Word of mouse H`[f, 8 _Sd]Wf[`Y PAGE 93 Word order: adverbs PAGE 96 The second life of Second Life PAGE 97 Career skills: Decision making PAGE 98 www.longman-elt.com www.economist.com Dilemma: Creative showcase PAGE 100 Keynotes E-marketing, like conventional marketing, aims to create powerful messages which will engage consumers, build brands and drive sales. The difference is that it uses digital technologies to do so. Whereas traditional marketing has PR and advertising media such as TV, press, outdoor and radio as part of the marketing mix, e-marketing uses websites, email and sms to reach target markets. Other options are pop-ups or banner ads, which are graphic images used on websites to advertise products or services, and embedded videos. Search advertising is a form of Internet marketing where companies pay to increase the visibility of their websites in search engine result pages. Social networking sites provide marketers with an opportunity to tap into a huge market of specific consumer groups. Preview Talking to customers online The Economist % 7[eUgeefZWXa^^ai[`YcgWef[a`e! $ M]^X]lZWh^iZhYdndjVcYndjgeZZghheZcYi^bZdc5 % :dndj]VkZVlZW#WVhZYZbV^aVXXdjci5?[hd"YdndjgZVYi]Z VYkZgi^hZbZcihedhiZYdc^i5 & :dndjgZVYZbV^aVYkZgi^h^c\dgYdndjigZVi^iVhheVbVcYYZaZiZ^i l^i]djideZc^c\^i5 ' :dndjVchlZgZbV^ahjgkZnh5 ( >VkZndjZkZgWdj\]iVcni]^c\dca^cZV[iZgXa^X`^c\dcVede#jedg WVccZgVY5 ) :dndjlViX]k^YZdXa^ehVcYX^cZbVigV^aZghdci]Z?ciZgcZi5 * :dndjgZVYiZmih[gdbbVg`ZiZghdcndjgbdW^aZe]dcZ5 Product: Nissan 350Z Target: 18- to 34-year-olds Needs: increase traffic on Nissan 350Z’s micro site Product: B2B Marketing magazine Target: marketing practitioners Needs: gauge industry opinion and get regular feedback from customers Listening 1 $ ZbV^aegdbdi^dchl^i]^ciZgVXi^kZZbV^ahjgkZnh % WVccZgVYhdcOV]ddÈhbV^ceV\Z & VYhhigZVbZYY^gZXianidi]Z^cWdmZhd[CID]dibV^ajhZgh Jad][`bS[de!7[eUgeeiZWfZWdfZWW _Sd]Wf[`Y_WV[SgeWVSTahW iag^VSbbWS^fakagSeUa`eg_Wde! ?[efW`fa4_k@SefWdea`Xda_<`fWd`WfC^geS`SVhWdf[e[`YSYW`Uk[` fZWH>fS^][`YSTagffZW]WkVd[hWdeXadYdaifZ[`a`^[`W_Sd]Wf[`Y S`VfS]W`afWeg`VWdfZWXa^^ai[`YZWSV[`Ye!;aiVaWeeZWfZ[`] WSUZaXfZWeWVd[hWdei[^^SXXWUffZ[e_Sd]Wf[`YeWUfad2 à GjVa^inWgdVYWVcY à IdX^VacZildg`^c\lZWh^iZh à 9ViX]#jeVcYdca^cZJL à Eca^cZVjY^ZcXZ à M^gZaZhhXdccZXi^dch Speaking 7akagZShWS9SUWTaa]@kebSUWadafZWdeaU[S^`Wfiad][`YbSYW2<X eaiZSf][`VaX[`Xad_Sf[a`STagfkagdeW^XS`VkagdXd[W`VeVakag baefa`[f2;aiUag^VfZ[e[`Xad_Sf[a`TWgeWXg^fa_Sd]WfWde2 Reading 1 Conversational marketing % EWSVfZWfWjfa`fZWabbae[fWbSYWS`VS`eiWdfZWcgWef[a`e! $ M]Vi^hbZVciWnÇXdckZghVi^dcVabVg`Zi^c\È5 % M]ViXdc[a^Xi^c\k^Zlhd[i]Z[jijgZd[XdckZghVi^dcVabVg`Zi^c\VgZ egZhZciZY^ci]ZiZmi5 /( Kc^i/ piggyback ride on the success of, take advantage of eavesdrop listen in on conversations creepy scary clutter untidy mess & ?aa]SffZW_Sd]Wf[`YTd[WXeS`VVWU[VWiZ[UZUS_bS[Y`iag^V eg[fWSUZbdaVgUf! Product: Sony’s James Bond – Quantum of Solace Target: 15- to 35-year-olds Needs: generate interest in movie and DVD Speaking Glossary Conversational marketing KbeWbY`bhfX K\__:TVXUbb^ AlGcTVXTaWbg[XefbV\T_aXgjbe^\aZf\gXfgeTafYbe` TWiXeg\f\aZ3 C Vg` PjX`ZgWZg\" l]d ^h () VcY i]Z Wdhh d[ <VXZWdd`" V edejaVg hdX^Va cZildg`^c\ lZWh^iZ" gZXZcian VccdjcXZYidVYkZgi^h^c\ZmZXji^kZhi]Vi <VXZWdd`lVhd[[Zg^c\i]ZbVcZlYZVa$ Å<dg i]Z aVhi ]jcYgZY nZVgh bZY^V ]Vh WZZcejh]ZYdjiideZdeaZ"Æ]ZhV^Y"ÅWji ' cdlbVg`ZiZghVgZ\d^c\idWZVeVgid[ i]Z XdckZghVi^dc$Æ Kh^c\ ]^h [^gbÈh cZl VeegdVX]"]ZXaV^bZY"VYkZgi^hZghl^aaWZ VWaZide^\\nWVX`dci]ZÅhdX^VaVXi^dchÆ d[<VXZWdd`jhZgh"h^cXZÅeZdeaZ^c[ajZcXZ eZdeaZÆ$ ( Cg PjX`ZgWZg\Èh aVc\jV\Z lVh hig^`^c\anh^b^aVgidi]Vid[FVjaBVoVgh[ZaY VcY ;a^]j AVio ^c i]Z^g Wdd` ÅFZghdcVa ?c[ajZcXZÆ" V bZY^V#hijY^Zh XaVhh^X [gdb '/++$ J]Zn Vg\jZY i]Vi bVg`ZiZgh Yd cdi h^bean WgdVYXVhi bZhhV\Zh id V eVhh^kZ bVhh VjY^ZcXZ" Wji gVi]Zg i]Vi i]Zn iVg\Zi XZgiV^c ^cY^k^YjVah" XVaaZY Åde^c^dcaZVYZghÆ$J]ZhZ^cY^k^YjVahi]Zc hegZVY" Xdc[^gb dg cZ\ViZ i]Z bZhhV\Zh d[ VYkZgi^hZgh i]gdj\] i]Z^g dlc ÅhdX^Va gZaVi^dch]^ehÆ" Wn ldgY d[ bdji] dg eZghdcVaZmVbeaZ$ ) CZhhghBVoVgh[ZaYVcYAVio"d[XdjghZ" VhhjbZYi]Vibdhid[i]ZhZXdckZghVi^dch VcY i]Z^g ^bea^X^i bVg`Zi^c\ bZhhV\Zh ldjaYgZbV^c^cVjY^WaZ$J]Vi[^gbhb^\]i WZVWaZidZVkZhYgdedci]^hX]ViiZg[^ghi WZXVbZXdcXZ^kVWaZ^ci]Z'//&h"l^i]i]Z g^hZd[i]Z?ciZgcZi$ * ?c i]Z eVhi YZXVYZ i]Z ?ciZgcZi ]Vh VagZVYnegdYjXZYi]gZZegdkZcVYkZgi^h^c\ XViZ\dg^Zh$ <^ghi XVbZ ÅY^heaVnÆ dg ' ÅWVccZgÆ VYh" jhjVaan ^c i]Z [dgb d[ \gVe]^XVaWdmZhdclZWeV\Zh"cdld[iZc l^i] ZbWZYYZY k^YZdh$ JdYVn i]ZhZ VXXdjci [dg )( d[ dca^cZ VYkZgi^h^c\ gZkZcjZ$DZmiVgZXaVhh^[^ZYVYh"cdl'- d[ i]Z idiVa$ J]Z i]^gY" VcY cdl aVg\Zhi" XViZ\dgn^hhZVgX]VYkZgi^h^c\"l^i]*'d[ i]ZidiVa$FgdkZci]dj\]cdi^ckZciZYWn =dd\aZ" i]Z W^\\Zhi hZVgX] Zc\^cZ" i]ZhZ VgZi]ZiZmihc^eeZihi]ViVeeZVgcZmiid hZVgX]gZhjaih[dgVheZX^[^X`ZnldgY$ + <gdbi]Zed^cid[k^Zld[bVg`ZiZgh" i]ZhZZm^hi^c\ineZhd[dca^cZVYhVagZVYn gZegZhZci WgZV`i]gdj\]h$ ?c hZVgX]" i]Zn XVc cdl iVg\Zi XdchjbZgh l]d ZmegZhh ^ciZgZhi^cVeVgi^XjaVgegdYjXidghZgk^XZ Wnine^c\V`ZnldgY1i]ZneVndcanl]Zc V XdchjbZg gZhedcYh" Wn Xa^X`^c\ dc i]Z^gVYh$?cY^heaVn"i]ZnXVcigVX`VcY bZVhjgZ ]dl i]Z^g VYh VgZ k^ZlZY VcY l]Zi]ZgVXdchjbZg^heVn^c\ViiZci^dc ^[]Zijgchdci]ZhdjcYd[Vk^YZdVY" hVn WZiiZg i]Vc i]Zn ZkZg XdjaY l^i] iZaZk^h^dc VYh$ J]Z \dVa d[ dWhZgk^c\ VcY ZkZc eVgi^X^eVi^c\ ^c XdchjbZghÈ XdckZghVi^dch à igjZ XdckZghVi^dcVa bVg`Zi^c\ÃcdlVeeZVghl^i]^cgZVX]$ , J]Z[^ghihiZe[dgWgVcYhidhdX^Va^hZ" dg XdckZghZ" l^i] XdchjbZgh ^h id hiVgi egd[^aZeV\ZhdchdX^VacZildg`hVcYi]Zc VXXZeiÅ[g^ZcYgZfjZhihÆ[gdb^cY^k^YjVah$ EcCnIeVXZ"WgVcYh]VkZWZZcYd^c\i]^h [dgVl]^aZ$<dg^chiVcXZ"MVgcZg8gdh"V >daanlddY hijY^d" ]VY V CnIeVXZ eV\Z [dgÅ)&&Æ"^ih[^abVWdjiIeVgiVclVgg^dgh$ ?i h^\cZY je hdbZ (&&"&&& [g^ZcYh" l]d lViX]ZYigV^aZgh"iVa`ZYi]Z[^abjeWZ[dgZ ^ihgZaZVhZ"VcYXdjciZYYdlcidlVgY^ih :L:gZaZVhZ$ - <VXZWdd`VahdaZihWgVcYhXgZViZi]Z^g dlc eV\Zh$ 9dXV#9daV" [dg ^chiVcXZ" ]Vh V Ieg^iZ eV\Z VcY V ÅIeg^iZ I^ehÆ \VbZ i]ViaZihjhZgheaVnl^i]Va^iiaZVc^bViZY X]VgVXiZg dc i]Z^g dlc eV\Zh$ <VXZWdd` bV`Zhi]^hVhdX^VaVXiWnVjidbVi^XVaan ^c[dgb^c\ i]Z eaVnZgÈh [g^ZcYh" k^V i^cn ÅcZlh[ZZYÆVaZgih"d[i]Z[jc^cegd\gZhh$ . ?c bVcn XVhZh" <VXZWdd` jhZgh XVc Vahd igZVi WgVcYhÈ eV\Zh a^`Z i]dhZ d[ di]Zg[g^ZcYh"WnVYY^c\gZk^Zlh"e]didh dg XdbbZcih" hVn$ ;VX] d[ i]ZhZ VXi^dch b^\]iWZXdbbjc^XViZY^chiVcianidi]Z cZlh[ZZYhd[i]Z^gXa^fjZ$EWk^djhani]^h ^h V YdjWaZ#ZY\ZY hldgY" h^cXZ i]Zn XVc _jhi Vh ZVh^an Xg^i^X^hZ V WgVcY Vh egV^hZ ^i$ / <VXZWdd`ZkZceaVchidbdc^idgVcY jhZVXi^dchWZndcY^ihdlch^iZideaVXZ i]Zb^cVhdX^VaXdciZmi$?["[dg^chiVcXZ" V <VXZWdd` jhZg bV`Zh V ejgX]VhZ Vi <VcYVc\d" V lZWh^iZ i]Vi hZaah X^cZbV i^X`Zih" i]^h ^c[dgbVi^dc V\V^c h]dlh je dc i]Z cZlh [ZZYh d[ ]^h [g^ZcYh dc <VXZWdd`" l]d b^\]i YZX^YZ id XdbZ Vadc\$?[]ZWjnhVWdd`dgh]^gidcVcdi]Zg h^iZ" i]Zc i]^h ^bea^X^i gZXdbbZcYVi^dc edehjeidd$ '& J]ZgZ VgZ eaZcin d[ hXZei^Xh$ IdbZ eZdeaZ bVn [^cY Vaa i]^h XgZZen" hd <VXZWdd`l^aaVaadleZdeaZiddeidjid[ h]Vg^c\ i]Z^g ^c[dgbVi^dc$ 7cdi]Zg egdWaZb" hVnh FVja CVgi^cd" Vc ZcigZegZcZjg l]d aVjcX]ZY Jg^WZ" Vc ZVgan hdX^Va cZildg`" ^h i]Vi i]Z ^ciZgeZghdcVa XdccZXi^dch XVaaZY i]Z ÅhdX^Va \gVe]Æ dc hjX] cZildg`h VgZ d[ adl fjVa^in$ 8ZXVjhZ [Zl eZdeaZ YVgZ id Yjbe [dgbZg [g^ZcYh dg id gZ_ZXi jclVciZY [g^ZcY gZfjZhih [gdb XVhjVa VXfjV^ciVcXZh"ÅhdX^Va\gVe]hYZ\ZcZgViZ id cd^hZ ^c Vaa XVhZh"Æ ]Z hVnh$ ?[ ]Z ^h g^\]i" hdX^Va#bVg`Zi^c\ XVbeV^\ch l^aa YZhXZcY ^cid k^hjVa XajiiZg VWdji i]Z WVcVa Yd^c\h d[ ^cXgZVh^c\an gVcYdb eZdeaZ" gVi]Zg i]Vc WZ^c\ i]Z cZmi W^\ i]^c\^cVYkZgi^h^c\$ Kc^i/ /) Usage & EWSVfZWfWjfSYS[`S`VS`eiWdfZWcgWef[a`e! 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For the moment things are going OK. 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Choose one of these to discuss with a partner. Speaking 7aWefZW[VWSaX_Sd]WfWde_a`[fad[`Ykagd^[XWfZdagYZkagdeaU[S^ `Wfiad]bSYWeUSdWkag2Jag^VkagabfagfaXÄeZSd[`YÅ[`Xad_Sf[a` STagfkagd^[XWi[fZ_Sd]WfWde2 9deng^\]i?8C"gZegdYjZYWn`^cY eZgb^hh^dc$?8C^hVgZ\^hiZgZYigVYZbVg`d[ ^ciZgcVi^dcVaWjh^cZhhbVX]^cZXdgedgVi^dc /* Kc^i/ Puns Kc^i/ /+ Language check Word order: adverbs Reading 2 ?c;c\a^h]"VY_ZXi^kZh\ZcZgVaanVeeZVgWZ[dgZcdjchVcYVYkZgWhV[iZg kZgWh$>dlZkZg"i]Zedh^i^dchd[ldgYhdge]gVhZhXVckVgnYZeZcY^c\dc i]ZXdciZmiVcYdci]ZhinaZdggZ\^hiZgd[l]Vi^hWZ^c\hV^Y$7YkZgWh"^c eVgi^XjaVg"bVnVeeZVg^cY^[[ZgZciedh^i^dchYZeZcY^c\dci]Z^g[jcXi^dc$ EWSVfZWfWjfSTagfFWUa`V?[XWSh[dfgS^iad^ViZWdWbWab^W[`fWdSUf ge[`YYdSbZ[UdWbdWeW`fSf[a`eaXfZW_eW^hWeadÄShSfSdeÅ! $ % & ' ( ) % @SfUZfZWSVhWdTe[`[fS^[Ue[`fZWfWjffaUSfWYad[We$À)TW^ai! Basic email marketing Email marketing is rapidly becoming an essential tool for businesses to reach their audiences wherever they happen to be. In its simplest form it works like this: Rebecca is a typical customer who frequently buys online. Recently she bought several items from a retailer’s website and subsequently received an e-mail with a special offer of a reduction on her next purchase. Even if she doesn’t take advantage of the offer, she will most likely receive a string of similar mails regardless of any action she may take. That is an example of first generation e-mail marketing: relatively simple but not exactly dynamic. TECHNOLOGY $ % & ' ( ) VYkZgWhd[[gZfjZcXnZ$\$c_]UdY]Uc"`UbY_TYSQ\\i VYkZgWhd[i^bZZ$\$c__^"QVdUbgQbTc VYkZgWhd[bVccZgZ$\$UQcY\i"aeYS[\i VYkZgWhd[XdcY^i^dcdgVii^ijYZZ$\$`_ccYR\i"\eS[Y\i VYkZgWhi]VibdY^[nVY_ZXi^kZhZ$\$gYTU\i"XYWX\i gXVYkZgWh & JZ[UZaXfZWSVhWdTeUag^VTW_ahWVfaS^fWd`Sf[hWbae[f[a`e2 For more information, see page 159. Practice <`fZWXa^^ai[`YbSeeSYWfZWSVhWdTeZShWTWW`dW_ahWV!<`eWdffZW SVhWdTe[`faSbbdabd[SfWbae[f[a`e[`WSUZeWUf[a`aXfZWbSeeSYW! @adWfZS`a`Wbae[f[a`_SkTWbaee[T^W! Dynamic email marketing gVY^XVaanhnhiZbVi^XVaanVXijVaan Dynamic e-mail marketing uses a different approach, incorporating multiple components to determine the next marketing step by factoring in data obtained from user profiles and data about how the target client behaved when they visited a particular website. egZk^djhaneVgi^XjaVganZkZcijVaan For example, let’s suppose Christy returns to a retailer’s website where she has made a purchase. She clicks on a couple of pages until she finds one that interests her. She spends some time taking a closer look at some items that interest her but leaves the site without buying. VagZVYnegZX^hZangZVaan]^\]anZ[[ZXi^kZan On her next visit, Christy is treated to an email offering her a discount – her user profile is in the system – on a necklace, promoting the style she spent the most time viewing. Now, that is dynamic marketing but the problem is that most companies do not have the sophisticated data management and communication systems that are required to use it. /, Kc^i/ Second Life DESIGN M]ViegdWaZbhY^Yi]Zdg^\^cVa^ckZhidgh^cIZXdcYB^[Z[VXZ5 M]n^higVY^i^dcVaVYkZgi^h^c\bZY^V^cZ[[ZXi^kZl^i]IZXdcYB^[Z5 ?cl]ViXVeVX^inlVh@dc^MZhi^ckdakZY^cIZXdcYB^[Z5 M]Vihdaji^dchY^Yh]Z[^cYidViigVXiXdbeVc^ZhWVX`idIZXdcYB^[Z5 >dlXVcWgVcYhWZcZ[^i[gdbWZ^c\egZhZci^cIZXdcYB^[Z5 >dl]VkZVYkZgi^hZghX]Vc\ZYi]Z^gVii^ijYZhidIZXdcYB^[Z5 ETHONOMICS LEADERSHIP MAGAZINE | NEWSLETTERS | JOBS Marketing in the virtual world The second life of Second Life 1 Online virtual world Second Life first got hot a couple of years ago. Companies moved in and started to build their own virtual spaces. However, maintaining these areas required a lot of resources. Of course, if customers had followed, there would have been no problem. But they didn’t, and dozens of companies scrambled to staunch their bleeding Second Life budgets. Second Life was over before it had begun. 2 At the same time, Joni West, a San Francisco-based fine artist and business-development consultant, stepped into the breach. “I saw all these huge virtual spaces – Adidas, Starwood Hotels, Dell – and they were all empty,” says West, 47. “It was ridiculous.” 3 In just two years, West has rewritten the rules of corporate marketing on Second Life. An avid user of the site, she realised that billboards, commercials, and streaming video fell flat among hyper-creative users who wanted to interact. Instead, she concluded, companies should try to spark user-to-user discussion – a surprisingly costeffective option on Second Life. This insight has produced successful initiatives for clients such as Sun Microsystems, Overstock.com, and Nestlé, and made West’s firm, This Second Marketing, the leader in shepherding name-brand companies back to the virtual world. 4 West stumbled into the business potential of Second Life while pursuing her passion for fine art. “I thought it would be fabulous to create a virtual art gallery where I could bring people from all around the world,” she says. One day, she was sitting on a Second Life art gallery couch, doing just that – talking to people from various countries – and she had their rapt attention. “At that point, I realised how powerful one-on-one engagement could be in Second Life.” 5 West used techniques gleaned from 25 years of marketing experience, including digital and email campaigns, to woo potential clients. She calmly explained that the previous failures of Second Life were a result of not harnessing the medium appropriately to reach its 14 million users, up to 66,000 of whom are present at any time. “I describe the mistake companies made like this: Imagine you’ve never been to Manhattan. You cross the George Washington Bridge, and someone hands you a guidebook. The first place you’re going is not the Reebok store.” 6 Translation: Second Life is not a place to make sales. It’s also a venue where large companies don’t have to spend $3 million to build an elaborate space when $10,000 to $100,000, used judiciously, can have a much larger impact. 7 For an early campaign with Colgate, for example, West’s staffers fanned out in the virtual world to give out about 35,000 Colgate smiles, along with a list of 10 cool places that make you smile. “Avatars aren’t born with smiles, and people often don’t know where to go in Second Life,” she says. “Users want companies to bring something relevant to the community.” 8 West’s work has started to inspire other high-profile, higher-budget efforts. The Weather Channel has developed an attraction that lets users play sports in varied terrains with highly challenging weather conditions (tsunamis, avalanches, flash floods). Users spend an average of 30 minutes per visit, and the attraction draws a crowd around the clock. “It’s not like a commercial, where maybe they watched and maybe they didn’t,” says Drew Stein, CEO of developer Involve 3D, which built the Weather Channel’s virtual experience. “You’re talking about a user actually paying attention, and you can time it. That’s hard to replicate in any other medium.” 9 The upshot is that the virtual world has survived the media spin cycle. “I think at first, everyone was there strictly for the hype and sunk their money into 15 minutes of fame,” Involve’s Stein says. “Now they’re analysing what they’re doing and seeing how Second Life breathes.” And in the process, breathing into it a second life. Kc^i/ /- 9VgZZg h`^aah Speaking Decision making Making choices is an integral part of the decision-making process. Leaders who make good choices without wasting time are seen as decisive, insightful and successful. Leaders who stall and who can’t make up their minds have difficulty motivating and inspiring their teams. In everyday life, we generally have to make snap decisions about choices. In such situations the best strategy is to keep our goals in mind and trust our intuition to make the right choices. However, when time is available, the following techniques can help make the most appropriate choice. a Consider the consequences. b Go for it! c Narrow down the options. d Evaluate the outcome. e Get the facts. f Set your goal. EWSVfZW^[efaXfWUZ`[cgWeS`V_SfUZfZWZWSV[`YeSÀXfaWSUZaX fZWba[`feTW^ai$À)! $ OdjcZZYidXaZVgan^YZci^[nVcYYZ[^cZi]ZgZVhdcVcYejgedhZ[dgi]Z YZX^h^dcndjVgZVWdjiidbV`Z$JdYdi]^hndjXVcVh`ndjghZa[i]Z [daadl^c\fjZhi^dch0 à M]ViZmVXian^hi]ZgZVhdc[dgbV`^c\VX]Vc\Z5 à M]ViYdlZ]deZiddWiV^c[gdbi]ZdjiXdbZ5 à ?[ndjcZkZgadhZh^\]id[i]ZVchlZghidi]ZhZfjZhi^dch"ndjl^aaWZ bdgZa^`ZanidbV`Zi]ZWZhiX]d^XZ$ % <^cYdjil]Videi^dchVgZdeZcidndjVcYXdaaZXiVhbjX]YViVVcY ^c[dgbVi^dcVhndjXVcVWdjiZVX]dei^dc$7h`^c\[dgVYk^XZ^hcÈiV lZV`cZhhÃ^iXVcWZkZgnWZcZ[^X^VaidaZVgc[gdbdi]ZgeZdeaZÈhZmeZg^ZcXZ$ & B^hiVcYWgV^chidgbVaai]ZegdhVcYXdchd[ZkZgndei^dc$9dch^YZgVaa i]ZVc\aZh"l]^X]XdjaY^cXajYZXdhi"ZcZg\n"i^bZ"ZiX$9dch^YZgl]Zi]Zg edh^i^kZdjiXdbZhXVcdjilZ^\]VcnadhhZh$ Jad][`bS[de!FfgVkfZWfST^WTW^aiiZ[UZeZaiefZWSVhS`fSYWeS`V V[eSVhS`fSYWeaXbdaVgU[`YS`W USfS^aYgW[`efWSVaXSbSbWda`W!<` fZ[eUSeWfZWeUadWeXadS`VSYS[`efSdWhWdkU^aeW!JZSfVakagfZ[`] fZWUa_bS`keZag^VVWU[VWfaVa26S`kagfZ[`]aXS`k_adWbdae Ua`eS`VagfUa_WefaSVVfafZWfST^W2 Pros Cons Possible outcomes Cheaper to produce in the long run. +5 Need specialised staff or train existing staff to produce an e-catalogue, the first year. –5 It will make the catalogue more expensive in the first year. –2 Easier and cheaper to distribute by email. +5 A majority of customers will be happy and comfortable with an e-version of the catalogue. +4 Sales force could show the catalogue on their laptops. +2 Total +16 Listening 3 Speaking ) M]Zci]ZVXi^dc]VhWZZceji^cideaVXZVh`ndjhZa[l]ViaZhhdchXVcWZ aZVgci[gdbi]ZYZX^h^dcbV`^c\egdXZYjgZjhZY$J]^h^hVc^bedgiVcihiZe [dg[jgi]ZgYZkZadebZcid[ndjgYZX^h^dc#bV`^c\h`^aahVcY_jY\ZbZci$ /. Kc^i/ Some customers may not want to download the catalogue. –4 Some customers prefer a paper support. –3 Customers may print out the catalogue anyway, and resent the cost. –3 Customers may get used to it in time and see the point. +3 Sales force will have no paper support to show customers. –5 Some ecologically-minded customers might be impressed with the move on ideological grounds. +4 Total –17 Total +2 ?[efW`fafiabWab^WfS^][`YSTagffZWbdaT^W_S`VS`eiWdfZW cgWef[a`e! $ % & ' M]Vi^hi]Zbdhi^bedgiVciVg\jbZci[dgi]Z[^ghiheZV`Zg5 M]Vi^hi]Zbdhi^bedgiVciVg\jbZci[dgi]ZhZXdcYheZV`Zg5 M]ViX]d^XZY^Yi]ZnbV`Z^ci]ZZcY5 :dndji]^c`i]ZnbVYZi]Zg^\]iX]d^XZ5 Jad][`bS[de!HeWfZWfWUZ`[cgWeZai`[`fZWfST^WSTahWfa_S]WS VWU[e[a`STagfa`Wad_adWaXfZWXa^^ai[`Y! à à à à à ' ?[i]ZgZVgZhZkZgVaVaiZgcVi^kZhdeZcidndj"ignidgZYjXZi]ZbidV a^b^iZY[ZlVcYgZXdch^YZgi]Zh^ijVi^dcl^i]i]ZhZgZhig^XiZYX]d^XZh$ ( J]ZgZValVnhXdbZhVi^bZidhideiVa`^c\VcYhiVgiVXi^c\$CV`Zndjg X]d^XZVcYhiVgiVeaVcd[VXi^dcidWZZmZXjiZY$ M]ZcWgV^chidgb^c\i]ZegdhVcYXdchd[Vcdei^dcndjXVcjhZViVWaZdg \g^Yid]Zaendjiddg\Vc^hZndjgi]dj\]ih$OdjXVcVahd\^kZZVX]ed^ciV lZ^\]i^c\Wn\^k^c\^iVeajhdgb^cjhhXdgZdjid[[^kZdgiZc$ Wjn^c\ndjgcZlXVbZgV^cVh]dedgdkZgi]Z?ciZgcZi Wjn^c\VcZlXVgdg`ZZe^c\ndjgdaYdcZ X]Vc\^c\_dWhdghiVn^c\^cndjgXjggZcidcZ Veean^c\[dgV_dW^cVhbVaaWjh^cZhhdg^cVaVg\ZXdgedgVi^dc ^ckZhi^c\bdcZn^ci]ZhidX`ZmX]Vc\Zdg^cegdeZgin 7[eUgeekagdUZa[UWei[fZafZWdbS[de! Culture at work Taking action ?chdbZXjaijgZh^i^hXdch^YZgZYedh^i^kZidiV`Zndjgi^bZl]ZcbV`^c\ X]d^XZh$?cXjaijgZha^`Zi]ZhZ"X]d^XZhVgZWVhZYdcad\^XVa"gVi^dcVaVcY hdjcYVg\jbZcih$8jh^cZhheZdeaZl^aaheZcYVadid[i^bZi]^c`^c\VWdji i]ZdjiXdbZd[ZVX]edhh^WaZbdkZVcYl^aaWZhadlZgidiV`ZVXi^dci]Vc^c XjaijgZhl]ZgZ^cij^i^dc^hkVajZYVcYi^bZ^hXdch^YZgZYVhXVgXZXdbbdY^in$ J]ZhZXjaijgZhegZ[ZgidVXifj^X`anZkZc^[^ibZVchbV`^c\Vb^hiV`ZVcY \d^c\WVX`idi]ZYgVl^c\WdVgYaViZg$M]Vi^hXadhZhiidndjgXjaijgZ5 Kc^i/ // Review 3 Dilemma: Creative showcase Decision: B^hiZcidBVghLVcYZgW^ai"VXgZVi^kZ XdchjaiVci"iVa`^c\VWdji]dli]Z _jY\ZhX]dhZidY^hig^WjiZi]Zeg^oZh$ Brief ?78?ciZgcZi7YkZgi^h^c\8jgZVj]VkZVbdci]anVlVgY[dgXjii^c\# ZY\ZXgZVi^k^in^ci]Zdca^cZVYkZgi^h^c\hZXidg$7cndcZXVcZciZg Vhadc\Vhi]Z^gXVbeV^\c^hiVg\ZiZYViVKAVjY^ZcXZ$J]Zldg`^h _jY\ZYWnhZc^dgdca^cZXgZVi^kZhVcYi]Zl^ccZgh"eajhildgjccZgh je"]VkZi]Z^gldg`ejWa^h]ZY^c>Qb[UdY^WHUU[$HZXZcian"i]Z [daadl^c\XVbeV^\chlZgZh]dgia^hiZY[dgi]Zeg^oZ$ $ M]ViYdZh]Zi]^c`d[i]Z XVbeV^\ch5 % :dZh]ZV\gZZl^i]i]Z_jY\ZhÈ YZX^h^dc5 & M]VigZVhdchYdZh]Z\^kZ5 In one take, on one tank Tribal DDB’s ‘in one take, on one tank’ concept for Volkswagen showcases the amazing fuel efficiency of the new Bluemotion Polo in a clear, engaging way. To create it, the team drove the car from London to the Geneva motorshow on a single tank of diesel and filmed the journey in a single take – 36 hours of footage which was edited down and incorporated into a site that enabled the viewer to participate interactively in the drive and review statistics relating to CO2 output, cost and fuel consumption. The end result is a vivid demonstration of the car’s unique capability. Fill the Indigo O2, the telecoms company, asked Archibald Ingall Stretton to raise awareness of their music credentials and deliver a real experience for the brand slogan – ‘We’re better connected’. They hired the Indigo2 venue, generally used for live music. Then they told people ‘If you can fill it, you can win it.’ Any person who could invite enough people to fill the stadium could have it for a private party! This was the ultimate test of popularity and social networking skills. The X Factor Challenge Task 1 Mdg`^c\gdjeh$:^hXjhhl]Vindji]^c`d[ZVX]d[i]ZXVbeV^\ch$ M]^X]dcZVeeZVahbdhiidndjeZghdcVaan5 Task 2 :^hXjhhZVX]d[i]ZXVbeV^\ch^ciZgbhd[i]ZXg^iZg^VWZadl$MZ^\]i ZVX]dcZWn\^k^c\^iVhXdgZdjid[iZc$ à 8gVcY[^i0]dllZaaYdZhi]ZXVbeV^\c[^ii]ZWgVcY^bV\Z5 à J]Z^YZV0]dldg^\^cVa^hi]ZXVbeV^\c5 à KhZd[i]ZbZY^jb0]dlbVcnY^[[ZgZcibZY^VlZgZjhZY5 à ;c\V\ZbZci0l]Vi^hi]ZfjVa^ind[XdchjbZg^ciZgVXi^dc5 Task 3 9]ddhZVl^ccZg$ Write it up Mg^iZVegZhhgZaZVhZidVccdjcXZi]Zl^cc^c\XVbeV^\c$ For more information, see Style guide, page 24. '&& Kc^i/ The X Factor is Europe’s biggest singing contest, sponsored by Carphone Warehouse, a mobile phone retailer.The X Factor Challenge lets viewers sing and draw themselves for a chance to appear on TV during the show’s ad breaks. The campaign uses TV, mobile and social media to engage the user at different levels, from simply watching someone else’s performance to creating their own, sharing it via their mobile and, ultimately, starring on TV. Each week, contestants are picked from the website and their animations and singing performances are used as TV clips. They are seen by up to 12 million viewers during the Saturday night X Factor shows. Language check Word order: adverbs Future perfect 4dWfZWSVhWdTe[`[fS^[Ue[`fZW_aef Sbbdabd[SfWb^SUW2<X`afiZWdWeZag^VfZWk TWb^SUWV2 6a_b^WfWfZW_S`SYW_W`f^WUfgdWi[fZ Sbbdabd[SfWXad_eaXfZWXgfgdWbWdXWUf! Many of you (1 read) last year’s study which found no evidence of a connection between a boss’s personality and company performance. Well, by now, I hope you (2 also look at) the notes I sent you about my personal research which, by the time 3 it’s finished, ( prove) more or less the opposite and if by the end of today’s class you don’t 4 believe there is a link, then I ( not achieve) what I set out to do. Before publishing our results, both myself and a team of psychologists 5 ( work) day and night on this project. But I know we’ll feel that (6 be) worth it in the end. As 1 frequently alpha males are appointed to top jobs in the computer industry it surprised many 2 probably when Diane Green was appointed CEO of VMware. The company sells software that makes data centres more efficient and has 3 quietly become the world’s fourth most valuable traded 4 publicly software company. Ms Green has already made her management style clear to employees. Open communication is key to her method and she 5 regularly grants interviews in a glass walled office next to the entrance which she pops out of 6 often to greet passers-by. Consolidation Active and passive 4dWfZWg`VWd^[`WVhWdTeSUf[hWadbSee[hW2 J]ZZkZgX]Vc\^c\ldgaYd[dca^cZVYkZgi^h^c\ ' Xdc[jhZhbVcnWjh^cZhheZdeaZVWdjil]VigZVaan ldg`h$?ihZZbhi]Vidca^cZk^YZd#WVhZYVYh( ]VkZ WZZcegZhZci^c\i]ZW^\\ZhiY^aZbbVh$7iVgZXZci 7Y7\Z9dc[ZgZcXZi]VikZgnide^X) ]VhWZZc Y^hXjhhZY$M]Vi* lVhWgdj\]iidi]ZYZaZ\ViZhÈ ViiZci^dclVhi]Z[VXii]VidcanXZgiV^cXdciZci ldg`hVcYi]ViXdciZcih]djaY+ WZYZh^\cZYWn egd[Zhh^dcVaXdciZciXgZVidgh$HZhZVgX]h]dlh i]Vil]ZcWjh^cZhhZh, \diheZX^Va^hihidYdi]Z XVbeV^\ch"i]ZgZhjaihlZgZWZiiZg$J]Zdcan egdWaZbl]^X]hZZbh- idWZaddb^c\dci]Z ]dg^odc^hl]Zi]Zgi]ZcdkZaind[dca^cZk^YZd VYkZgi^h^c\. ^hlZVg^c\d[[dgcdi$ Have and get 6a_b^WfWfZWeW`fW`UWei[fZSXad_aXXQfU adWUd! $ J]ZnÈkZ_jhi i]Zl]daZd[[^XZgZYZh^\cZY$ % :dndji]^c`h]Z i]Zedhid[bVcV\Zg5 & M]nYdcÈindj i]ZWdd`hX]ZX`ZYWnVc VjY^idg5 ' J]ZnVgZi]^c`^c\d[ ]ZVY]jciZghidYd i]ZcZlgZXgj^i^c\$ ( J]Vc`hid]^hgdaZ^c\Zii^c\i]ZcZlXdcigVXi ]Z VeVn^cXgZVhZ$ 6ZaaeWfZWUaddWUfiadVadXad_aXfZWiadVe [`[fS^[UeTW^ai! 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Proverbs Zck^gdcbZciXVgWdc[ddieg^cihZVgX] Zc\^cZ hjWdgY^cViZhcZlh[ZZYh ]VgVhhbZci hXVgX^in XdVX]^c\ hdX^Va cZildg`^c\ CVX]^VkZaa^Vc ede#jeh gZcZlVWaZZbedlZgbZcihc^eeZih hjhiV^cVWaZ 6a_b^WfWfZWbdahWdTeTW^ai! Resources Power E-marketing $ Jld VgZWZiiZgi]VcdcZ$ % :dcÈi_jY\ZV Wn^ihXdkZg$ & ^hi]Zbdi]Zgd[^ckZci^dc$ ' 7aaldg`VcYcd bV`Zh@VX`V YjaaWdn$ ( ?[Vi[^ghindjYdcÈi "ign"ign V\V^c$ ) IXgViX]bn VcY?ÈaahXgViX]ndjgh$ * :dcÈi ndjgX]^X`ZchWZ[dgZ i]ZnÈgZ]ViX]ZY$ Career skills Influencing CgffZWV[S^aYgW[`fZWUaddWUfadVWd! & 6a_b^WfWfZWfWjfTW^aii[fZfZWUaddWUf Xad_aXea_WaXfZWiadVeSTahW! Politicians can no longer allow big polluters to operate on the 1 theory that the end justifies the means. Producing short-term solutions with no concern for 2 their and with little or no research being done to find 3 solutions is creating nothing short of an 4 disaster. 5 controllers, who feel intimidated by companies, to impose the penalties that are in place would be a start. Unfortunately many corporations consider regulations merely as unnecessary 6 which prevents them from doing their business efficiently. 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