MODAL VERBS no endings (-s, -ing, -ed) usually no past forms (exceptions: could, would, had to, was/were able to) usually used with: bare infinitive – PRESENT INFINITIVE (base form) PERFECT INFINITIVE (have + past participle) EXCEPTIONS: have/need to be able to ought to (=should) MUST strong, personal obligation: I must see her. order: You must do as I say. I had to do as he said. logical conclusion, deduction, certainty He must be at home. You must be joking. He must have been right. She must have forgotten. They must have been sleeping. We cannot use must to talk about the past. We use have to to talk about the past. MUSTN‘T prohibition must not = mustn‘t You mustn‘t steal. Passengers must not talk to the driver. We cannot use must not to talk about the past. We use other structures to talk about the past, for example: We were not allowed to enter. I couldn't park outside the shop. Program delno sofinancira MŠŠ in Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada. Projekt Odpiranje sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja v širše okolje-partnerstva; »Sistem usposabljanja in izobraževanja za kvaliteto bivanja in dela« se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjskega učenja; Prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja. ŠOLSKI CENTER SLOVENSKE KONJICE – ZREČE, Tattenbachova ulica 2a, 3210 Slovenske Konjice Telefon: 03 757 18 00, Fax: 03 757 18 18, DŠ: SI93550049, MŠ: 5052343 Spletna stran:, e-naslov: [email protected] Tečaj angleškega jezika 26. maj 2011 HAVE TO external (impersonal) obligation Teachers say we have to study more. In France, you have to drive on the right. In England, most schoolchildren have to wear a uniform. John has to wear a tie at work. DON‘T/DIDN‘T HAVE TO (NEEDN‘T) absence of obligation You don‘t have/need to to do everything on your own. You needn‘t do everything on your own. have to must CAN, COULD strong possibility, probability I can come later, if you want. He could have lost his keys. ability I could swim when I was five. permission (asking for, giving) Can/could I leave earlier? Yes, you can. No, you can‘t. requests Can you help me, please? We often use could in a question to ask somebody to do something. The use of could in this way is more polite (formal): Could you tell me where the bank is, please? Could you send me a catalogue, please? CAN‘T, COULDN‘T refusal of permission You can‘t get out. impossibility I can‘t tell you everything. inability We couldn‘t do everything. logical improbability, negative deduction She can‘t be wrong. She couldn‘t have done it. She wasn‘t at home at the time. ~2~ Tečaj angleškega jezika 26. maj 2011 WILL, WOULD futurity, prediction: I will come tomorrow. willingness: Will you help me? I would help him, but he didn‘t want me to. intention: I will travel to France in August. probability, certainty: He will be a little late. logical conclusion, deduction: That will be the postman. WON‘T (will not) Unwillingness in the present Why won‘t you help me? WOULDN‘T (would not) Unwillingness in the past I asked him many times, but he wouldn‘t help me. MAY, MIGHT uncertain possibility He may change his mind. They may have heard something. They might have been wrong. permission (asking for and giving advice) May I go out for a minute? Of course, you may. SHOULD mild obligation, advice, suggestion You should listen to his advice. Shouldn‘t you be talking to someone else? You should have come. SHOULDN‘T (SHOULD NOT) I shouldn't be so rude, if I were you. I shouldn't have spoken to him like that. (You regret not doing something in the past.) BE ABLE TO We often use to be able to or to be allowed to instead of "can". ability at a particular time in the past or future semi-modal verb Prevedi. (Translate.) Ne smeš ven ob tako pozni uri. ______________________________________________________ Peter ni mogel odgovoriti na vsa vprašanja. ______________________________________________________ Nemogoče je, da je doma. Ravnokar sem ga srečal. ______________________________________________________ ~3~ Tečaj angleškega jezika 26. maj 2011 Nisem znal rešiti vseh nalog. ______________________________________________________ Verjetno se doma učijo. ______________________________________________________ Morda si bo še premislil. ______________________________________________________ Obstaja verjetnost, da ga ne bo na predstavitvi projekta. ______________________________________________________ Nisem mogla zavrniti njegove ponudbe. ______________________________________________________ Nič nisem hotela slišati o njegovih nakanah. ______________________________________________________ Nihče mu ni mogel več pomagati. ______________________________________________________ Vedno se je lahko zanesel le nase. ______________________________________________________ Ali me hočeš poslušati? ______________________________________________________ Ne smeš v kino dokler ne narediš vseh nalog. ______________________________________________________ Ali bi mi lahko prosim pokazali, kako se pride do glavne pošte? ______________________________________________________ Fill in the gaps using the right modal verb. Who do you think I ______________ ask for help? I‘m helpless. You ______________ come if you don‘t want to. Mary ______________ read the entire book. It was necessary. You ______________ do as I tell you. We ______________ wait here until they come. They ______________ tell us what happened because they didn‘t know anything about it. Why ______________ you help me? I ______________ work it out by myself. I don‘t think I ______________ to talk to her again. ______________ we dance now? You ______________ steal or lie! ______________ you like to come with us? This ______________ be Peter. He is much taller. ~4~ Tečaj angleškega jezika 26. maj 2011 We haven‘t ______________ to say anything. He ______________ tell me the secret. He said it was confidential. Mum says I ______________ clean the apartment. ______________ I go out for a minute, Sir? ______________ you go to the cinema with me? Dad, ______________ we borrow your car? Transform sentences by using modal verbs. Perhaps he will change his mind. ______________________________________________________ It‘s possible he will be delayed. ______________________________________________________ It‘s very likely he is at home. ______________________________________________________ She is definitely studying at the library. ______________________________________________________ Are you willing to do me a favour? ______________________________________________________ Is it possible for me to come by later? ______________________________________________________ Is there a chance for you to postpone the meeting? ______________________________________________________ It‘s very possible he forgot about the appointment. ______________________________________________________ Probably he told you the news. ______________________________________________________ It‘s impossible he‘s right. ______________________________________________________ Wendy isn‘t allowed to go on holiday abroad. ______________________________________________________ I advise you to listen to your parents. ______________________________________________________ You are not suppose to work so late. ______________________________________________________ Perhaps he won‘t have time to come to the party. ______________________________________________________ It‘s not necessary for you to read all three books. ______________________________________________________ ~5~ Tečaj angleškega jezika 26. maj 2011 IN THE GARDEN Melissa: What a lovely garden you have! Karen: Thanks! We work hard at it. Melissa: What kind of trees are those? Karen: Those are all fruit trees. The cherry tree in the corner of the yard is slowly bearing fruit and the apple tree has great apples in the autumn. The apricot tree is extremely difficult to keep free of insects. Melissa: Does Simon mow the grass? Karen: No, our son takes care of that, though rather willingly. I can barely make him lift a finger. Melissa: When did he last mow it? Karen: Last week, I think. It grows quickly, doesn‘t it. Melissa: I‘m always impressed by your flower garden. What‘s there this year? Karen: Well, we‘ve lovely tulips and daffodils for the spring, rosses for the summer, and mums for the autumn. Melissa: It looks like you‘ve things in order. Karen: Barely. I still need to weed the beds, trim the hedges, and buy fertilizer for the lawn. And Simon is interested in planting a vegetable garden this year. We definitely need a fence to keep out the rabbits. Then comes hoeing and tilling the soil. Melissa: When did you build this patio? It‘s delightful. Karen: We miss the balcony from our old apartment, so when we bought the house, we already had plans to build a porch. By the way, did you see the flowering bushes in the front of the house? Melissa: No, I didn‘t. We can take a look at them after lunch. VOCABULARY barely extremely to barely lift a finger fence to bear fertilizer bed to have things in order bush hedge delightful to hoe ~6~ Tečaj angleškega jezika 26. maj 2011 to keep free of soil to keep in order to take care of lawn to till to mow – mowed – mown to trim mums unwillingly to nibble to weed porch yard V spodnje stavke vstavi prislov. I bought enough fertilizer for my neighbour‘s lawn as well. (glad) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ He looked at us and waited for an answer. (nervous) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ It is nice that they want to help mow our lawn. (extreme) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Kateri glagoli se ujemajo s samostalniki? NOUN VERB grass build soil keep free of bush impress insects till lawn trim fence plant neighbours fertilize garden mow ~7~ Tečaj angleškega jezika 26. maj 2011 Word formation - People of the Forest This TV (0) _________________ follows a family of chimpanzees which live in the forest of Tanzania. Set in (1) _________________ scenery the programme gives us a fascinating insight into the life and social (2) _________________ of these creatures. (3) _________________ we humans share 98% of our genes with chimpanzees; indeed, they are our closest relative in the animal (4) _________________ and scenes in the documentary offer clear evidence of our (5) _________________. The focus of the film is on Fifi and we first see her as a (6) _________________ 5 year old who spends all her time annoying her younger brother. Meanwhile, the older male chimps seem to be involved in an endless fight for (7) _________________. And it is no surprise to learn that while all this is taking place the females are left to deal with the day-to-day (8) _________________ matters. Make sure you set aside an hour to watch this. The (9) _________________ splendour of the location makes this programme worthwhile viewing, although our (10) _________________ to these animals will make you think. DOCUMENT SPECTACLE ACTION APPEAR KING SIMILAR PLAY SUPREME ORGANIZE GEOGRAPHY LIKE Prevedi stavke! Niti mignil ni s prstom. ___________________________________________________________________ Vse stvari ima urejene. ___________________________________________________________________ Skrbi za cvetje in drevje v vrtu. ___________________________________________________________________ Odslej je košnja trave zadolžitev otrok. ___________________________________________________________________ Rad hodim v gledališče. ___________________________________________________________________ Ti si na vrsti. ___________________________________________________________________ Uživate v glasbi? ___________________________________________________________________ Rad bi vam predstavil svojega prijatelj. ___________________________________________________________________ Imate radi džez? ___________________________________________________________________ Morda se vidimo pozneje. ___________________________________________________________________ ~8~
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