S SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Time allowed: Three hours Total marks: 24 EXAMINATION BOOKLET There are three questions. You should answer Question One and Question Two in this booklet. If you need more space for any answer, use the page(s) provided at the back of this booklet and clearly number the question. Question Mark ONE TWO THREE TOTAL /24 Assessor’s use only Check that this booklet has pages 2 – 12 in the correct order and that none of these pages is blank. You must hand this booklet to the supervisor after two hours. Question Three is your spoken response in Spanish. This will be recorded in the third hour, in the Recording Room. You are to wait in the Writing Room until you are collected to go to the Recording Room to record your spoken response to Question Three. While you are waiting you may read a book you have brought with you, provided it is in English. Question Three will be handed to you in the Recording Room. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2012. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. 2 You have two hours to complete Question One and Question Two in this booklet. After two hours, this booklet will be collected. You will then remain in the Writing Room until you are collected to go to the Recording Room to record your spoken response to Question Three. INSTRUCTIONS FOR QUESTION ONE Listen to a letter written about Facebook, its advantages and disadvantages, and the reply from another person. You will hear the passage THREE times: • The first time, you will hear it as a whole. • The second and third times, you will hear it in sections, with a pause after each. While listening, make notes in the spaces provided on pages 3 and 4 of this booklet. Use these notes to help you answer Question One on page 5. Your notes will not be assessed. Take note of the Glossed Vocabulary on page 5. New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Sample 3 LISTENING NOTES Section (a) Section (b) Section (c) Section (d) New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Sample 4 LISTENING NOTES Section (e) Section (f) Section (g) Section (h) New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Sample 5 GLOSSED VOCABULARY perfil etiquetar disposición perjudicar agregar malgastar supuestos corporal ASSESSOR’S USE ONLY profile to label (at the) disposal to harm to add to waste supposed body QUESTION ONE (a) ¿Cuáles son las ventajas y las desventajas de tener una cuenta en Facebook? (b) ¿Piensas que se pueden hacer amistades verdaderas en Facebook teniendo en cuenta que mucha gente no es totalmente sincera con la información personal que pone en esta red social? Write your response, in Spanish, below. New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Sample 6 ASSESSOR’S USE ONLY New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Sample 7 ASSESSOR’S USE ONLY New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Sample 8 instructions for question two Read the text ‘El Bicing’ and use it to answer Question Two. Write your answer, in Spanish, on page 9. GLOSSED VOCABULARY usuarios abonado disponibilidad carriles averías users subscriber availability lanes breakdowns desbloquear trayecto atascos roturas unlock stretch / journey / section traffic jams breaks EL BICING Hace 5 años comenzó en Barcelona un proyecto para intentar solucionar unos de los grandes problemas de la ciudad; el transporte y el tráfico. Así fue como se inició Bicing; un ... For copyright reasons, this resource cannot be reproduced here. ... Ahora, con 400 estaciones y 6.000 bicicletas, Bicing se ha convertido en una parte importante de la vida en Barcelona. New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Sample 9 ASSESSOR’S USE ONLY QUESTION TWO EITHER Resume con tus propias palabras el texto ‘El Bicing’. Incluye los puntos más importantes sin copiar directamente del texto. OR (a) ¿Quiénes pueden y quiénes no pueden usar el sistema de Bicing? (b) ¿Cuáles son los beneficios futuros que traerá el Bicing a la ciudad y a sus habitantes? New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Sample 10 ASSESSOR’S USE ONLY New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Sample 11 ASSESSOR’S USE ONLY New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Sample 12 ASSESSOR’S USE ONLY Question number Extra paper for continuation of answers if required. Clearly number the question. New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Sample
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