SAMPLE DESIGN APPENDIX B The major objective of the 2000 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey sample design was to provide estimates with acceptable precision for key demographic characteristics such as fertility, infant and child mortality, and child health indicators. The sample was designed to provide these estimates at the national level, for urban and rural areas, and for six main residential categories: Urban Governorates, urban Lower Egypt, rural Lower Egypt, urban Upper Egypt, rural Upper Egypt, and the Frontier Governorates. In addition, the sample design allows for estimates of the contraceptive prevalence rate and other basic health indicators, but not fertility and mortality rates for each of the 21 governorates in the Urban Governorates, Lower Egypt, and Upper Egypt.1 In the Frontier Governorates, the sample size for the individual governorates is not sufficiently large to allow for separate governorate level estimates. To achieve the above objectives, a three stage probability sample was designed. The following is a detailed description of the 2000 EDHS sample design. A description of the field activities involved in the implementation of the sample design is included in Chapter I of this report. B.1 SAMPLE DESIGN The main concern in developing the sample design for the 2000 EDHS was to secure a sufficient number of cases in each domain in order to reduce sampling error and provide estimates of adequate precision for the purposes of the survey. Sampling error has two components, one corresponding to the variation between primary sampling units (PSUs) and the other to the variation within PSUs, with the major component usually being the variation between PSUs. Thus, the total number of PSUs is an important factor in controlling the size of the sampling error since the variation between PSUs depends on this number, i.e., generally the smaller the number of PSUs, the greater will be the variation. The DHS sampling policy recommends a minimum of 1000-1200 women per domain. This number of cases allows for a reasonably precise estimate of the total fertility rate for the domain. Thus, given an optimal sample take of about 30 cases per PSU, a minimum of 40 PSUs were required per each of the six major areal domains and 33 PSUs for the Frontier Governorates in order to meet the demands for regional estimates. As noted above, however, the 2000 EDHS sample had to be selected in such fashion as to also allow for estimation of contraceptive prevalence rates and other basic health indicators for 21 separate governorates. DHS sampling policy recommends that minimum of 450 completed interviews with eligible women be obtained to provide reliable estimates of these types of variables. This principle was used in determining the size and distribution of the target sample for the 2000 DHS presented in Table B.1 by governorate. 1 Egypt is divided into 26 govern orates. R ecently Luxor originally a pa rt of Qena go verno rate has been given a new status as a separa te adm inistrative unit. Like the Frontier Governorates, Lux or h as a relatively sm all population in com parison to the other governorates. Therefore, for the purposes of establishing the frame for the selection of the 2000 DHS, Luxor was combined with Qena governorate. Appendix B * 219 Table B.1 Sample parameters Distribution of the target number of households and individual interviews and primary sampling units by governorate and urban-rural location and the overall sampling fractions by governorate, 2000 Egypt DHS ________________________________________________________________________ Target Number Number number Target of of Overall of number urban rural sampling Governorates households of women PSUs PSUs fraction _________________________________________________________________________ Urban Governorates Cairo 1,532 1,219 40 0.000913 Alexandria 1,069 851 29 0.001306 Port Said 565 450 15 0.005007 Suez 566 450 15 0.005823 Lower Egypt Damietta 503 450 4 11 0.002657 Dakahlia 894 799 7 19 0.000976 Sharkia 866 783 6 20 0.001013 Kalyubia 829 722 10 14 0.001310 Kafr El-Sheikh 605 546 4 14 0.001374 Gharbia 806 715 7 17 0.001116 Menoufia 676 614 4 17 0.001179 Behera 792 715 6 18 0.001044 Ismailia 527 450 8 7 0.004397 Upper Egypt Giza 1,047 949 17 14 0.000961 Beni Suef 543 532 4 14 0.001797 Fayoum 566 557 4 15 0.001601 Menya 732 726 5 19 0.001172 Assuit 674 654 6 16 0.001263 Souhag 712 702 5 18 0.001360 Qena 687 666 6 16 0.001501 Aswan 482 450 6 9 0.002949 Frontier Governorates Red Sea 181 201 5 2 0.007542 New Valley 168 186 3 4 0.006462 Matrouh 214 237 5 3 0.005609 North Sinai 234 259 5 3 0.005014 South Sinai 105 117 3 2 0.010217 Total B.2 16, 575 1,5000 228 272 SAMPLE FRAME For each governorate, a list of all shiakhas/towns constituted the initial primary sample frame for urban areas, and a list of all villages constituted the frame for the rural areas. The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics provided the required population information for each of the administrative units in the frame based on 1996 Population Census. The frame was updated taking into consideration administrative changes that had taken place since the census. 220 * Appendix B B.3 SAMPLE SELECTION A total of 500 primary sampling units (PSUs) were selected from the 26 governorates with probability proportional to the size of the unit. Of these, 228 units were in urban areas and 272 units in rural areas (Table B.1). Before the selection of PSUs, the frame within each governorate and residential category (urban/rural ) was arranged in serpentine order, beginning from the northwest corner of the governorate. Shiakhas or villages with less than 2,500 population were grouped with contiguous shiakhas or villages until the minimum size was obtained. Table B.2 shows the list of the selected PSUs allocated according to governorates and urbanrural location. Figures B.1.1-B.1.4 show the geographic distribution of the sample. Detailed maps were obtained for the selected PSUs. The map for each unit was divided into a number of equal-sized parts, with each part including approximately 5,000 population. One part was then selected systematically with equal probability from most of the PSUs. A quick count was then carried out to divide the selected part into standard segments of about 200 households. Two segments were then selected from each part, with probability proportional to the estimated number of housing units at the quick count stage. For shiakhas (villages) in which there were 4,000 or more households (approximately 20,000 population), the selection procedures were modified slightly. Two parts were selected systematically with equal probability from these large units. A quick count was carried out to divide each part into segments of around 200 households. One segment was then selected from each part systematically with probability to the estimated number of housing units at the quick count. A total of 1,000 segments were selected in this stage. A household listing operation was implemented in each of selected segments. Based on the household listing, a systematic random sample of households was selected from each segment in a manner as to obtain a self-weighting sample within each governorate. However, the number of households selected from each governorate is disproportional to the governorate's share of the national population. Accordingly, the 2000 EDHS sample is non-self-weighting at the national level. Finally, a systematic sub-sample of one half of all households was selected for the anemia testing. All ever-married women, children under age six, and adolescents 11-19 years in the households of the subsample were eligible for the anemia testing. B.4 SAMPLE IMPLEMENTATION Results of the sample implementation are presented in Table B.3. The results indicate that 17,521 households were selected for the 2000 EDHS sample. The EDHS field staff successfully interviewed 16,957 of the sample households, for a response rate of 99 percent. In the interviewed households, 15,573 eligible women were interviewed with a response rate 99.5 percent. This gives an overall response rate of 99 percent. Appendix B * 221 Table B.2 Primary sampling units by governorate, 2000 Egypt DHS URBAN GOVERNORATES Cairo El-Marg El-Baharia Al-Salam Al-Sharkia El-Matar Al-Zahraa and Masaken El-Helmeia El-Ezab Ein Shams El-Gharbia Menyet El-Seerg El-Zawya El-Hamra Masaken El-Zaytoon El-Gharbia Monshait El-Bakry Al-Mabiada El-Golf El-Katamia+Kism El-Amal El-Khazan El-Ansha and Moneera Arab El-Yasar El-Basateen El-Gharbia Dar El-Salam Maadi El-Sarayat El-Gharbia Helwan El-Balad Berket El-Hag Al-Asara El-Gidida Al-Zahraa and Masaken El-Helmeya Ein Shams El-Sharkia Shagret Maryam El-Sahel El-Ezab El-Zawya El-Heamra Masaken Masaken El-Ameeria El-Shamalia Hadaek El-Koba Al-Shamashergy Manshaat Naser El-Adawaya+El-Sheikh Farag El-Batnia Al-Abagia El-Manial El-Gharby El-Basateen El-Gharbia Ezbet Nafea El-Maasara El-Mahata Al-Hadaeeka El-Dawlia+Al-Wafaa and AlAmal City Alexandria El-Seioufe Kebly El-Mundara Kebly El-Manshia El-Bahariya Sidi Beshr Kebly El-Kaseie Dana El-Gidida Zouroubana and El-Hamamah Ezebet Saad El-Tamrazia Ombruze and Mouharam Bek El-Gowira El-Dekheila El-Metrasse El-Amriah Shark 222 * Appendix B El-Amrawy El-Mundara Kebly Sidi Beshr Kebly El-Zahiria and Azbat El-Safieh Hagare El-Nouatia Dana El-Gidida Sidi Gaber El-Azarita and El-Shatby El-Babe El-Gadide Sharke Ragheb Basha Karmouz Gharb El-Agamy El Bahria El-Wordianne Kebly Kattea El-Nahdah Al-Karah and El-Toubgiah and Kafr ElGhates Port Said El-Zouhour El-Zouhour El-Galaa El-Manakh El-Arab Port Fouad El-Salam El-Ganoub El-Zouhour El-Zouhour El-Galaa Abou El-Hassan Ibrahim Hassanein Port Fouad El-Kabouty Suez Fessal and El-Sabah Fessal and El-Sabah Sheiakha Khameth Kism Awal Kism Thaleth Kism Thaleth Kism Rabia Attakah Fessal and El-Sabah Fessal and El-Sabah Sheiakha Khameth Kism Thaleth Kism Thaleth Kism Thaleth Kism Rabia LOWER EGYPT Damietta Urban Ezbet El-Borg Kafer El-Battikh Rural El-Anania Shat Ezbet El-Lahm El-Basatine Kafr El-Wastany El-Naseiria Meat El-Khouly Abd Al-Allah Kism Awal Faraskour Shat El-Shouara Shat Mouhab and El-Saiala El-Mahamadia El-Barasheia El-Zaetra+El-Salam Dakahlia Urban El-Gamalia Nabroh Sandoub Kafr El-Manasra Meet Ghamr Rural El-Zahraa Dengway El-Kafr El-Gadid Belkas Kism Awal Meet Talkha Gedila Monshaat Abd El-Kader El-Dakanwa Ashmoon El-Roman Appendix B * 223 Meet Tareef Menyet Sandoub Kafr Bossat+Kafr El-Kasaly Abou Karameet El-Deer Atmeeda Koom El-Nour+Kafr El-Daleel Telbana Batra El-Yousefia Tanbool El-Kobra Monshaat El-Ekhwa Dandeet+Kafr Mahmoud Nafee Sharkia Urban Al-Ebrahimia Al-Hosainia Abo Hamad Fakous Al-Gamea Al-Asher Men Ramadan Rural El-Gamalia Telrak El-Khatara Abou Yaseen El Hawaber Bardeen Meet Abou Aly Bany Geri Meet Bashar Sendanhoor San El-Hagar El-Keblia El-Hagarsa El-Nawafaa Harbeet Monshaat Sahbara Sheeba El Nakaria Manzel Hayan+Monshaat Ghali Mansour El-Salam Sanhoa+Monshaat Fathi El-Roboomia Kalyubia 224 * Appendix B Urban Kafer Shokr El-Kanater El-Khairia Bigam Bigam Bigam Kafer Manaker Kalyub Bahtim Bahtim Bahtim Rural Kafr El-Welga+Kafr El-Shahawy Khater Marsafa and Kafr Ahmed Hasheesh Tant El-Gezeera Kafr El-Deer El-Khosoos Nay Abou El-Gheet Degwy El-Safayna El-Ahraz Nawa Saryakoos Kalma Bahada Kafr El-Sheikh Urban Sidi Salim Ali Moustaffa El-Zawawi El-Riad Desouk Rural El-Sahel El-Kebly (El-Wahabia) El-Abassia Kafr El-Masharka Sanhour El-Madina El-Koum El-Tawille Dakmyra Kouna Ketaa El-Hamoul El-Foukahaa El-Keblia Sandyon Kafer El-Arab Arymone Masier Beradaa Gharbia Urban Mahala El-Borg Samanoud Wabour El-Nour Zifta Emam El-Hoseiny El-Borsa Sabry Rural El-Gabereya Kafr El-Bastawisy Kafr Hassan Kafr Abo Gendy+Kafr Ahmed Shalaby El-Dalgamon Heset Berma Mahalat Menouf Kafr El-Sheikh Mofttah+Kafr Khazael Kafr El-Daghayda Balkeena Mansheyt Tanabra El-Sheen Karansho Kafr Yaakoub Sanadeed El-Regabia Hanoot Menoufia Urban El-Shohada El-Sadat Rural Tookh Dalka Meet Om Saleh Manshaat Abo Zekry Kafr Dakmak+Kafr El-Magayza Monshaat El-Sadat+Kafr Sarsamoos Tamlay Kafr El-Khadra Samadon Monshiet Gerges Kafr El-Messalha Ashmoun El-Dabayba Sharaness El-Maay Darageel Tata Abo Seneeta+Asreega El-Ferooneya Sarawa Appendix B * 225 Behera Urban Kafr El-Dawar Abo Hommos Housh Issa El-Akresha Tamous Wady El-Natroun Rural El-Maadia Kom Asho Belkitr Samakhrt Kafr Beni Helal+Kafr El-Hamida Abo El-Shekaf El-Daherya El-Wakanya Demishly El-Wastania El-Gorn Sernbay Zawyat Ghazal Troge Gezeiret Neklah+Zamzam Kalishan El-Bregat El-Sokhna+El-Khartoum Ismailia Urban El-Kantara Gharb El-Heker Monshiet El-Shohadaa Hai El-Sheikh Zaid Rural El-Rayah and El-Ballah+El-Ferdan El-Sabea Abar El-Gharbia El-Kassassien El-Kadima Sarabiom Makka El-Heker Hai El-Sheikh Zaid El-Tall El-Kebeer Abou Souer El-Balad Nafisha Oum Azam UPPER EGYPT Giza Urban El Warrak El Mounira Abd El Naeem(Ezbet El Saayda) El Dokky Zenien Monshaat El Bakary El Talbeya El Kebleia El Omrania El Gharbia El Badrashein Rural El Galatma Gezaya 226 * Appendix B El Warrak El Mounira Gezeiret Meet okbah Boulak El Dakrour Nazlet Bahgat Geziret El Dahab El Omrania El Gharbia Oula El haram El meatemedia Kerdassa Wardan El-Manaout Dahshour Ghoumaza El Koubra Monshiet Abo Abass+Kafer Kassem+ Monshiet Abd El-Saied Sakill Oum khanan Al Afouaz El Messanda Bany Saleh Beni Suef Urban Nasser Maqbel El Gezira El-Gharbia Semastta Rural Abo Seer Malk Kafr Bany Osman Koom Abo Khalid Abshana and Bany moosa Sherif Ghayada El Sharkia El Barky Bany Heidar El Zaytoon Kalha Balfeya Bani Mady Dashasha Talt Fayoum Urban Tamia Kism Thany Rural Dar El-Salam Nekalifia Abo kessaeh Zade+Rouake El-Basyonia Manashy El-Khatebe El-Menya Monshiet Fesale+Monshiet Olwy Abshaway Kism Rabia Moneshaet El-Doctor El-Gamal Kadeemine El-Alwaia Karoun Talate El-Hagar Kasr El-Bassel Menya Urban Bani Mazar Kism Rabia Deir Mowas Rural El Baskaloun Dahamro El Kesse Smallout El Fekria Aba El wakfe Abshak el Ghazal Monshiet El Sheikh Fadel+Monshiet Abou Aziz Appendix B * 227 Kofour El-Soulia Deer Samalout Talah Abo Korkasse Manhary Tounet El-Gabel Tanouf El Sharania+El-Sharawia Nazlet El-Amoudin Tahnasha Bany Ebead El Rodah Monshiet El-Maghalka Assuit Urban Dairout El-Awla El-Waleedia El-Keblia Manflout El-Sadesa Sahel Selim Rural Kharfa El-Mounsha El-Koubra Oum El-Qusour Bani Mohamadiatte Doronka Awlad Badr El-Nakhela El-Bayadieh Masarah Koser El-Amarnah Gohdam El-Zawia Mousha El-Shamia Deir El-Ganadlah Negoe El-Maadi Souhag Urban Tahta Mazen El-Baliana Rural El-Madmar Sahel Tahta El-Sheikh Youssef+El Aamour Fawagly Awlad Azoz El-Khananse Gharb El-Hager Be Awlad Yehia El-Magabra El-Samta Akhmiem Gerga El-Khazendaria Guhayna El Sharkia Shandawiel Arab El-Atawla Demno Awlad Hamza Awlad Yehia Bahary Kharfa Gerga Monshiet Bardees Qena Urban Deshna Farshout El-Karena 228 * Appendix B Kism Thaleth Qous Armant Rural El-Bahary Samhoud El-Arky El-messalha El-Attiate El-Mkhadema Dankike Shanhour El-Marisse El-Karnak El-Salmia El Hette Abo Diab Shark El-Gabalo El-Owaydab El-Makhazan El-Edaissate El-Keblia El-Maala Aswan Urban Edfo Draw Shiakha Thania Koum-Ombou Shiakha Thania Khazan Aswan+Abo Sombol El Siahia City Rural El-Hagz Bahary El-kalh Shark Akleet Maleeha El Kobania Gezeirt Behrif El-Ramady Bahary El-Dekka El-Manshia El-Gidida Benban FRONTIER GOVERNORATES Red Sea Urban Ras Ghareb El-Hurgada El-Koseir Ras Ghareb Safaga Rural Hurgada Port+Gamasa+ El Zaafarana+Deers Oum El Huwetat and El Gowasees+ El-Lakeeta+Mokawenat Nokta 85+ Heger Kena New Valley Urban El-Kharga Mout Rural El Max El Kibly+El Shirkah+El Monira El Maasara+El-Kalamon El-Kharga El-Gidida Ezab El Kasr+El Mowhob Appendix B * 229 Matrouh Urban El-Saloom Matrouh El-Dabaa Matrouh El-Hammam+El Alamin Rural El-Mathany+El Zougheiraat Koshook Ageera+El Zayat+Aloush+ El-Nasr+Awlad Maree Kora El Kheregeen North Sinai Urban Rafah Shiakhet Kism Thani El Ariesh El Ahtem+El Salamia+El Sharagba+ El Kashef+Aroug+Fakher El dein Rural Shaibana+El Berth Kattia+Romanah Shiakhet Kism Awel El Ariesh Beir El Abd El -Sakaska and El Taweel South Sinai Urban Nowiba+Dahab+Sant-katrin Rural Gherendal+AlHoweesh+AlRamsha+ AlRamla+AlSahw+El Kilo 9+El Kilo 45+ AlMaeen+AlNasb+Oum Bagm+ Raas Malaab+Sarabeet AlKhadem+ Wady Tal 230 * Appendix B Tor Sinai AlGobeil+Seel Habran+Seel Meear+ Wady Altoor +Wady Asla+Wady Habran+ Wady Aaboura Wady Romouz+ Wady Maseead+Wady Meear+ Wady Wagran+Wady Aareen+Wady Khadra+ Faan+Raas Gara+Sheikh Moussa Appendix B * 231 232 * Appendix B 233 Appendix B * 233 234 * Appendix B Table B.3 Sample implementation Percent distribution of households and eligible women by results of the interview, and household response rates, eligible woman response rates, and overall response rates, according to sample domain, urban-rural residence, and place of residence, 2000 Egypt DHS _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Place of residence ____________________________________________________________ Urban Lower Egypt Upper Egypt Frontier Interview Gover- ____________________ ____________________ Goverresults Urban Rural norates Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural norates Total _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selected households Completed (C) Household present but no competent respondent at home (HP) Postponed (P) Refused (R) Dwelling not found (DNF) Household absent (HA) Dwelling vacant/address not a dwelling (DV) Dwelling destroyed (DD) Other (O) 95.3 98.4 94.4 97.3 95.2 98.4 97.8 96.8 98.3 97.9 96.8 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.9 1.2 0.0 0.4 0.0 1.9 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.9 0.0 0.4 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.9 0.6 0.0 0.4 0.0 1.3 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.1 1.9 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 2.4 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.0 0.1 1.8 0.0 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.1 1.1 0.0 0.1 1.4 0.0 0.1 100.0 9,119 100.0 8,402 100.0 4,173 100.0 6,661 100.0 2,354 100.0 4,307 100.0 5,748 100.0 1,968 100.0 3,780 100.0 939.0 100.0 17,521 Household response 1 rate (HRR) 98.7 99.7 98.3 99.4 98.6 99.7 99.4 99.2 99.5 99.9 99.1 Eligible women Completed (EWC) Not at home (EWNH) Postponed (EWP) Refused (EWR) Partly completed (EWPC) 99.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.5 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 99.4 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 99.6 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.7 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.5 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 99.6 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 99.4 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.9 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 99.5 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 100.0 7,211 100.0 8,438 100.0 3,122 100.0 6,135 100.0 1,837 100.0 4,298 100.0 5,441 100.0 1,677 100.0 3,764 100.0 951.0 100.0 15,649 99.5 99.5 99.4 99.6 99.7 99.5 99.5 99.6 99.4 99.9 99.5 Total Number of households Total Number of women Eligible woman response 2 rate (EWRR) Overall response 3 rate (ORR) 98.2 99.2 97.6 98.9 98.3 99.3 98.9 98.8 99.0 99.8 98.7 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Using the number of households falling into specific response categories, the household response rate (HRR) is calculated as: C ____________________ C + HP + P + R + DNF 2 Using the number of eligible women falling into specific response categories, the eligible woman response rate (EWRR) is calculated as: EWC _________________________________________ EWC + EWNH + EWP + EWR + EWPC 3 The overall response rate (ORR) is calculated as: ORR = HRR * EWRR Appendix B * 235
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