Flexible Manufacturing System Courseware Sample 85092-F0 A FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEM COURSEWARE SAMPLE by the Staff of Lab-Volt Ltd. Copyright © 2008 Lab-Volt Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of Lab-Volt Ltd. Printed in Canada January 2009 Table of Contents Courseware Outline Servo Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V Sample Job Sheet Extracted from Servo Control Job Sheet 2 Testing the Digital Servo Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Instructor Guide Sample Job Sheet Extracted from Servo Control Job Sheet 2 Testing the Digital Servo Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 III IV Courseware Outline SERVO CONTROL Job Sheet 1 Tuning the Digital Servo Drive Job Sheet 2 Testing the Digital Servo Drive Job Sheet 3 Using the Digital Servo Drive with the FMS Appendices A B C D Equipment Utilization Chart Documentation Provided on the Lab-Volt Flexible Manufacturing System (Advanced Applications) Resource Kit CD-ROM Safety Procedures Troubleshooting V VI Sample Job Sheet Extracted from Servo Control 2 TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE OBJECTIVE Test the Digital Servo Drive and the Linear Guide with the Flexible Manufacturing System. PROCEDURE G 1. Perform the basic safety procedures listed in Appendix C of this manual. G 2. Use Table 2-1 and Figure 2-2 to identify the new component used in this Job Sheet. NAME MODEL Conveyor Optical Encoder 5928 DESCRIPTION/FUNCTION Sensor used to determine the position and the direction of rotation of the servo motor. Table 2-1. New components used for Job Sheet 2. System setup G 3. Connect the equipment as shown in the wiring diagram presented in Figure 2-1. SERVO CONTROL 3 TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE Figure 2-1. Testing the Digital Servo Drive wiring diagram. G 4 4. Do not forget to connect the Conveyor Optical Encoder to the Digital Servo Drive (Figure 2-2) SERVO CONTROL TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE Figure 2-2. Conveyor Optical Encoder. G 5. Once completed, the setup should look as shown in Figure 2-3. Figure 2-3. Testing the Digital Servo Drive setup. G 6. Once the setup is complete, start the system. Make sure the Digital Servo Drive is powered, if the drive is correctly connected to a 24-V dc source, the drive indicator LED lights green. SERVO CONTROL 5 TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE G 7. Start the Elmo Composer software. G 8. Once the software is started, click on the Open an Existing Application button. This opens the Open Existing Application window (Figure 2-4). Figure 2-4. Open Existing Application window. G 9. Select the Flexible_Manufacturing_System.dat configuration file saved at the end of Job Sheet 1. Click on the Download button to download the configuration to the Digital Servo Drive flash memory. G 10. Once the configuration is downloaded to the Digital Servo Drive flash memory, the Smart_Terminal window opens automatically (Figure 2-5). 6 SERVO CONTROL TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE Figure 2-5. Smart_Terminal window. G 11. The Smart Terminal is used to manually modify the configuration of the Digital Servo Drive and send commands to the motor. The Smart Terminal window is divided into two sections. In the left section, text commands can be sent to the drive and messages from the drive are displayed below the Enter Command text area. In the right section, tabbed dialog boxes allow you to send different commands to the drive. When a command is sent to the drive, its text equivalent is displayed in the left section of the Smart Terminal. Experimenting with the Smart Terminal G 12. In the Enter Command text area, enter "UM=1" and click on the Send button to send the command to the Digital Servo Drive (Figure 2-6). Table 2-1 resumes the different unit modes available through the UM command. Notice that when the Digital Servo Drive unit mode is changed using the command line, the Profile tab appearance changes to match the selected mode. SERVO CONTROL 7 TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE Figure 2-6. Changing the unit mode. UNIT MODE (UM) DESCRIPTION 1 Torque control mode 2 Speed control mode 3 Micro-stepper mode 4 Dual feedback position control 5 Single loop position control Table 2-1. Unit modes. G 13. The UM=1 command is used to set the drive to the torque control mode. In this mode, a current is used as an input parameter instead of a position or a velocity. G 14. In the Profile tab, enter "0.2" in the Torque Command text area of the Test Motion section. G 15. Press the Go button and observe the motion of the Part Feeder on the Linear Guide. Press the Stop button before the Part Feeder reaches the end of the Linear Guide. G 16. Observe the text command in the message section at the left of the Smart Terminal. Three different commands should be displayed in this section: UM, MO, and TC. The MO command is used to turn the motor ON, while the TC command sends the specified current to the motor. 8 SERVO CONTROL TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE G 17. Enter "MO=0" in the Enter Command text area and press the Send button to stop the motor (the motor must be stopped to change the unit mode). G 18. Set the Digital Servo Drive to the speed control mode (refer to Table 2-1). G 19. Use the Test Motion section of the Profile tab to make the motor rotate at a speed of 200 rpm (Figure 2-7). Test both directions. Make sure to stop the motor before the Part Feeder reaches the end of the Linear Guide. Figure 2-7. Smart_Terminal window. G 20. Note in Table 2-2 below the new text commands that are displayed in the message section when changing the speed, starting, and stopping the drive using the Test Motion section of the Profile tab. Briefly describe the use of each command. COMMAND DESCRIPTION Table 2-2. G 21. The motor can also be started and stopped using the Elmo Composer's toolbar. To start the motor, press the Run icon press the Stop icon and to stop the motor . SERVO CONTROL 9 TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE Tabs for advanced users Protections tab G 22. The Protections tab is used to set the range of the drive protections such as overcurrent, overvoltage, brake problem, velocity and position tracking error. Browse through the different options of the Protections tab, refer to the software manual for details (Figure 2-8). Figure 2-8. Protections tab. Limits tab G 23. The Limits tab is used to set the range of the limits of the drive such as maximum current, minimum and maximum velocity, maximum and minimum position, and feedback counting range. Browse through the different options of the Limits tab, refer to the software manual for details (Figure 2-9). Figure 2-9. Limits tab. 10 SERVO CONTROL TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE Input Logic and Output Logic tabs G 24. The Input Logic and Output Logic tabs are used to define the action that must be taken if a mechanical limit switch is activated by an incoming signal or an output signal. Browse through the different options of the Input Logic and Output Logic tabs, refer to the software manual for details (Figure 2-10). Figure 2-10. Input Logic tab. Elmo Studio Elmo Studio is used to create and edit user programs for the Digital Servo Drive. A user program can contain anything from a list of commands to complex algorithms built using the operators and functions available. A program is required to test the drive configuration. This program can be found on Lab-Volt Flexible Manufacturing System (Advanced Applications) Resource Kit CD-ROM. Follow the steps below to familiarize yourself with Elmo Studio and with some of the Digital Servo Drive commands. G 25. From the Elmo Composer software Tools menu, select Elmo Studio or click on the Elmo Studio icon software. in the tool bar to open the Elmo Studio G 26. From the File menu, select Open to open the Open Program File window. G 27. In the Open Program File window, select the JS2.ehl program file. This file is located on the Lab-Volt Flexible Manufacturing System (Advanced Applications) Resource Kit CD-ROM (Figure 2-11). Click the Open button to open the program file. SERVO CONTROL 11 TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE Figure 2-11. Opening a program file. Note: The "JS2 with comments.ehl" file contains comments that can help you to understand the structure of the program. However, due to the Digital Servo Drive memory limitations, this file is too large to be downloaded to the drive memory. Thus, make sure to use the "JS2.ehl" file when trying to download the program file to the drive. G 28. Browse through the JS2.ehl program and use the SimplIQ - Command Reference Manual (MAN-SIMCR.pdf) to identify the various commands used in the program and fill in the blanks in Table 2-3 below. COMMAND COMMAND NAME DESCRIPTION Used to set the maximum acceleration in counts/second2. AC BG Used to set the maximum deceleration in counts/second2. FR[N] Follower Ratio Read the value of the Nth digital input bit. IB[N] LC Used to set the follower ratio. Jogging Velocity Used to set the motor speed. The speed of the motor is set in counts/second. Current Limit Flag Reports the status of the current limiting process. Used to enable the motor (1) or disable the motor (0). 12 SERVO CONTROL TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE COMMAND COMMAND NAME DESCRIPTION MS Reports the status of the motion. OB[N] Used to set and reset the Nth digital output bit. PA Absolute Position Defines the next absolute position of the motor. PR Relative Position Used to position the motor relatively to its current position. PX Main Position Used to set the value of the position counter. Used to specify the use of an external reference. RM SP Speed for PTP Mode Used to set the maximum speed for the point-to-point motion mode. ST TR[1] Sets the target radius in counts. The target radius is the maximum error allowed for the positioning of the motor. Used to select the drive control algorithm. Either torque control, speed control, micro-stepper, dual feedback position, or single loop position. Table 2-3. Commands used in the JS2.ehl program. G 29. Compiling and downloading the program is done using the Elmo Studio's Build function. From the Build menu, select Build or click on the build icon to build the program and download it to the Digital Servo Drive (Figure 2-12). If the program is successfully compiled and downloaded to the drive, no error messages should appear in the message area at the bottom of the Elmo Studio window. SERVO CONTROL 13 TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE Figure 2-12. Building the program. G 30. Once the program is downloaded to the Digital Servo Drive, close Elmo Studio and get back to the Elmo Composer software window. Testing the subroutines Note: If the servo system does not run smoothly when you use it, perform the auto tuning procedure given in Job Sheet 1 again with a different setting for the Response and System Noise parameters. Velocity subroutine G 31. Now that the program is downloaded to the drive, you can execute its subroutines using the XQ command. To test the velocity routine, enter 14 SERVO CONTROL TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE "XQ##velocity" in the Enter Command text area of the Smart Terminal and press the Send button (Figure 2-13). Figure 2-13. Executing a drive program subroutine. G 32. Once the velocity subroutine is executed, you can test the Digital Servo Drive in the velocity mode using the Indicator Light/Push-Button Station. Pressing the green push button starts the movement of the Part Feeder in the positive direction, pressing the yellow push button starts the movement of the Part Feeder in the negative direction, and pressing the red push button stops any motion. CAUTION! Make sure to stop the motion of the Part Feeder before it reaches the end of the Linear Guide. G 33. From the Test Motion section of the Profile tab of the Smart Terminal, set the speed to 50 rpm and press the Apply button to apply the changes. G 34. Test the velocity subroutine again. Is the Part Feeder moving faster or slower than before? G 35. In the Enter Command text area, type "KL" and press the Send button. This stops the execution of the program on the Digital Servo Drive. Inc subroutine G 36. Move the Part Feeder by hand in the middle of the Linear Guide. SERVO CONTROL 15 TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE G 37. Enter "XQ##inc" in the Enter Command text area of the Smart Terminal and press the Send button. G 38. Use the Indicator Light/Push-Button Station to test the Inc subroutine. The Part Feeder moves 10000 counts to the right if the green push button is pressed, it moves -10000 counts to the left if the yellow push button is pressed, and it returns in the middle of the Linear Guide if the red push button is pressed. If the green or yellow push button is held down, the Part Feeder moves by steps of 10000 counts until the push button is released. G 39. In the Enter Command text area, type "KL" and press the Send button. This stops the execution of the program on the Digital Servo Drive. Follow subroutine G 40. Move the Part Feeder by hand in the middle of the Linear Guide. G 41. Enter "XQ##follow" in the Enter Command text area of the Smart Terminal and press the Send button. G 42. Start the AC Drive and set it for manual control, refer to the Familiarization with the AC Drive procedure given in Job Sheet 1 of the Introduction to Manufacturing manual (p/n 38770-20). G 43. Use the AC Drive to start the Flat Belt Conveyor (clockwise rotation). G 44. Use the AC Drive potentiometer to set the Flat Belt Conveyor speed to half its maximum value. G 45. On the Indicator Light/Push-Button Station, press the green push button. The Part Feeder should move in the same direction and at the same speed as the Flat Belt Conveyor. Make sure to press the red push button to stop the Part Feeder before it reaches the end of the Linear Guide. Pressing the red push button returns the Part Feeder to the middle of the Linear Guide. G 46. Use the AC Drive to reverse the rotation direction of the Flat Belt Conveyor. G 47. On the Indicator Light/Push-Button Station, press the green push button and observe the Part Feeder movement. 16 SERVO CONTROL TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE G 48. In which direction does the Part Feeder move? G 49. Ask the instructor to check and approve your work. Name: Date: Instructor's approval: SERVO CONTROL 17 Instructor Guide Sample Job Sheet Extracted from Servo Control Servo Control JOB SHEET 2 TESTING THE DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE ANSWERS TO PROCEDURE STEP QUESTIONS G 20. COMMAND DESCRIPTION JV Used to set the motor speed. The speed of the motor is set in counts/second. BG Used to start the next programmed motion. ST Stops any motion. G 28. COMMAND COMMAND NAME DESCRIPTION AC Acceleration Used to set the maximum acceleration in counts/second2. BG Begin Motion Used to start the next programmed motion. DC Deceleration Used to set the maximum deceleration in counts/second2. FR[N] Follower Ratio Used to set the follower ratio. IB[N] Input Bits Array Read the value of the Nth digital input bit. JV Jogging Velocity Used to set the motor speed. The speed of the motor is set in counts/second. LC Current Limit Flag Reports the status of the current limiting process. MO Motor Enable/Disable MS Motion Status Reports the status of the motion. OB[N] Output Bits Array Used to set and reset the Nth digital output bit. PA Absolute Position Defines the next absolute position of the motor. Used to enable the motor (MO=0) or disable the motor (MO=1). SERVO CONTROL 21 Servo Control COMMAND COMMAND NAME PR Relative Position Used to position the motor relatively to its current position. PX Main Position Used to set the value of the position counter. RM Reference Mode Used to specify the use of an external reference. SP Speed for PTP Mode Used to set the maximum speed for the point-to-point motion mode. ST Stop Motion Stops the software motion. Target Radius Sets the target radius in counts. The target radius is the maximum error allowed for the positioning of the motor. Unit Mode Used to select the drive control algorithm. Either torque control, speed control, micro-stepper, dual feedback position, or single loop position. TR[1] UM DESCRIPTION Table 2-3. Commands used in the JS2.ehl program. G 34. Slower G 48. The Part Feeder moves in the same direction as the Flat Belt Conveyor (i.e., from left to right). STUDENT ASSESSMENT The following points should be checked to assess the student's work: 22 G The setup is wired according to the diagram presented in Figure 2-1 of the student manual. G The wiring ducts are used appropriately to maintain a tidy setup. G The Digital Servo Drive, the Linear Guide, and the Conveyor Optical Encoder are correctly connected. G The Digital Servo Drive is properly tuned for use with the Flexible Manufacturing System (Advanced Applications). SERVO CONTROL
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