots, protein arrays, immunoassays • Leukodepletion, nucleic acid extraction, in situ PCR • Affinity chromatography, ELISA, ELISPOT (unsupported) www.pall.com 7 Chromatography Products Expand Separation Options Pall offers chromatography products to facilitate research portfolio and expands our offering to include resins. The needs, scale-up, and polishing. Our chromatography BioSepra line of chromatography resins greatly simplifies solutions are available in resin or membrane formats to protein purification and fractionation. These broad lines of support your specific application. Choose from our extensive chromatography products exhibit superior performance portfolio of media including flat sheet membrane, bulk resin, and are useful for affinity, ion exchange, size exclusion, and media incorporated into specific product housings. Pall and hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). products allow you to tailor your product selection to the Unique mixed-mode BioSepra products also exist to nature of the purification you desire. provide solutions to current sample preparation challenges such as detergent removal and antibody purification. BioSepra® resins facilitate high capacity purification Chromatography continues to be an essential technology for the purification of biomolecules. Pall’s recent acquisition of BioSepra products complements our current technology Special features True Scalability The resins Pall offers for small-scale discovery applications are the same ones offered to our customers currently manufacturing biopharmaceuticals. The ability to scale up is essential for those working in drug discovery, development, and manufacturing. These resins can be used in varying size chromatography columns, as well as in batch mode for single prep or high-throughput mode. This is ideal for quick preps or in situations where optimizing purification conditions is required. Versatile Product Line Pall bottled resins can be used for small and large sample sizes involving single use or high throughput methods of purification. Our base resin varies depending on targeted applications. These resins can be used in combination with Pall device configurations such as multi-well filter plates and spin devices. High Binding Capacities and Fast Flow Rates By tailoring attributes such as chemistry, pore size, and resin diameter to specific applications, Pall chromatography resins exhibit the highest performance characteristics possible while ensuring reliable, reproducible protein isolation. 8 BioSepra Ion Exchange Resins Exhibit Extremely High Dynamic Binding Capacity Media Q Ceramic HyperD® 20 DEAE Ceramic HyperD F S Ceramic HyperD F S Ceramic HyperD 20 CM Ceramic HyperD F Flow Rate (mL/min) 1 5 106.0 mg/mL 91.5 mg/mL 101.5 mg/mL 87.5 mg/mL 80.5 mg/mL 61.5 mg/mL 98.0 mg/mL 89.5 mg/mL 108.0 mg/mL 87.5 mg/mL 10 82.5 mg/mL 77.5 mg/mL 53.5 mg/mL 83.5 mg/mL 73.5 mg/mL Applications Detergent removal (SDR HyperD Resin) Protein fractionation (Q, S, DEAE, CM Ceramic HyperD Resins) The HyperD line of ion exchange resins shows high dynamic binding capacity (50-110 mg BSA/mL of resin for resins tested here). Dynamic binding capacity is measured in a 1 mL packed column by pumping BSA (anion) or lysozyme (cation) at 5 mg/mL in a suitable binding buffer until the column capacity is exceeded. The capacity is then calculated by estimating the volume of protein required to achieve this “breakthrough” and expressed as mg/mL media volume. Anion and cation chemistries are available in both 50 µm (HyperD F resins) and 20 µm (HyperD 20 resins) particle sizes for improved resolution. Efficient Removal of Detergents from Protein Solutions Using the BioSepra SDR HyperD Resin IgG purification from various sample types (Protein A Ceramic HyperD F Resin) IgG purification from cell culture supernatant (MEP HyperCel™ Resin) Albumin depletion (Blue Trisacryl® M Resin) Desalting (Trisacryl GF05 M and Ultrogel® AcA 202 Resins) Tagged biomolecule purification (IMAC HyperCel Resin) Reference material Sell Sheet, BioSepra Chromatography Media, PN 33400 Detergent Triton (DBC = 60-80 mg/mL) Initial Conc. (ppm) Final Conc. (ppm) Removal Efficiency Protein Solutions AT-III IgG 10,000 10,000 < 10 < 10 > 99.9% > 99.9% Bovine Serum 10,000 340 > 95.2% SDR HyperD resin binds detergents used in viral inactivation processes (e.g., TnBP and Triton* X-100), as well as other common detergents used in protein procedures (e.g., CHAPS, SDS, ASB14). High recovery of proteins (exclusion limit 10 kDa) is obtained. This product exhibits high adsorption capacity for small hydrophobic molecules and is stable in acidic, polar organic and oxidizing solutions. www.pall.com 9 Membrane devices for ion exchange chromatography speed processing Membranes are recommended in chromatography applications when there is a need to purify large molecules or in situations where faster flow is required. Membrane chromatography is extremely economical because flow rates are significantly faster than traditional resin chromatography, decreasing processing time and increasing throughput. Pall’s Mustang® membranes possess large convective pores and Special features Scaleable For laboratory-scale applications, Mustang membranes are available in Acrodisc® units for single samples and AcroPrep™ 96-well filter plates for high throughput sample processing. Devices with Mustang S and Mustang Q membranes can be scaled up to larger-capacity capsules and cartridges from Pall. have dynamic binding capacities that are relatively insensitive to the effects of high flow rates, even for large molecules Application-specific Membrane Chemistries such as plasmids and viruses. Mustang Q membrane is a strong anion exchanger that effectively binds plasmid DNA, negatively-charged proteins, and viral particles. Mustang S membrane is a strong cation exchanger that effectively binds positively-charged proteins and viral particles. Fast Flow Rates for Rapid Separations Mustang membranes withstand high flow rates to render faster purification without affecting recovery rates. 10 Acrodisc Unit with Mustang Q Membrane: Resolution with BSA and Goat lgG 25 Absorbance Conductivity 25 Goat IgG 20 BSA 20 15 Unbound Protein from Goat IgG 15 10 10 5 5 0 min Conductivity (ms/cm) Absorbance 280 nm (mAU) 30 0 0.6 1.2 1.9 2.5 3.1 3.8 Time (min) 4.4 5.0 5.7 6.3 The conditions used to generate data for the resolution graph above include buffer: 25mM Tris pH 8.0; salt: 1M NaCl in 25mM Tris pH 8.0; gradient: 0 to 0.5M NaCl in 50 column volume (CV); flow rate: 2.3 mL/min (13 cv/min); sample loading: 4% of total binding capacity. Applications Contaminant removal such as DNA viral particles, host cell proteins, or endotoxin Acrodisc Unit with Mustang Q Membrane: Dynamic Binding with BSA Isolation via capture and release of plasmid DNA, virus, or target protein from a complex mixture 1800 Elution Peak 1600 Protein (mg/mL) 1400 Protein fractionation or capture 1200 Antibody purification 1000 800 Reference material 600 54 mg/mL at 0 Breakthrough 400 200 Product Data, Acrodisc Unit with Mustang S Membrane, PN 33256 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (min) Product Data, Acrodisc Unit with Mustang Q Membrane, PN 33255 A solution of 0.524 mg/mL BSA was pumped through the Acrodisc unit at 2.3 mL/min. Breakthrough occurred at 8.1 minutes and was calculated as 54 mg/mL using: flow rate (2.3 mL/min) X initial protein BSA concentration (0.524 mg/mL) X time (8.1 min) membrane bed volume of Mustang Q membrane in 25 mm Acrodisc unit (0.18 mL) www.pall.com 11 Chromatography products selection guide Chromatography Type Product Description Particle Size (Average) Capacity Primary Applications Size Exclusion (Gel Filtration) Separation by Molecule Size Bulk Resin Ultrogel® AcA Ultrogel AcA are polymeric resins for size exclusion composed of polyacrylamide and agarose, characterized by narrow particle size distribution. 100 µm N/A Fractionation, purification of biomolecules by size, molecular weight determination Trisacryl® GF05 M Trisacryl GF are highly hydrophilic copolymer resins designed for medium pressure gel filtration. 60 µm N/A Lowest exclusion limit for desalting and other small molecule removal Trisacryl GF2000 LS Trisacryl GF are highly hydrophilic copolymer resins designed for medium pressure gel filtration. 120 µm N/A Purification of macromolecules Q Ceramic HyperD® 20 Strong anion exchanger. Ceramic HyperD ion exchangers employ a high capacity hydrogel polymerized within the large pores of a rigid ceramic bead. 20 µm > 85 mg/mL (4) Polypeptide and plasmid purification S Ceramic HyperD 20 Strong cation exchanger. Ceramic HyperD ion exchangers employ a high capacity hydrogel polymerized within the large pores of a rigid ceramic bead. 20 µm > 85 mg/mL (5) Polypeptide purification Q Ceramic HyperD F Strong anion exchanger. Ceramic HyperD ion exchangers employ a high capacity hydrogel polymerized within the large pores of a rigid ceramic bead. 50 µm > 85 mg/mL (4) Recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, plasmid, vaccine purification, capture step S Ceramic HyperD F Strong cation exchanger. Ceramic HyperD ion exchangers employ a high capacity hydrogel polymerized within the large pores of a rigid ceramic bead. 50 µm > 75 mg/mL (5) Recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, vaccine purification, capture step DEAE Ceramic HyperD F Weak anion exchanger. Ceramic HyperD ion exchangers employ a high capacity hydrogel polymerized within the large pores of a rigid ceramic bead. 50 µm > 85 mg/mL (4) Recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, plasmid, vaccine purification, capture step CM Ceramic HyperD F Weak cation exchanger. Ceramic HyperD ion exchangers employ a high capacity hydrogel polymerized within the large pores of a rigid ceramic bead. 50 µm > 60 mg/mL (6) Recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, vaccine purification, capture step Q HyperZ® Q HyperZ are specifically designed for high productivity expanded bed chromatography and efficient capture of biomolecules directly from crude, unclarified samples in a single pass operation. 75 µm > 80 mg/mL (9) Expanded bed and packed bed separations CM HyperZ CM HyperZ are specifically designed for high productivity expanded bed chromatography and efficient capture of biomolecules directly from crude, unclarified samples in a single pass operation. 75 µm ~ 50 mg/mL (10) Expanded bed and packed bed separations Ion Exchange Separation by Charge Bulk Resin Membrane Filter Plates and Devices Mustang® Q Strong anion exchanger. Also available in AcroPrep™ 96 filter plates 350 µL or 1 mL, and Acrodisc® syringe filters. N/A 50 - 60 mg/mL Protein fractionation Mustang S Strong cation exchanger. Also available in AcroPrep 96 filter plates 350 µL or 1 mL, and Acrodisc syringe filters. N/A 45 - 50 mg/mL Protein fractionation Blue Trisacryl M Blue Trisacryl M is an affinity chromatographic resin used for the purification of a wide variety of enzymes and proteins such as kinases, albumin, interferons and some coagulation factors. The basic matrix is Trisacryl GF2000, a macroporous non-ionic resin on which Cibacron* blue is covalently immobilized. 60 µm HSA: 10 - 15 mg/mL; BSA: 5 - 7 mg/mL (1) Albumin depletion IMAC HyperCel™ IMAC HyperCel uses tridentate IDA (imino-diacetic-acid) as a chelating agent. The ligand is immobilized on the HyperCel base sorbent, a stable and robust resin. 90 µm 30 - 60 µmol Cu++/mL resin Tagged biomolecule purification Protein A Ceramic HyperD F Protein A Ceramic HyperD F is a high capacity affinity resin prepared using a rigid proprietary ceramic bead. Recombinant Protein A is immobilized to a specially formulated hydrogel within the porous ceramic bead. 50 µm > 30 mg/mL (2) IgG purification/depletion Heparin HyperD M Heparin HyperD M composite chromatography resin is used to purify 80 µm biological molecules that bind to heparin such as coagulation factors, growth factors and lipoproteins. Heparin HyperD M is composed of a porous rigid mineral bead containing heparin bound hydrogel filled pores. > 25 mg/mL (3) Purification of coagulation factors, lipoproteins, growth hormones, growth factors, nucleic acid binding enzymes Lysine HyperD Lysine HyperD is used to purify biological molecules that bind to lysine such as glycoproteins. Lysine HyperD is comprised of a porous rigid mineral bead containing lysine (L-lysine) bound hydrogel filled pores. 70 µm N/A Purification of glycoproteins Enchant™ Albumin Depletion Kit For the depletion of albumin from plasma or serum. Includes all buffer and devices needed for 25 purifications. N/A > 2 mg albumin per purification Albumin depletion or isolation Enchant Protein A Kit for IgG Purification For the purification of IgG. Includes all buffers and devices needed for 50 purifications. N/A 11 - 19 mg human IgG depletion or purification IgG/mL of gel, 6 - 8 mg mouse IgG/mL of gel Enchant Protein G Kit for IgG Purification For the purification of IgG. Includes all buffers and devices needed for 10 purifications. N/A 10 - 15 mg human IgG/mL of gel IgG depletion or purification Enchant Multi-Protein Affinity Separation Kit For the removal of 99% of albumin and IgG from serum/plasma samples. N/A > 99% removal Albumin and IgG fractionation Affinity Separation Using Specific Ligands Bulk Resin Kits 12 Chromatography Type Product Particle Size (Average) Description Capacity Primary Applications Mixed Mode and Hydrophobic Charge Induction (HCIC) A Unique Combination of Chromatography Modes Bulk Resin MEP HyperCel MEP HyperCel (4-mercapto-ethyl-pyridine) resin is specifically designed for the capture and purification of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. In contrast to Protein A resins, IgG binding on MEP HyperCel is essentially independent of subclass or species. Weakly binding variants (e.g., murine IgG, rat IgG) are well retained. 90 µm > 20 mg/mL (7) Purification/depletion of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies of most species SDR HyperD SDR HyperD is a mixed mode of size exclusion, normal phase and reversed phase. It is a unique resin designed to eliminate solvent and detergent while recovering NATIVE protein. SDR HyperD is a composite resin that combines a silica bead moiety filled with long chain aliphatic polymers that are cross-linked to provide a 3D mesh with a low size exclusion limit of 10 kDa which excludes proteins. 80 µm 60 - 80 mg/mL (11) Solvent and detergent removal HA Ultrogel hydroxyapatite resin is composed of cross-linked agarose beads with micro-crystals of hydroxyapatite entrapped in the agarose mesh. 120 µm Cytochrome C: > 7 mg/mL (8) Immunoglobulin separation, glycoproteins, vaccines Hydroxyapatite Protein Interaction with Calcium Phosphate Bulk Resin HA Ultrogel (1) capacity determined in PBS buffer using 5 mg/mL (7) dynamic binding capacity, 10% breakthrough, determined using 5 mg/mL hu IgG in PBS, flow rate: 60 cm/h (2) dynamic binding capacity, 10% breakthrough, 100 cm/h, determined using 10 mg/mL hu IgG in PBS, pH 7.4; elution in 0.1 M sodium citrate, pH 2.5; column 4.6 ID x 100 mm (8) capacity for cytochrome c, determined using 5 mg/mL cytochrome c diluted 50/50 in 1 mM phosphate buffer, pH 6.8; at 12.5 cm/h (3) dynamic binding capacity at 600 cm/h, using hu ATIII at 72.5 UI/mL in 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.3 M NaCl, pH 7.4; elution with 20 mM Tris-HCl, 2 M NaCl, pH 7.4; 10 cm bed height (9) dynamic binding capacity, 10% breakthrough determined using 5 mg/mL BSA in 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.6; 150 mM NaCl (4) dynamic binding capacity, 10% breakthrough, 200 cm/h; sample: 5 mg/mL BSA in 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.6 (10) dynamic binding capacity, 10% breakthrough, determined using 5 mg/mL hu IgG in 50 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 4.7; 150 mM NaCl (5) dynamic binding capacity, 10% breakthrough, 200 cm/h; sample: 5 mg/mL lysosome in 50 mM sodium acetate, pH 4.5 (11) dynamic binding capacity, 10% breakthrough at 300 cm/h, determined using 5 mg/mL Triton* in PBS, pH 7.4 (6) dynamic binding capacity, 10% breakthrough, 200 cm/h; sample: 5 mg/mL hu IgG in 50 mM sodium acetate, 100 mM NaCl, pH 7.4 Process proteomics centers enhance service The identification and optimization of protein purification parameters can be a tedious task. Process proteomics methodologies can be used to streamline the initial scouting of protein purification conditions as well as for some of the optimization steps. Process proteomics is performed using common chromatographic chemistries (e.g., anion exchange, cation exchange, IMAC, etc.) on a protein chip, in the wells of a multi-well filter plate, or using small columns. Using this approach, multiple binding, washing and elution conditions can be tested on your sample simultaneously. Successful scale-up from these small-scale experiments to traditional column chromatography has proven to be quite useful. Pall's Process Proteomics Service Centers assist customers in selecting and optimizing resins and membranes for the purification of proteins used in the scale-up and production of therapeutic proteins and other bioprocess applications. With access to a large portfolio of both resin and media technologies, Pall can provide highly integrated solutions for our customers. www.pall.com 13 Multi-well Filter Plates Speed Your Rate of Discovery As samples get smaller and more numerous, the need for Pall’s filter plate product line includes two platforms that novel methods to purify proteins and improve assays has address different application needs: led Pall to develop a broad line of multi-well filter plates that target specific application challenges. AcroPrep™ and AcroWell™ filter plates feature individually sealed membranes that eliminate crosstalk and solution weeping. The proprietary sealing technology allows us to seal virtually any type of membrane or media configuration into a device platform to meet ever-changing industry needs. Special features Broad Selection to Suit Your Application AcroPrep filter plates are engineered with special outlet tips and splash guards, and can be used for both filtrate- and retentate-based applications. Membranes are individually cut, placed and sealed in the wells using a proprietary sealing process that ensures seal integrity. A distinctive valve technology eliminates sample leaking. AcroWell filter plates are designed to support retentate and hybridization-based binding applications. These plates are constructed of two membrane layers; the bottom layer protects the upstream functional membrane and acts as a barrier to passive flow. The unique nature of protein science results in a variety of device requirements for each application type. Pall understands this need and has a full portfolio of 96- and 384-well filter plates that can be optimized for your assay. Our portfolio includes a selection of single- and multi-layer membranes, plate colors, well volumes, and outlet tips. 14 Using a plate optimized for your application will reduce sample loss, make automation easy, and add consistency and reliability throughout your entire process. Automation Compliant Pall’s plates are designed in accordance with the standards of the ANSI/SBS X-2004. Rigid construction enables the plates to be easily maneuvered by robotic instrumentation and assures that the plates will seat properly on vacuum manifolds, wash stations, hotel carousels and deck platforms. Plates are compatible with industry leading workstations including: Tecan, Qiagen Inc., Tomtec, PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences, Beckman Coulter Inc., Caliper Life Sciences, Inc., Waters, Proteodyne, and Hamilton Company. No Crosstalk Mass Spec Friendly, Chemically Resistant, and Low Binding Specially engineered fluid directors and outlet tips on the The polypropylene housing assembly has been tested to potential for downstream crosstalk. Elimination of crosstalk ensure that the materials of construction do not contribute upstream is assured through individually sealing a membrane to ion suppression/enhancement. In addition, the housing in each well using Pall’s proprietary sealing technology. Pall materials and media have been optimized and tested to understands the critical nature of each sample, and we reduce extractables, ensuring that unwanted materials are know that seal failure will cause sample loss. To ensure not introduced to your sample. The housing is compatible integral sealing of each well, we test each lot of product for with a broad range of aqueous and organic liquids, and is seal integrity prior to release. You can be assured that noted for its low biomolecule binding that minimizes non- AcroPrep and AcroWell filter plates will provide a robust specific adsorption of samples to the plates. platform that will eliminate concerns of sample loss and bottom of the AcroPrep plate are designed to reduce the cross contamination. www.pall.com 15 The AcroPrep 96 filter plate shows consistent well-to-well performance, giving protein biochemists an edge in the development of protein purification protocols. Efficient Optimization of Protein Purification Conditions: AcroPrep™ 96 Filter Plates as “Mini-chromatography” Columns Although size separation applications can be done effectively using ultrafiltration, a more specific affinity Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography (IMAC) system is typically needed to purify tagged biomolecules from crude lysates. Pall has demonstrated the use of our multi-well filter plates to perform high throughput IMAC. The low protein binding and low weeping properties of the AcroPrep 96 filter plate with low protein binding membrane are ideal for convenient incubation of the sample directly in wells. The biomoleculefriendly AcroPrep 96 filter plate allows the researcher to rapidly and reliably screen numerous samples under a variety of conditions to determine protein purification parameters. A single filter plate can be matrixed to: Screen for metal ions for both custom and pre-charged resins. Optimize elution conditions. Optimize resin-to-load ratio. 16 Incubation in Centrifuge Tubes Incubation in AcroPrep 96 Plates M L FT W1 W2 E1 E2 E3 M FT E1 E2 E3 Aliquots of Ni-NTA resin (Qiagen) were mixed with E. coli inclusion body lysate containing a His-tagged TEV protease construct (load). The slurry was either incubated in a microfuge tube and then transferred to a filter plate (left panel) or incubated directly in a well of an AcroPrep 96 filter plate with 0.2 µm Bio-Inert® membrane (right panel). After washing, the samples were serially eluted with either 3 X 200 µL (left panel) or 3 X 50 µL (right panel) of elution buffer. The load (L), flow through (FT), wash (W1 and W2), and elution (E1, E2, and E3) were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The incubation of sample/resin slurry directly in the wells of the filter plate gave similar recoveries to those incubated in microfuge tubes, allowing the simplification of sample handling. Based on this observation, the on-plate incubation procedure was used for the subsequent experiments. Efficient Desalting and High Protein Recovery Using AcroPrep 96 Filter Plates The efficiency of AcroPrep 96 ultrafiltration filter plates to remove salts and other small molecules does not diminish sample recovery. Pall has demonstrated that when using an AcroPrep 96 filter plate with 10K Omega™ membrane, the recovery of ovalbumin proteins (45 kDa) at two different concentrations (0.1 and 1.0 mg/mL) was greater than 90%. Salt removal efficiencies were also greater than 95%. Using BSA (66 kDa) and a 30K Omega membrane, similar protein recoveries and desalting efficiencies were observed. Applications Bead-based applications Lysate clarification Protein concentration Protein fractionation Protein purification Gross fractionation Protein desalting Size exclusion separations Reference material Sell Sheet, AcroPrep and AcroWell Multi-well, Membrane-bottom Plates, PN 33287 Product Data, AcroPrep Membrane-bottom Plates, PN 33296 Product Data, AcroWell 96 Membrane-bottom Plates, PN 33306 AcroPrep 96 Filter Plate with 10K Omega Membrane 100 90 80 70 60 50 99.1 97.3 94 93 Ovalbumin (45kDa) 0.1 mg/mL, 500 mM NaCl Ovalbumin (45kDa) 1.0 mg/mL 200 mM NaCl 40 30 20 10 0 % Salt Removed 100 98.1 94 95 90 80 BSA (66kDa) 0.1 mg/mL, 500 mM NaCl 70 60 50 40 BSA (66kDa) 1.0 mg/mL, 200 mM NaCl 30 Protocol, Lysate Clearance for Prokaryotic DNA Isolation Using the AcroPrep 96 Filter Plate, PN 33308 Protocol, Automated Purification of Combinatorial Libraries Using AcroPrep 96 Filter Plate with GHP Membrane, PN 33245 Protocol, Biomolecule Binding and Blocking Procedures for AcroWell 96 Filter Plates with BioTrace™ NT and BioTrace PVDF Membranes, PN 33189 Protocol, Using the AcroWell 96 Filter Plate for Receptor/Ligand Binding, PN 33179 % Protein Recovered AcroPrep 96 Filter Plate with 30K Omega Membrane 99.2 Protocol, Desalting/Buffer Exchange for Biomolecules Using AcroPrep 96 Ultrafiltration Filter Plates, PN 33309 20 Technical Report, IMAC Purification of Polyhistidine-tagged Protein Using the AcroPrep 96 Filter Plate, PN 33354 Technical Report, Automated Plate ELISA and Dot-Blot Assays Using AcroWell 96 Filter Plates and a Robotic Workstation with Integrated Plate Reader, PN 33293 Technical Report, Development of a Fluorescent LigandBinding Assay Using the AcroWell Filter Plate, PN 33220 Technical Report, The AcroWell 96 Filter Plate: Low Fluorescence Background Using the DELFIA* System, PN 33137 10 0 % Salt Removed % Protein Recovered 300 µL of indicated protein solutions was added to wells of 10K or 30K plates. Each test plate was matched to a receiver plate and the assembly spun at 2,000 x g for 40 min. Following centrifugation, retained proteins were collected by adding 300 µL of buffer to each assay well, then allowing the plate to stand at room temperature for 5 min. before pipetting up and down 10 times to remove sample to fresh tubes. Protein concentration was determined using UV spectrophotometric analysis (n = 3). Percentage of salt removal was determined using a conductivity meter. A representative experiment is shown. Technical Report, The AcroWell Filter Plate Minimizes Crosstalk, see www.pall.com/proteomics www.pall.com 17 Centrifugal Devices Facilitate Pure, Concentrated Product with High Recoveries Pall’s ultrafiltration centrifugal devices simplify many common Pall’s microfiltration centrifugal devices are used in protein protein handling procedures. These devices provide efficient separation and small-scale general filtration procedures. concentration and salt removal of samples from 50 µL to These devices can be used in combination with 60 mL in just minutes. Choose from membranes that have chromatography resins to create a fast, efficient been developed to assure low nonspecific biomolecule method for purifying proteins of interest. binding and provide consistent, high recovery of target molecules. Ultrafiltration reduces the amount of handling Special features that can cause damage to samples, leaving concentrated Rapid Processing samples ready for direct incorporation into downstream Achieve high recoveries in as little as five to ten minutes. applications at critical stages in the discovery process. High Performance Membranes Omega™ polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membrane provides higher flow rates and is lower protein binding than competitive membranes. This results in lower processing time and the highest possible recoveries. Low Protein Binding Devices are constructed of low-binding materials to maximize sample recovery. Variety of MWCO’s and Pore Sizes Available with ultrafiltration membranes for rapid concentrating and/or desalting of proteins. Also available with low-binding microfiltration membranes for particulate removal or chromatography separations. Easy to Use Once you have identified the right MWCO or pore size ranging from 1 kD to 0.45 µm, the devices are color-coded for easy visual identification. Ideal for Fast Batch Mode Chromatography Applications Nanosep® centrifugal devices with microfiltration membrane serve as a perfect housing for chromatography resin. The spin device can be filled with the resin of choice to perform the desired protein purification application. 18 Nanosep Devices Exhibit Fast Spin Times and High Recoveries MWCO Spin Time (min.) % Recovery 3K 15 7 10K 10 - 30K 8 - 100K 5 - 300K 3 - 6,200 % Recovery 99 51 11 - - 12,400 % Recovery 100 89 77 1.8 - Solute Vitamin B12 Solute MW (Kd) 1,335 Aprotinin Cytochrome C Chymotrypsinogen A 25,000 % Recovery - 97 94 2.1 - Ovalbumin 45,000 % Recovery - 97 92 3 - BSA 67,000 % Recovery - - 100 26 1.5 Phosphorylase B 97,400 % Recovery - - 95 91 1 IgG 156,000 % Recovery - - - 97 1.5 Thyroglobulin (1 mg/mL) 677,000 % Recovery - - - 100 91 Match device size to sample volume Samples of 0.5 mL of a 1.0 mg/mL solution were centrifuged at 14,000 x g and concentrated to a volume of 10 to 60 µL using Nanosep centrifugal devices with Omega membrane. Applications Pall’s centrifugal devices are available in a range of Concentrate, purify and desalt peptides and proteins sizes to accommodate your specific sample volumes. Separate proteins from acrylamide gels AcroPrep™ filter plates can be used with smaller sample Prepare samples for HPLC analysis volumes in similar applications. Fractionate proteins Device AcroPrep 384 filter plate AcroPrep 96 filter plate, 350 µL AcroPrep 96 filter plate, 1 mL Nanosep device Microsep™ device Macrosep® device Jumbosep™ device Sample Volume < 100 µL < 350 µL < 1 mL < 0.5 mL 0.5 - 3.5 mL 3 - 15 mL 15 - 60 mL Easy-to-assemble stirred cell systems process 2 to 150 mL Pall’s Stirred Cell Systems provide a versatile format that can be disposed of when working with biologically hazardous or radioactive materials, or cleaned and reused up to 20 times. These devices are 100% integrity tested to ensure the membrane and cell reservoir are integral. Ultrasonically Reference material Sell Sheet, Centrifugal Devices, PN 33327 Product Data, Centrifugal Devices for Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration, PN 32984 Product Data, Stirred Cell Systems and Ultrafiltration Membrane Disc Filters, PN 32985 Protocol, Desalting/Buffer Exchange for Biomolecules Using AcroPrep 96 Ultrafiltration Filter Plates, PN 33309 Protocols, Nanosep Centrifugal Devices, PN 32989 Technical Report, Fast and Efficient Elution of Proteins from Polyacrylamide Gels Using Nanosep Centrifugal Devices, see www.pall.com/proteomics Technical Report, Purification and Handling of DNA Fragments, see www.pall.com/proteomics Technical Report, Nanosep Centrifugal Ultrafiltration Devices and PCR: Before and After, see www.pall.com/proteomics Technical Report, Single-tube DNA Purification and Cloning Using Ultrafiltration Devices, see www.pall.com/proteomics sealed membranes eliminate the need for O-rings that can leak. The devices are easy to assemble, use and clean up, and feature as much as 50% more effective filtration area than conventional stirred cells of the same volume. www.pall.com 19 Enchant ™ Protein Purification Kits Expedite Proteomic Sample Prep Special features Enchant Albumin Depletion or Purification Kit Effectively process up to 100 µL of serum or plasma in 5 simple steps. Remove > 2 mg of albumin per column. Remove albumin from multiple species including human, rat, goat, calf, and bovine. Albumin can be discarded or recovered for further analysis. Enchant IgG Depletion or Purification Kits High binding. Bind between 11-19 mg of human IgG/mL of gel (typical binding capacity). Purify a variety of IgG molecules from a broad range of species including human, horse, mouse, rat, cow, goat, etc. Each column can be regenerated and used for ten purifications. The first step in isolating new drug targets is critical, and Convenient kits contain all components necessary to affinity purify or deplete IgG with either Protein A or Protein G affinity resin from ascites fluid, serum or plasma. reliable purification with minimal loss is key. Biospecific IgG can be discarded or recovered for further analysis. affinity ligand technologies such as Pall’s Enchant Protein A or G antibody purification/depletion kits are widely used in immunoglobulin purification for research and therapeutic applications. Enchant Protein Purification Kits rapidly deplete unwanted abundant proteins and unmask low abundant biomarkers from human and animal-derived serum and plasma samples. Alternately, these same kits can be used to collect the abundant protein fraction for further analysis. Convenient kit formats eliminate the need to handle messy slurries or deal with column packing. These all-in-one kits include the protocol, purification columns and buffers, and offer one of the lowest costs per sample available. Enchant Multi-Protein Affinity Separation Kit Achieve 99% removal of albumin and IgG from human serum or plasma samples. High specificity. Will not remove low abundant, low molecular weight biomarkers. No loss of protein on the fractionation columns. Can process up to 50 µL human serum or plasma in just 15 minutes. Albumin and IgG fractions can be further fractionated and analyzed. Reference material Sell Sheet: Enchant Albumin Depletion Kit, PN 33355 Sell Sheet: Enchant IgG Purification Kits, PN 33356 Product Data, Enchant Life Science Kits Albumin Depletion, see www.pall.com/proteomics Product Data, Enchant Life Science Kits IgG Purification, see www.pall.com/proteomics 20 Effective Depletion of Human Serum Albumin (HSA) and IgG from Plasma and Serum Samples 1 2 3 1 2 3 Versatile Purification and Depletion of IgG and HSA from Multiple Species: Protein A Kit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IgG IgG HSA IgG HC IgG LC Plasma Serum Depletion of both IgG and HSA using Enchant Abundant Protein Depletion kits. One mL of human plasma was processed using the Enchant Protein A IgG purification kit. Then, 30 µL of the column flow through was treated with the Enchant albumin depletion kit. Samples were loaded onto 4-12% SDS-PAGE gels and resolved in MOPS/SDS running buffer under non-reducing conditions. Proteins were visualized with colloidal Coomassie* blue. Left panel shows results for human plasma; right panel shows results for human serum. Lane 1 in both panels shows starting material, 1 µL. Lane 2 shows IgG removal from the Protein A column flow through. Lane 3 shows subsequent removal of albumin. Visualize Low Abundant Proteins with Effective Albumin Depletion Human Rabbit Mouse Rat Purification of different species’ IgG’s using Enchant Protein A IgG Purification kit. One mL of plasma (human, rat) or serum (rabbit, mouse) was processed according to insert instructions. The plasma or serum starting material (1 µL – Lanes 1, 3, 5, 7) and one eluate from each species with an A280 of approximately 1.0 (10 µL – Lanes 2, 4, 6, 8) were loaded onto 4-12% SDS-PAGE gels and resolved under non-reducing conditions in MOPS/SDS running buffer. Proteins were visualized with colloidal Coomassie blue staining. Efficient depletion occurred with each species processed. Versatile Purification and Depletion of IgG and HSA from Multiple Species: Protein G Kit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IgG Non-depleted IgG HC IgG LC Depleted Human Rabbit Mouse Rat Two dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DGE) analysis of human plasma following treatment using the Enchant Albumin Depletion kit. Briefly, 20 µL of human plasma was diluted with 30 µL of binding buffer and added to the Enchant albumin depletion column. Sample was incubated for 10 minutes at room temperature then spun at 12,000 x g for one minute. Filtrate was recovered, added back to resin, incubated for 2 minutes and spun again. The recovered filtrate and starting material were analyzed by 2DGE by focusing in the first dimension on a pH 4-7 IPG strip then resolving the second dimension on an 8-16% tris-glycine gel under reducing conditions. Proteins were visualized with colloidal Coomassie blue. Purification of different species’ IgG’s using Enchant Protein G IgG Purification kit. One mL of plasma (human, rat) or serum (rabbit, mouse) was processed according to insert instructions. The plasma or serum starting material (1 µL – Lanes 1, 3, 5, 7) and one eluate from each species with an A280 of approximately 1.0 (10 µL – Lanes 2, 4, 6, 8) were loaded onto 4-12% SDS-PAGE gels and resolved under non-reducing conditions in MOPS/SDS running buffer. Proteins were visualized with colloidal Coomassie blue staining. Efficient depletion occurred with each species processed. www.pall.com 21 Increase Productivity Using Tangential Flow Filtration Special features Easy Set Up and Use Simply connect the TFF device to a pump and pressure gauge(s), add sample, and process. High Concentration Factors Low hold-up volumes allow high concentration factors to be achieved from small starting volumes. Fast and Efficient Processing Higher concentrations can be achieved in less time than with centrifugal devices or stirred cells. Sample concentration and diafiltration can be achieved on the same system, saving time and avoiding product loss. Scale Up or Down Identical fluid path lengths and materials of Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF) is a rapid and efficient method for separating and purifying biomolecules. Pall’s TFF products combine low protein binding ultrafiltration or microfiltration membranes with optimized flow path design to quickly concentrate samples while achieving high concentration factors for sample volumes from 10 mL construction allow precise linear scale-up to larger systems. The membrane area of a smaller device can be increased simply by connecting multiple devices or adding cassettes. Assuring predictable performance saves time when scaling a process from pilot to production. to thousands of liters. Systems are designed for easy set 22 up and use. By incorporating the same path length and Economical materials of construction throughout our TFF product line, TFF devices and cassettes can be cleaned and reused, or conditions established during pilot-scale trials can easily be disposed of after a single use. A simple integrity test can be applied to process-scale applications. performed to confirm that membrane and seals are intact. Optimize performance by selecting the proper device Choosing the appropriate cassette or device size depends on the total sample volume, the required process time, and the desired final sample volume. Performance parameters for Pall’s laboratory TFF devices are presented below. General Product Selection Based on Starting Sample Volume Recommended Retentate Flow Rate/ Capsule or Cassette for Screen Channel TFF Capsule or Cassette* Membrane Area/ Capsule or Cassette Typical Filtrate Flow Rate** at 50 LMH 20 °C Minimate™ 50 cm2 (0.05 ft2) 4 mL/min LAB SCALE/SCALE-UP 30 - 80 mL/min 25 - 1000 mL < 10 mL LV Centramate™ 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) 8 mL/min 60 - 80 mL/min 40 - 2000 mL 10 mL LV Centramate 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) 15 mL/min 120 - 160 mL/min 60 - 4000 mL 15 mL Ultrasette™ 0.084 m2 (0.9 ft2) 0.2 - 5 L 100 mL Centramate 0.093 m2 (1.0 ft2) 0.2 - 25 L 100 mL PROCESS DEVELOPMENT AND SMALL-SCALE PRODUCTION 4 L/hr 1200 - 1500 mL/min 4.6 L/hr * Data is per unit or cassette. Centramate holder can hold five cassettes. Other column data can be calculated by multiplying table values by the number of cassettes installed in the holder. ** Typical filtrate flow rate is based on an average filtrate flow rate of 50 LMH and a process time of about four hours. Actual value may be higher or lower depending on the MWCO of membrane, 600 - 800 mL/min Starting Sample Volume Range Minimum Concentrated Volume*** sample composition and viscosity, operating conditions, i.e., transmembrane pressure, cross flow rate, temperature, etc. *** Minimum concentrated volume depends on system hold-up volume, reservoir design and pump type and speed. Smaller volumes can be achieved by minimizing tubing lengths and use of properly sized components, tubing, fittings, etc. www.pall.com 23 Minimate™ TFF system streamlines lab-scale concentration, desalting, and buffer exchange processes The Minimate TFF system efficiently concentrates samples from up to one liter to as little as 5 mL, enabling high concentration factors. Subsequent desalting or buffer exchange steps can be run on the same system with minimal user intervention. The system works with Pall’s Minimate TFF capsule, a disposable device designed to accelerate and simplify scale-up applications. 24 Gain Precise Control of Protein Concentration with the Minimate TFF System and a Liquid Chromatography System Applications Concentration and desalting proteins and peptides Protein fractionation 25 250 Sample preparation prior to or post chromatography 200 20 Reference material Conductivity (mS/cm) Absorbance (mAU) Conductivity 150 15 A280 100 10 50 0 10 15 20 Data Sheet, Minimate Tangential Flow Filtration System and Minimate TFF Capsule, PN 33366 Technical Report, Increased Productivity Using Minimate Capsules to Replace Stirred Cell Systems, PN 33342 5 A600 5 Brochure, Improve Biopurification Processes, PN 33377-BIO 25 30 35 40 0 -50 Time (min) The concentration of a 1 mg/mL BSA solution was accomplished by leaving the diafiltration feed line open to air. The run, using a Minimate 10K capsule, was processed at 25 mL/min recirculation rate. Salt, protein (A280) and turbidity (A600) were monitored using in-line sensors. Facilitate Sequential Buffer Exchange and Concentration with the Minimate Capsule and a Liquid Chromatography System Technical Report, Diafiltration: A Fast, Efficient Method for Desalting or Buffer Exchange of Biological Samples, PN 33289 Minimate TFF Capsule Frequently Asked Questions, see www.pall.com/proteomics 90 70 700 60 Conductivity 50 500 40 A280 300 30 Conductivity (mS/cm) 80 900 Absorbance (mAU) Technical Report, Desalting and Buffer Exchange by Dialysis, Gel Filtration or Diafiltration, PN 33290 Technical Report, Introduction to Tangential Flow Filtration for Laboratory and Process Development Applications, PN 33213 100 1100 Technical Report, The Partnership of the Minimate TFF Capsule with Liquid Chromatography Systems Facilitates Lab-scale Purifications and Process Development Through In-line Monitoring, PN 33339 20 100 A600 80 100 120 140 10 160 180 -100 200 220 240 260 0 Time (min) Sequential diafiltration followed by concentration was documented for a single run using a 1 mg/mL BSA solution in 1X PBS, 1M NaCl starting solution. The run using a Minimate 10K capsule was processed at 25 mL/min recirculation rate with the buffer exchange from high salt to low salt. The diafiltration buffer feed line was then opened to air, allowing the concentration of the sample. Salt, protein (A280) and turbidity (A600) were monitored using in-line sensors. www.pall.com 25 Simplify Prefiltration and Clarification Procedures Although a basic filtration concept, the clarification and prefiltration of samples remains an important function within proteomics. When filtration is used as a prefilter, matching the proper filter media and device to the application is critical. Here, larger pore size filter materials are used to filter solutions prior to more detailed analysis. When selecting the best product for your application, numerous factors need to be considered. Sample viscosity, sample volume and sample recovery are just some of the aspects that will drive the selection of the optimal device. Pall offers a number of media and device options for fast, effective filtration with minimal sample hold-up for both single sample and high throughput processing. From sample volumes of a few microliters to multiple liters, Pall can supply the best product solution for your application. Sample Viscosity Device VacuCap® PF Bottle-top Filters 4628 4638 Serum Acrodisc® Syringe Filters 4525 Acrodisc PF Syringe Filters AcroPrepTM 96 Filter Plates Sample Volume Acrodisc PSF Syringe Filters 4524 AP-4523 4658 4187 5053 5046 5041 Recommended Part Numbers 26 Rapid, Effective Clarification of Plasmid Purification Lysates Increases Recoveries Built-in Prefilter Enhances Throughput of Viscous, Particulate-laden or Proteinaceous Solutions The use of filtration for the clarification of plasmid purification The more particulate-laden and/or the higher the protein lysates enables a rapid and effective alternative to centrifugal concentration in a solution, the more difficult it is to filter. sedimentation. The AcroPrep 96 filter plate with an integral These types of liquids may clog filters prematurely. The prefilter configuration improves the time and effectiveness integration of a prefiltration media dramatically increases both of filtration by allowing the prefiltration of viscous samples. the throughput and flow rates of proteinaceous solutions. The use of an integral prefilter shortens filtration times, 10 50 8 40 0.2 µm PF equal to sedimentation. 12 Flow Rate (mL/sec) 10 6 4 2 00 8 PN 5042 PN 5046 COMP 6 4 B. diminuta (mL) 100% Calf Serum (mL) allows greater flow rates, and results in high recoveries 30 20 10 5 10 Time (sec) 15 20 00 5 10 15 Time (sec) 20 Acrodisc and Acrodisc PF syringe filters with 0.2 µm Supor® membrane were challenged with bovine serum or a bacterial culture (107 cfu/mL) at a constant pressure of 1.4 bar (140 kPa, 20 psi). The use of a prefilter (PF) device significantly increased throughput and flow rate. 2 Reference material 0 100 µL 200 µL Volume Filtered Filtration times were measured for 100 µL and 200 µL lysate samples. Average flow rates were calculated for the AcroPrep 96 filter plate with Bio-Inert® membrane (PN 5042), AcroPrep 96 filter plate with Glass Fiber prefilter over Bio-Inert membrane (PN 5046), and a Competitor hydrophilic plate containing a floating prefilter (COMP). Error bars indicate standard error (n=8). For the complete protocol see, “Lysate Clearance for Brochure, Improve Biopurification Processes, PN 33377-BIO Product Data, Sterile Acrodisc Syringe Filters, PN 33175 Product Data, VacuCap and VacuCap PF Vacuum Filtration Devices, PN 32914 Product Data, AcroPrep Membrane-bottom Filter Plates, PN 33296 Technical Report, Syringe Filter Efficiency and Effect of Filtration on HPLC Column Life, PN 33312 Prokaryotic DNA Isolation Using the AcroPrep 96 Filter Plate,” PN 33308. www.pall.com 27 Obtain High Sensitivity for Protein Detection For protein characterization, the use of membrane technology is ideal for obtaining detailed structural information. Pall offers an impressive range of membranes compatible with all common protein detection procedures. Our membranes feature superior binding capacities and extremely low background to facilitate the transfer and retention of rare and low-abundant proteins for detection Gain sensitive, detailed structural information FluoroTrans Membrane has Excellent Sensitivity, Signal, and Extremely Low Background in Western Transfers FluoroTrans membrane FluoroTrans W membrane Competitor PVDF membrane and further characterization. Pall’s strict quality manufacturing specifications ensure consistent, precise membrane performance from lot to lot and blot to blot. Our membranes set industry standards for reproducible results, durability, and high signal-to-noise ratios. Choose from a range of commonly used formats including rolls, discs, sheets, or custom cuts. PVDF Membranes FluoroTrans®, FluoroTrans W, and BioTrace™ PVDF membranes are hydrophobic in nature and strongly bind Rabbit reticulocyte lysate (GE Healthcare) was loaded in lanes of polyacrylamide gels at full strength, 1/3 and 1/10 dilutions. After electrophoresis, proteins were transferred to membranes. Membranes were stained with 0.1% Amido Black, 45% methanol, 2% acetic acid for 4 minutes and were then destained for 5 minutes with two changes of 90% methanol, 2% acetic acid. Stained membranes were rinsed in water and air dried. proteins of interest. FluoroTrans membrane is recommended for protein sequencing and is compatible with all reagents involved in the Edman reaction. FluoroTrans W and BioTrace PVDF membranes exhibit low background and high tensile strength, and are the best membranes available for detection of protein after Western transfer. All FluoroTrans membranes exhibit exceptionally low burn through. Nitrocellulose Membranes BioTrace NT pure nitrocellulose membrane can be used for Western transfers and ELISpot assays. The membrane offers high protein binding and is compatible with a wide range of protein stains and immunodetection techniques. Activated Membranes Pall offers two activated membranes for covalent protein binding: UltraBind™ modified polyethersulfone has a high ratio of covalent to non-covalent protein binding; Immunodyne® ABC membrane offers the sharp spot geometry of nylon with a proprietary covalent attachment chemistry. 28 Avoid membrane damage, make filter handling easy Pall’s forceps feature flat, smooth tips that gently handle membrane filters. Polypropylene finger grips provide a comfortable and secure hold. Choose traditional black or multi-colored finger grips for forceps that are easy to identify, track, and see on the lab bench. AcroWell™ 96 filter plates expand detection potential Applications Western transfers For protein detection in a multi-well format, AcroWell 96 filter N-terminal protein sequencing plates are excellent for parallel or automated applications. ELISA Choose plates with BioTrace NT (nitrocellulose) or PVDF Affinity separation membrane. See pages 14 – 17 for more information on ELISpot Assays filter plates. Reference material Direct fluorescent detection with Vivid™ microarray slides Product Data, Membranes for Transfer and Immobilization, PN 33082 Vivid Microarray Slides exhibit good signal to noise and Product Data, AcroWell 96 Membrane-bottom Filter Plates, PN 33306 dose response along with excellent sensitivities when used for double antibody type assays. Easy protocols, simple immobilization steps, and automation-friendly design make Vivid slides the ideal choice for consistent, detectable results. High Sensitivity Double Antibody Assay for HSR Using Vivid Microarray Slides pg/spot 1,250 625 312 156 78 39 20 10 1st antibody: Mouse anti-human HSA. 2nd antibody: Goat anti-mouse IgG conjugated to APC. Eight dilutions of HSA were printed onto a Vivid Gene Array slide using a Genomic Solutions G3 robot; 4x4 blocks; 4 blocks per dilution. Spots are visible at the lowest level printed (10 pg). Protocol, Double Antibody Nanoimmunoassay with Direct Fluorescent Detection, PN 33273 Protocol, Biomolecule Binding and Blocking Procedures for AcroWell 96 Filter Plates with BioTrace NT and BioTrace PVDF Membranes, PN 33189 Protocol, Transfer and Detection Procedures for Pall Life Sciences Membranes, PN 33167 Technical Report, Automated Plate ELISA and Dot-Blot Assays Using AcroWell 96 Filter Plates and a Robotic Workstation with Integrated Plate Reader, PN 33293 www.pall.com 29 Ordering Information Chromatography resins (lab scale volumes) Trisacryl® Blue M Affinity Chromatography Resin Part Number Description Packaging 25896-051 Blue Trisacryl M 5 mL 25896-045 Blue Trisacryl M 25 mL 25896-010 Blue Trisacryl M 100 mL 25896-028 Blue Trisacryl M 1000 mL Spherodex® LS Silica/Dextran DEAE and SP Composite Ion Exchange Resins Part Number Description Packaging 26455-023 DEAE Spherodex LS 100 g 20080-024 SP Spherodex LS 100 mL Ultrogel® HA Hydroxyapatite Chromatography Resin Part Number Description Packaging 24775-075 HA Ultrogel Hydroxyapatite 5 mL 24775-082 HA Ultrogel Hydroxyapatite 25 mL 24775-025 HA Ultrogel Hydroxyapatite 100 mL 24775-041 HA Ultrogel Hydroxyapatite 1000 mL Heparin M Affinity Chromatography Resin Part Number Description Packaging 20029-062 Heparin HyperD M 5 mL 20029-039 Heparin HyperD M 25 mL 20029-021 Heparin HyperD M 100 mL 20029-013 Heparin HyperD M 1000 mL IMAC HyperCel™ Chromatography Resin Part Number Description Packaging 20093-069 IMAC HyperCel 5 mL 20093-010 IMAC HyperCel 25 mL IMAC HyperCel 100 mL Lysine HyperD Chromatography Resin Part Number Description Packaging 20059-058 Lysine HyperD 5 mL 20059-036 Lysine HyperD 25 mL 20059-028 Lysine HyperD 100 mL 20059-010 Lysine HyperD 1000 mL MEP HyperCel Hydrophobic Charge Induction Chromatography (HCIC) Resin Part Number Description Packaging 12035-069 MEP HyperCel 5 mL 12035-010 MEP HyperCel 25 mL 12035-028 MEP HyperCel 100 mL 12035-036 MEP HyperCel 1000 mL Methyl Ceramic HyperD F Chromatography Resin 30 Trisacryl GF Size Exclusion Chromatography Resins Part Number Description Packaging Part Number Description Packaging 20078-036 Protein A Ceramic HyperD F 5 mL 25914-060 Trisacryl GF05 M 100 mL 20078-028 Protein A Ceramic HyperD F 25 mL 25914-037 Trisacryl GF05 M 1000 mL 20078-010 Protein A Ceramic HyperD F 100 mL 25916-040 Trisacryl GF05 LS 100 mL 20078-044 Protein A Ceramic HyperD F 1000 mL 25916-016 Trisacryl GF05 LS 1000 mL 26064-055 Trisacryl GF2000 M 100 mL 26064-022 Trisacryl GF2000 M 1000 mL 26065-045 Trisacryl GF 2000 LS 100 mL 26065-011 Trisacryl GF 2000 LS 1000 mL SDR HyperD Solvent-Detergent Removal Chromatography Resin Part Number Description Packaging 20033-065 SDR HyperD 5 mL 20033-031 SDR HyperD 25 mL 20033-023 SDR HyperD 100 mL Ultrogel AcA Size Exclusion Chromatography Resins 20033-015 SDR HyperD 1000 mL Part Number Description Packaging 23013-025 Ultrogel AcA 22 100 mL Q and CM HyperZ® Ion Exchange Resins 23013-014 Ultrogel AcA 22 1000 mL Part Number Description Packaging 23015-025 Ultrogel AcA 34 100 mL 21012-010 Q HyperZ 50 g 23015-019 Ultrogel AcA 34 1000 mL 21012-020 Q HyperZ 250 g 23022-024 Ultrogel AcA 44 100 mL 21012-030 Q HyperZ 1 kg 23022-015 Ultrogel AcA 44 1000 mL 21011-010 CM HyperZ 50 g 23019-023 Ultrogel AcA 54 100 mL 21011-020 CM HyperZ 250 g 23019-011 Ultrogel AcA 54 1000 mL 21011-030 CM HyperZ 1 kg 24892-022 Ultrogel AcA 202 100 mL 24892-010 Ultrogel AcA 202 1000 mL Q, S, DEAE, CM Ceramic HyperD, CM Trisacryl M Ion Exchange Resins HyperD® 20093-028 Protein A Ceramic HyperD F Affinity Chromatography Resin Part Number Description Packaging 20051-033 Methyl Ceramic HyperD F 25 mL 20051-025 Methyl Ceramic HyperD F 100 mL 20051-071 Methyl Ceramic HyperD F 1000 mL Part Number Description Packaging Ion exchange chromatography devices 20040-051 Q Ceramic HyperD 20 5 mL 20040-044 Q Ceramic HyperD 20 25 mL 20040-036 Q Ceramic HyperD 20 100 mL AcroPrep™ 96 Filter Plates, 350 µL Well 20040-028 Q Ceramic HyperD 20 500 mL Part Number Description Packaging 20040-010 Q Ceramic HyperD 20 1000 mL 5047 Mustang® Q membrane, natural 10/pkg 20038-055 S Ceramic HyperD 20 5 mL 5048 Mustang S membrane, natural 10/pkg 20038-048 S Ceramic HyperD 20 25 mL 20038-030 S Ceramic HyperD 20 100 mL AcroPrep 96 Filter Plates, 1 mL Well 20038-022 S Ceramic HyperD 20 500 mL Part Number Description Packaging 20038-014 S Ceramic HyperD 20 1000 mL 5062 Mustang Q membrane, natural 5/pkg 20066-098 Q Ceramic HyperD F 5 mL 5063 Mustang S membrane, natural 5/pkg 20066-031 Q Ceramic HyperD F 25 mL 20066-023 Q Ceramic HyperD F 100 mL Acrodisc® Units, Mustang Membranes 20066-015 Q Ceramic HyperD F 1000 mL Part Number Description Packaging 20062-089 S Ceramic HyperD F 5 mL MSTG25Q6 10/pkg 20062-030 S Ceramic HyperD F 25 mL 20062-022 S Ceramic HyperD F 100 mL Acrodisc unit with Mustang Q membrane, 0.8 µm, 25 mm, (blister non-sterile packs) 20062-014 S Ceramic HyperD F 1000 mL MSTG25S6 Acrodisc unit with Mustang S membrane, 0.8 µm, 25 mm, (blister non-sterile packs) 10/pkg 20067-070 DEAE Ceramic HyperD F 5 mL 20067-039 DEAE Ceramic HyperD F 25 mL 20067-021 DEAE Ceramic HyperD F 100 mL 20067-013 DEAE Ceramic HyperD F 1000 mL 20050-084 CM Ceramic HyperD F 5 mL 20050-035 CM Ceramic HyperD F 25 mL 20050-027 CM Ceramic HyperD F 100 mL 20050-019 CM Ceramic HyperD F 1000 mL 26708-016 CM Trisacryl M 300 mL Multi-well filter plates AcroPrep™ 96 Filter Plates, 350 µL Well Part Number Description Packaging 5033 3K Omega™ membrane, natural 10/pkg 5034 10K Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg 5035 30K Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg 5036 100K Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg 5045 0.2 µm GHP membrane, natural 10/pkg 5030 0.45 µm GHP membrane, natural 10/pkg 5043 0.45 µm GHP membrane, white 10/pkg 5044 0.45 µm GHP membrane, black 10/pkg 5037 0.2 µm PTFE membrane, natural † 10/pkg 5038 0.45 µm PTFE membrane, natural † 10/pkg 5042 0.2 µm Bio-Inert® membrane, natural 10/pkg 5046 3.0 µm glass fiber media/0.2 µm 10/pkg Bio-Inert membrane, natural 5031 1.0 µm glass fiber, natural †† 1.0 µm glass fiber, white †† 10/pkg 5029 0.45 µm Supor® membrane, natural 10/pkg 5039 1.2 µm Supor membrane, natural 10/pkg 5041 Prefilter material/1.2 µm Supor membrane, natural 10/pkg Mustang Q ion exchange membrane, natural 10/pkg Mustang S ion exchange membrane, natural 10/pkg 5048 5049 54 µm screen, natural 10/pkg AcroPrep 96 Filter Plates, 1 mL Well Part Number Description Packaging 5052 0.2 µm GHP membrane, natural 5/pkg 5054 0.45 µm GHP membrane, natural 5/pkg 5055 0.2 µm PTFE membrane, natural †† 5/pkg 5056 0.45 µm PTFE membrane, natural †† 5/pkg 5051 1.0 µm glass fiber media, natural † 5/pkg 3.0 µm glass fiber media/0.2 µm Bio-Inert membrane, natural 5/pkg Mustang Q ion exchange membrane, natural 5/pkg Mustang S ion exchange membrane, natural 5/pkg 5053 5062 5063 Part Number Description 5020 0.45 µm GHP membrane, natural, 10/pkg 350 µL well Packaging 0.45 µm GHP membrane, white, 350 µL well 10/pkg 5022 0.2 µm BioTrace™ NT membrane, white 10/pkg 5025 0.2 µm BioTrace NT membrane, black 10/pkg 5023 0.45 µm BioTrace PVDF membrane, natural 10/pkg 5026 0.45 µm BioTrace PVDF membrane, black 10/pkg 0.45 µm BioTrace PVDF membrane, white 10/pkg 5027 Description Packaging 5076 10K Omega™ membrane, long tips, natural 10/pkg Part Number Description Packaging ODM02C33 0.2 µm, aqua 24/pkg 10K Omega membrane, short tips, natural 10/pkg ODM02C34 0.2 µm, aqua 100/pkg 5078 30K Omega membrane, long tips, natural 10/pkg ODM02C35 0.2 µm, aqua 500/pkg ODM45C33 0.45 µm, wildberry 24/pkg 5079 30K Omega membrane, short tips, natural 10/pkg ODM45C34 0.45 µm, wildberry 100/pkg ODM45C35 0.45 µm, wildberry 500/pkg 5080 100K Omega membrane, long tips, natural 10/pkg 5081 100K Omega membrane, short tips, natural 10/pkg 5070 0.45 µm GHP membrane, long tips, natural 10/pkg 5071 0.45 µm GHP membrane, short tips, natural 5072 5077 Nanosep MF Centrifugal Devices, GHP Membrane Part Number Description Packaging ODGHPC34 0.45 µm, clear 100/pkg 10/pkg ODGHPC35 0.45 µm, clear 500/pkg 1.0 µm glass fiber media, long tips, natural 10/pkg Microsep™ Centrifugal Devices, Omega Membrane 5072W 1.0 µm glass fiber media, long tips, white 10/pkg 5073 1.0 µm glass fiber media, short tips, natural 10/pkg 5073W 1.0 µm glass fiber media, short tips, white 10/pkg 5084 1.2 µm Supor membrane, long tips, natural 10/pkg 1.2 µm Supor membrane, short tips, natural 10/pkg Part Number Description Packaging OD001C41 1K, yellow 24/pkg OD001C46 1K, yellow 100/pkg OD003C41 3K, gray 24/pkg OD003C46 3K, gray 100/pkg OD010C41 10K, blue 24/pkg OD010C46 10K, blue 100/pkg OD030C41 30K, red 24/pkg OD030C46 30K, red 100/pkg Vacuum Manifold OD050C41 50K, green 24/pkg Part Number Description OD050C46 50K, green 100/pkg 5017 Multi-well plate vacuum manifold 1/pkg OD100C41 100K, clear 24/pkg 5014 1 mL receiver plate spacer block 1/pkg OD100C46 100K, clear 100/pkg 5015 350 µL receiver plate spacer block 1/pkg OD300C41 300K, orange 24/pkg OD300C46 300K, orange 100/pkg 5016 Replacement accessory kit (includes O-ring, gasket, allen wrench) 1/pkg OD990C41 1000K, purple 24/pkg OD990C46 1000K, purple 100/pkg 5085 Packaging Microsep MF Centrifugal Devices, Bio-Inert Membrane Accessories Part Number Description Packaging 5225 Adapter collar for centrifugation 2/pkg 5230 96-well plate cap mats 5/pkg 5231 Multi-well plate lids 10/pkg Centrifugal devices Part Number Description Packaging ODM02C67 0.2 µm, aqua 24/pkg ODM02C68 0.2 µm, aqua 100/pkg ODM45C67 0.45 µm, wildberry 24/pkg ODM45C68 0.45 µm, wildberry 100/pkg Macrosep® Centrifugal Devices, Omega Membrane Nanosep® AcroWell™ 96 Filter Plates, 350 µL Well 5021 Part Number Nanosep MF Centrifugal Devices, Bio-Inert Membrane 10/pkg 5032 5047 AcroPrep 384 Filter Plates, 100 µL Well Centrifugal Devices, Omega Membrane Part Number Description Packaging 1K, yellow 6/pkg 24/pkg Part Number Description Packaging OD001C36 OD003C33 3K, gray 24/pkg OD001C37 1K, yellow OD003C34 3K, gray 100/pkg OD001C38 1K, yellow 100/pkg 3K, gray 6/pkg OD003C35 3K, gray 500/pkg OD003C36 OD010C33 10K, blue 24/pkg OD003C37 3K, gray 24/pkg OD010C34 10K, blue 100/pkg OD003C38 3K, gray 100/pkg OD010C35 10K, blue 500/pkg OD010C36 10K, blue 6/pkg 10K, blue 24/pkg OD030C33 30K, red 24/pkg OD010C37 OD030C34 30K, red 100/pkg OD010C38 10K, blue 100/pkg OD030C35 30K, red 500/pkg OD030C36 30K, red 6/pkg 24/pkg OD030C37 30K, red 24/pkg OD030C38 30K, red 100/pkg OD100C33 100K, clear OD100C34 100K, clear 100/pkg OD100C35 100K, clear 500/pkg OD300C33 300K, orange 24/pkg OD300C34 300K, orange 100/pkg OD300C35 300K, orange 500/pkg † PTFE plates have polyester support. †† Glass Fiber plates have polypropylene support. www.pall.com 31 Ordering Information Centrifugal devices Macrosep® Centrifugal Devices, Omega™ Membrane Part Number Description Packaging OD050C36 50K, green 6/pkg OD050C37 50K, green 24/pkg OD050C38 50K, green 100/pkg OD100C36 100K, clear 6/pkg OD100C37 100K, clear 24/pkg OD100C38 100K, clear 100/pkg OD300C36 300K, orange 6/pkg OD300C37 300K, orange 24/pkg OD300C38 300K, orange 100/pkg OD990C36 1000K, purple 6/pkg OD990C37 1000K, purple 24/pkg OD990C38 1000K, purple 100/pkg Jumbosep™ Centrifugal Device Starter Kits Stirred cell systems Enchant™ protein purification kits 10 mL Omega Membrane-cell Packs Part Number Description Packaging Enchant Life Science Kit Albumin Depletion OC001C30 1K, yellow 10/pkg Part Number Description Packaging OC003C30 3K, gray 10/pkg OC005C30 5K, tan 10/pkg 5300ALBDEP Enchant Albumin Depletion Kit (25 Nanosep® 0.45 µm GHP centrifugal devices, 25 Nanosep filtrate tubes, 25 albumin-depleting discs, 6.25 mL binding/ wash buffer) 25 samples Part Number Description Packaging FD000K65 Generic starter kit, (no membrane inserts) 4/pkg OC010C30 10K, blue 10/pkg FD003K65 3K starter kit, gray 4/pkg OC030C30 30K, red 10/pkg FD010K65 10K starter kit, blue 4/pkg OC050C30 50K, green 10/pkg FD030K65 30K starter kit, red 4/pkg OC100C30 100K, clear 10/pkg FD100K65 100K starter kit, clear 4/pkg OC300C30 300K, orange 10/pkg FD300K65 300K starter kit, orange 4/pkg Jumbosep Centrifugal Device Membrane Inserts Enchant Life Science Kits IgG Purification 150 mL Omega Membrane-cell Packs Part Number Description Part Number Description Packaging OC001C60 1K, yellow 5/pkg 5300IGGPROA Enchant Protein A IgG 50 Purification Kit (5 Protein A purifications affinity purification columns, 5 desalting columns, 1 liter Protein A binding buffer, 500 mL Protein A elution buffer) 5300IGGPROG Enchant Protein G IgG 10 Purification Kit (1 Protein G purifications affinity purification column, 5 desalting columns, 240 mL Protein G binding buffer, 120 mL Protein G elution buffer) Part Number Description Packaging OC003C60 3K, gray 5/pkg OD003C65 3K membrane insert, gray 12/pkg OC005C60 5K, tan 5/pkg OD010C65 10K membrane insert, blue 12/pkg OC010C60 10K, blue 5/pkg OD030C65 30K membrane insert, red 12/pkg OC030C60 30K, red 5/pkg OD100C65 100K membrane insert, clear 12/pkg OC050C60 50K, green 5/pkg OD300C65 300K membrane insert, orange 12/pkg OC100C60 100K, clear 5/pkg OC300C60 300K, orange 5/pkg Packaging Jumbosep Device Accessory Products Part Number Description Packaging Stirred Cell Generic Starter Kits FD001X65 Filtrate receiver and cap 12/pkg Part Number Description Packaging Part Number Description Packaging FD002X65 Sample reservoir and cap 12/pkg FC000K30 10 mL Generic Starter Kit 1 kit FD003X65 Insert release 24/pkg FC000K60 150 mL Generic Starter Kit 1 kit 5300AFFMPS Enchant Multi-Protein Affinity Separation Kit (24 Nanosep centrifugal devices, 5 mL anti-HSA resin, 5 mL anti-IgG resin, 20 mL wash buffer, 20 mL elution buffer) 24 purifications Enchant Multi-Protein Affinity Separation Kit Omega Membrane Discs (25, 43, 47, 50, 62, and 76 mm provided 12/pkg; 90 and 150 mm provided 6/pkg) 32 MWCO 25 mm 43 mm 47 mm 50 mm 62 mm 76 mm 90 mm 150 mm 1K OM001025 OM001043 OM001047 OM001050 OM001062 OM001076 OM001090 OM001150 3K OM003025 OM003043 OM003047 OM003050 OM003062 OM003076 OM003090 OM003150 5K OM005025 OM005043 OM005047 OM005050 OM005062 OM005076 OM005090 OM005150 10K OM010025 OM010043 OM010047 OM010050 OM010062 OM010076 OM010090 OM010150 30K OM030025 OM030043 OM030047 OM030050 OM030062 OM030076 OM030090 OM030150 50K OM050025 OM050043 OM050047 OM050050 OM050062 OM050076 OM050090 OM050150 100K OM100025 OM100043 OM100047 OM100050 OM100062 OM100076 OM100090 OM100150 300K OM300025 OM300043 OM300047 OM300050 OM300062 OM300076 OM300090 OM300150 LV Centramate Cassettes, Alpha™ Membrane Tangential flow filtration products Minimate™ TFF Capsules, Omega™ Membrane Medium Screen Suspended Screen MWCO EFA 10K 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) AS010C12P1 AS010C11P1 10K 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) AS010C12P2 AS010C11P2 Description Packaging OAD65C12 650D 1/pkg OA001C12 1K 1/pkg Pore Size EFA Medium Screen OA003C12 3K 1/pkg 0.1 µm 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) PSM10C12P1 PSM10C11P1 OA005C12 5K 1/pkg 0.1 µm 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) PSM10C12P2 PSM10C11P2 OA010C12 10K 1/pkg 0.2 µm 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) PSM20C12P1 PSM20C11P1 OA030C12 30K 1/pkg 0.2 µm 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) PSM20C12P2 PSM20C11P2 OA050C12 50K 1/pkg 0.45 µm 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) PSM45C12P1 PSM45C11P1 OA070C12 70K 1/pkg 0.45 µm 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) PSM45C12P2 PSM45C11P2 OA100C12 100K 1/pkg 0.65 µm 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) PSM65C12P1 PSM65C11P1 OA300C12 300K 1/pkg 0.65 µm 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) PSM65C12P2 PSM65C11P2 OA500C12 500K 1/pkg 0.8 µm 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) PSM80C12P1 PSM80C11P1 OA990C12 1000K 1/pkg 0.8 µm 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) PSM80C12P2 PSM80C11P2 Part Number Description 88216 1/pkg Minimate Fitting Kit* Consists of male luer to 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) hose barb, female luer to 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) hose barb, 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) i.d. tubing, tubing screw clamp, tubing clamps, adhesive strips (loop and hook) Part Number Description Packaging OAPMP110 115V AC 50/60 Hz 1/pkg OAPMP220 230V AC 50/60 Hz 1/pkg OAPMP220UK 230V AC 50/60 Hz with UK plug 1/pkg Minimate TFF Reservoir Assembly Pore Size Medium Screen EFA 1/pkg 1K 0.01 OS001C12P1 OS001C11P1 Part Number Description 1K 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) OS001C12P2 OS001C11P2 FS007K10 1/pkg 3K 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) OS003C12P1 OS003C11P1 3K 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) OS003C12P2 OS003C11P2 5K 0.01 m2(0.1 ft2) OS005C12P1 OS005C11P1 5K 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) OS005C12P2 OS005C11P2 10K 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) OS010C12P1 OS010C11P1 10K 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) OS010C12P2 OS010C11P2 30K 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) OS030C12P1 OS030C11P1 30K 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) OS030C12P2 OS030C11P2 2-gauge fitting package consists of (2) 1/4 in. NPT nipples, (2) 1/4 in. NPT tees, (2) 1/4 in. NPT to 1/4 in. barbed fittings, (1) 1/4 in. NPT to 1/4 in. barbed elbow fitting, (2) PSIG glycerin-filled gauges, (1) 1/4 in. ID tubing, (2) 1/4 in. NPT to 1/2 in. barbed fittings, (5) stainless steel hose clamps, and (1) 1/4 in. NPT to 1/4 in. barbed tee fitting 50K 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) OS050C12P1 OS050C11P1 FS008K10 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) OS050C12P2 OS050C11P2 70K 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) OS070C12P1 OS070C11P1 70K 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) OS070C12P2 OS070C11P2 OS100C11P1 3-gauge fitting package consists of (4) 1/4 in. NPT nipples, (4) 1/4 in. NPT tees, (3) 1/4 in. NPT to 1/4 in. barbed fittings, (2) 1/4 in. NPT to 1/4 in. barbed elbow fittings, (3) PSIG glycerin-filled gauges, (1) 1/4 in. ID tubing, (2) 1/4 in. NPT to 1/2 in. barbed fittings, and (5) stainless steel hose clamps 1/pkg 50K (0.1 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) OS100C12P1 OARES110 Reservoir Assembly 115V AC 50/60 Hz 1/pkg 100K 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) OS100C12P2 OS100C11P2 300K 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) OS300C12P1 OS300C11P1 Reservoir Assembly 230V AC 50/60 HZ 1/pkg 300K 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) OS300C12P2 OS300C11P2 500K 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) OS500C12P1 OS500C11P1 Reservoir Assembly 230V AC 50/60 HZ with UK plug 1/pkg 500K 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) OS500C12P2 OS500C11P2 1000K 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) OS990C12P1 OS990C11P1 1000K 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) OS990C12P2 OS990C11P2 LV Centramate™ TFF Holder and Accessories 0.16 µm 0.01 m2 (0.1 ft2) OS994C12P1 OS994C11P1 Part Number Description 0.16 µm 0.02 m2 (0.2 ft2) OS994C12P2 OS994C11P2 FS003K10 LV Centramate cassette holder 1/pkg FS007X01 Bronze nuts and washers 4/pkg Centramate Cassette Holders FS710M01 Pressure gauge assembly [2 needed (filtrate and retentate); 3 needed if monitoring required] 1/pkg Part Number Description Packaging FS001K10 Includes stainless steel Centramate cassette holder, assorted fittings, torque wrench, and socket 1/pkg FS002K10 Includes polyethylene holder 1/pkg with Centramate cassette, stainless steel top and bottom brace plates, assorted fittings, torque wrench, and socket Male:male connector to attach 8/pkg pressure gauges to holder 3-gauge fitting package consists of (10) 1/2 in. EPDM gaskets, (3) 1-1/2 in. EPDM gaskets, (3) 1/2 in. x 1-1/2 in. TC tees, (3) 1/2 in. TC to 1/4 in. ID tube barbed fittings, (13) 1/2 in. TC clamps, (2) 1/2 in. diaphragm valves, (1) filtrate manifold, (3) 0-60 PSIG glycerin-filled gauges, (3) 3/4 in. TC to 1/2 in. ID tube barbed fittings, and (3) 1-1/2 in. TC sanitary clamps Centramate PE Fitting Packages 100K FS700X10 FS006K10 ft2) m2 Packaging Packaging 1/pkg Suspended Screen Description OARES220UK 2-gauge fitting package consists of (8) 1/2 in. EPDM gaskets, (2) 1-1/2 in. EPDM gaskets, (2) 1/2 in. x 1-1/2 in. TC tees, (3) 1/2 in. TC to 1/4 in. ID tube barbed fittings, (8) 1/2 in. TC clamps, (1) 1/2 in. diaphragm valve, (1) filtrate manifold, (2) 0-60 PSIG glycerin-filled gauges, (3) 3/4 in. TC to 1/2 in. ID tube barbed fittings, and (2) 1-1/2 in. TC sanitary clamps Suspended Screen Part Number OARES220 Packaging FS005K10 LV Centramate Cassettes, Omega Membrane Packaging Minimate TFF Systems Part Number Description LV Centramate Cassettes, Supor® Membrane Part Number Minimate TFF Capsule Accessory Product Centramate Sanitary Gauge Fitting Packages Packaging *One Minimate TFF accessory kit is included in each Minimate TFF capsule package. www.pall.com 33 Ordering Information Ultrasette™ Device Packages, Omega Membrane Tangential flow filtration products Centramate™ Cassette Hardware Systems Screen Channel Suspended Screen Ultralab™ Systems with 115 V Pump MWCO Part Number Description Packaging 1K, yellow OS001C70 OS001C72 FS006X75 2 L Ultralab system consists of an Ultrareservoir container, Masterflex* L/S* variable speed peristalic pump, and Ultrasette accessory kit; connects to Ultrasette device sold separately 1/pkg FS007X70 5 L Ultralab system consists of an Ultrareservoir container, Masterflex L/S variable speed peristalic pump and Ultrasette accessory kit; connects to Ultrasette device sold separately 1/pkg Part Number Description Packaging 3K, gray OS003C70 OS003C72 FS010K10 Centramate system, 2-gauge includes PN FS001K10 and FS005K10 1/pkg 5K, tan OS005C70 OS005C72 10K, blue OS010C70 OS010C72 FS011K10 Centramate system, 3-gauge includes PN FS001K10 and FS006K10 1/pkg 30K, red OS030C70 OS030C72 50K, green OS050C70 N/A 70K, brown OS070C70 N/A 100K, clear OS100C70 OS100C72 300K, orange OS300C70 OS300C72 Centramate PE Cassette Hardware Systems Part Number Description Packaging FS012K10 Centramate PE system, 2-gauge includes PN FS002K10 and FS007K10 1/pkg FS013K10 Centramate PE system, 3-gauge includes PN FS002K10 and FS008K10 1/pkg Device packages include (1) device in the MWCO of your choice, (2) storage caps for feed/retentate, filtrate outlet cap, (2) tubing clamps, and 0.6 m (24 in.) of 4.8 mm (3/16 in.) tubing. Centramate Cassettes, Omega™ Membrane MWCO Fine Screen Medium Screen Suspended Screen 1K OS001C10 OS001C12 OS001C11 3K OS003C10 OS003C12 OS003C11 5K OS005C10 OS005C12 OS005C11 10K OS010C10 OS010C12 OS010C11 30K OS030C10 OS030C12 OS030C11 50K OS050C10 OS050C12 OS050C11 70K OS070C10 OS070C12 OS070C11 100K OS100C10 OS100C12 OS100C11 300K N/A OS300C12 OS300C11 500K N/A OS500C12 OS500C11 1000K N/A OS990C12 OS990C11 0.16 µm N/A OS994C12 OS994C11 Ultrasette Device Accessory Products Part Number Description Packaging FS002X70 Accessory kit consists of 1.8 m (6 ft.) of PharMed* #24 feed/retentate tubing, 0.6 m (24 in.) of 4.8 mm (3/16 in.) Tygon filtrate tubing, (8) stainless steel tubing clamps, (1) screw clamp, and (1) barbed fitting 1/pkg Gauge fitting package consists of (1) 0 - 4.1 bar (0 - 60 psi) 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) NPT pressure gauge, (2) 6.4 mm (1/4 in.) O.D. polypropylene barbed tube to 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) NPT connectors, (1) 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) threaded polypropylene tee, (1) screw clamp, (2) stainless steel tubing clamps 1/pkg FS005X70 Centramate Cassettes, Supor® Membrane Pore Size Medium Screen Suspended Screen 0.03 µm PSM03C12 PSM03C11 0.1 µm PSM10C12 PSM10C11 0.2 µm PSM20C12 PSM20C11 0.45 µm PSM45C12 PSM45C11 0.65 µm PSM65C12 PSM65C11 0.8 µm PSM80C12 PSM80C11 Centramate Cassettes, Alpha™ Membrane 34 MWCO Fine Screen Medium Screen Suspended Screen 10K AS010C10 AS010C12 AS010C11 FS001X70 Mounting bracket, 1/pkg holds Ultrasette device securely during operation; suction cups on the bottom of the bracket allow for placement on smooth surfaces Ultralab Systems with 230 V Pump Part Number Description Packaging FS016X75 2 L Ultralab system consists of an Ultrareservoir container, Masterflex L/S variable speed peristalic pump, and Ultrasette accessory kit; connects to Ultrasette device sold separately 1/pkg FS017X70 5 L Ultralab system consists of an Ultrareservoir container Masterflex L/S variable speed peristalic pump, and Ultrasette accessory kit; connects to Ultrasette device sold separately 1/pkg Ultrareservoir™ Containers Part Number Description FS005X75 2 L container includes 1/pkg 0 - 4.2 bar pressure gauge, 4.0 mm fittings, 6.4 mm fittings, and 3-way valve; suitable for use with Ultrasette device Packaging FS006X70 5 L container includes 1/pkg 0 - 4.2 bar pressure gauge, 4.0 mm fittings, 6.4 mm fittings, and 3-way valve; suitable for use with Ultrasette device; fittings supplied are 6.4 mm FS007X75 500 mL container includes 1/pkg 0 - 4.2 bar pressure gauge, 4.0 mm fittings, 6.4 mm fittings, and 3-way valve; suitable for use with LV Centramate system Biodyne B Membrane, 0.45 µm Prefiltration and clarification Acrodisc® PF Syringe Filters, Supor Membrane Part Number Description Packaging 4187 0.8/0.2 µm, 25 mm, sterile 50/pkg 4658 0.8/0.2 µm, 32 mm, sterile 50/pkg Acrodisc PSF GxF Syringe Filter, Glass Fiber Part Number Description Packaging AP-4523 GXF/Glass, 25 mm, non-sterile 50/pkg, 200/cs Serum Acrodisc Syringe Filter, Supor Membrane Part Number Description Packaging 60202 82 mm discs 50/pkg 60203 85 mm discs 50/pkg 60204 132 mm discs 50/pkg 60205 137 mm discs 50/pkg 60201 7 x 8.5 cm sheets 10/pkg 60200 20 x 20 cm sheets 10/pkg 60209 20 cm x 1 m roll 1/pkg 60208 20 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg 60207 30 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg Biodyne C Membrane, 0.45 µm Part Number Description Packaging 60316 82 mm discs 50/pkg 60317 85 mm discs 50/pkg Part Number Description Packaging 60318 132 mm discs 50/pkg 4525 GF/0.2 µm, 37 mm, sterile 20/pkg 60319 137 mm discs 50/pkg 60315 7 x 8.5 cm sheets 10/pkg Acrodisc Syringe Filter, Glass Fiber 60314 20 x 20 cm sheets 10/pkg Part Number Description Packaging Part Number Description Packaging 60251 29 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg 66594 7 x 8.5 cm sheets 10/pkg 4524 1 µm (nominal), 37 mm, non-sterile 15/pkg, 60/cs Biodyne Plus Membrane, 0.45 µm VacuCap® 60 PF Device, Supor Membrane Part Number Description Packaging 60402 82 mm discs 50/pkg 60403 85 mm discs 50/pkg BioTrace PVDF Transfer Membrane 66542 20 x 20 cm sheets 10/pkg 66547 20 cm x 1 m roll 1/pkg 66543 30 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg UltraBind™ Affinity Membrane Part Number Description Packaging 60404 132 mm discs 50/pkg Part Number Description Packaging 4638 0.8/0.2 µm, 60 mm, sterile 10/pkg 60405 137 mm discs 50/pkg 66544 20 x 20 cm sheets 10/pkg 60401 7 x 8.5 cm sheets 10/pkg 66545 30 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg 60400 20 x 20 cm sheets 10/pkg 60406 30 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg VacuCap 90 PF Device, Supor Membrane Part Number Description Packaging 4628 0.8/0.2 µm, 90 mm, sterile 10/pkg Protein detection products BioTrace™ NT Nitrocellulose Transfer Membrane Part Number Description Packaging NBCH3RI 0.45 µm, 30 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg NNCH3RI 1.2 µm, 30 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg Part Number Description Packaging 66487 82 mm discs 50/pkg 66595 85 mm discs 50/pkg Part Number Description Packaging 5110 Vivid Gene Array slides with modified Nylon 10/pkg 5111 Vivid Gene Array slides with modified Nylon 20/pkg 66518 132 mm discs 50/pkg 66488 137 mm discs 50/pkg Packaging 66593 7 x 8.5 cm sheets 10/pkg Biodyne® A Membrane Immunodyne® ABC Membrane Vivid™ Gene Array Slides Part Number Description 60113 0.2 µm, 30 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg 66489 20 x 20 cm sheets 10/pkg 60102 0.45 µm, 82 mm discs 50/pkg 66485 30 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg 60103 0.45 µm, 85 mm discs 50/pkg 60104 0.45 µm, 132 mm discs 50/pkg Part Number Description Packaging 60105 0.45 µm, 137 mm discs 50/pkg Part Number Description Packaging 5022 BioTrace NT membrane, white 10/pkg 60101 0.45 µm, 7 x 8.5 cm sheets 10/pkg PVM020C-160 7 x 8.4 cm sheets 10/pkg 5025 BioTrace NT membrane, black 10/pkg 10/pkg PVM020C-195 8.5 x 9 cm sheets 20/pkg FluoroTrans® Membrane AcroWell™ 96 Filter Plates, BioTrace NT Membrane, 350 µL 60100 0.45 µm, 20 x 20 cm sheets 60120 0.45 µm, 20 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg PVM020C1015 10 x 15 cm sheets 10/pkg 60106 0.45 µm, 30 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg PVM020C-196 13 x 14 cm sheets 10/pkg AcroWell 96 Filter Plates, BioTrace PVDF Membrane, 350 µL 60108 1.2 µm, 30 cm x 3 m roll 1/pkg PVM020C2020 20 x 20 cm sheets 10/pkg Part Number Description PVM020C-099 26 cm x 3.3 m roll 1/pkg 5023 BioTrace PVDF membrane, natural 10/pkg 5026 BioTrace PVDF membrane, black 10/pkg 5027 BioTrace PVDF membrane, white 10/pkg FluoroTrans W Membrane Part Number Description Packaging BSP0158 7 x 9 cm sheets 10/pkg BSP0157 10 x 15 cm sheets 10/pkg BSP0159 20 x 20 cm sheets 10/pkg BSP0161 26 cm x 3.3 m roll 1/pkg Packaging www.pall.com 35 On-demand Support & In-demand Rewards Proteomics Scientific and Educational Resource Center www.pall.com/proteomics Pall’s online resource center offers a complete library of technical resources, including technical protocols and product information, for all aspects of proteomic research. 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Pall, BioTrace, Centramate, Enchant, Fluorodyne, FluoroTrans, HyperCel, HyperD, HyperZ, Immunodyne, Jumbosep, Leukosorb, LoProdyne, Macrosep, Microsep, Minimate, Mustang, Nanosep, Omega, Pallflex, Repel, Spherodex, Supor, Trisacryl, Tuffryn, UltraBind, Ultralab, Ultrareservoir, Ultrasette, Ultrogel, VacuCap, Versapor, and Vivid are trademarks of Pall Corporation. ® indicates a registered trademark in the USA. is a service mark of Pall Corporation. *DELFIA is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. Triton is a registered trademark of Rohm & Haas Company. Coomassie is a registered trademark of Imperial Chemicals Industries, Ltd. PharMed is a registered trademark of Norton Company. L/S and Masterflex are registered trademarks of Cole Parmer Instrument Company. Cibacron is a registered trademark of CIBA-Geigy Ltd. 7/06, PDF, GN05.1256 V2 PN 33411
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