SUPPORT OF PUBLIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH USING ION BEAM TECHNOLOGY Integrated Activity EU Project No. 227012 WP7 - Milestone M7.4 : Sample cryo-preparation protocol available Institute : CNRS (CENBG) Sample preparation for nuclear microscopy : cryotechniques 1. Introduction Sample preparation is fundamental to the field of biomedicine and can fully explain the difficulty encountered by microanalysts in this domain. It is usually expected that the results of microanalysis reflect a state quite close to that of the living. The achievement of a perfectly preserved ultrastructure is of course impossible. However during the three last decades, due to the improvement of preparation techniques, particularly cryotechniques, the preservation of morphology and ion distributions reached a level that allows the investigation of most cellular mechanisms. The processing of biological samples must take into consideration the possible degradation of tissues when cells are removed from their natural environment. Two crucial steps are involved: the sampling which results in the disruption of the blood supply and in the sudden change of the ionic osmolarity of surrounding fluids. This step, if carried out under inadequate experimental conditions or prolonged in time, may result in serious modifications in the distribution of inorganic diffusible ions such as Na+, Cl-, K+ and Ca++. Hopefully, unlike these electrolytes, other trace elements, such as essential metals, are usually firmly bound to macromolecules (nucleic acids, proteins, enzymes) and structures (membranes). An efficient fixation of the tissue must thus be operated upon immediately. The second crucial step is the introduction of the specimen in the analysis chamber under vacuum. In order to avoid a destructive boiling, tissues must be dehydrated first. The simplest and most efficient technique to obtain a sample suitable for microanalysis is based on cryofixation/freeze-drying. By doing so, tissues are kept in a virginal state, thereby eliminating the risks of element displacement and contamination generally associated with the diffusion of endogenous substances in the tissue. 2. Cryofixation 2.1 Advantages of cryotechniques The fixation step is crucial because (i) the ability of the specimen to undergo subsequent processes without too much degradation will depend on its quality; (ii) according to the type of fixation used, it will determine the whole preparation pathway. Conventional processing is generally based on fixation with aldehydes, staining with heavy metal salt, dehydration by alcohol and embedding in plastic. Page | 1 CNRS-CENBG During this invasive process, besides the problem of an eventual contamination, it seems evident that diffusible substances may be re-distributed or washed out. Freezing is the sole alternative to chemical fixation and must be the method per preference. Freezing, when rapidly carried out, may not only preserve the original composition of a specimen but may also arrest physiological processes with high time resolution. The last point is particularly interesting when dynamic mechanisms such as electrolyte diffusion through cell membranes are investigated. After cryofixation, it is possible to envisage different preparation schemes: (i) cryomicrotomy of frozen samples with either subsequent freeze-drying or direct transfer of slices in a cold stage into the analysis chamber for direct analysis in the frozen hydrated state. The analysis of hydrated specimens has been routinely used in electron microscopy. However this procedure is still rather scarce for the nuclear microanalysis. (ii) dehydration of the specimen by freeze-drying or freeze-substitution followed by resin embedding and conventional microtomy. SPECIMEN SAMPLING CRYOFIXATION FREEZE-DRYING FREEZE-SUBSTITUTION CRYO-MICROTOMY RESIN EMBEDDING MICROTOMY FREEZE-DRYING CRYOTRANSFER NUCLEAR MICROPROBE ANALYSIS Fig. 1. Sample preparation schemes for nuclear microanalysis based on cryotechniques Before describing cryotechniques in detail, it must be emphasised that the final result will depend on the tissue sampling procedure. Severe artefacts may be produced during sampling. Disconnecting a specimen from its blood supply or the disruption of its innervation could severely disturb its physiological state and consequently the ion distribution and compartmentalisation. In particular, intracellular increase of sodium and chlorine accompanied by a loss of potassium have often been reported, for instance, during liver specimen sampling. Page | 2 CNRS-CENBG The cryofixation must occur immediately after sampling. All attempts to reduce the time interval between sampling and fixation will result in an improvement of the preservation. To solve this problem, an ingenious system was developed with the aim of carrying out sampling and cryofixation simultaneously. This device allows in situ freezing by using the so called “cryopunching” technique. This simple apparatus, derived from an impact freezing device, was described in great details by Zierold (1993). 2.2 Mechanism of freezing As mentioned by Robards and Sleytr (1985) in their extensive review of all aspects concerning the cryofixation of biological media, freezing is not a simple phase transition that transforms a liquid into a solid state. Rather, it is a complex succession of events sensitive to such physical parameters as cooling rate or pressure. When pure water is cooled at a reasonable cooling rate, at a temperature below the melting point (i.e. the equilibrium temperature at which the two phases, water and ice, can coexist) (273 K), it does not freeze immediately but remains in a metastable super-cooled state. The duration of the so-called super-cooling phenomenon is limited and the fluid can retrieve a more stable two-phase (water and ice) equilibrium state by spontaneous crystallisation. When this happens, the latent heat of fusion is released and warms the water until it reaches its melting point again. As cooling continues, the ice nucleation process leads to the growth of ice crystals that act as the seeds for progressive crystallisation of the whole water volume. 270 0 -20 250 S 230 S Temperature 210 (K) -40 -60 R 190 -80 170 -100 150 -120 130 R Temperature (°C) -140 110 -160 90 -180 Fig 2. Freezing behaviour for pure water (left) and cells (right). Pure water melts at 273 K () but may be supercooled to about 235 K (S). The critical crystallisation range is displayed by the solid line. Recrystallisation of ice may take place down to the recrystallisation point (R) (130 K for water). In living cells, the recrystallisation point is raised and the critical interval is thus reduced. (Adapted and redrawn from Robards and Sleytr, 1985). Page | 3 CNRS-CENBG In such freezing, the rate of growth of ice crystals depends on the temperature, with a maximum of about 260 K. Below this maximum, the rate falls with a quasi-linear behaviour as the temperature decreases. The vitrification temperature (or recrystallisation point), i.e. the temperature above which water would transform from an amorphous solid state into a crystalline state, has been estimated at 127±4 K . This means that for pure water, crystallisation may occur if its temperature is in the range 127-273 K. But if this range is traversed quickly enough during the cooling procedure, so that the heat of fusion is removed faster than it is produced, crystallisation can be totally avoided. In order to achieve this, the cooling rate must be very high, a goal considerably complicated by the fact that the heat capacity of super-cooled water is greatly enhanced (105 J.mole-1.K-1) compared to ice’s (32 J.mole-1.K-1) at the same temperature (238 K). The behaviour of pure liquid is not necessarily reflected in living cells and tissues because of the presence of solutes or lipid phases. The critical cooling velocity, above which vitrification occurs, varies from sample to sample and thus cannot be precisely predetermined. In such media, the recrystallisation point is raised as a consequence of a reduction in the volume of water available for freezing. In biological compartments containing more than 80% water, the recrystallisation temperature is raised by about 50 K, hence reducing the critical temperature interval through which rapid cooling is necessary. In addition, 15% of cellular water is bound to macromolecules and does not freeze. 2.3 Ice crystallisation artefacts Ice crystallisation is a damaging process which alters the state of specimens from their in vivo condition. It may cause the mechanical rupture of cell membranes leading to an irreversible loss of the compartmentalisation. The extracellular crystallisation may also cause dehydration and shrinkage, thereby disturbing the osmotic balance across cell membranes. Proteins may be denature. The phenomenon of ice crystallisation usually leads to phase separation in the crystal growth, giving rise to an increase in the concentration of solutes in the remaining liquid water. This process can be a source of analytical artefacts and can only be avoided by the vitrification of the specimen (formation of an amorphous state without crystal formation). A redistribution of mobile substances, such as elctrolytes, may then occur during crystallisation. The solutes are swept into the intercrystalline space by the growing ice-crystal dendrites. The ion displacement is therefore given by the size of the segregation compartment because ions probably do not move further than one diameter of a segregation hole (Zierold, 1993). Ice crystal segregation often appears in water-rich compartments (e.g. extracellular space and nucleus). A strong correlation between ice-crystal size and cooling rate is commonly accepted. In aqueous suspensions, at cooling rates of approximately 100 K.s-1, ice crystals of 4 to 5 µm were observed while at rates of several thousand K.s-1 crystals of 1 to 2 µm appeared. These values were achieved in simple aqueous systems but they could represent a relevant order of magnitude for a real specimen subjected to inadequate (i.e. low cooling rate) freezing. 2.4 Cryofixation with liquid cryogens The physical problem of cryofixation is the extraction of heat from a sample as rapidly as possible. But due to the poor thermal conductivity of ice, the cooling rate required to avoid the generation of ice crystal artefacts can only be achieved within border regions of the specimen. It is generally believed that at normal pressure, the thickness of the well-preserved zone, fit for use in high resolution electron microscopy, does not exceed 50 µm. Hopefully, for the spatial resolution of nuclear microanalysis, the requirements would not be so drastic. Rapid freezing by immersion in a cold liquid is, without doubt, the simplest method. One can intuitively tell that the intimate contact with the specimen surface, whatever its topography, is easy to Page | 4 CNRS-CENBG establish. The main difficulty, however, appears when the high temperature specimen surface comes into contact with the liquid cryogen. A stable vapour film forms at the interface, insulating the object and thus reducing the rate of heat withdrawal. This is known as the “Leidenfrost” phenomenon. The choice of the liquid cryogen is of primary importance in improving the rapidity of cooling. It must be selected on the basis that it has a low melting point and high boiling point so that the phenomenon of film boiling is minimised. The coolant must be liquid at a suitably low temperature (low melting point at normal pressure). It must have good heat conduction, high specific heat and density. Liquefied gases with low boiling points (LHe, LN2), can easily cause the Leidenfrost phenomenon. They are therefore only suitable for use as primary cryogens, i.e. to cool secondary cryogens which come into contact with the specimen. From this point of view, LN2, when undercooled to 63 K and partly solidified by vacuum (N2 slush), would provide the best results. Various compounds which fall into the class of suitable cryogens are listed in Table 1. For instance, dichlorodifluoromethane is a typical cryogen with a melting point of 118 K and a boiling point of about 243 K. It is classified under the generic name “halocarbon” usually used for halogenated methane compounds (CCl2F2– halocarbon 12-freon 12). Propane and ethane have been reported to provide optimum results for routine preparation. They have a sufficient cooling power as well as the reputation of being easy and cheap to acquire. They present no danger if small quantities are used and the appropriate safety regulations are carefully observed. Isopentane, widely used in the past, gives inferior results but has the advantage of being a liquid at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. Liquid Melting point °C(K) Boiling point °C(K) Specific heat (J.g-1.K-1) Thermal conductivity (mJ.m-1.s-1.K-1) Isobutane CH3CH(CH3)2 - 159.2 (114) -11.2 (261) 1.68 180 Isopentane (CH3)2C3H6 -159.9 (113) 27.8 (301) 1.72 182 Propane C3H8 -189.6 (84) -42.1 (231) 1.92 219 Ethane CCH3CH3 -183.5 (90) -88.8 (184) 2.27 240 Halocarbon 12 CCl2F2 -158.0 (115) -29.8 (243) 0.85 138 Halocarbon 22 CHCl2F2 -160.0 (113) -40.8 (232) 1.08 152 Liquid nitrogen N2 -210.0 (63) -195.8 (77) 2.0 153 Table 1. Thermodynamics of liquid cryogens: some characteristic parameters Several practical aspects must also be taken into account. Plunging must only be applied to tiny specimens (up to approx. 1 mm in diameter). The heat capacity of the specimen carrier must be very low in order to avoid the boiling of the cryogen and the recrystallisation phenomenon which may sometimes take place due to the inflow of heat from the frame to the sample. Another critical Page | 5 CNRS-CENBG parameter is the speed with which the object enters into and moves within the liquid. The path must be chosen in such a way that by the time the specimen comes to a stop, it is completely frozen at a temperature that excludes the recrystallisation process. In order to reach this cooling rate, high velocity can be achieved by using mechanical injector systems. Optimal injection velocity of approximately one m.s-1 has been proposed. Finally, layers of liquids which could remain on the specimen surface from the last rinsing procedure, may drastically reduce the depth of the preserved zone: the cryogen has to absorb the heat through this layer. 2.5 Alternative Techniques Various techniques of cryofixation have been successfully applied to the problem at hand. Cryogen jet, hammer freezing, metal mirror, slamming, spray freezing, and impact cryofixation are the various cryomethods which the analyst has to choose from. Numerous apparatus, though not always commercially available, have been designed; a fact which does not help the situation. Here we will highlight some of their principles and main features. For a detailed description, the reader is referred to the excellent review by Robards and Sleytr (1985) and Sitte et al. (1987). High pressure freezing is a technique which permits one to freeze specimens using a liquid coolant at a very high pressure of approximately 2000 bars. The water is easily sub-cooled so that the critical cooling range in which crystallisation can occur (see section 2.2) is greatly reduced. Consequently, cooling rates of only 102 K.s-1 are required for adequate freezing. This could be the only method available for the preservation of large specimens (> 1 mm). Nevertheless, most biological cells are rapidly damaged through exposure under such high pressure. It is therefore necessary to apply the pressure for only a millisecond before the cooling process begins. This technique is thus expensive because of the use of a complex experimental device. Jet freezing (or cryogen jet) uses a jet of liquid cryogen accelerated to an extremely high velocity and is then directed onto one or two faces of the specimen usually sandwiched between thin protective metal plates. Theoretically, it does not make any difference whether the object is moved at high velocity in resting cryogen, or is stationary and cooled with a moving jet of cryogen (Sitte et al., 1987). This last technique is particularly suitable for subsequent freeze-fracturing of the sandwich specimen by simply removing the sandwich supports. Impact cryofixation (also called “metal mirror cryofixation”, “slamming” or “cold-block freezing”) takes advantage of the large heat capacity and good thermal conductivity of some solids, a priori better than any liquid coolant. Freezing is obtained by impacting the fresh sample onto the polished surface of a metal block at very low temperature. It generates very high heat transfer rates and yields excellent freezing in thin (10-20µm) surface regions. Experimental devices can be found in Sitte et al. (1987). 3. Dehydration 3.1 Cryotechniques Before being placed in vacuo in the specimen chamber, soft tissues must be dehydrated. Four techniques could be used in theory: (i) Air-drying at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature (ii) Freeze-drying of hydrated specimen (lyophilisation). (iii) Freeze-substitution with a non-aqueous volatile solvent. Page | 6 CNRS-CENBG (iv) Critical point drying after the replacement of water with an organic solvent. The first one concerns only samples which were previously chemically fixed. Since drastic structural damages can be induced during this process, they must be avoided absolutely, be it for microanalysis or morphological examination. The remaining three methods are employed according to the type of tissue and particularly the experiment to be performed. Temperature (°C) Temperature (K) 400 650 Vapour 200 450 3 1 0 Liquid 250 2 Solid -200 50 10-3 101 105 Pressure (bar) Fig. 3. Pressure-temperature phase diagram of water. The three different ways of transforming from the liquid phase to the vapour phase are: (1) air-drying, (2) freeze-drying, (3) critical point drying. (Redrawn from Robards and Sleytr, 1985). From the thermodynamical point of view, the three main pathways along which water is transformed into vapour susceptible to diffusing out of the specimen are represented in Fig 3. On this p-T diagram, the regions corresponding to the three phases of water, solid, liquid and vapour are clearly visible. Air-drying is represented by the arrow number one crossing the vaporisation curve at a temperature above that of the triple point. In the freeze-drying pathway (route number two), the liquid is at first transformed into the solid state, crossing the melting curve. It is then sublimed at a temperature and a pressure below those of the triple point (Patm and T = 0 °C). The third way is critical point drying. It involves going round the critical point to move from the solid to vapour region. Under such thermodynamical conditions, the water becomes the so-called super critical fluid. The critical point of water is nevertheless not easily accessible (647K and 218 atm). It does not make sense to bring a specimen to such a state. Water is thus usually replaced by a solvent such as CO2 whose critical point lies within a less damaging range. Freeze-drying is certainly the simplest method and is carried out directly on fresh thin cryosections of unfixed material. It can be performed immediately after cryosectioning for an analysis of unembedded sections. Freeze-substitution is necessary when specimens have to be embedded in resin subsequently. Page | 7 CNRS-CENBG 3.2 Freeze-drying Freeze-drying is a dehydration technique in which ice is gently removed from the sample by sublimation. If high level preservation is needed, the sample must be kept during the process at a very low temperature below the recrystallisation point. It is thus necessary to decrease the pressure within the drying chamber for sublimation to occur. A reasonable sublimation rate may be achieved when the partial pressure of vapour is kept very low as compared to the saturation vapour pressure of ice. The water vapour released from the specimen must therefore be continuously removed from the atmosphere of the system. This can be effected through adsorption onto dessicants or by condensation onto a surface kept at a temperature considerably lower than that of the specimen; for instance on a cold trap chilled to 77 K with liquid nitrogen. Mechanical dessicants such as zeolite or synthetic zeolites (also known as “molecular sieves”) can also be employed. A simple vacuum system for freeze-drying can be constructed using a simple rotary vacuum pump. The specimen is placed in a pre-cooled temperature-controlled stage in the chamber. When the vacuum is established, water vapour is either trapped in a condenser kept at very low temperature or on a dessicant positioned between the specimen and the vacuum pump. Special care needs to be taken to avoid contamination by vacuum pump oils by using an adsorption trap on the pumping pipe. When microtomy is performed in a conventional cryochamber at a higher temperature (–40°C), drying at atmospheric pressure can be done directly in the microtome cryochamber. The risks of temperature raising, a critical point during cryotransfer, are thus minimised. Even though these unfixed freezedried sections are unsuitable for high resolution morphological examination under electron microscopy, the distribution of diffusible elements is generally preserved. Sections (5-10 µm in thickness) obtained with such a procedure are at least suitable for low resolution microanalysis using nuclear probes. 3.3 Freeze-substitution The principle of freeze-substitution is to dissolve the ice of the cryofixed sample using an organic solvent. The specimen is generally processed at a very low temperature to avoid recrystallisation. In order to ensure the diffusion of the solvent through the tissues, it must be kept in a liquid state. The temperature must then be maintained above the melting point of the solvent used. After the completion of the substitution, different pathways are possible. For example, the temperature may be raised without any risk of morphological damage to embed the specimen in a resin at room temperature. The sample can also be kept at a low temperature and embedded under such conditions. The dehydration rate depends on the temperature and the solvent used. The fastest substitute seems to be methanol while acetone is considerably lower and diethylether is the slowest. Usually, complete drying takes a very long time. Depending on the solvent, this process can take between several days and several weeks, and must be followed by rewarming slowly the sample (1°C per hour). This thawing procedure can nowadays be carried out in the best reproducible manner by using commercially available freeze-substitution units. The frozen specimens are dehydrated automatically under controlled conditions using any desired warming schedule. These systems are usually based on LN2 cooling. The choice of the substitution medium is a critical point. Numerous comparative studies have been carried out in the past with the goal of achieving the best morphological preservation. In those preparation schemes, freeze-substitution was often associated with simultaneous chemical fixation by means of OsO4 or glutaraldehyde. The action of the fixing additive was found to be mostly efficient at subzero temperature during the thawing procedure, another argument in favour of very slow rewarming. Acetone is widely used nowadays and is often made water-free by adding molecular sieves. On the other hand, methanol can substitute specimens more rapidly than acetone even with the presence of large amounts of water. Diethyl ether has the drawback of acting very slowly but was Page | 8 CNRS-CENBG reported to maintain the distribution of water-soluble substances. It is especially useful for the microanalysis of electrolytes. An excellent comparative study of freeze-drying procedures for X-ray microanalysis of biological specimens was published recently (Pålsgård et al., 1994). In this study, tetrahydrofuran (THF) was compared against the most widely used solvents (acetone, methanol and diethyl ether) using the preservation of elemental ratios of diffusible intracellular electrolytes as criteria. The ratios were determined by X-ray microanalysis of the pancreas sections of mice. They were dried using the different solvents and then resin embedded at room temperature and sectioned. A well-preserved elemental distribution is characterised by high K/Na and low Cl/K intracellular ratios due to the high potassium and low sodium cellular contents in the living state. Pålsgård et al. demonstrated that those methods which preserve a high K/Na ratio maintain a low Cl/K simultaneously, thus showing unambiguously that major monovalent ions had been preserved. According to these criteria, methanol was found to be a poor substitution fluid while THF and diethyl ether gave the best results. When compared against direct cryosectioning of frozen tissues, these results were confirmed and proved that freeze-substitution followed by resin embedding could be a suitable preparation technique for the microanalysis of diffusible elements. Finally, acetone substitution gave a relatively intermediate preservation of the distributions. Zierold (1987) dealt with the problem of local ion’s redistribution during freeze-drying and freezesubstitution in the following terms: most of the diffusible elements of interest (from sodium to calcium) are not volatile, even under high vacuum. When water is entirely replaced by vacuum or substituted with a solvent, these ions are prone to bind to the closest macro-molecule. This process is enhanced by the increase of electrostatic forces applied to such ions due to the drop in the dielectric constant from 80 for water to 1 for a vacuum. Zierold concluded that in cells containing enough organic matrix, the redistribution was expected to take place within small volumes of several nm. In cell compartments rich in water, such as vacuoles or intercellular spaces, the spatial extent of this phenomenon could be considerably increased. Taking this electrostatic force into consideration, he explained that the reliable results obtained using the technique of freeze-substitution with diethyl ether in the preservation of ionic distributions could be attributed to a very low dielectric constant (4.3) when compared with that of ethanol, methanol or acetone (25.1, 33.5, 21.4 respectively). 4. The plastic embedding issue The plastic embedding method is believed to ensure very good morphological preservation as well a technically simple sectioning procedure at room temperature. This is a technique particularly suited for the preparation of specimens intended for subsequent ultramicrotomy. Plastic embedding follows the dehydration of the sample and can be carried out regardless of what the drying method may have been: freeze-drying or freeze-substitution. The infiltration of plastic can be performed either at room temperature after rewarming the tissue, or directly at a very low temperature immediately after the drying is completed. Araldite is a resin widely used for routine treatment of specimens at high temperature (293 K). But for a better result, low viscosity embedding media such as Spurr’s resin is preferred. These media are expected to lower the structural damages which sometimes occur during the plastic infiltration and this may be attributed to surface tension forces created by the advancing plastic (Robards and Sleytr, 1985). Roos and Barnard (1985) discovered a remarkably low ion compartmentalisation in specimens embedded in Spurr’s resin compared to freeze-dried cryosections. They measured a higher K/P ratio in cryosections, thus demonstrating that ion displacements had occurred during the diffusion of plastic within the tissues. On the other hand, Pålsgård et al. (1994), after a careful freeze-substitution of pancreas specimens compared such tissues embedded in araldite at room temperature to tissues issued from a cryosectioning procedure. After X-ray analysis, they did not find any significant difference in K/Na and Cl/K ratios. Page | 9 CNRS-CENBG It is nevertheless believed that cryoembedding techniques could provide better retention of diffusible elements. The interest in such techniques has increased since 1985 when it was proposed that new methacrylate resins (lowicryl K11M and HM23) are able to infiltrate a tissue at temperatures below 213 K and 193 K respectively. The fact that the polymerisation of those resins can be operated at low temperature under UV light is certainly beneficial. Several techniques using this kind of resin were developed, including the impregnation in vacuo at –80°C (Wróblewski, 1989). For an example of a versatile experimental device dedicated to freeze-substitution, freeze-drying and low temperature embedding, see Sitte et al. (1994). The elemental redistribution during the diffusion of polymer through the tissues is not the only drawback associated with plastic or resin embedding. The artificial enhancement of the sample organic matrix will decrease dramatically the peak to background ratio of X-ray analysis. The emission of bremsstrahlung radiation is indeed proportional to the areal mass of the target. The analytical sensitivity can thus be significantly reduced. In addition, the normalisation procedure based on the determination of the organic sample matrix cannot be operated. 5. Microtomy and cryomicrotomy If one excludes the analysis of isolated blood cells or cultured cells, biological tissues must be sectioned prior to microanalysis. Three basic different procedures can be distinguished: (i) sectioning of embedded specimens at room temperature (ii) cryosectioning of hydrated frozen specimens (conventional cryomicrotomy) (iii) ultra-cryomicrotomy. The third method refers to the sectioning at very low temperature (< –100°C) of tissues for high resolution examination using an electron microscope. The thickness of cryosections obtained under such conditions usually ranges from several tens to a hundred nanometers. Very thin sections are necessary for an analysis using fine electron probes in order to maintain the beam resolution through the whole specimen thickness. Electrons are by far more sensitive than protons to straggling: protons generally undergo minor deflection in depth within the sample, whereas electrons are extensively scattered, giving a “pear-shape” excitation volume which alters progressively the resolution as it penetrates the sample. In addition, the path of protons is longer than that of electrons. The optimum X-ray emission yield can therefore only be achieved in sections with a thickness above 5 µm. The lateral resolution of nuclear microprobes does not necessitate sections with a thickness below 5 µm. The latter must nevertheless not exceed 15 µm because of the problem of unresolved structures due to overlapping cells. Usually, a compromise has to be found between the sectioning temperature and the thickness of sections, the two parameters being not really independent. At very low temperatures, it is not possible to obtain semi-thin or thick sections because the tissues become too brittle. The use of ordinary cryostats at higher temperatures was often reported by authors working with nuclear probes. The technique of conventional microtomy generally fulfils all requirements of the nuclear microprobe analysis. Many commercially available equipment can be used in the temperature range (–30°C/– 40°C). At this temperature, recrystallisation cannot be avoided but the spatial extent of induced artefacts can be kept below the resolution of the probe. Another problem which can be addressed concerns the eventual displacements of ions along the surface of the cryosections as is the case with superficial melting. Page | 10 CNRS-CENBG To carry out conventional cryosectioning, a fine thermal equilibrium has to be found between the atmosphere of the cryostat, that of the knife and also the specimen itself. The knife must be slightly colder than both the sample (several degree) and the cryochamber. Particular attention has to be paid to the temperature of the polymer film which is used to pick up the section directly on the knife edge to avoid thawing. The practical aspects of this technique have been briefly but carefully reviewed in a paper by Kirby and Legge (1991). 6. Specimen mounting For an analysis under ion beam, the tissue sections must be mounted on thin supporting foils. These foils must be as thin as possible so as not to increase the X-ray background due to bremstrahlung radiation. It must also be mentioned that the thinner the backing foil is the lower the energy deposited by the particles in the sample. The resultant rise in temperature is a well-known cause for specimen damage. Finally, it is important to keep the areal mass of this film at a value considerably lower than that of the specimen when the mass of the latter has to be determined. Polymer films with a thickness ranging from 0.1 to 0.4 µm can be easily obtained free from contaminants. These foils are usually prepared from formvar, collodion or nylon dissolved in the appropriate solvent and cast on fresh distilled water. In this way, the film is directly picked up on the water surface and stretched over the sample holder or on electron microscope grids. For this purpose, carbon grids which do not introduce interfering line on X-ray spectra are commercially available. It must nevertheless be remarked that although the use of those grids as support improves the mechanical rigidity, it also prevents the possibility of large scans during an analysis. The reader can find the preparation procedures for formvar films in Echlin and Moreton (1979) and for collodion films in Lamvik (1989). When cryosections are picked up directly from the surface of the microtome knife, the supporting film should have already been cooled at a temperature slightly above that of the knife. This is to ensure specimen adhesion. Sometimes the section has to be sandwiched with another film to prevent detachment. Electron microanalysts use to coat the sample surface with thin conductive carbon layers in order to improve the electrical conductivity. As a matter of fact, it is necessary to drain off charges brought by the high current beam (several nA) on the specimen surface. The reader must be aware that this does present a serious source of potential contamination where trace element analysis is concerned. The problem of electrical conductivity of such supporting foil, even at low temperature, has been addressed by several authors (Lamvik, 1989). 7. Preparation procedure for cultured cells Cell culture has become the standard experimental method for conducting fine studies of cell metabolism. The fundamental difference with other preparation schemes is that here the experimental conditions of culture must fulfil, from the beginning, all analytical requirements. The extreme physiological and mechanical stress which is inflicted on cultured cells when they are separated from their culture support is suspected to modify their metabolism deeply. It is thus absolutely necessary to culture cells directly on a supporting film compatible with the X-ray analysis. By doing so, cells can grow as a monolayer. The microanalysis of individual cells is thus possible, even in a heterogeneous population. Models of cultured cells are usually employed for in vitro assays, in the framework of pharmacology or toxicology studies. In most cases, an incubation is performed in a medium supplemented with the substance under investigation. After a rapid rinsing procedure, the cells intended for individual microanalysis are immediately cryofixed. Where the analysis of whole single cells is concerned, the Page | 11 CNRS-CENBG goal is to determine the intracellular elemental composition and maybe the spatial distributions without the need for sectioning. The medium surrounding cells (culture medium or experimental buffer) must then be removed in order not to interfere with the analysis. Rinsing, using an appropriate solution, must be performed very rapidly to prevent the loss of intracellular elements. The inorganic cations are indeed very sensitive to changes in osmotic gradients. Volatile buffers such as ammonium acetate can be employed (Wróblewski and Wróblewski, 1993). They have the advantage of being free from minerals. Ice-cold distilled water can also be used for a short rinsing (5 sec). A detailed study on the eventual effects of rinsing on cell electrolytes has been published in (Borgmann et al., 1994). Thin film support Grid bars Cells Sample holder Fig. 4. Cells grown on a thin film with (down) and without (top) a supporting grid. When stretched over a large hole (2–3 mm in diameter) without grid, the film is more fragile but ensures an easier analysis. (see text for details) (Redrawn from Wróblewski and Wróblewski, 1993). After the excess rinsing fluid has been absorbed using a filter paper, the cells can be cryofixed by immersing them in liquid cryogen (see section 2.4). The thickness of the cells (< 10 µm) is low enough to ensure cryofixation without any risk of crystallisation. The subsequent preparation will depend on whether the cells need to be plastic embedded. Some authors carried out cryosubstitution with diethyl ether and THF followed by plastic embedding. Ortega et al. (1996) employed the more conventional method of freeze-drying and a microanalysis of unembedded individual cells. For extensive reviews on preparation schemes and methodological aspects, the reader is referred to Warley (1994). The main difficulty in this procedure is finding a supporting film that is compatible with the conditions of cell culture and the ion beam analysis. It must be inert to the cells and must not contain contaminants. It is of extreme importance that this film should be thin enough so as not to enhance the X-ray background and be transparent enough for a light microscopy examination of cells during culture. The cells can be seeded on thin polymer foils stretched over a hole (2 or 3 mm in diameter) drilled in the sample frame. The latter must be made from biocompatible material (carbon, nylon, pure aluminium or titanium). This is especially important for metallic supports which are prone to corrode in the culture medium and may therefore release cytotoxic high doses of metal such as copper, an element present in most alloys. All components, supports and films must be, of course, sterilised. It must be emphasised here that thick growth supports, such as carbon plates which have been used in the past for low accelerating voltage (1–5 kV) electron microscopy must be absolutely avoided. For such voltages, the electron path is so short that the analysis of cells is possible without having the electrons impinging on the Page | 12 CNRS-CENBG support. As mentioned earlier, MeV protons are more penetrating particles. Bremsstrahlung radiation emitted along the path of the incident ions in the support would decrease dramatically the signal/background ratio. Different polymer films can serve as growth support. Formvar and Pioloform are excellent transparent thin films (0.2–0.4 µm in thickness) (Wróblewski and Wróblewski, 1993). They have sufficient mechanical rigidity to cover holes that are of 2–3 mm in diameter without needing additional support grids. However, full success is not warranted, since some films break during cell culture. A more acute problem is cell adhesion to the growth support. Some lines are perfectly adapted to a direct culture on plastic supports that have already been made hydrophilic through chemical or physical treatments. Classical plastic culture dishes may be treated, for instance, by either high voltage discharges, u.v. light or electron bombardment. For the culture on thin films, extracellular matrix compounds must be employed to pre-coat surfaces. However, no general rule can be given here since cell growth is dependant on the line under investigation. Specific adhesion factors such as collagen or gelatine are commercially available free from contaminants. Their use as a form of coating layer has been described by different authors (Ortega et al. 1996) References Borgmann, S., Granitzer, M., Crabbé, J., Beck, F.X., Nagel, W. & Dörge, A. (1994) Electron microprobe analysis of electrolytes in whole cultured epithelial cells. Scanning Microscopy Supplement, 8, 139-148 Echlin, P. & Moreton, R.B. (1979) The preparation of biological materials for X-ray microanalysis. In Microprobe analysis as applied to cells and tissues, ed. T. Hall, P. Echlin & R. Kaufmann, p 159. London: Academic Press Kirby, B.J. & Legge, G.J.F. (1993) The preparation of biological tissue for a trace element analysis on the proton microprobe. Nucl. Instr. and Meth., B77, 268-274 Lamvik, M.K., Davilla, S.D. & Tuttle, J. (1989) Properties of substrates for low temperature quantitative microscopy and microanalysis. Scanning Microscopy Supplement, 3, 271-276 Ortega, R., Moretto, Ph., Fajac, A., Bénard, J., Llabador, Y. & Simonoff, M. (1996) Quantitative mapping of platinum and essential trace metals in cisplatin resistant and sensitive human ovarian adenocarcinoma cells. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 42(1), 77-88 Pålsgård, E., Lindh, U. & Roomans, G.M. (1994) Comparative study of freeze-substitution techniques for X-ray microanalysis of biological tissue. Microscopy Research and Techniques, 28, 254-258 Robards, A.W. & Sleytr, U.B. (1985) Freezing (Chapter 2). In Low Temperature Methods in Biological Electron Microscopy, Practical Methods in Electron Microscopy, Volume 10, ed. A.M. Glauert, pp 5-130. Amsterdam-New York-Oxford: Elsevier Roos, N. & Barnard, T. (1985) A comparison of subcellular element concentrations in frozen-dried, plastic embedded, dry cut sections and frozen-dried cryosections. Ultramicroscopy, 17, 335-344 Sitte, H., Edelmann, L. & Neumann, K. (1987) Cryofixation without pretreatment at ambient pressure (chapter 4). In Cryotechniques in Biological Electron Microscopy, ed. R.A. Steinbrecht & K. 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