An Aliasing{Free Receiver with Variable Sample Rate Digital Feedback M=T NDA Timing Synchronization Uwe Lambrette, Klaus Langhammer and Heinrich Meyr Lehrstuhl fur Integrierte Systeme der Signalverarbeitung Aachen Univ. of. Technology, D-52056 Aachen email [email protected] Keywords: Digital Receiver, NDA Timing Synchronization Aliasing, Variable Sample Rate, DVB Abstract - The evolving digital television broadcasting standard does not standardize the data rate 1=T of the transmitted data but instead leaves it completely unspecied. We propose two digital receiver algorithms for the processing of an extended range of variable sample rates 1=Ts based on a timing synchronization algorithm producing synchronized samples at rate M=T where M is variable. The algorithms are compared in terms of their complexity and performance. One of the algorithms is based on ltering the received samples prior to timing synchronization and choosing M = 2, whereas the second algorithm also uses the sample rate 3=T in timing recovery loop and matched lter depending on T=Ts and thus avoids the necessity of preltering. Both algorithms can be implemented causing negligible loss in a DVB receiver. This paper was published in part at Globecom 1996. In this paper we propose a digital feedback (FB) non{data{aided (NDA) timing synchronization algorithm that is capable of processing variable symbol rates relative to the sample rate T=Ts. Modems for variable data rates have thus far been discussed in 1,2] with an emphasis on interpolator control and interpolation and their construction has been outlined in 3]. In this paper, we discuss NDA timing synchronization for variable{rate modems in a detailed manner with an emphasis on the aliasing problems and the timing synchronizer structure. In section 2, we dene the signal and noise model used, section 3 covers a review on optimum receiver structures leading to an implementable synchronization structure along with the denition of the notation. Section 4 covers the concept of digital timing synchronization using NDAFB algorithms. Section 5 discusses the eects of aliasing and two possible remedies. Section 6 describes some aspects of the discrete{time nite{ range implementation. In section 7, simulation results conrm the predictions of the previous sections. 2 Signal and Transmission Model We consider a transmission of root{raised cosine (Nyquist) pulses with a variable symbol duration T and symbol rate R = 1=T . Before sampling and A/D conversion, the received signal is passed through an anti{aliasing lter (AAF) with transfer function A(f ). The AAF usually has a bandwidth much smaller than 2=T in order to prevent noise from being sampled with the A/D converter as this would require a larger dynamic range of the A/D converter. In this model, the received noise is coloured due to the small bandwidth 2fg of the analog prelter. The (well{known) model of the received signal at the receiver is 1 X rf (mTs ) = alg(mTs ; lT ; "T )ej ejTsm +nf (mTs ) (1) l|=;1 {z } sf The ltered gaussian noise nf () has the power spectral density Nf (f ) and the signal sf has the power spectral density S (f ). The timing oset is always measured with respect 2 H(f) A(f) S(f) 2∆f Nf IF amplif. AGC1 (1+α)/2T a fg sampling A->D A(f) f AGC2 Figure 1: Analog Receiver frontend to T . The bandwidth used by the signal transmission is 2a, where a = 1 2+T + f: (2) Here f is the maximum allowable frequency oset (in Hz) and is the rollo factor of the root raised cosine pulses used. We assume that A(f ) = const: for jf j < a. We also assume that the various AGCs manage to keep the signal power at the A/D input at a constant value. See gure 1 for the spectra at the analog frontend. In the receiver, we are faced with multirate signal processing where xl denotes samples with an average sample rate of R = 1=T and xk denotes samples with an average rate of RM = M=T = 1=TI , such that the samples xk=lM:::lM +(M ;1) correspond to xl . The processing and sampling rate Rs = 1=Ts is always larger than M=T but is generated by a free running oscillator. Samples at this rate are denoted by xm . Figure 2 highlights the relation of xm, xk and xl. For the implementation discussed in here, sampling rates of 2=T and 3=T (ie M = 2 3) proved suciency. 3 TS x(mT)≡xm m x(kTI )≡x(kT/M) ≡xk T/M k T x(lT)≡xl t asynchronous synchronous l Figure 2: Relation of time axes 3 Receiver Structure 3.1 ML-based Receiver Structure ML{based reception intends to eliminate the unwanted parameters from the likelihood function L() in order to obtain a likelihood function solely dependent on the symbol vector a. Several approaches to do so are known (Non{Data{Aided (NDA), Data{Aided (DA), Decision{Directed (DD) Synchronization) and all lead to realizations with small performance degradation compared to the theoretical optimum. We recall from 4] that the likelihood function may be written as L(a " T ) = 2IRaH ej z ; aH Ha (3) assuming a negligible frequency oset where z = : : : z;1 z0 z1 : : :] is the output of the digital matched lter 1 X z(lT + "T ) = rf (mTs)gMF (;mTs + lT ; "T ) (4) m=;1 The digital matched lter is time{variant except when Ts =T is an integer4]. It may be separated into a time{variant variable{rate interpolation and decimation lter and a xed rate time{invariant matched lter. For odd M , we have to align the samples in the matched lter by Ti=2. Let 8 > > < 0 M even > : 1=(2M ) M odd odd = > (5) and k = kTI + (" + odd)T . Then 1 rf (mTs )h(k m " + odd M Ts=T ) m=;1 1 X z(lT + "T ) = rf ( k )gMF (;kT=M + (l ; odd)T ): k=;1 rf ( k ) = X 4 (6) (7) rf (mTs) Prefilter rf (kT/M+εT/M) 1/Ts Interpolator selection / bypass of prefilter depending on Ts/T µ k m=mk 0 m=mk } M/T m=mk e 1/Ts l f,l =z(lT+εT) M/T 1/T Viterbi Decoder ^ θk NCO M/T ek wl 1/T el Loop Filter TNCO Matched Filter ^ -jθk M/T TED 1/Ts z(kT/M+εT/M)e 1/T Phase Recovery M/T decreasing sample rate by discarding n-1 out of n samples increasing sample rate by repeating sample decreasing sample rate by accepting only samples marked by control signal increasing sample rate by controlled repetition of sample 1/T,... average sample rate Figure 3: Receiver. The prelter is discussed in section 5.2. Later we will also use k0 = k ; oddT . 3.2 Implementation{Friendly Receiver Structure The receiver based upon the joint estimation of data and sync parameters cannot be realized due to complexity constraints. For the application of receiving a continuous data stream, we now suggest a specic receiver structure. Synchronized samples at the rate RM are generated before applying the matched lter. The timing recovery loop is closed before the matched lter in order to remove unwanted interactions between timing and carrier recovery. The carrier loop is closed 'around' the matched lter. The resulting receiver structure is depicted in gure 3. The prelters will be discussed later. Acquisition may now be separated by acquiring rst timing and then carrier. From now on, we will focus on the timing recovery scheme used. 4 Timing Synchronization We describe the NDA timing feedback synchronization technique. 5 Timing synchronization for continuous data streams is performed by a feedback loop consisting of a timing error detector, a loop lter and either a controllable VCO or a digital interpolator. The latter solution has several advantages: It allows to reduce the interaction between analog and digital circuitry (and hence diminishes design time and test complexity) it allows to use cheaper analog components and its design is easier to handle as no joint analog and digital modeling technique has to be employed. 4.2 Timing Error Detector and Loop Filter We use the timing error detector (TED) devised by Gardner 5] which is known to produce an error estimate that will lead to timing estimates approaching the CramerRao bound (CRB) 6] independent of the carrier. The TED algorithm is obtained by setting @L=@" = 0 and removing the data dependency. Secondly, the derivative @gMF ()=@" according to (4) is simplied until @z(lT + "T )=@" const:(rf (k+1 ) ; rf (k;1 )) is obtained, as we want to apply the TED before the matched lter. This approximation does not only hold for RM = 2=T (as suggested in 5]), but also for higher M . We obtain ; ek = rf ( k0 ) rf ( k0 + T=M ) ; rf ( k0 ; T=M ) : When computing the S{curve, we closely follow the derivation in 5] and nally obtain (for root {raised cosine pulses, rollo ) E el (") = ; (M4M 2 ; 42 ) sin(2 ") 1 + 1 ; sin M + sin M 2 (8) The S{curve is displayed in gure 4 for M = 2 4 and is derived in the appendix. The loop lter is described by the equations xl+1 = xl + el wl = Kixl + Kp el (9) (10) and hence the timing recovery loop employed is a standard second order type 2 loop running at an average sample rate R. 6 Figure 4: S-curve of the timing error detector for dierent sampling rates 4.3 Interpolator Control (TNCO) Let us rst assume that both timing oset " and TI =Ts are known. We have to reconstruct the synchronized sampling instants of the transmitted sequence at an intermediate rate RM in units of Ts . kTI + "T = mk Ts + k Ts (11) The task of the interpolator control is to compute the quantities mk and k from the loop lter output and the NCO control word. Dene (m k) = kTI =Ts + "T=Ts ; m (12) Obviously for m = mk , (mk k) = k . Reasonable k lie between 0 and 1, thus we are interested in the values mk for which 0 < k < 1 holds. The mk increase monotonically, ie. mk+1 mk as k increases monotonically. In the case of practical interest TI =Ts is always greater than one and in this case mk+1 > mk . If (m k) > 1 we can be sure that (m + 1 k) is a better candidate for k . If (m + 1 k) < 0 we can be sure that (m k) = k and m = mk , thus < 0 is the criterion for computing a new output 7 the procedure. Compared to the approach chosen by Gardner and Erup 2,1] we nd our 7] () to be normalized to the sampling time instead of the time TI which allows to obtain k without dividing by TI . Compared to the 'alternative approach' from 2] we do not need to compute the dierence between mk and mk+1. 4.4 Interpolator Design If the complexity of the interpolator remains unconstrained, the interpolator computes the exact value of the (bandlimited) rf (k ). However, an estimate of the interpolated value based on few samples 2,7] is sucient, we can optimize the lters h() from eqn. (6) using an exhaustive search. Ie. for any the MSE of all possible lter vectors h (constrained by quantization and lter length) is computed and the vector with minimum MSE is selected. A very good overview of fractional delay lter design with extensive references is given in 8]. 5 Aliasing Eects 5.1 Constraints on T s After interpolation, a controlled decimation is carried out. Therefore it may occur that signal and noise spectra start aliasing which do not interfere before the decimation process to the rate RM < Rs. As shown in gure 5 (b), aliasing occurs in the case where the bandwidth of the antialiasing prelter fg ceases to satisfy fg (M=T ; a): (13) The aliasing of the noise components Nf only, as shown in gure 5 (a) is not crucial as this noise will be removed by subsequent matched ltering 4]. In order to remove unwanted aliasing, two strategies will be discussed here. The rst deals with preltering the received signal whereas the second removes aliasing by increasing the intermediate sample rate RM . In both cases we assume that the 8 Sf(f) fg,a ∆f=0 2∆f Nf(f) 0 a 1/Ts-fg,b fg,b 1/Ts-fg,a 1/Ts-a 1/Ts f a=((1+α)/2T+∆f) a) fg,a<(M/T-a) 0 b) fg,b=(M/T-a) 0 M/T-fg,a M/T-fg,b=a M/T M/T f f Figure 5: Aliasing after Decimation. Top: The Power Spectrum of rf sampled at rate Rs. a) M=T ; fg > a. b) M=T ; fg = a. bandwidth of the analog prelter is slaved to the sample rate by fg = c=Ts. In order to avoid any eect from the prelter on the useful signal, we have to lower bound c by fg a (14) The tightest bound is achieved when T=Ts = 2, such that cmin = aT2 9 (15) transition band transition band stop band stop band ∆f t ∆f t pass band f -f g -fs -fp fp fs fg "don’t care" region Figure 6: Frequency bands for optimum lter design. 5.2 Constraining Received Signal Bandwidth In this section M = 2 is xed for all cases of T=Ts. We introduce a lowpass lter preceeding the timing recovery loop (gure 3, 'frontend'). The lter shall reduce fg to fs < fg such that no more aliasing occurs. Since the signal is band limited due to A(f ) the frequencies beyond fg can be regarded as dont{care regions. No optimization is carried out in the transition band, the transition bandwidth ft is left as an optimization parameter, instead. The bands where the approximation error has to be minimized is the pass- and the stopband as shown in gure 6. Because of this the MSE of the symmetric ideal spectra and an approximation H~ i (f ) can be dened by hR i R fp 2 jfT 2 jfT s )j2 df + fg jH s )j2 df ~ ~ j 1 ; H (e (e i fs i MSEi = 0 : (16) fp + fg ; fs The usage of several digital lowpass lters allows us to increase the bandwidth of the transition. Thus a reduction of implementation complexity is possible, because the dont{care regions are enlarged. It can be seen from gure 5 that a digital lter i with frequencies fpi and fsi does not inuence the signal and avoids aliasing within the signal spectra in the range of Ts (14) fpiTs : fsi Ts (13) (17) M ; aT T aT It follows that the edge-frequencies of the next lter i + 1 have to be chosen to ! aT f si Ts fpi+1 = T M ; aT + V and fsi+1 = fpi+1 + ft (18) s 10 ft is the transition bandwidth which is assumed constant for all lters. Solving these equations for all fpi and fsi and eliminating ft under the assumptions Ts=T jmin = 0:24 for given imax and fp0 = fs0 = fg gives the information needed to design9] the imax lters. MSE results for a dierent number of lters and varying lter lengths are displayed in gure 7: Shown are the maximum MSE values for a bank of 1,2 and 4 lters. A coecient quantization of 5 and 6 bit was chosen. For a given lter length of the prelters, the value of the worst{case MSE, being valid for only one Ts =T is shown. Ie. MSE is maximized for a given number of coecients Np and lters over Ts=T and i (which selected according to T=Ts) according to a MINMAX strategy 10]. MSE (Np wordlength) = max i ! max MSEi(lterbank wordlength) T=Ts2Range i (19) Thus in the diagram MSE values for dierent Ts =T are plotted and compared explaining the jagged shape of the graphs. In general it is observed that with increasing lter length the quantization becomes the limiting factor on minimizing the MSE whereas for small lter lengths, the number of lters imax is dominant for the performance. Not much can be gained by using more than 2 lters. The resulting prelter must be selected according to the actual normalized sampling rate Ts=T . For the case that is investigated later using simulation, we used 2 lters which were selected according to table 1. In this case, no additional degradation (in terms of the BER) is attained from the prelter, whereas using one lter this is not the case. Settings M = 2 V = 0:01 c = 0:38 Filter Valid Range i none 0:5 0:3167 1 0:3267 > Ts =T 0:2707 2 0:2807 0:24 Table 1: Selection of Prelter depending on T=Ts 11 maximum MSE for filter bank MSE should be at least 15dB below σ2 1 Filter (5 bit) 0.03 1 Filter (6 bit) 0.025 0.02 selected value 0.015 2 Filters (5 bit) 2 Filters (6 bit) [selected] 0.01 4 Filters (5 bit) 0.005 4 Filters (6 bit) 0 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 22 Number of Filter Taps Figure 7: Results for quantized lter coecient MSE 5.3 Increasing the MF sample rate A second technique employs the adaptive increase of the MF and TED sample rate (ie. depending on T=Ts). Solving (13) for M leads to (20) M aT + cT Ts where M T=Ts and we nd that T = M T = M ; aT : (21) Ts min Ts max c Figure 8 displays achievable sampling rates for various M and c. The -shaped region contains all values of (c T=Ts) that can be sampled with a sampling rate M=T where M = 2 3 4. In table 2, the boundaries on T=Ts (Ts =T ) are given for c = 0:38. (It turns out that there are large areas where eg. both M = 2 and M = 3 can be used, which is the case for 0:3067 < Ts=T < 0:3333.) In doing so, we have to adopt the matched lter to the dierent sample rates M=T . As the samples produced by the interpolator are symmetric to the times lT + T=2, we had to introduce the fractional delay odd that needs to be compensated by sampling the matched lter for eg. M = 3 at instants 12 s 2 2 3 3 4 4 s 3.26 5.89 8.53 0.3067 0.5 0.3333 0.1698 0.1172 0.25 Table 2: Switching boundaries for M=T {timing synchronization 3.26 5.89 8.53 0.8 M=2 0.6 M=3 M=4 c 0.4 lowest limit 0.25 2 4 6 T/Ts 8 10 12 14 Figure 8: Achievable T=Ts for varying c = cmin and M , When c > 0:4 and T=Ts 2 2 4] is desired, preltering has to be used. kTI ; oddT . 6 Simulation Results In a rst step, we compute the timing error variance and compare it to the CRB. We use a fully quantized digital receiver. The CRB 11,12,7] lower bounds the timing error R1 ;1 2 2 E s V ar("T ; "^T ) N 2BlT R 1;1!j2GjG(!(!)j)jd! (22) 2 d! : 0 ;1 Inserting the root{raised signal spectra (see appendix 2) and integration leads to T "2 22EBL=N S 0 2 : 23 (1 + 32 ) ; 16 2 3 (23) Note that the loop noise bandwidth is a function of Ts=T and M . In our simulations, BLT = MTs =TbL0 was chosen. We used MbL0 = 2 10;3 in our simulations. Secondly, the synchronization performance is lower bounded by the quantization of k to 8 levels ("=2 = Ts=8T is the maximum timing error) to "2 min = (Ts =8T )2=12. 13 Figure 9: Simulated and calculated timing error variance Variance computation and timing error variance simulation result13] are compared in gure 9. It is seen that the performance loss due to nite wordlength is negligible. Note that the plain addition of the CRB and the quantization variance oor is too pessimistic. The variance oor "2 min is somewhat increased by quantization eects of all signals in the synchronizer. Secondly, we investigate the BER performance: The DVB standard 14] has the remarkable property of not dening the data rate for digital transmission (Properties of the DVB standard are outlined in table 3). We assess the performance of the two schemes by inserting the respective components into a fully{quantized, bittrue DVB prototype receiver. In our simulations13] we always focused on the bit error rate for the R = 7=8 convolutional code instead of the MSE as clipping eects clearly degraded the BER while improving the MSE. The BER thus proved a more precise means of assessing the performance, results are shown in gure 10. The operating point was selected to be Eb=N0 = 5:5dB with a frequency oset of fT = 0:125. We varied the normalized sampling rate Ts =T between 0.25 and 14 Figure 10: Simulated BER performance of complete quantized DVB receiver: At Eb=N0 = 5:5dB, the BER of the RCC = 7=8 punctured convolutional code is 6 10;5, at Eb=N0 = 5:15dB it is 2 10;4 and at Eb=N0 = 5dB it is 4 10;4. 0.49. For c = 0:38 and V = 0:01 the prelters (selected according to gure 7) have to be switched according to table 1. If, however, the M=T synchronizer is used, below Ts =T = 1=3:26 = 0:3067 we have to use M = 3. We simulated the eect of frequency osets in the lter and the phase recovery loop was also simulated. The matched lter for the 2=T mode had length 9 taps, whereas the matched lter for the 3=T {mode had 13 taps. It is seen that the degradation of the receiver is almost independent of the sampling rate. The degradation of the 3/T scheme is slightly higher. For other SNR and other convolutional code rates, a similar degradation can be expected. 7 Conclusions We presented two techniques for designing wide{range variable symbol rate fully digital receivers based on a free running oscillator clock. One of the approaches is based on 15 increases the intermediate synchronized sampling rate. In terms of implementation eciency, the second approach probably will prove superior, as only a second matched lter running at rate 3=T is needed, whereas the rst technique requires two additional lters running at a sampling rate 1=Ts and using more coecients. Both techniques do not produce signicant additional loss in a fully quantized bittrue receiver model suitable for DVB reception. Further work has to detail the acquisition performance, since false locks may occur at multiples of the symbol rate. 8 Appendix 8.1 Detector S-Curve We assume that the symbol duration T is acquired correctly already and compute the shape and the slope of the detector curve depending on the time lag of the synchronized samples with respect to the correct sampling instant. In this case, ek = rf ( k ) (rf ( k + T=M ) ; rf ( k ; T=M )) : is the instantaneous error detector output (at rate 1=T ) and E ek = X q g( ; (q ; 1=M )T )g( + qT )} + {z | (q) X q g| ( ; (q ; 1=M )T )g( + qT )} {z (q ) (24) is the average of the detector output in case that the noise is stationary (noise terms cancel in this case) and the symbols are iid with symbol energy one, g is the modulation pulse. We closely follow 5] in the notation, (basically the dierence in the computations is that 1=2 has to be replaced by 1=M ) and rstly compute one using the Fourier transform where Z A(f ) = ( )e;j2f d B(f ) = Z ( )e;j2f d We will see that in the innite series P and P only few terms survive. The quantity A(f ) results to Z A(f ) = g( + (q ; 1=M )T )g( + qT )e;j2f d (25) 16 A(f ) = Z G( )ej2qT Z g( + (q ; 1=M )T )e;j2 (f ;) dd (26) and using 0 = + (q ; 1=M )T we nally obtain A(f ) = Z G( )ej2qT Z Z g( 0)e;j2( ;(q;1=M )T )(f ;)d 0d 0 A(f ) = ej2f (q;1=M )T G( )G(f ; )ejT d (27) Inserting this in Pq (q ) and using the time shift relation of the fourier transform we obtain X q Z Z (q ) = G( )ejT G(f ; )ej2f e;j2fT=M X q ej2fqT dfd: (28) and using the fact that 5] T 1 j2fqT X 1 e = (f ; m=T ) ;1 ;1 X (29) we obtain Z X (q ) = T1 G( )ejT G(m=T ; )ej2m=T e;j2m=M d q m Z 1=T m =1 X (;1)m ej2m=T G( )G(m=T ; )ej2T=M d (30) = T1 ; 1 =T m=;1 in the case that G(f ) = 0 for jf j > 1=T (which is usually the case). Performing the same steps for (and B) we obtain X X q Z X ( q) = T1 (;1)m ej2m=T G( )G(m=T ; )e;j2T=M d m (31) The quantity of interest was (;1)m ej2m=T G(f )G(m=T ; f ) sin 2 fT M df q m=;1 (32) For a real modulation pulse g, (G is symmetric) the summand for m = 0 vanishes due to the odd symmetry and the surviving terms are U ( ) = X (q ) ; (q ) = 2Tj 1 X Z Z 1=T 2 j j 2 =T G (f )G(1=T ; f ) sin 2 fT U ( ) = ; T e df M 0 Z 0 +ej2=T ;1=T G(f )G(;1=T ; f ) sin 2 fT df : M 17 (33) Computation of the S- curve M =2 M =3 M =4 sin √ 2 fT M 1 1 − sin 2 2 1 1 − sin 2 2 ⎛ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎜ ⎝ fT fT − − 1 2 1 2 ⎞ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎟ ⎠ α=0.35 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 fT 0.7 nonzero Overlap and Integration Region Figure 11: Integrand factors of the S{curve gain We admit that there is not much dierence to the original result of 5] where only M = 2 was investigated, but the extension to other oversampling factors is dicult to establish. By introducing the real Ge and Go, we may write G(f ) = Ge(f ) + jGo(f ) (34) where Ge (f ) (Go (f )) obey an even (odd) symmetry in case that g is real. For the general case (non-symmetric g) we obtain 5] q U ( ) = ; T4 G2I + G2R sin( 2T ; ) (35) where Z 0 GI = ;1=T (Go(f )Ge (;1=T ; f ) + Ge (f )Go (;1=T ; f )) sin 2 fT M df Z 1=T GR = 0 (Ge (f )Ge (1=T ; f ) ; Go(f )Go (1=T ; f )) sin 2 fT M df: = tan;1 GGI R (36) as in 5]. For a real g that also is symmetric, we obtain Z 1=T 4 2 U ( ) = ; T sin T 0 G(f )G(1=T ; f ) sin 2 fT M df} | {z X 18 (37) Firstly, we consider root{raised cosine pulses. r 1 Gr = p 1 ; sin 2 (2fT ; 1) (38) 2 holds in the spectral range f 2 (1 ; )=2T (1 + )=2T ] of interest. In this case, s s Z 1+ 2T 1 X = 1 2 1 ; sin 2 (2fT ; 1) 1 + sin 2 (2fT ; 1) sin 2 fT M df (39) 2T which leads to Z 1+ 2T X = 1 cos 2 (1 ; 2fT ) sin 2 fT (40) M df: ; ; 2T Solving the integral (using 17]) we obtain 2 1+ + sin 1; 3 1+ + sin 1; sin sin 1 4 2 M 2 M ; 2 M2 ;1 2 M 5 (41) X = 2 T 2 +1 M M that simplies to 2 1 M X = T sin M (1 + ) + sin M (1 ; ) M 2 ; 42 (42) and leads to the expression given in the paper previously. For raised{cosine pulses, we rst have to look at the (normalized) symbol energy which is, after ltering a unit energy root{raised pulse with a matched lter, reduced to (4 ; )=4T < 1=T . In this derivation, however, we do not correct the variation of the pulse energy but keep the spectrum Z (43) Gr = 21 1 ; sin 2 (2fT ; 1) G2r df = 4 4;T of the received pulse for f 2 (1 ; )=2T (1 + )=2T ]. In this case, Z 1+ 1 1 2T 2 X = 1 4 ; 4 sin 2 (2fT ; 1) sin 2 fT (44) M df 2T which simplies to Z 1+ 1 2 fT 2T X = 8 1 sin M 1 + cos (2fT ; 1) df (45) 2T whose only signicant dierence to the root{raised case is a factor two in the argument of the cosine. This integral can be solved using 17] and the result is M (46) X = 16 T cos M (1 ; ) ; cos M (1 + ) 1 ; 12=M 2 The maxima of the S{curve can be found from gure 12. The slope of the S{curve is U ( = 0) = ;8 X=T 2. ; ; 19 Maximum of S-Curve 2XT 0.9 0.8 0.7 root-raised cosine pulses 0.6 M =2 0.5 M =3 simulated points 0.4 M =4 0.3 raised cosine pulses 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 α rolloff 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 12: Maxima of the S{curve for various M and . Compare gure 4. 8.2 Computation of the CRB As known, the timing error variance results to 7,11,12] 1 R #;1 " j G(!)j2d! 2 E s 2BLT 1R;1 Varf0T ; ^T g = ~ : (47) N0 !2jG(!)j2d! ;1 The timing error variance strongly depends on the pulse shape (ie. the rollo parameter ). The larger , the smaller the variance. We have to insert Gr (!) ! = 2 f where Gr corresponds to the root raised cosine pulse. 1 Z ;1 1 Z ;1 1; jG(!)j2d! ZT = 2 = 2T 0 = 2 1+ d! + 2 ZT 1; T 1 1 + sin 1 ; T ! d! 2 2 (48) 1; !2jG(!)j2d! ZT 0 1+ !2d! + 2 ZT 1; T 20 T 2 1 + sin 2 1 ; ! d! !2 1 = 23 T (1 + 32) + 1 ; T !2 sin 2 1 ; !T : (49) The last integral can easily be solved using the substitution !0 = =T ; !. We obtain References 2 Var 2BLT~ 2 3 : 2ES =N0 3 T 2 (1 + 32) ; 16 T 2 (50) 1] L. Erup, \Simulation of Interpolators and Their Control," in Proceedings of the IEEE CAMAD-3, IEEE, 1990. 2] F. M. Gardner and L. Erup, \Interpolation in Digital Modems - Part i," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 501{507, 1993. 3] G. Karam, K. Maalej, V. Paxal, and H. Sari, \Variable Symbol{Rate Modem Design for Cable and Satellite Broadcasting," in Proc. 7th International Tirrhenian Workshop on Digital Communications (M. Luise and E. 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